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Published by praveenreddy.nirmaan, 2017-02-20 06:01:24

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Nirmaan Organization is a not-for-profit organization started by a group of BITS -Pilani University students
in 2005 with a passion to make India a developed Nation. Vidya Helpline is one of the flagship projects of
Nirmaan started in 2010 with a focus on career guidance to the students and dropouts. The project is first of
its kind in our Country and has been life changing for thousands of students across several states.

We are here to help you become successful and happier in your life by guiding you to realize what you are
really good at and help you to take up appropriate careers. In this context I would like to share the Success
mantra in your career and life in four simple steps

1. Identify your interest and choose a career in the area of your liking. All major achievers in the world
are those who have very keen interest in what they do and they made their career as their life. Let
the motto of your education be “Education is for increased quality of your life but not just for higher

2. Choose a (or a few) role model, preferably an achiever in the career you choose, and know more
about them, understand their characteristics, their life journeys etc.,

3. DREAM BIG in whatever you choose and give your best shot. If you choose to become a doctor
aspire to give the best treatment to your patients, if you want to become a civil engineer, aspire to
construct a bridge which can be effectively used by a few generations of people, if you choose to
become a chef, aspire to cook the best food to the customers in the entire world.

4. Continuous Hard work. There is no replacement for it but success is guaranteed. I repeat success is

The current magazine is a wonderful compilation of important aspects about several careers from major
streams such as Finance, Engineering, Management, Fashion Technology, Agriculture,Pharmacy, Overseas
education, Civil services, etc., This magazine also has a few exercises on exploring oneself, career puzzles,
important colleges, scholarships, articles from renowned people etc., I can surely say this magazine, if used
to its entirety, can help you lay a clear career path for yourself.

We wish all the students and their parents, teachers use this booklet to increase their career awareness
and take a vital step of choosing appropriate career with complete and authentic information. We also wish
you become what you aspire to and contribute not only in your family growth but also in re-building our
glorious India. Keep dreaming BIG!!! No looking back. Forward!!! Forward!!! Forward!!!

We have only one passion, the rise of a great Nation.

JAI Hind!!!

Chandra Sekhar P
CEO, Vidya HelpLine,
Nirmaan Organization

Page : 1

Stream wise Careers
Accounting & Management Chartered Accountant
3 Cost Accounting Management
4 Company Secretary
Hotel Management
5 Hospital Management
Travel and Tourism Management
8 Arts & Social Science Psychologist
9 Mathematics Journalist
10 Social worker
Law, Police & Defence Library Science
Page : 2 Medical & Science Fine arts

Fashion Technology
Interior Designing


Nutrition and Dietitian
Home Science

Others Civil Services
Inter views Teacher
Top 10 colleges Air Hostess

DR. Sruthi
DR. Praveen Kumar

30+ Careers

Government Hostels SC, ST and BC
design your occupation
Career tree

CAREER PATHS Notification

Foundation program COMPANY
March & September SECRETARY
Intermediate Level

February & November

fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 71

How to apply : Company Secretary coordinates
with various departments and
SKILLS REQUIRED ensures good corporate
governance. They are experts in
Excellent numerical skills Excellent communication laws related to companies’ act
for planning budgets and skills and the ability to and capital market. They advise
managing accounts. speak with clients while the Board of a company and are
under stress. responsible for all the regulatory
compliance that the company
Leadership skills and the Highly organised approach has to adhere to.
idea to appy difficult and good time
policies and measure the management skills also
impact of the decisions. keen attention to detail.


Corporate planner and Human resource The major part of the day is spent
manager: Deals with in going for new client pitches and
Policy makers are people in the workforce. meetings. Usually the evening part
They work for is spent in making preparations
responsible for organisations and are for client sales presentations and
responsible for hiring new in sending follow up Emails. At the
implementing and staff and for ensuring end of the day, basically compliance
standards and procedures. managers are responsible for
supervising corporate getting reports from all the
Financial departments and ensuring that all
planning activities including administration : It is a laws have been complied with.
vital part of business Every day he/she has to check for
the development of because it is concerned updates or changes in the laws of
with an organization’s the country and the world.
work-plan, monitoring and resources.he is responsible
for managing the accounts "The secret of getting
reporting of corporate receivables and payables ahead, is getting
of the organization started"
Page : 3

Legal advisor : A legal

advisor is a person who

advises another, often in

an official capacity, about

matters of law.

Notification CAREER PATHS

ACCOUNTANT April & October

A CA will audit, analyze and IPCC
verify clients’ accounts and January and June
give a fair financial picture.
One could also work as a Average
financial consultant and push fee is
an organization’s profitability
and advice clients on RS 32,000/-
investments, general taxation
and act as trustees. Salaries
range from

RS 25,000/-

For Colleges

Refer to page 71

How to apply :


Excellent numerical skills Strong communication

and the ability to skills for explaining financial

understand difficult information to clients and

financial information. senior managers.

Accuracy and attention to The ability to analyse
financial problems and
detail in order to perform identify the best solution.

repetitive calculations.

identify the best solution


Corporate finance Management Consultant Life as a chartered accountant can

accountant : Analysing In this role one examines be very tedious. One might have to

accounts to identify client companies working travel to the client’s place of work.

money that can be used methods and approaches. The work comes with deadlines

for growth of the business. and hence needs great speed and

Actuary: Traditionally efficiency. He/She can also be his

Tax accountant : employed by insurance own boss, if one choose to start his

Extensive knowledge of firms, one works for a company.

law for businesses to range of companies from

advise clients on legal health authorities to

obligations. government departments. "Every great

Auditor : Reviews Company Secretary: achievement was
financial accounts of Works with senior
management to ensure once considered
companies and

organizations to make that legal, financial, and impossible"

sure the legal guidelines. regulatory requirements

are followed.

Page : 4

Page : 5



Page : 6

CAREER PATHS Notification

Foundation COST AND
March or September ACCOUNTANT


February or November

fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 72

How to apply :

SKILLS REQUIRED An awareness of Cost accounting deals with
commercial needs and working out the cost of a
Good communication skills trends to ensure customer particular operation or job,
to explain buying choices requirements are met. it is quite a difficult task
and bargain prices with which involves monitoring
suppliers. Honesty, reliability, and expenditure, prevention of
discretion for dealing with extra costs, minimizing the
Confidence with numbers sensitive financial costs and generating reports.
to calculate the best deals. information appropriately


General Manager : He Cost Controller: Cost accountants are specially

is an executive who has Manages cost for a trained accountants who are

overall responsibility for company. There are involved in assessment of costs of

managing both the several different industries products, services and processes’

revenue and cost elements that cost controllers can time and again the government

of a company’s income work in, including hotels, changes the norms and

statement, known as profit production and regulations related to accounting

& loss (P&L) responsibility. manufacturing, restaurants and so accountants have to keep

and retail. learning.

Tax Accountant :

Extensive knowledge of Company Secretary: "You will face many

law for businesses to Works with a company

advise clients on legal senior management to defeats in your life,
obligations ensure that legal, financial,
but never be
and regulatory require

Auditor : Reviews financial ments are followed defeated"
accounts of companies

and organizations to make

sure the legal guidelines

Page : 7

Name : Date :
Be the lucky bunch, Send us a xerox copy of your completed task to participate in the lucky draw and win a

book related to your occupation

Choose an Occupation

Decorate the figure below for any occupation you choose. Then on the back of this sheet, list
at least five responsibilities or things that this person must do for the job you have selected

Page : 8

CAREER PATHS Notification

fee is RS M.B.A

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 72

How to apply :
Leadership skills and the Managers are people who
vision to implement difficult plan and execute events.
Communication and policies and measure the They are experts in creative,
motivational skills to deal impact of decisions. technical and logistical
with both customers and elements that help an event
Excellent numerical and succeed. Their work includes a
colleagues. statistical skills for planning variety of tasks which depend
budgets and managing on the event like a music
Excellent organisational accounts. concert or product launch.
skills and the ability to
manage staff.


Event manager: Logistics and operations Depending on the schedule of

Government and manager: A logistics and the event, the event managers are

CorporateS host many operations manager is involved in various activities

types of events like sports, someone in charge of throughout the day. On a typical

music, art related events distribution. They ensure day one may prepare project report,

and political events. that distribution operations plan, presentation etc. about the

run smoothly. event and go for a scheduled

Finance manager: He is meeting for getting the business

responsible to manage Customer service with a client.

and control financial manager: The experience

resources in the company. of buying products and "Never give up,
using services is enhanced

Human resource by good customer support. for that is just the
manager: Deal with
place and time that
people in the work force. Project manager:

They work for companies Project managers work in the tide will turn"
a range of industries to
and are responsible for

hiring new staff and for ensure that projects are

ensuring procedures. completed on time.

Page : 9

Q.Psychometric assessment The first question here arises beneficial for students who
and its significance in career is how a student can know are in 9th-12th grades. These
planning about his talents and skills. students are on the verge of
A.These days, more than The most verified method is of selecting their career which
getting education, achieving psychometric testing. This is they have to follow for their
the right and appropriate a kind of test which explores whole life. Earlier students
education has become more different attributes of a student used to think that there are
important. There are several which include interests, values, only few career options such
career options available to the preferences, motivations, apti- as engineering, medical and
students but there is lack of tudes, and skills. This kind of commerce.
awareness among them which test generally includes multiple Most of the students used to
many a times lead them to choice questions which explore continue their studies in one of
choose a wrong career option. the passion and interest of the these fields. However, the time
Students generally come under student. has changed now. There are
parental and peer pressure more than 500 career options
which is the major cause of “Importance for students in India. This test
students ending up with career of helps students to know which
options which is not according career field is best suited to
to their talent. Psychometric their talents and skills.
Assesment” In India, there have been news
Many of the educational prob- that many well qualified engi-
lems in the country are not There are also aptitude based neers are forced to take up low
due to lack of schools but due questions which decide the level jobs and at many places
to lack of proper guidance that skills of the student based on even after graduation, they are
the students need at the cru- which a student can select a jobless.
cial stages of their student life. career option. These tests have The situation has arisen not
Every student has a different been considered as highly im- due to lack of talent among
set of talents and skills, for best portant by various companies students but due to the reason
performance of the student, it across the world to understand that they followed one career
is necessary that they choose a if a candidate would be an ide- stream without understanding
career option which nurtures al fit for them. Recently, these their own talents. Most of the
them and encourage them to tests have been adapted for students choose their career
give their best. their use in determining the option without realising their
Page : 10 right career option for the stu- own potential.
dent. This test helps in deter- They easily come under
mining the subjects on which parental and peer pressure.
a student should put focus on The students who could have
for higher performance based given excellent performance
on the talent and skills of the in some stream remain an
student. average student when forced
to take up a career which does
Q.Benefits of career assess- not match their own goals.
ment using psychometric Thus, psychometric test is
testing. essential to understand which
A.Psychometric test is very career is right for the student.

Q.Significance of Psychomet-
ric tests in career planning
A.Significance of psychometric
test lies in the fact that it aims
at exploring the unconscious
factors related to the talents of
a student. As has been revealed
by many career counsellors,
majority of students remain
confused about career options.
They are unaware of the skills
that they possess. At this time,
psychometric test makes them
aware of their talents and the
strengths. This then supports
career counsellors to guide the
student in the right direction.
Although, psychometric test
alone can’t help in determining
the career path for a student,
yet it builds a strong foun-
dation according to which a
student can be guided towards
the right career option.
Q.CareerGuide profile: is a mar-
ketplace which connects stu-
dents with the career counsel-
lors. There are more than 1100
qualified career counsellors on
CareerGuide’s platform which
are available to the students for
their different queries.
CareerGuide has been work-
ing laboriously to remove the
geographical boundaries that
arises in the field of career
counselling. Through Career-, students from
anywhere in India can talk to
the career counsellors without
need of scheduling.

Supported by Career Guide.

Page : 11

Notification CAREER PATHS

FASHION November

Februar y

fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 73

How to apply :
Fashion designers use their
creative expertise and
knowledge of textiles, sewing The ability to generate lots Effective communication
and manufacturing processes of ideas and turn them skills for interacting with
to set trends in colour, fabric into valuable sketches design team and
ad style. They create clothing, and designs conveying ideas clearly.
shoes and accessories. De-
signers with a high profile often Strong numericals in Strong market awareness
specialize in creating expensive setting dimensions and and business skills,
items, scale in patterns and especially for freelance and
calculate production costs self-employed designers


Specialist designer: Costume designer: Fashion designers work regular
Focuses on designing Designs clothes and hours, but usually stay late and
clothes for industry such accessories that actors work on weekends that lead up to
as men’s wear, footwear wear in films or plays. fashion shows and other launches

Technical designer: Dressmaker/tailor: "Success is
Bridges the gap between Creates made-to-measure connected with
fashion house designers items of clothing for action, so keep
and the manufacturer, customers, and usually
focusing on producing runs small independent moving"
patterns businesses specialised
in a particular type of
Fashion stylist: Advises clothing
individuals on fashion to
make the as attractive as Fashion model: Models
possible. Stylists are usually appear in fashion shows
employed within the in order to promote fashion
modelling and film lines to customers and the
industries. media. or for catalogues.

Page : 12

CAREER PATHS Notification



fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 74

How to apply : ;
Excellent organizational Interior designers may work on
their own or alongside other
Creativity and imagination skills to ensure each professionals, such as architects
in designing new concepts project is completed on and builders, to create interiors
in line with modern time and within the that are both functional and
trends. budget. attractive. The work could range
from structural alterations to
Good communication skills Adaptability to work on helping select and coordinate
to explain ideas, and different assignments furnishings, colour schemes and
negotiate with clients and simultaneously and to lighting.
suppliers follow new trends.


Head of practice: Colour therapist: uses The work is often demanding and

heads a design team or colour to help people with may require long or irregular hours

establishes their own physical, neurological or to complete a job to meet a

practice to work on interior emotional problems deadline.

design projects.

Exhibition designer:

Architectural design: Designs exhibitions held in

Specializes in the museums, galleries, and

planning stage of a new heritage centres or focuses

building. designs interior on commercial exhibitions

fittings, and helps with such as trade shows and "Always do your
creating floor plans. conferences.

Lighting designer: Painter and decorator: best, what you
Applies paint and covering plant now, you will
produces functional and such as wallpaper to
improve the look of harvest later"
appealing designs for

lighting. Creates lighting

concepts for a project. surfaces in buildings or to

protect them from elements

Page : 13

General Engineering Streams

Civil Engineering : Electronics Engineering: Chemical Engineering :
They handle all the Developing and designing A chemical engineer invents,
construction work. They are electronics, construction and develops, designs, operates
involved in the planning, manufacturing of equipment and manages processes
research, survey and testing of new electronic (conversion of raw materials
construction of all kinds of equipment, maintenance into finished products) in
buildings, airports, dams, of products, are the major industries.
roads and transportation works of an electronic
system, irrigation, power engineer like phones, Food Technology: As
plants. computers etc. a Food Technologist you will
use your skills to preserve
Computer Engineering B.Sc Commercial Agri- food. It also deals with
They are involved with the culture and Business manufacturing
hardware and software Management: A course confectionery, snacks and
aspects of a computer that is aims at crop-pasture also the packaging of all
systems, design and production and these products for marketing
development. They apply management, soil science, and shipping . The food
theories and principles of livestock management and processing industry is
science, math, electrical maintaining a delicate engaged in converting food
technologies, digital balance between products like wheat, rice,
technologies etc. environmental protection sugar, oil, pulses, etc. into
and profitable business. an edible form. As a Food
Electrical Engineering Technologist you will be
An electrical engineer Mechanical Engineering: equipped with the
designs, develops, tests, and A mechanical engineer knowledge of not only
supervises the manufacture designs, develops, and processing foodstuffs, but
of electrical equipment. manufactures every kind storage, research and
Some of this equipment of vehicle, power system, quality control also.
includes power generators, machine and tool. They are
power transmission devices, involved with anything that Aerospace Engineering
broadcast and moves. You get to work on Aerospace engineers
communications systems, generators, combustion design, construct and test
electric motors, lighting engines, turbines etc. aircrafts, missiles,
buildings, automobiles, spacecrafts etc. They are
aircraft, computers and other also involved in researching
office equipment and home new materials, engines,
appliances. structures etc.

Page : 14

CAREER PATHS Notification



fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 73

How to apply :
The ability to lead teams Engineering is the application
of engineers and of mathematics, empirical
Creativity and innovation construction workers on evidence and scientific,
to realize engineering a range of tasks. economic, social, and practical
design successfully. knowledge in order to invent,
The ability to predict and innovate, design, build,
Problem solving skills to analyse the commercial maintain, research, and
process complex results of scientific improve structures, materials,
calculations using applications. processes and organizations.
computer software.


Civil engineering is a Metallurgy is the branch Regular hours are the norm, though

field that deals with of materials engineering engineers in some sectors may

buildings, bridges, dams, that deals with physical need to travel or work overnight to

roads, and other structures and chemical behaviour of meet project deadlines.

It involves him to plan, metallic element

design, and supervise the

construction of facilties Instrumentation

Computer engineering engineers are responsible "Do not limit your
for integrating the sensors

is a discipline that integrate with the recorders, capabilities, work
several fields of computer transmitters, displays or
and act as if you
science required to control systems.

develop computer were without

hardware and software Telecommunications

Manufacturing engineer engineering, is a barriers aim for
work on design and discipline that integrates greatness,
electricals with computers

operation of integrated to develop telecommunication nothing less"
systems for production. systems.

Page : 15

“ The only behaviour etc. While my days in Like I said, I liked talking to peo-
way to do corporate companies I liked talking ple, socialise, BITS had provided
great work to employees under stress and even- many platforms like OASIS, APO-
is to love tually realised that Psychology would GEE-technical fest, many forums,
what you suit my interest and then while cultural forums, book review ses-
working I had interned with a prac- sions, music forums etc.I was also
do ” ticing psychologist and also pursued trained in classical music, so enjoyed
a course on the same. How has your the sessions of music, by SPI MACAY.
Q.What schools/college did you college/school experience prepared I also used to anchor (masters of cer-
attend and why did you select you for this career? emonies, MC) many events, also or-
them? ganise them. I also had pursued a
A.I had completed my schooling Q.What hardships did you have to course on Analysis of Literature and
from St.Anns, Hyderabad. After overcome during your pursuit of Cinema. So BITS had given me plat-
schooling, I joined Sri Chaitanya your career? form, where I could explore and test
Junior college. In Intermediate I A.I wouldn’t necessarily call them as and taste my hobbies.
gave various entrance exams like hardships.
EAMCET, BITSAT etc. I secured While I was pursuing my studies I Q.What is your future plan?
a very good BITSAT score and used to wonder why am I studying A.I enjoy the work am doing as a psy-
hence joined BITS, Pilani for my certain subjects, how will that relate chological counsellor. I love music as
graduation and had pursued Me- to my goal or to what I might be do- well. I would like to club my love for
chanical Engineering as my ma- ing. For me, If I could find the value music with psychology and bring
jors there. in anything, I would enjoy doing it. out a music therapy for a therapeutic
Also while I was undergoing training approach.
Q.Did you set any educational at one of the companies I had worked
goals and how do you set goals? with, the training was gruesome, Q.Why did you choose this career
A.As a kid, I had many dreams. fixed timetables, and the long travels and what factors did you consider?
One day I wanted to be in one to take up to reach office sometimes A.I was never in a rat raceI chose
professions and the other day in frustrated me. psychology because I felt I enjoyed
another. But all along, I was great- studying people, behaviours, the
ly passionate about writing. So Q.You had worked for about 8 years rationale behind behaviours. And
while graduating from my school in a corporate company which at any of the places, I was an agony
I wanted to be a journalist and wasn’t your interest. Describe your aunt. So I thought being a psycho-
join Arts in my Intermediate. But life there? logical counsellor might be the right
my parents didn’t encourage the A.All throughout I have been a good option for me to match my interests
option of pursuing Arts and was performer. During my first year it and that’s when I made a transition
suggested to pursue Math and was a little taxing since it was too from an engineer in corporate world
Science group. So I landed tak- technical, coding etc. But as years to being a psychological counsellor.
ing up MPC, gave entrance exams passed by, I started meeting a lot of
and got through to BITS. While in people and my managers had as- Q.What’s your daily routine?
BITS also, I liked observing peo- sessed my skills and there on I start- A.My day begins around 7 in the
ple, I liked talking to people. I was ed meeting the clients which I en- morning, readying my son to the
an agony aunt in college. I loved joyed doing. I used to look forward school, and certain daily chores like
understanding people, the WHY for the meetings, make appropriate cooking and packing food. Then I
of a certain behaviour, character arrangements and ensure the meet- leave for work around 9.00 am and
study, understanding human ing has been productive. Also I had am in the hospital, attending to cli-
told previously I had a great interest ents till evening 5.30 and back home
Page : 16 in writing. So I used to blog a lot, I in the evening. I spend little time
used to write columns for the wom- with my son and then cater to the
en’s era magazine. That way my thirst clients at home as well. Then my son
was writing was addressed. So nec- and I sit together to finish his home-
essarily even if I didn’t like the work I work, dine together and off to sleep
was doing, there was definitely some for another precious day. Some times
element in the job that kept me during the day I might be in some
satiated. corporate companies trying to ad-
Q.How has your college life helped dress the stressed employees in their
you shape your career? company. And at times of high stress
A.While in BITS, we had immense levels, I also practise the breathing
opportunity to explore and innovate exercises to relax myself.

Q.Can you talk about people or A.There is the concept “We become
books you have read that have in- of multiple intelligence what we
spired you to embark on your own where once could be think ”
career? good with numbers,
A.I am an avid reader, but among the writing,logic, articulate Q.What good habits do you most
books I have read, “The Secret” by speech etc. Its first im- admire?
Rhonda Byrne stands out. It is won- portant to understand A.I appreciate the most is the atti-
derful self book, that reinforces very where we fit in, before tude of not whining despite volca-
strongly the fact that “We are what we take any step ahead noes erupting around and within
we think”. Also I like ALCHEMIST. in our careers. them.

Q.What are your perspectives in You may take a profes- Q.What/who keeps you motivat-
society building related to your ca- sional help to under- ed?
reer? stand your personality. A.Results keep me motivated.
A.My career being a psychological Also you should do a Smiles keep me motivated. When
counsellor is contributing towards a reality check to see if a client comes with stress and
happier, lighter society. People come you will be able o do leaves with smiles, it boost me
to me with lot of stress, disappoint- it.If not this, do we have more and more.
ments, dejections and we help them an alternate plan.
overcome these obstacles to a hap- Q.What’s the biggest mistake
pier life, so our effort is to relieve Also if there are scenarios where you’ve made in your life and how
people of their stress and make them you have to choose between your have you overcome it?
happy individuals, which makes a dream and compulsion of sus- I wouldn’t call anything a mistake
happy family which in a bigger sense tenance, its advisable to take up because I believe everything hap-
makes a happy society at large. a career that is immediately able pens for a reason.
to address your sustenance but
Q.How do you define success? also make time to pursue your Q.What are your views on the
A.For me, if at the end of the day, interest. Do not give upon your need for career counselling?
you feel happy at heart and are at dreams. Sooner or later, you must A.It is very very important. I keep
peace with your ownself. I would pursue your dreams. saying many students who come
call it success. One might have to with lot of stress because there
money, power, name and much Q.What are the greatest lessons is a mismatch of aptitude, interest
more but if you don’t feel the hap- of your life? and what they pursue. The stu-
piness within you. You are not dents are not aware of their true
successful. A.One that I have learnt is that, potential and end up in wrong
“We become what we think “ courses/ careers leading to griev-
Q.What is your career advice to and that “everything happens for ous stress. The schools must facil-
students? a reason and when we look back itate the realization of a student’s
and join the dots, everything will true potential.
make sense, just to say, that life is
perfect jig saw puzzle. Q.What advice would you give
to kids today who look up to you
Q.What do you think is the best as their inspiration?
way to lead the life? A.For anyone if you want to make
a difference, if you are liberal,
A.I consider the best way to live have empathy, patience, and ac-
life is that no matter how, where ceptance and not be judgemental,
and what we are, we must GET then this profession is definitely
up, DRESS up and SHOW up. meant for you.
Also that we must enjoy life as it
comes and we must not treat hap- Page : 17
piness as a destination, it must be
the journey.

Some of the courses under Medicine

Dentist : The core Endocrinologist : It is Plastic surgeon : Plastic
function of a dentist is a branch of biology and surgery is performed to
prevention and treatment medicine dealing with the correct functional
of diseases related to the endocrine system, its impairments caused by
oral cavity, including the diseases, and its specific burns; injuries,
floor of the oral cavity, the secretions called congenital abnormalities,
'roof' of the mouth, teeth, hormones, the integration such as cleft palates or
gums, tongue, etc. It also of developmental events cleft lips; developmental
involves educating proliferation, growth, and abnormalities; infection
patients about oral differentiation (and the and disease; and cancer
hygiene. coordination of or tumors It is usually
metabolism, respiration, performed to improve
Veterinary Doctor : A excretion, movement, function. Also this includes
veterinary doctor is a reproduction, and sensory the cosmetic surgery
doctor who not only perception depend on which is done to purely
diagnoses and controls chemical cues, substances perform to beautify the
animal diseases, but also synthesized and secreted features and enhance the
prescribes medical or by specialized cells. physical appearance.
surgical treatment for
diseases in animals. Cardiologist : It is a Ayurveda : Bachelor of
Veterinary doctors prevent medical speciality dealing Ayurvedic Medicine and
transmission of disease with disorders of the heart Surgery (B.A.M.S.) is an
and advise on pet care be it human or animal. integrated medical degree
and farm animals. The field includes medical in India, conferred to those
diagnosis and treatment who have studied the
Naturopathy : Bachelor of congenital heart integrated system of
of Naturopathy and Yogic defects, coronary artery modern medicine and
Sciences (BNYS) is a disease, heart failure, traditional ayurveda.
medical degree in India in valvular heart disease and
the field of integrated electrophysiology.
naturopathic medicine
and yoga therapy.

Page : 18

CAREER PATHS Notification

December DOCTOR

Februar y

fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 74

How to apply : ;
Doctors examine patients to
diagnose illness, injury &
Understand people’s Precision and dexterity to medical conditions and
problems, and the ability carry out both difficult prescribe an appropriate
to put people at ease. surgery and common course of treatment or refer
medical procedures. them to specialists for further
care. They work in a wide
Excellent accumen for Good technical and variety of settings such as
assessing illness and injury computer skills to keep hospitals, health centres, the
and diagnosing the best records and operate armed forces etc..
course of treatment sophisticated equipment


General practitioner (GP): Dietician: Works with Doctors work long hours and in

They are usually the first patients who under weight shifts, especially during the earlier

point of contact for patients or overweight or have years of their career. Medical

experiencing health issues food allergies, devising practitioners are always on duty.

appropriate treatment .

Physician: Works in

hospital or clinic in general Physician associate:
"The will to win,
medicine the diagnosis Helps doctors to diagnose desire to succeed,
the urge to reach
and treatment of serious and treat patients,
medical problems. recording medical histories
and compiling plans to

Surgeon: Works with a manage a patient’s to your potential,

team of medical treatment. these are the keys

specialists to treat injuries,

diseases and selects by Non-clinical specialist:
to unlock the door
operating on patients. Specializes in an area of

There are numerous medicine that has little
of excellence"
specialist areas within contact with parents such

surgery. as radiology, pathology

Page : 19

Notification CAREER PATHS

AND to


fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 75

How to apply :
Dietitians play an important
role in maintaining health of
people. Dietitians are experts The ability to listen carefully Sensitivity towards clients
in food and nutrition. They and communicate clearly who may suffer from a
advise people on what to with both children and range of health difficulties.
eat in order to lead a healthy
lifestyle or achieve a specific adults. Good leadership skills to
health-related goal.
The knowledge to devise motivate and encourage
unique health programmes clients to make positive
based on a client’s lifestyle changes.

physical ability and needs.


Food service dietitians/ Community health On a typical day a hospital based

nutritionists Oversee worker: Teaches registered dietitian would review

large-scale meal planning techniques and behaviours the medical record of a patient and

and preparation in health that promote good health would assess the nutritional require-

care facilities, company to groups and individuals. ments. As per the doctor’s advice,

cafeterias, prisons and he would add it in their diet.They

schools. Fitness instructor: Advice routinely interact with doctors and

on individual activities offer diet related advice.

Sports Dietitians and use of weights and

help the sportsmen in equipment at a gym or

maintaining proper health fitness centre. "Arise, Awake.
as per the requirements of

sport that they play. Higher level teaching Stop not till the
assistant: Provides
goal is reached"
Research Dietitians are assistance in a classroom

mostly involved in research or any other learning

work by research and environment to students

development organization. who require extra help.

Page : 20

Career Crossword

Look at the clues below and fill the word grid.
Each of the clues represent a career. So tease your brain now and fill
the Career Grid!


CALL US ON 7799698723

Page : 21

Notification CAREER PATHS


fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 76

A physiotherapist uses various How to apply :
treatments including massage,
hydrotherapy, and exercise SKILLS REQUIRED
to help patients recover or
manage their condition. They Effective communication Empathy and sensitivity in
usually work in hospitals along skills to interact with a understanding patient’s
with nurses, occupational wide range of patients problems to provide the
therapists and social workers. and health care workers. right treatment.

The ability to work in Problem solving skills to
teams alongside a range diagnose and treat
of other health care profes- conditions which may
sionals. require technical


Orthopaedic physiotherapist : Sports scientist: Applies a science Physiotherapists typically have a
Treats patients on based knowledge of normal working week, although
recovering from surgery or sports and human biology some clinics open in the evening
accidents to their bones to work with athletes, and on weekends.
and muscles. doctors & professionals
"Ships in harbor
Geriatric physiotherapist : Massage therapist Uses massage are safe, but that’s
Specializes in helping to ease the aches and not what ships are
elderly patients improve pains of patients, treat
their mobility, adjust to specific muscle problems, meant for"
living at home after such as spasms and
surgery or manage pain. sprains or enhance their
general wellbeing.
Paediatric physiotherapist: Works
with children to address Sports physiotherapist: Treats a
birth and developmental range of sports related
problems with muscles injuries, offers guidance on
and bones and in prevention of injury, fitness
rehabilitation. programmes

Page : 22

CAREER PATHS Notification



fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 75

How to apply :
Pharmacists advice to
customers on prescribed
Good communication skills Excellent interpersonal skills drugs, over-the-counter
to listen to patients needs and the ability to deal products, and the treatment of
and give instructions on sympathetically and clearly minor ailments. Pharmacists
taking medicines. with customers. are responsible for safe supply
of medicines to hospital
Strong mathematical skills Good analytical skills and patients and the general
for using scientific formulae scientific understanding for public.
and making difficult diagnosing a patient’s
calculations. medication needs.


Clinical pharmacist: Biochemist: Studies Work can either be full time or part

Works in hospitals and chemical reactions in living time, some weekend work may be

clinics ensuring that organisms, proteins, cells required for pharmacists who work

patients receive the and DNA to understand in hospitals or in the high street.

correct medication as the effects of drugs.

per the prescriptions.

Biomedical research

Community pharmacist: scientist: Performs clinical

Provide health care advice trials and laboratory tests

and dispenses or sells to find new methods for
treating diseases,ailments "When you want to
medicines in a retail

pharmacy. and health conditions. succeed as much

Industrial pharmacist: Toxicologist: Conducts as you want to
Conducts research into the experiments and to
breathe, success
properties of new drugs, research the impact of

testing and developing toxic and radioactive is yours"

products in order to bring materials on people,

them to market. animals and the environment.

Page : 23

I have been using mind maps their stress levels and improve re- would aid the students improved
from last 5 years in my sults. I was not sure by then, but memory and recall of the subject.
professional life, particularly in later on as I started
teaching. As an author of 8 books researching on how students “Why Mind Maps
on Mind Maps (class 7 to 10 sci- could benefits from this amazing are so powerful”
ence and maths syllabus) I am ex- method, I realized that YES Mind
cited to share my experience with maps can help students. Mind Map brings together left
you. brain (word, logic, numbers, and
During the last 5 years of my Now let us see how Mind Maps sequence) and right brain
journey with Mind Maps I have would help students for better (colours, curves, images and
been lucky to meet and interact education resulting in More space) which dramatically
100s of schools, educators and Marks. increases your understanding
1000s of students. I would like to Mind Map is a visual tool power. By using both cortical
share my experiences with you equipped with lot of colors, sides simultaneously you are
based on my numerus natural organic structure, maximizing your mind power.
interactions and discussions with images and key words. That would This means that each cortical
teachers and students. engage the students skill enhances the performance
In the beginning I have started immediately and brings that re- of other areas so that the brain
my journey with Mind Maps in quired focus as Mind map is a is working at its optimum. Prof.
a business perspective to achieve brain friendly method. Sperry.R.W (Noble Prize winner)
desired productivity in my
professional work, which I was Organic structure, stimulating Call Us Now
fully convinced and there are colors and key words (concepts) + 91 90 300 33823
many success stories from 100’s on branches will get that
of fortune 500 companies ( Dr. required attention and help them Or Email
Mike Stanley from Boing claims to go deeper in the subject as the [email protected]
that they could save lot of time branches expands smoothly.
and resources during one of their
projects, which resulted in saving “How students
millions of dollars) get benefit from
Well coming back to education, I Mind Maps and
got an opportunity to train some get more marks”
school students, that’s when I was
wondering how Mind Map can One page view of the Mind map
would explain the complete
Phealgpesc:h2o4ols students to decrease concepts of the particular chapter,
enables students with better
conceptual understanding.

Mind map is highly condensed
version (covering 100% of all the
key points) of a particular chap-
ter. This would help students to
revise the chapter pretty quickly
(10 times faster)

Mind Map’s natural brain friendly
way and the ability to revise the
chapter quickly several times

How to read a mind map?

Centre is the chapter name, Strat at 1 O’ clock branch and go clock wise, first read main branch then go corresponding sub branches then sub-sub branches and
key points. Along with the key points on the branches read and understand the given pictures and images accordingly.

Page : 25

Notification CAREER PATHS


fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 77

How to apply :
Paramedics are the techni-
cians who carryout diagnosis
through various tests like blood Effective communication Empathy and sensitivity in
test ECG etc.. in order to initiate skills to interact with a understanding patient’s
the treatment The examples wide range of patients. problems to provide the
could be Certificate in Blood right treatment.
Bank Technology, Diploma in
Medical Lab The ability to work in Problem solving skills to
Technology. teams alongside a range diagnose and treat
of other health care conditions which may
professionals. require technical



Optometrists are Speech therapists Typically have a normal working
professionals who test diagnose and treat people week, although some clinics open in
eyes and prescribe with communication and the evening and on weekends. Tak-
spectacles. Essentially they speech difficulties due to ing samples, record keeping, testing,
perform eye examination congenital, developmental, producing and interpreting results.
and other related or acquired disabilities.
functions. They help in They work with individuals, "Success is sum of
correct diagnosis of eye who have rhythm and small efforts
problems by identifiying fluency difficulties, or who
the patient’s problems in have voice disorders. repeated day in
vision and eye and day out"
Radiation Technologists
Physiotherapy, This are professionals who
method of treatment is study radiation technology
used for improving the and are concerned with X
dysfunctions related to Rays and other Radiations
body movement through for both diagnosis and
exercises, massages and treatment.
other physical treatments.

Page : 26

CAREER PATHS Notification


fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 76

How to apply : Nurses administer treatments
and therapies, plan patient care
SKILLS REQUIRED and provide advice and practical
support. They provide care and
Good communication skills Natural compassion and assistance for people who are ill,
to help with dealing with empathy to provide injured or suffering from health
people from different support to weak patients. problems. There are opportunities
to specialize and work at several
backgrounds. Physical strength to lift locations including hospitals,
patients and move health centres,and hospices.
The ability to work equipment, stamina to
successfully as part of a endure long hours of
team in the busy health stress.
care profession.


Practice nurse: Takes Health promotion Nurses usually work for a regular
adviser: inspires and number of hours. They have long
samples, replaces motivates people to adopt working hours and work in shifts

dressings, and performs healthier life style for their

general health checks. overall well being.

Doctors rely on practice

nurses to support them.

Health visitor: visits
patient’s homes to provide
District nurses: Works care after surgery or child
birth. Also discuss any
with patients recovering other health issues.

from terminal illness or School nurse: Visits "Challenges are
children in schools to what make life
the elderly. Many nurses provide vaccinations and interesting and
health checks and to overcoming them
provide care in their teach them about diet is what makes life
and exercise.
community settings meaningful"

rather than in hospitals. Page : 27

Children’s nurse: Works

with children of all ages

to provide health care in

kids’s homes and hospitals

Notification CAREER PATHS


fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 78

Airline cabin-crew members How to apply :
also called air hostess ensure
that passengers experience SKILLS REQUIRED
a safe, comfortable and
enjoyable flight. Their duties Good communication skills Excellent costumer service
include checking the aircraft’s for understanding and to deal with passengers in
cabin, greeting passengers, attending to passenger’s a polite, professional and
giving safety instructions and needs. sensitive manner.
serving refreshments, rescue
when in emergency etc.. The ability to work Being able to think quickly
efficiently and supportively to keep passengers calm
with colleagues in usually during difficulties such as
cramped cabin conditions. emergency landings.


Language specialist: Airline customer service Due to 24 hour nature of air travel,
works as a part of the agent: checks passengers cabin crew work irregular hour in
cabin crew on long-haul onto their flight, weighs shifts that include nights, weekends
flights in which a good luggage and issues and holidays. Air hostess life can
knowledge of specific boarding passes. be exciting as we get to travel to
various destinations but also include
languages is required. Customer service agent: erratic working hours.
answer customer queries,
Purser: manages a part of handles complaints and "Do not give up,
the cabin on an aircraft provides information about the beginning
such as the first class an organisation’s services is always the
lounge and over toughest"
sees other staff. Resort representative:
ensure that tourists have
VIP cabin-crew staff: a comfortable and
looks after very important pleasant holiday, meeting
and prestigious holiday makers as their
passengers on board flights arrive, arranging
either commercial aircrafts onward transport.
or private jets.

Page : 28

CAREER PATHS Notification

May Technician/engineer

fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 77

How to apply :

SKILLS REQUIRED Agricultural and Food Engineers
develop methods and design
High levels of stamina Business expertise to equipment’s that are used
and resilience to meet the manage finances, plan for land preparation, planting,
physical demands of the budgets and ensure that harvesting and other activities
job. production targets are met. involved in farming, forestry and
Food Processing. They find better
Good organisational The ability to form an ways to minimize wastage at all
skills for arranging the effective team of farm stages of food processing
operation and business workers and to oversee beginning from the farm to table.
management of the farm. the activities of trainees.


Agronomist is a person who Agriculture scientist: They do Work patterns are seasonal and
engages in the scientific research and development farm managers are expected to
study of agronomy, which & production techniques, put in very long hours at harvest
is the science of using in Improving agricultural or lambing times. Interaction with
plants and plant materials productivity in terms of farmers, Record keeping, crop test
as fuel, feed, food. quantity & quality and training.

Agricultural Economists : Deals Estate manager: Supervises and "Live as if you
with economical activities manages the maintenance were to die
that influence agriculture of grounds and buildings
and the distribution of as well as overseeing tomorrow. Learn as
agricultural products. the financial affairs of if you were to live
Agricultural marketers : Are forever"
engaged in providing real Agricultural consultant: Solves
estate support, equipment agricultural problems and Page : 29
used in cultivation and provides advice and
harvesting, storage support to farmers,
facilities for crops. growers and agencies.

Page : 30

Page : 31

Notification CAREER PATHS



fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 79

Professionals in hospital How to apply :
management, also known as
health services managers, SKILLS REQUIRED
usually have the job title of
hospital manager or hospital Communication and Leadership skills and the
administrator. They typically motivational skills to deal vision to implement difficult
coordinate and direct the with both customers and policies and measure the
delivery of healthcare services colleagues impact of decisions.
in a hospital system
Excellent organisational Excellent numerical and
skills and the ability to statistical skills for planning
manage staff. budgets and managing


Hospital Administrator : Health Counselor : Mental Healthcare administrators usually

They are individuals or health counselors typically work in an office within a hospital,

groups of people who work directly with clients, or a nursing home. They also spend

manage finances, and sometimes their a lot of time outside of the office

policies and procedures families, professionals in for an organization, speaking with

within hospitals. this field might help with people in a variety of

a variety of mental and environments and observing the

emotional issues Before activities going on daily in the

Medical Assistant counseling their clients. health care setting.

Instructor : He is a

person who trains and

mentors students in Regional Manager : They "Forget what hurt
oversees the operations,
schools and colleges, with
the aim of getting them marketing strategy and you, don't forget,
ready for a medical finances of a hotel group in
assisting career. a region or country, taking what it taught you"

responsibility for its overall


Page : 32

CAREER PATHS Notification


fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 78

How to apply :
Hotel managers are
Good interpersonal skills Leadership skills to responsible for the safe,
and a friendly approach motivate hotel staff and comfortable and profitable
that makes guests feel ensure they maintain high operations. Their duties might
comfor table. standards of customer care include recruiting and managing
staff, ensuring that guests
The ability to work with The ability to come up with receive a high level of service
staff from a variety of effective solutions to and enjoy their stay and
countries, cultures & adopt everyday problems quickly overseeing the menu, and
to new locations. and efficiently. manage the Hotel.


Regional manager: oversees the Restaurant manager: ensures Working hours are very long and
operations, marketing that a restaurant operates include evenings, weekends and
strategy and finances of efficiently and profitably, holidays. Some managers live in the
a hotel group in a region while maintaining the hotels and work shifts.
or country, taking business’s reputation
responsibility for its overall and public profile. They "You never know,
profitability. are responsible for how close you
maintaining high standards are, so never
Holiday resort manager manages of food, service, health give up"
the daily operations of a and safety.
resort complex, including Page : 33
overseeing the work of Accommodation manager: works
event organisers, managers for a large institution such
and grounds staff. as a school, university or
hospital ensuring that
Conference centre manager: sufficient rooms of
provides a venue for appropriate standard are
business conferences, available to meet
taking all the resposibility. customer demand.

Notification CAREER PATHS



fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 80

How to apply :
Teachers teach students and SKILLS REQUIRED
help shape their interests and
develop their future career
options. They teach students of Excellent communication Creativity for planning
all ages and often specialize in skills and the ability to stimulating lessons and to
one or two subjects from the convey information inspire and motivate
curriculum. Teachers may pro- during lessons and students.
vide instruction in literacy and assemblies.
numeracy, craftsmanship,arts, Highly developed
religion, civics and life skills. The ability to manage large organisational and time
groups of people and deal management skills to
JOB OPPORTUNITIES with unruly behaviour. prepare and deliver


Head of Department: Adult Educational Teacher: The work runs through the
works with people academic year. A lot of time is
assumes management aged 19 and over to used outside school hours to plan
provide tutoring, training lessons, mark homework and meet
responsibilities for the and assessment in the parents.
workplace and in classes.
department in their subject

area such as mathematics

or English.

Education Manager: Acts Careers Adviser: Helps
children and adults to
in an advisory capacity for make choices about their
careers. It includes giving
local authorities and information on opportunities
and employment.
government, making "There is no
Education Officer: elevator to
decisions on education Escorts parties of school success. You
children around a museum have to take the
policy and strategy. or art gallery and provides
information on exhibits. stairs"
Head Teacher: Oversees
the management of a
school and manage staff
and make decisions
about the school

Page : 34

CAREER PATHS Notification


fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 80

How to apply : The strength to stay calm Travel agents organise
and polite with clients who business or leisure travel for
SKILLS REQUIRED are difficult to please. their customers. They may
also make additional
Good communication Excellent attention to detail travel arrangements like
skills, telephone etiquette to check, order and relay accommodation bookings and
and sensitivity to cultural travel information offer guidance on insurance,
differences. accurately. travel safety, forex and tours.

The ability to complete all
necessary arrangements
to customers in a careful,
well-organised manner.


Tour Operator: Plans and Resort Representative: Travel agents work normal retail

organises group travel. The Represents a travel hours, including weekends. They

work includes organising company at a holiday may be expected to work overtime

cruises, rail and coach resort or destination, during high season. Learn about

travel or flights to a looking after the needs of exciting destinations, organise an

selection of destinations. holiday makers and travel plan itenary and modify as

liaising with travel and per the clients need to make their

Business Travel Agent: lodging suppliers. travel easy.

Arranges travel and

accommodation for Leisure Centre Manager:

corporate clients, Runs sports and recreation
"Dreams come
negotiating special rates centres, the job involve

on their behalf. arranging timetables for true when you are
activities, supervising a
awake and
Call Centre Agent: sells range of staff, controlling

travel products to custom budgets and promoting working towards it"
ers on the telephone or and marketing the facilities

the internet and handles on offer.

queries and complaints.

Page : 35

Career Tree

Guess the names of the persons from the flowerpot and
fill the blanks in the flowers and write a few words about them below

Page : 36

CAREER PATHS Notification


fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 79

How to apply : Journalists usually work on a
specific subject assigned to
SKILLS REQUIRED them. Journalism Consists of
two main areas; research and
Excellent verbal and Perseverance and a “can- gathering information, writing
do” attitude to create and and presenting content.
written skills to express present a story for the Journalist will often need to be
target audience. “on the go” to report the events
ideas clearly too varied as they happen or to interview
The flexibility to take on people on site.
reader ships or audiences. stories that arise without
warning and to follow
The ability to work with them as events unfold.

many people in many

teams including editors,

designers and producers.


Broadcast Journalist: Advertising Copywriter: Work is project based with often

Works for radio or TV Produces the concise and long and irregular hours which can

stations broadcasting Vis persuasive written words extend to weekends and holidays.

air, cable or the internet. or copy for advertisements. Some jobs require frequent

and often present stories This can range from slogans travelling. Be present in site of

for broadcast. and text for printed incident, cover the details, interview

advertisements and leaf people, draft the content and send

Newspaper Journalist: lets to radio jingles and for publishing.

Provides information to scripts for television

the public about the commercials.

events, people and ideas. "Wake up with
The role involves detailed Online Journalist:

research and fact checking Produces content for online determination,
publication on one or go to bed with
many different topics. This satisfaction"
requires good journalistic
Magazine Journalist: and IT skills, Plus the ability

Researches and writes

new articles and features

for a variety of periodicals, to work in a variety of media

including popular titles. including video and sound

Page : 37

Notification CAREER PATHS

CI V IL April

Ours is a vast country that May
needs to have distinct
systems of management to Average
ensure smooth functioning. fee is RS
The Indian Administrative 2,000/-
Service is a branch of the
Indian Civil Service. Salaries
range from


For Institutes

Refer to google

How to apply :


Good communication skills Excellent spatial awareness

to interact, live and work and coordination for using

with people often in con weapons accurately in all

fined places. conditions.

The ability to work Perseverance and self
discipline for withstanding
effectively as part of a rigorous training and chal
lenging conditions.
disciplined team and

respond quickly to orders.


The Indian Administrative The Indian Police Service The perks of the services are also
Service (abbreviated as IPS is primarily concerned an added attraction. Today they do
IAS) is the premier with maintenance of Law not really have fixed working hours.
administrative civil service and Order in the country. Especially during the time the
of the Government of India. This is a premier uniformed parliament is in session, the officers
IAS officers hold key and civil service in India. work round the clock.
strategic positions in the
Union & State Government Indian Revenue Service "Man cannot
IRS is the service under discover oceans,
Indian Forest Service An IFS Grade A of the Central Civil unless he has the
officer is largely Services of the executive courage to lose
independent of district branch of the Government sight of the shores"
administr ation and of India. This service
exercises administrative, functions under the
judicial and financial Department of Revenue in
powers in their own the Union Ministry of
domain. All top positions in Finance
state forest department
are held by IFS officers.

Page : 38

CAREER PATHS Notification



fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 81

How to apply :


Excellent verbal and An interest in science and Psychologists apply scientific
methods to analyse and explain
written communication a strong commitment to human behaviour. They
understand to help people
and the ability to listen carry on learning new skills. overcome mental health
problems or to shape the way
carefully to clients. to manage social skills of the
Good problem-solving

The ability to work with and decision-making

other health care skills and the discipline to

professionals to ensure the follow set guidelines.

welfare of patients.


Educational Psychologist liaises Career adviser: works Depending on their specialization,
with families and schools with adults or children to psychologists usually work normal
to address behavioural help them make choices office hours. If employed in a
and learning difficulties in about their future careers. hospital, they might work in shifts.
children and adults Provides guidance about Examining patients understanding
learning and job prospects their difficulties, administering
Occupational Psychologist: medicines and therapies.
Analyses the working Sports Psychologist:
environment of an Helps athletes and sports "You are given this
organisation and suggest teams to overcome life, because, you
ways to improve staff psychological barriers to are strong enough
welfare and productivity in their performance and
workplaces. training on the field of play. to live it"

Forensic Psychologist: works with Counselling Psychologist Page : 39
prison and probation helps people to manage
services to develop difficult life events such as
effective programmes that dealing with grief, anxiety
aim to prevent people break the law or depression.

Notification CAREER PATHS



fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 81

lawyers are highly qualified How to apply :
individuals who represent their
clients in court. They specialize SKILLS REQUIRED
mainly in particular areas of
law such as criminal, employ- Excellent written and Highly organised approach
ment or entertainment law speaking skills and the and good time
and may represent individuals, ability to speak in court management skills to work
organisations or even while under pressure. on cases simultaneously.
governments in courts.
The ability to understand a Keen attention to detail for
client’s point of view observing and interpreting
accurately to represent facts in order to build a
them in court. legal case.


Commercial barrister: Coroner: works as an independent Courts operate during regular office
works for a large company judicial officer who hours but evening or weekend work
or legal practise, investigates deaths from is necessary in order to prepare
specialising in law that is unknown & unnatural cases. Talk to clients, prepare notes,
related to business causes. they are usually secure evidences, plan the defence
agreements. Commercial qualified solicitors, barristers of the client.
barristers may also help a or legal executives with
company develop legal at least 5 years post "Focus upon
strategy, policy and qualifying experience. opportunity
practice. rather than
Patent Attorney: verifies obstacles. Its the
Criminal Barrister: applications for patents, perspective that
represents defendants in an official document that
criminal cases, and grants the holder the matters"
attending trials and exclusive right to make or
hearings. license an item or process
for inventions and concepts
Page : 40 and investigates cases of
patent infringement.

CAREER PATHS Notification


B.Tech naval

entr y-July.

fee is RS

range from


For Institutes

Refer to google

How to apply : A soldier never gives up courage
in the battle field and also in his
SKILLS REQUIRED own life and that is why a true
soldier becomes a role model
Requires the deepest Tremendous amount of for other civilians. He becomes
sharpness and hard work a part of glorious heritage of the
sense of motivation, country. The safety, honour and
Extremely high level of welfare of your country come first,
dedication, and discipline. physical endurance and always and every time.
mental ability.

High standards of mental

and physical abilities and



Soldier : A soldier is one Navy : The branch of the The day start early with physical

who fights as part of an armed services of a training. Even before reaching the

organized land-based country which conducts office they may take reports from

armed force. A soldier can military operations at sea. the field locations. Office work

be an enlisted person, A nation’s entire military involves checking the key points of

a non-commissioned organization for sea border and weapon maintenance.

officer, or junior- warfare and defense,

commissioned officer, or including vessels,

an officer. personnel, and shore


Lieutenant : He is a "Success comes
junior commissioned officer Air force : It is in the

in many nations’ armed broadest sense, the from the dreams
forces, fire service or police national military
that are bigger
organization that primarily

conducts aerial warfare. than your fears"

Page : 41

“ The protests the children consider him as their by their uncompromising attitude
strengthen my role model, they affectionately in the face of adversity and depri-
call him as “Secretary Sir” with vation. My teachers Ashirvadam-
resolve to great pride. ma and Prof. Narasimha Reddy
empower my were a great source of support and
community through What was your childhood encouragement.
constitutional dream? How did you get into
means so that their civil services? How do you see your role as the
perpetrators can no Secretary of the Social and
longer take them for My childhood dream was to be- Tribal Welfare Institutions?
come a truck driver. But when I I strongly believe that exposure,
granted. ” interacted with doctors, engineers opportunity and attitude take
and civil servants during my In- people out of poverty and ig-
DR R.S. Praveen Kumar termediate, I had realized that I norance. Marginalized children
A Change Maker need to think beyond becoming a have dreams like other advan-
truck driver. taged children. We need to give
History is replete with people wings to their dreams, let us not
coming out with flying colors in My desire to join civil services kill their dreams.
the face of adverse conditions. started when I
Hailing from a remote village in was pursuing As a Secretary, I see my job as
Nallamala forest region of Ma- Masters creating an opportunity for
habub Nagar district, Dr Repalle Degree the children to realize
Shiva Praveen Kumar studied in in Vet- their full potential, and
Social Welfare hostels and broke erinary promoting a culture of
the shackles of poverty, discrim- Science ‘Never Give Up’ atti-
ination and caste barriers by be- at tude among the chil-
coming a member of prestigious Rajendra dren. I strongly believe
Indian Police Service (IPS). Nagar. in role model ideology.
I had We need to expose the
As an IPS officer, he served in interacted students to the lives of
both international and national with the role models from
environments as a peacekeeper successful the marginalized sec-
and committed public servant civil servants tions so as to ignite their
displaying exemplary leadership from minds to think big
in resolving conflicts and empow- veterinary in life.
ering marginalized communities. college and got in-
Dr. R.S. Praveen Kumar received spired
several prestigious awards and
decorated with the highest gal-
lantry medal given to police of-
ficers by the President of India.

After graduating from Harvard
University, he committed himself
to liberate the most marginalized
children from the clutches of illit-
eracy and poverty in the states of
Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
He has become a source of light
for the marginalized children and

Page : 42

Conquest of Mt. Everest by What are your views about stu- My message to younger genera-
Malavath Poorna and Anand dent career counseling services? tion is ‘never give up, no matter
certainly ignited the minds of what the circumstances may be.
millions of rural children across Students as well as their parents Every parent from the marginal-
India and beyond. I believe that hailing from rural areas have little ized sections should present ad-
poverty should not hold back an- awareness about career prospects vanced learners dictionary and
yone from achieving his/her goal. and as a result, students have been grammer book to their children
This is what our Chief Minister, losing out on many opportunities. as a gift, and the parents should
Sri KCR ji deeply believes in and To bridge this gap, career coun- join their children in English me-
it is an ideology in Telangana now. seling centres should set up in all dium schools only.
educational institutions to guide
Do you set fitness goals for students in the right career path. The students studying in the lap
yourself? of government Social Welfare De-
What is your advice to younger partment schools are christened
I am a compulsive fitness person. generation from marginalized Swaeroes. For swaeroes sky is the
I set up pragmatic goals for my- family backgrounds? limit. Today all the students of so-
self. I never search for excuses. I cial and tribal welfare schools are
believe that if you are physical- The younger generation should proud to have the suffix Swaero to
ly fit, then only you will be able liberate themselves from a sense their names and usage of words
serve people better and longer. At of dependency. Self liberation is ‘Dalit’ and Adivasi is not encour-
the age of 48 years, I ran for 42.2 one of the greatest achievements aged in our schools.
kms in 5 Hrs, 24 Min, to prove in anyone’s life. The youth from
that Swaeroes never give up even the marginalized communities What keeps you motivated?
in the face of difficulties. should come out of the mindset What do you think is the best
of low self esteem complex and way to lead the life?
My fitness goals are: undergo an- should think big and aim high
nual medical check-up, keep body in life. I had voluntarily opted If I can make students empow-
weight below 70 kgs at any cost, for position of the Secretary, TS- ered, bring a hope in their lives,
keep BP normal and resting pulse WREIS, with a mission to pull it gives me immense satisfaction.
rate 65. My target is 30 km jog- out the students and their parents You know, it’s a powerful feeling,
ging in a week. If someone is not from the mindset of inferiority hard to quantify
able to workout because of busy complex and victimhood.
work, he/she is not doing any real
work at all. 10 commandments of SWAEROES

What is the success mantra for 1. I am not inferior to anyone
civil services? 2. I shall be the leader wherever I am
3. I shall do what I love and be different
There is a myth that only talented 4. I shall always think big and aim high
and intelligent can crack the civil 5. I shall be honest, hardworking and punc-
services. The success mantra for
the civil services is patience, hard tual
work, perseverance, sacrifice and 6. I shall never blame others for my failure
burning passion. The civil service 7. I shall never beg nor cheat
aspirants should always strive for 8. I shall repay what I barrow
knowledge, and they should think 9. I shall never fear the unknown
out of the box and be original. 10. I shall never give up
Expressing the ideas in a concise
manner in the fastest possible Page : 43
time is the key to success in civil
services exam.

Notification CAREER PATHS

PILOT CDS: April and
Piloting an aircraft is an
exciting job that offers the Private: March-July
chance to see the world. It is NDA: June-Dec
also a role that carries heavy
responsibilities as pilots are in Average
charge of an aircraft, safety fee is RS
and comfort of the 15,00,000/-
range from

For Colleges

Refer to page 82

How to apply :


An ability to understand An ability to remain
and remember technical focused under pressure
and procedural and think quickly to resolve
information. problems.

Excellent skills in spoken Manual dexterity, sharp
and written English, which eyesight, a good level of
is internationally spoken in physical fitness and excel
the aviation industry. lent coordination.


Long-haul pilot: flies Helicopter pilot: usually Unusual working hours go with
flies as the sole pilot, the job and pilots usually work in
larger aircraft on longer servicing oil platforms, shifts. They will often spend long
conducting police work, periods away from home. Flight for
routes, after having gained flying on search and long hours at erratic times to distant
rescue missions or locations.
sufficient experience on carrying out survey work.
Training for this role is costly "Intelligence
short-haul routes. and intensive. Fewer without ambition,
companies operate
helicopters than airplanes, is like a bird
so job opportunities are without wings"
Cargo pilot: flies cargo scarce.

planes, often overnight Airline manager: works
as a manager for an airline
when airports carry fewer or for an airport. The job
does not involve much
passengers. Shifts are time spent in the cockpit.

usually fairly predictable,

allowing for greater stability

in home life.

Corporate jet pilot: flies
smaller planes often to
smaller airports for private

Page : 44

CAREER PATHS Notification

Depends on POLICE


fee is RS

range from


For Institutes

Refer to google

How to apply : Police are responsible for
maintaining law and order on a
SKILLS REQUIRED local level. They conduct patrols
to reassure the public and
The ability to communicate The capacity to behave prevent criminal activity, work
clearly and confidently in with tact, diplomacy and with community to promote
potentially dangerous respect when dealing with lawful behaviour, they catch and
situations. the public. prosecute offenders, investigate
crimes by gathering evidence
Good team working skills Solid problem solving skills and questioning suspects
for collaborating on cases to respond effectively,
with colleagues and quickly and appropriately
specialist officers. to crisis situations.


River police: Performs Bodyguard: Accompanies individual Official working hours are regular

river or coastal patrols on or groups of people and but work in shifts to cover evenings,

specialist police vessels, takes necessary action to weekends and holidays may be

investigating illegal activity protect them from harmful required. Overtime is paid.

and arresting criminals. or violent situations.

Bodyguards are usually

Detective: investigates hired by important public

serious crimes including figure such as government

murder, assault, theft, officials.

sexual offences and fraud.

they gather information, Customs Officer: investigates and
"The most certain collect evidence.
prevents illegal trade

across international thing about
Traffic/transport officer: borders. Activities include
succeeding is to
specializes in road safety intelligence gathering,

deal with traffic offences, cooperating with

try once more" attending road accidents international agencies and
and performing checks on inspecting suspicious

vehicles. cargo at ports and airports.

Page : 45

Notification CAREER PATHS


fee is RS

range from


For Institutes

Refer to google

Industrial Training Institutes & How to apply :
Industrial Training Centres are
training institute or can be called SKILLS REQUIRED
polytechnic institute which
provide training in technical field Creativity and innovation Strong communication
and constituted under Directorate to redesign an engineering skills for explaining
General of Employment & design successfully. information to clients and
Training (DGET), Ministry of Labour senior managers
& Employment, and Union
Government of India. The ability to lead teams of The ability to predict and
construction workers on a analyse the commercial
range of tasks. results of scientific


Diesel Mechanic : They Field Assistant : Performs Regular hours of work but may have
are in charge of
maintenance, repair, and duties too varied and to work on weekends and evenings
overall care for Diesel
vehicles such as buses, diverse to be classified in
boats, trucks, and
bulldozers. They repair, any specific office clerical
replace, recondition,
dissemble, weld, and occupation, requiring

examine parts and knowledge of office
systems and procedures.
Fitter : is a person who
uses machine tools to Clerical duties may also "A successful man
make or modify parts,
primarily metal parts. be assigned

Page : 46 Self Employment: is one who can lay
Self-employed people
generally find their own a firm foundation
work rather than being with the bricks

provided with work by an others have thrown
employer, earning income

from a trade or business at him"
that they operate.

CAREER PATHS Notification


fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 82

How to apply : A scientist is a person engaging
in a systematic activity to acquire
SKILLS REQUIRED knowledge that describes and
predicts the natural world. In a
Good communication skills Excellent computer skills more restricted sense, a scientist
for preparing reports and to record test results and may refer to an individual who
presenting the results of analyse complex data. uses the scientific method. The
person may be an expert in one
experiments. The ability to analyse or more areas of science.

The ability to lead and financial problems and
motivate others in a identify the most
team and supervise or appropriate solution.

train junior team members.


Research Associate : He Astronomer : Help plan Working hours are regular but

is an employee of the a voyage to another weekend or shift work may be

university or a research planet or the moon and required to monitor experiments.

institute, and may be explain the mission to the Part-time hours may be available.

eligible to receive university public. Determine the carry out experiments, research,

and federal benefits. The composition of a planet, its read extensively and record obser-

research associate atmosphere,and its moons vation.

position does not explicitly

require mentoring and is a Geoscientist : Discover

regular staff position. new ways to extract oil

Professor : He is a from rocks—needed for "You don't have to
transportation, food,

scholarly teacher in fabrics, plastics, and more.
be great to start, post-secondary education; Predict the next volcanic
eruption, giving people but to be great you
the precise meaning of the

term varies by country who are in its path time have to start"

a teacher of the highest to evacuate.


Page : 47

Career Word search!

Look for the words below, in the grid !

Page : 48

CAREER PATHS Notification

fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 83

How to apply : Social workers provide help,
support and advice to vulnerable
SKILLS REQUIRED people in the community. They
work closely with agencies such
The ability to listen, Empathy to understand a as schools, hospitals and pro-
understand and talk to client’s challenges in life bation services, to recommend
clients in order to provide and develop a good rela ways in which struggling mem-
them practical solutions. tionship with them. bers of society can improve their
Good team-working skills The ability to solve prob
and the ability to work lems efficiently to help
with organisations such as people lead better and
police,schools, hospitals. more fulfilling lives.


Mental health social Family support worker: Full-time workers have regular office

worker: works as offers practical and hours, but they may occasionally

health professionals and emotional support to need to work in the evening.

charities to help people people who are Part-time jobs are available.

with mental health experiencing problems in

problems adjust to a their personal lives, such

normal life at home in their as families going through

local community. divorce, people with

disabilities and children

Health care social whose parents are in prison

worker: supports patients Substance misuse worker "Step forward
adjusting to long periods

of time in hospital. Also supports people to over daily, no matter

assists those who have come their dependence
been discharged after a on alcohol and over the how small. Keep
long-term illness or who counter or illegal drugs,

moving for ward" are coping with a disability. providing practical advice
and referrals to other

specialist organizations.

Page : 49

Notification CAREER PATHS



fee is RS

range from


For Colleges

Refer to page 83

Fine art is a visual art How to apply :
considered to be created
primarily for aesthetic and SKILLS REQUIRED
intellectual purposes and
judged for its beauty and Dedication and motivation Attention to detail and
meaningfulness, specifically, to practiCe and rehearse perfect timing.
painting, sculpture, drawing,
watercolour, graphics, and for several hours every Innovation and creativity to
architecture. get best possible shots.

Excellent social skills and

the ability to self-promote

in order to find paid work.


A Professional Musician is a Advertising Professional Rehearsals and recordings in a
person who makes music work in close coordination studio or live performances can
his/her profession. with the companies involve long hours. Schedules are
Musicians compose and whose product or service highly irregular.
sing. has to be promoted or
sold. They first decide
An Artist (painter) is a person about the desired outcome
engaged in one or more then accordingly work out
of any of a wide activities a advertisement strategy.
related to creating art or
demonstrating an art Animator creates several "Every
related to painting or images which when accomplishment
drawing. moved sequentially at high starts with the
speed create a movement decision to try"
Dancers are artists who perform The multiple images that
various types of dance an animator is expected to
forms. Indian classical create are usually called
forms like Bharatanatyam, frames or key frames
kathakali etc.

Page : 50

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