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2019 Issue 2: Where We Have Been Seen is a compilation of member news and submissions.

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Published by IALHA, 2019-10-04 12:44:34

2019 Issue 2: Where We Have Been Seen

2019 Issue 2: Where We Have Been Seen is a compilation of member news and submissions.

Keywords: Lucero BP. Janita Smith,Karin Hansen,Lucero,Janita,Traveler,Denver Bronco,Catrina,Sol,Bueno V,Gail Abele,Milagro,Working Equitation,Equine Affaire,Rancho del Lago,Suzanne,Loch Moy,Destacado,la garrocha,lisa adams,wendy allen,marti aman,lauri burnley,miche;e freeman,sarah macone,takara therrien,natallie shepard,lucia casale,tracey bienemann,excelsior,ruth hogan poulsen,janet buckner,Idalio

Where We Have Been Seen

Andalusians and Lusitanos are amazingly versatile! The IALHA is proud to share the accomplishments and special
events that our members are participating in, outside of our breed shows. The following is a compilation of what
our members wanted to share with you in this issue of The Iberian Horse.

REGION 1: rider I put on her, from totally new beginner to highly
experienced. She works very well in a bit-less bridle
Spreading Joy for a Great Cause. and learns quickly. She is always open to try something
new. -Tracy Drury
This is Lucero BP (aka
Traveler IX) at the Norris REGION 2:
Comprehensive Can-
cer Center during their IALHA High Score Ribbon Award for
“Festival of Life” event. Working Equitation.
We donate the horse to
this event for the 1000 or IALHA President, Janita Smith, was on hand the day
so survivors to enjoy and after the WE United B-rated show July 6 & 7, at the
take a photo with. Lucero Fox Valley Saddle Association in Hampshire, Illinois, to
BP is a very versatile present the High Score ribbon to owner Karin Hansen
11-year-old gelding. One and her 4-year-old Andalusian mare CDC Corazon.
day he may be showing, “Cora” earned an Ease of Handling score of 70.294
both English or West- with rider/trainer Howard Peet, in a field of 13 Intro
ern, packing both adults and children around, and level competitors.
the next day he may be in a parade as “Traveler” the
USC Mascot, or running on the field at a USC football REGION 4:
game. Then another day he could be standing with a
Model on his back for a Magazine Shoot or stepping Natural Instincts.
in for the Denver Bronco’s Horse Thunder for an NFL
Commercial. He loves all the attention. He has won Walnut Creek Ranch's yearling P.R.E. palomino colt Sol
many USEF Awards and is doing great in Dressage WC is testing out his instinctive rejoneador skills for
and Western Dressage. We love having Lucero, or fun! Sol WC is sired by National Champion Rico MHF
“Arrow” as we call him. - Joanne Asman who is a son of National Champion Navarre GF. His
dam was imported from Pique Angel and is a daughter
REGION 2: of the well-known Paco Marti stallion Revoltoso XXIX.
He has shown great size from birth and is already 14.3
Extreme Trail Riding.

Meet Catrina, my
13-year-old Half
Andalusian mare.
This picture shows
an extreme trail
we did in October
2018. We just rode
up the mountain
and are getting
ready to descend
into Silver City,
Idaho which is in
southwest Idaho’s
Owyhee moun-
tains. You can see
the valley in the
background. I ride
mainly on roads, arena, pastures, and trails. When/if
she startles, she just freezes, looks around and then
goes on. Catrina is very calm, sweet, and regal in ap-
pearance with very smooth gaits. She is great for any

Issue 2 | 2019 THE IBERIAN HORSE | 27

Where We Have Been Seen

at only 13 months old. He has gorgeous movement REGION 5:
and when playing, he is very elastic and gets a lot of
air hang time! Inquisitive and playful, he learns quickly Stallions Showing Off their Dressage
and will make a tremendous show stallion or founda- Skills.
tion sire for a breeding program. - Suzy Fisher
Rancho Del Lago
REGION 4: horses, owned by
Walter and Judy
One in a Henslee, competed
Million. at the Houston Dres-
sage Society Show
Bueno V is one in June. Trainer
in a million and Martin Arnold, USDF
is also known as Gold Medalist,
“The saint” around competed 3 stallions
the barn. Bueno with the following
was a world class highlights in the
breeding stallion 2-day show: Inolv-
and CDI Dres- idable RDL earned
sage competitor 2nd place at Train-
both in Spain and ing level with a 67,
in the US. He was earning him the High
recently gelded. Point Iberian horse
When he is not of day two. Persiles
busy with dres- YET placed 1st and
sage, he is the 2nd at Second level
perfect teacher for and Dardanos earned 1st place twice at Third level.
the youngest or
most timid of rid- REGION 6:
ers. He is shown here preparing for a Lead Line class
at Cottonwood Dressage in Las Vegas, NV. The darling 19 Years of
rider is 2-year-old Levi Porter. Look for Bueno at the Participation.
Andalusian World Cup in classes for disabled riders,
he will be volunteering for the whole day! Bueno V is The 21st Massachusetts
owned by Robin Compagno and Bridlewood Farms, of Equine Affaire was held No-
Las Vegas NV. vember 8-11, in W. Springfield
Ma. IALHA members and volunteers were on hand to
REGION 5: represent the Iberian horse to almost 100,000 visitors
during the four-day event. Throughout the four days,
High Score we shared information about the breed with thousands
Dressage. of visitors. Many were just learning about the Iberian.
They enjoyed meeting our horse “ambassadors” in the
IALHA High Score booth and our horses did not disappoint.
Ribbon awarded
for Dressage. Gail In 2018 Equine Affaire welcomed Working Equitation.
Abele rode Teodo- IALHA member Suzanne Marshall, was the clinician
ros Milagro at the chosen by the “Affaire” to introduce Working Equita-
Oklahoma Dres- tion. Suzanne teaches French Classical Dressage and
sage Society May Working Equitation at Patewood Farm in Blairstown,
Show in Tulsa, OK. NJ. Suzanne’s clinics were well attended, and she
They competed in sent interested spectators to our booth to learn more
FEI Prix St. Georges about the Iberian horse. Building on the Working Equi-
and earned a score tation momentum, we incorporated it into each of our
of 66.029. ODS presentations.
Thanks the IALHA
for supporting their The Mallory Arena was host to our official breed dem-
riders. onstration. Led by W/E champions, David and Sandra
Washburn, representatives showed horses “in hand”
28 | THE IBERIAN HORSE Issue 2 | 2019
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Where We Have Been Seen

and under GMHA (Green Mountain Horse Association) in Vermont
saddle in an at the Intermediare 1 level. He was the Open High Point
arena filled horse for CVDA (Central Vermont Dressage Associa-
with Working tion) as well as the Open High Point for GMHA. I Love My
Equitation Lusitano! ~ Ruth Hogan Poulsen
Exhibitors REGION 6:
Lisa Adams, High Score Ribbon -
Wendy Allen, Dressage.
Marti Aman,
Lauri Burnley, Congratulations to the two
Michele Free- riders that earned IALHA
man, Sarah High Score Ribbons for the
Macone, and Loch Moy Summer Dressage
Takara Ther- Festival Day I & II in Mary-
rien. Sandra land! Each earned a ribbon
led the sec- for their high score earned
ond presen- at each show. Rider/Owner
tation as well, Natalie Sheppard rode her
and amazed horse Tesoro Destacado
the crowd (right). Together they earned
with her artistic performance of “La Garrocha” to the
sounds of Barcelona Nights. Sandra was joined by two a score of 58.077% at
riders from Sons of The Wind Farm, Merrimac, MA. Un- Training Level, Test 2 held
der the direction of owner/trainer Vitor Silva, two beauti- on Saturday June 1. AND
ful Lusitanos were ridden in a dressage performance Cavaliere M owned by Lu-
choreographed to classical music. A special thank you cia Casale, and ridden by
to Patricia Norcia, of Idlenot Farm in Clinton, CT. Patricia Tracey Bienemann (left) in
was instrumental in the organization and production of First level, Test 3 earned
the two performances. We’d also like to thank the bevy a score 66.714% to clinch
of wonderful ring volunteers who set up and broke down their ribbon on Sunday,
the exhibition ring in record time! June 2, 2019. Well done
2019 will mark the 19th consecutive year for the Andalu- ladies!
sian/Lusitano presence at the Equine Affaire. This year
we will offer marketing and advertising opportunities REGION 7:
for IALHA members, breeders and trainers. We are also
looking for horses/owners who show in; harness, west- Let the Journey Begin.
ern, saddle seat, and eventers.
I've been riding for 50 years (O-M-G)! I started in hunt-
If you are interested in volunteering/ advertising/ or would like more ers, and later in life, evented. Five years ago, I decided
information, please contact; Brenda Hammar ~ [email protected] that dressage was my "jam" as the young people say. My
Lipizzan and I got our USDF Bronze medal last year and
REGION 6: were planning on showing at Fourth level this year, but
sadly, his suspensory ligaments did not agree.
I Love My
Lusitano! I board and train at Big Rock Equestrian Center (BREC)
in Ocala, FL. Tyra Vernon, the owner of BREC, was riding
In reading your and successfully competing several Interagro horses she
newsletter this imported directly from Brazil. I watched her ride and train
week I saw the these horses for over a year. I was taking lessons with
section where you Tyra and Peter Van Borst on my Lipizzan and discussed
requested photos with them the possibility of importing a horse for me!
for “Where We Upon Peter's recommendation of a couple of individuals
Have Been Seen”.
I have just recently competed my Lusitano Excelsior at

Issue 2 | 2019 THE IBERIAN HORSE | 29

Where We Have Been Seen

We are building the partnership and I plan to show only
lightly this year and mostly get him accustomed to his
new life with me. He is a very proud and sensitive indi-
vidual and the lightest of aids work beautifully - he offers
so much at our lessons and it's clear the sky is the limit.
Let the journey begin! ~Janet Buckner

at Interagro, I selected Idalio Interagro, a 6-year-old stal- REGION 7:
lion with supple, fluid and frankly, jaw-dropping move-
ment. I figured if we didn't get along, having a stallion to High Score
re-sell would be advantageous. Upon his arrival in No- Ribbon Awarded
vember of 2018, I was instantly in love, and he became a in Dressage.
gelding fairly quickly! One of his endearing behaviors is
to fold his tongue in half when standing in his stall or in Elizabeth MacFarlane
the cross ties. What's not to love? This was our second with her horse Don Jerez
show together at Clarcona Horse Park, Apopka, FL. earned the IAHLA High
Score ribbon during the
Greystone Dressage
Show held in Tennessee
on May 4, 2019.
She also won the show’s
Adult Amateur High Point


Around the

Victoria Morris and
her lovely Lusitano
mare Xira Do Retiro
checking the fence
lines on the farm in
North Carolina!
“She is such a brave,
trusting mare! I am so
blessed to have her!

Send a photo to [email protected]
and a quick paragraph and we will include
it in the “Where We Have Been Seen, in
Issue 3!

w w w.t h eib e r ian h o r s e.o n lin e

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