2016-2017 | YEAR IN REVIEW
2016-2017 | YEAR IN REVIEW
Table of Contents
Ann Marie Wick ‘88, Chair
CMH BY THE NUMBERS..............................4 William West ‘79, Past Chair
A YEAR AT CMH .........................................6 Mark Mirsberger, Treasurer
Thomas Taugher ‘79, Secretary
HONOR ROLL OF DONORS.......................10 Rev. Mark Brandl
ALUMNI BY CLASS......................................18 Patrick Dragani
CURRENT PARENTS....................................22 Marcy Hinkes Dunlap ‘76
PARENTS OF ALUMNI.................................24 Carlos Garces
CORPORATE & MATCHING GIFTS...............27 Michael Grubich
ENDOWMENT GIFTS...................................28 Dr. William Henk
MEMORIAL GIFTS.......................................29 Very Rev. Dan Janasik ’97
TRIBUTE GIFTS............................................32 Randy North ‘84
Eric Oechsner
CHAPEL UPDATE.........................................33 Kelly Cleary-Rebholz
Shawn Reilly ‘79
Pictured above: OPEN HOUSE..............................................34 Christopher Rosecky ’88
Rev. Tony Zimmer
The CMH Kids’ Cast EVENTS CALENDAR....................................35 Susan Nelson
Very Rev. Paul B.R. Hartmann ‘84
performing in the Dr. Thomas Noonan
Jessica Mulligan
Musical “Hello! My Baby” Dawn Keller
Girls Rugby players Sam 2016-2017 ADMINISTRATION
Armour ’18 and Madison
Black ’18 (ball carrier) Very Rev. Paul B. R. Hartmann ‘84, President
Dr. Thomas Noonan, Principal
For information about making a donation, Dawn Keller, Director of Finance
setting up a scholarship, sponsoring an event
or attending an upcoming alumni event, please and Business Administration
contact the Development Office: 262-542-7102. Jessica Mulligan, Director of Development
Julie Lindahl ‘91, Director of Admissions
Printed by Crossmark Graphics
and Recruitment
2 Steve Plechaty ‘74, Dean of Students
Greg Gamalski, Director of Athletics
Jon Brzeski ‘99, Director of Campus Ministry
Blessed Are We! This was Campus Ministry’s theme at Catholic Memorial High School during the 2016-2017
academic year. Not only was it a true reflection of the gratitude for all the blessings which have been
abundantly bestowed on the CMH community throughout the decades but it was also very prophetic for what
was to happen during the academic year.
We continue to be blessed with incredibly talented and devoted faculty who fulfill their vocation as educators
and mentors by sustaining the highest levels of academic excellence while exemplifying our faith-centered,
student-focused environment where students of all abilities can thrive. Through the blessings of the God-given
talents of our coaches, our athletes, our directors and our thespians, we once again enjoyed athletic state
championships and a multi-award-winning drama program. Our blessings were exhibited in the most tangible
way when we broke ground in March for the new Our Lady of Memorial Chapel, the capstone project from the
Crusading for Excellence Campaign, which will be completed at the end of 2017. Anyone who drives by on
College Avenue or walks in the front door of Catholic Memorial will see, through this chapel, our dedication to
our faith and Catholic education. As we reflect on our school leadership, we have been blessed the past nine
years with the pastoral and visionary leadership of Fr. Paul Hartmann ’84 in his role as President. After his
reassignment in June, we were once again blessed to hire Mrs. Donna Bembenek as the new Catholic
Memorial President and name Fr. John Gibson as our school Chaplain.
As a Catholic Memorial alumna, I am blessed and thankful for the gift of my Catholic Memorial faith-based
education. I am proud to see Catholic Memorial continuing its mission to educate, guide, and prepare
students into men and women of Christ who graduate from Catholic Memorial with a commitment and a
desire to serve the Church and the world. Thank you, to each of our benefactors who continue to believe in
Catholic Memorial. It is your generosity and your commitment to the impact Catholic Memorial has on our
students, their families, and our community, that continues to keep us fiscally sound and financially secure.
Blessed are we to be the recipients of your generosity.
We are truly blessed with all of you – our generous benefactors, parents, alumni, administration, faculty, staff
and students. You are what make Catholic Memorial a premier Catholic high school in southeastern Wisconsin
– the only high school recently recognized by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee as a “School of Character” and
ranked in the top 50 Catholic high schools in the United States. Blessed are We! is a reflection of God’s
abundant generosity to our school community. Please join me in sharing the blessings, spreading the word
about Catholic Memorial, and giving thanks for our bountiful blessings.
Our Lady of Memorial, pray for us!
Ann Marie Wick, ‘88
CMH Board of Directors Chair
Our Lady of Memorial Chapel Groundbreaking
Ceremony (L to R: Jon Brzeski ’99, Shawn Reilly ’79,
Alumni Parent Mike Moore, Ann Marie Wick ’88, Fr.
Paul Hartmann ’84, Austin Moore ’05, and Eppstein
Uhen Architects Mark Lewandowki and Tony Chitwood.)
3rdDuring our annual 84 current students are from Legacy Families
(2nd or 3rd generation enrolled at CMH).
Crusader Day of Service, 25% of current faculty and staff
members are CMH alumni.
537 1Crusaders spent day
32% of CMH faculty and staff members
1,200+fulfilling hours are current parents or alumni parents.
26+of service benefitting 665 students
local organizations.
were enrolled for the 2016-2017 academic year.
The Class of 2017 was awarded
more than $16 million
in scholarships, breaking the Class of 2016’s record set last
year. This is the highest amount awarded to a graduating
class in CMH history.
The Musical “Hello! My Baby” was The Annual Crusader Fund received
nominated for a record-breaking
28 Tommy
gifts from
3 Awardsand received
individual actor awards. 785
4 donors for a total amount of
“CMH provides wonderful opportunities for the growth and
education of all students to reach their full potential, intellectually,
spiritually, emotionally and physically.”
Jared Spriggs
Science Teacher, Alumni Parent
92%In 2017, CyberSaders Robotics
of Project Lead the Way students was a Wisconsin Regional Finalist in their
were eligible to earn college second year of exisitence qualifying them for the
credit for their coursework.
FIRST World Robotics Championships.
7 State
Champs Catholic Memorial endowment is
Girls Volleyball $9.1 Million
Boys Volleyball and consists of 74 Funds.
Girls Soccer $367,000
Football was distributed for
tuition assistance from
Girls 4x100 Relay endowment funds
Girls 4x200 Relay to support
Boys 4x100 Relay
over 120
Faroe Germany China
Islands 2 34
623 1 5
United South
States Nicaragua Korea
43CMH hosted international students during the
112016-2017 School Year.
students from the
Wisconsin International Association, visiting from
China, graduated with the Class of 2017.
“To guide means that we walk along side our students on their
journey. We model, for them, our Memorial Way values so that they
can share their gifts with others to make a difference in the world.”
Stephanie Dietrich
Foreign Language Teacher
(1) (2)
Congratulations to Our State Champs!!
(1) Girls Soccer won its 6th (3) (4)
straight state title; (2) Girls 4x100
and 4x200 Relay Team took 1st
at state in both relays (Tatum
Straw ‘19, Maddy Rondeau ‘17,
Josie Schrubbe ‘18 and Kathleen
Hirsch ‘18); (3) CMH Football
won the DIII state championship;
(4) Girls Volleyball won the team’s
3rd consecutive title at the 2016
State Championships; (5) The
Boys Track 4x100 Relay Team
were state champions (Dylan
Schubbe ‘18, Tate Kopulos ‘19,
Max Cooper ‘17, and Austin
Ciezki ‘17) ; (6) Boys Volleyball
took home 1st place at state,
shown here with their Sectional
Championship plaque.
(5) (6)
“Our mission is to prepare CMH students to engage each academic,
athletic, and personal challenge with ethical intensity.”
John Burke
English Teacher, Soccer Coach, Alumni Parent
(1) (2)
(1) On the third annual Crusader Day of Service, Crusaders filled 2,500
bags of food for local children through Blessings in a Backpack; (2) The
CyberSaders Robotics Team at Regionals; (3) John Lyons ‘17 and Kaitlyn
Lampe ‘19 in the musical, “Hello, My Baby!”; (4) Isabel Fernandez ‘18,
Jenelle Rolli ‘18 and Claire Kormanik ‘20 in “Hello, My Baby!”; (5) Sam
Kramer ‘18 gets laughs from the crowd with his quirky character in the
musical; (6) CMH faculty members performed a bobblehead dance at
the Star Search Talent Show and as the halftime show for the faculty
vs. students basketball game; (7) Sound and light crew, Madeline Walz
‘17, Kelly Aspinwall ‘18, Abby Wass ‘18 and Andrew Hryciuk ‘20 for the
spring play, “Harvey.”
(3) (4) (5)
(6) (7)
“Academic excellence parallels the intangible takeaways from CMH’s faith based
education. ‘It is in giving that we receive...’ is exemplified by caring faculty and
staff, coaches, parents and students who take it upon themselves to serve others
without expectation. Being a humble servant is not an affectation, but a way of life.”
Marcy Hinkes Dunlap ’76
Alumna, Alumni Parent, Board of Directors
(1) (2)
(5) (1) Mike Gaspard ‘94, Joe Scrima ‘94, Coach Bill Young, Fr. Paul Hartmann ‘84,
Kyle Ladish ‘92 and Jamie Vanderveldt ‘92 at the Golf Outing; (2) The Class of
2016 celebrated their Reunion Zero in August of 2016 to pick up their yearbooks
and say farewell to each other before their next adventures.; (3) CMH Athletic
Hall of Fame 2016 Inductees from L to R: Coach John Burke, Matt Weber ’85,
accepting for his brother, Nic Weber ’92, Julie DeWalt Kallie ’91, Chris Chudzik
’91, Bill Elger ’70, son of Coach Al Elger, Joe Vitale ‘56, and Bob Wolfe ’59; (4)
Class of 2010 won the 2016 Alumni Basketball Tournament beating the reigning
champions, the Class of 2004, with a score of 98-90; (5) Jim Boedecker ‘95,
Brian Brejcha ‘95 and Kevin Connor ‘95 at the Golf Outing; (6) Mike Doyle, Chris
Chudzik, Julie Lindahl, Tom Hruz and Tom Austin, all from the Class of 1991,
on the
(7) Mezzanine
during the
Game; (7)
(6) of the Class
of 1957 at
their 60-Year
Reunion in
August 2017.
Thank You,
Fr. Paul Hartmann!
Fr. Paul Hartmann said his final Mass after nine years as president
of Catholic Memorial High School on May 28, 2017 on
He’s the only CMH graduate (Class of ’84) to serve as president
and the first priest to hold that position since the late Fr. Paul
Janette in 1982. Fr. Paul also ushered in a period of significant
change at Catholic Memorial, both internally and externally.
From the formation of a renewed Catholic identity and mission,
to the creation of the school’s active-learning Innovation Wing,
to the recent groundbreaking for Our Lady of Memorial Chapel
near the main entrance, Hartmann oversaw a new era at CMH.
Fr. Paul began a new dual-pastoral assignment in June at St.
Monica Parish in Whitefish Bay and St. Eugene Congregation in
Fox Point. He also will continue as the Judicial Vicar of the
Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, a role
he’s had since 2004.
The Catholic Memorial community is grateful for Fr. Paul’s work
and dedication to the school and students for so many years!
Catholic Memorial High School Welcomes
New President, Mrs. Donna Bembenek!
Donna Bembenek assumed her duties as president of Catholic
Memorial High School on July 31, 2017. She was officially
installed by Arshbishop Jerome LIstecki at the All-School Mass
on the first day of school, August 17, 2017. Mrs. Bemebek comes
to CMH from the YMCA of the USA where she served as the Vice
President of Marketing Communication. There she was a
visionary leader directing the department in its efforts to drive a
significant increase in external engagement and internal
commitment to the Y cause.
Mrs. Bembenek benefitted from a Catholic education herself,
and along with her husband Alan, has passed that gift on to their
two children, Lindsay (CMH ’07) and Scott (CMH ’13).
Learn more about Mrs. Bembenek at https://www.
Honor Roll of Donors
The following individuals, foundations and businesses are recognized for cumulative monetary gifts to the: Crusading for
Excellence Campaign, Annual Crusader Fund, the Crusader Auction, Alumni Golf Outing, endowment funds, memorial
gifts, special projects, and donor-designated gifts.
ST. JOSEPH’S SOCIETY ($10,000 + )
Anonymous (2) Michael and Renee Gratz Ron and Kathy Mohorek St. Anthony on the Lake Parish
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Tom ‘66 amd JoAnne Haasch John and Elizabeth Morrison St. Charles Parish
David ‘74 and Pat Bohrer Tom and Mary Pat Henschel John and Cathy Murphy St. Dominic Catholic Parish
Brion and Jennifer Collins Paul and Michelle Holt Jay ‘83 and Christa Multhauf St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
Catholic Community Foundation Holy Apostles Parish Bob and Hanna Nevins St. Joan of Arc
Anthony and Monica (Beres) ‘83 John Nevins St. John Vianney Parish
Inc - Brian D. Hanley Fund Northwestern Mutual Foundation St. Leonard Parish
Catholic Financial Life Jennaro Pavlic Investment Advisors Inc. St. Mary’s
CMH Booster Club John Bisswurm CMH Scholarship Rob ‘80 and Maggie Potrzebowski St. Mary’s Visitation
CMH Mothers’ Club Queen of Apostles Parish St. William Parish
Steve and Sharon Cooper Fund Chris ‘81 and Kelly Rebholz John Stollenwerk
Tom and Kristi Czarnecki Ron and Debbie Karfonta Tim and Barb Reynolds Dan and Irene Tranchita
Faith in Our Future Campaign Max and Dawn Keller Steve and Shelagh Roell Waukesha State Bank
Michael and Nancy Flaherty John and Maureen Keyes Gary and Linda Sarner WE Energies Foundation
Fotsch Family Foundation, Inc John and Mary Kay Lammers Cal and Suzy Schmidt Bill ‘79 and Michelle West
GE Foundation Pat and Colleen Lawton Jim Scrima ‘61 Ann Marie Wick ‘88
Don and Sheila Geib Mike and Pam McWilliams
Meijer St. Joseph Parish -Waukesha vonBriesen & Roper, S.C.
Mark and Martha Mirsberger St. Mary’s Catholic Church Art and Maryann Wigchers
St. Mary’s Visitation Parish John and Kate Wimmer
ST. FRANCIS SOCIETY ($5,000 - $9,999) St. Paul Parish Tom and Beth Wittmann
Tom ‘79 and Pam Taugher Paul Wojnowski and Stefanie
Anonymous (4) Moore Construction Services, LLC Town Bank
Jon ‘81 and Juliane (Smart) ‘81 Mike and Paula Moore Doug and Sharon Vanderhei Cristan
Scott and Richelle Naze
Balicki Kelly and Caryn (Couri) ‘95
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish
CMH Student Council Papenthien
Dana Investment Advisors Steve and Stacie Piacsek
Mike and Donna Farrell John and Grace Phillips
Chris ‘88 and Char (Saber) ‘88 Fox Poblocki Sign Company
Brian ‘83 and Jill (Greb) ‘83 Fridl Paul and Cori Prahl
Tom and Nancy (Nevins) ‘71 Price Foundation Charitable Trust
Michael and Nancy Pritzlaff
Gaudion Diane (Bischel) Rezagholi ‘62
Tim ‘74 and Monica (Loomis) ‘77 Dennis Sage
John and Karen Sauer
Hanley Richard and Carol Snook
Fr. Paul Hartmann ‘84 St. Agnes Catholic Parish
Thomas and Julianne Heyrman St. Bruno Parish
Francis and Jodi Jaeger St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish
Steve and Chau Janowski St. James Parish in Mukwonago
Fred and Mary Kinateder St. Jerome Parish
Larpen Metallurgical Service St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
David and Jean Lauer St. Joseph Parish -Big Bend
Bill and Amy Lucci
Marianne Maahs
Joan MacGregor
Board Members Kelly Cleary-Rebholz and Ann Marie Wick ‘88
at the Auction.
MEMORIAL SOCIETY ($2,500 - $4,999)
Chad and Tanya Albanese Chris and Karen DeNardis Marsh & McLennan Companies Mark and Patty (Reardon) ‘85
Michael and Jill Allen Ted and Jill Derynda Peter and Darcy McCormick Schneider
Anonymous (3) Jim and Judy Dobrzynski Huberto and Jill (Wilson) ‘97 Medina
Skip and Brenda Bargielski Scott and Lori Doro William and Dolores Morris Ted Schulte
Paul and Mari-Jo Batchelor Andrew and Brenda Doyle Jeff and Mary Mrochinski Terry and April Schultz
Joseph and Jan Boberschmidt Jim ‘74 and Marcy (Hinkes) ‘76 Patty Nevins ’77 Robert and Connie Schwaab
Boyle Fredrickson SC Randy ‘84 and Lynn North St. John Neumann Catholic
Tom ‘84 and Kellie Bray Dunlap Mick and Marie (Smith) ‘80 O’Brien
Larry and Regina Brown Sue Fox Eric and Liesel Oechsner Church
Jon ‘99 and Elizabeth Brzeski Darrell and Michelle Fynaardt Steve and Michelle Patscot St. Joseph Parish - Wauwatosa
Stuart and Terry (w) ‘74 Buchholtz Dennis ‘81 and Ann (Kienzler) ‘84 Joe Piatt and Traci Huntemann-Piatt St. Luke Parish
John and Elizabeth Callan Paul and Cori Prahl St. Theresa Catholic Church
Couri Insurance Agency Gogin Derek and Michele Pawlak Mark ‘89 and Katharine Tomchek
Catherine McKeever Denten James Griffin and Sally Schoepke PNC Bank Terry and Dawn Walsh
Mike and Ann Marie Grubich R & R Insurance Services Inc John Ward ‘76
Foundation Tom and Mary Pat Henschel Robert W Baird & Co. Foundation Matt ‘85 and Joy Weber
Kevin and Ann Chiappetta Mike and Kate Hoffmann Chris ‘88 and Pauline (Beres) ‘87 Ron Werowinski
CMH Friends of the Arts Leon and Betsy Janssen Bill ‘89 and Meaghan Wigchers
Steve and Denise Cremer Tom and Nancy Knapp Rosecky John and Jean Wright
Gary and Julie Davis Glenn and Heather Kormanik Michael and Jennifer Schmidt Doug and Christine (Bohrer) ‘77
Dean and Maribeth Delforge Pat and Joli Krismer
Regge and Karolyn Krueger Young
FOUNDERS’ SOCIETY ($1,000 - $2,999)
Jeff and Angelica Aldred Pat and Monica Fleming Mark Hoppe ‘83, Brent Jones ‘87, Matt Hoppe ‘85 and
Gary and Laura Anderson Foot and Ankle Associates of WI, Jerry Jendusa ‘85 at the Golf Outing.
Robert and Lisa Baumhardt
Michael and Jodi Berg Ltd Mark ‘89 and Melissa (Sanchez) ‘89 Tony and Ann Maas
Chris ‘89 and Catherine Beres Noel Fortier ‘81 Klement Mary Jo MacGregor ‘81
Jean and Anne Beaudoin Louis and Chris Friedrichs Chris and Cynthia Manocchia
Joe and Bev Braun Greg and Judy Gamalski Dan Knapp ’97 and Stephanie Frank and Monica Marchan
Brian ‘95 and Mary (Biebel) ‘95 Tom ‘78 and Roxanne Gebhard Riesch-Knapp ’01 Marquette University
John and Mary Gentile Tom and Diane Matoska
Brejcha Goldman Sachs & Co Kohl’s Department Stores Joe ‘67 and Rhonda Matt
Gregg and Diane Brunclik Pat Groh Associates in Action Vinny and Kathy McAvoy
Tony and Andrea Bryant Fred ‘80 and Barbara Gromacki Ray McInerny
John ‘67 and Nancy Bunce Ty and Kathy (Sawyer) ‘80 Gregory and Valeria Kopulos Todd and Meg McMahon
John and Mary Burke Dan and JoAnn Krause Hubert and Kim McQuestion
John and Elizabeth Callan Gutenkunst Jeff ‘03 and Carissa Krause Dave and Jane (Hepperla) ‘83
Catholic Study Club Mike and Amy Haas Jerry and Joy Krausert
James and Lisa Chapman Bronson ‘62 and Jackie (Brehm) Pat and Joli Krismer Menheer
Brian and Susan Christian David and Mary (Regar) ‘83 Tom and Mary Morris
Carl and Christine Clementi ‘62 Haase Peter ‘81 and Kathy (O’Connor)
Jim ‘94 and Jennifer (Schilling) ‘94 Mike and Carol Halvey Kuczkowski
Hastings Air Energy Control, Inc. John and Gina Lambie ‘82 Mueller
Connelly Henderson Global Investors Kevin and Kathy Lang
Nate and Mary Cunniff Holz Family Foundation Gene and Rosie Lyskawa 11
Duncan and Mary Delhey Tom and Letitia (Merkt) ‘65 Hoye
Andrew and Jennifer Denten Bill and Sue Hunter
William and Maureen Dowling James and Jodi Jacobson
Michael and Kristen Doyle Ray and Mary (Etzel) ‘62 Jast
Patrick and Stephanie Dragani Jerry Jendusa ‘85
Christopher and Mary Drosen Brian and Karen Johnson
Jay ‘87 and Amy Durst Brent ‘87 and Jennifer Jones
Mary Kay Ellis Ronald and Debra Karfonta
Enterforce, Inc P.J. Keeley
Enterprise Lighting, Ltd Kevin ‘84 and Katie (Lavin) ‘84
Eppstein Uhen Architects, Inc.
Bill and Laura Evans Kelly
Paul and Pat Feller Sandi (Streit) Keyser ‘62
Fred ‘98 and Meghan (Knapp) ‘95
Kevin and Jessica Mulligan Scott and Denise (Bohrer) ‘91 Portz Bill and Patricia Sommers Walsh Masonry Inc.
John ‘89 and Sandy Multhauf Ann (Walusek) Powell ‘91 SPX Foundation Bob and Bridget Warns
Patrick and Gerry (Long) ‘69 Beck Raab Michael and Kristin Taylor Robert and Audrey Warner
Jan and Tammy Rechner Mark ‘81 and Michele (Lyskawa) John and Patricia Wayer
Murphy Joe ‘77 and Julie Reuteman Fred and Barbara Weber
Micahel ‘86 and Mary Mutza Jake Reynolds ‘08 ‘83 Toby Tom and Kristin Westrick
Lisa Nevins ‘73 Ryan Reynolds ‘99 Tom and Mary Tomasik James and Teresa Wick
Mike ‘63 and Elisabeth Nevins Dwight and Clare Rusch Tomchek Ace Hardware John and Lisa Wiesner
Tim and Marie Norgal Paul ‘84 and Carley Rydberg Fr. John Van Abel ‘56 Robert and Trish Wieczorek
Ed and Carol O’Connor John Sage ‘83 Susan Van Abel ‘65 Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps, Inc.
Bill Orne Craig ’92 and Natalie Schaefer Scott and Cindy (Tomasik) ‘90 Van Wisconsin State Golf Association
Order of Malta Joe and Sheri Schmit Workday, Inc
Arthur and Barbara (Bunce) ‘74 Carol Seegers Valin Barry and Maureen Wurster
Paul and Carol Seifert Lauree (Schultz) Vandegrift ‘83
Patten Scott and Sue Sheaffer James and Denise Vavra
Alan and Susanne Peschl Todd and Mary Sheetz Joe ‘56 and Louise (Kissinger) ‘56
Dennis and Mary (Kuemmel) ‘76 Ron Smith ‘84
Petrie Joe and Clare Walicki
Ron and Elenore Piette Robert and Mary Jo (Vandenberg)
Dan Polaski ‘08
‘54 Wallis
A Better Living Family Service Mary Ellen Fridl Mike and Debi McCourt Steve ‘74 and Kathy (Mlakar) ‘78
Alesci Homes, Inc. Jim ‘70 and Mary Jo Gabelbauer Tom ‘03 and Lauren (Taugher) ‘06 Plechaty
Tony and Ann Alesci Carlos and Carol Garces
Allay Home and Hospice Garage Service Insurance, LLC McInerny Ron ‘82 and Melissa Radke
James and Patricia Andersen Jeffrey and Beth Gauthier Jim and Janet McKenna John and Ruth Regent-Smith
Aries Industries, Inc. Amie George Jamie and Kathleen McKnight Jim and Val Reinicke
Dale and Dana Armour Patrick and Susanne Ginn Toby and Sue Mei Bonnie Rosecky ‘56
William and Marion Baggott Tom and Carol Goeller MillerCoors Rod and Mary (Niestrom) ‘84 Rossi
Jeffrey and Melissa Barta Chad and Jenny Goetz Milwaukee School of Engineering Bill and Sunny Rothmeier
Bill and Linda (Wolf) ‘78 Baxa Carl and Barb Guse Austin ‘05 and Rachel (Berghouse) John Scarborough
Don ‘70 and Debi Beres Barb (Nevins) Hall ‘70 Bob and Patti (Weber) ‘62 Schmidt
Torrey and Lori (Godich) ‘96 Peter and Eve Harford ‘05 Moore Brian and Debbie (Behring) ‘79
Nelson Hartrich Jerry and Mary Mudlaff
Bievenour Jim ‘79 and Anne Hauert Joe and Amy Mudlaff Schneider
Christopher and Amy Brennan William and Lisa Henk Peter and Carie Mueller James Schneider ‘74
Cindy Brim Tom ‘91 and Kelly Hruz Joe and Christine Murphy Mike and Mary Jo Schoendorf
Ed and Jackie Brozynski Institute of International Education David and Jeri Nimz Joseph Schomisch ‘87
Jeff and Judy Brozynski International Foundation of Tom and Claudia Noonan Mike ‘84 and Ann Schomisch
Angie (Marone) Butler ‘54 John and
Craig and Kelly Butrym Employee Benefit Plans
Randy and Denise Christianson The Jewelry Center Jeanne
Steve and Anita Condit Peter and Karolyn Johnston O’Connell
Paul and Maria Cook Matthew and Tracey Jones Jeffrey and
Cramer, Multhauf & Hammes LLP Kappy’s Kampaign Judith
Crossmark Graphics, Inc Frank and Judy (Kluth) ‘81 Kile Olson
Bruce ‘81 and Carolyn Dall Dennis and Pamela Klumb Steve and
Robert and Darcy Dampier Deanne
Dan Plautz Cleaning Service Inc. Olson
Rita Denny Penn Mutual
Travis ‘96 and Amanda Dodge Company
Gary and Kathleen Dombrowski
Thomas and Tamara Donnelly KMI Construction, LLC Jim and Cathy
Mike Esser ‘06 Jerry and Andrea (Benjamins) ‘88 Piala
Chris Fehrenbach ‘04
Raymond and Laura Feller Knutson Joe ‘89
Joseph and Anne Levendoski and Sue
12 Alex and Mary MacGillis (Roeske) ‘89
Paul and Brigid Massaro Piette
Jeff and Linda Matyas
Pat (Rosecky)
‘54 Piltz
Matt and Amy McBurney Back row L to R: Paul Holt, Jacob Holt ’18, and Kathleen
Jim ‘87 and Mary McCarthy McKnight; Front row L to R: Michelle Holt, Jamie McKnight and
Brendan McKnight ’19 hanging out at the Auction.
Michael and Kimberly Schulze Kathy Smith Ken and Debbie (Bohrer) ‘82 Tony and Jackie Wedeward
Chuck ‘88 and Colleen Schwarting David and Christine Strackbein Vaichinger Thomas and Nanci Weideman
Marty Schwenner John and Beth Straw Jeff and Kelly Wein
David Scrima ‘70 Ken ‘65 and Karen Streit Tom and Dagmar Vetta Jeff Weinberger
Jeff and Mary Seefeld Annette Swain ‘86 Matt Waite ‘04 Weldall Mfg Inc
Shorewest - Kellie Bray Donald and Kerry Tighe Walden Schuster & Vaklyes S.C. Shane and Susan Wendt
Robert and Ann (Fauerbach) ‘73 Suzanne Till ‘82 Sean and Lynn Walsh Robert and Therese Wesley
Brian ‘88 and Jill Ulrich Waukesha Catholic Athletic Elizabeth (Wong) Wilson ‘75
Smart United Heartland Michael and Elizabeth Wilson
Frank and Krishna Smith Association
Weber Dental
Michael and Mary Acker Jorge and Amrei Debatin Tom and Phyllis Kanter Tom Mulhaney
Ron and Carrie (Fitzgerald) ‘86 Richard and Andrea Dedrick Richard and Renee Kapusniak Chuck and Sue Munkwitz
Andrew and Melinda Dejewski Michael and Kate Karczewski Robert ‘76 and Terri (Hurley) ‘76
Alba Phil and Mary Dibb John and Dolores Karpinski
Thomas and Mary Bachman Michael and Shawn Dooley Lance Kerwin ‘60 Murphy
Jason Baez ‘03 Todd and Nichole Doro John Kimpel ‘58 Dick ‘54 and Barbara Natalizio
Tim ‘03 and Laura Baggott David and Diana Dusing Paul and Kathleen (Wick) ‘76 Joel ‘76 and Donna Nettesheim
Joseph and Therese Balistrieri Thomas and Tracy Dybro Mike ‘91 and Shelley Nevins
Al ‘62 and Gerry (Savatski) ‘62 Eric Egenhoefer ‘93 Klespis-Wick Bob and Kay Nolan
Dave and Terri Engsberg Fr. Ken Knippel Drew North ‘11
Banaszak Al and Norma Mae Exner Rick ‘87 and Rachel Knuese Ron and Jennifer (Poshek) ‘89
Len Banda ‘60 Brian and Sandra Fehrenbach Maggie Koltermann
James and Barbara (Grasch) ‘66 Michael and Brooke Finnegan Todd and Diana Koziczkowski Ogren
Erin (Easterling) Flood ‘99 David and Sheri Krahn Rick ‘89 and Carmen Olejnik
Barrett Jose and Sue Fuentes Chris and Cynthia Kramer Michael and Mary Pawlak
Gary and Terri Benash Patrick and Julie (Stekiel) ‘84 Fuller Andrew and Michelle Krause Jon Peltier ‘84
Pat and Diane Bergan Dawnelle (Chybowski) Ganz ‘89 Robert and Lesa Krawczyk Pat Pender ‘89
Bob ‘77 and Sue (Kubacki) ‘77 Mike ‘94 and Julene Gaspard Mike Kupper ‘54 Shane and Janelle Peterson
Jim and Kitty (Kreidler) ‘57 Gilane Kyle ‘92 and Sara (Bortolotti) ‘93 Jim Phillips ‘80
Bernhardt Carol Goeckermann Tom and Terese Pierce
Mark and Carol Beveridge Peter and Judy Goodman Ladish Steph Pribyl
Jack Bevivino ‘67 Sharon Gostomski Darrell and Sherri Landry ProPak, Inc
Mark Bischel ‘69 Michael and Kathryn Gotthardt Bob and Joannie Langkau Jeff ‘77 and Mary (Abplanalp) ‘77
Roy and Lisa Bixby Pete and Susan Groehler Chris Lawton ‘03
Dorothy (Bunce) Block Gerrit and Leann Gronowski John and Maria Lechner Ramthun
William Born Steven and Alejandrina Halcomb John and Susan Lehsten Michael and Ellen Mary Raster
Ed and Helen Brady Chris ‘68 and Debra Hansen Mark Lewandowski Dan and Mary Reese
Fr. Mark Brandl Michael and Deborah Hartlaub Rick and Bridget Lincoln Michael and Amy Rietbrock
John and Julie Branick Douglas and Deann Haskins Julie Lindahl ‘91 Donald and Lisa Roberts
Andrew and Carrissa Brayer George ‘85 and Kathryn (Ludwig) George and Elizabeth Lubeley Ryan and Sharon Roberts
Jerry Brecher ‘65 Lueder Financial Group, LLC Joseph and Beverly Ronge
Lee and Cathleen Brisk ‘83 Hermes Greg and Therese (Piette) ‘81 Jim ‘57 and Bobbie (Pace) ‘58
Roger Brook Shirley (Johnson) Hintz ‘56
Max and Carly Brunclik David and Diane Hirsch Lyons Rosenmerkel
Stephen and Marlies (Melcher) ‘71 James and Anne Hoefflin John ‘78 and Sherry MacGregor Rob and Eileen Rupel
Steve and Debra Holubowicz Patrick ‘61 and Joanne (Daiker) ‘61 Richard and Lucille Ryan
Bruning David and Anne (Burke) ‘78 Hone Ron and Kathy Rydberg
Birch and Marilee Burczyk Timothy and Susan Hornung McCaffery Christopher and Monica Saggio
Lisa Burns Steve ‘68 and Patty (Shields) ‘69 Jay and Lisa (Frederickson) ‘88 Shelly Sampon ‘91
Sergio and Anna Carini Keith and Mary (Hinkes) ‘80
Douglas and Mary Carson Houk McKenna
Mike and Mary Chmielewski Greg and Jenny (Hunt) ‘82 Hubley Barry and Mary McNulty Schermitzler
John and Janice Christianson Andy ‘91 and Jennifer Iggens Dirk McQuestion ‘89 Darryl and Teresa Schmidt
Gerald and Kelly Ciezki Jim and Barb Injeski Tony and Inger Mescher Mike and Cynthia Schmitz
John and Mary Cooney Michael and Eileen Jarosz Jeffrey and Sue Metiva Tom ‘89 and Sheilah (Keyes) ‘89
Shirley Crabtree Ronald and Renee Jaynes Tom and Lora Miggliaccio
Daniel and Lynn Crain Jeffrey and Kim Jones Matthew and Nora Marie Miklosy Schmitzer
Croal and Associates, Inc Al and Rose Mlakar Brian ‘93 and Jennifer
Michael ‘79 and Eileen (Mueller) Dave and Patty Mohorich
Mount Mary University (Cunningham) ‘97 Schreiber
‘84 Croal Richard and Kathleen Mrochinski Eric ‘89 and Jennifer Schroeder
Mark and Michele Dasek Steve Schubring ‘80
Kevin and Mary Jo Schuchardt
Tyler ‘88 and Tia Schumacher Dave and Heather Stein Chad and Amy Waldvogel Dayton ‘08 and Natalie (Walsh) ‘08
Jon ‘80 and Lynn Schwartz Tom and Jodie (Warga) ‘82 Stekiel Roger and Margaret Watson Young
Joe ‘94 and Nicole (Vanderveldt) Bernard and Arlene Stich John and Marcia Wayer
Dale and Jill Stimac Kurt Werowinski ‘91 Nat and Mary Zettel
‘94 Scrima Matthew and Christie Teuteberg Richard and Teri Whalen Patrick and Linda Zielinski
Cynthia Searcy Daniel and Monica Tighe Jerry and Kathy Wicihowski Paul Zielinski ‘93
James Secora ‘66 Jerome and Bonita Topczewski Alfred and Helen Wilke Fr. Anthony Zimmer
Greg Siegenthaler Jamie and Mary Uilein Lisa (Mielke) Wilkie-Nowak ‘87 Michael and Bridget (Horning) ‘96
Situs Appraisal Group Rod Vanden Noven Stanley and Emily Wojnarowski
Paul and Janet Smyczek Tom Vitale ‘85 Charles Wright Zimmerman
David and Lisa Sperl John and Brenda Zingsheim
PRINCIPAL’S CLUB ($100 - $249)
Fr. Dennis Ackeret Brent and Kathryn (Kawatski) ‘67 Barry ‘64 and Emma Jean Bowman Robert and Theresa Clark
Bill and Christine Affeldt Behrens Scott and Jennifer Boyce Bill and Kathy Clausing
Ryan ‘04 and Karlyn (Rappé) ‘04 Dennis ‘75 and Sandra (Baukus) CMH Junior Crusaders
Pat Behring Michael and Rebecca Coello
Agnew David and Colleen Beilfuss ‘78 Boyd Jim ‘83 and Anne Collins
Cheryl Airoldi Jim ‘68 and Deborah Beres P.J. Boylan Guy and Courtney Comer
Dave and Sara Alexander Pat Beres William and Mary Jo (Unrath) ‘66 Kevin ‘95 and Kristina Connor
Robert Amrhein Matt ‘02 and Tricia Bergan Anthony Consiglio
Dan and Trish Andrae Michael and Denise Bernhagen Braatz Jon and Christine Coulter
Francis Andres Sue-Ann Bethia John and Rita Bradish Tim and Paula Crain
Conrad and Phyllis (Pankratz) ‘59 Bill and Florence Bichanich Scott and Theresa Brandt Eli and Karen Crogan
Tim ‘84 and Debbie (DeMarsh) ‘84 Don and Peggy (Seegers) ‘79 Becky (Anderson) Crow ‘95
Andringa Beverley Cull
David and Jillayne Arena Bisswurm Braun Peter Cumiskey
Tony and Joyce Armeli Black Retail Black Michael and Amy Braun Patrick and Jacqueline Cummings
Gerald Armstrong Tim Black Mary Bray James and Deborah Cunningham
Thomas and Lisa Aspinwall Joseph and Cheryl (Hutchinson) Chris and Jeanne Briscoe Dave ‘85 and Jennifer Cyskiewicz
Beatrice Aviles Joshua and Colleen (Holton) ‘94 Sandy D’Acquisto
Francis and Joanne Balicki ‘86 Blackstone Gary and Chris Dahlen
Tom and Marnie Balke Gary Bluma Brown Robert and Shannon Dakovich
Werner Balmer Thomas and Therese Bode Mike and Beth (Paulus) ‘89 Brown James and Kathy Daly
Ray ‘83 and Kelly Baran Kevin and Jennifer Boemer Richard and Laurel Brown Jason Daniel ‘92
Georgiann Baran ‘88 Bart and Patti (Pavlic) ‘91 Bohne Gary and Pat (Stack) ‘75 Browning Gary and Marilyn Davis
Patricia Barczak Adam Bonesteel ‘92 Joseph and Marlene Brunner Keith and Michele Degner
Mark Barta Gerry and Judith Bonin Matt Bucher ‘11 Mike and Karen Dejewski
Kurt and Kathleen Baumann Steve and Lisa Bonner Mary Jo Burgarino John and Mary Delaney
Dan Baumann ‘90 George and Adrian Borkenhagen Lewis and Frances (DeSantis) ‘55 Ken ‘81 and Renee Della
Brian and Linda Bautz Robert Borre’ Eric and Lynn Delzer
Mary Beardsley George and Angela Both Burgeson Joseph Dempsey
Gordon and Bernice Boucher Rick and Meghan Burke- Randy Denk
Joseph and Therese Bowes William and Shirley Dentinger
Schumaker Moira Desch
14 Bill and Helen (Herominski) ’66 Engelbrecht and Mary Jo Terry ‘86 and Lanette Buss Alex Dobrinska ‘12
(Unrath) ’66 and Bill Braatz at the 1966 50-Year Reunion. Pam Butler ‘69 Jim and Marcy Dobrinska
Ralph and Patricia Buzzell John ‘66 and Kathy Donahoe
Kris and Chris Calhoun Tony ‘80 and Susan Donarski
Patrick ‘66 and LeAnne Calvano Doug Donovan
Carbide Grinding Co., Inc. Jerry and Sandy Dorff
Eric and Emily Carlton David and Holly Doro
Carroll University Sophia Doucas
Joe and Carolyn Caruso Dream Products
Gordon and Elizabeth Ann (Forkes) Michael and Maureen Drescher
Rebecca Drescher
‘66 Caucutt
Jon and Sandra (Marek) ‘66
John and Pat Celek
Chiropractic Partners, S.C.
Don and Sandy Chisholm
Michael and Theresa Chrisien
Linda Christman
Jerry Chudzik ‘60
Gary and Maxine Drinan Freyberg Hinkle Ashland Powers & Donald and Mary Heyrman Barry ‘66 and Joanie Kerwin
Deborah Druken Stowell S.C. Ralph Hingiss Brian and Natalie Kieffer
John ‘77 and Elaine Dryer Hive Salon Larry and Sandy Kiehnau
Karri Duerwachter Larry and Piroska Fritsch Neil and Monica (Carroll) ‘85 Linda Kirchen
Daniel and Robyn Dugan Christopher Fronczak ‘93 Steve and Diane Kleber
Taylor Duncan ‘10 Richard and Anita Gaggioli Hocum Mark ‘89 and Melissa (Sanchez) ‘89
James and Clarice (Zilmer) ‘66 Vince Gallo Paul and Kathleen (Jahnke) ‘72
Thomas ‘66 and Lesley Galway Klement
Dundon Marcella Gamalski Hoffman Jeffrey and Karen (VanErt) ‘91
H. J. and Bobbie Dunker Robert and Judy Gammon Mark and Janet Hogan
Barbara (Boehmke) Dunn ‘62 Brian Ganz William and Cindy (Knoebel) ‘67 Kloss
Ritch and Sandy Durheim Michael ‘68 and Mary (Van Den John ‘54 and Chris Kluth
Mike ‘66 and Laura Durkin Holcomb Geri Kneser
Mike and Jenny Ebel Berg) ‘68 Gara Colleen Holland ‘76 Kevin and Kim Kober
Jennifer Echavarre Michael ‘75 and Ora Garms Patrick and Frances Holloway Dan ‘66 and Mary Koehler
Alan and Janet Edwards Richard and Janelle Gassert Mark and Kim Holman Timothy and Marcia Koenig
David Edwards ‘56 Billy and Claire (Welsh) ‘98 Geller John and Susan Honkamp Linda Koepp
EFCO Finished Corp Genzyme Matthew ‘85 and Dawn Hoppe Joe and Ellen Kohler
Ray and Jackie (Blank) ‘87 Ellingen Lisa George Jim and Lucille Hornung Patrick Kohler
Ramona Elmer James and Dorothy (Goerke) ‘66 Ben ‘85 and Ann Hruz Jacilyn Kolasa
Embius Tax and Financial, LLC Edward and Jeanne Hryciuk Doug Koltermann
Fred and Kathleen (Nettesheim) ‘66 Gibbs Nicole and John Huber Scott and Jennifer Komp
Jim and Carol Giesegh John and Katherine Huenink Chad and Barb (Pollnow) ‘95
Engel Thomas Gogin ‘59 Tom and Lucy Huhn
William and Helen (Herominski) ‘66 Bill and Collette Goldammer Humana Foundation, Inc. Konrad
Tom ‘69 and Pat Golner Larry and Diane Hyde Dick and Judy Koob
Engelbrecht Albert and Lynn Goodrich Michael and Mary Ignatowski Michael and Patricia Koscinski
Paula Engelking Paul and Pamela Gosenheimer Nick and Jackie Ioder Kowalski Dental Office, S.C.
Katrina English Peter and Beth (Shannon) ‘73 Jim and Linda (Brunner) ‘76 Fred Kramer
Chris and Jennifer (Szmanda) ‘84 Pamela (Riendl) Kramer ‘66
Gottsacker Janecke Jack and Louise Krause
Erato Tom ‘77 and Mary Beth Jim and Gerry Janette Herb and Carol Kretzer
Douglas and Jodi (Lindner) ‘86 Michael and Melissa Jansen Chris and Barb (Bray) ‘87 Kreul
(Armstrong) ‘77 Gotzler Dave ‘54 and Nancy (Scrima) ‘54 John Krueger ‘70
Erickson Steven ‘91 and Alicia Gramins Robert Krueger ‘67
Michael and MaryJo Esser Victoria Gramling ‘68 Jarvis Edward and Nancy Krzanowski
Martin and Katherine (Mueller) ‘04 Frank and Rene Greguska Jeffrey G Putney, D.D.S. Charles Kuhnmuench ‘66
Jim Gross Chris and Sia Jifas Gregory and Jessica Kuklinski
Esterle Elaine Grossman David and Judith Johnsen Bridget (Fogarty) Kurt ‘89
Event Services & Support Mary (Fritz) Grothem ‘67 Dick and Jan Johnson Jane (Kissinger) Kwasinski ‘60
Paul and Joan Ewig Mariette Guenther Karisa Johnson Gerald and Joan (Maslowski) ‘66
David Falada ‘66 Philip and Tara Gull Scott ‘73 and Liz Johnson
Bill Falkenberg Pete ‘85 and Beth Gundrum Michael ‘65 and Lois (Heinz) ‘66 Kyle
Robert ‘70 and Georgia Fay Rick and Chrissy Gureski Richard and Cathy Labinski
Brian and Ellen Fehrenbach Daniel and Ranea Haight Joswick Tim ‘86 and Carrie Labinski
Dave ‘92 and Lisa Feldmeier Jerry Halliburton JP Morgan Chase Foundation James and Suzanna Lacy
Ray and Rita Feldmeier Joseph Hamacher Matthew and Kristi Kaiser Larry and Ann (Gaffney) ‘77
Ted ‘59 and Polly (Voss) ‘63 Ferrara Brendan ‘84 and Stacy Hanley Tom Kalawa
Daniel and Patricia Fetterley Mike Hanley ‘07 Richard and Charlene Kalusok LaMarche
Kathy (Carr) Fink ‘66 Tim and JoAnn Hardgrove Onufry and Pauline Karch Peter and Kristen (Toft) ‘89 Lampe
Daniel Flaherty ‘90 Jane Harris Daniel and Marilyn Kastenholz David and Julie Lancaster
Michael ‘72 and Karen Flaherty John and Nita Hartling Edward and Marjorie (Wehr) ‘59 Langer Roofing and Sheet Metal
James and Angela Flanagan Jerry ‘78 and Carol Hartmann
Lawrence Flanary Dave Hartung Kau Inc
Jack Fleming ‘09 Mike and Barb Harvey Elizabeth Kaufman ‘76 Greg Larson ‘91
Tom and Gerry Fleming Mike and Kim Hausman Thomas and Audrey Kavanaugh Ron and Kathleen (Strong) ‘66
James and Mireya Floryance Walter and Theresa Hawkins Deus and Susan (Kneser) ‘70
Joe Fluder Hays Larson
Foundation For The Carolinas Kevin and Brenda Heaney Kearney Dave ‘82 and Sherry Laske
Chadd ‘90 and Effie Frank John and Donna Heine Tom and Judy Kennan Keenan Joe ‘89 and Julie Laur
Steve and Mary (Gauthier) ‘74 Bill Held ‘81 Rita Keepers Jim and Mary Laux
Lee Herman Kristin Kelliher Jeffrey and Johanna Lawless
Frankel Mark and Sarah Herr Lyle ‘64 and Sandra (Schweitzer) Patrick and Pat (Turicik) ’69 Lawlor
Brian and Monica Frantl Learning Edge Childcare &
Randy and Kay Freeman ‘64 Kelliher
Ronald and Beth Freisleben David and Mary Kelly Preschool
Michael and Carol (Brecher) ‘67 Dave Leedy ‘88
Kennedy 15
Craig ‘78 and Deanna Legault Kathleen Miller Patrick and Christine Pfankuch Tom Reuteman
Carol Lehsten Michael and Susan Miller John and Dorothy Piatt Scott and Susan Rice
Bret and Debra Lemke Carol Monahan Gregory and Maria Pieters Dave Richlen ‘91
David and Lori (Anich) ‘81 Lentz Kelly Monroe Jeanne Piette ‘87 Michael and Mary Rick
Mark Lepkowski Larry and Judy Moon Tom ‘83 and Patrice (Lindner) ‘83 Donald and Carole Riemer
Sara Lesar Kent and Michele Moore FranChesca Riley ‘17
Ed Leschke Patrick and Jill Morgan Piette Melissa Riley
Mary (Weiler) Levall ‘64 Michael and Carole Morrell Tom and Connie Pire River Run Computers
James and Tina Leverenz Thomas and Nancy Mroz Dan and Barb Plautz Chad ‘93 and Kimberly Rogowski
Ken Lewicki ‘71 Lauren Mudlaff Maureen (Beres) Pohle ‘75 Jeffrey and Erika Rondeau
Dale Lewis ‘69 Paul and Val (Bickler) ‘84 Mueller Joe and Kathy Polacheck Donald Rossa
Bruce ‘65 and Sue (Nantell) ‘65 Peter and Mary Mueller Bernadine (Kreidler) Poppie ‘54 William Rothmeier
Frank ‘66 and Nancy Muench Cloyd and Joan Porter Ann Rozanski
Lindl James Mulqueen ‘93 William Powell ‘60 Gary and Jane Rozman
Vincent and Phyllis LoDuca Ginny Murphy Daniel and Mary Ann Prager Dan Ruekert ‘07
Fr. Jim Loehr Jim and Mary Murphy John and Patricia Price Patricia Rusch
Rick Loepfe Jerry and Lori Murphy Steve Proell ‘87 Timothy and Kim Rymer
Charles Loeser ‘66 John and Cathy Murphy Dan and Dee Dee (Cole) ‘66 Pugh Charles and Elaine Saber
Leonard ‘54 and Janet Loffredo John and Nell Murphy Mike ‘68 and Carole Raap Bob ‘85 and Kelly Sage
Rob and Becky Lonergan Michael ‘79 and Catherine Murphy Gerard Rabas ‘68 Phil ‘69 and Mary Salentine
Terri and Doug Lou Kenneth and Sandra Murray Paul Radetski Steve and Dawn Sass
Jeff Luther ‘76 Barbara Muth Paul and Virginia Radler Steve ‘91 and Cindy (Marsicek) ‘91
Jim ‘88 and Sarah MacGillis Mutual Of America Wayne Rameker
Pierre MacGillis ‘93 Amanda Myers Randle-Dable Brisk Funeral Home Scheuing
Timothy MacGillis John Nash ‘66 Thomas and Mary Jean
Bill ‘82 and Peggy (Lynch) ‘82 Mary Navin ‘57 Inc.
Steve and Michelle Nehs Bruce ‘70 and Lynn Redlin Schiefelbein
MacGregor Marcus and Kelly Neitzke Ralph ‘66 and Donna (Condon) ‘67 Lois Schmatzhagen
Sean and Leela Maher Dennis and Geraldine Neugent Randall and Nancy Schmidt
Gerry “Scoop” and Barbara Bill and Carol Neuschaefer Redlin John Schmit
Bob and Etta Niemann James and Carey Rehm James Schmitt
(Giuliani) ‘71 Makovec Dan ‘66 and Penny Niesen Dick and Nancy Reinhart Thomas and Linda Schmitt
Steve ‘82 and Karin Marcus Patrick and Geraldine Noonan William and Theresa Reitman Greg and Jane Schneider
Leighton and Karen Mark Scott and Rhonda Nowakowski Chuck and Shelly Reitz Mark Schneider
Eduardo and Lourdes Marques Gary and Katie (Meissner) ‘88 Kathryn Resch
Bill Maslowski
Robert and Victoria Matteucci Oberfoell Tom and Donna (Sommers) ‘81 McLeod generously
John Matyas David ‘96 and Melissa O’Brien volunteering at the Auction.
Kelley Mawhiney Louis and Virginia Ockwood
Chris and Amy McAboy Peter O’Hagan
Robert Markey and Bridget Denise O’Halloran
Tim and Wendy Olson
McDonough Henry and Barbara Otten
Patrice McIntyre Tom ‘56 and Shirley Owens
Suzanne McKinney Richard and Paulette Panish
Dan and Dawn McLeod Joan Pawlak
Tom and Donna (Sommers) ‘81 Walter and Peggy Pechulis
John and Ann (Kucharski) ‘82
Mark and Jenn McShane Pemberton
Medical College of Wisconsin Rudy Pesut
The Medtronic Foundation James Petersen
Mark and Micki Meier Mary Kay (Schipp) Petersen ‘66
Pierce ‘60 and Carol (Arena) ‘61 Don and Evelyn Peterson
Mark and Cindi Petre
Meier Dennis and Katy (Witkowski) ‘66
Bruce and Lou Mesa
Thomas and Barbara Metternich Pfaff
Bill and Maureen Michaels Faith Pfankuch
Fred and Carol Michalek
Gerald and Ellinore Mielke
Paul Mikelonis
Thomas Mikelonis
Ray and Michelle Schrubbe Patrick Sullivan ‘62 Mark Voss Marc and Nancy Wolfe
Rick and Sandra Schueller David and Susan Sweitzer Mike Voss ‘95 James ‘76 and Rose Woloszyk
Bill and Connie (Bogenberger) ‘66 Jean Switala David Wagner Otto and Marilyn Wolter
Pete and Carole Tapp Jack and Nancy Wait Edward Wong
Schuenke Ed and Lisa (Beranek) ‘77 Terasa John and Jennie Walker John and Kelly Worden
John and Julie Schuller Dan and Robyn Theriault Pat and Angela Walters John and Judy Woreck
Truman and Barbara (Unrath) ‘62 Paul ‘59 and Janice Thoresen Bryan ‘87 and Nicole Waltersdorf David and Desiree Wubben
John Topp ‘92 Beth Waschow’ 67 John and Patricia Young
Schultz Michael ‘78 and Patricia Ullsperger Terry and Shari Wass Barb (Beiter) Zagorski ‘54
Jeff and Doris (Mertens) ‘66 Schwaab Scott and Donna (Gumieny) ‘83 Michael and Patricia Weaver Bill ‘61 and Judi Zell
Mike ‘84 and Maureen Schwaab Howard and Elizabeth Weideman Ann Zientek
Steve Schweighardt ‘66 Urich Larry and JoAnn Weidmann Robert and Georjean Zilles
Jay and Carolyn Scott Urology Associates Pat and Lora Weinfurt Robert and Ruth Zoephel
Patricia Seago VA Medical Center - Urology Clinic Wells Fargo - The Private Bank Greg Zuern
Edna Seamonson John and Beth Valdes Michael and Jayne Welsh
Ray Seegers ‘81 Tim Van Alstine Bill and Mary Weltin
Linda (Shannon) Seemeyer ‘66 Peter and Angela Van Heesch Ferdinand Wesolowski
James and Catherine Seidenglanz Paul and Lynn Vanchena Roger and Lynn White
Shakespeare Wealth Management Ronald and Mary Vandegrift Tim Whiting ‘66
Pat and Vicki Shanley Jamie ‘92 and Andrea (Varner) ‘92 Ben Wiesner ‘07
Ted and Dorothy Sibilsky Evan Wiesner ‘06
Paige Siehr ‘11 Vanderveldt Tom ‘68 and Nancy Wilhelmi
Jim and Sue Siepmann Jim and Carole Vanderveldt Anthony Williams
Michael and Melanie Sikma Marvin Vanhandel Wind Dancer Balloon Promotions
Mike ‘88 and Nancy Sindorf John and Dawn Vasquez Diane Wingenter ‘81
Tom ‘55 and Sally Six Bob ‘83 and Amy (Hunt) ‘83 Vitale Gregory Wnuk
Tommi and Mary Sjogren Viterbo University Andreas Wolf ‘62
Dave Sladky ‘76 Tom and Kay Von Rueden
Warren and Marilyn Sladky Jerry and Carin Voors
Michael and Pamela Smith
Robert ‘66 and Julie Smith John Wiesner, Evan Wiesner ’06, Ben Wiesner ‘07 and J.P. Burkwald ‘03
Shelley Smith at the Annual Crusader Golf Outing.
Thomas and Angela Solomon
Richard Sommerfelt ‘66
George and Sandy Soper
Eric and Kimberly Sparapani
Jacky Spoerl
Peter ‘64 and Sue Stacy
Justine and Anna (Hammes) ‘99
Thomas Staggs
David and Amy Stanislawski
Marion Staub
Paul and Kate Stauffacher
Deidre Steinfuhr
Paul Steingraeber ‘64
Larry and Barb (Jensen) ‘69 Stigler
Tom Stilp and Marguerite
Kyle ‘92 and Jennifer Stoehr
Louise (Fedyczkowski) Stone ‘74
Ronald and Lori Stortz
Wayne Strehlow
James ‘77 and Betty Streicher
Gary and Janet Strelow
Craig and Laura Stringfellow
Thomas and Linda Strupp
William ‘96 and Jennifer (Olejnik)
‘91 Sturm
John and Emily Sullivan
Alumni By Class
Catholic Memorial alumni play an important role in sustaining the mission of CMH with their generous gifts. By giving
back to their alma mater, these alumni expand the CMH legacy and are thriving examples of the CMH value – Caritas in Omnibus.
CLASS OF 1953 Mary Jo (Weber) Detter CLASS OF 1965 Charles Loeser
George Conway Beverly (Anich) Dobberstein Harold Brecher Mary Beth Malm
Rita (Peters) Hendrickson Ted Ferrara Letitia (Merkt) Hoye Sandra (Beres) Mareno
Rose (Thallmayer) Jungbluth Thomas Gogin Michael Joswick Thomas McCarthy
Elizabeth (Burke) Orozco Marjorie (Wehr) Kau Bruce Lindl Michael McGuire
John Risch Kathleen (Daley) Murphy Kenneth Streit Mary (Weiley) Meinert
Duane Paulson Susan Van Abel Lois (Zimmerman) Michalak
CLASS OF 1954 Paul Thoresen Lu Ann (Becker) Van Kempen Frank Muench
Thomas Atkinson Lawrence Whitehaus Kathleen (Carroll) Munson
Angeleene (Marone) Butler CLASS OF 1966 John Nash
David Jarvis CLASS OF 1960 Barbara (Grasch) Barrett Kathleen Nettesheim-Engel
John Kluth Leonard Banda Mary Jo (Unrath) Braatz Daniel Niesen
Michael Kupper Jerome Chudzik Jacquelyn (Isermann) Buchholz Mary Kay (Schipp) Petersen
Leonard Loffredo Barbara (Engstrom) Fluder Patrick Calvano Kathryn (Witkowski) Pfaff
Richard Natalizio Nancy (Dixon) Harlfinger Elizabeth Ann (Forkes) Caucutt Diane (Cole) Pugh
Patricia (Rosecky) Piltz Lance Kerwin Sandra (Marek) Cechvala James Ryan
Bernadine (Kreider) Poppie Jane (Kissinger) Kwasinski Patrick Dobyns Martha (Downing) Sanville
Dorothy (Foltz) Roth Pierce Meier John Donahoe Kathy (Mlynarek) Schreiber
Mary Jo (Vandenberg) Wallis William Powell Clarice (Zilmer) Dundon Constance (Bogenberger)
Barbara (Beiter) Zagorski Kathleen (Reischl) Dunning
CLASS OF 1961 Michael Durkin Schuenke
CLASS OF 1955 Kathryn (Boland) Molidor Helen (Herominski) Engelbrecht Stephen Schumann
Frances (DeSantis) Burgeson Karla (Zacher) Nelson Collette (Dana) Engerson Doris (Mertens) Schwaab
Marty Dable Patrick McCaffery David Falada Steve Schweighardt
Helen (Emmerich) Martin James Scrima Kathleen (Carr) Fink James Secora
James McKenzie William Zell John Gabelbauer Linda (Shannon) Seemeyer
Thomas Six Thomas Galway Robert Smith
William Wolfe CLASS OF 1962 Steve Gerbensky Richard Sommerfelt
Allan Banaszak Dorothy (Goerke) Gibbs Stephen Southard
CLASS OF 1956 Geri Banaszak Thomas Haasch Thomas Turck
Charles Bennett Barbara (Boehmke) Dunn Cletus Hasslinger Timothy Whiting
Edmund Carns Bronson Haase Patricia (Vande Castle) Hitt Mary (Koegel) Zainer
David Edwards Jackie Brehm Haase Barry Kerwin
Shirley (Johnson) Hintz Mary (Etzel) Jast Daniel Koehler CLASS OF 1967
Don Natalizio Sandra (Streit) Keyser Pamela (Riendl) Kramer Patricia (Frischmann) Bandomir
Thomas Owens Diane (Bischel) Rezagholi Karen Kuhlman Kathryn (Kawatski) Behrens
Barbara Rosecky Patricia (Weber) Schmidt Charles Kuhnmuench Jack Bevivino
John Van Abel Barbara (Unrath) Schultz Joan (Maslowski) Kyle John Bunce
Louise Kissinger Vitale Patrick Sullivan Kathleen (Strong) Larson Mary (Fritz) Grothem
Joseph Vitale Robert Thoresen Cynthia (Knoebel) Holcomb
Andreas Wolf
Kitty (Kreidler) Gilane CLASS OF 1963
Mary Navin Pauline (Voss) Ferrara
Norman Thoresen Sal Ferrara
Gerald Wolfe Michael Nevins
CLASS OF 1958 CLASS OF 1964 Sandi (Marek) Cechvala, Connie (Bogenberger) Schuenke, Dede
John Kimpel Barry Bowman (Goerke) Gibbs and Marti (Downing) Sanville at the Class of 1966’s 50-
Gerald Menting Robert Carlsen year reunion.
Barbara (Pace) Rosenmerkel Sandra (Schweitzer) Kelliher
Darlene (Behlke) VanPieterson Mary (Weiler) Levall
Peter Stacy
CLASS OF 1959 Paul Steingraeber
Phyllis (Pankratz) Andringa
Brigid Buller Rooney
Nancy (Kuether) Kelley Bertha (Both) Hulita
Carol (Brecher) Kennedy Kenneth Lewicki
Robert Krueger Barbara (Giuliani)
Mary (Knoebel) LaRoach
Joseph Matt Makovec
Donna (Condon) Redlin Patrick Merkt
Kathleen (Belger) Skraban Eileen (Quinn) Orzech
Beth Waschow Richard Pagano
Dino Ranieri
CLASS OF 1968 Barb (Eldredge)
James Beres
Susan (Carroll) Congdon Robinson
Mary (Van Den Berg) Gara Jacalyn (Beres) Schmidt
Victoria Gramling David Tomsyck
Christopher Hansen Therese (Beres) Zivney
Stephen Houk
Michael Raap CLASS OF 1972
Gerard Rabas Donna Rae Butterfield
Thomas Wilhelmi Michael Flaherty
Kathleen (Jahnke)
Andrew Arena Hoffman
Mark Bischel
Steven Bruni CLASS OF 1973 Dan Needles ‘81, Tom Plechaty ‘79, Steve Houk ‘68, John Gabelbauer ‘66,
Pamela Butler Pat Dobyns ‘66 and Joe Vitale ‘56 at the Homecoming Game.
Joseph Fischer Dorothy (Bunce) Block
Thomas Golner Cheryl (Pentler)
Campion Jaques Doherty
Karolyn (Kneser) Krueger Susan (Franecki) Fisher John Dryer
Patricia (Turicik) Lawlor
Dale Lewis Elizabeth (Shannon) Gottsacker Mary (Nadolny) Garrity Thomas Gotzler
Teresa Raap
Susan (Exner) Ruf Connie (Zimmer) Hecker Frank Greb Ann (Gaffney) LaMarche
Philip Salentine
Barbara (Jensen) Stigler Scott Johnson Colleen (Riley) Holland David Lauer
Brian Wolf
JoAnn (Wingenter) Klinger Terri (Hurley) Murphy Ann (Stollenwerk) Maas
Donald Beres Lisa Nevins Linda (Brunner) Janecke Patricia Nevins
Cynthia (Bunce) Meier
Robert Fay Ann (Fauerbach) Smart Elizabeth Kaufman Mary (Abplanalp) Ramthun
James Gabelbauer
Julianna (Ploch) Goedheer CLASS OF 1974 Tim Kirley Jeffrey Ramthun
Barbara (Nevins) Hall David Bohrer Kathleen Klespis-Wick Joseph Reuteman
John Hartling Daniel Cortez Carolann (Riley) Kneser James Streicher
Susan (Kneser) Kearney James Dunlap Mary (Kosco) Tuuk Lisa (Beranek) Terasa
John Krueger Mary Gauthier Frankel Mary (Galecki) Kral Christine (Bohrer) Young
Mary (Pagano) Kuemmel Timothy Hanley Thomas Krupka
Douglas Lenhart Bridget McDonough McDonough Mary Jo (DeWalt) Layden CLASS OF 1978
Mary (Wirtz) Northrup Mary Nevins-Buchholtz Jeff Luther Linda (Wolf) Baxa
Bruce Redlin Barbara Bunce Patten Jane (Gabelbauer) Lynn Susan DeWalt
David Scrima Stephen Plechaty Sandra (Brunner) Mills Nancy (Kuhlka) Diestler
James Schneider Jan (Thomson) Neis Tom Gebhard
CLASS OF 1971 Louise (Fedyczkowski) Stone Joel Nettesheim Robert Hartmann
Mary Ellen (Fauerbach) Aspenson Debra Nienas-Hodgson Anne (Burke) Hone
Patricia (Beres) Bailey CLASS OF 1975 Marian (O’Keeffe) Doyle Craig Legault
Marlies (Melcher) Bruning Dennis Boyd Patricia (Nolan) Olson John MacGregor
Char (Carrigan) Floryance Patricia Stack Browning Mary (Kuemmel) Petrie Donald Rossa
Nancy (Nevins) Gaudion Gail Neuman Frentzel Lynn (Weiler) Piquett Michael Ullsperger
Joan (Caben) Hanson Michael Garms Carol Post Kathy (Kaiser) Yoss
Maureen Beres Pohle Debra (Wick) Rogutich
Elizabeth Wong Wilson Richard Ruswick CLASS OF 1979
Dave Sladky Michael Croal
CLASS OF 1976 Lynn (Salentine) Toll Jim Hauert
Patricia Counsell Abler Carrie (Needles) Wagner Michael Murphy
Susan Schmit Achtenhagen John Ward Debra (Behring) Schneider
Teresa Bowers-Hackett Judith (Lauer) Ware Margaret (Seegers) Braun
Susan Krick Carini James Woloszyk Thomas Taugher
Gary Cobus William West
Lisa (Motzel) Collins CLASS OF 1977
Paul Dewar Sue (Kubacki) Bernhardt CLASS OF 1980
Marcia (Hinkes) Dunlap Robert Bernhardt Anthony Donarski
Fredric Gromacki
Kathryn (Sawyer) Gutenkunst Patrice (Lindner) Piette Lynn (DeWalt) Hall James MacGillis
Marie (Smith) O’Brien Mary Regar Timothy Labinski Jennifer (Hoppe) Major
Jim Phillips John Sage Michael Mutza Lisa (Frederickson) McKenna
Robert Potrzebowski Donna (Gumieny) Urich Anne (Butler) Primasing Katie (Meissner) Oberfoell
Mary (Hinkes) Schermitzler Lauree (Schultz) Vandegrift Patricia (Sturm) Schauer Brian Paulin
Stephen Schubring Amy (Hunt) Vitale Lisa (Bortolotti) Schumacher Christopher Rosecky
Jon Schwartz Robert Vitale Annette Swain Char Saber-Fox
Alyce (Weber) Wichser Paul Schmanski
CLASS OF 1981 CLASS OF 1987 Tyler Schumacher
Jonathan Balicki CLASS OF 1984 Bridget (Chudzik) Boyle Charles Schwarting
Juliane (Smart) Balicki Timothy Bisswurm Jay Durst Michael Sindorf
Bruce Dall Thomas Bray Jackie (Blank) Ellingen Jane Till-Schroder
Kenneth Della Eileen (Mueller) Croal Brent Jones Brian Ulrich
M. Noel Fortier Deborah (DeMarsh) Bisswurm Derek Knuese Ann Marie Wick
Dennis Gogin Jennifer (Szmanda) Erato Barb (Bray) Kreul
William Held Julie (Stekiel) Fuller James McCarthy CLASS OF 1989
Joseph Houk Benjamin Guinther Jeanne Piette Christopher Beres
Judy (Kluth) Kile Brendan Hanley Stephen Proell Elizabeth (Paulus) Brown
Peter Kneser Fr. Paul Hartmann Helen (Weber) Rehberger Dawnelle (Chybowski) Ganz
Lori Anich Lentz Katie (Lavin) Kelly Joseph Schomisch Melissa (Sanchez) Klement
Therese (Piette) Lyons Kevin Kelly Bryan Waltersdorf Mark Klement
Mary Jo MacGregor Valerie (Bickler) Mueller Lisa (Mielke) Wilkie-Nowak Bridget (Fogarty) Kurt
Donna (Sommers) McLeod Randall North Kristen (Toft) Lampe
Peter Mueller Jon Peltier CLASS OF 1988 Joseph Laur
Christopher Rebholz Mary (Niestrom) Rossi Georgiann Baran Dirk McQuestion
Raymond Seegers Paul Rydberg Cheryl (Hamilton) Clausen John Multhauf
Mark Toby Michael Schomisch Julie (Brantzeg) Davies Jennifer (Poshek) Ogren
Edward Walton Michael Schwaab Christopher Fox Garrick Olejnik
Diane Wingenter Ronald Smith Mark Gundrum Patrick Pender
Patricia (Collins) Thibault Andrea (Benjamins) Knutson Sue (Roeske) Piette
CLASS OF 1982 Nicholas Kroll Joseph Piette
Nancy Aliota CLASS OF 1985 David Leedy Sheilah (Keyes) Schmitzer
Nancy (Brantzeg) Eggener Dave Cyskiewicz
Ann Marie (Hartmann) Heffernan Karen (Wilde) Tom Bray, Fr. Paul Hartmann and Randy North, all from the Class
Jennifer (Hunt) Hubley of 1984, together at Fr. Paul’s Farewell Reception.
David Laske DeWalt
William MacGregor Peter Gundrum
Steve Marcus George Hermes
Ann (Kucharski) Pemberton Monica (Carroll)
Ronald Radke
Christopher Schultz Hocum
Jodie (Warga) Stekiel Matthew Hoppe
Suzanne Till Ben Hruz
Debra (Bohrer) Vaichinger Jerald Jendusa
Patrick McGuine
CLASS OF 1983 Mary (Kaczynski)
Stephen Andres
Ray Baran Ollier
Margaret (Foley) Bohlin Robert Sage
Eric Chudzik Patricia (Reardon)
James Collins
Jill (Greb) Fridl Schneider
Brian Fridl Thomas Vitale
Kathryn (Ludwig) Hermes Mathias Weber
Mark Hoppe Daniel Young
Margaret (Regar) Jenkins
Monica (Beres) Jennaro CLASS OF 1986
Jane (Hepperla) Menheer Carrie (Fitzgerald)
Jay Multhauf
20 Cheryl
Terry Buss
Eric Carlton
Jodi (Lindner) Erickson
Thomas Schmitzer Kyle Stoehr CLASS OF 1999 CLASS OF 2009
Eric Schroeder John Topp Jonathan Brzeski Ryan Baez
Mark Tomchek Jamie Vanderveldt Erin (Easterling) Flood Matthew Calhoun
William Wigchers Ryan Reynolds Jack Fleming
CLASS OF 1993 Jennifer Roberts Stephen Kozak
CLASS OF 1990 Sean Davenporte Anna (Hammes) Staebler Nicholas Lang
Sara (Weber) Ackatz Darin Dequardo
Daniel Baumann Eric Egenhoefer CLASS OF 2000 CLASS OF 2010
R. Kyle Buerger Christopher Fronczak Daniel S. Doyle Thomas Bray
Soma DasGupta Pierre MacGillis Mark McShane Taylor Duncan
Daniel Flaherty James Mulqueen Jennifer Loeffler
Chadd Frank Chad Rogowski CLASS OF 2001
Jennifer Phillips Brian Schreiber Stephanie Riesch-Knapp CLASS OF 2011
Jane (Thoresen) Pittman Troy Tomczyk Matthew Bucher
Cindy (Tomasik) Van Valin Paul Zielinski CLASS OF 2002 Olivia Harford
Matthew Bergan Andrew North
CLASS OF 1991 CLASS OF 1994 Joseph Boberschmidt Paige Siehr
Thomas Austin Colleen (Holton) Brown Kristin (Gamalski) Hartung
Jennifer (LaPorte) Bauer James Connelly Michael Kinateder CLASS OF 2012
Leslie (Schulte) Baylor David Cunningham Katherine E. Reilly Ryan Allen
Patti (Pavlic) Bohne Michael Gaspard Mark Cage
Amy (Nolan) DeWald Laura (Chudzik) Geisler CLASS OF 2003 Alex Dobrinska
Donald Dorff Amy Heffernan Jason Baez Alexander Kihslinger
Michael Doyle Chris Jifas Timothy Baggott Nicholas Vitale
Daniel Filardo Joseph Scrima Kyle Buerger Charles Walsh
Joel Gerstner Craig Griffie Brittany Weber
Steven Gramins CLASS OF 1995 Jeffrey Krause
Thomas Hruz Joseph Becker Andrew Lawton CLASS OF 2014
Andrew Iggens James Boedecker Christopher Lawton Dylan Allen
Julie (DeWalt) Kallie Brian Brejcha Thomas McInerny Chandler R. North
Gregory Larson Kevin Connor William P. Sheaffer
Julie Lindahl Rebecca (Anderson) Crow CLASS OF 2004
Kelly (Liska) Mascarenhas Anthony Galati Ryan Agnew CLASS OF 2015
Theresa (Chisholm) Meyer Barbra (Pollnow) Konrad Karlyn (Rappé) Agnew Daniel Brozynski
Michael Nevins Caryn (Couri) Papenthien Katherine (Mueller) Esterle
Denise (Bohrer) Portz Michael Voss Christopher Fehrenbach CLASS OF 2016
Peter Rankin Robert Hanley Jacob Brozynski
David Richlen CLASS OF 1996 William Kolinske
Bradley Richter Lori (Godich) Bievenour Megan (Giffhorn) Mooney CLASS OF 2017
Shelly Sampon Travis Dodge Matthew Waite Lauren Baumhardt
Nancy Sands Amy (Krueger) Kolman Amanda Collette
Cynthia (Marsicek) Scheuing David O’Brien CLASS OF 2005 Franchesca Riley
Steven Scheuing Bridget (Horning) Zimmerman Austin D. Moore Abigail Wesley
Kristin (O’Connor) Sohn Rachel (Berghouse) Moore
Susan (Scherwinski) Steffanus CLASS OF 1997
Ann Strong Daniel Knapp CLASS OF 2006
Jennifer (Olejnik) Sturm Jill (Wilson) Medina Kristin (Farrington) Campbell
Karen Van Ert Melissa (Moffatt) Pelaez Claire Heighway
Ann (Walusek) Powell Michael Richter Michael Esser
Kurt Werowinski Ann Weber Evan Wiesner
Carey (Plichta) Wisotzke
CLASS OF 1992 Claire (Welsh) Geller Michael J. Hanley
Adam Bonesteel Lucas Grant Brian Kelly
Jason Daniel Fred Kinateder Daniel H. Ruekert
David Feldmeier Michael Liebert Benjamin W. Wiesner
Kyle Ladish Patrick McMahon
Craig Schaefer David Topp CLASS OF 2008
Timothy Steidl David Zeller Daniel Polaski
Jacob Reynolds
Dayton Young
Current Parents
Sending a child to CMH represents a tremendous belief in investing in your child’s future. In addition to the cost of tuition,
many parents go above and beyond each year to financially support the CMH mission.
Greg and Ann Akre Todd and Cheryl (Hamilton) ‘88 James and
Ron and Carrie (Fitzgerald) ‘86 Alba Clausen Mireya
Chad and Tanya Albanese Floryance
Anthony and Ann Alesci Carl and Christine Clementi
Dave and Sara Alexander Michael and Rebecca Coello Thomas and
Gary and Laura Anderson Brion and Jennifer Collins Deborah
Dale and Dana Armour Patrick and Christy Connell Fotusky
Thomas and Lisa Aspinwall Paul and Maria Cook
Beatrice Aviles Jon and Christine Coulter Chris ‘88
Jon ‘81 and Juliane (Smart) ‘81 Daniel and Lynn Crain and Char
Tim and Paula Crain (Saber) ‘88
Balicki Becky (Anderson) Crow ‘95 Fox
Joseph and Therese Balistrieri Dave ‘85 and Jennifer Cyskiewicz
Skip and Brenda Bargielski Sandy D’Acquisto Ronald and
Jeffrey and Melissa Barta Robert and Shannon Dakovich Beth
Kurt and Kathleen Baumann Robert and Darcy Dampier Freisleben
Robert and Lisa Baumhardt Mark and Michele Dasek
Mary Beardsley Gary and Julie Davis Brian ‘83 and
Chris ‘89 and Catherine Beres Jorge and Amrei Debatin Jill (Greb)
Michael and Jodi Berg Richard and Andrea Dedrick ‘83 Fridl
Christopher and Michele Bernau Jeff and Cindy Deitsch Claire Kormanik ‘20, Nicole Keller ‘20, and her
Michael and Denise Bernhagen Andrew and Melinda Dejewski Jose and Sue parents, Dawn and Max Keller at the Auction.
Maria Bertram Dean and Maribeth Delforge Fuentes
Tim ‘84 and Debbie (DeMarsh) ‘84 Dan and Karen Diedrich Patrick and Julie (Stekiel) ‘84 Fuller Paul and Michelle Holt
Gary and Kathleen Dombrowski Timothy and Susan Hornung
Bisswurm Thomas and Tamara Donnelly Darrell and Michelle Fynaardt
Gary Bluma Gregg and Catherine Donner Edward and Jeanne Hryciuk
Kevin and Jennifer Boemer Doug Donovan James and Karen Gableman
Steve and Lisa Bonner Michael and Shawn Dooley John and Nicole Huber
Scott and Jennifer Boyce David and Holly Doro Brian Ganz
Scott and Theresa Brandt Todd and Nichole Doro Greg and Jenny (Hunt) ‘82 Hubley
John and Julie Branick William and Maureen Dowling Dawnelle (Chybowski) Ganz ‘89
Michael and Amy Braun Andrew and Brenda Doyle John and Katherine Huenink
Andrew and Carrissa Brayer Michael and Kristen Doyle Richard and Janelle Gassert
Cindy Brim Patrick and Stephanie Dragani Morrigan Hurt
Chris and Jeanne Briscoe Michael and Maureen Drescher John and Doreen Gatto
Lee and Cathleen Brisk Christopher and Mary Drosen Larry and Diane Hyde
Joshua and Colleen (Holton) ‘94 Daniel and Robyn Dugan Amie George
Jay ‘87 and Amy Durst James and Jodi Jacobson
Brown David and Diana Dusing Lisa George
Larry and Regina Brown Jennifer Echavarre Francis and Jodi Jaeger
Mike and Beth (Paulus) ‘89 Brown Ray and Jackie (Blank) ‘87 Ellingen Patrick and Susanne Ginn
Ed and Jackie Brozynski Mary Kay Ellis Steve and Chau Janowski
Jeff and Judy Brozynski Paula Engelking Chad and Jenny Goetz
Gregg and Diane Brunclik Katrina English Michael and Melissa Jansen
Mary Jo Burgarino Dave and Terri Engsberg Paul and Pamela Gosenheimer
Rick and Meghan Burke-Schumaker Douglas and Jodi (Lindner) ‘86 Ronald and Renee Jaynes
Lisa Burns Sharon Gostomski
Terry ‘86 and Lanette Buss Erickson Chris ‘94 and Sia Jifas
Sergio and Anna Carini Bill and Laura Evans Michael and Renee Gratz
Erin and Lauren Caves Bill Falkenberg Jeffrey and Kim Jones
James and Lisa Chapman Brian and Sandra Fehrenbach Pete and Susan Groehler
Michael and Theresa Chrisien Raymond and Laura Feller Matthew and Tracey Jones
Randy and Denise Christianson James and Angela Flanagan Fred ‘80 and Barbara Gromacki
Gerald and Kelly Ciezki Pat and Monica Fleming Matthew and Kristi Kaiser
Gerrit and Leann Gronowski
22 Tom Kalawa
Mike and Ann Marie Grubich
Ronald and Debra Karfonta
Philip and Tara Gull
Joel and Terri Karls
Pete ‘85 and Beth Gundrum
Max and Dawn Keller
Rick and Chrissy Gureski
Kristin Kelliher
Daniel and Ranea Haight
Kevn ‘84 and Katie (Lavin) ‘84 Kelly
Steven and Alejandrina Halcomb
Larry and Sandy Kiehnau
Peter and Eve Harford
Frank and Judy (Kluth) ‘81 Kile
Michael and Deborah Hartlaub
Mark ‘89 and Melissa (Sanchez) ‘89
Douglas and Deann Haskins Klement
Walter and Theresa Hawkins
Tom and Mary Pat Henschel Steve and Kelly Klohn
George Hermes ‘85 Rick ‘87 and Rachel Knuese
Kathryn (Ludwig) Hermes ‘83 Kevin and Kim Kober
Thomas and Julianne Heyrman Mary Kocour
Mark and Heidi Hickok Timothy and Marcia Koenig
David and Diane Hirsch Joe and Ellen Kohler
Neil and Monica (Hocum) ‘85 Doug Koltermann
Maggie Koltermann
Scott and Jennifer Komp
Michael and Kate Hoffmann
Greg and Valeria Kopulos
Mark and Kim Holman
Glenn and Heather Kormanik Steve ‘82 and Karin Marcus Jeff and Mary Mrochinski Gregory and Maria Pieters
Michael and Patricia Koscinski Mike and Sharon Mark Joe and Amy Mudlaff Joe ‘89 and Sue (Roeske) ‘89
Duane and Sharon Koslo Eduardo and Lourdes Marques Paul and Val (Bickler) ‘84 Mueller
Gregory and Vicki Kost Paul and Brigid Massaro Peter and Carie Mueller Piette
Todd and Diana Koziczkowski Chuck and Carol Mathison Christine and Joe Murphy Tom ‘83 and Patrice (Lindner) ‘83
David and Sheri Krahn Tom and Diane Matoska Kenneth and Sandra Murray
Chris and Cynthia Kramer Robert and Victoria Matteucci Scott and Richelle Naze Piette
Andrew and Michelle Krause Matt and Amy McBurney Specioza Ndagire David and Jane (Thoresen) ‘90
Robert and Lesa Krawczyk Peter and Darcy McCormick Mike ‘91 and Shelley Nevins
Chris and Barb (Bray) ‘87 Kreul Patrice McIntyre David and Jeri Nimz Pittman
Pat and Joli Krismer James and Kathleen McKnight Tom and Claudia Noonan Scott and Denise (Bohrer) ‘91 Portz
Gregory and Jessica Kuklinski Tom and Donna (Sommers) ‘81 Scott and Rhonda Nowakowski Rob ‘80 and Maggie Potrzebowski
John and Gina Lambie Gary and Katie (Meissner) ‘88 Daniel and Mary Ann Prager
Peter and Kristen (Toft) ‘89 Lampe McLeod Paul and Cori Prahl
David and Julie Lancaster Todd and Meg McMahon Oberfoell Michelle Pribek
Darrell and Sherri Landry Barry and Mary McNulty Eric and Liesel Oechsner Michael and Nancy Pritzlaff
Jeffrey and Johanna Lawless Hubert and Kim McQuestion Ron and Jennifer (Poshek) ‘89 Jeff ‘77 and Mary (Abplanalp) ‘77
John and Maria Lechner Mike and Pam McWilliams
John and Susan Lehsten Humberto and Jill (Wilson) ‘97 Ogren Ramthun
Bret and Debra Lemke Rick ‘89 and Carmen Olejnik Michael and Ellen Mary Raster
David and Lori (Anich) ‘81 Lentz Medina Daniel and Ann Olstinske Chris ‘81 and Kelly Rebholz
Sara Lesar Bruce and Lou Mesa Kelly and Caryn (Couri) ‘95 Jan and Tammy Rechner
Joseph and Anne Levendoski Tony and Inger Mescher David and Mary ‘83 Regar
James and Tina Leverenz Jeffrey and Sue Metiva Papenthien Jim Reinicke
Rick and Bridget Lincoln Ted and Theresa (Chisholm) ‘91 Steve and Michelle Patscot Chuck and Shelly Reitz
Greg and Therese (Piette) ‘81 Derek and Michele Pawlak Michael and Amy Rietbrock
Meyer Michael and Mary Pawlak Donald and Lisa Roberts
Lyons Tom and Lora Miggliaccio Michael and Ann Payant Ryan and Sharon Roberts
Sean and Leela Maher Thomas Mikelonis Alan and Susanne Peschl Jeffrey and Erika Rondeau
Robert and Jennifer (Hoppe) ‘88 Matthew and Nora Marie Miklosy Don and Evelyn Peterson Joseph and Beverly Ronge
Michael and Susan Miller Shane and Janelle Peterson Rod and Mary (Niestrom) ‘84 Rossi
Major Mark and Martha Mirsberger Patrick and Christine Pfankuch Robert and Laurie Roth
Christopher and Cynthia Dave and Patty Mohorich Jennifer Phillips ‘94 Bill and Sunny Rothmeier
Kelly Monroe Steve and Stacie Piacsek Rob and Eileen Rupel
Manocchia Thomas and Laura Moore Joe Piatt and Traci Huntemann- Dwight and Clare Rusch
Frank and Monica Marchan Tom and Mary Morris Timothy and Kim Rymer
Piatt Christopher and Monica Saggio
Keith and Mary (Hinkes) ‘80
Mark Mirsberger, Mike McWilliams, Scott Naze and Fr. Paul Hartmann ‘84
at Fr. Paul’s Farewell Reception. Schermitzler
Michael and Jennifer Schmidt
Randall and Nancy Schmidt
Joe and Sheri Schmit
Tom ‘89 and Sheilah (Keyes) ‘89
Mark and Patty (Reardon) ‘85
James Griffin and Sally Schoepke
Ray and Michelle Schrubbe
Kevin and Mary Jo Schuchardt
John and Julie Schuller
Terrence and April Schultz
Michael and Kimberly Schulze
James and Catherine Seidenglanz
Paul and Carol Seifert
Todd and Mary Sheetz
Michael and Melanie Sikma
Tommi and Mary Sjogren
Michael and Pamela Smith
Paul and Nicola Smith
Shelley Smith
Thomas and Tia Smith
Thomas and Angela Solomon
John and J. Elaine Soper
David and Amy Stanislawski Matthew and Christie Teuteberg Lynn and Sean Walsh Lisa (Mielke) Wilkie-Nowak ‘87
Tim ‘92 and Cansas Steidl Dan and Robyn Theriault Pat and Angela Walters Michael and Elizabeth Wilson
Dave and Heather Stein Donald and Kerry Tighe Robert and Audrey Warner Tom and Beth Wittmann
Tom and Jodie (Warga) ‘82 Stekiel Jerome and Bonita Topczewski Terry and Shari Wass Marc and Nancy Wolfe
Dale and Jill Stimac Dan and Irene Tranchita Roger and Margaret Watson Paul Wojnowski and Stefanie
Kyle ‘92 and Jennifer Stoehr Brian ‘88 and Jill Ulrich John and Marcia Wayer
Ronald and Lori Stortz Scott and Donna (Gumieny) ‘83 Michael and Patricia Weaver Cristan
David and Christine Strackbein Matt ‘85 and Joy Weber John and Kelly Worden
John and Beth Straw Urich Tony and Jackie Wedeward John and Jean Wright
Craig and Laura Stringfellow John and Beth Valdes Jeff and Kelly Wein Samuel and Lydia Yin
William and Jennifer (Olejnik) ‘91 Scott and Cindy (Tomasik) ‘90 Van Pat and Lora Weinfurt Doug and Christine (Bohrer) ‘77
Robert and Therese Wesley
Sturm Valin Bill ‘79 and Michelle West Young
John and Emily Sullivan John and Dawn Vasquez Tom and Kristin Westrick John and Patricia Young
Paul and Jane Sundheim James and Denise Vavra Richard and Teri Whalen Nat and Mary Zettel
Pete and Carole Tapp Tom Vitale ‘85 Robert and Trish Wieczorek Michael and Bridget (Horning) ‘96
Tom ‘79 and Pam Taugher Mike Voss ‘95
Chad and Amy Waldvogel Zimmerman
John and Brenda Zingsheim
Greg Zuern
Parents of Alumni
Many past parents continue to support CMH after their child(ren) graduate(s). We are grateful for their continued
involvement and interest in advancing the CMH mission.
Margaret Abplanalp Mark and Carol Beveridge Gary and Pat (Stack) ‘75 Browning Robert and Theresa Clark
Michael and Mary Acker Bill and Florence Bichanich Jeff and Judy Brozynski Bill and Kathy Clausing
Bill and Chris Affeldt Kathleen Bitante Gregg and Diane Brunclik Steve and Anita Condit
Gerry Agnew Roy and Lisa Bixby Joseph and Marlene Brunner John and Mary Cooney
Jeffrey and Angelica Aldred Jane Blenker Tony and Andrea Bryant Steve and Sharon Cooper
Michael and Jill Allen Joseph and Jan Boberschmidt Birch and Marilee Burczyk Steve and Denise Cremer
Robert Amrhein Kevin and Jennifer Boemer John and Mary Burke Mike ‘79 and Eileen (Mueller) ‘84
Melvin and Kathryn Anderson David ‘74 and Pat Bohrer Craig and Kelly Butrym
Dan and Trish Andrae Wally Bohrer Ralph and Patricia Buzzell Croal
Francis Andres Gerry and Judith Bonin Kris and Chris Calhoun Patrick and Jacqueline Cummings
Tony and Joyce Armeli George and Angela Both Frank and Victoria Cali Nate and Mary Cunniff
Mary Ellen Fauerbach Aspenson Joseph and Therese Bowes John and Elizabeth Callan James and Deborah Cunningham
Dennis ‘75 and Sandie (Baukus) Douglas and Mary Carson Tom and Kristi Czarnecki
‘71 Joe and Carolyn Caruso Gary and Chris Dahlen
Mary Bachman ‘78 Boyd Kevin and Ann Chiappetta Robert and Shannon Dakovich
Thomas and Mary Bachman Ed and Helen Brady Don and Sandy Chisholm Gary and Julie Davis
William and Marion Baggott Daniel and Luane Braun Mike and Mary Chmielewski Keith and Michele Degner
Jon ‘81 and Juliane (Smart ) ‘81 Don and Peggy (Seegers)’79 Braun Brian and Susan Christian Mike and Karen Dejewski
Joe and Bev Braun John and Janice Christianson Dean and Maribeth Delforge
Balicki Mary Bray Linda Christman Duncan and Mary Delhey
Tom and Marnie Balke Tom ‘84 and Kellie Bray Jerry Chudzik ‘60 Ken ‘81 and Renee Della
Grant and Nancy Bastian Christopher and Amy Brennan Eric and Lynn Delzer
Paul and Mari-Jo Batchelor
Robert and Karen Baumann David Bohrer ‘74, Doug Young, Christine Bohrer Young ’77, Fr. Paul Hartmann ‘84, Walter
Brian and Linda Bautz Bohrer, Lyndsey Bohrer De Bruin ‘10 and Patrick Bohrer ‘11 at Fr. Paul’s Farewell Reception.
Jean and Anne Beaudoin
Pat Behring
Mike and Ellen Beiermeister
David and Colleen Beilfuss
Gary and Terri Benash
Randy and Sandy Benz
Pat Beres
Pat and Diane Bergan
Michael and Denise Bernhagen
Bob ‘77 and Sue (Kubacki) ‘77
Sue-Ann Bethia
Joseph Dempsey Randy and Kay Freeman Ty and Kathy (Sawyer) ‘80 Ronald and Debra Karfonta
Chris and Karen DeNardis Chuck and Gail (Neuman) ‘75 Gutenkunst
Randy Denk Joel and Terri Karls
Rita Denny Frentzel Mike and Amy Haas
William and Shirley Dentinger Brian ‘83 and Jill (Greb) ‘83 Fridl Robert and Mary Hahm John and Dolores Karpinski
Ted and Jill Derynda Mary Ellen Fridl Joseph Hamacher
Moira Desch Louis and Chris Friedrichs Bob and Judy Hamilton John and Susan Kastner
Phil and Mary Dibb Julie and Patrick Fuller Tim ‘74 and Monica (Loomis) ‘77
Jim and Marcy Dobrinska John ‘66 and Kathyann (Schillen) Rita Keepers
Jim and Judy Dobrzynski Hanley
Bob and Cheryl (Pentler) ‘73 ‘67 Gabelbauer Peter and Eve Harford Kurt and Kathleen Kellogg
James and Karen Gableman Jane Harris
Doherty Vince Gallo Jerry and Carol Hartmann David and Mary Kelly
Jerry and Sandy Dorff Greg and Judy Gamalski Dave Hartung
Scott and Lori Doro Robert and Judy Gammon Mike and Barb Harvey Don and Cindy Kempka
Michael and Kristen Doyle Michael and Rachel Ganos Mike and Kim Hausman
Gary and Maxine Drinan Carlos and Carol Garces Kevin and Brenda Heaney Robert and Susan Kern
H. J. and Bobbie Dunker Loie Garrison Tom and Mary Pat Henschel
Jim ‘74 and Marcy (Hinkes) ‘76 Ron and Linda Gaura George Hermes ‘85 John and Maureen Keyes
Durward Gauthier Kathryn (Ludwig) Hermes ‘83
Dunlap Don and Sheila Geib Mark and Sarah Herr Larry and Sandy Kiehnau
Ritch and Sandy Durheim John and Mary Gentile Donald and Mary Heyrman
Alan and Janet Edwards Mike and Kathy George Thomas and Julianne Heyrman Fred and Mary Kinateder
Katrina English Jim and Carol Giesegh Neil and Monica (Carroll) ‘85
Dave and Terri Engsberg Mike and Lynn Giffhorn Steve and Diane Kleber
Michael and MaryJo Esser Jim and Vicki Glorioso Hocum
Bill and Laura Evans Carol Goeckermann James and Anne Hoefflin Mark ‘89 and Melissa (Sanchez) ‘89
Paul and Joan Ewig Dennis ‘81 and Ann (Kienzler) ‘84 Jeff and Aleta Hoffman Klement
Al and Norma Mae Exner Paul and Kathleen (Jahnke) ‘72
Mike and Donna Farrell Gogin Dennis and Pamela Klumb
Ed and Lori Farrington Bill and Collette Goldammer Hoffman
Brian and Ellen Fehrenbach Peter and Judy Goodman Michael and Kate Hoffmann Tom and Nancy Knapp
Ray and Rita Feldmeier Michael and Kathryn Gotthardt Patrick and Frances Holloway
Paul and Pat Feller Peter and Beth (Shannon) ‘73 Paul and Michelle Holt Geri Kneser
Michael and Mary Finn Steve and Debra Holubowicz
Michael and Brooke Finnegan Gottsacker Joe ‘81 and Sheri Houk Mary Kocour
Michael and Sharon Fitzgerald Tom ‘77 and Mary Beth Steve ’68 and Patty (Shields) ‘69
Michael and Nancy Flaherty Dick and Judy Koob
Pat and Monica Fleming (Armstrong) ‘77 Gotzler Houk
Hubert and Carole Ford Michael and Renee Gratz Greg and Jenny (Hunt) ‘82 Hubley David and Sheri Krahn
Sue Fox Frank and Rene Greguska Jerry and Sandy Huhn
Brian and Monica Frantl Pete and Susan Groehler Tom and Lucy Huhn Robert and Mary (Galecki) ‘76 Kral
Pat Groh Bill and Sue Hunter
Fred and Barbara Gromacki Jim and Barb Injeski Andrew and Michelle Krause
Mike and Ann Marie Grubich Nick and Jackie Ioder
Carl and Barb Guse Jim and Gerry Janette Dan and JoAnn Krause
Steve and Chau Janowski
Leon and Betsy Janssen Jerry and Joy Krausert
Vern and Marion Jaques
Michael and Eileen Jarosz Herb and Carol Kretzer
Dave ‘54 and Nancy (Scrima) ‘54
Pat and Joli Krismer
Ronald and Renee Jaynes Regge and Karolyn (Kneser) ‘69
Anthony and Monica (Beres) ‘83 Krueger
Jennaro Theodore ‘70 and Mary (Pagano)
Herbert and Marianne Jerke ‘70 Kuemmel
David and Judith Johnsen
Brian and Karen Johnson Gregory and Jessica Kuklinski
Dick and Jan Johnson
Peter and Karolyn Johnston John and Julie Kurtz
Tom and Phyllis Kanter
Richard and Renee Kapusniak Dennis and Caroline Kysely
Onufry and Pauline Karch
Michael and Kate Karczewski Richard and Cathy Labinski
Larry and Ann (Gaffney) ‘77
John and Mary Kay Lammers
Kevin and Kathy Lang
Bob and Joannie Langkau
Ron and Kathleen (Strong) ‘66
Jim and Mary Laux
Pat and Colleen Lawton
Michael and Judith Lechtenberg
David and Lori (Anich) ‘81 Lentz
Mark Lepkowski
John and Lisette Lewandowski
Ken Lewicki ‘71
Bruce ‘65 and Sue (Nantell) ‘65
Vincent and Phyllis LoDuca
George and Elizabeth Lubeley
William and Amy Lucci
Gene and Rosie Lyskawa
Tony and Ann (Stollenwerk) ‘77
Alex and Mary MacGillis
Bill ‘82 and Peggy (Lynch) ‘82
Nancy Knapp, Ron Mohorek, Mary Kinateder and Vinny 25
McAvoy at Fr. Paul’s Farewell Reception.
Joan MacGregor John Nevins Ron and Kathy Rydberg Rich and Carol Snook
John ‘78 and Sherry MacGregor Mike ‘63 and Elisabeth Nevins Charles and Elaine Saber Bill and Patricia Sommers
Tom and Bridget Mack Bob and Etta Niemann Mark and Joan Sabljak Lawrence Sorce
Christopher and Cynthia Bob and Kay Nolan Dennis Sage David and Lisa Sperl
Tim and Marie Norgal Gary and Linda Sarner Charles and JoAnn Stabenfeldt
Manocchia Randy ‘84 and Lynn North John and Karen Sauer John and Clara Stack
Leighton and Karen Mark Michael and Lisa O’Brien John Schiraj Marion Staub
Tom and Diane Matoska John and Jeanne O’Connell Cal and Suzy Schmidt Robert and Gail Stedman
Jeff and Linda Matyas Ed and Carol O’Connor Darryl and Teresa Schmidt Tom and Jodie (Warga) ‘82 Stekiel
Vinny and Kathy McAvoy Ron and Jennifer (Poshek) ‘89 Thomas and Linda Schmitt William and Dolores Stekiel
John and Bev McCarthy Mike and Cynthia Schmitz Louise (Fedyczkowski) Stone ‘74
Peter and Darcy McCormick Ogren Brian and Debbie (Behring) ‘79 Ronald and Lori Stortz
Mike and Debi McCourt Denise O’Halloran Ken and Karen Streit
Thomas ‘64 and Joan McHugh Jeffrey and Judith Olson Schneider Thomas and Linda Strupp
Paul and Carol McInerny Steve and Deanne Olson Greg and Jane Schneider James and Charlene Sullivan
Jim and Janet McKenna Tim and Wendy Olson Mike and Mary Jo Schoendorf Jean Switala
Dan and Dawn McLeod Henry and Barbara Otten Tim and Kathy (Mlynarek) ‘66 Tom ‘79 and Pam Taugher
Jerome and Sharon McNellis Bernhard and Norma Palm Michael and Kristin Taylor
Barry and Mary McNulty Kelly and Caryn (Couri) ‘95 Schreiber Marlene Teeter
Toby and Sue Mei Rick and Sandra Schueller Ed and Lisa (Beranek) ‘77 Terasa
Mark and Micki Meier Papenthien Arthur and Pat Schuh Norm 57 and Nora (Bradee) ‘57
Jeffrey and Sue Metiva Michael and Mary Pawlak Michael and Kimberly Schulze
Bill and Maureen Michaels Walter and Peggy Pechulis Robert and Connie Schwaab Thoresen
Fred and Carol Michalek Rudy Pesut Clyde and Margaret Schweitzer Mark ‘81 and Michelle (Lyskawa)
Jan and Andria Michalski Mark and Cindi Petre Jay and Carolyn Scott
Gerald and Ellinore Mielke Dennis and Mary (Kuemmel) ‘76 Jeff and Mary Seefeld ‘83 Toby
Mark and Martha Mirsberger Carol Seegers Tom and Mary Tomasik
Al and Rose Mlakar Petrie Pat and Vicki Shanley Tom and Mary Turck
Brian and Mary Ellen Moffatt John and Grace Phillips Scott and Sue Sheaffer Jorge and Luz Uribe
Ron and Kathy Mohorek Jim and Cathy Piala Mike and Judy Sherwin Ken and Debbie (Bohrer) ‘82
Mike and Vicki Mondloch Joe Piatt and Traci Huntemann- Ted and Dorothy Sibilsky
Kent and Michele Moore Greg Siegenthaler Vaichinger
Mike and Paula Moore Piatt Jeanne Siegenthaler Thomas Vallery
Thomas and Laura Moore Tom and Terese Pierce Margaret Siehr Paul and Lynn Vanchena
John and Elizabeth Morrison Ron and Elenore Piette Jim and Sue Siepmann Rod Vanden Noven
Thomas and Nancy Mroz Tom ‘83 and Patrice (Lindner) ‘83 Warren and Marilyn Sladky Doug and Sharon Vanderhei
Peter ‘81 and Kathy (O’Connor) Frank and Krishna Smith Jim and Carole Vanderveldt
Piette Kathy Smith John and Dawn Vasquez
‘82 Mueller Tom and Connie Pire Paul and Janet Smyczek Tom and Dagmar Vetta
Peter and Mary Mueller Jane Plechaty Wilfred and Mary Vidal
Robert and Kathleen Mueller Steve ‘74 and Kathy (Mlakar) ‘78
Mary Ann Mueller Ann Kienzler Gogin ‘84 and Suzy Schmidt at the
Frank ‘66 and Nancy Muench Plechaty Drama Alumni Reception prior to the Musica.
Tom Mulhaney Maureen (Beres) Pohle ‘75
Chuck and Sue Munkwitz Joe and Kathy Polacheck
Eric and Kathleen (Carroll) ‘66 Jack and Laurel Pope
Bernadine (Kreidler) Poppie ‘54
Munson Tim and Kathy Poshek
Ginny Murphy Butch and Kate Powell
Jerry and Lori Murphy Jim and Chris Prosen
Jim and Mary Murphy Ron and Melissa Radke
John and Cathy Murphy Paul and Virginia Radler
John and Nell Murphy Dan and Mary Reese
Patrick and Gerry (Long) ‘69 Dick and Nancy Reinhart
Tom Reuteman
Murphy Tim and Barb Reynolds
Mike ‘86 and Mary Mutza Scott and Susan Rice
Joe and Nancy Nadolny Steve and Shelagh Roell
Steve and Michelle Nehs Jim and Jackie Roland
Bill and Carol Neuschaefer Lisa Ropella
Lisa Nevins ‘73 Chris ‘88 and Pauline (Beres) ‘87
Bob and Hanna Nevins
26 Gary and Jane Rozman
Sue (Exner) Ruf ‘69
Richard and Lucille Ryan
Bob ‘83 and Amy (Hunt) ‘83 Vitale Bob and Bridget Warns Bill ‘79 and Michelle West Otto and Marilyn Wolter
Joe ‘56 and Louise (Kissinger) ‘56 Fred and Barbara Weber Alyce (Weber) Wichser ‘83 Barry and Maureen Wurster
Matt ‘85 and Joy Weber James and Teresa Wick Doug and Christine (Bohrer) ‘77
Vitale Jeff and Kelly Wein John and Lisa Wiesner
Tom and Kay Von Rueden Jeff Weinberger Art and Mary Ann Wigchers Young
Jerry and Carin Voors Pat and Lora Weinfurt Tom ‘68 and Nancy Wilhelmi Terry and Christy Young
Joe and Clare Walicki Michael and Jayne Welsh Alfred and Helen Wilke Bill ‘61 and Judi Zell
Terry and Dawn Walsh Bill and Mary Weltin Jerry and Jody Wilson Patrick and Linda Zielinski
Pat and Angela Walters Shane and Susan Wendt John and Kate Wimmer Ann Zientek
Bill and Ginger Warga Ron Werowinski Tom and Beth Wittmann Robert and Georjean Zilles
James and Joanne Warner
Corporate Sponsors & Matching Gifts
Catholic Memorial appreciates our corporate partnerships with organizations and foundations who support CMH by
sponsoring events, sponsoring programs, or matching the gifts made by their employees. As a result, CMH received over
$80,000 in corporate and foundation support during the 2016-2017 fiscal year.
Allay Home and Hospice Enterprise Lighting, Ltd Marsh & McLennan Companies Robert W Baird & Co.
Alesci Homes Eppstein Uhen Architects, Inc. The Medtronic Foundation Foundation
Aries Industries, Inc. Garage Service Insurance, LLC Morgan Stanley
Bill Hamilton Agency, Inc. GE Foundation Meijer Rochester Deli
Boyle Fredrickson SC Genzyme Midwest Orthopedic Sports Sendik’s
Catholic Financial Life Goldman Sachs & Co Shakespeare Wealth
Carroll University Hastings Air Energy Control, Inc. Complex
Central Office Systems Henderson Global Investors Moore Construction Services Management
Chiropractic Partners, S.C. Humana Foundation, Inc. Morgan Stanley - The Riverwest Shorewest - Kellie Bray
Couri Insurance Agency JP Morgan Chase Foundation Situs Appraisal Group
Cramer, Multhauf & Hammes LLP Kelliher Commercial LLC Group SPX Foundation
Croal and Associates, Inc KMI Construction, LLC Mount Mary University The Jewelry Center
Crossmark Graphics, Inc Langer Roofing and Sheet Metal Mutual Of America Tomchek Ace Hardware
Dan Plautz Cleaning Service Inc. Northwestern Mutual Foundation Town Bank
Dana Investment Advisors Inc Pavlic Investment Advisors Inc. United Heartland
EFCO Finished Corp Larpen Metallurgical Service PNC Bank U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Enterforce, Inc Lemberg Electric Poblocki Sign Company Von Briesen & Roper, S.C.
Marquette University R & R Insurance Services Inc Walden Schuster & Vaklyes S.C.
Randle-Dable Brisk Funeral Home Walsh Masonry Inc.
Waukesha Machine & Tool Co Inc
Inc. Waukesha State Bank
WE Energies Foundation
Weber Dental
Weldall Mfg Inc
Wells Fargo - The Private Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mike and Austin ‘05 Moore at the Golf Outing. Moore Construction Services is head of the new 27
Our Lady of Memorial Chapel addition and renovation.
Endowment Gifts
Endowment gifts are gifts that keep on giving. The following individuals contributed to endowment funds
established at CMH.
ARTS ENDOWMENT George and Margaret Egenhoefer John and Mary Delaney Joseph and Keelie Witzel
Stuart Buchholtz and Terry Nevins- Chuck and Gail (Neuman) ‘75 Dream Products Edward Wong
Al and Norma Mae Exner
Buchholtz ’74 Frentzel Ted ‘59 and Polly (Voss) ‘63 Ferrara KURT MULTHAUF ‘85
Jeff and Aleta Hoffman Sue Fox ENDOWMENT
BARBARA REUTEMAN Teresa Janz Albert and Lynn Goodrich
ENDOWMENT Fred and Mary Kinateder Barb (Nevins) ‘70 Hall Jay ’83 and Christa Multhauf
Anthony and Ann (Stollenwerk) ‘77 Mary Hill John ‘89 and Sandy Multhauf
Tom and Joan Doucette Joe ‘81 and Sheri Houk
Maas Deus and Susan (Kneser) ‘70 LAMBERTY/KERRIGAN
Joe Boberschmidt ‘02 John and Bev McCarthy Kearney
Chris Fehrenbach ‘04 Paul and Carol McInerny Tom and Judy Keenan Joan MacGregor
Rob Hanley ‘04 Mike and Paula Moore Sandi (Streit) Keyser ‘62
Michael and Carole Morrell Thomas and Merry Klemp MAAHS ENDOWMENT FUND
BUNCE ENDOWMENT Butch and Kathy Powell Tom and Nancy Knapp Marianne Maahs
Dorothy (Bunce) Block ‘73 Michael and Mary Rick Pete ‘81 and Christine Kneser
Barbara (Bunce) ‘74 and Arthur Lisa Ropella Gary and Cheryl Kolman MARSHALL JOHN JOSEPH ‘87
Dennis Sage Wade and Amy (Krueger) ‘86 ENDOWMENT
Patten Charles and JoAnn Stabenfeldt
Tom Stilp and Marguerite Kolman Anonymous Donor
CHRIS GAMMON ‘97 Bob and Joannie Langkau Frederick andn Diane Aschmann
ENDOWMENT Gallagher Julie Lindahl ‘91 P.J. Boylan
Alan and Mary Van Deraa Diane Mathes Beverly Carter
Robert and Judy Gammon Mary Wilson Karl and Helen Mathes David and Phyllis DiPronio
Humberto and Jill (Wilson) ‘97 Paul and Pat Feller
ENDOWMENT Jeffrey and Beth Gauthier Medina Jim and Carole Giesegh
Northwestern Mutual Foundation Cindy (Bunce) Meier ‘70 Michael and Denise Grabowski
Gerald Armstrong Susan Molden Patricia Harter Breines
Edward Ashenden GRAMLING ENDOWMENT Kevin and Mary Motl William and Susan Horn
James and Kathy Daly Pierce ‘60 and Carol (Arena) ‘61 Lisa Nevins ‘73 John and Patricia Horton
Eric and Lynn Delzer Ramon and Beverly Orlopp John Janzer
Deborah Druken Meier Dennis and Mary (Kuemmel) ‘76 Joseph Janzer
Ritch and Sandy Durheim Ronald and Loraine Janzer
Brent ‘87 and Jennifer Jones JAMES BEHRING ENDOWMENT Petrie James and Joyce Konieczny
Tom and Phyllis Kanter Brian and Debbie (Behring) ‘79 Thomas and Joan Phillips Brian and Mary Kraus
James and Suzanna Lacy Robert and Mary Ann Presman Sister Marie Estelle Kuczynski
Rob and Rebecca Lonergan Schneider Stephanie Pribyl Tom and Nancy Loveless
Doug and Terri Lou James and Carey Rehm Frances Martin
Northwestern Mutual Foundation KEVIN SARNER ENDOWMENT Maryann Reinders Thomas and Nancy Mroz
John and Patricia Price Bruce and Susan ’65 Lindl Jim ‘57 and Barbara (Pace) ‘58 Dennis and Karen Murawski
Mark Rybakowicz Gary and Linda Sarner Michael and Susan Murawski
Alfred and Dorothea Schroeder Rosenmerkel Chris ‘82 and Lisa Schultz
Patricia Seago KEYSER ENDOWMENT Sue (Exner) ‘69 Ruf Shannon Schultz
Victor and Joy Soderstrom Sandi Keyser ’62 Jeffrey and Regina Schmitt Edna Seamonson
Eric and Kimberly Sparapani Carol Schneider Gary Shultz
Gary and Janet Strelow KNESER ENDOWMENT Thomas and Joanne Schoenecker Walter Shultz
Tom ‘79 and Pam Taugher Anonymous Ruth Sells Michael Taylor
Jamie and Mary Uilein Andy ‘69 and Nancy Arena Gerald Sikora Lauree (Schultz) Vandegrift ‘83
Jim and Carole Vanderveldt David and Jillayne Arena Rich and Carol Snook Ronald and Mary Vandegrift
Jack and Nancy Wait Brent and Kathryn (Kawatski) ‘67 Paul ‘64 and Jane Steingraeber Jodi Vanden Boom
Howard and Elizabeth Weideman Tom Stilp and Marguerite Gallagher Richarld and Marlene Vanden
Thomas and Nanci Weideman Behrens Darlene (Behlke) VanPieterson ‘58
Thomas Boelk Roger and Joyce Voelker Boom
DENNIS AND MARY PAT SAGE Georg and Angela Both Mark Voss Robert and Ruth Zoephel
FAMILY ENDOWMENT Janice Boutin Roger and Lynn White
Lynn Boutin Bob Winchell MARY ANN NOE
Gerry Agnew Birch and Marilee Burczyk ENDOWMENT
Daniel and Delores Baker Pam Butler ‘69
Tom and Marnie Balke Raymond and Debra Coleman Joe ’89 and Julie Laur
Patricia Benish Mario and Ann Cosgrave
Michael and Rebecca Coello Marty ‘55 and Shirley Dable
Vinny and Kathy McAvoy ENDOWMENT Kevin and Jessica Mulligan ENDOWMENT
Mike ‘63 and Elisabeth Nevins
MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT Kappy’s Kampaign Patty Nevins ‘77 Tom and Nancy (Nevins) ‘71
Ted ‘59 and Polly (Voss) ‘63 Ferrara Jim and Sue Siepmann Gaudion
Tom and Nancy (Nevins) ‘71 ROBERT NEVINS ‘65
Gaudion Jim Scrima ’61 Mike ‘63 and Elisabeth Nevins
Max and Dawn Keller Stuart and Terry (Nevins) ‘74 Patty Nevins ‘77
Jim and Sue Siepmann Buchholtz SEAN WEROWINSKI Stuart and Terry (Nevins) ‘74
MINORITY ENDOWMENT Ted ‘59 and Polly (Voss) ‘63 Ferrara Buchholtz
John and Mary Kay Lammers Tom and Nancy (Nevins) ‘71 Kevin and Jessica Mulligan
Gaudion John and Mary Kay Lammers
Tim ‘74 and Monica (Loomis) ‘77
Max and Dawn Keller
Memorial Gifts
CMH is grateful to the families who designate the school as the recipient of memorial gifts in the name of their loved
one. There are also many donors who continue to keep the memory of a loved one alive by supporting CMH. In the past
fiscal year, contributions were made to CMH in loving memory of the following individuals.
MARY ANDRES BART GEIB Langer Roofing and Sheet Metal James and Suzanna Lacy
Raymond and Bonnie Andres Don and Sheila Geib Kevin and Jill Mattson Rob and Becky Lonergan
Douglas and Mary Carson Mary Ann Mueller Terri and Doug Lou
Neil and Monica Houtler ROBERT GROH Steve ‘74 and Kathy (Mlakar) ‘78 John and Patricia Price
Jack and Laurel Pope Pat Groh Mark Rybakowicz
Kathy Smith Plechaty Alfred and Dorothea Schroeder
James and Barb Wasielewski SCOTT HAHM David and Mary ‘83 Regar Patricia Seago
Robert and Therese Wesley Robert and Mary Hahm Robert and Kimberly Regent-Smith Victor and Joy Soderstrom
John and Mary Ricci Eric and Kimberly Sparapani
KATHLEEN M BARTA EMILY HOFF Jay and Carolyn Scott Gary and Janet Strelow
Jeffrey and Melissa Barta Jim ‘68 and Deborah Beres Thomas and Mary Shannon Tom ‘79 and Pam Taugher
Thomas Staggs Jamie and Mary Uilein
JOHN AND PATRICIA BERES HENRY HUNT Jerry and Gladie Strom Jim and Carole Vanderveldt
Chris ‘89 and Catherine Beres George and Patricia Adlam Ed and Lisa (Beranek) ‘77 Terasa Jack and Nancy Wait
Nancy Aliota ‘82 Michael and Lynn Toth Thomas and Nanci Weideman
SYDNEY BOWSER Allied Construction Employers Elizabeth Valenti
Mary Ellen Fritsch Joe ‘56 and Louise (Kissinger) ‘56 JAMES KARIUS
Assn. Inc. Tom Stilp and Marguerite
JOSEPH F BRUNNER James and Patricia Andersen Vitale
Joseph and Marlene Brunner Anonymous Terry and Shari Wass Gallagher
Black Retail Roger and Margaret Watson
JAMES BUTLER Michael and Sara Burling Jay Weber RON KELNHOEFER
Angie (Marone) Butler ‘54 Richard and Wendy Clark Tom and Kathy (Kaiser) ‘78 Yoss Mark and Micki Meier
William and Shirley Dentinger Bill and Gail Young
EDNA CALVANO Freyberg Hinkle Ashland Powers & JOE KINATEDER
Patrick ‘66 and LeAnne Calvano RONALD HUTCHINSON Nick and Jackie Ioder
Helen (Emmerich) Martin ‘55 Stowell S.C. Joseph and Cheryl (Hutchinson)
Debra Simon Hays HARLOW KNESER
Robert ‘66 and Julie Smith Jim and Ann Marie (Hartmann) ‘82 ‘86 Blackstone Anonymous
William and Lorette Wambach Andy ‘69 and Nancy Arena
Heffernan FR. PAUL JANETTE David and Jillayne Arena
MARGARET CHRISTIANSON Jason and Melissa Henrich Quin and Doris Barrett Brent and Kathyrn (Kawatski) ‘67
John and Janice Christianson Tom and Mary Pat Henschel Jim and Gerry Janette
Thomas Hickey Behrens
DONNA DEWALT Jerome Holden DENNIS JONES Thomas Boelk
Patrick Kohler International Foundation of Gerald Armstrong George and Angela Both
Edward Ashenden Janice Boutin
PATRICK DILLON Employee Benefit Plans James and Kathy Daly Lynn Boutin
Scott ’73 and Liz Johnson James and Marge (Regar) ‘83 Eric and Lynn Delzer Cindy (Bunce) Meier ‘70
Deborah Druken Birch and Marilee Burczyk
DAVID FRISCHMANN ‘62 Jenkins Ritch and Sandy Durheim Pam Butler ‘69
Michael and Melissa Jansen Tom and Phyllis Kanter Brent ‘87 and Jennifer Jones Raymond and Debra Coleman
Bob and Patti (Weber) ‘62 Schmidt Max and Dawn Keller Tom and Phyllis Kanter
John and Maureen Keyes 29
Henry and Irene Kiernan
Fred and Mary Kinateder
Mario and Ann Cosgrave JAMES KRAUSE Eleanor McKeown Jan and Andria Michalski
Marty ‘55 and Shirley Dable Anonymous Jerome and Sharon McNellis Joseph and Deborah Mirasola
John and Mary Delaney Paul and Mari-Jo Batchelor Medical College of Wisconsin Brian and Mary Ellen Moffatt
Dream Products Gregg and Diane Brunclik Bob and Carol Meganck Melissa (Moffatt) Pelaez ‘97
Al and Norma Mae Exner Michael and Rebecca Coello Carol Miller Steven and Beth Smith
Ted ‘59 and Polly (Voss) ‘63 Ferrara Thomas and Julianne Heyrman Pat Miller Bill and Ginger Warga
Sue Fox Theodore and Julie Lemke John and Patricia Morien
Albert and Lynn Goodrich Bob and Carol Meganck Amanda Myers MARY KATHERINE RAUSCH
Barb (Nevins) Hall ‘70 William and Theresa Reitman Dennis and Geraldine Neugent MULHANEY
Mary Hill Robert and Laurie Roth Peter and Nicole Newcomer
Joe ‘81 and Sheri Houk Paul and Nicola Smith Peter and Patricia Newman Tom Mulhaney
Deus and Susan (Kneser) ‘70 Greg and Jennifer Sonnenburg Stan Odackowski
Richard and Paulette Panish MICHAEL MURPHY
Kearney MARY ANN KUPPER Philip and Susan Pelanek Patricia Murphy
Tom and Judy Keenan Mike Kupper ‘54 Jack and Laurel Pope
Sandy (Streit) Keyser ‘62 Mary Reifenrach THOMAS MUTH
Thomas and Merry Klemp BEATRICE LEWICKI Donald and Carole Riemer Barbara Muth
Tom and Nancy Knapp Ken Lewicki ‘71 Peggy Roedel
Pete ‘81 and Chris Kneser Paul Rosenkranz BOB AND HANNA NEVINS
Wade and Amy (Krueger) ‘96 ANDY MACGILLIS Diane Rouman Ted ‘59 and Polly (Voss) ‘63
Francis Andres Ann Rozanski
Kolman Steve Andres ‘83 Michael and Zeta Rynders Ferrara
Gary and Cheryl Kolman Anonymous Carl and Loretta Salzer Tom and Nancy (Nevins) ‘71
Bob and Joannie Langkau Mary Bachman Robert and Ruth Salzer
Julie Lindahl ‘91 Jane Blenker Bob Sokol Gaudion
Diane Mathes Evelyn Bohlman Marty and Mary Statz Tim ‘74 and Monica (Loomis) ‘77
Karl and Helen Mathes William and Kathleen Boyle Deidre Steinfuhr
Humberto and Jill (Wilson) ‘97 Paul and Mary Cain Helen Stenborg Hanley
Don and Sandy Chisholm Joseph and Pamela Stiglitz Max and Dawn Keller
Medina Guy and Courtney Comer James and Charlene Sullivan Geri Kneser
Susan Molden Mary Anne Czerwinski David and Susan Sweitzer Kevin and Jessica Mulligan
Kevin and Mary Motl Jerry and Sandy Dorff Joy and Kathy Szopinski Jim and Sue Siepmann
Lisa Nevins ‘73 Daniel and Patricia Fetterley Thomas and Marlene Teeter
Ramon and Beverly Orlopp Lawrence Flanary Urology Associates SANDY PAVLIC
Dennis and Mary (Kuemmel) ‘76 Lorraine Fox VA Medical Center - Urology Clinic Fred and Mary Kinateder
Mary Jane Gaudynski Wilfred and Mary Vidal
Petrie Flavia Gibson John and Jennie Walker BARBARA REUTEMAN
Thomas and Joan Phillips Robert and Mary Grall Fred and Barbara Weber Tom Reuteman
Robert and Mary Ann Presman Benjamin and Katherine Grawe Wells Fargo - The Private Bank
Stephanie Pribyl Arline Heath-Witherbee Brad and Sally Winquist CAROL RICHARDS
James and Carey Rehm Maryann Helf David and Desiree Wubben Betty Arndt
Maryann Reinders Nathan Herbst Ranae Zautcke Stavish Stuart and Terry (Nevins) ‘74
Jim and Bobbie (Pace) ‘58 Patrick and Frances Holloway
Karisa Johnson JOHN MACGILLIS Buchholtz
Rosenmerkel Allan and Trudi Kasprzak Pierre MacGillis ‘93 Eric and Lynn Delzer
Sue (Exner) Ruf ‘69 John and Susan Kastner H. J. and Bobbie Dunker
Jeffrey and Regina Schmitt Robert and Nancy (Kuether) ‘67 JOHN MARCHESE Pat and Monica Fleming
Carol Schneider Jay and Lisa (Frederickson) ‘88 Chadd ‘91 and Effie Frank
Thomas and Joanne Schoenecker Kelley Mariette Guenther
Ruth Sells Stan and Ann Kenwood McKenna Tim ‘74 and Monica (Loomis) ‘77
Gerald Sikora Linda Koepp Bob ‘83 and Amy (Hunt) ‘83 Vitale
Rich and Carol Snook Edward and Julia Kolinski Hanley
Paul Steingraeber ‘64 Patt Krejci MARY MATYAS Michael and Mary Ignatowski
Tom Stilp and Marguerite Shirley Krembs John Matyas Marilyn Larsen
Robert and Annie Laird Larry and Judy Moon
Gallagher Lloyd and Nancy Leder NINA MINESSALE August and Lynn Revoy
Darlene (Behlke) VanPieterson ‘58 Jim and Sarah MacGillis Paul and Dorothy Bugenhagen Richard and Gail Simon
Roger and Joyce Voelker Patrick and Jan MacGillis Bob and Cheryl (Pentler) ‘73 John and Clara Stack
Mark Voss Timothy MacGillis Kurt and Betsy Wamser
Roger and Lynn White Charles and Judith Maier Doherty Art and Mary Ann Wigchers
Bob Winchell Shawn and Elizabeth McGuire Michael and Carol (Brecher) ‘67
Joseph and Keelie Witzel EDWARD AND VIOLA
Edward Wong Kennedy ROSECKY
Michael and Judith Lechtenberg
KENT KOENIG Bonnie Rosecky ‘56
Helen (Emmerich) Martin ‘55
30 Robert and Georgia Fay
Gerry Agnew
Daniel and Delores Baker
Tom and Marnie Balke P.J. Boylan WARREN SEEGERS Brian and Natalie Kieffer
Michael and Rebecca Coello Beverly Carter Carol Seegers Dave Leedy ‘88
George and Margaret Egenhoefer David and Phyllis DiPronio Roger and Nancy Matzke
Chuck and Gail (Neuman) ‘75 Paul and Pat Feller JOHN STACK Arthur Schmidt
Joel Gerstner ‘91 Richard and Vondalee Bickett Brian ‘88 and Jill Ulrich
Frentzel Jim and Carol Giesegh Marvella Boehler John and Judy Woreck
Jeff and Aleta Hoffman Michael and Denise Grabowski Rom and Betty Braun
Teresa Janz Patricia Harter Breines Roger Brook BOBBY WARNS
Fred and Mary Kinateder William and Susan Horn Bob Casanova Bob and Bridget Warns
Tony and Ann (Stollenwerk) ‘77 John and Patricia Horton James and Gail Eichenseer
John Janzer Christopher Fronczak ‘93 NIC WEBER ‘92
Maas Joseph Janzer Marilyn Hebert Dan Baumann ‘90
Vinny and Kathy McAvoy Ronald and Loraine Janzer Paul and Kathleen (Jahnke) ‘72 Adam Bonesteel ‘92
John and Bev McCarthy James and Joyce Konieczny Sean Davenporte ‘93
Paul and Carol McInerny Brian and Mary Kraus Hoffman Dave ‘92 and Lisa Feldmeier
Mike and Paula Moore Sister Marie Estelle Kuczynski Leon and Betsy Janssen Tom ‘91 and Kelly Hruz
Butch and Kate Powell Tom and Nancy Loveless Robert and Dorothy King Greg Larson ‘91
Michael and Mary Rick Frances Martin William and Mary McElwee James Mulqueen ‘93
Lisa Ropella Thomas and Nancy Mroz Kent and Michele Moore Fred and Barbara Weber
Dennis Sage Dennis and Karen Murawski Mary Muth
Charles and JoAnn Stabenfeldt Michael and Susan Murawski Marilyn Oster RON WEROWINSKI
Tom Stilp and Marguerite Chris ‘82 and Lisa Schultz Tim Paulson Kevin and Jessica Mulligan
Shannon Schultz Steve and Melissa Roboz
Gallagher Edna Seamonson John Scarborough DENNIS ZAGORSKI
Alan and Mary Van Deraa Gary Shultz Randy and Marty Schnoebelen Barbara Beiter Zagorski ‘54
Mary Wilson Walter Shultz Arthur and Pat Schuh
Michael Taylor Richard True MICHAEL J. ZIENTEK
HARRY AND WINNIE Lauree Schultz Vandegrift ‘83 Ronald and Maxine Warrick Ann Zientek
SCHEDLER Ronald and Mary Vandegrift
Steve and Michelle Patscot Richard and Marlene Vanden Mutual Of America
Fred and Mary Kinateder Robert and Ruth Zoephel Jeff and Becky Coad
Mark and Micki Meier
Frederick and Diane Aschmann
Fred and Barbara Weber with members of the 1990-1993 CMH Wrestling team at the 31
Athletic Hall of Fame where Nic Weber ‘92 was posthumously inducted on Friday, October 7, 2016.
Tribute Gifts
Tribute gifts are received at CMH as a way for people to celebrate and acknowledge those whom they love and admire.
Tribute gifts recognize members of the CMH family who are living their lives as role models of The Memorial Way. In the
past fiscal year, contributions were made to CMH in celebration of the following individuals.
KARYN ‘97, MICHELLE ‘99 AND Gary and Chris Dahlen Max and Dawn Keller Richard and Lucille Ryan
STEVEN ‘04 DIBB Gary and Julie Davis David and Mary Kelly Ron and Kathy Rydberg
Michael and Karen Dejewski Frank and Judy (Kluth) ‘81 Paul ‘84 and Carley Rydberg
Phil and Mary Dibb
FR. PAUL HARTMANN ‘84 Darin Dequardo ‘93 John Kimpel ‘58 Cynthia Searcy
Gary and Laura Anderson Phil and Mary Dibb Andrew and JoAnn (Wingenter) Cal and Suzy Schmidt
Dan and Trish Andrae David and Nancy (Kuhlka) ‘78 Brian and Debbie (Behring) ‘79
Thomas and Marnie Balke Gary and Maxine Drinan ‘73 Klinger
Al ‘62 and Gerry (Savatski) ‘62 Jim ‘74 and Marcy (Hinkes) ‘76 John ‘54 and Chris Kluth Schneider
Dan ‘66 and Mary Koehler Michael and Mary Jo Schoendorf
Banaszak Dunlap David Kuczkowski and Mary Regar Mike ‘84 and Ann Schomisch
James and Barbara (Grasch) ‘66 Jennifer Echavarre Mike and Judy Sherwin
Chris and Jenny (Szmanda) ‘84 ‘83 Mike ‘88 and Nancy Sindorf
Barrett Mike Kupper ‘54 Frank and Krishna Smith
Jeff and Melissa Barta Erato Tim ‘86 and Carrie Labinski Ron Smith ‘84
Arnold and Ruth Beckus Al and Norma Mae Exner David and Julie Lancaster Ron and Kathy Sonntag
Chuck Bennett ‘56 Ray and Rita Feldmeier Kevin and Kathy Lang William and Dolores Stekiel
Don ‘70 and Debi Beres Brian and Monica Frantl Ken Lewicki ‘71 Patrick ‘62 and Karen Sullivan
Sue-Ann Bethia Mary Ellen Fridl Vincent and Phyllis LoDuca Marlene Teeter
Thomas and Theresa Bode Tony ‘95 and Amy (Sitek) ‘98 Galati Jane (Gabelbauer) Lynn ‘76 Ed and Lisa (Beranek) ‘77 Terasa
Barry ‘64 and Emma Jean Bowman Ron and Linda Gaura Bill ‘82 and Peggy (Lynch) ‘82 Joe and Patricia (Collins) 84
Harold Brecher ‘65 Durward Gauthier
Kyle Buerger ‘90 GE Foundation MacGregor Thibault
James and Marilee Burczyk Jim and Kitty (Kreidler) ‘57 Gilane Christopher and Cynthia Norm ‘57 and Nora (Bradee) ‘57
Angeleene Butler ‘54 Michael and Kathryn Gotthardt
Kris and Chris Calhoun Michael and Renee Gratz Manocchia Thoresen
Ed ‘56 and Marilyn Carns Robert and Mary Hahm Helen (Emmerich) Martin ‘55 Bob ‘62 and Claudia Thoresen
Douglas and Mary Carson Tim and JoAnn Hardgrove Joe ‘67 and Rhonda Matt Jerome and Bonita Topczewski
Joseph and Carolyn Caruso John ‘70 and Juanita Hartling Robert Markey and Bridget Bob ‘83 and Amy (Hunt) ‘83 Vitale
Kevin and Ann Chiappetta John and Susan Honkamp Larry and JoAnn Weidmann
Michael and Mary Chmielewski Tom ‘91 and Kelly Hruz McDonough ‘74 Jeff Weinberger
Brian and Susan Christian Bill and Sue Hunter David and Jane (Hepperla) ‘83 Abigail Wesley ‘17
William and Kathleen Clausing Michael and Mary Ignatowski James ‘76 and Rose Woloszyk
Robert and Susan (Carroll) ‘68 Jim and Barb Injeski Menheer Charles and Janet Worgull
Steve and Chau Janowski Sandra (Brunner) Mills ‘76 Robert and Georjean Zilles
Congdon Vern and Marion Jaques Alfred and Rosemarie Mlakar
Eli and Karen Crogan Matthew and Tracey Jones Kathryn (Boland) Molidor ‘61 HARTMANN BROTHERS
Becky Crow ‘95 Dave and Julie (DeWalt) ‘91 Kallie Richard and Kathleen Mrochinski Cynthia Searcy
Marty ‘55 and Shirley Dable Robert and Kathleen Mueller
Jim and Mary Murphy ANGELA MACK ‘98
Patrick and Gerry (Long) ‘69 Tom and Bridget Mack
Mutual Of America
Mike ‘86 and Mary Mutza
Steve and Michelle Nehs Chris Lawton ‘03
David and Jeri Nimz RON MOHOREK
Peter O’Hagan Shakespeare Wealth Management
Derek and Michele Pawlak
Walter and Peggy Pechulis Anthony and Terry (Raap) ‘69 Miele
Joe and Kathy Polacheck Jon ‘81 and Julie (Smart) ‘81
Martin and Anne (Butler) ‘86 Balicki
Michael and Ellen Mary Raster Louis and Virginia Ockwood
Lisa Ropella
Dorothy (Foltz) Roth ‘54 AND JON ‘12WEINBERGER
Jerry Hartmann ‘78, Fr. Paul Hartmann ‘84, Ellen Hartmann, and Mike Hartmann ‘86; Front: Ann Marie
Hartmann Heffernan ‘82, Katherine Hartmann ‘92 and Carol Hartmann at Fr. Paul’s Farewell Reception. Jeff Weinberger
Our Lady of Memorial Chapel
The addition of the new Our Lady of Memorial Chapel is the
final “ta-da” moment of the Crusading for Excellence Campaign.
Together we have successfully raised over $10 million.
This campaign capstone is what our effort has been about
all along… a celebration of Catholic high school education
in Waukesha County. The chapel itself reflects this in both
the spiritual and physical sense and will be an exceptional
environment to form disciples.
By putting the chapel front and center on our campus, this project
showcases our commitment to the Gospel, the Eucharist and each
other. As part of the Catholic Memorial High School community,
we are called to develop our Catholic faith and serve our greater
communities. Through prayer and action, Catholic Memorial High
School is a place where students receive a values-rich education
as we fulfill our mission to educate, guide, and prepare students
to serve the Church and the world.
Catholic Memorial High School was dedicated in 1949 to
remember the 23 young men of St. Joseph’s Parish in Waukesha
who gave their lives serving their lives serving their country in
World War II. Since then, six alumni have been added to this
honor roll.
Construction of the new chapel includes a formal Memorial Wall
to honor the 29 fallen servicemen for whom Catholic Memorial
High School stands as a living memorial.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
MAAS ’77 MISSION CZARNECKI AP ’10, ’12 & ’13
Achievement Award Distinguished Young
Caritas Service Award Alumni Award Memorial Award
Details & Registration:
Events Calendar
OCTOBER 25, 2017
Prospective Family Open House Have you gotten married in the last 10 years?
Moved? Earned a promotion? Welcomed a new
Catholic Memorial High School, Waukesha
baby? Got a new email address?
OCTOBER 29, 2017
Mothers’ Club Fashion Show & Luncheon We likely do not have your new contact
information! Share your update with us so you
Milwaukee Marriot West, Waukesha can get the latest CMH updates — especially if
NOVEMBER 8, 2017 you have a reunion coming up!
Legacy Alumni Awards & Dinner
We especially love receiving photos from our
Country Springs Hotel, Pewaukee CMH family! Send photos and news to: or
DECEMBER 23, 2017 CMH Alumni Office
Alumni Basketball Tournament
601 E College Ave. Waukesha, WI 53186
Catholic Memorial High School, Waukesha
FEBRUARY 1, 2018
Our Lady of Memorial Chapel Ribbon The traditional reunion celebrations tend
Cutting to happen in increments of five years. For
example, this year in 2016, the classes of
Catholic Memorial High School, Waukesha 1966 and 1976 celebrated their 50-year and
40-year reunions, respectively, and the Class
MARCH 4, 2018 of 1991 celebrated their 25-Year reunion.
37th Annual Crusader Auction
If you find yourself in the role of reunion
Catholic Memorial High School, Waukesha planner, Catholic Memorial’s Alumni Office
has an Alumni Relations Coordinator for you
MAY 11, 2018 to partner with, and resources that make
Celebrating Lives of Service Mass & Lunch planning simple.
Catholic Memorial High School, Waukesha HOW DO I GET STARTED?
June 11, 2018 Visit the Alumni section of the newly
30th Annual Crusader Golf Outing designed
The Legend at Bristlecone, Hartland Download the “Reunion Planning Guide”
from the Reunions tab.
The Class of 1991 celebrated 25-Years at their
reunion on October 15, 2016 with a social at Contact the CMH Alumni Relations
Champp’s Americana in Brookfield. Coordinator, Karri Duerwachter to get
started with your class list and a timeline! | 262-542-1229
For updates and complete information on Catholic Memorial events, please visit 35
2016-2017 | YEAR IN REVIEW
601 East College Avenue
Waukesha, WI 53186
262-542-7101 •
Congratulations to the Class of 2017!