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Published by gianluca.bustone, 2021-10-18 08:19:42

SYPOL CMS - Workbook Tasks

SYPOL - Workbook v5

7. Click Action.

6. Click the assessment WD-40
Multi-Use Product [Aerosol].

8. Click Unarchive

Submitting a new Safety Data Sheet Through the System
If you receive a new SDS for your material, you can submit this via your Sypol CMS to put
the assessment the SDS is for through for a review by a consultant. Follow the below steps
to submit a new SDS for one of your assessments.

Note: This task is for reference, you will not have an SDS to upload therefore, review the below information,
then move onto Editing a COSHH Control Sheet.

1. Click Sub Area 1.

2. Click one of your assessments.

pg. 63

3. Click Action.

4. Click Review

5. Click Yes.

6. Click No.

7. Click Yes.

8. Click Request Update.

pg. 64

9. Type New SDS
received from supplier
under particular points of

interest or concern.

10. Choose
option Yes.

Note: If your screen now shows the message below, this means another user has already sent a new SDS
through for that material submitting it for review.

Editing a COSHH Control Sheet
If you have answered Not Yet Determined on one or more questions of a CCS, you will
need to revisit this assessment and change the answer to Yes or No, the steps of doing so
are shown below.

1. Click ‘?’ under
the CCS column.

2. Change the CCS answer from 3. Click Save.
Not Yet Determined to Yes.

pg. 65

There are numerous reports that can help you in matters such as; management of your
hazardous materials, improving purchasing policy, issuing suitable PPE and planning
occupational health procedures. Follow the below steps to generate reports for some key
parts of information on the system we have created today.

1. Click Reports from
the slide out menu.

2. Click View
Assessment Reports.

pg. 66

3. Click Hazard and
Control Measures.

4. Click Hazard.

5. Select Flammable

6. Click Generate Report.

Note: all reports on Sypol CMS can be printed in both PDF and Excel format to allow editing of the information
if you would like to add/remove information from the spreadsheet.

pg. 67

7. Click Action followed by Print Hazard Index.

8. Close the generated report
and click Hazard & COSHH
Control Measures to return.

9. Click PPE

10. Select Respiratory Protective
Equipment (RPE) from the drop down menu.

11. Select All from the drop down menu.
This would allow you to identify all of your
assessments that require face fit testing.

pg. 68

12. Click on Hazard &
COSHH Control Measures.

13. Click COSHH
Control Sheet.

14. Change the answer dropdown
All to Not yet determined, this will

allow you to report assessments
that require further investigation.

15. Click Assessment
Reports Home.

pg. 69

16. Click REACH

17. Click

18. Click Assessments containing Substances
subject to Authorisation. The resultant list will

identify any assessments in our facility which
contain a substance subject to authorisation
under Annex XIV of the REACH regulations.

pg. 70

Note: Under REACH (the Regulation for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals),
all members of the supply chain have a variety of obligations related to Substances of Very High Concern
(SVHC) in preparations such as paints, inks and glues and/or articles, such as toys, furniture, textiles and
electrical products. SVHC’s have hazards that have serious consequences. For example, they may cause
cancer (carcinogenic substances), or they may have other harmful properties and remain in the environment
for a long time (persistent) and gradually build up in animals (bioaccumulative). One of the aims of REACH is
to control the use of such substances via authorisation and restriction and encourage industry to substitute
these substances with safer ones. For further guidance on REACH see ‘What is REACH?’ And ‘Understanding
REACH’ under REACH information of the REACH Management reports.

Logging out of Alcumus Sypol CMS
It is important to logout of Alcumus Sypol CMS correctly whenever you finish using it, as if
you do not the system will assume you are still logged in and prevent you access the next
time you try. The steps below tell you how to logout correctly, although if you ever forget and
find you cannot get in to Alcumus Sypol CMS the Helpdesk is always there to help! The
number for the helpline can be found on the front of this workbook.

1. Click Log Out in
the slide out menu.

2. Click Ok.

pg. 71

Task 4 Summary
1. Describe what it means when an assessments status is changed to ‘Pending’?

2. When does Sypol CMS flag an assessment for review?

High Risk: ……………………………………..
Medium Risk: ……………………………………..
Low Risk: ……………………………………..

3. List three reasons why you would submit an assessment for review outside normal

1. ………………………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………………………………

4. What do the following acronyms stand for?


5. What is the number to call should you have any health, safety, environmental or
software queries?

Check the table below to ensure you are fully comfortable with each of the functions

Acknowledging assessment changes

Reviewing assessments
Copying assessments
Archiving assessments
Creating and running reports

Logging out

pg. 72

9. Common Questions

Now you are ready to start using Alcumus Sypol CMS, it is important to understand
everything required in order to keep your system compliant. Below are some of the most
common questions which may assist you with staying compliant and up to date.


Q1 Batch printing assessments 83

Q2 Creating a material index within your work area 85

Q3 Placing requests for confined space activities 90
Q4 Assigning Internal Material Codes 94

Q5 Accessing the Audit Trail 97

Q6 Viewing system usage statistics 99

Q7 Resetting your password 100

Q1. I want to create a hard copy folder with all my COSHH assessments in, is it possible to
print everything in a work area without having to select all of them individually?

A. Yes

2. Click Action.

1. Open the relevant
work area.

3. Click Batch Printing.

pg. 73

4. Select the
assessments you
wish to include.

5. Click Add
6. Click Print.

Q2. I would like to access a list of all the materials I use rather than the assessments. Is there
a way I can do this?

A. Yes
Continue overleaf.

pg. 74

1. Open the 2. Click Action.
relevant work area.

3. Click Materials.
4. Click Action.

5. Click Print Material Index
followed by Generate Report.

Q3. I would like to submit an assessment for work that is to be undertaken in a confined
space, is any additional information required for the request?

A. Yes
When requesting an assessment for work being undertaken in a confined space, we must
first review a Confined Space Risk Assessment.
Continue overleaf.

pg. 75

1. Click Create
Assessment from
the slide out menu.

2. Search for the material being 3. Select the Material
used in a confined space. you are using, then
click Next.
4. Select Yes, now use the Upload
Files button to upload your Confined
Space Risk Assessment as well as a

more recent SDS if applicable.

5. Click Next.

Note: It is very important that a confined space risk assessment is attached, as all confined space exposure
scenarios are bespoke to the individual subscriber and not present on the shared database. Without the risk
assessment, the COSHH assessment cannot be completed.

If you are unsure or have any questions, please contact the CMS helpdesk on +44 (0)1296 678464 or by e-
mail on [email protected].

pg. 76

6. As there will be
no suitable activity

already on the
system, Click Next.

7. This is a new exposure scenario,
select *Appropriate method*; Confined

Space; and *Appropriate Exposure
Time* then click Add Selected Activity.

9. Click Next.

8. Remember, you must include a
quantity. Complete the remainder
of the exposure scenario being as

detailed as possible.

pg. 77

10. Due to the nature of confined space work,
the system at this stage will almost always
regard it as a High risk exposure scenario.

11. Click Next.
12. Click *Appropriate Work/Sub Work Area*.

13. Click Next.
14. Click Confirm


pg. 78

Q4. My company uses its own internal codes for each of the substances used on site, is there
a way I can add them to the system?

A. Yes

1. Enter your 2. Click on an assessment you
Work/Sub Work Area. wish to add an internal code to.

3. Click Action.
4. Click Assign IMC.

pg. 79

5. Click
Create IMC.

6. Enter your desired internal material code
(IMC) in the IMC field, this may contain both
numbers and upper and lower case letters.

7. Click Save.

8. Click Ok and this will
add the code to the list.

pg. 80

9. Select the IMC that you 10. Click Assign IMC and
wish to assign from the list. this will assign the code to
the assessment selected.

11. Once the IMC has been assigned,
click back into your Work/Sub Work Area.

12. To view the IMCs in your
work area, click Action,

followed by View/Hide IMC.

Q5. For auditing purposes is there a record that can be accessed to display what actions
have been carried out and by which user?

A. Yes
Continue overleaf.

pg. 81

1. Click on Reports.
2. Click on View Assessment Reports.

3. Click on View Assessment Reports.

pg. 82

4. Click on Audit Trail.

2. From within the audit trail, every action
that has been undertaken by an editor can

be viewed. This can be broken down by
changing the option in the drop down menu.

3. Choose an option to display the
actions completed by

Editors/Coordinators on your CMS.
Q6. Is there a way to view the system statistics regarding usage, to see how often and to
what level the users are utilising the system?

A. Yes
Continue overleaf.

pg. 83

1. Click Reports.
2. Click Management Reports.

3. Select Company Stats.

pg. 84

4. This screen will now display your system statistics,
including; number of logins, assessments viewed,

assessments printed and your overall allocation usage. If
you return to the management reports, you can then run

a similar report but with a break down for each user.

Q7. If I forget my password, can I reset it without contacting the Sypol CMS helpdesk?

A. Yes

1. If you do not enter the correct
password, this warning box will
appear; Your login details were
not recognised by the system.

2. Click Forgotten

3. This page will allow you to reset your
password. Enter either your Company ID
and Username, or alternatively the email
address associated with the user account.

4. Click Submit.

pg. 85

Note: If you enter your company ID and Username, an email will then be sent to the email address assigned to
the user account. Once the email has been sent, the link to reset your password will be valid for 24hours.

5. The below email will be sent to the email address associated with
the user account. To reset your password, click Reset Password.

6. Enter New Password
and Confirm Password.

7. Click Change Password.

8. Your password will now be reset, click
Return to Login which will take you

back to the main Sypol CMS login page.

pg. 86

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