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Published by worksheetsworld26, 2023-07-30 07:05:33

Grammar Friends 1

Grammar Friends 1

&#** ffi*: ffi #WHW trfl#ffi ffi ffi$ Have sot (2) { ...'s got = hos got ... hosn't 9ot = hos not got ll.i.rl '-..l.i.l I Reod ond circ[e. l I J w & &Jn Unit L0 t ffi @l she's f He's got four [egs. It / She / He hosn't got long hoir. It's / She's f He's got three sides. It's /She's f He's got o boL[. It's /She's f He's got o hot. It / She / He hosn't got o hot. This is Iomie. He's got short hoir. He's got brown eUes. This is fomie's friend. Her nome's Angie. She hosn't got short hoir. She's got Long hoir. She's got green eges. 50

2 Look, reod ond write the nomes. L She's got Long hoir. Anq i"e *,1 2 He's got o puzzLe. BittuJ 3 She's got o white dress. 4 He's got o book. 5 She's got o bag. 6 He's got o white T-shirt. 7 She's got bLock hoir. 8 She's got brown hoir. Wr tr ite the words in the correct order. Jomie's friends He's o Hels got got biscuit n b[seult three It's got It's sides got She hosn't Unit 10 btock hoir bike He's got

t* Look ond write. Use He's got or She's got ond wordsfrom the box. :h*+tm gregtrousers o tunchbox o btue T-shirt bmg-hqf o blue hot o gellowT-shirt obag t Hels got shsrt hqtr 2 3 4 Look ond write. Use lt's got ond words tong short triongle rectongLe s She's got Long hair 6 7 8 two side. It's o two sides. It's o from the box. > fi*ofe Whot's this? It's got four sides. It's o sguore Whot's this? one Whot's this? sides ond sides ond Unit LO two

Moke the sentences negotive. L He's got tong hoir. Hg 2 She's got bLock hoir. 3 lt's got big eues. 4 She's got green socks. 5 He's got block trousers. Look ond write. He's got She's got It's got hosnlt get Long holr He hosn't got She hosn't got It hosn't got ! i ,.1 1 l @iI boLL I -'*----*-{ ffi dotL , EnF#ffiMd. --s..4-* Bl3$EffiEgiS . E-.-t,rew 4v@ : @F@W lomie t He's got o Pwz-zlez He hosn't got o do-tl 3 He's got a bqtl Ang ie 9 The cot Dove 7 8 4 5 6 10 . t_t_ .L2 Unit L0 53

ll'lillllll ll,!1, !l drlilliir lii luti ;t! t,rf rrt lll Present simple: like (1) Adjectives I like ond I don't tike ore present simp[e forms of the verb tike. We use the present simpLe to toLk obout things thot ore true now. Affirmotive @ r tit<e & Motch. Negotive @ r dan't tike {[ don't = do not 417 & Y ; -/ --g I lilce monkeys. 16ry2'W@3'm4ffi'#m Write I tike or tr don't Like. B don't Unit L1

Like: O Don't [ike: @ AIison !;,,;,1 Iomie i ...-. ! i,',,ii Mum lr11, ,. .; ,l' ',;i;"1.,,i Dod ti ..... 1 3 Look ond write. t Alison' I like elephonts. I do*nlt Like snokes. I Like monkegs. monkegs. monkegs. 4 Whot do gou Like? Then write obout gou. zebra etephont monkeg Lion B} k\-/ I 55

It's green. They're tall. Green ond to[t ore odjectives. Adjectives describe things ond peopte. nijectives stog the some. It's big. They're big. 5 Motch. t It's to LL. 2 It's short s Theg're big. 4 Theg're Long. s Theg're LittLe. 6 It's oronge. Unit 11

5 Write. -W tittle bW [ong gellow short toL[ green Theg're bLue red It's bi.g 1 2 3 4 5 Circle the odjectives. True or folse? Write T or F. Elephonts ore @ F Giroffes ore short. ELephonts ore big. Snokes ore toL[. Frogs ore titt[e. Unit 11

ir,rn! iri *i lfi ' ' ! "-s P -i i : Present simple: like (2) Wh- questions (3) Do yor,r like flsh? No, I don't. Do you like carrots? No, I don't. Do gou Like ...? is o ges/no question. The short onswers ore Yes, I do or No, I don't. It is the present simple interrogotive form. Do gou tike + Do gou like + + ? = Do gou tike apples? Yes, I do,,,,, + ? ='Do gou like bananasT , lVo, I don't, I Write the words uou in the correct order. Moke guestions. Do Like meot DO_ g_ou Ltke me_nt Like Do oronges uou Do you , Like breod Do uou Do rice Like Uou Do Like Do tomotoes Uou Uou tike fish Uou Do

Write questions. , G,) breod Do Upu tike b-rcqd ? >-J4 J @ M /^ #\W 3 Motch. t Do gou tikefish? @ : Do gou Like corrots? s Do gou like rice? @ Write. Yes, I do. Nlo, I don't. t Do gou Like meot? O 2 Do gou like corrots? @ r Do gou like fish? @ 4 Do gou like breod? O s Do gou Like juice? O 6 Do gou tike mil"k? @ corrots Do gou bo no nos flce Voc -! .Y-.r -- r .... '. , ., , -- - -, ..-. , .. - ..-... ..'. , .- .. -. .-' , .-.--..-..r - Ido No, I don't. Do gou like meot? O Do gou [ike opples? @ 6 Do gou like breod? @ 4 Unit L2

Do you like carrots? Whfit da you lil<e: Whot do gou Like? is o wh- question. We con replg : O I l,ike yogurt. {r @ r don't likefish. <\- 'ryWrite the words in the correct order. t do Whot l"ike Uou W-hqt do Uou like ? 3 Uou Do fish l"ike tike I breod Like Whot Uou do Uou Do Like bo no nos Uou Like do Whot don't I Like breod I like don't ? Unit 12 corrots

6 Look ond write. ffi z>@ 6W @ {w (s ffi ffi t Tomie: 2 Emmo: 3 Emmo: 4 Jomie: s Angie: 6 Dove: 7 Dove: 8 Angie: 9 Emmo: 10 Angie: 11 Angie: 12 Emmo: Whot do Uou llke , Emmo? I Ltke Jish Do Uou like Jish , Jomie? Yes ,Ido Whot du Uou like , Dove? , Angie? , Angie? , Emmo? Unit 12

!& s]} ** &'d *aq" r- d x -ff.& & "4.# d;t S 1, l:* T-P I P * &fl*r *if ,*{ ry r &Fe4 I tE # I Write She's Eot or She hosn't got. r She'S go-t Long hoir. 2 She hosnit got short hoir. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Write the words in the correct order. t Like I tions stroight hoir. curlg hoir. btock hoir. brown hoir. o dol[. o teddg. monkegs Like don't tike I sno kes I tike Lio-ns 3 don't I elepho nts Like giraffes Like Motch. t It's big. e 2 Theg're Long I Theg're to[[. 4 lt's long. 5 It's smo[[. 6 lt's short. 6 tike don't monkegs b Review 4

& Write. No, I don't. Yes, I do. oO Mum: An n: Mum: An n: Mum: An n: Mum: An n: Mum: An n: Mum: An n: Do gou . .. ., Do gou ;";;; Do gou like corrots? t{m , I d*ru't. Do gou tike rice? , Do gou tike oppLes? Like breod? Like bononos? Like gogurt? Look ond write. Whot .Dd No tr tike don't I Review 4

There rs and there are We use there's ond there ore to toLk obout things oround us. We use there's to tol.k obout one thing or person. There's a bed. There's a cupboard. We use there one to toLk obout two or more things or peopLe. There are four rooms. there's = there is "H,/ l\ '^) s Motch. I There ore two tog boxes. 2 There's o tog box. g There's o do[1. 4 There ore three doLts. s There ore four books. 6 There's o book. Unit 13

Write the words in the correct box. ry AeW+arc two pillows o cupboord five pencils ten cors o do[L six puzztes o sheLf o blonket o bed 3 Count. Write sentences. There's one teddg. Ihere ore five doLLs. boLLs. puzzLe. kite. books. bed. shetf. .r,- There ore "...o. i eiqht boohs I i I i { I '\r.,-,,.",".,-,,,".,".,*,. Unit 13

Is there ...? is o gesf no question. We con use Is there ...? to osk obout things oround us. We chonge ttr'e wJrd order in questions. There's a pitlow on the bed. Is there o pillow on the bed? 4 Write the words in the correct order. t there Is o pitlow is _there_ o Fl[low ? s sheLf o Is there Moke questions. 2 there Is a tog box 4 o bed there Is o Is cupboord there Unit 13 ru9 Is a there

ls there a car? use thern if the question begins Is there ...? Is there a ball? Yes, there is. No, there isn't. 5 Tick (/) the correct short onswer. t Is there o bed? No, there isn't. Yes, there is. No, there isn't Yes, there is. No, there isn't. Yes, there is. No, there isn't. Yes, there is. Yo. ILJ _ .-..t . .t .. ... '... , .. -, , there [s Yes, there is ond No, there isn't ore short onswers. We con 4 P 2 Is there o shetf? 3 Is there o tog box? No, there isn't. = No, there is not" D @ D D D D D D 6 4 Is there o cupboord? Look ond write. Yes, there is. No, there isn't. 1 Is there a cor on the shetf? 2 Is there a botl on the shelf? 3 Is there o blonket on the bed? 4 Is there o cupboord? Unit 13

Can meons that g,6u ore do sonnething.rlt,o[wo,gs cornes before o not'herverb, A bird can fly. It can flg. , , Alison can run. She can run. Con't meons thot Uou ore not oble to do something. --, A snake can't run. It can't run. Iamie can'tfly. He can'tfly. con't = connot ^$,T / 1 True or folse? Write T or F. Can tor ability ry A bird con sing. A bird con't sing. Afish con swim. AJish con't swim. A snoke con run. A snoke con't run. TF A rnonkeg con sing. A monkeg con't sing. A porrot con swim. A porrot co n't swim. A tiger con run. A tiger co n't ru n. I cgn runl A snake can't run. A bird can fly. t can't fly. Unit L4

2 Write the words in the correct order. zebra A co n't fLU A zebro c_o"n'_t Jt monkeg A con run A to Lk co n't cot Write con or c0n't. t lamie c-o.n write. A monkeu write. A wo [k co n't fish po rrot A swim co n't con ptoU Alison ffi & * Write true sentences. swim. swim. f Lu. Jtu. monkeg /f|.9 A m_onke,y Esnlt Jty monk"V /ctimb I Iomie A snoke , run. ru n. Iomie A fish A bird Io mie H *,g* % t bird / sing A bird c-sn ling r bird / run s bird /ftU monkeg / run 7 bird /climb 8 monk"g /sing Unit L4

1 2 3 4 5 6 I cqn tglk, Csn it ...? is o ges/no question. we use it tolfind out wihot animols ond things ore ob[e to do. Ye5, it con ond No, it con't ore short onswers. We con use them if the question begins Con it ...? Cun it'run? ,/ Yes, it cor. X No, it con't. We use con he or con she tofind out whot peopl,e ore obLe to d". ,-/# 7 Tick (/) ond write obout Uou. l , Icon i Icon't 1 irl 'to[k | ,t ] lr I run I I I ;Ili : f!-" I I I JJILL' iwotk i 1 i .",. - - -. ".-"1.--*---.-....-- "-"...,--.i lsins I i i 11i lswiml I l1 ! liii Unit 14

6 Motch. Con itfl"U? Con it swim? Con it climb? Con it climb? Con it run? Con it run? No, it con't. Yes, it con. Look ond write. Con he Con she Con it J**rtffi Yes, it con No, she con't No, she con't Con he run? Yes , he- con Yes, he con No, it con't Co n she swim ? .... .'', Con run? t .-- .--. toLk? cLim b? it 4W ftu? t Unit 1"4

pLoU footbo[1. find sheLLs. swim in the seo. go in o boot. write. moke o sondcostle. Lef 's Imperatives Negative imperatives tet's = Let us Let's woLk. ru n. cLim b. to Lk. sing. drow. Motch. I Let's moke o sondcostle. 2 Let's plog footboLL. 3 Let's drow. 4 Let's find shells. 5 Let's go in o boot. 6 Let's swim in the seo. We use Let's os o wog of suggesting to somebodg thot gou do something together. Let's otwogs comes before onother verb. Let's =#N *4ffi'' Let's play football. That's a Eood idea. @ 72 Unit 15

Look ond write. Use Let's ond the words in the box. JeA{ find sheLLs hove on ice tol.l.g pl.oU footboLl. moke o sondcostle swim in the seo Jomie, Letls- re-a*d tr Jo m ie: fo m ie: Jo m ie: Write the words in the correct order. t swim in I , ieo Let'i ,the 2 JQotboLL Let's pl.ou Let's swim ln the seo 3 Let's a sondcostle make 4 sh-eLls, , ,find. Let's 5 ice Lottg ,o,n,, ,Let's hove 6 good: ',ideo Thot's'o Unit L5 7:?

Iump ond run or,e imperoti,ve forms. lVe can use on imperotive to te[L somebodg to do something. ! This is on excLomotion mork. We often use it of the end of the sentence when the verb is on imperotive. dF 4 Motch. t Find the boLL! 2 Run! : Cotch the boLL! 4 Woit! s Look! 74 Unit L5

Dom't forget yaur hat, Alison. @ J4 Don't forget is o negotive imperotive. We con use o negotive imperotive to tel"t somebodg not to do something. we use don't ona o verb. J Imperotive Negotive imperotive Forget. Run. Look. Don'tforget. Dgn't run. Don't look. don't = do not # Q V 6 Moke the imperotives negotive. r wolk! L)cn'[ wellk 2 Run! 3 Stond up! 4 PLo g bo LL! s Hove on ice LoLlg! Look ond write. Don't swim Don't wo[k Don't flg # Don't run ffi I o kite! Don't run Unit 15

1 Describe the picture. There ore flve T-shlrts Motch. t It con swim. 2 She con't swim. 3 He con drow. 4 He con sing. s She con jump. 6 It con't jump. 1 3 5 2 4 6 There's Review 5

Write short onswers. A*Ytr Con it swim? Yes , tt ean Con it cLimb? ,- Con he drow? Con it sing? Look ond write. EJ*+tc-lf Let's swim Let's go Let's run 5 Look ond write. Don't wolk _lon+swffi FIU Drow Don't swlm Let's ctimb ffi{3 :t!4. ;\ /rJt\\ \Y !1 ,(flp QHP ----xK l&+ '1:qgz dr\ q'1 1:-'@\a ).! ciB=: ffi ffi- ffinffi- ffiffiP* ry,-*_{ tu ##-\M in o boot! o picture! it totk? tReview 5

#@ .d ffi &. -Mffisffi&.e&&ffi&F w*,eu& 6se & trrqin&&seR &m s *n***ffiMffiffid&trffi 'qBww &sess#swffiwffi w %@e e &@s p 'k& ffi &fufu Subj,ect:,PfOhoun,s Ir. r.rri.., r.,.ri.r.'., .r .' i. rr UOrU r,.,, . r tti,t i,, tt r.t',.:..'.'' ::.t.r.',i:.' :r l" I ff ;:,,r r, ;,r',,,. :::':r,,'.-:'.,,..:.'..,. ;::.,:" .::: :., :' 5h]e,..,,,,'.,:,1,:,,,,,.',,,,,...r1 r,,,i ri.r'i.r'':lrll:r. r.l i{..,,.,.,,r:i,,..'li','1,.,,.,;.,11,,,,,111,:,:,::':,:;;",,.,;1i.;;:','::";:;..::.:,: li\Ierli .,,rr',r. i rliir.t'.rl'i it,.l': : ):': : : ::::' .:' :.. theU.l],,i.,...tllt:,t,]:]l.,ll,itutliltt ].,.,i,',,,]t,tti:,,]il Long Jorm Iom uou ore he is she is it is we ore uou ore theg ore Possessive odjectives mu uour his her its our their Affirmotive ShortJorm I,M uou're he's she's it's we're gou're theg're Interrogotive om I? ore gou? is he? is she? is it? ore we? ore gou? ore theg? Negotive Short form I'm not gou oren't he isn't she isn't it isn't we oren't gou oren't theg oren't Long form I om not gou ore not he is not she is not it is not we ore not gou ore not theg ore not Short onswers Yes, I om. Yes, gou ore. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, it is. Yes, we ore. Yes, gou ore. Yes, theg ore. No,I'm not. No, gou oren't. No, he isn't. No, she isn't. No, it isn't. No, we oren't. No, gou oren't. No, theg oren't. 78 Grommor reference

Alfirmotive Short Jorrn I've got gou've got he's got she's got it's got we've got gou've got theg've got Interrogotive hove I got? hove gou got? hos he got? hos she got? hos it got? hove we got? hove gou got? hove theg got? Long form I hove got gou hove got he hos got she hos got it hos got we hove got gou hove got theg hove got Short onswers Yes, I hove. Yes, gou hove. Yes, he hos. Yes, she hos. Yes, it hos. Yes, we hove. Yes, gou hove. Yes, theg hove. Negotive Short forrn I hoven't got gou hoven't got he hosn't got she hosn't got it hosn't got we hoven't got gou hoven't got theg hoven't got No,I hoven't. No, gou hoven't. No, he hosn't. No, she hosn't. No, it hosn't. No, we hoven't. No, gou hoven't. No, theg hoven't. Lonq forrn I hove not got gou hove not got he hos not got she hos not got it hos not got we hove not got gou hove not got theg hove not got I Alfirmotive I like gou like he likes she likes it [ikes we like gou like theg Like Interrogotive do I Like? do gou Like? does he Like? does she [ike? does it Like? do we Like? do gou tike? do theg [ike? Negative Short form I don't Like gou don't Like he doesn't tike she doesn't Like it doesn't Like we don't [ike gou don't tike theg don't Like Short onswers Yes, I do. Yes, gou do. Yes, he does. Yes, she does. Yes, it does. Yes, we do. Yes, gou do. Yes, theg do. Long form I do not Like gou do not Like he does not Like she does not like it does not Like we do not tike gou do not tike theg do not like No, I don't. No, gou don't. No, he doesn't. No, she doesn't. No, it doesn't. No, we don't. No, gou don't. No, theg don't. Grommor reference

-a * lner* Bs Affirmotive Short form Long form there's there is there ore Interrogotive is there? ore there? Long form there is not there ore not Negotive Shortform there isn't there oren't Affirmctive I con uou con he con she con it con we con uou con theg con Interrogotive con I? con gou? con he? con she? co n it? con we? con gou? con theg? Short onswers Yes, there is. No, there isn't. Yes, there qre. No, there oren't. Negotive Shortform Long forrn I con't I connot gou con't gou connot he con't he connot she con't she connot it con't it connot we con't we connot gou con't gou connot theg con't theg connot Short onswers Yes,I con. No,I con't. Yes, gou con. No, gou con't. Yes, he con. No, he con't. Yes, she con. No, she con't. Yes, it con. No, it con't. Yes, we con. No, we con't. Yes, gou con. No, gou con't. Yes, theg con. No, theg con't. Affirmotive cotch Jind ftu forget hove jump [ook ptou run stond up swim woit woLk Negotive don't cotch don't Jind don't J[g don't forget don't hove don't ju mp don't Look don't pLog don't run don't stond up don't swim don't woit don't woLk trm per*t{qr*s Grommor reference

For students prepari ng for the Ca mbridge ESOL Young Lea rner's exa msi Storters: Grommor Friends Lond2 Movers: Grommor Friends 3 ond 4 Flgers: Grommor Friends 5 ond 6 OXFORD ENGLISH lsBN 978-0-1 9-47801 2-4 ll[illtililill[illtililt

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