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Published by worksheetsworld26, 2023-07-30 07:06:02

Family and Friends 1 Class Book full

Family and Friends 1 Class Book full

1 Listen ond sing . @ru J k 'l,', ,y ,! | l( . ,;tfr, j., >:r'l{,} {';CIdift ',,.trt.},, ,/r, *&s ffi %# trk e# d* ## ffi # fl* fu & & k ffi wnw &% #% ffi k w e.d' fr ffi &ry s # E& & g6$ He &d &d s ffifl&ffiffiwwffi&"#ffi - &e erp i {<n*:r*; ru,r .&ffi{" mirr:qs ci$# r;f,aBtr; t_t."r ir,rL.h s"}.ii. , tJ :,,._N l-rr\{4:L. "{} L/j,_altj";1-1 2 Write the letters. 3 Look of the pictures. Write the letters. t y k c r s h L m V z U The olphobet Unit 7 51

I 2 Point to the clothes. Sog the words. Listen ond reod. @r, But Mum, orange is my footb all team' s colour. Max, try on this blueT-shirt and these green trousers. glue and green are nice colours too. 3 Reod ogoin. Circle the wrong word ond write the correct word. 1 Mox is o@r 2 ALL Mox's shoes ore oronge. 3 Mox's fovourite colour is green. 52 Unit 7 Reoding: o capfion story _hqu_

1 Listen ond number.@r, wDs% 2 Look of the pictures ogoin. Point, osk ond onswer. what colour is this coat? Gil;]\ \ )-- Circte t ond motch. Where's = Where is Whot's = Whot is r who@this?@ 2 Where's mU hot? ! It's = It is He's = He 3 lt's under the seesow.L ) 4 She's eight. I 5 He's mg brotfrer- ! o b c d e Where is mg hot? She is eight. He is mg brother. Whot is this? It is under the seesow. Whot Letter is missing? E = -s Iistening, speoking, w riting Unit 7 53

Lesson One Words 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ r, 2 Listen qnd chont.@ n 3 Listen ond reo d. @ ,o 54 Unit 8 My house

I 2 Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. Look ond sog. Is Are ls Bil"tg in the bedroom? Yes, he is. lesson Two Grommor theg're = theg ore Mum ond Dod in the gorden? No, theg oren't. Ar t Nc *ffi* ,;W w *,* Rosg's ount ond uncle in the dining room? No, she Rosg in the bothroom? isn't. M 4 Look ot the pictures ogoin. Point, osk ond onswer. Are they in the living roomZ Unit 8 55

Leson Three Song , 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @u 2 Listen ond sing . @r, 3 Sing ond do. .*effi1}.:l ''%.* Come info my house Come into my house. what can you see? Upstairs and downsto irs, Come, follow me. co through the door. Co upstairs. What's in my bedroom? Four teddy bears. Co through the door. Co downstairs. What's in the dining room? Table and chairs. Come into my house ... q# 56 unit 8 My house

1 Listen, point ond repeot. @', iilll . 1r ,!-91 rl,111t* ,Sl 1,lr 2 Listen qnd chont. @eo Reod the chont ogoin. Circle the sh sounds. Look of the picture ond circle the correct sound. ,11 ir,tlli, liht,nil '&u lil iil ,llrril1'' {l t1l ***ir tt, {l.ilii lq rtql lfffiari:Si! rxririll t ,$p Lesson Four Phonics 3 4 I r$rqi ,1ti$*) 1i$ .X 1S ,!tni? tlll S ,nhdt isl 1,1 57 7<. /\,L--l ? Digrophs sh Unit 8

1 Point to the rooms. Sog the words. 2 Listen ond reo d. @r, ,:I I,.ii,.r'. trtlrllrlil,-. : ! & r, , i i -" trty1?-l\r* rairlrYlrjlr'\r$r*db , ) &&'".**a'ni&, I &&', S.irr.urf^ fr,-4,.. **.&.**! ir ,{rrw}il} }rs;i.r;b.}uq"{{; : - i {VtY lc*ll}*fy I I ,V}y Tg !{,"i'k;' , ;{,9 SLlt{"}{}i ;: ' { c'' i Myflot i, ' .'i ' - : 'r' : .. \;.. My nomes Andy fhis is o photo of my fomily in our flot We ore in the living room Here is the dining room It is iittle but the table is big fhe kitchen is next door It is yeilow ond white fhere ore three bedrooms fhe big bedroom is for my mum ond dod Il con you see my ' t sister in o photo? rii ..'''.....,-.''..-.'..''-----...''''''---'''-..'.'....'..-..'.''..'.il I naa picture I I i I lr . Kemove Ptclure i.,,....,.,.,.......,. . .. ,.... ,t i! I '::irirflliTIfliryi-.fl ]fl l; +l And this is the bolcony Look, you con see my fovourite tree. fhis is my bedroom. Next door is my sisters bedroom. 3 Reod ogoin ond write. bedroom [Mf Living room dining room L There ore photos of Andg's Jgt,, The sofo is in the The is Littl"e. is big. 2 3 4 One 58 Unit 8 Reoding: o description

1 Listen ond number. @r, .in -iHi f' 2 Look of the picture ogoin. Ask ond onswer. Living room bothrooms dining room bed rooms kitchen 5og the vowel tetters. Circte the vowels in the words. o e i o u rrrflsfls mU h@r6. L This is o kitchen. 2 She's in the dining room. 3 5 Here ore two bothrooms. Where's Grondmo? 4 Weil. done, Rosg. 6 Th e bed roo m s o re u psto irs. Lisfening, speoking, writing Unit 8 59

lesson One Words 3 Listen ond reo d. @rn l've got an apple. And l've got a banana. Choose one. fffi th'r - , 'H{ 1 'iitai' 5O Unit 9 My lunch box

I 2 Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. Look ond sog. 3 Write. I've got I hoven't got I haven't got o drink. Lesson Two Grommor I've got = I hove got n't got = hove not got i I ,j o sondwich. on oppl"e. o tunch box. .fu 'k W ^ % o bononrl. two d rin ks. 4 Look of the pictures ogoin. 5og ond onswer. I hoven't got mg I've got on opple. Lunch box. o sondwich on oronge o drink o Lunch box on oppl"e obanono l've got / I hoven't gol ... Unit 9 5t

lesson Three Song 2 Listen ond sing . @t 3 Sing ond do. 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ro Open my lunch box! open my lunch box. what can you see? l've got a sandwich, You can share with me. l've got a tomato. l've got a pear. And l've got some grapes, And l'm happy to share. 6Z Unit 9 My lunch box

1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ n, ffHre A*H ffi .ww !"'"".'*-r,.1 I | '. ll - "'-.-.--,- il ti iij ' -rfl"'\ s Listen ond chont. @st My y"i{}rnt's (Ch)r! r{!*. .'n*t ' ,y?,5 ,s yHY re se ffien. 5n*"5 $ffi {3 fm{A;}'. 5kc's S$f s ilti"!r e hirk. efui*'p, rhirp, rhirp, ss{}is the e&:ir}<" Chlnp, ekinp:, eki*'p, seys tke rkirlq. My tcsehsi"s *rl # :knir. 5ke '$ S*f s litfle rhick. Reod the chont ogoin. Circle the ch sounds. Look of the picture qnd circle the correct sound. &a& ffiw & frr le,rion Four Phonics k ffi&l E strcn 3 4 1 ffi a * s & pSq kg # Digrophs ch Unit 9 63

1 2 Point to the food. 5og the words. Listen ond reo d. @ to ln my lunch box l've got a cheese sandwich and a banana. l've got an orange. haven't got a biscuit. I haven't got a drinktoday. ln my lunch box l've got a cheese and tomato sandwich. I haven't got a banana but l've got an apple. l've got a drinktoday. l've got a pear and a biscuit in my lunch box. I've got Nvo sandwiches. They' re egg. My drink is water. I haven't got an apple today. 3 1 Reod ogoin. Write A, B or C. Her Lunch box is A Her Lunch box is His Lunch box is 6* Unit 9 Reoding: informotion texts

Lesson Six 1 Listen ond tick (/). @ r, 2 Look qt the pictures ogoin. Ask ond onswer. o sondwich on egg on opple o peo r o bonono on oronge o biscuit eight gropes l've got an orange. t've got a pear. what colour is my lunch box? Your lunch box is blue. 3 Write. on + o, e, i, o, u This is on oronge. This is o peor. L This is a biscuit. 2 I've got _- oppLe. 3 I've got - egg. 4 This is hot. 5 It's sondwich. 6 I hoven't got umbrello. Listening, speoking, writing

Review 3 I Circle the odd-one-out. Write. Gh"rtr-l F'*e. Gppt.-l I dining room tiving room bed room bonono Where's Where ore He's She's Theg're Where's Bitlg ? He's in the bedroom. Mum ond Dod? in the kitchen. Rosg's ount ond unc[e? in the dining room. Grondmo? in the dining room too. [."rt -l ( t"rrt"l t-p.;i-l kitchen [d'*;l @ Write. (b'3Jn th",*t G'.opA-l [*h''t--] 66 Review 3

Review 3 3 write. His Her 1 2 3 4 5 Her socks ore white. shorts ore oronge. T-shirt is green ond oronge. socks ore b[ue. trousers ore green. 4 write the letters. 3' iaa 5 Circ[e. '--.&. -.&.-€: ./4reSS!dq!F- -r ,. ..6:-4r.ffi.{-"t " , .. f Wk$*-MMJS;&-d .h@ 6 Reod ond colour. -:.. ..t. !l v* \-.q ch sh ch sh ch sh My work I tn Unirs 7. 8 ond 9 is i es 1 !i OK SS& Excetlenr Review Z 67

Le*gAn,Qne ,,W -d 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ tu 2 Listen ond chont. @ ,, 3 Listen ond reod. @ n, 68 Unit lo My friends

K1 2 I i i It 4 Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. Look ond sou. 's got hosn't got b[ue eUes. He Look of the pictures ogoin. 5og ond onswer. I Number 2. \ \__= stroight hoir. curlg hoir. He 's got btond hoir. He's / She's / lt's got / lt hosn't got ... Unit I0 6g

Lerson Three Song 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @nn 2 Listen ond sing. @',oo 3 Sing ond do. It's s squore! It's got four sides. They're all the same. It's got four sides. They're all the same. It's a square! It hasn't got sides. It's smooth and round ,/Z It's a circlel /y' It's got four sides. Two long, two short It's a rectangle! It's got three sides. 7o Unit I0 5hopes

Hffi# Listen ond chont. @wz zr rsatsy (!)eo's in tha butn, * rt e, {:wm, th re e. mmiry nhe* eaa;nts kis n:ect3t, S n c, tws, tfu rec. s* xxxx 3 Reod the chont ogoin. Circle the th sounds. 4 Look of the picture ond circle the correct,sound. &* (*kl.* rx gr t str I Bavy& \ E-Ee I 3 :i:liiiiiltti:*:it+ji:.!4tr{ii:r}i;}:!::affi ::tl:tl:$f i*linriitl*:ii'!r;:;uid i, 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ rct i.. a! *!* flr! &tn ! K r:n3 8& ES8& & ffi *ta* b$ s "x-- ryry xtr Digrophs th Unit l0 ,t,]tr

II!IW 1 2 How mong friends con Uou see? Listen ond reo d. @ ',o, ...l:=if' Deo, Yasmin, Th;: i* * AtL *y prctu,re of *e *,ii!'mY f't,," {ti*nds' fr;enc\s ar's oJtsal' Pollv is rny bnst {r;unA' 3he h*s 3ot blue "yl" 3h" L,os got lonS,,tlond l'ai1' + %oy is Po\Ly's tr"tt"e11^le has ?ot,,=toO hzeir. It's blo*,,Jtoo-.]"by it 1'rla 3ct ton3, bro*", hair $v efe* are blr^e.. Ca^ Yo, gee. rne ? '-'i?tr rne, obouL Y*ur friend*' F"o* 5al'tyReod ogoin. Write the nomes. talL. Petar is %Lty! causin. H*'h*s Tat curly' brov.rn hair.' Ht* eYgs ore 3{E€rr' Isabel ia * good {riend too' She l-a* 3"t *rayLf', black hi,.. Her eyeE n{^e tnr*n" T "* in tho?ictr"nre fso. J ** short and ! & ,t "t'z'I t*i 3 1 Peter ,iffi,, 1\ l @*s 12";,, Unit I0 Reoding: o descriptive leffer 3, r"^\\ @;w i* .@ *rr' A\\ \ i*ffi\L\

&gssom $ix 1 Listen ond number.@ rca 2 Look of the picture ogoin. Ask ond qnswer. -- a- \ -\.She's rj*[ hinril# hetfll'" ,,,Vkr: iis i,] r lLs riLlltlher-!, $:oliy. ): 3 Circle 's ond 've ond motch. l@got btue eges. = I hove got bl.ue eues. Sh$got block hoir. = She hos got block hoir. L She's got brown eues. 2 It's got block eges. 3 I've got two sisters. 4 He's got o tog troin. Which tetters ore missing? E = @ D D n D o I hove got two sisters. b She hos got brown eues. c He hos got o tog troin. d It hos got block eges. Listening, speoking, writing

Lesson One Words 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ rcs 2 Listen ond chont.@ roo 3 Listen ond reo d.@'to, 74 Unit ll The zoo / odjectives

6rommor I Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. Look ond sog. Theg're big. I'm Little. I don't tike elephonts. 3 I Write. tike don't like I _tfkg_ tions. e[ephonts. mon kegs. 3\ {#) Mffi'{fr I qffi/ M siraffes@, 4 5og ond onswer. big tittLe to LL btock brown qettow white MU I like / don't like... Unit II 7,

1 Listen, point ond repeot. @.t , Lesson Three Song Lef's go fo fhe zoo! Hear the tigers growl, growl, crowl, growl, growl, growl. Hear the tigers growl, growl. Hip, hip, hip hooray! ; Let's go to the zoo, zoo, zoo! / What aboutyot), you, you? You can come too, too, too. Let's go to the zoo, zoo, zoo! Hear the snakes hiss, hiss, ... Let's go to the zoo, zoo, zoo ... Hear the parrots squawk, squawk, ... Let's go to the zoo, zoo, zoo ... 2 Listen ond sing . @ ',o' 3 Sing ond do. 76 Unit It rhe zoo

2 Listen ond chont. @rr |- --: lltf r(14)1. "5 fiil1 ,4 Y,GL. \-'l r lhr" I {r L r:.e1'' \ rj*f t, Vtgt. {7f3,t&/} xt-t LI, uir u. v, Thi, ,-'vitil': 's {;!*l- tf iur,. ";l Tfur {Ksa's tr*{ e flsm" s, #, &, s, #, Reod the chont ogoin. Circle the a in the middl.e of the words. Write. tho hot Leron Fouf, Phonics 1 Listen, point ond repeqt. @ ro 3 4 treW.i 1\ --^, lNfi^,A ll t:i i\ ll 11 nom 1 cto CVC words o Unit II 77

I 2 Look of the picture. To[k obout the onimol. Reod ond tisten to the poem.@ ,r, Whof qm l? I am an animal atthe zoo. Listen now, this is true. l'm yellow and brown. My tongue is red. l've got two little ears on top of my head. My neckis long and t am tall. I haven't got any hands at all. I can seethetop oftrees. nty food is there. I like green leaves. To get my food, my tongue is long. Can you guess? Don't getitwrong! So what am l? Do you know? l'm a giraffe and t'm saying 'hello'i. F (foLse). I ii:i,'ir',lil tt,.:j,!,{i' !. +.e,. w, & *lte eb*,eil * wi1.bt6*'",. w. s l@ o&,k,4d 5rJr.#,#,"! . w, &)Lrl!- @ #.k'k41 3 Reod ogoin. Write T (true) or 2 The giroffe hos gottwo honds. 3 The giroffe is block ond white. L The giroffe is tott. :3\ l 3-- t r*? t *\b6t x I Wx, ,#eSr ry waw# K&W}W "ffiff@ 78 Unit ll Reoding: o poem 4 The giroffe hos got two eors.

1 Listen ond drow O or @. @ rz Lesson $ix o ,ryefu o o.m o ,'ffi (ffi" \3U-\ \\ , s\. ffiffiM) ftwI sffi/ 2 Look of the picture ogoin. Ask ond onswer. ffi WwW snoke giroffe porrot tiger monkeg Lion ( lt's a tiger. .--- \- It's got four legs. lt's black and orange. What is it? odjectives = describing words It's r@snoke. Ia', o@monkeu. L lt's o gellow Lion. 2lt's o green snoke. 3 This is o brown monkeu. 4Theg're tol,t giroffes. 5It's on oronge ond bLock tiger. 6lt's o bl,ue porrot. Listening, speoking, writing

Lesron Ome Words ffi@&ww ffiffi 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ tu 3 Listen ond reo d.@ ',",u 2 Listen ond chont.@ r.'s 8o Unit t 2

1 2 Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. Look ond sog. Eo gou Like corrots? No, I don't. 3 write. Yes, I do. hlm, I dom't" Do gou tike gogurt? Do gou tike breod? Do gou [ikefish? YgL--i-dQ, *__i. 4 Point, osk ond onswer. meot rice ice creo m gog u rt breod tomotoes &essom Two Grommor What do gou [ike? I tike gogurt. Do gou Like corrots? .--.' .. - , 's r; Vv $e 5 @ ef,@ 1-@v4/7@V Yes, I da. /::\ v Do you like corrots? Yes, I do. Unit I Z 8t

1 Listen, point ond repeot. @',r, 2 Listen ond sing.@ re 3 Sing ond do. Drink your milk! Eatyour flgs and drinkyour milk, Drinkyour milk, orink your milk. Eatyour flgs and drinkyour milk. Don't be late for schoolt Eatyour bread and drinkyour juice, ... Here's your water, here's your bag, ... 8z Unit I2 Drinks

Less,cll F,6uf, ' Phanics Listen, point ond repeot. @ ms \.r*. _,4r J4n J# -'{t-Su {.' -en \J dfXl]$'li'irj"if* .rL ui!&rr0rlrtt*l &*Mlllslxxlis,1] -*.t -ry -6,V fv-x IV6/ S rxxffrxxrff ${IlXixi*$dlll{$ tirl;11il1'rau,t1':riiisi:]tlritr Ite,,..!,-.- - - -lrr Jiil{ ,' tt. m ,dls{{&s{{*!l1t u! {! 1 g! r, }tu !Ult&r.trUtrd & 3 4 I Listen ond chont. @rzo Reod the chont ogoin. Circle the e in the middLe of the words. Motch the words thot rhgme. 'fuf Il:m#k$ CVC words e Unit l2 83

Le*on Five ry@$ffiifi?lffi, em Whot food do gou Like? Point ond sog. Listen ond reo d. @ ,r, 3 Reod ogoin. Tick (/) whot SoLl.g ond Emmo [ike. Cross (X) whot theg don't [ike. e 1 2 I'm hungrU. Let's Look of the menu. I Like meot ond rice. I Like corrotstoo. I don't Likefish oreggs. I Like ice creom. I Like oppLe juice but I don't Like miLk. Whot do gou Like, Emmo? I Like ice creom too. And I Likefish and eggs. I like rice but I don't Like corrots. I Like banonos but I don't tike gropes. I Like miLk but I don't Like oppte juice. ffi ' : ' -laiiil::i Sol"Lg / Emmo 8+ unit I2 Reoding: informotion fexfs

Lesron 5ix 1 Listen ond drqw O or @. @ ,r, ,trt:!fl&. dr* on poge 84. Ask ond onswer. @ N tr ffi ffi qilEt: s,;slffi w /..\ lt 2 Look of the menu -\ Whrt do you like? Circle n't ond motch. isn't = is not don't = do not 1 I don't Like fish. ! 2 It isn't o bonono. [--l 3 Theg oren't mg shorts. 4 She isn't mg siste. ! o Theg ore not my shorts. b I do not tike fish. c She is not mg sister. d It is not o bonono. oren't = ore not Whot letter is missin g? n[I t = n Listening. speoking, writing Unit I2 85

Reiii*.:*'i; il^--t 1 Circle the odd-one-out. Write. 1 triong[e recto ng Le '@ Write. It's got It hosn't got -=r-r t t ilr "b -#_, ([ryg)] lsquorel r-Lse E7 Girfr l Iritkl G*c-l (-rj*-l [* fiii*-l G"grrt l Fert l big eors. fingers. two [egs. f-tE"i-'l \-__ :4 , . mon keg etepho nt This oni moI ris toLL.LL. _lt} lt's gal o [ong neck. four Legs. ur Legs. * This onimoL is big. big teeth. This onimoL is Littte. _Jour Legs. This onimol is tong. 86 Review 4 legs. two eyes.

-nr h;' eW4 3 Look qt the pictures. Reod ond circle. Look of the pictures ond write. w bed 6re m ffi r$}P rMG ,@t don't like juice and t like I don'tlike fish. I lil(e I don't like yogurt. t like I don't like yogurt and I like I don't like flsh. I like I don't like iuice. 5 Reod ond cotour. My:work ,lo*"*'o..a ,.::'J OK in Unlrs .J"*'\ r,'%r- ,t**'l ,/**"; \;::'' "'..#/ ':,,': T 0, .t Good Review 4 8l

L essor..r,Ona,t,,,,S{iidi ...,.: 1 Listen, point qnd repeot. @ nt 3 Listen ond reo d. @ ,r' 2 Listen ond chont.@ rzo 88,,.,, Unit l3 My bedroonr

1 2 Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. Look ond sog. 3 write. There's There ore There's o blonket. three piLlows. two two rugs. 4 Look of the pictures ogoin. Point, osk ond onswer. o cupboord. o shef. There's / There ore ... Unit I3 89

1 Listen, point ond repeot. @no There are fourteen in the bed, ... Fifteen, sixteen! There are sifieen in the bed, ... Seventeen, eighteen! There are eighteen in the bed, .. . Nineteen, huenLy! Help! ,A Thirteen, fourteen! gO Unit I3 Numbers ll -20 .i ]',, 16 17 18 19 20 2 Listen ond sing. @ n 3 Sing ond do. 11 12 13 14 15 There ore fen in fhe bed There are ten in the bed, And the little one says, "Two more, two more." Two more getin. Eleven, twelve! There are buelve in the bed, And the little one says, "Two more, [Ato more." Two more getin.

3 4 Listen, point ond repeot. @ na Listen ond chont. @ns x r, r r(,1r, ,i : " ' "'\'/'' ' ") $ ,'. 1',1 , i"i .- f .r ,ri {.[ l..lj-,i, lr,,"J { ,J , - r l - 1.. + , t-{"4'-. t';;- '." I I -l fj{,{{ l}1ff iif} }fl i'/l{: ,},*. Reod the chont ogoin. Circle the i in the middle of the words. Listen to the sounds ond join the Letters. @no Whot is in the bin? ffi I 1 .:--:*--..---.-a-:- n a f,#W* ,ffi//.:::i\ lgffif,f ,J +1 \3@'f xr."#Fs -\#/ CVC words i Unit l3 9f

Lesson Five I Whot's in the bedroom? Point ond sog. 2 Listen ond reo d.@ ,r, 73TAR LETTER i. Deor Junior Mogozine, This is picture of my bedroom. There is o bed in my bedroom. There ore lots of footbolls on my blonket ond pillow. There is o book shelf. I hove got fwelve books on my shelf. Four books ore obout footboll. My clothes ore in my cupboord. My fovourite clothes ore my red shorts ond red T-shirt for footboll. I hove got lots of toys ond o big toy box. There is o blue rug next to my bed. There ore footbolls on my rug too! I like my bedroom ond I like footbolll Bye! From Jomie (oge 7) ,f* Wrife to JUNIOR MAGAZINE, London, Englond 3 Reod ogoin. Write T (true) or F (fotse). l. There ore photos on his bl,onket. F 3 Tomie hos got two cupboords.._*** 5 There ore footbolts on the rug. __ 92.,t Unit l3 Reoding: o descriptive letter Iomie hos got twentg books. He hos got lots of togs. He tikes his bedroom. 2 4 6

1 Listen qnd write A or B. @',n 4,, Lesson Six r,, @ zrt,. D .1:.,... E ...,,, D ...a..., D 2 Look of the pictures ogoin. Ask ond onswer. shoes T-shirt They're on the rug. 3 Reod the guestions ond onswers. Write E or E Where's mg pitl.o* f lt's on Uour cupboord E Is it on mg cupboord E Yes, it is L There is o blonket on mg bed 2 Where's the pittow fJ 3 Is it in the kitchen ! 4 Whot's in mg bedroo, [_l 6 His nome's Iomie ! 5 There ore lots of togs I Iistening, speoking ond writing Unit l3

LeEso,n 'O6sr. \ /ords 1 Listen, point ond repeot 2 Listen ond chont. @ rc+ fR ffi 3 Listen ond reo d. @ 'trt 94 Unit l4 Verbs

l1 2 r.,6.ig.mmor con't = col'lhot cLim b. Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. Look ond sog. 3 Write. con cgn't ru n. She wotk. She swim. She f Lu. 4 Look of the pictures ogoin. Point, osk ond qnswer. @@ He can / csn't fly. Con he talk? Unit '14 95

1 Listen, point ond repeot. @rr" 2 Listen ond sing . @ ',r, 3 Sing ond do. I con do onyfhing! I can write my alphabet, ttty alphabet, my alphabet. I can write my alphabet From A to Z. I can do anything, anything, anything, I can do anything, if I try. I can draw an elephant, ... With Nvo big ears. I can do anything, . . . I can sing this songtoyou, . And make you smile. can do anything, ... Dqt Unit I4

L Listen, point ond repeot. @',ta &,,ffi ffiP S.:6 2 Listen ond chont. @ss .r21 -. lcak nt the t{@JE rc's sittrn14 o$'i $ ioE. Lock uf lhc fou" lt'5 l,ttinC ir: $ ht"rx" Reod the chont ogoin. Circle the o in the middl.e of the words. Motch the words thqt rhgme. ffi w w,.: : ffiffix& ffiffi & * f ,* & fr & d" G Xffi a*&d"ru Htne, rrat ffi ffi E*If*& w# ffi #ffi ffi ffi W CVC words o Unit I4 97

Lesson Five I Whot onimols con Uou see? Whot colour ore theg? 2 Listen ond reo d. @ .,oo Bmc'ffiti',ffu An'fimals This is o very big cot. It hos got oronge and blqck stripes. It co,n swim. it co.n climb trees. It can jump. And it con run very fost. This animol likes meot. You co.n see it of the zoo. Whot is it? This is o bird. It is blue, green, red o.nd gelIow. it can flg ond it con sing. It con't reo.d ond write. But it con tolk! This onimol likes fruit o.nd nuts. It con be o pet in o house. What is it? tiger po rrot 4 It con toLk. s,, It con ctimb. 6., It con sinq. 3 Reod ogoin ond tick ({l . r It con ftg. r It con swim. I lt's o bio cot. 98 Unit I4 Reoding: descriprions

Lesson $ix 1 Listen ond number.@ ro', 2 Look of the pictures ogoin. 5og ond onswer. ( ts it a lion? \ U It's got four legs. lt can run. lt's brown and big. Yes, it is. 3 Circte n't ond motch. con't = cohllot L It con't reod.l---l 2 A tiger con't ff g.E Action Bog con't tok.E I con't swim. 3 4 o b c d Action Bog connot toLk. It connot reod. I co n not swim. A tiger connot ftg. Whot tetter is missing? n [iJt = n Unit I4 99

2 Listen ond cho nt. @ ,os 3 Listen ond reo d. @ .,oo lOO Unit I5 The beoch

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