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An annual magazine of Cadence International

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Published by Cadence International, 2020-01-27 08:59:55

inCadence Vol.3

An annual magazine of Cadence International

News from the Field  04
Three Generations  14
Is This Real?  16
inConversation with
the Perez and Nafziger
families  19

Military Believer
A Chaplain’s Advice on Living for Christ While Serving in Uniform 10

is an annual publication of Cadence International, a ministry to the military.

From the President 03
News from the Field 10
Military Believer 16
16 Three Generations 19
Is This Real? 23
Remembering Ralph Porter


Sharing the gospel and our lives
with the military community

Mailing Address: PO Box 1268 ABOUT CADENCE INTERNATIONAL NIV and NASB Copyright
Englewood, Colorado  80150 Cadence International is an evangelical mission agency Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from Holy Bible,
Phone: 303.762.1400 dedicated to reaching the military communities of the United New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978,
Fax: 303.788.0661 States and of the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights
Email: [email protected] reserved worldwide.
Managing Editor: Joyce Schroeder Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard
EMAIL COMMENTS OR President: David Schroeder Bible® (NASB), Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971,
CHANGE OF ADDRESS Director of Communications: Stacy Wiens 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.
[email protected] Communications Assistant: Matt Evans Used by permission.
Copy Editors: Kyrie Fuqua, Claudia Ingram
02 inCadence • VOLUME 3 Design: Kimberly Lamb Creative, LLC

inCadence Volume 3 Copyright © 2020 by Cadence International®. All rights reserved.

From the President Photo by Kari Ann Kleiman

UNHINDERED. It’s the their ministries in military jobs, neighborhoods, and We celebrate together this
communities around the world. communities around the world. unstoppable gospel through
last word Luke wrote in the We stay. We welcome. We God’s unhindered church.
Book of Acts: Akolutos. It’s a preach. We teach. Unhindered! Akolutos! How
powerful conclusion to the delightful it must have been Thank you for being a part of
glorious account in Acts of the Military people and their for Luke to pen that word after this movement of the work of
coming of the Holy Spirit, the families experience Jesus— witnessing and experiencing Christ as it goes to U.S. and
establishment and growth of under the ministry of godly all the challenges, hardships, foreign military communities
the church, and the expansion chaplains, in the warm and persecutions, and opposition around the world. The work
of the gospel. caring setting of a Cadence that the early church and its is not yet finished. Pray with
hospitality house or Bible leaders faced as they shared us that it will continue to
The Apostle Paul had finally study, in the energetic and the gospel and their lives in advance—unhindered.
realized his vision of visiting healthy environment of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and
the church in Rome, albeit as a youth group, children’s the ends of the earth. David Schroeder
a prisoner. In Acts 28:30–31 ministry, coffee house, or President
we see Paul staying for two retreat. As Christ transforms Yet despite this opposition, it
years in rented quarters, their lives, they then take is the gospel which gets the
welcoming people into his His gospel to their families, last word!
home, preaching the kingdom
of God, and teaching about David and Joyce And he stayed two full years in his own
the Lord Jesus. rented quarters and was welcoming all who
came to him, preaching the kingdom of
Can you see it? Paul was God and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus
running a hospitality house in Christ with all openness, unhindered.
the largest military community
in the world at that time! ACTS 28:30–31

I love the four verbs that 03
describe his activity for the
Lord in these years. It’s exactly
what Cadence staff do in

News from the Field

Building a Foundation

I’m so grateful for the time in the Word. Others are Laurel and AIT Bible Study houses or other military
opportunities I have to young in their faith, with lots ministries where they will be
build into AIT (Advanced of questions and struggles and sisters in Christ (the “one stationed. I pray that their
Individual Training) students walking in Christlikeness in the another” verses). foundation in Christ stays
at Ft. Jackson, especially the midst of their military training. strong and the little bit I have
Monday night Bible study I Still others come because it’s I don’t get to have long- been able to add to that
lead for the Religious Affairs a religious thing to do. I get term relationships with these foundation will help them as
Specialists (RAS, formerly one hour a week with them Soldiers, but I stress how they continue in their military
known as Chaplain Assistants) for the seven weeks they are important it is that they are careers.
students. I have seen 12 at AIT. It’s not much, but so intentional about getting
different classes come many of them say it helps connected with a community Laurel Givry, Adult Ministry,
through this year. Coming them through AIT. to help them grow in the Columbia, South Carolina
to Bible study is voluntary, Lord and stay faithful. I try to
and some AIT classes have I often meet parents at the connect them to Cadence
more interested Soldiers than graduations who say their
others. Still, I manage to have son or daughter told them
a few—and the cookies I bake about the Bible study, and
always help draw them in. how much it meant to have
that time in the Word together
Some of these young Soldiers each week. I teach through the
are strong in their faith “I Am” statements of Jesus,
and appreciate the weekly the Lord’s Prayer, and how
spiritual encouragement and we are to relate to brothers

CONVERSATION WITH GOD “I don’t know if this will happen (our support)!”
After a pause, God said gently, “How many people do I know?”
At times I’ve been discouraged on our MPD (Ministry Partnership Instead of saying “six billion plus,” I said, “. . . Lots . . .”
Development) journey. While Jerri and I are excited about the He asked, “And how many of those are believers?”
ministry opportunity God has given us near Peterson Air Force “. . . Lots . . .”
Base, the road to being released to the field has had challenges. “How many of those believers have jobs and love me enough to

Sometimes in the car, God and I have a certain type of give to my purposes?”
conversation. Recently, one went something like this: You can guess my answer. “Well . . . lots . . .”

Jay and Jerri sold I leaned back and rested a bit, right there in the car. And I saw
their house in in my mind’s eye, just for a second, His hand. I saw that if He
Denver and moved flicked His little finger, He could stir His followers to meet our
to Colorado need in a flash.
Springs, where
they are working I was reminded that I don’t need to watch so much for the people,
to discover the I need to watch instead for His hand. And then . . . wait for Him to
final 10% of move. We have our part in this MPD job to do, and we will keep
funds needed doing it heartily. We’ll also keep an eye out for His hand.
before they are
released to full- Jay Kayll, MPD Adult Ministry, Colorado Springs, Colorado
time ministry
with Airmen and
Cadence Alumni in
that area.

04 inCadence • VOLUME 3

Carol and Vanessa CHASED WITH GRACE

BEHIND THE SCENES I couldn’t have asked for a better friend and mentor than Cadence missionary, Melissa Rafferty.
She knew who I was before I introduced myself, and we walked miles in the same shoes before
Hello, my name is Carol we ever met. She had been where I was. And by the grace of God we are both on this side of
Mathers and I have worked in salvation and able to love and encourage one another.
Donor Services for Cadence
for over 12 years. Though it is God knew I needed her to call me out with grace and pursue me with love when I was living in
a behind-the-scenes job, no sin. She knew where I was, she knew where I wanted to be, and she knew how to point me in
ministry moves forward without the right direction. There are
support through donations. more occasions than I am
proud to admit where Melissa
I enjoy working for something knew when I was trying to
bigger than myself, hide, and one occasion in
meaningful and important, particular where she literally
like military ministry, even chased me through the door.
though my part may seem
mundane at times. There are On that night when she
lots of details to keep track stopped me in the Wired
of, and it can be tedious, but Bean parking lot, I expected
these tasks suit me well. to be reprimanded and
shamed, not because that’s
Over the years I have seen a something she does, but because that’s what I deserved. After all, it was about the umpteenth
lot of changes in procedures, time I was in this particular sin-related situation. But she said, “I couldn’t let you walk out the
people I’ve worked with, and door without telling me what’s going on.”
especially technology. One
thing that hasn’t changed, She went on to say that she knew my heart for the Lord and that I wanted to minister to many
though, is the faithfulness of people but that what I was doing was going to keep me from that. She wasn’t angry and she
our donors. Some have been wasn’t frustrated; she was just concerned, and it was so evident. I remember that was the night
giving for decades, and others that I felt I truly understood grace.
for a shorter time, but they
love the ministry we do and It has been a great two years, and there are just too many stories and not enough words to
the missionaries they support. express what Cadence and Melissa mean to me. Rest assured, God is being glorified through
the people of this community because of the Word He has given to us and the Holy Spirit Who
New donors are being added helps us all carry it out.
almost every day as new
missionaries come on board SrA Zion (Adkins) Cardenas, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron, Okinawa, Japan
and as God provides new Melissa Rafferty serves in Adult Ministry at the Wired Bean Coffee House on Kadena Air Base and at
supporters to long-time The Harbor.
missionaries. Mundane?
Maybe. Important? Yes! CAR CARE

Carol Mathers, HQ, As fall was fading at Fort Drum, New York, the Cadence house, in
Englewood, Colorado cooperation with Chapel Next, conducted a winter readiness car clinic at
the Post’s automotive crafts shop. This day of ministry helped deployed
Soldiers’ spouses ensure their car was ready for the harsh demands of an
upstate New York winter. More ministry took place in a break area nearby,
where the spouses and kids could relax and enjoy some snacks and
connect to people who loved them well in Jesus’ name.

Brian Hutchens, Adult Ministry, Fort Drum, New York 05

News from the Field

MAID OF HONOR This bike ride
was one of
“I have a weird favor to ask you,” a single Airman the summer
said to me. “I’m getting married in January and events hosted
my fiancée is coming here for the wedding. She by the Airmen’s
doesn’t know anyone, and I don’t want her to be Ministry Center,
alone. Would you be her maid of honor?” led by Mark
I’d never been asked that before, but I said yes, and Carol Kohl,
and Shawna and I connected well right away. Over and Doyle and
the last two years it has been my pleasure to see Chris Spader,
Eric and Shawna begin to build their lives together! at Ellsworth Air
Shawna came to our community as a believer Force Base in
who had little to do with God since she lost her South Dakota.
mom to cancer as a teenager. I have watched
her grow by leaps and bounds in her faith and NEW MESSAGE
walk with God, even as she has battled some
of her own doubts and fears, and when she To: David Hutchings
struggled to face and tell a hard truth.
Here is some of her testimony: Hi, my name
is Shawna. I moved to Alaska two years ago Dave,
from Pennsylvania. My husband is an Air Force
Aircraft Maintainer. I met Becky when she was I want to say a huge THANK YOU to you and all your staff at Cadence
the maid of honor in my wedding. Since then, for the way you supported us during VBS.
she has become one of my best friends and
mentors in my relationship with Jesus Christ. Matthew and the many volunteers that you brought in from Colorado
Through Becky I’ve seen what it is like for a were amazing at working with our kids. This was, by far, the easiest
Christian to disciple you and walk through life and best VBS that I’ve participated in during my 18 years of ordained
with you through the thick and thin. She has ministry, and it was all due to your support.
helped me affirm my relationship with Christ,
and I feel as if I have family walking with me At our Courtney Contemporary Service leaders’ meeting this morning,
through this chapter of my life, no matter where all the leaders kept commenting on how thankful they were for
the military or life in general takes me. Cadence’s assistance.
Pray for Eric and Shawna as they continue to
follow Christ in their next military assignment. You and your team make a huge difference in our lives and ministry.
Thank you!
Becky McClure, Adult Ministry, Eagle River, Alaska
God bless you,
06 inCadence • VOLUME 3 Gary D. Lewis, LT, CHC, USN

This email was sent to David Hutchings, who leads the Cadence Camp
Courtney team: Kenji and Amy Fukunaga, Katie Lambert, and Matthew
and Sarah Annanie. This team, along with students from Colorado
Christian University, helped lead Vacation Bible School.


Jake and David
It was near the end of fall semester and I was in the Starbucks located on
the Quad where the Corps of Cadets live. A Cadet walked up to my table
and said, “You must be David Cordell.”

It was then that I met Jake and learned that he was a senior whose former
roommate was a young man I met with regularly for the last three years.
After visiting for a few minutes, we decided to meet weekly during Jake’s
final semester at Texas A&M University.

When it came time for Jake to graduate, he sent me this thank you note:

Words cannot accurately describe how thankful I am for our time together.
The Lord displayed His character and love through you each and every time
we met. I believe there are a couple reasons why the Lord ordained our
meeting. First, the Lord used you to expose a deep root of bitterness in my
life. Second, He knew that I needed an example of what a gospel-living man
looked like.

This year I am meeting with 15 Cadets in discipleship relationships. Pray
that I will be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit, and that these young men
will meet God while at A&M and live for Him in the days and years to come.

David Cordell, Aggie Corps Ministry, Texas

Favorite Moments Baptism
“Ms. Sarah, will you baptize me?” Tears filled my eyes and a smile
Eye-to-Eye covered my face as I heard these most wonderful words from one
Our Father/Daughter Dance was a precious time where everyone of my students.
entered with excitement and left with a treasured memory. Dads
and their daughters from 4–18 years old looked eye-to-eye and I was honored and blessed to share in this important moment in her
verbalized their love and care for each other. life. We worked it out with her family to have the baptism when her
grandfather was visiting a few weeks later. It was such a delight to hear
We received an email a few days after from one of the dads. He this child’s words of faith as she boldly proclaimed Christ as her Savior.
had been wanting to take his daughter to one of these dances for
years, but deployments and training exercises always got in the Sarah Rooney, Children’s Ministry, Okinawa, Japan
way. Finally, when she was 17, his dream came true, even though
he had thought it was too late. 07

News from the Field

Fifty Years

A year ago MaryEtta and I
celebrated our 50th anniversary!

Uk teaching high school students In the past five decades I have
been a university student, Army
DISCIPLESHIP AND FINANCES Captain, County Planning Director,
seminary student, Associate Pastor,
This year I had the opportunity to lead a four-day biblical and OCSC house director. Then
finance course for three Thai high school boys. Personal I served as Europe Field Director,
financial management is one of several problems among Associate Pastor (again), VP for
adults in this country. By teaching the boys just before they Cadence International, and now a
start working or attend college, I hope to see them succeed Cadence house director (again!).
and teach others.
Our 50 years together caused us to Dick and MaryEtta
I believe that young Christian leaders who live according to reflect on God’s goodness and His
the Bible will be better witnesses for Christ. Since financial leading and to ask, “What do You
habits show the condition of our hearts, this topic is an have for our next chapter, Lord?”
important area in disciple-making.
While some might be slowing down around their 50th anniversary,
I was wondering how these young boys would accept me MaryEtta and I are gearing up as we’ve recently opened the
and my teaching. One boy, a policeman’s son, was so shy Gathering Place, a new location for the ongoing hospitality house
that I couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. Another gave ministry to Ft. Carson.
me positive feedback, and the last one showed deeper
understanding. The parable of the sower is very applicable in We are teaming up with Frank and Ruth Ann Branham in Cadence
our work. ministry to Soldiers and families in this area. What a privilege and
responsibility He has blessed us with!
I trust God’s Word will bear lasting fruit, and I’ll continue to
share truth as best as I can. We’ll not likely be doing this for another 50 years, but as always—
one day, one year at a time—we will follow where God leads.
Uk Chong, Foreign Armed Forces Ministry, Chiang Mai, Thailand
The tables are set . . . who might He bring?

Dick Reynolds, Gathering Place, Colorado Springs, CO


Hank and Katie were newlyweds
who had been believers for some
time but had not yet been baptized.
Both gave their testimonies of how
they came to know the Lord as their
Savior before stepping into the frigid
waters of the Black River behind the
North Country Hospitality House near
Ft. Drum, New York. Brian Hutchens
baptized Hank, then together Hank
and Brian baptized Katie. It was a
great day full of rejoicing!

08 inCadence • VOLUME 3


This summer, Cadence kid, Jacob Kleager, built
a playground for The Hangar Hospitality House
in Spangdahlem, Germany for his Eagle Scout
project. The Hangar routinely has 50–75 kids
attend their weekly dinner and Bible study. Having
a new playground is a hit for the kids and a
blessing for the parents and youth workers.

Over the course of three months, Jacob planned
and coordinated with ministry directors, Joe and
Jill Vincent. While the Vincents were in the U.S.
this summer, Jacob’s family filled in at The Hangar
for three weeks, and Jacob led the building
project. He scheduled several workdays with more
than 20 people coming to help each time. It took
over 210 man-hours, hundreds of screws, about
one hundred boards, 16 bags of cement, a few
minor tweaks to the instruction booklet, and two
dump-truck-loads of sand. And it will result in
thousands of “kid-hours” of play and one Eagle
Scout. Well done, Jacob!


Hear stories about The Founders’ Fund: Full-time, limited- Order apparel, drinkware,
ministries and missionaries dedicated to helping new term, and internship and other items with the
through these videos: ministries get started. opportunities are available Cadence International logo.
A Cadence Community, 2020 Conference Fund: to minister to the military
Experience Cadence, help Cadence missionaries through adult, children,
Introduction to Cadence, and staff attend the youth, or foreign ministries.
and Katie’s Story. worldwide Cadence staff
conference in June.
Specific Staff: find your
missionary in the directory.

Visit 09

[email protected]  •  800.396.6680

Military “How does a believer in Christ live out his or her faith while
Believer serving in the military?” This question is often asked by those
who seek to honor both the uniform they wear and Jesus as
Chaplain Rob Nelson, CDR, USN Lord of their lives. What are the cautions, directions, boundaries,
and freedoms that can help a military believer do both?
Reenlistment of a Navy Corpsman assigned to the
Marines at the Iwo Jima Memorial, Hawaii We have asked these questions to Chaplain Rob Nelson, who
comes to us with a distinguished military career and a vibrant
10 inCadence • VOLUME 3 testimony of walking with Christ. Here he shares his story, his
perspective, and practical encouragement on living for Christ in
the military.

CHAPLAINS. And I didn’t really have any use for them.

One day, as a young Corporal in the Marine Corps, married with a
toddler and another on the way, I asked my wife Crystal, “Church is
a thing families do, right? Maybe we should do that.” While we had
both been raised in church-going families, neither of us understood
the gospel or had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our next-door neighbors invited us to their church and we were
encouraged by the friendliness of the people. Soon after, we
walked down the aisle to join the church. Fortunately they had the
discernment to ask us if we were Christians. When they explained
what a Christian was, we realized we weren’t. But after about a
month and a half of walking with a church elder through Survival
Kit for New Christians, my wife and I both placed our faith in Christ.

As we grew in the Lord, we became eager to serve and quickly
got involved in churches at each duty station. Pastors and church
leaders suggested I consider whether I was being called into
ministry, so they gave us opportunities to teach and serve with
greater responsibility. We began to sense it was God’s calling, so
while we didn’t know what it would look like, I left the military
and went to seminary to prepare for ministry.

While in seminary we felt a more specific call to missions. Thinking
“missions” meant “overseas,” we sold everything and moved to the
international mission field expecting we would be there for the rest
of our lives. But even in the most remote places of Africa, I kept
running into U.S. military personnel who needed pastoral support.
We weren’t able to stay overseas, so thinking our “missions” were
over, I moved into pastoring and church planting in the States.
Again, God continued to bring service members and veterans into
our lives, and we realized that the military was the mission field we
were called to. So in 2006 I became a Navy chaplain, which has
brought together all my prior experiences into one ministry setting.

My first assignment as a Navy chaplain was with Marine infantry in
combat—which for this prior Staff Sergeant was like going home!
While traveling around the battlespace ministering to my Marines
on my first tour in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, my vehicle

Baptizing a Marine in Iraq Thanksgiving meal for single Sailors in Okinawa

That day, and ever since, it has been clear that God is not finished with me yet; He has
something for me. He is the one who opens doors and I just follow.

was struck by an improvised explosive device. Though injured, endure the stresses but thrive. However, I find that many of them
I was miraculously spared from greater harm, and was able to are silent, afraid perhaps to speak or share the Good News that
minister that day to the Marines, Sailors, and Iraqis involved. That has given them strength in their own struggles.
day, and ever since, it has been clear that God is not finished with
me yet; He has something for me. He is the one who opens doors KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE
and I just follow.
Military believers often ask me “How can I be a good Marine, or
Now looking back across my time as a chaplain, I see the Lord Sailor . . . and also be a good Christian?” I’ve thought a lot about
has opened a lot of great doors for ministry. I’ve had the privilege the answer to this question, and I’ll share with you what I’ve
of serving Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, and Guardians learned over the years, and what I’ve begun counseling others.
all around the world. I’ve served aboard a carrier, in combined
joint commands, with cyber units and aviation units, in chapel Begin with your heart. I have found most often that the heart
ministry, and as faculty in military academic commands. I work behind this question is influenced by ignorance and fear, neither of
with phenomenal people; military service attracts individuals who which are godly. There is an assumption in the question that you
are smart and strong. Many of them are not believers in Jesus, but cannot be both a good service member and a good Christian. The
I make sure they know they have a chaplain, and I walk with them implication of that assumption is that to be a good service member
through their losses and victories. I have great conversations every you must then be a “closet” or a “bad” Christian. I believe this
day with thoughtful, caring, and patriotic people who desire to be assumption, which is really coming from a fear of rejection by the
good and to do good. It is a very rewarding mission field! world, is rooted in a lack of knowledge or misunderstanding of the
freedoms available to a believer in uniform.
But it has also been heartbreaking to watch as the suicide rate in
our military has caught up to the national rate, which continues Religious freedom has been one of the most actively protected
to climb. I hear the despair that some of our young people rights of the service member throughout history. It is part of our
express, and I see that many are poorly equipped to handle national heritage, beginning with the colonies, codified in the
normal life stress, never mind the additional stress of military Constitution of our Country, and Title 10 which governs our
service. They are disconnected—from God and from others. I military. It’s reflected in the creation of the Chaplain Corps of the
believe it’s not the chaplains, but the believers in uniform who Army, Navy, and later Air Force Chaplain Corps. It has endured
are best equipped to be a resource in this environment. As they various court tests, and has been validated just in the past few
live their lives differently, connected deeply to the resources of the years by the language of the National Defense Authorization
King of the universe, they exemplify courage and skills to not just Act and Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Religious freedom 11

matters to America. But it comes with some boundaries when it Officer to be open about his or her faith is not coercive,
plays out in the military, so it is important to understand what the but for them to order their command to attend a religious
government means when it uses certain terms in the discussion of service could be deemed coercive. This is why the military
religious freedom: maintains a formal distinction between a religious service
and a command function.
1. Pluralism: Pluralism is not a dirty word or a new political
agenda. Pluralism simply means that in the public sphere ■■ Religious Services are things like chapel, Scripture
multiple religions exist, and the government must both studies, prayer times, and holy day observances. These
protect and support them equally, without bias. This is how are not mandatory to attend, and are provided to meet
the military approaches religion by policy; it doesn’t matter to the religious accommodation needs of members of the
them what you believe, nor does it deem one religion—or lack command. The manner and form of the service is expected
of religion—more important than another. The Commanding to be in keeping with whichever religion it reflects, so
Officer is charged to protect religious freedom within the plural audibly concluding a prayer in a Christian service with,
religious representation of their command, equally and without “. . . in Jesus name,” is not just permitted, but expected.
bias, through the command religious program which is run by a
chaplain when one is assigned to the command. ■■ Command Functions are not religious services.
Command events like a memorial service, retirement,
2. Evangelism and Proselytization: These are not the same thing, promotion, or change of command may require
and the distinction has been upheld by the Department of attendance of all service members, even though they
Defense (DOD) even recently in response to external accusations contain religious elements. Religious elements used in
of proselytization in command functions and elsewhere. a command function should be “non-sectarian,” not
specific to a particular religion. Participants required to
• Evangelism, from the perspective of the DOD, is simply attend those events should not feel like they’ve attended
people telling others what they believe, its merits, and how a religious service, even if, say, an invocation is offered or
it has worked well for them. It may be in response to a a Scripture is quoted. Concluding an invocation offered
question, and may include an invitation to learn more, or to at a command function with, “. . . in Jesus name,” may
attend a service, etc. It is a non-coercive religious discussion not be appropriate.
between individuals.
3. Apologetics: there seems to be two perspectives on what it
• Proselytization involves coercion, like quid pro quo. (“If means to “apologize” or defend your faith. Engaging in religious
you want my recommendation for promotion, you will conversation, even in the workplace, in which you answer
convert, visit my church, etc.”) It can also mean favoritism questions about your faith, is perfectly fine. However, attacking
or harassment on the basis of religion, usually involving someone else’s faith, especially in a public space, is not okay, and
positions of authority or power. For a Commanding probably not constructive for the gospel either.

Camp Fallujah, Iraq The headlines sometimes make it sound like Christians and Christianity in
the military are under attack. Let’s clarify a few things:

• There is always more to the story. There are a few organizations external
to the military that are targeting what they believe is undue influence by
Christianity on the military. Seldom will you read the full story to go with the

• The military is a product of the culture, and contemporary culture has an
increasingly anti-religious perspective in it. This is not official military policy,
though—it is just a cultural factor.

• Claiming religious persecution when you are already under scrutiny for a
pattern of misconduct unrelated to your faith does not turn it into religious

• The DOD has a long history of upholding religious freedom, and while
individual cases are seldom talked about, Christians continue to enjoy the full
protections guaranteed by all related legislation and policy.

12 inCadence • VOLUME 3

The bottom line is this: as a Christian in the military, you are allowed May we all be stirred to action, knowing
to practice your faith, attend worship wherever you are, pray, be in our heads that we are free, and
involved in Bible studies, engage in religious dialogue, and share the knowing in our hearts that it is God
Good News of Jesus Christ. You are allowed to have a Bible in your who gives us courage.
workspace and wear religious items in keeping with the uniform
and grooming standards. And you can, and should, maintain an
active relationship with your chaplain who can both encourage and
advocate your faith. And you must do this all while respecting the
religious freedom of others who do not share your faith.


1. Be honest. Ask yourself whose need you’re trying to meet—
your co-worker’s need for salvation, or your need to be seen as
an advocate for Jesus? Is the Spirit leading or are you trying to
prove yourself by your works? Examine your heart to determine
its motivations and seek counsel from a mature Christian
before you act.

2. Be wise. Know your audience. They are largely religiously
illiterate and unaware of the policies about religious freedom in
the U.S. If needed, you can correct people’s misperceptions, but
make sure you know your references and that your demeanor
does not detract from the truth. Be innocent as doves and wise
as serpents (Matthew 10:16).

3. Be excellent. Whatever your service, your specialty, your rank, CDR Robert Nelson, CHC, USN
or your unit thinks excellence looks like, be that—as unto the
Lord and for His glory! Do not let your testimony as a Soldier, Chaplain Nelson’s military career includes having served in the
Sailor, Airman, Marine, or Guardian stand in the way of the Army (1987–1990), the Marine Corps (1990–1998), and in the Navy
testimony of Christ. since 2006. He has earned numerous decorations including the
Purple Heart, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Combat Action
4. Be approachable. As much as you are able, be at peace with Ribbon, and the Military Chaplains Association 2018 Distinguished
everyone—subordinates, superiors, and peers (Romans 12:18). Service Award.
The more approachable you are, the more likely you may be the
one they ask about what makes you different. Chaplain Nelson’s connection to Cadence International began in
Hawaii with Cadence staff, Ray and Char Hauser, and was enjoyed
5. Be bold. The day may come when being a Christian in the U.S. most recently with the Cadence team serving at Camp Foster,
military is an invitation to persecution, but it’s not today, and Okinawa. The Nelson’s son met his wife at a Cadence’s ministry,
it’s probably not going to be tomorrow. Don’t be afraid to share The Lighthouse, in Yokosuka, Japan, where he was discipled by
your faith. Lou and Cathy Rozmiarek. Their daughter served for nine years in
the Coast Guard, and has benefited greatly from partner ministries
6. Be still. Make sure your own spiritual walk includes a lot of like Cadence.
listening and receiving from God’s Word, your pastors, teachers
and mentors, and God’s voice in prayer. Chaplain Nelson and his wife, Crystal, recently began a new ministry
in Newport, RI, where he teaches at the Navy Leadership and Ethics
Military believer, we protect each other’s lives, so we must treat Center. Crystal has mentored chaplains’ wives through the years
each other with respect, humility, and honor. There must be an and has a passion to help young military wives and mothers thrive.
element of love in how Christians conduct themselves in the
military. May we all be stirred to action, knowing in our heads Disclaimer: I am writing on my own behalf, and the thoughts and
that we are free, and knowing in our hearts that it is God who opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of the U.S.
gives us courage.  Government, Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, the Navy Chaplain
Corps, or Cadence International. 13

Three Generations

by Rebecca Hawkins, Elaine questioned what she didn’t understand, England as my first assignment. It didn’t take
Auldridge, and Hannah Pech and loved fiercely. She was a friend to those long for that world to woo me. The faith of
who needed friends and a leader to those my childhood was shallow, incomplete, and
This is a story of three discipleship generations who needed leading, which is also why she could not sustain the life I was living.
of Cadence missionaries, Rebecca, Elaine, and was more than welcomed back to do an
Hannah, whose journeys God has beautifully internship with us several years later. After a few months I was invited to a Bible
woven together, and whose influence ripples study at the hospitality house. Almost
out through military ministry to the world. During her internship, Elaine showed immediately I could see how life-giving the
the same qualities of loving and leading Hawkins’ home was, especially compared
REBECCA: with the group of military women here in to the life-draining activities that seemed to
England and it was so fun for me to watch! fill my off duty time. Sitting on the couch
I remember the moment when God The women reached out to her and shared in that tiny English cottage, reading books
got ahold of Elaine’s heart. We were at a their hearts with her. I did not feel like I to their children, peeling potatoes, and
Cadence Europe Bible conference, the was being left out; rather, I felt even more chopping onions—all of it felt like home.
meeting was over and I could see Elaine love for her as she was using all the gifts
crying, but I had two small children to pick God had given her. In January of 2002, I heard and embraced
up from their class, so I had to hug her later! the gospel of grace and forgiveness at a
I had the joy of watching Elaine “grow up,” Cadence Winter Bible Conference. Jesus’
Elaine was a young Airman stationed and now I guess she really is grown up— pursuit won me over!
in England where Tim and I led the although to me, she is still like one of my
hospitality house ministry. My relationship kids and a great friend at the same time. Then in the Hawkins’ home I found love,
with Elaine grew while spending lots of challenge, community, and accountability.
time in the kitchen together, and we got ELAINE: I watched Rebecca in those two years and
to talk over all kinds of things—like life realized I wanted to do what she did—to
choices, our faith, and giving. Elaine cut a I joined the U.S. Air Force directly out of talk, pray, ask timely questions, and live
lot of onions for me in those years and cried high school in 2000 and served for four for Jesus.
through every one (onion tears!). To this years. Overall, I loved my job and had an
day I still pray for her when I cut an onion. adventurous and fulfilling enlistment. Fast forward through a second assignment
at Seymour Johnson AFB in North Carolina
I loved how Elaine’s heart was so gentle, yet I was not wise in the ways of the world when and into college at Moody Bible Institute.
she was so honest. She said what she thought, the Air Force sent me to RAF Lakenheath, I had once asked Rebecca what she felt

14 inCadence • VOLUME 3

least prepared for in their ministry and she Hannah was a regular at Bible study and the guy who brought me to the house
told me it was the counseling aspect. So I played bass on the chapel praise team, and encouraged it, and I was desperate.
majored in Counseling at Moody. we continued to meet consistently. I was
honored by how she let me walk with her Elaine was happy to get breakfast with me
In 2006, I spent the summer with the in life as she sought to obey Jesus. I look the following week, and after that biscuits
Hawkins as an intern. It was there at back fondly on moments of fun, laughter, and gravy meal, we have been friends ever
the hospitality house that I met Wes, teaching, and growth. since. I had a lot to dump on her that
an Airman active in the ministry. We first meeting, and she never once recoiled
married a year later and together accepted I count Hannah as the first person to or dropped her jaw. Elaine listened and
an internship assignment in Alaska with truly trust me with her heart as she grew encouraged but wouldn’t take excuses—I
Cadence in the summer of 2008. spiritually, believing that I would point her was brilliant at making excuses.
toward Jesus. Thankfully when she came to
In my first year as a full-time missionary me with big troubles and worries, that’s all We decided to meet more regularly and set
I met an energetic young Airman named I had to do—point her toward Jesus. up a type of accountability due to the life
Hannah. She was broken and running situation I was just getting out of. I needed
from God, and she knew it. She was kind HANNAH: help in all ways—a godly friend and mentor
and personable; everyone liked Hannah. being one of my highest needs after Christ.
She asked if we could meet for breakfast I walked into the Cadence hospitality
early one morning, and she shared so house in Eagle River, Alaska, for the first Our relationship deepened as I grew closer
openly and vulnerably. She talked about time in June of 2009. That day I met a to Christ and wanted to be an active
her life and struggles in the military, and I few lifelong friends, but none like Elaine! volunteer at the hospitality house. Also,
was thankful to be able to relate. I went right over to talk to her because since Elaine and her husband were guiding
me and my future husband, Gabriel,
through the treacherous waters of dating/
not dating, we got close to them, whether I
liked it or not.

Elaine was the safe haven when I was
fighting sin that was too big for me to
handle. I am so grateful for her guidance
and love early on in my Christian walk.
And now I am incredibly blessed to be able
to offer that for other young women!

Elaine Hannah ELAINE:

It is a dream come true to have Tim and
Rebecca Hawkins and Gabriel and Hannah
Pech as Cadence teammates on the Europe
field. In this transient missionary to military
life, we don’t often get to see the people who
have known us through different seasons.
Thankfully, the three of us still get to be part
of each others’ lives. God is so good!

Rebecca Hawkins made me a missionary.
Hannah Pech made me a missionary. 

Rebecca, Elaine, and Hannah 15

Is This Real?

By Joyce Schroeder, Growing up in New Zealand, Amy doesn’t remember exactly when
with Kenji and Amy Fukunaga she first believed in Jesus. But as her family moved to the States
when she was 12, and her dad died suddenly and unexpectedly
On their first date, Kenji told Amy he wanted to work overseas. Amy when she was 18, Amy’s faith continued to deepen as her world was
was looking into teaching overseas, so the date proceeded happily. rocked and she had to rely on the Lord.

On their third date, Kenji said to Amy, “I’m going to Japan to work Down the dorm hall at Corban, Kenji’s friend, Michael Lambert,
with military kids, so if you are not interested in that, we can just occasionally invited Kenji to his folks’ house an hour up the road.
be friends.” At the home of Dave and Bonnie Lambert, Cadence missionaries,

Amy, an
Education major,
was already
halfway through
her application
process to teach
in Indonesia, so
she clarified with
Kenji, “Is this
relationship real?”

Kenji was in his

senior year of

college at Corban Photo: Rebecca Keizer Studios These are some of the Cadence staff and volunteers working in
University in the children’s, student, and adult ministries in Okinawa.

fall of 2011 when “God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins
against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.”
he met Amy, who
was then in her
junior year. Once

they started dating, 2 CORINTHIANS 5:19
they were in the

same location for only a few months, and then it was a long- there was always good food! And it seemed like every time Kenji

distance romance until they married in March of 2014. Yes, the visited, Dave would say, “You should think about Cadence. You’re a

relationship was real. Youth Ministry major. You could work with military kids.”

Also real was their desire to live overseas, to help children and The suggestion became a reality when, the summer before his
young people find their way through the challenging growing up senior year, Kenji served as a Cadence student ministry intern in
years, and to please God. Okinawa. He had the privilege of living and working with David
and Andrea Hutchings, who led the youth groups at Camp Foster.
Kenji put his faith in Jesus as a young child while working
on his AWANA Cubbies book, and spent lots of time at Kenji recalls being so moved that summer by the number of
church while growing up in Hawaii. As a young athlete, he students who came to youth group because they were excited about
unknowingly saw God as a baseball coach, constantly telling their relationship with Jesus. At that time the Hutchings were
him he needed to do better. His genuine desire to please God, serving alone on the Marine base, and David and Kenji had great
while believing vulnerability was weakness, often got mixed conversations about what it would look like for a team to someday
up in a performance mindset that made it difficult for him to minister there. Kenji says that summer he “fell in love with
experience grace. ministry, with Cadence, with Okinawa, and with military kids.”

16 inCadence • VOLUME 3

“Military kids The past five years in Okinawa have taught both Kenji and Amy a
don’t just lot. They describe some of this growth as, “engaging with others’
watch the hearts, learning to be vulnerable, and learning that it’s okay to
news; they live not be okay.” For example, when someone has a problem and the
the news.” tendency is to try to fix it, they are learning to sit with others and
with the Lord and to not move too quickly past the pain. As Amy
KENJI FUKUNAGA says, “God often meets us in the sadness, or anger, and shame,
when we are not trying to immediately fix ourselves.”
Kenji, Amy, and Akira
Kenji now offers the summer internship that changed his life to
other interns whom he and Cadence teammates mentor. Cadence
internship training involves not only ministry and technical skills,
but also personal life and faith skills. As Kenji puts it, “Having
interns is a strategic investment of time for the sake of the
Kingdom. I wouldn’t be the same person if the Hutchings hadn’t
invested in me.”

Military kids continue to capture their hearts. “Military teens are
so aware of their need for some kind of foundation and that makes
them open to talking about God,” Kenji says. “They are aware of
the bigger picture. Military kids don’t just watch the news; they live
the news. Every time their dad leaves the house, they don’t know if
they’ll see him again.”

“Yoshi and I entered the father-son cardboard boat race because About ministry to military students, Kenji says, “Sharing the
his dad was deployed on an exercise for a few months. So I had gospel means nothing if I’m not willing to share my life and how
the privilege of being his fill-in dad for the day!” —Kenji the gospel has changed me. The younger generation is looking for
something practical and challenging. They won’t listen to Bible
A month before their wedding, Kenji was the speaker at the Escape and Theology if the gospel isn’t real to us. How we live and what
retreat for military kids in Okinawa and Amy joined him for that we do is affecting God’s mission as we are part of the grand scale
retreat. She too “fell in love” with the military ministry there— of God reconciling the world to Jesus. If I can connect our high
another confirmation that their relationship was real. As Amy puts schoolers to this call and model this life, then they can’t help but
it, “When we got married, we were on the same page.” get excited about it.”

Kenji, having gone through Cadence Candidacy the year before, More workers in military student and children’s
was raising support throughout their engagement. Amy attended ministry are needed.
Candidacy as a newlywed. Six months later, they were on their way “‘The harvest is plentiful’ is an understatement,” Kenji challenges.
to Okinawa. Nothing like jumping in the deep end together! “Cadence has had to turn down several chaplains this year who
have asked for student and children’s ministry staff. That means
Five years later and Kenji and Amy still swim in the deep end. And we have had to say ‘no’ to hundreds of kids because we don’t have
they have seen God work in mighty ways. enough workers. Some of our students have moved to those places
where we’ve been invited, and that makes it more personal for us.”
There is now a team of Cadence workers and military volunteers
reaching out to the teens, the children, and the Marines at Camp In fact, students and interns from the Camp Foster ministry have
Foster. since gone to every continent except Antarctica.

Amy’s dream of teaching overseas was realized as she taught for three Indeed, we all have a place and a part in this grand scale of God’s
years at a DoDEA elementary school where she now substitutes. reconciling the world to Himself. 

God has grown their family, with the addition of their son, Akira, If you are interested in working with military children or students,
and another child on the way. learn more at 17

Home Cadence Kids have a unique
place in the world of TCKs
by Emma Scott (Third Culture Kids):

When I was ten, a deer jumped out in the road and totaled our Jeep. I cried and cried, but • Their parents are global workers
felt so stupid because it was just a car. A couple weeks later someone pointed out to me who are financially supported
that it wasn’t just a car, it was a steady thing in the midst of a life where everything was by individuals and churches.
constantly shifting. At the time, my family was transitioning overseas and in the middle of About a third of a family’s
raising support. We were road-tripping for months at a time and living with my grandpa. Home Assignment is spent
To my ten-year-old self it was very clear that I didn’t belong anywhere. And despite my strengthening relationships
hopes, I didn’t find that sense of belonging when we arrived overseas. with and reporting to these
My military friends moved every other year or so, and some years were worse than others. I
didn’t understand why God’s calling would tear me away from home. I longed for the day I • Military people are transferred
could move back to the States. But eventually America didn’t feel like home either. I would on average every three years.
visit “home” with painful realizations that this world had moved on without me. It hurt for This means that every year at
a place to be a part of me without me being a part of that place. Everywhere in the world least a third of those who have
screamed that I was an outsider. been involved in the ministry
leave. Goodbye grief and
My childhood and teen years have been spent obsessively searching the dark for a place that farewell fatigue are a constant
doesn’t exist. I still wrestle with the idea of home daily. I cheer on Colorado sports teams part of Cadence families’ lives.
with irrational gusto. I’m a snob about all things European. I desperately try to maintain
a persona of Nebraska grit, even though I only lived there for two years. I say “y’all” and • The military itself is a culture.
“trippy” in the same sentence. No one can ever figure out where I am from, and neither Cadence kids hold their home
can I. Driving through Nevada in a Jeep, I feel just as much “at home” as I do on the porch of origin (often the U.S.), their
where I sat every night for six years watching my German village go to sleep. current state or country where
they minister, and the military as
Cadence Kids at Europe Staff Conference Emma cultures in which they are a part,
but not fully home, as Emma so
Home is still a struggle in my life, but the beautiful part is that I am glad. Jesus has a beautifully describes.
glorious way of changing the way we see. I thank God that I don’t understand home in an
earthly sense, because it has allowed me to look to Christ’s kingdom with a readiness • Cadence kids share not only their
beyond words. It gives me hope that all my obsessive seeking is not in vain; that there is a home, but also their parents.
place where I belong. A people to call my own. A country where I can lay down roots Many service members look to
without fear. I have a Home, and I can travel this winding road with hope because I have their folks as role models, or
assurance of its destination. even the dad or mom they never
had. While Cadence kids know
Emma Scott is a high school senior who serves with her parents at The Villa in Rota, Spain. that they are priority, they are
also called to open their arms to
their “extended military family.”

• Cadence kids get to see their
relatives infrequently over the
years, especially if they are
stationed overseas. Home
Assignment then includes
catching up with family as well
as with supporters and ministry

• Cadence kids are great! We are
so proud of who they are and
the grace with which they share
the gospel and their lives with
the military community!

18 inCadence • VOLUME 3


What is it like to raise your family in a Cadence hospitality house and then continue to minister to military while your grown children go
into the military themselves? This is the case in several Cadence families, and we’ve asked Danny and Kathryn Perez and Sandy and
Sue Nafziger to share their stories with us.

How did God lead you you in five places right now.” I then
into military ministry? interned with OCSC and was sold on
military ministry.
DANNY: I grew up in a strong Kathryn and Danny
Catholic family and went to Catholic KATHRYN: I put my faith in Jesus
school for 12 years. But I gave up on when I was five, although Christian
religion by my sophomore year and virtues like compassion and mercy
got into partying and drinking. During weren’t modeled for me and there
that time a friend shared Jesus’ was little talk about Jesus in my
words from the Bible that I hadn’t home. It wasn’t until college that I
heard before: “I came that they may began to really grow spiritually. That
have life, and that they may have it growth continued at the Hanau
abundantly” (John 10:10). My senior Hospitality House as I served as an
year I knelt on that friend’s living Army officer in Germany, where I
room floor and asked Christ into my met and married Danny. I went from
life. No one told me to stop partying, active duty military to ministry to the
but within three weeks God took that military, and I’ve served with Danny
desire away. I remember saying, “I in six of the eight Cadence ministries
don’t think I need this anymore.” he’s worked in over the years.

I enlisted in the Navy, and several SANDY: I grew up in a Christian
ministries helped me grow during family and have gone to church for
that time, including the OCSC/ as long as I can remember. I was
Cadence Subic Service Center in eight or ten when, after a talk with my
the Philippines. Missions became mom about sin, I became a believer.
a theme that drew me. At one
point I expressed that I didn’t think I met Sue at Christian Heritage
I had much to offer, but someone College (now San Diego Christian
countered with, “God doesn’t College), and after we were married I
want your ability, He wants your began a career in Air Traffic Control.
availability.” It wasn’t until 18 years later that we
began military ministry with Cadence.
Leaving the Navy, I enrolled at Sandy and Sue I only had another nine years until
retirement, but we have no regrets
Multnomah University and met more about giving that up.

people from Cadence. My senior SUE: My dad was in the Air Force, and growing up our family went
to church but didn’t talk about it much. It wasn’t until my dad retired
year I was house-mates with David Schroeder, Dave Patty, Terry and I was in high school that we started getting involved in church
and the Travis Hospitality House directed by Tom and Dotty Hash.
Anderson, and Dan Hash. I was so burdened with getting the At that time I woke up to the fact that it wasn’t my family or my

gospel to the ends of the earth; I was determined to join God’s 19

“AAA Club”—willing to go anywhere, anytime, and do anything.

Dick Patty, then the Europe Field Director for OCSC was at the

missions conference at Multnomah and he told me, “I could put

We were surprised
by how influential
our sons were in


church that determined my Nafziger family, circa 1997
relationship with God, and I
dedicated my life to the Lord. Perez family, 2001

Years later, as Sandy worked for the FAA (which included five moves), SANDY AND SUE: We never attempted to separate our life and
Sandy’s dad got cancer, and Sandy and I started thinking about the three children from day-to-day ministry. But we also made an
brevity of life. At the same time a Cadence missionary, Bill Shryock, effort to have regular family time every Monday when we took the
was in the States for medical treatment and told us about hospitality day off and did something with our kids.
house ministry in Germany. I said to him, “I went to a hospitality
house when I was in high school!” Bill didn’t know that Sandy and I Our kids loved the Airmen (well, most of them!). They were like big
were already seeking the Lord about becoming missionaries. brothers and sisters to them. The Airmen got into our refrigerator
and made themselves at home, and sometimes it was hard on
Two years later our support was raised. On Sandy’s last day of the our children that they shared so much. But our kids knew that the
FAA job, he signed out of the tower and we flew to Germany to purpose of sharing our home was so we could share the gospel.
direct the K-Town Hospitality House. After seven years at K-Town,
our next assignment was the Travis Hospitality House, where we We had good protections in place for our children, such as
spent 18 years. personal space and keeping a distance from the more troubled
people, and we as parents were the only ones to put them to bed
What was it like raising your family in a at night when they were young.
hospitality house?
We learned what each of our children needed and made
DANNY AND KATHRYN: It was a joy! Our four sons were adjustments as they grew. For example, Sarah was more of an
always around us and with us. They had to work hard, and they introvert, while Katie and Joel were extroverts. When Katie was
were all in. They loved having military and their families in our around four years old, she would wake up and excitedly ask,
home, and they became like little brothers and family for them. “Who is coming over today?”
We were able to be at all our kid’s events, and they often had an
extended “family” of military people encouraging them. Our children loved being part of the ministry and they talk about
the positive impact it had on their lives. Since they were all
During the first year of our assignment at Headquarters in musical, our family led worship together in chapel, as well as at
Colorado, one of our boys said, “Christmas is going to be so the hospitality house for many years.
boring this year.” When we asked why, he said, “Because there
are no Soldiers around!” What surprised you as you raised your family
in military ministry?
There were difficulties, of course, like not having older folks
around us in chapels modeling a mature walk with Christ. And DANNY AND KATHRYN: God’s gracious and often miraculous
those precious military people walked into our lives with their own provision was a wonderful surprise, from our support team to His
strongholds and spiritual challenges. care over our day-to-day lives.

There was also a cost to our marriage and parenting. At times, it We were surprised by how influential our sons were in ministry. As
was easier to see and address the needs of others in our ministry children, they could get away with speaking truth to those in our
over working at our own relationship. home. God also used our kids to bring people to our house.

20 inCadence • VOLUME 3

The intensity of spiritual warfare we routinely encountered was a What are your children doing now and what
shock. We didn’t know how much we were going to get pounded are some of the challenges they have faced
by the Enemy and the toll it would take on all of us. Satan as young adults in the military?
capitalizes on bad combinations in our lives. When we have
been exhausted and isolated, which happens often on the front DANNY AND KATHRYN: Maxton is a Sergeant in the Marine
lines of ministry, we have experienced regular “fire fights” with Corps stationed at Camp Pendleton. Landon is an Army Captain,
our Adversary. We are in a battle with the darkness to see God’s currently beginning the Special Operations Civil Affairs Qualification
people set free. Forward movement has often been painstakingly course here at Ft. Bragg. Dannon served in the Army for five years
difficult as we wrestle in the spiritual realm. as an Infantryman and is now working in Kansas City. Regent is a
2LT in the Army Nurse Corps. He and his wife Traci are stationed
SANDY AND SUE: We were surprised by how much our kids at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio.
loved the Airmen and how several Airmen had such a positive
impact on our kids’ lives. All our sons have expressed how hard it has been to find the kind
of fellowship they had in the hospitality house. The military culture
Our kids also became very discerning as they learned from both can be very dark. Some have had very difficult assignments that
the positive and negative examples in the many people they came left them feeling spiritually desolate, and at other times they have
to know. We had great conversation through the years about experienced deep professional disappointments.
choices, consequences, and what it takes to walk with the Lord.
SANDY AND SUE: Sarah and Nathan have three sons and
Sarah and Katie both married military men they met at the currently live near us, actively helping us with the ministry. Nathan
hospitality house. Joel is now a Captain in the Air Force and met is a respiratory therapist and in the reserves. Katie and Colby have
his wife at The Master’s College (from which all three of our kids three-year-old twins and have been involved in a couple of Cadence
graduated). I guess we are surprised that they all enjoyed the ministries in the States and overseas. Colby is on active duty in the
military culture enough to stay in it! Air Force. Joel is married to Catie and is an Air Force Captain.

Our kids have faced challenges with
the military culture. It’s not exactly a
godly place to work. They have had
to be wise and be careful.

Perez family, May 2019 When Nathan was a loadmaster,
his crew knew he was a Christian
and he was somewhat ostracized
because he didn’t participate in
some of the activities they chose.
With Joel, some of his challenges

Maxton, Regent, Landon, Dannon

Kathryn, Maxton, and Danny Regent and Landon Dannon and Kathryn 21

have been related to being overloaded. He is a hard worker and They have been in some dangerous situations. We don’t have
takes his job very seriously, so his commanders have then given control. Ultimately, we trust the sovereignty of the Lord.
him even more responsibilities.

What is it like for you to be pouring into other Anything else you want us to know?
people’s kids while you also have grown kids
in the military? DANNY AND KATHRYN: We appreciate your prayers for us and
for our family as we serve the Lord and minister to the military.

DANNY AND KATHRYN: We have loved pouring into men and Jesus is the One who daily speaks to us through His Word and
women in uniform and their families. We long to continue pouring breathes hope and healing into our lives. We pray we live today
into our own sons and daughter-in-law. I (Danny) send them notes like He is coming back tomorrow.
or passages of Scripture periodically and a weekly group text.
SANDY AND SUE: Military ministry might be the “best kept
Our kids are ahead of where I (Kathryn) was at their age in their secret” in missions. Please pray with us for the military. We don’t
spiritual understanding. We pray that they know and trust the know what the future holds, but the military will be part of whatever
love God has for them and that they find like-minded brothers happens. They need Christ. They need His wisdom. Pray they
and sisters to run the race of faith. We can’t do it alone. We would respond to Him. Pray for more workers in military ministry.
were designed for community and need each other to grow into
maturity. We pray that they count the cost and run hard for Jesus. We are older—the age of some of our Airmen’s grandparents—but
that doesn’t deter us from reaching them. If they know you care
SANDY AND SUE: I (Sue) think about this all the time. I want and love them, they respond. We are able to meet people and see
someone to care about our kids, take them in, love them, and fruit by simple things like cooking meals and inviting them over.
encourage their walk with the Lord. I think about this when I
reach out to other people’s kids, and parents have thanked us for You could do this too! 
this. I’m so glad other Cadence staff have become close to some
of our kids. Danny has been on staff with Cadence since 1984 and Kathryn since
1989. Sandy and Sue joined Cadence in 1991. Both families have
We believe God is doing a good work in our grown children. He is worked in several ministries, overseas and in the United States. The
their parent and loves them more than we could ever love them. Perezes currently lead the Americas East staff from Ft. Bragg in
When God allows the hard stuff, we can say, “Thank You for the Fayetteville, NC and the Nafzigers recently started a new hospitality
struggle because it is making them more like You.” house near Fairchild AFB in Spokane, WA.

Military ministry might be the “best kept secret” in missions.


Nathan and Sarah Katie and Colby Joel and Catie
22 inCadence • VOLUME 3

Remembering Ralph Porter

by Daniel Porter

My Dad is experiencing Victory in Jesus! time of producing disciples. Dad would go do “Recon”—trying to give every man,
He is absent from his body and present into the bars outside Camp Hansen and woman, child, car, and house a Bible or
with the Lord. He worshiped the Lord here share the gospel. Then he’d invite Marines gospel tract in half an hour.
on earth, and now he sees Jesus Christ his to the Hansen Christian Center for
Savior face-to-face. discipleship. We had prayer meetings and My Dad wanted to make sure everyone
heard the gospel. We (along with 30 to
Porter Family, March 2016 70 Marines) would go through the streets
singing Christmas Carols and handing
I want to share a story of commitment that out tracts for weeks before Thanksgiving,
characterized my folks’ lives as Cadence Christmas, and Easter (yes, Easter!). We
missionaries. Dad and Mom were in took boats to some of the other islands to
Michigan visiting churches to raise funds to fish and give out Christian literature.
get to the mission field in Japan. They had
an old VW bug in which their infant, my The Marines were stationed in Okinawa for
older sister Rebecca, rode in a plastic baby only six months to a year, so my folks worked
bath tub (those were the days!). The car was diligently to help move them from being
falling apart; the brakes didn’t work, so Dad drunkards to being disciple-makers. Okinawa
had to use the emergency brake to stop. was nicknamed “The Rock.” Marines often
Dad told the Lord then, “I am going to serve left Okinawa as an alcoholic, a fitness
You. If you take away the car, I am going enthusiast, or a strong Christian. Character
to use my feet.” From that point on, God was solidified one direction or another.
provided many vehicles. Sometimes Dad
told me he was praying for another vehicle Bible studies on Monday, and Bible study Everywhere we go, it is our turn to share the
so he could give his current van to another on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. On gospel. My Dad’s turn has come to an end,
ministry. He invited me to pray too, so we Saturday, Mom fixed dinner for 30 to 50 but we still have many more opportunities.
could rejoice together when God provided. Marines and then we’d host Victory Hour I pray you would be encouraged by his
My best memories of my Dad were from with worship and preaching. Some nights life—to share the gospel wherever you go.
Okinawa. It was a fruitful and spiritual Dad took Marines up to the bar area for
witnessing and handing out gospel tracts. As my Dad would say, “Keep in the
Many Marines came to Christ and were Battle.” 
baptized at Kin Blue Beach just north of
Camp Hansen. Ralph and Wilma Porter began serving with
OCSC/Cadence in 1965. Ralph went to
heaven on November 19, 2018. The Hansen
Christian Center continues as an effective
outreach to Marines in Okinawa.

activities God also called these faithful servants of His to their eternal reward:
with my
dad and the Teresa Anderson, 1960–2018 (Cadence Limited-Term Staff)
Marines was Dave Meschke, 1929–2018 (Serving with Cadence since 1978)
nicknamed John (Dale) Brock, 1928–2018 (Serving with Cadence since 1988)
“Recon.” We’d Jan Lahman, 1938–2019 (Serving with Cadence from 1966–2015)
stop the van Jan Goode, 1938–2019 (Serving with Cadence since 1966)
in a Japanese Al Romaneski, 1927–2019 (Serving with Cadence since 1984)
village and 23

PO Box 1268
Englewood, CO 80150

Sharing the gospel and our lives
with the military community since 1954

Pray. Serve. Give.

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