by Tale Weavers &
The Red Elephant Foundation
On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable TALE
Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development weavers
— adopted by world leaders in
September 2015 at an historic UN weaving tales, breaking stereotypes
Summit — officially came into force.
Over the next fifteen years, with these
new Goals that universally apply to all,
countries will mobilize efforts to end all
forms of poverty, fight inequalities and
tackle climate change, while ensuring
that no one is left behind.
Stories for Awareness is a collaboration
between The Red Elephant Foundation
and Tale Weavers to engage with
children and build awareness around the
17 Sustainable Development Goals.
This story throws light on SDG 17:
Partnerships for the Goals.
Story: Kirthi
Illustrations: Raghu
Rupande and Gopi were two young children who
lived in a cottage by the woods with their parents.
Their new neighbours were down the road from them,
and they had two children, Elisa and Esha.
But Rupande and Gopi hadn’t made friends with them,
because they thought they were new and that they
wouldn’t get along with them.
They preferred to play by themselves and not include
Elisa and Esha in their games.
One day, Rupande and Gopi were alone at home when
their parents had both left to work.
“Look, Gopi! The world outside looks beautiful!” said
“Rupande, I don’t think we should be stepping out of
home and going so far! Mummy and daddy told us to
stay at home and be careful!”
“Relax, Gopi. We’re going to be just fine! Look, such
tall trees!” Rupande began to prance around, jumping
up and down. Gopi looked at her with some caution.
“Please Gopi, let’s go explore! Please… Plea….s….
Gopi said, “I’m not sure that’s a good thing, Rupande!”
“Please, please, please
Gopi Pretty please with a
cherry on top, please?”
Rupande looked at Gopi with her big, brown eyes. Gopi
was firm about not going outside to play, but Rupande
wanted to have none of that. With pleading eyes, she
looked at Gopi, and slowly, her face drooped as if she
was disappointed that Gopi would say no.
Gopi had a change of heart, and said,”Okay, Rupande!
Come now, we’ll go. But not very far, okay?”
Rupande bounded about near the woods. Gopi walked
behind her, cautiously and slowly, looking around to see
if they were safe.
Rupande was busy chasing butterflies and picking up
little stones from the ground and putting them into her
pocket so she could make jewelry with them.
Gopi found that there was nothing to worry about, so he
sat down under the shade of a tree, and soon, dozed off.
When he woke up, he couldn’t find Rupande
“Oh no! Rupande is missing! Now where did she go? I
hope she hasn’t gone too far and is not in any trouble!”
Gopi looked about, calling out to Rupande. He looked
into the dark woods and felt scared.
What if Rupande was inside, somewhere, trapped with
wild animals, or even lost!
Gopi was disappointed and worried that their parents
would be very angry with him and Rupande.
“Oh Rupande! I hope you haven’t gotten into any
trouble! Please be alright!”
As Gopi walked here and there, he noticed Rupande’s
footprints, and began to follow them.
Soon, he realized that poor Rupande had tripped and
fallen into a little pit!
Now how would he get her out on his own?
“Rupande! Hey!” screamed Gopi.
“Gopi! I tripped and fell down! Can you help me up,
Gopi looked around, puzzled about how he would help
her out of the pit. There wasn’t a rope nearby! There
was no ladder, either.
would he do…
what would he
do…he wondered,
looking around him.
Suddenly, he had an idea! “Rupande, you stay right
where you are. I’ll be right back!”
Rupande wondered where Gopi was off to, but in a
very short time, he returned with Elisa and Esha with
“Hi Rupande!” said Elisa. “Hi Rupande!” said Esha.
“Are you our friends?” asked Rupande, a little
Gopi said, “Of course they are, Rupande! They are
lovely people, and they had a really cool idea when
I went to them. Look, Elisa brought their father’s
umbrella, and Esha brought their mother’s saree.
“We will tie one end of the saree to the tree trunk here,
and the other end to the umbrella. We will throw the
umbrella end to you, and you stick the sharp side of the
umbrella into the ground. Use the saree like a rope, and
climb up. Can you do that, Rupande?”
Rupande looked up at Elisa. “You can do it, Rupande!
You’re a brave girl!” said Elisa.
“Yes! Brave girl Rupande!” said Esha.
“Okay,” Rupande nodded, still a bit unsure.
Seeing that she was a bit uncertain, Elisa and Esha
whispered something to each other, and then told Gopi
He nodded, too. Immediately, the three of them
began to chant together, “You can do it, Rupande!
You can do it, Rupande!”
Listening to them cheer her on, Rupande felt braver.
Gopi threw the umbrella down to Rupande, with the
saree fastened to it. She dug it into the ground, and
started climbing up, using the saree.
As soon as she reached the edge of the pit, Elisa and
Esha reached out and held her by both hands and drew
her to safety.
Gopi gently pulled the umbrella out of the ground
towards himself.
He undid the knot in the saree, as Rupande wiped the
umbrella clean. They returned both things to Elisa and
“Thank you, Elisa and Esha!” said Rupande, who felt
very relieved.
“Yes! Thank you for coming to help us even though
we were rude to you earlier!” said Gopi. “Elisa and
Esha, we made a mistake by not playing with you or
talking to you. You were both really loyal friends!”
“Yes, Elisa and Esha! You rescued me, and if it wasn’t
for you, Gopi and I would have been trapped!”
“Oh come on! We didn’t do anything great! We were
just looking out for our friends. We must work together,
shouldn’t we?”
Esha nodded and said, “Yes! We must work together
and be united if we want to achieve something!”
The four of them shared a big tight group hug, and
walked out of the woods.
When Rupande’s and Gopi’s parents saw them, the two
of them honestly told their parents everything that had
happened, and apologized for disobeying them.
The End
Tale Weavers is an initiative that
aims to engage with children and the
youth through stories that challenge
stereotypes and break the barriers in
creating a just society.
We welcome you to our world of stories
where simple conversations, colorful
illustrations, and powerful characters
help break the stereotypes and create
an inclusive learning space which is
free of bias - be it gender, religion, race,
nationality or ethnicity.
The Red Elephant Foundation is an
initiative that is built on the foundations
of story-telling, civilian peacebuilding
and activism for sensitisation on
all drivers of peace - gender, race,
nationality, colour and orientation.
The initiative is titled “Red Elephant”
to stand out as a vehicle that projects
stories that must never be forgotten:
stories that show you such courage that
you should never forget, and stories that
show the world such profound lessons
that the world should never forget. In
doing so, the initiative aims at creating
awareness and opening up channels
of communication towards creating
societies of tolerance, peacebuilding
and equality.