4. Task 1 – Work Area Tools
For this training session you will be given access by your trainer to a training version of
Alcumus Sypol CMS.
Task goals:
• To understand logging into the system and how to recover a forgotten password.
• To understand how to create work areas and sub-work areas, and what the
difference is between them.
• To understand how to edit, archive and unarchive work areas and sub-work areas.
Logging into Sypol CMS
Switch on your computer and load up your internet browser, enter the below address into
your web bar:
Note: There is no need to add the prefix www.
Once you have loaded the website, you should be on the login screen. Your trainer will now
provide you with login details to access the training system.
Login screen for Alcumus Sypol CMS
Enter the details provided to you by your trainer:
COMPANY ID: ________________
USERNAME: ________________
PASSWORD: ________________
Note: The password IS case sensitive. Username and Company ID are not.
pg. 8
Once you have entered the provided details, click ‘Log in’.
Note: You can reset your password from this page by clicking ‘Forgotten Password’. This will send a reset link
to the email address linked to the username to specify. If you ever experience problems accessing Alcumus
Sypol CMS contact your system supervisor, or the Helpdesk on +44 (0)1296 678464 or by e-mail on
[email protected].
1. Click Enter on the
Facility Id assigned by
your trainer.
Using the Main Menu
When you first access the system, you will be directed to the Sypol CMS main menu. This
home screen provides direct links to the most important functions of the system. To return
to this screen at any point click ‘Home’ in the pop out menu as shown below.
The slide out menu can be accessed by
simply hovering over the light blue bar.
pg. 9
Note: The location/size of the pop out menu may change if you are using the system on a mobile device like a
tablet or mobile phone. On smaller screens the pop out menu may need to be accessed by clicking:
While we won’t be seeing it in today’s session, please see overleaf the main menu when
using a tablet or mobile device in the future.
Click this symbol to open
the main menu on a
tablet or mobile device.
You will then be able to access
the functions of the pop out
menu as usual. This can be
minimised by clicking the ‘X’.
pg. 10
Creating a Work Area
For this task, we are going to concentrate on setting up Work Areas to use for our session.
These are the building blocks of Sypol CMS and can be thought of as the folders in which
your assessments will be stored. When using your live system, your assessments will be
based in a system you design, follow the steps below to see how simple it is to set up Work
Areas and Sub-Work Areas.
1. Click on
Work Areas.
2. Click Area
3. Click + Create
Work Area.
Note: When adding Work Areas or Sub-Work Areas, you must also add two mandatory fields:
Work Area Name and Work Area Code
pg. 11
4. Enter a Code and Name for your Work Area to make it
easily identifiable for the remainder of the session, for
example, the username you have been assigned.
5. Click Save.
6. Click OK in the
pop-up to confirm.
Note: When using Sypol CMS, you may sometimes see the Work Area Name and other times the Work Area
Code. Therefore, always ensure that both are identifiable to avoid confusion, for example:
Work Area Code: Lab 1
Work Area Name: Laboratory 1
Work Area Code: 1
Work Area Name: Laboratory 1
The Work Areas you have created should now be visible on the left hand side of your
display. Don’t worry if you see other Work Areas on the system, these have been added by
other delegates on the course. You may now notice that the system is showing either your
Work Area Name or your Work Area Code, follow the next steps to understand how to
change the view of this.
pg. 12
7. Click Area
8. Click View Code/Site Name to
switch between the Work Area
Name and Work Area Code.
Creating a Sub-Work Area
On Sypol CMS it is possible to organise your assessments further by adding Sub-Work
Areas to your main Work Areas, follow the below steps to add some Sub Areas to the Work
Areas we just created.
2. Click on Area Actions.
1. Click on the Work
Area you just created.
pg. 13
3. Click + Create Sub Work Area.
4. Enter a Sub Work Area
code and Sub Work Area
Name. Again, ensure these
are easily identifiable.
5. Click Save.
6. Click OK in the
pop-up to confirm.
Repeat the above steps two more times to create 3 Sub Work Areas in total.
pg. 14
Your Work Area and Sub Work Area setup should now look similar to this:
Archiving and Unarchiving Areas
On Sypol CMS there is no level of access that can permanently delete a Work/Sub Work
Area or an Assessment. This is to ensure compliance with the Regulations by retaining
records for an appropriate amount of time. You can, however, archive your areas to remove
them from active view. This may be due to an area no longer being used, to do this follow the
below steps.
Note: If you make a mistake in naming your Work/Sub Work Area, rather than archiving it, you can edit it. Do
this by clicking Area Actions followed by Edit Work/Sub Work Area and change the appropriate details before
1. Click on SUB AREA 2. Click Area
2 under your Work Area. Actions.
3. Click Archive 4. Click OK to
Work Area. confirm.
pg. 15
5. Click on the expand +
symbol next to your
main Work Area and
you will see SUB AREA
2 has now disappeared.
6. To unarchive the
Sub Work Area, click
on the to open
the search.
7. Change the view from Current to
All. Click your main expand your
main Work Area again and you
should not see your archived Sub
Work Area greyed-out indicating it is
currently in archive, as seen below.
pg. 16
8. Click on the greyed
-out SUB AREA 2
under your work area.
9. Click Area
10. Click Unarchive 11. Click OK
Work Area. to confirm.
pg. 17
Task 1 Summary
1. Which login details are case sensitive on Sypol CMS?
Username Password Company ID All of them
2. When creating a work area or sub-work area, which two fields are considered mandatory?
Work Area Name Manager Work Area ID Work Area Code Fax
3. Can you sub-divide a sub-work area?
Yes No
4. What does the following represent?
Reverse Action View Code/Site Name View Archived Areas Print Work Area
5. Which level of access can permanently delete a work area or sub work area?
Editor Viewer No User Coordinator Supervisor
Check the table below to ensure you are fully comfortable with each of the functions
Logging in to Alcumus Sypol CMS
Creating Work Areas/Sub Work Areas
Archiving Work Areas/Sub Work Areas
Unarchiving Work Areas/Sub Work Areas
pg. 18
5. Task 2 – Creating Assessments
For this task you will be using the system you have designed in task one.
Task Goals:
• To understand the requirements of an exposure scenario and how to gather this
information to make a COSHH assessment request.
• To understand how to request a multi-task assessment and the purpose of doing so.
• To understand how to edit details on a pending request.
Creating an Assessment for an Existing Material
Alcumus Sypol CMS gives you access to over 185,000 materials for which you can request
an assessment for. These previously written assessments are available for you to use as a
subscriber which may mean that you may be able to access an assessment for your task or
exposure immediately.
When using your live system, you will be searching the database for the
materials/processes you need assessing. For today however, we will be using examples,
follow the below steps to add an assessment for an existing material to your Work Areas.
1. Click on Create
Assessment in
the slide menu.
pg. 19
2. If you need more
information about the
steps, click on the
NEED HELP? Button.
3. Begin typing ‘WD-40 multi’ into the text box
below Tradename and click WD-40 MULTI-
USE PRODUCT [AEROSOL] when it appears
in the Search Suggestions drop-down list.
4. Click on material code
2396 as shown below.
5. Click Next.
Note: The colour on the material code column represents a hazard level. This is how hazardous the material
is classified before any exposure occurs. Red: High; Yellow: Medium; Green: Low.
6. This material is on the shared database,
therefore a safety data sheet (SDS) is already
present. On the live system, at this point, you would
check If you have a more recent version available.
8. Click
7. If you have a more recent version of the SDS – Select YES
If you do not have a more recent version of the SDS – Select NO
If you are requesting an assessment for a material/process that doesn’t
have an SDS i.e. Bird Droppings – Select NOT APPLICABLE.
pg. 20
10. Click
9. As this material is on the shared database, you may be able
to select from the pre-existing activities. Changed the selection
from NO to YES. Then select activity number 20.
Note: On your live system, you will select the activities from this list that are applicable to your work practice.
It is important to remember that you should not select duplicate activity numbers (ActNo) as this will
unnecessarily use more of your allocation.
11. Having pre-selected the activity, 13. Click
it has automatically been assigned Next.
to your exposure scenario.
12. You must always provide an approximate
quantity. State 50ml in this box and ensure that
Quantity Level matches your selected activity on the
previous page. In this case we will leave it as Normal.
Note: You can MUST if possible, add more information to your exposure scenario during this part of your
request using the detailed fields below that are present at the bottom of your exposure scenario.
• Description of Exposure – A description of what is happening in the task or exposure to provide
more thorough understanding of what the assessment is for;
• Additional Work Practice Information – An opportunity to specify administrative controls (e.g.
Intermittent use) or any other relevant information that may be of use to the user of the assessment;
• Existing Control Measures – An opportunity to include any site specific control measures that are
standard requirements (e.g. Safety Footwear and Hi Vis) on site.
pg. 21
13. You will now see both an acute and chronic
risk rating for your material/exposure method.
14. Click
15. Now you must assign your request to the
relevant Work Areas. Click each of your Sub Work
Areas, you should then see them on the right side of
your screen under ‘Selected Work Areas’.
16. Click
Note: When selecting multiple Work/Sub Work Areas, it will duplicate the request which may save on using up
allocation. Duplicate activities will be counted the same in regard to your allocation and may save repeating
the above steps in each different area. However, the work practice must be the same for each Work/Sub
Work Area this assessment is being added to, if it is not then a new request must be written.
17. Click
pg. 22
Creating an Assessment for a New Material
In the previous example, we found the material we wanted (WD-40 Multi-Use Product
[Aerosol]), and an activity that matched our exposure already available on the Alcumus
shared database. In some cases, however, you may not be able to locate a material that
you need assessing on this database. In these instances, you must make a request for a
new assessment, though the process is different, it follows the same steps with some
additional requirements.
1. Click on Create
Assessment in
the slide menu.
2. Type Product X into your search bar.
When you now search, you will find there
are no records found. This signifies we need
to put it through as a new assessment.
3. Click
pg. 23
4. Being a new material, we need to add some
information about it first, enter the below
Tradename: Product X
Supplier name: 3M
Supplier tele no: 01296 678464
Keyword: Cleaner
Physical State: Liquid
5. Click
Note: When on your live system, you will find this information on the product packaging itself, or the Safety
Data Sheet (SDS) provided by your supplier.
6. As this is the first request for this material, we
do not currently have an SDS for it. On your live
system, you must select Yes and provide an
SDS in order for us to write the assessment.
8. Here you would browse your files
to select an appropriate upload.
7. Click Upload Files to attach an SDS.
9. For this training, we do 10. Click
not have an SDS, so Next.
changed your answer to No.
pg. 24
11. As this is a new assessment request, no existing
activities are available. Therefore, we must add our exposure
method, enter the below details using the drop down menus.
Method: Diluting
Area: Inside Well Ventilated
Exposure: Up to ½ hour per shift
12. Click Add
13. Enter a quantity of 50ml, also
change the quantity level to Small
using the drop down menu.
14. We also need an application method for our
diluted cleaner. Change the method to Mopping,
then click Add Selected Activity again.
Note: To provide more details 15. Click here to
about the exposure on the live return to the top,
then click Next.
system, you can add a
description of exposure,
additional work practice
information and existing control
measures here.
pg. 25
16. Now you must assign your request to the
relevant Work Areas. Click each of your Sub Work
Areas, you should then see them on the right side of
your screen under ‘Selected Work Areas’.
17. Click
Note: When selecting multiple Work/Sub Work Areas, it will duplicate the request which may save on using up
allocation. Duplicate activities will be counted the same in regard to your allocation and may save repeating
the above steps in each different area. However, the work practice must be the same for each Work/Sub
Work Area this assessment is being added to, if it is not then a new request must be written.
18. When making a 19. Click
request for a new Next.
material, you must
confirm your contact
details in case we need
to discuss something
about your request.
Note: The regular turnaround is 5 working days for a new assessment. If
you require it back sooner, you may be able to request the assessment
as an emergency here. These are limited to 2 per company ID per
week and must have a justification added before submitting.
pg. 26
20. Click
Managing Assessment Requests in Work/Sub Work Areas
Once you have made a request, you can make changes to it before it has been compiled by Alcumus.
Follow the below steps to change information on your exposure scenario making it more applicable
to your work practice.
1. Click on Work Areas in the menu.
2. Expand your Work
Area, now click into
Sub Area 1.
pg. 27
Note: See the difference between your
requests. Product X is still with Alcumus,
shown by . This means that we can edit this
assessment as it has not yet been compiled.
3. Click to edit
the request details.
4. Click
pg. 28
6. Click
5. Change Frequency
of Use to Weekly using
the drop down menu.
6. Click
Creating Assessments for a Multi-Task Request
Now we have seen how to add assessments to Sypol CMS. Next, we are going to add
some more assessments to the training system to build towards a Multi-Task assessment.
Below are the typical details you may be provided with in order to complete an exposure
scenario and put through a request. Using what you have learned in earlier steps of this
task, add an assessment for each of the below materials to your Sub Work Areas.
Note: If you have a material code as well as the tradename, it can help you more easily identify the correct
record to use. In this part of the task, when searching for the tradename, be sure to proceed with the correct
material code.
pg. 29
Material code: 265849
Safety data sheet: No
Exposure scenario:
How are you using it? Sanding, Inside Well Ventilated, ½ to 2 hours per shift
How much of material is used? 4 boards (19x167x2400mm)
Quantity Level: Normal
Frequency of use? Daily
How many people are exposed? 1
Description of Exposure: Area Barriered off during works.
Additional Work Practice Information: Sanding to desired texture before coating.
Existing Control Measures: Gloves, integral extraction, safety footwear.
Tradename: UNDERCOAT
Material code: 265848
Safety data sheet: No
Exposure scenario:
How are you using it? Hand Applying, Inside Well Ventilated, ½ to 2 hours per shift
How much of material is used? 1L
Quantity Level: Normal
Frequency of use? Daily
How many people are exposed? 1
Additional Work Practice Information: Applying before High Gloss to sanded board.
Existing Control Measures: Gloves, safety footwear.
Tradename: HIGH GLOSS
Material code: 265847
Safety data sheet: No
Exposure scenario:
How are you using it? Hand Applying, Inside Well Ventilated, 2-4 hours
How much of material is used? Approximately 2L
Quantity Level: Normal
Frequency of use? Daily
How many people are exposed? 1
Additional Work Practice Information: Applying after Undercoat is dry.
Existing Control Measures: Gloves, safety footwear.
Note: In these assessments we have demonstrated the benefit of adding Additional Work Practice
Information as it indicates to the user of the assessment the appropriate order in which to apply the coatings
to the sanded boards as well as reminding them to ensure barriers are present in any case during sanding of
the boards to present others from being indirectly exposed to airborne dust particles.
pg. 30
Your Sub Work Areas should now look similar to the image below:
Creating a Multi-Task Assessment Request
In order to utilise this functionality, you first must make sure you have assessments on your
Sypol CMS for all stages you wish to include in the multi-task.
Note: The different stages may have differences in their exposure scenarios. However, the frequency of use
must be the same for all stages i.e. if there are three stages, each original assessment must have a frequency
of Daily.
You should now have the required assessments in your Sub Work Areas to create a multi-
task assessment request for decorating office skirting boards, follow the below steps to
complete a multi-task assessment request.
1. Enter your Sub Work Areas.
pg. 31
2. Click on
3. Click on Create Multi-
Task Assessment.
4. Name your multi-task assessment
Decorating Office Skirting Boards.
5. Click
pg. 32
7. Click Add
6. Select the assessments you created earlier,
High Gloss, Undercoat and Generic –
Softwood (Dust Exposure) as shown here.
8. Now adjust the order of your selected 9. Click
assessments into the anticipated stages using the
arrows. In this task, we will first sand the skirting
boards, therefore, place Generic – Softwood (Dust
Exposure) first. Then ensure Undercoat is second.
pg. 33
10. You already have assessments
for the individual stages on the
system, therefore, a new SDS is
not required. Select No.
11. Click
When requesting a multi-task assessment, you must include more information to ensure that
the assessment of risk is fully accurate. For this stage add the below statements to your
• Description of multi-task assessment: Decorating softwood skirting boards within
the main office.
• Additional Work Practice Information: Task to include preparation of softwood
skirting boards by sanding, before applying surface coatings in the following order:
Undercoat – High Gloss
• Existing Control Measures: Work wear, gloves, goggles, good general ventilation,
integral extraction, RPE.
12. Click
pg. 34
13. Confirm your
contact details.
14. Click
15. Click
16. Click Work Areas and
return to Sub Area 1.
pg. 35
Your Sub Work Area should now look similar to below:
Task 2 Summary
1. Which of the following is a mandatory field on the exposure scenario?
Method Exposure Approximate Quantity Area All of Them
2. If you have a dilution ratio for your assessment which section would you include it in?
Description of Exposure Additional Work Practice Existing Control Measures
3. How many emergency requests can be requested from a company ID per week?
Continue overleaf.
pg. 36
7. Task 3 – Completing and Printing Assessments
For this task you will be using the Work/Sub Work Areas and assessments you created in
tasks one and two.
Task Goals:
• To understand how to complete the final steps of a COSHH assessment by
answering COSHH Control Sheet (CCS) questions.
• To understand how to tailor a COSHH assessment.
• To understand how to print a COSHH assessment.
Viewing Assessment Details in Your Work/Sub Work Areas
In the previous task we created COSHH assessments for a number of different scenarios
on different materials. You will usually wait 5 working days for an assessment to be
returned to you, returned assessments can be identified by a green tick located under the
Exposure Scenario (EXP) column.
Now that the assessment is in your Work/Sub Work Area, we can view the control
information for that assessment on screen, do this following the steps below.
1. Return to your Sub
Work Area and click
on your High Gloss
pg. 39
2. Click the tab
marked Activities.
3. Click on the activity for Hand Applying, Inside Well Ventilated, 2-4
hours per shift to view the control measures for this assessment.
4. Clicking the ‘i’ symbol will provide a
detailed description of the control measure.
5. Notice that you have several other
tabs that you can click to view more
information about your assessment.
pg. 40
Searching for Your Assessments
Searching for assessments in your Work/Sub Work Areas can be done a variety of ways
with varying levels of detail. To quickly access specific assessments, you can search from
the home screen, follow the below steps to search for your WD-40 assessment from your
home screen.
1. Click Home on the slide out menu.
2. The main search bar will contain the phrase, What are you looking
for? From here you can search for any assessment on your Sypol CMS
system. Using tradename, material code or assessment ID plus other
options. Type WD-40 to locate your assessment created in task two.
3. Click on the assessment for WD-40 MULTI-USE PRODUCT [AEROSOL].
Next, we will see how to use the advanced search function. Using this function, you can
search for your assessments using specific H-phrases, CAS numbers, activity methods and
much more. Follow the below steps to learn how to best utilise this functionality.
pg. 41
4. Click Work Areas on the slide out menu.
5. Select your
Sub Area 1.
6. Click to Hide
Work Areas.
7. Scroll up and click
on to access the
advanced search.
pg. 42
8. You will now see the
advanced search options.
9. Click on the search box next to CAS
number and enter 124-38-9. This is
the CAS number for Carbon dioxide.
10. Click on the
search button .
11. This presents you with a list of all
assessments containing Carbon dioxide
as a constituent. This is a quick way of
identifying undesirable chemicals on site.
pg. 43
12. Delete the CAS number for the 13. Click on the
search field and then click on the All H search button .
Phrases field. This will bring up a list of
all possible Hazard statements, select
H226 Flammable liquid and vapour.
14. This will present you with a list of all the
substances that have the classification H226.
This can identify chemicals with specific hazards,
such as flammables, oxidisers and carcinogens.
Completing a COSHH Control Sheet
Once an assessment has been returned from Alcumus and the EXP column has a green
tick, you must then complete the COSHH Control Sheet (CCS) as the final stage of
creating an assessment on your Sypol CMS. An assessment that has not had a CCS
completed can be identified by the symbol. Complete a CCS following the below steps.
1. Click View
Work Areas.
2. Click into your
Sub Area 1.
3. Alongside WD-40 MULTI-USE PRODUCT
[AEROSOL], click to open the CCS.
Note: The questions found on your CCS are not legal obligations, however, you are legally required to
consider whether they are necessary actions.
pg. 44
4. Review the questions 5. Click Save once
and answer appropriately. all questions have
been answered.
Note: Use the below descriptions to assist to you with deciding which answer best fits.
• Yes – You can definitively confirm an action has been taken or considered.
• No – You can definitively confirm an action has been considered but deemed unnecessary, this must
be justified by adding a justification to Further Information.
• Not Yet Determined – You are unable to definitively answer, therefore, will check and confirm at
another time.
6. Your assessment should now have a green
tick under the CCS column which shows the
CCS has been completed for this record.
Note: You may notice if you have selected a Not Yet Determined answer in your CCS the symbol is not a
green tick but rather orange circle with a ‘?’. The reason for this is to ensure that the assessment is flagged for
additional action and is easily identifiable when you review the actions of the CCS. When you have been able
to determine a definitive answer, click on the symbol and changed to applicable answer to Yes or No.
Tailoring Assessments Using the PPE Database
While the assessments provided by Alcumus state the specific type of PPE to be used, it will
be a grade, material or filter type rather than a brand or model. In some cases, it may be
easier for operatives to understand and accept ownership of the COSHH assessments if their
own brand or model of PPE is represented on the assessment, this can be done using the
PPE database, allowing you to tailor the gloves, eyewear, skin protection and Respiratory
Protective Equipment (RPE), follow steps below to learn how to tailor these control measures.
pg. 45
1. Navigate to your Sub
Area 1 and click your
assessment for High Gloss.
2. Click
3. Click View Controls
to see the controls for
this specific activity.
pg. 46
4. Click the Polythene or
Nitrile glove pictogram.
5. Change the view
from Favourites to All.
6. The resulting list offers nitrile glove
types/models from various manufacturers
available on our PPE database. Select
14A06 Chemical Green Nitrile from the list.
7. Click
pg. 47
8. Click
Select PPE.
9. Click OK in the pop-up box
to assign the selected PPE.
Note: If your company uses the same brands of PPE and RPE cross the whole system, you can add the different
types of PPE into a favourites list. This can be done through the action button while in the PPE database.
10. The specific type/model of glove
has now been assigned and will
show on the COSHH Summary
Sheet and Worker Reference Sheet.
Note: If you cannot find the PPE/RPE you are looking for on the database then please contact the Helpdesk on
+44 (0)1296 678464 or by e-mail on [email protected]. All items of PPE/RPE assigned
using the PPE database are the responsibility of the subscriber.
Printing an Assessment
Although we can view the full details of our assessment on screen, we will not always have
access to a computer or mobile device on site to access the online platform. Follow the below
steps to print off a PDF version of your assessment which can be printed as a hard copy too.
pg. 48
1. Within your work area, click your
EXPOSURE) assessment.
2. Click Action.
3. Click Print Assessment.
4. Click Print.
pg. 49
Task 3 Summary
1. What do the EXP and CCS columns stand for in your Work Area?
EXP: ……………………………………………………
CCS: ……………………………………………………
2. What does each colour represent under the ‘Assessment ID’ column in your work areas?
…………………….. …………………….. ……………………..
3. What filter type would you require for sanding softwood for ½ to 2 hours per shift in a well
ventilated area?
4. Complete the Hierarchy of Control diagram using the following terms:
• Substitution
• Engineering Controls
• Elimination
• Administrative Controls
5. What is the number in the top-right corner on your COSHH Summary Sheet?
6. Which risk rating would be assigned to a substance with no short term effects but does
cause ill-health a long time after exposure?
Check the table below to ensure you are fully comfortable with each of the functions
Completing a COSHH assessment by filling in a COSHH Control Sheet
Tailoring a COSHH assessment using the PPE database
Printing a COSHH assessment
pg. 50
8. Task 4 – Management of Alcumus Sypol CMS
For this task, we will be using all of the information we have learned in the previous tasks
and learning how to manage the system once it is populated with assessments and work
Task Goals:
• To understand how to acknowledge significant changes.
• To understand how to review assessments.
• To understand how to copy assessments between work areas.
• To understand how to archive and unarchive assessments.
• To understand how to create and run reports of the information on your Sypol
At this point, we have looked at all functionalities that are involved in system setup and
assessment requests. Ensuring continued compliance of your Sypol CMS requires little
work, it can be easily managed from one section, To Do. There are also several options
that allow you to report the information on your Sypol CMS. Below are the different features
of system management that ensure your system remains compliant. Follow the steps to
learn how to use these additional functionalities and understand the different features
1. Click Home on
the slide out menu.
pg. 51
2. Click Dashboard.
Note: Dashboard allows you to view assessment statistics for your Sypol CMS as seen below.
pg. 52
3. Scroll down
and click Print.
4. Click Generate Report. This will
download a PDF of all the system overview
stats. Once viewed, close the report.
To Do Section
Significantly Changed
1. Click on Home on
the slide out menu.
pg. 53
2. Click on To Do.
3. This will present you with a list of any
outstanding actions currently associated with your
assessments. Click on Significantly Changed.
Note: Significantly changed assessments are materials that have been changed by our consultants based on
legislative updates, new H&S guidance or updated SDSs.
4. Click on an assessment 5. Click ‘I’ to view what
of your choice. changes were made and when.
6. Click OK to
close the window.
pg. 54
8. Click Acknowledge 7. Click
Assessment. Action.
9. Click ok to remove
it from the list.
pg. 55
Additional Functionality on Sypol CMS.
You now know everything you need to about setting up and maintaining a compliant Sypol
CMS and we could leave it at that. Once you start using the system more frequently, you
will surely be looking for shortcuts to adding and moving assessments in your Work Areas.
This next task will take you through additional functionalities that are frequently asked about
on the CMS helpdesk.
Exposure Scenario Form
In some cases, the person requesting the assessment on Sypol CMS may not be carrying
out the task it corresponds to. An easy way to obtain information from those carrying out the
task is to provide them with an exposure scenario form as seen below.
1. Click Other in the
slide out menu.
2. Click Exposure 3. Click Create Exposure
Scenario Form. Scenario Form to open a
PDF copy of the document.
Copying Assessments Between Work Areas
You may find an assessment that matches the material you are using and your work
practice located in a different Work/Sub Work Area. If this is the case, you may be able to
copy them into your own Work/Sub Work Areas to save adding a new request onto the
system. Follow the below steps to copy assessments from Example Work Area into your
own Sub Work Areas.
Continue overleaf.
pg. 59
1. Enter Example
Work Area.
2. Select an 3. Click Action followed
assessment to copy. by Copy Assessments
From This Work Area.
4. Expand the Areas until you locate 5. Click Copy.
your Sub Area 1. Click Sub Area 1
to select it as a destination for the
copied assessment.
pg. 60
6. Click Ok.
The assessment you selected will now be copied into the selected Sub Area 1.
Archiving and Unarchiving Assessments
After using the system for a while, you may start to find assessments on your Sypol CMS
that you are no longer using. Therefore, you want to remove it from your Work/Sub Work
Areas in order to manage your allocation, this is because when you remove an assessment
that is not in another Work/Sub Work Area, it may return some of your allocation. You
cannot permanently delete an assessment for record keeping and auditing purposes,
however, you can archive it so that it is no longer visible on the system. Follow the steps
below to place an assessment into archive and then also unarchive it to make it active
1. Click on Sub Area 1 and
then the assessment WD-40
Multi-Use Product [Aerosol].
pg. 61
2. Click Action.
3. Click Archive
4. Click Ok to archive
this assessment.
Once archived, it will be removed from view, however, it is possible to return it to view
should it ever be needed following the steps below.
5. Change this dropdown selection
from Current to Archived.
pg. 62