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Published by designteam, 2021-10-25 05:38:28

Info Brochure 2021

Info Brochure 2021

Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest and Dr. Rupendra Nehete
Head Of Department
broadest engineering disciplines that applies the
principles of Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science Faculty Specializa�on:
for analyzing, drawing, designing, manufacturing and Sustainable Manufacturing, Renewable Energy,
maintaining mechanical systems. It is the branch of Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing.
engineering that deals with drawing, designing and Management, Produc�on Engineering, Design, Heat
produc�on of tools, machines and all other mechanical and Mass Transfer, HVAC, Heat Pump, Solar Energy and
equipment and hardware. The field has con�nually Sorp�on based Systems, Mechanical system design,
evolved to incorporate advancements in technology, CAE (Computer Aided Engineering), Wind turbine
and mechanical engineers today are pursuing tes�ng & analysis, Biomedical engineering, Solar
developments in fields such as composites, Thermal System, Solar PVT System, Bio-Diesel,
mechatronics, CAD and nanotechnology. Established in Computa�onal Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Fluid Structure
the year 2011, the course aims to build engineers who Interac�on (FSI), Lean, Green and Six Sigma
are well conversant with the latest technologies in the Manufacturing strategy. Industrial Engineering and
field of Mechanical Engineering and efficient to analyze Composite Materials
and come up with innova�ve ideas for designing
products. Student Development Programs:
1. Projects in Heat Transfer in Alfa Laval
Vision: 2. Guidance for UES applicants (armed forces)
To be a Centre of Excellence in the field of Mechanical 3. Industrial tools and techniques for BE students
Engineering instrumental in Innova�on, 4. GATE awareness
Entrepreneurship and Serving the needs of Society. 5. Energy Savings
6. Addi�ve manufacturing
Mission: 7. Computa�onal Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
1. To create an environment that inspires students and
staff to develop competency in Mechanical Research Consultancy / Projects Completed:
Engineering field. 1. Solar cooling helmet (patent) - Dr. Rupendra S.
2. To create the infrastructure necessary for overall Nehete
development of students to work on current 2. Prof Prashant Ambadekar published books en�tled
technologies in the Industry. "Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Industrial
3. To provide entrepreneurial culture to tackle the Engineering and Management and 'Mechatronics' for
problems of Society. MSBTE.

Program Educa�onal Objec�ves (PEO):
1. Build a successful career in Na�onal or Mul�na�on-
al Organisa�ons or as an Entrepreneur.
2. Pursue higher educa�on for professional
3. Exhibit ethics, values and good leadership quali�es
for organisa�onal development.

Major Laboratories:
1. Material Technology Laboratory
2. RAC Laboratory
3. CAD/CAE Laboratory
4. Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
5. IC engine Laboratory
6. Heat Transfer Laboratory

Student Achievements

Sr Student Name Year Posi�on Name of the Compe��on

1. MBAJA Team SE,TE,BE AIR 14th overall, AIR 6th Endurance, MBAJA Dynamic

Turbocra�ers AIR 6th 4WD, AIR 8th Cost Event, AIR

17th Maneuverability, AIR 17th

Suspension and Trac�on, AIR 15th

Overall Sta�s�cs and AIR 21st Overall


2. Team Turbocra�ers SE,TE,BE AIR 11th overall and 1st in Mumbai MBAJA virtual event

3. Final Year students BE Presented a paper en�tled 6th Interna�onal

‘Development of Dynamic Response Conference EQUINOX 2021,

Prosthe�c Leg. Terna College of Engg.

4. Che�ar Sairam, BE First prize Na�onal Level Technical
Rewant Punna, Iyer Paper Presenta�on
Siri, Tejas Mahadev BE Runner Up
BE First Prize Compe��on NLTPP-2019
5 Harsh Agarwal & BE All India Fi�h rank
Aditya Birajdar NLTPP - 2019

6. Gaurang Dandwate University level quiz
compe��on (NSS)
7. Atul Agnihotri Robo�cs examina�on
conducted by NPTEL.

Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) Engineering

The department of Electronics and Computer Science Dr. Deep� Reddy Pa�l
Head Of Department
Engineering started from the year 2020. Being a new
department, the main focus of this branch is to impart
knowledge about both the hardware and so�ware
parts of engineering. The department is designed to
provide quality educa�on impar�ng skills on
Electronics hardware, so�ware, and IT
development. It deals with the effects of electrons to
build components, devices, systems, or equipment.
The students will not only deal with the design of
computers and computer systems along with
fundamental aspects of electronics hardware
concepts, but they will also learn to design new
hardware and so�ware. With new changes in
technology and rapid growth in this field, it has
become a necessity to develop both the technical and
so�ware knowledge to cope up with the changing
�mes. The department has highly qualified and
dedicated faculty members who specialise in their
areas of exper�se. Students are taught a wide range of
topics like VLSI designing , Internet of things, Data
analy�cs , ML, Robo�cs with few others along with
so�ware engineering and internet programming.

To be a centre of excellence in electronics as well as computer sciences in order to grow with the requirements and
needs of the industry.

1. To impart quality educa�on to meet the professional challenges across diverse fields.
2. To create a healthy environment for academic growth and innova�on and overall development of the students.
3. To boost up leadership and entrepreneurship skills among students.

Student Achievements

Sr Student Name Year Name of the
No. FE compe��on
1. Shreya Murthy FE 7th Itera�on of SIES GST
2. Ashwini Ramakrishnan
3. Manvi Sharma 7th Itera�on of SIES GST


Ar�ficial Intelligence and Data Science

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is an interdisciplinary branch of science, engineering and technology

creating a complete ecosystem and a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the technical industry, academics and
research. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is the future of technology which is changing the world at a very high
pace. The basic objectives of this course is to train students with the next age of intelligence and analytics generated
by machines, influencing nearly every facet of our lives to help improve efficiencies and augment human capabilities,
influencing consumer products with significant breakthroughs in healthcare, manufacturing, finance and retail

With the tremendous amount of data generated every day and the compu�ng power available, Data Science plays an
important role helping every business organisa�on in iden�fying business trends and changes through advanced Big
Data Analy�cs with variety of techniques and tools to interpret and predict business results and future from mul�ple
data sources through sta�s�cal analysis, data aggrega�on, and data mining.

To be a centre of excellence in the field of Ar�ficial Intelligence and Data Science.

1. To help develop intelligent business applica�ons.
2. To inculcate important values and ethics for professional advancement.
3. Prepare to find a solu�on for different problems that occur on industrial scale.

Program Educa�onal Objec�ves (PEO):
1. Prac�se AI and DS in central and mul�-professional domains.
2. Exhibit disciplinary skills for overall growth.
3. Build a lucra�ve career as a chief engineer in the field or as an entrepreneur.

Ar�ficial Intelligence and Machine Learning

B.E. in Computer Science and Technology (Spl. in AI and ML) is an undergraduate programme in the cu�ng-edge

technologies of AI & ML. The programme provides advanced inputs like deep learning, computer vision, expert
systems and neural networks. This specialisa�on is designed to build exper�se in intelligent machines, natural
language processing and applica�ons in cyber physical systems. This programme covers AI methodologies based in
different fields, including algorithms for intelligent systems, natural language processing, knowledge engineering and
predic�ve analysis in order to present a unified treatment of machine learning problems and solu�ons.

AI and ML is a hot topic in the tech industry. Perhaps more than our daily lives, Ar�ficial Intelligence (AI) is impac�ng
the business world. There was about $300 million in venture capital invested in AI startups in 2014, a 300% increase
than a year before (Bloomberg). AI is everywhere, from gaming sta�ons to maintaining complex informa�on at work.
Computer engineers and scien�sts are working hard to impart intelligent behavior in the machines making them
think and respond to real-�me situa�ons. Tech giants like Google and Facebook have placed huge bets on AI and ML
and are already using it in their products. But this is just the beginning, over the next few years, we may see AI
steadily glide into one product a�er another.

To be a leading department in Ar�ficial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

1. To help in the advancement of overall skills and encourage research culture.
2. To develop the ability to solve various technical problems.
3. To cul�vate leadership quali�es and promote research and discipline.

Program Educa�onal Objec�ves (PEO):
1. Pursue higher educa�on for overall excellence.
2. Exhibit leadership and great ingenuity in career.
3. Apply professional knowledge to design various products and build applica�ons.

Computer Science and Engineering

The Internet of things (IoT) is a system of interrelated compu�ng devices, mechanical and digital machines provided

with unique iden�fiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or
human-to-computer interac�on. Cybersecurity is the protec�on of computer systems and networks from the the� of
or damage to their hardware, so�ware, or electronic data, as well as from the disrup�on or misdirec�on of the
services they provide. Blockchain technology can be used to protect systems, and devices from a�acks , blockchain
security means that there is no longer a centralized authority controlling the network and verifying the data going
through it.

Computer Science & Engineering (Internet of things and Cyber security including Block chain technology)
undergraduate engineering course has been started by the ins�tute from the academic year July 2021.

To be a leading department in Computer Science and Engineering in order to fulfil the needs and demands of the

1. To bolster self-confidence by developing technical skills and inculca�ng professional discipline.
2. To provide the best knowledge and quality educa�on to meet various challenges on a professional level.
3. To form an environment which will help students to develop proficiency in the field.

Program Educa�onal Objec�ves (PEO):
1. Pursue technical development for significant enhancement of skills in the field of specializa�on.
2. Exhibit values and ethical skills for professional advancement.
3. Iden�fy and solve diverse problems in the industry.

Training & Placement Cell of SIES GST is ac�vely publica�on and other sectors.

involved in grooming the fresh Engineering Graduates This has been achieved through constant interac�on
and making them Industry ready. The higher studies with the industry by way of seminars, research
aspirants are provided with relevant informa�on as projects, and on-and off-campus ini�a�ves. As part of
well as guidance to prepare for various compe��ve its placement efforts, placement teams visit poten�al
exams. The T&P team conducts and organizes various employers and consultants and apprise them of the
training ac�vi�es and seminars throughout the level of knowledge and prac�cal applica�on skills
academic session to guide the students, across all acquired by the graduates in their respec�ve areas of
branches, and help them prac�se for their area of specializa�on. The profiles of the students seeking
interest. placement assistance are made available to the
The primary objec�ve of Training & Placement Cell prospec�ve employers.
(T&P) is to provide employment opportuni�es and
professional training to the students. At GST, the T & P Furthermore, internships are also granted to students
cell strives to collaborate with industries to provide during the course of their studies in our college, they
campus placements and internships to all the students. may range from a month-long internship to 4 to 6
The ins�tute also has an Industry Ins�tute Interac�on months internship which involves final year projects in
cell to collaborate with industry for consultancy the case of students pursuing B.E. Prin�ng and
projects where the students get to work on live Packaging Technology. This year onwards we have also
projects and on problem statements provided by the ins�tuted a cell for interna�onal internships.
industry. The Training and Placement Cell of the
Ins�tute centrally handles campus placement of the The industry is always on the lookout for students who
gradua�ng students of the University. The Cell provides are vibrant, energe�c individuals and ready to accept
complete support to the visi�ng companies at every challenges, a�en�ve, a good academic background,
stage of the placement process. The Cell is well fast learners, open to learning even at work and more
equipped with ample infrastructure for the companies importantly, good communica�on skills. The
visi�ng the campus. It also regularly conducts and placement cell focuses on the personality
organizes career development sessions by industry development to make the students reliable, with a
professionals to create awareness among students posi�ve a�tude and right decision making by guiding
regarding available career op�ons and help them in for prepara�on, arranging mock Interviews,
iden�fying their career objec�ves and guide them in conduc�ng ap�tude tests, communica�ng with Alumni
developing skills and job-search strategies required to for available openings and with industry experts for
achieve their career objec�ves. Regular feedback from campus interviews.
the industry is taken to bridge the industry academic
gap and to provide inputs for curriculum enrichment.

Some of the training programs in the last academic
● Pre-placement Campus Recruitment Training (CRT)
by Professional experts from IMS and Campus
● Seminar on “Strategies to Par�cipate in GD/PI" and
Mock Group Discussion
● Employability Assessment through Aspiring Minds
Computer Adap�ve Test (AMCAT)
● Language Lab for Improving Language Skills.
● Regular Ap�tude sessions for Improving Ap�tude

Utmost importance is given to placement related
ac�vi�es to ensure that all successful graduates
receive suitable placements.Over the past several
years, a strong placement network has been
developed with industries in the manufacturing,
engineering, finance, informa�on technology,

FE Induc�on 2020

The FE induc�on program is a yearly session
conducted by SIES GST where the faculty and the
students interact with the new batch of students to
familiarize them with the college. FE induc�on 2021
was held online on Microso� Teams and saw ac�ve
par�cipa�on from students.

Day 1:

The first day of FE induc�on started with a brief
introduc�on about the program, with the principal,
Head of Departments and the dean of FE addressing
the students. This was followed by a speaker session
by Mr Tejas Hoska�. Post break, a speaker session was
conducted, where Mr Saurabh Prabhu, an alumni of
SIES GST enlightened our students about the various
aspects related to college life and further. To conclude
day 1, the workings and teams of the Student Council
of SIES GST were introduced to the students, and their
queries related to the working of the council were

Day 2 & Day 3:

Day 2 & Day 3 had the wheels of the induc�on program in full mo�on. It was all about introducing the various teams
of the Student Council and giving a glimpse of the numerous events conducted by them throughout the year. The FEs
were divided into groups. Numerous ac�vi�es were carried out by the Literary Team, Technical Team, Cultural Team,
Crea�ve Team, and other teams. Both the days started with a Yoga session organized by the NSS Team of SIES GST.

FE Induc�on 2020

Day 4 :
The first session for the day was on Universal Human Values conducted by DR. Mohan Rao. It was followed by a
session conducted by the technical team where students got to know about game development and its role and were
briefly explained how to make a game.
The Literary Team then organized a Resume Building Workshop to teach students the ni�y-gri�y of
building an effec�ve resume.The students were asked to build a resume of their favorite character or object. The
workshop received ac�ve par�cipa�on from the students in which they got to learn new things and also enjoyed at
the same �me.

Day 5:
The Media Team of SIES GST went through the basics of photography and showed their various works including the
TML movies. The students got to know about the event, LAKSHYA through the presenta�on given by the Sports team.
Introduc�on of the online event 2fit2quit was given as well.
The students were introduced to SAE INDIA. They were introduced to the various compe��ons organized by SAE India
such as BAJA, GKDC, SUPRA & AERO design.
ISTE conducted a session and the main agenda of the event was to bring out innova�ve ideas from the young minds
which could bring out some impact into the society in the near future. Various ideas were discussed and
acknowledged. The first year students then created posters in order to market their idea in the most crea�ve fashion.
Day 6:
The NSS unit of SIES GST conducted a disaster management workshop which included explana�ons on the when, why
and what of CPR, the technique by which CPR is given and the things to follow. This was then followed by volunteers
prac�cally doing pre-CPR ac�ons.

The intriguing ability of a microscopic organism to assignments were given along with quizzes and
bring the en�re world to its knees cannot be reading assignments to keep the students engaged in
overstated. The pandemic struck fear into the hearts of ac�ve learning and is con�nuing with the same vigour
men, women and children and most importantly the �ll date
youth- the young popula�on, the flag bearers of the
impending tech-savvy future.In a very quick turn of The SIES EDU portal acts as a very viable source for
events, the virus was followed by an immediate the teachers to maintain records of each student’s
na�onwide lockdown declara�on by the Government performance. Aside from these, online virtual labs and
of India on March 22nd 2019. Schools and colleges, prac�cal tools are also employed by the faculty to
however, declared leave for students a week before, conduct live prac�cal sessions to cover the prac�cal
i.e. 16th of March onwards instruc�ng all the students classes.
to stay at home and prac�ce social distancing to avoid
catching the virus. “In life, you’re either growing or you’re decaying,
there is no middle ground. If you’re si�ng idle, you’re
Free �me and a dearth of du�es never did any decaying.”
student any good and so all the academic departments
of SIES GST began their online lecture ini�a�ve -Alan Arkin
scheduled for each working day to ensure that
students were able to cover up the studies they would On this theme, the ins�tute ensured that even
otherwise have missed out on due to the lockdown. with u�er bedlam being rife all over the world, the
This has also helped to make sure that the students are students didn’t stop growing by keeping them engaged
ready for their examina�ons regardless of the in not only studies but also personality development
rescheduling. ac�vi�es. The Student Council of SIESGST, the various
Student Chapters and the NSS Unit also ensures that
As the pandemic con�nued to haunt the global students are u�lizing their �me by doing construc�ve
situa�on, the learning con�nued on an Online pla�orm things such as taking up online courses for skill
in an undisturbed manner at SIES. The lectures were enhancement and pos�ng workouts, singing and
conducted on Microso� Teams and a myriad of wri�en dancing challenges on social media pla�orms.


We at SIES GST, believe not only in educa�ng our students but also paren�ng them. The mentor’s role is to
guide, give advice, and to support the mentee. With this purpose a well structured mentor-mentee system has been
developed in the college.

The professors of the college are allo�ed to a number of students as mentors under this system. The mentor is
one resort for a student where one can seek knowledge, guidance and support at all �mes. The mentor bridges the
communica�on gap between parents and management by regularly upda�ng the parents about the student’s
progress and updates from the college.

The mentor-mentee scheme has been a revela�on towards a promising personal and professional guidance
rela�onship developed over �me between faculty and students.

Mentor-mentee program is defined by the following ac�vi�es.
1. Providing emo�onal support to students (mentees) on an individual basis.
2. Helping students overcome homesickness. Establishing rapport between teachers, students and parents.
3. Recognizing their talent and interests; thereby encouraging students to par�cipate in co-curricular and extra
curricular ac�vi�es.
4. Monitoring a�endance and behavioural aspects of every student.
5. Iden�fying weak areas and working out remedies helping students thereby taking their complete care.
Mentor is someone who allows us to see the hope inside ourselves and empowers us to see a possible future and
makes us believe that it can be obtained.

"Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it's the only way you can do anything really good."
- William Faulkner

BEACON - Ins�tute Social Responsibility

The South Indian Educa�on Society has taken a significant step forward by making social responsibility a part of
the educa�on process. It was decided that each college in the group would adopt a village for its overall
development and to empower the villagers. The SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Sion West, took the first
ini�a�ve by adop�ng a small tribal village in 2013 followed by the SIES College of Management Studies adop�ng
another in 2014. The SIES Graduate School of Technology, Nerul has extended the ini�a�ve further by treading a
different path. As part of the Ins�tute, Social Responsibility ini�a�ve taken by the South Indian Educa�on Society,
provides voca�onal training to the underprivileged sec�ons of the society. The target group is orphans, street
children, school dropouts and similar individuals between the age group of 18-30 years.

Beacon offers seven trades; viz Carpentry, Welding, Metal Turning, Sewing & Tailoring, Plumbing, Electrician,
Screen Prin�ng and Computer Operator, each having a course dura�on of six months including a founda�on course
for all. The courses focus more on prac�cal hands-on training with minimum required theore�cal background. Each
candidate is further exposed to the basics of grooming, banking skills, computer skills, spoken English, Mathema�cs,
as part of the founda�on course. At the end of the training, the students are placed with service providers,
contractors or in industries for internships.


ReConnect is SIES GST’s Alumni Associa�on registered in the year 2012, which provides a pla�orm for the
ex-students to interact with the Ins�tute. Reconnect has led to the forma�on of a closely knit community which
promotes, supports and inspires the current and future alumni of the college in their endeavours. Reconnect is the
annual gathering of SIES GST Alumni, which is held on the first Saturday of January every year. Being the ins�tu�on's
most loyal supporters who shape the future of the college in a pivotal manner, ReConnect helps the alumni to engage
with the students and staff on a regular basis.

Our Dis�nguished Alumni

Omkar Prabhu Jaishankar Iyer Shru� Shinde Adi� Kulkarni

Suvesha Chandrasekaran Dharini Du�a Suraj Vaidyanathan Neethi Nair

Omkar Prabhu BE CS (2015-2019) Jaishankar Iyer BE IT (2015-2019)
So�ware Engineer at Cogito Corp, a Boston origin Currently working as a systems engineer for JTP CO.
company working on AI for call centers. Founder of LTD , Tokyo,Japan. Has a paper published in an
Skim, won the facebook AI’s PyTorch Global Summer Interna�onal conference , was a Texas Instruments
Hackathon 2020. Innova�on Challenge quarterfinalist and also a part of
Smart India Hackathon.

Shru� Shinde BE PPT (2015-2019) Adi� Kulkarni BE EXTC (2015-2019)
Currently working as a packaging engineer intern at Business Analyst at a Florida based company.
Tesla Inc. Completed her master's degree from Completed her Master’s degree from the University of
Rochester Ins�tute of Technology in Packaging Texas at Dallas. An impact scholarship holder who also
Science. She is a packaging enthusiast who is eager to received ‘Student of the year’ award.
learn, explore and develop skills even further.

Suvesha Chandrasekaran BE MECH (2014-2018) Dharini Du�a BE EXTC (2012-2016)
Currently pursuing her masters in mechanical Completed MS in Mechatronics, Robo�cs and
engineering from University of Washington. She has Automa�on Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic
worked as a teaching assistant in the university as well. Ins�tute in 2019. Currently Organizing events and
She has worked as space manager in Maker’s Asylum. managing the community for the Boston Chapter of
Women in Robo�cs.

Suraj Vaidyanathan BE CE(2012-2016) Neethi Nair BE CE (2010-2014)
Suraj has completed his Computer Engineering from Currently working as a Site Reliability Engineer at
SIES GST. A�er 2 years of experience, he went on to Apple Inc in California. Completed Master’s degree in
join one of the top business schools in India, IIM Computer Science from New York University. Created
Kozhikode. He has won mul�ple Na�onal Level YOUTOO a mobile applica�on which connects people
compe��ons in IIM Kozhikode, interned in Amazon in based on similarity of interests.
their newly launched offering Amazon Food and now a
consultant in Deloi�e USI working in the Healthcare
and FSI sector.


The SIES Graduate School of Technology believes in building a rela�onship between academics and co curricular
ac�vi�es to build a strong personality and an unshakable character of a student. Organizing such ac�vi�es entails
students to have the courage to extend the range of their experiences, their imagina�ons, their comfort zones and
venture beyond those comfortable limits from �me to �me. These ac�vi�es not only supplement the curriculum gap
but also help students develop skills to work in a team and also slide into leadership roles when needed. It also
provides a pla�orm for teachers to engage with the students outside the classroom as a facilitator building stronger
bonds and the camaraderie which every student will enjoy.

All this is achieved by providing the students with a structured student body which plans and executes all the
ac�vi�es in a disciplined manner. The student council along with all the student clubs like literary, Music, Dance,
coding etc, and professional chapters like IEEE, IETE, SAE, CSI, ISTE, EDC IPI, ISHRAE at department level work in close
coordina�on to organize extra-curricular and co-curricular ac�vi�es. The NSS wing of the college takes care of
inculca�ng social values amongst students.

SIESGST provides all the students with a pla�orm that is dynamic, compe��ve and yet encouraging enough for
the holis�c growth of the students.

From securing first rank in final year engineering exams in the University to winning second prize in inter
university project compe��on and from bagging gold medals at na�onal level sports to being awarded for a socially
ac�ve and responsible NSS unit, the students of GST have been at the forefront of every field.

-Sumitra Padmanabhan

"True guidance is like a small torch in a dark forest. It does not show you everything at
once, but gives just enough light for the next step to be safe."

- Swami Vivekanand


The Student Council is formed at the beginning of each year, consis�ng of the ac�ve members of the ins�tute. It
forms a link between the ins�tute administra�on and the students. The Council ensures holis�c development of
students by inculca�ng a sense of responsibility, good interpersonal and leadership skills. It compels them to think
and express their thoughts with clarity and confidence.

Objec�ves of the council:

1. Holis�c development of students.
2. Inculcate among students, a sense of responsibility, good interpersonal and leadership skills.
3. To make them think and express their thoughts with clarity and confidence .
4. Fulfill social responsibili�es.
5. To be a link between students and administra�on.
6. Promo�ng self governance.

How does it help?

1. Teaches students to make plans, manage resources, manage �me, test feasibility of ideas and to pitch them and
execute them.
2. Encourage students to be ambi�ous and take calculated risks.
3. Provide real world exposure to students via opportuni�es to meet academic and industry professionals and
heads of various companies.
4. Developing PR skills.
5. Encourage new and diverse events and out-of-the-box thinking.
6. Teach them documenta�on and basic accoun�ng prac�ces.
7. Inculcate a sense of responsibility.
8. Handle emergencies.
9. Work without bias.
10. Increases affilia�on/involvement.


extremely proud of our students for an outstanding
performance in the 14th annual SAE BAJA compe��on
held virtually from 22nd to 25th April, 2021 This is one
of the most pres�gious and well known
intercollegiate design and racing championship in
India for undergraduate students. Team Turbocra�ers
under SAE SIES GST is a team specially built of 25-30
undergraduate engineering students that represent
the college in various na�onal level events like BAJA
SAE,ESI,ATVC. The team designs, fabricates, tests and
runs an All-Terrain vehicle from scratch star�ng from
designing, manufacturing, tes�ng and much more in
college workshops itself under guidance of our faculty
advisor. The students are selected on the basis of a
selec�on process followed by interviews.Teams from
all across the country par�cipate in these events.The
challenge begins right from july wherein only 250
teams from thousands of applica�ons are shortlisted
for the main event a�er the virtuals event.The
shortlisted teams then go through technical
inspec�on, brake test, accelera�on and various sta�c
events such as sales presenta�on, design event, cost event and dynamically tested in some of the toughest tracks
during suspension and trac�on, hill climb, maneuverability and endurance race.

SIES GST is proud of Team Turbocra�ers for securing AIR 14th overall, AIR 6th Endurance, AIR 6th 4WD, AIR 8th
Cost Event, AIR 17th Maneuverability, AIR 17th Suspension and Trac�on, AIR 15th Overall Sta�s�cs and AIR 21st
Overall Dynamics in the MBAJA Dynamic events held during 2021.

SAE BAJA has been consistently represen�ng the college at the na�onal level by performing their best in all
aspects and making everyone involved proud!


Industrial visits have its own importance in shaping the career of a student who is pursuing a
professional (graduation) degree. It is considered as a part of college curriculum and the objective of
industrial visit is to provide students an insight regarding the internal working of companies.
Theoretical knowledge is alone not enough for making a good professional career. It thus aims to
provide an exposure and practical perspective to the working world. It shows the students a glimpse of
their life once they complete their graduation.

Industrial visit is considered as one of the tactical methods of teaching. The main reason behind it is
that it lets students know things practically through interactions with the industry personnels, their
working methods and employment practices. Moreover, it gives them an exposure from an academic
point of view. They also provide students a good opportunity to gain full awareness about industrial
practices. Every year SIES GST organizes an industrial visit to Rajasthan, Bangalore, Mysore, and many
other places for the students of third year from all branches of engineering in the month of December

NSS: Promo�ng Humanity via social service

Na�onal Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector The NSS unit also organized many different
Scheme of the Government of India, Ministry of Youth ac�vi�es such as mental health awareness and taking
Affairs & Sports. The NSS unit of SIES GST is a team of the COVID responsible ci�zen pledge where volunteers
volunteers who are resolute in spreading awareness were made aware and responsible during the difficult
and helping to solve common problems in our society. �mes of the pandemic. NSS also conducted yoga
In addi�on to social service, our unit focuses on the sessions, self-defence workshops, and tree
personality and leadership skill development of our planta�ons on the campus during the 7-day
volunteers. orienta�on of the first-year engineering students. The
total number of trees planted this academic year was
Every year NSS organizes a 7-day residen�al camp well over 50 saplings.
where volunteers work �relessly to achieve a
common goal - the development of a village. NSS also NSS also maintains a compost pit that generates
takes an ac�ve part in the celebra�on of all the days of compost every year which is dug up by volunteers and
na�onal importance like Independence Day, Republic put in packages to put it on sale. Addi�onally,
Day, Lal Bahadur Shashtri and Gandhi Jayan� every volunteers also par�cipate in street play performances
year. Apart from these celebra�ons, NSS takes charge during the NSS week to cover topics that include road
in also bringing a posi�ve change in society by ac�vely safety, eco-friendly fes�val celebra�on, helpline
working towards a cleaner environment and also numbers among others. This year, adding a golden
spreading awareness about the importance of Sex feather to our cap, NSS SIES GST stood second in
Educa�on, suppor�ng stray animals and se�ng an 'Karyakir�', which is an annual na�onal level work
example for others. presenta�on compe��on, for our ac�vi�es conducted
in the year. The volunteers explored and presented the
NSS volunteers, in their first year of NSS, ethnicity of our country and its states in the form of
performed skits under the direc�ons of their seniors skits, PowerPoint presenta�ons, dance performances
i.e. the second year of NSS volunteers, to spread etc. Volunteers were divided into groups to represent
awareness on topics like - Importance of Mental various states which were in resonance with the
Health, Child Adop�on and Impacts of Social media. ‘Ek Bharat: Shreshth Bharat’ mission of the
The apprecia�on day ini�a�ve involved NSS government. The NSS volunteers serve their purpose of
volunteers to offer a token of apprecia�on to all those ‘Not me, but you’ not only in words but also by their
people who made our lives be�er during this unique ac�ons.
pandemic which included parents, security guards,
maids etc to make them understand the importance
of their presence and to treat everyone with dignity.

NSS: Promo�ng Humanity via social service

Convoca�on 2021

The annual gradua�on ceremony is a day devoted to celebra�ng an important point in students' lives; parents
admire their children for reaching the finishing line of a long marathon. The convoca�on ceremony for the batch
2016-20 was held on 22nd May 2021. The Chief Guest for the event was Shri.Ashank Desai, an entrepreneur,
investor and the principal founder and former chairman of Mastek Ltd. Students of SIES GST have added glories to
the college by ge�ng recruitments in top companies worldwide and by joining esteemed interna�onal universi�es
for their higher educa�on.

Students Activity Clubs

Moksh Aarambh

You may call it dance, but they call it LIFE! Whole world’s a STAGE!

Samanvay The GST Gazette

Samanvay, the annual college magazine of The GST Gazette is the fortnightly newsletter,
SIES GST is the Literary Team’s ‘Magnum compiled, edited and designed by the Literary
Opus’. The Literary Team always strives to Team. It contains articles and poems written by
better the standards set by the previous students, alongside news from across the campus,
batches, and they hope to do justice to that announcements and advertisement regarding
aim and vision with every edition of events happening on campus
Samanvay. It gives us great pleasure to
present to you, “Samanvay”.

Students Activity Clubs

Aaroha Aagmi

Music is a piece of art that goes in the ears and then The Rhythm of India makes your feet dance on
straight into the heart! its beat!

Fashion Show Team Lit Club

Life is like a ramp, so give your best and walk like you Comic books are fairy tales to the grown ups!
own the world!


Innovation is the outcome of a habit, not a random To provide a common platform to exchange ideas
act in technical topics of interest


To develop a safe environment for the future Don't design for brands, design for people
interacting with brands!


Dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit Everyone can tell you the risk, but only an entrepreneur
of humanity can see the reward


Where ideas take shape, and eventually come to life Programming is usually taught by examples.


Excellence is not gender specific. Motto is Career Development of Teachers and
Personality Development of Students and overall
development of our Technical Education System.

I am always ready to learn

I do not always like being taught.

- Winston Churchill


Established in 2007, Cognition is the annual technical which includes UFO sightings, individual testimonies
festival organised at SIES Graduate School of Technology. about alien interaction, etc. The existence of aliens has
As one of the premier technical festivals in the city of Navi always been a widely debated topic, and still remains
Mumbai, Cognition defines what it means to be a holistic unresolved. But our current focus isn’t on aliens in
collegiate festival - An amalgamation of stellar technical general, it’s about one particular set of aliens – the ones
prowess and a creative ethos designed to entertain and believed to be ‘hidden’ in Area 51, a military zone near
enthrall a wide range of audience that attends it each Nevada, USA. What started as memes on the US
year. Held each fall, it comprises over 5 National-Level government supposedly hiding extraterrestrial life in
competitions organised by the Technical team of the Area 51 grew into a plan to raid their headquarters on
college alongside the various student chapters such as 20th September, with a lot of people responding and
the CSI, IETE and IEEE. Enhancing the technology promising their presence. Due to the relevance of this
showcased on the campus across two days in September, topic, Cognition’19 had adopted an ‘Area 51’ theme and
are a diverse set of fun and enticing education events promised to host a multitude of activities catering to our
hosted by the student clubs and initiatives founded love for the unknown.
within the college.
The GST Gazette, in collaboration with Cognition’19,
Human beings have always been fascinated by the has promised to incorporate all these ideas and provide a
unknown. Not knowing what lies in store, they launch platform to showcase them. We render our most
missions and expeditions to weed out a possible heartfelt gratitude to all the faculty and council
explanation to something they can’t decipher. But our members at SIES Graduate School of Technology, without
obsession with the unknown has proved to be of utmost whom this feat wouldn’t have been possible. Their
importance, due to the simple reason that we now have a persistence, confidence and support has been our
logical reason for a number of things which were driving factor. We also extend our thanks to the technical
considered ‘unknown’ in the past. Which brings us to the team of SIES GST, who have been the guiding pillars and
question – What unknown are we currently obsessed because of whom we’ve been able to incorporate the
with? advancements of the future, as well as credit the present
for how it turned out.
For quite a while now, we’ve been discussing aliens,


“Distance doesn't stop you from making memories, you just need to put a step forward”

Tatva Moksh Lakshya (TML) is the Annual Cultural around it”
Festival of SIES GST which has been conducted annually Pes 2021 was the first virtual sports event introduced by
for 13 years. It is described as one of Navi Mumbai's most the Sports team of SIES GST. It was aimed to create a
looked upon collegiate events. The fest is a projection of platform for gamers to showcase their talent and hone
creativity, hard work and splendid talents of the their skills.
students. SpyOps was introduced to add thriller to TML with a spy
game which was as exciting as a rollercoaster ride.
On 14th and 15th May 2021 SIES Graduate School of Chess was also conducted online to test students'
Technology celebrated its 13th Annual Cultural Festival - patience and skills at the same time. The event witnesses
Tatva Moksh Lakshya (TML). Due to the present immense competition amongst the participants.
circumstances this event was conducted online and AutoMania was a quiz competition related to automobile
students participated from their homes. Not GSTians but and technical knowledge.
students from colleges across the city actively indulged in Valorant is one of the most popular Esports. This was also
all the various events, games and competitions organised a new addition to the fest.
through online mode.
After a great and successful start to TML on the 14th
The fest commenced with the Inauguration Ceremony of May, the second day began with much more
being held on the 1st day of the event. Dr. Ratnesh excitement and enthusiasm among the students.
Mhatre who is currently serving the NMMC as the Zombie-EScapade added even more excitement to the
medical officer and in the past he has worked with DY fest with its mysterious puzzle solving and investigative
patil and Terna medical college as a teaching faculty was nature.
the guest of honour for TML 2021. He has been a major FORZA was introduced to put students' creative and
driving force of various activities implemented in NMMC thinking capabilities to work by asking them to make
such as Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, Kangaroo creative posters.
Mother Care, Typhoid Campaign, Pulse Polio Cosplay was an event which helped students bond over
Immunisation Campaign, National Leprosy Eradication their hobbies of comics and superheroes. This event
program and the recent Covid Control Program. Some of helped students to share their fandom.
the events that were organized during the fest are as Open Mic 7.0 was one of the most awaited events of the
follows: festival. As always students flooded to share their inner
IPL auction was an event to auction the cricket players to comic, poet, story teller, singer, dancer, etc.
various franchises. Franchises were the participant
teams. A dedicated auctioneer controlled the Every great show has to have at least 1 show stopper
proceedings. IPL franchises fiercely bid for the listed but we had 2 of them. First, Akshay Singh, a very talented
players. mentalist and magician, surprised all of us with his
Break Out was the event in which students teamed up brilliant magic tricks and then Pratyush Chaubey, a very
with their friends to conquer a virtual escape room of famous standup comedian, left us all in splits. After these
their favourite fantasy world. The aim of the event was two amazing and magnificent acts, curtains for the
"To solve a challenge, you need to go through it and not festival fell on 15th of May


Games and Sports play a vital role in a student’s life.
A student should study hard to be successful in the
journey of life but also, one should be active in games
and sports to enjoy the health and vigour of life.

To ensure that the concept of “SPORTS FOR ALL” is
followed in our college and every student gets the
chance to play, we organize our annual pre-fest
LAKSHYA. Lakshya is an inter department sports
tournament organised by the Sports Team. Lakshya
spans for almost 2 months starting from January. Every
year nearly 400 students take part in the various sport
events under Lakshya. We have a total of 15 sports with
each sport having some points for the top 2 teams. All
departments participate and compete against each
other within the spirit of the game to win it all. The
department with maximum points is awarded with the
prestigious Shield.

The following events are conducted in LAKSHYA every
1. Football
2. Cage Football
3. Open Cricket
4. Box Cricket (Boys & Mix)
5. Cage Cricket (Boys & Mix)
6. Basketball (Boys & Mix)
7. Kabaddi (Boys & Girls)
8. Carrom
9. Badminton (Boys & Girls)
10. Volleyball (Boys, Girls & Mix)
11. Table Tennis (Boys & Girls)
12. Athletics (Boys & Girls)
13. Shot Put
14. Tug of War (Boys & Girls)

MATRIX - Technical Olympiad exclusively for
First Year Engineering Students

SIES Graduate School of Technology (SIESGST), Nerul, Navi Mumbai organizes a National Level Inter- Collegiate
Quiz Competition “MATRIX” exclusively for FEs. It is held under SIES Graduate School of Technology’s Flagship Annual
Intercollegiate Technical Festival “​Cognition”​ . Matrix is organized with an aim of giving the freshers from B.E./B.Tech
an opportunity to test their knowledge and enjoy at the same time with a golden chance to win grand cash prizes and
trophies. Each team consists of three participants from the same college who have to go through 5 interesting and
totally intriguing rounds to make it to the Champions trophy. The college having the maximum number of teams in the
Top 20 is awarded with College Champions Trophy.

The event receives an illustrious response with participant teams from various colleges in the Mumbai vicinity like
Terna College of Engineering, LTCE, DMCOE, PVPPCOE, Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues Institute of Technology, etc and
numerous inhouse participant teams.

The first round is an MCQ round based on PCM questions conducted online. Top 40 teams who get qualified for
Round 2 have to gather at SIES GST for the consequent rounds. Round 2 consists of questions framed on PCM and GK.
Top 20 teams enter Round 3 which is a fun round arranged specially for the participants to have a break from
academics and enjoy the fest as well. Top 8 make it to Round 4 which is a time-based MCQ Round. Top 4 teams get to
the Final and most awaited Round 5 which is based on GK questions.

The event never fails to be a big hit and is always filled with intense competition and a lot of fun. It receives great
appreciation from teachers and the enthusiasm shown by the participants is always very commendable.

Professional Body Activities


Internship is the best way to bridge the gap between the employer’s requirements and academic learning,
whether it’s a paid or unpaid internship, students should try to acquire knowledge and experience as much as they
can because the company invests their time and energy to make them ready for the full-time employment
opportunity within an organization. Students also get in-depth knowledge in their specific field apart from academic

This year the ISTE team of SIESGST held a virtual Internship Fair. The event consisted of 8 Companies: 20Cube
Logistics, EntreSpace, EduVance, The Great Indian Derby, HaleAI, VirtuoSkill, Infigon Futures, AutoNxt Automation, 5
Alumni startups: Ahy Consulting, CreaTech, UNOTECH, Qrius Ventures, Athill Spaces Pvt. Ltd., 2 Student Chapters
and Mega Projects: Technical Team SIESGST, IEEE Smart Village by IEEE SIESGST and 6 Departments: Computer
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering,
Printing and Packaging Technology who provided internships to all the applicants.

The event kicked off with an Inauguration ceremony on the 18th of March 2021 which was held on Microsoft
teams platform, after which the forms were released on 19th March and the form was closed on 22nd March 2021,
these three days the applicants explored their field of interest and applied for internships under the same. The
entire process took place online. The team coordinated with the participants through a WhatsApp group specially
made for the fair.

The event also had a Website exclusively designed for this internship fair. There were 181 pre-registrations and
246 applications in total for internships out of which 45 students have already got internships as of now. The
coaching partner for this event was IMFS and Food partners were The Fry Box.

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