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Published by worksheetsworld26, 2023-07-30 07:05:33

Grammar Friends 1

Grammar Friends 1

iqtfio& lllr iii ,li il, il a -". " : i.i" : "t r ' '-.1 q , Grcmm*r Frrends oxroRD 1INIVERSITY PRESS

OX-FORD UNIVBRSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6Dp oxford University Press is a department ofthe University ofoxford. It fUfthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaam HongKong Karachl I(ua1a Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With ofEces in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Uklaine Vietnam oxFoRD and oxrono ENGLTsH are registered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the UI( and in certain other countdes @ Oxford University Press 2oo9 The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published zoog 2013 2012 2011 709876 No unautlorized photocopying A1l rights resewed. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing ofOxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this sarne condition on any acquirer Any websites refeiled to in this publlcation are in the public'domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information only. Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN: 978 o 19 478ooo 1 Printed in China This book is printed on paper fiom ceftified and well-managed sources. ACI(NOWLE D GEMENTS lllustraaonsby: Andy I(eylock/Beehive lllusffation (characters) and Simon Smith

ffimmffwmffm Storter He[[o! 1 Schoolthings 2 Mg tog.s 3 Mg bodg Review I 4 ]obs 5 At the park 6 MU fomilg Review 2' 7 Clothes 8 MU home 9 MU Lunch ReviEw 3'," ' 1O Mg friends 11 Zoo trip l 12 Fomilg meot Review4 13 Mg room 1* Ab,itities 15 Atthe beoch Question words Questions with is The indefinite orticle Possessive odjectives (1) Present simpLe of be (1) Regulor pluroI nouns Present simple of be (2) Demonstrotives Subject pronouns (1") Yes/no questions (L) Wh- questions (1) Prepositions of pLoce Subject pronouns (2) Yes/no questions (2) Possessive's Yes/no questions (3) Possessive odjectives (2) Wh- questions (2) Yes/no questions (4) Adverbs Hove got (L) Hove got (2) Present sirnpte: like (1) Adjectives Present simple: Like (2) Wh- questions (3) ;';"'l There's ond there ore Con for obiLitg Let's Imperotives Negotive imperotives Whct ,..?Who ...?,How...? How oLd ...? Whot's this? A ond on Mg 6nd:,gour Is this ,..? Yes, it is. No,,it isnlt; PLuroL -s Are This ond these He ond she Questions with is Where's...? In, on ond under I'm ond gou're Are gou...? Jomie's ond Alison's Are theg ...? Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't. His ond her Where ore...? Is he in ...? Is she in..,?'Aretheg in ,.,,? Upstoi,fsond,dbwnstoite " ,, : , ": ,' : I've got ond I hoven't got Hove gou got ...? Yes, I hove. No, I hoven't. He's got, she's got ond it's got Adjectives Do gou Like... ? Whot do gou [ike? There's ond there qre Is there ...? Yes, there is. No, there isn't Con ond con't Coh it,;rr?,]Ies;,:it corn,,,Nor it.csnft. , .,, Let's ... Imperotives Negotive imperotives 22 L6 20 30 34, 44 48, 50 58 62 72 76 78 68 Grommor reference

airiliv :itiitiiii$.rl ..i iiliiari sgliieiri]lgrl]$ {.' f ,,,"- .il . i" * :1 rllil i[ ilii liii l "l I : -' Question words l'm ftne, thank you. Who's thisz How are you? ''lr riir lll"rrl'r':i:'-i" i:i i-- . .; .:; . -.*w "*. ;1i4 In o question, whot osks obout things ond who osks obout peopte. We sog How ore gou? when we meet someone. 4 Storter Unit li

3 Motch. t He[Lo -.__., 2 Whot's Uour nome? t... \ 3 How ore gou? \ 4 Who's this? I'm fine, thonk gou. This is Alison. Mg nome's Iomie. HeL[o. Look ond write. JJettld Whot's How Who's -ffi*. r, o,*ffip !1'! li r.-? -e*" your name? _ir-L My name's Jamie. are you? l'm ftne, thankyou. thisz rhis is Alison. Storter Unit

How old are you? How old osks obout'oge. (tm trft L't +4 ffih ffi I'm two. ive. ) 3 Motch. t How otd ore gou? 2 How old ore gou? g How old ore gou? 4 How old ore gou? s How old ore gou? Storter Unit @ &hq M * ffi rft-\ Mffi \--w I'm three. I'm six. I'm five. I'm fou r.

4 Write. four ievErf e( gou three ore gou old ore Uou eight ten t How old ore gou? 2 How old o re -yQ--u ? I,M g Howoldore ? I,M 4 How old ? I,M 5 How ,- ? I,M 5 Reod ond colour. Find the hidden word. Cotour whot red. Cotour who bLue. Colour how gellow. & w# ffi ct @ ffi i how how how how how how how whot how who how how how how , how how how how how how how whot how who how how how how how how how how how how how whot how who how how how how how who who who how whot how who how whot whot whot how how who how who how whot how who how whot how whot iho* how who who who how whot how who how whot how whot how how who how how how whot how who how whot how whot how how who who who how whot how who how whot whot whot Storter Unit 7

Write ond motch. t Whot's this? 2 Whot's th is? " 'lnll"' Questions with is The indefinite article Whot's this? is o question. We use it tofind out obout things. We con onswer with lt's o ... @ ffi penciL. door. window. book. 3 4 7 A ond cn ore orticles. Theg come It's a pencil. It's a book. We use on before q, e, i, o or u. It's on appte. Unit 1 What's thisZ What's thisz What's thisZ before singu[or nouns.

2 Write the words in the correct box. +ffi -sryt€ pencil rubber ruter book oronge _op p [,e on\ 3 Write o or on. It's , _o bag. It's oron9e. It's book. It's oppLe. Whot'sthis? 3 Andwhot'sthis? # Whot'sthis?@ wh\ Whot'sthis? ,/ Andwhot'sthis?M p e-n Unit L It's _ -, .- pencil cose.

4 Write. Remember o or on. troin t Whot's this? 2 Whot's thls It's a baLL k ptone @MT ,# elepho nt It's 3 Whot's ,%ffi It's 6 u m bretlo Unit L

5 Whot's this? Drow ond write. oppte book oronge troin --h,.otf elephont 4 It's q boLL J )o ( @ -0-J <-)*l tV' i\ i Unit 1 11

a$lllil.,;lllltl 1lii,,i3tf ,rriilrl ,ill :aii. 1ll r:!r.r!i ri,lr. ritl rir:ltri ..lili urlirr! Possessive adjectives (1 ) Present simple of be (1) Mg ond Uour ore possessive odjectives. Theg sog who owns something. I mg troin, mg bot[, mg cor Uou gour csr, Uour troin, Uour teddg Motch. tr is your teddy. Unit 2

rhis ir @ balt. rhis is your teddy. e Circle mU ond gour. 3 Write mg or Uour. t This 2 This g This 4 This s This t This 2 lhrs 3 This 4 This s This boLL. teddg. cor. kite. troin. t !:Grfl"r te- - c__ k b 15 r {t L,{ J is is is is & Write mU or Uour ond complete the words. rhis is my doll. rhis is your car. Unit 2

!s this your car? & Hi'ril.'s to identifg someone or something. xs comes from the H rnts ts Auson. tffii Tnrs ts my car. Is this .",? is o ges/no question. We chonge the word order in questions. Stotement Question f,fais is your teddy. Js f}lss your teddy? Yeso it is ond hlo, it isn't ore short onswers. We con use them if the question begins with Is this ...? Is ftrris gour car? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. 5 Motch. ,, @ Is this o co'7 *-:-'\..--. yes, it is. Is this o kite? -&-- r ffiIsthisobook? € isn't = is not _/\- E-v ,/ bol"L? - @Isthisotroin? Is this o t4 Unit 2 No, it isn't. t @@Isthisodolt?

6 Write the words in the correct order. Moke questions. this gour boll Is Xs thris goun bu[[ mU this Is cor s puzzl,e Uou r th is Is mg Is troin this 7 Look ond write. Yes, it is. ? No, it isn't. mU dolt Is this Is thls rny dotl Is kite th is Uou r ls this your doll? ls this your ball? ls this your teddyZ ls this your train? ls this your kite? Unit 2

Finger, finger, finger. Yes, Alison . Three fingersl Regular plural nouns Present simple of be (2) Demonstratives Finger is singulor. We use the singuLorJorm when we ore toLking obout one thing or person. .l Fingers is pLu ro L. We use the pLu ro L form when we o re tolking about more thon one thing or person. pturol=singulor+s a(i:a ^rA f onefinser)eishtfinsers Wf fry ffi,> Y .,) t/ / / one nose)four noses +qC4^ one eye ) two eyes I @ Complete the tob[e. Singular Plural #fl'8"t1 ear leg X.5 Unit 3

2 Tick (/) the correct one. th ree finger th ree fingers four orm four orms 3 Count ond write. t How mong foces? 3 How mong eors? D a D D one foce one foces D D two legs two leg three eor three eors How mong noses? 4 How mong orms? D D one hond one honds D D D D TT Two faces s How mong fingers? 6 How mong eges? Unit 3

These aye the facest Yellow faces! These are the eyesl Blue eyes! These are the ears! Creen earst We use ure to identifg things ond people. Are comes from the verb be. Here ore identiJies two or more things or people. JAY6; These CIre eues. rhe eues ore b[ue. ffirhenoseisred. 'e-ffi @L $ The noses nre red. ore is 4 Motch. % Write sentences. Use is or Gre. t legs / bl,ue The Leqs ars blue 3 orms / purple The s foce / geLLow nose / pink The fingers / green 18 Unit 3

This is my pencil case. These are my pencils. This is my kite. These are my dolls. This ond these ore demonstrotives. We use them for things thot ore close to us. Singu[or (one thing or person) This is mg kite. 6 Motch. Write This or These. r -Thus _ is m g bo LL. 3 - ore mg troins. s is mg dotl. Pluro[ (two or more things or people) These are my pencils. These ore This is 2 4 6 ore mg cors. is mg teddg. ore m g puzzLes. Unit 3 19

R ff{mw#ffiffi 6 1 Write the words in the correct order. Then motch. is Mo rg Th is liris _il It4erU no me's Mg Tom rubber pen t Whot's !hLS, ? It's ctn eCIr stx I,M books Five 2 Write questions ond onswers. UOU H( Whot's thls ? It's fine I'm thonk fine, door ege orm 2 4 6 Review L

3 Write the words in the correct box. t Is it o bog? No , [t isn't r Is it o window? 5 Write This is or These ore. Then motch. t The-se- ore mg eues. ,b 2 mu eors. 3 mu nose. 4 . mg foce. 5 mu orms. -drf( !ry:ddfi pencils pens bolL troin cor plone m9 Write. Yes, it is. No, it isn't. z Isito , gour 1e_ddg window? 1, 4 Is it o girL? Review l-

He ond she ore subject pronouns. We use he when we toLk obout moles (bogs ond men). Subject pronouns (1) Yes/no questions (1) We use she when we totk obout Jemotes (girts ond women). tt We use it when we totk obout .JH .t,.- o thing or on object. + Other subject pronoufls or€: I, gou, we, theg I Motch. 1 She's o nurse. 2 He's o pupit. 3 She's o teocher. 4 He's o doctor. 5 He's o firemon. 6 She's o vet. He's a policeman. What's Mr Jones? What's Mrs Jones? She's a doctor. Unit 4

Tick (/) the correct one. O-lmL I D @ This is Iomie. She's o pupi[. This is Jomie. He's o pupiL. This is Mrs Smith. She's o housewife. D This is Mrs Smith. He's o housewife. D This is Mr Rogers. He's o vet. D This is Mr Rogers. She's o vet. D She's s doctor. housewife. This is Mr Smith. She's on ostronout. D This is Mr Smith. He's on ostronout. D 3 Write il{e's or She's, ond o or on. H e's o. poticemo n" piLot. ostronout. Unit 4

ls he a policeman? No, he isn't. Is he...? ond Is she...? ore ges/no questions. We chonge the word order-in qr.riiont. He's o poticemon. \./ Is he o policemon? We can use short onswers if the question begins Is he ...1 or Is she ...? Is she a nurse? Yes, she is. Is she a vet? Na, she isn't. No, she isn't. = 4 Tick (/) the correct short onswer. Is she o housewife? Is he o firemonT @ D D D D tr D D , ffiY rs he o pilot? fi3hffi fu Issheovet? ffiiF #atr Unit 4 ,R RV F^r € No, she is not. 1\- 7 Yes, she is. No, she isn't. Yes, he is. No, he isn't. Yes, he is. No, he isn't. Yes, she is. No, she isn't. he's = he is

Look ond write. Yes, he is. No, he isn't. Is she o doctor? No , she lsn't Is she o nurse? teocher he ts. No, she isn't. Is he o piLot? Is she o housewife? a she Is he o vet? Is he o doctor? she Yes is Yes , she [s he isn't No isn't No she is she Yes Yes, she @ b Write the words in the correct order. '#;,:,,-".^::;;" Is '#,]n.n' Is Poti'"'on 'f,,lo"o' Is o she Is €? W ffi ffiffi @ ffi#, t#18 ksa= {&o ffi 7 firemo n Is Unit 4

"i - '* "S rd" -'\ :,i" dd "^a.€i llst'i- ;, L - ^" ; a I'r- :" ir"i*.. *.,sS".$g ir; ;i 1 Look ond write. Where-'s the tedd g ? It's in the bog. Where's ..,? is o wh- questi,on; \l\1s,c66 use it to osk obout the ploce or position of something, We con replg with lt's ... We con slso use Where's ...? to osk obout the ploce or position of someone. Then we con reptg with He's ... oi She's ... € Where's...? - Where is...? -Zl Wh- questions (1) Prepositions of place the bog? on the swing. in the poo[. _ . Alison ? under the slide. W '@fi?& ffi ?qD underthe stide. - (6 Iomie? .- on the swing. Unit 5

Circle the tr The teddg is in the bog. The bog is on the swing. The kite is under the stide. On, in ond under ore prepositions of ptoce. Theg tetl us where something or someone is. prepositions Er*, *n ond umd er. tr Where's the penci[? It'sffithe pencit cose. Where's the dol"L? It's under the seesow. Where's the ruLer? It's in the bog. Where's the teddg? It's under the sLide. Where's the It's on the bog? swing. Where's the bol,L? @ It's in the pool. m -rrrl-r-lUnit 5

3 Tick (/) the correct sentence. t Where's the bagl 2 Where's the doLL? 3 Where's the boLl"? 4 Where's the teddg? s Where's the kite? t* Reod ond drow the bo[[, the teddg, the t The bo[['s in the poo[. 2 The teddg's on the swing. r The car's under the slide. 4 The troin's on the seesow. It's on the seesow. It's under the seesow. It's in the seesow. It's in the bog. It's under the bog. It's on the bog. It's in the swing. It's on the swing. It's under the swing. It's on the slide. It's under the slide. It's in the stide. It's on the swing. It's under the swing. It's in the swing. cor ond the troin. @ D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 28 Unit 5

5 Look ond write the questions. Look ond write. r Where's the botl,? It's under the swing. \ffher els the teddy It's in the pool. It's under the slide. It's underthe swing. It's on the seesow. 6 2 It's 3 the teddg? the bog. 4 5 6 the troin? the seesow. the dol[? the swing. the cor? _ the swing. the kite? the s[ide. Unit 5

,:,,.i. Subject pronouns (2) Yes/no questions (2) Possessive's I ond UorI ore subject pronouns. We use Ifor oursetves. We use gou for o person we ore toLking to. The pronoufls ol'€: Singu[or I, gou, he, she, it I'm =Iom I Drow Uourse$ ond write. Pturot Mre, Usu, theg gou're = Uou ore I'm Don. R P. YoH'r€ my brother! Yes! l'yffi 1amie, your brother. And yout're Alison, my sister. l'ykx yaur dad! You aren't my dad! 30 Unit 6

2 Number the pictures. 1 D 4\ o,;i;) 'ffi 3 Write the words in the correct order. 1 mU grondpo You're -Y o--u-r-e-x-1 g grsn d p o 2 mU grondmo You're mu sister You're 2\@D You mu mu o ren't sister You're m u m mum You m U o ren't Unit 6

Are you my brother? No, l'rr your grandma. Arc you my brother? Yes, l'm your brother. Are gou ...? is o ges/no question. We use it to Jind out obout people. We chonge the word order in questions. You are mg brother. V Are gou my brother? {* Look ond write. tr psd4/s m @ ffi wL*( Yes, { f Are tr Uou mg sister? mu gron dmo ? k A mV gro nd po ? 32 Unit 6 mg mum!

6 's tells us who hos something. It's cotled the possessive 's. This is lamie's book. This mork' is colted on opostrophe. Circle the possessive 's. This is ALisonC fomiLg. Jomie is Alison's brother. And Mrs Robinson is his mum. ALison's dad is Mr Robinson. Grondmo's nome is Cotherine. Grondpa's nome is Ernie. Fo[Low ond write. l'm Alison's brother. ffiB rt's l Grond 2 Atison 3 Grond 4]omie 5 Mum It's Grondp_als book. It's hot. pen. puzzle. dol.t. pencit cose. It's 6 Dod ^-* It's Unit 6

Bqf :l#fu, *r # -: *\ & "d # ll{ K, S$#d# !iL;* :{ ;tu+tE '1i"";?'Y. "l e# S %,k W ffit* Y:ry .ds* L Write She's o or He's o. S he's o Follow ond write. Yes, he is. No, he isn't. vet. po[icemo n. liremo n. Yes, she is. No, she isn't. doctor. h o u sewife. piLot. ffi Iffiffi ffi\ 4Bw # Is he o policemon? Yes, he i"s Is she o doctor? No, ., Is he o vet? Yes, 4 Is she o housewife? ,- 5 Is he o firemon? - Is she: e Lot? Review 2

Write questions. troin cor teddg r Whene]s the batl It's in the pool. 2 It's on the swing. 3 It's under the seesow. 4 It's in the tree. It's under the tree. It's in the bag. Write. Dod's dol.L -W kite 7 * 7 Mum's Atison's Jffis Jqmlels _dad. mum. book. bag. Review 7 35

---- J',,.:.' .,i:rrli':rri :rrl .,. ,r:l , .t' :ti:l,.,]iti:1it{.' "llli.irrir,if tlll; 'r{*il; llii l*! lll Are theg coots? Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't. Are theg T-shirts Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't. Yes/no questions (3) Possessive adjectives (2) Are theg dresses Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't. Are theg hots? Yes, theg o re. No, theg oren't. Are theg socks? Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't. Are theg "..? is o ges/no question. We con use it to osk obout more thon one person or thing. Yes, theg ore ond No, theg cren't ore short onswers to the question Are theg ...? Are theE socks? Yes, they are. Are they trousers? No, theg aren't. No, theg oren't. = No, theg ore not. # $/ Tick (/) the correct short onswer. -- r\o, rneu oren.. ,_r ? D D D D D D D D ? D D What are these? Are they socks? Yes, they are. Unit 7

Write. Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't. *k &"=- E.^ {"[ffi E 3 Look ond write. Alison's or fomie's? Are theg Iomie's shorts? Yes, theg-ore- - Is it ALison's hot? s Is it A[ison's T-shirt? 2 Are theg Jomie's socks? 4 Are theg Jomie's shoes? 6 Is it Iomie's dress? r8,, W H. ffi @f Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't. Are theg Mum's dresses? -Yes, lhey ate Are theg Alison's socks? Are theg Jomie's shoes? Are theg Dod's hots? Nq , _-t[eg_a.rerL:t o:" t1', Dod'; socks? Are theg Mum's hotsT Unit 7

His ond her ore possessive odjectives. Theg sog who owns something. he (mote) his trousers, his shorts, his T-shirt she (femoLe) her dress, her socks, her T-shirt The other possessive odjectives ore: Possessive odjective mg gou r its our their Pronoun I gou it WC theg 4 Motch. his Unit 7 her

Write his or her. z This is hot. 4 This is T-shirt. 6 This is shoe. Theylr"e Jqmle's . They're- his trouse-rs It's Ali"son]s . It's her d.ress H ffi A € w @ T-shirt. shoe. t This is hls hot. s This is s This is & I ffi ffi cv} - l": I 1' ,.',\ I :" l b.res, tr?6j/ w ,r,ld H5 p# & Unit 7

llrr'li{l lill'iiri: li .iii. lt, iiill liilr llli,!]]' Where sre ...?.is o ryh- question. We con use it to osk the pLo:-e or tocotion of more thon one person or thing. Where are Iamie and Dave? Theg're in the gor:drn. A, We use Where's ...? to osk the ploce or Locotion of fr one person or thing. (Where's ...? - Where is ...?) ,V A- ;liitlllllr,,,t,lrirlllii rlll:{!lirt{i!, ..,ir:riit, it tiitt iitl; .:t:: lI ,i,, ;1,1 rr{ir!!l ll tlill rliiltrla ili tliii llll: riiilir{i Wh- questions (2) Yes/no questions (4) Adverbs Write Where's or Where ore ond the ploce. t W-he-re's Alison ? She's in her bedroom r;;;;;;," in. Iom e ond Dove? ;;', i;;" Mum? 4 Theg're in the Unit 8 Grondmo ond G randpa?

Where's Alison? gs s*ee $sG the living room? M Where are Jamie and Dave? A*'e ffkey avt" the bedroom? ArAj */ 3s she im ...? is o g esf no question. We con use it to osk if o person or thing is in the pLoce we think. Where's Alison? Is sh* iw the living room? Where's Iamie? Is fee im the kitchen? Where are Iamie and Dave? Are th*g in the hall? 2 Motch. Is he in the Living room? Are theg in the kitchen? Yes, he is. "'--- Yes, theg ore. No, he isn't. Is he in the bothroom? No, theg oren't. Unit 8 4L

Look ond write. Is she Is he Are theg Yes, she is. No, he isn't. No, she isn't. Yes, theg Yes, he is. ore. No, theg oren't. gorden @ry %' \E/ @' Are they Ye-s , the_y in the gorden? gre in the kitchen? in the living room? in the kitchen? in the bedroom? ,-.- .. - s f", \a Unit 8

&\ u psto irs downstoirs Upstoirs ond downstsirs ore odverbs. Theg teLL us where someone or something is in o house. Upstoirs meons of the top of the house. Downstoirs meons of the bottom of the house. Where's Iamie? He's upstairs. Look ond write. t Where's Jomie? He's upstaLrS . He's in the both_room 3 Where's the kitchen? It's do_wnstgi.l's . s Where's Dod? Where are Alison and Murn? Theg're downstairs. Where's the bathroom? Where are the kitchen and the dining room? It's upstairs. They're dawnstairs. l* Where ore Alison ond Mum? Theg're Theg're Where's the bothroom? 6 Where's the hoLL? Unit 8 43

Have got (1) I've got sogs thot gou hove or own something. I hqven't got sogs thot gou don't hove or own something. I've got a sandwich.It's mg sandwich. I haven't gat a banana. I've got = I hove got Alison or lomie? Write A or f. 1 I've got o biscuit. A 2 I've got two biscuits. 3 I've got o bonono. 4 I hoven't got o peor. 5 I've got two peors. 6 I've got o drink. 7 I've got on oppl.e. 8 I hoven't got on opp[e. ,* I hoven't got = I hove not got ..._, Q l've got hro sandwiches. Unit 9

Write the words in the correct order. 1 two I've got sondwiches I'v:g go_! two_ sqndwic-hes two got I've opples on oppLe hoven't I got 4 egg drink on got I've got I've hoven't two biscuits got 3 Look ond write. o drink Ssffi on opple o biscuit I've got g Sqndw_ich I hoven't got I've got I hoven't got Unit 9 45

l-lave yau gotyour lunch box? Have you got your books? Have you got your pencil case? Yes, I have. Haveyou gotyour shoes? No, I haven't! Hsve gou got...? is a ges/no question. We con use it to osk obout the things peopl"e hove. Yer, I hsve ond No, I hsven't ore short onswers. them if the question begins Hove Eou got...? No, I hoven't. = No, I hove not. We con use 4 Uou got o bonono ,t# F 4 Motch. Hov-e yCI-u go! o lunchbo.-x ? 3 on egg got Uou Hove t Hove gou got on oronge? @ s2 Hove gou got Uour penci k? @ 3 Hove gou got a drirO, Wqd 4 Hove gou got Uour sondwicnr@ No, I hoven't. Yes, I hove. No, I hoven't. Yes, I hove. Write the words in the correct order. Moke questions. t got Hove gou o Lunchbox 2 two sondwiches got Hove Uou ? Hove 7 Unit 9

6 Look ond write. Yes, I hove. No, I hoven't. t Hove gou got abanono? 2 Hove gou got on egg? 3 Hove gou got o biscuit? 4 Hove gou got o sondwich? s Hove gou got o drink? 6 Hove gou got on appleT Look ond write. Hove gou gotT Yes, I hove. Yes , I hcve No, I hoven't. Emmo: Io m ie: Emmo: Dove: Jo m ie: Emmo: Heve Uau got Yes , I hove o peor? o peor? o sondwich? 6 Jo m ie: Dove: Dove: Io m ie: Dove: Em mo: o biscuit? o sondwich? o peor? Unit 9 47

I Write This is or These ore ond his or her. w & # M Write. Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't. Are theg her shoes? No_ , t-h,eu grqn't nre tn;U her shoes? Are theg her trousers? f,\\& d3 hot. trousers. shoes. shoes. dress. coot. aretn;U h ssocks? Are theg his socks? I nre th;9 her dresses? te ffiffi # @ & Review 3

3 Write I've got ond o word from the box. -g-ssffi o drink o peo r o sondwich o tomoto on oronge Look ond write. Yes, I hove. No, I hoven't. Have you got a sandwich? 4 5 6 Have you got a tomato? Have you got a pear? Have you got a sandwich? t 6 Review 3

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