bows. The built-in cocking mechanism narrower and faster. The Ranger X2 weighs features. It’s powered by 4S Cams using
reduces cocking effort to only 12 pounds, only 5.9 pounds fully assembled, and it DynaFLIGHT 97 string and cables with tun-
and the crossbow arrives fully assembled shoots 18-inch Wicked Ridge Ranger carbon able yolks. It includes TenPoint’s DFI and
and pre-tuned. The R26 complete pack- bolts at 330 fps. The Ranger X2 is 33.5 inch- 3.5-pound auto-engaging safety trigger. It
age comes with a 100-yard illuminated es long and 16 inches wide cocked, and it comes with a TenPoint Multi-Line Scope,
scope, six 400-grain bolts, removable draw has a manageable 150-pound draw weight. ACU-52 Cocking Device, three carbon bolts,
handle, quiver-mounting bracket, anti- It is built around a lightweight cast-alumi- quiver and Mossy Oak Break-Up Country
dry-fire with auto-engaging safety and num riser, which holds 11-inch WRX Limbs camouflage finish all for around 60.
integrated sling mounts. Learn more at and a semi-skeletal stock with full safety Learn more at
The all-new 2019 Turbo M1 Crossbow from
TenPoint measures only 9 inches wide and
sends bolts downrange at 380 fps. The Tur-
bo model has been a staple at TenPoint for
years because of its excellent speed, width
and price point—but the M1 is 4.5 inches
narrower and 20 fps faster. It is powered by
the new VX-5 reverse cam system, which
increases the power stroke and cam rota-
tion to produce blazing speed and remark-
able accuracy. The machined riser holds 11-
inch TPX Limbs, DynaFLIGHT 97 string and
cables, and streamlined, lightweight alu-
minum limb pockets. The Fusion S stock
sports a 19.5-inch synthetic barrel and stra-
tegically placed cutouts to decrease weight,
and it also has a safe and comfortable fore-
grip. This crossbow is unleashed through
the new T5 3.5-pound auto-engaging safety
trigger with a Dry-Fire-Inhibitor. The Turbo
M1 is 32.5 inches long and weighs only 6.4
pounds. The complete package includes a
TenPoint 3x Pro-View 3 Scope, cocking de-
vice, three Pro Elite carbon bolts with new
Alpha-Nocks and quiver. Two mechanical
cocking devices are available: the ACUdraw
Pro and ACUdraw 50 SLED. Learn more at
Wicked Ridge Crossbows
The new Wicked Ridge Ranger X2 Crossbow
was designed to expand hunting oppor-
tunities for youth, women and beginning
hunters through a more compact length
of pull and lighter weight. The Ranger line
has long been known to be simple, reli-
able and affordable, and the X2 model is
2019 Kinsey’s Dealer Show
45 5
By Inside Archery Staff 7
The annual Kinsey’s Dealer Show functions, in a sense, like a miniature ATA 9
rade how, but that’s not to say that it doesn’t have its own uni ue flavor
and benefits. Much like the how, manufacturers and retailers gather
for face-to-face relationship building, product demonstrations and special
deals. Educational seminars and fun events are also part of the package.
few key details make the insey’s Dealers how different, though.
or starters, it takes place at the beautiful and lu urious ershey odge in
southeastern ennsylvania, which feels more like a co y log cabin than
a convention center. his location gives the show an intimate, laid-back
atmosphere. insey’s also runs special sales events called ot hows,
which offer si able discounts on popular products that can make a huge
difference in a pro-shop’s bottom line. urther, the insey’s Dealer how
also has an online aspect, which allows dealers around the country to cash-
in on e clusive deals without making the trek to ershey, ennsylvania.
ll told, the insey’s team goes above and beyond to make their annual
Dealer how special. his year’s show, which took place on March 1-3, was
certainly another success for Kinsey’s and the dealers who participated,
and it also meant good things for the archery industry at large.
A Fun and Profitable Experience
he ershey odge offers a vacation-like backdrop for the insey’s Dealer
how, and the company spices things up even more with fun events.
1) Dave Parker, general manager for Bear Archery, paid a visit to the Kinsey’s Dealer Show to tell
attendees about the latest and greatest Bear X offerings.
2) Keith Dvoroznak of Ripcord shows off the company’s new Lok arrow-rest, which is sure it be a
hit for 2019.
3) Pine Ridge Archery can always be counted on to bring hot accessories. Here, Pine Ridge’s Jerry
Tepps displays the popular Kwik Stand Bow Support and Gen-Stand Genesis Bow Support.
4) The Kinsey’s Dealer Show is a great opportunity for dealers to write orders for the year, and they
also get to do so at Kinsey’s best prices. Lenny Rezemer of Feradyne Outdoors is always eager to
help retailers.
5) Rick Kinsey, vice president of sales, considered this year’s show another success for the company
and its customers.
6) Dozens of the industry’s top manufacturers attended the Kinsey’s Dealer Show and offered
exclusive deals.
7) Matt Bando of Cold Steel told dealers about the remarkable Cheap Shot 130, which is incredibly
easy to load and does not need a rope cocker.
8) In addition to exclusive discounts, attendees of the show also have the chance to win exciting
and profitable giveaways.
9) Tactacam’s Rob Nally explained the revolutionary new FTS Mount, which allows hunters to record
exactly what they see through their crossbow or rifle scope.
On the opening night, for instance, attendees get to unwind, make new
friends and have a good time at Game Night, which features a variety of
games and activities, as well as another opportunity for exclusive deals.
On the following evening, attendees get to experience Dealer Appreciation
Night, which features amazing dinner, prizes and a live musical perfor-
mance. This year, Dealer Appreciation Night hosted Grammy-nominated
Thompson Square.
2 Between these fun-focused events are ample opportunities for attendees
to get some of the latest and greatest products at heavy discounts. With
industry-leading manufacturers like Feradyne, Vista Outdoor, TenPoint,
Plano Synergy, Bear Archery and Easton—to name just a few—dealers are
able to make a si able increase in their profit margins for the year.
“All of the vendors who exhibit at the show offer a discount,” said Rick
Kinsey. “Kinsey’s also gives a few percent off on our side, so when you add
1) Manufacturers, Kinsey’s staff and dealers mingle during Game Night on the opening evening of
the show.
2) A dealer fills out an order at the Easton booth. Easton also presented an intriguing seminar on the
data associated with recreational archery.
3) Industry pioneer Todd Williams of X-Factor Outdoors demonstrated the merits of his incredible
technology that went into the Xtreme Sidebar Mount.
3 4) Scott Bakken (right) of HHA Sights explains to a dealer the features of the company’s new 2019 sights.
5) Jim Smith of Outtech helped attendees get a feel for the new TS390 crossbow from Barnett.
12 3
1) Travis Wagaman of Mission Crossbows invited attendees to explore the features of the groundbreaking SUB-1. 4
2) Ryan Ames generated buzz on the show floor for 1st Cam Outdoor. 55
3) T.R.U. Ball’s Brandon Reyes made the trip to Hershey to help dealers learn about the next generation of T.R.U. Ball and
AXCEL products.
4) Justin Gorman, Kinsey’s director of sales, displays a recurve from October Mountain Products—a great companion for
recreational shooting.
up all those extra points, it usually equates very well. The snow hurt our attendance
to the best price of the year.” numbers a little, but by and large, the vast
majority of people who registered made the
As with any event like the Kinsey’s Dealer trip and showed up, and attendance was
Show, sometimes weather can be uncoop- still almost identical to last year. Overall,
erative. This year’s show was accompanied I heard nothing but compliments. There
with a bit of unfortunate weather, but the were still a lot of attendees, good engage-
Kinsey’s team and attendees persevered and ment and plenty of order writing.”
made the show another success.
Meanwhile, the online aspect of the Kin-
“The weekend was bookended by two sey’s Dealer Show offers an avenue for spe-
snow storms—one on Thursday evening and cial deals that no weather can get in the way
another on Sunday afternoon,” Kinsey said. of. The company’s E-Show makes it easy for
“Despite that, I thought the show still went
1 Dealer
1) Dealer Appreciation Night
kicked off with giveaways from
the show’s sponsors, which
included Easton, Limbsaver,
GoldTip and Feradyne Outdoors.
2) Grammy-nominated
Thompson Square served as the
headliner for Kinsey’s Dealer
Appreciation Night.
dealers across the country to program orders for the whole year at Kinsey’s
best prices.
“The E-Show has continued to grow each year,” Kinsey said. “It’s just
another way for our dealers to save money with great deals. It’s also a
great insurance policy for unpredictable things like snow storms. If some-
one can’t make it due to the weather, they still have the online option.
With the acquisition of Pape’s and its transformation into Kinsey’s South,
the Kinsey’s Dealer Show was also available to a much larger customer
2 base this year. There weren’t many customers from the South who made
the journey to Pennsylvania—especially since the ATA Show was right in
their backyard—but they participated a lot in the E-Show.”
Education and Future Planning
he insey’s Dealer how is ultimately organi ed for the benefit of its
attendees. In addition to the value it offers in terms of dollars and cents,
1) Excalibur Crossbow’s new Assassin 420 TD impressed dealers with its speed and accuracy.
2) Nathaniel Dearolf (left), creative director for Kinsey’s, shoots a video testimonial of an attendee
who wanted to tell others about his experience at the event.
3) Joel Miller, director of opperations for Martin Archery, talks with dealers about the latest
technology from Martin.
4) George Quay, left, and Jason Kidd of The Allen Company provided attendees with the company’s
latest product info, as well as exclusive savings.
5) Kimber O’Dell, national sales and marketing manager of Covert Scouting Cameras, proudly
outlined the company’s latest and greatest offerings.
3 6) Matt Minshall, owner and founder of .30-06 Outdoors, shed some light on the company’s variety
of new and exciting products.
4 5 66
the show also hosts educational seminars on
the latest trends in the industry. This year,
recreational archery was the hot topic at the
Kinsey’s Dealer Show.
“Both of our seminars had a target and
recreational focus,” Kinsey said. “Easton pre-
sented one on Saturday night that covered
the numbers and data, which show how this
is the one area of archery that is growing.
It appeals to the younger audience, and it’s
an avenue that dealers really can’t afford
to ignore. It’s growing, and it’s growing rap-
idly. They can and should be a part of that. 12
Then the S3DA presented its topic on Sunday,
which followed up on the first one. he retailers who choose to get involved. Overall, in-store web-kiosk, which is a great vehi-
younger demographic is growing, and the we are very excited about it. Recreational cle for special orders. Retailers can’t stock
S3DA is a perfect program for getting involved archery is important for Kinsey’s, and it’s also everything we carry. They’re limited to the
in that. The S3DA outlined how dealers can important for the future of our industry.” physical space of their store. So if a cus-
get started and become part of this youth and tomer wants a product that isn’t in the
recreational archery movement.” lthough it wasn’t a fi ture of the Dealer shop, they can special order it through the
Show, Kinsey’s also entered into a new part- kiosk rather than going somewhere else
Kinsey’s relationship with the S3DA also nership with Celerant Technology, which
extends beyond the Kinsey’s Dealer Show.
As part of a lasting partnership, Kinsey’s will help independent retailers streamline or getting it online.”
has contributed a sizable sponsorship to aspects of their shop to better compete with All told, Kinsey’s is certainly planning for
the organization, and will offer operational e-commerce. the future, and this is understandable when
benefits and marketing support to further “Celerant is one of the leading POS sys- one considers the company’s long legacy
advance the S3DA’s growth. Further, Kinsey’s tems in the outdoor industry,” Kinsey which e tends all the way back to 1 5 . he
has also updated its product offerings to bet- explained. “Our partnership and integra- 01 insey’s Dealer how was certainly
ter reflect the shifting market. tion with them will make it easy for deal- another successful event for the company,
“To support those seminars and our part- ers to do things like placing daily purchase and this promises good things for the deal-
nership with the S3DA, we expanded quite orders, and it will also allow them to get ers who participated, as well as the industry
a bit into the recreational category,” Kinsey involved on the e-commerce side of things at large.
said. “We’ve added well over 1,000 new recre- by having a web-store on their shop’s web-
ational products in order to help support the site. Another really powerful option is an The show will return to the Hershey
odge on eb 8, 0 0. earn how you can get
involved at dealer-show.
1) Chris Miller of Kinex Systems talked to dealers about the company’s new accessories. WebXtra ■ For extended coverage
2) Killer Instinct’s Jackson Fuller showed off one of the company’s incredibly narrow crossbow designs.
3) Show attendees cash-in on amazing savings at the Victory Archery booth. of the 01 insey’s Dealer how
4) Preston Edwards of GoldTip, a sponsor of KDS19, talked to dealers about the importance of pro-shops in the archery industry. visit kds 01
That Are Sure to Make a Splash
By Inside Archery Staff
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That Are Sure to Make a Splash
ONEIDA EAGLE BOWS to neida, the sprey is used by more peak draw weight, and its constant
championship bow-fishermen than draw cam has deep groves to prevent
Oneida’s unique bows have long been other bow. One of the reasons behind derailed strings. he Ready o ish
a top choice for the needs of serious that is the company’s tried and true
bowfishing, and the company’s sprey ever ction Design, which delivers ackage includes a rush ire rrow
sets a new gold standard. According the smooth draw of a recurve with Rest, pin Doctor owfishing Reel, Red
the punch of a compound. he sprey
was designed specifically to withstand Cajun
the rough-and-tumble abuse that goes Shore
hand-in-hand with bowfishing. ts Runner
lightweight magnesium riser contrib-
utes to the bow’s 3. -pound weight and
fits comfortably in the hand for e tend-
ed shooting sessions. The
Oneida is also highly
Osprey customi able with a wide
range of draw weight and draw length
options. | Learn more at oneidaeagle-
a un’s hore Runner bow, which is
available in the Ready o ish ackage,
combines performance and affordable
value. his 3 -inch a le-to-a le bow
features a 15- to 5-pound draw weight
range, and it doesn’t re uire a bow press
for ad ustments. t has a 5-pound
Reel Seat, Blister Buster Finger Pads and MUZZY
one Red Fiberglass Piranha Arrow—all
for an MSRP of $299.99. | Learn more at he ice owfishing ow from Mu y
a n fi ng
can be purchased on its own or in
a package. t features an ad ustable
The E-Rad from AMS is the company’s
top-of-the-line bowfishing bow. t’s draw weight that goes from 30 to 60
loaded with performance-enhancing
features that help bow-fishermen make pounds, and it has an ad ustable draw
the most of a day on the water. ts super-
tough riser is constructed with forged length that goes from 24.5 to 31 inches.
and machined aluminum, and its paral-
lel limbs are made of durable fiberglass. sers can ad ust draw length by simply
The E-Rad’s dual cams provide a smooth
draw and release, and a molded, tex- moving a screw on the module. The
tured grip offers all day comfort and
repeatable hand placement. The bow Vice measures 30 inches between the
measures 35 inches between the axles,
and it’s available in draw weights from axles, and pushes arrows to speeds
30 to 60 pounds. The E-Rad is also avail-
able with a kit that includes everything of 320 fps. The Vice also features deep
needed to get started. | Learn more at
a fi ng groves on the cams that prevent the
string from being derailed during hard
use. | a n at f a n
The PSE Mudd Dawg is a great
option for serious bow-fishermen
who don’t want to break the bank.
The Mudd Dawg holds up in the
toughest conditions with its durable
design, stainless steel hardware and
E’s bowfishing-optimi ed cam.
AMS 61
That Are Sure to Make a Splash
It measures 32 ¼ inches between the Package, which includes a Cajun Winch FIN-FINDER
axles, and it weighs only 3.6 pounds. Pro Bottle Reel with line, Snap Shot
All told, this bow is great for snap Rest, finger savers and one ish tick The BankRunner is one of the latest
shooting on a boat or knee-deep in the Arrow with a ring slide. | Learn more at offerings from the bowfishing e perts at
water. It’s also available in the Cajun in- inder. his take-down bowfishing
recurve delivers high performance in
Mudd Fin-Finder
Dawg BankRunner
style. It’s offered in a variety of colors, use for beginners, and it’s also durable Mohican Sneak
and its magnesium riser provides a solid and powerful enough for tournament Bowfishing ro ack
platform for multiple reel-mounting settings. Diamond also loaded it up with
locations. All bushings are built and cutting-edge accessories so bow-fishermen a perfect blend of performance,
installed to withstand the grime and can get going with peace of mind. | maneuverability and ease-of-use. With
abuse that comes with serious bow- a 5 -inch overall length, it’s great for
fishing. he sturdy riser also has built a n at a n a shooters on any railed platform or wad-
in limb pockets for increased durability, ing in thigh-deep water. ts 0-pound
and an E fit grip provides comfortable RPM BOWFISHING draw weight is easy to pull all day,
hand placement for plenty of smooth and it still packs enough punch to
shooting. his 58-inch bow has a 6 he R M Renegade recurve delivers get the ob done. he Renegade is a
inch brace height and its draw weight great option for youth, women and
ranges from 35 to 5 pounds. | Learn
at fin fin
Diamond designed the Edge Sonar to
embody adjustability, ease of use and
versatility. his bow features 1 inches
of draw length ad ustment from 18
to 30 inches as well as 50 pounds of
draw weight ad ustment from 5 to 55
pounds in order to fit archers of all
sizes. It offers quick set up and ease of
RPM 63
That Are Sure to Make a Splash
others who want a high-quality recurve with a Noose point and AMS safety slide. innovative broadhead and scent offer-
for only $99.99. Further, it comes in a kit ings, and now the company is applying
that includes a Stitch full capture rest, | an at fi ng its unique design approach to the bow-
DR. drum reel with 50 feet of braided line, fishing market. he Mohican neak
and one Great White Fiberglass shaft MOHICAN SNEAK
owfishing ro ack includes two
Mochican Sneak made its name with arrows with high-strength fiberglass
construction. One arrow is equipped
u i an ator ra e with a dedicated gar arrowhead, and
an nit rrow the other is equipped with a general-
purpose head. Both heads have a 6061
aircraft-grade aluminum body and
stainless steel barbs for long-lasting
dependability. he heads also incor-
porate a helpful “invisible barb” fea-
ture, which makes it incredibly easy to
remove speared fish. | Learn more at
an n a
R can always be counted on
to deliver cutting-edge products that
address specific needs, and the company
has done e actly that with its bowfish-
ing offerings. he new R ER
owfishing oint features a spring-
locking barb that holds fish firmly
during retrieval. t’s constructed with
premium-grade, hardened stainless
R OR R Bowfishing steel, and users can release fish with-
oint an R O Bowfishing it
out unscrewing the tip. he company
also introduced the R
owfishing it, which makes it easy to GREAT DAY, INC that keeps its contents secure from
curious wildlife. he foam used in all
convert a hunting bow into a dedicat- he reat Day uick-Draw owfishing
Rack is perfect for storing bows securely ordova hard coolers is state-of-the-art.
ed bowfishing setup. he kit includes on the shooting deck of a boat. he team at t has a high R-value to keep food and
beverages cool in e treme temperatures,
the patented R rrow Rest reat Day understands how important it and its material has no impact on the
is to keep bows secure while on the water, environment. ordova coolers are also
and two EED rrows with and they also know that bow-fishermen proudly made in the nited tates.
need uick access to their bows when it’s Learn more at
pre-installed nocks, points and slide go time. he uick-Draw owfishing Rack
addresses both of these needs, and it also CANYON COOLERS
systems. Learn more at mounts securely and compactly for ample
movement and plenty of room for shoot- he utfitter eries from anyon oolers
SULLIVAN INDUSTRIES, INC ers. Learn more at has e treme ice retention and a snug,
streamlined fit in five different si es.
ullivan offers a handful of innovative CORDOVA OUTDOORS
heads and arrows for the special needs he utfitter 35 has the thickest insu-
of bowfishing. he company’s ator he ordova 50 Medium ooler is a great lation of the entire utfitter eries. t
has a 35- uart capacity, and it weighs
rapple tips are cross-drilled, so us- companion for tailgating, weekend
ers can attach their line directly to the pounds. ts rotomolded low-density
point, rigging their arrow so the point camping and of course bowfishing. polyethylene construction keeps contents
can be easily detached. ator rapple cool and provides e treme toughness
tips provide e cellent penetration, and he cooler’s nti- lip oat’s eet pre- and durability. he utfitter 35 is backed
they supply a large holding area. hey’re by a no-hassle, lifetime warranty, and
made of heat-tempered stainless steel, vent it from sliding around in truck it also comes at a great price point.
and also feature anti-vibration tips. Learn more at
beds and on boats. t features anodi ed
he company also offers nity rrows,
which combine a stainless steel rear aluminum handles with integrated
section with a premium fiberglass ar-
row blank. his design offers e cellent bottle openers, and it has an -
strength because there are no holes in
the fiberglass. nity rrows were also certified bear-resistant lock system
designed with a large battery com-
partment to suit all brands of lighted
nocks. Learn more at
Great Day Quick-Draw Cordova
Bowfishing Rack 50 Medium
Five Questions with Victory Archery
ictory rchery has solidi ed its reputation as a leading innovator in the arrow his mentality is reflected in the products
that we produce, the customer service we
market. e spoke with teve reenwood and evin ea of ictory rchery provide, and the timely manner that we
are able to get product to the shop and on
to learn more about the company s latest products and goals. the shelves. We want to make sure that
every dealer sells our arrows because
G ive us the rundown on the new blown away by the results. We feel this they truly believe in the product. ut we
VXT Target Arrow—what makes it arrow is a true reflection of why we are go one step further than that by giving
stand out? ■ he is one of the most “The Carbon Arrow Experts.” our dealers the very best margins in the
advanced arrows we have ever built. his industry across our entire line of arrows.
front-parallel, rear-taper target arrow In general, what factors contribute
boasts superior accuracy, high and We also hired rack treet this last
faster arrow recovery in flight. his micro- to the innovative mindset at Victory year to help us monitor MAP violations
diameter arrow is less affected by wind online to protect dealers and the ictory
with its thinner, weaker tail section for Archery? ■ Every single person here lives brand. ot only does rack treet help
improved clearance during launch, and a us monitor these violations, but we are
thicker, stiffer front section for increased and breathes archery. s any archer will also searching for violators internally.
n addition to policing M , we have also
and improved down range accuracy. tell you, we are always looking for ways made several of our flagship arrows only
ts 100 percent high-modulus carbon available in pro-shops.
construction incorporates a proprietary to achieve better accuracy, to hunt with
outer weave that helps to reduce torsional How would you describe Victory Archery’s
deflection and improve spine uniformity. the utmost confidence in our e uip- relationship with competitive tourna-
ment shooting? ■ When ictory first
Tell us about the design and production ment, and to never settle for second best. started, we were known primarily as
process for the VXT. How did you get a tournament target archery company.
from the idea, to design, testing and We have a weekly meeting at our office hen we designed the micro diameter
completion? ■ We wanted to make the with the enetrator nsert, and our prod-
absolute best-shooting target arrow on where we brainstorm new product ideas, uct line instantly made a huge impact in
the market, and this design has been the bowhunting community. his .001-
in development for more than 4 years! compare test results, and discuss ways inch straightness arrow offered with
matched batch weights, spine alignment
he design is built on a constant diam- to continually improve our products and and E coating turned out to be an
eter mandrel instead of a tapered man- incredibly popular target arrow as well n
drel. The reason for this is that we did designs. Recent e amples of innovation the last couple of years, we have put more
not want the inner diameter to change of our focus back into target tournament
when the arrow is trimmed to its final include our eries, the arbon rad shooting. We have made a big push
draw length. ur engineers also wanted internationally, and we also attend all
it to be 100 percent carbon so the arrows arrows (with wood grain fused into the the domestic archery tournaments to
wouldn’t bend. show our support and love for the sport.
carbon) and the orsion (with carbon We now pay out contingencies for a huge
ll of our knowledge and e peri- number of classes, and even recently
ence making .001-inch micro diameter and stainless steel fused together). ow, started a new acebook page dedicated
arrows and tapered golf shafts helped entirely to target archery.
with the design and construction of with the new tapered shaft, we are
this arrow. We utili e a variety of pro- WebXtra ■ Read an extended Q&A
prietary processes to manufacture the taking things a step further by tapering
and learn more about ictory rchery
s, which yields e tremely consistent and building directly into the shaft at victoryarchery5
spines, tightly controlled straightness
levels and consistent grain weights. We itself. A huge advantage we have is that
tested our ’s against the very best
shafts in the industry, and we were we are all archers and bowhunters, so if
a product is not up to our own standards
or liking, then it is back to the drawing
board. lso, the fact that we are owned by
one of the largest carbon manufacturers
in the world speaks volumes.
How does Victory Archery try to sup-
port the pro-shops and archers who buy
your products? ■ rom the very begin-
ning, we have always been focused on
pro-shops and what archers e pect in a
product they are paying top dollar for.
ur general manager, sales manager,
uality control manager and marketing
manager have all managed or worked
in a pro-shop setting, so we bring the
pro-shop mindset to work every day.