Bloodsport Deadline Muzzy X NAP Dark Knight
Dark Knight has a milled-aluminum ferrule with a sharp steel tip that’s backed by a three-blade, Northern WIDE
two-stage deploying blade system. The main blade is 1 3/8 inches wide, and it’s set on a pivoting pin CUTS 2-Blade
to roll around bone and stay on course. Next come 1 1/8 i c pitfire st le mec a icals, ic act
as bleeders and create nasty crosscuts. The 125-grain head is ideal for crossbows, and it also boosts Steel Force Big Phathead
for for i i i t Learn more at TRUGLO TitaniumX BackFlip
Northern Broadheads 51
Newcomer Northern Broadheads provides uncompromising reliability that’s perfect for tra-
ditional bowhunters or the “kinetically challenged.” These classic two-blade cut-on-contact
designs were made to drive deep and split bone. Northern WIDE CUTS two-blades are offered
in 100-, 125-, 150-, 175- and 200-grain versions. All wear stainless steel blades that are razor
sharp from the package and easy to resharpen. The .050-inch-thick blades (sharpened front
and rear) are stout, and the hardened aluminum or steel ferrules provide solid reliability.
Single-bevel models create nasty spiral wound channels, and the 1 ¼-inch cutting diameter
spills blood freely. Learn more at
Steel Force Broadheads
Steel Force’s Big Phathead combines cut-on-contact reliability with a massive 1 ½-inch cut. Large
e ts also e sure field tip accurac , e e from t e fastest cross o s o a d four lade models
with 7/8-inch-wide bleeders are offered. The .075-inch thick main blade ensures reliability, and the
four-blade 7/8-inch bleeders provide crosscuts that spill more blood. The 100-grain model features
7075 aluminum, and the 180-grain model has a steel ferrule. Learn more at
TRUGLO’s Titanium X series broadheads have tough grade-5 titanium ferrules and surgical-
quality stainless steel blades. Each broadhead is spin and weight tested to ensure excellent
i t e e est ersio is t e ac lip, ic is a series of re erse ope i mec a ical
heads. The series includes two- and three-blade models that weigh 100 grains and include a
convex cutting/bone-splitting tip. Each three-pack of Titanium X heads also includes a free
set of replacement blades and an installation wrench. Learn more at
Rage Broadheads
The Hypodermic NC from Rage was designed for more trouble-free use. The NC uses
cutti ed e, fi er li e ta s o t e lades lip am pi ot poi t to ope o co tact
Rage Hypodermic NC Sullivan Industries Aero Series SIK SK2
e desi elimi ates ori i al oc ollars, ut it still pro Thorn Broadheads
ides relia le lade rete tio i i t e rai as Thorn’s new RIFT creates 2.2-inch wound channels for shorter blood trails.
It is compatible with today’s fastest compounds and crossbows rated to
a 2-inch cutting diameter created by two .035-inch-thick 500 fps. It holds a titanium Rip-Tip for excellent strength and penetra-
tion, even through bone. Ferrules are milled from 7075-grade aluminum,
blades. The Hypodermic hybrid tip is narrower for deeper pen- and 100- and 125-grain versions are offered. Hidden Blade technology
pro ides true field poi t accurac oldi t e stai less lades
etratio a d a esome i t c aracteristics, a d t e tip ferrule i place duri i t it relia le s eer pi s ractice lips are offered
for target practice without deploying and dulling blades. Learn more at
is milled from a single piece of stainless steel. Learn more at SlickTrick Broadheads
Sullivan Industries/Innerloc Broadheads The 100-grain RaptorTrick mechanical broadhead offers accurate
lo profile i t c aracteristics a d deli ers i c es of cutti
Innerloc expanded on its Aero Series mechanicals with the new action on impact. The all-stainless-steel design is tough enough
for Western game, but it’s ideal for creating wide blood trails on
ar a e is rai road ead as rear deplo i lades Eastern whitetails. The two blades are .035 inches thick, spooky
sharp and ride on a stainless steel pin. The ferrule is lead by a
that are fully contained in the company’s exclusive aerodynamic four-edge bone-splitting tip. Learn more at
wrap. On impact, the razor-sharp blades slice through the wrap Quality Archery Designs
to deli er massi e emorr a i ar a e road eads come A 1 ¼-inch cutting diameter makes QAD’s all-steel Exodus viable for
Eastern or Western hunters. The Exodus promises top-notch accu-
it raps i multiple desi s ustomers a d s op o racy through an ultra-short ferrule and Blade Over Shaft technology.
ers) can also create their own graphics. The broadhead opens lso i t e mix is fixed lade depe da ilit ia perce t stai less
steel construction, as well as a cutting Rock-Buster SST Tip aligned
to i c es a d as i c t ic lades. Learn more at
it t ree i c t ic lades t at exte d i side t e arro for
SIK Broadheads
SIK Broadheads introduced the SK2 2-Blade Expandable Broadhead
with FliteLoc Technology, which guarantees deployment on im-
pact. The design features Offset Blade Design that produces a 2-inch
“Z” entry wound, and it creates 3.625 inches of cutting surface
it t e i c t ic lades e rai ead is field poi t
accurate and lead by a cutting stainless-steel tip. Learn more at
Thorn RIFT SlickTrick RaptorTrick QAD Exodus
uncompromising anchoring. Choose from 85-, 100- and 125-grain versions, with Swept- or
olid lade profiles, i ta dard, eep ix a d o models Learn more at
Allen Company Allen Company BloodRUSH
lle s lood series road eads a e a de ree t isted ferrule a d multiple per Mohican Sneak Project One
trauma lood orts to elp spill more lood e t isted, aircraft alumi um ferrule maxi
mizes soft tissue displaceme t, a d t e lood orts create suctio to i itiate a uid ortex .30-06 Outdoors The Bloodbath
t at i creases lood o for disti cti e lood trails e etratio is i itiated it a steel Sullivan Industries
cutti ed e tip ere are t ree ersio s to co er customers ast to est, i cludi a four Innerloc Slice
lade rid, t ree lade xpa da le a d ixed Learn more at
Mohican Sneak
o ica ea s rai ro ect e road ead is a fixed lade ead t at produces a
droppi i c ou d c a els, a d it also pro ides co trolla le i t e cut o co
tact ead is desi ed to maximize pe etratio o l e a i o e si le e eled lade
at a time e opposi pla e, c iseled i c t ic o e piece lade also sta ilizes a d
rotates t e arro i i t lades are s arpe ed fro t a d rear a d eld i a top rade alu
minum ferrule. Learn more at
Broadheads: Western Penetration
If you add larger, tougher animals like elk to the equation, then penetration becomes
paramount for ensured kills. The best way to maximize penetration and dependability
is to employ a streamlined, cutting-tip broadhead design—especially with the average
29-inch/65-pound bow specs. Some mechanicals are engineered to enhance penetration,
t for the most art, e are loo ing at fi e la e esigns.
.30-06 Outdoors
e lood at ec a ical road ead from is o e of t ose exceptio s to t e rule t s a
ast est crosso er t at emplo s a cut o co tact mai lade t at s ac ed loodletti
mec a ical lades e -inch cut-on-contact edges start penetration off right, and then two
serrated mec a ical lades e a e for a i c cut e o e sa i serrated lades are made
from stai less steel, a d t e measure 5 8-inches closed. Learn more at
Sullivan Industries/Innerloc Broadheads
erloc lice road eads i clude lade li me t ec olo , ic allo s s ooters to
i dex road ead lades to etc i s for more co siste t arro to arro i t a d im
pact e steel cutti tip passes t rou t e ferrule to a c or t e e ter oc i stem
lades securel o a compressio occurs as t e tip is ti te ed, loc i lades i
place lice road eads are also offered i eep ix models Learn more at
Slick Trick Broadheads
e lic ric ic ed ric uilds o t e deadl iper ric platform t features a cut o co
tact stai less steel ferrule t at olds i c t ic lades it a 1 1 -inch main blade and
1 1 25 i c leeder tai less steel co structio a d t e lcatraz lade oc s stem e sure t at
t e lades sta i tact after pu is i impacts ese mi i fixed lade eads offer field poi t
i t a d deep pe etratio o t e tou est ester ame Learn more at
SIK Broadheads
e road eads lade cut o co tact fixed lade road ead is super accurate from
t e fastest o s, a d it as made to it sta d ea a use o cut o co tact lades com
bined with two bleeder blades drive deep. Meanwhile, stainless-steel construction ensures
t at t e ead olds to et er after e cou teri o e lades are o ed to a de ree razor s
ed e, produci a i c cutti diameter Learn more at
SlickTrick WickedTrick SIK F4 Musacchia Broadheads NBS100
Musacchia Broadheads bonded via a proprietary swaging process. Learn more at
Of course, Musacchia Broadheads are Eastern ready and likely to Strickland’s Archery
be embraced by many whitetail hunters, but the NBS100 broad-
heads—in three- and four-blade models—are designed to crush Classic cut-on-contact edges combined with modern ma-
bone and drive deeper. They include hard-coat-anodized 7075 T6 terials and manufacturing processes are the hallmark of
aluminum ferrules and a 416 stainless-steel trocar tip with angles Strickland’s Helix broadheads. The design creates heads rugged
optimized for deeper penetration. The .025-inch-thick, spooky- e ou to ta e o t e i est i ame, it out sacrifici accu
sharp blades interlock and are held in place by the screw-in tip. rac e stepped profile e a ces pe etratio , a d t e rear cre
The 1 1/8 i c ide cutti diameter e sures relia le i t from ates wider cuts. They’re available with single- and double-bevel
speedy bows. Learn more at edges, and trailing edges are also sharpened. Look for them in 100-
to 225-grain weights, as well as a Deep Six model. Learn more at
Wasp Archery
Wasp and Havalon Knives teamed up to create the new-and-improved K-Thump
Wasp Havalon HV broadhead, which will make a noticeable impact
on any big game animal. Leading the way is the head’s devastating Small game animals are almost everywhere, and the Slobberknocker
stainless steel SST edge, which is aligned with each blade and pressed is the perfect head for this particular pursuit. Made in the U.S., K-
into place under 100 pounds of pressure. The aerodynamic ferrule is Thump’s Slobberknocker is a uniquely designed small-game blunt tip
milled from high-grade 7075 T6 aluminum. It holds three shaving- that’s unlike anything else on the market. Its patented trident design
sharp .035-inch-thick stainless steel blades with a cutting surface of makes long-distance shots of up to 50-60 yards possible by virtually
1-3/16 inches wide. Learn more at eliminating drop off. This extremely hunter-friendly blunt tip re-
uires o si t ad ustme ts upo i stallatio , a d it ies ust li e a
KuduPoint field tip Learn more at
KuduPoint Contour broadheads have a deadly cut-on-contact Sights: Eastern Simplicity
design with concave cutting edges for deeper penetration. Variable-
pitch single-bevel edges with a 40-degree baseline split bone and Shots at whitetails are generally pretty simple, at least on paper.
create devastating spiral wound channels. They have 100 per- Ranges are intimate—for the most part. Problems arise when bow-
cent stainless steel construction with .050-inch-thick 420 stainless hunters need to snap out of a daydream and perform with the sud-
steel blades and 416 stainless steel ferrules, which are permanently den appearance of a season-making buck. Confusion often rules,
KuduPoint Contour
Wasp Havalon HV Strickland Helix
and this makes a simple approach the most practical one. A single or three-pin sight is
normally all the Eastern bowhunter really needs.
.30-06 Outdoors K-Thump SlobberKnocker
The Longitude Bow Sight from .30-06 is a milled-aluminum moveable sight that’s simple .30-06 Outdoors
enough to serve the Eastern hunter well, but it’s versatile enough to handle Western ex- Longitude Bow Sight
cursions. The drive-shaft system makes for easy use through the Rear Dial Adjustment.
An extra-long dovetail rail allows archers to achieve perfect peep alignment, and an add- Trophy Ridge
ed ma ifier ma es readi arda es easier e o itude also as ultra ri t Hotwire 3-Pin
i c fi er optic pi s, si t li t a d le el e si t comes it a si le pi t at s ideal
for Eastern woods, as well as three pins for longer ranges found out West. Both heads Buck Rub Gear
are included with each sight and easily exchanged. Learn more at Carbon Fixation Sight
Trophy Ridge
The Hotwire 3-Pin by Trophy Ridge offers simplicity combined with versatility. The sight
i cludes a o oard ad ustme t tool for t e top t o fixed pi s, a d t e t ird pi as a
tool-less adjustment knob for longer ranges. Second-axis leveling ensures that shots taken
at se ere a les li e from a treesta d it t e mar e fi er optic pi s ca e il
luminated with a rheostat light to meet changing lighting conditions, and the sight also
includes an on-board pin adjustment tool for windage and elevation tuning. Learn more at
Buck Rub Gear
Perfectly at home in the West, the Carbon Fixation Sight from Buck Rub also makes for a
co fusio free si t i a sta d e ou ce si t com i es a fixed aperture a d pi it
a i depe de t slider pi e ca e used as t o fixed pi s, or o e fixed a d o e mo er
ar o co structio a d soft touc fi is ma e t e si t li t a d uiet uic ot fi er
optic yardage indicators make mover adjustments correct and easy. It includes pre-calibrat-
ed ra e tapes a d feet of spooled fi er optic per pi for excelle t ri t ess Learn more
Custom Bow Equipment
CBE’s Tactic Micro is at home in the East or West, but it offers advanced bowhunt-
ers ple t of optio s ia a fi e pi i c diameter fixed desi t at s compact a d
li t ei t e ri t oresce t peep ali me t ri allo s for fast tar et ac uisi
tio i lo li t, a d t e pi s are eac ac ed i c es of fi er optic eld i a clear
side-mounted Fiber Management System case. Smart-Mount multi-position mount-
ing holes offer more vertical adjustments, and elevation and windage are manipulated
through micro adjustments with laser hash marks. A sight light is included. Learn more at
e e ccu tat cope ousi fits a xcel si t it a seco d a d t ird
axis remo a le loc , a d it features a ad usta le r eostat fi er co er t at al
lo s arc ers to ad ust pi ri t ess t also accepts a r eostat li t e i c
ousi olds i c es of fi er optics, a d t e si t i cludes a le el i side t e scope
ousi di idual micro ad usta le pi s come i t ree or fi e pi co fi uratio s it
multiple fi er colors a d sizes Learn more at
Sights: Western Range Extension
The West’s wide-open nature, and the need to stalk game, often leads to longer-than-aver-
age shots. I’ve taken very few Eastern whitetails beyond 40 yards, but while stalking prairie
pronghorns, alpine elk or mule deer, and especially Southwestern Coues whitetails, 40 yards
CBE Tactic Micro AXCEL Accu-Stat Scope Housing IQ Define Pro Laser
Rangefinding Bowsight
is often only a starting point. A quick-deploying mover sight, or a Garmin
fi e to se en in fi e in esign, are most at home here.
armi s ero auto ra i si ts a d i measure tar et
IQ Bowsights arda e a d pro ide a li ted aimi poi t ile at full dra
uiet si le pus rip utto allo s arc ers to ra e at full dra
e efi e ro aser a efi di o si t ill certai l ser e pro ected li ted aimi poi t appears a d automaticall
compe sates for ra e a d s ot a le o lit ium atteries
i aster treesta ds, ut it is reall made to exte d maximum ef po er t e si t for ear e u it is ru ed, aterproof a d of
fered i ri t a d left a d models Learn more at
fecti e ra e is refi ed ersio as a o mou ted laser ra e
fi der t at pro ides i sta t arda e ac uisitio at full dra t as
ard accurac a d reac es out to ards a e is displa ed i
sta tl o a illumi ated lue t is po ered a si le Apex Gear
atter , a d t e u it is perce t li ter t a pre ious ersio s e our i si t from pex is a rid s stem t at pro ides
t also i cludes eti a oc aimi s stem, se e i c fi er fixed multi pi s for commo closer ra es, a d it also as a mo i
optic pi s, si t li t, precisio u le le el, seco d a d t ird i c aperture to address lo er ra es t olds t ree i c
axis ad ustme ts a d tool free micro ad ustme ts Learn more at diameter , illumi ated fi er optic pi s for ard ra es, plus a lo er i c pi for ards e
pi ca also e used to dial lo er ra es ore t a
Burris Optics pre cali rated si t tapes are i cluded e side as a detac a le
e ou ce racle laser ra efi di o si t from urris pro do etail rac et to create perfect peep ali me t e mac i ed alu
ides i sta t ra i , a le compe satio a d a li ted aimi poi t mi um si t also i cludes seco d a d t ird axis ad ustme ts a d
ile at full dra riser mou ted utto acti ates t e ra efi der, micro i da e ele atio ad ustme ts earn more at a e
a d it i sta tl pro ides a li ted aimi poi t o t e ertical
tra ector ar e ard poi t remai s lit for refere ce ost o Trophy Ridge
setups allo pi poi t si ti to ards e ater resista t, e eact ro i i cludes eact ec olo , ic ma es si t
i i precise, fast a d eas rc ers simpl si t i t e a d
all alumi um ousi is ru ed a d depe da le t also as seco d
ard pi s, a d aps for all ot ers to ards are o t e mo e
a d t ird axis ad ustme ts, as ell as loc i micro ad ustme ts automaticall , it out o deri if ad s ooti is affecti ac
curate si t i d ustme ts are co ducted t rou ad a ced tool
optio al rear peep s stem elimi ates t e eed for a stri peep a d less, micro clic i da e a d ele atio , ile seco d a d t ird
elps detect tor ue e atter po ers t e u it for , ,
s ots Learn more at
Burris Optics Oracle Garmin’s Xero A1 Apex Gear COVERT
axis adjustments ensure accuracy while shooting at severe angles. The sight includes durable
stai less steel ard are a d milled alumi um co structio , a d it olds fi e ultra ri t
i c diameter fi er optic pi s Learn more at
Custom Bow Equipment
e a e rid offers more optio s is mo er si t ca e ordered it o e , t ree or
fi e pi ousi , a d eac i cludes a oresce t peep ali me t ri eatures i clude micro ad
usta le si t pi s i it eit er a or i c diameter d ustme t optio s i clude rid
elevation, micro-click windage, and second- and third-axis adjustments. The sight is mounted on Trophy Ridge React Pro 5-Pin
CBE Engage Hybrid
a ad usta le do etail s stem to customize peep fit Learn more at AXCEL RheoTech
TRUGLO Range-Rover Pro Duo
xcel s eo ec allo s arc ers to ad ust pi ri t ess i order to adapt i c a i li t
ing conditions. Micro windage/elevation adjustment knobs with new Gear-Tooth Lock Levers
pro ide secure loc do s eo ec si ts are offered it four, fi e or se e ultra ri t
ire i s, a d eac is ac ed i c es of fi er optics e e diamo d s aped mou ti
ar adds stre t , a d t e i ter al aimi ri is set o t e same pla e as t e pi s for uic
tor ue detectio Learn more at
s refi ed a e o er ro uo mo er features dual ot aimi poi ts i
red a d ree e i c aperture i cludes a u le le el, a d it pro ides a clea si t picture
a d precisio aimi poi ts e ce ter ree dot co ers ra es from to ards, a d it is
e circled a i c lac refere ce loop or s ooti out to ards, t e ottom red dot ca
e used for poi t o aimi e si t is e s it compati le, ic allo s for ma ificatio
it diopter ad ustme t e alumi um si t i cludes seco d a d t ird axis ad ustme ts,
lumi esce t peep ali me t ri a d ri t ess co trol setti s Learn more at
Viper Archery Products
e e om o etail icrotu e from iper rc er roducts offers reat features for est
er pursuits ts do etail desi a d micro clic i da e a d ele atio com i ed it
seco d a d t ird axis ad ustme ts ma e it eas for o u ters to fi e tu e t eir ac
curac e e om o etail icrotu e as fi e pi s, a d customers ca c oose from pi
sizes of , a d i c es e si t is co structed it alumi um, a d it
also has stainless steel hardware. Learn more at
Rests: Eastern Control
While on stand and faced with shots at less than 35 yards, the security of a total-contain-
ment arrow rest offers many advantages. The instant “zero-to-60” nature of whitetail
hunting after sitting many hours in often cool weather creates stiff muscles and frazzled
nerves, which in turn lead to jerky draw cycles and jittery hands. A rest that keeps arrows
under control is very helpful in these situations.
.30-06 Outdoors
e i l afforda le et ru ed alo co tai me t rest is aster read rro s ride atop
dual elri st le talo s to mi imize s aft co tact, a d a o er ead ristle rus olds t e
s aft i place ile arc ers are aiti or dra i e rus ca e remo ed if desired
e lau c er a d retai i rus es are eld i a s aped co tai me t ca e it a ru er
li ed drop i slot d ustme ts are co trolled a si le scre to e sure e e s aft co tact
Learn more at
Ripcord Arrow Rest
ipcord s e o offers t e co tai me t a d securit t at s eeded for aster sta d u ti ,
Viper Venom Dovetail Microtune .30-06 Outdoors Talon2 Ripcord Lok
and it also comes with the accuracy potential that Western bowhunt- launcher bounce and contact. Learn more at
ers seek. The Lok has a limb-driven function and full arrow contain-
ment, thanks to a deep launcher fork and top retaining bar. Horizon- Trophy Taker
tal and vertical adjustments are quick and precise through the new
.003-inch-per-click micro adjustment system. A precision double The new-for-2019 SD Lockup from Trophy Taker is a limb-driven, lock-
ball-bearing drive ensures smooth operation and unsurpassed accu- up fall-away rest with integrated roller bearings that produce smooth
racy, and set-up and tuning are quick and easy through use of the draw cycles and activation. It’s a good choice for both Eastern treestands
in-line teardrop cord clamp. Learn more at and Western plains. The rest has a secure dual-point mounting system,
and its rock-solid design is made to stand up to hard use. Learn more
Vapor Trail Archery at
The Gen 7 arrow rest from Vapor Trail uses the company’s proven Rests: Western Accuracy
limb-driven technology combined with a side-load, full-capture
cage, creating a rest that’s at home in the East and West. The new Total-containment rests are awesome, but they come with obvious
total-containment design features carbon-core technology, which drawbacks. Since they contact arrows from tip to nock during launch,
makes it stronger and lighter than the original. The standard rest they require unfailing follow-through for top-notch accuracy. The
weighs only 2.9 ounces, making it the lightest machined-alumi- smallest bobble during release can throw arrows off the mark. At
close range, that margin of error is insignificant. At longer ranges,
um rest i its class o t a d at e s o specific models are they become noticeable. Drop-aways make contact with the arrow
even lighter, at 2.5 ounces. Installation is fast and simple, and ad- for 50 to 70 percent less time during launch, and this naturally re-
justments are rock solid. Learn more at duces human error for added accuracy potential.
Buck Rub Gear Quality Archery Designs
Buck Rub’s Magne’Drop Raven Claw offers long-range, drop-away The new UltraRest Integrate MX is perfectly at home anywhere, really.
Western accuracy, but it also has Eastern treestand security. This QAD teamed up with Mathews to introduce this compact, micro-adjust
5-ounce rest is durable and practical. Its launcher utilizes capture rest t at as desi ed specificall for at e s o s t features a
cla s t at fold at o release for maximum etc i cleara ce, dovetail mounting system for quick and easy setup, and it also has a
but they also securely hold arrows at rest without top-bar inter- very secure hold. Its streamlined housing allows for precision tuning
ference. Powerful magnets replace springs and trigger mecha- with incredible .0019-thousandths-of-an-inch adjustments per click,
nisms for increased reliability, and the magnets also eliminate both horizontally and vertically. Learn more at
Vapor Trail Gen 7 Buck Rub Magne’Drop Raven Claw Trophy Taker SD Lockup
QAD UltraRest Integrate MX LimbSaver PT100 Ripcord Max Micro
LimbSaver accuracy. By supporting the arrow for 70 percent of the shot cycle,
the Pro-V allows the arrow to reach the speed it needs to stabilize
LimbSaver’s PT100 Arrow Rest is precisely built from machined itself. It then drops away for maximum accuracy. Learn more at
stainless steel and aluminum to be tough and reliable. The new-
ly designed Lock-Up System allows archers to trigger the deep-
forked launcher, which holds arrows in place while the archer Trophy Ridge
is stalking, drawing or letting down. The machined-aluminum
Pro Launcher Arm with PTFE arrow guides is super smooth and Trophy Ridge’s new-for-2019 Sync and Sync MD drop-away arrow
quiet, and a full capture bar is included. The spring arm provides rests are e uall at ome i aster treesta ds a d ester fields,
2-5 inches of lock-up time adjustment for tunable accuracy with- but they have a design that’s geared towards long range accuracy.
out excessive buss-cable tension. Learn more at Leave the containment arm in place and you have a total containment
rest. Remove it, and you have a fast-deploying rest that’s ideal for
Ripcord Arrow Rest Western pursuits. The Sync and Sync MD have laterally
adjustable launcher
The Ripcord Max and Max Micro are engineered for added accu- arms to accommo-
racy. They feature a precision ball bearing drive for tighter toler- date all riser designs.
ances and ultra-smooth operation. The new Vault Lock cord drive Meanwhile, cable-
allows for quick, easy cord-tension adjustments without the need driven technology
for serving. Cord-tension adjustments are made through the rest’s provides a smooth
set screw. The Double Down brake prevents launcher bounce-back, draw cycle. Reli-
a d t e ultra slim lau c er pro ides e sured etc i cleara ce able dovetail (Sync)
with today’s super-slim arrows. The Firefall feature drops only at or micro (Sync MD)
the shot, which allows archers to let down without deactivating the windage and eleva-
launcher. A micro-adjustable model is also offered. Learn more at tion adjustments are simple and rock
solid. Both are made
Vapor Trail Archery to stand up to hard
use. Learn more at
e apor rail ro drop a a rest as t e first lim dri e , full
capture option in the business. It includes adjustable spring tension
to tu e drop speed, a d it as a free oati lau c er arm for added
Trophy Ridge Sync MD
Vapor Trail Pro-V 59
R ecreational archery is the fastest growing category in the industry. Archers of all ages have fallen in love with
the bow and arrow in recent years, simply because shooting is fun. Experts agree that this trend will continue,
and the industry is wisely adapting its products and culture to foster this growing source of participation.
Likewise, many of the archers who fell in love with the fun side of the sport have also fallen in love with competi-
tive side of it. Tournaments around the world have repeatedly attracted more competitors and larger crowds, and
high-end tournament gear has been developed by top manufacturers to match the skill of the world’s top shooters.
Here’s a look at some of the hottest target and recreational gear on the market. These products will help beginners,
experts and everyone in between shoot more accurately and have more fun in the process.
The GOAT Reo Wilde Signature Series Release combines two of the most popular methods of activation into one
groundbreaking unit. The GOAT can be used as a thumb activated trigger release or a hinge release. Users can change
between the modes in three easy steps, and it takes about 30 seconds to make the switch. The GOAT features a half
ic el plated rass a d alf lac alumi um tapered a dle, a d its articulati fi er pieces ca e arra ed i a
t ree or four fi er co fi uratio e , as a i e release, comes sta dard it a medium clic i stalled, a d
a o clic optio ca e ac ie ed ippi t e sear de rees Learn more at
Carter Enterprises’ Evolution Too represents the next level of design from this respected manufacturer. This
resistance-activated release features revolutionary new “Piston Resistance” technology, which gives archers the abil-
it to fi e tu e t eir te sio ad ustme t ra e e olutio oo s e safet desi ill ot allo t e safet to
disengage if the archer is pulling harder than the release is set for. All together, the archer is able to slowly increase
pressure until the Evolution Too provides a triggerless, unanticipated shot for amazing accuracy. The Evolution Too
is a aila le i t o, t ree a d four fi er co fi uratio s Learn more at
Scott Archery’s Advantage is one of the company’s best-selling releases, and it’s a perfect option for the needs of com-
petitive shooters. Built from Scott’s most successful handle design, this tournament-focused back tension release
puts all of the archer’s focus on aiming. The Advantage is available in a variety of colors, and it’s also lightweight.
is rest as a t ree fi er desi , a d it also features a ad usta le moo a d a t um pe for dra i assista ce
Learn more at
T.R.U. Ball GOAT Reo Wilde Carter Enterprises Scott Archery Advantage
Signature Series Release Evolution Too
No Limit Veracity
STAN ElementTL
Gold Tip Ultralight
Victory Archery VXT Black Eagle Arrows PS23
Target Arrow
NO LIMIT ARCHERY clu le el compou d e e ts ast ear, orld c ampio ar
The Veracity from No Limit is a hinge style release with two micro c ers te e derso a d rade elle t ie too fi e orld
ad ustme ts e first is i t e sear s stem, a d t e seco d is i t e
handle position. The sear can be changed to function with or with- rc er podium positio s it t e is mm
out a click. Hot and cold adjustments can be made easily with an
included .050 hex wrench—without losing your moon position—and s aft is eas to tu e, a d it features alumi um car o co
the adjustments in the handle can be made with an included 5/64 hex
struction for added accuracy and reduced wind-drift. The A/C
re c ll told, t e eracit is eas to fit t e preferred a d positio
of each individual shooter. Learn more at is a aila le i t e follo i spi e sizes , ,
, , , ,a d ll s afts come i a
factor sealed pac it a rai ei t tolera ce it i
eac doze , a d t e is also offered at a attrac
STANISLAWSKI tive price point. Learn more at
The target-release experts at Stanislawski understand that resis- VICTORY ARCHERY
ta ce st le release aids are er difficult to desi a d ma ufacture Victory Archery considers the VXT Target Arrow the most ad-
properl , ut t e compa pro ed its o o it t e leme t a ced arro e er uilt t e compa is fro t parallel,
This resistance-style release is the second release in STAN’s lineup rear taper tar et arro oasts extreme accurac , i ,
to use the revolutionary Smokin’ XTM sears. Customers can choose a d faster arro reco er i i t icro diameter dime
et ee a medium a d lar e size, a d t e also a e t e c oice of sio s ma e t is arro less affected i d t i er, ea
t ree or four fi er co fi uratio s et er a arc er is s ooti a er tail sectio offers impro ed cleara ce duri lau c , a d a
li t dra ei t for i doors or a ea setup, t e leme t of t ic er, stiffer fro t sectio i creases for impro ed do
fers extreme repeata ilit , as ell as t e relia ilit a d co siste c range accuracy. The soft tail section and stiff front section also
that archers expect from STAN. Learn more at pro ide more for i e ess for fi er s ooters e ar et
EASTON Arrow also features 100 percent high-modulus carbon con-
struction and a proprietary outer weave that reduces torsional
asto s e as desi ed for top arc ers o de ectio a d impro es spi e u iformit Learn more at
want the ultimate parallel shaft to boost scores at competitive and
Gold Tip’s Ultralight is an excellent option
for , field a d tar et arc er it a ide
ra e of spi es from to , it s eas for
arc ers to fi d t e perfect compa io for
their unique setup. The Ultralight is con-
structed with Gold Tip’s Smart Carbon Tech-
nology for incredible durability and straight-
ness retention. It features a straightness
tolerance of +/- .003 inches and a weight
tolerance of +/- .5 grains. The Ultralight has
a i c i er diameter, a d it s offered
i pac s of Learn more at
Dead Center
Iconx Series
X-Factor Outdoors
Xtreme Side Bar Mount and
Xtreme Balance Stabilizer
BLACK EAGLE ARROWS 1/4-20 threaded Custom Balance weights,
which allow archers to customize their
Developed by multi-time IBO and ASA win-
ner Dan McCarthy, the PS23 has some of ei t co fi uratio for t eir specific eeds
the tightest tolerances available. It has a The Iconx series is available in the following
straightness rating of +/- .001 inches and sizes: 9, 12, 15, 24, 27, 30 and 33 inches. Learn
a +/- 1-grain weight tolerance. Like Black more at
Eagle’s other products, PS23s are precisely
weight sorted and spine matched for in- BEE STINGER
credible consistency in the highest levels of
competition. The Black Eagle team said that Bee Stinger’s MicroHex Stabilizer features a
no expense was spared in the development wind-defying, micro-diameter design with
of this high quality carbon target shaft. exclusive Countervail technology. A layer of
Learn more at Countervail proprietary material is built into
the carbon bar to provide quicker dampen-
X-FACTOR OUTDOORS ing and reduced recoil for quieter, smoother
shooting—without added weight or sacri-
The Xtreme Side Bar Mount from X-Fac- ficed stiff ess e eral fi is es are offered
tor Outdoors features Roller Ball technol- in 10-, 12- and 15-inch Counterslide target
ogy, which makes it the only single adjust models. Learn more at
365-degree side bar mount in the industry.
There aren’t any teeth to lock it in place. ALLEN COMPANY
Instead, it is locked by a single setscrew,
making this side bar mount micro-adjust- The Allen Compression Armguard is made
able. X-Factor also offers the Xtreme Bal- out of breathable material that works in all
ance Stabilizer, which features an A-Tech weather conditions to keep archers protected
Rubber SBT END that minimizes vibration and cool. The padded layer prevents string
and sound. It’s made with a Thermoset- contact, and the screen print and stitching
ting Polymer Epoxy for extreme durability. give this armguard an eye-grabbing look. Great
It comes standard with 3.5 ounces of end for target shooting, this armguard can be used
weight, and additional weight can be add- by right- or left-handed archers. The Compres-
ed. Learn more at sion Armguard prevents archers from strug-
gling with buckles, and it stretches so it can be
DEAD CENTER ARCHERY worn over a shirt or on the shooter’s bare arm.
It’s available in black, red and with Realtree
Dead Center’s Iconx series of premium target Xtra camo. Learn more at
stabilizers was crafted to meet and exceed
the demands of professional and aspiring K&K ARCHERY
archers. Iconx stabilizers are made with ul-
tra i modulus, slim diameter car o fi er K&K Archery’s KSL Jet6 SV Vanes offer ad-
tubing, and they also feature expertly en- vanced aerodynamics for recurve and com-
gineered aluminum end caps. They accept pound bows. They are engineered to initi-
ate faster a d more sta le arro i t
Bee Stinger
Allen Company K&K Archery KSL Jet6 SV Vanes
Compression Armguard
effectively alleviating archer’s paradox ac pac a e i cludes a es, etc i target archers on the go. The Talon 44 ac-
in the early stages of arrow launch. They tape a d ero rap et a es ere
eep arro s i strai t, e e i i d also used i eo eo , o too old commodates bows that measure up to 44
conditions. They are easily and quickly in the men’s recurve division at this year’s
installed with double-sided tape. They are e as oot Learn more at inches between the axles. It also includes a
offered i , a d i c ersio s, i
MAPLE LEAF PRESS s ort sta ilizer poc et, lo sta ilizer poc et,
o al lue, pple ree , err urple, ose aple eaf ress as a full li e of i door,
i a d oft lac rc ers ca also c oose outdoor a d field tar et faces, a d t e com i c lo arro poc et a d a stas poc
between right- and left-hand helical. pa is also a official tar et face ma u
facturer for many renowned organizations et for a si t ox or arme ts ea ile, a
a d tour ame ts, i cludi orld rc er ,
t e , t e l mpics a d t e e as stri cam cradle, semi structured s ell a d
oot aple eaf ress offers a complete bow tie-downs keep the bow safe and secure.
li e of four color, ri orld rc er f
ficial ar ets orld rc er re uires t at e alo ei s a mere pou ds, a d
all sanctioned competitions use targets
produced a orld rc er lice sed ma it has a shoulder strap for easy toting. Learn
ufacturer, a d aple eaf ress is t e o l
lice sed ma ufacturer i t e ited tates more at
Learn more at
ELEVATION as lo ee trusted to protect i est
The Talon 44 Bow Case from Elevation is an ments in high-end target gear. The com-
efficie t protectio a d stora e solutio for
pa s i ro eries ar e o
ase fits compou d parallel lim o s t at
measure up to i c es, a d it i cludes a
accessory slot for a quiver or other items.
e i is i ectio molded it
ultra high-strength polypropylene copoly-
mer resi , ma i it i credi l li t ei t
and strong. It also features waterproof
co structio , accepted loc i tri
ger latches and a custom rubber molded
Maple Leaf Press 10-Ring Elevation Talon 44 Bow Case
World Archery Official Targets
SKB 3i-5014-6G-PSQ Pro-Series Pine Ridge Archery Kwik Stand
Large Bow Case Bow Support and Gen-Stand
cushion grip handle for convenient carrying. B. A. Gear developed the Sight Saver. This
It also has a gasketed, water and dust-tight eece li ed case protects o si ts, as ell
submersible design that meets U.S. military
standards. Learn more at as scopes and other optics. The Sight Saver
is water resistant, and its pull-cord closure
PINE RIDGE ARCHERY prevents dust and twigs from getting inside
and dirtying up the sight or optics. The Sight
The Kwik Stand Bow Support has been a Saver measures 9-by-7 inches, and it’s avail-
big hit in the recreational market, and Pine able in a variety of bright and fun colors.
Ridge updated it with new jaws for 2019. Learn more at
With very simple adjustments, the Kwik
ta d ill fit o most o lim s e e
wide limbs like those on the Mathews Ha-
lon, which other stands generally can’t ac-
commodate. The legs also adjust, so archers
ca fi d t e est ala ce a d a le for t eir
bow. Pine Ridge also offers the Gen-Stand,
which is a perfect support for Genesis bows.
The Gen-Stand is made with super-strong
resin and anodized aluminum. When the
archer is shooting, the Gen-Stand conve-
ie tl fits i to a ip ui er Learn more at
To address an often-overlooked problem,
B. A. Gear Sight Saver 65
Five Questions with BIG Shot Targets
BIG Shot offers a wide variety of smart target designs that are aimed at dealer and How do your products help independent
archery pro-shops? ■ The Real Wild 3-D
consumer satisfaction. We spoke with Al Perelli, owner of BIG Shot, to learn more line puts independent pro-shops back in
the center of the buying cycle, where they
about the company’s Real Wild 3-D Targets. used to be. While most 3-D target compa-
nies offer the same discount level to ev-
W hat key technologies and Traditionally, consumers had a choice eryone, Real Wild offers tiered discounts,
features make Real Wild between expensive, high-quality 3-D tar- and dealers always get the best price be-
Targets stand out on the market? ■ The gets and affordable, low-quality targets. cause they buy the most products! If an
Real Wild series offers something that Real Wild Targets are changing the equa- archery club wants to buy $3,000 worth
was previously unavailable to the 3-D ar- tion by offering high-quality, durable tar- of 3-D targets, they get the club price. But
cher: high-end quality plus affordability. gets—like those used in competitions— if they call their dealer, then the dealer
We have cracked the quality and afford- but with the affordability and realism can probably get a better price and bet-
ability code by improving on our current that clubs and backyard enthusiasts are ter shipping terms. That’s the way the
foam technologies, creating a unique de- looking for. The Real Wild series hits the industry should price its products.
velopment and production process, and mark on all of the key buying criteria.
offering easy consumer access through What are your long-term goals, and
a large dealer network. While many What role does passion for archery how will you get there? ■ Our goal is
3-D target manufacturers scale back or play in the everyday operations of BIG the same that is has been since the be-
miniaturize animals to reduce cost, Real Shot? ■ Passion is the key. Anyone who ginning: Offer better value to consumers
Wild 3-D targets are designed to match gets into a business for money is bound and a better business proposition to in-
the actual animal you will be shooting, to be disappointed. Around 14 years ago, dependent pro-shops. BIG Shot is essen-
which creates a better experience for the we set out to make better targets that tially a disruptor like Amazon—except
archer. Additionally, our superior produc- would stop faster bows and offer better where Amazon and other target manu-
tion processes have allowed us to main- value. We haven’t stopped since. We re- facturers sell direct to maximize profit,
tain much better price points, and we are invented the range target with our Vegas we are focused on adding value to both
adamant about including pro-shops in Series, and then we reinvented crossbow the consumer and the pro-shop. The Real
the value chain. targets with our Iron Man. We also re- Wild series is a perfect example of how
invented video targets with the BIG Shot we do it. The current offerings from key
How does the Real Wild series of 3-D Personal Video System, and broadhead manufacturers have gotten so costly that
targets address consumer needs? ■ Our targets with the TITAN—and now we’ve 3-D targets are practically unaffordable
Real Wild 3-D targets are gaining a lot done it to 3-D targets with the Real Wild for many clubs and archery enthusiasts.
of enthusiastic support from the evolv- Series. I was actually a customer of Real On top of that, some manufacturers have
ing 3-D market. A lot of clubs are seeing Wild Targets, and believed in them so attempted to cut dealers out of the picture
a newfound focus on family fun and much that I called the owner for 8 years and sell directly to the consumer. This is
youth shooting, with less focus on pure until he sold my family the company. We bad for the customer and bad for the in-
competition and high-end money shoots have spent the last 2 years improving the dustry. We saw what was happening and
like the IBO. The Real Wild lineup offers foam for easier pulling, and we’ve added felt like we could do better, and the Real
unmatched value, which is what these more animals—all while offering 3-D Wild series is our answer. If archers can’t
family-oriented clubs are looking for. afford the equipment, then there will be
targets at a price that’s half as fewer archers. If the dealers aren’t the
much as our com- key piece of a manufacturer’s program,
petition. That’s then we won’t have dealers to support
all because we customer needs and be the local evange-
love what we list for archery. If you have a town with-
do. out an archery evangelist, then archery
clearly won’t thrive there.
WebXtra ■ Learn more about
BIG Shot and Real Wild 3-D Targets
today at