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Woman's weekly magazine

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Published by Harmonia Norah, 2019-01-31 11:59:24

WW5 2019

Woman's weekly magazine






DCWRIVhLINaGOSt’EsATDc AkinGgH? On giving back

On her labour



(NI stg £1.49)

February 4, 2019 Contents If your health is your wealth then Elsewhere, we look for (and seat careerwise.
Vol.56 Issue 5 how many of us would consider hopefully) find the perfect pairs And even I am tempted by the
ourselves fully savvy? We have of jeans for all, as well as some
COVER IMAGE: a health focus this week that delightful denim pieces. We have delicious one pot wonders on our
Hazel Coonagh includes a feature on cutting down beauty products that are almost recipe pages. Now if only I could
on sugar (page 22), a celebrity Q&A good enough to eat and the team motivated in the kitchen...
with Trisha Goddard (page 20) plus has tested soothing body lotions.
an informative article from Amy Enjoy this week’s edition and get
on who looks after the carers. It’s As we love talking to people, ready for a big reveal next week.
well worth a read. If you’re a carer, Michelle’s spoken with Liam Woman’s Way will look a little
please let us know how you’re Cunningham, Louise spoke to different but we’ll be delivering
getting on and any advice or tips cover star Clodagh McKenna and everything we normally do... and
you have for others. Nadine chatted with Rosemary more...
Smith about being in the driving I’ll leave it

WELL DONE WINNERS! Pg 12 Pg 10 On the cover

Issue 2 (January 14) Pg 44 2 Liam Cunningham
4 Clodagh McKenna
Three new books 6 Rosemary Smith
Deirdre Kilbride, Dublin 8 10 Delight in denim
Brooke & Shoals candle 22 Cutting sugar intake
Hazel Wynne, Co Dublin 24 One pot wonders
WW beauty bag 32 Who cares for carers?
Céline Hurley, Co Cork 46 Win a Bio-Oil Dry Skin Gel
Weekly crossword
Pg 38 Regulars
omas Quigley, Dublin 18
18 Latest health news
Viviscal 26 Food news
Competition 28 Parenting news
29 Una Rice’s parenting
15taowgaiyve 30 Agony advice
38 Travel news
41 Reader fiction
nBeiow-Owial®y tDortryeSaktidnrGyeslk, ian 42 Soap gossip
44 is week
Pg 16 Pg 46 €ctsmwyho6mc1lAtspniSB.o0esoahsl9akvGSoSeekndtiy0iidec5oaiiuslsigeFairt,ontlsrit/,n-pii,leniryiltlunynt,.5nvaiOoenebuiaGnrsI0f-egabgarmpurbtiiico,eaomvwllcssiactlsne®lsvlaceeoeiucttebneiniletnwdcaahdnta;ndfrwiDorghhttso,vbereg€iatlitnerrBewygaydslaboma1hiyysekgriunrnw1ciocioirelotya.mtSstgaddrtes,-9ahhaikeneokebreyvmsOsp5tsreaenaskiaeyet/otdyrncdtriaoshrlroi1leduaeraslrniiker0veyGidsteareengobotniieet0ncrslcfhevnvdseoftiaisomhttloceedpkddgcB.cgsrfmiarrrikuua.smtsileefnaoytoaktodeil,aflesndshlc-aorw.isintuatdusnotkreOroksadiiihklcftltoticibiioenetaenphthn€lnloodit®iabe.rtdilnali1*dBa,tngohlelrf9,lieid,yhndoicaoycga.toBaufrtoul9nh,arno-oy’lmilue5cswnldeOotedryate/rseds-u1wiaii2mfstlhpda0Oslfal®hue0aoelnhrye0svibal0ocrs,dderloDetaltv®ktmedpRdrn’lninrepsiaeve’RygnlandDtsler.raenPSorbtccddyoeskeeenissntt- coPwgl 55 45 It’s your letters
47 Una Power
fTaDTornorrusyaebwlSeoleksrriinkfntaihwnGlesitetefyhl:oppBlaelroisocow.hd-iauOnncgitcl®sequwoDeforswryttiihSonknn€iin1on9ngG.9pe15alo,gifsse1ism54u5Bpit:liayob-lOe il Comfy cabledR*eCsleinairccahl,tUriKal,s2c0o1n7d. ucted on 102 dry skin sufferers by Ayton Global 48 Tarot questions
49 Your stars
Craft 50 Puzzle special
53 I said it
Crochet out the cold 55 Knitting pattern

The perfect make for wrapping up in

Editor: Áine Toner Your life Pg 14
Email: [email protected]
8 Luke Clerkin
Deputy Editor: Louise Finn 14 Body lotions tested
Email: [email protected] 15 Understanding hairloss
16 Food-scented beauty
Lifestyle Editor: Amy Wall 20 Trisha Goddard
Email: [email protected] 27 Batch cooking
36 Create a herb garden
Staff Editor: Michelle Newman “There is Pg 26
Email: [email protected] something

so cozy
about these

Advertising Manager: Noëlle Kelly WOMANSWAY.IE 55
Email: [email protected]

Senior Designer: Áine Duffy

Publisher: Norah Casey

Editorial Assistant: Catherine Devane Woman’s Way, Rosemount House, Dundrum Road, D14 P924. Tel: (01) 240 5300. Fax: (01) 661 9486. ISSN0043-7409. Published by Harmonia Limited, Rosemount House, Dundrum Road,
Dublin 14. Distributed by Newspread.
Roving Reporter: Nadine Reid Standard subscription rate for 51 issues €81.10 Island of Ireland, €297.85 for UK & rest of the world. Woman’s Way Subscriptions Dept, Units 2&3 M50 Business Park, Ballymount Avenue, D12
HP11. © 2017 Harmonia Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical,
Subscriptions: [email protected] photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the publishers. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for errors in advertisements, articles, photographs or illustrations.
All information is correct at time of going to press. Colour transparencies submitted for publication are sent at the owner’s risk and, while every care has been taken, neither Woman’s Way nor
its agents accept any liability for loss or damage. Average net circulation 20,981 (ABC January to December 2017).

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DOEFSDEIRGVNIINTGY beginning to change for the
Actor Liam Cunningham talks “If you can find
charity work, his new exhibition something you “ ere’s a big empowerment
and paying the bills love, you’ll never of women thing going on, it’s
work a day” the same in the clinics, there’s
As many die hard Game of advocating on their behalf. not that many men around.
Thrones fans will know actor What’s happening there is not Child Friendly Spaces [where
Liam Cunningham has played flooding, it’s not drought, it’s children are provided with a “Certainly in these times,
the role of Davos Seaworth man made, it’s war. I’ve been safe place to learn, play and these modern, slightly more
since 2012, but when he’s not to South Sudan in May just gone receive psychosocial support] enlightened times, women
filming the iconic show helping but the previous October I was they cost little or nothing to [are given] the opportunity to
those less fortunate is at the in Northern Uganda where a build, hundreds and hundreds be businesswomen and take
forefront of his mind, regularly lot of the displaced people are, if not thousands of kids are charge of their own lives and
dedicating his down time to the refugees have come across given a chance to be kids, a the lives of their children, being
making a difference in the lives the border. Before that I met the little goes a hugely long way. So, the main nurturers and that
of others. Syrian refugees in Jordan, I was for anybody thinking their €2 was incredibly important to
in Greece as well and a couple or whatever, thinking ‘It’s not me as well because I live with
Last year Liam travelled to of other places, so the work much,’ it is; you can put a zero two very headstrong females,
South Sudan’s capital Juba with continues. Let’s not see them be on the end of it for every penny as they should be. ey don’t
World Vision Ireland, where forgotten,” he says. that’s given.” let me get away with anything,
he met and spent time with either my wife or my daughter,”
those who were forced to leave A grant from Irish Aid DIGNITY showcases ten he says of his wife Colette and
their homes due to the ongoing enables World Vision Ireland’s striking photographs capturing daughter Ellen.
conflict in the region. humanitarian programmes in the range of emotions felt by
South Sudan to take place with those affected by the civil war. Being a father of three made
While there, he captured Liam adding that it’s ‘incredibly Noting that the ‘majority of the decision to work with World
some extraordinary images important’ for people to see people that were there were Vision Ireland a very easy one
which were showcased recently where and to whom their women,’ Liam says the way in for Liam and whilst he’s more
at an exhibition suitably called donations are going to. which women are treated is than happy to be associated
DIGNITY. with the charity, he jokingly
“ ere’s a lot of money given adds that ‘it’s better for them
“A third of the population by the Irish taxpayer to help if’ he doesn’t have the title of
are displaced in South Sudan, people like this in trouble. e ambassador.
the whole thing about it is
“I love the title and it’s not
that I don’t want the title, I tend
to run my mouth off and I might
say something that isn’t in the
World Vision bible. I’m bound
to say the wrong thing sooner
or later,” he laughs. “So, they’re
not responsible for what I say,
all my opinions are my own as
the Twitter thing says.”

One thing Liam does feel
responsible for is giving back,
partly due to the element of
discomfort that comes with
knowing how the other half live,
such as those he met in Juba.

“We have the luxury of
looking after ourselves and
being comfortable and when
you’re going, ‘But these people
over there…’ it’s kind of an
uncomfortable truth. When
your world is sort of okay you
just want to go out and party
and that’s a luxury; however if
you’re doing okay you have a
responsibility to your fellow man.
I’m kind of a karma guy.

“ e other thing is we owe
the world a debt; you have
to remember that during the
famine a million and a half
people died and then another
million and a half emigrated.



“I’m not looking
for superstardom,
I’m not looking to
drive a Rolls”

If the United States and North months shooting ten episodes been this way and the harder, “If you stick with your guns
America wouldn’t let us in, what and on this last season we spent more challenging times during and you’re doing something
sort of a state would we be in?” nearly a year shooting six, so the early stages of his career are you love, that kind of gets you
he says. they’re much bigger, it’s an never far from his mind. through it a bit but you can’t rest
epic of epic proportions,” Liam on your laurels at all, it’s tricky,
“I was looking at a statistic says before likening Game of “I was lucky to find it when I it’s always tricky. If you can find
recently, there was 100,000 did. I perused it but I mean there something you love you’ll never
people I think from Poland went rones to a ‘very serious and was incredibly difficult years work a day in your life.” WW
to Syria during World War II beautifully done soap.’ “It sucks when it was difficult to get work
so that traffic was from west you in because it’s complicated and even when you got work, you Check out DIGNITY by Liam
to east. e fact that traffic is and difficult to predict and you weren’t getting paid much for it Cunningham at the Powerscourt
coming from east to west now never know who’s going to get and when you’ve got a wife and Townhouse Centre, Dublin 2 until
because they have war over it! Believe me, no one worries kids, at the time I had a couple February 3. For more information
there and we’re to kind of go, more so than the actors.” of kids, it’s difficult to hold on to on World Vision Ireland see
‘Actually it’s nothing to do with your principles,” he says.
us,’ What does that say about us He was 29-years-old when he
as human beings?” found his way into acting and “It’s very easy to walk away
Liam is incredibly grateful for the and give yourself an easier life
Clearly passionate about his success that he has had thus far. with a car and a holiday and
charity work, Liam is quick to However, things haven’t always your bills paid for.
mention that his other work
By Michelle Newman as an actor has given him ‘the
opportunity’ to speak out on
these issues, not only for people
to listen to what he has to say
but also to thank those who do
incredible work every day.

“I’ve been interested in stuff
like this for a long time. I’ve
been roaring about it for ages,”
he laughs.

“It’s great that you’re able to
do a little bit of good with your
temporary notoriety. [Game of

rones has] lent me a platform
and I can pay my bills for the
first time; I think I’m due it
after 30 years. I’m not looking
for superstardom, I’m not
looking to drive a Rolls-Royce
or anything like that but I like
being able to pay my bills.”

e eighth and final season
of the show finished filming in
July and audiences can expect
‘monsters’ of episodes when the
new series airs.

“We normally spend about six


club ChefClodaghMcKenna
on welcoming friends “It’s kind of
to your table life changing
It’s been a while since Woman’s and having suppers at home. It’s it was always like a second having people
Way caught up with chef become a trend and I think we home for me. Food wise, it’s coming into
Clodagh McKenna. In that all want to do it.” very inspiring.” your house
time she’s moved to London, every week
embarked on an intimate set She says there are advantages is year looks set to be a big for suppers”
of supper workshops and gone to be had dining at home over one for Clodagh. In addition
from strength to strength dining out. to the release of her book she stews and broths or chutney
with TV appearances in the will be on our screens in a new or breads for the week,” but
UK, US and Canada. With the “Being in a restaurant is lovely TV show called Beat the Chef, she adds, “I love walking in
publication of her new book, but having somebody around which will air on Channel 4 in the countryside so I spend
Clodagh’s Suppers, we couldn’t your table creates memories the UK. weekends in the country.”
think of a better time for a chat. in your own home and not in
somewhere you might never go “It’s a new cooking show, It’s nice to hear someone
“It’s my favourite book by far, back to again. It’s just so good there are four house chefs and who takes time out seriously,
so far. It’s a complete labour of for your mental health, it’s a I’m one of them which is really something we could all maybe
love,” says Clodagh great thing to do for yourself.” fun. It’s already filmed. It’s kind try to do a bit more. “It’s a trait
of MasterChef style, hopefully it that I’ve always been good at,
“I wanted to make a Plus, and a point that is very will be a successful show.” switching off from work,” says
guidebook for anybody who relevant at this time of the year, Clodagh, adding that it helps
wants to start making suppers “It’s so much cheaper having She continues, “ e format her to engage even more. “I love
or having dinner parties at suppers at home than when is we’ve really amazing home my work and I get excited about
home. I thought it would be you’re going out for dinners and cooks who come on with their it on Monday morning.” WW
great to bring it out in the spending a hundred euros.” signature recipes. We’ve a Clodagh’s Suppers by Clodagh
New Year. Everybody wants to certain amount of time and McKenna (Octopus, €25) is
have supper and invite people Going hand in hand with the we go into separate cooking out now. Beat the Chef is
around and I think we just get book is a series of workshops stations and there’s a blind coming soon to Channel 4
frightened of it all and put it off on supper where she welcomes tasting to see who’s made it
and it just doesn’t happen.” attendees into her London best. e whole idea is that they
studio for a day to learn from try to beat me.”
Clodagh moved to London her. ese are something she
three years ago and credits says she really enjoys. Is Clodagh competitive?
suppers with helping her “I’m genuinely not a
expand and strengthen her “ ere’s only ten people in competitive person but it was
friend network there. the workshop, so I can really really good fun, when you’re
properly teach people how to cooking like that on a show, you
“I started having loads of do it as opposed to doing a big just get in and focus on doing
suppers at home and having all cookery demonstration for the best dishes you can.”
my friends around, it’s a lovely 200 people. It’s really intimate
way to build friendships. It’s and really rewarding when en there’s her weekly
kind of life changing having everyone knows how to make column in e Evening Standard
people coming into your house bread for the first time or and trips to New York and
every week for suppers.” do starter, main course and Canada every few weeks to
dessert.” shoot segments for shows she
From this came the idea for works on there. It sounds hectic
the book, which she wanted to It seems like life in London is but Clodagh says she makes sure
reflect a 360-degree approach suiting her and Clodagh agrees. to take time for herself saying,
to hosting, covering everything “I don’t work on weekends.”
from setting the table to menus, “It’s really exciting, I’ve really However, I’m not so sure she’s
planning and even the flowers. settled in here. I’ve been here completely off the clock. When
for so long and I absolutely love I ask how she relaxes she says,
Clodagh says that the appeal it, I’ve a lot of friends here and “Cooking, I’m such a nerd I
of dining at home is on the rise. my family are in England. It’s just love it so much. I love the
really lovely, I love London. I’ve weekend to cook up gorgeous
“It’s so big now, all around been coming here for years and
the world, having supper clubs years and I’ve family here so


Cover interview



Clodagh shares her tips
on making it beautiful

By Louise Finn Along with creating the menu, styling table without it costing a fortune. Don’t
the table is definitely one of my worry about not getting matching sets
favourite parts of planning a supper. I – I love to mix and match as it brings
love being able to transform my table more personality to the table. Keep an
into a space that reflects the seasons eye out for flower vases, jugs and small
and the ingredients that I’m going to bowls that can be used for sea salt,
use. Here, I share with you the best sauces and butter.
ways to create a beautifully set table
that will make any supper even more I recently picked up a whole set of
special, and the great thing is that it Irish china for €20 in a charity shop
can be done in advance, leaving you in County Kerry. It’s well worth taking
more time to enjoy cooking. an a ernoon out to forage through a
second-hand store to find treasures for
A handwritten menu perched in the
middle of your supper table sets such a FLOWERS
lovely personal tone. This can be done Like my food, I always use seasonal
by using nice postcards or A5 blank flowers. Seeing the seasons visually
white cards. I always write them in pencil throughout my home makes me so
(easy to rub out mistakes) and draw happy and, on my table, it creates a
little illustrations of vegetables or festive seasonal moment. The flowers are
images along the side. The following fresher and usually cheaper when you
day, I clip the menu on my menu string buy in season. If you live in the country,
in my kitchen as I love to stop and read go and pick wild flowers from the
back through them. hedgerows. I do this most weekends. I
like to use one to three types of flowers
LINEN on a table, as any more in the mix and
Texture is important to create a beautiful it gets too busy. A lot of the time I just
table, and good linen will so en and use one variety, even if it’s just a simple
warm hard textures, such as wood or bluebell in spring, as it makes such
glass. It is worth investing in a good an impact. I place one or two stems in
tablecloth and napkins that will last you di erent-sized jars or vases around the
through the years. I love natural linen as table and one on everyone’s napkin as
the more you use and wash it, the better part of the place setting. Ivy running
it becomes. I have four di erent sets of down the centre of a rectangular table
linen – one for each of the four seasons. can look great; add little night lights
So blush pink for summer, mustard for throughout and small jars of flowers.
autumn, teal green for winter and so Big sprigs of tree branches look
sage green for spring. The linen for me fantastic at the end of the table or on
is the canvas to the table, and I build a side board – you can do this at any
upon that, introducing colours through time of the year. The idea is to bring as
flowers, and crockery that reflect the much seasonality to the supper table as
season and work with the linen. As well possible
as linen, I have a drawer where I keep
di erent colours and textures of ribbon Extract from Clodagh’s Suppers by
– these are to tie napkins with sprigs of Clodagh McKenna (Octopus, €25)
seasonal flowers or herbs. which is out now

Most of my crockery, cutlery and
glassware come from second-hand
stores and markets. This is the best
place to pick up special pieces for your



‘Your health is

your wealth’

Rosemary Smith, the legendary
driver, on her life behind the wheel

It’s difficult not to be impressed to get married, I was proving to
by Rosemary, Ireland’s first other people I could get a man.
female rally driver and, without
doubt, a sporting icon. We speak How do you keep winning
to her about driving a Formula through the decades?
One car and how she continues to
be confident. Just proving something to myself,
consistently. I enjoy life more now
Why driving? than I ever did, I went through
My dad he was a wonderful man, 15 very difficult years, I lost my
he said, ‘You must be able to drive house, everything went wrong, I
and you must learn how to swim.’ had to fight back.
I loved any sports; hockey, tennis,
golf, I have played them all, I Formula One
never set the world on fire.
I am an ambassador for Renault. I
In the beginning they would went to a dinner, I was talking to
say, ‘Silly dolly bird.’ e other
drivers said, ‘Doesn’t she look a French man, we were nattering
swell?’ ey called me a model, a
farmer, dress designer, nothing away. He said, ‘What do you do?’
to do with cars. is manager, a
clever man that had taken me on, I said Monte Carlo rally, safari
I didn’t realise, he had seen me on
Monte Carlo once. He sent me to rally, as I was speaking his eyes
Le Mans, I wasn’t allowed to race
being female. were getting bigger and

e manager thought here bigger. “I enjoy life It’s a life story, not a sports book.
is someone that will look good About three weeks later more now than It’s not driven like driving a
in the photographs, even if she I ever did, I car. ere were lows, very low,
doesn’t win. at was the whole I had a call from Renault went through 15 I just keep to this day proving to
thing, we got more publicity out asking, ‘Would you like to di cult years” myself, no one else.
of that than if I would have been drive a Formula One car?’
allowed to drive. Without even thinking I Advice for WW readers
said, ‘Yes! Why not?’ If you’re enjoying life, whether
Challenges you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s or
My manager got sort of attached, It was all arranged 80s, just keep going, that’s the
he felt that I was his property. very quickly. We flew whole thing. If I was to sit down
out the Tuesday morning and do nothing, I would be dead
at really got to me. in a few months. Your health is
All the rest of the team would to Marseille, then up the your wealth. Keep going. WW
be going out for dinner and he
would say, ‘No, you are staying mountain, to this beautiful Rosemary runs the Rosemary Smith
with me and you’re going to have Driving School. To find out more
dinner with me.’ racecourse. I was 79 when I and to book lessons visit www. Her book Driven
Getting past shyness drove the Formula One car. talks around the country, the age (HarperCollins) is out now
e day my mother died, I came
I think they were expecting a aspect never comes into my head. Woman’s Way is launching a series entitled
out of my shell. I can’t remember 50 over 50. The magazine will showcase
the 1980s, I can’t even remember little old lady, to hobble around The future for women an Irish person who is continuing to make
when I was married. I didn’t want the corner. I sort of strutted their mark in their chosen field and in
public life.
around the corner, it was all If you look at the numbers of

being filmed. We went back to the women CEOs in enormous

hotel [and] the nerves got to me. I companies here in Ireland over

took some soup and thought, ‘I’m the last ten years there are more

going to be sick, I’m definitely and more. I honestly think when

going be sick.’ Because there a woman takes on a job, married

was helicopters and drones and or not married, she puts her heart

ambulances on every corner. I and soul into it, and basically I

still did it and I still rally; three would think, she is proving to By Nadine Reid

weeks ago I was in Bath it was herself, not the world, that she

fantastic. can do a really good job.

Has your confidence improved? On her award nominated 2018
book Driven
Yes, I am more confident, I give


A SONG FOR change in Ireland
Luke Clerkin’s charity single highlights the issue of homelessness

Ireland’s housing crisis is never circumstances’ were not right attended counselling and stuff In December I won Singer By Michelle Newman . Album artwork credit: Sabarius Art. Image credit: Rhianna Cannon @SniperDesignsEire
far from earshot and while for him either. like that throughout the years Songwriter of the Year of the
many would like to be able to do as well. I think having an Circle Sessions which was
something to make a difference, “I was away in Germany the outlet through music is what’s cool.”
few of us really know how. In year before and I came back and kept me going; knowing that
December, singer-songwriter I didn’t have anywhere to live in I’m writing and being honest Since Take back the City
Luke Clerkin from Dublin used Dublin. I had to move to Cavan with myself through my was released a few months
his talents for good when he to my parents and I realised how lyrics and what’s going on in ago Luke has received
released a charity single, Take hard it was to find somewhere. my life. Knowing that people incredibly positive feedback
Back the City, in aid of Inner City Luckily I have somewhere [now] can relate to it and that it can on his work and the song
Helping Homeless, to shed light and it’s really lovely and I’m help them is also a good way even made it onto the top
on the problem and to ‘get people blessed, but [it] wasn’t really of feeling good about myself,” ten of the iTunes Singer/
talking about it.’ Towards the the happiest time of my life. So I he says. Songwriter charts.
end of summer 2018 the 27-year- think that’s why I got involved in
old from Tallaght got involved in Take Back the City,” he says. “People also tend to kind “It’s been fantastic,
the Take Back the City campaign, of open up to me a lot more everyone who I’ve talked
which inspired the song’s Long before he released songs and that can kind of get to has liked it so it’s been
title and was an enlightening of his own, music is something overwhelming in a way, but great. I didn’t write the song
experience for Luke. that has always been a part of it’s like if you put yourself out specifically to release it, I just
Luke’s life, having played since there then that’s what you can wrote it because I needed
“It was a crazy time but it was he was a child. kind of expect. So I have my to. I had written songs
eye opening in many ways as well, people that I talk to as well surrounding the housing
to see how people are affected by Having lost interest during and then I have the music too movement, the crisis and
the housing crisis. I’ve met people his teenage years, in his early and so it’s good, it’s kind of a then I wrote this song and
who are living in hotels and twenties he found his way back cycle.” I sang it at one of our [Take
people who were living in houses, to songwriting and it has played Back the City] protests on
in rooms with three, four other a big role in helping him through Six years ago Luke and O’Connell Bridge.
people,” Luke says, adding that some of the more difficult some friends would busk
not so long ago his own ‘living patches he went in the years that regularly and donate this “Inner City Helping
followed. money to charity, they even Homeless was a charity that
released a single for Teenline I was aware of because I
“It all came to a point of my Ireland called Never Alone. knew Anthony Flynn [the
life when I wasn’t really doing In 2015 Luke decide to ‘make Chief Executive Officer]
good things with my life and a career out of music’ and from doing the busking on
I needed to change. I stopped incredibly he played over 250 Christmas Eve with Glen
drinking and smoking and said, gigs all around the country Hansard the year before. I’ve
‘I can’t continue doing things that same year. been part of that for the last
like this.’ I just turned my life five years and that’s also for
around and I picked up the He says the Circle Sessions charity. It’s all intertwined,”
guitar again and I started writing at the International Bar on he says.
songs,” he says. Dublin’s Wicklow Street had a
big part to play in him getting Luckily Luke had contacts
It was around this time that to where his is today, he even in the right places who were
Luke was also diagnosed with featured on the first album more than willing to help
depression, but since then his that they released. him get the single out there.
music has been a very cathartic
outlet for him and a way of “[It was] a compilation of “Gavin Doyle who’s one
working through how he is different singers and poets of my best friends, we had
feeling. and comedians and stuff. I worked [together] on my
was featured on that which first single for Teenline
“ at was nearly seven years resulted in me releasing a and we became really good
ago and so it’s something that’s single afterwards of the same friends through that, we’ve
been in my life for the last seven song. ey helped me a lot and been friends since and he’s
years. Sitting down and writing have helped me to this day. basically my producer now.
is my outlet and it’s one way I went to him and said, ‘I
of dealing with it, but I’ve also


Real life

“I wrote the
song not
to release it,
but because I
needed to”

have this song, do you want to was able to make his vision very soon in the hopes that Take Back the City is available
record it?’ And we recorded it in become a reality. “I sing ‘Whose this will keep not only the to purchase on iTunes now, see
his room, his bedroom, which streets?’ and then the crowd housing crisis, but also Inner
is ironic because of what we’re say, ‘Our streets,’ and I sing City Helping Homeless to the
talking about.” ‘Whose homes?’ and they says, forefronts of people’s minds. WOMANSWAY.IE 9
‘Our homes,’ it’s probably the
Wanting to bring the feeling and most powerful part of the song. I “I want to raise as much
sound of protest to the song, Luke played it in front of 18,000 people awareness and money for
– who is a student at Ballyfermot during the housing protest in the charity [as possible]
College of Further Education – December first and I had around because they work tirelessly
knew the perfect way to make this that many people shouting it to help homeless people and
happen. back to me so we brought that people living in emergency
back into the studio.” accommodation, and people
“I approached Alan Kenny who who just can’t afford the cost
is the house engineer with the Keen to keep the ‘momentum of living. ey help as many
Rock School at Ballyfermot and going’ for Take Back the City people as they can.” WW
asked him could we record in Luke has plans to release a music
there and he said, ‘yeah.’ With video to accompany the song
the help of his classmates, Luke


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In your jeans

Trying to get your head around the
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€42 from V by Very Bootcut
@ Littlewoods Ireland
Narrower in the knee than in the leg
opening, they subtly open past your calf

muscles. They’re suitable for all body
types as they fit well to your shape.

Wide leg €13 from
George @ Asda
This style is usually
wider in the knee €72 from
and leg opening with Oliver Bonas
a more relaxed fit
through the legs.
They’re also wide at

the thighs and
bottom and look
super sophisticated.

Flare leg Straight leg

A flare leg tends to be narrower at the These have the same width from the
knee meaning that visually, there’s a knee to the leg opening and are ideal
significant difference in the knee and leg, for anyone who doesn’t want to opt for
the skinny jean. They can make legs
ie, the flare effect. look longer too (bonus!). A classic fit.
€36 from M&Co.
Slim leg

€35 from Boyfriend jean These are cut to fit Skinny leg
Dorothy Perkins snuggly around your
These give a great fit near your waist bottom and thighs but The only style that taper in
and hips, before broadening a little as from the knee and are skin
they move down. Great for dressing are slightly looser hugging. They tend
down or up and they work for most down the leg – similar to have a snug fit and
to but not the same as a many options are
body types. stretchable which
skinny leg. works for a lot of
Girlfriend €75 from
Monsoon €49 from wearers.
Yep, they’re a… Miss Selfridge
more feminine Mom jean

€69.95 version of a These have a relaxed fit but are high €41.99 from
from White Stu boyfriend jean waisted (making your bottom appear Simply Be
(really). Usually flatter) – they come in cropped and
12 WOMANSWAY.IE they’re a more
classic fit, so tighter distressed washed also.
on the hip, with
a tapered slim

straight leg.

Tried and tested €24 L’Occitane Mon Amour Ultra
Rich Body Cream
TRIED AND When it comes to tackling dry
TESTED: BODY skin, I’ll admit I am a huge fan of
MOISTURISERS Shea butter. This ultra rich body cream
from L’Occitane has a large concentration
There’s something for all skin types of Shea butter and promises to provide
intense nourishment to even the driest of
€36 Origins Ginger Sou e €14 CeraVe skin. It smells amazing and the packaging
Whipped Body Cream Moisturising Lotion is beautiful. This really did soften and
hydrate my skin and the silky texture of the
This is the cream I never knew I always If you suffer from dry product made it feel really premium. My
wanted. The smell is sublime as the ginger skin that’s itchy or only complaint? The tin has a plastic inlay
scent is quite strong. It’s smooth in terms uncomfortable, this which actually makes it a little smaller than
of consistency and feels light, but it spreads body lotion is a must. it appears so you don’t get as much product
well. It dries down quickly so is a good I absolutely loved it. as you think. For the price, I would prefer a
cream to have on hand for after morning The best thing about larger tin but all in all this is a great product
showers and the scent lasts all day. I have it? It absorbs incredibly and it really feels like a treat.
noticed a difference in my skin, especially quickly and doesn’t Tested by Aisling
around my dry elbows and knees. leave a sticky residue
Tested by Michelle O on the skin. Developed €19.95 Trilogy Ultra Hydrating Body Cream
with dermatologists, it’s I can only describe this moisturiser as skin
perfect for sensitive skin. food, I absolutely loved it! I liked the packaging
From the first use my as it’s light and great for popping in a bag if
skin was left feeling soft you’re travelling. The product itself is more like
and supple. Within three a balm consistency as it’s quite thick but it’s
days of use the rough very absorbent and didn’t leave my skin feeling
skin around my elbows greasy. My skin can be a little sensitive as well
was in significantly and this didn’t effect it at all, even when used
better condition. I highly after exfoliating. The scent reminded me of
recommend it. being at a spa, very luxurious but possibly not
Tested by Amy the best if you’re not a fan of a strongly scented
products. For the price I think it’s really good
€23 Avène Cold Cream €43 value for money and will work wonders for
Nourishing Body Lotion Kiehl’s Creme de dehydrated skin.
Corps Soy Milk & Honey Tested by Michelle N
I have using the Avène Cold Whipped Body Butter
Cream after my shower €49 Clarins Body-
every morning and it is a I love this product and can see why it’s Smoothing Moisture Milk
lovely milky cream that is got a cult following among its fans. It smells I’m not a particular fan
easily absorbed. I love the like sweet honey, a scent which I found lasted of a body lotion as I find
consistency, not too thick the day as an added bonus. You don’t need a lot as many quite greasy on my
that it would take ages to it is quite rich, but spreads easily and the mousse skin – but I could make an
absorb, and it leaves the formula is light, meaning you’re less likely to apply exception for the Clarins’
skin feeling moisturised too much. I used this religiously for a week and offering. Promising no
and soft. I have very dry, noticed a huge difference, especially on my need to dance around after
sensitive skin so finding a shins which can get really dry. It does have your shower waiting on
body moisturiser that does it to dry, the substantial
not aggravate my skin can a higher price but I think it’s worth it liquid (not too thick, but not
sometimes prove difficult because you don’t need much and it runny, which I like) is easily
so Avène is a great one. It absorbed into skin and left
does what it says on the works quickly. it smooth and soft. The
tin, nourishing my dry, Tested by Louise delicate scent of aloe vera is
sensitive skin and at a good also quite comforting, it’s
price point. not intense. I tried it in the
Tested by Noëlle morning and by evening,
my skin still felt as soft and
moisturised. I know it’s
pricy for a body lotion but
a little goes a long way, it
was a bit of trial and error to
figure out how little I needed
(less than you think).
Tested by Áine



We lose up to 100 strands of hair their random pattern of growth condition and begins with smooth, co-owner Laura Harris has been
a day, twice that amount on the and shedding, and the hair loss bald patches on the scalp. It providing medical wigs for over 30
days we wash it. But when we problem stops. Unfortunately, for cannot be cured but in many years. She knows only too well the
experience hair loss, strands some women, hair loss becomes a cases, regrowth happens without emotional and psychological effects
become clumps, in our brush, life long struggle. treatment. of hair loss, having suffered from
on our pillow, down the drain. it for two decades. “It is amazing
Women are more likely to see hair 30s 50s the simple things like hair we take
becoming thinner on the top of for granted. Experiencing hair loss
their head, revealing more of their Telogen effluvium is the hair loss Hair loss can run in the family for many women is devastating.
scalp. There are a number of causes experienced by 40 to 50 per cent of and if you mum or grandmother Suddenly, it becomes the most
for hair loss and it’s important to women post-pregnancy, usually experienced hair loss, it may important part of their appearance
identify the correct one. about three to four months after have been cause by an inherited and even their personality. It’s
the birth. Rising hormones during condition known as androgenetic often the first thing they notice
Alopecia is the medical term pregnancy can delay normal, alopecia. This is the most common about other women.”
for excessive or abnormal hair everyday hair loss. When those form of progressive hair loss, with
loss. There are different kinds of hormone levels return to normal thinning typically occurring on the Different causes require different
alopecia. What all hair loss has once baby is born, this hair falls crown of the head. It is believed approaches, so seeking expert
in common is that it is always a out, and may do so all at once. This to be caused by a combination advice as early as possible is
symptom of something else that is usually a temporary condition of genetic and environmental recommended. Laura recently
has gone wrong in your body. In with hair growth returning to factors including hormones called opened private consultancy
many cases, if there is a hormonal normal within six to 12 months. androgens which affect hair rooms in her clinic in the Beacon,
imbalance, disease, age or some Avoid pulling the hair tightly off the growth. High levels of androgens Sandyford where clients can
other conditions, many women face, don’t brush or comb it when shorten the cycle of hair growth, discuss their needs and options
will experience some level of hair wet, and use heated appliances causing thinner, shorter strands in a quiet space, alone or with
loss. That condition may be as on the coolest setting possible. A of hair that are also lighter in a friend. "Hair loss can lead to
simple as having a gene that makes fruit and vegetable-rich diet will colour. They can also delay new massive changes in how you
you susceptible to female pattern offer flavonoids and antioxidants hair growth, too. The condition perceive yourself, personally and
baldness. This is the most common that can protect hair follicles and can be diagnosed based on family socially, at home, at school and at
form of progressive hair loss, with encourage hair growth, and it’s history and the history and pattern work. Those who have not suffered
thinning occurring on the crown worth considering adding vitamin of hair loss. There is no cure but from hair loss have very little
of the head. There is no cure but supplements such as vitamin B, C, progression can be slow. Protecting understanding of the impact it can
progression can be slow. E and zinc. the scalp from sun exposure is have. I have learned over the years
important, using a wig, hat or that getting the right wig is only a
Fortunately, hair loss may 40s scarf. small part of the solution. Dealing
also a symptom of short-term with the psychological impact on
events such as stress and taking Illnesses and the medication Ask an expert self-image and self-confidence
certain medications such as needed to treat them can affect when faced with hair loss, whether
chemotherapy. In these situations, our hair health. Medications One in three women in Ireland it’s due to hair thinning, female
hair will often (though not always) for cancer, high blood pressure, will experience hair loss and it’s a pattern baldness, chemotherapy
grow back when the event has arthritis, depression and heart problem that is on the increase. It or radiotherapy, is a huge part of
passed. Substances, including problems can cause hair loss, can be gradual or happen abruptly, dealing with hair loss.” WW
hormones, medications and as can the hormonal changes it may be temporary or permanent.
disease can cause a change in hair our body undergoes when In our efforts to combat hair Snips Medical Wigs , Suite 4, The
growth, shedding phases and in discontinuing contraceptives or loss, with extensions or chemical Mall, Beacon Court, Sandyford,
their durations. experiencing the menopause. The treatments, we can end up Dublin 18. Email: snipswigs@
most common is alopecia areata, exacerbating the problem, and so; tel: 01 873 3443
When this happens, where inflammation thought to be seeking expert advice as early as
synchronous growth and shedding triggered by the immune system possible is essential.
occur. Once the cause is dealt with, causes hair loss. It is a hereditary
many times hairs will go back to Snips Medical Wigs Consultants


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16 WOMANSWAY.IE & Shea hair mask €8.95 and Bounty Shampoo €11.49


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Health news RINedTHucEeNthEeWrSis..k. Ask the expert:

We know that sitting all day long is bad for our Digestion and antibiotics
health, but here’s some good news. According
to a new study, it might be easier to combat What kind of an impact do antibiotics have
the negative effects of sitting than experts on our digestive health?
initially thought. Researchers at Columbia Some antibiotics can significantly reduce
University’s Irving Medical Centre found that if the essential ‘friendly’ bacteria in the gut.
you replace half an hour of sitting per day with These support normal digestive health by
any kind of physical activity, you could reduce ensuring the gut absorbs the beneficial
your risk of an early death by up to 35 per cent. nutrients from the foods we consume. A
Whether it’s taking a stroll or going for a run, reduction in these ‘friendly’ bacteria may
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BOOKWORM BOOST YOUR GUT pathogens and yeasts.
Love for Overall, how important is our digestive
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By Haemin fermented milk that’s cultured from immune system and can even help to boost
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(Penguin Kefir range from Danone contains that we care for it and seek advice if we
Life, €12.99) live cultures from up to 20 different have to take antibiotics or feel it is not
This is a strains and is packed full of calcium working optimally.
gorgeous and protein. It also has zero added What’s the best way to mind your digestive
little book sugar and no artificial sweeteners. health when taking antibiotics?
that’s ideal for your bedside €1.99 available in Tesco stores Eat fibre-rich whole plant foods and avoid
table. In it, bestselling nationwide processed foods as they’re frequently
rich in refined sugar which can encourage
author and Zen Buddhist the growth of ‘unfriendly’ bacteria. Take
time to get well again, rest as your body
teacher Haemin Sunim puts requires. I’m a fan of afternoon power
forward the idea that being What’s the best protocol to follow when
you’ve finished your antibiotics?
ourselves is completely Don’t push yourself too quickly. Your body
needs time to rebuild its reserves and
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YOUR to navigate through the supplement daily after your main meal. I
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ROUND-UP ups and downs of life. Is there anything you can do on a daily
OF ALL basis to keep your digestive health in tip-
THINGS This is a beautiful book top condition?
HEALTHY Avoid processed foods as much as possible
full of Haemin’s signature and include fermented foods in your diet
at least twice weekly. They’re another
gentleness and offers little useful source of ‘friendly’
bacteria. Sauerkraut
practices of self-care which is simple to make
at home or buy
prompt feelings of self- kefir or kimchi in
your local health
acceptance. Haemin’s BAG store.
main idea in this Rosanna Davison
A BARGAINbook is that is a nutritional
when we’re Dealz recently launched a new therapist and
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happier and help you upgrade your health regime Choice Super 8, log on to
more at without breaking the bank. With prices
peace which starting at €1.50, you can pick up
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our best self
in relation to more. Now that’s what we
our lives. I really call great value.

enjoyed this – it’s

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for a jolt of wisdom every

single day.


Health news

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Flu season is still in full swing out there
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Those at risk include people over the age of
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For more information or to find out if you fall
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Health questions with cooker for eight hours. How do you motivate
Delicious! yourself to exercise?
Trisha Goddard What’s your go-to The first thing I do when
guilty pleasure food? I get out of bed and have
Have you always had an gave up eating meat and I like ‘exercising’ (I don’t I almost always have a wash is put on my
interest in health and drinking spirits, going really think of it in that some kind of dessert exercise gear and my
wellbeing? for long walks in the way) outside in the open after dinner – you can trainers. Look, I’m like
It’s been in fits and exotic destinations we air and without it I can’t take the girl out of the Pavlov’s dogs! Once I’ve
starts, until I was about flew to and lost three regulate my moods, West Indies, but you got my kit on I feel an
22-years-old, in Bahrain stone. appetite, sleep and so on. can’t take the West idiot if I don’t actually
and working as cabin How important is health What’s your go-to Indies out of the girl! use it and move. On the
crew [for an airline]. and fitness to you? healthy dish? What’s your favourite London underground
Back then [in the 1980s] Now, post breast cancer I believe a good type of exercise and I always run up the
they put you on a and having suffered from breakfast is everything, why? escalators, usually use
‘fatties list’ if you put on depression in the past, so slow cooker oatmeal. I Trail running and the stairs instead of lifts,
weight and, after three it is very important for can make five lots in one hiking outdoors catch public transport
warnings, you could both mind and body. go. Steel cut oats (Irish, because I love being and walk everywhere –
be sent back to London Would you say that you naturally!), almond surrounded by it’s how I roll.
and lose your job. After enjoy working out and milk, flax, chia seeds, nature, no matter the How important is it
a couple of warnings, eating well? cinnamon, nutmeg and weather. I am lucky to factor in time to
I decided I had better Absolutely. Why? two chopped organic enough to live on the look after your mental
start watching my diet Because the alternative is apples mixed together Connecticut USA coast health?
and get fit. I promptly too scary to think about. and put in the slow which is stunning. I Absolutely vital. For
also love gyro tonics some people it might be
because it helps keep yoga and meditation.
me lean and strong. My version is playing
Do you think it’s my favourite music and
important to have a running in beautiful
good balance in life? countryside, or
My mantra is exploring the city by
‘Everything in foot. Just being on my
moderation’. It takes own with my phone
a long time to get the set to silent and just
balance right. listening to music does
Do you ever have days so much for me. Other
where you struggle important ingredients
to make health a are getting a good night’s
priority? sleep and if you move
Let’s get one thing during the day, that’s
straight. I trail run or pretty much guaranteed.
hike. Every. Single. I also love a hot bath
Day. I built it into my with magnesium
lifestyle long, long salts and drink my
ago. I have got out own concoction of
of bed at 4am or, in chamomile, fresh mint,
summer, been out red clover and Saint
running at 9pm – it’s John’s wort tea every
just part of my life. I evening before bed.
work out with weights Do you engage in
at least three times any other self-care
a week and have my practices?
gyro tonics session Obviously, I watch my
once a week. There diet: I don’t eat meat –
is no struggle any haven’t done since I was
more than there is a 23-years-old. I tend not
struggle to eat, do my to drink spirits and keep
laundry, cook – it’s an eye on my moods.
just a part of my life. I Being in the public
also make sure I walk eye, do you ever feel
everywhere: in New under pressure to look a
York, London, when certain way?
I was in Dublin. I am Nope. I think I’m lucky
a great believer in because I couldn’t give
public transport and a stuff about all the
walking. fame rubbish. I came


Celeb health

By Amy Wall up through and into the take that precaution. There are numerous rollerblading, kayaking change the bait!
media as a bog-standard I ran (staggered) and studies showing that and whenever I have What’s the best piece
rank and file journalist weight trained all doing some kind of meetings, I get public of advice that you ever
and producer, and I the way through my movement (I prefer not transport and walk. received?
think once you really nine months of breast to call it exercise) in the It’s all about building My darling, late mummy
have a solid craft behind cancer treatment. I also open air is a massive movement into your life. used to say, ‘Always
you, you are less likely to had to work. That was plus for mental health What’s your life’s head for the sky. Then, at
fall foul of the unrealistic through both operations, and physical health. Oh, philosophy? the very worst, at least
notices of face value chemotherapy, and make sure you wear Use it or lose it. S**t you’ll hit the tops of the
‘beauty’ and ‘celebrity’. radiotherapy. It’s how sunblock and hats. happens. You can either trees.’ WW
You only have to check I kept my sanity and What’s your weekly roll in it and the stink
out my Instagram @ my strength up. I don’t health and fitness will make you sick or Trisha Goddard recently visited
therealtrishagoddard to really do sick! And no, schedule like? you can use it to plant Dublin to launch FutureProofing
see that. it wasn’t easy. It would I trail run or road beautiful roses. We Healthcare: The Sustainability
What’s the secret to always be hell for the run every day except usually think that when Index, an initiative that aims
feeling comfortable with first five or ten minutes, Sunday, when I do a long something awful or to encourage an EU-wide
being in the public eye? but by the end of the one to two-hour hike dramatic happens in our conversation on the need to act
Not sure. In my case, hour – wow! I felt 100 with my boyfriend. I do lives, it’s the end of the now to future proof healthcare
my shows have always times better. gyro tonics for an hour story. It’s nearly always systems, ensuring patients
been about real people. What are your top tips every week and weight just the end of a chapter. will get the care they need in
My reporting work has for staying in good train three times a week Life stops being quite so the coming decades. For more
always been about real health? for an hour session. scary when you view it information log on to www.
people’s lives, so to be Move! Move! Move! Make In the summer, I will like that. If you don’t like
real myself has never sure you do it outside. go paddle boarding, the fish you’re catching,
been an issue. Also I’ve WOMANSWAY.IE 21
had lots of other jobs:
cabin crew member,
shop sales assistant,
I’ve worked in the BBC
canteen, I’ve cleaned
pubs, I was a junior
costumier, I was in a
band… and you know
what? I’ve always pretty
much loved every job
I have done, so I guess
I’m comfortable because
I see what I do as a job.
Not a sign of being some
kind of icon or celebrity!
If you have to rely on
being a celebrity because
that’s your main so-
called talent, then you
are constantly under
Do you drink alcohol?
Yup. Prosecco
and orange juice.
Champagne for fancy
occasions. Sancerre
white wine.
Has your approach
to health and fitness
changed in recent years?
Not really. Although now
I have to wear a pressure
sleeve on my left arm
when I’m doing weights.
I had all my lymph
nodes taken out on that
side during my second
operation for breast
cancer and am prone
to lymphoma if I don’t


sugar?DOWN ON

Worried you’re consuming too much
sugar? The experts give advice
on cutting down sensibly

Sugar has become public it’s 24g per day, and for 2. CHECK THE SUGAR sweet tastes which, in ingredients list and, if
enemy number one children aged four to six, CONTENT PER 100G turn, should reduce your in doubt, a quick Google
over recent years, as it’s 19g per day.” sugar consumption.” check should clarify.
the alarming amounts Flip over the back of
of the sweet stuff we Free sugars are those your product and you’ll 4. LOOK FOR HIDDEN SUGARS 5. KEEP FRUIT JUICE AND
unwittingly consume added to foods or found find that nutrition SMOOTHIES TO 150ML OR
has come to light. From in syrup, honey or fruit information is usually “Sugars can be labelled LESS EACH DAY
yoghurts and breakfast juice and smoothies, provided per 100g, and in more than one way,”
cereals, to sauces and and don’t include the it’s sometimes noted per says Lambert, “and There’s nothing
breads, sugar can be naturally occurring portion of the food too. if you’re not familiar better than a cold
particularly difficult to sugars we consume in with them, you may not glass of orange juice
nix from your diet, as it’s things like milk, whole “If you go by the realise you’re eating in the morning, but
often lurking in many fruits and vegetables. 100g figure, you can them.” overindulging on
everyday supermarket easily compare the breakfast juices is an
foods. Even snacks that Now that’s cleared up, sugar content of one Nectar, dextrose, easy way to go well over
seem like healthier here, Knight, along with product to another,” fructose and molasses the recommended sugar
options, like reduced- leading Harley Street says Lambert. “Many are all examples of sugars intake before you’ve
fat biscuits, can be high nutritionist Rhiannon products will give you under different guises even left the house.
in the sweet-tasting Lambert (, macronutrients based - so keep an eye on the
substance. share top tips for curbing on ‘portion size’, which
the white stuff for good... might only be a quarter
We’ve had it drummed or half of what you
into us since childhood 1. CHECK THE BACK OF THE would consume.
that sugar is terrible for PACKAGING
our teeth, but eating “From 100g, it’s then
too much added sugar “There are a variety of usually easy to work
is also associated with foods and drinks on the out the sugar content of
a whole host of health shelves these days and the whole product, if it’s
problems, like obesity it is often difficult to not already listed. For
and an increased risk of determine just how good example, if there is 5g
heart disease and type 2 for us they are,” says sugar per 100g in a 400g
diabetes. Lambert. “For example, container, that means
a ‘healthy’ drink that there’s 20g in the whole
“A little sugar is fine, may appear to be a good product.”
but too much is bad choice, may contain
for our health, so it is 20g or 30g of sugar per 3. RE-EDUCATE YOUR
important to know how serving.” PALATE
much is OK and how to
make changes if we’re She recommends The easiest way to kick
overdoing it,” says Dr always checking the back those perky midday
Prudence Knight, from of the packaging - look chocolate cravings
online GP service Push under ‘carbohydrate: at work? Put a block
Doctor. of which sugars’ on the on your sweet tooth
food labelling.” outside of the office.
“The recommended
limit for adults is 30g of Another key area “Try to reduce the
free sugar per day, for to watch out for is amount of sweeteners
children aged seven to 10 condiments, as sauces you consume,” says Dr
often have a lot of sugar,” Knight. “This can help
22 WOMANSWAY.IE she adds. you get used to less

In depth

By Liz Connor 6. CHOOSE LOW-SUGAR 7. RETHINK YOUR SNACKS “There are a 8. SAY GOODBYE TO FIZZY as a gradual process,
ALTERNATIVES variety of foods DRINKS rather than a habit
Everyone needs a and drinks and “Many fizzy drinks you’re going to quash
Opting for a low- snack between meals it’s di cult to have a lot of added overnight. Many of
sugar alternative is occasionally - but too determine how sugar,” says Knight. us are unknowingly
the simplest way of many sugary treats can good for us “In fact, a can of addicted to sugar,
cutting down your easily start to add up. they are” Coca Cola has 35g of which makes it a
daily intake. “If you added sugar, which difficult cycle to
switch an 85g pot of “Snack foods such is more than the break free from.
fruit fromage frais for as protein bars recommended limit for
plain Greek yoghurt often contain added an adult.” “Start small,” says
sweetened with sugars and artificial Dr Knight, “this way,
chopped fruit, you’ll sweeteners,” warns 9. MAKE SMALL you’re more likely to
save 10g of sugar, Lambert. For a MANAGEABLE CHANGES stick to your changes,
which is half the daily nutritious and cheap OVER TIME than throwing out
recommended amount pick-me-up, she Finally, it’s crucial to all of your old habits
for a six-year-old,” suggests grabbing a think of quitting sugar then getting fed up
says Knight. handful of nuts and a after a week.” WW
banana instead.

One pot,no fu Red orzo
risotto with
Cooking doesn’t have to be difficult, goat’s cheese
bring on the easy one pots
Serves 3-4 Time 35 minutes
One Pot Wonders by Lindsey Bareham Level Easy
(Michael Joseph, €23), photography
by Chris Terry, is out now You will need
24 WOMANSWAY.IE 250g orzo pasta
2 tbsp olive oil
1 red onion
1 large clove of garlic
150g roasted or chargrilled
Romano or piquillo peppers
A pinch of sa ron stamens
4 vine tomatoes (200g)
70g pitted dry black olives (a
Crespo sachet)
10g flat-leaf parsley leaves
100g so goat’s cheese (Coeur de
Lion, Chavroux)

1. Cook the orzo in plenty of
boiling salted water in a spacious,
lidded sauté or frying pan, stirring
once to prevent sticking, for
about 10 minutes until just tender.
Drain, but reserve a mugful of
the cooking water. Tip the pasta
into a warmed bowl, toss with
one tablespoon of the olive oil and
two tablespoons of the cooking
water, then cover with a stretch of
2. Trim, halve and slice the onion.
Heat the other tablespoon of olive
oil in the pan and add in the onion.
Cook, stirring often, for six or
seven minutes. Peel the garlic and
crush it to a paste with a pinch
of salt. Peel the roasted Romano
peppers, if using. Slice them or the
piquillos into ribbons and chop a
few times. Stir the garlic into the
onion, add two tablespoons of the
orzo cooking water, cover, reduce
the heat and cook for 10 minutes.
Add the saffron and mix it in,
followed by the peppers.
3. Quarter the tomatoes and blitz
them into passata. Pour it into the
pan. Simmer for a few minutes
until juicy but not too wet. Mix
in the drained pasta and turn off
the heat. Halve the olives round
their middles and chop the parsley
leaves. Stir both into the pasta.
Serve with a few teaspoons of
goat’s cheese.


Sausage and and garlic. A er five minutes
lentil stew add the carrot and continue to
cook, stirring o en, for a further
Serves 4 Time 1 hour 20 mins five minutes. Add the crushed
Level Easy chillies, lentils and water, then
crumble in the stock cube. Bring
You will need to the boil, stirring to dissolve
3 tbsp olive oil the stock cube, then reduce the
12 meaty pork sausages heat. Cover the pan and simmer
1 onion (100g) for 30 minutes or until the
2 cloves of garlic lentils are tender and most of
2 carrots (200g) the liquid has been absorbed.
A generous pinch of dried crushed 3. Leave covered for five
chillies minutes, then season the lentils
300g puy lentils with salt and freshly ground
900ml water black pepper to taste, stir in half
½ chicken stock cube the flat-leaf parsley and the final
Salt and freshly ground black tablespoon of olive oil.
pepper Halve the sausages on the slant,
2 tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley stir them through the hot sloppy
1 lemon lentils and gently reheat. Serve
Dijon mustard with a lemon wedge to squeeze
over the top and the pot of Dijon
Method mustard.
1. Heat a tablespoon of the oil
in a spacious lidded sauté or Lindsey says:
frying pan, and fry the sausages
until they’re done to your liking. “Sausages and lentils are a combination
Transfer them to a plate and wash made in heaven and for this way of combining
the pan. Peel, halve and finely chop them you must buy decent meaty pork
the onion; peel and chop the garlic. sausages. They are cooked first in the pan,
Scrape the carrots and chop them then halved on the slant and stirred into
into dolly-mixture-size dice. green Puy lentils cooked gently with carrot,
2. Heat another tablespoon of the onion and garlic. A hint of chilli and a squeeze
oil in the pan, then stir in the onion of lemon right at the end of cooking give
the lentils a hit of excitement while parsley
brightens the look of the dish giving it a
grassy finish.”

Moroccan Lindsey says:
lemon and
chicken pilaf “Sometimes an unexpected ingredient or two can work wonders in a
familiar recipe. That’s the case with this pila , brought to life with
Serves 4 Time 55 mins Level Easy Moroccan salt-preserved lemons, fresh coriander, toasted pinenuts,
You will need rather than the usual almonds, and olive oil instead of ghee. The
1 medium onion recipe comes from Sydney via my friend Tessa from her friend Jan,
2 medium carrots scribbled down years ago when we were on holiday in Greece. It’s
1 stick of celery made so o en in my kitchen that it feels like my recipe but thank you,
3 cloves of garlic Jan and Tessa.”
4 tbsp olive oil
Salt 1 cinnamon stick trimmed, peeled celery and a fresh lemon, remove the zest
4-5 chicken thigh fillets 50g coriander peeled garlic. Heat the oil in a in small scraps about the size
2 Moroccan-style preserved 40g toasted pinenuts lidded flameproof and ovenproof of a shirt button. Stir the sliced
lemons or 1 unwaxed lemon pan, stir in all the vegetables, chicken, sultanas, lemon zest
75g golden sultanas Method season with salt, then cover and and turmeric into the vegetables,
½ tsp turmeric 1. Heat the oven to 190˚C/ cook for 10 minutes, giving the then add the washed rice, stock
400g long grain rice gas mark 5. Finely chop the occasional stir, or until they are and cinnamon stick. Bring to the
1lt chicken stock or 2 chicken peeled onion, scraped carrot, tender. boil, cover tightly and cook in
cubes dissolved in 1lt boiling 2. Meanwhile slice the chicken the oven for 30 minutes.
water into bite-size strips. Scrape 3. Serve from the dish or
the seeds and pith out of the transfer to a platter, with the
preserved lemons and slice the chopped coriander and pinenuts
skin into skinny strips. If using scattered over the top. WW



Prepare for your heart to beat a little faster when you see the latest additions
to the Krispy Kreme family. Available from February 4 you’ll be able to pick
up one of three limited edition flavours –Nutty Chocolate Heart, Raspberry
Romance and Smiley Heart – until February 14.
See for more details

Foodie Fermanagh JUST SOUPER

New-spre o Discover the delights of Enniskillen from It’s the time of the year WINNER,
March this year as they’re set to launch when we’re all craving WINNER,
Nespresso has just their Taste Tour. Serving up breakfast, a nice warm bowl of
introduced its two newest lunch, snacks and even a wee tipple soup. Take the pain out of FISH DINNER
limited edition coffee you’ll be able to discover what the town prep with this soup and
capsules. Café Istanbul and has to offer in terms of local producers smoothie maker from
Caffè Venezia are inspired and chefs. Keep an eye on the Discover Buy It Direct priced at just
by the world’s first coffee Northern Ireland website for more details €46.97. Simply chop and
houses with the two intense on its launch date. add your ingredients and it
blends that are priced from See will cook and blend in one
47c per capsule. – you can also make baby
food and even jam in it.
See for
more details

(SPHERE, €25)

YOUR Wbreunnceh and “Healthy and delicious are
WEEKLY not mutually exclusive,”
ROUND-UP We love the idea of
OF FOODIE combining good food says Gwyneth on her latest
TIPS AND and good health at cookbook. e actress has
NEWS Limerick’s Copia
Green. Taking place on brought together 100
FOODIE February 24 from 10am recipes that not only taste
TECH to 12pm, the Pilates great but will also do you
Brunch Club lets you enjoy an hour of good, the idea being that
Pilates followed by a two course brunch for you’ll glow from within.
€30. Booking in advance is advised.
See for more details e recipes look good to us,
but we’re not quite so sure

on some of the cleanses in
the latter part of the book

– although there are some
interesting conversations with doctors on the
science behind weightloss. But if you’re looking
for some healthy inspiration then there’s good
stuff in here.

In 2019 it looks like the tech in our kitchen TAKE THREE… NON ALCOHOLIC DRINKS
is set to move to the next level. Samsung
recently unveiled its new connected €1.89 Kopparberg Alcohol- €36 Seedlip Distilled €6 (for four) Open Gate Brewery Pure
Family Hub Refrigerator. Complete with Free Strawberry & Lime Non-alcoholic Spirit Brew Non-Alcoholic Lager
large screen on the front with voice
command you can now request a daily
briefing on everything from the weather
to traffic. You can control other smart
Samsung devices through it and it’s also
a digital notepad where members of the
family can leave notes or doodles. Plus you
can remotely view inside the fridge to see
what you need to buy and even create meal
plans. We want one.


Thrifty tips

The batch

Cooking in batches saves time and money

By Louise Finn We’ve all been there, you get in from work “I’d always onions, chilli and peppers so you don’t even
only to discover that the larder is bare. recommend starting need to get the knives out.
Or, it could be that you’ve had a rough with a meal plan for
day at work and the last thing you want the week ahead” COOK
to do is start cooking. All too quickly you
find yourself reaching for the takeaway CHEAT IT: For spices and dried herbs visit I’d recommend doing no more than three
menu and forking out €30 for a dinner your local Asian supermarket, they sell dishes at a time on the hob, it’s more easy to
that, if home made, would cost you a in bigger quantities and cost less than the manage and once you’ve browned meat or
fraction of that. Plus, when cooking at supermarket. fried off onions then you can add any extras
home you know exactly what is in each and move that dish into the oven to finish
dish. One way you can tackle the takeaway PREP cooking. Make the most of oven space too,
is to batch cook so that you always have if you have it turned on use it to bake a few
something tasty in the fridge or freezer. Once you’ve your meal plan put together potatoes or to roast a chicken or sheet pan
then assemble all your ingredients to cook; dish at the same time as finishing a one pot
PLAN that means vegetables, meat and any extras wonder. And don’t forget the slow cooker,
such as spice mixes, herbs, bay leaves it’s even easier than cooking on the hob.
The key to any successful batch cooking or tins. I group the items for every meal CHEAT IT: As a batch cooker you’ll never
is the amount of preparation you put in. together on the work surface. If things need regret picking up a slow cooker. You can
Sunday is a great day to do this (and to chopped do it in advance for every meal use cheaper cuts of meats that will come out
batch cook) and I’d always recommend you’re making, believe me, you don’t want soft and tender.
starting with a meal plan for the week to start chopping when you’re trying to
ahead. By making a meal plan you can keep an eye on some onions cooking. Only LABEL
not only see which ingredients you need once you’ve done all your prepping should
but avoid things like having curries two you start cooking. And remember, use I learnt my lesson the hard way with this
nights in a row. Also, if a meal plan is up different chopping boards and knives if you one, you do not want to be staring at a
on the fridge (where I keep mine) then are chopping vegetable or meat and fish. freezer full of Tupperware unsure of whether
everyone knows what’s on the menu or CHEAT IT: You can buy frozen veg, diced it’s a curry or a Bolognese. Yes, I once ended
what needs to be taken out of the freezer up with curry and pasta for lunch.
to defrost the day before – it’s a good job CHEAT IT: Use coloured stickers to mark
to give teens to do. each dish, for example blue for curries and
CHEAT IT: Make a master list of all the red for stews. Simply peel off when washing
dishes you like to cook or would like to out the storage container. You can write
cook, or that the kids will eat. Then simply dates on these, ensuring you’re not leaving
revert back to that each week and see food in a fridge or freezer for too long.
which one to slot in on which day.
Ensure any dishes you cook are fully cooled
By its very nature batch cooking is best before you place them into a fridge or
done with something that can be chucked freezer. To stop freezer burn make sure that
in one big pot (or to roast in an oven) and any dishes are covered either by a lid or a
left to do its thing before being portioned layer of paper or plastic wrap. Grains such
up. Things like curries, stews, tagines, as cous cous are an even quicker side to
chilli and Bolognese all fit the bill, as well serve than rice, you don’t even need to boil
as one pan sheet bakes. With that in mind them just cover in water and stir. WW
I always have a good supply of potatoes,
onions, garlic, chopped tomatoes, coconut WOMANSWAY.IE 27
milk, spices, herbs, mushrooms, peppers
and any additional veg such as green
beans, carrots and parsnips. In batch
cooking don’t be afraid to use less meat and
bulk up dishes with lots of veg, I’m a huge
fan of aubergines and mushrooms and a
handful of lentils can also add extra fibre.


My first baby is six-months-old and New research, commissioned by Owlet Care,
I’d like to get pregnant again soon, as who are the inventors and providers of the Owlet
I’m 36. Have I left enough time since smart sock highlights the struggle new parents
I gave birth to try for another baby? face in getting enough sleep every night. Parents
naturally worry about their kids, but it is proving
Epidemiologist Dr Laura be reassuring for women, as this to keep them up at night – nearly 2 in 5 parents
Schummers, of the University of optimal window is a bit shorter (37 per cent) are kept up worrying about their
British Columbia in Canada, has than previous recommendations babies breathing properly with a further 52 per
just led a study into what’s known (either 18-24 months or 18 months cent worrying their baby will need a feed. The
as pregnancy spacing. She says: to 5 years). survey revealed that 70 per cent of parents with
“Around 18 months, or at least babies under the age of 18 months find their
between 12 and 24 months, seems to “Whether the elevated risks quality of sleep has progressively worsened
be the ideal length of time between are due to inadequate recovery since caring for their newborn. The research also
giving birth and getting pregnant time between pregnancies or to shows that 74 per cent have poor quality of sleep,
again, including for women over 35. factors associated with unplanned naturally as a result of their baby waking and
“Getting pregnant less than pregnancies, our study indicates crying in the night.
12 months after a live birth is that waiting 12-24 months from
associated with risks to both mother delivery to conception minimises GAME ON
and infant. In my team’s study of health risks. is information
risks associated with pregnancy may be particularly important Avocado Smash
spacing among approximately for women 35 and older, as these €15.99 from Littlewoods Ireland
150,000 pregnancies in Canada, we women tend to more closely space Avo’ go at this fast paced and fabulously
found closely spaced pregnancies their pregnancies, and often do so. funny card game! A fresh twist on the
had risks to the mother of rare, game of Snap, you’ll need to act quickly
but severe and life-threatening “Based on this research, we would if you want to win! Two or more players,
conditions for women over the age advise waiting until your baby is ages 6+ and ten minutes of gameplay.
of 35, but not those aged 20-34. between 12 and 24 months old
“On the other hand, we found before conceiving again. Of course, CHILDREN’S BOOK OF
risks to the infant (of stillbirth, family planning is a complex and THE WEEK
infant death, or being born very multifactorial decision, including PULP by Robin Talley
small or very early) for all women, health, career, economic and social
but that risks were greatest for considerations. Nevertheless, we (HarperCollins)
women between the ages of 20- hope this information may be useful
34. Pregnancy intervals of 12-24 to women as they make family- is YA novel is
months had risks generally similar planning decisions related to the essentially four stories
to 18-month intervals, which may timing and spacing of pregnancies, in one. First, in 1955,
in collaboration with their doctor or Janet falls in love
midwife.” with her friend, at
a time when being
YOUR WOW! impacting their imagination gay will get you fired
WEEKLY (78 per cent), knowledge (71 per and likely ostracized
ROUND-UP In December Huawei launched cent) and communication skills by your own family.
OF ALL their incredible innovation, (62 per cent), while 57 per cent of Second, in 2017,
THINGS “StorySign.” e app is now live these parents state that reading openly gay teen
CHILD on the PlayStore for all Android stories together relaxes their Abbey - whose grades are dropping
FOCUSED users, and is designed to help child, helping to achieve lower in sympathy with the decline of her
deaf children learn how to read stress levels. Reading together parents’ marriage - discovers lesbian
by recognising the words on is important for bonding; 76 per pulp fiction from the 1950s - including
the page and translating them cent of parents say reading with a book written by Janet (third). And
into an on-screen avatar (Star) their children is the activity they fourthly, Abbey decides to write her
who signs the sentence. e app value most, and 34 per cent of own pulp novel. roughout, Talley
works across ten different sign parents said reading stories as explores how attitudes towards the
languages, in Ireland’s case; a child was one of their most LGBTQ community have changed,
Irish sign language and the Irish treasured memories. and touches on how much more
book of choice is Where’s Spot? still needs to be done to attain true
Parents of hearing children equality, all the while entwining Janet
believe that reading to their and Abbey’s paths.
children is a vital part of their
development, most positively



From cradle to college, a baby costs thousands. Having a baby budget
makes sense

By Una Rice When you have a new baby, so many makes and models to onwards, role play toys like mini SAVE EVEN MORE €€€
whether it’s the first or a new chose from, including travel kitchens allow your child to
sibling, for many parents it can systems, but your requirements learn through mimic play which 1 Celebrate being frugal
be one of the most financially may be very different to another is a vital component in their
pressured times of their lives. mother’s, so is the limited edition development. From 18 months to Check out The Diary of a
One survey carried out in Ireland simply worth it? Perhaps not. three years, large grip crayons Frugal Family on Facebook.
revealed that only 15 per cent Realistically your baby will need can provide hours of colour play It’s all about becoming
of mothers had started to save a pushchair for at least a year, and fun, but don’t cost a lot. Books more frugal but having as
for baby costs before becoming after that strollers are a handy and jigsaw puzzles give more to much fun as possible with
pregnant, while a huge 85 per cent lightweight option. Do you travel a child in terms of potential for the children along the way.
had no clear family financial plan a lot by car, which could mean developing vocabulary and using There are lots of tips on
in place and 44 per cent of these that a travel system may suit your imagination and puzzle solving making a start on savings
never saved for parenthood. needs, or do you intend going skills, than lots of soft cuddly and financial planning, as
on long walks with the pram, so toys, which look lovely but don’t well as budget envelopes,
One thing is certain – babies pneumatic tyres may be useful. give the same play value. meal plans and recipes.
cost. But it’s understandably
difficult to predict just how costly While buying secondhand You can buy a pretty intact 2 A bum deal Consider
the future years may be when equipment is applauded, caution child’s kitchen or dolls’ house
you’re at a completely different should apply to buying pre-used pre-loved and just upgrade changing from disposable
time in life. While you’re getting baby car seats, as you may not with new furniture or toy food/ to reusable cloth nappies.
to grips with looking after your know the history or if they have utensils from the toy shop to Nappies can cost,
newborn 24/7, very few parents been weakened in an accident make savings. particularly if you have
are thinking 18 years down the and they may not have the fitting two babies. The average
line, towards the cost of college instructions. Secondhand cots Parents often swear by rotating newborn will need around
education. Especially when they can reduce costs as well, but the toys on a weekly basis to get the 12 nappy changes a day, so it
are faced with huge childcare costs rule of thumb is a new mattress best value from them so young makes you think. Reusable
which average at around €155 a for every new baby as it’s much children don’t get bored so nappies are easier on the
week in Ireland. cleaner and safer. And ditch the quickly. Set up a toy, jigsaw and environment too, and you
bumper bedding. Experts now say book swap with local friends won’t have the same cost
Having a budget mindset from bumpers pose a threat to infants so your child gets even more getting rid of your nappy
the start however, whatever your and babies. variety. rubbish.
situation, is advantageous. Your
baby won’t lose out on all the Toy story Food for thought 3 Eco babies You can
essentials, you can still have the
same lifestyle, but you’ll save so As many parents will attest, one Both breastfeeding and making get rid of nappies almost
much more. area where it’s easy to overspend your own baby food are altogether with a system
is on toys, but there is potential to straightforward ways to save as called Elimination
Plan well save a massive amount of money well. Although jars are handy for Communication. Yes it
here. For a start, most of us buy those days when it’s all go, go, is a thing. Parents watch
It’s not too late to start creating way too many toys and young go, you are also paying for the for their baby’s cue that
a solid finance and expenditure children often have too much production and the packaging. they’re ready for a wee or
plan during pregnancy. It’s choice, so they don’t get played a number two and respond
tempting to go out shopping and with. Think in terms of what stage You can save a considerable by holding the baby above a
buy everything that’s required of development your baby is at and amount by cooking and freezing toilet. Nappies can be used
for the new arrival, but you can you automatically save money. your own baby food in ice-cube as back up. There are even
avoid the costly mistake of buying For instance, from four months trays to defrost and use later. support groups online. If it’s
what you won’t really need or use to 18 months, your baby will Best value tips include buying too extreme for you, you can
with some careful planning and love stimulating electronic toys, vegetables when they are always try potty training a
consideration. with lights and sounds. Building reduced in price and cook and little earlier instead, cutting
blocks, pouring and stacking freeze immediately. Cook meat down on all those bigger
For instance, did you know toys are great for hand-eye and poultry separately, blend to toddler nappies – and the
that the pram you buy is like an coordination too. From 18 months a puree and freeze in ice cube associated disposal costs.
investment and it’s worth doing trays, remembering to label and
your homework here. There are date the food clearly. WW



Columnist and trained counsellor

Fiona Caine offers advice


I re-married six months ago disagreements about this, FIONA SAYS: IT COULD awarded custody. However,
and my two children get on but he will not back down BE TIME TO RESET THE I also get the sense that,
well with their stepfather – and insists that he is simply BOUNDARIES since re-marrying, you may
which is good, because their concerned about the children. have tried to please everyone
father is making life difficult However, what he fails to see is This is never an easy situation, when making decisions (even
for everyone. He has always that his constant interference is made worse in your case by day-to-day ones) about
been a control freak, which was upsetting them and making it two men who seem to want your children. This approach
partly why we split, but now he impossible for me too, and now to compete for control of your clearly hasn’t worked and,
wants to know everything that my new husband has started children. what’s more, it’s upsetting the
the children have been doing to get resentful of my ex’s children.
almost every day. interference. He thinks I should I suspect the advent of a
be firmer with my ex and refuse new man in the children’s Perhaps the time has come
If I refuse to discuss it, he him access to the children if he lives has caused your husband for you to negotiate new
questions the children and he won’t back off. The problem is, to have a bit of a meltdown. boundaries with BOTH men,
basically thinks that he should he is the children’s father and He may feel his role in their so that day-to-day decision
be the one who decides what he should be able to see them. lives is threatened by your making is made simpler.
the children do and when they new husband, hence trying
should do it. He also thinks I feel like I am stuck between to assert himself and control You are the parent with
my new husband should not be a rock and a hard place and have things. custody and, as such, you (and
involved in these decisions. no idea what to do about it. you alone) should be making
Reading between the the relatively trivial decisions
We’ve had a lot of H. J. lines of your email, I get the concerning the children. I’m
impression that you have been


“Constant IOHHUNASLTIBNEAENTPHDOA’SRTNLMOYOKING AT make visual images, and it’s not Advice
attempts to going to go away. While most
influence the I recently caught my husband women are turned on by sensual I’VE LOST WEIGHT
children’s looking at pornographic videos things like touch, a lot of people CAONNDFGIDAEINNECDE...
day-by-day on Snapchat. He seems to have - especially a lot of men - are BDUOTESMNY’TBSOEYEFMRIEND
activities been following posts from one turned on by visual images. For TOO PLEASED
must stop” particular girl, who posts very them, porn and provocative
provocative images of herself. images are just a form of visual Having lost nearly three
sure you’ll still want to When I confronted him, he lied stimulation. He’s not cheating on stone in weight I feel so
discuss big issues with him, to my face and said he did not you - he’s never likely to meet much better: I’m happier,
like financing their care, know why these things were on this woman so you need to try fitter, and have so much
which schools they should his phone, but this is the second and keep things in proportion. more energy. I’ve joined an
go to and health-related time he’s done this and I don’t evening art class, go to the
issues. think I can trust him anymore. I’m Looking at the images isn’t an gym twice a week and go
the only one he’s supposed to be indication that you’ve failed and kayaking most Saturdays
I agree with you that looking at like that. He thinks I’m certainly isn’t an indication that and I’ve started to look for a
denying your ex-husband okay with it but I’m really not. I you are inadequate in some way. new job. It was my boyfriend
access to the children look at him now and all I feel is Perhaps your husband lied to you who first encouraged me to
would be a mistake, but disgusted and hurt. because he was embarrassed at diet and exercise, and I love
A. S. being caught out, and while I’d him for the support and help
like to say to you that he won’t do he gave. However, now that
FIONA SAYS: YOU MIGHT it again, the chances are he will. I want to get involved in
NOT LIKE IT BUT IT’S VERY everything, he keeps trying
NORMAL So how are you going to cope to talk me out of it. He says
with that? I wonder if your he’s worried he won’t see me
Let me start by saying I don’t anger and disgust isn’t, in some as often but, the truth is, I
way, tied up with other issues see him just as much as I did
particularly like pornography, within your relationship: Do before. Why is he doing this?
you, perhaps, struggle with self- Can’t he see how much this
but it’s been around for as long confidence, for example? It may means to me?
be that he lied to you because he R. L.
as people have been able to knows this, doesn’t want you to
feel he doesn’t love you and was FIONA SAYS: HE MIGHT BE
trying to spare your feelings. WORRIED HE’LL LOSE YOU
You’re now energetic,
If you have a great relationship confident and ready to take
otherwise, please don’t let this on the world, something he
come between you. clearly feels threatened by.
I suspect he is worried that
Put it in the same box as his if you continue to try new
picking his nose and farting - not experiences and meet new
something you like about him people, he will lose you, so
but something that’s really not you need to talk with him
important enough to break up a about this.
happy marriage!
Encourage him to see that
he mustn’t try to use them as relationship now that you it was he who pushed you to
a weapon, which it seems he have re-married, and change and that you don’t
is trying to do now. As you mediation is a very good way understand why he is now
say, he is their father and they to achieve this. trying to hold you back. He
should have the opportunity to may not want to talk about
go on seeing him. I don’t know whether his own insecurities in this
or not you went through context, and you may have
However, the constant a mediation process with to reassure him that you
attempts to influence the your ex when you divorced, don’t intend to leave him.
children’s day-by-day but I certainly think you However, if he is unable
activities must stop because it’s should try this now. This to accept the new you and
unfair on you and the children. confidential service helps continues to try to restrict
people to self-resolve family you, perhaps you do need to
If he can’t or won’t accept disputes amicably through think about moving on.
this level of input, and his professional mediation,
behaviour continues to upset without the need for WOMANSWAY.IE 31
the children, you may have to costly legal fees and court
consider getting some sort of intervention.
external agency involved. It
sounds very much like you and Hopefully your ex will
your ex need to re-negotiate agree to this and things will
the terms of your parenting improve.WW



With 1 in 10 people caring for a loved one, self-care for
carers is more important now than ever before

‘Compassion fatigue’ is a concept that Given the huge physical, mental and
you’re likely to have heard thrown emotional demands placed on those in a
about in recent weeks, but few people care-giving role, it’s not surprising that
are aware of what it actually means. many carers suffer from burn out and
Compassion fatigue tends to affect compassion fatigue. In a recent survey
caregivers and refers to the unique carried out by Family Carers Ireland,
exhaustion that caregivers can feel in the results showed that a lack of support
their role. Being compassionate can be was one of the main contributing
exhausting and when it becomes too factors to burn out.
much it can result in compassion fatigue
and burn out. With thousands of carers “I would say one of the biggest
operating in Ireland right now, it’s never contributing factors to the burn out or
been more important for carers to look compassion fatigue would be lack of
after themselves. respite in this country for family carers
and also things like sleep deprivation.
“We would say that there are 355,000 Particularly if somebody is caring for
family carers across Ireland today and someone with behaviour issues or if it’s
that equates to about one in 10 people, somebody with Alzheimer’s [or]
which is a very significant number. By Dementia. The carer getting up many,
2030 we say that [number] would be many times during the night, the sleep
closer to one in five,” says Catherine Cox, deprivation can result in burn out for
the Head of Communications and Carer carers as well as just being physically
Engagement with Family Carers Ireland. and mentally exhausted,” says
“We would say [care giving] comes to
all of us. We’ll either provide it or require How important is it for carers to learn
it at some stage in our lives.” how to look after themselves?

Care-giving is usually focused on the “It is vital because if the carer can’t
person who requires the care and often, care for themselves, then they are not
we do tend to overlook how tough it can going to be able to care full time for
be for the carer themselves. another person.”

“Indeed, and we would have done some As well as learning how to properly
research around the impact of caring on care for themselves, Catherine says it’s
a carer’s mental and physical health and also essential that carers know their
wellbeing. The figures show that a very rights and entitlements.
high percentage of carers themselves
suffer depression, anxiety, panic attacks “When a carer first becomes a carer,
and, also, physically they would have often they don’t know what they’re
back pain, back issues due to lifting. entitled to. Our own website will tell
them and [our] Freephone Careline
“So it definitely has an impact on both would be really important there
the physical and mental health of family because we can tell them how to apply
carers – particularly long-term caring,” for carer’s allowance if they’re entitled
says Catherine. to it, but also who to contact if they’re


Special feature

looking for equipment for their loved weightloss or significant weight gain towards the person they care for too.
one,” says Catherine. because maybe their diet isn’t what it Catherine stresses that these feelings are
should be or maybe they’re eating at the “very common” and not to be ignored.
“It’s really important that they know wrong times, eating the wrong foods. I
what is out there for them and at least then would certainly say feeling very down or “To all people who are caring,
they can source that, but if there’s services depression or mood swings… in particular particularly people who are caring full
that are not out there, as an organisation feeling very low and that feeling of time, will probably go through all of those
we can help lobby as well for those. It’s isolation and feeling that you are really emotions at different times in the day even
important that they’re connected to us, alone with this,” says Catherine. because there is a sense of guilt sometimes
obviously, but they’re connected to other and the guilt usually follows the anger. If a
carers as well, so they bring their voice “If they have any of those signs I would person is feeling angry, if they’ve been up
together with other carers because you’re say to contact ourselves and also contact all night or maybe up for three or four
much stronger with thousands rather than their GP and get support there as well. It nights, by day four or day five of course
one person trying to do it all alone.” may be that they may need a tonic or they’re going to feel down and, at times,
something just to pick them up, but they angry,” says Catherine.
And, of course, it’s also vital that carers may also need respite from their role. Their
are aware of the signs and symptoms public health nurse is really important as “It’s more anger with their situation
associated with burn out. Catherine says well in terms of if they are trying to seek than maybe anger with the person they’re
these are the things to keep an eye out for: support in their community. It’s really caring for, but in some cases it can be
important that they keep connected with anger for the person they’re caring for.
“Tiredness. This could be due to sleep their public health nurse and their GP.”
deprivation, but they do need to look out “They will be so low, they will be so
for [it]. Also weightloss – significant One thing that many carers suffer with tired and they may feel that their own
are conflicting feelings. They may feel love lives have been put on hold to provide full
for the person they care for but this may time care. Those feelings are normal and
arrive alongside feelings of frustration or most people will experience them. They
guilt. A lot of carers may feel angry need to just acknowledge those [feelings]
but then try and find a way of moving
“You’re much stronger through them.”
with thousands rather
than one person trying Catherine says space, in these types of
to do it all alone” situations, can really help.

By Amy Wall “If they acknowledge if they feel angry
perhaps they might be able to remove
themselves from the caring role even for a
few minutes and just try to regain
composure, to do something that might
help them relax and get through that
particular difficult period.”

It’s also so important that carers have a
solid support network around them and
that caring is a role that is shared equally
within a family situation.

“It’s so important that carers reach out
for support as well, because quite often
you’ll have a carer who, if there’s a
number of people in the family, one person
takes on the caring role and then the
others step back. It’s really important that
they ask for help because we do come
across situations where carers feel,
‘Nobody can do it as good as I can’ and
that may be true, but they still need to get
help. They can’t do everything all the time.
They do need to reach out.

“We say caring should be a shared
responsibility. It should be shared between
the family, the family carer, the
government and society. It should never
be one person providing 24/7 care. That’s
unsustainable and that’s where carers
reach burn out. They should seek and look
for support within their family and
outside their family as well when they
need it.” WW

Continued on next page


Special feature


Remember, self-care is absolutely vital if because it’s very good for their physical health but that we o er is our Freephone Careline and By Amy Wall
you’re a carer. Here are some guidelines from their emotional health as well. One thing we try to that’s manned by volunteers and it’s there to
Catherine Cox with Family Carers Ireland on encourage carers to do is practice meditation or allow carers to call us at any time, have a chat,
how to look a er yourself. mindfulness, but just again, getting quiet time get advice, sometimes they just need a listening
where they can shut out all the other things that ear as well to help them through particularly
DIET are going on and just try and concentrate on the di cult times. We do have an out-of-o ce
“Diet is really important because most of the here and now. Just maybe take some time to relax, service with the Samaritans as well if someone
time the carer is always thinking about the and whether that might be doing something like is feeling very down and really needs some
cared-for person, about their diet, about their yoga or meditation or whatever, it’s time for emotional support.”
health, about their wellbeing and if [the carer] themselves and I do recognise that carers, by the
ignores their own health and wellbeing, you nature of what they’re doing, don’t get a huge ASK YOURSELF:
could have a situation where it results in two amount of that, but even if it’s just five minutes › Am I getting enough support?
people requiring care. It’s really important that during the day, that’s important.” › Do I feel isolated?
the carer looks a er their own diet as well as › Would it be beneficial for me to get in touch
the cared-for person’s diet and they get their ASK YOURSELF:
five-a-day. And they try to eat regularly at good › Am I getting enough exercise? with a support organisation such as Family
times not, for example, eating very late at night, › Where can I squeeze in time to exercise or some Carers Ireland or The Samaritans?
maybe when the cared-for person is gone to › In what ways do I need more support?
bed and that might be their only opportunity. time alone into my schedule?
Diet is really important.” › Would meditation or another mindfulness THE SIGNS OF CARER
ASK YOURSELF: practice help me to relax? COMPASSION FATIGUE
› Am I eating a healthy, balanced diet with lots › Did I get some fresh air today?
Make yourself aware of these signs and
of fruit and vegetables? SUPPORT symptoms so you know when to seek
› Am I sticking to a healthy routine when it “Peer support is really vital because carers o en help.
feel very isolated in their role. At Family Carers › Tiredness
comes to meal times? Ireland we would o er peer support groups across › Sleep deprivation
› Am I getting my solid three meals a day? the whole country where carers come together and › Significant weightloss or weight gain
they share their experiences, challenges and › Feeling very down or depressed
EXERCISE sometimes they share solutions of how they got › Mood swings
“Exercise is really important as well and I know through di cult periods. As well as meetings in › Feeling isolated
carers will say, ‘Oh I don’t have time to do our centres or in local communities, we do look at
exercise,’ or ‘I can’t go to the gym. I can’t get virtual groups where carers might be able to chat PLEASE NOTE: If you have any of these signs
out and do the things other people do.’ You can online, for example, if they can’t get out to those or symptoms, get support. Contact your GP or
do exercise in your own home, when the meetings so they’re still connected. They can your public health nurse and also contact a
cared-for person, for example, is taking a nap or connect in through our Facebook page, they can support organisation. Remember – there is
if there is some down time that the carer chat to us, they can do private chat and we can strength in reaching out and you are not alone.
themselves can do a little bit of exercise come back to them. A really important support

WHERE TO GET HELP FAMILY CARERS IRELAND: Freephone Careline: 1800 240 724. Website: YOUNG CARERS: Freephone Careline:
1800 240 724. Website: THE SAMARITANS: Freephone: 116 123. Text: 087 260 9090. Website: AWARE: Support line:
1800 80 4848. Website:



Monday to Friday 6-10am



Even if you have the smallest plot or just a balcony windowsill, grow
herbs to perk up your food. Follow our guide to winning combinations

If you love fresh herbs in your into a container together and Herb mix, should achieve better results. By Hannah Stephenson
cooking, now is the time to plan a just replant them once every two including thyme You need to take note of the
herb garden filled with fragrant years,” Evans suggests.
and colourful plants, which will 30cm and twice the depth of surroundings as any herb garden
add flavour to your menu. “The rosemary will keep going, the pot which the herb comes should blend in with the rest of
the chives and the parsley will in. Don’t let plants become too your plot, and note changes in
The dormant period of winter slow during the cooler months, congested.” levels and where shadows fall at
is the perfect time to prepare the but should come back.” different times of the day.
ground, order seeds and get out A sunny spot
your tape measure and notebook “Invest in a standard bay tree - Keep them close to the house
out. Now’s the moment to decide there’s all you need for Bolognese As many herbs enjoy hot, dry
how much space you have to and other Italian cooking, and it’s conditions and well-drained fertile Of course, as you will be using
devote to a herb garden - even also architectural.” soil, your herb garden is best off herbs in the kitchen, the garden
if it’s just on a balcony - where in a sunny south-facing position, should be as near to the house as
it needs to be situated and what Herbs which can easily be with added protection from north possible. Don’t plant your herbs at
plants are needed. grown from seed include: Sweet and east winds. the end of the garden because you
basil, salad rocket, dill, coriander, won’t want to traipse all that way
Small spaces chives, fennel, lovage, chervil and If your soil is heavy, dig in some just for a sprig of rosemary for your
caraway. There are others which grit to improve drainage and you roast lamb.
Tim Evans, horticulture buying you may have to buy as plants,
manager at Wyevale Garden including: Lemon balm, curry If, however, you can’t plant a
Centres in the UK, advises that, in plant, mint, rosemary, sage, bay herb garden too near your kitchen,
small spaces “you won’t want any and French tarragon. make sure there is easy access to it
more than three herbs in the same by path or stepping stones, so that
pot because otherwise they will Best compost the soil is not walked on.
compete with one another.”
The best compost for growing For those with limited space,
Combinations herbs in containers is John Innes a few herbs in pots on the patio
No. 3, says Evans. will suffice. But those who have
“Try to select a combination of larger gardens might opt for a
woody herbs with seed-raised “It’s got soil and loam in it, more elaborate, formal garden in
ones – have a rosemary, which which doesn’t dry out as quickly a geometric shape, framed by low
you’ll use regularly [when] as peat-based compost,” - hedges or paths.
roasting lamb or chicken, curly particularly in spring and summer
parsley and chives. They can go he notes. “Windowsill troughs Border options
shouldn’t be much smaller than
Rosemary Try creating a cartwheel pattern,
with each section planted with
36 WOMANSWAY.IE a different herb, using bricks to
represent the spokes of the wheel.

Alternatively, you could just
add some herbs to your existing
border, but check the height they
will reach once fully grown -
angelica, for instance, grows up
to 2m (6ft), so needs to be placed
near the back of the border.

Keep invasive herbs potted

Beware of planting invasive plants
such as mint and lemon balm
straight into the ground. It’s best
to leave them in their pots in the
ground if you want to keep them
contained. WW

Travel news Beat the winter blues and
Relax in Prague take some time out at Calling all yogis
By Amy Wall. All prices are correct at the time of going to printClontarf Castle. Located
Enjoy three nights at the four-star Kinsky just ten minutes from If the thoughts of a downward dog fill you
Garden Hotel in Prague, Czech Republic, Dublin city, you can enjoy with feelings of peace and calm, you’ll love
on a bed and breakfast basis from €179pps. an overnight stay with this package from TD active Holidays. Spend
Flights depart from Dublin airport for travel breakfast, a complimentary your first night in Split on Croatia’s Dalmatian
in February. bottle of wine and a two- Coast before spending four more nights on
For details call 01 539 7777 or log on to course lunch in Knight’s the island of Hvar. Based in a secluded resort, Bar or early bird dinner in you’ll enjoy seven yoga sessions during
Fahrenheit restaurant from your stay led by Sinead Mooney, an award-
TAKE THREE €189 per room per night. winning yoga teacher from MOONSyoga. The
Must-see places This package is available yoga sessions will take place every morning
in Prague Sunday to Thursday until and evening and between sessions, you’ll
February 28. have free time to explore. A yoga mat will
For details call 01 833 be provided for all sessions. This package is
2321 or log on to www. available from €799pps and includes flight, accommodation on a half-board basis and
your yoga sessions. Flights depart from
1. Visit the ‘Dancing House’ – Designed by Dublin airport for travel in May and October.
For details call 01 637 1633 or log on to
architect Frank Gehry in collaboration with

Vlado Milunic, Prague’s ‘Dancing House’ is TAKE A TICKET

considered to be a fine example of noveau Overcrowding has become a huge
problem in some of the world’s most
baroque architecture. Visit at night time to famous travel sites, but Machu Picchu in

see it all lit up. Peru is hoping a simple new system
can help. Over the past few
2. Letna Park – If you’re feeling active, a GREAT years, the effects of over
visit to Letna Park is so worth the climb. GRAN CANARIA tourism have become
At the top, you’ll get a fantastic view more and more
prominent at the
of the Vtlava river and the beautiful Spend seven nights at Inca site and in an
effort to combat this,
bridges of the city. This is the the Cala D’Or Apartments in the Cusco Office of
the Ministry of Culture
ideal place to get some fantastic Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria, on a has now introduced
timed tickets. This means
photographs from your trip. For best self-catering basis from €449pps.
that only a certain number of
results? Pay a visit at sunset. Flights depart from Dublin airport people will be allowed to visit
the site on a daily basis. Tourists
3. The Strahov Monastery – on February 21. are now being asked to book their
tickets via the official government
Home to the Prague Library, For details call 1850 453 website and to note that they’ll have
access to the site at their specified time
CANARIES here you’ll find a host of 545 or log on to www. for one hour.
CALLING beautiful manuscripts For details log on to www.machupicchu.
from the middle ages.

Enjoy a seven night stay at Inside you’ll find the Poolside chic

the three-star Hesperia Bristol ‘chamber of marvels’ STEP A good one-piece is a must for
Playa apartments in Corralejo, which contains a INTO any suitcase and we love this
Fuerteventura, on a self-catering host of scientific and SPRING beautiful feather print swimsuit
basis from €315pp. Flights depart archaeological scripts. from M&S (€47.50). Featuring
from Dublin airport on March 4. This is a must for any Kelly’s Resort gold foil details and the
bookworms or amateur innovative Stay NEW Chlorine
For details log on to www. historians. Hotel and Spa in Resist Technology, the material has extra stretch to keep you
comfortable. You’ll wear this
county Wexford will be again and again.

launching their spring

Welcome spring mid-week activity
programme on February
The Hook Lighthouse in Ireland’s 15. All activities will
Ancient East has some fantastic be available at no extra
events on o er to celebrate the cost mid week and will
ancient Celtic festival of Imbolc. include cooking demos
Imbolc marks the start of Spring with Cathrine Fulvio,
and from February 1 to 3, there’s wine tasting, bridge,
a host of things happening at ballroom dancing and
the Hook that are sure to get you in the spirit of the season. Visitors so much more. This
will be able to enjoy a concert with Brian Kennedy, a sunrise tour of programme will run
the lighthouse, a photography exhibition, food tasting and much right through until the
more. There will also be children’s entertainment and a talk on end of May.
Imbolc. There is a charge for selected events but many of the events For more information on
are free of charge. the programme or to book

For full festival information and ticket booking call 051 397 055 or a stay, call 053 913 2114 or

log on to log on to


Books We loved....


WHEN ALL IS SAID by Jane Fallon (Penguin)
Holly and Roz share everything – they know
by Anne Gri n (Sceptre) a lot more about each other in the o ce they
Tissues at the ready for what is a confident yet share than their colleagues. But when Holly
carefully written debut. Octogenarian Maurice gets her chance for her dream job – a er she’s put everything
Hannigan is sitting alone at a bar in a hotel in a on hold to raise her daughter single handedly – she can’t wait
small Irish town. Over the evening, he raises a to celebrate with her best work friend. But her best work friend
toast to the five people who have had the most isn’t quite as happy as she should be. And when things start to
affect on him – his wife, son, daughter, sister- happen to Holly, things that make her seem a less than suitable
in-law and brother. Maurice has never been candidate for her new job, she has to wonder from where the bad
demonstrative of his feelings to the people he feeling is coming. Could it be closer to home than she imagined?
loved most and now is the time, he feels, to And how best will she react to what’s happening? I read this
reminisce and reflect on what made him the in two nights as I love Jane’s books – she has such a way with
man he is. I ugly cried my way through and I telling a twisty tale.
adored it. Utterly recommend.
by Hanna Jameson (Viking)
CELEB MEMOIRS Historian Jon Keller is visiting Switzerland when
the world ends and he suddenly, worryingly, has no
The front-runners of celebrity memoirs and self-help idea whether his wife and children are safe. Far from
mantras should include Love Island queen Dani Dyer (What the nearest town, it’s just Jon and approximately 19
Would Dani Do?, Ebury, April 4) and Status Quo frontman others who are stranded in the hotel. They need to
Francis Rossi (I Talk Too Much, Constable, March 14). survive, to make sense of what’s happening around
them. All is not well when the body of a young girl,
Sara Cox (Till The Cows Come Home, Coronet, March 7) clearly murdered, is found. Quite simply: one of Jon’s
also has a book coming about her Lancashire childhood, while fellow hotel guests is a killer. From forming new
the as-yet untitled and much under-wraps autobiography of relationships to learning how to live in an altered
Sir Elton John (Pan Macmillan) is scheduled for the autumn. world, can Jon discover who is responsible? An
unusual read that is o en unsettling but in a good,
BIG NAMES life-a rming kind of way.

Bea Carvalho, general fiction buyer at Waterstones, says: “For ON SHELF NOW By Áine Toner
us, the biggest one will be the Margaret Atwood sequel to
The Handmaid’s Tale, which is called The Testaments (Chatto WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING
& Windus). Pre-orders are already fairly astonishing.” The
story is set 15 years a er O red’s final scene in the 1985 by Delia Owens (Corsair)
original novel. This requires a patient reader. It promises a murder mystery,
but this quickly takes a backseat to the story of a girl
Other exciting novels being published this year include surviving in isolated North Carolina marshland. Kya, le to
Ali Smith’s Spring (Hamish Hamilton). The third novel in fend for herself at a young age, interacts with few humans
her Seasonal Quartet, it’ll be a timely state-of-the-nation and spends her time in the wild. This makes for some
exploration. As the year progresses, there is likely to be a buzz beautiful descriptive passages of a landscape that will
around big names including David Nicholls, author of One Day, be unfamiliar to most readers. The strength of the story
whose new novel Sweet Sorrow (Hodder & Stoughton, July 11) comes from the sympathetic portrait of its heroine who
recounts the story of one life-changing summer for 16-year- cannot fail to captivate, right up until the surprising end.
old Charlie Lewis.
Zadie Smith’s new short story collection, Grand Union
(Hamish Hamilton, October 3) is also attracting attention, by Kathy Wang (Head Of Zeus)
while thriller writer Tana French’s new book The Wych Elm Stanley Huang, who had been feeling smug with his
(Viking, February 21), is her first stand-alone novel. weight loss, is newly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
Stanley, father to Fred who has never felt rich enough
“It’s an amazing book about a boy growing up in Ireland with despite being in venture capital in Silicon Valley, and his
his two cousins in a seemingly idyllic childhood in his ancestral sister Kate, who works for a prestigious tech firm while trying to cope
home. In the a ermath of an attack in his late 20s, he returns with the needs of her children, are hoping that he will leave them
there – and all is not quite as it seems,” says Bea Carvalho. the small fortune he has been boasting about. Ex-wife Linda, who
worked hard for years to ensure her family’s financial security, wants
WIN BOOKS to make sure they get their due, despite his young second wife Mary’s
Every week, we’ll be sending one reader three books from the
WW book cupboard. To enter, all you need to do is answer this
question: Who wrote The Last? Write your answer onto the
competition entry form on page 45 or email in. Best of luck!


Reader fiction

Finding me

I’m out of that job and looking for shopping bag, stating, “Now when you use I did an abstract city street painting.
another. I’d never concentrated at it in your area, people’ll think you shop My family loved it; I thought it was them
school or excelled at anything. I never there.” being encouraging, but I must’ve learned
shone. The first bit of snobbery ever something from the art programmes
experienced in my life was my family’s I smiled sarcastically and next time I my wife made me watch. My daughter
intellectual snobbery, they’re all A-plus was out I went shopping with my Dunnes forensically filled in the application forms,
students. I was lucky to scrape Ds. stores bag. “Up the revolution, UP THE and my wife sent everything off.
REVOLUTION,” I roared.
My dad remarked I must be the Two weeks later, I was a national
‘milkman’s daughter’. Mum laughed at Eventually our kids arrived. I now celebrity, having WON my section.
this, however, I didn’t. worked extra hours as a hospital caretaker.
When the kids went to school I helped “Me? You gotta be joking.”
Anyway, I left school with not much them with their homework till fifth class. My daughter was delighted with my
success under my belt. My friends asked After that my wife took over, I was out newfound success. I was invited on
me what university I was going to. of depth. My kids ribbed me over it good breakfast TV.
“You’re having me on,” I replied, as I naturedly. She said, “My friends will be well jel.” I
filled out my application to work in my was in newspapers and on radio.
local supermarket. “He doesn’t mean Eventually I went on to have my own
it.. In ways you’re exhibition. My paintings now sold for
I got a job stacking shelves, and worked happier than all of thousands, celebrities bought them as
there for a few years. My friends shopped them put together” investments. Things were great.
there, loving to stop to tell me about life We traded up for a bigger house with
at college while I priced tins of peas, Every few weeks I went round with the studios in the back garden, remaining in a
among other items. family to my parents. I was used to my working-class area by choice.
father’s dismissal of my career, telling me We went to London for one of my
Unfortunately, it didn’t take overly how proud he was of my siblings’ careers exhibitions, skipping Harrods.
long before I fell out with my bully and now nuclear families as they seperated By now my siblings, burnt out from
supervisor. Soon I was off to the next job. and partnered upwards and outwards. their corporate lives, envied me, a
bohemian artist. With the art world at
I went to my family’s graduations at My mother, ever sympathetic, my feet, eventually one of my paintings
‘uni’. They waved their degrees under whispered, “Don’t mind Dad” and winked, exhibited in the National Gallery, all my
my nose smugly. “he doesn’t mean it. In ways you’re happier family there for the unveiling.
than all of them put together.” Now I’ve my degree, I thought.
“Okay, car-wash boy,” I said to myself, Mom was ecstatic, Dad begrudgingly so.
“get yourself off to poor man’s uni.” One autumn, my daughter brought home A year later, Father died.
leaflets from the library for a national art In his will, which he’d made when I was
Yep, you guessed it, I was talking about competition open to all ages. My daughter struggling, Dad had allotted me nothing,
night school. painted a beautiful forest scene. whilst he left my mother and siblings well
provided for.
I picked some random subjects to “I don’t think it’s good enough to win, I was upset, until my mother whispered,
study. Sadly, these led to nothing, well I’m not going to enter,” she proclaimed. “You may not have been the milkman’s
at least not in the academic field. But but it wasn’t me or him that you got your
thankfully I found my soulmate there, “You have to, it’s beautiful,” I refuted. artistic talent from. Talk to you later.” She
my lovely wife to be. I was punching She exclaimed, “Paint one for the adult breezed off and smiled dreamily.
above my weight all right. She’s a stunner category. Go on, I dare you.” That smile was infectious. WW
but she loved me for my sense of humour,
working-class ethos and no-nonsense “Right,” I said, “if it encourages you.”
life approach.

My siblings meanwhile lived out in the
suburbs, in their leafy, four-bedroomed
houses and a granny flat out back.

We lived in a house the size of their
granny flat, whilst they shopped in
Harrods on their frequent London trips.
My sister once gave me a Harrods lifetime

By Pearl Ruth Want to be published in Woman’s Way?

We are always looking for reader fiction! To get involved, simply email a short story of approximately 800 words to Áine at atoner@ If you require the submission requirements, she’ll email them back to you. Happy writing.



Don’t mess with Paul
is brother and sister combo could be dangerous

Coronation Street Rita confirms she won’t be buying the Also this week
Kabin as she doesn’t want to upset Maria
Oh, Paul. You might be able to charm Billy and it gives Brian food for thought. So much › Why is Chesney disappointed?
but we’re not so convinced. In fact, he steals food for thought that he suggests to Cathy › Who is Andrea?
Roy’s mother’s ring and somone - Gemma that they should buy the Kabin. Which is all › Who won’t go the extra mile?
- is on to him. He warns his sister that if she lovely and everything but Rita has something
‘fesses up, he’ll tell Chesney about her past. to say that may change their view.
In one good piece of Gemma-related news,
she and Ches have a kiss after Emma ditches When Shona and Bethany discover that
him. Welcome, #Chemma! Nick and David are looking to hire some
‘totty’ for the customers to ogle at they vow
Johnny visits Eva and Susie in Brighton, to get revenge.
leaving Jenny alone. She proceeds to get
drunk before throwing everyone out of Speaking of Shona, she visits her son,
t’Rovers. If only there was someone who Clayton (you know, the real baddie), in
knew the bar trade and could step in... prison to tell him about his father. He tells
her that he’s being bullied and wants her
Later in the week, it’s the court case. Imran help - and moved to an open prison.
says nothing will stop the case other that Liz
not turning up. When desperate times call for Roy shows Peter some of his mother’s
desperate measures, what will happen? jewellery and asks his advice as to which
piece Carla might like. Is there reason to be
Tracy warns Peter to let Abi down gently, worried about Roy?
as she believes she’ll be sailing with him. Abi
is convinced he’ll be taking her with him.



Emmerdale EastEnders Fair City

Jacob and Liv are both happy about their Jay gushes to Keanu about how amazing Ruby Dearbhla accuses Orla of being selfish, leaving
growing relationship. Which is nice, but is but Ruby’s worried. Does she need to make Orla to suggest something to Wayne. Will
there’s a certain Maya-shaped issue still ever amends and pronto? Tommy and Wayne come to an agreement?
present. Will Jacob threaten to tell David about Later, Tommy admonishes Dearbhla for
their affair? All isn’t well... Jean deliberates on asking Ian on a date (yes, creating more stress for Wayne.
really) but she tries to flirt. Things go awry.
Dawn, who it’s fair to say isn’t having the Doug thinks Leo - newly hired - is
best time, is floored after an announcement The police arrive to chat to Mel (eek!) who pretending to do a good job. Is he? Well... not
about her son Lucas. Later, she lashes out at decides to accept Phil’s offer for the club. She really, but who decides he needs to go? And
someone for organising a meeting. thinks it’s time they moved away. who could take his place?

One villager struggles to accept any level of Kat contemplates backing out of the Decco refuses Charlotte’s help when she
responsibility for what’s happened but needs Knowledge but Mo steps up to help her. Later, sees he’s struggling with Sam. He also doesn’t
to cop on when she gets a call from the school. Kat persuades someone to help in one of her want to accept Mondo’s friendship.
Elliot has gone missing. money-making schemes. But who?
Mairead hides her residual feelings for
Moira tries to convince a defiant Kerry to Keanu tries to grab a moment with Sharon Damien when questioned by Dolores while
let Kyle come home while Marlon’s frustrated but she gives him a reality check. Laura tells Cristiano to get used to Mairead
that his best friend is avoiding the truth. being in Will’s life. Something tells me that
Linda worries and grows impatient when Cristiano hasn’t finished his matchmaking
Elsewhere, who makes a confession... and Mick keeps missing Tamwar’s calls. attempts though...
who gets arrested? Again?
And who returns and wants to make a go of Red Rock
Holby City things, relationshipwise?

Ros na Rún

By Áine Toner When a family secret is exposed, the dispute Adam gets in trouble when he uses a ‘special’ IT’S BACK! We’re so looking forward to seeing
causes a young patient to delay vital surgery, fifty euro note. Sorcha has to ‘fess up and tell what our RR residents are getting up to. For
but fearing the consequences of such a him where she got it – but will Adam ‘fess up starters, Keith is pining after Alice. He has not
decision a concerned Ange must find a way to too? What do you think? heard from her and is worried that something
make her reconsider. bad has happened to her. Could she have
Caitriona isn’t best pleased when she turned to someone in her time of need? And
Keen to highlight the constant pressures discovers two people laughing at her expense. what do Vincent and Bridget think?
Holby faces on a daily basis Ric enlists the But is someone on to her slightly dodgy plans?
help of an influential acquaintance, but Well, yes, but not to worry, they’re going to Sean wakes up in Marek’s apartment
when an innocent patient is caught up in his have some fun with it. after being hit in the head. But he’s missing
personal crusade will Ric do the right thing? something very important... will it have
Bobbi Lee prepares to leave the village. Will gotten into the wrong hands?
When the opportunity to attend an anyone stop her? Will all be well for B-L?
overseas conference arises, Nicky and While out doing door to door enquiries,
Cameron must battle it out for the place, but Katy invites her family for lunch but she’s Johno and Paudge uncover someone who may
with Nicky running on empty, does she have far from a domestic goddess. Dee’s delighted have the key to the Eugene Casey murder. Will
the strength to come out on top? to see her sister so upset while a hungry Mack the evidence be as accessible as they think?
is unimpressed.





To us snowdrops herald Book of Dubbed the ‘Rat
the beginning of longer, the week… Pack of Opera’,
warmer days. is Tenors Unlimited
month celebrate the THE POLYMATH: make their Irish
tiny white flowers with UNLOCKING THE debut at the eatre
a series of events and POWER OF HUMAN Royal, Waterford on
activities in Altamont VERSATILITY February 7 and then Mullingar Arts Centre on February
Gardens, Co Carlow. e 8. e tenors will by joined by local choirs on both
public are encouraged to by Waqās Ahmed dates who will help them belt out hits from the likes of
pop in to see the plants in (Wiley, €21.40) Sting, Beyoncé, Simply Red and more.
full bloom, there’s also tours priced from just €2 as well What is a polymath? See for more details
as satellite events and activities taking place in various Well it’s a person who
locations on the Carlow Garden Trail. excels in more than one AT THE FLICKS…
See for full details of all events thing, think Leonardo
Di Vinci. In the modern THE MULE
Family affair world we focus more Clint Eastwood directs
on specialisation, being
How gorgeous is this pic from River Island’s new This Is really good at one thing. and stars in The Mule,
Family collection which has just launched in store? With Waqās looks to the past
clothing from little people and big people we’re loving and to well known the first time he’s
its style. polymaths and suggests
that there is another done both since the
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR way of living, one that
doesn’t keep us confined acclaimed Gran Torino.
to our area of expertise.
Versatility, he argues, is He takes the role of CINNEOINMWAS
the way of the future. An Earl Stone, a man in his
intriguing and thought 80s who takes on a driving job to help
provoking read. rid himself of debt. However, what he

doesn’t know is that he’s actually a drug

courier. As he gets deeper into the situation

will it be possible for him to do the right thing?

e Dublin Chinese New Year Festival runs Light it up BOOK NOW
from February 1 to 17 in various locations
across the city. It’s the Year of the Pig which Dance fans are in for a treat as Ballet
is a particularly auspicious one, said to bring Ireland has announced it is to stage a
luck, good fortune, friendship and love. e contemporary double bill entitled Bold
festival boasts talks, performances, comedy, Moves. The two works, Minus 16 and
theatre, food and more. Lost are part of the company’s 20th
Full programme details are available at anniversary celebration and will take place from March 22 to 30 with tickets
priced from €28.
“It does not THIS WEEK WE’RE LUSTING For full details see By Louise Finn
slowly you go as LAMP FROM FLYING TIGER
long as you do not COPENHAGEN (€20)



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Star le er bought at a later date. In the meantime let in 2018 and here’s to a wonderful 2019. I
As a care worker in the community I started us not slam the ‘hotel room’ or a house that have been buying your magazine for years
working with a new client and she introduced may not meet all requirements. It’s far from and I think that like a fine wine, you get
me to Woman’s Way. I can’t begin to tell you ideal but hopefully is a stepping stone to end better and better with age. I really love the
the mutual pleasure we get from every single homelessness. colouring in page – it’s one of my favourites.
page. My client is visually impaired and had MARIAN DALTON, CO CARLOW And of course I love the horoscopes too.
been unable to enjoy her favourite magazine Please keep up all the fantastic work that
for quite some time. Now I read every page HEART-BREAKING you do.
to her, we try out the recipes and I read the LYNDA CARTHY, CO DUBLIN
knitting patterns to her while I’m colouring the I’ve noticed the stories from readers over
picture in the back. When I get the following the past few months regarding the loss of A MESSAGE FROM
week’s issue I bring the old one to another their pets. My heart goes out to all of these UNA POWER
client who enjoys it all over again. Thank you people. I think animals bring so much joy to
Woman’s Way! our lives but unfortunately, losing them is a Relic: Would the reader waiting to be
KATE CARTON, CO CAVAN sad part of having them as our companions. re-united with her relic write to Louise
I never had a cat or a dog due to allergies, Finn with details of her name, address
ON HOMELESSNESS but my daughter did buy me a cockatiel to and phone number.
give me some company when she moved
I read with interest Carmel Harrington’s out (it’s just the two of us). His name was WRITE AND WIN
opinion article (Woman’s Way, Issue 47, Henry and he made me so happy. He would
November 20 2018), ‘There are Many Types happily chip and sing when I entered the This week’s star letter
of Homelessness’ and indeed there are. room and would love when I let him out is proudly sponsored by
I grew up in the Ireland of the 1960s and of his cage to fly. Sadly I lost Henry last Poolbeg Press – the Irish for
it was full of homelessness. Did we use summer and it was a great blow. We bond bestsellers. Our lucky star
that name then? I don’t think so. My own so much with these little creatures I agree letter winner will receive a
parents struggled to find a home and lived that it can feel like losing a family member. special hamper with books
with relatives for a time. When people did But even with that sadness, I would never for all the family. This
find a house/home in many cases it was very regret having a pet in my life. While nothing week’s hamper includes:
basic. Perhaps just a kitchen and bedroom could replace Henry, I have since gotten Echoes of Grace by Caragh
with no running water or electricity. So myself another cockatiel and he too brings Bell, Who Do You Think You
we in this country have been there before. me happiness and company with his own Are? By Pauline Burgess, St
During the late 1960s and early 1970s county little personality. To all those missing a pet I Brigid the Fearless by Ann Carroll and In The
councils built a lot of houses. This did say take heart. The pain will eventually ease Court’s Hands by Fiona Gartland. For more
relieve the situation then. This could be the and you will feel ready to care for another information about Poolbeg Press, log on to
answer going forward. These houses would animal in time.
be more affordable and perhaps could be NAME AND ADDRESS WITH THE EDITOR


Well done, Woman’s Way, on a fantastic year

Competition entry form Page 49 Brooke & Shoals candle
Your answer:
Page 19 €100 The Burren Perfumery hamper
Your answer: Page 53 Woman’s Way beauty goody bag
Your answer:
Page 40 Three new books
Your answer: YOUR DETAILS

Page 46 One of 15 Bio-Oil Dry Skin Gels Name:
Your answer: Address:

A winner will be selected at random. Closing date: Midday, Monday, February 11, 2019. Terms and Conditions apply. Photocopied competition entry forms are not allowed.

Complete and post to Woman’s Way Competitions, issue 5, Rosemount House, Dundrum Road, Dublin 14 or email [email protected]

Competition 15taowgaiyve


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Dear UNA Psychic solutions

medical problem two years ago but (TG) I’m
better now and able to go back to work.
I had a good friend in work, my husband met
her in the town one day and gave out to her
because he didn’t like her or that I went for
walks with her. That friendship ended. I can’t
go for lunch with any work friends because
he said it’s spending money foolishly.

I work hard, if I go for a drink he says I

Renowned psychic Una Power offers am an alcoholic. But he spends all Sunday
readers some guidance on life’s issues [drinking] from one till eight in the evening,
comes home drunk and the abuse is unreal. I

go for a couple of drinks with a friend from

I don’t want to interfere in my The whole psychic mood saUyns.a..ra“AreeraliycehsuanontdhdeerPrs”itsacneds ten until midnight and he waits up and
governing individual and starts bullying again.
daughter’s life but I am seriously concerned global decisions is one of My niece is getting married in
taking personal and global August and I hope he goes to that
that she is going nowhere. I brought her up responsibility. because he won’t be able to start his
abuse that day. He is Sagittarius in his
more or less as a single mum. I made sure she sixties. I have to economise, but my

got to college and did as well as anyone else

in her year. I don’t know how she managed to Pisces quickly transforms sons would be very upset if I sold the

get a degree, she studied spasmodically and colleagues into lifelong friends house because he would only drink and

only when she felt in the mood. She is Pisces because they are undyingly loyal to gamble the money.

(26), I’m Aries, her dad is a Gemini and in colleagues and the boss. If there’s a crisis in Margaret, Co Cork

and out of our lives whenever he felt like it. I the workplace they’ll work harder and longer

know he’ll never change because he doesn’t and not look for overtime money. Pisces is the I wasn’t sure from your letter if your house is

share my concerns about her going from job sign of the peace maker and everyone loves in your sole ownership, Margaret, as I felt that

to job and man to man on a whim that I can’t her forgiving nature. I would recommend your you’d be speaking to a solicitor about putting

understand. He says she’ll sort herself out daughter to consider the police, have a look the house solely in your name. Did you inherit

when she’s ready. She has worked behind a at floristry with an eye to her own business, the house from your mother or father? Get that

bar at home and abroad, been a cleaner in likewise with hairdressing. bit sorted as soon as you can. The other point

New York, started training as a hairdresser, I do see your daughter applying to large is that the majority of homeless (in Dublin for

worked in a care home and as a trainee chef organisations (like an airline and taking the instance) are women and children. At a guess

(that one lasted all of five months) and in sales whole business very seriously; keeping in mind I’d say that the lives of the women and children

and market research to name but a few of the that she isn’t one for being tied to a desk.) My were so wretched that they moved out preferring

many low paid jobs she has thrown herself psychic instinct points her towards a language to sleep on the streets rather than suffer any

into with cheerful energy. she has already studied and may be using it as a more damage at the hands of a bully. That

A couple of her friends are working in IT tour guide, just for a while. leaves a sizeable number of abusive, bullying,

in the Middle East and are paid huge money, Romance starts in June with a man who may addicted men as sole occupant of a three or four

both only scraped a pass degree. That really not be Irish, but he is ambitious and determined bedroomed house. You get the point, I’m sure.

prompted me to write to you. to make, and take, his place amongst those with Check with a solicitor.

I love her more than anything or anyone creative imaginations and desire to become very As a matter of further interest, December born

in the world. She is beautiful, loving and well-off. Sagittarians are notoriously mean and stingy

very kind. Am I missing something? Is there Lastly Aries and Pisces rarely understand about money, property and occasionally, bills.

some way I can motivate her to face reality? each other fully, but they respect each other’s They frequently go to very determined lengths to

Do you think she will ever settle down? It is good points whilst not choosing their lifestyle. avoid paying their share of anything

beginning to wear me down and I don’t sleep Gemini has a tendency to push Pisces around so Don’t be in too much of a hurry to sell the

well anymore. it’s just as well that fair and just Aries, like you, house. There are changes taking place in the

When I asked her if she’d mind my writing her mother, has been the hands-on parent. marketplace which may suit you very well.

to you she was really amused and pleased but I’m not ignoring your feelings about the way
you’ve been treated; it’s horrible and cowardly
didn’t want to be recognised. If you do print I am married to a selfish man but
this letter would you keep our name and
have two adult sons who are very good to of your husband to behave so to the woman who

address private? me. I am dreading retiring from my job has loved him long and faithfully. But I don’t feel

Anonymous in a local hospital. My husband gambled your marriage is over. Talk to him about some

all his life; he has no money now, only his marriage counselling – go on your own if, at

You’ve found out something really important disability allowance. All he has to do with first, he has to be talked into it.

about your Pisces daughter and that is that his money is pay for the car and Sky and He has lost his way. Get one of your boys to set

money is definitely not her motivator. As 2018 gamble. I don’t give him money now so he up a tent in the back garden where he can go on

was the year of truths revealed, 2019 is the gets cross and won’t do anything at home. the nights he’s drunk and wants to shout at you.

year when realities have to be faced. Your He is lazy, now I have to get someone in to He might lose his appetite for all that ranting and

daughter’s experience of many and varied jobs paint. I do all the housework. I had a big raving.

will stand her in very good stead, showing her Contact Una... If you have an unresolved issue you need guidance on, Una may be able to help.
to be principled and hard working. What they You can write to her at Una Power, Woman’s Way, Rosemount House, Dundrum Road, Dublin 14; or email: [email protected].
also show is that she has, in the main, taken Please include your name, town, county and full date of birth. Please note, Una can only reply through this column.
jobs that don’t involve taking responsibility.


Tarot special


What do the cards have in store for you?

I am Leo and my husband is Aries. some teamwork on this situation. touched them since. Why did The us pull cards that directly link to our Illustrations by Jeffrey ompson |
Happily married, we have a nice Have an honest look at your finances. Devil keep appearing for me? experience and the more persistent
home and good kids. We’ve been How can you maintain your lifestyle ANON, VIA EMAIL a card is, the stronger its influence in
surrounded by a lot of sickness and while finding work that’s more our lives. It might be worth thinking
death within the family circle. rewarding? The Three tells me that Thank you for sharing your back to your own experiences around
We are both very fed up in our you may have tried to brainstorm experience, Anon. I’m sorry that the time you kept pulling this card.
jobs, we work long hours and about this alone, but you’ve been you had a bad experience with the Were you about to get married or
that’s all we seem to do. Neither unable to see a way forward. tarot and I’ll do my best to answer sign a new job contract? Was there
of us have any qualifications. My Brainstorming with your husband your question. The tarot is a tool that a habit that you were trying to quit?
parents are elderly and I would will help and between the two of has, unfortunately, been given a bad With a little digging you may be able
love to spend more time with you, you’ll find a way forward. You reputation over the years thanks to to see just what the card was pointing
them. Can you see any change for might be able to come up with new its portrayal in the media. We always you to. I have been reading tarot for
us on the work front? industries to investigate or ways in see tarot decks used in horror films years and I have never seen anything
MEL, CO CAVAN which you can trim your expenses to and how they’re presented is in ‘evil’ or a ‘bad omen’ in the cards,
give you a little more freedom. The a very dark, almost ‘evil’ kind of but I do understand your fear. So
The good news, Mel, is that as I was Two of Wands, up next, shows me way. The media tends to focus on many people have been misinformed
shuffling your cards, card 10, The that you come up with a creative way the perceived ‘bad’ cards like The about the deck and again, I don’t
Wheel of Fortune jumped out of the forward and the Six of Staff assures Devil, the Death card and the Tower think this is helped by its portrayal in
deck. This means that your luck is me that within the next two months, (we hear very little about beautiful, the media. Personally, I see tarot as
about to change for the better. I can you’ll have a new job which pays uplifting cards like The Star). I can a tool of empowerment and my own
see your situation clearly in our first much better and puts you in a much tell you that there is no such thing experiences with it have only ever
draw of cards: the Two of Pentacles, better position. This job will come to as a solely ‘bad’ card in the deck. been positive. Perhaps it might make
the Nine of Wands and the Five of you easily. The Knight of Cups tells Each card has both a positive and you feel better to read up on this
Wands. You’re tired, fed-up and feel me that it’s likely to land in your a negative side – and the cards card? I would highly recommend any
like you’re constantly juggling the lap from a friend or in a newspaper. themselves? They’re just cards. interpretations by Rachel Pollack,
demands of your job but not seeing Keep your eyes peeled. The result of The only power these cards have Mary K. Greer or on the Biddy Tarot
much of the pay-off for the amount this new job? More financial freedom is the power we ascribe to them. website:
of work you put in. You know that and, as the Four of Wands appears The Devil is a card that usually
something’s got to give and things next, an improved home situation appears when we have an unhelpful [email protected]?ttbrnArehYOtyEeiomsoenslsErlsouUgayeagIn,acPynngCtradodshinnsnutIsHetamtrgNvagtaoriaorros.wrannirtomeentthto:eorr
need to change, but no matter how and more time with your parents habit or addiction that we need
hard you push (Nine of Wands), which will be deeply healing for to break. It could be an addiction
things don’t seem to improve. The them and you. to self-criticism or perhaps we
Five of Wands echoes the frustration keep engaging in relationships,
that both you and your husband Many years ago, I was given a deck behaviours or attitudes that we
feel. Is there a way forward? Yes. of tarot cards as a gift. I enjoyed know are bad for us. Coincidentally,
The answer comes in the Three of playing with them. However I The Devil can also be a card
Pentacles, which is next out. This stopped when I kept drawing The associated with contracts that we
tells me that yourself and your Devil card. This terrified me and I make – think marriage or a job.
husband need to sit down and do took it to be a bad omen. I haven’t Usually our subconscious will make

PLEASE NOTE: Tarot is not designed to replace any medical or financial advice or your own free will. Tarot can guide you and show you
options of what may happen. Remember, when it comes to making choices, you are the master of your own destiny. Have a question you want Amy to answer?
Write to: Tarot questions, Woman’s Way, Harmonia, Rosemount House, Dundrum Road, Dundrum, Dublin 14 or email: [email protected]


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