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Annual Report 14 by Paula N. White Designs

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Neighborhood Housing Services L.A.

Annual Report 14 by Paula N. White Designs

Keywords: annual report,nhs,nhsla,pnwdesigns,paula n white designs


2014 annual report


Dear Friends:

At 30 years we pause….to celebrate…to review our impact in communities…to refocus our work where needed…
to strengthen our resolve to exceed expectations…to thank our friends and neighbors…to clarify our purpose
and vision.  We are grateful to our friends, supporters and families who have helped us to reach such a significant
milestone.  We could not have done it without you.

Where has our journey taken us?  From a small neighborhood organization formed in 1984, serving four
neighborhoods, to a countywide organization serving more than 300 neighborhoods in the region.  It takes team
work to make the dream work.  We’ve had a great team!  Together We Achieve More.  Together, we have made
lasting change and a difference in the lives of more than 2.98 million residents who were pursuing the dream of
homeownership or making plans to keep their home.  Together, we have reinvested in more than 16,960 housing
and commercial units and provided more than $3.56 billion into our communities.  We’ve done it together.  Every
year, we work to protect and preserve more than $2 billion of housing assets with families who need us.  This only
comes through teamwork.

Our partnership of residents, business and government joining hands is still a model that works, not only here, but
throughout America.  We are proud to be in partnership and friendship, and to be good neighbors to everyone
who chooses to call Los Angeles County their home.  Home Matters.  Families Matters.  Our neighborhoods and
communities matter.  You Matter.  Let’s commit to keep connected, and focused on sustainable communities as
we push forward to serve over the next 30 years…better…stronger…grateful…celebrating!

Our best personal regards,

Lori R. Gay Sal Mendoza
President & CEO Chairman of the Board



NHS serves as a catalyst for local residents, business and government representatives
to work together to build stronger neighborhoods, improve the quality of life for families
of modest means and to revitalize communities into neighborhoods of choice. NHS
strengthens communities through the development and maintenance of quality
affordable housing, creation and preservation of affordable homeownership opportunities,
support of local leaders, providing financial education and increasing the financial
independence of families and people in need.


Financial Education And Literacy safety training, environmental assessment and construction

NHS provides families with the tools they need to succeed management. Families can count on our construction

and make their dreams of lifelong homeownership come team to oversee high quality home improvements within a

true. Our NeighborWorks® Homeownership Centers provides budget and according to the specified timeframe.

comprehensive financial education from budgeting and

saving, credit repair and home buying classes to one-on- Mission-Driven Real Estate Services
one foreclosure prevention counseling, free loss mitigation NHS helps homebuyers of modest means find the best
counseling and loan modification assistance. house at an affordable price. Our contracts with loan

Affordable Lending Services servicers and lenders also allow us to purchase properties
at discounted prices. We then pass these savings on to new

Our lending team works to help find the right loan for buyers. Our goal is to educate potential homebuyers and

families who wish to buy a home. As a Community help them acquire and sustain one of the most important

Development Financial Institution (CDFI), NHS finances investments they will ever make – their home.

income-qualified borrowers through its revolving loan

fund. Our loan officers work directly with lenders to offer Neighborhood Revitalization And Advocacy

affordable loan products as well as assistance with NHS works with local businesses,

down payment and closing costs for new homebuyers. block clubs and neighborhood

In addition, NHS offers home improvement loans for councils to upgrade and maintain

homeowners who desire to improve their home and remain the appearance and safety of

in their neighborhood, as well as refinance lending for those neighborhoods. Neighborhoods

who need to lower their mortgage payments. affected by foreclosures experience

Construction Management Services increased crime, vandalism
and blight. NHS’ revitalization

NHS construction specialists have over 55 years of and advocacy efforts focus on

combined experience working in the home construction partnership building, volunteerism,

field. All members of our construction team are licensed organizing and training resident leaders. Local residents

contractors or certified journeymen. Our construction actively improve the quality of life for their families and

team provides home inspections, home maintenance and neighbors and build strong and healthy communities.


Single Mother Becomes Her
Own Landlord

Considering that Los Angeles is one of the most
expensive cities to live in, it is no surprise that rental
rates have continued to increase significantly over
the past few years. Thus, many Angelenos who seek
to become homeowners highlight affordability as
the most important factor in deciding to purchase
a home. Before becoming a homeowner, Yolanda
Osuna actively searched for a home that would meet
her financial needs. Although Yolanda was aware of
the sacrifices she would have to make in order to invest in her very first home, she did not
want to settle for just anything. Yolanda made a commitment to find a home that would not
only meet her financial needs, but would facilitate her raising her daughter comfortably. She
enrolled in NHS’ FasTrak Homebuyer Education class where she had access to resources that
would ultimately help her purchase her home. Shortly after attending the class, she was pre-qualified for down payment
assistance, allowing her to expand into other neighborhoods as she shopped for a home. Yolanda submitted an offer on a
two bedroom home in South Los Angeles and weeks later received the keys to her new home. Upon arriving into her new
neighborhood, Yolanda was instantly welcomed by her neighbors and felt a deep connection with her new community.

Foreclosure Prevention Counseling Client, Their Lives Five Years Later

NHS has accomplished many milestones during its 30 years of serving families; it also
experienced one of the worst housing crises in U.S. history since the Great Depression.
With so many families losing their homes to foreclosures, NHS and its foreclosure
prevention coalition worked tirelessly as rapid responders to the crisis. In 2009, NHS

was recognized as the number one producer of
foreclosure prevention assistance in its national
network. This was a bittersweet moment because
as many families were being helped, there were
still others that could not save their home and lost
it to foreclosure. That same year, NHS helped Ms.
Mary Warren and her daughter, Jacqueline Davis
save their home from foreclosure. These women
were proud homeowners who had achieved
the American dream of homeownership, but just
two years after achieving that dream, it became
a nightmare. The family experienced financial
hardship when their loan payment adjusted by
thousands of dollars and Jacqueline’s hours were cut at work. The decrease in monthly income made them fall behind a
few mortgage payments and their account went into default. Worried that the house would go into foreclosure, Jacqueline
looked for options. She registered for a Foreclosure Prevention Clinic at NHS and submitted a second loan modification
application. Within three weeks after submitting the application, Jacqueline received good news. She received a letter
from her servicer stating that they were approved for a permanent loan modification! We recently spoke to Ms. Warren,
who is still living in her home and is grateful to have worked with NHS over five years ago. “We live in peace at our home,
we no longer fear being evicted or being foreclosed upon. Thank you NHS for helping us get peace of mind once again,”
said Ms. Warren in a recent call to NHS.



We asked a few of our clients, what home meant to them…

Is a place to recharge, rejuvenate and

“ ”provide a safe place for my family.
-Luis Campos

“Stability, equity, peace of mind,

freedom, comfort, happiness,

”security and a dream come true.
-Teresa Hernandez

“Home is the place “A place for a peace of mind.
”My private space in this world.
that will bring
happiness, hope -Thelma McClinton
and protection to
my family. Having “A home is only as strong as “Home is
a home is what my
parents had growing its foundation. As a family is where the
up and I loved that
feeling. It is the feeling ”only strong as its home!. heart is.”
that I have achieved -Megan Smith -Benjamin Sigala
great success as a

”family man.
-Robin Sharp

“ ”Home is a

united family.

-Carmen Moreno

“Home is the place where we feel safe. It’s

where we sleep, eat and do everything. It’s the

”only place we want to be after a long day.
-Erminia Simental


1984 –1994 1994 – 2004

Neighborhood Reinvestment The Northridge Earthquake strikes, resulting NHSNLS is certified as a Community
Corporation (later known as in $6.7 billion in property damage. Development Financial Institution
NeighborWorks America), begins NHS was on the front lines of the (CDFI) and both companies were
organizing a public/private rebuilding effort and expanded its licensed through the CA Department
partnership in four specific Rebuild-a-Block Program. NHS worked of Real Estate.
neighborhoods of Los Angeles. with the State Earthquake Rehab
Neighborhood Housing Services Assistance Program in Los Angeles
of Los Angeles was formed and and helped thousands of impacted
was the only affiliate in the country families repair their homes.
to start in multiple neighborhoods
at once. The four original As a part of its growth plan, NHS NHS partners with Allstate Insurance
neighborhoods included: Vernon/ creates two new non-profit affiliates - through the $6 million Neighborhood
Central, Crenshaw, Boyle Heights, NHS Neighborhood Lending Services Partnership Program to conduct safety
and San Pedro. (NHSNLS) and NHS Neighborhood inspections and repairs, home rehab,
Redevelopment Corporation purchase assistance and breaking of
The Rodney King Verdict and Civil (NHSNRC). the digital divide.
Unrest of April 29th dramatically
impacted nearly every low income NHS becomes a certified disaster
neighborhood in Los Angeles. As a responder and partners with the Red
part of its stabilization effort, NHS Cross, City of Los Angeles and the
creates the Rebuild-a-Block program, CA State Emergency Preparedness
empowering residents and families to team to train residents, conduct
Rebuild, Restore and Revitalize. Nine
blocks were restored as a result of home improvements and prepare
the program effort, directly investing
more than $9 million. neighborhoods for disaster.


2004 – 2014 2014 – Beyond

NHS hosts more than 3,000 Korean NHS partners with the City of
families in response to local Korean Compton and local nonprofit
television stations highlight of the service providers to establish a new
Beck Family who purchased their Center for Sustainable Communities
home through NHS. (CSC) that promises to drive green
community development and
NHS receives $5.8 million in funding improve neighborhood access
support through new emergency to resources. Utilizing a formerly
foreclosure relief programs which abandoned grocery store, NHS will
include the National Foreclosure adapt it to host a mix of business
Mitigation Counseling Program. and non-profit services as well as
community gardens, fitness classes,
The Sears American Dream NHS launches community HELP & HOPE healthy living café, youth job training
Campaign provides hundreds of fairs as a part of its foreclosure prevention programs, a free library, computer
needed home appliances available outreach campaign. More than 50 HELP center, and after school programs
for free to low income families as a & HOPE Fairs are organized throughout for the neighborhood.
part of the partnership program with Los Angeles County (2010).
NHS. The Campaign also provided NHS is focusing on Transit Oriented
down payment assistance to South NHS is awarded a $60 million grant, Development approaches to meet
Los Angeles families. along with 23 consortium partners, the affordable housing and
through the Neighborhood Stabilization community development needs of
NHS builds North Hills Villas, its first Program 2; the grant was the second more established “legacy”
affordable homeownership subdivision largest national award allocated and neighborhoods that are impacted
in the San Fernando Valley, offering the single largest grant NHS has ever by new and existing mass transit and
families a mix of 30 two and three managed (2010 – 2013). light rail development throughout the
bedroom apartment homes. County. Utilizing land banking
strategies to protect and preserve
In response to the escalating NHS partners with Wells Fargo and neighborhoods will help NHS further
foreclosure crisis, NHS creates the NeighborWorks America to administer leverage its resources with public
Los Angeles County NeighborWorks the LIFT Program, which provided and private partners.
Center for Foreclosure Solutions. over $12 million in down payment
assistance for hundreds of low to
middle income families.

10 3 0 T H Y E A R A N N I V E R S A R Y C E L E B R A T I O N

NHSOn May 8, 2014,
celebrated its 30th
Anniversary at
Paramount Pictures
Studios with over 550 of our

friends and neighbors. It was a night
under the stars with lots of food, drinks
and entertainment by Kirk Whalum and
Sheila E. The evening highlighted our
corporate partners and supporters and
the great work of NHS. The lovely Pat
Prescott from 94.7 The Wave, was our
hostess for the evening event. A special
acknowledgement to JPMorgan Chase
& Co. for being our Title Sponsor.

We continued celebrating 30 years
in the community by having a

Sustainability Symposium

on October 11, 2014. With generous help from
community leaders, we successfully reached
over 200 families and residents from across
the Los Angeles area. This event is part of our
ongoing mission to create a more sustainable
future in the communities we serve. We thank
Bank of America for being our Title Sponsor.


DONORS NAME Freetown Farm Mike Herman All Over Media
Gina Maslow Milena Garcia AMC Santa Monica 7
Anonymous Glenda Brass Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP Angelus Block Co. Inc.
Addy Renteria Gloria Tang Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Atlantis Casino Resort Spa
ADP Graciela Ponce Nancy Lira Bella Donna Special Events
Alan Ibarra Graciela Sanchez Narida Dickerson Benihana Inc.
Alan Shuman Grandpoint Bank National Association of Hispanic Real Blue Line Media
Albert Yu Greg Iwamasa Bradford Renaissance Portraits
Aldra Allison GWG Construction Estate Professionals California Association of Nurseries &
Alex Sasayama Habib American Bank National NeighborWorks Association
Alicia Magallanes Hamer Toyota Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services, Gardena Center
Allison Burnett Hayana Kris Inc. Canterbury Knolls Community Block Club
Amalgamated Bank Hayarkur NeighborWorks America CBS Outdoor
Ana Rubalcaba HD Supply Neil Martin CBS Radio
Andriy Ishutkin Herbert Gomez Construction New Generation Home Improvements, Inc. Center Theatre Group
Angelina Bingham High Performance Nina Kihlman Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts
Annette Gustafson Holly Christian Northern Trust Bank Chivas USA
Arnetta Mack Holly Mosher Northrop Grumman ECHO Fund CitiGroup
Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council Homer Post Office of Councilmember Nury Martinez City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitation
Aztec Construction & Painting, Inc. HSBC Bank USA Oscar Alzaga Core Power Yoga
Banc of California International Realty & Investments Pacific Coast Regional SBDC Daily Breeze
Bank Leumi IRC Corporation Pacific Premier Bank Disneyland Resort
Bank of America Jack Earl Pacific Western Bank Don Francisco Gourmet Coffee
Bank of the West James Chamness Pam Licavoli Donut Den
Barbara Smith Javier Iniguez Pamela J. Butler El Coyote Cafe
Benjamin Tang Javona Wright Paramount Pictures Studio El Grano De Oro Growers Nursery
Bianca Torrence Jay Davis Paul A. Samuels El Sol
Bilchik Carpet Jean Moysset Paula Craig Empowerment Congress Southwest
Blue Line Media Jennie Weinberger Peerless Building Maintenance
Bob & Lori Gay Jesse Ibarra Philip & Ilene Lipp Neighborhood Council
Boston Private Bank & Trust Company Joanne Wong Por Exterminators & Construction Inc. Faithful Central Bible Church
Brenda Blueford John Brott Premier Bank First Republic Bank
Brenda Ramirez John E. Tastor Provident Title Company Food 4 Less Store
Bruce Karatz Family Foundation Josefa Abfaituli Rachel Lindt G & M Paint
Bruce Solomon Joseph Benschneider Rachelle Long Geffen Playhouse
Budget Finance Co. Joseph S. Barba Ravi Bhatia Glendale Centre Theatre
C C R Properties, Inc. Joshua Baker Rhonda McMillan Green Set Inc
California Bank & Trust Josylie Plata Robert Clark Hollywood Improv
California Fair Plan Association JP Morgan Chase & Co Robert Iritani Home Depot Store
Capital One Juanita Jimenez-Reyes Robert Mogster Honey Do Network
Carlos & Deborah Valderrama Karen de Mauricio Robin Billups In-N-Out Burger Corporation
Cathay Bank Foundation Karen Smith Ronald L. Kiefer Jackson Limousine
Cesar Trujillo Karly Katona Ronald Martinez JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Charlie Brown Kathleen Young Ronea Crockett-Williams KTLA 5
Chris Jackson Keenon Adamson Rosa Shirvanian KTWV Radio
Chris Thomas Kelley Padrick Ruben Smith La Opinion
City National Bank Ken Mutter Russell Goldsmith Laugh Factory
City of Los Angeles Kim Hosea Samantha Davies Law Office of Abraham H. Tang
Classic Apartment Restoration Co. Kim Michalowski Sandra McNeil Le Meridien Delfina
Claudia Ng Kroger Sandra Pineda Los Angeles Conservancy
Clearinghouse CDFI KTWV Radio Shalom Center for T.R.E.E. of Life Los Angeles Lakers
Cohn Reznick Kyocera Document Solutions America, Inc. Sharhonda Donald Los Angeles Philharmonic Association
Combined Federal Campaign of Greater Lacey Johnson Sheldon Cohn Los Angeles Wave Publications Group
Larry Reed Simon M. Gonzales Luther Burbank Savings
SoCal Laura Puente Sinai Construction Macias Nursery
Comerica Bank Lauren Steiner Slyvia Garcia Mobil Gas Station
CommerceWest Bank Lawrence Schultz South Central L.A. Regional Center for Morongo Casino + Resort + Spa
Community Bank Les Traub MSG Forum, LLC
Craig Chapman LG Promo & ID Development Disabled Mulligan FFC
Cynthia P. Phillips Lindsey Jagoe Southern California Association of NeighborWorks America
Daily Good- Goodsearch Lisa Payne Office of Councilmember Bernard C. Parks
Dalina Sasayama Little Tokyo Service Center Non-Profit Housing Office of Councilmember Bob Blumefield
Dane Andros Lorena Gonzalez Sovereign Designs Office of Councilmember Felipe Fuentes
Daniel Manalo Lucia Perez State of California High-Speed Rail Authority Original Tommy’s Hamburgers
Darkhan Zhiyenbay Luis M. Alvarez Stephen Gingold Outfront Media
David N. Tool Luis Yepiz Stephen Ngao Panera Bread
David Oulrey Luther Burbank Savings Steve Herman Pechanga Resort & Casino
Debbie Chamness Mack Enterprises Unlimited Steven Sanzo Prime Building Materials
Diane McGhue Major Properties T.R. Shier R W Lebrowski Inc.
Dolores Gonzalez-Hayes Mallika Bhandarkar The Bug Doctor Rainbow Nursery
Dolores Lopez Manchester/Square Neighborhood Council The Northern Trust Company Reseda Neighborhood Council
Doris T. Luster Manlio F. Ceja The Walking Man Roclord Studio Photography
ECHO Employees Charity Organization of Manchester/Square Theresa Don Lucas Rowley Portraits
Manufacturers Bank Thomas Fassett Saddleback Church
Northrop Grumman Marable Monte Thomas Miller Sam’s Club
Edison International Maria E. Arzate Sanchez TomatoBank N.A Sarah Leonard
Elizabeth Morrison Mariana Huerta Union Bank Foundation Saticoy Nursery
Elvia Jimenez Marilyn S. Davis US Bank Signature Events
Emmanuel Louis Mariska Leyssius Vanessa Montanez South Point Hotel Casino & Spa
Employers Group Marjorie E. Smith Vanitha Venugopal Southwest Airlines
Empowerment Council Southwest Marlene Rodriguez Verdugo Constructio Sovereign Designs
Martha Henderson Vernon Taylor Staples Center Foundation
Neighborhood Development Council Martin Sanchez Vincente Bravo Starbucks
F. Jorge Vera Mary Murphy Walmart Foundation State Bicycle Co.
Fabian Casarez Marysol Smith Warren Harris Sun Valley Area Neighborhood Council
Fannie Mae Foundation Maury Gentile Wells Fargo Bank Sun Valley Equipment Rentals, Inc.
Farzaneh Tofighi Melissa B. Watson Wendy Cervantes Sylmar High School
Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Metropolitan Water District of Wendy L. Jacquemin Synthia SAINT JAMES
First Choice Bank Wilshire State Bank Termite Services
First Commercial Bank Southern California Woori America Bank The Garvey Group West
First General Bank Michael Banner Zeeda Daniele The Line Hotel
First Republic Bank Michael Cahill The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites
For Learners of All Ages Michael Chamness In-Kind Trader Joe’s
Fralin Commercial Inc. Michael E. Harris Ulrea Greens Nursery
Michael Rossi 3 Pinos Inc. Universal Studios Hollywood
Miebaka Yohannes 4imprint Univision Radio
Alaska Airlines Walmart Store

Woody’s BBQ

12 F I N A N C I A L S



Temporarily Permanently Total
Unrestricted Restricted Restricted


Grants and contributions $ 1,806,227 $ 2,631,700 $ – $ 4,437,927
– 86,113
Education fees 86,113 – _ 237,435
_ 7,975
Lending fees 237,435 – – 499,296

Construction management fees 7,975 –

Real estate commissions 499,296 –

Sales of properties

purchased for neighborhood stabilization

to low and moderate income families 11,829,000 – – 11,829,000

Program cost reimbursements 288,969 – – 288,969

Commercial rental income 176,613 – – 176,613

In-kind contributions 472,293 – – 472,293

Other income 43,011 – – 43,011

Net Assets Released from Restriction 7,462,837 (7,462,837) – –

22.909,769 (4,83l,l37) – 18,078,632

Functional Expenses

Program services 22,020,152 – – 22,020,152
– 629,362
General and administrative 629,362 – – 243,042
– 22,892,556
Fundraising 243,042 – – (4,813,924)

22,892.556 –

Changes in Net Assets 17,213 (4,831,137)

Net Assets, beginning of year, as restated 3,637,110 42,313,839 2,627,366 48.578,315
Net Assets, end of year $3,654,323 37,482,702 2,627,366 $43,764,391





Revenues 68%
Education Fees & Lending
Real Estate Commissions & Construction 27%
Propert Sales & Program Contracts

Total Revenues $18,078,632


Expenses 96%
General & Admin
Program Services

Total Expenses $22,892,556

Assets & Liabilities 12%
Current Liabilities 4%
Long-Term Liabilities
Net Assets 84%

T otal Assets & Liabilities $50,281,803

14 B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S & S T A F F

Boards of Directors
Neighborhood Housing Services Of Los Angeles County & Affiliates

Sal Mendoza (Chairperson) Lori R. Gay (Member)
SVP, CRA Manager/Officer President & CEO
City National Bank NHS of Los Angeles County

Steve Herman (Vice Chair) Gloria Tang (Secretary/Treasurer)
Community Reinvestment Manager Vice President/Managing Director
California Bank & Trust First Republic Bank

Lawrence Bailey John Brott (Member)
Vice President Sr. Executive Vice President
Chase Home Finance & Chief Administrative Officer
Home Lending NHS of Los Angeles County

Joseph Chow (Member) Zeeda Daniele (Member)
External Relations Senior Business Manager
Southern California Gas Company Fannie Mae Corporation

Maury Gentile (Member) Michael Harris (Member)
Executive Vice President, Tenant Advisory Groups Vice President, Public Relations
Grubb & Ellis Company California Fair Plan Association

Warren Harris (Member) Byron K. Reed (Member)
1st Vice President SVP, Community Development Manager
CRA & Fair Lending Officer Government & Community Relations
Luther Burbank Savings Wells Fargo Bank

Luis Sahagun (Member) Jennifer Woodarck (Member)
Manager, Diverse Markets Sr. Vice President, Regional Sales
Farmers Insurance Bank of America

Executive Staff JP Veen
Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Lori Gay
President & CEO Arnetta Mack
Special Assistant to President & CEO
Rhonda McMillan
Vice President & Director of Corporate Affairs

John Brott
Sr. Executive Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer

Staff Javier Cenizo Jesse Ibarra Tony Matthews Spencer Sanchez
Favio Ceja Javier Iniguez Yolanda McClinton Bruce Solomon
Aldra Allison Mike Chamness Elvia Jimenez Steve Medellin Teresa Taylor
Jennifer Alonzo Selena Davis Juanita Jimenez-Reyes Lucia Perez James Troupe
Dane Andros Ralph Dominguez Nina Kihlman Sandra Pineda Jorge Vera
Brenda Blueford Milena Garcia David Kimbrough Brenda Ramirez Cesar Villavicencio
Nyasha Buchongo Lorena Gonzalez Wayne Madere Paul Samuels Mike Woolner
Brian Cao Ron Harris Ronald Martinez Graciela Sanchez
Kristine Carbajal
Leo Castellanos

3926 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 200 | Los Angeles, California 90010-3303
phone (213) 381-2862 | fax (213) 381-2103

11243 Glenoaks Boulevard, Suite 9 | Pacoima, California 91331-7346

phone (818) 834-7858 | fax (818) 834-2250

1051 W. Rosecrans Blvd., Compton, CA 90220

Visit us online at

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