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Family and Friends 1 Class Book full

Family and Friends 1 Class Book full

1 2 Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. Look ond sog. Circle ond write. Let's moke o sandcostte Let's swim in the r m"ffi @ Let'sfind Let's plog ndcostle crob Let's pl.oU boLt. Greot. OK! Let's moke o sondcostle. Thot's o good ideo. rce creom house Living sheLLs 4 Look of the pictures ogoin. Point ond sog. [et's + verb Unit I5 tgt

L esson.... Thi'eC.,,,.. 5.o ngtl,,,,li,il 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @.tot 2 Listen ond sing .@ ruo jfi)t : $ / l\ 3 Sing ond do. lf's o wonderlul doyl Hey, hey! It's a wonderful day. We are going to the beach today. Don' t forget your st)n cream, Don't forgetyour hat. Don't forget your frisbee, or your ball and bat. Hey, hey! It's a wonderful day ... Have an ice cream, Have a drink. Have an ice lolly, Yellow or pink. Hey, hey! It's a wonderful day ... 1O2 Unit I5 The beoch

1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ r+t 2 Listen ond chont. @ue Reod the chont ogoin. Circte the Listen to the sounds ond join the Where is the dog? 3 4 * && .w ffi ffi ffiwffiffiffi j r.'. . r 1.,).. *Cn, ]l lltj {,ltu Lrrq-. '(r:', ' ffr:,1 i rrl f I4{' !! &" v, I r s, rir,, ' , ui u, ! r:1 Lil i;4rLi. J1t .J :L,iLl , l{;1, ,ll;r ilt, ;1,'lL,l [jLl jL4:] {:/i{'{' i5 r}1v {llit{4 io/', t.t. {.1 r 11 | , tii /},, ;,{ } r"l , 7 , '' * , J -, , , .- V r. ( . f, t a^F \/ i.,l 111 -l ri I -t l.i t, { lfi ;i 4.,...". ,^r \l{)tr: \i_ttIl \ti.'r u in the middte of the words. letters. @us :i:::ri::::. l:ttll li:i j CVC words u Unit l5 1O3

1 2 Whot con gou see in the picture? Point ond sqg. Listen ond reo d.@ ,ro fuWetcome to our beochl We Like our beoch o [ot. It is verg long ond sondy. On the beoch you con ptoy bot ond bott, footbott or frisbee. You con moke sondcostles too. You con find shetls ond crobs in the rock poots. The seo is bl.ue ond cteon. Here you con swim or go in o boot. Neon the beoch there ore hotets ond cofes. You con eot ice creom from the ice creom stol"l.s. It's lots of fun ot the beoch, but pleose ... don't forget Uour sun creom ond your hot. don't swim otone - swim with famil.g on friends. put your titter in the bins. H"-P\UTf Enjoy! 6\ \*]s; 3 Reod ogoin. Circle the correct words. t rhe beoch ir@l litil,e. 2 On the beoch gou con plog ice creom / botond bol,L. 3 You con moke sondcostles / cof6s. 4 ln rock pools Uou con find shoes / shel.[s. 5 The seo is oronge / blue. ,OA Unit I5 Reoding: on informotion poster

&,ess*sx SSx 1 Listen ond write A or B. @ ,xt a! a! *! 2 Look of the pictures ogoin. Point ond sou. r*D =! 6tr ptou bot ond botl ptoU footbotL find crobs ond shells pLoU frisbee moke o sondcostle put on sun creom 3 Circle the verbs. Let's u'um. Let's gm in o boot. L Let's swim. 3 Let's pLoU bol,t. 5 Let's put on sun creom. 2 Let's wolk. 4 Let's find shetts. 6 Let's moke o sondcostle. wer'ms = dcimg woreis Lister:ir:q. spe*ki*q, writir: g L,init ] 5 €S5

1 Circle the odd-one-out. Write. thirteen twentg 2 Write T (true) or F (fo[se). 3 write. eorx ccn't It e_gn Jtg. cupboord so ndcost[e shell trort l b[o n ket L There ore two beds. T_ 2 There's o kite under o bed. 3 There ore books on the cupboord. 4 There ore trousers on the rug. -__ 5 There's o ruLer on the shel.f. __ wo Lk. C''ft.enl G*lr-l (wrtk-l @ Iu*'*-] tT."frLLil 106 Review 5 c[irnb. SWIM.

o oJ-_) aei #"w'*]** Jqn Let's go in Let's find Circle the vowet. Look of the pictures ogoin ond write. o e ro u o e ro u a e io u Re*iew 5 sun creom. crobs. o boot. o sondcostle. I , i, r,:!,taid;,,:.!r.rr,t-.- - ll,rl:.:.i,::.i::r:ar.r'. rrr: r" aelou 4 1 Motch. Let's moke Let's put on 5 1 a 6 4, .-.1*--.-rdM,.4# I'W tffi \ imrysffiry e i o@ 7 Reod ond colour. My,,wo r k.,,,i h', U - iri,,,.,.1,3i 'ir.,,i ,,.i...i ar5rs Excel lent .i.,.1t. l,t...a::.,',. ol( O hd'..l..I Review 5 1O7

I C.ommcr reference e --**-**;*-*,*.**..,.. **-l Unir I , whot,, this? rtii optfiu Write. L Whot's this? 3 Whot's o cot. ? It's o pencil. 2 Whot's 4 ? It's o dog. this? o ruLer. Unit 2 Write. L L These ore mg legs. 3 This mg foce. Is'this-gour,teddg? . , :., ,. vo$,it,i3-, ,ItIp;,it isn't, ...,:,1 .. ,Thisf is. m g'''bqg,,,,. This is gour doLl". Uour bike? Yes, it is. 2 Is this mg do[[? No, '' | : '' 'i" '' ' ' :': Unif 3 one orm These ore mU orms. ..:. t:;,,r.i,1,,,,. ... ,.:, , ,,11vo'g: :,, .,, ,' 1ris.h.rnpR0sgi, Reod ond tick (/l t the sentence is correct. D tr she o teocher? Yes, she is. Unit 4 Write. t Unir 5 Order the words. L bol,l.? the Where's lO8 Grommor reference 2 This is mg noses. [-l 4 This is mg orms. D 2 Is he o pupil? No, ,116-orucneri rY€ri,Eh'b.,isj,,, . :.t..t.:. . t. 1 .. :: 2 under lt's the tree.

Grqmmnr reference Unir 6 Write. 1 Bil,tg / coot. 3 Dod / bag. Unit 7 Write. l. 2 Where 3 It's Mum's book. ' ':;'i:":::':..'::.: ',, :: .,,,.: l.'. It's Bittq's coat. : . . .: ,:t :r-. It's Bittg's teddg. 2 Rosg / kite. 4 Tim / hot. Write. L This is BiLtg's coot. It's hls coat. 2 This is Rosg's kite. 3 This is Dod's bog. 4 fhis is Tim's hot. Unit 8 This is her dress. Are,th$e her. goc,ks? These ore his trousers. Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't. No, theg oren't. in the bothroom. Where'sGrandmo?,r 5he'1in:.f[ig'gli6ing,:room. rs she,in ffiitchen?'' 'Yes, she is. :' '.' . : l No, she isn't. Where ore Dod ond BiU.g? Theg're in the gorden. Are't heg :iR, t he' liv i ng, room}, r t,, Ye*rl t he g a f et Mum? Rosg ond BiLtg? in the kitchen. Grondmo ond Grondpo downstoirs? Yes, Grommor reference fgg

Grsmmsr reference i I've got two scndwich,es.. , l I hoven't got mg lunch box. I Like monkegs. I don't Like elephonts. oll + '(1, e, i, o,'u ' Order the words. 1 got oronge I've on 2 mg hoven't lunch box I got L A dog's got two [egs. 3 A lion's got Jour legs. Unit I I Reod ond write T (true) or F (fo[se). H e,hos nlt, g of :green,, eges, She hosn't got short hoir. It hosn't got green eges. Unir 9 Write 10r 3 @r Unit l2 Write. L Do gou live,grot'o nnppte'.r' I've got o bonono. 2 4 Tirn hosn't got block hoir. Rosg's got o brother. tr'm to'tt. ,, He's to[[", $he'E tstt, Itt',r,. ,[itt[e;: The$rre Littte. like or don't like. e[ephonts. snokes. 2 @r 4 0r zebros. mon kegs. gou like meot? No, Do you,Like gogurt? Yes, I ds, No, I don't. What,do gol [ike? I l"ike r,ice,,:', like rice? Yes, _ 2 tlg Grommor reference

Grommar referense Unir I3 Write 1 The,refs.o'do,,t|t1o n; th-e rr,u'$., o T-shirt on the bed. books on the shel,f. shoes in the cupboord. o hot on the rug. 2 4 Unif I4 ', netoh' tg;', She con fLg. He con't swim. She con't swim. ' ': .: .!:.,. It con't swim. Yes, he con. No, he con't. . . . r.,r ,:.. .-:. l,:a ..- t_,: Con'he,p,[g foot t[.] , . , ,., . ..a t,ti't 1 \t. 1... ,:. .. . .1.'r , '.a )'t: t:.'t: :: ,: i:' : 'r.i'. 1.i' :.:. Write. L Con o bird fLg? Yes, it Unir I 5 Letrs ,m:o,,!ie.a snnd,ea$del_ Reod ond circle. L Let's swim / hove in the seo. 3 Let's plou / go boLL. o monkeg to[k? No, it 2 Let's moke / find crobs. 4 Let's run f moke o sondcostte. Grommor reference tlt

oxroRD Ur-I\TIRSITY PRESS Creat Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6Dp Oxford Univelsity Press is a department ofthe University ofOxford. It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaam HongKong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxrono and oxroRD ENGrrsH are registered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries @ Oxford University Press zoog The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published zoog 2O15 20 -t9 -18 77 76 No unauthorized photocopyi ng AI1 rights resewed. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permisslon in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under tems agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the ELI Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Any websites referred to in this publication are in ttre public domain and th.eir addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information only. Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN: 978 o 19 48rzoo 9 (Class Book) ISBN: 978 o 19 48rztr 5 (MultiROM) rsBN: 978 o 19 48rzo7 8 (Pack) Printed in China ACI(NOWIE DCE ME NTS Cover illustrationby: Tomek Giovanis and Christos Skaltsas Main charader illustrationsby'.Tomek Giovanis and Chdstos SlGitsas pp Title page, Scope and Sequence page, 4,8,9,'1,4,75,20,27,28,29,34,35, 40, 41, 42, 46, 48, 49,s4, s5, 60, 61, 66, 68, 69, 7 4, 7s, 80, 81, 88, 89, 94, 95, 100, 101. Other illustrations by: Andy Hamilton pp 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 75, 16,20,27,22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 3s, 36, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, s6, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 7s, 76, 80, 81, 82, 86, 87, 88, 89, 94, 95, 96, 100, 70'1,,,toz, 106, 107 ; lo Taylor/Sylvie Pogglo pp s, 7,70,16,22,30,36,42, s0, 56,62, ZO,76,gZ,gO, 96, 102; Simon Clare Creative Workshop Ltd pp 77, 17, 23, 27, 31, 97, 43, 47, 51, 57, 63, 67, 7 7, 7 7, 83, 87, 91, 97, 1.03, 7O7 i Kathy Baxendale pp 18, 1 9, 59, 72,73,84,92, 93; Dusan Pavlic/Beehive lllustration pp 32,33,78, Zg:Lisa Smithisylvie Poggio pp 38, 39, 52, 53; Amanda Enright/Advocate pp 44,45, 104, 105; Pencil character iStockphoto Commis sione d Photogr aphy by : Chris King pp "f 2, 7 3, 24, 25, 6 4, 65, 84, 99. 'Ihe publisher wouldlike to thankthe followingJor theirkindpemissionto reproduce photographs: /Jamy Images pp 84 (ice creamflim Hill), 93 (tigerplickwinkel), 98 (parrot/MasPix);Ardea pp 99 (chick/Ro1f Kopfle), 99 (vervet monkey/ M.Watson); Corbis pp 85 (father and daughter/Robert Harding World Imagery), 85 (steak/Envision); FLPA pp 99 (giratreizSSD), 99 (snake/Michael & Patdcia Fogden), 99 (lion/Elliott Neep); Fotolia pp 6s (roluDinostock), 65 (hard boiled egg/Luminousiens), 65 (pear/Alex Staroseltev), 65 (banana/Rufar), 8a (fiied eggsiJJAVA); Getty Images p 92 (boy with footbalustock4B); iStockphoto pp 65 (biscuit/Robert Redelowski), 65 (grapesiCreacart), 84 (stealqJoe Cicak), 84 (rice/Linda & Colin McKie), 84 (carrots/Olga Shelego), 84 (bowl ofgrapes/ Sandra Caldwell), 85 (sandwichiRob5,n Mackenzie), 85 (baguetteil(MlTU); OUP pp 85 (yoghurt/Mark Mason), 85 (ice-cream/Photodisc); PunchStock p 58 (family/Stockbyte); Red Cover p 58 (dining room/Ashley Morrison, (master bedroom/Winfried Heinze), (child's bedroom/David Hiscock), (balcony/Graham Atkins-Hughes). Family andFriends Level 1 Postersby: Tomek Giovanis and Christos Skaltsas Family andFriends Level l Flashcard.s by: Andy Hamilton Family andFriends Level 1 Phonics Cards by: Simon Clare Creative Workshop Ltd. We would olso like to thank the Jollowing for theirhelp: SS Philip & James Primary School, Oxford. The authors and. publisher are gratefulto thosewhohaye givenpetmlssionto reproduce the followtng extracts and ad.aptotions of copyright motenal: p00 'Sing a Rainbow' Words & Music by Arthu Hanilton @ 1955 (renewed) Mark MI Ltd. All dghts administered by Warner/Chappe11Music Ltd, London W6 8BS; Reproduced by permission.

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