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كتاب الطالب الانكليزي

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كتاب الطالب الانكليزي

كتاب الطالب الانكليزي

Beautiful Kerkennah

. Read these sentences and underline the relative clause in each one.


Kerkernah s |he in e of a qroup of slands Lhrt a€ strated
o:oif Lhe easr: co,r5L Lrrlsa

Tne mar'r l:\"rc lslands are allerg! ald Gnarbl "tIch are

boLh ln.abl:eC

The slands are reacheC by; l'erry lhit oPeral:es th crlholrt

the yea'

The nrost l'arnc,rs be;cfl s Mkare| Kl la l"rhere the lnra're ls

;r nc-edlbLt, clear bLle

Thee are.,nany colclriul''ais, /r1rch are a lreEi aLtract oil
ior tolrnsr:5
A fomclrs son c[ Kerkenn:h r''tas Hei Berkh]ss;r' L"'ho L'vas also

kno,,"n as 3al.ha Hei r';hc r','a: a \.ior[l c[ass footballe ' '1eC

.lLrrllq a niaL.h nTJ"s

Kerkenrah s rr de;l pLace fcr ioLrrsts r'\/hc llant a qilei

Are these relative clauses defining (D) or non-defining (ND)?
Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.
I.K.n( s and I !| AB 107 l'17

Why are holidays so important?

.lngroups,discussthetitleandpicture.Whatdoyouthinkthetextwill be about?

.skimthe te)(t and match the headings with the correct paragraphs.
tl'1 What stress can do
2 A change can do you good 4 | Time to re ax is important
5 Too busy to eave work

D Peop|: likc rhi. r'isk hultnrg
mrr onh rheil lrtalrh LLrL rhcir

pcl L.LL r,1.rri ,n hq.. r,,"
E.,., r. n. d. L 1..r ,! riro.

rrirh fami[ or'lir:ncls, and t]is
1;re nrrds io bc molc lliin thc
oco.iolal snarr Ic<] hour hclc
oI Llrc|c. Pcoplc rho ale r:losc

ro u. nccd ro kno$' thrl \1c
calc ib(lI rhcrn. (jirine rhcrn
a si-..rilicinl arrrount ,rf our_
rirrr: ir hor tc shot rhis

H0lirla| tirne carr gire us this

q4or ruritr:

A .Ina.r iL is Llore iLlpuranr lrdccp :rncl our licc tnre is rnir:n E uut;a".. alc imponant lirr
.:rrr\ orc. uot ilrlr t|c
durr r:rcI ro rnsurt Lh:rt rre talc intcnrqrrr:d hr phol,: cells l busrncssmen. \!c alL nr:r'd :r

croLrgh Ilr:als and hoftlars hunrar bodi canroL colLilLL,.' (haner: oi scr:nc ancl a charee
ol nrce. \\c ner:cl ro rr:lar and
Li[ n so lill aLl.lnc s]r.nd !rr.h likc this inrlcfinitclr: Both blain ,.r.'. ,',,' "h,,irnucr]es,rrorlhl'artc'rrrclr.'

r lrlg..c par L r:rl out Limr: r'rorhing rd l)odltcr.l a llr:el ll rc school, lhc
pur1, rhcrrl Loc, 1ir; rhq \ill plolncrnr alc totltit,g LLs at
hard rhar \c l1:al]r eed to lakc rhe tilrrc. 1l docsn r nart.r'
err:lLuelh lct L,s dol n rhctlcr rir: choosc ro rpclrd
sulllcicnt tirre out. Tl rir: dcrr't. Llris rine lrilq on a bearlr
C rt,"", u," m.r't e'cl mo.e
thc pLtssu,L ol Li[ cxLl l].r
rruLaholirr rhlsr: clals rtlro
boLlr our phlrnal rnd mcrrral
thirk rhar rheil lort is Lotr
impdranl Lo Learr: irr rhr: Larxl
B 1cr:l,u.\l"r*s'scvcorrl- mochll lili ol orlrr:r's. l heri pcr:,pl ciurlot u ekkir g rhrough lainlllcsrr ot'

.ii11 ploblcms 1t lrcar ro bc arrr'liorl Lhi oliicc ;ightsr:cing: \\'hrL is irn;ror Laut
folrolc thar I lil houls fhcr
crn causc higi bloocl prsure, is Lhc chalgc. -\ chanee ol
put 0ll rakDg holida\ s orbr{l&s rouliLrc ollen hr:lpr ur ro Look
rhich r:arr rhtl carrr('irtolies becausc drclc is ah,als anodtcr
,1,'rrllirrr: oI rrrorhe| dcal rround
rrd hr:alL aLtalks. It ds,r has eLr at our cl1\r lires irr a dillclcnt
Lhc rolncr: ll,ci oiicl discorct'
cllict orL otu li,cls. Il tlc ate rvar Holidar. erc lital to r-rrLt'
Loo laLe thar rh:n: is rrrr:rle to lili:
ahrrvs orr Lhc nr-'rr:- rrr: doni ecrclal lr:llhcing. Arrd lcurirlg
i1,c nrdrile phor,c s.itch,:d ofl
ah,:i. rroLice hol lar lc push

oul bodir:s. \\'e clon't eat rr:gllar l lrul is \]t.Ll tool

rrcals. tc dcn\ gcl cn(rugl!

I Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.


What does it all mean?

. 6d @ Listen to Rami and his brother talking. Underline the items on the bank

statement that they talk about.

C.CF,-J Rank Statement

IRFI'I IDFH Accountnumber: S78230I0

Date Tiansacrion Witlxlrawals Deposits Balance
+425 .00
bl / h5/ la OPEN 1N6 BffLNNCE -28 -AA taa.0b
bE"/88/ ra CHE[tUE N. 401 1Eb -bb
01/85/ rA
L0/a5/13 CFSH [IITH'RNl/JNL t56,00
t2/05/ !A OEPOSIT - 14 ,75 s60. t5
22/ b5/ ta -4E. S0 514.45
CHEflUE N. OO2 -e3 .05 49r.4b
2t/05 / r3 CHEIUE N. 803 -88 -AA 441-40
2E/A5 / \3 CHEffUE N. OO4


31. /h5/ 13 TOTNL -183.60 +428 "Ab 441.46

r Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.


Which account should I get?

. Read the information about the bank accounts. Use the glossary in the middle

of the page to help you. Then do Exercise A in the Activity Book.

CCB Chil&cr! accotrnr CCB Savirgs account

' 1,,: .irjl,tr, r:1,,,.,, r i; . 11 ,, l, r 1..1,,,,,,r.

' (_t _..,,ir! ,,,, , it 1,il

CCB Curretrt account CCB Universiq student lccount

' ir,, .:j..r,. , , L . -\l,iirirl. r,:, i -ril...1,ir.
. li'r. \ f\ 1 .., i ' \, i:ii lr,,,,r-.,t:r,,r.
' - rr ,tt.rir ' r.Lr.lirr.
, \l I L
. \ i'i:,n.r,,r.,l.ui.r :Li,iL
,1.1 . ,r rlll L..r '.r i;L.rrrl

l'...1i .iiri. .,,!, i, j I

' I , r .', . ,(
, . l r , tL r l , ,


Overdrcft facilities: ability to use more money than you have in your account
at the moment.

Minimum balonce: sfiallest amount of money you can have in your account
wlthout paylng bank charges-

ATM (Automoted Tellet Machine): a machine you can withdraw cash from.

Credit cod fee: marey you pay the bank every year if you have a credit card.

f,d O Listen to the conversation between the girl and a banker and tick the

things they talk about.

1' savings account zll6 minimum balance
bank staternents
zl current account
n!a credit card
:! a student account ATM card

oE a cheque book fl1o bank branches

f5 l overdraft facilltles

. What kind of a.count does the girl decide to get?

a Now do Exercises B to E in the Activity Book.


Meet a banker

. Skim the text. What is the main topic? Choose the best description.

1 ll e dno rr1 0 mona lrd'r\'r. ndlp.
2 Whdl \oJ 1L.. \luo\ ,r \' 'ool io b'r o 1e d ba_ler.

3 What a banker's job is like.

,drother ofnv nxln nspo!siblttics work vith a cornPrnl' $tt nakes
chernnal producs, for errnPle'
$ to de.ide rl'hciher o. not to qre lo! hNe to undca.and ho{ tld
peofle or busincsses ioms Tln is
re nrde ud uscd. NIr
orc u'4 the barh uscs thc morcl ]".nrdi.ucrr'sorl is
$'ir| nrdivi.lurls dnd
peorle put into dreir xccouts Th.
.'nxll busin.s:es \rhar I
rnorer docoi snrpll sit therc but n rt"ur ihi- ;' '],.tr
uscd to mrke l'onlon.s. no'eY X{ml Ir d,tlLretrt P.ofLe
need !., r lrriic !t
teotlc for r sPcclal In

poiect su.h as bu1iry a cu or r It i! also \,cn srtisiing to bc xble

house. \Ve also le,d ronel to to hch tlcm lvnh rne; t'.blcms
pcople 14rc wrnt to str thelr ort rnd nrfte rrtiffcrcncc in thcir lircs'

brsilesscs. It is oiiet uP to me to Being i bdkc' requires m,nv
dccide !'heth.r tle |usincss is a
diffc.e.t sliills. To begl. llLth. rou
good .x or ror, L1d soin.tilres I lNc to bc good at \hths ud,ble
nNt .r,&. suRqcsii,)ns to ;ntrort to rerd
tt& plm. lio, damPlc, if a nxr
sHl1 ]s |eug a|le to lvork Nith
aants to olEn !bookl.F on a suect
tbn rlrcrdv hes :everal |ooklots' I orhc, elten-r who can gn'c tou
niglt {gger irat he otens it oo
dot|e! srred Erc he cr! get idpor nr i ;r.latlor' Whc. a I ,1i.".-'r.F t lo.. to bur. house,
cmnot ftx1s aPpove rlod Llbis ii for .aantLc. I necd to knoN xlott
Ive bccn a banher for twern vcars
r diilcult lan of ir1 iob as I do not the lilLre and stru.nre o{tfehouse
and I lore nl job. \\rhn nrkcs it liLe to disTtojrt m-l clicrts.
priti.ulerh inrt.cst;ng is the rnd u.lnt sort ofneighbourlood it
larienr I fN. to do man! different Sdne bxrkm wo* niostLr. rvitb 1s j.. A stec;alist caD givc me Lhis uJ ue a runber ol
1a,ge conprnics, t'hile othcrs hrvc nfornati.n. FinaLlv, I bukc.
.liffere'rt slills. No 6vo d$s dc mo,e to ilo rdth smrll bus;resses nceds to le t good co.rnuniotoi

cvcr thc sanc. l\'Ios i,nlortandv ald mdi1,iduils. Botlr qPes of Your .]ic.ts nced ;ntormanon
bxoling ca. bc eijo]$le Baiks
wc fat to c.n!in.e Pcotle to us. th.rirc.kwi$ lfge.ornFD;es ca. aobfdorltm'nrq.urltedicfcornepnlterd'nTnhges,v some
hell rhem ir;rore rnd ertend rced
thc |xnk, a.d onc Nal to do this is
their busin.ssc:. This .rn be rerY r brLko who .d crtLa;r thesc
to offer nciv s€rrices. For e\anPle, tliirgs clearh and q-lo ciiols
interesting rnd ercltirg, rs vou lave
ve can itudc.ft bY o*eiing .srkdloftr.Gpornotcu\rnooerrl,rue,ng',ornh$rnIl..eqn'orrl'!'r
ste.ial srudent x..ou.r\ lftle bank to te qu;te tno$lcdge.Lble xLott
nanr different subjccrs lf rrn
is cltxc to t unn'ersin or coilege.

We also adr.ise pe.lle on tb. nost

sftable accouns for thcl. 'lecds.

a Now do Exercises A to E in the Activity Book.



. What kinds of problems are these people having? 6d @ Listen to the

conversations and match them with the pictures.

G..6# ilurslcttol


. Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.


The big day

Read the e-mail and do Exercise A in the Activity Book. Then use the
(ontext to help you match the words in bold with these pictures.

iEffEiinif:frir-mlE f'



=::._'---:==+=,=:'- gEi

Gless what? Tonorrow rs the b I da-vl My p ane eaves for London at 3.OO and soof j be ?b e to see al ihe sghts

we read abo!t n th€ gu debook

'!e a readv lacLe.l m! suLtcase. rolqhtsomenewcothesafdacolpenioregudebooks L tr ed not to pack too
gearoEiqa.d'havetotakeataxi There s no wav I can on tire
mucn Uut t s p otti her'y. Onre carry t aI

Underground! wonder how mlch yo! tLp iax drves n ErglandT

Last Monday weni lo the bark and got some travel er's cheques for mv trip Thev re g'eat becalse thev're saf€r
than.ash. siqne.lllr€ cheques the bark andwhen soneth ns in haverosLgn
ln o.; place:t waht to buv Lordon

$e cheque aga n n front of lhe cash er' Th:t wav, nobodv e se ca. lse lhem

'l,Iy bankertod nre tsho!d atso ger some ocalcurrency becalse not aiplaces take tmveleis cheques take my credr
cpS;"rodowptoeo,.d."eTlhpnaotfesrnyaa..sec.eepdotoesdoynore,tekcrarnos;t$hontrhaemvei xpbcouchtkaelcnt.agAfesiryareotaueLpjb'ruoesbtweaebtevntoknriaiopqw,tdhmenaatn6aviacndodnuvpnetorrleoidsrstn?raEv'luer0or0po0eunLlsd'aeqbvihdbeialsEFuorrosLablnmldtdeirnngrlh0oeln5d7UlK

pounOs. Vy fater totcl me everrthng . L.ndon s erpensve, so l'lhale to be caEfu what spend'

' brngyoubackasorvehir.Letmek.ow f there's anyth ng pan: cu ar you d I ke me to let vo! Andkeep ntolch

Th€re s af cafe next to my hote so can check my e_mai whenever want

a With a partner, match the currencies and their names.

ffilillu-", s ft*;l ql

"-". -ii

US dollar lalrpaaqniedseinyaernSyArulasntrapioanunddollSaarudCi hriinyeasel yuan lndian rupee
Pakistani rupee

. Now do txer(ite5 B to E in the Activity Book


A car loan

6d @ Read and linen to the conversation.

Ahlom: Wowl ls that your car?
Nourr Yesl Nice, isn't it? I bought it

yesterday. Do you want to go for a
drive? We could go to the beach.
Ahlom: Sute, that's a great idea. l'd
love a car like this one. How did you
pay for it?
Nourj I got a car loan.
Ahlom:fhal's a good idea. Maybe
should do that. lf I got a car loan,
would I have to make a big down
Nourj No. I didn't pay any money in advance at all. ljust have to pay a certain amount
every month.
Ahlom:Ihal's even betterl But the monthly instalments must be pretty high. What

are they?
Nourj About 2 million lraqi dinars. lt wasn't that expensive, because it isn't a new car.

Abldnl lt looks newl
Noun The owner took really good care of it. lt's actually three yea6 old.
Ahlom: How larg do you have to pay it back?
Nour; Five years.
Ahlom:fhal's a long time. Won't it cost you a lot in interest?
Nour: Yeah. But it's worth it. This sort of car is a real investment. lt won't lose mon-.v.

n fact, it may even go up in value.
Ahlam: Well, I suppose it's more enjoyable than putting your rnoney in the bank and

waiting for it to earn interest! Maybe lshou d make an investment like this.
Nourj Here we are. The beach. Do you think I can fit into that parking space?
Ahlam: Surc. Uh, no, maybe not. (Sound of crash) Oh, no. I think one of your lights

is broken.
Nouri Luckily, the loan also includes free car insurancel

. Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.



Read the letters. Which is a letter of thanks? Which is an answer to a request
for information?

Horne Sawihgs Bank

(974) 4t59375

16 April,2013

Dear Mr Nasir,

Thank you for youl letter 0f 10 April, 2013. Please find enclosed the inlormalion you Iequested aboui
our accounts,

I am haDov to inform you that all our sewjces are available onLine Passwords are sent to clients three
i.'.",oLnt We also orovioF a 24-hoLr leleohone ba-k:ng sear'ce
ouv, .{r, "pr',i"g

Pl€ase contact me again if you need any more information

Yours sincerelY,

Fadi Malouf

13 ''1"J' zor3

-lho"K€ i- Jour tetter c^J t\.e ?\.oto€ r! -r \.aJ a Jlitto\ ca_e.o) :! nou\J have
taKer <*e nice to,""ue 3".J vi..tte o^,1 p,t ir.e- o. d ldFop
?icturee) Ioo. 1'€

r or ro: r,.e a,a),aa. o

.o)d Jo. .- : oe <o ',- ..el.. -.,_.-;Ja..--."^ .,-r _.
,o<te- .a_.".
a.e et " I,o-r "o ^

rt ,ro< Sreat {o €ee Jou dr rhe ?o+5 1 _ eor.J r coulJn,r <to5 for lo^.J.

F aree.1

. Now do b(ercises A to D in the Activity Book.

lesnn\ s and 9 q As l'lA 144


Making money

Read the title of the text. ln pairs, talk about what points you think might
be mentioned in the lext.

. Now read the first sentence of each paragraph and check your ideas.

vtaKtn0 more

Saving for the future is Flrlanc ally-mjnded PeoP e UK al the mornent. People are

sornething that ls instllled in us \\rho fo ow ihe markets invest begnning to see the ,ralue ol

from an early age As children, in stocks and shares For buyng up propeftY to rent out

we leaTn not to spend all our nany, thjs can be both a The rent pays the nstalments

ppouckiest ornmoneeYaastidoencteobubt utoy lhoobi boy fanmdoanweayylot'fsmaakinrigskay on the oaf or morigage, and

something b gger ater on. busness, however, and there ilren when the lnvestor needs

When we stad woTk, we are are no guarantees. The major the money he or she can sel
encoLrraged to put rnoney lnio players ln thls game are th-'
pension pans to save for our aryup and realize the Profit. Tfr s s
speciallsts. You can certa nly pad cu PoPUlar wth
ret Terfent so that \,!e can
lose a oi of money as we as peope who inhert an amount
continue to enjoy a good
standard oi ivlrg when vr'e galn !t, and lt s noi the answer of money \!ho vr'ani to do
for peope who need a Jlxed
are olde: more wth the money ihan let li
sum at the erd of the r
ne e are man\ ,^/ays rl st n a sav ngs account.
nvestment perlod.
r\'^J ch vre can make our Ho\,vever peop e choose to
[4oney can aso be rnade
moneY v'/ork for us. Banks ihrough lnvestlng in ProPetY. nvesi tfrelr money, wheiher t

lnfofir us of dlfJerent types ol Spendlng a loi of rnoney to ls n savlngs accounts Penso-r
savings accounts, wlth more pJans siocks and shares or
or less Interest the onger vr'e begln wth can bring slgn fcant
leave our money wllh them. property, etc , t ls rnore
proflt if ihe propedv is so d on senslbe than keeping lt n a
Some savings accounis sult
ai a later date \,,rhen ProPedY box under the bed as oLlr
reg!lar savers, others are prces have increased Once
agan, there is no guarantee grandparents often used to do
more appropr aie for ihose of thai you will make a Proft or
elen bTeak even, but generaly And alihough some Young
us who wish to invest a llxed
speaklng, money lnvested ln people cannot see the value ln
suTn Savings accounts
property s safe in the iong savlng for ther old age \^/hen
benefit peope who do not
need io access this money, tern. t is th s iYPe of they are stlli in ther t$ienties,
and lf \ ie can forget t s there
investment that ls beconllng there are a loi of retlred People
so much the better
rnoTe and more poPU ar ln the loday who wish they had done

more wth iheir money when

ihey were younger.

a Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.


{.mstT 7

What can I study?

a Discuss the following three questions with a partner Use the pictures to prompt

your discus5ion.

i Why do people study after they've left schoo ?

2 What can peop e learn when they've left schoo ?
3 Where do they earn?

Write your ideas in the Activity Book, Exercise A.

Read what these people are sayinq and add more information to your lists.

I can't find a l'm enrolled on I want to take I'm a scientist.
job that really a summer class. I attend
a language I sent rny
interests me. a year to hear
I think I need to I love to travel. application about what
learn new skills yesterday but other scientists
I'm worried I are doing.
to enhance my
chances of admitted.
getting a good

m Now do Ererclses B and C in the A.tivity Book.


A language school

{t Read the brochure. Does it give you the information you need to choose a course?
{, Now do Exercise A in the A(tivity Book.

LANGL,AC]L SCHOOL Improve your language skills

W... lhLicmrdyrpeDrttaoarvdckebeioovlroot uluoarrrnjhonecburlartscoscltssrpeslresdec?DstWss e can help you:

We offer:
. ,{.rbi., Dnghl\ Stturjsh, French, Chincse
. small classes (10 strdenrs md;mtrtu)
CDs, DVDs and a conprter roon
irrensivc exam treparatjon for quick rcsults

To erol:
. phemelr Gsts ar mandatorv to heJ; rs setccr thc right level tbr iou
. recrsicr,r
person o, oilitrc rt drc end of-dr nnndr

course fees: hall x nj]ll)n tilqi dinars for 28 h.urs (.h$es mcet t1{.ice x weet )

!D Complete the rules

future continuous going to future simple present continuous present simple

s Use the for fir(ed arrangements.

l'm meeting Hasan at 7.00.

e Use the for a fixed time in the future where the

focus is on the action.

At 7.00 l'll be sitting in my English closs!

o Use the for schedules.

The closs storts qt 6.0A.

o Use + infinitive for plans and intentions.

l'm going ta wark on my English a lot this yeor.

for predictions.
l'll get o better job marc quickly.

6 Now do Exercises B and C in the Activity Book.


Improve your computer skills

o Discuss in pairs the kind of computer skills you feel it is important to learn.
3 Read the article below and see which computer skil15 are mentioned.
. Now do Exercises A and B in the Activity Book.

Work Today

There are many ways n whch P€op e wth these sk s can he p very good F naly ifyou are very

you can lmprole your job create llustrallons for pub shers self-d;scipl;ned, and can work
prospects. One of tlrem s to
or advertisng agences, or work wihout ateacher you can buy a
take complrter c asses
n teevison Casses in web book about computers and
Computers are used in more design which teach how to
teach yourself bL.rt exp anat ons
and more llus nesses, and mosl create and ma ntan a company
jobseekers shoud be fam iar can sometimes be quite
wlth basic cornpLrler prograrns. webslle are becom ng more
cornp ex and need practca
Learning new computer sklls and more popular

cen aso hep you change Whlle computer classes are a
careers, and ilre n!mber of
peope enro ng n computer pad of many universty

classes s incrcaslng programrnes, you don t have io
be a student lo take a computer
Depend;ng on the cass ihey
choose, students can learn cass. Many Lrn vers t€s ofler

bas c or more advanced cont nuing educalon classes
computer sk s Casses that that you can take n the even ng.

teach the use of spreadsheets There are aso an fcreasng
nur.ber of onlne classes that
are popu a! since spreadsheets
you can take from home. The
are used in many busnesses to advanlage of these classes ls
that you can siudy whenever
show ifformaion n table form. you wani. f yoLr decide to take a
For exarnpe, spreadsheets are cass onlne, make sure yoLr get
informalion about the slte lhal s
very oflen used io show financra offering the cass. Some are
exce eni and can hep you g€t a
fformaton Phoiographers and
better lob lrut others are not
afists may wani to take c asses

n dig ta graph:c design

o Now do Exercises C to E in the Activity Book.


Summer courses

{,r Read the catalogue to find the answers to Exercise A in your Activity Book.

Gourse eatalogue: summer courses
vve.0rrer a.wtde range of courses for people who want lo change
iobs, get a better job or
*lstudy lor pleasure. To enrol, please complete the application fo;m
at tf,, "i,f," i"rrf"g"".
Gy1^eo.mL-ep"-rol.1trqe-/lr"s:r-.:eopBDrsrtce.w"s€rbi'.do"Me.sodgq,!,r"o)o-"-t,o" /.oo" q.
English: Eng sf lor wort

Th s .olrrse s for peoLr e ,h a qood e et of Eng sh
who ur
!,vant ro learr voc6b,^ury |liy can ,ie

English: Pr0tecl ng our envir0nfir€nt
rrn e/slly
I9"/AanA^iore5-AoAa o dertrrtrs Drias rrd a//resr 23 & 2q June
p:1ro.r:e-c"l-rn:"q o!r o
. 6 o-op. ., o . o. .l
d rdarooo ' - ooeo
i onme.r

English: Secrerarta sk h o-o e

! : D" -o ':t'roa\ io tl1tt.da\ 9aa l20a ^oooo,\€
.o oo,o o.
:ri'o.o-eo1f'n::.:nre". Woo . p..opo..6.00.
ob p ospe ts

6l Study these two sentences from the listening:

I thought I would study histary ond become o teocher.
Next, I think I will study business.

Th;nk about Nisrin's attitude to the future in the two sentences. She talks in
one about what her views on the future used to be and in the other about
her current views on the future.

6I When we talk about the future from the point of view of the past, we
use the past form of vert s that we usually use to talk about the future.
I will study ... t)ecomes lwould study ...
I om going to study ... becomes I wos going to study ...

I om tlLtdJiag... becomes I wa\ ttudtiag .

@ Now do Exercises B to D in the Activitv Book_

Volunteers at the
Children's Hospital

Discuss the following questions in pairs:

. What is a volunteer? . Whydo peope volLrnteer?

. .How can you find volunteer work? What can you learn from vo unteering?

0r Read the three paragraphs and make notes in Exercise A in the Activity Book.


thl-ihece have bedn a lot o€ naluc€t aisastor5 rn the last €er3*rs, and made oe rmtize A ,;an+ed to

I Ido so,nerhrr5 thai ,,rootd hetp o*ec peopte. dec;ded then rhat das.\o'nlto bacoi\e a loloileer,

JJJIJ,,.,ocr,no €oJan ocaan,zat,on r'rho,r oenaoo'd. I toolz+d ar lnterner sireio qer ",o" ato,t
Irolontelr oppoct,,rnriie:. sad that the Chitdcen s Hosp tal nerded 'ol,-'*eers {oc rna'g d'C{ecentybs,
Isucn a5 D,a\,S-rn rhe ch:ldcei,S.,t Da r'enis direc+'ons and tgi3Gttec:. Ln a Lbra",ar, ro

Idec,ded lo ;t,Jrtee" *o rorL ,n 'l^e hospnal l,ocac5 oSrtze lne ned cat book. ard nasz,ms +4.

I Ithe dociocs and nors6 cead. also soper-vr* lp11 ,otunteecs, so nor have nanSelrenr :krtt: a: ,;etl

ds librat aL,,t1. Ih. eioe"ence has heloed oog:1 aloD'r,th nore.e)po^SbJ't'es.

Lj- auJ\6Ia,!,.o.< c\a o"J l- 1-odrol"g r" !-\.e <?rinl I lhi^h ! -i1ht "rdnt ro oe .
"-..", U"rt l'- "o!. eu.e r'- vc\u^tee.i"q at the c\.,i!,'e^'€ uo€?itdl to \.e\? -e
JecrJe rf ;..Ki"l ,. a ho€riloi 13 tf.e .i.lf.t gcb !c. -e I ro.K d ;ou.-f,ou. €.\.iit)
cnE.ierlnl lF€ pr.c"e: a"l irio.-ar,roc lo ?dltenlE o.d tf.eir ?a.ent<. allho!1\.
-qi,r,n1 d I.l 4"J t"lh ro
1 J."'t ;. rFal nlr<es io, t x.A nrtf. lhe- t\.e- dboul hci.

gob A< c .ecull, I -.""-.\eIrtiv"1e a ve.,r locJ iaea o! ot ol a "u.<e < Jaq ,< \iKe l
.ed\lq e^Joj -j j.b, -aie o \ot c:. "er i.ienl<, loc ri a.(.^e

lo !,o volu"tee. -Jo'K) I dJrse tr.e- tc co"locl a .!.c.ilf, l!.er o.e i"le.c<ic,l

'tther, I slaied volunleerE:l lle hospi.:J, I s3nl a ial al I'o,e -iA .lAe cAlJ,en. Beng ;11 ;s
f"eeeuleb. efu\en,..bIulwceAn,lldl'oen.s*n}
gel sca'ed wAen *Aey;re in a Aosp'tal and I wanled la ,ake ll'e,,
read tAer
lle,' ,n lle. mo-: and played 'v'll lAem and slorle.:.

Afte,llal,I ga! a dffe.ent 'olunlee. yb w.l,.g a4 c)es n tAe Aospt:l newslellet ,le lwo
ybs are very d,ffe,enl. t'o "oJ w'11 cA l!'en, vau ha,e la e.1oy -ol'<rg w'll peopie, wle,eas
lo 'v"L "4"1"s yau la,e Ia be abJe Io wo.l< on your own. I mlss wo.l,19 wlh lhe clid,en, buI
",o.1'ng on lle "ewsle#e. A:s l:u9A1 -e u 1ol of ".'v sL;lls.

@ Now do Exercises B to E in the Activity Book.

Learning experiences

. 6d O Listen to five people talking about their learning experiences. Find the

name of each speaker.

....1 ''r\

o Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.


Books and the Internet

Read about essays that express opinions in Exercise A in the Activity Book.
What do you say in the body of the essay?

A IOn the ohole, think that the .Lntecnet is recj r-rse€t-rl i$j>,,r rrant io5>tSenecat

in{oi-mation abool a topic. 6ot lfjco ceal\ oanl io leacn, a book is bettec.

6 ilt!4!@ the at-r'thors o{ ,,rebsiies, the aothocs o€ booE; ace eal io identi\.

is theie€oce easiec to decide if a hooE is cetiable.6ooLs alsojreSo oore

in-depth in€ormation than the .Intecnet becacrse theX ace lor5:r' than the iexts

on oost "rebs'tes. In addit;on to h6\inJ(Jrnore content, qou can cead a book
i' is becooinJq easiec
ohecevec rd\oo ace. Alth--o-(-nTh osinq the Iniecnel ,s conven,ent,

\toS)t books oithoot lear;5gow hone ocdecir3 theo onl;ne.

C Wi-th the arrival of ihe Intemei, some people thor-r3frt ,,.re ooold not need books

anX lor5rc, bt-rt people ace 6iitl b$r3books and boccooir5 hool:s €com the

!libcal ingreai nr.lmhers. In ihis eraaj rrill took- at sone o€ fhe advanta5:s

and disadvanta5>s of osirSthe Iniecnet and bo$r5books.

One of the main advania5> o€ the .Iniecnot is ihai it ii convenient. ?oo do not

io5nerd to the bookshop or.the lihrar5 l€j>,-r hare an Internet connection,

1co can3rt infocmation €com home at ar5 time. -ihe Iniernei lets jroS:t

in{ocmation €com a lot of di€€ecent ;oocce;, foc instance, €com articler, €rom

explanations in an online encjclopedia, oc even €co,'r chattirs dith othec people

aboot a ro\ect th6t inleresis joo. Oncejco hale an In+e.nel conneciion it it

also cheapec ihan b{5booEs. Hou.tever, ihe dif€erenf so,-rcces ol infocmation

thtace not aloals reliable. Peopte can ddle iJhatevei dant on their debsite,

and ii is not aloags troe.

m Now do Exercises B to E in the Activity Book.

Le55onsSand 9 g AB l61 169

Using the library

Read the text and choose the best title.

d, Read one paragraph and then explain the content in your own words.


might help m"eo.-Ilnwg;s astounded by the help that is available lo people like me'
addition to
The library has a range of inforrnation for learn another language, too. ln
w1o are tool^,rg for rhe r'ghl information about the classes, the jbrary
oeoD'e ca'eer.
*'"r"s a wl_oe secrio,l o' boo^s also has a lot of jts own materials to help rne
aboui djtferent careers. They describe the do thls. lt has books in Eng lsh, and also lets
varjous jobs and also tell you whai skills or DVDS
vou borrow w'rn rargLage l'arn'ng

qJa f cat'ons you 'leed 1o do lnem ' ve beel qames ard ererc ses. T']ev have l"'or^ aI'on
rakir oool. oLt eac,l aDo rr lanquage tesls. and p'acl'ce ooo(s to
q a o'fle'ent wee(. ' s hep prepare for exaaninations if you need

really raterest 19. A lol oI rne tin'e we ollv the qualifications.
rnink aooLt the tobs lrar we ofien h'al
about, but there are so many unusual jobs
around. And wth new technology. new jobs AItrsotld_aerilyimspeolertcatlitosneoctfionr eawt sthpeap'ieorrsaraynids
are appearing all the time There are also
magazines. I look through these to find iob
books with advice on how to find iob offeTs because ii's good to know what jobs

vacancies and also how to prepare for and are available. lalso look at interestlng job

qei through interuiews. l've learnt a lot about sites on the lnternet. The librarians have told
me 1ow 10 get I formal'on aooLll compan cq
how impoitant body language is in an I can find out where they are, what they do

inler./iew and also how to look businesslike. and how bjg they are. This wjl be useful
They expLajn how to write a good CV too,
whjch is reallY imPodani. information when I decide to app y for a new

lf I need to learn new things or take extra iob. l'rn sure allthis research will pay off and
qualificatons. I can get information about ihat one day lll/ill have my dream job And it

classes at the library, too. They have some will al be thanks to the library

school and college cata ogues, and there are
computers where I can look for information
about evenlng and summer classes lhadn'i
realjzed there were so many different things

I could study! Sinee I want to travel' l'm sure

I'll need better language skills, so Idefinitely
need to improve my English, and maybe

! Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.


Our natural resources

a Look at the pictures. Which are natural resources?


. With a partner, disctlss the following:
I What other resources can you think of?

2 What do we use them for?
3 What problems are caused by the way we use some of them?
a Skim-read the texts and match each paragraph to the most appropriate photograph'

H t"n,r"t l.."our""" materials that are found in nature A t water, land and lrees are all natural

resources, as are p"reeiro and gas. we use natura resources in hundreds ot d fierent ways For example,
we use land to grow food and water to drink We use petrcl and gas for energy Because lhey are so
essentialto hlrman life. natural resources must be used wlseLy.

f, Some naturu resouTces are renewable. Thls means thai they do nol d sappear completely when ihey
are used, or that they can rep ace thernselves as qu ckly as they are Lrsed Trees are a renewab e
resouTce because Tnore trees can be p anted and grow. Some resources, however, are nonrenewable
These cannot replace themseves as quickly as they are used. Petrol is considered a nonrenewab e
resource becaLrse it takes thousands of years io form, We know ihat nonrenewable resources mLrst be
used as efficiently as possible, and we must concentrate on developing other methods oi using
renewab e resouTces, s!ch as energy from the sun.

E Somet mes, tt *ay we use natural esources can harm the envlronment Coal and petrol cause greenhouse

gases that con"tribute to globa warmlng. Another potentia ly disastrous aci vjty is ihat large n Lr nrberc of trces

are cut down by larmerc or logging companles, and new ones cannot grow fast enough to rep ace them'
Thls process s called deiorestation, and endangers the habltats of other plants and many anima s
Destruciion ofthe prev ously peniiful rainforesis is padiculady worrying. as these trees are the source ol
much of ihe wodd! oxygen. Fodunately, scentisis are find ng ways 10 rnit damage to ihe environment

when these resources are used. bui a lot of work si I needs to be done

. Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.


Recycling waste

. Look at the piatures. What do these products have in common?
a Read the text and check your predictions.

Deolng wlh wosle s o mojor problem ln most ploce lheir wosle n some c lies lhey use
countres. Slolislcs show lhol eoch person n
nduslr ol countes lhrows owoy on overoge of h^?o green bogs for poper {envelopes, newspopers,
kiogroms of wosle eoch doy. Thols14kgoweek, wri ng poper ond so on), ye ow for p osl c
or more lhon 700 kg o yeorl Ths wosle js oflen lposTjc boiT es, ploslic bogs, eic I, bue for g oss
burnl or buried under lhe eoirh ihese rnelhods
bolh couse polulon Slreoms ond rive6 ond even ond brown for boogico wosle (food ond
lhe seo con be poluted try bured wosfe.
gorden wosle).
One soulion s lo encolroge people lo recyc -o
lire r wosle A s mple methocl is lo g ve eoch Todoy more ond more peope ore recycling lher
home d fferenl'coloured pioslic bogs n whch lo wosle ln some counldes, more thon 50% of

wosle h recyc ed G oss, poper ond p oslic con

o I be used ogo n, both soving money ond
helping lo prolecT lhe envronmenl

Do Exercise A in the Activity Book. fd @ fnen listen to a description of how
waste can be recycled. Complete the flow chart with words from the box.

Col erl ( ean u,P tafP pla(e (Fpar,lc

Waste is sorted at home. + It k a1l +
in different bags.

It is a!,i It is i!.r to
in special ma(hines.
:l into differenl types. (j a waste treatment plant.

Class, paper and plastic are

io) asain.

a Now do Exercises B and C in the Activity Book.


A renewable resource

Look at the pictures. Then, with
a partner, discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of wind power.

Scan the article and the letter
tind one advantage mentioned in
the article and one disadvantage
mentioned in the letter.

The wind is a ratural resource tliat people have been n11, re land under die ruLbhes can siill be used

rr' nq fo'rnorr. o oi\.-r,.'"op- r. ,r .d r. o Wind poner does heve some disadvanrages, horvever.

porvcL sailing boats alL over die wodd, and h *as used Pcople s'ho live nerr rhe rurbines find then
ni Europc for a long tlne to grnrd corn nrto llour foL
un.ftracrive. and rhink rhey spoil rlre landscrpe. ILre
b e. . \o" " h..r d.\ctoPcd
, ,b,,e. ,e ",^."id,o Le qu,e "i ) "l-hough ,i
proiide clecrriciw ftL many odrcr purposes.
qufte possible that new technologies nay nake rhen
The mah advanrage ofwnrd power is tliat n is cLean quleter in the fumre. The.e ;s rko .t lor of expense

enerpx. Vind power doesri produce anv nrte or involved i insralling and maintaining rhe wind
qr, ",,l,ou e q ."\ c .. e' . d\. ,". P . h" i
tu$ires. Final\, rvind rurb;nes cannor supp\.aJ1 of
renoable. V/nrd is caused by changing ternperatures oui needs, so rve will always haic ro rely on

in the air, and ir vill never run out. Fnralll', wind additional sources of energy.
tv"riln e,',.81...e w:nd u :e.Je1,,.,e

am wrt ng about the governmert's plan to build a wind farm off the coast. th nk this p an s

rid culous. Wind turb nes are incr€djb y l]g y and rea y no sy, and I can understand $rhy people

don\ want them on and. But that is no reason to put them n the sea! Peope who live on the
coast want a ve!! of the ocean, rot of a w nd farnr. Some scentists say wind pow€r s clean
energy and s good for th€ environmert, but it's certain y not good for the birdsl Hundreds of
them fly into wind turbines and dje €very year. They're also bad for flshing. They scare away th€
fish. I am a flsherman With a small boat and I can't go into very d€ep waters to catch fish. tf th s
wind farm project is conrplet€d, lwon't be able to earn a livlng any more a'rd lwon't be the only
one. Fira y, 've heard that wind turbines might nterfer€ with the radars on boats. f that's true,

the turbin€s could cause dangerous acc dents at s€a. Sure y th s project can't go aheadl

I Now do Exercises A to E in the Activity Book.


Careers connected

with the environment

. Match the jobs with the illustrations.
t f ] nea th, safety and environment manageT
z l recyclinq coordinator


!3 water qua ity planner
|4 park ranger

. Match the jobs above to the job descriptions.

tr i:ilrr,ilt.-S',j.itr: ir!.:i_ii::i.r' 1i "irs ,1,:-;':.. r .i. . a.! :,j a i (., iei ii ,:j ll r I r i,, ii

i :.'. :

Makes sure a factory is following regulations to keep people
and the environment healthy-

Encourages people to sort their rubbish. Gives people
information about where to put glass, plastic and paper


Collects information about animals in their natural habitat.
Enforces laws for protecting them.

6d @ Listen and check your answers.
Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.

Lessons 5 and 6: AR l7R lrl


The Euphrates River

. Look at the photos. What do you think the article will be about?

. Read the article and write a headinq for each section.

The Euphrates River, which ls 2,800 km long, is the longest river in the Nliddle East. lt
begins n the Caucasus lvlounta ns, and flows through Turkey, Syria and lraq. The upper
part of the river runs through steep gorges and cannot be used for navigation. The lower
part of the river is quite shal ow, so only smaller boats can use that. ln souihern lraq,
the river joins with the llgris River to form the Shatt al Arab, whlch then flows into the

Arabian Gulf .

The area between the ELrphrates River and the Tgris River, in what is now lraq, was the
birthplace of some of the ear lest civi izations ln the world. At that tlme, the river was used
for trafspoar, and some of the most famous ancient cities were built on the banks of the
Euphrates. The rulns of anc ent BabyLon can still be seen near the river. Today we can see
some important modern cities, such as An Najaf n lraq, along the banks of the river.

Theriverisan important natura resource forthe region. All three countries have dams
on the river. The Euphrates dam jn Syria forms a reseryoir that is used fo[ irrigat ng
cotton crops. lt also has a hydroelectric power plant, which uses the water to operate
turbines that generate electrlcity. Thls plant is extreme y important, as tsuppliesa
large percentage of Syria's electrlcity. ln Turkey, the Ataturk Dam is the largest of a
series of twenty-two dams that are planned on the Euphrates and lgris rivers. ln
addition to providing hydroelectrlc power, it prov des irrigation for crops such as cotton,
wheat, barley and lentils. The dam has created a lake that is also used for sail ng and
other water sports, and it holds a famous water sports festival every year.

. Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.


Grammar and Functions Reference

a Past simple and past continuous (poge 7) a) Samiw.rked very are lan night lr4/e ore rorr,.g oro,l ore

.r..eon whe. SoniNatke.l lot. )

b) Fuad uied to work late (Fuatl wa/xed lare tot a white,

but he L1oeift n.|| )

Use the pan jinp e ro ta I about linis]€d a.t ons.r ritLations a To say it is necessary

to do something (pdge 7Z

Llre m!n, ,e.d ro or hdr? lo+ nfniule. To mate a qleniof
with m!n, plt nrljl beioE Lhe subl€.t

E{onpler Mult you eare s. soon?

Io ma[e a quett on w th to, ute d.] did + nrbie( +

Ero,nplzr Do you have to be l3 to qet a d ver's l.en.€?

Us€ the Fan .onl nuou5 to ta I about an action $al was tak r9 To say it is important NOT to do something

P a.e at a speciic fine I the pa5t, orwaj nledupLed by (page 17)

Exonpler Yo! na6ln't drv€ ro 1an when Lhe roads are wet

llrad d nnerwth Ali alt n ghl. f/rriJbed d.tio,) To say it isn't necessary to do

At / o.lo.[ last n]ght wa5 do nq hom€work. something (pdge 17)
Lrs€ dorl rdr t + il]f n tive .t .eeth't + nlti:i rp
lo.ttan Lhat\|ostuknrg pki.e.t o spe.ili. tine) ' YoL doi t 1av€ t. wajh the car roday tt ooks very c ean.
' Aba needn L 9o to the sLpennadet today be.a!5e
TheJ' dro're 10 the hoipira mnred arey ili,iJh€d,.r'o,)
lvas drvln! tD the hospita whei h)' mob € phone ranq ua.a weft ye(erday.
(o.tian lhat ||ot rnteiupted by anarlret a.i.n)
. Civtng advice (page 18)
. Past simple and used to (poge 1 1)
Ite j/t.rt,l ,LDlnL to gt p d d d+ tor aJ .e

u5e !jdd r. + nflntivetotakaboursituariors and repeare.l
a.tons in the past that are no onger rrLe or r. ionger happen


a Making polite requesrs (pdge 18)

U5€ these exp.eslo.s 10 make polt€.equesG
. l4/.r/d rcu+ inn.iuve.. ? . Conditional (page 27)
. ao!/d you+ lnrlnlnv€ ..?
. ThereareloLrmaln corditonalsltri.ture5 n Engi5h: thezero
Cd, tou+ infirriUve ? .onditional, therirst.onditional, therecond.onditional and
the thnd condilional.
Mrfl+ nf i live...?
Con.liuona (tu.i!re5 rave two calses: the tlcaLs€, and lhe
. Would yo! qet me a drnk of water? maln cause.Ihe be pla.ed al the beqinf nq or
. Could yo! ihow meyour pa$Po ? the end of th€ senle.ce. f lt.omes flEt, it 3ho!ld be sepaEted
. Ca. yor open you 5!ft.ase, pease? lrom the na n. ar se by a comma.
. May Lree your lcketi, Please?

a Making suggestions (pdqe 78) Llse the zeo.o.dillona when the a.tof n the ma n.ause i5
l.a ways ltu€ when the aLs€ s ttue:
Ll!e these expresons to nal(e slgqesuoxi Exodplej fyou.l.l o. this icon, rhe.ompLter save5your

. tr., h€ + iifLnltne...?€nt. frrery t'ne llr./'.k.n thit i.ah, Ih. .anpotet
. l{e.ould + nfln tive soves y.r da.unenL.)
. Shal {e nreet al 3 00 n tlre departue lounqel
. Lefr wat.h Lhe lilm l.Lrse th€ f 6t cond Lionalwhen yoL th nk the ause is ikey:
. We.o! d take a taxito th€ a rport ifyo! ke. I , -o n. .,old F.
u5e these expr.$iofs to make offe6:
(lthink t\ likelf thot iI wil be sunnt tonan.w)
' Jholl/+ .fniuve ..?

. r,{o! d yo! lrke a.!p or.ofiee?
. Sha open the w ndow?
. helpyou wnh your srit.a5e

a Should and rhorldn't for expectation Ll5e the s€.ond.onditioia to make senten.€s about eve.ts

t)se 5hortd or shaul'1nI + ntinitve to saywhatyou expe.t sror thar arc not lik€, mpo$ibie or untrue in the presenl or turtuie

r Yo! stldied a ot,soy.u shor d qet a good mark on fxo,npl€i lf I had €nough mone, I wou d bly a car
. Shou dnt she be here by now? (l dor't have enolqh mone, so .a.'1 bly a .ar.)
, we shou dn t 9e1 osl. \^/€ have a CPs system in
us€ th€ th rd .ond tonaL Lo ta k abolt imaqlnary €v€nts a.d

fxanpier I we had knoan aboul tlre pobenr yesterda, we
.ou d hale so ved it lan nighl. (Dut de di.tn1kn.|| about
the tu.bten fettetdaf ta@ didnl tolte n bst night )

. Compound nouns (poge 44)

Compound nouns arc no!ns lhat are nrade !p ol tlvo erEt ng

words. Some .ompoLnd .ourr are wrtten ar.1€ word, odied

o . d.o F""l,Pt"."d
. a Port Gn + por.)

'. Fat be t Geat + belr)

crp kG +p k)
. pon offi.€ (pon + ofii.€)


a Present perfect simple + evet/nevet/just/ . Present perfect simple and past simple

alrcody/yet (poge 45) (page 17)
llj,. the pr€jent p€rfe.t slmple to talk abort i nralo.s thal, and ,er.rrilh the present perfe.t s mpe to ta I
abolt ylur re erperen.e. Llj€ reLr.wth n€gatve narementi 5tarre.l i lr€ pan and .onunu€ now t i5 .llen used ,rilh
words rle Lrard ii,...
and .r.r w th queslon!. . Ma[k has !€d r Baya fof tef yea{

. Sabah has nev€r llave ed outsde ot raq trj.lhe prejent Ferfe.t5lmple to talk ab.!t ere.t trrat to!k
. Ha!. !ou e!er bo!ghl airplan€ ti.keti on nel
pa.e i. a t rne thar rarnl fnrhed t n.tten !s.d wlh orar
use trr\r'rh tho presenl perferl lmp E to ta I abour a.toni . (e 116 f€dr and r.drf

that have fntrhed lery r€.e.d_v I harEn't seen sam th5 momnrg.

. Aki ha5 iurt lrot ba.[lrom ho iday use lhe pan simp e t. ta I ab.!t evcnt! lliat nafted an. Jir nred

tke.t odl,aid !.rw rh 0re present perfe.t slnFle io talk .I lhe pan tiioften used(itr words lrie rrjl re.i and ,, 1].d ddc.
.bo!t a.tons that happenelj if a tinie !p unt nov Llie
They eft ror EqypL an Tuerday.
olr.rdf t. iuqgest trat somelh.!r happen€d soon€r than
. Past pefiecl (poge 48)
Eipe.t€d Lrre f.t to make qlcit oij oi negiuve sralemerts
.bo!t an a.uor that
ir erFe.ted to happef and they hare
. Kamaland Ma k n sx months
are eav.9

akeady bo.led th.n ti.lersl

. lave you bouqhlyolr ti.[ets yet?
. raven i pa.l€d ni!€ yet. I m going to do it lon'qhl

a Present pedect conlinuous + for/since (poge 46)

Haveihos+ bEen+ she hasbeen nrlmm rg
Prese.l Pa l. p€
if the pool

u'hen yo! are ulk n9 about two elents n the pJsr, u5e the

ftnpan rerre(l Lo Glk about tne ev€nt nrat lrappe.ed Llse

the pan s rnp e 1o t. k aboll Lhe .trer eveft

. u/e had to bq/ new.iothes be.aure the anine hrd on

UsE lhe pr€reft terre.l s mpe.nd the pres€nt Feil€ct . lwas watin! n the che.k n ne lvh€n I rca zed I had

.ont n!oLs t. ta k ab.!t a.r ons or stares rrat nafied if the lDrg.tler my pa$porr.

pajt buL a to re ate to the Fre5eftj e th€r tiey .Dnt fue, or Llre the pan 3 np e, nol th€ pan p€rle.t, whe. ret€ in9 a
the! hale an efle.t on nre pres€nt rerle! ot event in oder

. hale b€€n lvorl nq a day , $'e !ro\red the aq€nt our boardnig pas€s and got.n

(.nd l'tr :til \|.Jtkirg) ' bolqht some poncard5, the. left ba.l lo my hote.
(btt hare nappetltuatking os I on lnet!)
Defining and non-defining relative clauses
U5e the !rerent perl€.t slnpe Lo talk about n3res, \rith verbs
(poge 50)
lke {ro( ii{e. b.and rn./PrtfirJ
. lhare ln.wn Atf lor L€nyea^. Reatve.auis are. a!5o that 9!e more ffonnat oi ab.ur a nD!n.

.Ll5e 1li€ present perie.t .ont iLou5 to ra I abo!t a.tions. . f! orThey oiLen beg n lrit r a rcatre ponoln su.h d 4ho, llrdt l .h.

ye b€en sropp fq. tlhat yo! been do r!r? [e hotes that have a $v m]n pool

Ute lhe pr€seft perte.l r nrpe and the pre5e.t pcrre.l Defl. i!l rc ati're.La!5ei gve nfcdi.r Dn abDUt the no!. thal
.5 nc.e$ary to ufde{tand the 5enten.€.
.o.t nuous !!itr lor af d Jir.. to ta I abolt h.r onq
Th€ maf frho own5 5arar Tou6 ii or n/ rongrit.
Jotrrelh nq hai tLeen tr!e.
' .. a a a ag
Ll5e lor whe r tal(.!r abo!t a perod ol Inre, ror,p:anrp e !! th
ne..\on/ tat ,t Ia Nndeatond ||hrh nan I gahq ta be .n rv )
prra5es re ,ld.i tlre..l,yJ, t||. h.r., c lang tin?.
. have be.n ook ig ror you lor Lhree houE.

Ure rtrewrien rles.rb nq io.rethi.q Lhat begrn al a pdrt.! ar

poift n l nr-o,lor eiampe r!th phras.s ke 2,,J,ldrr.r,
.lestetd.f. u'r' bifthdaf, and..u t nle t. the preienL

we have been .om n.J hee ior our ho days since 2002.


. The boy whose book iotrowcd 5 n my.!a$ flle reltri€ Llre the pa$ire iorm !!hen tou dof timtnpoovdr awnhtotonii!'far!ir.tonr nll
.to6et.ll: rt ||hi:h hay the tpeaket ntalki.g obart ) an arL.i !r you.lont thlnl n! t(

Tfe rclaule !r ln a det..!l r. atNe. ause at: . My.heque bo.k was slo ef yeiterday l'n. jpeoidr.oej"l

. that and whi.h for tlrlngs E)" o . o . odLd "o'

. whore t. shovr p.$e*lon (ll..or gt45 th.t n)e bank.h.qet the l.e, t. it in't tetf

Nor dcnnifg r€atNe.auier glve add t..aiLln. mau.n about n.pattont to nentnnthn h the tent.n.e )
Lhe.o! r, but nre not...e$ary to helplou !fderstand the
re len.e There are.omnrai beiore and atler non det r ng U!," the pasve t.rm vrth lfltyo! want on the
a.L.n, bll(llwant tD say nho perro ned t
. Sam,rrohasieler.ttthe.ounln s goig to Enqand ' Tr 5 b I was pa d ast vreek by niy rather

for liis horiday flh. r€l.tiva.rortre gLfts nt tetthg fiam.n.n a Future simple (pdge 55,

.ba sara, brti: n.t ne.etotylot D\ t. unt1.t:t.n.l Nha

. The slfbeam rot€,!!h.r r!Er!.loselolhebEa.r, srhe

ben hote n tow.. lnr. r€rdlr€ .loote gire5 u. nat? iilamoti.h
ob.rt the h.iel, brt the .enten.. traoil nial. sefie with.Jut iL )

The rcanre p Dnor tyou .af lre in no. rleiiii'r! reatvE

r ausej are tre rame aj ior def n nq relau!!5e5i er.ePt that

a Passive form (pdEre 55, Lrse the l!turE 5 m! e to ! ve orinions, make pr.d'.tio n or
Ir€ pan !. 5 ronned w th the verb l. lre + Fan pau. ple
erpre$ hoFes abo!t the turture, and to ma[e pronr ses

. lvon i get a qood ma onthtreram twastoodlfl.!t
" (llhep you wlth !o!r aPPl.aton.

Present continuous for futute (page 65)

Lr5e the pre!ent .onlif!ou5 to L. k aLr.rl ii{ed t!t!rc pax
I i o .rF .Fd
. Sawa s Lali.! a. exanr at nine o'.o.1iomoro$ nror. nq


. Coing to fot fulute (page 65) . enro ed in$ o. web de5qn b..ause tholqhl
' lhe ..!ldil.onre to the party be.a!5€ nre lras ial nq an
.U5e 9oirg t. to ta k abolt an ntenton or a plan . d.,,o.o q. qD'drtd, ,9F 'Fit.,.,
" knew Rash da wou d b€ sleep n9 late that nrornlnq, 5.
larar i go 19 to learn a .eu anglage 1o impEve h 5
did r't.all her 0f ul att€r f oon.
a Future continuous (page 6J)
. \reni to the lbhry at nine o'cock, but when airlled
satr lt dldnit oper lnt ten

Prefixes and suttixes (poge 71)
Prel\er af d arff res are ette[ that \re add to the beg]i..9i

ind ends oi wodr lo.haflle then nrea.nigr. Her€ ar€ ionre
exanFles ol.omnbn prel rei a.d nilf {es

Use the flture .onunuoli to .mphasize tlr. onllo nlJ .iUrc of amonq, between I lnlenraUona

the a.uon ov€r a perod ot time The period of I be if rer.a.l

anythlng iron an ho!r to a year or 'nor4e lhere are other m.a.i.!ri tor sone tlfixes For erampe, ol
.in als. n€an 'the a.l or pro(ea of' as a noLn suff* (e.9.,
. BFr..- lodd nro. 9, po
, Nert year \ril be /.I'tr.|i tis a50 rou.d n.onmoi{ods k€ l,mii,l!r,
nudr' rq EnglGh and lapanese.

Present simple for fulute (page 65)

U5. the pr€sent sim r € to ta k about f!t!re e!eft5 rrat ar o.

. My.a$es na tomoftow at fife ot o.l.

Future in the pasl (page 67)

r,!hen talk r9 abo!t tlre pa.t, we someLmes raanr ro say how
the futu e looled at nre t nrc. T. do th r, we !s€ the past forn
oi th€ approFr aienx!re te..e

Future in the pa.t form

Jm iJ/or. + pres€nr part. ple rldrlkE + pre5ent part cir, e

annorc+aalnao+ nlntt'e wrt$,ere + qoiro t +inlfitive
tri/l+ ba + pr€senl pa
world + be + pres€nt, e


a Some irregular verbs . Phonemic alphabet

tt !

9et g 9r

84 rJ


a !he


a Adjectives + prepositions
Adie.Lles f. o(ed by dbo,i
. dngry langry ab.ut s.nethinS)
. onnayed (.nnoyen ab.ut sanething)

Adje.ines to .wed by with
. ongty lanqry wth
onnafeLl (.nnoyed th sone..e)

Adje.ule5 by oi

Adie.Lles f.llo$€d by in

Adje.t res i.llon€d by ton!es l.iiow€d by dt

Literature Focus

Section A: The Swing

Mohammed Khudhair

Moharnmed Khudhair is an Iraqi ivriter. He was born in Basra in 1942. He
ffnished his prima4', internrediate and secondarv study in Barra. He joined
the High School for Teachers and ffnished his study there in 1961. He
taught at schools in Diwanilya, Nassiriya and Basra for more than thirtv
years. His ftrst short stories appeared in TIte Iruqi Writer (AI Adeeb AI [rnai)
magazine in 1962.

His short stories are translated into English, Russian and French. He has
won nrany prizes, incltdlng the Suban AI Ownis's Auard in the lJnited Arab

Emirates in 2004 arrd th< Gold Pen Award from the General Union oflraqi

Writers in 2008.

Hc achieved fame in the Middle East after publishing his two short stories 'The Swing'
and 'Melodies on the String of Rubaaba' in the Beirut Arts nrgazine.
His best works include 'The Black Kingdon', 'At 45 centigrade', 'Autumn Dream',

'Embalmment', 'Gardens of Faces' and the novl Basriata,

The Swing

'The Swing' is one ofthe best short stories about qar. Mohammed Kfiudhair wrote
this shon story after the stmrner 1967 war against Israel. Khudhair later wrote:

I was 25 years old when I wrote 'The Swing'. I actually found it wery difficult
to control the personal feelings stolning inside a young man with q!t{s
experience in politics and war. Ycl I was tully aware ofthe conditions of

'The Swing' is a severe condemnation ofwar wherever it happens. It is a sincere

invitation to sustain farnily life, to rnake childhood secure and to love one another.

It tells about a soldier, Sattar, who has just retr:rned frorn the hell ofwar carrying a
message for the farnily of his friend. His friend, Ali, was killed in batde, leaving his
modrer, his wife and his litrle daughter, Haleema.


Arr indescibable dialosue goes on
between Sattar and the little girl while he
svayl her in her s*ing. He tries to
conwince the child that her father is like
srnoLe arrd she can see him only when she
closes her eyes. Sattar cannot ffnd arry

other ea1 ro inforn, rl,e linle girl and h.r

family that his friend AIi ha; left forewer,
though he left honourably.

The story stresses that war destroys

everything. It leads to nothing but death,
deo:,iqtlqa and destruction.

Excerpt from 'The Swing'

tillHalcema s gLandma sald, As for your fither's nervs, vor jLLst have to rvait until he s here on le.rre.'

The visitor said, 'Yes, s.hat nerlsl Great ncivs, Haleena.'

He heard Haleema saving, 'The s*ing has sloircd dorvn. svay mc norv.' He came out ofrhc trcc's
shadorv *.irh r *.et face.

H:leema asked him, 'Have lour e,ves rurncd red?'

'No, rhis happens ro fiose *to sirim,'he repiied. Haleerna saicl, 'No, Dadi eyes nrned red.'

Tire r.isiror pur 1is hands on rhe nvo ends ofthe swlng sear and pLLshed ir up. He couldn't see her
in dre sLur and l'hen rhe srving came down he embracecl it. stopping its movement. 'Hov are you

feeling nol, Haleema?' he ,rsked her.
'Vhv did,vou stop iti It r',as an excellenr push. No one eler srva,ved ne llLre th.rt before,' she said.

She disappe.rred again in rhe sun, her head lving on her srretcied arn, her face straighr and her c'1.cs
clc'sed. She said. 'i c:rn see my drd. Here he is, sriaying me in his lap. l3ur hc s nor trlkine, likc a
mute. He shaved hls hair just like vou, and as if I were a *r.rnger ro him, hc didn't rccoqnlzc mc ror
did he ralk to rne.'Then she opened her q'€s .tnd said, \\'here dld hc go? He iras right herc widr

nle, sFarring m€.'

'He vanished. Even tirne you open your eves, he vanishes.' the rlsiror replied.

The glrl asked again, '\Xhere did he disappear to?'

'Let us look lor hirr, Halccnra. Has he clirrbed rhe palm rree? Wel1, I guess nor. or else rve woLrld
have seen hin. Has hc djved inro dre watcL? No, had he sraved long undenvater, he rvould hrve
droivned. Ohl \V€ll do )rcu know \\.her€ he !€nr? He s in drat bag ... do yor see ir, Haleema?'

'\\tich bag?' rhe gnl asked.

'That one, on rhe other banh oir rhe rirer. dre bag hanging from rhe bicycle.' he replied.


'That small bas? Hoiv could his bodv fft jnto it?' the giLl rvonderecl.

'vell, he s tike smoke. Alvays remember, Haleema, he s like smoke.'
'l didn't see him rvell, I was sirti.g jr bls lap,' Haleerra said.

'Do vou rvant rne ro sir with you on the siving?' the lisiror intelrLLpred. He stoppecl dre ropes and
lifted her onro his 1.rp rvhile he set dorvn on dre srving. He was sw+ng dre swing wirh his feet when
her grandna cane up with a loalofbread in her h,rnds.

'Arcn't you lcellng hungr) ).et? Lat ihis while we wair lor 1'our grandpa t'ir lunch rogether. I am
gohg up ro leed the pigeons.'

She divided the hor lo.rfofbread benveen them. They.rsked her to srva1, drem belore she headed to
rhe rooftop. 'An I able ro sway you?' the grandma sald before leavhg.

The sving ropes moved slorl,lr, , then dre swing s movement becune laster .md firster LLntil it no longcr

in dre uee s slude. lt fle*,oler rhe stre.rm ofvater rvhiLe dre gnndma disapperJed lthind the shed.
't.can on my chest, Haleerna, and close 1'our eves,' dre visiior said.
'But r,'our clodres are werl'said Haleema.
'I didn't dry rny bodv well.' he ansnered.

'Do you like bamber?' the gn1 asked.

'Ycs. l'd loi-e to have some,'he replied.

'l don't like it ... \\,hat s vour nane?' she added.

'Srrrar.' rhe visiror :nsvererl

'You have rhe same nam€ as the mavor's son. \i/e phy behind rhe dead parlour and he *'ants us to
go in.'

'You mean dre funerai parlour?' he asked her.

'Yes, sirow me mv dad now.'

'l can see him cotring oLLt ofthe bag and heading roward us. Wirhour a he.rd or hands and legs or

evcn clothes, just like smoke,' he added.

'Yes,,vcs,' she murtered.

'Let hin cone close. Prerend thar vou are sleeplng. Do not lr;ghten him because he only likes

drose rvho are sleepnrg like the dead,' ihe \,isiror said.
'Havc you slept, Haleema?' Sanar said, after a sbon *'hile.

'He came out ofthe bag Like snoke and didn't speak ar :ll,' Haleema said.

'And r',,here G he noui' hc askcd her.
'I don't knoiv. Hc's gone. He has dned into the river.'


I Give suitable meanings lor Lhe underlined words and expressions.

2 Complete the following statements with information from the text. before lunch.
1 Sattar ca me to his friend's house to
2 l. 1967,
3 Sattar and Haleema ate

3 Discuss how the visitor tried to convey his message.

4 What moral lessons does the writer try to give in'The Swing'?


Section B: The Canary

'The Candry',

by Katherine Mansfield

... You see that big nail to the right ofthe front door? I can
scarcely look aI i1 everl now and yet I could not bear to take
it out- I should llke ro think it was rhere always even d/ier

,n tllre*. I sometimes hear thc ncxt pcoplc saying, 'There

must ha\,e been a cage hanging from there.'And lt comfofis
mc. I leel he is not clujte forgotten.

... You cannot imaginc how woDderhLlly he sang. It u'as not
like lhe singing of other canarics. And rhat isn'tiust my
fancy. Olten, from the $'i11dow I used to see people stop at
the gatc to lislen, or they rvould lean over drc fcnce by the
mock orangc for quite a lolg tirne-canied away.

for instancc, whcn I'd finished the house in the aftcmoon. ald changed my blouse and brought my

se$'ing on to the vcral'Idah herc, he used ro /?op*. hop, hop lrom onepercr* to anothcr, tap agairrst the
bars as if 10 attract my attention, sip a little water, just as a profcssional singei might. and thcn break
into a song so erquilile* that I had to put ml' nccdle down 10 listen to hin. I can't describe it; I I'ish I

could. But it was always the seme, every afternoon. and I felt lhat I undcrstood cvery note ofit.

... I loved him. How I loved himl terhaps it docs not matter so very much what it is one loves in this
world. BLL1 love something one must! Olcourse thcrc was always my litt1c housc and the garden, but
for some reason they uere llcvcr enough. Flo\vers respond wonderfully, but they don't .rl,npatlrlse* . .
I loved thc cvening star ... But aftcr hc came into my lile I forgot lhe eveniig star; I did not need it any
more. But it was stlange. When the Chinanan who came 10 thc door with birds to sell hcld him up irr
his lin), cage, and instead oI !4leti]tg, fluttering, like the poor little gridfinthe'*. he ga';e a faint, snall
chirp, I fuund mysclf saying, jusl as I had said to thc star ovei the g1rm trcc, 'There you are. my
darling.' l_rom that momcnt hc was rninel

... It surpises me even now to rcmcnlbcr ho\r'he and I shared cach olher's lives. Thc rnonren! I came
do$n in the moming and took the clofi off his cage he lireeted me \\ith a drct$y litrlc note. I krew it
mcarl 'Missusl Missusl' Then I hung him on thc nall outside whilc I got rny young nlcn their

breakfasts. and I never brought him in. to do his cagc, until ."r,e had thc housc to ourselves again. Then,
lvhen the $'ashirrg-LLp was done, it was quite a little entcfiainment. I sprcad a newspaper ovcr a comer

oflhe table and when I put the cagc on ir he used ro beat $'ith his wings, 1e.\pdi-ir?g/r,*, as ifhc didrl'r
know what was corning. 'You're a regular ljltle aclor,' I uscd to SgqLl him.I scraped* the tray. dusted jt
with fiesh sand, fillcd his seed and watcr tins, lugkgl a piece of crlclr.Lecl* and halfa chili bctwccn the
bars. And I am perlcctly certain he understood and appreciated cvery item ofthis little performance.

You see by nature he was exquisitely neat ... And vou'd only to scc him enjoy his bath to rcalise he had
a rcal snrali passion for cleanliness ...

... Company, you sec, tl,at was what he was. Ped'cct company. Ifyou havc livcd alone you will rcalisc

how preclous that is. Ofcoursc there were my three young men who came in to supDcI e\ ery e\ enmg,


and somctimcs they sta)ed in Lhe dining room aftcn\,ards reading the paper. But I could nol expect
tbcm to be interested in tbe liLLle things that made my day ... But I remember' feclirrg so espcciall,v
thankful that I was nol rluite alonc that evening. I told him, atler lhey had gonc out. I sald, 'Do you
know \\fiat they call Mlssus?'And he put his head on onc sidc and Iookcd at me u,ith his litde brjsht

cyc until I could not help laughi g. Ii seemed to ilDuse hirn.

... IIavc you kept birds? Jfyou havcn't all this nusr sound, perhaps, rrrlggel'./ted*. People have the
idca drat birds are heartless. cold littlc .r€dtr.//e-r*. not likc doE:s or cats. N4y washerworna Llsed to sa!

'acvcry N{onday \r'hen she wondcrcd $'hy I didn't kecp ce lbx tcfiier' 'There's no conlfort. Miss. in

a canary.' Un1ruel Drcadfulh untruel I lemernbcr onc night. I had had a very allfrl* drcam ... eten

after 1 had wokcn up I could not get ovcr it. So I put on nry dressing-gown alld went do\\'n to the
kilchcn lor a glass ofwaLer. It was a $inter nighl and raining hard. I suppose I was stil1 halfasleep. but
through thc kitcheD wjndolv... it sccmcd to me fie dark $as slaring in, .tprl/?s*. And slLddenly I lell lt
was unbearable lhat I lrad no orc to wllom I could sal 'l'\'c had such a dreadful drearn.'or or 'llidc

rne lrorn the dark.'I clen covered my lacc lor a nllnutc. And thcn there came a liltle SweeLl Swcctl'
... 'S$cctl S\1'eet!'said fie darling littlc 1illo$ again, soft1y. as muoh as to sey. 'l'rn here. l\'tissus! l'm

hcrcl' That was so beautilully con1lorting that I ncarly cried.

... And now he's gone. I shall ncvcr havc anodler bird, anolher pel ofany kind. ilo\1'could I? Whcn I lbund

him, lying on his back, r'iLh his cl'c .1h* and his claws ry-r/?g*. $hen I realiscd that ncvcl again should l

hear my darling sing, soncthi g sccmed 1() die in me. N,Iy hcan fcll bq!lo!', as ilit was his cage. ...


afier her death
slnall jump

a placc $hcrc r bjrd resrs
vcrl bcautiful

sho$' undclstanding

small birds \\'ith ycllo$ on thcrr \\'ings
witi srdncss ard s,orr).'
rcmo\cd the d]lI

small plant uiti rvhlte flot'ers

madc morc iDportanl lhan ll reall,v is

upsetring. tcrriblc
\l'alchins hcr socrc!]]
curlcd up


1 ln no more than 200 words, write a summary of Katherine Mansfield's short story

2 Do you find il easy to sympothise* with the woman? Wh, or why not?

3 Match the words in list A with the words in list B that have the same meaning.

i scarcely B
2 fancy
3 blouse a enjoyed, was grateful for
4 washing-up b cleaning the dishes
5 appreciated c tidy
6 neat d imagination
7 precious e woman's shirt
8 wondered
t hardly

s asked or thought about



4 Look up the ten underlined words in the story in your dictionary. What does each word mean?

5 Try to use five of the words from the Clossary in sentences ofyour own.

6 Choose three phrases in the story that create a strong imageforyou, e.9., the nail thatheld

the cage (described in the first paragraph). Try to explain how each phrase creates an image
when you are reading it.


Checklist for written work

Planning your work

. Read the question carefully. Underline the important parls. Do you understand it?

f it is not clear, then ask your teacher.

. Brainstorm as many ideas as you can of what you are going to write about.

Write them down as a list or mind map.

. Look up any vocabulary that you are unsure of.
. Select the ideas yor.r want to use and d-"lete any that are not relevant.

You don't have to use everything.

. Put your ideas into a ogical order and group ideas that go together in sections.
. lf you can, find a model text and ook at the sty e and layout. Are there any phrases

or vocabulary that you can adapt for your own work? (Be careful not to copy chunks of
the model text without changing it though-)

. Think about who you are writing for and decide on the sty e and layout. For example,

ifyou are writing a letter to afriend, the stye wil be different to a formal etterandthe
layout wil be different to a story

Writing and revising your work

. Use the ideas from your planning to write the first draft. Don't worry too much about

accuracy or choosing the right words.

. Remember to start a new paragraph every time you move on to a new idea or topic.
. Read through your first draft and check that you have answered the question correctly.
. Decide if you want to de ete, change or add any more ideas-
. Decide whether you want to change the paragraphing or the order of the ideas.
. Check that you have linked your ideas using connecting words and phrases

(e.9., first, next, then, eL).

. Walte a second draft more carefully and s ow y. Make sure your writing is clear.

Editinq your work

. Read through your work. Check you have answered the question correctly, every sentence

is cleat the grammar is correct, you have used suitable vocabu ary and linking words, the
spelling is correct. (Check with a dictionary.)

. Show your woak to your family or a friend and see if they can he p you edit it.
. Editing tip: You could try reading the text in reverse order, starting with the final sentence

and working backwards to the first sentence. This will stop you being distracted by the
content and al ow you to focus on technica details.



Unit 1 Lesson 1 Unit 1 Lesson 2

6) Section 1 6i Section 2
D Listen ond choose the correct word Listen ond check your dnswers.

to end eoclr senten.e.Write the Adil: I'ttehurtmv utrisl.
numbers 7 to 6 in the correct boxes. Nurse: Sit tlo*'n, please. I need to take

One 1'our details
-\tontan: \\.'bat did the doctor do?
Nurse: The piLl sec tnu uen,
Gtrl: Slte told me to open nl
mouth anr:l sa1' 'Aah.'Then sttv, Adil.
she looked at m1'throat.
Doctor: Ho*- did lctu do iti
Bct.r.: ()ne ninute I feel bot anl the Adtl: I uas ice skating and I fell

Inaxt m)nute I feel crtld. oL)ef.
think I haue a tenPerature.
At|l: Do 1r:u think it's broken?
Cil I spib brlLing water on ny Doctor: Prrtbabll'not. BLrt yrtu need to
houe an x rat' to make sure
foctt. lt's ue.';1 badly btntt.
l'dtl ls it brcken?
Bov: lV/rat does the a rd) shou, Adil I'm afraitl's ftctctured

doctot? here.

Female drlctor: Yolr zlist is frartwed. l)octor I'1114oiltgtoPut)t'Ltt t)stil1


Adil: How long will I haua to keeLLl


Doctor: lir zeeA-s

Five Unit I Lesson 4

Girl: I was rLtnning in high heek 6) section 3

dnd ml foot u,e1i orer. Noa A Listen ond checkyour onswers.

ntl enkle is reaL\ s*c'llen. MarL. Euer't year, around 714,040

six smolrcrs h tlte United
Mother: \V/:l'arer't I t)u edting Jour Lngdom die frm their habit.
That's abr.nt f,!!perf le ereD'
Lunch, darling/
Sm:rll boy, I tdl1't. Mt'throat butts tot) doy.

nurh u:hen t sulalkru. \X/oman: .!mr.,Alrg ill Btitclin is highest

i the ).0-U dge gtuuq.

NIan: It is illegal to sell .igarettes to
cltilt)ren under the age of 16.


Yet 20"/o of Btitdtu's Li-,\ear- kneut I was driuing trxt fast.
olds are rcgular xnokers.
They pulled me ouer and gaue
tr[ore than E!:L c'i smokers
tdke up tbe hdbit LUbe11 the! me d speeding ticket. I u,ds

tr{an: Peofle urbo smoke d Pa.ket of about tct leaue u,hen cne ctf the

cigarettes a day die on auet age officers gare me a piece of
Z ) ectrs edrlier thdn Peo7le paper. It uas a phcttr:t from a
a'ho haue net,er stnoked.
\Ibman: I'.L,ery ddy ;n the Ullited neuspaper tbat shou,ed a fiue
l<intdo1n, d, p tox ilndre lt' 1.i A
cdr crush. It was terrible. The
yaung pal+le undet the dge of police ctfficcr told ne it

L8 sxnt smoking. happened because someotte
The Brit ish Gt rlernment
ads speeding. I rcalked that
c rtentlJ's7ends draund lIA by t1ri.-ing toct fast I could get
nillin a lear on anti snctking hw[ dnd hwt other people tao.

educdti)n ccl111f dig11s. A *t I decided neuer to speed
agdil1. If I trdnt to go last, I
fwther Lllntillutn is spent on
can go on a rcilercoastar!
rneasurcs ) help people girc
Spe.rkcr 2: Ytu .ai1 get d bt af
lt[ora people in Britain die
infurlndtion from a trime
frm smoking than fxm rcad scene. h)alPbtts .dn teLl )eu
wlldt 4tpe of sh)es d thief wds
accidents, poisoning and aearing, how big his feet are,
A/US. and euen hrw tall he is.

Cd Section 4 Sontetimes u,e lintl

Now listen to two people tdlking. fingerprittts. A person can
leaua fingerPrnts if his hands
Speal<er l: I used to dlirc tc).) fdst. I are dnty. Then the fingerprutts
dre edsy tct find. B1,tt t)eoPle
thougbt speedutg *as fun and leaue fingertrtrints euen *,hen
their bands are cledn. \Ye can
I didn't realiza how dangarous
it a-as. Then one day I drctue see tbem onlf dfter PLtttlng a
b,." a police car. The sPeed limit sPecidlPuudet on them.
u:as 11A, but I uas driuutg
nuch faster. The lolice olrtcers Matching fingetprints used xt

had a radar gun, and they he dilfcult. Nout it's mucb

easiet betause tomputers ccln

tltt a ktt of the utn'k.


l-irit -t Lersan ? ? 9".ecson 3

6d Section 5 6; Section 6
B Listen dnd onswer the guestions. Listen ond <heck your dnsweis.

Question: Is beiag a folicetuan Conversdtion I
dangerous? Airl;ne agent: lTellct. I'd like to ask you a

Answ,er, Sometimes. lt can he fetu 4uestions about tout
dangerous *-hen yn haue to
drrest sonlebody t)r stop a baggage.
light. Btlt it isn't ddn.gerous dLl
the time. \Xlhen you dre trying Fathet Of ccturse.
to fintJ driuers nho are Airline agent: Cc*ld 1'ou tell me *'ho
speeding it can euen be a bit
aborfug, because y'ou spend packed yow bags, please?
lot of tinte waitit'tg. One of tbe
dmost imPartdnt qudLities Father: \Ye did. Ldst 11igbt.
po[tefidn must hdue is Airline agent: Si ce then, hat,e )'ou left
y()tr bltggdge undttended dt
Qnestion: Do yr-,a Daue ta u)ork dt night? any tine?
Answer: There are alway off':ers at the
stdtion to belp pe()l)le at aq Father: Nr;, we hauen't.
time of the day or night. But Airline agent. Are you carrying dn]' sbdtp
up don't hat,e to uork euerJ
night. \Ye usually take tums * objects, gascs or chenical
u)e cdn spend some tine dt prctductsl
btne toith our fatnily and
Father: Nct, we aren't.
ft'iends. Airlinc :rgcnt: Has anyone asked you to

Quesriorr: Wbat do lxn like ltest about cdrrt' anythitl7 't] )uuj
heing d po[i.eman? baggage for them?
Father: No, i1o one has.
ltAnsrver: \1.'e11, I like soluing crimes. Airline agentr Thank you, sit'. Haue a got:'d
.a11 be uery illteresting.
Sometimes it's a bit like soluing 1'light.

d pu.zle. I also like tbe feeling Converotion 2
thdt I'm helping people. If
per.tple dr.n't obq, the law, Security guard,Gr;od morning, sir. Would
others call set bllrt. So tuhen I
drrest d crimindl or st(), d )tou Put tow bdg on the
driuer from speedhg, I knotu
that I'nt making our city a ronuey,r beLt, please?
batter placeto liue.
\lalek: O/:. Of course. Vbat is that

machine for?

Securit-v guard: 11 r-r'ays yow bag. That

Lua)1Loe cdl1 mdke sure

)oLt're not cdtrling dn)'thing


M^lek B t I'm nat!
Securit,v guarcl: Iia sare y.)u're not. But lre

hdLe ta .hetk etetybodt's
bag. That's the rule. Could


you efitPtl yout pochet, Fathcr: V'hat's the matter?
Malek: I rliz& thdt's mj'bdg!
Malel<: U/::, srrz. Convercotion 4
Passport agcnt: tr:[d] l see yollr f)dssl)(r't,
Security liuard: N.r?r' p lease ualk tbrough
the metal dete.tor.
Father Certainly.
lbeeping noisel Passporr agcnt:,4r'c I'ou trauelling aLt)ne?

Security guar,:1: /-. r/:ere anything left in lrnr F;rtlrer: No, tt,ith n^,, tuife antl nl

pocketsi so11.

\Ialek: O/:, 1es. Af1'fre1s. Sorry'/ Passprrrt agcnt: Cr-,r;ld I haue their
Secnrit,v guard:TDar'-r dll ritht. .lust put
them in the trdr dild LlaLk
through again. Thank ytn. Father: Here you are.
Harc a grtrd flight. lassport agent:Are 1cn trarelling for

Conversotion 3 business or pLeasure?
Fathet Shall ue get some
Father Frtr pleasure.
,,tap1,n, . [..1. jc 1.,,a,d,\!-
Passport age nt:W:ere aill you be stafitg?
Malel<: T,lalt a gor;d ided. Let's get
Father: With my brother, in
some drinks too. Baghdad.

ir{other: t'l/ -sta1 /:ere tuith the bags if lr'.1''11.1""n'.Ihdttl )^u. In1"1 1. .u,

lou wafit. cd11 yau get me uisit.

an otange soda? Conversotion 5

Father: ()f course. Cusroms ollicial: Good mcn ning. Do lott
haue anything n declare?
Lourlspeaker \YrtuLd tbe owner of a red
Malek: lvell I't:e brtntghr stnte
nllon bag tlith green straps gilts lor m), aunt and uncle.

llease come and get i't Customs olfcial: II,'/:ar haue 1'ou bx:ught
immediatelyi Rcmintler tct thema
all passengers: please dr: not
Mdek: A book for m1, untle and
leate lour baggage ..,'.t, . h..-olat,, t.,r ,t )

undttended. unattended dunt.
Custonrs o6cial:,{rc 1()u cdrrJ.ilt dnt'
baggage will be disytsed of
cig ettes, plants or
by security staff.
Malek, Wbdt does tbdt med ? animals?

Father: It means ytu should aluays Malek: No, I'z ror.
haue your baggage tritb
1'ou. If l rn don't, stnteone Customs oflicial: WricD bag is y()Ltrs, pLeusr,
ft om se.uritj, \11igbt think it
has sontething dangerous in
it altd tdke it dwdt'. Malek Tbe red cne .
Malel: Oh no! Cr.r,.n.offcr.rl:C-al.1 y^u, l ea !. !,1, d,.:

N{alel<: Yes, of ror.rrse,.


fzipplng soundl wdlking an*nd the building,
HtueCustrrrns oHlcial: \Ii/r/1, that's fine. then.
y-tu'll haue to u.atch
d rledsant std)'h Brghddd.
\4alek: TDar& 1,orz. telerisin scrcans that shou)

C) Section 7 *,hat is htppening )n different
Listen ond complete the notes.
Sanir: ()tuld I speak tct \Ir Httzem?
Samir V'ill I haue tt) dtrest PeoPle?
Secretarv: M;rr I ask u,ho's callingl \{r Hazem: No! lf 1'ou se e anYbing
Samir Thts is Samit Esatn.
tutuval, y"'u ll call the P,tlice.
Sccrctaty: .lust d tl1t)n1ent, pledse. Senir: OD. gor.,1
tr{r Hazcnr: Hello.
l\4r Hazen: You also must he uerl
Sarnir: (lrt nutting. Is that llt
l-.1d) n,t I I t:. tdlL.\- t
peoPle, esPccial\ if ),ou tr(" k
l1r Hazenr: Yes, sredkiil:<. ttLat',[.2tl"l7'1d'
lljr'I u.t.1.\,.
Samir l'n caLltug abotlt yaut ddult ;''t-!]) '
buildings, and many of thent
in t'estetddtis ltl/)?r. t, ll -t.L [.. .][ ' . ,
Mr Hazcnr: \tery good. Shall I tell"tt:u a
hit db(ntt the jaba
Samrr: Yes, please. Sanir: That's fite. I enjoy tdlkillg to
trIr Hazerr: \\'e nced soneone ul:,t is ue4'
Petf le .
telidble dnd call c()me t() Mr Hazcnr: Then 1ou should enjoy thc

*,ctrk rn time ereD, dat- iob. ()ne ntn'e thing: you
\\brk stdtts at 6 d.n. You
filal need tu wotk s()1ne nead to be camputef literatc

k'eehe11ds, but not dt 11ight. flt this job because you need

Sanlr: That s fine. l lihe gettutg uP t() Lurite ref)orts dt the end of

edtb'. euery day. Can ,'t,tu use a
lr{r Hazen: Good. ()ur securit..,t guards
Samir: )'c-s. n4, fdthet's got d
:1, t.cdt, l, tctfi,. tl', '. colnrulet dt h.)krc.

arc seaurit,\ cdlneras in the l\4r Hazem: V'alLthen, ytu sltctuldn't haue

building, but you ll haue to any diflitulty using rtur
walk around the building
euery baur, njld jt .d11 bc d bir ict)111putcts. A LI gbt tb en,

ti i11g. \Vben )oLire nat arvld y'u like tt, ome m for

d11 dPloilltmenti

Samr: Yes,I wr:uld. \Yhat is a Bood

\l H..,er: H u rh.L! 1^at.,.jut ol


Sanir: Tlar! fae.

lr{r Hazerr: Drt ,trtu baue an e-mail


Samir: Yes, 1do.


Mr Hazem: Cood,I'lLsend lrn the Unit 3 Lesson 2

directions by e mdil. Thelre O Section 9
tery cLedr- Y()u shauldll't hdk Listen dnd cheak your answers.
akJ trauble frndint us.
What ur.tuld you like to dct
Unit 3 Lesson I uhen yr.tu finish studying?

fd Section 8 l\n not sure !et. But I'n uerj
Listen dnd motch.
interested in eatktgl and the
Zaid: Hello. l'm Zaid. |mtbe
Advisor: lf you're gctctd at science and
manager of the Shentr:n Hr.ttel ge.)grdpht', there are lots of
jr:bs to cbctctse fron.
in Hurghar:la, F.gpt. I htte my
Rarriz: I loue them both. Tbe1rrc my
job because it's so uaried. fduoutite s bjects.

Nada: Ml ramet Nada. I'nt a Adlisor: Well, hob dbaut d cdteel ik
n-dtet te.hkolog\a That's real\'
Ttresenter on AI laltera illlpottant ;n this counh!-.
teleuision. I reaLly anjr:y m)'
uttrk, but it can bc tluite R:rrniz: What e::actly dctes water

s h' es s f Ll s olnet i I ne s. technoktgy iuolue?
Ousama: -i zr Ousatna. I'm a pilot a,ith
Advisor: lf you work in water
Iraqi Air*'ays. M.t fat,ouite technohgl', ytu look for *-ays

route is Bagbdad - Bangkok. of conseruing aater and
1r tttY riai ' 1. L. t,t.P d Pl t t, Purifying it.

the ntost satisfyrng jctb in tl.te Ilanriz: Yes, l'd like to uu'k in tbe
urn'ld. u) d te t il du s h t. \X/dt e r
Faten: l\4y nante's Fdten. l\11d
t r nts cruat i on an d pur ifi cation
computer pt()gtammet. I Ltark are really intpottant fu this

fit a big cunlnny and l'nt country. \\rhat kind of

quite uell-paid. qualifications do I needi
First of all, rou need to get a
degree. Y,-,u cauld cboose from
en u itonmenta L s c ien c e, geo kt gy
t)r euen engine eri17 g.
Ramiz: \Y h i ch u niuersitl' offers th ose

I hdre to check. If ytu come

batk next ueek, I'Ll hdue the


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