As a Senior Sponsor, I deem it a privilege to work with the class as they complete their high school education and
make plans for the future. This gives me an opportunity to work with students with a different perspective from the
classroom setting.
Ruby Bundy
Senior Sponsor
"As a sponsor of the Senior Class since 1976, I have observed changes and growth in each class. The cost of
graduation for each senior has increased form $12.00 to $15.00, an increase necessitated by the rising cost of caps
and gowns and by the addition of the from the 380's to the 400's. This year's class could possibly be the iargest
since 502 graduates were measured for caps and gowns in November.
Each year preparation for graduation begins in September with the election of homeroom representatives and
class officers. In October this committee designs and selects the invitation styie, and in November and December
the seniors place their orders and are measured for caps and gowns. These orders are scheduled for delivery in
April, with each order being individually packaged for delivery to each senior. Finally, the caps and gowns are issued
the week of commencement to those seniors who have successfully completed all requirements. This 198'1 Senior
Class could be the largest class ever to walk through the graduation line on commencement evening.
Mr. Jerry Brown
Senior Class Sponsor
The role of Senior Class Sponsor has been a very rewarding experience for me. In addition to measuring for caps
and gowns and talking to Senior homerooms concerning graduation, I coordinate all the decorations and seating
arrangements for the "Big Night". One of my favorite tasks is to select and assist the Junior helpers. They are
extremely important in assuring a smooth ceremony. The best part is seeing these same students one year iater
walking across receiving their diploma.
Several years ago when I was asked to become a Senior class sponsor, I was unaware of all the hard work and
time involved. Yet,_ what a small sacrifice to make in order to be a part of a memory that will last a lifetime.
Working with the Senior Class Sponsor Team has taught me alot about dedication and commitment. Despite the
tired aching feet as the last student files across the stage to receive his "reward" of thirteen years of education, we
all realize that - Our Seniors are worth it!
Diane Sharp
Senior Class Sponsor
RUby Bund y, Diane
Sharp. Jer
The laurel County High School members of the Southeastern Kentucky All Festival All Festival Choir
Chorus were the following: (front row) Connie Proffitt, Becki Patton, Crissie Rafferty,
Michelle Young, Ladonna Williams, Beth Brewer, Stephanie Reed, Ms. Sue Jackson. •
(back row) Treasa Scalf, Catrina Proffitt, Curtis Reed, Lisa Lewis, Bo Hedrick, Kesia
Justice, David White, Steve Roberts. (not pictured, Sharon Baldwin) The members of
the Laurel County High School Show Choir were the following: (front row) Fred Laster,
Tina Oakley, Tim Tibbitts, Becki Patton, Crissie Rafferty, John Collett, Delonda
Sizemore, Steve Roberts, (back row) Curtis Reed, Amy Musick, Treasa Scalf, Wendell
Patterson, Ladonna Williams, Mark Parks. The members of first period's choir were the
following: (front row) Ms. Sue Jackson, Cathi Rafferty, Tina Oakley, Michelle Hollen,
Loretta Eversole, Melissa Brittain, Andrea Boozer, Michelle Young (middle row) Stacie
Moltrum, Patricia Parsley, Taml Brock, Angela Hensley, Emilie Duncan, Jane Brown,
Missy Hurley, Missy Blair, Collette Hammock, Joanne Day, Missy Ward, Debbie Napier
(back row) Patricia Smith, Beth Rice, Ellie Brewer, Lisa Gilbert, Amy Musick, Melanie
Bargo, Tammy Ervin, Mary Beckner, Shem Hammons, Mary Chadwell, RObyn Carber.
The members of second period's choir were the following: (front row) Barbara Adkins,
Catrina Proffitt, David White, Bo Hedrick, Ms. Sue Jackson, Terry Vaughn, Connie
Proffitt, Becki Patton (middle row) Angel White, Lori Felts, Rebecca Gaines, Curtis
Reed, John Collett, Mark Parks, Fred Laster, Kim Hedrick, Crissie Rafferty, Charlene
Helton (back row) Joann Schell, Stephanie Reed, Tim Tibbitts, Scott Woods, Wendell
Patterson. Tresa Scalf, Ladonna Williams. The members of the fifth Period choir were
the following: (front row) Mary Lewis, Angela Couch, Reena Bates, Robin Clay, Beth
Brewer, Joyce Lunsford, Monica Wells, Lisa Mercer, Celonda Sizemore, Ms. Sue
Jackson (middle row) Vickie Barnett, Karen Miracle, Tina Creech, Steve Roberts, Shane
Mosley, Scott Celk, Sharon Allen, Sheila Birchfield, Sheila Moore (back row) Pam
Sanders, Anne Madsen, Sandra Mize, Lisa Schell, Terry Vaughn, Roger Smith, Rodney
Lawson, Tina Kirby, Sherri Adkins, Linda McFarland, Daisy Hampton
Show Choir First Period
Fifth Period
Second Period
Laurel County High School
T he director of the 1986-87 choir
was Ms. Sue Jackson. (at left).
The accompanists were Sherri Ham-
mons, Stephanie Noe, and Robin Clay.
The Laurel County High School mem-
bers of the All State Chorus were the
following (below): First row: Crissie Raf-
ferty, Beth Brewer. Second row: Becki
Patton, Curtis Reed, Lisa Lewis. (Not
Pictured) Sharon Baldwin.
The band is an important part of Lau- Contest, and was named Grand Cham- We would like to congratulate Br.
rel County High School. We are very pion at the Boyle· County Marching Patlon for being named to the All 51
proud of the band and its accomplish- Band Contest. In addition, the percus- Band. We would also like to congratt
ments. This year the band played at all sion section, the Field Commanders, late the following students who WM
home ball games, participated at the and the Guard took home awards. The members of the All Regional Band: T~
University of Kentucky Band Day, was band also scored superior ratings at the
Reserved Grand Champion at the Pu- Murfeesboro Contest of Champions ceody Angel, Brian Bruner, Karen Day,
laski Country Band Contest, placed and at the Kentucky State Marching
third at the Somerset Invitational Band Band Contest. Green, Priscilla Jones, Heather McF
Beth Patlon, and Marcia Shearer.
Pictured below is Jerry Burkhart.
- - - ---
(Lett to Right) Thorn Moynahan, David Day, David McFadden, Brian Bruner, Front Row: Tanya Stallard, Terri Gaines, Gina Baker, Beth Patton, Tanya
David Hurst, Melanie Johnson Egleston, Kim Joseph. Back Row: Krista Matilainen, Sally Smith, Marcia
Shearer, Stephanie Cobb, Beth Brewer, Amy Wiggins, Kimm Dezarn, Penny
Front Row: Charles Rice. Missy Morgan, Marcus Rudder, Tina Cottett, Front Row: Tina Vaughn, Chrissy Vaughn, Jaymie Davidson, Carolyn
Houston, Karen Day, Karen Smith. Back Row: Marketta Bowling, Cindy
Rodney Tompkins. Back Row: Tim Ball, Mike Evans, Mark Sizemore, Bob Bales, Daphne Roberts, Heather McFalls, Kristy Williams, Tammy Woods,
Gayla Abner.
Slokes, Scott Brock. •
Front Row: Cindy Sizemore, Lisa Napier, Tammy Collett, Brad Brewer, Front Row: Kendra Reams, Peggy Harp. Back Row: Missy Evans, Chip
Mitchell Gass, Duane Sizemore. Back Row: Joel Marcum, Keith Clark, Begley, Kim Bundy, Roger Miller, Robin Brooks, Charles Howard, Cecil
Dewayne Shearer, Joey Baker, Adam Angel, Cecil Green, Brian Hanna, Tony Smith, Todd Bruner, Robert Rudd, Nicole Travis, Jennifer Orr, Randy Estep,
Tompkins, Rob Helton, Teddy Angel, Jason Shinn. Toby Mitchell. Jeannean Fredericks, Jamie Stidham, Terri Brantigan.
::r - -- -~ • •
-• ."
• •
-• •
(Left to Right) Mike Wilderson, Jimmy Front Row: Michelle Young. Back Row: Brian Brooks, Robert Janowski, Teresa
Frost, Freddie Williams Rob Anders, Marcus Creasey, Todd
Stopher. Collett •
i :::I
(L to R) Patricia Watkins, Tricia Stokes, Missy Combs, Shelly (L to R) Danielle Fields, Cammie Rush, Wendi Hamm, Kandi
Forbes, MaryLee Perry, Stephanie Minton, Heather Westerfield, Disney, Stephanie Robinson, Dianne Hale, Heather Johnson,
Lee Williams, Jami Westerfield, Nicole McClain, Michelle Tiffany Moody, Sherri Smith, Michelle Cornett, Becky Rush.
- ---- --
(L to R) SIeve Newbury, Jamie Jones, Benny Jones, Jerry Burkhart.
(At left) Jack Walker, band director.
(Above Top) Tim Ball and Scott Brock,
saxophonists. (Above Middle) Robert
Rudd. (Above) lee Williams.
To: the Band
From: your Field Commanders
I would like to thank you all for the joy and memories that you have
given to me. You are a great group of people. To Laurel County
Bands of the future, I wish you the best of luck. Always remember,
you have to "dream big dreams:' You're an awesome band, and I
love you all. •
Priscilla Jones
I would like to thank the band for a wonderful year. I love you all.
Regardless of how anyone feels, I believe that we did achieve to be
the BEST, and that the Laurel County High School Band will always
be on topl
Elizabeth K. Martin
... •
-" --
- .. - . -
- -.r-'::':.'.-_T~S.::k.=a:_=+..:~._-:&." ot,.J_i - . ..:. -.
--- - 0. •
.... a r +a-
(L to R): David Nevels, Scott Parker, Alan Chadwell, Jesse Proffitt, Larry Mims, Danny
• •
114 Jesse Proffit Larry Mims
-- •
David Nevels
Alan Chadwell Danny Draughn
Nancy ffU{Jhes Usa McFarland
Abbott. David Wayne - Parents: David and Mary "bOoll. Blrthdate: August 11, 1969. Football- 2. 1,2,3,4: Track -1,2,3,4: LalJn Club - 3; Who's Who Among American High SChool S!Udentl
3,4 (Honorable MenlJOl'l, All State): Key Club - 3, 4; Who's Who Among Amencan High School I will to C.A., my pencils and books: LW.• a smile and a S8flse of humor, D.G.. a shorter nose:te
parents, health and happiness: al my love to Usa Goodin.
Students - 4.1 will a ride to school ellery day 10 Dave and Marie I leave my car 10 anyone who wants
It. my big mouth 10 MISS Bowling. and all the lun I had to anyone who needs it. - AIIlp, Bobby Eugene - Parent: Amanda Miller. Birthdate: OCtober 10, 1969.
Adams, Doug Brian - Parents: Robert and Dianne Adams. Blrthdate: June 27, 1969.1 WIN my books Amokt, Lesley Ann - Parents: Luther and Linda Arnold. Birthdate: September 9, 1969. Band-
to Daniel King, my research paper to Mrs. Hammond. lhe wntlng ollhe handbook to Cathy Green, 2,3: Teens Who Care - 2: 4·H - 4.1 will Ken. all 01 my undying love; Carol Baker, my baby
and all the great times to David AbOOIl. Tim and Bo, my bullelt: Mom and Dad, thanks fOf the love and support; Missy E.. one boyfriend;
E, my friendship for Iile.
Adams, Michael Dale - Parents: Kenneth and Norma Adams. Birthdate: November 21, 1967,
Arthur, Sonjua K. - Parents: Glen and Dorothy Arthur. Birthdate: August 22. 1968. Futur& Hollo
Adams, Walter Glen - Parents: Bruce and Helen Adams. Sinhaate: January 19. 1969. I will
everything to my luture kids. makers of America - 1: Future Business Leaders of America - 4. I will all my love and thanksto
parents; 10 my cousin Cryslal. the best of times at L.C.H.S.; to K.M., may she have a dat8W1thJ
Allen, Jack Franklin - Parents: Jack and Addle Bowman. Blrthdate: July 21, 1968. Football- 1,2; someday.
Track 1. 2: Chess Club - 2. I WIll nothIng, because I have nothIng; however, I did grow up towards
the end 01 It all. I only have one regret, and that is that I had a better and wilder time. All my friends Arthur, Teddy Wayne - Parents: Wayne and Ida Arthur. Birthdate: June 15, 1969. I will my loW
know what I mean. thanks to my parents; to my little sweetheart, Sheila M., happiness and all my love.
Allen, Usa Kay - Parent: Maxme Tatman. Blrthdate: June 12. 1968. I will all my love and support to S'''''"':Aaher, Shawn Bennett - Parents: Joe and Lorraine Asher. Birthdate: June 12, 1968.
aU my Irl9nds, eSpecially Tonya Bruner. Carmen Bruner, Barbara Jones, and Melissa Botton, who
were thef"e when I needed them. Thanks to al the teachers fOf thetr support and confidence. Class President FBLA - 2, 3. 4; FCA - 1, 2, 3, 4; Freoch Club - 3: Student Council Vo!untMl-
Allen, Paul Wayne - Parents: Dale and Jean Allen. Blrthdate: November 30, 1969. Football - 1, 2, 3. 4: Choir - 3; Footbal - 1. 2 (Most Valuable PlayElf, Tfi.County Player 01 the week IWJCe 1
3. Key Club - 4. I will my bug, my cowboy boots and spurs, my black leather jacket, and my pioneer (captaIn); Football All Time Leading Rusher; Track - 1,2.3 (broke schOol track record in 100
stereo to Scott TaylOf; to KImberly Jo, all of my love and good times. dash), 4 (captaIn). I will to Jill Elza, my love IOfever, a POfsche944, a cruise to the Bahamas; 10
BoWling. a 4-wtleet drive truck: to KeVin Marcum, Pam CoNee; Earnest Thompson, a newdoorb
Allen, Sharon K. - Parents: E.L. and Maggie Allen. Blrthdate: September 6, 1968. I will all my love to Bronco; William White, his own body-bullding gym; Ed House, a bigger body to lit his big
my frelnds, and support to my cousins; Usa, Marlene. and Pam, may your lives be fullilled with love
and jOy. I will all my good looks to Wayne Fetters. Bailey, Duane Neal - Parents; Dennis and Anita Jones. Birthdate: September 24, 1969.
Allen, William Royd - Parents: Freddie and Bonnie Allen. Birthdate: May 7, 1969. Cross Country - Baker, Carol Gail - Parent: Marsha Baker. Birthdate: August 19, 1969. Chorus - 2, 3: Y
Historians - 3: 4-H - 3. I will Terry Abner all 01 the parties and places that Darlene and I ha~e
to; Darlene Collins, all of the places that we have meandered into; Pam, another 28th; to Lezley,
pinky ring: to all my friends. success in life.
"',GIRI Michelle - Parents: Gerald and Carol Baker. Birthdate: December 29. 1969. Band - 1, Boggs, Barbara Kay - Parents: Arthur Biship and Launia Boggs. Birthdate: March 15, 1969.
13', Speech and Drama Club- 3, 4; Speech Team - 4; Young Republicans Club -1, 2, 3.1 will Boggs, Christopher Wayne - Parents; Glenn and MarjOfie Boggs. Blrthdate: September 12. 1969.1
will aD of my telltbooks to the students that wUl follow me.
• MtoBarry C.: to Mom and Dad. thanks for all the support; to Beth Brewer, another night out;
Boggs. Wyona Lynn - Parents: Earl and Daphne Boggs. Blrthdate: June 29, 1969, Art ClUb - 1,
mlAs a new blue sweat outfit; to Kelly, a new wardrobe. FSLA - 4. I wil Kathy MC)(gan aI the luck WIth all of the many boys that she faDs in love With every
.... JttI O. - Parents: Henry and Barbara Baker. Birthdate: May 7. 1969.
Bowling, Elizabeth Ann - Pareots: Homer and Sara (Cornelius) Bowling. Blrthdate: 5eptember 27.
.... KelyRenee - Parents: Billy and VIOla Baker. Birthdate: 5eptember4. 1969. Chorus - 3. 4; 1969. Young Republicans - 1,2: Cheerleader - ,. 2, 3, 4; Football Homecoming Queen - 4,
F9dlClG-3: Agape - 4. IwWI Greg Hodges all my love; to Mom and Dad, a long, happy life: my Student Council - 3, 4: Agape - 4; Teens Who Care - 1, 2, 3; FCA - 4; Speech and Drama Club
- 3; Pep Club - 4. I will Amy the ability not to get caught and thanks lor all the great times and
. . IOITII common sense: to Gina. a new car. friendship to "Hoot", the ability to "get up": D,BA, Sand T; to J.P,S my fishing pole; to the BVC's,
good luck always; to Susan and Denise, our S-talks; to David, my love; to Searcey, a beautiful life.
. . ., KImberly Kay - Parents: Ernest and Shirley Baker. Birthdate: August 29, 1969. Industrial
olnI-3; DECA - 4.1 will all my love and appreciation to my mom and dad: to Gary Hoskins, I love Bowling, Randal - Parents: Earl and Sue Bowling. Blrthdate: June 8, 1969. FFA - 2. 3. 4. I will
yDI, to MISSy Shifflett, a black ·velte.
everything to my family.
.... M.llnda Gayle - Parents; Rufus and Joyce Baker. Birthdate: March 12, 1968.1 will all my
pd\llTleS to my friends and I hope all of them have as much fun as I did (which wasn't much) and all Bowling, Roger Wayne - Parents: Wayne arid Flo BoWling. Blrthdate: July 4,1969. Who's Who
., lDvIlO my parents.
Among American High School Students - 3. I will all of the fun and headaches to the senlOfclass of
.... Amy LOfetta - Parents: Denny and Alta Bales. Birthdafe: November 24, 1969. Band - 2,
hnlClG- 3; Young Republicans -1.1 will B.B., "one more Puff": B.F. and B.W" "happy Wves
thWRedhounds"; Roy D.• a happy life with me; K.M.• good luck with Greg; Rhonda H .• someone Bo'llllling, Stepllanie - Parents: Barbara and Roy Bowhng. Blrthdate: February 2, 1969. Softball, 3,
4: FCA - 4; Agape - 4; Teens Who Care - 3; latin Club - 2; Student Council - 3. 4. I wiR my
1IIlDc.l m up to her standards; S.D. and O.M.• happy lives with their special someones: Mom and
fishing pole to BB. Js, sM: to KE, a problem solver: to TR, the ability to make up her mind; to JG. a
DIe IhIMs tor everything.
taxi serviee; to AC. TV, TJ, GJ, PT, decent boylnef'lds.
.... Rogef L - Parents: Clarence and Mae Bales. Birthdate: ApOl16. 1969. I will to Arick the
10 n:iI a motorcycle like mysetl; to any sophomofe, my broken locker. Bowling, Stephen - Parents: Roy and Velma Bowling. Blrthdate: February 2. 1969. Key Club. To
Mike Eversole. a Red Sovine album; to Chris Irvine, a new Blanton Lumber Cap: to MISS Bowling, a
.... s.ptlen Harold - Parents: Harold and Carolyn Bales. Blrthdate: June 11. 1969. Beta Club real smile; and Stephen Roberts arid Ernest Thompson to Mr. Wilhoit.
,-~'..'.(PresIdent); Student Council - 2 (representative), 3 (1 st Vice PresiOent), 4 (President); Bowling, Tim - Parents: Ernest and Evelyn Bowling. Blrthdate: May 23, 1968. I will everything I own
- 1, 2. 3, 4; Geometry Math Bowl Team Winner 2; Mu Alpha Theta - 2. 4: FBLA - 3; to Tina Napier and what's lelt to my mother, lather, and brother, Thomas; to Smiley Mike Belt, my
private jet.
NlIorClass President; Senior Class President. I will John David a can of skoal; Stephan a Corvette:
Ancnw lnother amp and two new live II nines: and R.W. a lot of love and friendship and J.O., and Bowman, Jamel D. - Parents: Frank and Della Bowman. Birthdate: December 1, 1969. I will all the
IIoD (Cob) good luck nellt year (you'll need it). wild times to DH. RB, RB. BAB. ad EP: to MM. all my draltlng ability; to RB, MP, TB. arid Smiley, all of
my girl watching.
........... Edward - Parents: Ronnie and Mazie Ball. Birthdale: February 27, 1969. Beta Club-
Boykin. Ric:llard William - Pareots: RiCky and Unda Boykin. Blrthdate: September " 1969. JROTC
U Mu Alpha Theta - 2, 3, 4; Computer Club - 2. I will to Melissa Robinette arid Kaye Baker, a marathon in Dayton. Ohio - 4,
_and orgaruzed locker just like this year (86-87): to Benjamin Jones, someone to throw rocks at
Bnmtigan. Deni.. Lynn - Parents: Richard and Marueen BranlJgan. Birthdate: May 19. 1969. Track.
..... l1egets too upset; to Mr. Smith, a computer classs just as fun as his Computer II class (86- - 2. 3: FFA - 4: Speech Team - 4. I will all my nutntlOUS school lunches to Kim so she won't die of
'" starvc;tJOO: to Cynoe, my soccer ball.
.... TlIIOthr R. - Parents: Herb and Meta Ball. BIMhdate: May 16, 1969. Band - 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Bray. Jeffrey Blaine - Parents: Ernest and Faye Bray. Blrthdate: July 17, 1969. Computer ClUb - 2,
l)aJ - 4, Drama Club - 4; Young Republicans - 3: 4-H - 1. I will the generations to come, an 3; Computer Team - 3, 4: Chess Club - 4. I will all the headaches of math class to whoever wants
them: to Larry, the magical sweatpants.
_graduatIOn party WIthout getting sick or paSSing oul; to Lezley AIl'lOtd. a tOp to San OtegO,
Brewer. Bethrla Joy - Parents: Jack and Connne Brewer. Blrthdate: December 25, 1969. Concert
" Choir - 4; All Festival Choir - 4; All State Choir - 4; Beta Club - 4: French Club - 3, 4; FHA - 4,
Drama Club -3. 4; Mu Alpha Theta - 3; Marching and Concert Band -2.3, 4: Agape Outreach-
.... Vldoria Ann - Parents; Darrell and JoAnn Ball. Blrthdale: December 2. 1969. 4-H Club - 1. 2. 4; Student Council Volunteer - 3. I will to Cnssie Rallerty, a trip to LouiSVille, a 97% on All State
S/AIporter), 4; Color Guard - 1; Marching Band - 1.2; Cholr - 2: Pep Band - 2; Career Club- Choir, and my "Brownie" bomb car: for the junlC)(. Stephanie Bowling, my French elltra credit; to my
I. F11A- 2, Young Republicans Club - 3; Woo's Who Among American High School Students - 3. brother Brad, good grades; 10 Gina Baker, a tnp to Sweet Hollow for aerobics; to Suzanne Black, all
of the "gIrl chase the guy" parts ,n Play Prodocbon.
tolhe!uture students of Auto Mechanics, my ability to fill a car; to Michelle Wyatt, my handbook
~wer,Sandra - Parents: Sam and Bue/Ila BrewBf. Blrthdate: February 20, 1969 French Club - 2,
1II1lOW to be a loser; to Oelonda, my ability to keep a boyfriend: to my brother, my hall pass and great 3; 4-H Club - 2 (Secretary). I wilt all the tImes I had at LCHS to my brother Sam. to Doyle Jones, a
Coke every day 6th perIOd; to Melissa Johnson, thanks for being a greatlnerld; thanks to my parents
"'11 LCHS.
for thatr support.
iIIINft, MiII;elH - Parents: Danny and Sandy Barrett. Birthdate: May 12, 1968.
Brock. Norman Dewayne - Pareots: Bobby af'ld Carolyn Brodl. Blrthdate: September 6, 1969.1 Will
...... Manetta - Robert H. and Billie F. Barton. BiMhdats: June 30 1969. Band - 1; Young the good and bad times to David Mays, who will be alone nellt year; to Roome Adkins. more than
three students nellt year.
3; FBLA - 3, 4.1 will to Mother and Daddy. thanks for all the love and support: to MS.
Brock. Shane Gregory - Parents: Bill and Jean Brock. Birthdate; May 30, 1969. Basketball-l, 2:
1tI_1 LIt to Garon, two more locker buddies like PC and me; to PC, a "Prince": to KM. PC and Baseball- 1.2. I will Kevin Marcum the courage to ask Pam out again: to the hortaculture class, my
ability at odd and even: to Smiley, a dip of "toal": 10 Ron Adkins, the ability to grow beller and bigger
,uOW'ltwsernce; to sB, "Guess"; to Qt, I love ya; to John, all my love and many more memones; weeds; to TA, to pay me my money.
..... dlSS 0187. good luck - we'll need it.
Brock Shane Wesley - Parents: Larry and Jewell Brock. Blrthdate: April 9, 1969. Basketball- 1.2.
"""'Jlymil COLLETIE - Parents: Sam and Lana Begley. Birthdate: August 1, 1969. latin Club I will Jeff Gaines a dip of skoal and my ability at 7 card, to Squirt, some visine and a 35 from the
branch: to TraVIS, a built In cooler for the Dunebog; all my love to Dana Rachelle Wilson.
-23 Beta - 3, 4; Young Historians - 4 (Vioe-PresiOent): Agape - 4; FCA 4: 5oftball- 3, 4;
Brooks, Brian David - Parents: Shirley Bryn and Randall Brooks. Blrthdate: May 22, 1969. Baf'ld -
lInl-l.2.3, Who's Who Among American High School $tudeots-3, 4.1 win toN.C.• a Snickers•
..... ;atorade, and anottlefdance with K.'·body": to H.s•• a real man; toC.B., 8 bigger set; to D.S., a 1.3,4; Young Historians - 2.1 wi. Mr. Malley the best of luck; goocIluck to Ms. Hammond. Mr.
cflU'leI6l11t; to B.B.• "ker-ehlng"; K."body", a pair of 501 Blues (one size to small) and 1,000 paper
WalkBf. Coach Polly, Mr. Karr. af'ld Mrs. Pratt.
. . . A B and B.B" a new locker; J.K .• Whitney's hairstyle; D.N.• J.B:s bod; G.W., some "B.s,'·;
II.PRH, JE., SA, and J.K.. some well-done pizza; to OW.. a ··two-tone." Brooks, Robin Denise - Pareots: Ben and Jewell Brooks. Blrthdate: January 28. 1969. Band - 1,2.
3, 4; Young Republicans - 2. 3; Speech and Drama - 3. I WIll Kym my frl8ndship fC)(ever and a
.... Mlcllael "nttwnr - Parents: Elbert and Joann Belt. Birthdale: OCtober 10, 1968. FFA Club. I beeper; to Peg, a Cougar car and happiness: Mr. Walker. lots 01 thanks; to the percussIOn sectlOfl.
anothBf all girl "BO" 'ine; to Sean Swinney, all my love; to Mom. Dad. lisa. and Samuel, thanks and I
.. my great smile to all good friends that I leave behind. , love you.
....., carolyn Gail - Odell Benge and Louise Benge. Birthdate: September 10, 1969. Young Brown. Bobby W. - Parents; Patsy Brown and Charles Brown. Birthdate; January 23,1969.1 Will
everyone the right to party.
lliwIloaalS - 1, ZZ Club - I, 2, 3. I Will all of my love to David and Natasha; all of the fun I've had at
Brown, Nancy Marie - Parents: Cecil and Olivia Brown. Birthdate: April 27. 1969. I will Robin
l.DtS to Teresa: to AegJ08 and A.J .• all the happiness that they can starld; to Sherry, Lori. and Brooks. a CalaiS and Sean; to Dellteo, Dellenity; to Brian a braJO; all my love to my sister and my
mom and dad.
......... d of.&he fun and wild tllTleS that they can find to get inlo.
Brummett, Artie Evelyn - Parents: CalVIn and Evelyn Brummett. Blrthdate: Apr~ 10, 1967. I will
Doug". -.... l.anny Parents: Kenneth and JanICe Benge. Birthdate: July 24, 1969. I will, to
KeVin Burns to go out on a date With me and get maffled; to John Cawood. a loss (as a fneod).
~ FRey. aI of the snap on calendars so he can tilt head some more. •
Brummett, Danny Dale - Parents: Frank and Sue Brummett. Blrthdate: OCtober 28. 1968.
~Ooyt Edward - Parents: Doyle and Janet Bentley. Blrthdate: DecemOer 1S, 1969.1 wi. all 01
Brummett, Florette - Parents: Charles and Sue Brummell. B.rthdate: OCtober 15. 1969.1 will an my
IllI'wlxalSeS toRchard Best: to Todd Cobb, I leave all of mycheatsheets because he is my hero. good tunes to Randy, Donald, Bnan: my body to the graveyard.
1lillIIy, plfMla Dawn - Pareots: Bill and Brenda Bentley. Birthdate: January 25, 1969. laM ClUb Bruner. Anthony Craig - Parents: Ronnie and Trula Bruner. Blrthdate: September 26, 1969.1 will my
- ZIVa PresIdent), 3: Young HlstC)(lans. 4 (President): Academic Team - 3, 4; Junior HomBfoom wildest and craziest nights to Travis, Shane, Jell, and George "Possum" Jones.
""";sentllIVe; SemC)( Homeroom Representative: Who's Who Among American High School
$tuGrIts -4.1 Will to Laura and Raquel, a boyfriend from Clay County; to David G., a shirt and a pair Bruner. Carmen Maria - Parents: Jeanette Vater and William Bruner. Birthdate; October 1, 1968.
OI1I'1oes that match; to Carol and Darlene. Marvin Asher: I will my love and gratitude to C. Hess and Tennis - 2, 4; Drama - 1; Teens Who Care - 4. I will Jackie S., David B., Kyle J., and Bruce N., a
_ lOt' being my h'elong friends: to CAB, NC, and OBH. another greal party; to Dalyn, another "grear' junior and senior year, and thanks lor making study hall so much fun; to Tonya B, Usa A, and
the rest of my Iriends, a great fUlure 'ull 0' love and happiness: to my mom. all the love and thanks In
-ondIr!ullockermate: to Stacy, as much fun as I've had; to Jaynie, an evening with the man of her the world; to TB or CB, the greatest and most gorgeous "AAG" in the world and my eternal love.
ctwns. to the Academic Team and coaches. the best of luck: to my mom and dad all of my love.
. . . ~, Lori Katherine - Parents: Tefry Bernhold arid Nancy Dewesse. Blrthdate: February 13,
, . TterlsWhoCare - 2: Young Republicans - 3.1 Will all my love to Allen Lynn MiIIBf: to Klmber1y
"""Baker and Mary Beth Marshall, you're great friends - the bestest; to all 01 my friends ~ke sH.
58 CB 06, DRH, EP, KM (Red), GL(LO). LC (flossl8). have a great time "havlng lun"; PHG's be
cn'v f al d possible.
. . . 1tIdIetd Alfondo - Parent: Margaret Best. Blrthdate: December 16. 1968. ZZ Club: 4-H Club.
.... htt L - Parent: Barbara Bieker. Blrthdae: March 8, 1969. Chess Club - 4. Computer
ad R I~, Sheila Ann - Pareots: James C. and Bonnie Birchfield. Blrthdate: April 30. 1969.
lIitlbnIhip, James Randy - Parents: Virgil and Janie Blankenship. Blrthdate: May 6, 1966.
"'enahip, Tanya Lea - Parents: Edgar and Rachel Blankenship. Birthdate: May 10, 1969. FBLA
-2 3, ,: Yearbook Stafl- 1,2: Young Republicans - 3. I will to BH, all the good times I have had at
l.OlS.tomy parents, all my love and thanks for the support that you have given me: to everyone, the
1M cA Jesus Chnsl.
- Clontz, Earl Dean - Parents: Millard and Elsie Clontz. Blrthdate: July 3, 1969.1 will all of my per5Ol1
Bruner, John Sherman - Parents; Jack C. and Thelma B. Bruner. Birthdate: March 10, 1969, I will to belongings to Pam Johnson and Barbie Lawson; all my heartaches and burdens to Glenn Clar'l.
Robert Teague, a real girlfriend: to Kevin Elza. Ihe ability to touch the nel: to Fuzzy. a sling: to Hoot, a will to Richard: my corn to Mr. Yaden: my cat to Mrs. Hammond: my pups to Richard Chlk;len.
real attitude: 10 Marc D. and SIeve F., half 01 my Physics grade; to all baseball players, a piece of
cheese; to Ray Gee and Stepnen. my academic al'ld athletic ability; to Martha and Kelly, my ability Clontz, Gerald Keith - Parents: Millard and Elsie Clontz. Birthdate: May 27, 1968, I will II
wIth the opposite sex; 10 V.G., a real truck like mine; to most girls, ME. Classes and headaches to my girlfriend, Myria - I've made it and now irs your tum: good
Myria, I love you.
Bruner, Robert Shane - Parents: BoOby and Unda Bruner. Bn1hdate: OCtober 31, 1968. I will to
Georgene Patton, my love and loyalty forever. CoHey, Pamela Michelle - Parents: Reed and Carol Coffey. Birthdate: May 5, 1969. Cheerleader-
1,2,3,4: Teens Who Care - 1; Young Republicans - 2: FBLA - 3.1 will Marietta Barton, the
Bruner. Rocky Lee - Parent Keith Brutlef. Birthdale: August 18, 1969. I wll all the luck 10 the friendship ever; to Kelli Moore, another trip to KI: Garon 5earcey, a great locker buck:ly: to II
students of the fulure, because at this school. you'll need It. senIOr cheerleaders, good luck with everything; thanks to TM, SB, MB for a great year: to Ms. B
great Mfe: Kevin Marcum, no moe phone caDs; Robyn Sibert we're better off.
Broner, AonnJe Lane - Parents: Ronnie and Trula Bruner. Birlhdate: July 27, 1968. I wil all of my
Cole, Chadd Byron - Parents: Letch Cole and Patsy Burnett. Birthdate: January 3,1969. Art
love to Rhonda, and to Chuck Broughton, another trip to the State Tournament. - 1, 2 (Reporter), 4.1 will my brain to Doug Adams (he's going to need one in college); my
Bruner, Todd - Parents: Orville and Jennifer Bruner. Birthdate: January 21, 1969. Marching Band- collection to Jesse Proffitt (crank it up).
I, 2, 3, 4; 1986 Governor's SCholar; Math Team - 1.2,3; Computer Team - 1. 2, 3, 4; French Club
- 1, 2. 3: Mu Alpha Theta - 2, 3, 4: Beta - 3, 4; Section Leader of Percussion - 4: Who's Who a..Collett, John Carson - Parents: Bob and Wanda Collett. Footbal; Show Choir. I will to Glenn
Among Amencan High SChool Students - 4; National Ment Commended 5choIar - •.
my grace and good looks; to Coach Polly, my smile; to Miss Cornett, my sense of humor. to
Bruner, Tonya E, - Parenls: Kenneth and Maxine Bruner. Birthdate: November 13, 1969.1 will all my Hedrick, my voice.
friendship to Lisa Allen ar'ld Carmen Bruner; all my love to Coach Polly, who helped me make it
through high school; to all 01 my other friends, I love you all and thanks. Collins, Billie Darlen - Parents: W.M. and Wanda Collins. Blrthdate: May 5,1969. Cardinal Clasat
Stall - 4; French Club - 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club - 2, 3 (Secretary), 4; HOSA - 4 (Secretary); Bei
Bullard, David Keith - Parents: Earl and Belly BUllard. Birthdate: February 28, 1969. Baseball- I, Club - 4: representative for LCHS at Regional and State Foreign Language Festival- 3, 4: Wh:
2 (All Region), 3 (All Districl), 4; Most Talented - 4. I will all my love to Veronica and Josh: to Don Who Among American High School Students - •.
Molihan, the will to lose 20 pounds and a 161n 1: gracefulness to Darin Mc: to Mom and Dad, peace
Cope, Lenora Faye - Parents: Faye Murray and Myles Cope. Blrthdate: April 30, 1969. I will ••
Bullard, Veronica Gayle - Parents: Robert and Connie Reid. Blrthdate: July 29, 1969. Regional love to Jimmy Floyd; to Gail and Shannon, all the luck in the world: to Lori B and Allen M, ••
Speech Team - " 2, 3, 4; State Speech Team - 1, 3, 4: 4-H Club - 1 (Secretary): Speech and happiness and all the J's they can comprehend: to Vicky K and Johnny G, an everlasting MIlt
Drama Club - 2 (Reporter): Young Republicans - 2: FBLA - 4; Senior Class Reporter. I will David
ar'ld Josh all my love; to KG, a wedding: to RH, Lexington Mall: TOE, a happy life: BG, a boyfriend: Corey, Waylon Clyde - Parents: Clyde and Betty Corey. Birthdate: January 19, 1969,
MS, a new boss: Whitney E, Joshua B, ar'ld Brian E, four great years 01 hlQh school.
• Cornett, linda Mare - Parents: Dean and Alice Cornett. Birthdate: OCtoer 1, 1969. French CIub-
Burch, Julia - Parents: Walter H. and Joanne Burch. Birthdate: July 13, 1969. FHA - 1 (Treasurer):
Teens Who Care - 2; French Club - 4: Chorus - 1: Who's Who Among American High School 1,2: Who's Who Among AmeriCan High SChool Students - 4; HOOOfable Mention in Science F.-
Students - 3.1 will toAllen Asher, all my love, and a great senior year: to TI and LP, great high school 1, I will CM and SF the best one yet: to MF, a patient and understanding husband: to KM, SH
years and thanks fOf being there; to LM, thanks 'Of listening.
faMilde, my everlasting love and devotion. to EH, f()(ever happiness With JC; my parents, I love
Burdine, Tonya Jean - Parenls: David and Brenda Caldwell. Birthdate: February 7. 1969. Yearbook
Staff - 2. I win Bnan a braln: Sarah a new car and a trip to Florida: Jowanna and Jennifer, may all Cornett, Schery Wynae - Parents: Elmer and Martha Cornett. BlI1hdate: February 2, 1969.1
your dreams come true: thanks to my parents IOf everything they've done fOf me: to all of my fnenc!s, Tony a happy marriage; Susan, a place by Bill's pool: SheIy, a new boyfriend; a big hug for my
a lot of great tmes. a~ daddy.
Burgan, Oexler Lee - Parents: Garland and Mary Burgan. Birthdate: September 13, 1969. FBLA- Cottongim, Keith Todd - Parents: Larry and Elaine Cottongim. Birthdate: August 8, 1969. DECA-
2: Teens for Chnst -1 (President). I will my friendship and good times to my friends, Laurie, "Poge", 4 (Treasurer). t will thank.s to all of my teachers. Mom and Dad. and myseH; to all the 4-wheeIM
JR, SCott, and everyone else in homeroom: all my love to CVNB: my appreciation to my teachers; all LCHS, the ultimate mud bog; to T. Lewis, the basketball goals at Sublimity.
my friendship, appreciation, and love to my mom and family.
Cunagin, Cheryl Adele - Parents: Ron and Janice Cunagin. Blrthdate: May 22, 1969. Beta
Burkhart, Daniel - Parents: John and Betty Burkhart. Birthdate: April 16, 1968, Cralts Club; Math Bowl Team; Yearbook Staff: Co Editor: Latin Club, 2: Mu Alpha Theta 2, 3; St
Council Volunteer 2: Beta Club 2, 3; Math Bowl Team 2: Jr. Marshall Governor Cup CompetltlOl'l,
Bums, Keith G, - Parents: Troy and Sue Burns. Birthdate: March 12, 1969.1 will Pee Wee, a real hair Jr. Homeroom Representative; Runner-up State Beta Club English Competition, 3; Who's Wile
cut: to Steven Robert, some fingernail clippers; to Wayne Rudder, all the wool next year. American High School Seniors, 4; Kentucky Distinguished Scholars, 4: National Merit Finalist. •.
all my teaches I will sincere appreciation. I will a whole new wardrobe In her favorite shade of green
Burna, Kevin Dale - Parents: Troy and Sue Burns. Birthdate: March 12, 1969. I will Patricia, a little J.A.D.; To S,B. I will my southern accent; to B.B. I will an endless supply of chocolate chip CookIeS
bit of truth: to Carmon, my body. eat while watching Miami Vice.
Buttrey, Carolyn Sue - Parents: Thomas and Betty Buttrey. Birthdate: August 26, 1969. Art Club- Davidson, Jayme Annene - Parents: Dixie Lee and James H. Davidson, Birthdate: July 3, 1911
1, FFA - 3, 4.1 will Angie and Joan my undying friendship; to Kim and Sheila, lots 01 luck in the years Band - 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club -1; Drama Club - 1; Latin Club - 2: Ubrary Club - 3 (Preside!'"
to come: 10 Ricky E, a blue pair of undershorts; to Mom and Dad, my love forever. All Festival Band - 4; representatie of Ubrary Club in Miss LCHS - 3.1 will toJen, a WI pieceofl
to Cheryl, a prize winning Clydesdale: to Daffy, a slumber party: to Priscella, a pet mule; all my
Buttery, Patty Melissa - ParenlS: Pitt and Waneta Buttery. Birthdate: OCtober 29,1969. I will all my and thanks to Mom and Dad,
love to Pete M anet MiCkey R: all my wild tImes to Unda B, Rick B, David H, Ronnie R, Donnie S, Herby Davis, Tony - Parent; Anna Davis. Birthdate: May 9, 1969. Baseball manager - 2, 3. 4: Ba"""
manager - 4; FFA - 4: Vocational Careers Club - 2. I will my Corvette to '·Fuzzy" McFa<klen
B. Pete M. and MICkey R.
my good tlmes to aM my friends: all my women to Doug Deaton; ability to eat to Tim Hill so he W1I
Campbell, Usa Michelle - Parents: Bea and LOIS Campbell. Birthdate: September 11. 1969. Mu
Alpha Theta - 2, 4; Young Republicans - 2, 3: Lalln Club - 3; SCIence Club - 4: Band - 3; Who's weight.
Who Among Amencan High School Students - 4; second runner up MISS LCHS - 4. I will Latishia
another car in a mudhole on a deserted road: Priscilla. a stolen bus; laura, real toenails; Todd, the Deaton, Douglas Craig - Parents: Charles and Faye Deaton. Blrthdate: June 23, 1969. French
abrlily to teiliunny jokes; Kyle, another seIf-done halrcut; Robin, the best of luck in lhe luture: to the
Special SIX, thr wonderful memories we've shared. - 1: Vocational Careers Club - 2: FFA - 4: Parleet Attendance - 3. I wiH al of my good tllTM!SlO
of my freeinds. especially Tony Davis, David Abbott. Ketth Collonglm, Kevin Elza, and
Carpenter, John Michael - Parents: Nomae and Johnny Carpenter. Blrthdate: July 6, 1967. I win
everyone the fight to party. Brock: my car to Jasper·s Junk Yard; my brown-nosing to my Ag-Buddies: my love to my mom
Cawood, John W. - Parents: William and Reba Cawood. Birthdate: OCtober 31, 1969. I wilt the dad,
curse of Artie to all who have homeroom in the library next year,
Dezarn. Kimberly Lynn - Parents: BiN and Marris Dezarn, Birthdate: Apr~ 22, 1969. Teens
Champion, Oma-Alliene - Parents: Alberta and Richard Champion. Birthdate: March 22, 1969.1 will Care - 2; FBLA - 4; Band - 1, 2,3, 4. I will to Carolyn H, a special thanks for being a great
Mr. Wilhoit's class to Christopher Robinson and all 01 my love to Bennie Burl Hutton. friend; to Penny J and Amy W, thanks for all the good times on our trips; and to my mom and dad.
my love for the support you have given me.
Chesnut, Randy Ray - Parents: Arnold and Joy Chesnut. Birthdate: May 26,1968. I will my soul to
rock-n·rOII. Doan, Charles - Parents: Chester and Shirley Ooan. Birthdate: March 29, 1969. Football-3,4
will all of my love and my heart to Amy Damron.
Chesnut, Rhonda Sue - Parents: Rodney and Brenda Chesnut. Birthdate: December 8. 1969.
Frel'lCh - 2,33 ,4; FBLA - 3, 4.1 will to all my friends, the best 01 luck and I hope they accomplish Elkins, Mary Susanna - Parents: Mary and John Elkins. Blrthdate: June 27, 1969.
everything they want in lile: to Lesia, Donnie, Gina, as much fun s I have had; to my parents, my love
and respect: to that one guy, my love, Elza, Kevin PaUl - Parents: Paul and Judy Elza. Birthdate: December 3,1968. Young Republicwl
- 2, 3; FCA - 3: FBLA - 3; Who's Who Among American High School Students - 4: Basketbal-
Childers, Richard Undsey - Parents: Rex and Mattie Childers. Blrthdate: August 14, 1969. VICA- l. 2 (Field Goal % Award), 3 (Offensive Award. Free Throw % Award, McDonald's All Tourna
3; Who's Who Among American H'9h School Students - 3. I will all the hard times to the Peppy Team), 4 (McDonald's All Tournament Team, Tennessee Tech basketball camp five man AI
Bunch: an the good times to my friends; the good looking gIrls to Ted. Team, listed in top 5 in Region in KY High School Baskelbal Yearbook and in Cawood Ledford's
Basketball Yearbook). I will to Glenn, the ability to shoot a basketball: to Debbie, the ability to
Ctartl, Bonnie Lou - Parent: Doris Clark. Blrthdate: November 19, 1969. I will to Angie Joseph, real clothes; to Pena Davis, a box 01 tongue depressors; to Sherri H.. a new camera; to Tim H~
Teresa Osbourne, Mary McKnight. MiCheOe Carpenter, and Susan Benge, a great senior year; to all ability to shoot the jump I'loolI shot; to Robert T., the Somerset chidt: to Kyle, my shooting abiity
my fflends, good luck in everythlflg. my #14 jersey; to Paige, all my love; to my friends, good luck in the luture and God Bless.
Clartl, Kenneth Glenn - Parents: Kenneth and Glenda Clartl. Blrthdate: september 18, 1969, Elu, Lon! JiIl- Parents: Shirley Surface and James D. Etza. Birthdate: January 5, 1969. ChQIr-
Footban - 1: BasebaM -1: Chess ClUb -2; OECA -3; Young Historians Club -3: Who's Who
Among American High School Students -3.1 will everything to Richard Childers that the homeroom Show Choir - 3: All FestIval Choir - 3: Students Council Volunteer - 2, 3, 4; FBLA - 2.
wills to me: to SQueak, the ability to meet one glrt at a time; to Mrs. Melton, another 2nd period like
thls one: to Mega T., another successful mission to Pluto; to Ream (PT), good luck next year. (secretary), 4: FCA - 2, 3 (Secretary). 4; Basketbaft - " 2. 3: representative 01 FCA in Miss l
- 3: representative of FBLA In Miss LCHS - 4. I wil Shawn Asher al my love and a 10
Clarll:, Richard Lee - Parents: Filmore anet Peggy Clarll. Birthdate: May 28, 1968. I will my hunting bouncing baby running back; to Kelly Smith, my ability to shoot: Kelty Pendergraft to be the first
and fishing to Todd BOwling. In space: Gumby, a trip to "Disney" World; Beth Ann. a man for 2 months; to my brother, On
mustache; to Jaymie B., John Bon Jovi; to Hambooe, a new bone; to Joey K, an ice box cake:
Clay, Robin lee - Parents: Gary and Betty Clay, Birthdate: February 20,1969. Band - 1,2,3: and Marla, gossip.
Chorus - 4: Mu Alpha Theta - 3, 4; Young Republicans - 2; Who's Who Among American High
School Studnets - 3. I will to Mrs. Melton, more patience: to Mrs. Hammond, another entertaining Garrett, Mr.rty Lee - Parents: Donnie and Connie Garrett. Birthdate: August 27, 1969. I wi
2nd period; to Ms. Jackson, a grand piano; Sandy M, my piano talent; and God's love to JB and every locker to Stan; my talloo to White Tiger Tattooing: all my thanks to my ·'sis", Jo: Todd Deaton.
one of my friends. of gas and a reservation in driving school.
Gibson, William David "Hoot" - Parents: Larry and Tonia Riley. Blrthdate: September 2, 1ge'!
Football - 1,3 (Honorable Mention), 4 (All State): Basketball - 1,2,3 (Best Defense Award).i
Baseball- 1,2,3, (All District), 4: Drama Club - 3; FCA - 4 (President). I will my homeroom ~
good luck in lhe fulure: 10 Miss Bowling, an air pump and some linger nails; Mrs. Hammond, the Hampton, John Paul- Parents: Carl and Joyce Hampton. Birthdate: April 25, 1968. ZZ Club: VICA
10 talk slow; to all the coaches, another athlete ~ke me; 10 Coach Broughton, the abiUty 10 Club.
.:en to the Beastie Boys; Craig. the ability to date one gir1 al a time; Roger. lhe abi~ty to graduate; Harp, Peggy Ann - Parents: Ken and Ramona Harp. Blrthdale: May8, 1969. Band - 1,2,3, 4. I will
to Judy Stacy, an everlastll'lQ lriendship; to Mr. Walker, a WIn at Murfreesboro next year; to the
Joey K to shut up; all my love and happiness 10 my friends. percussion section, lhe best 01 luck: to RR, tt'le best in lite: to Robin and Jamie S.• thanks IOf makIng
my senior year special: 10 Mike Evans, all my love: to Mom and Dad, thanks for everything - I love
Gibert, Kelll Amanda - Parents: Jennings and Greta Gilbert. Birthdate; January 9, 1969. Beta - 4: you.
FBLA - 3, 4; Mu Alptla Theta - 2: Young Republicans - 2: Basketball Homecoming Queen - 4. I Harris, James Clayton - Parents: Nora and Clark Hams. Birthdate: January 25. 1969. I will my brain
wi Craig 10 free driving lessons from me: TR, a paid vacation with Don Bosco: Jill, a yefs supply of cells to Jerry Belcher.
iCe cream: Tina, the ability to remember her BC: Rhonda, a plain sweater; my heart to my "first true
lim": King Bs. 21Sd. HaUield, Shannon Dawn - Parent: Beulah Begley. Birthdate: January 3,1969. Cosmetology - 4.1
will all my love 10 C. David Jones with all my t'leart.
Goforth, David L. - Parents: Am and Carol Goforth. Birthdate: August 5. 1969.1 wi" all my books 10
Hatton, Allen - Parents: Henry and Vanessa Bowman Blrthdale: August 15, 1969 Art Club - 1.
Bnan; my razor to John; a "fuzz bUster" to Tim. IndUslnal Arts Club - 2: VICA - 3. To Big John, a boyfnend: to Hillard, anott'ler student like me; to
K.M.. there will be no other while you live.
Goodin, Diane - Parenls: Leander and Elizabeth (Jones) Goodin. Blrthdate: December 18, 1969.
Hayes, Melinda Ruth - Parents: Robert and Phoebe Hayes. Birthdate: December 23. 1969. I Will to
"'u Alpha Thela - 1: FBLA - 4. I will all my love to Bobby Phillips; to Mom and Dad, health, Stephanie Helton, 50 kids; to Donna Clay, a VW; Lori Madden. all the luck in the world: David Hellon.
!llpplness, and I love you: to my sistM, Barb, "Wesl", and I love you: to TS. JA. DA. LH. LG, WA, all my love: Sherry Zikis to have 30 kids.
'OfIlIInks being great friends: to LG and WA, a new "WB": to everyone the love of God. Hayre, Sherry Lynn - Parents: Delaney and Edna Hayre. Blrthdate: February 21, 1969. Art Club -
3,4: Chorus - 3. I will Missy S. a car wllh a choke: Mlssi W. a full bottle Inslead 01 a lid. usa McF.. a
Goodin, Lisa Gail- Parents: James and Evelyn Goodin. Birthdate: January 2, 1969. Beta Club -4:
Lalin Club - 2, 3; FBLA Club - 4: 4-H Club - 1. I will to Suzanna, a blonde headed kid with brown mickey mouse: to Haley J, lhe best of tuck In life.
tIar, to Michelle, Diane, and Teresa, happiness: to my family, thanks for everything: to Will Allen, all Hays, Ray Gee - Parents: Ray and Sue Hays. Birthdate. December 16. 1969. Football - 1. 2. 3.
"'Y lOve and thanks for making my senior year the best-I'll love you forever. Track -1: Chess Club - 2: Mu Alptla Thela -2. 3: FCA -3. 4: 1986 Boy's Slate partICIpant: Pep
ClUb - 4: Student Council volunteer - 4: Presidential ScholarshIp to Kentucky State UniverSlly. I
GoodWI, Teresa lynn - Parents: Char1es and Rebecca Goodin. Birthdate: August 7, 1969. latin will the football coaching staff my book of revised passing plays: to Trevor. all of the girlfriends that I
ClC-2,3, 4: SCience Fair -1.1 will to Pam. a new ~fe: to Adam. some money and a job; to all of my am leaving behind; 10 my friends - especially Robert Teague, David Abbott. and Amy Gray - all the
Inends, kits of love and happiness. happiness in the world.
Gtldy, Melissa Renee - Parent: Ronald Grady. Birthdate: March 18, 1969. I will all my love to Jim Hedrick, laura Alisha - Parenls: Charles and Thelma HedrICk. Birthdate: November" 18. 1969. Beta
Ffltderick: all my friendship to Parker and to the rest of my friends; to my little sister, Gale. all the Club - 1,4: Mu Alpha Theta - 2, 3, 4: French Club - 2. 3 (Secretary), 4: Academic Team - 3. 4 (All
good times at the Voc. School. Tournament Player); 1986 KY Governor's Scholar; Newspaper Stall - 3. 4 (Executive Editor);
Who's Who Among Amencan HlQh School Students - 4. Student Counal volunteer - 3. 4: Peppy
GtIy, Amy CII'tlle - Parents: Lowell and Tommie Lynn Gray. Birthdate: March 2, 1969. 4-H - 1; Bunch - 4.1 will 10 Raque!, roses and ptgs: Pus, a horn: Usa, Tlsh, and Cheryl, kazoos and slumber
FBl.A - 2; French Club - 3; Teens Who Care - 3 (Secretary): Junior Homeroom representative; parties; Joni. PB and jelly: BIll. infinite Mondays: Kyle. a game of croquet: Bob and Buzz. a party at
8ItaClub - 3, 4 (Treasurer): Agape Outreach - 4: Senior Class Secretary: Basketball Manager- Cumberland: Todd, green M & M's; Ralph, my Hornet; Jeannean. the P. Bunch Iradltlon; A·team, my
1.2,3,4, FCA - 2, 3, 4 (secretary): Pep Club - 4; Student Council Volunteer - 4. I will Martha F. a thanks; Hessie, Robert. Ray. Joe, Michelle. Tena. and Shane - I love you all.
frog, Ray Hays, a new pair of boots; Kelly S, lhe righllo come to school late: Terri and Toni, their
Swwt Sixteen one year earty: that special guy all my love. Helton, Herschel Dale - Parents: Herschel and Betty Helton. Birthdate: October 28,1969. FFA:
Industrial Career Club: VICA Club. I will all the goocItimes at LCHS to all my fnends in Geometry
Grly, Robert Glen - Parents: Steve and Vickie Gray. Birthdate: April 12, 1969. Who's Who Among class - I hope we'U stay in touch.
American High School Students - 4: Civil Air Patrol-l, 2, 3, 4; Boy's State 1986: 4-H - 2, 3, 4. I
will 1o Wayne Alton, all the best times as a senior: Pam Lisowe, a lasting friendship: Charles Neeley, Helton, Stephan~ Ann - Parent: Jerry Helton. Birthdate~ December 28. 1969. I WIll Melinda H, a
qUICk ~fe; Lon M. an obnoxious child; Dawn M, 27 children Ihat look like Darrell Arnold. Tonya C. a
ll\e good times and craziness 1had as a senior: to Johnathin Goodin and Breit Beiker, all our weird cute baby; Mark H. a bigger lruck and me to pass.
ltrIes outside during lunch. Hensley, Herb Eugene - Parent: Brenda Adams. Blrthdate: May 25, 1969. I will my empty cans in
my locker to Mike Evans.
GneM, Usa e18lne - Parent: Marceline Greene. Birthdate: January 4, 1969. HOSA - 4.1 will all my
9NtlmeS at LCHS to my nieces, may they have as much fun as I did; 10 Mom. extra speciallhanks; Hensley, Jessica Shaye - Parents: Raymond and Edith Hensley. DECA - 2. 3. 4: Chorus - 1. 2:
Iomylnerxls, you're the best; to Lee, I love you: to Melinda Hayes, "Quick". All Festival- 3: FBLA - 3. I Will all my love and thanks to Jell NOfth: to Connie and Tim the best of
luck in tt'le future.
Gtf9oly, Belty Raquel- Parents: James and Mary Gregory. Birthdate: OCtober 9,1969. Academic
Team - 2, 3, 4; Beta Club - 3. 4: French Club - 2, 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta - 2, 3, 4 (Treasurer): Hess, Conitha ESli1ene - Parents: Wayne and Delia Hess. Blrthdale: February 15. 1969. Beta Club
- t; GIfted and Talented Program -1; Mu Alpha Theta - 2: latin Club-2. 3; French Club -2, 3.
bnce Club - 1 (President): 1986 Governor's Scholar: Who's Who Among American High School 4: Agape Outreach - 4; Most HulTlOfous - 4; 4-H Club - 1. I will TS a long lite Wllh JEM; TH and
JS, a grealfuture an a 101 of laughs: RH, DH, MF, LH, and AG a nch future: BB and JW. happiness
Students - 3, 4: Peppy Bunch - 4; Marching Band - 1; 4th place in language arts in Governor's always: 10 Miquel and JOfelta. each other; to Mom and Dad. special thanks and I love you.
Cup District Competition - 4. I will to 8th and 9th grade GT, one more trip: Todd, milk and "pop"' at
OonoYan: Bill, the kids: Cheryl, a life 01 happiness: A-Team, love and thanks; Bob, a knife: Buzz, a Hibbitts, Rhonda Louise - Parents: Ronnie and Brenda Hibbills. Blrthdate: April 27. 1969_ Young
byWIe, Laura, a banana flip and Old Gentre: Pnscilla, a makepup kit and a wooden clarinet: Bob, a big Republicans - 1. 2: FBLA - 2. 3, 4. I will a special thanks to my parents for all their love and
tnakfast; Tish, Usa, Joni, memories of immaturity; David M. a Classic and my love always. support: to Lynn D. Mr. Right and a special friendship: to Amy B. and R.D., years of happiness
t098ther: Dana, a trip to MexICO: T.E., a typewriter: Tina E.. a baby gIrl: P.N .. l/'Ie perfect marriage.
Glegexy, Rich.lrd Lee - Parents: Thurman and Brenda Gregory. Birthdate: March 22,1969.1 will Kelli G., the chance to someday have my last name.
Susan Brown all the luck in tt'le world: Mrs. Smith. anothefetass just like 5th period; Mom and Dad all
my love: Jeff, Curtis, Debbie and Sheila, good luck next yer. Hinkle, Lori Lynn - Parents: James and DaiSY HInkle. Blrthdate: August 1, 1969. FBLA - 3, 4. I will
lhe best of luck to Shaye and Jeff, Tina and Steve, and Connie and TIm, In their new lives togethe<.
Gnm", 8ridget Lynnett - Parents: Harold and Andrea Grimes. Birthdate: August 19, 1969. Latin
CUI 2; FBLA - 3, 4 (Parliamentarian). I will Mom and Dad peace and quiet alter 1leave for college. I Hodge, Atlenn. Dlor.h - Parent: Annetta Stacy. Birthdale: October 11. 1969. DECA - 2; Journal-
1o'l8)'OU both: LM, that handsome guy you haven't found yet and my frienship fOfever: MS, at least ism - 3, 4: FBLA - 4.1 will Run another year in America: Hess mOfe 01 Fernle's chalk; Judy. ability to
make up her mind: Missy, my ability to dnve: Hambone, ability to B.O.T.; D.G.. (Dad) another box of
one r.ght out with the girls: SM and CK, many more Friday nights; Craig and Travis, alf you can get; M&M's: S.W.. another "junior" date; Doug. memories and all my love lorever: Mom, speciallhanks, I
love you! Kaye, a guy your size; Linda, another trip to Corbin.
l.CMfboy - aD my love.
Hodge, Usa lrenl - Parents; Ernesl and Beverly Browning Hodge. Blrthdate: October 19, 1969•
lIItker, Tonya Regina - Parents: Jack and Annie Hacker. Birthdale: December 13, 1967. DECA - Who's Who Among Amencan H'9h School - 4. I wil all my love to Randy and Anthony Burkhart.
4 I wi to my mom and dad, all 01 my love. Georgette Patton and Kim MartIn, all the happrness in the world; MISS BowlIng, tt'le greatesl teacher
award: Vicki S.. aU my great tUTleS as a senior at LCHS.
Hac_er, William Dewayne - Parents: Billy and Katherine Hacker. Birthdate; June 26, 1969. VICA-
• I wil all my klve to Kathy. Holscher, Suzanna Kay - Parent: Donna Holscher. Blrthdate: March 3 t. 1969. I will Linda. another
Saturday night with Mikie: lisa. a speciallriendship that won't die when I do: Thanks to my mom and
Kale, Marti. Anthony - Parents: Dan and Alma Hale. Birthdate: December 9. 1968. FFA: VICA. I will to my sister, all my clothes: all my friends, a great future: Kenny McWhorter, my one and only, all my
love 'orever!
- ,II of my good times at LCHS to my nieces and nephews at the Jr. High: all of my tardy slips to Mrs.
• Hopper, Gary Wayne - Parents: Robert and Loriene Hopper. Birthdate: April 17, 1969. FFA - 1,2,
IWe,SlndrI DIanne - Parents: larry and Baroara Hale. Birthdate: November 11, t969. Art Club- 3: Chess Club - 2: Young Historians - 3: Track -3.1 will my good looks and knowledge to Doug
1 4i - 1, Mu Alpha Theta - 2, 4: Ubrary Club - 4: Band - 2, 3, 4: YearbOOk Staff - 4:
and Karen Miracle: aM my luck to Jeff Huntley, Robert Helton, and Judy Jones.
Jcunabsm Award - 4. J wi" Mrs. Hullett a homeroom without absences; Tony, a new loot; psycho a
gr1 he doesn-t have to hit: Jamie, Joey, Kevin, Kyle, Shawn, Maxey, Steve, Doug, Mike, Darren. Horsfield, Cynthia M. - Parents; Doug and Lorene Horsfield. Blrthdate: May 16. 1969. Beta Club-
Tracy. Hamm, Chuck, and Curtis a harem: James, a true rock and ron rebel friend: to HS TW, the 4: Mu Alpha Theta - 4; Latin Club - 2, 3, 4 (Reporter-Historian): SCIeOCe Club - t: Drama ClUb
guard, persooahty, and a sense of humor: to LW, a life without Cumberland: to Rune, a friend that - 1. 4: Who's Who Among American High School Students - 3.1 WIll my corner by the French room
OOllsn't pick on him: 10 Becky, a party that doesn't flop and some more bleach. to anyone who is brave enough 10 sit in the hall during 4th period: all my great and crazy times to the
Happening group under me, have fun.
Hamilton, David E. - Parent;Janice Adams. Birthdate: February 10, 1969. Math award. I will all my
good times 10 you. Hoseth, Rune "Amadeus" - Parents; Margit and Sucia Hoseth. Blrthdate; December 31.1969.
Foreign Exchange Stoctent - 4. I will to everybody, a thanks. who made this year possible lor me:
ItImm,Robin Diane - Parents: John and Karen Hanvn. Birthdate: June 30. 1969. BasketbaD -1, 2. Woodyard's, my sense 01 hulTlOf: Tim Buckles, my Norwegian accent: all my Inends a happy hfe:
Chris. all myhappy times In USA.
3 SofIbaI- 3, 4, FCA - 1,3,4: Teens Who Care - 2, 3.1 will my lable in 6th pel iod lhe ability to do
House, Billy Ray - Parents; Ray and Marie House. Blrthdale: March t, 1969. Football- 1,2,3,4. I
tIlIwor1l when it IS assigned; Ow, everlasting friendship: JC, the ability to dunk.; MF, TH. and LH, the will my body to Usa; Shawn, Jill and I are secrellovers: Coach Polly a defensive end as good as me:
It*y to stay in class: BB, a "yellow" taxi; LS, a date with RS; OJ, money to buy gas; Miguel, a
goklen basketban. my hair 10 David Abbott because he and Will would look good in curls: No. 44 to the Boz; Coach
HammlC_, Ettl Marie - Parents: Frank and DOfa Hammack. Birthdate: September 18. 1969. HOSA Smith some passing plays; Shawn Asher, some brains to go with his ACT score: my sunglasses. to
-41 wi" III my heart to William McWhOfter. my future husband: to all the graduating class of 1987, Taft, because he is just to cool.
ll\e best ollllCk and to those crazy H.S. III students, more crazy times.
Il_mon., Sherri Ann - Parents: Kenneth and Ada (Davidson) Hammons. Birthdale: August 9,
1!lfl9 Beta CIub- 1(Vee President), 3, 4: Mu Alpha Theta - 2, 3: Young Republicans -1,2: Young
Hlstonans - 1 (representative in Basketball Homecoming), 4 (representative in Miss LCHS Pag-
-t,t; Chorus - 4 (accompanist): 1986 Kentucky Governor's Scholar: 1986 United Stales National
..ll:UnUsm A'Nerd; 1986 county and district Kentucky Farm Bureau Outstanding Youth: Newspaper
SIlIl- 3, 4 (Exchange Editor, photographer'): YearboOk StaN - 1, 2, 3 (photographer), 4 (Editor):
eV8 YlCleographer - 3. I will to Kevin E., a Q-tip moustache and an honored place In the Basketball
Halo! Fame: 10 Robert T., many ladies in "lovely fall fashions"': to '82-'83 G.T., another jump Off a
Bitmorebathroom and Happy Trails forever; to my "sister" Susan, the Sentinel's alarm system and
Convnent t'lppelies-tu": to Tracie, RAH-TAH; to Glenn W.,lead vocal in Greece III, and please wear
you" seat belt: to Mother and Daddy, thanks and I love you.
Rockin Robin
••• ,, , Heir's Handshaker
Billy House, Up
Billy, a Senior has been riding horses for twelve years, and show-
ing for nine years. Riding because he likes horses and showing
for competition. Billy started showing because it's a famiiy tradi-
tion. He plans to do it in the future because it's his job.
Bonanza G. M.
Darrell Ball, Up
Darrell is a sophomore. He started showing horses two years
ago, but he has been riding all his life, although only his sister, and
him are the only two out of his family to show. Darrell plans 10
show as long as he can. He thinks riding is lots of fun, and a good
thing to do in the summer.
Dena Wagers, Up
Dena has been showing racking horses for two years. Her father
started her interest in horses, and they've had horses for as long
as she can remember. Dena said, "I have won several awards the
past two years, and in the future I plan to keep on showing:'
Buddy and Sheila Rice
Belle Dusty
Kendall Kilbourne, a Sophomore has been showing horses nine
years, and likes to ride because making a good show brings lots
of enjoyment. He is the first one out of his family to show, and he
plans to continue showing until he goes to college.
Tom Thumb
Kendall Kilbourne, Up Whitney Greer, Up
Whitney, a Junior has been riding since she was nine, and show-
• ing Seriously for four years. This year she is the World Champion
Jr. Horse Show judge, and plans to jUdge in the future. She shows
because she likes meeting all the people, and traveling.
Shadows Hit Man
• ••
Tim Buckles, up
Tim, a Junior has been riding horses for five years, but has been
showing only two. Tim trains his own horses, and is the only one
out of his family that rides. He likes to show because he enjoys
the work he puts in so he can improve his riding ability. He plans
to continue showing as long as he can sit on a horse.
First Row: Bobby Stokes, Amy Gray, Renee Moore, Ketli
Moore, Darin Sizemore, Tim Buckles, Whitney Greer, Debbi
White, Andrea Boozer, Kim Hyde, Becky Whitlow, Debbie
Asher, Randy Bowling. Second Row: Robin Hamm, Missy
Fouts, Kathy Rafferty, Kay Lidford. Conitha Hess, lisa
Singleton, April Woody, Kaye Baker, Melissa Robinette, Hugh
Hornsby. Third Row: Vickie House. Martha Fouts. Stephanie
Fouts, Tracie Vanover, Stephanie Bowling, Leslie Shepherd,
• Marla Price, Sheri Adkins, Emily Dunkon, Ladonna Williams,
Ricky Long. Fourth Row: Sandy Mize, Sandy Johnson, Beth
Patton, Stephanie Aeed, Beth Bruner, Kim Hedrick, Scott
Woods, Sharon Baldwin, Treasa Scalf, Kelli Baker, Gina Baker,
Oewayne Simmons. Jerry Witt, Donald Wilson.
Front row (I to r): Sponsors, Judy Smith, Glenn Proffitt. Sandy Osborne, Norma Proffitt, Nora Riley. Betty Griffen, Chat Couch. Second row:
Tim Lewis, Zane Kennedy, Dallas Messer, Roy Brock, Charles Rice, Elmer Sawyers. Shannon Ruth, David Jackson, Gerald Shepard. Third
row: Keith Hayre. Matthew Hobbert, Michaal Robinson, David Hacker, Jeff Oliver, Chuck McVay, Scott Floyd. Greg Mosley, JC Smith, Hank
Williams. Fourth row: Roger Hammock, Ronnie Karr, Richard Middleton, Mark Storms, Shelly Hensley, Toni Smith, Stanley Chestnut, Andy
Baker, Jason Begley, Carol Hall. Fifth row: Rodney Dooley, Donaven Bowling, Terry Siz, Kenneth Nelson, Gilbert Vaughn. Todd Cobb, Steve
Blankenship, Danny Pittman, Dewey Henson. Sixth row: Jack Taylor, Rodney Carter, Cliff Roark, Ray Roark, Steve Pennington, James
Sturgill, Robert Couch, James Smith.
Front row: (I to r): Lisa Hoskins, Chrissy Kirby. Kelly Martin, Beth Brewer, Becki Watkins, Heather Morgan. Back row: Stacey McCowan, Missy Blair,
Nancy Pennington, Dena Wagers, Kim Hyde, Anne Madison, Lynette Corey, Mary Beckner, Lisa McFadden. Not Pictured: Sharre Moore, Angie
Robinson, Leah Sigrimis.
The Future Homemakers of America Officers for 86-87 are: Kim Hyde,
President; Lisa Hoskins, 1st Vice-President; Lynette Corey, 2nd Vice-
President; Dena Wagers, Reporter; Lisa McFadden, Historian; Mary Beckner,
Treasurer; Kelly Martin, Parliamentarian; Becki Watkins, Song Leader; Nancy
Pennington, Recreational Leader. At right top: Kim Hyde, is the 86-87 Region
13 FHA President. Lower right: Lisa Hoskins, is the 86-87 Region 13 FHA
Hands •
Front row (I to r}: Latisha Sparks, Joni Caudill, Debbie Napier, Rema Bates, Curt Gass, Carl Turner, Abbie White, Kim Willis, Kim Gross, Darrell McCracken,
Todd MaMingly. Back row: Greg Turner, Megan McNulty, Cammie McQueen, Pam Smallwood, Sabrina Harris. Tammy Kipp, Glenn Gray, Tony Brown,
Rebecca Fawbush, Andrea Boozer. Lori Felts, Vicky Johnson, Pat Radford.
Robin and Robert Rudd .' •
• ..• j
Terry and Perry Sullivan •
Sharre and Renee Moore
•• -
,?;, Keith and Kevin Burns
Jamie and Joey Woodyard Terry and Tracy Jones
Timothy Roark • Larry Roark
128 Stephanie and S,eve Bowling
Front row (Ito r): Keith and Kevin Burns, Jenifer and Kim Taylor, Tracy and Terry Jones, Robin and Robert
Rudd, Kevin and Kyle Brown. Back row (Ito r): Stephanie and Steve Bowling, Terry and Perry Sullivan, Sharre
and Renee Moore, Tina and Chrissy Vaughn, Larry and Tim Roark, Jamie and Joey Woodyard, Carl and
Darrell McHargue.
Laurel County had the incredible number of twelve sets of twins in the school year of 1986-1987.
Of these twelve sets, three sets were fraternal twins and nine sets were identical twins. Whether
fraternal or identical twins, these students have something that few people have. They have a
special brother or sister who can relate to them as no one else can. Their relationship with each
other is close and binding because of the many experiences that they have shared as children and
young adults. A twin is not only a brother or a sister, but a best friend as well.
As the mothers of these students can surely attest, twins are made for double trouble!
T First Row Kneeling: Marty Williams, Brian Brown, Jeff Bailey, Teddy Wilson, Dewayne Shearer. Second Row: Billy Asher,
Ray Reed, Tammy Robinson, Michael House. Mark Adams, Todd Bowling. Third Row: Mr. Harris, Sponsor, Alfred Bennett,
R Rex Oees. Industrial Arts Officers: Rex Dees, Brian Brown, Jeff Bailey. Dewayne Shearer, Marty Williams, Ted Wilson.
Seated (L to R): Judy Jones, Chaplain; Richard Smith, Reporter; Pat French, Vice-President; Norman Brock,
President; Brack Whittaker, Treasurer; Denise Brantigan, Secretary. Standing: Mr. Adkins, Advisor; Travis
Allen, Student Advisor; Shane Brock, Sentinel.
Junior Officers
Seated (L to R): Chip Scarbrough, Chris Turner, Mike Messer,
Teresa Wyatt, Ernie Allen. Standing: Bryan Fouts, Todd Wyatt,
Jr. Advisor, Mr. Vaughn.
FFA Advisors: Mr. Ron Adkins and Mr. Vernon
, AG. II
~- Front Row (L to R): Gary Reynolds, Roger Belcher,
Dewayne Fields. Chris Turner, Paul Adams, Ernie Allen,
l••l• Chip Scarbrough. Second Row: Bill Nickell, Mike
Messer, Scott Moore, Scott Hamilton, Wayne Hibbard.
Horticulture Rich Eversole. Judy Jones. Mr. Adkins. Third Row:
Roger Rainey, Roger Minton, Bryan Fouts, Brett
First Row (L to R): John Robinson, Carolyn Buttery, Pam Boyette, Todd McKnight, Clayton Harris, Sara Johnson.
Napier, Kim Rice, Roberta Smith, Mr. Adkins. Second Todd Wyatt, Jimmy Lunsford, Teresa Wyatt.
Row: David Gibson, Jeff Gaines. Kevin Marcum, Mike
Carnes, Oarvin Asher, Mike Adams, Mark Adams, Third
Row: Craig Bruner, Shane Brock, Roger Parker.
I• E
Front Row (L to R): Tina Huriey, Nancy Hughes, Carol McCollum, Sheila Rice, Christy Cornett. Back Row: 133
Sponsor Barbara McCollum, Bob Stokes, Andrew King, David King, Tharon Hurley, Robert Rudd, Sponsor
Janis Scoville,
Front row (I to r): Kim Asher, Tim Patterson, Steven Mitchell, Darrell McCracken.
Second row: Anita Brown, Sandra Humfleet, Lisa Sellards, Dana Taylor, Cynde
Rowlette, Claudia McKnight, Darrin Patterson, Angela Jones, Sponsor - Mrs.
McWhorter. Third row: Susan West, Angela Eversole, Jesse Proffitt, Brian
Theodore, Mark Young, Charles Robinson. Back row: Brian Johnson, Glenn Price,
Jimmy Chesnut. Not pictured: Rick Dotson, Roger Smith.
At right Officers: Front row (I to r): Angeta Eversole, Claudia McKnight. Back row:
Charles Robinson, Brian Theodore. Jesse Proffitt.
Front row (I to r): Pam Johnson, Sandy Miz8, Rick Cox, Georgette Patton, Connie Proffitt, Denise Morgan, Kim Baker. Second row: Michelle
Scalf, Dreams Sergeant, Tanya Hacker, Shaye Hensley, Kim Spencer, Henry Cox, Regina Parsley, Michelle Robinson, Missy Shifflet, Terry
Hammons. Karen Williams - Advisor, Loretta Eversole. Back row: Ronnie Bruner, Keith Cottongim, David McGeorge, James Huff.
At the Deca Banquet. Keith Cottongim presented Sharon
Gregory of K-Mart with a Certificate of Appreciation.
Officers - Front row (I to r): Kim Spencer, Denise 101 lJaa ~ _
Karr Morgan. Back row: Henry Cox, Keith Cottongim,
Duane Mothershed. Dare~, AUIta 1"4 1 f,,,.,... t, ,.00 I' ",-.
Plo,,'~ 1.1.. " ... " (ik""fJe-..~
J!!/,. " ".51/1'-17 ~ 'I'
Front row: (I to r): Beth Parsley, Bridgett Felts, Tammy Miller, Angela Spivey, Michelle Black, Suzanne Black, Whitney Greer, Joni Caudill, Becki Sasser,
Carrie Davis, Kim Angel. Middle row: Kelli Moore, Latisha Sparks, Jill Sizemore, Beth Brewer, Gina Baker, Erin Butcher, Tim Buckles, Kim Hughes,
Cindy Horsefield, Mary Rose Tooms. Back row: David King, David White, Rhoda Miller. Not pictured: Sherri Hammons.
The Speech and Drama Officers were the
following: Tim Buckles, President; Whitney Greer,
Secretary; Joni Caudill, Program Chairman; Suzanne
Black, Treasurer; Latisha Sparks, Vice President;
Beth Parsley, Reporter.
First row: (I to r) Bridgett Felts, Brittany Williams, Amy Chadwell, Tefi Adams, Laura Phillips, Madgel Cromer, Jennifer Ehlers, Valerie Sasser, Beverly
Napier, Jeff Swafford, Jamie Woodyard, Mike Maxey, Tanya Barnes, Karen Smith. Second row: Gina Jones, Teena Hodge, Renee Binder, Rhonda
Chestnut, Wyona Boggs, Shawn Asher, Jill Elza. Debbie Asher, Randy Bowling. Nicole Cox, Martha Bruner, Michelle Cornett. Third row: Kim Philpot,
Tammy Wright, Lisa Goodin, Diane Goodin, Sheila Scott. JoAnn Westerfield, Stephanie Karr, Kim Bowling, Joey Woodyard. Fourth row: Claudine
Moore, Denise Minton, Susan Day. Robin Wyatt, Dawn Rudder Huff, Nancy Hughes. Stephanie Ramsey, Tanya Blankenship, Michelle Maxey, Debbie
Hodge, Carrie Bowling, Dennie Handy. Fifth row: Joe Mullins, Randy Philpot, Shane Bundy, Brian Evans, David Mays, James Mullins, Dextar Burgan,
Kim Young, Karen Arterburn, Rhonda Curry. Sixth row: Sondra Floyd, Shane Wyan, Michelle Robinson, Sonjia Authur, Lori Hinkle, LaDonna Williams,
Kathy Madden, Lisa Lewis, Paula Nagel, Tina Eversole, Rhonda Hibbits, Kelli Gilbert. Seventh row: Mary Beth Wittenback, Tiffany Ledford, Kim
Spencer, Duane House, Kelly Meyers, Marietta Barton, Bridget Grimes, Melinda Smith. Eighth row: Charles Doan, Marissa Smith, Veronica Bullard,
David Bullard.
Front row (I to r): Sandra Jones, Melissa Hacker, Tonya McPhetridge, Jenni Burke, Phillip Barnes. Second row: Karla Hobson, Kathy Greene,
Carmel Humflett, Missy McDaniels, Lisa Mercer, Stacie Teague.
"Teens Who Care Is an organization designed to be aware of and
involved in the community and volunteer work. The club meets eacfI
month during the school year and has speakers and resource people
the community as guests. This year the sponsors are Mrs. Jean Stan.
Rhoda Steele, and Jeni Kennedy.
The officers for the '86-87 School year are as follows: President, Tanya
Reynolds; Vice President, Jenni Burke; Secretary, Missy McOar'lll
Activities Chairman, Stacie Teague; Miss LCHS Contestant. MiSSy
The club is helping with the Handicap Program here at LCHS. Teens ~
the children with their work and any activity in their classroom. Also.
Teens help the handicap children during lunch. They plan to becomemorl
involved in community activities this school year:'
Mrs. Jean S~
-=Tap_~ tor): David Stuber, David McFaddan, Will Grant. Middle row; Pam Bentley, Dalyn Nye, Jaymie Begley, She"i Hammonds. Bollom' 139
Mory Wilson, Georgia Sizemore, Sponsors: Kathy Vires, Pam Owens,
Front row (I to r): Dianne Hale, (treasurer), Tony Blair (president), Dewayne Sims, (vice-president), Missie Irvin, (secretary). Back row: Dalyn
Nye, (Miss lCHS Contestant), Brian Evans, Becky Sasser, Mike Hinkle, Tracy Tomes, Kelcy Robbins.
-- .
1 JI
library Workers: Sitting: Dewayne Sims, Tracy Tomes, Kelcy Robbins, Missie Irvin,
Michelle Robinson, Cammie McQueen. Standing: Brian Evans, Tony Blair, with
Santa, David Abbott and elf Danny Flowery. At left, Mr. Sizemore, guidance
counselor and Mrs. Storm, librarian accept Kentucky Authors series from
University of Kentucky representative, Donna Renfro, in appreciation of our
correspondence studies students particioation in U.K.'s program.
Front row (I to rj: Susan McFadden, Leslie Singleton, Mrs. Yor1l;, Gayle Wyatt. Tianna Hibbits, Margie Perry, Melissa Robinette, Kaye Baker, John Under, Becky
Whitlow, Beth Pratt, Janet Powell, Nathan Burns, Leslee Shoupe, Jill Sizemore, Debbie Herndon, David Day, Kelli Stephanie Combs, Becky Hedrick, 0.0. Bruner,
Julie Jackson, Claudine Moore, Angie Taylor, Anissa Jones, Conitha Hess. Second row: Shawn Settles, Donna Neeley, Sabrina Harris, LaDonna Williams,
Rhonda Curry, Amy Marcum, Georgia Sizemore, Denise Floyd, Emily DUllcan, Angela Spivey, Shelia Elza, Kelli Moore, Stephanie Bowling, Tara Harlow, Tim
Yantz, Julie Caudill, Sangeeta Parulekar, Laura Hedrick, Michelle Moberly, Alene Bennett, Darlene Collins, Suzanne Black, Brittany Williams, Bill Bruner. Third
row: Greg Reams, Kent Douglas, Bobby Kidd, Kevin Minor, Craig Tincher, Doug Hedrick, Darrin Sizemore, Aaron Whitmore, Trevor Hays, Kendall Kilbourne,
Chris McCowan, Whitney Greer, Tim Buckles, Erin Butcher, Michelle Reed, Carrie Davis, Tonya McPhetridge, Clifton Johnston, Daphne Roberts, David
McFadden, ~ruce Newell. Not Pictured: Amy Damron, Priscilla Jones, Tim Roark, Mark Parks, Shane Weaver, Jeff Swafford, Jeanne Smith, Shane Wyan, Julia
Hal, David Hurst.
J ... ·:1.1·\\~.;.-.O.n..-·~;J.{···'•.•O•i•••)~'",·I••0•\••·.~H...·'••0•i••·~/H":·"':•"•9•~•-•;·".'~" " _
$..... '.••••~~.~~
L~: ~
..1 ~
f:.. Hlrkocv. dllkon. JJl. \."~\;.o't"."~.:~.
, {~
~ _.-~ ..":,.r Officers: Bill Bruner, Pres.; Vincent
: HOr!U,gl' M.llln<.: rhutrl·,
f.." Souris prLlJd pl"ur. Harrison, Parliamentarian; Tim Yantz,
~ ~~HKkorr, dickof}', J:t. ..~ Treasurer; Priscilla Jones, V. Pres.; Tara
Harlow, Sec.
...-.. -.:''',
'"'""...:"r ....~...",.....~. .H,··:··~· H.,.··~...·,H!~·"··;··~:\.:,oiJI!t'-i"
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Laurel County High School is a unique group in that its
membership is not restricted to just athletes. In fact, anyone that has a sincere desire to praise and
serve Jesus Christ can be a member. In our weekly meeting, our group focuses on how we can become
better Christians and all-around people; and, while doing so, we make it a point to have fun and enjoy
fellowship with each other. All in all, the Fellowship of Christians Athletes at LCHS is a special group
with special interest. Purpose of FCA: To present to athletes and coaches, and all whom they influence,
the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their
relationships and in the Fellowship of the Church.
• ,!!,=:•::"::,,~~::::=~,:::.=.o:!'. ..... .
Front row: Tony Blair, Tim Yantz, Shawn Asher, Jill Elza, John Robinson, David Kelly, Chuck Ledington, Mike Hamm, Paige Taylor, Jason Youngsworth,
Roger Parker, Renee Moore, Suzanne Black, Kelly Pendergraft, Steve Morris. Second row: Debbie Asher, Jaymie Begley, Martha Bruner, Carrie
Bowling, Dennie Handy, Nicole Cox, Kim Bowling, Brian Arterburn, Doug Hedrick, Ray Hays, Billy Herron, Bridget Felts, Brittany Williams, Amy Bales,
Beth Ann Bowling, Michelle Black, Kelly Smith. Third row: Randy Bowling, Dewayne Sizemore, David Browning, Larry Roark, Tim Roark, Joey
Kuehner, Jamie Woodyard, David Gibson, Bobby Kidd, Tony Brown, Mark Anderson, John Bruner, Shane Wynn, Steve Bales, Shane Bundy, Claudine
Moore, Amy Gray. Not Pictured: Glenn Williams, Darrin Sizemore, Joey Woodyard. Sponsors: John Waters, Teel Bruner, Mark Huff.
Front row (1 to r): Donna Neeley, Mary Rose Tooms. Vicki Bradely, Clarissa Wiggins, Cindy Horsefield, Karen Rudder, Beth Parsley, Stephanie Combs,
Leslie Barnett, Gwyn Gregory, Tammy Jones. Frances Riley, Brenda Morgan, Melanie Caudill. Second row: Mrs. Hunt - Sponsor Amy Marcum. Daly"
Nye, Karen Day, Allen Asher, Lorrie McClure, Sharon Day, Heather McCracken, Brooke Mortez, Angie Prewitt, Sheila Bruner, Jennifer Davis, Jerry Martin.
Third row: David Harrison, Mark Anderson, Tracey Freeland, Tharon Hurley, Colson Trobaugh, Aimee Rader, Robin Johnson, Shannon Burkhart, Melanie
Bargo, Susan Benge, Mary McKnight, Claudia McKnight.
At right top to bottom: The Members of the club are (bottom row)
Vickie House, Michelle Brewer, Sheila Bruner, Martha Fouts, Latisha
Sparks, Joni Caudill, Lisa Campbell. (top row) Wayne Weaver, Rick
Long, David White, Robbie Thompson, John Krahenbull, Micheal
Cunnigan, Jason Westerfield. Members pictured individually in
remainder of photographs. Micheal Cunnigan, Jason Westerfield,
Robbie Thompson, John Krahenbuhl, Martha Fouts, Vickie House,
David White, Wayne Weaver. Latisha Sparks, Usa Campbell, Joni
Caudill. Below: Rick Long, Sheila Bruner, Michelle Brewer.
GR1F11~'? §~~hh,~An:I~· GRIFFI
GRIFFkgnBgr,l ~y ~Q~11 GRIFFIN
G~SQ~'Ur G,~~rfJ~
Graduate of Rhode Island School of Photogra
Carnaby Square
London, Ky40741
(606) 864-2245
Cum rland Valley
National nk
L - - _ London, Kentucky Member FDIC _ _---I