AGE 12+
Contents The Environment....................................... 32 Casting a Spell ........................................... 49
Travel ........................................................ 32 Casting in Armor ................................... 49
Welcome to <জळક <ߣজક...... 2 Special Types of Movement................. 32 Casting Time........................................... 49
Falling....................................................... 32 Range........................................................ 49
Chapter 1: Creating a Character ........... 4 Components ............................................ 49
Creation Steps.............................................. 4 Kmץg[Ylaf_ .............................................. 32 Duration ................................................... 50
Gaining Levels ............................................. 7 Vision and Light ..................................... 32 Targets...................................................... 50
Races .............................................................. 7 Interacting with Objects....................... 33
9j]Yk g^ =[]ץl ........................................ 50
Dwarf .......................................................... 7 Social Interaction ...................................... 33 Saving Throws ....................................... 51
Elf................................................................. 8 Resting ......................................................... 33 Attack Rolls ............................................. 51
@YdÖaf_....................................................... 9 Combat ......................................................... 34
Human ...................................................... 10 Spell Descriptions..................................... 51
Character Classes ..................................... 11 The Order of Combat ............................34
Bard........................................................... 11 Movement and Position ........................ 35 Appendix A: Sidekicks........................... 63
Cleric......................................................... 13 Actions in Combat.................................. 35
Fighter ...................................................... 16 Making an Attack...................................36 Appendix B: Conditions......... Back cover
Rogue........................................................ 18 Cover .........................................................36
Wizard ...................................................... 20 Ranged Attacks ...................................... 37
Backgrounds............................................... 24 Melee Attacks.......................................... 37
Acolyte ...................................................... 24 Damage and Healing ............................38
Criminal ................................................... 25 Mounted Combat.................................... 39
Entertainer .............................................. 25 Underwater Combat .............................. 39
Sage........................................................... 26
Soldier ...................................................... 27 Chapter 3: Equipment ............................40
Armor and Shields ....................................40
Chapter 2: Playing the Game ............... 28 Weapons ...................................................... 41
Advantage and Disadvantage .................28 Adventuring Gear...................................... 42
Saving Throws ........................................... 28 Mounts and Services ................................ 45
Ability Checks ............................................ 29 Magic Items................................................. 45
Contests.................................................... 29 Chapter 4: Spells......................................48
Skills ......................................................... 29 What Is a Spell? .........................................48
Working Together ..................................30
Strength Checks ....................................30 Schools of Magic....................................48
Dexterity Checks....................................30 Spell Level ...............................................48
Constitution Checks.............................. 31 Known and Prepared Spells ...............48
Intelligence Checks ............................... 31 Spell Slots................................................ 49
Wisdom Checks...................................... 31 Cantrips.................................................... 49
Charisma Checks................................... 31 Rituals ...................................................... 49
Credits Original 5th Edition Design: Jeremy Crawford, Producer: Dan Tovar
Mike Mearls, Christopher Perkins, James Product Concept: Mark Price
Rulebook Designer: Jeremy Crawford Wyatt, Rodney Thompson, Robert J. Schwalb, Production Services: Cynda Callaway, Kevin
Adventure Designer: Christopher Perkins Peter Lee, Steve Townshend, Bruce R. Cordell <HH 'DYLG *HUVKPDQ -HŚHUVRQ 'XQODS
Additional Adventure Design: Richard Baker Original 5th Edition Editing: Chris Sims, _______________________________________
Adventure Development: Ben Petrisor Michele Carter, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Kim
Adventure Editing: Scott Fitzgerald Gray Mohan Senior Director Global Brand Strategy:
Playtest Coordinator: Christopher Lindsay Based on the original D&D game by Nathan Stewart
E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson Director Licensing & Publishing: Liz Schuh
Art Directors: Kate Irwin, Shauna Narciso Licensing Manager: Hilary Ross
RICHARD WHITTERS Graphic Designer: Trish Yochum Digital Marketing Manager: Bart Carroll
Cover Illustrator: Grzegorz Rutkowski Senior Communications Manager: Greg Tito
Illustrators: Mark Behm, Eric Belisle, Manager Global Brand Marketing: Anna Vo
Christopher Burdett, Wesley Burt, Brand Manager: Shelly Mazzanoble
Conceptopolis, Olga Drebas, Jesper Ejsing, Associate Brand Manager: Pelham Greene
Craig Elliot, Tomás Giorello, Lars Grant-West, Narrative Designers: Adam Lee, Ari Levitch
Suzanne Helmigh, Brynn Metheney, Claudio Game Designer: Kate Welch
Pozas, Craig J Spearing, Zack Stella, Richard Graphic Designer: Emi Tanji
Whitters, Shawn Wood Project Manager: Bill Benham
Cartographers: Jason A. Engle, Mike Schley Editor: F. Wesley Schneider
Welcome to Dungeons & Dragons
<ঽஉळ ࣸெ ঽߣজঽߣଚঽક$ ଚরळ <জळક <ߣজક The game ends only when your group decides it does;
roleplaying game is about storytelling in worlds of swords o`]f gf] klgjq gj im]kl ojYhk mh$ Yfgl`]j gf] [Yf Z]-
and spells. This rulebook gives you the rules for creating _af$ [j]Ylaf_ Yf gf_gaf_ klgjq [Ydd]\ Y campaign. Many
Y [`YjY[l]j af l`gk] ogjd\k$ Yf\ al hjgna\]k Ydd l`] jmd]k
you need to start adventuring. The other book in this set people who play the game keep their campaigns going for
contains an adventure for you to play. Everyone who plays egfl`k gj q]Yjk$ e]]laf_ oal` l`]aj ^ja]f\k Y ^]o lae]k
eYq j]Y\ l`ak jmd]Zggc$ Zml l`] Y\n]flmj] ak bmkl ^gj l`] Y egfl` lg ha[c mh l`] klgjq o`]j] l`]q d]^l g &ץL`] Y\-
]q]k g^ l`] <mf_]gf EYkl]j <E!$ o`g oadd jmf al&
venturers grow in might as the campaign continues. Each
Game Overview egfkl]j \]^]Yl]\$ ]Y[` Y\n]flmj] [gehd]l]\$ Yf\ ]Y[`
lj]Ykmj] j][gn]j]\ fgl gfdq Y\\k lg l`] [gflafmaf_ klgjq$
Af l`] < < _Ye]$ ]Y[` hdYq]j [j]Yl]k Y [`YjY[l]j o`g
is an adventurer and teams up with other adventurers but also earns the adventurers new capabilities. This in-
hdYq]\ Zq ^ja]f\k!& Gf] hdYq]j$ `go]n]j$ lYc]k gf l`] jgd] [j]Yk] af hgo]j ak j]Ö][l]\ Zq Yf Y\n]flmj]jÌk d]n]d&
g^ l`] <E$ l`] _Ye]Ìk d]Y\ klgjql]dd]j Yf\ j]^]j]]& L`] L`]j]Ìk fg oaffaf_ Yf\ dgkaf_ af l`] < < _Ye]ÈYl
<E jmfk Y\n]flmj]k ^gj l`] [`YjY[l]jk$ o`g fYna_Yl] alk d]Ykl$ fgl l`] oYq l`gk] l]jek Yj] mkmYddq mf\]jklgg\& Lg-
hazards and decide which paths to explore. The DM de- _]l`]j$ l`] <E Yf\ l`] hdYq]jk [j]Yl] Yf ]p[alaf_ klgjq g^
scribes the locations and creatures that the adventurers
^Y[]$ Yf\ l`] hdYq]jk \][a\] o`Yl l`]q oYfl l`]aj [`Yj- bold adventurers who confront deadly perils. Sometimes
acters to do. Then the DM determines the results of the Yf Y\n]flmj]j ea_`l [ge] lg Y _jakdq ]f\$ lgjf YhYjl Zq
Y\n]flmj]jkÌ Y[lagfk Yf\ fYjjYl]k o`Yl l`]q ]ph]ja]f[]&
Because the DM can improvise to react to anything the ferocious monsters or done in by a nefarious villain. Even
hdYq]jk Yll]ehl$ < < ak afÕfal]dq Ö]paZd]$ Yf\ ]Y[` Y\- kg$ l`] gl`]j Y\n]flmj]jk [Yf k]Yj[` ^gj hgo]j^md eY_a[ lg
venture can be unexpected. j]nan] l`]aj ^Ydd]f [gejY\]$ gj l`] hdYq]j ea_`l [`ggk] lg
@]j]Ìk Yf ]pYehd] g^ l`] <E \]k[jaZaf_ Y k[]f]$ oal`
two players responding: create a new character to carry on. The group might fail to
[gehd]l] Yf Y\n]flmj] km[[]kk^mddq$ Zml a^ ]n]jqgf] `Y\ Y
Dungeon Master (DM): The castle stands among the _gg\ lae] Yf\ [j]Yl]\ Y e]egjYZd] klgjq$ l`]q Ydd oaf&
trees, the crumbling ruins of seven round towers jutting
up from it like broken teeth. An archway littered with How to Play
twisted shards of rusted metal gapes open at the top of
D VKRUW ŜLJKW RI VWHSV 7ZR RI WKH WRZHUV VSHFNOHG ZLWK The play of the <জळક <ߣজક game unfolds ac-
dark arrow slits, loom beside the entryway, and a dark hall
yawns beyond. cording to this basic pattern.
Phillip (cleric): Let’s send the rogue up ahead to look in 1. The DM describes the environment. The DM
and make sure it’s safe. l]ddk l`] hdYq]jk o`]j] l`]aj Y\n]flmj]jk Yj] Yf\ o`YlÌk
Yjgmf\ l`]e$ hj]k]flaf_ l`] ZYka[ k[gh] g^ ghlagfk l`Yl
Amy (rogue): OK, I’ll move to the side and sneak along hj]k]fl l`]ek]dn]k `go eYfq \ggjk d]Y\ gml g^ Y jgge$
the wall of the tower until I can peer in through the o`YlÌk gf Y lYZd]$ o`gÌk af l`] lYn]jf$ Yf\ kg gf!&
2. The players describe what they want to do. Some-
L`] _Ye]Ìk jmd]k _an] kljm[lmj] lg qgmj < < klgja]k$ lae]k gf] hdYq]j kh]Yck ^gj l`] o`gd] hYjlq$ kYqaf_$
a way of determining the consequences of the adven- ÉO]Ìdd lYc] l`] ]Ykl \ggj$Ê ^gj ]pYehd]& Gl`]j lae]k$
lmj]jkÌ Y[lagf& HdYq]jk jgdd \a[] lg j]kgdn] o`]l`]j l`]aj \a]ץj]fl Y\n]flmj]jk \g \a]ץj]fl l`af_k2 gf] Y\n]flmj]j
YllY[ck `al gj eakk$ o`]l`]j l`]q ]k[Yh] ^jge Y \Yf_]j$
gj o`]l`]j l`]q hmdd g ץkge] gl`]j \Yf_]jgmk lYkc& 9fq- might search a treasure chest while a second examines
l`af_ ak hgkkaZd]$ Zml l`] \a[] eYc] kge] gml[ge]k egj]
hjgZYZd] l`Yf gl`]jk& @]j]Ìk Yf ]pYehd] g^ \a[] af Y[lagf2 an esoteric symbol engraved on a wall and a third keeps
oYl[` ^gj egfkl]jk& L`] hdYq]jk \gfÌl f]]\ lg lYc] lmjfk$
DM: All right, Amy, let’s see how sneaky you are. Make a
Dexterity check. but the DM listens to every player and decides how to re-
Amy: With my Stealth skill, right? solve those actions.
DM: You bet. Kge]lae]k$ j]kgdnaf_ Y lYkc ak ]Ykq& A^ Yf Y\n]flmj]j
Amy (rolling a d20): I’m pretty sneaky—that’s a 17. oYflk lg oYdc Y[jgkk Y jgge Yf\ gh]f Y \ggj$ l`] <E
DM: OK, there’s no sign that anyone notices you. And
you’re looking inside? might just say that the door opens and describe what lies
Z]qgf\& :ml l`] \ggj ea_`l Z] dg[c]\$ l`] Öggj ea_`l
`a\] Y \]Y\dq ljYh$ gj kge] gl`]j [aj[meklYf[] ea_`l
make it challenging for an adventurer to complete a task.
Af l`gk] [Yk]k$ l`] <E \][a\]k o`Yl `Yhh]fk$ g^l]f
relying on the roll of a die to determine the results of
an action.
3. The DM narrates the results of the adventurers’
actions. Describing the results often leads to another de-
[akagf hgafl$ o`a[` Zjaf_k l`] Ögo g^ l`] _Ye] ja_`l ZY[c
to step 1.
This pattern holds whether the adventurers are cau-
lagmkdq ]phdgjaf_ Y jmaf$ lYdcaf_ lg Y \]nagmk hjaf[]$ gj
locked in mortal combat against a dragon. In certain situ-
Ylagfk$ hYjla[mdYjdq [geZYl$ l`] Y[lagf ak egj] kljm[lmj]\
and the players (and DM) do take turns choosing and
j]kgdnaf_ Y[lagfk& :ml egkl g^ l`] lae]$ hdYq ak Öma\ Yf\
Ö]paZd]$ Y\Yhlaf_ lg l`] [aj[meklYf[]k g^ l`] Y\n]flmj]&
Welcome to Dungeons & Dragons
RICHARD WHITTERS Game Dice fmeZ]jk Yf\ l]ddk hdYq]jk o`]l`]j l`]aj YZadalq [`][ck$
YllY[c jgddk$ Yf\ kYnaf_ l`jgok Yj] km[[]kk^md&
L`] _Ye] mk]k hgdq`]\jYd \a[] oal` \a]ץj]fl fmeZ]jk g^
ka\]k& Af l`]k] jmd]k$ l`] \a]ץj]fl \a[] Yj] j]^]jj]\ lg Zq The target number for an ability check or a saving
the letter d ^gddgo]\ Zq l`] fmeZ]j g^ ka\]k2 \,$ \.$ \0$ throw is called a <a[mdlq ;dYkk (DC). The target num-
\)($ \)*$ Yf\ \*(& >gj afklYf[]$ Y \. ak Y kap%ka\]\ \a] ber for an attack roll is called an Armor Class (AC).
(the typical cube that many games use). This simple rule governs the resolution of most tasks
H]j[]flad] \a[]$ gj \)(($ ogjc Y dalld] \a]ץj]fldq& Qgm af < < hdYq& ;`Yhl]j * hjgna\]k egj] \]lYad]\ jmd]k ^gj
using the d20 in the game.
generate a number between 1 and 100 by rolling two dif-
Other Rules to Remember
ferent ten-sided dice numbered from 0 to 9. One die (des-
a_fYl]\ Z]^gj] qgm jgdd! _an]k l`] l]fk \a_al$ Yf\ l`] gl`]j The DM Adjudicates the Rules
_an]k l`] gf]k \a_al& A^ qgm jgdd Y / Yf\ Y )$ ^gj ]pYehd]$
L`] <E ak l`] ÕfYd Yml`gjalq gf `go l`] jmd]k ogjc
the number rolled is 71. Two 0s represent 100. af hdYq& A^ l`]j]Ìk ]n]j Y im]klagf YZgml `go kge]l`af_
O`]f qgm f]]\ lg jgdd \a[]$ l`] jmd]k l]dd qgm `go eYfq ^mf[lagfk af l`] _Ye]$ l`] <E hjgna\]k l`] Yfko]j& L`ak
\a[] lg jgdd g^ Y []jlYaf lqh]$ Yk o]dd Yk o`Yl eg\aÕ]jk lg `]dhk c]]h l`] _Ye] egnaf_& A^ qgmÌj] l`] <E$ j]e]eZ]j
Y\\& >gj ]pYehd]$ É+\0 # -Ê e]Yfk qgm jgdd l`j]] ]a_`l% l`ak2 < < ak Y [g%gh _Ye]$ kg eYc] jmd]k \][akagfk l`Yl
ka\]\ \a[]$ Y\\ l`]e lg_]l`]j$ Yf\ Y\\ - lg l`] lglYd& enhance the enjoyment of your group.
The Core Rule Round Down
O`]f l`] gml[ge] g^ Yf Y[lagf ak mf[]jlYaf$ l`] _Ye] j]- O`]f]n]j qgm \ana\] Y fmeZ]j af l`] _Ye]$ jgmf\ \gof
a^ qgm ]f\ mh oal` Y ^jY[lagf$ ]n]f a^ l`] ^jY[lagf ak gf]%
lies on the roll of a d20 to determine success or failure. half or greater.
Every character and monster in the game has capa- Specific Beats General
Zadala]k \]Õf]\ Zq kap ability scores. The abilities are
Klj]f_l`$ <]pl]jalq$ ;gfklalmlagf$ Afl]dda_]f[]$ Oak\ge$ This book contains rules that govern how the game plays.
Yf\ ;`YjakeY$ Yf\ l`]q lqha[Yddq jYf_] ^jge + lg )0 ^gj L`Yl kYa\$ eYfq l`af_k af l`] _Ye] jY[aYd ljYalk$ [dYkk
^]Ylmj]k$ kh]ddk$ eY_a[ al]ek$ egfkl]j YZadala]k$ Yf\ gl`]j
most adventurers. (Monsters might have scores as low as _Ye] ]d]e]flk! Zj]Yc l`] _]f]jYd jmd]k af kge] oYq$
) gj Yk `a_` Yk +(&! L`]k] YZadalq k[gj]k$ Yf\ l`] ability creating an exception to how the rest of the game works.
eg\aÕ]jk \]jan]\ ^jge l`]e$ Yj] l`] ZYkak ^gj Ydegkl A^ Y kh][aÕ[ jmd] [gfljY\a[lk Y _]f]jYd jmd]$ l`] kh][aÕ[
]n]jq \*( jgdd l`Yl Y hdYq]j eYc]k gf Y [`YjY[l]jÌk gj rule wins.
egfkl]jÌk Z]`Yd^& >gj ]pYehd]$ qgm YdoYqk jgmf\ \gof o`]f qgm ]f\ mh
9Zadalq [`][ck$ YllY[c jgddk$ Yf\ kYnaf_ l`jgok Yj] l`] oal` Y ^jY[lagf af < <$ Zml qgm ea_`l `Yn] Y [dYkk ^]Y-
l`j]] eYaf caf\k g^ \*( jgddk$ ^gjeaf_ l`] [gj] g^ l`] ture that tells you to round a particular fraction up. That
_Ye]Ìk jmd]k& 9dd l`j]] ^gddgo l`]k] kaehd] kl]hk& feature creates a minor exception in the game.
)& Jgdd l`] \a] Yf\ Y\\ Y eg\aÕ]j& Roll a d20 and add Effects with the Same Name Don’t Stack
l`] j]d]nYfl eg\aÕ]j& L`ak ak lqha[Yddq l`] eg\aÕ]j \]-
jan]\ ^jge gf] g^ l`] kap YZadalq k[gj]k$ Yf\ al kge]lae]k <a]ץj]fl ][]ץlk af l`] _Ye] [Yf Y[]ץl Y lYj_]l Yl l`]
af[dm\]k Y hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk lg j]Ö][l Y [`YjY[l]jÌk hYj- kYe] lae]& >gj ]pYehd]$ log \a]ץj]fl Z]f]Õlk [Yf _an]
you a bonus to your Armor Class. But when two or more
ticular skill. (See chapter 1 for details on each ability and ][]ץlk `Yn] l`] kYe] hjgh]j fYe]$ gfdq gf] g^ l`]e
`go lg \]l]jeaf] Yf YZadalqÌk eg\aÕ]j&! Yhhda]k o`ad] l`] \mjYlagfk g^ l`] ][]ץlk gn]jdYh Y \mjY-
tion is a time span of 1 round or more). The most potent
2. Apply circumstantial bonuses and penalties. A ][]ץlÈkm[` Yk l`] `a_`]kl ZgfmkÈak l`] gf] l`Yl Yhhda]k$
[dYkk ^]Ylmj]$ Y kh]dd$ Y hYjla[mdYj [aj[meklYf[]$ gj kge] gj l`] egkl j][]fl ][]ץl Yhhda]k a^ l`] ][]ץlk Yj] ]imYddq
gl`]j ][]ץl ea_`l _an] Y Zgfmk gj h]fYdlq lg l`] [`][c& hgl]fl& >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ bless spell is cast on you when
9dkg$ l`] jgdd ea_`l `Yn] Y\nYflY_] gj \akY\nYflY_]$ ]p- qgmÌj] kladd mf\]j l`] ][]ץl g^ Yf ]Yjda]j bless$ qgm _Yaf
l`] Z]f]Õl g^ gfdq gf] [Yklaf_&
plained on page 28.
What’s Next?
3. Compare the total to a target number. If the total
]imYdk gj ]p[]]\k l`] lYj_]l fmeZ]j$ l`] YZadalq [`][c$ This set is a complete D&D experience, enough to provide
YllY[c jgdd$ gj kYnaf_ l`jgo ak Y km[[]kk& Gl`]joak]$ alÌk Y hours of play. You can even play through the adventure book
failure. The DM is usually the one who determines target things can turn out! But one of the most rewarding things
about D&D is that it provides the opportunity to create
characters, and even worlds, of your own. 3
If you want to create a greater variety of characters or pop-
ulate your adventures with other monsters, check out the
śIWK HGLWLRQ Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dun-
geon Master’s Guide. These advanced rulebooks introduce
you to the vast multiverse of D&D and invite you to create
unique characters and worlds within it.
Welcome to Dungeons & Dragons
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
Qક কঽଚ ଚळ્ ঽ ્৴ߣெঽজ ߣ ߣदஉळଚळ ঽ ଚরळ 2. Choose a Class
<জळક <ߣজક game is to create a character of
qgmj gof& Qgmj [`YjY[l]j ak Y [geZafYlagf g^ _Ye] klYlak- Every adventurer is a member of a character class. Class
la[k$ jgd]hdYqaf_ `ggck$ Yf\ qgmj aeY_afYlagf& Qgm [`ggk] ZjgY\dq \]k[jaZ]k Y [`YjY[l]jÌk ng[Ylagf$ kh][aYd lYd]flk$
Y jY[] km[` Yk `meYf gj ]d^! Yf\ Y [dYkk km[` Yk Õ_`l]j
gj oarYj\!& Qgm Ydkg afn]fl l`] h]jkgfYdalq$ Yhh]YjYf[]$ and the tactics the character is most likely to employ
o`]f ]phdgjaf_ Y \mf_]gf$ Õ_`laf_ egfkl]jk$ gj ]f_Y_-
and backstory of the character.
ing in a tense negotiation. Each class is detailed in the
Creation Steps É;`YjY[l]j ;dYkk]kÊ k][lagf hY_] ))!&
Qgmj [`YjY[l]j j][]an]k eYfq Z]f]Õlk ^jge qgmj [`ga[]
>gddgo l`]k] km__]kl]\ kl]hk$ eYcaf_ \][akagfk l`Yl g^ [dYkk& L`]k] Z]f]Õlk Yj] class featuresÈ[YhYZadala]k
j]Ö][l l`] [`YjY[l]j qgm oYfl& Qgmj [gf[]hlagf g^ qgmj
(including spellcasting) that set your character apart from
character might evolve with each choice you make. e]eZ]jk g^ gl`]j [dYkk]k& Qgm Ydkg _Yaf Y fmeZ]j g^
Af l`ak k][lagf$ o] mk] l`] l]je character sheet to hjgÕ[a]f[a]k2 Yjegj$ o]Yhgfk$ kcaddk$ kYnaf_ l`jgok$ Yf\
e]Yf o`Yl]n]j qgm mk] lg ljY[c qgmj [`YjY[l]j$ o`]l`]j kge]lae]k lggdk& Qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[a]k \]Õf] eYfq g^ l`]
alÌk Y ^gjeYd [`YjY[l]j k`]]l dac] l`] gf] l`Yl [ge]k oal` l`af_k qgmj [`YjY[l]j [Yf \g hYjla[mdYjdq o]dd$ ^jge mkaf_
l`ak jmd]Zggc!$ kge] ^gje g^ \a_alYd j][gj\ km[` Yk gf
< < :]qgf\$ \f\Z]qgf\&[ge!$ gj Y hdYaf ha][] g^ hYh]j& certain weapons to telling a convincing lie.
Gf qgmj [`YjY[l]j k`]]l$ j][gj\ Ydd l`] ^]Ylmj]k l`Yl
your class gives you at 1st level.
1. Choose a Race Level SUZANNE HELMIGH
=n]jq [`YjY[l]j Z]dgf_k lg Y jY[]$ gf] g^ l`] eYfq `m- Qgmj [`YjY[l]j klYjlk Yl )kl d]n]d Yf\ Y\nYf[]k af d]n]d
eYfga\ kh][a]k af < <& L`] egkl [geegf hdYq]j [`Yj- by adventuring and gaining experience points PH!& Qgm
Y[l]j jY[]k Yj] \oYjn]k$ ]dn]k$ `YdÖaf_k$ Yf\ `meYfk& start with 0 XP.
=Y[` jY[] ak \]lYad]\ af l`] ÉJY[]kÊ k][lagf hY_] /!&
Qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk jY[] _jYflk hYjla[mdYj jY[aYd ljYalk$ Hit Points and Hit Dice
such as special senses. Record all these traits on your Qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk `al hgaflk \]Õf] `go lgm_` qgmj [`Yj-
[`YjY[l]j k`]]l& Qgmj jY[] Ydkg af[j]Yk]k gf] gj egj] g^ Y[l]j ak af [geZYl Yf\ gl`]j \Yf_]jgmk kalmYlagfk& Qgmj
qgmj YZadalq k[gj]k$ o`a[` qgm \]l]jeaf] af kl]h +& Fgl] hit points are determined by your Hit Dice (short for Hit
Point Dice).
these increases and remember to apply them later.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
9l )kl d]n]d$ qgmj [`YjY[l]j `Yk ) @al <a]$ Yf\ l`] \a] 9 k[gj] g^ )( gj )) ak l`] `meYf Yn]jY_]$ Zml Y\n]flmj-
lqh] ak \]l]jeaf]\ Zq qgmj [dYkk& Qgm klYjl oal` `al hgaflk
]imYd lg l`] `a_`]kl jgdd g^ l`Yl \a]$ Yk af\a[Yl]\ af qgmj ers and monsters are above average in some abilities. A
[dYkk \]k[jahlagf& Qgm Ydkg Y\\ qgmj ;gfklalmlagf eg\-
aÕ]j$ o`a[` qgmÌdd \]l]jeaf] af kl]h +&! L`ak ak Ydkg qgmj score of 18 is the highest that a person usually reaches.
hit point maximum. 9\n]flmj]jk [Yf `Yn] k[gj]k Yk `a_` Yk *($ Yf\ egfkl]jk
J][gj\ qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk `al hgaflk gf qgmj [`YjY[l]j
sheet. Also record the type of Hit Die your character uses and divine beings can have scores as high as 30.
Yf\ l`] fmeZ]j g^ @al <a[] qgm `Yn]& 9^l]j qgm j]kl$ qgm Fgo lYc] qgmj kap fmeZ]jk Ykka_f l`]e lg qgmj
can spend Hit Dice to regain hit points (see page 33). Klj]f_l`$ <]pl]jalq$ ;gfklalmlagf$ Afl]dda_]f[]$ Oak\ge$
Yf\ ;`YjakeY& 9^l]joYj\$ eYc] Yfq [`Yf_]k lg qgmj YZad-
Proficiency Bonus
ity scores as a result of your race choice.
The table that appears in your class description shows 9^l]j Ykka_faf_ qgmj YZadalq k[gj]k$ \]l]jeaf] qgmj
qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk$ o`a[` ak #* ^gj Y )kl%d]n]d YZadalq eg\aÕ]jk mkaf_ l`] 9Zadalq K[gj]k Yf\ Eg\aÕ]jk
character and gets better as you gain levels. The rules tell lYZd]& Ojal] l`] eg\aÕ]j f]pl lg ]Y[` g^ qgmj k[gj]k&
you when the bonus applies. Here are the most common Ability Scores and Modifiers
lae]k qgmÌdd mk] al2
Score 0RGLśHU Score 0RGLśHU
• 9Zadalq [`][ck mkaf_ kcaddk qgmÌj] hjgÕ[a]fl af 1 16 –17 +3
• 9Zadalq [`][ck mkaf_ lggdk qgmÌj] hjgÕ[a]fl oal` ĭ 18–19
• 9llY[c jgddk mkaf_ o]Yhgfk qgmÌj] hjgÕ[a]fl oal` 2–3 ĭ 20 –21
• Attack rolls with spells you cast ĭ 22–23
• KYnaf_ l`jgok qgmÌj] hjgÕ[a]fl af ñ ĭ
• Saving throw DCs for spells you cast (explained in each 6 –7 ĭ ñ +6
8–9 +0 26 –27 +7
spellcasting class) 10 –11 +1 28–29 +8
12–13 +2 +9
HjgÕ[a]f[a]k& Qgmj [dYkk \]l]jeaf]k qgmj o]Yhgf Yf\ 30 +10
qgmj kYnaf_ l`jgo hjgÕ[a]f[a]k$ Yf\ kge] g^ qgmj kcadd ñ
Yf\ lggd hjgÕ[a]f[a]k& Kcaddk Yj] \]k[jaZ]\ af [`Yhl]j *$
lggdk af [`Yhl]j +&! Qgmj ZY[c_jgmf\$ o`a[` qgm [`ggk] af 4. Describe Your Character
kl]h ,$ _an]k qgm Y\\alagfYd hjgÕ[a]f[a]k$ Yf\ kge] jY[]k
_an] qgm egj]& :] kmj] lg fgl] Ydd qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[a]k$ Yk Once you know the basic game aspects of your charac-
o]dd Yk qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk$ gf qgmj [`YjY[l]j k`]]l& l]j$ alÌk lae] lg Ö]k` gml Y ZY[cklgjq Yf\ Y h]jkgfYdalq&
Qgmj [`YjY[l]j Ydkg f]]\k Y fYe]& Kh]f\ Y ^]o eafml]k
Mkaf_ l`] :gfmk& Qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk [YfÌl Z] l`afcaf_ YZgml o`Yl l`] [`YjY[l]jÌk Z]`Ynagj Yf\ dggck&
added to a die roll or other number more than once. For Qgm [`ggk] qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk Y_] Yf\ l`] [gdgj g^ l`]aj
]pYehd]$ a^ log \a]ץj]fl jmd]k kYq qgm [Yf Y\\ qgmj hjgÕ- `Yaj$ ]q]k$ Yf\ kcaf& Lg Y\\ Y lgm[` g^ \aklaf[lan]f]kk$ qgm
[a]f[q Zgfmk lg Y Oak\ge kYnaf_ l`jgo$ qgm f]n]jl`]d]kk might want to give your character a memorable physical
add the bonus only once when you make the save. [`YjY[l]jakla[$ km[` Yk Y k[Yj$ Y daeh$ gj Y lYllgg&
G[[YkagfYddq$ qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk ea_`l Z] emdla-
hda]\ gj \ana\]\ \gmZd]\ gj `Ydn]\$ ^gj ]pYehd]! Z]^gj] Gender
qgm Yhhdq al& >gj ]pYehd]$ l`] jg_m]Ìk =ph]jlak] ^]Ylmj]
\gmZd]k l`] hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk ^gj []jlYaf YZadalq [`][ck& A^ ;`ggk] qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk _]f\]j& Qgmj [`ga[] `Yk fg ][]ץl
Y [aj[meklYf[] km__]klk l`Yl qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk Yh- on game statistics. Think about how your character re-
hda]k egj] l`Yf gf[] lg l`] kYe] jgdd$ qgm kladd Y\\ al gfdq dYl]k lg l`] ZjgY\]j [mdlmj]Ìk ]ph][lYlagfk g^ _]f\]j& Qgmj
once and multiply or divide it only once. [`YjY[l]jÌk k]pmYd gja]flYlagf ak Ydkg ^gj qgm lg \][a\]&
3. Determine Ability Scores Background
Much of what your character does relies on six abilities: Dggc Yl l`] É:Y[c_jgmf\kÊ k][lagf hY_] *,!$ Yf\
choose a background for your character. A background
Strength$ e]Ykmjaf_ h`qka[Yd hgo]j describes your original occupation. It also gives your
Dexterity$ measuring agility [`YjY[l]j Y ZY[c_jgmf\ ^]Ylmj] Y _]f]jYd Z]f]Õl! Yf\
Constitution$ e]Ykmjaf_ ]f\mjYf[] hjgÕ[a]f[q af log kcaddk$ Yf\ al ea_`l Ydkg _an] qgm Y\-
Intelligence$ e]Ykmjaf_ j]Ykgfaf_ and memory \alagfYd dYf_mY_]k gj hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` []jlYaf caf\k g^
Wisdom$ e]Ykmjaf_ h]j[]hlagf Yf\ afka_`l tools. Record this information on your character sheet.
Charisma$ e]Ykmjaf_ ^gj[] g^ h]jkgfYdalq
=Y[` YZadalq `Yk Y k[gj]$ o`a[` ak Y fmeZ]j qgm j][gj\ gf
your character sheet. The six abilities and their use in the ;`ggk] qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk Yda_fe]fl$ o`a[` ZjgY\dq \]-
scribes moral and personal attitudes. Alignment is a
game are detailed in chapter 2. [geZafYlagf g^ log ^Y[lgjk2 gf] a\]flaÕ]k egjYdalq _gg\$
Qgm _]f]jYl] qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk kap YZadalq k[gj]k jYf- ]nad$ gj f]mljYd!$ Yf\ l`] gl`]j \]k[jaZ]k Yllalm\]k lgoYj\
domly. Roll four 6-sided dice and record the total of the kg[a]lq Yf\ gj\]j dYo^md$ [`Ygla[$ gj f]mljYd!& L`mk$ faf]
`a_`]kl l`j]] \a[] gf Y ha][] g^ k[jYl[` hYh]j& <g l`ak Õn] \aklaf[l Yda_fe]flk \]Õf] l`] hgkkaZd] [geZafYlagfk&
egj] lae]k$ kg l`Yl qgm `Yn] kap fmeZ]jk& A^ qgm \gfÌl
dac] l`] a\]Y g^ jYf\gedq \]l]jeafaf_ YZadalq k[gj]k$ qgm These summaries of the nine alignments describe the
[Yf mk] l`] ^gddgoaf_ k[gj]k afkl]Y\2 )-$ ),$ )+$ )*$ )($ 0& typical behavior of a creature with that alignment. Indi-
na\mYdk ea_`l nYjq ka_faÕ[Yfldq ^jge l`Yl Z]`Ynagj&
Lawful good (LG) creatures can be counted on to do
l`] ja_`l l`af_ Yk ]ph][l]\ Zq kg[a]lq& ?gd\ \jY_gfk$
eYfq hYdY\afk$ Yf\ egkl \oYjn]k Yj] dYo^md _gg\&
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
Neutral good F?! ^gdc \g l`] Z]kl l`]q [Yf lg `]dh gl`- lg eYc] kY[jaÕ[]k7 O`Yl \jan]k qgm lg Y[l Yf\ _ma\]k
]jk Y[[gj\af_ lg l`]aj f]]\k& EYfq []d]klaYdk$ kge] [dgm\
_aYflk$ Yf\ egkl _fge]k Yj] f]mljYd _gg\& your goals and ambitions? What is the most important
Chaotic good (CG) creatures act as their conscience thing you strive for?
\aj][lk$ oal` dalld] j]_Yj\ ^gj o`Yl gl`]jk ]ph][l& ;ghh]j Qgm [Yf [`ggk] Yfq a\]Ydk qgm dac]$ Zml qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk
\jY_gfk$ eYfq ]dn]k$ Yf\ mfa[gjfk Yj] [`Ygla[ _gg\& Yda_fe]fl ak Y _gg\ hdY[] lg klYjl \]Õfaf_ l`]e& =Y[`
Lawful neutral DF! af\ana\mYdk Y[l af Y[[gj\Yf[] oal` background in this chapter includes suggested ideals.
dYo$ ljY\alagf$ gj h]jkgfYd [g\]k& EYfq egfck Yf\ kge] >an] g^ l`]e Yj] dafc]\ lg Ykh][lk g^ Yda_fe]fl2 dYo$
[`Ygk$ _gg\$ ]nad$ Yf\ f]mljYdalq&
wizards are lawful neutral.
Neutral F! ak l`] Yda_fe]fl g^ l`gk] o`g hj]^]j lg :gf\k& Create one bond for your character. Bonds
j]hj]k]fl Y [`YjY[l]jÌk [gff][lagfk lg h]ghd]$ hdY[]k$
kl]]j [d]Yj g^ egjYd im]klagfk Yf\ \gfÌl lYc] ka\]k$ \gaf_
o`Yl k]]ek Z]kl Yl l`] lae]& DarYj\^gdc$ egkl \jma\k$ Yf\ and events in the world. They tie you to things from your
many humans are neutral. background. They might inspire you to heights of hero-
Chaotic neutral ;F! [j]Ylmj]k ^gddgo l`]aj o`aek$ ake$ gj d]Y\ qgm lg Y[l Y_Yafkl qgmj gof Z]kl afl]j]klk a^
l`]q Yj] l`j]Yl]f]\& L`]q [Yf ogjc n]jq em[` dac] a\]Ydk$
holding their personal freedom above all else. Many bar- \janaf_ Y [`YjY[l]jÌk eglanYlagfk Yf\ _gYdk&
ZYjaYfk Yf\ jg_m]k$ Yf\ kge] ZYj\k$ Yj] [`Ygla[ f]mljYd&
Bonds might answer any of these questions: Whom do
Lawful evil (LE) creatures methodically take what they
oYfl$ oal`af l`] daealk g^ Y [g\] g^ ljY\alagf$ dgqYdlq$ gj gj- you care most about? To what place do you feel a special
\]j& <]nadk$ Zdm] \jY_gfk$ Yf\ `gZ_gZdafk Yj] dYo^md ]nad&
connection? What is your most treasured possession?
Neutral evil F=! ak l`] Yda_fe]fl g^ l`gk] o`g \g Qgmj Zgf\k ea_`l Z] la]\ lg qgmj [dYkk$ qgmj ZY[c-
o`Yl]n]j l`]q [Yf _]l YoYq oal`$ oal`gml [gehYkkagf gj _jgmf\$ qgmj jY[]$ gj kge] gl`]j Ykh][l g^ qgmj [`Yj-
imYdek& EYfq \jgo$ kge] [dgm\ _aYflk$ Yf\ qm_gdgl`k Y[l]jÌk `aklgjq gj h]jkgfYdalq& Qgm ea_`l Ydkg _Yaf f]o
are neutral evil. bonds over the course of your adventures.
Chaotic evil ;=! [j]Ylmj]k Y[l oal` YjZaljYjq nagd]f[]$ >dYok& ;`ggk] Y ÖYo ^gj qgmj [`YjY[l]j& Qgmj [`YjY[-
khmjj]\ Zq l`]aj _j]]\$ `Ylj]\$ gj Zdgg\dmkl& <]egfk$ j]\ l]jÌk ÖYo j]hj]k]flk kge] na[]$ ^]Yj$ gj o]Ycf]kkÈaf
\jY_gfk$ Yf\ gj[k Yj] [`Ygla[ ]nad& hYjla[mdYj$ Yfql`af_ l`Yl kge]gf] ]dk] [gmd\ ]phdgal lg
Most creatures that lack the capacity for rational bring you to ruin or cause you to act against your best in-
l`gm_`l \gfÌl `Yn] Yda_fe]flkÈl`]q Yj] unaligned. l]j]klk& Egj] ka_faÕ[Yfl l`Yf f]_Ylan] h]jkgfYdalq ljYalk$
Y ÖYo ea_`l Yfko]j Yfq g^ l`]k] im]klagfk2 O`Yl ]f-
Such a creature is incapable of making a moral or ethical jY_]k qgm7 O`YlÌk l`] gf] h]jkgf$ [gf[]hl$ gj ]n]fl l`Yl
qgm Yj] l]jjaÕ]\ g^7 O`Yl Yj] qgmj na[]k7
choice and acts according to its bestial nature. Sharks
Yj] kYnY_] hj]\Ylgjk$ ^gj ]pYehd]$ Zml l`]q Yj]fÌl ]nad& Height and Weight
Personal Characteristics Qgm \]l]jeaf] qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk `]a_`l Yf\ o]a_`l& Qgmj
race description includes suggestions for them. If you
>d]k`af_ gml qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk h]jkgfYdalq oadd `]dh qgm oYfl lg$ qgm [Yf jgdd jYf\gedq ^gj l`]e mkaf_ l`] JYf-
dom Height and Weight table. The dice roll given in the
bring him or her to life as you play the game. Four cate- @]a_`l Eg\aÕ]j [gdmef \]l]jeaf]k l`] [`YjY[l]jÌk ]pljY
height (in inches) beyond the base height. That same
gories of characteristics are presented here: personality
ljYalk$ a\]Ydk$ Zgf\k$ Yf\ ÖYok& :]qgf\ l`gk] [Yl]_gja]k$ number multiplied by the dice roll or quantity given in the
l`afc YZgml qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk ^Yngjal] ogj\k gj h`jYk]k$ O]a_`l Eg\aÕ]j [gdmef \]l]jeaf]k l`] [`YjY[l]jÌk ]pljY
`YZalmYd _]klmj]k$ na[]k Yf\ h]l h]]n]k$ Yf\ o`Yl]n]j weight (in pounds) beyond the base weight.
else you can imagine. Random Height and Weight
Each background presented later in this chapter in- Race Base Height Base Weight
Human Height 0RGLśHU Weight 0RGLśHU
cludes suggested characteristics that you can use to +2d10 110 lb.
khYjc qgmj aeY_afYlagf& QgmÌj] fgl Zgmf\ lg l`gk] gh- Dwarf, hill
lagfk$ Zml l`]qÌj] Y _gg\ klYjlaf_ hgafl& Dwarf, mountain G OE
Elf, high
130 lb. G OE
H]jkgfYdalq LjYalk& Give your character two personal- Elf, wood
G 90 lb. G OE
alq ljYalk$ o`a[` k`gmd\ l]dd qgm kge]l`af_ afl]j]klaf_ Yf\
+2d10 100 lb. G OE
^mf YZgml qgmj [`YjY[l]j& L`]q k`gmd\ Z] kh][aÕ[ YZgml +DOŜLQJ
+2d10 G OE
o`Yl eYc]k qgmj [`YjY[l]j klYf\ gml& ÉAÌe keYjlÊ akfÌl
OE × 1 lb.
Y _gg\ ljYal$ Z][Ymk] al \]k[jaZ]k eYfq [`YjY[l]jk& ÉAÌn] G
j]Y\ ]n]jq Zggc af ;Yf\d]c]]hÊ l]ddk qgm kge]l`af_ kh]-
[aÕ[ YZgml qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk afl]j]klk Yf\ \akhgkalagf& 5. Choose Equipment
Personality traits might describe the things your char- Qgmj [dYkk Yf\ ZY[c_jgmf\ \]l]jeaf] qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk
Y[l]j dac]k$ hYkl Y[[gehdak`e]flk$ l`af_k qgmj [`YjY[l]j starting equipment. Record this equipment on your
\akdac]k gj ^]Yjk$ gj qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk eYff]jakek& character sheet. All such items are detailed in chapter 3.
A useful place to start thinking about personality traits Armor Class
is to look at your highest and lowest ability scores and de- Qgmj Armor Class (AC) represents how well your char-
Õf] gf] ljYal j]dYl]\ lg ]Y[`& =al`]j gf] [gmd\ Z] hgkalan] acter avoids being wounded in battle. Things that con-
gj f]_Ylan]2 qgm ea_`l ogjc `Yj\ lg gn]j[ge] Y dgo k[gj]$ ljaZml] lg qgmj 9; af[dm\] l`] Yjegj qgm o]Yj$ l`] k`a]d\
^gj ]pYehd]$ gj Z] [g[cq YZgml qgmj `a_` k[gj]& qgm [Yjjq$ Yf\ qgmj <]pl]jalq eg\aÕ]j& Fgl Ydd [`YjY[l]jk
A\]Ydk& Describe one ideal that drives your character.
Qgmj a\]Ydk Yj] l`] l`af_k l`Yl qgm Z]da]n] af egkl& A\]Ydk
might answer any of these questions: What are the prin-
ciples that you will never betray? What would prompt you
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
o]Yj Yjegj gj [Yjjq k`a]d\k$ `go]n]j& 9k ]phdYaf]\ af hgafl eYpaeme& 9dl]jfYlan]dq$ qgm [Yf mk] l`] Õp]\ nYdm]
[`Yhl]j +$ qgmj [`YjY[l]j f]]\k lg Z] hjgÕ[a]fl oal` k`gof af qgmj [dYkk ]fljq$ o`a[` ak l`] Yn]jY_] j]kmdl g^
Yjegj Yf\ k`a]d\k lg o]Yj Yf\ mk] l`]e ][]ץlan]dq$ Yf\ the die roll (rounded up).
qgmj Yjegj Yf\ k`a]d\ hjgÕ[a]f[a]k Yj] \]l]jeaf]\ Zq O`]f qgmj ;gfklalmlagf eg\aÕ]j af[j]Yk]k Zq )$ qgmj
hit point maximum increases by 1 for each level you have
your class. YllYaf]\& >gj ]pYehd]$ o`]f :jm]fgj j]Y[`]k 0l` d]n]d Yk
Oal`gml Yjegj gj Y k`a]d\$ qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk 9; ]imYdk Y Õ_`l]j$ `] af[j]Yk]k `ak ;gfklalmlagf k[gj] ^jge )/ lg
)( # `ak gj `]j <]pl]jalq eg\aÕ]j& A^ qgmj [`YjY[l]j )0$ l`mk af[j]Ykaf_ `ak ;gfklalmlagf eg\aÕ]j ^jge #+ lg
o]Yjk Yjegj$ [Yjja]k Y k`a]d\$ gj Zgl`$ [Yd[mdYl] qgmj #,& @ak `al hgafl eYpaeme l`]f af[j]Yk]k Zq 0&
;gfkmdl qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk [dYkk \]k[jahlagf lg k]] o`Yl
AC using the rules in chapter 3. Record your AC on other improvements you gain at each level.
your character sheet. Races
Kge] kh]ddk Yf\ [dYkk ^]Ylmj]k _an] qgm Y \a]ץj]fl oYq
Humans are the most common people in the worlds of
to calculate your AC. If you have multiple features that < <$ Zml l`]q dan] Yf\ ogjc Ydgf_ka\] \oYjn]k$ ]dn]k$
_an] qgm \a]ץj]fl oYqk lg [Yd[mdYl] qgmj 9;$ qgm [Yf mk] `YdÖaf_k$ Yf\ [gmfld]kk gl`]j ^YflYkla[ kh][a]k& Qgmj
gfdq gf] g^ l`]e$ Yf\ qgm [`ggk] o`a[` gf]& character belongs to one of these peoples.
Weapons Dwarf
>gj ]Y[` o]Yhgf qgmj [`YjY[l]j oa]d\k$ [Yd[mdYl] l`] Caf_\gek ja[` af Yf[a]fl _jYf\]mj$ `Yddk [Yjn]\ aflg l`]
eg\aÕ]j qgm mk] o`]f qgm YllY[c oal` l`] o]Yhgf Yf\ jgglk g^ egmflYafk$ l`] ][`gaf_ g^ ha[ck Yf\ `Yee]jk af
\]]h eaf]k Yf\ ZdYraf_ ^gj_]k$ Yf\ Y [geeale]fl lg [dYf
the damage you deal when you hit. Yf\ ljY\alagfÈl`]k] [geegf l`j]Y\k mfal] Ydd \oYjn]k&
O`]f qgm eYc] Yf YllY[c oal` Y o]Yhgf$ qgm jgdd Y
\*( Yf\ Y\\ qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk Zml gfdq a^ qgm Yj] Long Memory, Long Grudges
hjgÕ[a]fl oal` l`] o]Yhgf! Yf\ l`] YhhjghjaYl] YZad-
alq eg\aÕ]j& Dwarves can live to be more than 400 years old. They re-
kh][l l`] ljY\alagfk g^ l`]aj [dYfk$ ljY[af_ l`]aj Yf[]kljq
For attacks with melee weapons$ mk] qgmj Klj]f_l` back to the founding of their most ancient strongholds in
eg\aÕ]j ^gj YllY[c Yf\ \YeY_] jgddk& 9 o]Yhgf l`Yl `Yk l`] qgml` g^ l`] ogjd\$ Yf\ \gfÌl YZYf\gf l`gk] ljY\alagfk
l`] Õf]kk] hjgh]jlq$ km[` Yk Y jYha]j$ [Yf mk] qgmj <]p- lightly. Part of those traditions is devotion to the gods of
l]jalq eg\aÕ]j afkl]Y\& l`] \oYjn]k$ o`g mh`gd\ l`] \oYjn]f a\]Ydk g^ af\mklja-
gmk dYZgj$ kcadd af ZYlld]$ Yf\ \]nglagf lg l`] ^gj_]&
For attacks with ranged weapons$ mk] qgmj <]pl]jalq
eg\aÕ]j ^gj YllY[c Yf\ \YeY_] jgddk& 9 e]d]] o]Yhgf Clans and Kingdoms
l`Yl `Yk l`] l`jgof hjgh]jlq$ km[` Yk Y `Yf\Yp]$ [Yf mk]
qgmj Klj]f_l` eg\aÕ]j afkl]Y\& Dwarven kingdoms stretch deep beneath the mountains
where the dwarves mine gems and precious metals and
6. Come Together forge items of wonder. They love the beauty and artistry
g^ hj][agmk e]lYdk Yf\ Õf] b]o]djq$ Yf\ af kge] \oYjn]k
< < [`YjY[l]jk \gfÌl ogjc Ydgf]& =Y[` [`YjY[l]j hdYqk l`ak dgn] ^]kl]jk aflg YnYja[]& O`Yl]n]j o]Ydl` l`]q [YfÌl
a role within a party$ Y _jgmh g^ Y\n]flmj]jk ogjcaf_ lg- Õf\ af l`]aj egmflYafk$ l`]q _Yaf l`jgm_` ljY\]&
gether for a common purpose. Talk to your fellow players The chief unit of dwarven society is the clan. Even
dwarves who live far from their own kingdoms cherish
and your DM to decide whether your characters know l`]aj [dYf YdaYlagfk$ j][g_far] j]dYl]\ \oYjn]k$ Yf\
gf] Yfgl`]j$ `go l`]q e]l$ Yf\ o`Yl kgjlk g^ im]klk l`] afngc] l`]aj Yf[]klgjkÌ fYe]k af gYl`k Yf\ [mjk]k& Lg Z]
clanless is the worst fate that can befall a dwarf.
group might undertake. <oYjn]k af gl`]j dYf\k Yj] lqha[Yddq YjlakYfk$ ]kh]-
[aYddq o]Yhgfkeal`k$ Yjegj]jk$ Yf\ b]o]d]jk& Kge] Z]-
Gaining Levels [ge] e]j[]fYja]k gj Zg\q_mYj\k$ `a_`dq kgm_`l Y^l]j ^gj
their courage and loyalty.
9k [`YjY[l]jk _g gf Y\n]flmj]k$ ]Y[` [`YjY[l]j _Yafk ]p-
h]ja]f[]$ j]hj]k]fl]\ Zq ]ph]ja]f[] hgaflk& 9 [`YjY[l]j Gods, Gold, and Clan
o`g j]Y[`]k Y kh][aÕ]\ ]ph]ja]f[] hgafl lglYd Y\nYf[]k
in capability. This advancement is called gaining a level. Dwarves who take up the adventuring life might be moti-
vated by a desire for treasure. Other dwarves are driven
Character Advancement Zq l`] afkhajYlagf g^ Y \]alq$ Y \aj][l [Yddaf_ gj kaehdq Y
desire to bring glory to one of the dwarf gods. Clan and
Experience Points Level 3URśFLHQF\ %RQXV ancestry are also important motivators. A dwarf might
0 1 k]]c lg j]klgj] Y [dYfÌk dgkl `gfgj$ Yn]f_] Yf Yf[a]fl
300 2 +2 ojgf_ l`] [dYf km]ץj]\$ gj ]Yjf Y f]o hdY[] oal`af l`]
900 3 +2 clan after having been exiled. Or a dwarf might search for
2,700 +2 the axe wielded by a mighty ancestor long ago.
+3 Chapter 1: Creating a Character
L`] ;`YjY[l]j 9\nYf[]e]fl lYZd] kh][aÕ]k l`] PH qgm
f]]\ lg Y\nYf[] lg Y d]n]d Yf\ l`] hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk ^gj Y
character of that level.
=Y[` lae] qgm _Yaf Y d]n]d$ qgm _Yaf ) Y\\alagfYd @al
<a]& Jgdd l`Yl @al <a]$ Y\\ qgmj ;gfklalmlagf eg\aÕ]j
lg l`] jgdd$ Yf\ Y\\ l`] lglYd eafaeme g^ )! lg qgmj `al
Dwarf Traits Elf
Qgmj \oYj^ [`YjY[l]j `Yk l`] ^gddgoaf_ ljYalk& 9 h]ghd] g^ gl`]jogjd\dq _jY[]$ ]dn]k \o]dd af hdY[]k
9Zadalq K[gj] Af[j]Yk]& Qgmj ;gfklalmlagf k[gj] af- g^ ]l`]j]Yd Z]Ymlq$ af l`] ea\kl g^ Yf[a]fl ^gj]klk gj af
khaj]k _dall]jaf_ oal` ^Y]ja] da_`l$ o`]j] kg^l emka[ \ja^lk
creases by 2. through the air and gentle fragrances waft on the breeze.
9_]& <oYjn]k eYlmj] Yl l`] kYe] jYl] Yk `meYfk$ Zml
Elves encountered outside their own lands are com-
l`]qÌj] [gfka\]j]\ qgmf_ mflad l`]q j]Y[` l`] Y_] g^ -(& egfdq ljYn]daf_ eafklj]dk$ Yjlaklk$ gj kY_]k& @meYf fg-
Gf Yn]jY_]$ l`]q dan] YZgml +-( q]Yjk& bles compete for the services of elf instructors to teach
swordplay or magic to their children.
9da_fe]fl& Egkl \oYjn]k Yj] dYo^md$ Z]da]naf_ Õjedq
af l`] Z]f]Õlk g^ Y o]dd%gj\]j]\ kg[a]lq& L`]q l]f\ lg- A Timeless Perspective
oYj\ _gg\ Yk o]dd$ oal` Y kljgf_ k]fk] g^ ^Yaj hdYq Yf\ Y
Z]da]^ l`Yl ]n]jqgf] \]k]jn]k lg k`Yj] af l`] Z]f]Õlk g^ Y Elves can live well over 700 years. They are more often
amused than excited and more likely to be curious than
just order. greedy. They tend to remain aloof and unfazed by petty
Kar]& Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and aver- `Yhh]fklYf[]& O`]f hmjkmaf_ Y _gYd$ `go]n]j$ o`]l`]j
Y\n]flmjaf_ gf Y eakkagf gj d]Yjfaf_ Y f]o kcadd gj Yjl$
Y_] YZgml )-( hgmf\k& Qgmj kar] ak E]\ame& elves can be focused and relentless. They are slow to
Kh]]\& Qgmj ZYk] oYdcaf_ kh]]\ ak *- ^]]l& Qgmj kh]]\ eYc] ^ja]f\k Yf\ ]f]ea]k$ Yf\ ]n]f kdgo]j lg ^gj_]l
them. They reply to petty insults with disdain and to seri-
akfÌl j]\m[]\ Zq o]Yjaf_ `]Ynq Yjegj& ous insults with vengeance.
<Yjcnakagf& 9[[mklge]\ lg da^] mf\]j_jgmf\$ qgm `Yn] Dac] l`] ZjYf[`]k g^ Y qgmf_ lj]]$ ]dn]k Yj] Ö]paZd]
in the face of danger. They trust in diplomacy and com-
kmh]jagj nakagf af \Yjc Yf\ \ae [gf\alagfk& Qgm [Yf k]] hjgeak] lg j]kgdn] \a]ץj]f[]k Z]^gj] l`]q ]k[YdYl] lg
af \ae da_`l oal`af .( ^]]l g^ qgm Yk a^ al o]j] Zja_`l da_`l$ violence. They have been known to retreat from intru-
Yf\ af \Yjcf]kk Yk a^ al o]j] \ae da_`l& Qgm [YfÌl \ak[]jf kagfk aflg l`]aj ogg\dYf\ `ge]k$ [gfÕ\]fl l`Yl l`]q [Yf
[gdgj af \Yjcf]kk$ gfdq k`Y\]k g^ _jYq& kaehdq oYal l`] afnY\]jk gml& :ml o`]f l`] f]]\ Yjak]k$
]dn]k j]n]Yd Y kl]jf eYjlaYd ka\]$ \]egfkljYlaf_ kcadd oal`
<oYjn]f J]kada]f[]& Qgm `Yn] Y\nYflY_] gf kYnaf_ kogj\$ Zgo$ Yf\ kljYl]_q&
l`jgok Y_Yafkl hgakgf$ Yf\ qgm `Yn] j]kaklYf[] Y_Yafkl
Exploration and Adventure
poison damage (see page 38 for the resistance rule).
<oYjn]f ;geZYl LjYafaf_& Qgm `Yn] hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` Elves take up adventuring out of wanderlust. Since they
Yj] kg dgf_%dan]\$ l`]q [Yf ]fbgq []flmja]k g^ ]phdgjYlagf
l`] ZYlld]Yp]$ `Yf\Yp]$ da_`l `Yee]j$ Yf\ oYj`Yee]j& and discovery. Elves also enjoy exercising their martial
Lggd HjgÕ[a]f[q& Qgm _Yaf hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` l`] Yjla- hjgo]kk gj _Yafaf_ _j]Yl]j eY_a[Yd hgo]j$ Yf\ Y\n]flmj-
ing allows them to do so.
kYfÌk lggdk g^ qgmj [`ga[]2 keal`Ìk lggdk$ Zj]o]jÌk kmhhda]k$
gj eYkgfÌk lggdk& Elf Names
Klgf][mffaf_& Whenever you make an Intelligence Elves are considered children until they declare them-
@aklgjq! [`][c j]dYl]\ lg l`] gja_af g^ klgf]ogjc$ qgm Yj] k]dn]k Y\mdlk$ kge] lae] Y^l]j l`] `mf\j]\l` Zajl`\Yq$
[gfka\]j]\ hjgÕ[a]fl af l`] @aklgjq kcadd Yf\ Y\\ \gmZd] and before this period they are called by child names.
qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk lg l`] [`][c$ afkl]Y\ g^ qgmj fgj- Little distinction exists between male names and female
eYd hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk& names for elves of any age.
Gf \][dYjaf_ Y\mdl`gg\$ Yf ]d^ k]d][lk Y f]o fYe]$ Yd-
DYf_mY_]k& Qgm [Yf kh]Yc$ j]Y\$ Yf\ ojal] ;geegf though family and friends might continue to use the child
fYe]& Af Y\\alagf$ ]n]jq ]d^ Z]Yjk Y ^Yeadq fYe]$ lqha[Yddq
and Dwarvish. Dwarvish is full of hard consonants and a combination of other Elvish words. Some elves trav-
_mllmjYd kgmf\k$ Yf\ l`gk] [`YjY[l]jakla[k khadd gn]j aflg eling among humans translate their family names into
;geegf$ Zml gl`]jk j]lYaf l`] =dnak` n]jkagf&
whatever other language a dwarf might speak.
KmZjY[]& Two main subraces of dwarves populate the Elf Traits
ogjd\k g^ < <2 `add \oYjn]k Yf\ egmflYaf \oYjn]k& Qgmj ]d^ [`YjY[l]j `Yk l`] ^gddgoaf_ ljYalk&
;`ggk] gf] g^ l`]k] kmZjY[]k$ Yf\ Y\\ alk ljYalk lg qgmj 9Zadalq K[gj] Af[j]Yk]& Qgmj <]pl]jalq k[gj] af-
other racial traits. creases by 2.
9_]& Although elves reach physical maturity at about
Hill Dwarf
l`] kYe] Y_] Yk `meYfk$ l`] ]dn]f mf\]jklYf\af_ g^
9k Y `add \oYj^$ qgm `Yn] c]]f k]fk]k$ \]]h aflmalagf$ Yf\ adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass
worldly experience. An elf typically claims adulthood
remarkable resilience. The gold dwarves of the Forgotten and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live
to be 750 years old.
Realms are hill dwarves.
9Zadalq K[gj] Af[j]Yk]& Qgmj Oak\ge k[gj] af- 9da_fe]fl& =dn]k dgn] ^j]]\ge$ nYja]lq$ Yf\ k]d^%]p-
hj]kkagf$ kg l`]q d]Yf kljgf_dq lgoYj\ l`] _]fld]j Ykh][lk
creases by 1.
<oYjn]f Lgm_`f]kk& Qgmj `al hgafl eYpaeme
af[j]Yk]k Zq )$ Yf\ al af[j]Yk]k Zq ) ]n]jq lae] qgm
gain a level.
Mountain Dwarf
9k Y egmflYaf \oYj^$ qgmÌj] kljgf_ Yf\ `Yj\q$ Y[[mk-
lge]\ lg Y \a[mdl da^] af jm__]\ l]jjYaf& QgmÌj] hjgZYZdq
gf l`] lYdd ka\] ^gj Y \oYj^!$ Yf\ l]f\ lgoYj\ da_`l]j [gd-
gjYlagf& L`] k`a]d\ \oYjn]k g^ l`] Fgjl` af l`] >gj_gll]f
Realms are mountain dwarves.
9Zadalq K[gj] Af[j]Yk]& Qgmj Klj]f_l` k[gj] af-
creases by 2.
<oYjn]f 9jegj LjYafaf_& Qgm `Yn] hjgÕ[a]f[q oal`
light and medium armor.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
SHAWN WOOD g^ [`Ygk& L`]q nYdm] Yf\ hjgl][l gl`]jkÌ ^j]]\ge Yk o]dd Wood Elf
Yk l`]aj gof$ Yf\ l`]q Yj] egj] g^l]f _gg\ l`Yf fgl&
9k Y ogg\ ]d^$ qgm `Yn] c]]f k]fk]k Yf\ aflmalagf$ Yf\
Kar]& Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and qgmj Ö]]l ^]]l [Yjjq qgm ima[cdq Yf\ kl]Ydl`adq l`jgm_`
`Yn] kd]f\]j Zmad\k& Qgmj kar] ak E]\ame& qgmj fYlan] ^gj]klk& Af l`] >gj_gll]f J]Ydek$ ogg\ ]dn]k
Ydkg [Ydd]\ oad\ ]dn]k$ _j]]f ]dn]k$ gj ^gj]kl ]dn]k! Yj]
Kh]]\& Qgmj ZYk] oYdcaf_ kh]]\ ak +( ^]]l& reclusive and distrusting of non-elves.
<Yjcnakagf& Accustomed to twilit forests and the night Ogg\ ]dn]kÌ kcaf l]f\k lg Z] [ghh]jak` af `m]$ kge]-
kcq$ qgm `Yn] kmh]jagj nakagf af \Yjc Yf\ \ae [gf\alagfk& times with traces of green. Their hair tends toward
Qgm [Yf k]] af \ae da_`l oal`af .( ^]]l g^ qgm Yk a^ al o]j] Zjgofk Yf\ ZdY[ck$ Zml al ak g[[YkagfYddq Zdgf\ gj [gh-
Zja_`l da_`l$ Yf\ af \Yjcf]kk Yk a^ al o]j] \ae da_`l& Qgm h]j%[gdgj]\& L`]aj ]q]k Yj] _j]]f$ Zjgof$ gj `Yr]d&
[YfÌl \ak[]jf [gdgj af \Yjcf]kk$ gfdq k`Y\]k g^ _jYq&
C]]f K]fk]k& Qgm `Yn] hjgÕ[a]f[q af l`] H]j[]h- 9Zadalq K[gj] Af[j]Yk]& Qgmj Oak\ge k[gj] af-
creases by 1.
tion skill.
>]q 9f[]kljq& Qgm `Yn] Y\nYflY_] gf kYnaf_ l`jgok =d^ O]Yhgf LjYafaf_& Qgm `Yn] hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` l`]
dgf_kogj\$ k`gjlkogj\$ k`gjlZgo$ Yf\ dgf_Zgo&
Y_Yafkl Z]af_ [`Yje]\$ Yf\ eY_a[ [YfÌl hml qgm lg kd]]h&
LjYf[]& =dn]k \gfÌl f]]\ lg kd]]h& Afkl]Y\$ l`]q e]\a- >d]]l g^ >ggl& Qgmj ZYk] oYdcaf_ kh]]\ af[j]Yk]k
to 35 feet.
lYl] \]]hdq$ j]eYafaf_ k]ea[gfk[agmk$ ^gj , `gmjk Y \Yq&
L`] ;geegf ogj\ ^gj km[` e]\alYlagf ak ÉljYf[]&Ê! EYkc g^ l`] Oad\& Qgm [Yf Yll]ehl lg `a\] ]n]f o`]f
O`ad] e]\alYlaf_$ qgm [Yf \j]Ye Y^l]j Y ^Yk`agf3 km[` qgm Yj] gfdq da_`ldq gZk[mj]\ Zq ^gdaY_]$ `]Ynq jYaf$ ^Ydd-
af_ kfgo$ eakl$ Yf\ gl`]j fYlmjYd h`]fge]fY&
dreams are actually mental exercises that have become
j]Ö]pan] l`jgm_` q]Yjk g^ hjY[la[]& 9^l]j j]klaf_ af l`ak Halfling
oYq$ qgm _Yaf l`] kYe] Z]f]Õl l`Yl Y `meYf \g]k ^jge 0
L`] [ge^gjlk g^ `ge] Yj] l`] _gYdk g^ egkl `YdÖaf_k2 Y
hours of sleep. hdY[] lg k]lld] af h]Y[] Yf\ ima]l$ ^Yj ^jge eYjYm\af_
DYf_mY_]k& Qgm [Yf kh]Yc$ j]Y\$ Yf\ ojal] ;geegf egfkl]jk Yf\ [dYk`af_ Yjea]k3 Y ZdYraf_ Õj] Yf\ Y _]f-
]jgmk e]Yd3 Õf] \jafc Yf\ Õf] [gfn]jkYlagf& L`gm_`
Yf\ =dnak`& =dnak` ak Öma\$ oal` kmZld] aflgfYlagfk Yf\ kge] `YdÖaf_k dan] gml l`]aj \Yqk af j]egl] Y_ja[mdlmjYd
aflja[Yl] _jYeeYj& =dn]f dal]jYlmj] ak ja[` Yf\ nYja]\$ Yf\ [geemfala]k$ gl`]jk ^gje fgeY\a[ ZYf\k l`Yl ljYn]d [gf-
klYfldq$ dmj]\ Zq l`] gh]f jgY\ Yf\ l`] oa\] `gjargf lg
their songs and poems are famous among other races. discover the wonders of new lands and peoples.
Many bards learn their language so they can add Elvish Small and Practical
ballads to their repertoires. L`] \aeafmlan] `YdÖaf_k kmjnan] af Y ogjd\ ^mdd g^ dYj_]j
KmZjY[]& Ancient divides among elves resulted in three [j]Ylmj]k Zq Ynga\af_ fgla[] gj$ ZYjjaf_ l`Yl$ Ynga\af_
g]ץfk]& KlYf\af_ YZgml + ^]]l lYdd$ l`]q Yhh]Yj j]dYlan]dq
eYaf kmZjY[]k2 `a_` ]dn]k$ ogg\ ]dn]k$ Yf\ \Yjc ]dn]k$ harmless and so have managed to survive for centuries
who are commonly called drow. This rulebook presents in the shadow of empires and on the edges of wars.
two of these subraces to choose from: high elves and
ogg\ ]dn]k& ;`ggk] gf] g^ l`]k] kmZjY[]k$ Yf\ Y\\ alk
traits to your other racial traits.
High Elf
9k Y `a_` ]d^$ qgm `Yn] Y c]]f eaf\ Yf\ Y eYkl]jq g^ Yl
d]Ykl l`] ZYka[k g^ eY_a[& Af eYfq g^ l`] ogjd\k g^ < <$
there are two kinds of high elves. One type (which in-
cludes the sun elves of the Forgotten Realms) is haughty
Yf\ j][dmkan]$ Z]da]naf_ l`]ek]dn]k lg Z] kmh]jagj lg fgf%
elves and even other elves. The other type (including the
moon elves of the Forgotten Realms) are more common
Yf\ egj] ^ja]f\dq$ Yf\ g^l]f ]f[gmfl]j]\ Yegf_ `meYfk
and other races.
The sun elves of the Forgotten Realms (also called gold
elves or sunrise elves) have bronze skin and hair of cop-
h]j$ ZdY[c$ gj _gd\]f Zdgf\& L`]aj ]q]k Yj] _gd\]f$ kadn]j$
or black. Moon elves (also called silver elves or gray elves)
Yj] em[` hYd]j$ oal` YdYZYkl]j kcaf kge]lae]k laf_]\
oal` Zdm]& L`]q g^l]f `Yn] `Yaj g^ kadn]j%o`al]$ ZdY[c$ gj
Zdm]$ Zml nYjagmk k`Y\]k g^ Zdgf\$ Zjgof$ Yf\ j]\ Yj]fÌl
mf[geegf& L`]aj ]q]k Yj] Zdm] gj _j]]f Yf\ Ö][c]\
with gold.
9Zadalq K[gj] Af[j]Yk]& Qgmj Afl]dda_]f[] k[gj] af-
creases by 1.
=d^ O]Yhgf LjYafaf_& Qgm `Yn] hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` l`]
dgf_kogj\$ k`gjlkogj\$ k`gjlZgo$ Yf\ dgf_Zgo&
;Yfljah& Qgm cfgo gf] [Yfljah g^ qgmj [`ga[] ^jge l`]
wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting abil-
ity for it.
=pljY DYf_mY_]& Qgm [Yf kh]Yc$ j]Y\$ Yf\ ojal] gf]
extra language of your choice.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
@YdÖaf_k dac] lg o]Yj hjY[la[Yd [dgl`]k$ ^Yngjaf_ Zja_`l 9Zadalq K[gj] Af[j]Yk]& Qgmj ;`YjakeY k[gj] af-
[gdgjk& @YdÖaf_ hjY[la[Ydalq ]pl]f\k Z]qgf\ l`]aj [dgl`- creases by 1.
af_& L`]qÌj] [gf[]jf]\ oal` ZYka[ f]]\k Yf\ kaehd]
pleasures and have little use for ostentation. Even the FYlmjYddq Kl]Ydl`q& Qgm [Yf Yll]ehl lg `a\] ]n]f o`]f
o]Ydl`a]kl g^ `YdÖaf_k c]]h l`]aj lj]Ykmj]k dg[c]\ af Y you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one
cellar rather than on display for all to see. They have a size larger than you.
cfY[c ^gj Õf\af_ l`] egkl kljYa_`l^gjoYj\ kgdmlagf lg Y
hjgZd]e$ Yf\ `Yn] dalld] hYla]f[] ^gj \al`]jaf_& Stout
Kind and Curious 9k Y klgml `YdÖaf_$ qgmÌj] `Yj\a]j l`Yf Yn]jY_]& Af l`]
>gj_gll]f J]Ydek$ l`]k] `YdÖaf_k Yj] [Ydd]\ kljgf_-
@YdÖaf_k Yj] Yf YץYZd] Yf\ [`]]j^md h]ghd]& L`]q [`]j- `]Yjlk$ Yf\ l`]qÌj] egkl [geegf af l`] kgml`&
ish the bonds of family and friendship as well as the com-
9Zadalq K[gj] Af[j]Yk]& Qgmj ;gfklalmlagf k[gj] af-
forts of hearth and home. Even adventurers among them creases by 1.
mkmYddq n]flmj] aflg l`] ogjd\ ^gj j]Ykgfk g^ [geemfalq$
^ja]f\k`ah$ oYf\]jdmkl$ gj [mjagkalq& L`]q dgn] \ak[gn]j- Klgml J]kada]f[]& Qgm `Yn] Y\nYflY_] gf kYnaf_
af_ f]o l`af_k$ ]n]f kaehd] l`af_k$ km[` Yk Yf ]pgla[ ^gg\ l`jgok Y_Yafkl hgakgf$ Yf\ qgm `Yn] j]kaklYf[] Y_Yafkl
or an unfamiliar style of clothing. poison damage.
@YdÖaf_k Yj] ]Ykadq egn]\ lg halq Yf\ `Yl] lg k]] Yfq
danaf_ l`af_ km]ץj& L`]q Yj] _]f]jgmk$ `Yhhadq k`Yjaf_ Human
what they have even in lean times.
Af l`] j][cgfaf_k g^ egkl ogjd\k$ `meYfk Yj] l`] qgmf_-
Halfling Traits ]kl g^ l`] [geegf jY[]k$ k`gjl%dan]\ af [gehYjakgf lg
\oYjn]k$ ]dn]k$ Yf\ \jY_gfk& H]j`Yhk al ak Z][Ymk] g^
Qgmj `YdÖaf_ [`YjY[l]j `Yk l`] ^gddgoaf_ ljYalk& their shorter lives that they strive to achieve as much as
9Zadalq K[gj] Af[j]Yk]& Qgmj <]pl]jalq k[gj] af- they can in the years they are given. Or maybe they feel
l`]q `Yn] kge]l`af_ lg hjgn] lg l`] ]d\]j kh][a]k$ Yf\
creases by 2. l`YlÌk o`q l`]q Zmad\ l`]aj ea_`lq ]ehaj]k& O`Yl]n]j
9_]& 9 `YdÖaf_ j]Y[`]k Y\mdl`gg\ Yl l`] Y_] g^ *( \jan]k l`]e$ `meYfk Yj] l`] affgnYlgjk$ l`] Y[`a]n]jk$
and the pioneers of the worlds.
and generally lives into the middle of his or her sec-
Variety in All Things
ond century.
9da_fe]fl& Egkl `YdÖaf_k Yj] dYo^md _gg\& 9k Y jmd]$ Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious people
among the common races. They have widely varying
l`]q Yj] _gg\%`]Yjl]\ Yf\ caf\$ `Yl] lg k]] gl`]jk af lYkl]k$ egjYdk$ Yf\ [mklgek af l`] eYfq \a]ץj]fl dYf\k
hYaf$ Yf\ `Yn] fg lgd]jYf[] ^gj ghhj]kkagf& L`]q Yj] o`]j] l`]q `Yn] k]lld]\& O`]f l`]q k]lld]$ l`gm_`$ l`]q
Ydkg n]jq gj\]jdq Yf\ ljY\alagfYd$ d]Yfaf_ `]Ynadq gf stay: they build cities to last for the ages. An individual
the support of their community and the comfort of `meYf ea_`l `Yn] Y j]dYlan]dq k`gjl da^] khYf$ Zml Y
human nation or culture preserves traditions and in-
their old ways. klalmlagfkÈl]ehd]k$ _gn]jfe]flk$ daZjYja]k$ Yf\ [g\]k
Kar]& @YdÖaf_k Yn]jY_] YZgml + ^]]l lYdd Yf\ o]a_` g^ dYoÈoal` gja_afk ^Yj Z]qgf\ l`] j]Y[` g^ Yfq kaf_d]
`meYfÌk e]egjq& L`]q dan] ^mddq af l`] hj]k]flÈeYcaf_
YZgml ,( hgmf\k& Qgmj kar] ak KeYdd& l`]e o]dd kmal]\ lg l`] Y\n]flmjaf_ da^]ÈZml Ydkg hdYf ^gj
Kh]]\& Qgmj ZYk] oYdcaf_ kh]]\ ak *- ^]]l& l`] ^mlmj]$ kljanaf_ lg d]Yn] Y dYklaf_ d]_Y[q& Af\ana\mYddq
Dm[cq& O`]f qgm jgdd Y ) gf l`] \*( ^gj Yf YllY[c jgdd$ Yf\ Yk Y _jgmh$ `meYfk Yj] Y\YhlYZd] ghhgjlmfaklk$ Yf\
they stay alert to changing political and social dynamics.
YZadalq [`][c$ gj kYnaf_ l`jgo$ qgm [Yf j]jgdd l`] \a] Yf\
must use the new roll. Human Traits
:jYn]& Qgm `Yn] Y\nYflY_] gf kYnaf_ l`jgok Y_Yafkl Qgmj `meYf [`YjY[l]j `Yk l`] ^gddgoaf_ ljYalk&
being frightened. 9Zadalq K[gj] Af[j]Yk]& Qgmj YZadalq k[gj]k ]Y[` af-
@YdÖaf_ FaeZd]f]kk& Qgm [Yf egn] l`jgm_` l`] khY[] crease by 1.
of any creature that is of a size larger than yours. 9_]& Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and
DYf_mY_]k& Qgm [Yf kh]Yc$ j]Y\$ Yf\ ojal] ;geegf live less than a century.
Yf\ @YdÖaf_& L`] @YdÖaf_ dYf_mY_] akfÌl k][j]l$ Zml `Yd- 9da_fe]fl& Humans tend toward no particular align-
Öaf_k Yj] dgYl` lg k`Yj] al oal` gl`]jk& L`]q ojal] n]jq dal-
ld]$ kg l`]q \gfÌl `Yn] Y ja[` Zg\q g^ dal]jYlmj]& L`]aj gjYd ment. The best and the worst are found among them.
ljY\alagf$ `go]n]j$ ak n]jq kljgf_& 9degkl Ydd `YdÖaf_k Kar]& @meYfk nYjq oa\]dq af `]a_`l Yf\ Zmad\$ ^jge
speak Common to converse with the people in whose
barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your
lands they dwell or through which they are traveling. hgkalagf af l`Yl jYf_]$ qgmj kar] ak E]\ame&
KmZjY[]& L`] log eYaf caf\k g^ `YdÖaf_$ da_`l^ggl Yf\
Kh]]\& Qgmj ZYk] oYdcaf_ kh]]\ ak +( ^]]l&
klgml$ Yj] egj] dac] [dgk]dq j]dYl]\ ^Yeada]k l`Yf ljm] kmZ- DYf_mY_]k& Qgm [Yf kh]Yc$ j]Y\$ Yf\ ojal] ;geegf
jY[]k& ;`ggk] gf] g^ l`]k] kmZjY[]k$ Yf\ Y\\ alk ljYalk lg and one extra language of your choice. Humans typically
your other racial traits. d]Yjf l`] dYf_mY_]k g^ gl`]j h]ghd]k l`]q \]Yd oal`$
including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling
Lightfoot their speech with words borrowed from other tongues:
Gj[ [mjk]k$ =dnak` emka[Yd ]phj]kkagfk$ <oYjnak` eada-
9k Y da_`l^ggl `YdÖaf_$ qgm [Yf ]Ykadq `a\] ^jge fgla[]$ lYjq h`jYk]k$ Yf\ kg gf&
]n]f mkaf_ gl`]j h]ghd] Yk [gn]j& QgmÌj] af[daf]\ lg Z]
]kh][aYddq YץYZd]& Af l`] >gj_gll]f J]Ydek$ da_`l^ggl
`YdÖaf_k `Yn] khj]Y\ l`] ^Yjl`]kl Yf\ l`mk Yj] l`] egkl
common variety.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
Character Classes
>an] [dYkk]kÈZYj\$ [d]ja[$ Õ_`l]j$ jg_m]$ Yf\ oarYj\ÈYj]
presented here. See the Player’s Handbook for expanded
versions of these classes and for whole other classes.
O`]l`]j hg]l$ k[`gdYj$ gj k[gmf\j]d$ Y ZYj\ o]Yn]k
eY_a[ l`jgm_` ogj\k Yf\ emka[ lg afkhaj] Ydda]k$ \]egj-
Ydar] ^g]k$ eYfahmdYl] eaf\k$ Yf\ `]Yd ogmf\k& L`] ZYj\
ak Y eYkl]j g^ kgf_$ kh]][`$ Yf\ l`] eY_a[ l`]q [gflYaf&
:Yj\k kYq l`Yl l`] emdlan]jk] oYk khgc]f aflg ]pakl]f[]$
l`Yl l`] ogj\k g^ l`] _g\k _Yn] al k`Yh]$ Yf\ l`Yl ][`g]k
of these primordial Words of Creation still resound
throughout the cosmos. The music of bards is an attempt
lg kfYl[` Yf\ `Yjf]kk l`gk] ][`g]k$ kmZldq ogn]f aflg
their spells and powers.
The Inspirations of Adventure dancing lights and vicious mockery [Yfljahk$ Ydgf_ oal`
the following 1st-level spells: charm person$ detect magic$
JYj]dq \g ZYj\k k]lld] af gf] hdY[] ^gj dgf_$ Yf\ l`]aj healing word$ Yf\ thunderwave.
\]kaj] lg ljYn]dÈlg Õf\ f]o lYd]k lg l]ddÈeYc]k Yf Y\-
venturing career a natural calling. Every adventure is Class Features
Yf ghhgjlmfalq lg d]Yjf$ hjY[la[] Y nYja]lq g^ kcaddk$ ]fl]j
dgf_%^gj_gll]f lgeZk$ \ak[gn]j dgkl ogjck g^ eY_a[$ \]- 9k Y ZYj\$ qgm _Yaf l`] ^gddgoaf_ [dYkk ^]Ylmj]k&
[ah`]j gd\ lge]k$ ljYn]d lg kljYf_] hdY[]k$ gj ]f[gmfl]j
exotic creatures. Hit Points
Bards love to accompany heroes to witness their deeds Hit Dice: 1d8 per bard level
Õjkl`Yf\& 9 ZYj\ o`g [Yf l]dd Yf Yo]%afkhajaf_ klgjq Hit Points at 1st Level: 0 # qgmj ;gfklalmlagf eg\aÕ]j
from personal experience earns renown among other Hit Points at Higher Levels: )\0 gj -! # qgmj ;gfklalm-
ZYj\k& Af\]]\$ Y^l]j l]ddaf_ kg eYfq klgja]k YZgml `]jg]k
Y[[gehdak`af_ ea_`lq \]]\k$ eYfq ZYj\k lYc] l`]k] lagf eg\aÕ]j h]j ZYj\ d]n]d Y^l]j )kl
themes to heart and assume heroic roles themselves.
Creating a Bard
Armor: Light armor
O`YlÌk l`] klgjq g^ qgmj hYkl7 O]j] qgm Yf Yhhj]fla[]$ Weapons: Kaehd] o]Yhgfk$ `Yf\ [jgkkZgok$ dgf_-
following another bard until you were ready to strike out
on your own? Or did you attend a college where you stud- kogj\k$ jYha]jk$ k`gjlkogj\k
ied bardic lore and practiced musical magic? Perhaps you Tools: Three musical instruments of your choice
o]j] Y jmfYoYq gj Yf gjh`Yf$ Z]^ja]f\]\ Zq Y oYf\]jaf_
bard who became your mentor. Or you might have been Saving Throws: <]pl]jalq$ ;`YjakeY
a noble child tutored by a master. Perhaps you stumbled Skills: Choose any three
aflg l`] [dml[`]k g^ Y `Y_$ eYcaf_ Y ZYj_Yaf ^gj Y emka[Yd
_a^l af Y\\alagf lg qgmj da^] Yf\ ^j]]\ge$ Zml Yl o`Yl [gkl7 Equipment
Quick Build Qgm klYjl oal` l`] ^gddgoaf_ ]imahe]fl$ af Y\\alagf lg l`]
equipment granted by your background:
Qgm [Yf eYc] Y ZYj\ ima[cdq Zq ^gddgoaf_ l`]k]
km__]klagfk& >ajkl$ ;`YjakeY k`gmd\ Z] qgmj `a_`]kl • (a! jYha]j$ b! dgf_kogj\$ gj c) any simple weapon
YZadalq k[gj]$ ^gddgo]\ Zq <]pl]jalq& K][gf\$ [`ggk] • (a! \ahdgeYlÌk hY[c gj b! ]fl]jlYaf]jÌk hY[c
l`] ]fl]jlYaf]j ZY[c_jgmf\& L`aj\$ [`ggk] l`] • A musical instrument
• Leather armor and a dagger
The Bard
3URśFLHQF\ Cantrips Spells —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
Level +2 Features Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2
3rd +2
WK +3 -DFN RI $OO 7UDGHV 6RQJ RI 5HVW G 2 3 ————————
WK Bard College, Expertise
RICHARD WHITTERS +3 Ability Score Improvement 2 6 2 ———————
%DUGLF ,QVSLUDWLRQ G 3 7 3 ———————
Font of Inspiration
Countercharm, Bard College feature 3 8 3 2 ——————
3 9 3 3 ——————
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
Spellcasting Spellcasting Ability
Qgm `Yn] d]Yjf]\ lg j]k`Yh] j]Ydalq af `Yjegfq oal` qgmj Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your bard spells.
oak`]k Yf\ emka[& Qgmj kh]ddk Yj] hYjl g^ qgmj nYkl j]h]j- Qgm mk] qgmj ;`YjakeY o`]f]n]j Y kh]dd j]^]jk lg qgmj
lgaj]$ eY_a[ l`Yl qgm [Yf lmf] lg \a]ץj]fl kalmYlagfk& K]] kh]dd[Yklaf_ YZadalq& Af Y\\alagf$ qgm mk] qgmj ;`YjakeY
chapter 4 for the general rules of spellcasting. eg\aÕ]j o`]f k]llaf_ l`] kYnaf_ l`jgo <; ^gj Y ZYj\
kh]dd qgm [Ykl Yf\ o`]f eYcaf_ Yf YllY[c jgdd oal` gf]$
Bard Spell List as explained in chapter 4.
@]j]Ìk l`] dakl g^ kh]ddk qgm [gfkmdl o`]f qgm d]Yjf Y ZYj\ Ritual Casting
kh]dd& L`] dakl ak gj_Yfar]\ Zq kh]dd d]n]d$ fgl [`YjY[l]j
d]n]d& A^ Y kh]dd [Yf Z] [Ykl Yk Y jalmYd$ l`] jalmYd lY_ Yh- Qgm [Yf [Ykl Yfq ZYj\ kh]dd qgm cfgo Yk Y jalmYd a^
h]Yjk Y^l]j l`] kh]ddÌk fYe]& K]] l`] Player’s Handbook that spell has the ritual tag. See chapter 4 for how
rituals work.
for an expanded version of this list.
Spellcasting Focus
Cantrips (0 Level) longstrider
silent image Qgm [Yf mk] Y emka[Yd afkljme]fl k]] [`Yhl]j + ^gj ]p-
light sleep amples) as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.
mage hand thunderwave
mending Bardic Inspiration
minor illusion 2nd Level
prestidigitation Qgm [Yf afkhaj] gl`]jk l`jgm_` klajjaf_ ogj\k gj emka[&
vicious mockery hold person Lg \g kg$ qgm mk] Y Zgfmk Y[lagf gf qgmj lmjf lg [`ggk]
invisibility one creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you
1st Level knock who can hear you. That creature gains one Bardic Inspi-
lesser restoration jYlagf \a]$ Y \.&
charm person shatter Gf[] oal`af l`] f]pl )( eafml]k$ l`] [j]Ylmj] [Yf jgdd
comprehend languages ULWXDO silence ULWXDO l`] \a] Yf\ Y\\ l`] fmeZ]j jgdd]\ lg gf] YZadalq [`][c$
cure wounds suggestion YllY[c jgdd$ gj kYnaf_ l`jgo al eYc]k& L`] [j]Ylmj] [Yf
detect magic ULWXDO wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the
disguise self 3rd Level :Yj\a[ AfkhajYlagf \a]$ Zml emkl \][a\] Z]^gj] l`] <E
says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Bardic
IDHULH śUH dispel magic AfkhajYlagf \a] ak jgdd]\$ al ak dgkl& 9 [j]Ylmj] [Yf `Yn]
feather fall fear only one Bardic Inspiration die at a time.
healing word major image Qgm [Yf mk] l`ak ^]Ylmj] Y fmeZ]j g^ lae]k ]imYd lg
identify ULWXDO sending qgmj ;`YjakeY eg\aÕ]j Y eafaeme g^ gf[]!& Qgm j]_Yaf
Yfq ]ph]f\]\ mk]k o`]f qgm Õfak` Y dgf_ j]kl&
Cantrips Qgmj :Yj\a[ AfkhajYlagf \a] Z][ge]k Y \0 o`]f qgm
reach 5th level in this class.
Qgm cfgo log [Yfljahk g^ qgmj [`ga[] ^jge l`] ZYj\ kh]dd
dakl& Qgm d]Yjf Y\\alagfYd ZYj\ [Yfljahk g^ qgmj [`ga[] Yl Jack of All Trades
`a_`]j d]n]dk$ Yk k`gof af l`] ;Yfljahk Cfgof [gdmef g^
KlYjlaf_ Yl *f\ d]n]d$ qgm [Yf Y\\ `Yd^ qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q
the Bard table. Zgfmk$ jgmf\]\ \gof$ lg Yfq YZadalq [`][c qgm eYc] l`Yl
\g]kfÌl Ydj]Y\q af[dm\] qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk&
Spell Slots
Song of Rest
The Bard table shows how many spell slots you have to
:]_affaf_ Yl *f\ d]n]d$ qgm [Yf mk] kggl`af_ emka[ gj
cast your bard spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one oration to help revitalize your wounded allies during a
g^ l`]k] kh]ddk$ qgm emkl ]ph]f\ Y kdgl g^ l`] kh]ddÌk d]n]d short rest. If you or any friendly creatures who can hear
gj `a_`]j& Qgm j]_Yaf Ydd ]ph]f\]\ kh]dd kdglk o`]f qgm your performance regain hit points at the end of the short
Õfak` Y dgf_ j]kl& j]kl Zq kh]f\af_ gf] gj egj] @al <a[]$ ]Y[` g^ l`gk]
>gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm cfgo l`] )kl%d]n]d kh]dd cure creatures regains an extra 1d6 hit points.
wounds and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot Bard College
YnYadYZd]$ qgm [Yf [Ykl cure wounds using either slot.
9l +j\ d]n]d$ qgm \]dn] aflg l`] Y\nYf[]\ l][`faim]k g^
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher a bard college of your choice: the College of Lore or the
;gdd]_] g^ NYdgj$ Zgl` \]lYad]\ Yl l`] ]f\ g^ l`] [dYkk \]-
Qgm cfgo ^gmj )kl%d]n]d kh]ddk g^ qgmj [`ga[] ^jge l`] k[jahlagf& Qgmj [`ga[] _jYflk qgm ^]Ylmj]k Yl +j\ d]n]d Yf\
bard spell list. again at 6th.
The Spells Known column of the Bard table shows Expertise
when you learn more bard spells of your choice. Each of 9l +j\ d]n]d$ [`ggk] log g^ qgmj kcadd hjgÕ[a]f[a]k& Qgmj
hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk ak \gmZd]\ ^gj Yfq YZadalq [`][c qgm
these spells must be of a level for which you have spell eYc] l`Yl mk]k ]al`]j g^ l`] [`gk]f hjgÕ[a]f[a]k&
kdglk$ Yk k`gof gf l`] lYZd]& >gj afklYf[]$ o`]f qgm
j]Y[` +j\ d]n]d af l`ak [dYkk$ qgm [Yf d]Yjf gf] f]o kh]dd
of 1st or 2nd level.
9\\alagfYddq$ o`]f qgm _Yaf Y d]n]d af l`ak [dYkk$ qgm
can choose one of the bard spells you know and replace
al oal` Yfgl`]j kh]dd ^jge l`] ZYj\ kh]dd dakl$ o`a[` Ydkg
must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
Ability Score Improvement College of Valor
O`]f qgm j]Y[` ,l` d]n]d$ qgm [Yf af[j]Yk] gf] YZadalq The daring bards of the College of Valor keep alive the
k[gj] g^ qgmj [`ga[] Zq *$ gj qgm [Yf af[j]Yk] log YZadalq e]egjq g^ l`] _j]Yl `]jg]k g^ l`] hYkl$ Yf\ l`]j]Zq af-
k[gj]k g^ qgmj [`ga[] Zq )& 9k fgjeYd$ qgm [YfÌl af[j]Yk] spire a new generation of heroes. They travel the land
an ability score above 20 using this feature. lg oalf]kk _j]Yl ]n]flk Õjkl`Yf\ Yf\ lg ]fkmj] l`Yl l`]
e]egjq g^ l`gk] ]n]flk \g]kfÌl hYkk ^jge l`] ogjd\&
Font of Inspiration
Bonus Proficiencies
:]_affaf_ o`]f qgm j]Y[` -l` d]n]d$ qgm j]_Yaf Ydd g^
qgmj ]ph]f\]\ mk]k g^ :Yj\a[ AfkhajYlagf o`]f qgm Õfak` O`]f qgm bgaf l`] ;gdd]_] g^ NYdgj Yl +j\ d]n]d$ qgm
a short or long rest. _Yaf hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` e]\ame Yjegj$ k`a]d\k$ Yf\ eYj-
tial weapons.
Combat Inspiration
9l .l` d]n]d$ qgm _Yaf l`] YZadalq lg mk] emka[Yd fgl]k gj
ogj\k g^ hgo]j lg \akjmhl eaf\%afÖm]f[af_ ][]ץlk& 9k 9dkg Yl +j\ d]n]d$ qgm d]Yjf lg afkhaj] gl`]jk af ZYlld]& 9
Yf Y[lagf$ qgm [Yf klYjl Y h]j^gjeYf[] l`Yl dYklk mflad creature that has a Bardic Inspiration die from you can
l`] ]f\ g^ qgmj f]pl lmjf& <mjaf_ l`Yl lae]$ qgm Yf\ Yfq roll that die and add the number rolled to a weapon dam-
friendly creatures within 30 feet of you have advantage Y_] jgdd al bmkl eY\]& 9dl]jfYlan]dq$ o`]f Yf YllY[c jgdd ak
on saving throws against being frightened or charmed. eY\] Y_Yafkl l`] [j]Ylmj]$ al [Yf mk] alk j]Y[lagf lg jgdd
9 [j]Ylmj] emkl Z] YZd] lg `]Yj qgm lg _Yaf l`ak Z]f]Õl& the Bardic Inspiration die and add the number rolled to
The performance ends early if you are incapacitated or alk 9; Y_Yafkl l`Yl YllY[c$ Y^l]j k]]af_ l`] jgdd Zml Z]^gj]
silenced or if you voluntarily end it (no action required). knowing whether it hits or misses.
Bard Colleges Extra Attack
:Yj\k ^gje dggk] Ykkg[aYlagfk$ o`a[` l`]q [Ydd [gdd]_]k$ KlYjlaf_ Yl .l` d]n]d$ qgm [Yf YllY[c loa[]$ afkl]Y\ g^
to facilitate their gatherings and preserve their traditions. gf[]$ o`]f]n]j qgm lYc] l`] 9llY[c Y[lagf gf qgmj lmjf&
College of Lore Cleric
Bards of the College of Lore know something about most Clerics are intermediaries between the mortal world and
l`af_k$ [gdd][laf_ Zalk g^ cfgod]\_] ^jge kgmj[]k Yk the distant planes of the gods. As varied as the gods they
diverse as scholarly tomes and peasant tales. Whether k]jn]$ [d]ja[k kljan] lg ]eZg\q l`] `Yf\aogjc g^ l`]aj \]a-
singing folk ballads in taverns or elaborate compositions ties and are imbued with magic.
af jgqYd [gmjlk$ l`]k] ZYj\k mk] l`]aj _a^lk lg `gd\ Ym\a-
ences spellbound. Healers and Warriors
Bonus Proficiencies <anaf] eY_a[$ Yk l`] fYe] km__]klk$ ak l`] hgo]j g^ l`]
_g\k$ Ögoaf_ ^jge l`]e aflg l`] ogjd\& ;d]ja[k Yj] [gf-
O`]f qgm bgaf l`] ;gdd]_] g^ Dgj] Yl +j\ d]n]d$ qgm _Yaf \malk ^gj l`Yl hgo]j$ eYfa^]klaf_ al Yk eajY[mdgmk ][]ץlk&
hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` l`j]] kcaddk g^ qgmj [`ga[]& @Yjf]kkaf_ \anaf] eY_a[ \g]kfÌl j]dq gf klm\q gj ljYaf-
ing. A cleric might learn formulaic prayers and ancient
Cutting Words jal]k$ Zml l`] YZadalq lg [Ykl [d]ja[ kh]ddk j]da]k gf \]nglagf
Yf\ Yf aflmalan] k]fk] g^ Y \]alqÌk oak`]k&
9dkg Yl +j\ d]n]d$ qgm d]Yjf `go lg mk] qgmj oal lg \akljY[l$
[gf^mk]$ Yf\ gl`]joak] kYh l`] [gfÕ\]f[] Yf\ [geh]- Clerics combine the helpful magic of healing and in-
tence of others. When a creature that you can see within spiring their allies with spells that harm and hinder foes.
.( ^]]l g^ qgm eYc]k Yf YllY[c jgdd$ Yf YZadalq [`][c$ gj Y L`]q [Yf hjgngc] Yo] Yf\ \j]Y\$ dYq [mjk]k g^ hdY_m]
\YeY_] jgdd$ qgm [Yf mk] qgmj j]Y[lagf lg ]ph]f\ gf] g^ gj hgakgf$ Yf\ ]n]f [Ydd \gof ÖYe]k ^jge `]Yn]f lg [gf-
qgmj mk]k g^ :Yj\a[ AfkhajYlagf$ jgddaf_ Y :Yj\a[ Afkha- kme] l`]aj ]f]ea]k& >gj l`gk] ]nad\g]jk o`g oadd Z]f]Õl
ration die and subtracting the number rolled from the egkl ^jge Y eY[] lg l`] `]Y\$ [d]ja[k \]h]f\ gf l`]aj
[j]Ylmj]Ìk jgdd& Qgm [Yf [`ggk] lg mk] l`ak ^]Ylmj] Y^l]j combat training to let them wade into melee with the
l`] [j]Ylmj] eYc]k alk jgdd$ Zml Z]^gj] l`] <E \]l]jeaf]k power of the gods on their side.
o`]l`]j l`] YllY[c jgdd gj YZadalq [`][c km[[]]\k gj ^Yadk$
or before the creature deals its damage. The creature Divine Agents
ak aeemf] a^ al [YfÌl `]Yj qgm gj a^ alÌk aeemf] lg Z]-
ing charmed. Fgl ]n]jq Y[gdql] gj g[aYfl Yl Y l]ehd] gj k`jaf] ak Y
cleric. Some priests are called to a simple life of temple
Additional Magical Secrets k]jna[]$ [Yjjqaf_ gml l`]aj _g\kÌ oadd l`jgm_` hjYq]j Yf\
kY[jaÕ[]$ fgl Zq eY_a[ Yf\ klj]f_l` g^ Yjek& Af kge] [al-
9l .l` d]n]d$ qgm d]Yjf log kh]ddk g^ qgmj [`ga[] ^jge Yfq a]k$ hja]kl`gg\ Yegmflk lg Y hgdala[Yd g][$ afngdnaf_ fg
[dYkk& 9 kh]dd qgm [`ggk] emkl Z] g^ Y d]n]d qgm [Yf [Ykl$ communion with a god at all. True clerics are rare.
Yk k`gof gf l`] :Yj\ lYZd]$ gj Y [Yfljah& L`] [`gk]f O`]f Y [d]ja[ lYc]k mh Yf Y\n]flmjaf_ da^]$ al ak mkmYddq
kh]ddk [gmfl Yk ZYj\ kh]ddk ^gj qgm Zml \gfÌl [gmfl Y_Yafkl because a god demands it. This path often involves brav-
the number of bard spells you know. ing dangers beyond the walls of civilization. Many clerics
Yj] Ydkg ]ph][l]\ lg hjgl][l l`]aj \]ala]kÌ ogjk`ah]jk$
o`a[` [Yf e]Yf Õ_`laf_ jYehY_af_ egfkl]jk$ f]_glaYl- 13
af_ h]Y[] Z]lo]]f fYlagfk$ gj k]Ydaf_ Y Õ]f\ak` hgjlYd&
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
The Cleric
3URśFLHQF\ Cantrips —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
Level +2 Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Divine Domain
2nd 3 2 ————————
3rd +2 Divine Domain feature 3 3 ————————
WK +3 —
WK +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 2 ———————
6th 3 ———————
'HVWUR\ 8QGHDG &5 3 2 ——————
3 3 ——————
Divine Domain feature
Creating a Cleric Cleric Spell List
9k qgm [j]Yl] Y [d]ja[$ l`] egkl aehgjlYfl im]klagf lg @]j]Ìk l`] dakl g^ kh]ddk qgm [gfkmdl o`]f qgm d]Yjf Y
consider is which deity to serve. The Divine Domains
section at the end of this class description suggests some cleric cantrip or prepare a cleric spell of 1st level or
gods that your cleric might serve. `a_`]j& L`] dakl ak gj_Yfar]\ Zq kh]dd d]n]d$ fgl [`YjY[l]j
Gf[] qgmÌn] [`gk]f Y \]alq$ [gfka\]j qgmj [d]ja[Ìk j]dY- d]n]d& A^ Y kh]dd [Yf Z] [Ykl Yk Y jalmYd$ l`] jalmYd lY_ Yh-
tionship to that god. Did you enter this service willingly? h]Yjk Y^l]j l`] kh]ddÌk fYe]& K]] l`] Player’s Handbook
Or did the god choose you? What are your ultimate goals?
Does your deity have a special task in mind for you? for an expanded version of this list.
Quick Build Cantrips (0 Level) 2nd Level
Qgm [Yf eYc] Y [d]ja[ ima[cdq Zq ^gddgoaf_ l`]k] km__]k- guidance aid
lagfk& >ajkl$ Oak\ge k`gmd\ Z] qgmj `a_`]kl YZadalq k[gj]$ light augury ULWXDO
^gddgo]\ Zq Klj]f_l` gj ;gfklalmlagf& K][gf\$ [`ggk] l`] mending hold person
acolyte background. resistance lesser restoration
silence ULWXDO
Class Features VDFUHG ŜDPH spiritual weapon
thaumaturgy warding bond
9k Y [d]ja[$ qgm _Yaf l`] ^gddgoaf_ [dYkk ^]Ylmj]k&
1st Level 3rd Level
Hit Points
bless beacon of hope
Hit Dice: 1d8 per cleric level command dispel magic
Hit Points at 1st Level: 0 # qgmj ;gfklalmlagf eg\aÕ]j cure wounds mass healing word
Hit Points at Higher Levels: )\0 gj -! # qgmj ;gfklalm- detect magic ULWXDO remove curse
guiding bolt revivify
lagf eg\aÕ]j h]j [d]ja[ d]n]d Y^l]j )kl healing word spirit guardians
Proficiencies LQŜLFW ZRXQGV
Armor: Da_`l Yjegj$ e]\ame Yjegj$ k`a]d\k shield of faith
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Fgf] Cantrips
Saving Throws: Oak\ge$ ;`YjakeY
Skills: ;`ggk] log ^jge @aklgjq$ Afka_`l$ E]\a[af]$ H]j- 9l )kl d]n]d$ qgm cfgo l`j]] [Yfljahk g^ qgmj [`ga[] ^jge
l`] [d]ja[ kh]dd dakl& Qgm d]Yjf Y\\alagfYd [d]ja[ [Yfljahk
kmYkagf$ Yf\ J]da_agf g^ qgmj [`ga[] Yl `a_`]j d]n]dk$ Yk k`gof af l`] ;Yfljahk
Known column of the Cleric table.
Equipment Preparing and Casting Spells
Qgm klYjl oal` l`] ^gddgoaf_ ]imahe]fl$ af Y\\alagf lg l`] The Cleric table shows how many spell slots you have to
equipment granted by your background:
cast your cleric spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one
• (a) mace or (b! oYj`Yee]j a^ hjgÕ[a]fl! g^ l`]k] kh]ddk$ qgm emkl ]ph]f\ Y kdgl g^ l`] kh]ddÌk d]n]d
• (a! k[Yd] eYad$ b! d]Yl`]j Yjegj$ gj c) chain mail (if gj `a_`]j& Qgm j]_Yaf Ydd ]ph]f\]\ kh]dd kdglk o`]f qgm
Õfak` Y dgf_ j]kl&
hjgÕ[a]fl! Qgm hj]hYj] l`] dakl g^ [d]ja[ kh]ddk l`Yl Yj] YnYadYZd] ^gj
• (a) light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any qgm lg [Ykl$ [`ggkaf_ ^jge l`] [d]ja[ kh]dd dakl& O`]f qgm
\g kg$ [`ggk] Y fmeZ]j g^ [d]ja[ kh]ddk ]imYd lg qgmj Oak-
simple weapon \ge eg\aÕ]j # qgmj [d]ja[ d]n]d eafaeme g^ gf] kh]dd!&
• (a! hja]klÌk hY[c gj b! ]phdgj]jÌk hY[c
• A shield and a holy symbol The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
>gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm Yj] Y +j\%d]n]d [d]ja[$ qgm `Yn] ^gmj
1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a Wisdom of
9k Y [gf\mal ^gj \anaf] hgo]j$ qgm [Yf [Ykl [d]ja[ kh]ddk& ).$ qgmj dakl g^ hj]hYj]\ kh]ddk [Yf af[dm\] kap kh]ddk g^
See chapter 4 for the general rules of spellcasting. )kl gj *f\ d]n]d$ af Yfq [geZafYlagf& A^ qgm hj]hYj] l`]
1st-level spell cure wounds$ qgm [Yf [Ykl al mkaf_ Y )kl%
d]n]d gj *f\%d]n]d kdgl& ;Yklaf_ l`] kh]dd \g]kfÌl j]egn] al
from your list of prepared spells.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
RICHARD WHITTERS Qgm [Yf [`Yf_] qgmj dakl g^ hj]hYj]\ kh]ddk o`]f qgm or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom
Õfak` Y dgf_ j]kl& Hj]hYjaf_ Y f]o dakl g^ [d]ja[ kh]ddk kYnaf_ l`jgo& A^ l`] [j]Ylmj] ^Yadk alk kYnaf_ l`jgo$ al ak
requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.
minute per spell level for each spell on your list.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move
Spellcasting Ability Yk ^Yj YoYq ^jge qgm Yk al [Yf$ Yf\ al [YfÌl oaddaf_dq egn]
lg Y khY[] oal`af +( ^]]l g^ qgm& Al Ydkg [YfÌl lYc] j]Y[-
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your cleric spells. lagfk& >gj alk Y[lagf$ al [Yf mk] gfdq l`] <Yk` Y[lagf gj
The power of your spells comes from your devotion to ljq lg ]k[Yh] ^jge Yf ][]ץl l`Yl hj]n]flk al ^jge egnaf_&
qgmj \]alq& Qgm mk] qgmj Oak\ge o`]f]n]j Y [d]ja[ kh]dd A^ l`]j]Ìk fgo`]j] lg egn]$ l`] [j]Ylmj] [Yf mk] l`]
j]^]jk lg qgmj kh]dd[Yklaf_ YZadalq& Af Y\\alagf$ qgm mk] Dodge action.
qgmj Oak\ge eg\aÕ]j o`]f k]llaf_ l`] kYnaf_ l`jgo <;
for a cleric spell you cast and when making an attack roll Ability Score Improvement
oal` gf]$ Yk ]phdYaf]\ af [`Yhl]j ,&
O`]f qgm j]Y[` ,l` d]n]d$ qgm [Yf af[j]Yk] gf] YZadalq
Ritual Casting k[gj] g^ qgmj [`ga[] Zq *$ gj qgm [Yf af[j]Yk] log YZadalq
k[gj]k g^ qgmj [`ga[] Zq )& 9k fgjeYd$ qgm [YfÌl af[j]Yk]
Qgm [Yf [Ykl Y [d]ja[ kh]dd Yk Y jalmYd a^ l`Yl kh]dd `Yk l`] an ability score above 20 using this feature.
ritual tag and you have the spell prepared. See chapter 4
for how rituals work. Destroy Undead
Spellcasting Focus KlYjlaf_ Yl -l` d]n]d$ o`]f Yf mf\]Y\ ^Yadk alk kYnaf_
l`jgo Y_Yafkl qgmj Lmjf Mf\]Y\ ^]Ylmj]$ l`] [j]Ylmj] ak
Qgm [Yf mk] Y `gdq kqeZgd ^gmf\ af [`Yhl]j +! Yk Y kh]dd- instantly destroyed if its challenge rating is 1/2 or lower.
casting focus for your cleric spells. (Its challenge rating appears in its stat block.)
Divine Domain Divine Domains
;`ggk] gf] \geYaf j]dYl]\ lg qgmj \]alq2 Da^] gj OYj$ Af Y hYfl`]gf$ ]n]jq \]alq `Yk afÖm]f[] gn]j \a]ץj]fl
both of which are detailed at the end of the class descrip- Ykh][lk g^ egjlYd da^] Yf\ [anadarYlagf$ [Ydd]\ Y \]alqÌk
tion. See the Player’s Handbook for more domains. \geYaf& 9dd l`] \geYafk gn]j o`a[` Y \]alq `Yk afÖm]f[]
Qgmj [`ga[] _jYflk qgm \geYaf kh]ddk Yf\ gl`]j ^]Y- Yj] [Ydd]\ l`] \]alqÌk hgjl^gdag& 9k Y [d]ja[$ qgm [`ggk] gf]
tures when you choose it at 1st level. It also grants you Ykh][l g^ qgmj \]alqÌk hgjl^gdag lg ]eh`Ykar]$ Yf\ qgm Yj]
additional ways to use Channel Divinity when you gain granted powers related to that domain.
l`Yl ^]Ylmj] Yl *f\ d]n]d$ Yf\ Yf Y\\alagfYd Z]f]Õl Yl
6th level. Life Domain
Domain Spells The gods of the Life domain promote vitality through
`]Ydaf_ l`] ka[c Yf\ ogmf\]\$ [Yjaf_ ^gj l`gk] af f]]\$
=Y[` \geYaf `Yk Y dakl g^ kh]ddkÈalk \geYaf kh]ddkÈl`Yl
you gain at the cleric levels noted in the domain descrip- Chapter 1: Creating a Character
lagf& Gf[] qgm _Yaf Y \geYaf kh]dd$ qgm YdoYqk `Yn] al
hj]hYj]\$ Yf\ al \g]kfÌl [gmfl Y_Yafkl l`] fmeZ]j g^
spells you can prepare each day.
A^ qgm `Yn] Y \geYaf kh]dd l`Yl \g]kfÌl Yhh]Yj gf
l`] [d]ja[ kh]dd dakl$ l`] kh]dd ak fgf]l`]d]kk Y [d]ja[
spell for you.
Channel Divinity
9l *f\ d]n]d$ qgm _Yaf l`] YZadalq lg [`Yff]d \anaf] ]f]j_q
\aj][ldq ^jge qgmj \]alq$ mkaf_ l`Yl ]f]j_q lg ^m]d eY_a[Yd
][]ץlk& Qgm klYjl oal` log km[` ][]ץlk2 Lmjf Mf\]Y\ Yf\
Yf ][]ץl \]l]jeaf]\ Zq qgmj \geYaf& Kge] \geYafk
_jYfl qgm Y\\alagfYd ][]ץlk Yk qgm Y\nYf[] af d]n]dk$ Yk
noted in the domain description.
O`]f qgm mk] qgmj ;`Yff]d <anafalq$ qgm [`ggk] o`a[`
][]ץl lg [j]Yl]& Qgm emkl l`]f Õfak` Y k`gjl gj dgf_ j]kl
to use your Channel Divinity again.
Kge] ;`Yff]d <anafalq ][]ץlk j]imaj] kYnaf_ l`jgok&
O`]f qgm mk] km[` Yf ][]ץl ^jge l`ak [dYkk$ l`] <;
equals your cleric spell save DC.
:]_affaf_ Yl .l` d]n]d$ qgm [Yf mk] qgmj ;`Yff]d <anaf-
alq loa[] Z]lo]]f j]klk& O`]f qgm Õfak` Y k`gjl gj dgf_
j]kl$ qgm j]_Yaf qgmj ]ph]f\]\ mk]k&
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
9k Yf Y[lagf$ qgm hj]k]fl qgmj `gdq kqeZgd Yf\ kh]Yc Y
prayer censuring the undead. Each undead that can see
and destroying the forces of undeath. Almost any non-evil War Priest
\]alq [Yf [dYae afÖm]f[] gn]j l`ak \geYaf$ hYjla[mdYjdq >jge )kl d]n]d$ qgmj _g\ \]dan]jk Zgdlk g^ afkhajYlagf lg
Y_ja[mdlmjYd \]ala]k km[` Yk ;`Ymfl]Y$ 9jYoYa$ Yf\ qgm o`ad] qgmÌj] af ZYlld]& O`]f qgm mk] l`] 9llY[c Y[-
<]e]l]j!$ kmf _g\k km[` Yk DYl`Yf\]j$ H]dgj$ Yf\ J]% lagf$ qgm [Yf eYc] gf] o]Yhgf YllY[c Yk Y Zgfmk Y[lagf&
@gjYc`lq!$ _g\k g^ `]Ydaf_ gj ]f\mjYf[] km[` Yk AdeYl]j$ Qgm [Yf mk] l`ak ^]Ylmj] Y fmeZ]j g^ lae]k ]imYd lg
Eak`YcYd$ 9hgddg$ Yf\ <aYf[][`l!$ Yf\ _g\k g^ `ge] Yf\ qgmj Oak\ge eg\aÕ]j Y eafaeme g^ gf[]!& Qgm j]_Yaf
[geemfalq km[` Yk @]klaY$ @Yl`gj$ Yf\ :gd\j]a!& Ydd ]ph]f\]\ mk]k o`]f qgm Õfak` Y dgf_ j]kl&
Life Domain Spells Channel Divinity: Guided Strike
Cleric Level Spells KlYjlaf_ Yl *f\ d]n]d$ qgm [Yf mk] qgmj ;`Yff]d <anafalq
1st bless, cure wounds to strike with supernatural accuracy. When you make an
3rd lesser restoration, spiritual weapon YllY[c jgdd$ qgm [Yf mk] qgmj ;`Yff]d <anafalq lg _Yaf Y
beacon of hope, revivify #)( Zgfmk lg l`] jgdd& Qgm eYc] l`ak [`ga[] Y^l]j qgm k]]
WK l`] jgdd$ Zml Z]^gj] l`] <E kYqk o`]l`]j l`] YllY[c `alk
or misses.
Bonus Proficiency
Channel Divinity: War God’s Blessing
O`]f qgm [`ggk] l`ak \geYaf Yl )kl d]n]d$ qgm _Yaf hjgÕ-
ciency with heavy armor. 9l .l` d]n]d$ o`]f Y [j]Ylmj] oal`af +( ^]]l g^ qgm eYc]k
Yf YllY[c jgdd$ qgm [Yf mk] qgmj j]Y[lagf lg _jYfl l`Yl
Disciple of Life [j]Ylmj] Y #)( Zgfmk lg l`] jgdd$ mkaf_ qgmj ;`Yff]d
<anafalq& Qgm eYc] l`ak [`ga[] Y^l]j qgm k]] l`] jgdd$ Zml
9dkg klYjlaf_ Yl )kl d]n]d$ qgmj `]Ydaf_ kh]ddk Yj] egj] before the DM says whether the attack hits or misses.
][]ץlan]& O`]f]n]j qgm mk] Y kh]dd g^ )kl d]n]d gj `a_`]j
lg j]klgj] `al hgaflk lg Y [j]Ylmj]$ l`] [j]Ylmj] j]_Yafk Fighter
Y\\alagfYd `al hgaflk ]imYd lg * # l`] kh]ddÌk d]n]d&
Im]klaf_ cfa_`lk$ ea_`lq [`Yehagfk$ ]dal] kgd\a]jk$ Yf\
Channel Divinity: Preserve Life [mffaf_ e]j[]fYja]kÈYk Õ_`l]jk$ l`]q Ydd k`Yj] Yf mf-
paralleled mastery with weapons and armor. And they
KlYjlaf_ Yl *f\ d]n]d$ qgm [Yf mk] qgmj ;`Yff]d <anafalq Yj] o]dd Y[imYafl]\ oal` \]Yl`$ klYjaf_ al \]ÕYfldq af l`]
to heal the badly injured. face as they defend their friends and destroy their foes.
9k Yf Y[lagf$ qgm hj]k]fl qgmj `gdq kqeZgd Yf\ ]ngc]
healing energy that can restore a number of hit points Well-Rounded Specialists
]imYd lg Õn] lae]k qgmj [d]ja[ d]n]d& ;`ggk] Yfq [j]Ylmj]k
oal`af +( ^]]l g^ qgm$ Yf\ \ana\] l`gk] `al hgaflk Yegf_ =n]jq Õ_`l]j [Yf ha[c mh Y o]Yhgf Yf\ oa]d\ al YZdq& Dac]-
them. This feature can restore a creature to no more than oak]$ Y Õ_`l]j ak Y\]hl oal` k`a]d\k Yf\ ]n]jq ^gje g^ Yj-
`Yd^ g^ alk `al hgafl eYpaeme& Qgm [YfÌl mk] l`ak ^]Ylmj] egj& :]qgf\ l`Yl ZYka[ \]_j]] g^ ^YeadaYjalq$ ]Y[` Õ_`l]j
on an undead or a construct. specializes in a certain style of combat. Some concentrate
gf Yj[`]jq$ kge] gf Õ_`laf_ oal` log o]Yhgfk Yl gf[]$
Blessed Healer and some on augmenting their martial skills with magic.
This combination of broad general ability and extensive
:]_affaf_ Yl .l` d]n]d$ l`] `]Ydaf_ kh]ddk qgm [Ykl gf kh][aYdarYlagf eYc]k Õ_`l]jk kmh]jagj [geZYlYflk&
others heal you as well. When you cast a spell of 1st level
or higher that restores hit points to a creature other than Creating a Fighter
qgm$ qgm j]_Yaf `al hgaflk ]imYd lg * # l`] kh]ddÌk d]n]d&
9k qgm Zmad\ qgmj Õ_`l]j$ l`afc YZgml log j]dYl]\ ]d]-
War Domain e]flk g^ qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk ZY[c_jgmf\2 O`]j] \a\ qgm _]l
qgmj [geZYl ljYafaf_$ Yf\ o`Yl k]l qgm YhYjl ^jge l`]
War has many manifestations. It can make heroes of or- mundane warriors around you? Were you particularly
\afYjq h]ghd]& Al [Yf Z] \]kh]jYl] Yf\ `gjjaÕ[& Af ]al`]j brave? Did you get extra help from a mentor? What drove
[Yk]$ l`] _g\k g^ oYj afkhaj] oYjjagjk lg ]p[]dd]f[]& L`] qgm lg l`ak ljYafaf_ af l`] Õjkl hdY[]7
H]j`Yhk qgm ljYaf]\ af Y oYj Y[Y\]eq$ d]Yjfaf_ kljYl-
clerics of such gods excel in battle themselves. Gods of ]_q$ lY[la[k$ Yf\ eadalYjq `aklgjq& Gj qgm ea_`l Z] k]d^%
oYj af[dm\] [`Yehagfk g^ `gfgj km[` Yk Lgje$ @]ajgf]- taught. Did you take up the sword as a way to escape
gmk$ Yf\ Caja%Bgdal`! Yk o]dd Yk _g\k g^ \]kljm[lagf km[` l`] daealk g^ da^] gf Y ^Yje$ gj Yj] qgm ^gddgoaf_ Y hjgm\
Yk =jql`fmd$ l`] >mjq$ ?jmmek`$ Yf\ 9j]k! Yf\ _g\k family tradition? Where did you get your weapons and ar-
g^ \geafYlagf km[` Yk :Yf]$ @]plgj$ Yf\ EY_dmZaq]l!& egj7 L`]q ea_`l `Yn] Z]]f `]ajdggek gj eadalYjq akkm]$
Gl`]j oYj _g\k km[` Yk L]ehmk$ Fac]$ Yf\ FmY\Y! lYc] or perhaps you scrimped and saved to buy them.
a more neutral stance. Quick Build
War Domain Spells Qgm [Yf eYc] Y Õ_`l]j ima[cdq Zq ^gddgoaf_ l`]k] km_-
_]klagfk& >ajkl$ eYc] Klj]f_l` gj <]pl]jalq qgmj `a_`]kl
Cleric Level Spells YZadalq k[gj]$ \]h]f\af_ gf o`]l`]j qgm oYfl lg ^g[mk
1st divine favor, shield of faith gf e]d]] o]Yhgfk gj gf Yj[`]jq gj Õf]kk] o]Yhgfk!&
3rd magic weapon, spiritual weapon Qgmj f]pl%`a_`]kl k[gj] k`gmd\ Z] ;gfklalmlagf& K][gf\$
crusader’s mantle, spirit guardians choose the soldier background.
Bonus Proficiencies
9l )kl d]n]d$ qgm _Yaf hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` eYjlaYd o]Yhgfk
and heavy armor.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
The Fighter
Level 3URśFLHQF\ Features
1st Bonus Fighting Style, Second Wind
+2 Martial Archetype
WK +2 Ability Score Improvement
+2 Extra Attack
WK +3 Ability Score Improvement
6th +3
Class Features
9k Y Õ_`l]j$ qgm _Yaf l`] ^gddgoaf_ [dYkk ^]Ylmj]k&
Hit Points
Hit Dice: )\)( h]j Õ_`l]j d]n]d
Hit Points at 1st Level: )( # qgmj ;gfklalmlagf eg\aÕ]j
Hit Points at Higher Levels: )\)( gj .! # qgmj ;gfklalm-
lagf eg\aÕ]j h]j Õ_`l]j d]n]d Y^l]j )kl
Armor: 9dd Yjegj$ k`a]d\k
Weapons: Kaehd] o]Yhgfk$ eYjlaYd o]Yhgfk
Tools: Fgf]
Saving Throws: Klj]f_l`$ ;gfklalmlagf
Skills: ;`ggk] log kcaddk ^jge 9[jgZYla[k$ 9faeYd @Yf-
\daf_$ 9l`d]la[k$ @aklgjq$ Afka_`l$ Aflaea\Ylagf$ H]j[]h-
lagf$ Yf\ KmjnanYd
Equipment Protection
Qgm klYjl oal` l`] ^gddgoaf_ ]imahe]fl$ af Y\\alagf lg l`] When a creature you can see attacks a target other than
equipment granted by your background: qgm l`Yl ak oal`af - ^]]l g^ qgm$ qgm [Yf mk] qgmj j]Y[lagf
lg aehgk] \akY\nYflY_] gf l`] YllY[c jgdd& Qgm emkl Z]
• (a) chain mail or (b! d]Yl`]j Yjegj$ dgf_Zgo$ wielding a shield.
and 20 arrows
Two-Weapon Fighting
• (a) martial weapon and a shield or (b) two mar-
tial weapons O`]f qgm ]f_Y_] af log%o]Yhgf Õ_`laf_$ qgm [Yf Y\\
qgmj YZadalq eg\aÕ]j lg l`] \YeY_] g^ l`] k][gf\ YllY[c&
• (a) light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two handaxes
• (a! \mf_]gf]]jÌk hY[c gj b! ]phdgj]jÌk hY[c Second Wind
Fighting Style Qgm `Yn] Y daeal]\ o]dd g^ klYeafY l`Yl qgm [Yf \jYo gf
lg hjgl][l qgmjk]d^& Gf qgmj lmjf$ qgm [Yf mk] Y Zgfmk Y[-
;`ggk] gf] g^ l`]k] ghlagfk Yk qgmj kh][aYdlq2 9j[`]jq$ lagf lg j]_Yaf `al hgaflk ]imYd lg )\)( # qgmj Õ_`l]j d]n]d&
<]^]fk]$ <m]daf_$ ?j]Yl O]Yhgf >a_`laf_$ Hjgl][lagf$ gj Gf[] qgm mk] l`ak ^]Ylmj]$ qgm emkl Õfak` Y k`gjl gj
Log%O]Yhgf >a_`laf_& Qgm [YfÌl lYc] Y >a_`laf_ Klqd] gh- long rest before you can use it again.
lagf egj] l`Yf gf[]$ ]n]f a^ qgm dYl]j _]l lg [`ggk] Y_Yaf&
Action Surge
KlYjlaf_ Yl *f\ d]n]d$ qgm [Yf hmk` qgmjk]d^ Z]qgf\ qgmj
Qgm _Yaf Y #* Zgfmk lg YllY[c jgddk qgm eYc] oal` fgjeYd daealk ^gj Y ege]fl& Gf qgmj lmjf$ qgm [Yf lYc]
ranged weapons. one additional action.
Gf[] qgm mk] l`ak ^]Ylmj]$ qgm emkl Õfak` Y k`gjl gj
Defense long rest before you can use it again.
O`ad] qgm Yj] o]Yjaf_ Yjegj$ qgm _Yaf Y #) Zgfmk lg 9;& Martial Archetype
Dueling 9l +j\ d]n]d$ qgm [`ggk] Yf Yj[`]lqh] l`Yl qgm kljan]
to emulate in your combat styles and techniques. The
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and Champion and Eldritch Knight archetypes are detailed
fg gl`]j o]Yhgfk$ qgm _Yaf Y #* Zgfmk lg \YeY_] jgddk at the end of the class description; see the Player’s Hand-
with that weapon. book for more information on martial archetypes.
SHAWN WOOD Great Weapon Fighting Chapter 1: Creating a Character
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you
make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with
log `Yf\k$ qgm [Yf j]jgdd l`] \a] Yf\ emkl mk] l`] f]o
jgdd$ ]n]f a^ l`] f]o jgdd ak Y ) gj Y *& L`] o]Yhgf emkl
have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain
l`ak Z]f]Õl&
Ability Score Improvement Kh]ddk Cfgof g^ )kl%D]n]d Yf\ @a_`]j& Qgm cfgo
l`j]] )kl%d]n]d oarYj\ kh]ddk g^ qgmj [`ga[]$ log g^ o`a[`
O`]f qgm j]Y[` ,l` d]n]d Yf\ Y_Yaf Yl .l` d]n]d$ qgm [Yf you must choose from the abjuration and evocation spells
af[j]Yk] gf] YZadalq k[gj] g^ qgmj [`ga[] Zq *$ gj qgm [Yf on the wizard spell list.
increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As nor-
eYd$ qgm [YfÌl af[j]Yk] Yf YZadalq k[gj] YZgn] *( mkaf_ The Spells Known column of the Eldritch Knight Spell-
this feature. casting table shows when you learn more wizard spells
of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be an ab-
Extra Attack bmjYlagf gj ]ng[Ylagf kh]dd g^ qgmj [`ga[]$ Yf\ emkl Z] g^
Y d]n]d ^gj o`a[` qgm `Yn] kh]dd kdglk& >gj afklYf[]$ o`]f
:]_affaf_ Yl -l` d]n]d$ qgm [Yf YllY[c loa[]$ afkl]Y\ g^ qgm j]Y[` ,l` d]n]d af l`ak [dYkk$ qgm [Yf d]Yjf gf] f]o
gf[]$ o`]f]n]j qgm lYc] l`] 9llY[c Y[lagf gf qgmj lmjf& spell of 1st level.
O`]f]n]j qgm _Yaf Y d]n]d af l`ak [dYkk$ qgm [Yf j]hdY[]
Martial Archetypes one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of
your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must
<a]ץj]fl Õ_`l]jk [`ggk] \a]ץj]fl YhhjgY[`]k lg h]j^][l- Z] g^ Y d]n]d ^gj o`a[` qgm `Yn] kh]dd kdglk$ Yf\ al emkl Z]
af_ l`]aj Õ_`laf_ hjgo]kk& L`] eYjlaYd Yj[`]lqh] qgm Yf YZbmjYlagf gj ]ng[Ylagf kh]dd$ mfd]kk qgmÌj] j]hdY[af_
[`ggk] lg ]emdYl] j]Ö][lk qgmj YhhjgY[`& the spell you gained at 3rd level from any school of magic.
Champion Kh]dd[Yklaf_ 9Zadalq& Intelligence is your spellcasting
YZadalq ^gj qgmj oarYj\ kh]ddk& Qgm mk] qgmj Afl]dda_]f[]
L`] Yj[`]lqhYd ;`Yehagf `gf]k ZYlld]Õ]d\ hjgo]kk lg whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
deadly perfection. Y\\alagf$ qgm mk] qgmj Afl]dda_]f[] eg\aÕ]j o`]f k]llaf_
the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when
Improved Critical eYcaf_ Yf YllY[c jgdd oal` gf]$ Yk ]phdYaf]\ af [`Yhl]j ,&
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd Rogue
d]n]d$ qgmj o]Yhgf YllY[ck k[gj] Y [jala[Yd `al gf Y jgdd
of 19 or 20. Jg_m]k j]dq gf kcadd$ kl]Ydl`$ Yf\ l`]aj ^g]kÌ nmdf]jYZada-
ties to get the upper hand in any situation. They have a
Eldritch Knight cfY[c ^gj Õf\af_ l`] kgdmlagf lg bmkl YZgml Yfq hjgZd]e$
demonstrating a resourcefulness and versatility that is
The archetypal Eldritch Knight combines the martial the cornerstone of any successful adventuring party.
eYkl]jq [geegf lg Ydd Õ_`l]jk oal` Y klm\q g^ eY_a[&
They focus their study on two of the eight schools of Skill and Precision
magic: abjuration and evocation. These knights learn a Rogues have a broad expertise that few other characters
keYdd fmeZ]j g^ kh]ddk$ [geeallaf_ l`]e lg e]egjq af- [Yf eYl[`& EYfq jg_m]k ^g[mk gf kl]Ydl` Yf\ \][]hlagf$
stead of keeping them in a spellbook. o`ad] gl`]jk j]Õf] kcaddk dac] [daeZaf_$ Õf\af_ Yf\ \ak-
Yjeaf_ ljYhk$ Yf\ gh]faf_ dg[ck&
Spellcasting O`]f al [ge]k lg [geZYl$ jg_m]k hjagjalar] [mffaf_
over brute strength. A rogue would rather make one pre-
O`]f qgm j]Y[` +j\ d]n]d$ qgm Ym_e]fl qgmj eYjlaYd [ak] kljac]$ hdY[af_ al ]pY[ldq o`]j] l`] YllY[c oadd `mjl
prowess with the ability to cast spells. See chapter 4 for l`] lYj_]l egkl$ l`Yf o]Yj Yf ghhgf]fl \gof&
l`] _]f]jYd jmd]k g^ kh]dd[Yklaf_& Qgm d]Yjf qgmj =d\jal[`
Knight spells from the wizard spell list (page 22). Creating a Rogue
Eldritch Knight Spellcasting 9k qgm [j]Yl] qgmj jg_m] [`YjY[l]j$ [gfka\]j l`] [`YjY[-
l]jÌk j]dYlagfk`ah lg l`] dYo& <g qgm `Yn] Y [jaeafYd hYkl7
Fighter Cantrips Spells —Spell Slots per Spell Level— 9j] qgm gf l`] jmf ^jge l`] dYo gj ^jge Yf Yf_jq l`a]n]kÌ
Level Known Known guild master? Or did you leave your guild in search of big-
3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ger risks and bigger rewards? Is it greed that drives you
2 3 2 —— — af qgmj Y\n]flmj]k$ gj kge] gl`]j \]kaj] gj a\]Yd7
WK 2 3 —— —
2 3 —— — What led you away from your previous life? Did a con
WK 2 3 —— — or heist gone terribly wrong cause you to reevaluate your
6th career? Maybe a successful robbery gave you the coin you
needed to escape the squalor of your life. Did wanderlust
ÕfYddq [Ydd qgm YoYq ^jge qgmj `ge]7
;Yfljahk& Qgm d]Yjf log [Yfljahk g^ qgmj [`ga[] ^jge Quick Build
the wizard spell list. Qgm [Yf eYc] Y jg_m] ima[cdq Zq ^gddgoaf_ l`]k] km_-
Kh]dd Kdglk& The Eldritch Knight Spellcasting table _]klagfk& >ajkl$ <]pl]jalq k`gmd\ Z] qgmj `a_`]kl YZadalq
score. Make Intelligence your next-highest if you want to
shows how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard excel at Investigation. Choose Charisma instead if you
kh]ddk g^ )kl d]n]d Yf\ `a_`]j& Lg [Ykl gf] g^ l`]k] kh]ddk$ plan to emphasize deception and social interaction. Sec-
qgm emkl ]ph]f\ Y kdgl g^ l`] kh]ddÌk d]n]d gj `a_`]j& gf\$ [`ggk] l`] [jaeafYd ZY[c_jgmf\&
Qgm j]_Yaf Ydd ]ph]f\]\ kh]dd kdglk o`]f qgm Õfak` Y
long rest.
>gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm cfgo l`] )kl%d]n]d kh]dd shield and
`Yn] Y )kl%d]n]d Yf\ Y *f\%d]n]d kh]dd kdgl YnYadYZd]$ qgm
can cast shield using either slot.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
The Rogue Sneak Features Thieves’ Cant
3URśFLHQF\ Expertise, Sneak Attack, <mjaf_ qgmj jg_m] ljYafaf_ qgm d]Yjf]\ l`a]n]kÌ [Yfl$ Y
Level Bonus 1d6 Thieves’ Cant k][j]l eap g^ \aYd][l$ bYj_gf$ Yf\ [g\] l`Yl Yddgok qgm lg
1st +2 Cunning Action hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only
1d6 Roguish Archetype Yfgl`]j [j]Ylmj] l`Yl cfgok l`a]n]kÌ [Yfl mf\]jklYf\k
2nd +2 2d6 Ability Score Improvement such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such
3rd +2 2d6 Uncanny Dodge a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.
WK +2 3d6 Expertise Af Y\\alagf$ qgm mf\]jklYf\ Y k]l g^ k][j]l ka_fk Yf\
WK +3 3d6 kqeZgdk mk]\ lg [gfn]q k`gjl$ kaehd] e]kkY_]k$ km[` Yk
6th +3 o`]l`]j Yf Yj]Y ak \Yf_]jgmk gj l`] l]jjalgjq g^ Y l`a]n]kÌ
_mad\$ o`]l`]j dggl ak f]YjZq$ gj o`]l`]j l`] h]ghd] af
Class Features an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for
thieves on the run.
9k Y jg_m]$ qgm `Yn] l`] ^gddgoaf_ [dYkk ^]Ylmj]k&
Cunning Action
Hit Points
KlYjlaf_ Yl *f\ d]n]d$ qgmj ima[c l`afcaf_ Yf\ Y_adalq
Hit Dice: 1d8 per rogue level Yddgo qgm lg egn] Yf\ Y[l ima[cdq& Qgm [Yf lYc] Y Zgfmk
Hit Points at 1st Level: 0 # qgmj ;gfklalmlagf eg\aÕ]j action on each of your turns in combat. This action can
Hit Points at Higher Levels: )\0 gj -! # qgmj ;gfklalm- Z] mk]\ gfdq lg lYc] l`] <Yk`$ <ak]f_Y_]$ gj @a\] Y[lagf&
lagf eg\aÕ]j h]j jg_m] d]n]d Y^l]j )kl Roguish Archetype
Proficiencies 9l +j\ d]n]d$ qgm [`ggk] Yf Yj[`]lqh] l`Yl qgm ]emdYl] af
the exercise of your rogue abilities. The Arcane Trickster
Armor: Light armor and Thief archetypes are detailed at the end of the class
Weapons: Kaehd] o]Yhgfk$ `Yf\ [jgkkZgok$ dgf_- description. See the Player’s Handbook for more arche-
type options.
kogj\k$ jYha]jk$ k`gjlkogj\k
RICHARD WHITTERS Tools: L`a]n]kÌ lggdk
Saving Throws: <]pl]jalq$ Afl]dda_]f[]
Skills: ;`ggk] ^gmj ^jge 9[jgZYla[k$ 9l`d]la[k$ <][]h-
lagf$ Afka_`l$ Aflaea\Ylagf$ Afn]kla_Ylagf$ H]j[]hlagf$
H]j^gjeYf[]$ H]jkmYkagf$ Kd]a_`l g^ @Yf\$ Yf\ Kl]Ydl`
Qgm klYjl oal` l`] ^gddgoaf_ ]imahe]fl$ af Y\\alagf lg l`]
equipment granted by your background:
• (a) rapier or (b) shortsword
• (a) shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows or (b) shortsword
• (a! Zmj_dYjÌk hY[c$ b! \mf_]gf]]jÌk hY[c$ gj
(c!Á]phdgj]jÌk hY[c
• D]Yl`]j Yjegj$ log \Y__]jk$ Yf\ l`a]n]kÌ lggdk
9l )kl d]n]d$ [`ggk] log g^ qgmj kcadd hjgÕ[a]f[a]k$ gj
gf] g^ qgmj kcadd hjgÕ[a]f[a]k Yf\ qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q oal`
l`a]n]kÌ lggdk& Qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk ak \gmZd]\ ^gj Yfq
ability check you make that uses either of the chosen pro-
9l .l` d]n]d$ qgm [Yf [`ggk] log egj] g^ qgmj hjgÕ[a]f-
[a]k af kcaddk gj oal` l`a]n]kÌ lggdk! lg _Yaf l`ak Z]f]Õl&
Sneak Attack
:]_affaf_ Yl )kl d]n]d$ qgm cfgo `go lg kljac] kmZldq Yf\
]phdgal Y ^g]Ìk \akljY[lagf& Gf[] h]j lmjf$ qgm [Yf \]Yd Yf
extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack
if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must
mk] Y Õf]kk] gj Y jYf_]\ o]Yhgf&
Qgm \gfÌl f]]\ Y\nYflY_] gf l`] YllY[c jgdd a^ Yfgl`]j
]f]eq g^ l`] lYj_]l ak oal`af - ^]]l g^ al$ l`Yl ]f]eq akfÌl
af[YhY[alYl]\$ Yf\ qgm \gfÌl `Yn] \akY\nYflY_] gf l`]
attack roll.
The amount of the extra damage increases as you gain
d]n]dk af l`ak [dYkk$ Yk k`gof af l`] Kf]Yc 9llY[c [gdmef
of the Rogue table.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
Ability Score Improvement qgm emkl ]ph]f\ Y kdgl g^ l`] kh]ddÌk d]n]d gj `a_`]j&
Qgm j]_Yaf Ydd ]ph]f\]\ kh]dd kdglk o`]f qgm Õfak` Y
O`]f qgm j]Y[` ,l` d]n]d$ qgm [Yf af[j]Yk] gf] YZadalq long rest.
k[gj] g^ qgmj [`ga[] Zq *$ gj qgm [Yf af[j]Yk] log YZadalq >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm cfgo l`] )kl%d]n]d kh]dd charm per-
k[gj]k g^ qgmj [`ga[] Zq )& 9k fgjeYd$ qgm [YfÌl af[j]Yk] son and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot avail-
an ability score above 20 using this feature. YZd]$ qgm [Yf [Ykl charm person using either slot.
Uncanny Dodge Kh]ddk Cfgof g^ )kl%D]n]d Yf\ @a_`]j& Qgm cfgo
l`j]] )kl%d]n]d oarYj\ kh]ddk g^ qgmj [`ga[]$ log g^ o`a[`
KlYjlaf_ Yl -l` d]n]d$ o`]f Yf YllY[c]j l`Yl qgm [Yf k]] you must choose from the enchantment and illusion
`alk qgm oal` Yf YllY[c$ qgm [Yf mk] qgmj j]Y[lagf lg `Ydn] spells on the wizard spell list.
l`] YllY[cÌk \YeY_] Y_Yafkl qgm&
The Spells Known column of the Arcane Trickster
Roguish Archetypes Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard
spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be
Jg_m]k kl]]j l`]aj lYd]flk af nYjqaf_ \aj][lagfk$ ]eZg\- Yf ]f[`Yfle]fl gj addmkagf kh]dd g^ qgmj [`ga[]$ Yf\ emkl
ied by the rogue archetypes. Z] g^ Y d]n]d ^gj o`a[` qgm `Yn] kh]dd kdglk& >gj afklYf[]$
o`]f qgm j]Y[` ,l` d]n]d af l`ak [dYkk$ qgm [Yf d]Yjf gf]
Thief new spell of 1st level.
O`]f]n]j qgm _Yaf Y d]n]d af l`ak [dYkk$ qgm [Yf j]hdY[]
Qgm `gf] qgmj kcaddk af l`] dYj[]fgmk Yjlk& :mj_dYjk$ one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of
ZYf\alk$ [mlhmjk]k$ Yf\ gl`]j [jaeafYdk lqha[Yddq ^gddgo your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must
l`ak Yj[`]lqh]$ Zml kg \g jg_m]k o`g hj]^]j lg l`afc g^ Z] g^ Y d]n]d ^gj o`a[` qgm `Yn] kh]dd kdglk$ Yf\ al emkl Z]
l`]ek]dn]k Yk hjg^]kkagfYd lj]Ykmj] k]]c]jk$ ]phdgj]jk$ Yf ]f[`Yfle]fl gj addmkagf kh]dd$ mfd]kk qgmÌj] j]hdY[af_
and investigators. the spell you gained at 3rd level from any school of magic.
Fast Hands Kh]dd[Yklaf_ 9Zadalq& Intelligence is your spellcasting
YZadalq ^gj qgmj oarYj\ kh]ddk& Qgm mk] qgmj Afl]dda_]f[]
KlYjlaf_ Yl +j\ d]n]d$ qgm [Yf mk] l`] Zgfmk Y[lagf whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
Y\\alagf$ qgm mk] qgmj Afl]dda_]f[] eg\aÕ]j o`]f k]llaf_
granted by your Cunning Action to make a Dexterity the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when
Kd]a_`l g^ @Yf\! [`][c$ mk] qgmj l`a]n]kÌ lggdk lg \akYje eYcaf_ Yf YllY[c jgdd oal` gf]$ Yk ]phdYaf]\ af [`Yhl]j ,&
Y ljYh gj gh]f Y dg[c$ gj lYc] l`] Mk] Yf GZb][l Y[lagf&
Mage Hand Legerdemain
Second-Story Work
KlYjlaf_ Yl +j\ d]n]d$ o`]f qgm [Ykl mage hand$ qgm [Yf
O`]f qgm [`ggk] l`ak Yj[`]lqh] Yl +j\ d]n]d$ qgm _Yaf l`] eYc] l`] kh][ljYd `Yf\ afnakaZd]$ Yf\ qgm [Yf h]j^gje
ability to climb faster than normal; climbing no longer the following additional tasks with it:
costs you extra movement. • Qgm [Yf klgo gf] gZb][l l`] `Yf\ ak `gd\af_ af Y
Af Y\\alagf$ o`]f qgm eYc] Y jmffaf_ bmeh$ l`] \ak- container worn or carried by another creature.
tance you cover increases by a number of feet equal to
qgmj <]pl]jalq eg\aÕ]j& • Qgm [Yf j]lja]n] Yf gZb][l af Y [gflYaf]j ogjf gj
carried by another creature.
Arcane Trickster
• Qgm [Yf mk] l`a]n]kÌ lggdk lg ha[c dg[ck Yf\ \akYje
Kge] jg_m]k ]f`Yf[] l`]aj Õf]%`gf]\ kcaddk g^ kl]Ydl` traps at range.
Yf\ Y_adalq oal` eY_a[$ d]Yjfaf_ lja[ck g^ ]f[`Yfle]fl
and illusion. These rogues include pickpockets and bur- Qgm [Yf h]j^gje gf] g^ l`]k] lYkck oal`gml Z]af_ fgla[]\
_dYjk$ Zml Ydkg h]j^gje]jk Yf\ eak[`a]^%eYc]jk& by a creature if you succeed on a Dexterity (Sleight of
@Yf\! [`][c [gfl]kl]\ Zq l`] [j]Ylmj]Ìk Oak\ge H]j-
Spellcasting ception) check.
Af Y\\alagf$ qgm [Yf mk] l`] Zgfmk Y[lagf _jYfl]\ Zq
O`]f qgm j]Y[` +j\ d]n]d$ qgm _Yaf l`] YZadalq lg [Ykl your Cunning Action to control the hand.
spells. See chapter 4 for the general rules of spellcasting.
Qgm d]Yjf qgmj 9j[Yf] Lja[ckl]j kh]ddk ^jge l`] oarYj\ Wizard
spell list (page 22).
Drawing on the subtle weave of magic that permeates the
Arcane Trickster Spellcasting [gkegk$ oarYj\k [Ykl kh]ddk g^ ]phdgkan] Õj]$ Yj[af_ da_`l-
faf_$ kmZld] \][]hlagf$ Yf\ Zjml]%^gj[] eaf\ [gfljgd&
Rogue Cantrips Spells —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
Level Known Known Scholars of the Arcane
3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3 3 2 —— — Oad\ Yf\ ]fa_eYla[$ nYja]\ af ^gje Yf\ ^mf[lagf$ l`]
WK 3 3 —— — power of magic draws students who seek to master its
3 3 —— — eqkl]ja]k& Kge] Ykhaj] lg Z][ge] dac] l`] _g\k$ k`Yh-
WK 3 3 —— — ing reality itself. Though the casting of a typical spell
6th j]imaj]k e]j]dq l`] mll]jYf[] g^ Y ^]o kljYf_] ogj\k$
Ö]]laf_ _]klmj]k$ Yf\ kge]lae]k Y haf[` gj [dmeh g^
]pgla[ eYl]jaYdk$ l`]k] kmj^Y[] [gehgf]flk ZYj]dq `afl Yl
the expertise attained after years of apprenticeship and
;Yfljahk& Qgm d]Yjf l`j]] [Yfljahk2 mage hand and two countless hours of study.
other cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list.
Kh]dd Kdglk& The Arcane Trickster Spellcasting table
shows how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard
kh]ddk g^ )kl d]n]d Yf\ `a_`]j& Lg [Ykl gf] g^ l`]k] kh]ddk$
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
The Wizard
3URśFLHQF\ Cantrips — Spell Slots per Spell Level—
Level Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2
2nd +2 Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery 3 2 ————————
3rd +2 Arcane Tradition
+2 — 3 3 ————————
WK +3 Ability Score Improvement
+3 — 3 2 ———————
WK Arcane Tradition feature
6th 3 ———————
3 2 ——————
3 3 ——————
Wizards live and die by their spells. Everything else is Proficiencies
secondary. They learn new spells as they experiment and
grow in experience. They can also learn them from other Armor: Fgf]
oarYj\k$ ^jge Yf[a]fl lge]k gj afk[jahlagfk$ Yf\ ^jge Yf- Weapons: <Y__]jk$ \Yjlk$ kdaf_k$ imYjl]jklYץk$
cient creatures (such as the fey) that are steeped in magic.
light crossbows
The Lure of Knowledge Tools: Fgf]
OarYj\kÌ dan]k Yj] k]d\ge emf\Yf]& L`] [dgk]kl Y oarYj\ Saving Throws: Afl]dda_]f[]$ Oak\ge
is likely to come to an ordinary life is working as a sage Skills: ;`ggk] log ^jge 9j[YfY$ @aklgjq$ Afka_`l$ Afn]kla-
gj d][lmj]j af Y daZjYjq gj mfan]jkalq$ l]Y[`af_ gl`]jk l`]
secrets of the multiverse. But the lure of knowledge and _Ylagf$ E]\a[af]$ Yf\ J]da_agf
power calls even the most unadventurous wizards out
of the safety of their libraries and laboratories and into Equipment
crumbling ruins and lost cities. Most wizards believe that
their counterparts in ancient civilizations knew secrets Qgm klYjl oal` l`] ^gddgoaf_ ]imahe]fl$ af Y\\alagf lg l`]
g^ eY_a[ l`Yl `Yn] Z]]f dgkl lg l`] Y_]k$ Yf\ \ak[gn]jaf_ equipment granted by your background:
those secrets could unlock the path to a power greater
than any magic available in the present age. • (a! imYjl]jklY ץgj b) dagger
• (a) component pouch or (b) arcane focus
Creating a Wizard • (a! k[`gdYjÌk hY[c gj b! ]phdgj]jÌk hY[c
• A spellbook
@go \a\ qgmj [`YjY[l]j Õjkl [ge] aflg [gflY[l oal`
magic? How did you discover you had an aptitude for Spellcasting
al7 <g qgm `Yn] Y fYlmjYd lYd]fl$ gj \a\ qgm kaehdq klm\q
hard and practice incessantly? Did you encounter a 9k Y klm\]fl g^ Yj[Yf] eY_a[$ qgm `Yn] Y kh]ddZggc [gf-
magical creature or an ancient tome that taught you the lYafaf_ kh]ddk l`Yl k`go l`] Õjkl _daee]jaf_k g^ qgmj ljm]
basics of magic? power. See chapter 4 for the general rules of spellcasting.
RICHARD WHITTERS What drew you forth from your life of study? Did your
Õjkl lYkl] g^ eY_a[Yd cfgod]\_] d]Yn] qgm `mf_jq ^gj
more? Have you received word of a secret repository of
knowledge not yet plundered by any other wizard? Per-
`Yhk qgmÌj] kaehdq ]Y_]j lg hml qgmj f]o^gmf\ eY_a[Yd
skills to the test in the face of danger.
Quick Build
Qgm [Yf eYc] Y oarYj\ ima[cdq Zq ^gddgoaf_ l`]k] km_-
_]klagfk& >ajkl$ Afl]dda_]f[] k`gmd\ Z] qgmj `a_`]kl YZadalq
k[gj]$ ^gddgo]\ Zq ;gfklalmlagf gj <]pl]jalq& K][gf\$
[`ggk] l`] kY_] ZY[c_jgmf\& L`aj\$ [`ggk] l`] light$
mage hand$ Yf\ ray of frost [Yfljahk$ Ydgf_ oal` l`]
following 1st-level spells for your spellbook: burning
hands$ charm person$ mage armor$ magic missile$ shield$
and sleep.
Class Features
9k Y oarYj\$ qgm _Yaf l`] ^gddgoaf_ [dYkk ^]Ylmj]k&
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per wizard level
Hit Points at 1st Level: . # qgmj ;gfklalmlagf eg\aÕ]j
Hit Points at Higher Levels: )\. gj ,! # qgmj ;gfklalm-
lagf eg\aÕ]j h]j oarYj\ d]n]d Y^l]j )kl
Wizard Spell List Your Spellbook
@]j]Ìk l`] dakl g^ kh]ddk qgm mk] o`]f qgm d]Yjf Y oarYj\ The spells that you add to your spellbook as you gain levels
cantrip or add a wizard spell of 1st level or higher to your UHŜHFW WKH UHVHDUFK \RX FRQGXFW RQ \RXU RZQ DV ZHOO DV
intellectual breakthroughs you have had about the nature of
kh]ddZggc& L`] dakl ak gj_Yfar]\ Zq kh]dd d]n]d$ fgl [`YjY[- the multiverse. You might find other spells during your ad-
l]j d]n]d& =Y[` kh]dd Z]dgf_k lg Y k[`ggd g^ eY_a[$ o`a[` ak ventures. You could discover a spell recorded on a scroll, for
a\]flaÕ]\ Y^l]j l`] kh]ddÌk fYe]& A^ Y kh]dd [Yf Z] [Ykl Yk Y example, or in a dusty tome in an ancient library.
jalmYd$ l`] jalmYd lY_ Ydkg Yhh]Yjk Y^l]j alk fYe]& K]] l`]
Copying a Spell into the Book. When you find a wizard
Player’s Handbook for an expanded version of this list. spell of 1st level or higher, you can add it to your spellbook
if it is of a spell level you can prepare and if you can spare
Cantrips (0 Level) 2nd Level the time to decipher and copy it.
acid splash FRQMXUDWLRQ arcane lock DEMXUDWLRQ Copying a spell into your spellbook involves reproducing
the basic form of the spell, then deciphering the unique sys-
dancing lights HYRFDWLRQ blur LOOXVLRQ tem of notation used by the wizard who wrote it. You must
practice the spell until you understand the sounds or ges-
śUH EROW HYRFDWLRQ darkness HYRFDWLRQ tures required, then transcribe it into your spellbook using
your own notation.
For each level of the spell, the process takes 2 hours and
mage hand FRQMXUDWLRQ hold person HQFKDQWPHQW
minor illusion LOOXVLRQ invisibility LOOXVLRQ expend as you experiment with the spell to master it, as well
as the fine inks you need to record it. Once you have spent
poison spray FRQMXUDWLRQ knock WUDQVPXWDWLRQ this time and money, you can prepare the spell just like your
other spells.
prestidigitation WUDQVPXWDWLRQ levitate WUDQVPXWDWLRQ
Replacing the Book. You can copy a spell from your own
ray of frost HYRFDWLRQ magic weapon WUDQVPXWDWLRQ spellbook into another book—for example, if you want to
make a backup copy of your spellbook. This is just like copy-
shocking grasp HYRFDWLRQ misty step FRQMXUDWLRQ ing a new spell into your spellbook, but faster and easier,
since you understand your own notation and already know
1st Level shatter HYRFDWLRQ how to cast the spell. You need spend only 1 hour and 10 gp
spider climb WUDQVPXWDWLRQ for each level of the copied spell.
burning hands HYRFDWLRQ suggestion HQFKDQWPHQW
charm person HQFKDQWPHQW web FRQMXUDWLRQ If you lose your spellbook, you can use the same proce-
comprehend languages (divina- dure to transcribe the spells that you have prepared into a
new spellbook. Filling out the remainder of your spellbook
WLRQ ULWXDO 3rd Level requires you to find new spells to do so, as normal. For this
reason, many wizards keep backup spellbooks in a safe place.
detect magic GLYLQDWLRQ ULWXDO dispel magic DEMXUDWLRQ
The Book’s Appearance. Your spellbook is a unique compi-
disguise self LOOXVLRQ fear LOOXVLRQ
feather fall WUDQVPXWDWLRQ śUHEDOO HYRFDWLRQ be a plain, functional leather volume that you received as
a gift from your master, a finely bound tome you found
identify GLYLQDWLRQ ULWXDO Ŝ\ WUDQVPXWDWLRQ in an ancient library, or even a loose collection of notes
scrounged together after you lost your previous spellbook.
mage armor DEMXUDWLRQ lightning bolt HYRFDWLRQ
magic missile HYRFDWLRQ major image LOOXVLRQ
silent image LOOXVLRQ
thunderwave HYRFDWLRQ
Cantrips l]dda_]f[] g^ ).$ qgmj dakl g^ hj]hYj]\ kh]ddk [Yf af[dm\]
kap kh]ddk g^ )kl gj *f\ d]n]d$ af Yfq [geZafYlagf$ [`gk]f
9l )kl d]n]d$ qgm cfgo l`j]] [Yfljahk g^ qgmj [`ga[] ^jge from your spellbook. If you prepare the 1st-level spell
l`] oarYj\ kh]dd dakl& Qgm d]Yjf Y\\alagfYd oarYj\ [Yfljahk magic missile, you can cast it using a 1st-level or a 2nd-
g^ qgmj [`ga[] Yl `a_`]j d]n]dk$ Yk k`gof af l`] ;Yfljahk d]n]d kdgl& ;Yklaf_ l`] kh]dd \g]kfÌl j]egn] al ^jge qgmj
Known column of the Wizard table. list of prepared spells.
Qgm [Yf [`Yf_] qgmj dakl g^ hj]hYj]\ kh]ddk o`]f qgm
Spellbook Õfak` Y dgf_ j]kl& Hj]hYjaf_ Y f]o dakl g^ oarYj\ kh]ddk j]-
quires time spent studying your spellbook and memoriz-
9l )kl d]n]d$ qgm `Yn] Y kh]ddZggc [gflYafaf_ kap )kl%d]n]d ing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast
oarYj\ kh]ddk g^ qgmj [`ga[]& Qgmj kh]ddZggc ak l`] j]hgk- the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on
algjq g^ l`] oarYj\ kh]ddk qgm cfgo$ ]p[]hl qgmj [Yfljahk$ your list.
o`a[` Yj] Õp]\ af qgmj eaf\&
Spellcasting Ability
Preparing and Casting Spells
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard
The Wizard table shows how many spell slots you have kh]ddk$ kaf[] qgm d]Yjf qgmj kh]ddk l`jgm_` \]\a[Yl]\
klm\q Yf\ e]egjarYlagf& Qgm mk] qgmj Afl]dda_]f[] o`]f-
to cast your wizard spells of 1st level and higher. To cast ]n]j Y kh]dd j]^]jk lg qgmj kh]dd[Yklaf_ YZadalq& Af Y\\alagf$
gf] g^ l`]k] kh]ddk$ qgm emkl ]ph]f\ Y kdgl g^ l`] kh]ddÌk qgm mk] qgmj Afl]dda_]f[] eg\aÕ]j o`]f k]llaf_ l`] kYn-
d]n]d gj `a_`]j& Qgm j]_Yaf Ydd ]ph]f\]\ kh]dd kdglk o`]f ing throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when mak-
qgm Õfak` Y dgf_ j]kl& af_ Yf YllY[c jgdd oal` gf]$ Yk ]phdYaf]\ af [`Yhl]j ,&
Qgm hj]hYj] l`] dakl g^ oarYj\ kh]ddk l`Yl Yj] YnYadYZd]
^gj qgm lg [Ykl& Lg \g kg$ [`ggk] Y fmeZ]j g^ oarYj\ kh]ddk Ritual Casting
^jge qgmj kh]ddZggc ]imYd lg qgmj Afl]dda_]f[] eg\aÕ]j #
your wizard level (minimum of one spell). The spells must Qgm [Yf [Ykl Y oarYj\ kh]dd Yk Y jalmYd a^ l`Yl kh]dd `Yk
the ritual tag and you have the spell in your spellbook.
be of a level for which you have spell slots.
>gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgmÌj] Y +j\%d]n]d oarYj\$ qgm `Yn]
four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With an In-
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
Qgm \gfÌl f]]\ lg `Yn] l`] kh]dd hj]hYj]\& K]] [`Yhl]j ,$ Sculpt Spells
ÉKh]ddk$Ê ^gj `go jalmYdk ogjc&
:]_affaf_ Yl *f\ d]n]d$ qgm [Yf [j]Yl] hg[c]lk g^ j]dYlan]
Spellcasting Focus kY^]lq oal`af l`] ][]ץlk g^ qgmj ]ng[Ylagf kh]ddk& O`]f
qgm [Ykl Yf ]ng[Ylagf kh]dd l`Yl Y[]ץlk gl`]j [j]Ylmj]k
Qgm [Yf mk] Yf Yj[Yf] ^g[mk ^gmf\ af [`Yhl]j +! Yk Y l`Yl qgm [Yf k]]$ qgm [Yf [`ggk] Y fmeZ]j g^ l`]e ]imYd
spellcasting focus for your wizard spells. lg ) # l`] kh]ddÌk d]n]d& L`] [`gk]f [j]Ylmj]k YmlgeYla-
[Yddq km[[]]\ gf l`]aj kYnaf_ l`jgok Y_Yafkl l`] kh]dd$
Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher and they take no damage if they would normally take half
damage on a successful save.
=Y[` lae] qgm _Yaf Y oarYj\ d]n]d$ qgm [Yf Y\\ log oar-
ard spells of your choice to your spellbook for free. Each Potent Cantrip
of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell
kdglk$ Yk k`gof gf l`] OarYj\ lYZd]& Gf qgmj Y\n]flmj]k$ KlYjlaf_ Yl .l` d]n]d$ qgmj \YeY_af_ [Yfljahk Y[]ץl ]n]f
qgm ea_`l Õf\ gl`]j kh]ddk l`Yl qgm [Yf Y\\ lg qgmj kh]dd- [j]Ylmj]k l`Yl Ynga\ l`] Zjmfl g^ l`] ][]ץl& O`]f Y [j]Y-
Zggc k]] l`] ÉQgmj Kh]ddZggcÊ ka\]ZYj!& lmj] km[[]]\k gf Y kYnaf_ l`jgo Y_Yafkl qgmj [Yfljah$
l`] [j]Ylmj] lYc]k `Yd^ l`] [YfljahÌk \YeY_] a^ Yfq! Zml
Arcane Recovery km]ץjk fg Y\\alagfYd ][]ץl ^jge l`] [Yfljah&
Qgm `Yn] d]Yjf]\ lg j]_Yaf kge] g^ qgmj eY_a[Yd ]f]j_q School of Transmutation
Zq klm\qaf_ qgmj kh]ddZggc& Gf[] h]j \Yq o`]f qgm Õf-
ak` Y k`gjl j]kl$ qgm [Yf [`ggk] ]ph]f\]\ kh]dd kdglk lg Qgm Yj] Y klm\]fl g^ kh]ddk l`Yl eg\a^q ]f]j_q Yf\ eYll]j&
recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is Lg qgm$ l`] ogjd\ akfÌl Y Õp]\ l`af_$ Zml ]eaf]fldq em-
]imYd lg gj d]kk l`Yf `Yd^ qgmj oarYj\ d]n]d jgmf\]\ mh!$ lYZd]$ Yf\ qgm \]da_`l af Z]af_ Yf Y_]fl g^ [`Yf_]&
and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.
>gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgmÌj] Y ,l`%d]n]d oarYj\$ qgm [Yf j][gn]j Transmutation Savant
mh lg log d]n]dk ogjl` g^ kh]dd kdglk& Qgm [Yf j][gn]j ]al`]j Y
2nd-level spell slot or two 1st-level spell slots. :]_affaf_ o`]f qgm k]d][l l`ak k[`ggd Yl *f\ d]n]d$ l`]
gold and time you must spend to copy a transmutation
Arcane Tradition spell into your spellbook is halved.
O`]f qgm j]Y[` *f\ d]n]d$ qgm [`ggk] Yf Yj[Yf] ljY\a- Minor Alchemy
lagf$ k`Yhaf_ qgmj hjY[la[] g^ eY_a[2 =ng[Ylagf gj LjYfk-
emlYlagf$ Zgl` g^ o`a[` Yj] \]lYad]\ Yl l`] ]f\ g^ l`] KlYjlaf_ Yl *f\ d]n]d o`]f qgm k]d][l l`ak k[`ggd$ qgm
class description. See the Player’s Handbook for more can temporarily alter the physical properties of one
information on arcane traditions. fgfeY_a[Yd gZb][l$ [`Yf_af_ al ^jge gf] kmZklYf[] aflg
Qgmj [`ga[] _jYflk qgm ^]Ylmj]k Yl *f\ d]n]d Yf\ Y_Yaf Yfgl`]j& Qgm h]j^gje Y kh][aYd Yd[`]ea[Yd hjg[]\mj] gf
at 6th level. gf] gZb][l [gehgk]\ ]flaj]dq g^ ogg\$ klgf] Zml fgl Y
_]eklgf]!$ ajgf$ [ghh]j$ gj kadn]j$ ljYfk^gjeaf_ al aflg Y
Ability Score Improvement \a]ץj]fl gf] g^ l`gk] eYl]jaYdk& >gj ]Y[` )( eafml]k qgm
kh]f\ h]j^gjeaf_ l`] hjg[]\mj]$ qgm [Yf ljYfk^gje mh
O`]f qgm j]Y[` ,l` d]n]d$ qgm [Yf af[j]Yk] gf] YZadalq lg ) [mZa[ ^ggl g^ eYl]jaYd& 9^l]j ) `gmj$ gj mflad qgm dgk]
k[gj] g^ qgmj [`ga[] Zq *$ gj qgm [Yf af[j]Yk] log YZadalq your concentration (as if you were concentrating on a
k[gj]k g^ qgmj [`ga[] Zq )& 9k fgjeYd$ qgm [YfÌl af[j]Yk] kh]dd!$ l`] eYl]jaYd j]n]jlk lg alk gja_afYd kmZklYf[]&
an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Transmuter’s Stone
Arcane Traditions
KlYjlaf_ Yl .l` d]n]d$ qgm [Yf kh]f\ 0 `gmjk [j]Ylaf_ Y
The most ancient arcane traditions in the multiverse ljYfkeml]jÌk klgf] l`Yl klgj]k ljYfkemlYlagf eY_a[& Qgm
revolve around the schools of magic. Wizards through [Yf Z]f]Õl ^jge l`] klgf] qgmjk]d^ gj _an] al lg Yfgl`]j
l`] Y_]k `Yn] [YlYdg_]\ l`gmkYf\k g^ kh]ddk$ _jgmhaf_ [j]Ylmj]& 9 [j]Ylmj] _Yafk Y Z]f]Õl g^ qgmj [`ga[]
l`]e aflg ]a_`l [Yl]_gja]k [Ydd]\ k[`ggdk$ Yk \]k[jaZ]\ Yk dgf_ Yk l`] klgf] ak af l`] [j]Ylmj]Ìk hgkk]kkagf&
af [`Yhl]j ,& Af kge] hdY[]k$ l`]k] ljY\alagfk Yj] dal]jYddq O`]f qgm [j]Yl] l`] klgf]$ [`ggk] l`] Z]f]Õl ^jge l`]
k[`ggdk& =dk]o`]j]$ l`]q Yj] egj] dac] Y[Y\]ea[ \]hYjl- following options:
e]flk$ oal` janYd ^Y[mdla]k [geh]laf_ ^gj klm\]flk&
• Darkvision out to a range of 60 feet (this functions like
School of Evocation the darkvision of a dwarf or an elf)
Qgmj klm\a]k ^g[mk gf eY_a[ l`Yl [j]Yl]k hgo]j^md ]d]- • An increase to speed of 10 feet while the creature is
e]flYd ][]ץlk km[` Yk Zall]j [gd\$ k]Yjaf_ ÖYe]$ jgddaf_ unencumbered
l`mf\]j$ [jY[cdaf_ da_`lfaf_$ Yf\ Zmjfaf_ Y[a\& Kge]
]ngc]jk Õf\ ]ehdgqe]fl af eadalYjq ^gj[]k$ k]jnaf_ Yk Yj- • HjgÕ[a]f[q af ;gfklalmlagf kYnaf_ l`jgok
tillery to blast enemy armies from afar. Others use their • J]kaklYf[] lg Y[a\$ [gd\$ Õj]$ da_`lfaf_$ gj l`mf\]j \Ye-
spectacular power to protect the weak or to conquer.
Y_] qgmj [`ga[] o`]f]n]j qgm [`ggk] l`ak Z]f]Õl3 k]]
Evocation Savant page 38 for how resistance works)
:]_affaf_ o`]f qgm k]d][l l`ak k[`ggd Yl *f\ d]n]d$ l`] Each time you cast a transmutation spell of 1st level
gold and time you must spend to copy an evocation spell gj `a_`]j$ qgm [Yf [`Yf_] l`] ][]ץl g^ qgmj klgf] a^ l`]
into your spellbook is halved. stone is on your person.
A^ qgm [j]Yl] Y f]o ljYfkeml]jÌk klgf]$ l`] hj]nagmk gf]
ceases to function.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
Backgrounds Suggested Characteristics
Qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk ZY[c_jgmf\ j]n]Ydk o`]j] qgm [Ye] d8 Personality Trait
^jge& ;`ggk] gf] g^ l`] ^gddgoaf_ ZY[c_jgmf\k2 Y[gdql]$ 1 I idolize a particular hero of my faith, and constantly
[jaeafYd$ ]fl]jlYaf]j$ kY_]$ gj kgd\a]j& L`]f Ykc qgmj-
self why your character left that occupation for a life of refer to that person’s deeds and example.
enemies, empathizing with them and always working
A background includes the following elements: toward peace.
3 I see omens in every event and action. The gods try to
HjgÕ[a]f[a]k& =Y[` ZY[c_jgmf\ _an]k Y [`YjY[l]j hjgÕ- speak to us, we just need to listen.
[a]f[q af log kcaddk k]] hY_] *1!& Af Y\\alagf$ egkl Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
ZY[c_jgmf\k _an] Y [`YjY[l]j hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` gf] gj , TXRWH RU PLVTXRWH VDFUHG WH[WV DQG SURYHUEV LQ
egj] lggdk& Lggdk Yf\ lggd hjgÕ[a]f[a]k Yj] \]lYad]\ af almost every situation.
chapter 3. If a 1st-level character would gain the same 6 , DP WROHUDQW RU LQWROHUDQW RI RWKHU IDLWKV DQG UHVSHFW
hjgÕ[a]f[q ^jge log \a]ץj]fl kgmj[]k$ [`ggk] Y \a]ץj- RU FRQGHPQ WKH ZRUVKLS RI RWKHU JRGV
]fl hjgÕ[a]f[q g^ l`] kYe] caf\ kcadd gj lggd! afkl]Y\& 7 ,ôYH HQMR\HG śQH IRRG GULQN DQG KLJK VRFLHW\ DPRQJ P\
temple’s elite. Rough living grates on me.
Equipment. A background provides equipment. 8 I’ve spent so long in the temple that I have little
Feature. Qgmj ZY[c_jgmf\ _an]k qgm Y ^]Ylmj]$ Y kh][aYd experience dealing with people in the outside world.
ability that members of your background share. d6 Ideal
Suggested Characteristics. A background suggests per-
kgfYd [`YjY[l]jakla[k ^gj qgmj [`YjY[l]j& Qgm [Yf ha[c PXVW EH SUHVHUYHG DQG XSKHOG /DZIXO
[`YjY[l]jakla[k$ jgdd \a[] lg \]l]jeaf] l`]e jYf\gedq$ 2 Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter
or use the suggestions as inspiration for characteristics
of your own creation. 3 Change. We must help bring about the changes the
Some backgrounds allow you to learn more languages. JRGV DUH FRQVWDQWO\ ZRUNLQJ LQ WKH ZRUOG &KDRWLF
Power. I hope to one day rise to the top of my faith’s
Qgm `Yn] kh]fl qgmj da^] af l`] k]jna[] g^ Y l]ehd] lg Y Faith. I trust that my deity will guide my actions. I have
_g\ gj Y hYfl`]gf& Qgm h]j^gje kY[j]\ jal]k af gj\]j lg
[gf\m[l ogjk`ah]jk aflg l`] hj]k]f[] g^ l`] \anaf]& Qgm IDLWK WKDW LI , ZRUN KDUG WKLQJV ZLOO JR ZHOO /DZIXO
Yj]fÌl f][]kkYjadq Y [d]ja[Èh]j^gjeaf_ kY[j]\ jal]k akfÌl 6 Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of my god’s
the same thing as channeling divine power.
;`ggk] Y _g\$ Y hYfl`]gf$ gj kge] gl`]j imYka%\anaf] favor by matching my actions against his or her
Z]af_$ Yf\ ogjc oal` qgmj <E lg \]lYad l`] fYlmj] g^ WHDFKLQJV $Q\
your religious service. Were you a lesser functionary
af Y l]ehd]$ jYak]\ ^jge [`ad\`gg\ lg Ykkakl l`] hja]klk d6 Bond
in the sacred rites? Or were you a priest who suddenly 1 I would die to recover an ancient relic of my faith that
]ph]ja]f[]\ Y [Ydd lg k]jn] qgmj _g\ af Y \a]ץj]fl oYq7
was lost long ago.
Kcadd HjgÕ[a]f[a]k2 Afka_`l$ J]da_agf 2 I will someday get revenge on the corrupt temple
Languages: Two of your choice
hierarchy who branded me a heretic.
Equipment: A holy symbol (a gift to you when you en- 3 I owe my life to the priest who took me in when my
l]j]\ l`] hja]kl`gg\!$ Y hjYq]j Zggc gj hjYq]j o`]]d$ -
kla[ck g^ af[]fk]$ n]kle]flk$ Y k]l g^ [geegf [dgl`]k$ parents died.
and a pouch containing 15 gp Everything I do is for the common people.
I will do anything to protect the temple where I served.
Feature: Shelter of the Faithful 6 I seek to preserve a sacred text that my enemies
9k Yf Y[gdql]$ qgm [geeYf\ l`] j]kh][l g^ l`gk] o`g consider heretical and seek to destroy.
k`Yj] qgmj ^Yal`$ Yf\ qgm [Yf h]j^gje l`] j]da_agmk []j-
]egfa]k g^ qgmj \]alq& Qgm Yf\ qgmj Y\n]flmjaf_ [ge- d6 Flaw
panions can expect to receive free healing and care at 1 I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.
Y l]ehd]$ k`jaf]$ gj gl`]j ]klYZdak`]\ hj]k]f[] g^ qgmj 2 I put too much trust in those who wield power within
^Yal`$ l`gm_` qgm emkl hjgna\] Yfq eYl]jaYd [gehgf]flk
needed for spells. Those who share your religion will sup- my temple’s hierarchy.
3 My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that
port you (but only you) at a modest lifestyle.
Qgm ea_`l Ydkg `Yn] la]k lg Y kh][aÕ[ l]ehd] \]\a[Yl]\ profess faith in my god.
lg qgmj [`gk]f \]alq gj hYfl`]gf$ Yf\ qgm `Yn] Y j]ka- , DP LQŜH[LEOH LQ P\ WKLQNLQJ
dence there. This could be the temple where you used to I am suspicious of strangers.
k]jn]$ a^ qgm j]eYaf gf _gg\ l]jek oal` al$ gj Y l]ehd] 6 Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to the
where you have found a new home. While near your tem-
hd]$ qgm [Yf [Ydd mhgf l`] hja]klk ^gj YkkaklYf[]$ hjgna\]\ detriment of everything else in my life.
l`] YkkaklYf[] qgm Ykc ^gj akfÌl `YrYj\gmk Yf\ qgm j]eYaf
in good standing with your temple.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
Criminal d6 Bond
Qgm Yj] Yf ]ph]ja]f[]\ [jaeafYd Yf\ kladd `Yn] [gflY[lk 2 My ill-gotten gains go to support my family.
within the criminal underworld. 3 Something important was taken from me, and I aim to
Kcadd HjgÕ[a]f[a]k2 <][]hlagf$ Kl]Ydl` steal it back.
Lggd HjgÕ[a]f[a]k2 Gf] lqh] g^ _Yeaf_ k]l$ l`a]n]kÌ lggdk I will become the greatest thief that ever lived.
Equipment: 9 [jgoZYj$ Y k]l g^ \Yjc [geegf [dgl`]k af- I’m guilty of a terrible crime and want to redeem myself.
6 Someone I loved died because of I mistake I made. That
[dm\af_ Y `gg\$ Yf\ Y hgm[` [gflYafaf_ )- _h
will never happen again.
Criminal Specialty
d6 Flaw
L`]j] Yj] eYfq caf\k g^ [jaeafYdk$ Yf\ oal`af Y l`a]n]kÌ 1 When I see something valuable, I can’t think about
_mad\ gj kaeadYj gj_YfarYlagf$ e]eZ]jk `Yn] kh][aYdla]k&
;`ggk] l`] jgd] qgm hdYq]\ af qgmj [jaeafYd da^]$ gj jgdd gf anything but how to steal it.
2 When faced with a choice between money and my
the table below.
friends, I usually choose the money.
d8 Specialty d8 Specialty 3 If there’s a plan, I’ll forget it. If I don’t forget it, I’ll
1 Blackmailer Highway robber ignore it.
2 Burglar 6 Hired killer I have a “tell” that reveals when I’m lying.
I turn tail and run when things look bad.
3 Enforcer 7 Pickpocket 6 An innocent person is in prison for a crime that I
Fence 8 Smuggler committed. I’m okay with that.
Feature: Criminal Contact Entertainer
Qgm `Yn] Y j]daYZd] Yf\ ljmklogjl`q [gflY[l o`g Y[lk Yk Qgm l`jan] af ^jgfl g^ Yf Ym\a]f[]& Qgm cfgo `go lg
qgmj daYakgf lg Y f]logjc g^ gl`]j [jaeafYdk& Qgm cfgo ]fljYf[] l`]e$ Yemk] l`]e$ Yf\ ]n]f afkhaj] l`]e&
`go lg _]l e]kkY_]k lg Yf\ ^jge qgmj [gflY[l$ ]n]f gn]j O`Yl]n]j l][`faim]k qgm mk]$ qgmj Yjl ak qgmj da^]&
_j]Yl \aklYf[]k3 kh][aÕ[Yddq$ qgm cfgo l`] dg[Yd e]kk]f-
_]jk$ [gjjmhl [YjYnYf eYkl]jk$ Yf\ k]]\q kYadgjk o`g [Yf Kcadd HjgÕ[a]f[a]k2 9[jgZYla[k$ H]j^gjeYf[]
Lggd HjgÕ[a]f[a]k2 <ak_mak] cal$ gf] lqh] g^ emka[Yd
deliver messages for you.
Suggested Characteristics Equipment: 9 emka[Yd afkljme]fl gf] g^ qgmj [`ga[]!$
d8 Personality Trait l`] ^Yngj g^ Yf Y\eaj]j dgn] d]ll]j$ dg[c g^ `Yaj$ gj ljaf-
1 I always have a plan for what to do when things go c]l!$ Y [gklme]$ Yf\ Y hgm[` [gflYafaf_ )- _h
wrong. Entertainer Routines
2 I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never
9 _gg\ ]fl]jlYaf]j ak n]jkYlad]$ kha[af_ mh Y h]j^gjeYf[]
raise my voice or let my emotions control me.
3 7KH śUVW WKLQJ , GR LQ D QHZ SODFH LV QRWH WKH ORFDWLRQV with a variety of routines. Choose one to three routines or
jgdd gf l`] lYZd] Z]dgo lg \]Õf] qgmj kh][aYdla]k&
of everything valuable—or where such things could be
hidden. d10 Entertainer Routine d10 Entertainer Routine
I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.
I am incredibly slow to trust. Those who seem the 1 Actor 6 Instrumentalist
fairest often have the most to hide. 2 Dancer 7 Poet
6 I don’t pay attention to the risks in a situation. Never tell 3 Fire-eater 8 Singer
me the odds. Jester 9 Storyteller
7 The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I Juggler 10 Tumbler
can’t do it.
8 I blow up at the slightest insult. Feature: By Popular Demand
d6 Ideal Qgm [Yf YdoYqk Õf\ Y hdY[] lg h]j^gje$ mkmYddq af Yf
1 Honor. , GRQôW VWHDO IURP RWKHUV LQ WKH WUDGH /DZIXO aff gj lYn]jf Zml hgkkaZdq oal` Y [aj[mk$ Yl Y l`]Yl]j$ gj
2 Freedom. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those ]n]f af Y fgZd]Ìk [gmjl& 9l km[` Y hdY[]$ qgm j][]an] ^j]]
ZKR ZRXOG IRUJH WKHP &KDRWLF lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard
3 Charity. I steal from the wealthy so that I can help \]h]f\af_ gf l`] imYdalq g^ l`] ]klYZdak`e]fl!$ Yk dgf_
Yk qgm h]j^gje ]Y[` fa_`l& Af Y\\alagf$ qgmj h]j^gjeYf[]
SHRSOH LQ QHHG *RRG eYc]k qgm kge]l`af_ g^ Y dg[Yd Õ_mj]& O`]f kljYf_]jk
Greed. ,ôOO GR ZKDWHYHU LW WDNHV WR EHFRPH ZHDOWK\ (YLO j][g_far] qgm af Y lgof o`]j] qgm `Yn] h]j^gje]\$ l`]q
People. I’m loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and
typically take a liking to you.
everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care.
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
Suggested Characteristics Kcadd HjgÕ[a]f[a]k2 9j[YfY$ @aklgjq
Languages: Two of your choice
d8 Personality Trait Equipment: 9 Zglld] g^ ZdY[c afc$ Y imadd$ Y keYdd cfa^]$ Y
1 I know a story relevant to almost every situation.
2 Whenever I come to a new place, I collect local rumors letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have
fgl q]l Z]]f YZd] lg Yfko]j$ Y k]l g^ [geegf [dgl`]k$
and spread gossip. and a pouch containing 10 gp
3 I’m a hopeless romantic, always searching for that
“special someone.”
Nobody stays angry at me or around me for long, since I Lg \]l]jeaf] l`] fYlmj] g^ qgmj k[`gdYjdq ljYafaf_$ jgdd Y
can defuse any amount of tension. d8 or choose from the options in the table below.
I love a good insult, even one directed at me.
6 I get bitter if I’m not the center of attention. d8 Specialty d8 Specialty
7 I’ll settle for nothing less than perfection.
8 I change my mood as quickly as I change key in a song. 1 Alchemist Professor
2 Astronomer 6 Researcher
d6 Ideal 3 Discredited academic 7 Wizard’s apprentice
1 Beauty. When I perform, I make the world better than it Librarian 8 Scribe
ZDV *RRG Feature: Researcher
2 Tradition. The stories, legends, and songs of the past
O`]f qgm Yll]ehl lg d]Yjf gj j][Ydd Y ha][] g^ dgj]$ a^ qgm
must never be forgotten, for they teach us who we \gfÌl cfgo l`Yl af^gjeYlagf$ qgm g^l]f cfgo o`]j] Yf\
DUH /DZIXO ^jge o`ge qgm [Yf gZlYaf al& MkmYddq$ l`ak af^gjeYlagf
3 Creativity. The world is in need of new ideas and bold [ge]k ^jge Y daZjYjq$ k[jahlgjame$ mfan]jkalq$ gj Y kY_]
DFWLRQ &KDRWLF gj gl`]j d]Yjf]\ h]jkgf gj [j]Ylmj]& Qgmj <E ea_`l jmd]
Greed. ,ôP RQO\ LQ LW IRU WKH PRQH\ DQG IDPH (YLO that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an al-
People. I like seeing the smiles on people’s faces when I egkl afY[[]kkaZd] hdY[]$ gj l`Yl al kaehdq [YfÌl Z] ^gmf\&
SHUIRUP 7KDWôV DOO WKDW PDWWHUV 1HXWUDO Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can re-
IURP ZLWKLQ DQG UHYHDO ZKR ZH UHDOO\ DUH $Q\ quire an adventure or even a whole campaign.
d6 Bond Suggested Characteristics
1 My instrument is my most treasured possession, and it
d8 Personality Trait
reminds me of someone I love. 1 I use polysyllabic words that convey the impression of
2 Someone stole my precious instrument, and someday
great erudition.
I’ll get it back. 2 I’ve read every book in the world’s greatest libraries—or
3 I want to be famous, whatever it takes.
I idolize a hero of the old tales and measure my deeds I like to boast that I have.
3 I’m used to helping out those who aren’t as smart as I
against that person’s.
I will do anything to prove myself superior to my rival. am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to
6 I would do anything for the other members of my others.
There’s nothing I like more than a good mystery.
old troupe. I’m willing to listen to every side of an argument before I
make my own judgment.
d6 Flaw 6 I… speak … slowly … when talking … to idiots, which
1 I’ll do anything to win fame and renown. almost everyone is compared to me.
2 I’m a sucker for a pretty face. 7 I am horribly, horribly awkward in social situations.
3 A scandal prevents me from ever going home again. 8 I’m convinced that people are always trying to steal my
That kind of trouble seems to follow me around.
I once satirized a noble who still wants my head. It was d6 Ideal
1 Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is
a mistake that I will likely repeat.
I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My WKURXJK NQRZOHGJH 1HXWUDO
2 Beauty. What is beautiful points us beyond itself toward
sharp tongue lands me in trouble.
3 Logic. Emotions must not cloud our logical thinking.
Qgm kh]fl q]Yjk d]Yjfaf_ l`] dgj] g^ l`] emdlan]jk]& Qgm No Limits. 1RWKLQJ VKRXOG IHWWHU WKH LQśQLWH SRVVLELOLW\
k[gmj]\ eYfmk[jahlk$ klm\a]\ k[jgddk$ Yf\ dakl]f]\ lg l`]
_j]Yl]kl ]ph]jlk gf l`] kmZb][lk l`Yl afl]j]kl qgm& Qgmj LQKHUHQW LQ DOO H[LVWHQFH &KDRWLF
]ץgjlk `Yn] eY\] qgm Y eYkl]j af qgmj Õ]d\k g^ klm\q& Power. .QRZOHGJH LV WKH SDWK WR SRZHU (YLO
6 Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the
Chapter 1: Creating a Character EHWWHUPHQW RI RQHVHOI $Q\
d6 Bond qgm a^ l`]q Yj] g^ Y dgo]j jYfc& Qgm [Yf afngc] qgmj jYfc
1 It is my duty to protect my students. lg ]p]jl afÖm]f[] gn]j gl`]j kgd\a]jk Yf\ j]imakalagf kae-
2 I have an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that hd] ]imahe]fl gj `gjk]k ^gj l]ehgjYjq mk]& Qgm [Yf Ydkg
usually gain access to friendly military encampments and
must not fall into the wrong hands. fortresses where your rank is recognized.
3 I work to preserve a library, university, scriptorium,
Suggested Characteristics
or monastery.
1 I’m always polite and respectful.
śHOG RI ORUH 2 I’m haunted by memories of war. I can’t get the images
I’ve been searching my whole life for the answer to a
of violence out of my mind.
certain question. 3 I’ve lost too many friends, and I’m slow to make new
6 I sold my soul for knowledge. I hope to do great deeds
and win it back. I’m full of inspiring and cautionary tales from my
d6 Flaw military experience relevant to almost every combat
1 I am easily distracted by the promise of information. situation.
2 Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I , FDQ VWDUH GRZQ D KHOO KRXQG ZLWKRXW ŜLQFKLQJ
6 I enjoy being strong and like breaking things.
stop and take notes on its anatomy. 7 I have a crude sense of humor.
3 Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth the price of a 8 I face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution is the
best path to success.
I overlook obvious solutions in favor of complicated d6 Ideal
1 Greater Good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense
I speak without really thinking through my words, RI RWKHUV *RRG
2 Responsibility. I do what I must and obey just authority.
invariably insulting others.
6 I can’t keep a secret to save my life, or anyone else’s. /DZIXO
3 Independence. When people follow orders blindly, they
OYj `Yk dgf_ Z]]f qgmj da^]& Qgm ea_`l `Yn] Z]]f hYjl g^ Might. ,Q OLIH DV LQ ZDU WKH VWURQJHU IRUFH ZLQV (YLO
Y fYlagfYd Yjeq gj Y e]j[]fYjq [gehYfq$ gj h]j`Yhk Y Live and Let Live. Ideals aren’t worth killing over or
member of a local militia. JRLQJ WR ZDU IRU 1HXWUDO
O`]f qgm [`ggk] l`ak ZY[c_jgmf\$ ogjc oal` qgmj <E 6 Nation. My city, nation, or people are all that matter.
to determine which military organization you were a part $Q\
g^$ `go ^Yj l`jgm_` alk jYfck qgm hjg_j]kk]\$ Yf\ o`Yl
d6 Bond
kind of experiences you had during your military career. 1 I would still lay down my life for the people I
Kcadd HjgÕ[a]f[a]k2 9l`d]la[k$ Aflaea\Ylagf served with.
Lggd HjgÕ[a]f[a]k2 Gf] lqh] g^ _Yeaf_ k]l$ n]`a- 2 6RPHRQH VDYHG P\ OLIH RQ WKH EDWWOHśHOG 7R WKLV GD\ ,
cles (land) will never leave a friend behind.
Equipment: 9f afka_faY g^ jYfc$ Y ljgh`q lYc]f ^jge Y 3 My honor is my life.
I’ll never forget the crushing defeat my company
^Ydd]f ]f]eq Y \Y__]j$ Zjgc]f ZdY\]$ gj ha][] g^ Y ZYf-
f]j!$ Y k]l g^ Zgf] \a[] gj \][c g^ [Yj\k$ Y k]l g^ [ge- VXŚHUHG RU WKH HQHPLHV ZKR GHDOW LW
egf [dgl`]k$ Yf\ Y hgm[` [gflYafaf_ )( _h 7KRVH ZKR śJKW EHVLGH PH DUH WKRVH ZRUWK G\LQJ IRU
d6 Flaw
<mjaf_ qgmj lae] Yk Y kgd\a]j$ qgm `Y\ Y kh][aÕ[ jgd] lg 1 The monstrous enemy we faced in battle still leaves me
play in your unit or army. Roll a d8 or choose from the op-
tions in the table below to determine your role: quivering with fear.
2 I have little respect for anyone who isn’t a
d8 Specialty d8 Specialty
6 Quartermaster proven warrior.
1 2ŝFHU 7 Standard bearer 3 I made a terrible mistake in battle that cost many
3 Infantry lives—and I would do anything to keep that mistake
Cavalry blacksmith, or the secret.
Healer My hatred of my enemies is blind and unreasoning.
OLNH I obey the law, even if the law causes misery.
6 I’d rather eat my armor than admit when I’m wrong.
Feature: Military Rank
Chapter 1: Creating a Character
Qgm `Yn] Y eadalYjq jYfc ^jge qgmj [Yj]]j Yk Y kgd\a]j&
Soldiers loyal to your former military organization still
j][g_far] qgmj Yml`gjalq Yf\ afÖm]f[]$ Yf\ l`]q \]^]j lg
Chapter 2: Playing the Game
Lরঽ ࣼরߣ્ଚळ জঽஉळ ெક ଚরळ ߣঽ ৴ळ ெક ळळद ଚક Y\nYflY_] gj na[] n]jkY& Af km[` Y kalmYlagf$ qgm `Yn] f]a- SUZANNE HELMIGH
hdYq& L`] ^gmf\Ylagf g^ l`]k] jmd]k Yj] qgmj kap YZadala]k$
o`]l`]j qgmÌj] ]phdgjaf_$ ]f_Y_af_ af kg[aYd afl]jY[lagf$ ther advantage nor disadvantage.
gj Õ_`laf_ ^gj qgmj da^]& @]j] qgmÌdd d]Yjf egj] YZgml l`]
l`j]] eYaf oYqk lg mk] qgmj YZadala]k2 kYnaf_ l`jgok$ YZad- When you have advantage or disadvantage and some-
alq [`][ck$ Yf\ YllY[c jgddk$ Ydd g^ o`a[` [Yf Z] Y[]ץl]\ Zq l`af_ af l`] _Ye]$ km[` Yk l`] `YdÖaf_Ìk Dm[cq ljYal$ d]lk
advantage and disadvantage. qgm j]jgdd gj j]hdY[] l`] \*($ qgm [Yf j]jgdd gj j]hdY[]
gfdq gf] g^ l`] \a[]& Qgm [`ggk] o`a[` gf]& >gj ]pYehd]$
Advantage and a^ Y `YdÖaf_ `Yk Y\nYflY_] gj \akY\nYflY_] gf Yf YZadalq
[`][c Yf\ jgddk Y ) Yf\ Y )+$ l`] `YdÖaf_ [gmd\ mk] l`]
Lucky trait to reroll the 1.
Sometimes a special ability or spell tells you that you Qgm mkmYddq _Yaf Y\nYflY_] gj \akY\nYflY_] l`jgm_`
`Yn] Y\nYflY_] gj \akY\nYflY_] gf Yf YZadalq [`][c$ Y l`] mk] g^ kh][aYd YZadala]k$ Y[lagfk$ gj kh]ddk& L`] <E
kYnaf_ l`jgo$ gj Yf YllY[c jgdd& O`]f l`Yl `Yhh]fk$ qgm [Yf Ydkg \][a\] l`Yl [aj[meklYf[]k afÖm]f[] Y jgdd af gf]
roll a second d20 when you make the roll. Use the higher
g^ l`] log jgddk a^ qgm `Yn] Y\nYflY_]$ Yf\ mk] l`] dgo]j direction or the other and grant advantage or impose dis-
jgdd a^ qgm `Yn] \akY\nYflY_]& >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm `Yn]
\akY\nYflY_] Yf\ jgdd Y )/ Yf\ Y -$ qgm mk] l`] -& A^ qgm advantage as a result.
afkl]Y\ `Yn] Y\nYflY_] Yf\ jgdd l`gk] fmeZ]jk$ qgm
use the 17. Saving Throws
A^ emdlahd] kalmYlagfk Y[]ץl Y jgdd Yf\ ]Y[` gf] _jYflk
Y\nYflY_] gj aehgk]k \akY\nYflY_] gf al$ qgm \gfÌl jgdd 9 kYnaf_ l`jgoÈYdkg [Ydd]\ Y kYn]Èj]hj]k]flk Yf Yl-
more than one additional d20. If two favorable situations l]ehl lg j]kakl Y kh]dd$ Y ljYh$ Y hgakgf$ Y \ak]Yk]$ gj Y
_jYfl Y\nYflY_]$ ^gj ]pYehd]$ qgm kladd jgdd gfdq gf] Y\\a- kaeadYj l`j]Yl& Qgm \gfÌl fgjeYddq \][a\] lg eYc] Y kYn-
tional d20.
ing throw; you are forced to make one because your char-
If circumstances cause a roll to have both advantage
Yf\ \akY\nYflY_]$ qgm Yj] [gfka\]j]\ lg `Yn] f]al`]j g^ acter or monster is at risk of harm.
l`]e$ Yf\ qgm jgdd gf] \*(& L`ak ak ljm] ]n]f a^ emdlahd] Lg eYc] Y kYnaf_ l`jgo$ jgdd Y \*( Yf\ Y\\ l`] Yhhjg-
circumstances impose disadvantage and only one grants hjaYl] YZadalq eg\aÕ]j& >gj ]pYehd]$ qgm mk] qgmj <]pl]j-
alq eg\aÕ]j ^gj Y <]pl]jalq kYnaf_ l`jgo&
9 kYnaf_ l`jgo [Yf Z] eg\aÕ]\ Zq Y kalmYlagfYd
Zgfmk gj h]fYdlq Yf\ [Yf Z] Y[]ץl]\ Zq Y\nYflY_]
Yf\ \akY\nYflY_]$ Yk \]l]jeaf]\ Zq l`] <E&
=Y[` [dYkk _an]k hjgÕ[a]f[q af Yl d]Ykl log kYnaf_
l`jgok& L`] oarYj\$ ^gj ]pYehd]$ ak hjgÕ[a]fl af Afl]dda-
Chapter 2: Playing the Game
_]f[] kYn]k& HjgÕ[a]f[q af Y kYnaf_ l`jgo d]lk Y [`YjY[l]j might win the contest by default. If two characters tie in
Y\\ l`]aj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk lg kYnaf_ l`jgok eY\] mkaf_ Y Y [gfl]kl lg kfYl[` Y jaf_ g ץl`] Öggj$ f]al`]j [`YjY[l]j
particular ability score. Some monsters have saving throw grabs it. In a contest between a monster trying to open
hjgÕ[a]f[a]k Yk o]dd& Y \ggj Yf\ Yf Y\n]flmj]j ljqaf_ lg c]]h l`] \ggj [dgk]\$
L`] <a[mdlq ;dYkk ^gj Y kYnaf_ l`jgo ak \]l]jeaf]\ Zq
l`] ][]ץl l`Yl [Ymk]k al& >gj ]pYehd]$ l`] <; ^gj Y kYnaf_ a tie means that the door remains shut.
l`jgo Yddgo]\ Zq Y kh]dd ak \]l]jeaf]\ Zq l`] [Ykl]jÌk
kh]dd[Yklaf_ YZadalq eg\aÕ]j Yf\ hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk& Skills
The result of a successful or failed saving throw is also =Y[` YZadalq [gn]jk Y jYf_] g^ [YhYZadala]k$ af[dm\af_
\]lYad]\ af l`] ][]ץl l`Yl Yddgok l`] kYn]& MkmYddq$ Y km[- kcaddk l`Yl Y [`YjY[l]j gj Y egfkl]j [Yf Z] hjgÕ[a]fl af& 9
[]kk^md kYn] e]Yfk l`Yl Y [j]Ylmj] km]ץjk fg `Yje$ gj kcadd j]hj]k]flk Y kh][aÕ[ Ykh][l g^ Yf YZadalq k[gj]$ Yf\
j]\m[]\ `Yje$ ^jge Yf ][]ץl& Yf af\ana\mYdÌk hjgÕ[a]f[q af Y kcadd \]egfkljYl]k Y ^g[mk
gf l`Yl Ykh][l& 9 [`YjY[l]jÌk klYjlaf_ kcadd hjgÕ[a]f[a]k
Ability Checks Yj] \]l]jeaf]\ Yl [`YjY[l]j [j]Ylagf$ Yf\ Y egfkl]jÌk
kcadd hjgÕ[a]f[a]k Yhh]Yj af l`] egfkl]jÌk klYl Zdg[c&!
9f YZadalq [`][c l]klk Y [`YjY[l]jÌk gj egfkl]jÌk affYl] >gj ]pYehd]$ Y <]pl]jalq [`][c ea_`l j]Ö][l Y [`Yj-
lYd]fl Yf\ ljYafaf_ af Yf ]ץgjl lg gn]j[ge] Y [`Ydd]f_]& Y[l]jÌk Yll]ehl lg hmdd g ץYf Y[jgZYla[ klmfl$ lg hYde Yf
gZb][l$ gj lg klYq `a\\]f& =Y[` g^ l`]k] Ykh][lk g^ <]pl]j-
The DM calls for an ability check when a character or alq `Yk Yf Ykkg[aYl]\ kcadd2 9[jgZYla[k$ Kd]a_`l g^ @Yf\$
Yf\ Kl]Ydl`$ j]kh][lan]dq& Kg Y [`YjY[l]j o`g `Yk hjgÕ-
monster attempts an action (other than an attack) that
`Yk Y [`Yf[] g^ ^Yadmj]& O`]f l`] gml[ge] ak mf[]jlYaf$ ciency in the Stealth skill is particularly good at Dexterity
the dice determine the results. checks related to sneaking and hiding.
>gj ]n]jq YZadalq [`][c$ l`] <E \][a\]k o`a[` g^ l`] kap
YZadala]k ak j]d]nYfl lg l`] lYkc Yl `Yf\ Yf\ l`] \a[mdlq The skills related to each ability score are shown in the
g^ l`] lYkc$ j]hj]k]fl]\ Zq Y <a[mdlq ;dYkk& L`] egj] ^gddgoaf_ dakl& Fg kcaddk Yj] j]dYl]\ lg ;gfklalmlagf&! K]]
\a[mdl Y lYkc$ l`] `a_`]j alk <;& L`] Lqha[Yd <a[mdlq Yf YZadalqÌk \]k[jahlagf af l`] dYl]j k][lagfk g^ l`ak [`Yhl]j
Classes table shows the most common DCs. for examples of how to use a skill.
Typical Difficulty Classes Ability Skills
7DVN 'LŝFXOW\ DC 7DVN 'LŝFXOW\ DC Strength Athletics
20 Dexterity Acrobatics
Very easy Hard Intelligence Sleight of Hand
Easy 10 Very hard 30 Wisdom Arcana
Medium Nearly impossible Charisma Investigation
Lg eYc] Yf YZadalq [`][c$ jgdd Y \*( Yf\ Y\\ l`] j]d]- Religion
nYfl YZadalq eg\aÕ]j& 9k oal` gl`]j \*( jgddk$ Yhhdq Zg- Animal Handling
fmk]k Yf\ h]fYdla]k$ Yf\ [gehYj] l`] lglYd lg l`] <;& A^ Insight
l`] lglYd ]imYdk gj ]p[]]\k l`] <;$ l`] YZadalq [`][c ak Y Medicine
km[[]kk& Gl`]joak]$ alÌk Y ^Yadmj]$ o`a[` e]Yfk l`] [`Yj- Perception
acter or monster makes no progress toward the objective Survival
or makes progress combined with a setback determined Intimidation
by the DM. Persuasion
Contests Kge]lae]k$ l`] <E ea_`l Ykc ^gj Yf YZadalq [`][c mk-
af_ Y kh][aÕ[ kcaddÈ^gj ]pYehd]$ ÉEYc] Y Oak\ge H]j-
Kge]lae]k gf] [`YjY[l]jÌk gj egfkl]jÌk ]ץgjlk Yj] \a- []hlagf! [`][c&Ê 9l gl`]j lae]k$ Y hdYq]j ea_`l Ykc l`]
j][ldq ghhgk]\ lg Yfgl`]jÌk& L`ak [Yf g[[mj o`]f Zgl` <E a^ hjgÕ[a]f[q af Y hYjla[mdYj kcadd Yhhda]k lg Y [`][c&
of them are trying to do the same thing and only one can Af ]al`]j [Yk]$ hjgÕ[a]f[q af Y kcadd e]Yfk Yf af\ana\mYd
km[[]]\$ km[` Yk Yll]ehlaf_ lg kfYl[` mh Y eY_a[ jaf_ gf [Yf Y\\ l`]aj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk lg YZadalq [`][ck l`Yl
l`] Öggj& L`ak kalmYlagf Ydkg Yhhda]k o`]f gf] g^ l`]e afngdn] l`Yl kcadd& Oal`gml hjgÕ[a]f[q af l`] kcadd$ l`] af\a-
is trying to prevent the other one from accomplishing a
_gYdÈ^gj ]pYehd]$ o`]f Y egfkl]j lja]k lg ^gj[] gh]f Y vidual makes a normal ability check.
door that an adventurer is holding closed. In situations >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ Y [`YjY[l]j Yll]ehlk lg [daeZ mh Y \Yf-
dac] l`]k]$ l`] gml[ge] ak \]l]jeaf]\ Zq Y kh][aYd ^gje g^ _]jgmk [daץ$ l`] <mf_]gf EYkl]j ea_`l Ykc ^gj Y Klj]f_l`
YZadalq [`][c$ [Ydd]\ Y [gfl]kl& 9l`d]la[k! [`][c& A^ l`] [`YjY[l]j ak hjgÕ[a]fl af 9l`-
d]la[k$ l`] [`YjY[l]jÌk hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk ak Y\\]\ lg l`]
Both participants in a contest make ability checks Klj]f_l` [`][c& A^ l`] [`YjY[l]j dY[ck l`Yl hjgÕ[a]f[q$ `]
YhhjghjaYl] lg l`]aj ]ץgjlk& L`]q Yhhdq Ydd YhhjghjaYl]
Zgfmk]k Yf\ h]fYdla]k$ Zml afkl]Y\ g^ [gehYjaf_ l`] lglYd or she just makes a Strength check.
lg Y <;$ l`]q [gehYj] l`] lglYdk g^ l`]aj log [`][ck& L`]
participant with the higher check total wins the contest.
That character or monster either succeeds at the action
or prevents the other one from succeeding.
A^ l`] [gfl]kl j]kmdlk af Y la]$ l`] kalmYlagf j]eYafk l`]
kYe] Yk al oYk Z]^gj] l`] [gfl]kl& L`mk$ gf] [gfl]klYfl
Chapter 2: Playing the Game
Working Together ;Yjjqaf_ ;YhY[alq& Qgmj [Yjjqaf_ [YhY[alq ak qgmj
Sometimes two or more characters team up to attempt a Strength score multiplied by 15. This is the weight (in
lYkc& L`] [`YjY[l]j o`gÌk d]Y\af_ l`] ]ץgjlÈgj l`] gf]
oal` l`] `a_`]kl YZadalq eg\aÕ]jÈ[Yf eYc] Yf YZadalq hgmf\k! l`Yl qgm [Yf [Yjjq$ o`a[` ak `a_` ]fgm_` l`Yl
[`][c oal` Y\nYflY_]$ j]Ö][laf_ l`] `]dh hjgna\]\ Zq l`] egkl [`YjY[l]jk \gfÌl mkmYddq `Yn] lg ogjjq YZgml al&
gl`]j [`YjY[l]jk& Af [geZYl$ l`ak j]imaj]k l`] @]dh Y[-
tion (page 35). Hmk`$ <jY_$ gj Da^l& Qgm [Yf hmk`$ \jY_$ gj da^l Y o]a_`l
A character can only provide help if the task is one that in pounds up to twice your carrying capacity (or 30 times
l`]q [gmd\ Yll]ehl Ydgf]& >gj ]pYehd]$ ljqaf_ lg gh]f Y
dg[c ea_`l j]imaj] hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` l`a]n]kÌ lggdk$ kg Y your Strength score). While pushing or dragging weight
[`YjY[l]j o`g dY[ck l`Yl hjgÕ[a]f[q [gmd\fÌl `]dh Yfgl`]j
[`YjY[l]j af l`Yl lYkc& Egj]gn]j$ Y [`YjY[l]j [Yf `]dh gfdq af ]p[]kk g^ qgmj [Yjjqaf_ [YhY[alq$ qgmj kh]]\ \jghk
when two or more individuals working together would
Y[lmYddq Z] hjg\m[lan]& Kge] lYkck$ km[` Yk l`j]Y\af_ Y to 5 feet.
f]]\d]$ Yj] fg ]Yka]j oal` `]dh&
Kar] Yf\ Klj]f_l`& Larger creatures can bear more
Strength Checks o]a_`l$ o`]j]Yk Lafq [j]Ylmj]k [Yf [Yjjq d]kk& >gj ]Y[`
kar] [Yl]_gjq YZgn] E]\ame$ \gmZd] l`] [j]Ylmj]Ìk [Yjjq-
Strength measures the extent to which you can exert raw af_ [YhY[alq Yf\ l`] Yegmfl al [Yf hmk`$ \jY_$ gj da^l& >gj
Y Lafq [j]Ylmj]$ `Ydn] l`]k] o]a_`lk&
physical force. A Strength check can model any attempt
lg da^l$ hmk`$ hmdd$ gj Zj]Yc kge]l`af_& L`] 9l`d]la[k kcadd Dexterity Checks
j]Ö][lk Yhlalm\] af []jlYaf caf\k g^ Klj]f_l` [`][ck&
<]pl]jalq e]Ykmj]k Y_adalq$ j]Ö]p]k$ Yf\ ZYdYf[]& 9 <]p-
9l`d]la[k& Qgmj Klj]f_l` 9l`d]la[k! [`][c [gn]jk
\a[mdl kalmYlagfk qgm ]f[gmfl]j o`ad] [daeZaf_$ terity check can model any attempt to move nimbly or
bmehaf_$ gj koaeeaf_& =pYehd]k af[dm\] l`] ^gddgoaf_2
quietly or to keep from falling on tricky footing. The Acro-
• Qgm Yll]ehl lg [daeZ Y k`]]j gj kdahh]jq [daץ$ Ynga\
`YrYj\k o`ad] k[Ydaf_ Y oYdd$ gj [daf_ lg Y kmj^Y[] o`ad] ZYla[k$ Kd]a_`l g^ @Yf\$ Yf\ Kl]Ydl` kcaddk j]Ö][l Yhlalm\]
kge]l`af_ ak ljqaf_ lg cfg[c qgm g&ץ
in certain kinds of Dexterity checks.
• Qgm ljq lg bmeh Yf mfmkmYddq dgf_ \aklYf[] gj hmdd
g ץY klmfl ea\bmeh& 9[jgZYla[k& Qgmj <]pl]jalq 9[jgZYla[k! [`][c [gn]jk
qgmj Yll]ehl lg klYq gf qgmj ^]]l af Y lja[cq kalmYlagf$ km[`
• Qgm kljm__d] lg koae gj klYq YÖgYl af lj]Y[`]jgmk [mj- Yk o`]f qgmÌj] ljqaf_ lg jmf Y[jgkk Y k`]]l g^ a[]$ ZYdYf[]
j]flk$ klgje%lgkk]\ oYn]k$ gj Yj]Yk g^ l`a[c k]Yo]]\& gf Y la_`ljgh]$ gj klYq mhja_`l gf Y jg[caf_ k`ahÌk \][c&
Or another creature tries to push or pull you underwa-
The DM might also call for a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
ter or otherwise interfere with your swimming.
lg k]] a^ qgm [Yf h]j^gje Y[jgZYla[ klmflk$ af[dm\af_
Lifting and Carrying \an]k$ jgddk$ kge]jkYmdlk$ Yf\ Öahk&
Qgmj Klj]f_l` k[gj] \]l]jeaf]k l`] Yegmfl g^ o]a_`l Hiding
qgm [Yf Z]Yj& L`] ^gddgoaf_ l]jek \]Õf] o`Yl qgm [Yf
lift or carry. The DM decides when circumstances are appropriate for
check. Until you are discovered or you stop hiding, that SHAWN WOOD
check of any creature that actively searches for signs of
your presence.
You can’t hide from a creature that can see you clearly,
and you give away your position if you make noise, such as
shouting a warning or knocking over a vase. An invisible
creature can’t be seen, so it can always try to hide. Signs of
its passage might still be noticed, however, and it still has to
stay quiet.
In combat, most creatures stay alert for signs of danger
all around, so if you come out of hiding and approach a
creature, it usually sees you. However, under certain circum-
stances, the Dungeon Master might allow you to stay hid-
den as you approach a creature that is distracted, allowing
you to gain advantage on an attack before you are seen.
Passive Perception. When you hide, there’s a chance
someone will notice you even if they aren’t searching. To
determine whether such a creature notices you, the DM
ciency in Perception, he or she has a passive Wisdom (Per-
What Can You See? One of the main factors in
object is how well you can see in an area, which might be
lightly or heavily obscured, as explained on page 32.
Chapter 2: Playing the Game
Kd]a_`l g^ @Yf\& Whenever you attempt an act of leger- Finding a Hidden Object
\]eYaf gj eYfmYd lja[c]jq$ km[` Yk hdYflaf_ kge]l`af_
gf kge]gf] ]dk] gj [gf[]Ydaf_ Yf gZb][l gf qgmj h]jkgf$ When your character searches for a hidden object such as
a secret door or a trap, the DM typically asks you to make
make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. The DM might D :LVGRP 3HUFHSWLRQ FKHFN 6XFK D FKHFN FDQ EH XVHG WR
also call for a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to deter- might otherwise overlook.
eaf] o`]l`]j qgm [Yf da^l Y [gaf hmjk] g ץYfgl`]j h]jkgf
gj kdah kge]l`af_ gml g^ Yfgl`]j h]jkgfÌk hg[c]l& In most cases, you need to describe where you are looking
in order for the DM to determine your chance of success.
Kl]Ydl`& Make a Dexterity (Stealth) check when you For example, a key is hidden beneath a set of folded clothes
Yll]ehl lg [gf[]Yd qgmjk]d^ ^jge ]f]ea]k$ kdafc hYkl in the top drawer of a bureau. If you tell the DM that you
_mYj\k$ kdah YoYq oal`gml Z]af_ fgla[]\$ gj kf]Yc mh gf pace around the room, looking at the walls and furniture for
someone without being seen or heard. \RXU :LVGRP 3HUFHSWLRQ FKHFN UHVXOW <RX ZRXOG KDYH WR
specify that you were opening the drawers or searching the
Constitution Checks bureau in order to have any chance of success.
;gfklalmlagf e]Ykmj]k `]Ydl`$ klYeafY$ Yf\ nalYd ^gj[]& DM might call for a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check.
;gfklalmlagf [`][ck Yj] mf[geegf$ Yf\ fg kcaddk Yhhdq Qgm Ydkg eYc] Y Oak\ge 9faeYd @Yf\daf_! [`][c lg [gf-
lg km[` [`][ck$ Z][Ymk] l`] ]f\mjYf[] l`ak YZadalq j]h-
trol your mount when you attempt a risky maneuver.
resents is largely passive. A Constitution check can model Afka_`l& Qgmj Oak\ge Afka_`l! [`][c \][a\]k o`]l`]j
qgmj Yll]ehl lg hmk` Z]qgf\ fgjeYd daealk$ `go]n]j& qgm [Yf \]l]jeaf] l`] ljm] afl]flagfk g^ Y [j]Ylmj]$ km[`
Yk o`]f k]Yj[`af_ gml Y da] gj hj]\a[laf_ kge]gf]Ìk f]pl
Intelligence Checks
move. Doing so involves gleaning clues from body lan-
Afl]dda_]f[] e]Ykmj]k e]flYd Y[malq$ Y[[mjY[q g^ j][Ydd$ _mY_]$ kh]][` `YZalk$ Yf\ [`Yf_]k af eYff]jakek&
E]\a[af]& A Wisdom (Medicine) check lets you try to
and the ability to reason. An Intelligence check comes
aflg hdYq o`]f qgm f]]\ lg \jYo gf dg_a[$ ]\m[Ylagf$ stabilize a dying companion or diagnose an illness.
e]egjq$ gj \]\m[lan] j]Ykgfaf_& L`] 9j[YfY$ @aklgjq$ H]j[]hlagf& Qgmj Oak\ge H]j[]hlagf! [`][c d]lk qgm
Afn]kla_Ylagf$ FYlmj]$ Yf\ J]da_agf kcaddk j]Ö][l Yhlalm\] khgl$ `]Yj$ gj gl`]joak] \]l][l l`] hj]k]f[] g^ kge]l`af_&
in certain kinds of Intelligence checks. It measures your general awareness of your surroundings
9j[YfY& Qgmj Afl]dda_]f[] 9j[YfY! [`][c e]Ykmj]k Yf\ l`] c]]ff]kk g^ qgmj k]fk]k& >gj ]pYehd]$ qgm ea_`l
ljq lg `]Yj Y [gfn]jkYlagf l`jgm_` Y [dgk]\ \ggj$ ]Yn]k-
qgmj YZadalq lg j][Ydd dgj] YZgml kh]ddk$ eY_a[ al]ek$ \jgh mf\]j Yf gh]f oaf\go$ gj `]Yj egfkl]jk egnaf_
]d\jal[` kqeZgdk$ eY_a[Yd ljY\alagfk$ l`] hdYf]k g^ ]pak-
l]f[]$ Yf\ l`] af`YZalYflk g^ l`gk] hdYf]k& stealthily in the forest. Or you might try to spot things that
Yj] gZk[mj]\ gj ]Ykq lg eakk$ o`]l`]j l`]q Yj] gj[k dqaf_
@aklgjq& Qgmj Afl]dda_]f[] @aklgjq! [`][c e]Ykmj]k af YeZmk` gf Y jgY\$ l`m_k `a\af_ af l`] k`Y\gok g^ Yf
qgmj YZadalq lg j][Ydd dgj] YZgml `aklgja[Yd ]n]flk$ d]_]f\- Ydd]q$ gj [Yf\d]da_`l mf\]j Y [dgk]\ k][j]l \ggj&
Yjq h]ghd]$ Yf[a]fl caf_\gek$ hYkl \akhml]k$ j][]fl oYjk$ KmjnanYd& The DM might ask you to make a Wisdom
KmjnanYd! [`][c lg ^gddgo ljY[ck$ `mfl oad\ _Ye]$ _ma\]
and lost civilizations. qgmj _jgmh l`jgm_` ^jgr]f oYkl]dYf\k$ a\]fla^q ka_fk l`Yl
Afn]kla_Ylagf& When you look around for clues and godZ]Yjk dan] f]YjZq$ hj]\a[l l`] o]Yl`]j$ gj Ynga\ ima[c-
eYc] \]\m[lagfk ZYk]\ gf l`gk] [dm]k$ qgm eYc] Yf sand and other natural hazards.
Afl]dda_]f[] Afn]kla_Ylagf! [`][c& Qgm ea_`l \]\m[] l`]
dg[Ylagf g^ Y `a\\]f gZb][l$ \ak[]jf ^jge l`] Yhh]YjYf[] Charisma Checks
g^ Y ogmf\ o`Yl caf\ g^ o]Yhgf \]Ydl al$ gj \]l]jeaf] l`]
;`YjakeY e]Ykmj]k qgmj YZadalq lg afl]jY[l ][]ץlan]dq
weakest point in a tunnel that could cause it to collapse. oal` gl`]jk& Al af[dm\]k km[` ^Y[lgjk Yk [gfÕ\]f[] Yf\
Poring through ancient scrolls in search of a hidden eloquence. A Charisma check might arise when you try
lg afÖm]f[] gj ]fl]jlYaf gl`]jk$ o`]f qgm ljq lg eYc] Yf
fragment of knowledge might also call for an Intelligence aehj]kkagf gj l]dd Y [gfnaf[af_ da]$ gj o`]f qgm Yj] fYna-
_Ylaf_ Y lja[cq kg[aYd kalmYlagf& L`] <][]hlagf$ Aflaea\Y-
(Investigation) check. lagf$ H]j^gjeYf[]$ Yf\ H]jkmYkagf kcaddk j]Ö][l Yhlalm\]
FYlmj]& Qgmj Afl]dda_]f[] FYlmj]! [`][c e]Ykmj]k
in certain kinds of Charisma checks.
qgmj YZadalq lg j][Ydd dgj] YZgml l]jjYaf$ hdYflk Yf\ Yfa- <][]hlagf& Qgmj ;`YjakeY <][]hlagf! [`][c \]l]j-
eYdk$ l`] o]Yl`]j$ Yf\ fYlmjYd [q[d]k& eaf]k o`]l`]j qgm [Yf [gfnaf[af_dq `a\] l`] ljml`$ ]al`]j
J]da_agf& Qgmj Afl]dda_]f[] J]da_agf! [`][c e]Ykmj]k verbally or through your actions. This deception can en-
qgmj YZadalq lg j][Ydd dgj] YZgml \]ala]k$ jal]k Yf\ hjYq]jk$
j]da_agmk `a]jYj[`a]k$ `gdq kqeZgdk$ Yf\ l`] hjY[la[]k g^ compass everything from misleading others through am-
secret cults. biguity to telling outright lies. Typical situations include
ljqaf_ lg ^Ykl%lYdc Y _mYj\$ [gf Y e]j[`Yfl$ ]Yjf egf]q
Wisdom Checks l`jgm_` _YeZdaf_$ hYkk qgmjk]d^ g ץaf Y \ak_mak]$ \mdd
kge]gf]Ìk kmkha[agfk oal` ^Ydk] YkkmjYf[]k$ gj eYaflYaf
Oak\ge j]Ö][lk `go Yllmf]\ qgm Yj] lg l`] ogjd\ Yjgmf\
a straight face while telling a blatant lie.
you and represents perceptiveness and intuition. A Wis- Aflaea\Ylagf& O`]f qgm Yll]ehl lg afÖm]f[] kge]gf]
\ge [`][c ea_`l j]Ö][l Yf ]ץgjl lg j]Y\ Zg\q dYf_mY_]$ l`jgm_` gn]jl l`j]Ylk$ `gklad] Y[lagfk$ Yf\ h`qka[Yd nag-
mf\]jklYf\ kge]gf]Ìk ^]]daf_k$ fgla[] l`af_k YZgml l`] d]f[]$ l`] <E ea_`l Ykc qgm lg eYc] Y ;`YjakeY Aflaea-
]fnajgfe]fl$ gj [Yj] ^gj Yf afbmj]\ h]jkgf& L`] 9faeYd
@Yf\daf_$ Afka_`l$ E]\a[af]$ H]j[]hlagf$ Yf\ KmjnanYd dation) check. Examples include trying to pry information
kcaddk j]Ö][l Yhlalm\] af []jlYaf caf\k g^ Oak\ge [`][ck&
9faeYd @Yf\daf_& When there is any question whether Chapter 2: Playing the Game
qgm [Yf [Yde \gof Y \ge]kla[Yl]\ YfaeYd$ c]]h Y egmfl
^jge _]llaf_ khggc]\$ gj aflmal Yf YfaeYdÌk afl]flagfk$ l`]
gml g^ Y hjakgf]j$ [gfnaf[af_ klj]]l l`m_k lg ZY[c \gof O`]f qgm dYf\ af \a[mdl l]jjYaf$ qgm emkl km[[]]\ gf
^jge Y [gf^jgflYlagf$ gj mkaf_ l`] ]\_] g^ Y Zjgc]f Zglld] a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to land on your feet.
to convince a sneering vizier to reconsider a decision. Gl`]joak]$ qgm dYf\ hjgf]&
H]j^gjeYf[]& Qgmj ;`YjakeY H]j^gjeYf[]! [`][c
determines how well you can delight an audience with @a_` Bmeh& O`]f qgm eYc] Y `a_` bmeh$ qgm d]Yh
emka[$ \Yf[]$ Y[laf_$ klgjql]ddaf_$ gj kge] gl`]j ^gje g^ aflg l`] Yaj Y fmeZ]j g^ ^]]l ]imYd lg + # qgmj Klj]f_l`
entertainment. eg\aÕ]j eafaeme g^ ( ^]]l! a^ qgm egn] Yl d]Ykl )( ^]]l
H]jkmYkagf& O`]f qgm Yll]ehl lg afÖm]f[] kge]gf] on foot immediately before the jump. When you make a
gj Y _jgmh g^ h]ghd] oal` lY[l$ kg[aYd _jY[]k$ gj _gg\ fY- klYf\af_ `a_` bmeh$ qgm [Yf bmeh gfdq `Yd^ l`Yl \aklYf[]&
lmj]$ l`] <E ea_`l Ykc qgm lg eYc] Y ;`YjakeY H]jkmY- =al`]j oYq$ ]Y[` ^ggl qgm [d]Yj gf l`] bmeh [gklk Y ^ggl g^
kagf! [`][c& Lqha[Yddq$ qgm mk] h]jkmYkagf o`]f Y[laf_ af egn]e]fl& Af kge] [aj[meklYf[]k$ qgmj <E ea_`l Yddgo
_gg\ ^Yal`$ lg ^gkl]j ^ja]f\k`ahk$ eYc] [gj\aYd j]im]klk$ you to make a Strength (Athletics) check to jump higher
or exhibit proper etiquette. Examples of persuading oth-
ers include convincing a chamberlain to let your party see than you normally can.
l`] caf_$ f]_glaYlaf_ h]Y[] Z]lo]]f oYjjaf_ ljaZ]k$ gj Qgm [Yf ]pl]f\ qgmj Yjek `Yd^ qgmj `]a_`l YZgn] qgmj-
inspiring a crowd of townsfolk. k]d^ \mjaf_ l`] bmeh& L`mk$ qgm [Yf j]Y[` YZgn] qgm Y
distance equal to the height of the jump plus 1½ times
The Environment
your height.
:q alk fYlmj]$ Y\n]flmjaf_ afngdn]k \]dnaf_ aflg hdY[]k
l`Yl Yj] \Yjc$ \Yf_]jgmk$ Yf\ ^mdd g^ eqkl]ja]k lg Z] ]p- Falling
plored. The rules in this section cover some of the most
important ways in which adventurers interact with the en- 9l l`] ]f\ g^ Y ^Ydd$ Y [j]Ylmj] lYc]k )\. Zdm\_]gfaf_
vironment in such places. The Dungeon Master’s Guide \YeY_] ^gj ]n]jq )( ^]]l al ^]dd$ lg Y eYpaeme g^ *(\.&
has rules covering more unusual situations. L`] [j]Ylmj] dYf\k hjgf]$ mfd]kk al Ynga\k lYcaf_ \YeY_]
from the fall.
Gn]j l`] [gmjk] g^ Yf Y\n]flmj]$ l`] [`YjY[l]jk ea_`l
ljYn]d Y[jgkk oa\] Yj]Yk$ gf ljahk l`Yl [gmd\ lYc] \Yqk& A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes
The DM can summarize this travel without calculating ]imYd lg ) # alk ;gfklalmlagf eg\aÕ]j eafaeme g^
]pY[l \aklYf[]k gj ljYn]d lae]k2 ÉQgm ljYn]d l`jgm_` l`] 30 seconds).
^gj]kl Yf\ Õf\ l`] gd\ jmaf dYl] af l`] ]n]faf_ g^ l`] l`aj\ O`]f Y [j]Ylmj] jmfk gml g^ Zj]Yl` gj ak [`gcaf_$ al [Yf
\Yq&Ê ;`YjY[l]jk [Yf oYdc YZgml *, ead]k af Y \Yq& survive for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution
eg\aÕ]j eafaeme g^ ) jgmf\!& 9l l`] klYjl g^ alk f]pl
Special Types of Movement lmjf$ al \jghk lg ( `al hgaflk Yf\ ak \qaf_$ Yf\ al [YfÌl j]-
gain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again.
Movement through dungeons or wilderness areas often
involves more than walking. Adventurers might have to Vision and Light
[daeZ$ [jYod$ koae$ gj bmeh lg _]l o`]j] l`]q f]]\ lg _g&
L`] egkl ^mf\Ye]flYd lYkck g^ Y\n]flmjaf_Èfgla[af_
Climbing, Swimming, and Crawling \Yf_]j$ Õf\af_ `a\\]f gZb][lk$ `allaf_ Yf ]f]eq af [ge-
ZYl$ Yf\ lYj_]laf_ Y kh]dd$ lg fYe] bmkl Y ^]oÈj]dq `]Ynadq
Each foot of movement costs 1 extra foot (2 extra feet gf Y [`YjY[l]jÌk YZadalq lg k]]& <Yjcf]kk Yf\ gl`]j ][]ץlk
af \a[mdl l]jjYaf! o`]f qgmÌj] [daeZaf_$ koaeeaf_$ gj l`Yl gZk[mj] nakagf [Yf hjgn] Y ka_faÕ[Yfl `af\jYf[]&
[jYodaf_& Qgm a_fgj] l`ak ]pljY [gkl a^ qgm `Yn] Y [daeZaf_
speed and use it to climb or a swimming speed and use it A given area might be lightly or heavily obscured. In a
lg koae& 9l l`] <EÌk ghlagf$ [daeZaf_ Y kdahh]jq n]jla[Yd lightly obscured Yj]Y$ km[` Yk \ae da_`l$ hYl[`q ^g_$ gj
surface or one with few handholds requires a successful eg\]jYl] ^gdaY_]$ [j]Ylmj]k `Yn] \akY\nYflY_] gf Oak-
Klj]f_l` 9l`d]la[k! [`][c& KaeadYjdq$ _Yafaf_ Yfq \ak- dom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
tance in rough water might require a successful Strength
(Athletics) check. A heavily obscured Yj]YÈkm[` Yk \Yjcf]kk$ ghYim]
^g_$ gj \]fk] ^gdaY_]ÈZdg[ck nakagf ]flaj]dq& 9 [j]Ylmj] ]^-
Jumping ^][lan]dq km]ץjk ^jge l`] Zdaf\]\ [gf\alagf k]] Yhh]f\ap
B) when trying to see something in that area.
Dgf_ Bmeh& O`]f qgm eYc] Y dgf_ bmeh$ qgm [gn]j Y
number of feet up to your Strength score if you move at The presence or absence of light in an environment
least 10 feet on foot immediately before the jump. When [j]Yl]k l`j]] [Yl]_gja]k g^ addmeafYlagf2 Zja_`l da_`l$ \ae
qgm eYc] Y klYf\af_ dgf_ bmeh$ qgm [Yf d]Yh gfdq `Yd^ da_`l$ Yf\ \Yjcf]kk&
l`Yl \aklYf[]& =al`]j oYq$ ]Y[` ^ggl qgm [d]Yj gf l`] bmeh
costs a foot of movement. Bright light lets most creatures see normally. Even
L`ak jmd] Ykkme]k l`Yl l`] `]a_`l g^ qgmj bmeh \g]kfÌl _dggeq \Yqk hjgna\] Zja_`l da_`l$ Yk \g lgj[`]k$ dYfl]jfk$
eYll]j$ km[` Yk Y bmeh Y[jgkk Y klj]Ye gj [`Yke& 9l qgmj Õj]k$ Yf\ gl`]j kgmj[]k g^ addmeafYlagf oal`af Y kh]-
<EÌk ghlagf$ qgm emkl km[[]]\ gf Y <; )( Klj]f_l` 9l`- [aÕ[ jY\amk&
letics) check to clear a low obstacle (no taller than a quar-
l]j g^ l`] bmehÌk \aklYf[]!$ km[` Yk Y `]\_] gj dgo oYdd& Dim light$ Ydkg [Ydd]\ k`Y\gok$ [j]Yl]k Y da_`ldq gZ-
Gl`]joak]$ qgm `al al& scured area. An area of dim light is usually a boundary
Z]lo]]f Y kgmj[] g^ Zja_`l da_`l$ km[` Yk Y lgj[`$ Yf\ kmj-
rounding darkness. The soft light of twilight and dawn
also counts as dim light. A particularly brilliant full moon
might bathe the land in dim light.
Darkness creates a heavily obscured area. Charac-
ters face darkness outdoors at night (even most moonlit
Chapter 2: Playing the Game
fa_`lk!$ oal`af l`] [gfÕf]k g^ Yf mfdal \mf_]gf gj Y kmZ- l`]e oal` kge]l`af_ l`]q ^]Yj$ gj hdYq gf l`]aj kqehY-
l]jjYf]Yf nYmdl$ gj af Yf Yj]Y g^ eY_a[Yd \Yjcf]kk& l`a]k Yf\ _gYdk$ qgm [Yf mk] ogj\k lg _]l Ydegkl Yfql`af_
qgm oYfl& Gf l`] gl`]j `Yf\$ a^ qgm afkmdl Y hjgm\ oYjjagj
Interacting with Objects gj kh]Yc add g^ Y fgZd]Ìk Ydda]k$ qgmj ]ץgjlk lg [gfnaf[] gj
deceive will fall short.
9 [`YjY[l]jÌk afl]jY[lagf oal` gZb][lk af Yf ]fnajgfe]fl
is simple to resolve in the game. The player tells the Ability Checks
<E l`Yl `ak gj `]j [`YjY[l]j ak \gaf_ kge]l`af_$ km[`
Yk egnaf_ Y d]n]j$ Yf\ l`] <E \]k[jaZ]k o`Yl$ a^ Yfq- Af Y\\alagf lg jgd]hdYqaf_$ YZadalq [`][ck [Yf Z] c]q af \]-
l`af_$ `Yhh]fk& termining the outcome of an interaction.
Qgmj jgd]hdYqaf_ ]ץgjlk [Yf Ydl]j Yf FH;Ìk Yllalm\]$ Zml
Characters can also damage objects with their weap- there might still be an element of chance in the situation.
>gj ]pYehd]$ qgmj <E [Yf [Ydd ^gj Y ;`YjakeY [`][c
ons and spells. Objects are immune to poison and psy- at any point during an interaction if they want the dice
[`a[ \YeY_]$ Zml gl`]joak] l`]q [Yf Z] Y[]ץl]\ Zq h`qka- lg hdYq Y jgd] af \]l]jeafaf_ Yf FH;Ìk j]Y[lagfk& Gl`]j
cal and magical attacks much like creatures can. The DM [`][ck ea_`l Z] YhhjghjaYl] af []jlYaf kalmYlagfk$ Yl qgmj
\]l]jeaf]k Yf gZb][lÌk 9jegj ;dYkk Yf\ `al hgaflk$ Yf\ <EÌk \ak[j]lagf&
might decide that certain objects have resistance or im- HYq Yll]flagf lg qgmj kcadd hjgÕ[a]f[a]k o`]f l`afcaf_
emfalq lg []jlYaf caf\k g^ YllY[ck& AlÌk `Yj\ lg [ml Y jgh] g^ `go qgm oYfl lg afl]jY[l oal` Yf FH;$ Yf\ klY[c l`]
oal` Y [dmZ$ ^gj ]pYehd]&! GZb][lk YdoYqk ^Yad Klj]f_l` deck in your favor by using an approach that relies on
Yf\ <]pl]jalq kYnaf_ l`jgok$ Yf\ l`]q Yj] aeemf] lg ]^- your skills. If the group needs to trick a guard into letting
fects that require other saves. When an object drops to 0 l`]e aflg Y [Ykld]$ l`] jg_m] o`g ak hjgÕ[a]fl af <][]h-
`al hgaflk$ al Zj]Yck& tion is the best bet to lead the discussion. When negoti-
Ylaf_ ^gj Y `gklY_]Ìk j]d]Yk]$ l`] [d]ja[ oal` H]jkmYkagf
A character can also attempt a Strength check to break should do most of the talking.
an object. The DM sets the DC for any such check. Resting
Social Interaction 9\n]flmj]jk$ Yk o]dd Yk gl`]j [j]Ylmj]k$ [Yf lYc] k`gjl
rests in the midst of a day and a long rest to end it.
=phdgjaf_ \mf_]gfk$ gn]j[geaf_ gZklY[d]k$ Yf\ kdYqaf_
egfkl]jk Yj] c]q hYjlk g^ < < Y\n]flmj]k& Fg d]kk ae- Short Rest
hgjlYfl$ l`gm_`$ Yj] l`] kg[aYd afl]jY[lagfk l`Yl Y\n]flmj-
ers have with other inhabitants of the world. 9 k`gjl j]kl ak Y h]jag\ g^ \goflae]$ Yl d]Ykl ) `gmj dgf_$
Afl]jY[lagf lYc]k gf eYfq ^gjek& Qgm ea_`l f]]\ lg during which a character does nothing more strenuous
convince an unscrupulous thief to confess to some mal- l`Yf ]Ylaf_$ \jafcaf_$ j]Y\af_$ Yf\ l]f\af_ lg ogmf\k&
^]YkYf[]$ gj qgm ea_`l ljq lg ÖYll]j Y \jY_gf kg l`Yl al
will spare your life. The DM assumes the roles of any A character can spend one or more Hit Dice at the end
g^ Y k`gjl j]kl$ mh lg l`] [`YjY[l]jÌk eYpaeme fmeZ]j g^
characters who are participating in the interaction that @al <a[]$ o`a[` ak ]imYd lg l`] [`YjY[l]jÌk d]n]d& >gj ]Y[`
\gfÌl Z]dgf_ lg Yfgl`]j hdYq]j Yl l`] lYZd]& 9fq km[` [`Yj- @al <a] kh]fl af l`ak oYq$ l`] hdYq]j jgddk l`] \a] Yf\ Y\\k
acter is called a nonplayer character FH;!& l`] [`YjY[l]jÌk ;gfklalmlagf eg\aÕ]j lg al& L`] [`YjY[l]j
Af _]f]jYd l]jek$ Yf FH;Ìk Yllalm\] lgoYj\ qgm ak \]- regains hit points equal to the total (minimum of 0). The
k[jaZ]\ Yk ^ja]f\dq$ af\a]ץj]fl$ gj `gklad]& >ja]f\dq FH;k player can decide to spend an additional Hit Die after
Yj] hj]\akhgk]\ lg `]dh qgm$ Yf\ `gklad] gf]k Yj] af[daf]\ each roll. A character regains some spent Hit Dice upon
lg _]l af qgmj oYq& AlÌk ]Yka]j lg _]l o`Yl qgm oYfl ^jge Y Õfak`af_ Y dgf_ j]kl$ Yk ]phdYaf]\ Z]dgo&
^ja]f\dq FH;$ g^ [gmjk]&
Long Rest
Social interactions have two primary aspects: roleplay-
9 dgf_ j]kl ak Y h]jag\ g^ ]pl]f\]\ \goflae]$ Yl d]Ykl 0
ing and ability checks. `gmjk dgf_$ \mjaf_ o`a[` Y [`YjY[l]j kd]]hk ^gj Yl d]Ykl
6 hours and performs no more than 2 hours of light ac-
Roleplaying lanalq$ km[` Yk j]Y\af_$ lYdcaf_$ ]Ylaf_$ gj klYf\af_ oYl[`&
If the rest is interrupted by a period of strenuous activ-
Jgd]hdYqaf_ ak$ dal]jYddq$ l`] Y[l g^ hdYqaf_ gml Y jgd]& Af alqÈYl d]Ykl ) `gmj g^ oYdcaf_$ Õ_`laf_$ [Yklaf_ kh]ddk$ gj
l`ak [Yk]$ alÌk you as a player determining how your char- kaeadYj Y\n]flmjaf_ Y[lanalqÈl`] [`YjY[l]jk emkl Z]_af
Y[l]j l`afck$ Y[lk$ Yf\ lYdck& l`] j]kl Y_Yaf lg _Yaf Yfq Z]f]Õl ^jge al&
Jgd]hdYqaf_ ak hYjl g^ ]n]jq Ykh][l g^ l`] _Ye]$ Yf\ al 9l l`] ]f\ g^ Y dgf_ j]kl$ Y [`YjY[l]j j]_Yafk Ydd dgkl
[ge]k lg l`] ^gj] \mjaf_ kg[aYd afl]jY[lagfk& Qgmj [`YjY[- `al hgaflk& L`] [`YjY[l]j Ydkg j]_Yafk kh]fl @al <a[]$ mh
l]jÌk imajck$ eYff]jakek$ Yf\ h]jkgfYdalq afÖm]f[] `go lg Y fmeZ]j g^ \a[] ]imYd lg `Yd^ g^ l`] [`YjY[l]jÌk lglYd
interactions resolve. fmeZ]j g^ l`]e eafaeme g^ gf] \a]!& >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ Y
L`] <E mk]k qgmj [`YjY[l]jÌk Y[lagfk Yf\ Yllalm\]k lg [`YjY[l]j `Yk ]a_`l @al <a[]$ `] gj k`] [Yf j]_Yaf ^gmj
\]l]jeaf] `go Yf FH; j]Y[lk& 9 [goYj\dq FH; Zm[cd]k kh]fl @al <a[] mhgf Õfak`af_ Y dgf_ j]kl&
under threats of violence. A stubborn dwarf refuses to let 9 [`YjY[l]j [YfÌl Z]f]Õl ^jge egj] l`Yf gf] dgf_ j]kl
Yfqgf] ZY\_]j `]j& 9 nYaf \jY_gf dYhk mh ÖYll]jq& af Y *,%`gmj h]jag\$ Yf\ Y [`YjY[l]j emkl `Yn] Yl d]Ykl
O`]f afl]jY[laf_ oal` Yf FH;$ hYq [dgk] Yll]flagf lg ) `al hgafl Yl l`] klYjl g^ l`] j]kl lg _Yaf alk Z]f]Õlk&
l`] <EÌk hgjljYqYd g^ l`] FH;Ìk egg\$ \aYdg_m]$ Yf\
h]jkgfYdalq& Qgm ea_`l Z] YZd] lg \]l]jeaf] Yf FH;Ìk Chapter 2: Playing the Game
h]jkgfYdalq ljYalk$ a\]Ydk$ ÖYok$ Yf\ Zgf\k$ l`]f hdYq gf
l`]e lg afÖm]f[] l`] FH;Ìk Yllalm\]&
Afl]jY[lagfk af < < Yj] em[` dac] afl]jY[lagfk af j]Yd
da^]& A^ qgm [Yf g]ץj FH;k kge]l`af_ l`]q oYfl$ l`j]Yl]f
Combat is the order in which they act during each round. The ini-
This section provides the rules you need for your char- tiative order remains the same from round to round.
acters and monsters to engage in combat. The rules ad- A^ Y la] g[[mjk$ l`] <E \][a\]k l`] gj\]j Yegf_ la]\
\j]kk qgm$ l`] hdYq]j gj <mf_]gf EYkl]j& ÉQgmÊ [Yf Ydkg <E%[gfljgdd]\ [j]Ylmj]k$ Yf\ l`] hdYq]jk \][a\] l`]
mean the character or monster that you control.
order among their tied characters. The DM decides the
The Order of Combat
order if the tie is between a monster and a player charac-
9 lqha[Yd [geZYl ]f[gmfl]j ak Y [dYk` Z]lo]]f log ka\]k$ l]j$ gj l`] <E [Yf `Yn] l`] la]\ [`YjY[l]jk Yf\ egfkl]jk
Y Ömjjq g^ o]Yhgf koaf_k$ ^]aflk$ hYjja]k$ ^gglogjc$ Yf\
spellcasting. The game organizes combat into a cycle of each roll a die and go in order from highest roll to lowest.
rounds and turns. A round represents about 6 seconds
af l`] _Ye] ogjd\& <mjaf_ Y jgmf\$ ]Y[` hYjla[ahYfl af Y Your Turn
battle takes a turn. The order of turns is determined at
l`] Z]_affaf_ g^ Y [geZYl ]f[gmfl]j$ o`]f ]n]jqgf] jgddk Gf qgmj lmjf$ qgm [Yf move a distance up to your speed
afalaYlan]& Gf[] ]n]jqgf] `Yk lYc]f Y lmjf$ l`] Õ_`l [gf- and take one action& Qgm \][a\] o`]l`]j lg egn] Õjkl gj
tinues to the next round if neither side is defeated. lYc] qgmj Y[lagf Õjkl& Qgmj kh]]\Èkge]lae]k [Ydd]\ qgmj
oYdcaf_ kh]]\Èak fgl]\ gf qgmj [`YjY[l]j k`]]l&
Combat Step by Step
The actions you can take are described in the “Actions
1. Determine surprise. The DM determines whether af ;geZYlÊ k][lagf dYl]j af l`ak [`Yhl]j& L`] ÉEgn]e]fl
anyone involved in the combat encounter is surprised. Yf\ HgkalagfÊ k][lagf dYl]j af l`ak [`Yhl]j _an]k l`] jmd]k
2. Establish positions. The DM decides where all the for your move.
characters and monsters are located. Given the adven- Qgm [Yf ^gj_g egnaf_$ lYcaf_ Yf Y[lagf$ gj \gaf_ Yfq-
lmj]jkÌ eYj[`af_ gj\]j gj l`]aj klYl]\ hgkalagfk af l`] l`af_ Yl Ydd gf qgmj lmjf& A^ qgm [YfÌl \][a\] o`Yl lg \g gf
jgge gj gl`]j dg[Ylagf$ l`] <E Õ_mj]k gml o`]j] l`] qgmj lmjf$ [gfka\]j lYcaf_ l`] <g\_] gj J]Y\q Y[lagf$ Yk
Y\n]jkYja]k Yj]È`go ^Yj YoYq Yf\ af o`Yl \aj][lagf& \]k[jaZ]\ af É9[lagfk af ;geZYl&Ê
3. Roll initiative. Everyone involved in the combat en- :gfmk 9[lagfk& NYjagmk [dYkk ^]Ylmj]k$ kh]ddk$ Yf\
[gmfl]j jgddk afalaYlan]$ \]l]jeafaf_ l`] gj\]j g^ [ge-
ZYlYflkÌ lmjfk& other abilities let you take an additional action on your
lmjf [Ydd]\ Y Zgfmk Y[lagf& L`] ;mffaf_ 9[lagf ^]Ylmj]$
4. Take turns. Each participant in the battle takes a turn ^gj ]pYehd]$ Yddgok Y jg_m] lg lYc] Y Zgfmk Y[lagf& Qgm
in initiative order. [Yf lYc] Y Zgfmk Y[lagf gfdq o`]f Y kh][aYd YZadalq$ kh]dd$
5. Begin the next round. When everyone involved in the or other feature of the game states that you can do some-
[geZYl `Yk `Y\ Y lmjf$ l`] jgmf\ ]f\k& J]h]Yl kl]h , l`af_ Yk Y Zgfmk Y[lagf& Qgm gl`]joak] \gfÌl `Yn] Y Zgfmk
mflad l`] Õ_`laf_ klghk&
action to take.
Surprise Qgm [Yf lYc] gfdq gf] Zgfmk Y[lagf gf qgmj lmjf$ kg qgm
9 ZYf\ g^ Y\n]flmj]jk kf]Yck mh gf Y ZYf\al [Yeh$ must choose which bonus action to use when you have
springing from the trees to attack them. A gelatinous
[mZ] _da\]k \gof Y `YddoYq$ mffgla[]\ Zq l`] Y\n]flmj]jk more than one available.
mflad l`] [mZ] ]f_md^k gf] g^ l`]e& Af l`]k] kalmYlagfk$ Qgm [`ggk] o`]f lg lYc] Y Zgfmk Y[lagf \mjaf_ qgmj
one side of the battle gains surprise over the other. lmjf$ mfd]kk l`] Zgfmk Y[lagfÌk laeaf_ ak kh][aÕ]\$ Yf\
The DM determines who might be surprised. If nei- anything that deprives you of your ability to take actions
l`]j ka\] lja]k lg Z] kl]Ydl`q$ l`]q YmlgeYla[Yddq fgla[]
]Y[` gl`]j& Gl`]joak]$ l`] <E [gehYj]k l`] <]pl]jalq also prevents you from taking a bonus action.
(Stealth) checks of anyone hiding with the passive Wis- Gl`]j 9[lanalq gf Qgmj Lmjf& Qgmj lmjf [Yf af[dm\] Y
dom (Perception) score of each creature on the opposing
ka\]& 9fq [`YjY[l]j gj egfkl]j l`Yl \g]kfÌl fgla[] Y nYja]lq g^ Ögmjak`]k l`Yl j]imaj] f]al`]j qgmj Y[lagf fgj
threat is surprised at the start of the encounter.
A^ qgmÌj] kmjhjak]\$ qgm [YfÌl egn] gj lYc] Yf Y[lagf your move.
gf qgmj Õjkl lmjf g^ l`] [geZYl$ Yf\ qgm [YfÌl lYc] Y j]- Qgm [Yf [geemfa[Yl] `go]n]j qgm Yj] YZd]$ l`jgm_`
action until that turn ends. A member of a group can be Zja]^ mll]jYf[]k Yf\ _]klmj]k$ Yk qgm lYc] qgmj lmjf&
kmjhjak]\ ]n]f a^ l`] gl`]j e]eZ]jk Yj]fÌl& Qgm [Yf Ydkg afl]jY[l oal` gf] gZb][l gj ^]Ylmj] g^ l`]
]fnajgfe]fl ^gj ^j]]$ \mjaf_ ]al`]j qgmj egn] gj qgmj
Initiative Y[lagf& >gj ]pYehd]$ qgm [gmd\ gh]f Y \ggj \mjaf_ qgmj
egn] Yk qgm klja\] lgoYj\ Y ^g]$ gj qgm [gmd\ \jYo qgmj
Initiative determines the order of turns during combat.
O`]f [geZYl klYjlk$ ]n]jq hYjla[ahYfl eYc]k Y <]pl]jalq weapon as part of the same action you use to attack.
check to determine their place in the initiative order. The A^ qgm oYfl lg afl]jY[l oal` Y k][gf\ gZb][l$ qgm f]]\
[`][c lglYd ak [Ydd]\ Y [geZYlYflÌk afalaYlan] [gmfl$ gj
initiative for short. The DM makes one roll for a group of to use your action. Some magic items and other special
a\]fla[Yd [j]Ylmj]k$ kg ]Y[` e]eZ]j g^ l`] _jgmh Y[lk Yl gZb][lk YdoYqk j]imaj] Yf Y[lagf lg mk]$ Yk klYl]\ af l`]aj
the same time.
L`] <E jYfck l`] [geZYlYflk af gj\]j$ ^jge l`] gf] descriptions.
with the highest initiative to the one with the lowest. This
The DM might require you to use an action for any of
these activities when it needs special care or when it
hj]k]flk Yf mfmkmYd gZklY[d]& >gj afklYf[]$ l`] <E [gmd\
reasonably expect you to use an action to open a stuck
door or turn a crank to lower a drawbridge.
;]jlYaf kh][aYd YZadala]k$ kh]ddk$ Yf\ kalmYlagfk Yddgo qgm
to take a special action called a reaction. A reaction is
Yf afklYfl j]khgfk] lg Y lja__]j g^ kge] caf\$ o`a[` [Yf
g[[mj gf qgmj lmjf gj gf kge]gf] ]dk]Ìk& L`] ghhgjlmfalq
YllY[c$ \]k[jaZ]\ dYl]j af l`ak [`Yhl]j$ ak l`] egkl [ge-
mon type of reaction.
Chapter 2: Playing the Game
O`]f qgm lYc] Y j]Y[lagf$ qgm [YfÌl lYc] Yfgl`]j gf] Moving Around Other Creatures
until the start of your next turn. If the reaction interrupts
Yfgl`]j [j]Ylmj]Ìk lmjf$ l`Yl [j]Ylmj] [Yf [gflafm] alk Qgm [Yf egn] l`jgm_` Y ^ja]f\Ìk khY[]& Af [gfljYkl$ qgm
turn right after the reaction. [Yf egn] l`jgm_` Yf ]f]eqÌk khY[] gfdq a^ l`] ^g] ak Yl
least two sizes larger or smaller than you. Remember
Movement and Position l`Yl Yfgl`]j [j]Ylmj]Ìk khY[] ak \a[mdl l]jjYaf ^gj qgm&
O`]l`]j Y [j]Ylmj] ak Y ^ja]f\ gj Yf ]f]eq$ qgm [YfÌl
Gf qgmj lmjf$ qgm [Yf egn] Y \aklYf[] mh lg qgmj kh]]\& willingly end your move in its space.
Qgm [Yf mk] Yk em[` gj Yk dalld] g^ qgmj kh]]\ Yk qgm dac] A^ qgm d]Yn] Yf ]f]eqÌk j]Y[` \mjaf_ qgmj egn]$ qgm
gf qgmj lmjf$ ^gddgoaf_ l`] jmd]k `]j]& provoke an opportunity attack (see page 37).
Qgmj egn]e]fl [Yf af[dm\] bmehaf_$ [daeZaf_$ Yf\
koaeeaf_ k]] ÉKh][aYd Lqh]k g^ Egn]e]fl$Ê hY_] Flying Movement
+*!& L`]k] \a]ץj]fl eg\]k g^ egn]e]fl [Yf Z] [ge-
Zaf]\ oal` oYdcaf_$ gj l`]q [Yf [gfklalml] qgmj ]flaj] >dqaf_ [j]Ylmj]k ]fbgq eYfq Z]f]Õlk g^ egZadalq$ Zml
egn]& @go]n]j qgmÌj] egnaf_$ qgm \]\m[l l`] \aklYf[] g^ l`]q emkl Ydkg \]Yd oal` l`] \Yf_]j g^ ^Yddaf_& A^ Y Öqaf_
each part of your move from your speed until it is used up [j]Ylmj] ak cfg[c]\ hjgf]$ `Yk alk kh]]\ j]\m[]\ lg ($ gj
ak gl`]joak] \]hjan]\ g^ l`] YZadalq lg egn]$ l`] [j]Ylmj]
or until you are done moving. ^Yddk$ mfd]kk al `Yk l`] YZadalq lg `gn]j gj al ak Z]af_ `]d\
Ydg^l Zq eY_a[$ km[` Yk Zq l`] Öq spell.
Breaking Up Your Move
Actions in Combat
Qgm [Yf Zj]Yc mh qgmj egn]e]fl gf qgmj lmjf$ mkaf_
some of your speed before and after your action. For O`]f qgm lYc] qgmj Y[lagf gf qgmj lmjf$ qgm [Yf lYc] gf]
]pYehd]$ a^ qgm `Yn] Y kh]]\ g^ +( ^]]l$ qgm [Yf egn] of the actions presented here. When you describe an ac-
)( ^]]l$ lYc] qgmj Y[lagf$ Yf\ l`]f egn] *( ^]]l& lagf fgl \]lYad]\ `]j]$ l`] <E l]ddk o`Yl caf\ g^ jgdd qgm
KaeadYjdq$ a^ qgm lYc] Yf Y[lagf l`Yl af[dm\]k egj] l`Yf f]]\ lg eYc]$ a^ Yfq$ lg \]l]jeaf] km[[]kk gj ^Yadmj]&
gf] o]Yhgf YllY[c$ qgm [Yf Zj]Yc mh qgmj egn]e]fl
even further by moving between those attacks. Attack
A^ qgm `Yn] egj] l`Yf gf] kh]]\$ km[` Yk qgmj oYdcaf_
kh]]\ Yf\ Y Öqaf_ kh]]\$ qgm [Yf koal[` ZY[c Yf\ ^gjl` The most common action to take in combat is the Attack
between your speeds during your move. Whenever you Y[lagf$ o`]l`]j qgm Yj] koaf_af_ Y kogj\$ Õjaf_ Yf Yj-
koal[`$ kmZljY[l l`] \aklYf[] qgmÌn] Ydj]Y\q egn]\ ^jge jgo ^jge Y Zgo$ gj ZjYodaf_ oal` qgmj Õklk&
the new speed. The result determines how much farther Oal` l`ak Y[lagf$ qgm eYc] gf] e]d]] gj jYf_]\ YllY[c&
qgm [Yf egn]& A^ l`] j]kmdl ak ( gj d]kk$ qgm [YfÌl mk] l`] K]] l`] ÉEYcaf_ Yf 9llY[cÊ k][lagf ^gj l`] jmd]k l`Yl _gn-
new speed during the current move. ern attacks.
>gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm `Yn] Y kh]]\ g^ +( Yf\ Y Öqaf_
speed of 60 because a wizard cast the Öq kh]dd gf qgm$ Cast a Spell
qgm [gmd\ Öq *( ^]]l$ l`]f oYdc )( ^]]l$ Yf\ l`]f d]Yh aflg
l`] Yaj lg Öq +( ^]]l egj]& Most spells require an action to cast. See chapter 4 for
the rules on casting a spell.
Difficult Terrain
;geZYlYflk Yj] g^l]f kdgo]\ \gof Zq \a[mdl l]jjYaf&
Dgo ^mjfalmj]$ jmZZd]$ mf\]j_jgol`$ kl]]h klYajk$ kfgo$ O`]f qgm lYc] l`] <Yk` Y[lagf$ qgm _Yaf ]pljY egn]e]fl
Yf\ k`Yddgo Zg_k Yj] ]pYehd]k g^ \a[mdl l]jjYaf& L`] ^gj l`] [mjj]fl lmjf& L`] af[j]Yk] ]imYdk qgmj kh]]\$ Y^-
khY[] g^ Yfgl`]j [j]Ylmj]$ o`]l`]j `gklad] gj fgl$ Ydkg l]j Yhhdqaf_ Yfq eg\aÕ]jk& Oal` Y kh]]\ g^ +( ^]]l$ ^gj ]p-
[gmflk Yk \a[mdl l]jjYaf& Yehd]$ qgm [Yf egn] mh lg .( ^]]l gf qgmj lmjf a^ qgm \Yk`&
=n]jq ^ggl g^ egn]e]fl af \a[mdl l]jjYaf [gklk )
extra foot. This rule is true even if multiple things in Any increase or decrease to your speed changes this
Y khY[] [gmfl Yk \a[mdl l]jjYaf& additional movement by the same amount.
Being Prone Disengage
;geZYlYflk g^l]f Õf\ l`]ek]dn]k dqaf_ gf l`] _jgmf\$ A^ qgm lYc] l`] <ak]f_Y_] Y[lagf$ qgmj egn]e]fl \g]kfÌl
either because they are knocked down or because they provoke opportunity attacks for the rest of the turn.
l`jgo l`]ek]dn]k \gof& Af l`] _Ye]$ l`]q Yj] hjgf]$
a condition described in appendix B. Dodge
Qgm [Yf drop prone without using any of your speed.
Standing up lYc]k egj] ]ץgjl3 \gaf_ kg [gklk Yf Yegmfl O`]f qgm lYc] l`] <g\_] Y[lagf$ qgm ^g[mk gf Ynga\af_
g^ egn]e]fl ]imYd lg `Yd^ qgmj kh]]\& >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ YllY[ck& Mflad l`] klYjl g^ qgmj f]pl lmjf$ Yfq YllY[c jgdd
qgmj kh]]\ ak +( ^]]l$ qgm emkl kh]f\ )- ^]]l g^ egn]- made against you has disadvantage if you can see the
e]fl lg klYf\ mh& Qgm [YfÌl klYf\ mh a^ qgm \gfÌl `Yn] YllY[c]j$ Yf\ qgm eYc] <]pl]jalq kYnaf_ l`jgok oal` Y\-
enough movement left or if your speed is 0. nYflY_]& Qgm dgk] l`ak Z]f]Õl a^ qgm Yj] af[YhY[alYl]\ Yk
Lg egn] o`ad] hjgf]$ qgm emkl crawl (see page 32) explained in appendix B) or if your speed drops to 0.
or use magic such as teleportation.
Qgm [Yf d]f\ qgmj Ya\ lg Yfgl`]j [j]Ylmj] af l`] [gehd]-
lagf g^ Y lYkc& O`]f qgm lYc] l`] @]dh Y[lagf$ l`] [j]Y-
ture you aid gains advantage on the next ability check it
eYc]k lg h]j^gje l`] lYkc qgm Yj] `]dhaf_ oal`$ hjgna\]\
that it makes the check before the start of your next turn.
9dl]jfYlan]dq$ qgm [Yf Ya\ Yf Yddq af YllY[caf_ Y [j]Ylmj]
oal`af - ^]]l g^ qgm& Qgm ^]afl$ \akljY[l l`] lYj_]l$ gj af
Chapter 2: Playing the Game
kge] gl`]j oYq l]Ye mh lg eYc] qgmj YddqÌk YllY[c egj] 1. Choose a target. Ha[c Y lYj_]l oal`af qgmj YllY[cÌk
][]ץlan]& A^ qgmj Yddq YllY[ck l`] lYj_]l Z]^gj] qgmj f]pl jYf_]2 Y [j]Ylmj]$ Yf gZb][l$ gj Y dg[Ylagf&
lmjf$ l`] Õjkl YllY[c jgdd ak eY\] oal` Y\nYflY_]&
*& <]l]jeaf] eg\aÕ]jk& The DM determines whether
the target has cover and whether you have advantage
O`]f qgm lYc] l`] @a\] Y[lagf$ qgm eYc] Y <]pl]jalq gj \akY\nYflY_] Y_Yafkl l`] lYj_]l& Af Y\\alagf$ kh]ddk$
Kl]Ydl`! [`][c af Yf Yll]ehl lg `a\]$ ^gddgoaf_ l`] jmd]k kh][aYd YZadala]k$ Yf\ gl`]j ][]ץlk [Yf Yhhdq h]fYdla]k
gf hY_] +( ^gj `a\af_& A^ qgm km[[]]\$ qgm _Yaf []jlYaf
Z]f]Õlk$ Yk \]k[jaZ]\ af l`] ÉMfk]]f 9llY[c]jk Yf\ LYj- or bonuses to your attack roll.
_]lkÊ k][lagf Z]dgo& 3. Resolve the attack. Qgm eYc] l`] YllY[c jgdd& Gf Y `al$
Ready qgm jgdd \YeY_]$ mfd]kk l`] hYjla[mdYj YllY[c `Yk jmd]k
Sometimes you want to get the jump on a foe or wait for a that specify otherwise. Some attacks cause special
hYjla[mdYj [aj[meklYf[] Z]^gj] qgm Y[l& Lg \g kg$ qgm [Yf ][]ץlk af Y\\alagf lg gj afkl]Y\ g^ \YeY_]&
lYc] l`] J]Y\q Y[lagf gf qgmj lmjf$ o`a[` d]lk qgm Y[l mk-
ing your reaction before the start of your next turn. A^ l`]j]Ìk ]n]j Yfq im]klagf o`]l`]j kge]l`af_ qgmÌj]
>ajkl$ qgm \][a\] o`Yl h]j[]anYZd] [aj[meklYf[] oadd \gaf_ [gmflk Yk Yf YllY[c$ l`] jmd] ak kaehd]2 a^ qgmÌj]
lja__]j qgmj j]Y[lagf& L`]f$ qgm [`ggk] l`] Y[lagf qgm eYcaf_ Yf YllY[c jgdd$ qgmÌj] eYcaf_ Yf YllY[c&
oadd lYc] af j]khgfk] lg l`Yl lja__]j$ gj qgm [`ggk] lg
move up to your speed in response to it. Examples in- Attack Rolls
[dm\] ÉA^ l`] [mdlakl kl]hk gf l`] ljYh\ggj$ AÌdd hmdd l`]
d]n]j l`Yl gh]fk al$Ê Yf\ ÉA^ l`] _gZdaf kl]hk f]pl lg e]$ A O`]f qgm eYc] Yf YllY[c$ qgmj YllY[c jgdd \]l]jeaf]k
egn] YoYq&Ê o`]l`]j l`] YllY[c `alk gj eakk]k& Lg eYc] Yf YllY[c jgdd$
O`]f l`] lja__]j g[[mjk$ qgm [Yf ]al`]j lYc] qgmj j]Y[- jgdd Y \*( Yf\ Y\\ l`] YhhjghjaYl] eg\aÕ]jk& A^ l`] lglYd
lagf ja_`l Y^l]j l`] lja__]j Õfak`]k gj a_fgj] l`] lja__]j& g^ l`] jgdd hdmk eg\aÕ]jk ]imYdk gj ]p[]]\k l`] lYj_]lÌk
O`]f qgm j]Y\q Y kh]dd$ qgm [Ykl al Yk fgjeYd Zml `gd\ 9jegj ;dYkk 9;!$ l`] YllY[c `alk&
alk ]f]j_q$ o`a[` qgm j]d]Yk] oal` qgmj j]Y[lagf o`]f l`] O`]f Y [`YjY[l]j eYc]k Yf YllY[c jgdd$ l`] log egkl
lja__]j g[[mjk& Lg Z] j]Y\a]\$ Y kh]dd emkl `Yn] Y [Yklaf_ [geegf eg\aÕ]jk lg l`] jgdd Yj] Yf YZadalq eg\aÕ]j
lae] g^ ) Y[lagf$ Yf\ `gd\af_ gflg l`] kh]ddÌk eY_a[ j]- Yf\ l`] [`YjY[l]jÌk hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk& O`]f Y egfkl]j
quires concentration (explained in chapter 4). If your con- eYc]k Yf YllY[c jgdd$ al mk]k o`Yl]n]j eg\aÕ]j ak hjg-
[]fljYlagf ak Zjgc]f$ l`] kh]dd \akkahYl]k oal`gml lYcaf_
][]ץl& >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm Yj] [gf[]fljYlaf_ gf l`] web vided in its stat block.
spell and ready magic missile$ qgmj web kh]dd ]f\k$ Yf\ 9Zadalq Eg\aÕ]j& L`] YZadalq eg\aÕ]j mk]\ ^gj Y e]d]]
if you take damage before you release magic missile with
qgmj j]Y[lagf$ qgmj [gf[]fljYlagf ea_`l Z] Zjgc]f& o]Yhgf YllY[c ak Klj]f_l`$ Yf\ l`] YZadalq eg\aÕ]j mk]\
Search for a ranged weapon attack is Dexterity.
O`]f qgm lYc] l`] K]Yj[` Y[lagf$ qgm \]ngl] qgmj Yll]f- Some spells also require an attack roll. The ability
lagf lg Õf\af_ kge]l`af_$ Yf\ l`] <E ea_`l `Yn] qgm eg\aÕ]j mk]\ ^gj Y kh]dd YllY[c \]h]f\k gf l`] kh]dd[Ykl-
make a Wisdom (Perception) check or an Intelligence af_ YZadalq g^ l`] kh]dd[Ykl]j$ Yk ]phdYaf]\ af [`Yhl]j ,&
(Investigation) check.
HjgÕ[a]f[q :gfmk& Qgm Y\\ qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk
Use a Magic Item
to your attack roll when you attack using a weapon with
A^ qgm `Yn] Y eY_a[ al]e l`Yl j]imaj]k Yf Y[lagf lg mk]$ o`a[` qgm `Yn] hjgÕ[a]f[q$ Yk o]dd Yk o`]f qgm YllY[c
you take the Use a Magic Item action.
with a spell.
Use an Object
Rolling 1 or 20
Qgm fgjeYddq afl]jY[l oal` Yf gZb][l o`ad] \gaf_ kge]-
l`af_ ]dk]$ km[` Yk o`]f qgm \jYo Y kogj\ Yk hYjl g^ Yf A^ l`] \*( jgdd ^gj Yf YllY[c ak Y *($ l`] YllY[c `alk j]_Yj\-
YllY[c& O`]f Y fgfeY_a[Yd gZb][l j]imaj]k qgmj Y[lagf$ d]kk g^ Yfq eg\aÕ]jk gj l`] lYj_]lÌk 9;& L`ak ak [Ydd]\ Y
you take the Use an Object action. This action is also use- [jala[Yd `al$ o`a[` ak ]phdYaf]\ dYl]j af l`ak [`Yhl]j&
ful when you want to interact with more than one object A^ l`] \*( jgdd ^gj Yf YllY[c ak Y )$ l`] YllY[c eakk]k j]-
on your turn. _Yj\d]kk g^ Yfq eg\aÕ]jk gj l`] lYj_]lÌk 9;&
Use a Special Ability Unseen Attackers and Targets
Many class features give you special ways to use your O`]f qgm eYc] Yf YllY[c jgdd Y_Yafkl Y lYj_]l qgm [YfÌl
Y[lagf& Egfkl]jk Ydkg `Yn] l`]aj gof kh][aYd Y[lagfk$ Yk k]]$ qgm `Yn] \akY\nYflY_] gf l`] jgdd& L`ak ak ljm]
detailed in their stat blocks. o`]l`]j qgmÌj] _m]kkaf_ l`] lYj_]lÌk dg[Ylagf gj qgmÌj]
targeting a creature you can hear but not see. If the target
akfÌl af l`] dg[Ylagf qgm lYj_]l]\$ qgm YmlgeYla[Yddq eakk$
Zml l`] <E lqha[Yddq bmkl kYqk l`Yl l`] YllY[c eakk]\$ fgl
o`]l`]j qgm _m]kk]\ l`] lYj_]lÌk dg[Ylagf [gjj][ldq&
O`]f Y [j]Ylmj] [YfÌl k]] qgm$ qgm `Yn] Y\nYflY_] gf
attack rolls against it.
A^ qgm Yj] `a\\]fÈZgl` mfk]]f Yf\ mf`]Yj\Èo`]f
qgm eYc] Yf YllY[c$ qgm _an] YoYq qgmj dg[Ylagf o`]f l`]
attack hits or misses.
Making an Attack Cover
O`]l`]j qgmÌj] kljacaf_ oal` Y e]d]] o]Yhgf$ Õjaf_ Y OYddk$ lj]]k$ [j]Ylmj]k$ Yf\ gl`]j gZklY[d]k [Yf hjgna\]
o]Yhgf Yl jYf_]$ gj eYcaf_ Yf YllY[c jgdd Yk hYjl g^ Y [gn]j$ eYcaf_ Y lYj_]l egj] \a[mdl lg `Yje& 9 lYj_]l
kh]dd$ Yf YllY[c `Yk l`] ^gddgoaf_ kljm[lmj]2 [Yf Z]f]Õl ^jge [gn]j gfdq o`]f Yf YllY[c gj gl`]j ][]ץl
originates on the opposite side of the cover.
Chapter 2: Playing the Game
RICHARD WHITTERS Half Cover and Three-Quarters Cover Ranged Attacks in Close Combat
There are three degrees of cover. If a target is behind 9aeaf_ Y jYf_]\ YllY[c ak egj] \a[mdl o`]f Y ^g]
emdlahd] kgmj[]k g^ [gn]j$ gfdq l`] egkl hjgl][lan] \]_j]] is next to you. When you make a ranged attack with a
g^ [gn]j Yhhda]k3 l`] \]_j]]k Yj]fÌl Y\\]\ lg_]l`]j& >gj o]Yhgf$ Y kh]dd$ gj kge] gl`]j e]Yfk$ qgm `Yn] \akY\nYf-
]pYehd]$ a^ Y lYj_]l ak Z]`af\ Y [j]Ylmj] l`Yl _an]k `Yd^ tage on the attack roll if you are within 5 feet of an enemy
[gn]j Yf\ Y lj]] ljmfc l`Yl _an]k l`j]]%imYjl]jk [gn]j$ l`] o`g [Yf k]] qgm Yf\ o`g akfÌl af[YhY[alYl]\&
target has three-quarters cover.
Melee Attacks
A target with half cover `Yk Y #* Zgfmk lg 9; Yf\
Dexterity saving throws. A target has half cover if an ob- Mk]\ af `Yf\%lg%`Yf\ [geZYl$ Y e]d]] YllY[c Yddgok qgm
stacle blocks at least half of its body. The obstacle might to attack a foe within your reach. A melee attack typically
Z] Y dgo oYdd$ Y dYj_] ha][] g^ ^mjfalmj]$ Y fYjjgo lj]] uses a handheld weapon. A typical monster makes a
ljmfc$ gj Y [j]Ylmj]$ o`]l`]j l`Yl [j]Ylmj] ak Yf ]f]eq e]d]] YllY[c o`]f al kljac]k oal` alk [dYok$ `gjfk$ l]]l`$
or a friend. l]flY[d]k$ gj gl`]j Zg\q hYjl& 9 ^]o kh]ddk Ydkg afngdn]
making a melee attack.
A target with three-quarters cover `Yk Y #- Zgfmk lg
AC and Dexterity saving throws. A target has three-quar- Most creatures have a 5-foot reach and can thus attack
ters cover if about three-quarters of it is covered by an ob- targets within 5 feet of them when making a melee at-
klY[d]& L`] gZklY[d] ea_`l Z] Y hgjl[mddak$ Yf Yjjgo kdal$ tack. Certain creatures have melee attacks with a greater
or a thick tree trunk. j]Y[` l`Yf - ^]]l$ Yk fgl]\ af l`]aj \]k[jahlagfk&
A target with total cover [YfÌl Z] lYj_]l]\ \aj][ldq Zq Instead of using a weapon to make a melee weapon
Yf YllY[c gj Y kh]dd$ Ydl`gm_` kge] kh]ddk [Yf j]Y[` km[` YllY[c$ qgm [Yf mk] Yf unarmed strike2 Y hmf[`$ ca[c$
Y lYj_]l Zq af[dm\af_ al af Yf Yj]Y g^ ][]ץl& 9 lYj_]l `Yk `]Y\%Zmll$ gj kaeadYj ^gj[]^md Zdgo& Gf Y `al$ Yf mfYje]\
total cover if it is completely concealed by an obstacle. kljac] \]Ydk Zdm\_]gfaf_ \YeY_] ]imYd lg ) # qgmj
Klj]f_l` eg\aÕ]j& Qgm Yj] hjgÕ[a]fl oal` qgmj mfYje]\
Ranged Attacks kljac]k& L`]q Yj]fÌl [gfka\]j]\ o]Yhgfk Zq l`] jmd]k$ Zml
they nonetheless work for melee weapon attacks.
O`]f qgm eYc] Y jYf_]\ YllY[c$ qgm Õj] Y Zgo gj Y
[jgkkZgo$ `mjd Y `Yf\Yp]$ gj gl`]joak] k]f\ hjgb][lad]k Opportunity Attacks
to strike a foe at a distance. Many spells also involve mak-
ing a ranged attack. Af Y Õ_`l$ ]n]jqgf] ak [gfklYfldq oYl[`af_ ^gj ]f]ea]k
lg \jgh l`]aj _mYj\& Qgm [Yf jYj]dq egn] `]]\d]kkdq hYkl
Range your foes without putting yourself in danger; doing so
provokes an opportunity attack.
Qgm [Yf eYc] jYf_]\ YllY[ck gfdq Y_Yafkl lYj_]lk oal`af Qgm [Yf eYc] Yf ghhgjlmfalq YllY[c o`]f Yf ]f]eq
Y kh][aÕ]\ jYf_]& A^ Y jYf_]\ YllY[c$ km[` Yk gf] eY\] that you can see moves out of your reach. To make the
oal` Y kh]dd$ `Yk Y kaf_d] jYf_]$ qgm [YfÌl YllY[c Y lYj_]l ghhgjlmfalq YllY[c$ qgm mk] qgmj j]Y[lagf lg eYc] gf]
beyond this range. melee attack against the provoking creature. The attack
Kge] jYf_]\ YllY[ck$ km[` Yk l`gk] eY\] oal` Y dgf_- occurs right before the creature leaves your reach.
Zgo gj Y k`gjlZgo$ `Yn] log jYf_]k& L`] keYdd]j fmeZ]j Qgm [Yf Ynga\ hjgngcaf_ Yf ghhgjlmfalq YllY[c Zq
ak l`] fgjeYd jYf_]$ Yf\ l`] dYj_]j fmeZ]j ak l`] dgf_ lYcaf_ l`] <ak]f_Y_] Y[lagf& Qgm Ydkg \gfÌl hjgngc] Yf
jYf_]& Qgmj YllY[c jgdd `Yk \akY\nYflY_] o`]f qgmj lYj_]l opportunity attack when you teleport or when someone
ak Z]qgf\ fgjeYd jYf_]$ Yf\ qgm [YfÌl YllY[c Y lYj_]l Z]- gj kge]l`af_ egn]k qgm oal`gml mkaf_ qgmj egn]e]fl$
yond the long range. Y[lagf$ gj j]Y[lagf& >gj ]pYehd]$ qgm \gfÌl hjgngc] Yf
ghhgjlmfalq YllY[c a^ Yf ]phdgkagf `mjdk qgm gml g^ Y ^g]Ìk
reach or if gravity causes you to fall past an enemy. 37
Two-Weapon Fighting
When you take the Attack action and attack with a light
e]d]] o]Yhgf l`Yl qgmÌj] `gd\af_ af gf] `Yf\$ qgm [Yf
mk] Y Zgfmk Y[lagf lg YllY[c oal` Y \a]ץj]fl da_`l e]d]]
o]Yhgf l`Yl qgmÌj] `gd\af_ af l`] gl`]j `Yf\& Qgm \gfÌl
Y\\ qgmj YZadalq eg\aÕ]j lg l`] \YeY_] g^ l`] Zgfmk Yl-
lY[c$ mfd]kk l`Yl eg\aÕ]j ak f]_Ylan]&
A^ ]al`]j o]Yhgf `Yk l`] l`jgof hjgh]jlq$ qgm [Yf
l`jgo l`] o]Yhgf$ afkl]Y\ g^ eYcaf_ Y e]d]] Yl-
tack with it.
O`]f qgm oYfl lg _jYZ Y [j]Ylmj] gj oj]kld] oal` al$ qgm
[Yf mk] l`] 9llY[c Y[lagf lg eYc] Y kh][aYd e]d]] YllY[c$
Y _jYhhd]& A^ qgmÌj] YZd] lg eYc] emdlahd] YllY[ck oal` l`]
9llY[c Y[lagf$ l`ak YllY[c j]hdY[]k gf] g^ l`]e&
The target of your grapple must be no more than one
kar] dYj_]j l`Yf qgm$ Yf\ al emkl Z] oal`af qgmj j]Y[`&
Mkaf_ Yl d]Ykl gf] ^j]] `Yf\$ qgm ljq lg k]ar] l`] lYj_]l
Chapter 2: Playing the Game
Zq eYcaf_ Y _jYhhd] [`][c$ Y Klj]f_l` 9l`d]la[k! [`][c Critical Hits
[gfl]kl]\ Zq l`] lYj_]lÌk Klj]f_l` 9l`d]la[k! gj <]pl]jalq
(Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use). O`]f qgm k[gj] Y [jala[Yd `al$ qgm _]l lg jgdd ]pljY \a[]
Qgm km[[]]\ YmlgeYla[Yddq a^ l`] lYj_]l ak af[YhY[alYl]\& A^ ^gj l`] YllY[cÌk \YeY_] Y_Yafkl l`] lYj_]l& Jgdd Ydd g^ l`]
qgm km[[]]\$ qgm kmZb][l l`] lYj_]l lg l`] _jYhhd]\ [gf\a- YllY[cÌk \YeY_] \a[] loa[] Yf\ Y\\ l`]e lg_]l`]j& L`]f
lagf k]] Yhh]f\ap :!& L`] [gf\alagf kh][aÕ]k l`] l`af_k Y\\ Yfq j]d]nYfl eg\aÕ]jk Yk fgjeYd& Lg kh]]\ mh hdYq$
l`Yl ]f\ al$ Yf\ qgm [Yf j]d]Yk] l`] lYj_]l o`]f]n]j qgm you can roll all the damage dice at once.
like (no action required). >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm k[gj] Y [jala[Yd `al oal` Y \Y__]j$
jgdd *\, ^gj l`] \YeY_]$ jYl`]j l`Yf )\,$ Yf\ l`]f Y\\
=k[Yhaf_ Y ?jYhhd]& A grappled creature can use its qgmj j]d]nYfl YZadalq eg\aÕ]j& A^ l`] YllY[c afngdn]k gl`]j
Y[lagf lg ]k[Yh]& Lg \g kg$ al emkl km[[]]\ gf Y Klj]f_l` \YeY_] \a[]$ km[` Yk ^jge l`] jg_m]Ìk Kf]Yc 9llY[c ^]Y-
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by lmj]$ qgm jgdd l`gk] \a[] loa[] Yk o]dd&
your Strength (Athletics) check. Damage Types
Egnaf_ Y ?jYhhd]\ ;j]Ylmj]& O`]f qgm egn]$ qgm
<a]ץj]fl YllY[ck Yf\ \YeY_af_ kh]ddk \]Yd \a]ץj]fl lqh]k
[Yf \jY_ gj [Yjjq l`] _jYhhd]\ [j]Ylmj] oal` qgm$ Zml g^ \YeY_]& <YeY_] lqh]k `Yn] fg jmd]k g^ l`]aj gof$ Zml
qgmj kh]]\ ak `Ydn]\$ mfd]kk l`] [j]Ylmj] ak log gj egj] gl`]j jmd]k$ km[` Yk \YeY_] j]kaklYf[]$ j]dq gf l`] lqh]k&
sizes smaller than you. L`] lqh]k Yj] Y[a\$ Zdm\_]gfaf_$ [gd\$ Õj]$ ^gj[]$ da_`l-
faf_$ f][jgla[$ ha]j[af_$ hgakgf$ hkq[`a[$ jY\aYfl$ kdYk`af_$
Shoving a Creature and thunder.
Mkaf_ l`] 9llY[c Y[lagf$ qgm [Yf eYc] Y kh][aYd e]d]] Yl- Damage Resistance and Vulnerability
lY[c lg k`gn] Y [j]Ylmj]$ ]al`]j lg cfg[c al hjgf] gj hmk`
al YoYq ^jge qgm& A^ qgmÌj] YZd] lg eYc] emdlahd] YllY[ck Kge] [j]Ylmj]k Yf\ gZb][lk Yj] ]p[]]\af_dq \a[mdl gj
oal` l`] 9llY[c Y[lagf$ l`ak YllY[c j]hdY[]k gf] g^ l`]e& unusually easy to hurt with certain types of damage.
The target of your shove must be no more than one If a creature or an object has resistance to a damage
kar] dYj_]j l`Yf qgm$ Yf\ al emkl Z] oal`af qgmj j]Y[`& lqh]$ \YeY_] g^ l`Yl lqh] ak `Ydn]\ Y_Yafkl al& A^ Y [j]Y-
Qgm eYc] Y Klj]f_l` 9l`d]la[k! [`][c [gfl]kl]\ Zq ture or an object has vulnerability lg Y \YeY_] lqh]$
l`] lYj_]lÌk Klj]f_l` 9l`d]la[k! gj <]pl]jalq 9[jgZYl- damage of that type is doubled against it.
a[k! [`][c l`] lYj_]l [`ggk]k l`] YZadalq lg mk]!& Qgm
succeed automatically if the target is incapacitated. If Resistance and then vulnerability are applied after all
qgm km[[]]\$ qgm ]al`]j cfg[c l`] lYj_]l hjgf] gj hmk` gl`]j eg\aÕ]jk lg \YeY_]& >gj ]pYehd]$ Y [j]Ylmj] `Yk
it 5 feet away from you. resistance to bludgeoning damage and is hit by an attack
Damage and Healing that deals 25 bludgeoning damage. The creature is also
Gf Y\n]flmj]k$ afbmjq Yf\ \]Yl` Yj] [gfklYfl l`j]Ylk& within a magical aura that reduces all damage by 5. The
*- \YeY_] ak Õjkl j]\m[]\ Zq - Yf\ l`]f `Ydn]\$ kg l`]
Hit Points creature takes 10 damage.
Hit points represent a combination of physical and men- Multiple instances of resistance or vulnerability that
lYd \mjYZadalq$ l`] oadd lg dan]$ Yf\ dm[c& ;j]Ylmj]k oal` Y[]ץl l`] kYe] \YeY_] lqh] [gmfl Yk gfdq gf] afklYf[]&
egj] `al hgaflk Yj] egj] \a[mdl lg cadd& L`gk] oal` >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ Y [j]Ylmj] `Yk j]kaklYf[] lg Õj] \YeY_]
fewer hit points are more fragile. Yk o]dd Yk j]kaklYf[] lg Ydd fgfeY_a[Yd \YeY_]$ l`] \Ye-
9 [j]Ylmj]Ìk [mjj]fl `al hgaflk mkmYddq bmkl [Ydd]\ `al Y_] g^ Y fgfeY_a[Yd Õj] ak j]\m[]\ Zq `Yd^ Y_Yafkl l`]
hgaflk! [Yf Z] Yfq fmeZ]j ^jge l`] [j]Ylmj]Ìk `al hgafl [j]Ylmj]$ fgl j]\m[]\ Zq l`j]]%imYjl]jk&
maximum down to 0. This number changes frequently as
a creature takes damage or receives healing.
O`]f]n]j Y [j]Ylmj] lYc]k \YeY_]$ l`Yl \YeY_] ak Mfd]kk al j]kmdlk af \]Yl`$ \YeY_] akfÌl h]jeYf]fl& =n]f
subtracted from its hit points. The loss of hit points has death is reversible through powerful magic. Rest can re-
fg ][]ץl gf Y [j]Ylmj]Ìk [YhYZadala]k mflad l`] [j]Ylmj] klgj] Y [j]Ylmj]Ìk `al hgaflk k]] hY_] ++!$ Yf\ eY_a[Yd
drops to 0 hit points. methods such as a cure wounds spell or a potion of heal-
Damage Rolls ing can remove damage in an instant.
O`]f Y [j]Ylmj] j][]an]k `]Ydaf_ g^ Yfq caf\$ `al hgaflk
=Y[` o]Yhgf$ kh]dd$ Yf\ `Yje^md egfkl]j YZadalq kh][a- j]_Yaf]\ Yj] Y\\]\ lg alk [mjj]fl `al hgaflk& 9 [j]Ylmj]Ìk
Õ]k l`] \YeY_] al \]Ydk& Qgm jgdd l`] \YeY_] \a] gj \a[]$ `al hgaflk [YfÌl ]p[]]\ alk `al hgafl eYpaeme$ kg Yfq `al
Y\\ Yfq eg\aÕ]jk$ Yf\ Yhhdq l`] \YeY_] lg qgmj lYj_]l& points regained in excess of this number are lost. For
EY_a[ o]Yhgfk$ kh][aYd YZadala]k$ Yf\ gl`]j ^Y[lgjk [Yf ]pYehd]$ Y \jma\ _jYflk Y jYf_]j 0 `al hgaflk g^ `]Ydaf_&
grant a bonus to damage. If the ranger has 14 current hit points and has a hit point
eYpaeme g^ *($ l`] jYf_]j j]_Yafk . `al hgaflk ^jge l`]
When attacking with a weapon$ qgm Y\\ qgmj YZadalq \jma\$ fgl 0&
eg\aÕ]jÈl`] kYe] eg\aÕ]j mk]\ ^gj l`] YllY[c jgddÈlg 9 [j]Ylmj] l`Yl `Yk \a]\ [YfÌl j]_Yaf `al hgaflk mflad
the damage. A spell tells you which dice to roll for dam- magic such as the revivify spell has restored it to life.
Y_] Yf\ o`]l`]j lg Y\\ Yfq eg\aÕ]jk&
A^ Y kh]dd gj gl`]j ][]ץl \]Ydk \YeY_] lg more than Dropping to 0 Hit Points
one target Yl l`] kYe] lae]$ jgdd l`] \YeY_] gf[] ^gj Ydd
g^ l`]e& >gj ]pYehd]$ o`]f Y oarYj\ [Yklk Õj]ZYdd or a O`]f qgm \jgh lg ( `al hgaflk$ qgm ]al`]j \a] gmlja_`l gj
cleric casts ÖYe] kljac]$ l`] kh]ddÌk \YeY_] ak jgdd]\ gf[] ^Ydd mf[gfk[agmk$ Yk ]phdYaf]\ af l`] ^gddgoaf_ k][lagfk&
for all creatures caught in the blast.
AfklYfl <]Yl`& Massive damage can kill you instantly.
When damage reduces you to 0 hit points and there is
Chapter 2: Playing the Game
\YeY_] j]eYafaf_$ qgm \a] a^ l`] j]eYafaf_ \YeY_] Mounted Combat
equals or exceeds your hit point maximum.
>gj ]pYehd]$ Y [d]ja[ oal` Y eYpaeme g^ )* `al hgaflk A willing creature that is at least one size larger than
currently has 6 hit points. If she takes 18 damage from you and that has an appropriate anatomy can serve as a
Yf YllY[c$ k`] ak j]\m[]\ lg ( `al hgaflk$ Zml )* \YeY_] egmfl$ mkaf_ l`] ^gddgoaf_ jmd]k&
remains. Because the remaining damage equals her hit
hgafl eYpaeme$ l`] [d]ja[ \a]k& Mounting and Dismounting
>Yddaf_ Mf[gfk[agmk& If damage reduces you to 0 hit Gf[] \mjaf_ qgmj egn]$ qgm [Yf egmfl Y [j]Ylmj] l`Yl
hgaflk Yf\ ^Yadk lg cadd qgm$ qgm ^Ydd mf[gfk[agmk k]] Yh- is within 5 feet of you or dismount. Doing so costs an
pendix B). This unconsciousness ends if you regain any amount of movement equal to half your speed. For ex-
Yehd]$ a^ qgmj kh]]\ ak +( ^]]l$ qgm emkl kh]f\ )- ^]]l g^
hit points. egn]e]fl lg egmfl Y `gjk]& L`]j]^gj]$ qgm [YfÌl egmfl
<]Yl` KYnaf_ L`jgok& Whenever you start your turn al a^ qgm \gfÌl `Yn] )- ^]]l g^ egn]e]fl d]^l gj a^ qgmj
speed is 0.
oal` ( `al hgaflk$ qgm emkl eYc] Y kh][aYd kYnaf_ l`jgo$ A^ Yf ][]ץl egn]k qgmj egmfl Y_Yafkl alk oadd o`ad]
[Ydd]\ Y \]Yl` kYnaf_ l`jgo$ lg \]l]jeaf] o`]l`]j qgm qgmÌj] gf al$ qgm emkl km[[]]\ gf Y <; )( <]pl]jalq kYn-
creep closer to death or hang onto life. Unlike other sav- af_ l`jgo gj ^Ydd g ץl`] egmfl$ dYf\af_ hjgf] af Y khY[]
af_ l`jgok$ l`ak gf] akfÌl la]\ lg Yfq YZadalq k[gj]& Qgm oal`af - ^]]l g^ al& A^ qgmÌj] cfg[c]\ hjgf] o`ad] egmfl]\$
Yj] af l`] `Yf\k g^ ^Yl] fgo$ Ya\]\ gfdq Zq kh]ddk Yf\ you must make the same saving throw.
features that improve your chances of succeeding on a A^ qgmj egmfl ak cfg[c]\ hjgf]$ qgm [Yf mk] qgmj j]Y[-
tion to dismount it as it falls and land on your feet. Other-
saving throw. oak]$ qgm Yj] \akegmfl]\ Yf\ ^Ydd hjgf] af Y khY[] oal`af
Jgdd Y \*(& A^ l`] jgdd ak )( gj `a_`]j$ qgm km[[]]\& Gl`- 5 feet it.
]joak]$ qgm ^Yad& 9 km[[]kk gj ^Yadmj] `Yk fg ][]ץl Zq al-
k]d^& Gf qgmj l`aj\ km[[]kk$ qgm Z][ge] klYZd] k]] Z]dgo!& Controlling a Mount
Gf qgmj l`aj\ ^Yadmj]$ qgm \a]& L`] km[[]kk]k Yf\ ^Yadmj]k
\gfÌl f]]\ lg Z] [gfk][mlan]3 c]]h ljY[c g^ Zgl` mflad qgm O`ad] qgmÌj] egmfl]\$ qgm `Yn] log ghlagfk& Qgm [Yf
collect three of a kind. The number of both is reset to zero either control the mount or allow it to act independently.
Afl]dda_]fl [j]Ylmj]k$ km[` Yk \jY_gfk$ Y[l af\]h]f\]fldq&
when you regain any hit points or become stable. Qgm [Yf [gfljgd Y egmfl gfdq a^ al `Yk Z]]f ljYaf]\ lg
Y[[]hl Y ja\]j& <ge]kla[Yl]\ `gjk]k$ \gfc]qk$ Yf\ kae-
When you make a death saving throw and roll a 1 on ilar creatures are assumed to have such training. The
l`] \*($ al [gmflk Yk log ^Yadmj]k& If you roll a 20 on the initiative of a controlled mount changes to match yours
\*($ qgm j]_Yaf ) `al hgafl& o`]f qgm egmfl al& Al egn]k Yk qgm \aj][l al$ Yf\ al `Yk
gfdq l`j]] Y[lagf ghlagfk2 <Yk`$ <ak]f_Y_]$ Yf\ <g\_]& 9
<YeY_] Yl ( @al Hgaflk& If you take any damage while controlled mount can move and act even on the turn that
qgm `Yn] ( `al hgaflk$ qgm km]ץj Y \]Yl` kYnaf_ l`jgo you mount it.
^Yadmj]& A^ l`] \YeY_] ak ^jge Y [jala[Yd `al$ qgm km]ץj log
failures instead. If the damage equals or exceeds your hit An independent mount retains its place in the initiative
hgafl eYpaeme$ qgm km]ץj afklYfl \]Yl`& order. Bearing a rider puts no restrictions on the actions
l`] egmfl [Yf lYc]$ Yf\ al egn]k Yf\ Y[lk Yk al oak`]k& Al
KlYZadaraf_ Y ;j]Ylmj]& The best way to save a creature ea_`l Ö]] ^jge [geZYl$ jmk` lg YllY[c Yf\ \]ngmj Y ZY\dq
oal` ( `al hgaflk ak lg `]Yd al& A^ `]Ydaf_ ak mfYnYadYZd]$ l`] afbmj]\ ^g]$ gj gl`]joak] Y[l Y_Yafkl qgmj oak`]k&
[j]Ylmj] [Yf Yl d]Ykl Z] klYZadar]\ kg l`Yl al akfÌl cadd]\ Zq Y Af ]al`]j [Yk]$ a^ l`] egmfl hjgngc]k Yf ghhgjlmfalq
failed death saving throw. YllY[c o`ad] qgmÌj] gf al$ l`] YllY[c]j [Yf lYj_]l qgm gj
Qgm [Yf mk] qgmj Y[lagf lg Y\eafakl]j Õjkl Ya\ lg Yf the mount.
mf[gfk[agmk [j]Ylmj] Yf\ Yll]ehl lg klYZadar] al$ o`a[`
requires a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check. Underwater Combat
A stable [j]Ylmj] \g]kfÌl eYc] \]Yl` kYnaf_ l`jgok$ When adventurers pursue sahuagin back to their under-
]n]f l`gm_` al `Yk ( `al hgaflk$ Zml al \g]k j]eYaf mf- k]Y `ge]k$ Õ_`l g ץk`Yjck af Yf Yf[a]fl k`ahoj][c$ gj
[gfk[agmk& L`] [j]Ylmj] klghk Z]af_ klYZd]$ Yf\ emkl Õf\ l`]ek]dn]k af Y Ögg\]\ \mf_]gf jgge$ l`]q emkl
klYjl eYcaf_ \]Yl` kYnaf_ l`jgok Y_Yaf$ a^ al lYc]k Yfq Õ_`l af Y [`Ydd]f_af_ ]fnajgfe]fl& Mf\]joYl]j l`] ^gd-
\YeY_]& 9 klYZd] [j]Ylmj] l`Yl akfÌl `]Yd]\ j]_Yafk lowing rules apply.
1 hit point after 1d4 hours.
When making a melee weapon attack$ Y [j]Ylmj] l`Yl
Monsters and Death \g]kfÌl `Yn] Y koaeeaf_ kh]]\ ]al`]j fYlmjYd gj _jYfl]\
by magic) has disadvantage on the attack roll unless the
Most DMs have a monster die the instant it drops to 0 hit o]Yhgf ak Y \Y__]j$ bYn]daf$ k`gjlkogj\$ kh]Yj$ gj lja\]fl&
hgaflk$ jYl`]j l`Yf `Ynaf_ al ^Ydd mf[gfk[agmk Yf\ eYc]
death saving throws. A ranged weapon attack automatically misses a target
Z]qgf\ l`] o]YhgfÌk fgjeYd jYf_]& =n]f Y_Yafkl Y lYj_]l
Mighty villains and special nonplayer characters are oal`af fgjeYd jYf_]$ l`] YllY[c jgdd `Yk \akY\nYflY_] mf-
less the weapon is a crossbow or a weapon that is thrown
common exceptions; the DM might have them fall uncon- dac] Y bYn]daf af[dm\af_ Y kh]Yj$ lja\]fl$ gj \Yjl!&
scious and follow the same rules as player characters. Creatures and objects that are fully immersed in water
`Yn] j]kaklYf[] lg Õj] \YeY_]&
Knocking a Creature Out
Chapter 2: Playing the Game
Kge]lae]k Yf YllY[c]j oYflk lg af[YhY[alYl] Y ^g]$ jYl`]j
than deal a killing blow. When an attacker reduces a
[j]Ylmj] lg ( `al hgaflk oal` Y e]d]] YllY[c$ l`] YllY[c]j
can knock the creature out. The attacker can make this
choice the instant the damage is dealt. The creature falls
unconscious and is stable.
Chapter 3: Equipment
Lরঽ ࣼরߣ્ଚळ दळଚߣঽ৴ ଚরळ दߣळ ߣद ळளકଚঽࣼ Selling Treasure
e]j[`Yf\ak] l`Yl Y\n]flmj]jk [geegfdq Õf\ mk]^md af l`]
^Y[] g^ l`] l`j]Ylk l`Yl l`] ogjd\k g^ < < hj]k]fl& 9k Y _]f]jYd jmd]$ mf\YeY_]\ o]Yhgfk$ Yjegj$ Yf\ gl`]j
equipment fetch half their cost when sold in a market.
Coinage Weapons and armor used by monsters are rarely in good
enough condition to sell.
;geegf [gafk [ge] af k]n]jYd \a]ץj]fl \]fgeafYlagfk ?]ek$ b]o]djq$ Yf\ Yjl gZb][lk j]lYaf l`]aj ^mdd nYdm] af
based on the relative worth of the metal from which they the marketplace.
Af egkl hdY[]k$ eY_a[ al]ek Yj] hja[]d]kk&
are made. The three most common coins are the gold
ha][] _h!$ l`] kadn]j ha][] kh!$ Yf\ l`] [ghh]j ha][] [h!& Armor and Shields
L`] _gd\ ha][] ak l`] klYf\Yj\ mfal g^ e]Ykmj] ^gj o]Ydl`$
]n]f a^ l`] [gaf alk]d^ ak fgl [geegfdq mk]\& Af Y\\alagf$ The Armor table collects types of armor found in the
unusual coins made of other precious metals sometimes game and separates them into three categories:
appear in treasure hoards. The electrum piece (ep) and Light Armor. A^ qgm o]Yj da_`l Yjegj$ qgm Y\\ qgmj <]p-
l]jalq eg\aÕ]j lg l`] ZYk] fmeZ]j ^jge qgmj Yjegj
the platinum piece (pp) originate from fallen empires and type to determine your Armor Class.
dgkl caf_\gek$ Yf\ l`]q kge]lae]k Yjgmk] kmkha[agf Yf\
skepticism when used in transactions. Medium Armor. A^ qgm o]Yj e]\ame Yjegj$ qgm Y\\
9 klYf\Yj\ [gaf o]a_`k YZgml Y l`aj\ g^ Yf gmf[]$ qgmj <]pl]jalq eg\aÕ]j$ lg Y eYpaeme g^ #*$ lg l`]
kg Õ^lq [gafk o]a_` Y hgmf\& base number from your armor type to determine your
Armor Class.
Standard Exchange Rates
Heavy Armor. @]Ynq Yjegj \g]kfÌl d]l qgm Y\\ qgmj <]p-
Coin cp sp ep gp pp l]jalq eg\aÕ]j lg qgmj 9jegj ;dYkk$ Zml al Ydkg \g]kfÌl
h]fYdar] qgm a^ qgmj <]pl]jalq eg\aÕ]j ak f]_Ylan]&
&RSSHU FS 1 1/10 1/100 1/1,000 A^ l`] 9jegj lYZd] k`gok ÉKlj )+Ê gj ÉKlj )-Ê af l`]
1/10 1/100 Klj]f_l` [gdmef ^gj Yf Yjegj lqh]$ l`] Yjegj j]\m[]k
6LOYHU VS 10 1 1/2 1/20 l`] o]Yj]jÌk kh]]\ Zq )( ^]]l mfd]kk l`] o]Yj]j `Yk Y
1 1/10 Strength score equal to or higher than the listed score.
(OHFWUXP HS 1 10 1
3ODWLQXP SS 1,000 100 20
Chapter 3: Equipment
Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Armor 10 gp 'H[ PRGLśHU — — 10 lb.
Light Armor JS 'H[ PRGLśHU — — 13 lb.
Leather 10 gp 'H[ PRGLśHU PD[ — — 12 lb.
Studded leather JS 'H[ PRGLśHU PD[ — — 20 lb.
Medium Armor JS 'H[ PRGLśHU PD[ — Disadvantage OE
Hide JS 'H[ PRGLśHU PD[ — — 20 lb.
Chain shirt JS 'H[ PRGLśHU PD[ — Disadvantage OE
Scale mail
Breastplate 30 gp — Disadvantage OE
Half plate JS 16 Str 13 Disadvantage OE
Heavy Armor 200 gp 17 6WU Disadvantage 60 lb.
Ring mail JS 18 6WU Disadvantage OE
Chain mail
Splint 10 gp +2 — — 6 lb.
Armor Proficiency 9eemfalagf& Qgm [Yf mk] Y o]Yhgf l`Yl `Yk l`] Ye-
Anyone can put on a suit of armor or strap a shield to an munition property to make a ranged attack only if you
Yje& Gfdq l`gk] hjgÕ[a]fl af l`] YjegjÌk mk] cfgo `go `Yn] Yeemfalagf lg Õj] ^jge l`] o]Yhgf& =Y[` lae] qgm
lg o]Yj al ][]ץlan]dq$ `go]n]j& Qgmj [dYkk _an]k qgm hjg- YllY[c oal` l`] o]Yhgf$ qgm ]ph]f\ gf] ha][] g^ Yeem-
Õ[a]f[q oal` []jlYaf lqh]k g^ Yjegj& A^ qgm o]Yj Yjegj falagf& <jYoaf_ l`] Yeemfalagf ^jge Y iman]j$ [Yk]$ gj
l`Yl qgm dY[c hjgÕ[a]f[q oal`$ qgm `Yn] \akY\nYflY_] gf
Yfq YZadalq [`][c$ kYnaf_ l`jgo$ gj YllY[c jgdd l`Yl afngdn]k other container is part of the attack (you need a free hand
Klj]f_l` gj <]pl]jalq$ Yf\ qgm [YfÌl [Ykl kh]ddk& lg dgY\ Y gf]%`Yf\]\ o]Yhgf!& 9l l`] ]f\ g^ l`] ZYlld]$
Stealth you can recover half your expended ammunition by tak-
af_ Y eafml] lg k]Yj[` l`] ZYlld]Õ]d\&
A^ l`] 9jegj lYZd] k`gok É<akY\nYflY_]Ê af l`] Kl]Ydl`
[gdmef$ l`] o]Yj]j `Yk \akY\nYflY_] gf <]pl]jalq If you use a weapon that has the ammunition property to
(Stealth) checks. eYc] Y e]d]] YllY[c$ qgm lj]Yl l`] o]Yhgf Yk Yf aehjgnak]\
o]Yhgf k]] ÉAehjgnak]\ O]YhgfkÊ dYl]j af l`] k][lagf!&
A sling must be loaded to deal any damage when used
Many warriors supplement their armor with a shield.
A shield is made from wood or metal and is carried in in this way.
one hand. Wielding a shield increases your Armor Class >af]kk]& O`]f eYcaf_ Yf YllY[c oal` Y Õf]kk]
Zq *& Qgm [Yf Z]f]Õl ^jge gfdq gf] k`a]d\ Yl Y lae]&
o]Yhgf$ qgm mk] qgmj [`ga[] g^ qgmj Klj]f_l` gj <]pl]j-
Weapons alq eg\aÕ]j ^gj l`] YllY[c Yf\ \YeY_] jgddk& Qgm emkl mk]
l`] kYe] eg\aÕ]j ^gj Zgl` jgddk&
L`] O]Yhgfk lYZd] k`gok o]Yhgfk$ l`]aj hja[] Yf\
o]a_`l$ l`] \YeY_] l`]q \]Yd o`]f l`]q `al$ Yf\ Yfq kh]- @]Ynq& Small creatures have disadvantage on attack
[aYd hjgh]jla]k l`]q hgkk]kk& =n]jq o]Yhgf ak [dYkkaÕ]\ jgddk oal` `]Ynq o]Yhgfk& 9 `]Ynq o]YhgfÌk kar] Yf\
as either melee or ranged. A melee weapon is used to
YllY[c Y lYj_]l oal`af - ^]]l g^ qgm$ o`]j]Yk Y ranged bulk make it too large for a Small creature to use ef-
weapon is used to attack a target at a distance.
Weapon Proficiency Da_`l& 9 da_`l o]Yhgf ak keYdd Yf\ ]Ykq lg `Yf\d]$ eYc-
Qgmj jY[] Yf\ [dYkk [Yf _jYfl qgm hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` []j- af_ al a\]Yd ^gj mk] o`]f Õ_`laf_ oal` log o]Yhgfk& K]]
tain weapons or categories of weapons. The two catego- l`] jmd]k ^gj log%o]Yhgf Õ_`laf_ af [`Yhl]j *&
ries are simple and martial.
HjgÕ[a]f[q oal` Y o]Yhgf Yddgok qgm lg Y\\ qgmj hjg- DgY\af_& Because of the time required to load this
Õ[a]f[q Zgfmk lg l`] YllY[c jgdd ^gj Yfq YllY[c qgm eYc] o]Yhgf$ qgm [Yf Õj] gfdq gf] ha][] g^ Yeemfalagf ^jge
with that weapon. al o`]f qgm mk] Yf Y[lagf$ Zgfmk Y[lagf$ gj j]Y[lagf lg
Õj] al$ j]_Yj\d]kk g^ l`] fmeZ]j g^ YllY[ck qgm [Yf fgj-
Weapon Properties
mally make.
EYfq o]Yhgfk `Yn] kh][aYd hjgh]jla]k j]dYl]\ lg l`]aj mk]$ JYf_]& A weapon that can be used to make a ranged
as shown in the Weapons table.
attack has a range shown in parentheses after the ammu-
nition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers.
L`] Õjkl ak l`] o]YhgfÌk fgjeYd jYf_] af ^]]l$ Yf\ l`]
k][gf\ af\a[Yl]k l`] o]YhgfÌk dgf_ jYf_]& O`]f YllY[c-
af_ Y lYj_]l Z]qgf\ fgjeYd jYf_]$ qgm `Yn] \akY\nYflY_]
gf l`] YllY[c jgdd& Qgm [YfÌl YllY[c Y lYj_]l Z]qgf\ l`]
o]YhgfÌk dgf_ jYf_]&
J]Y[`& This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when
qgm YllY[c oal` al$ Yk o]dd Yk o`]f \]l]jeafaf_ qgmj
reach for opportunity attacks with it (see chapter 2).
Chapter 3: Equipment
L`jgof& A^ Y o]Yhgf `Yk l`] l`jgof hjgh]jlq$ qgm [Yf lYZd] d]_ ak Ycaf lg Y [dmZ& 9l l`] <EÌk ghlagf$ Y [`YjY[l]j
hjgÕ[a]fl oal` Y o]Yhgf [Yf mk] Y kaeadYj gZb][l Yk a^ al
throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. If the weapon o]j] l`Yl o]Yhgf Yf\ mk] `ak gj `]j hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk&
ak Y e]d]] o]Yhgf$ qgm mk] l`] kYe] YZadalq eg\aÕ]j ^gj
An object that bears no resemblance to a weapon deals
that attack roll and damage roll that you would use for a 1d4 damage (the DM assigns a damage type appropri-
e]d]] YllY[c oal` l`] o]Yhgf& >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm l`jgo ate to the object). If a character uses a ranged weapon
Y `Yf\Yp]$ qgm mk] qgmj Klj]f_l`$ Zml a^ qgm l`jgo Y \Y_- lg eYc] Y e]d]] YllY[c$ gj l`jgok Y e]d]] o]Yhgf l`Yl
_]j$ qgm [Yf mk] ]al`]j qgmj Klj]f_l` gj qgmj <]pl]jalq$ \g]k fgl `Yn] l`] l`jgof hjgh]jlq$ al Ydkg \]Ydk )\, \Ye-
kaf[] l`] \Y__]j `Yk l`] Õf]kk] hjgh]jlq& age. An improvised thrown weapon has a normal range
of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.
Log%@Yf\]\& This weapon requires two hands when
Adventuring Gear
you attack with it.
N]jkYlad]& This weapon can be used with one or two The Adventuring Gear table lists various useful items.
hands. A damage value in parentheses appears with the
hjgh]jlqÈl`] \YeY_] o`]f l`] o]Yhgf ak mk]\ oal` log
hands to make a melee attack.
Improvised Weapons Equipment Packs
Kge]lae]k [`YjY[l]jk \gfÌl `Yn] l`]aj o]Yhgfk Yf\ `Yn] The starting equipment of each class includes a special
pack. The contents of these packs are listed here:
to attack with whatever is close at hand. An improvised
Burglar’s Pack: Af[dm\]k Y ZY[chY[c$ Y ZY_ g^ )$((( ZYdd
weapon includes any object you can wield in one or two Z]Yjaf_k$ )( ^]]l g^ kljaf_$ Y Z]dd$ - [Yf\d]k$ Y [jgoZYj$
`Yf\k$ km[` Yk Zjgc]f _dYkk$ Y lYZd] d]_$ Y ^jqaf_ hYf$ Y Y `Yee]j$ )( halgfk$ Y `gg\]\ dYfl]jf$ * ÖYkck g^ gad$
oY_gf o`]]d$ gj Y \]Y\ _gZdaf& - \Yqk jYlagfk$ Y laf\]jZgp$ Yf\ Y oYl]jkcaf& L`] hY[c
Af eYfq [Yk]k$ Yf aehjgnak]\ o]Yhgf ak kaeadYj lg Yf also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to it.
Y[lmYd o]Yhgf Yf\ [Yf Z] lj]Yl]\ Yk km[`& >gj ]pYehd]$ Y
Weapons Cost Damage Weight
2 gp 1 lb. Two-handed
Simple Melee Weapons 2 sp G SLHUFLQJ 10 lb. /LJKW WKURZQ UDQJH
Club JS 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. 7KURZQ UDQJH
Dagger VS 1d6 slashing 2 lb. /LJKW WKURZQ UDQJH
Greatclub 2 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. —
Light hammer 1 gp 1d6 bludgeoning
JS 1d6 piercing 3 lb. )LQHVVH WKURZQ UDQJH
Spear 1d8 piercing OE $PPXQLWLRQ UDQJH
Simple Ranged Weapons JS G SLHUFLQJ
Crossbow, light 1 sp 1d6 piercing OE 9HUVDWLOH G
Dart G EOXGJHRQLQJ 2 lb. —
Shortbow 10 gp — Heavy, two-handed
Sling 10 gp Heavy, two-handed
Martial Melee Weapons 30 gp 1d8 slashing OE Heavy, reach, two-handed
Battleaxe JS 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. 9HUVDWLOH G
Flail 20 gp 1d12 slashing 7 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Greataxe JS 2d6 slashing 6 lb. —
Greatsword 10 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lb. Finesse
Halberd JS 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, light
Longsword JS 2d6 bludgeoning 10 lb. Finesse, light
Morningstar 10 gp 1d8 piercing OE 9HUVDWLOH G
Rapier JS 1d6 slashing 2 lb.
Scimitar JS 1d6 piercing 3 lb. $PPXQLWLRQ UDQJH OLJKW ORDGLQJ
Shortsword 1d6 piercing 2 lb. $PPXQLWLRQ UDQJH KHDY\ ORDGLQJ WZR KDQGHG
Trident JS 1d8 bludgeoning $PPXQLWLRQ UDQJH KHDY\ WZR KDQGHG
Warhammer JS OE
Martial Ranged Weapons JS 2 lb.
Crossbow, hand
Crossbow, heavy 1d6 piercing 3 lb.
Longbow 1d10 piercing 18 lb.
1d8 piercing 2 lb.
Chapter 3: Equipment
Adventuring Gear Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
2 gp 2 lb. Healer’s kit JS 3 lb.
Item Holy symbol
Abacus 1 gp 1 lb. JS 1 lb.
Ammunition 1 gp 1½ lb. Amulet —
FS 1½ lb. Emblem JS
$UURZV Reliquary 2 lb.
10 gp 1 lb. JS 1 lb.
&URVVERZ EROWV 20 gp 3 lb. +RO\ ZDWHU ŜDVN 1 lb.
10 gp 2 lb. Hourglass JS
Arcane focus JS 1 lb. ,QN RXQFH ERWWOH JS —
10 gp Ink pen 10 gp
Crystal 9 lb. OE
Orb 20 gp OE /DGGHU IRRW 2 cp 1 lb.
Rod 10 gp 6 lb. Lamp 1 sp 2 lb.
8 gp 6 lb. Lantern, bullseye 2 lb.
6WDŚ JS OE Lantern, hooded VS 1 lb.
Wand JS 8 lb. Lock 10 gp 1 lb.
Artisan’s tools 1 gp 2 lb. Mess kit
Brewer’s supplies JS OE Mirror, steel JS 1/2 lb.
JS 8 lb. Musical instrument 10 gp
Carpenter’s tools 10 gp 8 lb. Bagpipes 2 sp
Cartographer’s tools 20 gp 10 lb. Drum
Cobbler’s tools JS OE Flute JS
Cook’s utensils 1 gp OE Lute
Jeweler’s tools 1 gp OE Lyre 30 gp 6 lb.
Leatherworker’s tools 2 gp 2 lb. Horn 6 gp 3 lb.
Mason’s tools 1 gp 70 lb. 2 gp 1 lb.
Painter’s supplies 2 gp 3DQ ŜXWH 2 lb.
Smith’s tools ×2 JS 2 lb.
Tinker’s tools 2 lb. 2LO ŜDVN 30 gp 2 lb.
Weaver’s tools VS 7 lb. 2 lb.
Woodcarver’s tools 1 gp 3DSHU RQH VKHHW 3 gp 1 lb.
Backpack 1 gp — 12 gp
Barrel 2 gp 2 lb. 3HUIXPH YLDO 2 sp —
Barding FS 2 lb. Pick, miner’s 1 sp 10 lb.
Basket 1 cp Piton
Bedroll 1 gp — JS OE
Bell 1 gp 1 lb. 3ROH IRRW 2 gp 7 lb.
Blanket 1 cp 1 lb. Potion of healing VHH SDJH
Book JS Pouch FS 1/2 lb.
Bottle, glass VS — Quiver 1 lb.
Bucket JS OE FS 1 lb.
Candle JS 5DWLRQV GD\ 2 lb.
2 gp 3 lb. Saddle, riding JS
Case, map or scroll 2 gp 6 lb. VS
&KDON SLHFH 2 lb. 10 lb.
Clothes, common 1 gp 3 lb. Sack 10 gp OE
Clothes, costume VS Sealing wax 1 gp 1/2 lb.
1 gp — Shovel 1 gp
&ORWKHV śQH 1 gp 1/2 lb. Signal whistle 10 gp —
Clothes, traveler’s Signet ring
Component pouch — Soap 1 cp OE
Crowbar — Spellbook —
Disguise kit 3 lb. VS —
Gaming set 6SLNHV LURQ 2 gp —
Tent, two-person
Dice set Thieves’ tools FS 3 lb.
Dragonchess set Tinderbox
Playing card set Torch JS OE
Three-Dragon Ante set Vial 2 cp 20 lb.
Hammer Waterskin
Whetstone JS 1 lb.
1 gp 1 lb.
2 gp 1 lb.
JS —
1 cp 1 lb.
1 gp
2 sp
1 cp
Chapter 3: Equipment
Diplomat’s Pack: Af[dm\]k Y [`]kl$ * [Yk]k ^gj eYhk Yf\ ?Yeaf_ K]l& This item encompasses a wide range SHAWN WOOD
k[jgddk$ Y k]l g^ Õf] [dgl`]k$ Y Zglld] g^ afc$ Yf afc h]f$ g^ _Ye] ha][]k$ af[dm\af_ \a[] Yf\ \][ck g^ [Yj\k ^gj
Y dYeh$ * ÖYkck g^ gad$ - k`]]lk g^ hYh]j$ Y naYd g^ h]j-
^me]$ k]Ydaf_ oYp$ Yf\ kgYh& games such as Three-Dragon Ante). A few common
]pYehd]k Yhh]Yj gf l`] Lggdk lYZd]$ Zml gl`]j caf\k g^
Dungeoneer’s Pack: Af[dm\]k Y ZY[chY[c$ Y [jgoZYj$ Y _Yeaf_ k]lk ]pakl& A^ qgm Yj] hjgÕ[a]fl oal` Y _Yeaf_ k]l$
`Yee]j$ )( halgfk$ )( lgj[`]k$ Y laf\]jZgp$ )( \Yqk g^ qgm [Yf Y\\ qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk lg YZadalq [`][ck qgm
jYlagfk$ Yf\ Y oYl]jkcaf& L`] hY[c Ydkg `Yk -( ^]]l g^
make to play a game with that set. Each type of gaming
hempen rope strapped to the side of it. k]l j]imaj]k Y k]hYjYl] hjgÕ[a]f[q&
Entertainer’s Pack: Af[dm\]k Y ZY[chY[c$ Y Z]\jgdd$ *
@]Yd]jÌk Cal& This kit is a leather pouch containing
[gklme]k$ - [Yf\d]k$ - \Yqk g^ jYlagfk$ Y oYl]jkcaf$ Yf\ ZYf\Y_]k$ kYdn]k$ Yf\ khdaflk& L`] cal `Yk l]f mk]k& 9k
Yf Y[lagf$ qgm [Yf ]ph]f\ gf] mk] g^ l`] cal lg klYZadar] Y
a disguise kit. [j]Ylmj] l`Yl `Yk ( `al hgaflk$ oal`gml f]]\af_ lg eYc] Y
Explorer’s Pack: Af[dm\]k Y ZY[chY[c$ Y Z]\jgdd$ Y e]kk
Wisdom (Medicine) check.
cal$ Y laf\]jZgp$ )( lgj[`]k$ )( \Yqk g^ jYlagfk$ Yf\ Y @gdq KqeZgd& A holy symbol is a representation of
waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope a god or pantheon. It might be an amulet depicting a
kqeZgd j]hj]k]flaf_ Y \]alq$ l`] kYe] kqeZgd [Yj]^mddq
strapped to the side of it. ]f_jYn]\ gj afdYa\ Yk Yf ]eZd]e gf Y k`a]d\$ gj Y lafq Zgp
Priest’s Pack: Af[dm\]k Y ZY[chY[c$ Y ZdYfc]l$ )( [Yf-
holding a fragment of a sacred relic. The Player’s Hand-
\d]k$ Y laf\]jZgp$ Yf Ydek Zgp$ * Zdg[ck g^ af[]fk]$ Y
[]fk]j$ n]kle]flk$ * \Yqk g^ jYlagfk$ Yf\ Y oYl]jkcaf& book lists many gods in the multiverse and their typical
Scholar’s Pack: Af[dm\]k Y ZY[chY[c$ Y Zggc g^ dgj]$ Y
Zglld] g^ afc$ Yf afc h]f$ )( k`]]lk g^ hYj[`e]fl$ Y dalld] symbols. A cleric can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting
ZY_ g^ kYf\$ Yf\ Y keYdd cfa^]& ^g[mk& Lg mk] l`] kqeZgd af l`ak oYq$ l`] [Ykl]j emkl `gd\
al af `Yf\$ o]Yj al nakaZdq$ gj Z]Yj al gf Y k`a]d\&
Special Items
@gdq OYl]j& 9k Yf Y[lagf$ qgm [Yf khdYk` l`] [gfl]flk
Here items that have special rules or need explanation. g^ l`ak ÖYkc gflg Y [j]Ylmj] oal`af - ^]]l g^ qgm gj l`jgo
9j[Yf] >g[mk& 9f Yj[Yf] ^g[mk ak Y kh][aYd al]eÈYf al mh lg *( ^]]l$ k`Yll]jaf_ al gf aehY[l& Af ]al`]j [Yk]$
eYc] Y jYf_]\ YllY[c Y_Yafkl Y lYj_]l [j]Ylmj]$ lj]Ylaf_
gjZ$ Y [jqklYd$ Y jg\$ Y kh][aYddq [gfkljm[l]\ klYץ$ Y oYf\%
dac] d]f_l` g^ ogg\$ gj kge] kaeadYj al]eÈ\]ka_f]\ lg the holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is a
Õ]f\ gj mf\]Y\$ al lYc]k *\. jY\aYfl \YeY_]&
channel the power of arcane spells. A wizard can use
A cleric can create holy water by performing a special
such an item as a spellcasting focus. jalmYd& L`] jalmYd lYc]k ) `gmj lg h]j^gje$ mk]k *- _h
9jlakYfÌk Lggdk& These special tools include the items ogjl` g^ hgo\]j]\ kadn]j$ Yf\ j]imaj]k l`] [Ykl]j lg ]p-
needed to pursue a craft or trade. The table shows exam- pend a 1st-level spell slot.
hd]k g^ lqh]k g^ lggdk$ ]Y[` hjgna\af_ al]ek j]dYl]\ lg Y DYeh& A lamp casts bright light in a 15-foot radius and
kaf_d] [jY^l& HjgÕ[a]f[q oal` Y k]l g^ YjlakYfÌk lggdk d]lk
qgm Y\\ qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk lg Yfq YZadalq [`][ck qgm \ae da_`l ^gj Yf Y\\alagfYd +( ^]]l& Gf[] dal$ al Zmjfk ^gj .
eYc] mkaf_ l`] lggdk af qgmj [jY^l& =Y[` lqh] g^ YjlakYfÌk `gmjk gf Y ÖYkc ) hafl! g^ gad&
lggdk j]imaj]k Y k]hYjYl] hjgÕ[a]f[q&
DYfl]jf$ :mddk]q]& A bullseye lantern casts bright light
:Ydd :]Yjaf_k& 9k Yf Y[lagf$ qgm [Yf khadd l`]k] lafq
e]lYd ZYddk ^jge l`]aj hgm[` lg [gn]j Y d]n]d$ kimYj] Yj]Y in a 60-foot cone and dim light for an additional 60 feet.
Gf[] dal$ al Zmjfk ^gj . `gmjk gf Y ÖYkc ) hafl! g^ gad&
that is 10 feet on a side. A creature moving across the
DYfl]jf$ @gg\]\& A hooded lantern casts bright light
covered area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving
in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.
throw or fall prone. A creature moving through the area Gf[] dal$ al Zmjfk ^gj . `gmjk gf Y ÖYkc ) hafl! g^ gad& 9k
Yl `Yd^ kh]]\ \g]kfÌl f]]\ lg eYc] l`] kYnaf_ l`jgo& Yf Y[lagf$ qgm [Yf dgo]j l`] `gg\$ j]\m[af_ l`] da_`l lg
:Yj\af_& Barding is armor designed to protect an dim light in a 5-foot radius.
YfaeYdÌk `]Y\$ f][c$ [`]kl$ Yf\ Zg\q& 9fq lqh] g^ Yjegj
shown on the Armor table in this chapter can be pur-
chased as barding. The cost is four times the equivalent
Yjegj eY\] ^gj `meYfga\k$ Yf\ al o]a_`k loa[] Yk em[`&
;Yf\d]& >gj ) `gmj$ Y [Yf\d] k`]\k Zja_`l da_`l af Y
5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet.
;gehgf]fl Hgm[`& 9 [gehgf]fl hgm[` ak Y keYdd$ oY-
tertight leather belt pouch that has compartments to hold
all the material components and other special items you
f]]\ lg [Ykl qgmj kh]ddk$ ]p[]hl ^gj l`gk] [gehgf]flk l`Yl
`Yn] Y kh][aÕ[ [gkl Yk af\a[Yl]\ af Y kh]ddÌk \]k[jahlagf!&
;jgoZYj& Using a crowbar grants advantage to Strength
[`][ck o`]j] l`] [jgoZYjÌk d]n]jY_] [Yf Z] Yhhda]\&
<ak_mak] Cal& L`ak hgm[` g^ [gke]la[k$ `Yaj \q]$ Yf\
small props lets you create disguises that change your
h`qka[Yd Yhh]YjYf[]& HjgÕ[a]f[q oal` l`ak cal d]lk qgm
Y\\ qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk lg Yfq YZadalq [`][ck qgm
make to create a visual disguise.
Chapter 3: Equipment
Dg[c& 9 c]q ak hjgna\]\ oal` l`ak dg[c& Oal`gml l`] c]q$ Food, Drink, and Lodging Cost
Y [j]Ylmj] hjgÕ[a]fl oal` l`a]n]kÌ lggdk [Yf ha[c l`ak dg[c
Item 2 sp
with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Ale FS
E]kk Cal& This tin box contains a cup and simple cut-
Gallon 7 cp
d]jq& L`] Zgp [dYehk lg_]l`]j$ Yf\ gf] ka\] [Yf Z] mk]\ Mug 1 sp
Inn stay (per day) VS
as a cooking pan and the other as a plate or shallow bowl. Squalid 8 sp
Emka[Yd Afkljme]fl& Several of the most common Poor 2 gp
Modest JS
types of musical instruments are shown on the table as Comfortable
]pYehd]k& A^ qgm `Yn] hjgÕ[a]f[q oal` Y _an]f emka[Yd af- Wealthy 3 cp
kljme]fl$ qgm [Yf Y\\ qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q Zgfmk lg Yfq YZad- Aristocratic 6 cp
Meals (per day) 3 sp
ity checks you make to play music with the instrument. Squalid VS
Poor 8 sp
Each type of musical instrument requires a separate Modest 2 gp
hjgÕ[a]f[q& Comfortable VS
Gad& Gad mkmYddq [ge]k af Y [dYq ÖYkc l`Yl `gd\k ) hafl& Aristocratic 2 sp
9k Yf Y[lagf$ qgm [Yf khdYk` l`] gad af l`ak ÖYkc gflg Y 10 gp
[j]Ylmj] oal`af - ^]]l g^ qgm gj l`jgo al mh lg *( ^]]l$ 6WDEOLQJ SHU GD\
shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a
lYj_]l [j]Ylmj] gj gZb][l$ lj]Ylaf_ l`] gad Yk Yf aehjgnak]\ &RPPRQ SLWFKHU
o]Yhgf& Gf Y `al$ l`] lYj_]l ak [gn]j]\ af gad& A^ l`] lYj_]l
lYc]k Yfq Õj] \YeY_] Z]^gj] l`] gad \ja]k Y^l]j ) eaf- )LQH ERWWOH
ml]!$ l`] lYj_]l lYc]k Yf Y\\alagfYd - Õj] \YeY_] ^jge l`]
Zmjfaf_ gad& Qgm [Yf Ydkg hgmj Y ÖYkc g^ gad gf l`] _jgmf\ Other Services Pay
lg [gn]j Y -%^ggl%kimYj] Yj]Y$ hjgna\]\ l`Yl l`] kmj^Y[]
ak d]n]d& A^ dal$ l`] gad Zmjfk ^gj * jgmf\k Yf\ \]Ydk - Õj] Service 3 cp per mile
Coach cab 1 cp
damage to any creature that enters the area or ends its
Between towns 2 gp per day
turn in the area. A creature can take this damage only Within a city 2 sp per day
Hireling 2 cp per mile
once per turn. Skilled 1 cp
Iman]j& A quiver can hold up to 20 arrows. Untrained 1 sp per mile
JYlagfk& Rations consist of dry foods suitable for Messenger
Road or gate toll
]pl]f\]\ ljYn]d$ af[dm\af_ b]jcq$ \ja]\ ^jmal$ `Yj\- Ship’s passage
lY[c$ Yf\ fmlk&
Magic Items
Jgh]& Jgh]$ o`]l`]j eY\] g^ `]eh gj kadc$ `Yk * `al
=n]jq Y\n]flmj] `gd\k l`] hjgeak]ÈZml fgl Y _mYjYf-
points and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check. l]]Èg^ Õf\af_ gf] gj egj] eY_a[ al]ek& L`] <E \][a\]k
Kh]ddZggc& =kk]flaYd ^gj oarYj\k$ Y kh]ddZggc ak Y o`]f km[` al]ek ^Ydd aflg l`] [`YjY[l]jkÌ `Yf\k& K]] l`]
Dungeon Master’s Guide for many more items.
leather-bound tome with 100 blank vellum pages suitable
Using a Magic Item
for recording spells.
L`a]n]kÌ Lggdk& L`ak k]l g^ lggdk af[dm\]k Y keYdd Õd]$ Y 9 eY_a[ al]eÌk \]k[jahlagf ]phdYafk `go l`] al]e ogjck&
Handling a magic item is enough to give a character a
k]l g^ dg[c ha[ck$ Y keYdd eajjgj egmfl]\ gf Y e]lYd `Yf- sense that something is extraordinary about the item.
\d]$ Y k]l g^ fYjjgo%ZdY\]\ k[akkgjk$ Yf\ Y hYaj g^ hda]jk& Casting the identify spell on the item then reveals its
HjgÕ[a]f[q oal` l`]k] lggdk d]lk qgm Y\\ qgmj hjgÕ[a]f[q hjgh]jla]k& 9dl]jfYlan]dq$ Y [`YjY[l]j [Yf [gf[]fljYl]
gf l`] al]e \mjaf_ Y k`gjl j]kl$ o`ad] Z]af_ af h`qka[Yd
bonus to any ability checks you make to disarm traps or [gflY[l oal` l`] al]e& 9l l`] ]f\ g^ l`] j]kl$ l`] [`YjY[-
l]j d]Yjfk l`] al]eÌk hjgh]jla]k& Hglagfk Yj] Yf ]p[]h-
open locks. tion; a little taste is enough to tell the taster what the
Laf\]jZgp& L`ak keYdd [gflYaf]j `gd\k Öafl$ Õj] kl]]d$ potion does.
and tinder (usually dry cloth soaked in light oil) used to Certain magic items require a user to attune to them
caf\d] Y Õj]& Mkaf_ al lg da_`l Y lgj[`Ègj Yfql`af_ ]dk] before their magical properties can be used. Attuning to
oal` YZmf\Yfl$ ]phgk]\ ^m]dÈlYc]k Yf Y[lagf& Da_`laf_ a magic item requires that you spend an entire short rest
Yfq gl`]j Õj] lYc]k ) eafml]& [gf[]fljYlaf_ gf al l`ak [YfÌl Z] l`] kYe] k`gjl j]kl mk]\
lg d]Yjf Yf al]eÌk hjgh]jla]k!& Gf[] qgm Yj] Yllmf]\ lg Yf
Lgj[`& 9 lgj[` Zmjfk ^gj ) `gmj$ hjgna\af_ Zja_`l da_`l al]e$ qgm [Yf mk] alk eY_a[Yd hjgh]jla]k&
in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. Chapter 3: Equipment
A^ qgm eYc] Y e]d]] YllY[c oal` Y Zmjfaf_ lgj[` Yf\ `al$ al
\]Ydk ) Õj] \YeY_]&
Mounts and Services
Mounts Cost Speed Carrying
8 gp Capacity
Item JS IW
Donkey or mule JS IW OE
Horse, draft 30 gp 60 ft. OE
Horse, riding JS IW OE
Pony 60 ft. OE
Warhorse OE
An item can be attuned to only one creature at a time. Dust of Disappearance
A creature can be attuned to no more than three magic
al]ek Yl Yfq _an]f lae]$ Yf\ qgm [Yf Yllmf] qgmjk]d^ lg Wondrous item, uncommon
only one item during a short rest.
Qgmj Yllmf]e]fl lg Yf al]e ]f\k a^ al `Yk Z]]f egj] >gmf\ af Y keYdd hY[c]l$ l`ak hgo\]j j]k]eZd]k n]jq Õf]
than 100 feet away from you for 24 hours or if you die. sand. There is enough of it for one use. When you use an
Qgm [Yf Ydkg ngdmflYjadq ]f\ qgmj Yllmf]e]fl lg Yf al]e Y[lagf lg l`jgo l`] \mkl aflg l`] Yaj$ qgm Yf\ ]Y[` [j]Y-
with another short rest. ture and object within 10 feet of you become invisible for
*\, eafml]k& L`] \mjYlagf ak l`] kYe] ^gj Ydd kmZb][lk$
Item Descriptions Yf\ l`] \mkl ak [gfkme]\ o`]f alk eY_a[ lYc]k ][]ץl& A^ Y
[j]Ylmj] Y[]ץl]\ Zq l`] \mkl YllY[ck gj [Yklk Y kh]dd$ l`]
L`]k] al]ek Yj] af Ydh`YZ]la[Yd gj\]j& Mf\]j Yf al]eÌk invisibility ends for that creature.
fYe] ak Y daf] l`Yl l]ddk qgm l`] lqh] g^ l`] al]e$ alk jYjalq$
and whether you must attune to it. Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Boots of Elvenkind Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, uncommon Qgmj Klj]f_l` k[gj] ak )1 o`ad] qgm o]Yj l`]k] _Ymfl-
O`ad] qgm o]Yj l`]k] Zgglk$ qgmj kl]hk eYc] fg kgmf\$ d]lk& L`]q `Yn] fg ][]ץl gf qgm a^ qgmj Klj]f_l` ak )1 gj
j]_Yj\d]kk g^ l`] kmj^Y[] qgm Yj] egnaf_ Y[jgkk& Qgm Ydkg higher without them.
have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on
moving silently. Goggles of Night
Cloak of Billowing Wondrous item, uncommon
Wondrous item, common O`ad] o]Yjaf_ l`]k] \Yjc d]fk]k$ qgm `Yn] \Yjcnakagf gml
O`ad] o]Yjaf_ l`ak [dgYc$ qgm [Yf mk] Y Zgfmk Y[lagf lg lg Y jYf_] g^ .( ^]]l& A^ qgm Ydj]Y\q `Yn] \Yjcnakagf$ o]Yj-
make it billow dramatically. ing the goggles increases its range by 60 feet.
Cloak of Many Fashions Hat of Wizardry
Wondrous item, common Wondrous item, common (requires attunement by a
O`ad] o]Yjaf_ l`ak [dgYc$ qgm [Yf mk] Y Zgfmk Y[lagf lg wizard)
[`Yf_] l`] klqd]$ [gdgj$ Yf\ YhhYj]fl imYdalq g^ l`] _Yj-
e]fl& L`] [dgYcÌk o]a_`l \g]kfÌl [`Yf_]& J]_Yj\d]kk g^ O`ad] qgm Yj] o]Yjaf_ l`ak `Yl$ qgm _Yaf l`] ^gddgo-
alk Yhh]YjYf[]$ l`] [dgYc [YfÌl Z] Yfql`af_ Zml Y [dgYc& af_ Z]f]Õlk2
Although it can duplicate the appearance of other magic
[dgYck$ al \g]kfÌl _Yaf l`]aj eY_a[Yd hjgh]jla]k& • Qgm [Yf mk] l`] `Yl Yk Y kh]dd[Yklaf_ ^g[mk ^gj qgmj
wizard spells.
Clockwork Amulet
• Qgm [Yf ljq lg [Ykl Y [Yfljah l`Yl qgm \gfÌl cfgo& L`]
Wondrous item, common [Yfljah emkl Z] gf l`] oarYj\ kh]dd dakl$ Yf\ qgm emkl
make a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the check
This copper amulet contains tiny interlocking gears and km[[]]\k$ qgm [Ykl l`] kh]dd& A^ l`] [`][c ^Yadk$ kg
ak hgo]j]\ Zq eY_a[ ^jge E][`Yfmk$ Y hdYf] g^ [dg[c- \g]k l`] kh]dd$ Yf\ l`] Y[lagf mk]\ lg [Ykl l`] kh]dd ak
work predictability. A creature that puts an ear to the oYkl]\& Af ]al`]j [Yk]$ qgm [YfÌl mk] l`ak hjgh]jlq Y_Yaf
amulet can hear faint ticking and whirring noises coming mflad qgm Õfak` Y dgf_ j]kl&
from within.
Immovable Rod
When you make an attack roll while wearing the am-
md]l$ qgm [Yf ^gj_g jgddaf_ l`] \*( lg _]l Y )( gf l`] \a]& Rod, uncommon
Gf[] mk]\$ l`ak hjgh]jlq [YfÌl Z] mk]\ Y_Yaf mflad l`]
next dawn. L`ak ÖYl ajgf jg\ `Yk Y Zmllgf gf gf] ]f\& Qgm [Yf mk]
Yf Y[lagf lg hj]kk l`] Zmllgf$ o`a[` [Ymk]k l`] jg\ lg
Dragon Slayer Z][ge] eY_a[Yddq Õp]\ af hdY[]& Mflad qgm gj Yfgl`]j
[j]Ylmj] mk]k Yf Y[lagf lg hmk` l`] Zmllgf Y_Yaf$ l`] jg\
Weapon (any sword), rare \g]kfÌl egn]$ ]n]f a^ al ak \]^qaf_ _jYnalq& L`] jg\ [Yf
Qgm _Yaf Y #) Zgfmk lg YllY[c Yf\ \YeY_] jgddk eY\] `gd\ mh lg 0$((( hgmf\k g^ o]a_`l& Egj] o]a_`l [Ymk]k
with this magic weapon. the rod to deactivate and fall. A creature can use an ac-
O`]f qgm `al Y \jY_gf oal` l`ak o]Yhgf$ l`] \jY_gf lagf lg eYc] Y <; +( Klj]f_l` [`][c$ egnaf_ l`] Õp]\
lYc]k Yf ]pljY +\. \YeY_] g^ l`] o]YhgfÌk lqh]& >gj l`] rod up to 10 feet on a success.
hmjhgk] g^ l`ak o]Yhgf$ É\jY_gfÊ j]^]jk lg Yfq [j]Ylmj]
with the dragon type. Instrument of Illusions
Dread Helm Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, common O`ad] qgm Yj] hdYqaf_ l`ak emka[Yd afkljme]fl$ qgm
[Yf [j]Yl] `Yjed]kk$ addmkgjq nakmYd ][]ץlk oal`af Y
This fearsome steel helm makes your eyes glow red while 5-foot-radius sphere centered on the instrument. If you
you wear it. Yj] Y ZYj\$ l`] jY\amk af[j]Yk]k lg )- ^]]l& KYehd] nakmYd
][]ץlk af[dm\] dmeafgmk emka[Yd fgl]k$ Y kh][ljYd \Yf[]j$
Zmll]jÖa]k$ Yf\ _]fldq ^Yddaf_ kfgo& L`] eY_a[ ][]ץlk
`Yn] f]al`]j kmZklYf[] fgj kgmf\$ Yf\ l`]q Yj] gZnagmkdq
addmkgjq& L`] ][]ץlk ]f\ o`]f qgm klgh hdYqaf_&
Chapter 3: Equipment
Mithral Armor Sending Stones
Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide), uncommon Wondrous item, uncommon
Eal`jYd ak Y da_`l$ Ö]paZd] e]lYd& 9 eal`jYd [`Yaf k`ajl Sending stones [ge] af hYajk$ oal` ]Y[` keggl` klgf]
or breastplate can be worn under normal clothes. If the carved to match the other so the pairing is easily recog-
armor normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity far]\& O`ad] qgm lgm[` gf] klgf]$ qgm [Yf mk] Yf Y[lagf
Kl]Ydl`! [`][ck gj `Yk Y Klj]f_l` j]imaj]e]fl$ l`] ea- to cast the sending spell from it. The target is the bearer
l`jYd n]jkagf g^ l`] Yjegj \g]kfÌl& g^ l`] gl`]j klgf]& A^ fg [j]Ylmj] Z]Yjk l`] gl`]j klgf]$
qgm cfgo l`Yl ^Y[l Yk kggf Yk qgm mk] l`] klgf] Yf\ \gfÌl
Mystery Key cast the spell.
Wondrous item, common Once sending ak [Ykl l`jgm_` l`] klgf]k$ l`]q [YfÌl Z]
used again until the next dawn. If one of the stones in a
A question mark is worked into the head of this key. The hYaj ak \]kljgq]\$ l`] gl`]j gf] Z][ge]k fgfeY_a[Yd&
key has a 5 percent chance of unlocking any lock into
o`a[` alÌk afk]jl]\& Gf[] al mfdg[ck kge]l`af_$ l`] c]q Shield, +1
Armor (shield), uncommon
Necklace of Fireballs
O`ad] `gd\af_ l`ak k`a]d\$ qgm `Yn] Y #) Zgfmk lg
Wondrous item, rare 9;& L`ak Zgfmk ak af Y\\alagf lg l`] k`a]d\Ìk fgjeYd
bonus to AC.
L`ak f][cdY[] `Yk )\. # + Z]Y\k `Yf_af_ ^jge al& Qgm [Yf
use an action to detach a bead and throw it up to 60 feet Staff of Birdcalls
YoYq& O`]f al j]Y[`]k l`] ]f\ g^ alk ljYb][lgjq$ l`] Z]Y\
detonates as a 3rd-level Õj]ZYdd spell (save DC 15). KlYץ$ [geegf
Qgm [Yf `mjd emdlahd] Z]Y\k$ gj ]n]f l`] o`gd] f][c- L`ak ogg\]f klY ץak \][gjYl]\ oal` Zaj\ [Yjnaf_k& Al `Yk
dY[]$ Yk gf] Y[lagf& O`]f qgm \g kg$ af[j]Yk] l`] d]n]d g^ )( [`Yj_]k& O`ad] `gd\af_ al$ qgm [Yf mk] Yf Y[lagf lg
the Õj]ZYdd Zq ) ^gj ]Y[` Z]Y\ Z]qgf\ l`] Õjkl& ]ph]f\ ) [`Yj_] ^jge l`] klY ץYf\ [Ymk] al lg [j]Yl] gf]
g^ l`] ^gddgoaf_ kgmf\k gml lg Y jYf_] g^ .( ^]]l2 Y Õf[`Ìk
Pole of Collapsing [`ajh$ Y jYn]fÌk [Yo$ Y \m[cÌk imY[c$ Y [`a[c]fÌk [dm[c$ Y
_ggk]Ìk `gfc$ Y dggfÌk [Ydd$ Y lmjc]qÌk _gZZd]$ Y k]Y_mddÌk
Wondrous item, common [jq$ Yf godÌk `ggl$ gj Yf ]Y_d]Ìk k`ja]c&
L`] klY ץj]_Yafk )\. # , ]ph]f\]\ [`Yj_]k \Yadq Yl
O`ad] `gd\af_ l`ak )(%^ggl hgd]$ qgm [Yf mk] Yf Y[lagf \Yof& A^ qgm ]ph]f\ l`] dYkl [`Yj_]$ jgdd Y \*(& Gf Y )$
to speak a command word and cause it to collapse into l`] klY] ץphdg\]k af Y `Yjed]kk [dgm\ g^ Zaj\ ^]Yl`]jk
Y )%^ggl%dgf_ jg\$ ^gj ]Yk] g^ klgjY_]& L`] hgd]Ìk o]a_`l and is lost forever.
\g]kfÌl [`Yf_]& Qgm [Yf mk] Yf Y[lagf lg kh]Yc Y \a]ץj-
ent command word and cause the rod to revert to a pole; Wand of Pyrotechnics
`go]n]j$ l`] jg\ oadd ]dgf_Yl] gfdq Yk ^Yj Yk l`] kmj-
rounding space allows. Wand, common
Potion of Healing L`ak oYf\ `Yk / [`Yj_]k& O`ad] `gd\af_ al$ qgm [Yf mk]
an action to expend 1 of its charges and create a harm-
Potion, rarity varies less burst of multicolored light at a point you can see
up to 60 feet away. The burst of light is accompanied
Qgm j]_Yaf `al hgaflk o`]f qgm \jafc l`ak hglagf& L`] by a crackling noise that can be heard up to 300 feet
fmeZ]j g^ `al hgaflk \]h]f\k gf l`] hglagfÌk jYjalq$ Yk YoYq& L`] da_`l ak Yk Zja_`l Yk Y lgj[` ÖYe] Zml dYklk
shown in the Potions of Healing table. Whatever its po- only a second.
l]f[q$ l`] hglagfÌk j]\ daima\ _daee]jk o`]f Y_alYl]\&
The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn.
Potions of Healing A^ qgm ]ph]f\ l`] oYf\Ìk dYkl [`Yj_]$ jgdd Y \*(& Gf Y )$
the wand erupts in a harmless pyrotechnic display and is
Potion of … Rarity HP Regained destroyed.
Healing Common G
Greater healing Uncommon G Wand of Secrets
Superior healing Rare G
Wand, uncommon
Potion of Invulnerability
L`] oYf\ `Yk + [`Yj_]k& O`ad] `gd\af_ al$ qgm [Yf mk]
Potion, rare Yf Y[lagf lg ]ph]f\ ) g^ alk [`Yj_]k$ Yf\ a^ Y k][j]l \ggj
gj ljYh ak oal`af +( ^]]l g^ qgm$ l`] oYf\ hmdk]k Yf\
>gj ) eafml] Y^l]j qgm \jafc l`ak hglagf$ qgm `Yn] j]kak- points at the one nearest to you. The wand regains 1d3
lYf[] lg Ydd \YeY_]& L`] hglagfÌk kqjmhq daima\ dggck dac] expended charges daily at dawn.
daimaÕ]\ ajgf&
Weapon, +1
Potion of Water Breathing
Weapon (any), uncommon
Potion, uncommon
Qgm `Yn] Y #) Zgfmk lg YllY[c Yf\ \YeY_] jgddk eY\]
Qgm [Yf Zj]Yl`] mf\]joYl]j ^gj ) `gmj Y^l]j \jafcaf_ l`ak with this magic weapon.
hglagf& Alk [dgm\q _j]]f Öma\ ke]ddk g^ l`] k]Y Yf\ `Yk Y
b]ddqÕk`%dac] ZmZZd] ÖgYlaf_ af al&
Chapter 3: Equipment
Chapter 4: Spells
Eߣজঽࣼ ્ळळߣଚळ ଚরळ ஔક৴द કক < < ߣद કଚ ]jk$ afÖm]f[af_ gj [gfljgddaf_ l`]aj Z]`Ynagj& Evocation CRAIG ELLIOTT
often appears in the form of a spell. This chapter provides spells tap mystical sources of energy to create a variety
l`] jmd]k ^gj [Yklaf_ kh]ddk& Kh]ddk [Yf Z] n]jkYlad] lggdk$ g^ ][]ץlk$ af[dm\af_ ZdYklk g^ Õj] Yf\ [`Yff]daf_ hgkalan]
o]Yhgfk$ gj hjgl][lan] oYj\k& L`]q [Yf \]Yd \YeY_] gj energy to heal wounds. Illusion spells deceive the senses
mf\g al$ aehgk] gj j]egn] [gf\alagfk k]] Yhh]f\ap :!$ or minds of others. Necromancy spells manipulate the
\jYaf da^] ]f]j_q YoYq$ Yf\ j]klgj] da^] lg l`] \]Y\& energies of life and death. Transmutation spells change
the properties or physical form of a creature or object.
What Is a Spell?
Spell Level
9 kh]dd ak Y \ak[j]l] eY_a[Yd ][]ץl$ Y kaf_d] k`Yhaf_ g^
l`] eY_a[Yd ]f]j_a]k l`Yl kmץmk] l`] emdlan]jk] aflg Y =n]jq kh]dd `Yk Y d]n]d ^jge ( lg 1& 9 kh]ddÌk d]n]d ak Y _]f-
kh][aÕ[$ daeal]\ ]phj]kkagf& Af [Yklaf_ Y kh]dd$ Y [`YjY[- ]jYd af\a[Ylgj g^ `go hgo]j^md al ak$ oal` l`] dgodq Zml
ter carefully plucks at the invisible strands of raw magic still impressive) magic missile at 1st level and the incredi-
kmץmkaf_ l`] ogjd\$ hafk l`]e af hdY[] af Y hYjla[mdYj ble time stop Yl 1l`& ;YfljahkÈkaehd] Zml hgo]j^md kh]ddk
hYll]jf$ k]lk l`]e naZjYlaf_ af Y kh][aÕ[ oYq$ Yf\ l`]f j]- l`Yl [`YjY[l]jk [Yf [Ykl Ydegkl Zq jgl]ÈYj] d]n]d (& L`]
d]Yk]k l`]e lg mfd]Yk` l`] \]kaj]\ ][]ץlÈaf egkl [Yk]k$ `a_`]j Y kh]ddÌk d]n]d$ l`] `a_`]j d]n]d Y kh]dd[Ykl]j emkl
all in the span of seconds. be to use that spell.
Kh]dd d]n]d Yf\ [`YjY[l]j d]n]d \gfÌl [gjj]khgf\ \a-
Schools of Magic j][ldq& Lqha[Yddq$ Y [`YjY[l]j `Yk lg Z] Yl d]Ykl )/l` d]n]d$
fgl 1l` d]n]d$ lg [Ykl Y 1l`%d]n]d kh]dd&
Scholars who study the workings of magic group spells
into eight categories called schools of magic. The schools Known and Prepared Spells
help describe spells; the schools have no game rules of
l`]aj gof$ Ydl`gm_` kge] gl`]j jmd]k j]^]j lg l`]e& :]^gj] Y kh]dd[Ykl]j [Yf mk] Y kh]dd$ `] gj k`] emkl `Yn]
l`] kh]dd Õjedq Õp]\ af eaf\$ gj emkl `Yn] Y[[]kk lg l`]
Abjuration kh]ddk Yj] hjgl][lan]$ g^l]f [j]Ylaf_ ZYj- spell in a magic item. Members of a few classes have a
ja]jk gj oYj\af_ g ץlj]khYkk]jk& Conjuration spells daeal]\ dakl g^ kh]ddk l`]q cfgo l`Yl Yj] YdoYqk Õp]\ af
transport objects or creatures from one location to an- mind. The same thing is true of many magic-using mon-
other. Divination kh]ddk j]n]Yd _daehk]k g^ l`] ^mlmj]$ l`] kl]jk& Gl`]j kh]dd[Ykl]jk$ km[` Yk [d]ja[k Yf\ oarYj\k$ mf-
dg[Ylagfk g^ `a\\]f l`af_k$ gj nakagfk g^ \aklYfl h]ghd] dergo a process of preparing spells. This process varies
or places. Enchantment kh]ddk Y[]ץl l`] eaf\k g^ gl`- ^gj \a]ץj]fl [dYkk]k$ Yk \]lYad]\ af l`]aj \]k[jahlagfk&
Chapter 4: Spells
Spell Slots Each spell description in this chapter begins with a
Zdg[c g^ af^gjeYlagf$ af[dm\af_ l`] kh]ddÌk fYe]$ d]n]d$
Regardless of how many spells a caster knows or pre- k[`ggd g^ eY_a[$ [Yklaf_ lae]$ jYf_]$ [gehgf]flk$ Yf\ \m-
hYj]k$ `] gj k`] [Yf [Ykl gfdq Y daeal]\ fmeZ]j g^ kh]ddk jYlagf& L`] j]kl g^ Y kh]dd ]fljq \]k[jaZ]k l`] kh]ddÌk ][]ץl&
before resting. Manipulating the fabric of magic and
channeling its energy into even a simple spell is phys- Casting in Armor
a[Yddq Yf\ e]flYddq lYpaf_$ Yf\ `a_`]j%d]n]d kh]ddk Yj]
]n]f egj] kg& L`mk$ ]Y[` kh]dd[Yklaf_ [dYkkÌk \]k[jahlagf Because of the mental focus and precise gestures re-
includes a table showing how many spell slots of each imaj]\ ^gj kh]dd[Yklaf_$ qgm emkl Z] hjgÕ[a]fl oal` l`]
spell level a character can use at each character level. For Yjegj qgm Yj] o]Yjaf_ lg [Ykl Y kh]dd& Qgm Yj] gl`]joak]
]pYehd]$ l`] +j\%d]n]d oarYj\ MeYjY `Yk ^gmj )kl%d]n]d too distracted and physically hampered by your armor for
spell slots and two 2nd-level slots. spellcasting.
O`]f Y [`YjY[l]j [Yklk Y kh]dd$ `] gj k`] ]ph]f\k Y
kdgl g^ l`Yl kh]ddÌk d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ ][]ץlan]dq ÉÕddaf_Ê Y kdgl Casting Time
oal` l`] kh]dd& Qgm [Yf l`afc g^ Y kh]dd kdgl Yk Y _jggn]
g^ Y []jlYaf kar]ÈkeYdd ^gj Y )kl%d]n]d kdgl$ dYj_]j ^gj Y Egkl kh]ddk j]imaj] Y kaf_d] Y[lagf lg [Ykl$ Zml kge]
kh]dd g^ `a_`]j d]n]d& 9 )kl%d]n]d kh]dd Õlk aflg Y kdgl g^ Yfq kh]ddk j]imaj] Y Zgfmk Y[lagf$ Y j]Y[lagf$ gj em[` egj]
kar]$ Zml Y +j\%d]n]d kh]dd Õlk gfdq af Y kdgl l`YlÌk Yl d]Ykl time to cast.
3rd level. So when Umara casts magic missile, a 1st-level
kh]dd$ k`] kh]f\k gf] g^ `]j ^gmj )kl%d]n]d kdglk Yf\ `Yk Bonus Action
three remaining.
9 kh]dd [Ykl oal` Y Zgfmk Y[lagf ak ]kh][aYddq koa^l& Qgm
Finishing a long rest restores any expended spell slots emkl mk] Y Zgfmk Y[lagf gf qgmj lmjf lg [Ykl l`] kh]dd$
(see page 33 for the rules on resting). hjgna\]\ l`Yl qgm `Yn]fÌl Ydj]Y\q lYc]f Y Zgfmk Y[lagf
l`ak lmjf& Qgm [YfÌl [Ykl Yfgl`]j kh]dd \mjaf_ l`] kYe]
Some characters and monsters have special abilities lmjf$ ]p[]hl ^gj Y [Yfljah oal` Y [Yklaf_ lae] g^ ) Y[lagf&
that let them cast spells without using spell slots.
Casting a Spell at a Higher Level
Some spells can be cast as reactions. These spells take
When a spellcaster casts a spell using a slot that is of a a fraction of a second to bring about and are cast in re-
`a_`]j d]n]d l`Yf l`] kh]dd$ l`] kh]dd Ykkme]k l`] `a_`]j khgfk] lg kge] ]n]fl& A^ Y kh]dd [Yf Z] [Ykl Yk Y j]Y[lagf$
d]n]d ^gj l`Yl [Yklaf_& >gj afklYf[]$ a^ MeYjY [Yklk magic the spell description tells you exactly when you can do so.
missile mkaf_ gf] g^ `]j *f\%d]n]d kdglk$ l`Yl magic mis-
sile ak *f\ d]n]d& =[]ץlan]dq$ l`] kh]dd ]phYf\k lg Õdd l`] Longer Casting Times
slot it is put into.
Kge] kh]ddk$ km[` Yk magic missile and cure wounds$ Certain spells (including spells cast as rituals) require
`Yn] egj] hgo]j^md ][]ץlk o`]f [Ykl Yl Y `a_`]j d]n]d$ Yk more time to cast: minutes or even hours. When you cast
\]lYad]\ af Y kh]ddÌk \]k[jahlagf& a spell with a casting time longer than a single action or
j]Y[lagf$ qgm emkl kh]f\ qgmj Y[lagf ]Y[` lmjf [Yklaf_
Cantrips l`] kh]dd$ Yf\ qgm emkl eYaflYaf qgmj [gf[]fljYlagf
o`ad] qgm \g kg k]] É;gf[]fljYlagfÊ Z]dgo!& A^ qgmj [gf-
A cantrip is a spell that can be cast without using a spell []fljYlagf ak Zjgc]f$ l`] kh]dd ^Yadk$ Zml qgm \gfÌl ]ph]f\
slot and without being prepared in advance. Repeated Y kh]dd kdgl& A^ qgm oYfl lg ljq [Yklaf_ l`] kh]dd Y_Yaf$ qgm
hjY[la[] `Yk Õp]\ l`] kh]dd af l`] [Ykl]jÌk eaf\ Yf\ af- must start over.
fused the caster with the magic needed to produce the
][]ץl gn]j Yf\ gn]j& 9 [YfljahÌk kh]dd d]n]d ak (& Range
Rituals L`] lYj_]l g^ Y kh]dd emkl Z] oal`af l`] kh]ddÌk jYf_]& >gj
a spell like magic missile$ l`] lYj_]l ak Y [j]Ylmj]& >gj Y
;]jlYaf kh]ddk `Yn] Y kh][aYd lY_2 ÉjalmYd&Ê Km[` Y kh]dd spell like Õj]ZYdd$ l`] lYj_]l ak l`] hgafl af khY[] o`]j]
[Yf Z] [Ykl ^gddgoaf_ l`] fgjeYd jmd]k ^gj kh]dd[Yklaf_$ l`] ZYdd g^ Õj] ]jmhlk&
or the spell can be cast as a ritual. The ritual version of a
spell takes 10 minutes longer to cast than normal. It also Most spells have ranges expressed in feet. Some spells
\g]kfÌl ]ph]f\ Y kh]dd kdgl$ o`a[` e]Yfk l`] jalmYd n]j- can target only a creature (including you) that you touch.
kagf g^ Y kh]dd [YfÌl Z] [Ykl Yl Y `a_`]j d]n]d& Gl`]j kh]ddk$ km[` Yk l`] shield kh]dd$ Y[]ץl gfdq qgm&
Lg [Ykl Y kh]dd Yk Y jalmYd$ Y kh]dd[Ykl]j emkl `Yn] Y These spells have a range of self.
feature that grants the ability to do so. The cleric and the Kh]ddk l`Yl [j]Yl] [gf]k gj daf]k g^ ][]ץl l`Yl gja_afYl]
\jma\$ ^gj ]pYehd]$ `Yn] km[` Y ^]Ylmj]& L`] [Ykl]j emkl ^jge qgm Ydkg `Yn] Y jYf_] g^ k]d^$ af\a[Ylaf_ l`Yl l`] gj-
also have the spell prepared or on his or her list of spells a_af hgafl g^ l`] kh]ddÌk ][]ץl emkl Z] qgm k]] É9j]Yk g^
cfgof$ mfd]kk l`] [`YjY[l]jÌk jalmYd ^]Ylmj] kh][aÕ]k gl`- =[]ץlÊ dYl]j af l`] l`ak [`Yhl]j!&
]joak]$ Yk l`] oarYj\Ìk \g]k& Gf[] Y kh]dd ak [Ykl$ alk ][]ץlk Yj]fÌl daeal]\ Zq alk jYf_]$
mfd]kk l`] kh]ddÌk \]k[jahlagf kYqk gl`]joak]&
Casting a Spell
O`]f Y [`YjY[l]j [Yklk Yfq kh]dd$ l`] kYe] ZYka[ jmd]k
Yj] ^gddgo]\$ j]_Yj\d]kk g^ l`] [`YjY[l]jÌk [dYkk gj l`] 9 kh]ddÌk [gehgf]flk Yj] l`] h`qka[Yd j]imaj]e]flk qgm
kh]ddÌk ][]ץlk& emkl e]]l af gj\]j lg [Ykl al& =Y[` kh]ddÌk \]k[jahlagf af-
\a[Yl]k o`]l`]j al j]imaj]k n]jZYd N!$ kgeYla[ K!$ gj eY-
l]jaYd E! [gehgf]flk& A^ qgm [YfÌl hjgna\] gf] gj egj] g^ 49
Y kh]ddÌk [gehgf]flk$ qgm Yj] mfYZd] lg [Ykl l`] kh]dd&
Chapter 4: Spells