Greta Thunberg is a lie!
We’ve all heard about the new headliner Greta Thunberg and the
impact she has made on our thoughts of climate change. The 16 year
old is one of the most influential people, campaigning for climate
change. But what exactly is her story? How has this 16 year old
caught all of us into realising what we have created, how has she
already addressed the United Nations and multiple governments
around the world.
Greta was 12 when she stopped eating meat and going on airplanes,
to reduce her impact on the environment.
There is a theory going around that Greta has only became famous
because of her mother. Her mother was a singer on eurovision in
2009 coming 21st on the ladder. This created a lot of fame for herself
but also her daughter (Greta thunberg).
Many people believe that the famous speeches Greta has presented
were written by her parents. “What she says are not in her words” says
the Daily telegraph “Greta thunberg is only a headliner because of
her mother” states New york times. These are only a couple of
newspapers that believe that Greta is a lie. What are your thoughts?
Should we really skip school for our
changing climate?
Headliners have expressed lots of interest with the recent wave of
“kids” taking action for climate change, As you may have seen the so
called head of this surge of youth protest is Greta Thunberg after her
speech at the UN, in which she underlined the problems in a powerful
and emotional way. This has encouraged many young protesters to
take to the street in swarms in order to spread awareness about this
epidemic that will soon take over their future. A few months ago there
was a protest in Hyde Park, Sydney, that attracted hundred of
thousands of students all skipping school in order to protest as well
as thousands of other protests all over the world, but is this really the
right way to go?
The only way to stop climate change is for everyone to take part and
reduce waste, emissions and carbon footprint. By thousands of
students and kids skipping school this creates a controversial topic
for the news creating world spread awareness that our generation
cares and worries for our future. As more and more people take part
world leaders will soon found out about this alarming epidemic and
action can be taken on a world wide scale. Skipping school is a small
sacrifice for helping solve climate change.
Overall the reasoning shows that skipping school is incredibly
beneficial for spreading awareness and taking action for our
worsening climate. With help from world leaders as well as youth
representatives like Greta our climate will definitely be on the way to
being healthy and our planet can be saved.
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What have we created?
Mateo Ter meulen ortiz
With Earth and nature slowly deteriorating because our actions we
must now fix this. We can not keep livin how we are, we will run out of
resources, there will be a growth in our population were it will simply
not be safe to live anymore and the health of ourselves will be at risk.
There are countless reasons why our future will be at risk but the most
important reason is overpopulation. Research shows that by 2030 our
population will have grown at a faster rate than ever before, making it
unsafe to live. With this huge number of people we will simply run out
of resources to keep living a healthy life. What have we created?
Another major difficulty will be our healthy. As you will have realised
there are hundreds of fires and natural disasters leading to death. The
hospitals will be pouring with injured people. With little carbon in the
soil it is generating vegetables and other foods to have no nutrients
and vitamins. What have we created?
Lastly is the climate. The temperatures will rise, as will the sea levels.
With natural disasters occuring every day, nature will simply not hold
itself any longer and all we can do is blame ourselves. What have we
created. What have we created
We have created a dying planet that need our help. It needs less
population growth, healthier animals, healthier plants but most
importantly healthier people.It needs a sustainable climate and
humans that are willing to make a change. This is what we have
created and now we have to fix it.
Our busy world
Max Bommert
As the future nears our population greatens, each day our precious
planet Earth is becoming incredibly dense. Many studies show that
the ratio of birth to death is immensely unbalanced thus creating an
ever rising population. Scientists have concluded that there are 2.5
births per 1 death, at this rate over population is becoming a
worrying epidemic and it must be solved.
The Earth only has so many resources, over the past 50 years
humans have been using the Earths only resources at a wasteful and
alarming rate. This means that we must change our ways for a
sustainable lifestyle. Fossil fuels power most of our lives from cars,
planes, trains and even our own house. All of this energy needed is
not enough for fossil fuels itself as it is alarmingly running out. The
population uses more fossil fuels and other resources are put into
the air pollutes all living things including our food and water. As a
society we must all come together to help reduce waste and increase
solar energy or electric energy so that we can create a sustainable
future for our ever growing population.
If you walk down the street you will see a surplus of apartments, cars
and rubbish compared to back in the day. Our world has been
adapting to our population growing meaning that we are all
crammed into our lives. Over crowded town means that houses are
rare so the prices for houses go up and the job industry gets ever
more crowded creating a lower employment rate as most jobs are
already full. This will lower our quality of life and it will not end well.
In Conclusion, over population can not be ignored and it’s not up to
the scientists to fix it it’s up to the people so try your bit to help.
Can We Handle Any More
People In This World?
Emalee Lopez
Over-population is an increasing problem in our society. It causes poverty and
homelessness because of loss of jobs, more traffic and pollution and an increasing
amount of refugees and migrants. A disproportionate amount of people cause Earth
to become filthy, polluted and unhygienic. It’s an alarming and frightening issue. We
need a solution and fast.
As more people enter the job seeking life there will be less jobs for everyone and most
likely, robots will begin to to take over a large proportion of them. The result will be
catastrophic if nothing is done to prevent thousands of jobless people. Another
problem that will eventually occur from the decreasing amount of jobs is poverty and
homelessness. The world will become miserable with many houses having no
Traffic is another consequence of over-population. The chaos on roads and the rage
will increase rapidly. This will inflict more fights and cause many injuries. Arrival time
to destinations will be delayed because of the amount of vehicles on the road.
Thousands upon thousands of vehicles will be backed up, creating more air pollution
and our atmosphere will become even more destroyed than it already is.
The increase of refugees and migrants will have many downfalls to our planet. We’ll
run out of housing and offices and need to build more apartments. When we do so
we’ll get rid of trees, parks and all our green spaces. Air quality will decrease
drastically. Losing trees means losing a vital source of life, oxygen, without it we won't
be able to breathe. Our world will become filthy and disgusting.
In conclusion, over-population is causing dramatic effects to our society. There will be
no more jobs available meaning we’ll begin to live in poverty. No one will be able to
look after themselves or their families. Although it all seems like doom and gloom
there is still hope. To save this situation from happening we need to smart to as what
jobs we will actually allow robots to take because we are in control of this world, not
the robots. Luckily, more people also means a need or more jobs. We may even be able
to create some new jobs. Traffic problems can be prevented if we have more public
transport, ensuring that there is less pollution and less traffic. When it comes to more
migrants and refugees we need to build smarter homes and make less inhabitable
places residency. We need to reserve green spaces. There is things we can do to save
our beloved planet from being destroyed, but we have to take action soon.
Over-population is only one of the many problems involving the future. Let's start our
part now to create a more sustainable world.
Plunged into poverty; it could
happen to anyone.
Olive McKinnon
All over the world 1.3 billion people are stuck in poverty. In the future I
believe that the number of people living in poverty will rise drastically.
Three key factors that will cause the amount of people living in poverty to
increase will be climate change, population growth and wealth inequality.
Climate change is already having a massive effect on the way that human
beings live their lives. Ses levels are rising and some countries are at risk
of losing their entire nations.When this happens thousands of people will
be displaced and living in poverty. Climate change is also causing more
regular and severe natural disasters that are destroying homes all over
the world leaving more people homeless and in poverty.
Another factor that will increase the number of people Living in poverty is
population growth. The earth has finance face and finite resources and if
population keeps increasing at its current rate the earth will be unable to
provide for us and we will start running out of scape.
The third contributor to increased poverty rates is wealth inequality.
There is evidence to show that the gap between rich and poor is
continuing to grow. The top 2% wealthiest people 50% combined. As this
problem continues to get worse more and more people will have close to
nothing and end up living in poverty.
In my opinion the number of people living in poverty will have definitely
increased drastically by 2040. Climate change is destroying thousands of
homes much more frequently all over the world, we are not sustain the
drain an increase in population will create and as wealth inequality
Continue to grow more and more people will be stuck living in poverty.
2040 - Movie review by Olive
Recently, our class watched the movie 2040 by Damon
Gameau, it follows the story of an Australian dad who
travels the world in search of a better future for his
daughter. He is on the mission to only create solutions by
embracing the good things that we already have on our
planet. I found the movie very informative and interesting
and thought it was very well made. The movie was
uplifting and inspiring and in my opinion one of the best
documentaries on this topic, we are being subjected to a
lot of negative content about climate change and this
movie makes us realise that if we act now the future will
be incredible but we definitely have to act. I recommend
this movie to anyone who wants to be part of a solution
to save our planet but who doesn't want to watch
another doomsday movie on all the ways we have ruined
our home.
The links below are to surveys you can
complete in your free time.
The rising distress of bushfires
destroying Australia Emalee Lopez
Recently NSW has experienced many bushfires that are enlarging
extremely quickly. Over one million homes have been destroyed and
this matter is beginning to cause panic. The most common word
used to describe these bushfires is unprecedented. The reasoning
being they are unprecedented in size, intensity and timing. Homes,
farms and livestock are being destroyed and humans are being
trapped and killed in the toxic breath of these fires. Current Prime
Minister Scott Morrison states he has no plans to get the economy
and wages moving, neither does he have plans for the destruction
our changing climate is predicted to wreak.
1. What is the difference between weather and climate?
2. What is the difference between global warming and climate
3. When was gravity discovered?
4. Without greenhouse gasses the earth would be very cold
5. What is one consequence of climate change?
6. What is one step you can take to reduce climate change?
Quiz answers
1. What is the difference between weather and climate?
The difference between weather and climate is a measure of
time. Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a
short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere
"behaves" over relatively long periods of time.
2. What is the difference between global warming and climate
“Global warming” refers to the rise in global temperatures
due mainly to the increasing concentrations of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere. “Climate change” refers to the
increasing changes in the measures of climate over a long
period of time – including precipitation, temperature, and
wind patterns.
3. When was gravity discovered?
4. Without greenhouse gasses the earth would be very cold
5. What is one consequence of climate change?
*Answers may vary*
6. What is one step you can take to reduce climate change?
*Answers may vary*