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January 2020

January 2020

Keywords: Moultrie,Inside Archery,January





36 Power of Participation
■ Brandon Reyes, T.R.U. Ball
■ Dave Avery, MD-50 GEAR
■ Keegan Rohlfsen, RubLine
■ Paul Sievert, Kinsey’s South
■ Christopher Scott, Lancaster
Archery Supply
■ Alexander Lowe, Athens Archery

38 Moultrie:
One Step Ahead of Game
By Daniel Allred

38 Market Trends

52 124 52 Bow Report
Obsession Bows Evolution 6
By Patrick Meitin

54 Learning from Success
A review and celebration of Inside
Archery’s 2019 cover stories.
By Daniel Allred

67 Featured Products
Check out a comprehensive guide for
2020’s top products in the industry.
By Inside Archery Staff

124 2020 Arrow Arrivals
Learn about the latest technology
in the best arrows and
bolts of the year.

36 By Patrick Meitin

INSIDE ARCHERY (Volume 23, #1) ISSN #1940-3879, USPS
#024-412 is published 10 times per year (Jan / Feb, Mar, Apr,
May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep / Oct, Nov, Dec) by Zebra Publishing
Inc. PO Box 25007, Colorado Springs, CO 80936. Periodical
postage paid at Colorado Springs, CO 80936 and at additional
offices. Postmaster please send address changes to INSIDE
ARCHERY, P.O. Box 986, Levittown, PA 19058-9902.




32 IInnsdiudsetrtyhe
12 Inside Track
rint aga ines ontinue to enefit
Industries and Businesses

14 Kinsey’s

130 Goal Setting
16 Inside Retailing

Decades-Old Shop Receives

Modern Upgrades

By Daniel Allred

20 Your ATA Insights
Challenge: Be a Learner in 2020
By Kurt Smith / ATA

54 22 Industry News
Information that keeps you up

to speed on news, events and

people in the archery industry.

32 ATA Action
Win $5,000 at #ATA2020!
By Cassie Gasaway / ATA

83 2020 ATA Trade Show

67 • Booth Locator Floor Map
• General Info
• Daily Schedule

• Seminar Series

• Alphabetical Exhibitor Booth Listing

• Numeric Exhibitor Booth Listing

• Innovation Zone Booth Listing

• Shooting Lanes Booth Listing

on- rofit ooth Listing

130 Industry 5Q
Five Questions on Whitetail Properties
with Dan Perez.





Hunting Spots for January/

New hunting opportunities are always on the
horizon. Read about some great locations where
you can still hunt early in the year.

Tournament Archery

2020 Vegas Shoot

The 2020 Vegas Shoot will take place on February
7-9 in the South Point Hotel. Stay tuned for coverage
and results.

Industry 2020 ATA Show Daily Coverage

2020 TRADE SHOW The ATA Trade Show is the industry’s largest and
most important event. Don’t miss a beat during the
Products 2020 ATA Show with Inside Archery’s exclusive daily

2020 ATA Notable Product

There are a lot of exciting new products that are
unveiled during the ATA Trade Show. Take a look at

some of the most notable unveilings.

WebXtras: In this issue: “Inside Retailing” examines success at Austin

Archery Country; “Bow Report” tests the new Obsession Bows Evolution 6; and
“Industry 5Q” examines Whitetail Properties.

Inside Archery Digital Edition

Now Inside Archery can be delivered to your door, viewed on your computer,
AND on your smartphone or tablet. VISIT INSIDEARCHERY.COM/DIGITAL

Fresh content daily
on social media!



int a a ines ontin e to enefit n st ies an sinesses Publisher & Founder

M uch has changed the past two decades in the archery, bowhunting and media Sherry Krenz • [email protected]
worlds, but whether you read “Inside Archery” on paper or online, this magazine
remains the industry’s most informative and valued trade publication. Founding Editor
I think that’s because we’ve believed in the power of good writing and photography long
before everyone lumped those creations as mere “content.” Meanwhile, we also deliver Bill Krenz • 1952–2010
all-things archery and bowhunting to a vast and varied audience at
and on our varied social-media platforms. We do that by working with professionals from Editor
every demographic group as we adapt our verbal and digital communication skills to our
industry’s engaged, highly professional audience. Daniel Allred • [email protected]

The information that originates from “Inside Archery” magazine will always be credible, Editor-at-Large
no matter how it’s delivered. In fact, the longer I work as a publisher, the more I’m glad we
don’t panic every time someone forecasts gloom or doom for paper-and-print publishing. Patrick Durkin • [email protected]

Yes, publishing companies—all companies, really—require digital and multi-media Equipment Editor
platforms, but publishers also know that comprehension increases when readers can
physically touch the medium paper and ip and turn its pages. eaders also udge Patrick Meitin • [email protected]

a publication’s quality by its appearance, and its Editorial Assistant
substance by its heft and even its sound: the thump
factor. That is, if consumers hear no “thump” when achael eginek- ren rachael
a wafer-thin magazine lands on a table, they’ll
likely deem it lacking. Contributors

hose aren’t ust my opinions. s researchers Michaelean Pike | Kurt Smith | Cassie Gasaway
conduct more surveys and studies of marketing
and mass media the more they confirm the di erse Associate Publisher
nature of consumers’ reading preferences, whether
for shopping, buying, education or recreation. That’s Stephen Mack • [email protected]
why trade magazines typically fare better today than
general-interest titles; and why giant stores from L.L. Bean to Bass Pro Shops, or online Art Director
giants like Amazon itself, print and mail Christmas catalogs to consumers’ doorsteps.
A report by the U.S. Postal Service, for example, found that only 15% of millennials d other ed
are likely to ignore direct mail, but 50% say they routinely ignore digital ads. The report
also cites experiments that found physical marketing “triggered activity in a part of the Associate Art Director
brain that corresponds with value and desirability.” If anything, it seems that printed
publications have become even more enduring when compared to the “digital noise” Tara Bondar • [email protected]
experienced online.
eanwhile outdoor retailer retired its print mail-order catalog earlier this year Accounting Manager
and launched a print magazine in its place called “Uncommon Path,” perhaps banking
on the deeper, more engaging, long-term appeal of ink and paper. No one denies the Pam Ludlam • [email protected]
continued growth of digital publishing and advertising, but most marketing experts see
complementary alue in niche print titles that target specific industries and readers. Circulation Director
Therefore, it’s risky, even dangerous, to put all your eggs in the digital basket. With
printed catalogs and publications, a company at least has a chance that consumers will Greg Wolfe • [email protected]
thumb through its pages while walking from the mailbox to kitchen table, or even the
table to the recycling bag. Senior Circulation Manager
In this fast-paced world, those moments are priceless. They often trigger sales and sec-
ond chances, either through a pause for further reading, or through follow-up searches ark osen mrosen
on the internet. ither way print publishing remains a iable ital communications
vehicle that can’t be ignored with a mere click. Subscription Services & Change of Address:

Sherry Krenz Inside Archery® Circulation Department
Publisher Inside Archery, PO Box 986, Levittown, PA 19058-9902
Phone: (844) 862-9286 • Fax: (888) 965-9961
[email protected]

Publication O ce

Inside Archery® / Zebra Publishing Inc.
P.O. Box 25007, Colorado Springs, CO 80936
Phone: (719) 495-9999 • [email protected]

Inside Archery® Copyright © 2020 Zebra Publishing Inc. All rights
reser ed. eproduction in whole or in part without written permission
from the publisher is prohibited. Inside Archery® is a registered U.S.
trademark of Zebra Publishing Inc. Opinions expressed in by-lined
articles or columns are those of the author and do not necessarily
re ect the iews of the publisher the maga ine or its staff.

Submission Guidelines: Zebra Publishing Inc. and Inside Archery® mag-
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Archery, hunting and bowhunting are inherently dangerous activities.
Improper use of hunting or archery equipment may cause serious
in ury or death. lways follow state and local hunting safety rules and
get required permits or licenses before hunting. Zebra Publishing Inc.
uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information
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person of the information in this magazine.

z Inside Archery®
is a publication of
Zebra Publishing Inc.
Printed in the USA.




Goal Setting
A s the year winds down and Kinsey’s is the leading distributor to the outdoors and
hunting seasons close it’s a good the goal too broad makes it hard to define archery industry. Carrying items from your favorite
time to re ect on the past year’s how to achie e success. here are numer- brands, in-stock and ready-to-ship, the company offers
business and begin planning for a fresh ous ways to achieve sales growth, but domestic and international retailers a wide array of
with such a broad goal you may not know products and services. Kinsey’s also owns innovative
year. s a small business owner it is easy where to start. more specific goal would consumer brands including BlackHeart, Fin-Finder,
be: “Grow bow accessory sales.” Now we Elevation and October Mountain Products.
to get caught up in the cra iness of own- know where our sales growth will come For more information, please visit
from. e are on our way to success.
ing your own business and that might directly relates to success in your archery
Measurable shop. ake sure your goals tie into the
mean you don’t take the time to properly big picture objective.
measurable goal is something that can
plan for the year ahead. be physically measured. You may have a Time Bound
goal to “be happy.” That is a great goal,
oal setting is one of the best things but how do you measure happiness ou time bound goal has a defined start and
will get many different answers to that end date. ur sales goal is pretty good
you can do to chart the course of your uestion. ack to our e ample by adding but we can put the finishing touches on
additional detail to our goal we can better by adding a start and end date.
business. aking the time to set goals re- measure our success row bow acces-
sory sales by percent. ow we know Final Goal: Grow bow accessory
uires you to think about your business. t the category we will focus on and we will
know when we ha e achie ed our goal. sales by percent in .
allows you to analy e what is important
Achievable ur goal is now pecific easurable
and it keeps you mo ing forward in the chie able ele ant and ime ound.
n achie able goal is something that is his allows e eryone in ol ed to clearly
right direction. dditionally goals help realistic. Your goal could be “grow bow understand the ob ecti e and what it
accessory sales by percent. hat is means to achie e success. he ne t step
you moti ate your staff with a common fantastic and congratulations to anyone is creating strategies that work towards
who has that amount of success. ut this goal.
mission. n ol ing managers or employ- for an established business that le el
of success may be ery hard to obtain. ery business should ha e three to fi e
ees in goal setting has many positi e goal should be tough and push you to be goals to focus on. f you ha e too many
better but always be within reach. goals, it can be hard to focus. ou may
effects on the culture of your business. find yourself making partial progress but
Relevant failing to get to the finish line. a ing
t is important to create good goals. n a few well thought-out goals can really
rele ant goal is related to your o er- help your staff focus on what is impor-
order to create goals that allow you to all ob ecti e. f you are setting goals for tant and what keeps your business mo -
your archery business it may not be ing forward. f this is a new concept for
chart a course to success many people rele ant to set a company goal of win you would encourage you to gi e it a try.
a state championship for the local high
create something called goals. school football team. gain although hat do you ha e to lose
that would be great it is not a goal that
SMART GOALS: Specific, Measureable, will motivate your staff to work harder
Achievable, Relevant, Time bound in your archery shop. he goal of growing
your bow accessory sales by percent
Non-Smart Goal: Have a better 2020.

his goal can mean many things. f you

ask people what it would mean to ha e

a better you will more than likely

get different answers. he following

e planations will help us define this goal

into a mission that your organi ation can

get behind.


specific goal is something that is well
defined. good place to start is to make
our goal grow sales. he goal of growing
sales is ery broad and there are many
ways to achie e sales growth. aking




Decades-Old Shop Receives Modern Upgrades

Austin Archery Retailing Q & A
Inside Archery: What led to you and
Sto e ofi e your partners taking over Austin Archery
■ Headquarters: ustin e as
Tyler Vanderkolk: Long story short, it
■ Co-Owners: yler anderkolk rendan has been in Austin for about 40 years, and
Hansen, Alan McGraw it has changed ownership a few times.
I’ve been coming to this shop for about 20
■ Store Facts: Austin Archery Country years, and about 13 years ago I started a
taxidermy shop next door, which I actu-
has been in business for about 40 years. ally still operate. he recent owner decid-
ed to sell it about four years ago, and my
he shop’s current owners took o er at two partners and I ended up buying it.

the beginning of . he shop’s retail Inside Archery: What’s the main thing
you updated since taking over?
space occupies about 3,000 square feet. Tyler Vanderkolk, co-owner of Austin Archery Country.
Tyler Vanderkolk: e definitely took a
he range occupies about s uare different approach from all the previous the door. We are focused way more on
owners, and one of the biggest things we good customer service.
feet, and it is equipped with 16 lanes that changed was just our approach to cus-
tomer service. Before, customers kind of Inside Archery: What other things have
go out 28 yards. got the sense that the shop didn’t have you changed about the shop?
time for them unless they were buying
■ Staffing: he shop employs four full- something new. We set out to change Tyler Vanderkolk: Everything, really.
time workers and one part-time worker. that. I don’t care if a guy comes in with Another big thing was our inventory.
a Bear Whitetail II and wants it tuned. Before, the shop had a tendency of only
■ Bow Lines: Mathews, Hoyt, Elite and I’ll take care of him and get him shoot- selling what it liked. For example, they
Prime. ing. Eventually he will probably come might have offered a QAD and Whisker
back and want something new, and I Biscuit, and those were your only two
■ Crossbow Lines: Ravin, Mission and just want this to be his go-to pro-shop. choices for a rest. When we took over, we
CamX. We aren’t focusing on getting as much felt that people wanted more variety, and
money as we can and getting them out now our inventory is three times larger
■ Arrow Lines: old ip and aston. than it was when we bought the shop

■ Inside Numbers: Around 60 to 70 per-
cent of the shop’s annual revenue comes
from bowhunting gear. Services, range
time and rentals account for the rest.

The range has ecome a larger source of re enue after the shop’s owners The shop carries compounds from Mathews, oyt, lite and rime.
made it more welcoming to non-hunters.


Sponsored by

Plano Synergy

Participating retailers will receive $1,000 in products
generously donated by Plano Synergy.

The shop’s retail area occupies about 3,000 square feet.

four years ago. We have about half a million Austin Archery Country was established about 40 years ago in Austin, Texas.
dollars worth of inventory on the shelf at all
times, and that’s because we want to offer see a big elk skull on the wall and stuff like drives a Prius, just shooting together on the
something for everyone. We did that across that. hey’re under the assumption that range. It’s pretty wild, and part of that is
the board, from rests to broadheads, stabi- they’re going to walk into a group of big also just because Austin is totally different
lizers, quivers, etc. I want our customers to redneck hunters, and that can be intimi- from any other town.
be able to see and touch all their options. It dating for newcomers who just want to
took money to do that, but it has really paid try archery. We have changed that totally. Inside Archery: It sounds like you have
off. Every year, we have had 10 to 15 percent Our logo before was a deer skull, and one of done a lot to change the atmosphere of the
growth, so we know that what we are doing the first things we did was update that to shop.
is working. something more neutral that doesn’t only
appeal to hunters. Just doing that alone Tyler Vanderkolk: Absolutely. We have
Inside Archery: What about your approach has made more people come in. hey are definitely made it more in iting. unting
to the range—have you updated that? less intimidated by the hunting aspect. It’s has been the shop’s bread and butter for
definitely a mi ed bag of shooters now. years. he way see it the hunting stuff is
Tyler Vanderkolk: We do operate the range You will see a hunter in full camo with a going to happen regardless. We sell around
a little differently. We do a lot of rent- big diesel truck right next to a vegan who 300 Mathews bows a year, in addition to
als with light-poundage recurves and a our other bow lines. he reality is that
lot more youth archery. We used to never
do stuff like that, and man, it is straight The shop’s team includes, from left, Ray Carnley, Matt Dingeman, Tyler Vanderkolk,
profit. here are tons of people who want Taylor “Tank” Rost, Jake Crocker and Jordon Janecka.
to do it, and it has really opened up new
aspects of the business and created a cool
community. here might be someone new
who doesn’t really know how to shoot a
recurve right next to a guy who is pound-
ing X’s with his target compound, and they
get to ask uestions and get ad ice. hose
conversations lead to people coming back
and being more interested. he range has
been one of our biggest moneymakers. We
show people that archery isn’t really dif-
ficult and that anyone can do it and we
have also made the shop less intimidating
to non-hunters.

Inside Archery: How did you make it less

Tyler Vanderkolk: here wasn’t really a
place for recreational archery in the area.
Non-hunters are intimidated when they



The shop’s new owners have placed a lot of focus on fostering youth archery. Shop employee Jake Crocker works
on a bow in the shop’s service area.

One of the shop’s many recent upgrades Low-poundage recurves have become one of just keep growing. I was talking to a rep
Austin Archery Country’s best-selling items. the other day, and he said that it’s been
is a wider selection of inventory. crazy to watch how much we’ve grown
hunter only ibe. ur first year we might in a few years, and he expects us to go up
those guys come in year after year because have sold 30 or 40 recurves. The next year another 10 percent this year. We know our
they want the new stuff, and I guess we we sold around 100, and the year after that approach has paid off, and you just can’t
are also lucky because Austin is a well-off it was 200. In 2019, I think we sold as many argue with the numbers.
city. But we were not touching any of the light-poundage recurves as we did com-
traditional and recreational stuff when we pounds. Inside Archery: What would you say you
took over. We opened it up to non-hunters love the most about your job?
and kids, and when people come in to test Inside Archery: What’s your outlook on
the waters they see that it’s not intimidat- 2020? Tyler Vanderkolk: I was born and raised
ing. Then they might bring their wife and here in Austin, and I’ve also been hanging
kids, and maybe buy a 20-pound Samick Tyler Vanderkolk: Like I mentioned, our out in this shop for about 20 years, so the
Sage for the family to share. It’s something revenue has gone up 10 to 15 percent ev- best thing for me has been watching how
they just have fun with. They also tell their ery year, so 2019 was our best year yet. the shop has changed in the past couple
friends and neighbors about it, which I’m hoping to continue that tradition in years. I remember when the only people
turns into even more sales—all because 2020. We see it as very possible, and our here were hunters, and now you come in
the shop didn’t have that intimidating sales reps see it, too. They know that we on a Saturday and see a whole spectrum
of people. It’s been great to see how we
were sort of able to break down those cul-
tural barriers. I also always thought that
I could grow this business. Once we took
over, I hoped that I hadn’t just been talk-
ing all these years about how awesome
I could be at running this place without
the ability to actually do it. So it’s been
really satisfying and fun to watch it grow
and see the diversity of people I can get
through the door.

WebXtra ■ Learn more about

Austin Archery Country in Texas at




Challenge: Be a Learner in 2020


E xercise more, spend less, eat or manage a brand, you probably have of those shared traits by paying attention
better. Those great ideas will little or no experience in some aspect to how businesses in non-outdoor indus-
of archery or bowhunting. Whether it’s tries stay ahead of the competition. It

make many people’s lists for New setting up an Olympic-style might take some creativity to

Year’s resolutions. target recurve or carrying a bring ideas into your archery
crossbow into the deer woods, business, but the results could

Such resolutions are great for your per- you should look for opportuni- greatly outweigh the effort.

sonal life, especially if you’re still hitting ties where you’ll be a beginner Frederik Hären, who speaks

the gym come February, but are you mak- again. By switching to a differ- around the world on creativ-

ing New Year’s resolutions for your busi- ent style of shooting or hunt- ity and change, once said

ness life? It’s not too late to start, and I’ve ing you’ll get firsthand e perience learn- that an idea is simply two known things

got a perfect idea for your business-mind- ing what it’s like to depend on others combined into one. Look outside archery

ed resolution. In fact, this pledge could for information. That’s a situation your for opportunities to combine tactics, pro-

boost business to record levels for you and customers encounter daily. By experienc- cesses or procedures with what you’re

your company: Be a learner! ing that feeling, you could learn excellent already doing.

Yes, that sounds simple and a bit vague, ways for your company to better serve Learn from Each Other ■ If you’re read-

but getting into a learning mindset could every customer.

mean returning to school, or something a ing this column, you’ll likely attend the

lot simpler and cheaper. Let’s discuss a few Learn from Other Industries ■ Those of 2020 ATA Trade Show. The ATA Show is a

learning opportunities to pursue in 2020. us in the archery industry like to think unique opportunity to learn from your

we’re unique, but we share more similar- peers. The ATA’s educational offerings at

Learn a New Skill ■ Whether you own ities than differences with people work- the Show focus on peer-to-peer learn-

an archery shop, work at a wholesaler, ing in other industries. Take advantage ing through seminars, Coffee Talks, and

demonstrations on the how oor. can

the education schedule for topics that

address weaknesses you might have,

and start planning how to correct them

next year. If you’re an ATA member but

can’t attend the Show, keep checking the

new MyATA Learning Center for video

recordings from the Show’s educational

sessions. You can view the videos on-

demand. They’re available exclusively to

ATA members.

Learning is a continual process. Even

if you’ve been around the industry for

decades, you can learn something new.

Challenge yourself to be a learner in 2020.

By asking more questions than you an-

swer, you’ll see positive impacts on your


At the ATA, we’re always looking for

ways to help our members learn. If you

have ideas on how we can help you or

your business, please let us know. You

can visit us in person at the MyATA Area

at the Trade Show, or you can contact me

at [email protected].




a t toppe nc e ac e
to Perform at the 2020
Kinsey’s Dealer Show

insey’s nc. announced ncle racker

as the performer for the insey’s ealer

Appreciation Night Concert, to be held

on ebruary as part of the

annual insey’s ealer how in ershey

Pennsylvania. This year’s act continues

the tradition of top-notch performances.

re ious insey’s ealer how headliners

include lake helton odney tkins

Travis Tritt, Montgomery Gentry, Lonestar

and Thompson Square. socialize before the concert. tried-and-true hits along with some new
The rock/country music star’s fun-loving tunes. His live show continues to get bigger
he ealer ppreciation ight will and better with every tour. “It’s very interac-
mentality is a perfect fit for insey’s ealer tive,” he said. “It’s meant to be a party, and
kick off with dinner and prize giveaways how. ncle racker will be showcasing his I want everybody involved. Each time we go
on stage, I want people to leave smiling.”
early in the evening, allowing dealers to
ncle racker has played sold-out
pe ition c e a nc es o ine shows across the country and appeared
everywhere from the American Country
Xpedition Archery’s new lineup promises innovation equipped the bows with quiver mounts and rear Music Awards to Late Night With Conan
and the consistency for which the brand is known. O’Brien. He is still having a blast, and fans
The design team’s goal was to engineer a bow that stabilizer mounting options. worldwide undoubtedly will too when
instills con dence and feels right in the shooter’s they see him on the road. “When I’m up
hand. The reinvented Denali LX (DLX) carries the onstage, I don’t feel removed from the peo-
ple coming to hear the music,” he leaves
Xpedition President Mark Heck said, “Our belief same overall platform as its predecessor. The off. “You can feel it, when they identify
is that con dence comes from uilding a tough-as- with you. Sometimes when I’m up there,
nails bowthat can function in extreme conditions and D shares the same race height and a le-to- I wanna tell ’em, ‘I’m not any different
features the smoothest shot cycle on the market. than you are.’” | TO ATTEND DEALER APPRECIATION
This year’s bows feature enhanced limb axle length but is vastly improved to enhance NIGHT AND THE KINSEY’S DEALER SHOW, REGISTER
pockets, forged risers and cams AT JOIN THE KINSEY’S
that can customize the back the shooter’s experience. The forged caged riser, DEALER SHOW FACEBOOK GROUP FOR UPDATES AND
updated limb pocket design and HDS Cam create
pedition calls the M -
and M - the ultimate hunting a crossover bow that perfectly blends stability,
series. This series is fueled by Kevin
Strother’s newly designed HDS Cam, consistency and performance.
which o ers the a ility to run lim or
cable stops and allows the archer to The -inch scape is a premier short a le-
manipulate the feel and performance.
A perfectly alanced forged caged ris- to-a le ow. The scape shares a riser design
er creates incredible consistency, and
oth ows power arrows at impres- and look that blends the Xplorer SS and the
si e speeds. n response to cus-
tomer demand, Xpedition popular Mako X. This design has a more rigid MfoaornSsetarevnriMceeMaltefiamnttdbeeKsraHneusaanst p

riser for stability, maintains a lightweight

compact pro le, and features the D Cam

with rotating mods and a newly designed onster eal and ansas armland

lim -pocket system. The D Cam pro ides utfitters ha e teamed up to gi e two

an rating up to fps and o ers the deserving hunters, CW4 Ben Cuevas, an

ability to manipulate the back wall with limb active-duty helicopter pilot for the US

rmy and el odrigue et. the

or cable stops. This bow blends lightweight opportunity to experience a week-long

maneuverability with precision performance, whitetail hunt in ecember .

whether on the mountaintop or out of a “My relationship with MonsterMeal

ground blind. | , started over a year and a half ago when

I was looking for a deer feeding product

Continued on Page 24



Continued from Page 22 settle into his civilian role and then pursue countless others ha e done for our country.
the passion for hunting he tabled during FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT MONSTER-MEAL.COM.
and program,” said Steve Hall, owner and his 13 deployments with the 10th Mountain
operator of ansas armland utfitters. Bohning Joins the Growing List
“I’m currently using MonsterMeal on over 18 i ision in ra and fghanistan. en ue as oScf Inodaussttircy Sponscores for
farms that I manage and my deer couldn’t is also an incredible man. e embodies a
be happier. spirit of service that is exceptional in any cholastic - rchery announced that
arena. here was always the possibility that Bohning is the organization’s latest Gold
MonsterMeal Alternate Brand Manager Ben could be deployed, so we have all been Le el sponsor. ohning is known for inno-
Blake Davis said, “Steve has an amazing waiting. e rolled the dice drew the tag and vation, technical guidance and dedication to
lodge, phenomenal ground, and he possesses his schedule will clear in time to participate e ery archer and the company consistent-
one of the best ‘all deer’ perspectives I have in the hunt. ly works toward solving issues that affect
engaged with. e has a pro en history of put-
ting big ansas bucks in front of his clients. onster eal hopes to find deser ing and Continued on Page 26
I knew I wanted to offer MSG Rodriguez a capable people to recogni e. or the com-
chance to e perience this hunt. odrigue ’s pany, this hunt is a small way to say thank
retirement focus was to remodel his house, you for what these two service members and




Continued from Page 24 Scott Hamlin stated, “I have been involved was designed for bowhunters with short-
personally in youth mentoring programs for
the full demographic of archers, including over 25 years, and I felt it was most impor- er draws and lighter poundage. For 2020,
target archers, hunters, recreational and tant that Bohning become fully engaged in
Olympic archers. Bohning also offers free the mission of S3DA. Much like Bohning, we Easton will add a full range of spine sizes
technical advice from experienced archers, view S3DA as an innovator bravely facing
hunters, chemists, engineers and manufac- the challenges of building interest in out- from 260 to 700 to cover virtually all bow-
turing experts. door activities in today’s youth.”
hunting setups. At +/-.006, the SPT AXIS offers
Bohning Director of North American Sales “Bohning has been a proud sponsor of
individuals and organizations that pro- a great value in a higher-performance
mote the healthy, challenging and exciting
sport of archery,” said Bohning President micro 5mm shaft. In addition, the AXIS SPT
Larry riffith. e are e cited about the
mission and growth of S3DA and the positive will be offered with aluminum half-out
in uence it has on the youth of merica.
It is a great honor to be included on the list inserts and X-nocks included.
of S3DA sponsors and to do our part in fur-
thering this sport we all love so much.” | FOR Although the AXIS utilizes state-of-the-art
carbon for increased durability and speed,
it’s the arrow’s penetration that wins over
Introduced last year, the Easton AXIS SPT
most of its users. he micro profile

focuses the kinetic energy into an ultra-

small frontal area for less friction and thus

greater penetration.

“It penetrates deeper as the shaft passes

through with less friction behind the broad-

head channel,” said Gary Cornum, marketing

director for Easton. “Millions of successful

hunts testify to the awesome effectiveness

of a simple concept that equates to more

Continued on Page 28

PSE Archery Commits to S3DA Sponsorship

As a strong supporter of both archery and con- day to the continued vitality of our industry. We
servation, PSE Archery has decided to commit
sponsorship dollars to assist S3DA in its mission can’t overstate the value of the amazing contribu-
to grow youth archery and bowhunter par-
ticipation. PSE has released S3DA- tions the S3DA program makes to educating
speci c ersions of the tinger
Max hunting bow and the Centrix youth about competitive archery, hunting
SD short-draw target bow. This
new sponsorship is ust the rst and wildlife conservation.”
step in what will be an excit-
ing partnership between the S3DA Executive Director Jennie Richard-
manufacturer and the archery
education organization. son said, “PSE Archery is known worldwide

“We’re immensely excited to be as a leader in the archery industry. Their
coming on board with the S3DA pro-
gram,” said Lonnie Work- long-standing commitment to quality
man, vice president of
sales for PSE Archery. and excellence is displayed daily through
“They run an amazing program,
and what they do is becoming their product line and company ethics.
more and more important every
PSE Archery has made the commitment

to sponsor S3DA, and the company is

excited to begin this journey with such a

reputable organization. This sponsorship

allows S3DA the opportunity to further

the goal of transitioning youth into com-

petitive and recreational archery, conser-

vation, and a lifetime of enjoyment in the

outdoors.” | ,



Continued from Page 26 models and in
downed big game—it’s like magnum ammu-
nition for your bow.” TION, VISIT EASTONARCHERY.COM.

The small diameter also means that AXIS

arrows y much better in crosswinds than aoo eoeocoines a fiecaina

regular carbon arrows. hat means broad-

heads will find the aim-point more often in

the field. he micro is a ailable in

atch rade raditional tandard and port he ocky ountain lk

oundation is pleased to

Easton AXIS SPT announce that is now its

official drinkware cooler and cargo partner.

t is difficult to uantify the depth of

’s support for ’s mission o er the dollars for our mission and now they are

past years said te e ecker ice accelerating that commitment.

president of marketing. e truly appreci- n addition to sponsorship support

ate them as a alued partner with a strong pro ides product for ’s membership

commitment to hunting and conser ation. programs retail chapter and national e ent

n fact o er the last decade ’s direct fundraising efforts across the nited tates.

contributions combined with product for products including coolers ramblers

fundraising ha e pro ided millions of Continued on Page 30




Continued from Page 28 commitment to increasing access and im- how and agreed. rom that

bags and other gear generate significant and pro ing elk habitat aligns perfectly with chance encounter the relationship

ital funding for mission accomplishment. ’s mission to protect the wild. e has grown into one of ’s largest and

ur roots in the hunting community run couldn’t be more proud of our partnership most significant.

deep and our commitment to conser ation with the ocky ountain lk oundation. here is great power in partnerships.

has been unwa ering since launched first came in contact with in hanks to our other partners and of

in said ill eff senior director of when two representati es asked to course our olunteers and members

community marketing at . ’s display a cooler in the booth at the is able to do so much more going forward to

benefit elk elk country and hunting added


MAMgiydeswntecerysytfRoRraentghciehonAHmireesriNcaenw Sales

ystery anch has retained a new sales
agency unkin-Lewis nc. based in esta ia

ills labama.
unkin-Lewis will represent ystery

anch’s unting and ountain lines in
orth akota outh akota innesota
isconsin llinois ebraska owa is-
souri and the pper eninsula of ichigan.
ystery anch continues to grow into new
markets with products steeped in a history
of inno ation that spans four decades and
that demonstrate a commitment to design-

ing the most functional comfortable and
highest- uality packs on the market.

unkin-Lewis was founded in the mid-
1950s and brings an extensive amount of
e perience long-standing relationships and
on-the-ground know-how to the table said

im offer ystery anch hunting sales
manager. he sales representati es man-
aging the territory are passionate about
the outdoors and understand what ystery

anch needs to be successful with our retail

e are looking forward to working with
unkin-Lewis and e cited at the future
opportunities agreed en obel ystery
anch outdoor sales manager. FOR MORE




Win $5,000 at #ATA2020!


W hat would you do with Show for a total of $15,000. Retailers who how to win. inners must pro ide proof
ou could ad ertise to reach new place $5,000 in orders at the Show can of written orders.

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p.m. on ay . etailers do not ha e to after the ’s gi eaway draw-

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he will gi e away daily at the drawing but they must be present at the the gi eaway drawing but they must be

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which gi es you se eral chances to win

Take advantage of PHOTO © ATA Capitalize on Buyer Day
Buyer Day. Write
$5,000 in orders y writing as many orders as you can on
to qualify for the uyer ay which is ay of the how
ATA’s Big Buck Tags you’ll also a oid more booth traffic. uy-
$5,000 giveaway. er ay is restricted to those with yellow
buyer badges or red e hibitor badges. o
one else can enter the e hibit hall. his

Continued on Page 34




PHOTO © ATA business to business show and is not open iTunes (iPhone app), Google Play (Android

to consumers on any day. app) and ChirpE (Mobile Web).

Fill Big Buck Tags for both the ATA and Nexus Out- Use the ATA’s Mobile App Attend “Connections:
doors giveaways to increase your chances of winning. An ATA Happy Hour”
Save money and score big with the ATA’s
Continued from Page 32 2020 Trade Show free mobile app. You’ll see The ATA’s new event, “Connections: An ATA
two new tabs, “Save” and “Enter to Win,” Happy Hour” is Thursday, Jan. 9, from 6 to
change ensures buyers and manufacturers on the app. The “Save” tab lists all exhibi- 8 p.m. in Exhibit Hall J.
concentrate on business without interrup- tors and special offers in the Big Buck Tag
tions from other member groups. Coupon Book. The “Enter to Win” tab lets ev- You can watch and interact with elite
eryone who downloads the app to enter a and celebrity shooters. Attendees can also
he how oor is open to all registered drawing for a Suunto Alpha Traverse watch! network with retailers, manufacturers,
press, buyers, exhibitors, sales reps, state ATA staff, and like-minded business pro-
agencies, and all non-exhibiting categories: The app has many other features. fessionals over free beer, food, games and
manufacturers non-profit go ernment Use the “My Planner” feature to “star” entertainment. It’s a great way to wind
suppliers media sales and outfitters your favorite activities, exhibitors, booth down and enjoy your evening.
guides, as usual, the next two days, Jan 10- events, and educational opportunities.
11. As always, the show continues to be a Your starred selections will appear on All registered Trade Show attendees are
one screen in chronological order, so you welcome. No ticket or registration is nec-
easily see what’s next and stay on track. essary. Simply show up at Exhibit Hall J
You can also add notes, create meetings, with your Trade Show badge to enter.
and check off events and activities as they
happen. Download the app now through Questions? Contact the ATA Trade Show,
business and membership office toll-free
at (866) 266-2776, option 2, for help.



Archery Industry Members Participating in the Sport

SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO: Visit or mail a color image with your name,
address, where the animal was taken, and archery gear used—both manufacturer and model—
to Inside Archery Power of Participation, P.O. Box 25007, Colorado Springs, CO 80936.

Brandon Reyes • Virginia Whitetail Dave Avery • Alaska Caribou

T.R. . all, Marketing ta hooting Coordinator MD-50 GEAR, Owner

Bow ■ Mathews VERTIX Sight ■ AXCEL Bow ■ Mathews Rest ■ NAP Apache
Arrow ■ Black Eagle Arrows Rest ■ QAD UltraRest No Cam HTR Other ■ MD-50 GEAR
Broadhead ■ SWAT Hybrid Release ■ T.R.U. Ball Broadhead ■ Slick Trick Archer’s Saver and
Sight ■ HHA Optimizer Archer’s Release Trainer


Keegan Rohlfsen • Iowa Whitetail Paul Sievert • Kentucky Whitetail

RubLine Marketing, Production Editor Kinsey’s South, Buyer

Bow ■ Mathews Halon 32
Arrow ■ Victory RIP TKO
Scent Control ■ Scent Crusher Field Spray
Other ■ ThermaSeat Predator and Tactacam 5.0

Bow ■ Bear Archery Broadhead ■ Rage Rest ■ QAD
Arrow ■ Anarchy Release ■ Scott Sight ■ AXT

Alexander Lowe • Indiana Whitetail Christopher Scott • Minnesota Whitetail

Athens Archery, Ambassador Lancaster Archery Supply, Pro Shop Manager

Bow ■ Athens Archery Ridge 32 Sight ■ Montana Bow ■ Mathews VERTIX Rest ■ QAD UltraRest Integrate MX
Arrow ■ Gold Tip Kinetic Kaos Black Gold Vengeance Arrow ■ Victory Archery Sight ■ AXCEL
Broadhead ■ QAD Exodus Rest ■ QAD UltraRest HD Broadhead ■ G5 Deadmeat Other ■ Sitka Elevated II
Release ■ Hot Shot Mfg. Eclipse Release ■ Stanislawski



JANUARY 2020 INSIDEARCHERY.COM You could almost say that Dan Moultrie

started his legendary company on accident.

Back in the late 1970s, he had a personal problem that re-
quired a personal solution. The problem was that deer
weren’t sticking around on his family’s hunting property
in southwestern Georgia. The solution was an affordable, well-
built automatic feeder that he created in his college apartment.
Originally, Dan Moultrie was only going to build 10 feeders for him-
self, but once he told his hunting buddies about his invention, they
each told him that they wanted 10, too.

The “accident” here is that Moultrie’s solution was more effec-
tive than he originally thought, and it turned out that many other
hunters were in need of something exactly like his product. The
rest, as they say, is history. Dan Moultrie steadily built a company
around his innovative feeders, and he continued to solve common
problems with fresh and effective ideas.

Nothing else involved with the lasting success of Moultrie Feed-
ers and Game Cameras could be chalked up as an accident. In fact,
the opposite is true. Here’s how the man himself, Dan Moultrie,
described his company’s climb to the top:

“Hard work was heavily ingrained in me by my par-
ents and upbringing,” he said. “From the very beginning,
our goal was to outwork everyone else. We made our
minds up that we were just not going to be outworked
by anyone. So we worked harder, and we worked smarter. In the
end, that’s what wins. That’s the secret to Moultrie, and that’s
what our entire team still does.”

40 Years of Growth and Improvement

Dan Moultrie was a fresh graduate of Auburn University when
he officially launched oultrie eeders in . nitially he
built his feeders on nights and weekends while he worked his

day job at Southern Company Services, a southeast-
ern utility company.
Even though he considered his
feeder business a “side-project,”
it was still essentially a full-
time commitment, and he
balanced both of his jobs
for seven years before ded-
icating himself entirely to
Moultrie Feeders.
For Dan Moultrie, those


early years of hard work certainly paid off. approaching the fast track. Passion is no good way to see what color phase the
His company had experienced continual what drove us.” bear was. That’s really the original reason
vertical growth from year one, and by the designed and built that ery first camera.
mid 80s, his products were available na- Hunting has certainly remained a cen-
tionwide. terpiece of Dan Moultrie’s life. He could took a spring from a mousetrap and at-
tell you all about his time hunting the tached it to a string near the bait. When
A solid work ethic is really only one Mulchatna caribou herd in remote Alas- the bear pulled the string, it would snap
part of the equation, though. After all, ka, or his adventures on the vast desert one photo. can’t tell you how e citing it
plains of Tanzania. Accordingly, many of was the first time that string was pulled. t
an oultrie crafted his first automatic his other effective hunting solutions have was an absolutely incredible feeling.”
feeder to impro e his time in the field. t come from problems that he experienced
was a product of passion, and that same in the field. Despite having a winning idea, Dan
passion for hunting served as fuel for the Moultrie waited patiently before introduc-
company’s fire. One such problem occurred when he ing it to the market.
was bear hunting in Canada. He and his
f you look at the people who are doing fellow hunters wanted to determine the used it for years as a personal item
the best at their jobs, you see that they’re color phase of the bear they were baiting. and guess that’s because was ust so
passionate about it oultrie said. f His solution was one of the earliest
you’re going into a job that you hate ev- trail camera designs. caught up in the growth of
eryday, you’re not going to do very well at our feeders,” he said.
it. We were so over-the-top with hunting. he outfitters was hunting with “Several years passed
We lived the lifestyle, and that’s one of the had customers who wanted to see before we decided to
things that made us successful. We were the color phase of the bear,” Moultrie bring it into the indus-
ust so passionate about it and think said. “We tried multiple tricks, like try in a big way, and
you can see that in all the members of hanging little hooks near the bait at first we encountered
my peer group, back when hunting was to catch a piece of fur, but there was some opposition. They
said no one is going


to spend $200 or $300 on a camera that years later. I also always thought Lowe’s the company’s previous innovations, it has
you put in the woods. My dear friend, Ray had a great tagline: ‘Never Stop Improv- taken the industry by storm.
Murski, once defended us by saying ‘this ing.’ I felt like that’s what I was doing, and
will end up being one of the greatest hunt- that’s what we kept doing.” Moultrie Mobile:
ing products that will ever come down the Establishing
pipeline.’ He took that early stand, and he Continual improvements are not hard A Gold Standard
was dead right. Today, the trail camera is to find when you look at the company’s
probably the number one hunting acces- history. or instance oultrie’s first game Moultrie Feeders and Game Cameras has
sory in the industry. It’s grown an incred- cameras used mm film but e entually always been a trailblazing company. It en-
ible amount from where we started.” digital camera technology emerged as a tered the trail cam market when the con-
superior option. Moultrie and his team cept was brand new. It went on to unveil
Over the years, Dan Moultrie continued went on to painstakingly develop the very the first digital trail camera and establish
to update and refine his trail cameras and first digital trail camera. his ground- itself as the most popular game camera
along the way, he never lost sight of his breaking innovation contributed to Moult- manufacturer in the industry.
company’s founding philosophy. rie Feeders and Game Cameras leading the
market in annual trail cam sales. Despite all of these milestones, Moultrie
“From the very start, our philosophy Mobile is perhaps the company’s proudest
was to take care of the customer and do Years later, Moultrie and his team accomplishment. t has redefined what a
the right thing,” he said. “It only takes a shook up the industry again with the ad- trail camera is capable of, and much like
little bit more work to do the right thing, vent of cellular technology. The company Moultrie’s previous innovations, it was
and that’s what I ingrained in my employ- unveiled Moultrie Mobile in 2016, and like created to make hunters’ lives easier and
ees. We took care of the customer by build- their time in the field more successful.
ing our products right and selling them
right, and it has paid huge “The only problem with a digital trail
dividends, now almost 40 camera is that most people don’t
live close to their hunting area,”

Dan Moultrie’s incredible passion for hunting is ultimately what inspired him to create his 41
first automatic feeder in his college apartment. From those humble beginnings, Moultrie’s
passion for the sport continued to help his company grow and thrive for the last 40 years.


Moultrie said. “If someone does, they only the tip of the iceberg for Moultrie
are very fortunate, but most hunters Mobile, and something else that sets
need to drive 2 or 3 hours to get away it apart is its extremely helpful, user-
from the bigger towns. They might friendly app.

only have a weekend to hunt, so “Whenever someone asks me what
by the time they drive down there made Moultrie Mobile so successful, I
and retrieve their pictures, they always tell them that it’s in the secret
don’t have a good chance to re- sauce, and one of the key ingredients
ally review their data. The great of the secret sauce is the app,” Moult-
thing about Moultrie Mobile is rie said. “It allows you to hold as many
that it eliminates driving back pictures as you could ever need. We did
and forth, saving gas and time. a game survey on the property we man-
Time is your most valuable as- age in Georgia, and we got over 12,000
set, and Moultrie Mobile lets you pictures. It’s almost unbelievable to
make the most of it by providing think about how far the technology has
constant reconnaissance data. It come since those first film cameras
tells you which deer are where, and the app is what really makes it pos-
and it gives a target list of bucks you sible. We feel that we are way ahead of
want to take. It also eliminates you go- the rest of the industry with our app.
ing in and disturbing those areas. It
was a huge game changer.” “You can do more with the app than
These clear advantages are really you can standing in front of the cam-
era,” he continued. “All you have to do
with the camera is put it there and turn
it on. Everything else is done from the
app, so if you want to adjust your fea-
tures or check the battery level, it’s all
in the app, and it’s just super simple.
There are a lot of choices out there for
hunters, but our app is second to none.”

In addition to a highly user-friendly
and effective app, Moultrie Mobile also
comes with an affordable price tag.

oultrie obile fits into our found-
ing philosophy of doing the right

thing by offering a good product
at a good price,” Moultrie said.

hen made that ery first

Continued on Page 44


Continued from Page 42

feeder, it was because the only other feed-
ers available were extremely expensive. I
thought we needed something that was affordable for everyone, and
we applied that same concept to Moultrie Mobile. It was critically
important to make it affordable for the average guy.”
All together, Dan Moultrie and his team have simply tried to pro-
vide their customers with an all-around good experience.
f a first-time user has a bad e perience they might ust gi e up
on the product,” Moultrie said. “That’s why we put so much effort into
creating a great first-time e perience. he app is ust so easy to use.
If older guys like me can do it, anyone can do it. Younger
guys can do it with their eyes closed. o the first key is a
good price, and the second key is ease of operation. It’s
something else that goes back to where we started with
feeders. When you make a hunter successful with your
product, they will come back and be a customer for life.
e want them to en oy using our product and we want
them to be successful because of it.”
Moultrie Mobile also utilizes incredible, cutting-edge
features like photo recognition.
“One of the newest and coolest things we’ve introduced
is photo recognition,” Moultrie said. “I mentioned that we
had 12,000 pictures from our game survey. How do you
narrow that down? How do you review all that information without
spending hours and hours? Well, with photo recognition, the system
can tell the difference between a buck, doe, turkey,
person, vehicle, etc. It categorizes them
all into different folders, and
then you can add other
filters like daytime or
nighttime. It saves
tons of time, and it’s
a monster game-
management tool.

Continued on Page 46


Continued from Page 44

Photo recognition is something else that we nev- Big Plans for 2020 and Beyond
er could have imagined all those years ago, and
it’s going to be huge for our company.” For Dan Moultrie and his team, 2019 was a spec-
tacular year. Originally, Moultrie Mobile was
Moultrie Mobile’s incredible features also al- comprised of two parts: a digital trail cam, and
low it to double as a security device. a separate modem that attached to it for cellular
capabilities. This was an excellent approach. The
“We’ve seen that a lot of people are using our system was compatible with almost all Moultrie
trail cameras for security,” Moultrie said. “Now, cameras produced since 2015, allowing anyone
they can use that photo recognition feature to
filter pictures of humans. ost hunters ha e re- with a Moultrie camera to easily “upgrade”
mote hunting lodges, or pieces of equipment their unit into a cellular
they want to put a camera on. They trail camera.
don’t care if a dog or cat walks by, In 2019, the com-
but they want to know if a human pany took a different
is there. With our system, they approach with the
can know within 30 seconds, XA-7000i and XV-
and that can provide major 7000i, which were
peace of mind. They don’t the company’s first
need to go through 100 oth- fully integrated
er pictures, and they know cellular cameras.
that their lodge isn’t be- Despite a little ap-
ing broken into.” prehension, these

All considered, Moult- Continued on
rie Mobile is clearly ahead Page 48
of its time. But the company
isn’t stopping here. In fact, it’s
just getting started.


Continued from Page 46

new models were a huge hit. 2019, and I’m sure it will be even bigger in $50 rebate—so for $129, a hunter could get
“We were somewhat nervous about the 2020. The 7000i series was more successful a cutting-edge integrated camera.”
than we thought it would be, and it made
7000i series, but it ended being wildly suc- 2019 a tremendous year for us.” For 2020, Moultrie Feeder and Game
cessful,” Moultrie said. “In the past, we kept Cameras will unveil the new XV6000,
the modem separate from the trail camera Simply put, the 7000i series embodied which represents an even greater deal.
because we didn’t want our users with all the qualities that have made Moultrie
older cameras to have to go out and buy a products successful in the past. “All of the details will be revealed at the
new one. We didn’t think that was right. ATA Trade Show, but I can say that the
his was the first time we built it all into “Even though we were a little nervous, new XV6000 will have the same incred-
one unit, and we learned a big lesson from we still knew we were offering a very ible qualities and it will be even more af-
its success. The market is shifting towards strong deal,” Moultrie said. “It was a great fordable,” Moultrie said. “It’s user friend-
cellular cameras, and it’s moving fast. unit. It has our amazing app, and all of it ly. It has great features like 4G coverage
They’re just a better option. We saw that in being integrated into one unit was just fan- and photo recognition, and the price will
tastic. We also sold it at $179 and offered a
Continued on Page 50


Continued from Page 48 care of everyone, and that’s what we’ve done.
We are a company that you can count on.”
make it even easier for hunters to ex-
perience Moultrie Mobile. We are ex- Conclusion
tremely excited to introduce it, and we have
some other unbelievable announcements A good reputation carries a lot of weight in
that we will be making at the ATA Trade the archery industry. When a company has
Show. It’s some of the coolest new stuff I’ve thrived for decades and adapted to the ever-
ever seen in my life, and I can’t wait to show changing marketplace, you know they’re do-
it to the industry.” ing things right.
In addition to these powerful new innova-
tions, Moultrie will surely continue to live by For Dan Moultrie and his team, the compa-
the philosophy that helped create its lasting ny’s long legacy has served as a solid founda-
success. tion for the future. Now, with the company’s
“I think we are pretty well-known in the next generation of Moultrie Mobile trail cam-
industry for our two-year warranty,” Moult- eras, the future looks even brighter.
rie said. “We say it lasts for two years, but it
really lasts a lot longer. If a customer comes “There are so many people trying to break
to us with a legitimate problem, we will al- into the hunting industry,” Moultrie said.
ways take care of them. It all goes back to
our goal of doing the right thing and taking lot of them y by night sell products for
care of the customer. We want to make great two or three years, and then they’re not there
products, drive the industry forward, and take anymore. There’s no service, no one to call
care of our customer base— for help, and dealers are left with a bunch of
from the pro-shops, to the antiquated products. We are a highly profes-
wholesalers, to the end-
users. You have to take sional and well-financed company and we
provide the best products, services and
prices available. We’ve been here for 40
years, and we’re not going anywhere.”


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