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Published by DnDArchive, 2020-10-23 04:08:35

5th Edition - Essentials Kit Rulebook

5th Edition - Essentials Kit Rulebook

Verbal (V) kgmj[]k$ km[` Yk Yf Yjjgo Yf\ Y \jY_gfÌk Zj]Yl`$
you make a separate saving throw for each source
Most spells require the chanting of mystic words. The of damage.
ogj\k l`]ek]dn]k Yj]fÌl l`] kgmj[] g^ l`] kh]ddÌk hgo]j3 • Being incapacitated or killed. Qgm dgk] [gf[]fljYlagf
jYl`]j$ l`] hYjla[mdYj [geZafYlagf g^ kgmf\k$ oal` kh]- on a spell if you are incapacitated or if you die.
[aÕ[ hal[` Yf\ j]kgfYf[]$ k]lk l`] l`j]Y\k g^ eY_a[ af
eglagf& L`mk$ Y [`YjY[l]j o`g ak _Y__]\ gj af Yf Yj]Y The DM might also decide that certain environmental
g^ kad]f[]$ km[` Yk gf] [j]Yl]\ Zq l`] silence kh]dd$ [YfÌl h`]fge]fY$ km[` Yk Y oYn] [jYk`af_ gn]j qgm o`ad]
cast a spell with a verbal component. qgmÌj] gf Y klgje%lgkk]\ k`ah$ j]imaj] qgm lg km[[]]\ gf Y
DC 10 Constitution saving throw to maintain concentra-
Somatic (S) tion on a spell.

Spellcasting gestures might include a forceful gesticula- Targets
tion or an intricate set of gestures. If a spell requires a so-
eYla[ [gehgf]fl$ l`] [Ykl]j emkl `Yn] ^j]] mk] g^ Yl d]Ykl A typical spell requires you to pick one or more targets
one hand to perform these gestures. lg Z] Y‫[]ץ‬l]\ Zq l`] kh]ddÌk eY_a[& 9 kh]ddÌk \]k[jahlagf
l]ddk qgm o`]l`]j l`] kh]dd lYj_]lk [j]Ylmj]k$ gZb][lk$ gj Y
Material (M) hgafl g^ gja_af ^gj Yf Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l \]k[jaZ]\ Z]dgo!&
Mfd]kk Y kh]dd `Yk Y h]j[]hlaZd] ]‫[]ץ‬l$ Y [j]Ylmj] ea_`l
;Yklaf_ kge] kh]ddk j]imaj]k hYjla[mdYj gZb][lk$ kh][aÕ]\ fgl cfgo al oYk lYj_]l]\ Zq Y kh]dd Yl Ydd& 9f ]‫[]ץ‬l dac]
in parentheses in the component entry. A character can [jY[cdaf_ da_`lfaf_ ak gZnagmk$ Zml Y egj] kmZld] ]‫[]ץ‬l$
use a component pouch or a spellcasting focus (found km[` Yk Yf Yll]ehl lg j]Y\ Y [j]Ylmj]Ìk l`gm_`lk$ lqha[Yddq
af [`Yhl]j +! af hdY[] g^ l`] [gehgf]flk kh][aÕ]\ ^gj Y _g]k mffgla[]\$ mfd]kk Y kh]dd kYqk gl`]joak]&
kh]dd& :ml a^ Y [gkl ak af\a[Yl]\ ^gj Y [gehgf]fl$ Y [`Yj-
Y[l]j emkl `Yn] l`Yl kh][aÕ[ [gehgf]fl Z]^gj] `] gj k`] A Clear Path to the Target
can cast the spell.
Lg lYj_]l kge]l`af_$ qgm emkl `Yn] Y [d]Yj hYl` lg al$
If a spell states that a material component is consumed kg al [YfÌl Z] Z]`af\ lglYd [gn]j&
Zq l`] kh]dd$ l`] [Ykl]j emkl hjgna\] l`ak [gehgf]fl ^gj A^ qgm hdY[] Yf Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l Yl Y hgafl l`Yl qgm [YfÌl
each casting of the spell. k]] Yf\ Yf gZkljm[lagf$ km[` Yk Y oYdd$ ak Z]lo]]f qgm
Yf\ l`Yl hgafl$ l`] hgafl g^ gja_af [ge]k aflg Z]af_ gf l`]
A spellcaster must have a hand free to access these near side of that obstruction.
[gehgf]flkÈgj lg `gd\ Y kh]dd[Yklaf_ ^g[mkÈZml al [Yf
be the same hand that he or she uses to perform somatic Targeting Yourself
A^ Y kh]dd lYj_]lk Y [j]Ylmj] g^ qgmj [`ga[]$ qgm [Yf
Duration [`ggk] qgmjk]d^$ mfd]kk l`] [j]Ylmj] emkl Z] `gklad] gj
kh][aÕ[Yddq Y [j]Ylmj] gl`]j l`Yf qgm& A^ qgm Yj] af l`]
9 kh]ddÌk \mjYlagf ak l`] d]f_l` g^ lae] l`] kh]dd h]jkaklk& Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l g^ Y kh]dd qgm [Ykl$ qgm [Yf lYj_]l qgmjk]d^&
9 \mjYlagf [Yf Z] ]phj]kk]\ af jgmf\k$ eafml]k$ `gmjk$
gj ]n]f q]Yjk& Kge] kh]ddk kh][a^q l`Yl l`]aj ]‫[]ץ‬lk dYkl Areas of Effect
until the spells are dispelled or destroyed.
Spells such as burning hands and cone of cold cover an
Instantaneous Yj]Y$ Yddgoaf_ l`]e lg Y‫[]ץ‬l emdlahd] [j]Ylmj]k Yl gf[]&
9 kh]ddÌk \]k[jahlagf kh][aÕ]k alk Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l$ o`a[`
EYfq kh]ddk Yj] afklYflYf]gmk& L`] kh]dd `Yjek$ `]Ydk$ lqha[Yddq `Yk gf] g^ Õn] \a‫]ץ‬j]fl k`Yh]k2 [gf]$ [mZ]$ [qd-
[j]Yl]k$ gj Ydl]jk Y [j]Ylmj] gj Yf gZb][l af Y oYq l`Yl af\]j$ daf]$ gj kh`]j]& =n]jq Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l `Yk Y point of
[YfÌl Z] \akh]dd]\$ Z][Ymk] alk eY_a[ ]paklk gfdq ^gj origin$ Y dg[Ylagf ^jge o`a[` l`] kh]ddÌk ]f]j_q ]jmhlk&
an instant. The rules for each shape specify how you position its
hgafl g^ gja_af& Lqha[Yddq$ Y hgafl g^ gja_af ak Y hgafl af
Concentration khY[]$ Zml kge] kh]ddk `Yn] Yf Yj]Y o`gk] gja_af ak Y
creature or an object.
Some spells require you to maintain concentration in or- 9 kh]ddÌk ]‫[]ץ‬l ]phYf\k af kljYa_`l daf]k ^jge l`] hgafl
\]j lg c]]h l`]aj eY_a[ Y[lan]& A^ qgm dgk] [gf[]fljYlagf$ of origin. If no unblocked straight line extends from the
such a spell ends. hgafl g^ gja_af lg Y dg[Ylagf oal`af l`] Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l$ l`Yl
A^ Y kh]dd emkl Z] eYaflYaf]\ oal` [gf[]fljYlagf$ l`Yl dg[Ylagf akfÌl af[dm\]\ af l`] kh]ddÌk Yj]Y& Lg Zdg[c gf] g^
^Y[l Yhh]Yjk af alk <mjYlagf ]fljq$ Yf\ l`] kh]dd kh][aÕ]k l`]k] aeY_afYjq daf]k$ Yf gZkljm[lagf emkl hjgna\] lglYd
`go dgf_ qgm [Yf [gf[]fljYl] gf al& Qgm [Yf ]f\ [gf[]f- cover (see page 36).
tration at any time (no action required).
FgjeYd Y[lanalq$ km[` Yk egnaf_ Yf\ YllY[caf_$ \g]kfÌl Cone
interfere with concentration. The following factors can
break concentration: A cone extends in a direction you choose from its point of
gja_af& 9 [gf]Ìk oa\l` Yl Y _an]f hgafl Ydgf_ alk d]f_l` ak
• Casting another spell that requires concentration. ]imYd lg l`Yl hgaflÌk \aklYf[] ^jge l`] hgafl g^ gja_af& 9
Qgm dgk] [gf[]fljYlagf gf Y kh]dd a^ qgm [Ykl Yfgl`]j [gf]Ìk Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l kh][aÕ]k alk eYpaeme d]f_l`&
kh]dd l`Yl j]imaj]k [gf[]fljYlagf& Qgm [YfÌl [gf[]fljYl] 9 [gf]Ìk hgafl g^ gja_af ak fgl af[dm\]\ af l`] [gf]Ìk
on two spells at once. Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l$ mfd]kk qgm \][a\] gl`]joak]&

• Taking damage. Whenever you take damage while you
Yj] [gf[]fljYlaf_ gf Y kh]dd$ qgm emkl eYc] Y ;gfklalm-
tion saving throw to maintain your concentration. The
<; ]imYdk )( gj `Yd^ l`] \YeY_] qgm lYc]$ o`a[`]n]j
number is higher. If you take damage from multiple

Chapter 4: Spells

Cube be within 5 feet of each other. A target must succeed on a
Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 acid damage.
Qgm k]d][l Y [mZ]Ìk hgafl g^ gja_af$ o`a[` da]k Yfqo`]j] L`ak kh]ddÌk \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq )\. o`]f qgm j]Y[`
gf Y ^Y[] g^ l`] [mZa[ ]‫[]ץ‬l& L`] [mZ]Ìk kar] ak ]phj]kk]\ -l` d]n]d *\.!$ ))l` d]n]d +\.!$ Yf\ )/l` d]n]d ,\.!&
as the length of each side.
9 [mZ]Ìk hgafl g^ gja_af ak fgl af[dm\]\ af l`] [mZ]Ìk Aid
Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l$ mfd]kk qgm \][a\] gl`]joak]&
2nd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
9 [qdaf\]jÌk hgafl g^ gja_af ak l`] []fl]j g^ Y [aj[d] g^ Y Range: 30 feet
hYjla[mdYj jY\amk$ Yk _an]f af l`] kh]dd \]k[jahlagf& L`] Components: N$ K$ E Y lafq kljah g^ o`al] [dgl`!
circle must either be on the ground or at the height of the Duration: 8 hours
kh]dd ]‫[]ץ‬l& L`] ]f]j_q af Y [qdaf\]j ]phYf\k af kljYa_`l
lines from the point of origin to the perimeter of the cir- Qgmj kh]dd Zgdkl]jk qgmj Ydda]k oal` lgm_`f]kk Yf\ j]-
[d]$ ^gjeaf_ l`] ZYk] g^ l`] [qdaf\]j& L`] kh]ddÌk ]‫[]ץ‬l solve. Choose up to three creatures within range. Each
l`]f k`gglk mh ^jge l`] ZYk] gj \gof ^jge l`] lgh$ lg Y lYj_]lÌk `al hgafl eYpaeme Yf\ [mjj]fl `al hgaflk af-
distance equal to the height of the cylinder. crease by 5 for the duration.
9 [qdaf\]jÌk hgafl g^ gja_af ak af[dm\]\ af l`] [qdaf\]jÌk 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l& kh]dd kdgl g^ +j\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ Y lYj_]lÌk `al hgaflk af-
crease by an additional 5 for each slot level above 2nd.
Arcane Lock
A line extends from its point of origin in a straight path
mh lg alk d]f_l` Yf\ [gn]jk Yf Yj]Y \]Õf]\ Zq alk oa\l`& 2nd-level abjuration
9 daf]Ìk hgafl g^ gja_af ak fgl af[dm\]\ af l`] daf]Ìk Yj]Y
g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l$ mfd]kk qgm \][a\] gl`]joak]& Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Sphere Components: N$ K$ E _gd\ \mkl ogjl` Yl d]Ykl *- _h$

Qgm k]d][l Y kh`]j]Ìk hgafl g^ gja_af$ Yf\ l`] kh`]j] which the spell consumes)
]pl]f\k gmloYj\ ^jge l`Yl hgafl& L`] kh`]j]Ìk kar] ak ]p- Duration: Until dispelled
pressed as a radius in feet that extends from the point.
9 kh`]j]Ìk hgafl g^ gja_af ak af[dm\]\ af l`] kh`]j]Ìk Qgm lgm[` Y [dgk]\ \ggj$ oaf\go$ _Yl]$ [`]kl$ gj gl`]j ]f-
Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l& ljqoYq$ Yf\ al Z][ge]k dg[c]\ ^gj l`] \mjYlagf& Qgm Yf\
the creatures you designate when you cast this spell can
Saving Throws gh]f l`] gZb][l fgjeYddq& Qgm [Yf Ydkg k]l Y hYkkogj\
l`Yl$ o`]f khgc]f oal`af - ^]]l g^ l`] gZb][l$ kmhhj]kk]k
Many spells specify that a target can make a saving l`ak kh]dd ^gj ) eafml]& Gl`]joak]$ al ak aehYkkYZd] mf-
l`jgo lg Ynga\ kge] gj Ydd g^ Y kh]ddÌk ]‫[]ץ‬lk& L`] kh]dd til it is broken or the spell is dispelled or suppressed.
kh][aÕ]k l`] YZadalq l`Yl l`] lYj_]l mk]k ^gj l`] kYn] Yf\ Casting knock on the object suppresses arcane lock for
what happens on a success or failure. 10 minutes.
O`ad] Y‫[]ץ‬l]\ Zq l`ak kh]dd$ l`] gZb][l ak egj] \a‫[׹‬mdl
Spell save DC = \RXU SURśFLHQF\ ERQXV to break or force open; the DC to break it or pick any
\RXU VSHOOFDVWLQJ DELOLW\ PRGLśHU locks on it increases by 10.

Attack Rolls Augury

Some spells require the caster to make an attack 2nd-level divination (ritual)
jgdd lg \]l]jeaf] o`]l`]j l`] kh]dd ]‫[]ץ‬l `alk l`] af-
tended target. Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Self
6SHOO DWWDFN PRGLśHU = your proficiency bonus + Components: N$ K$ E kh][aYddq eYjc]\ kla[ck$ Zgf]k$ gj
your spellcasting ability modifier
similar tokens worth at least 25 gp)
Spell Descriptions Duration: Instantaneous

The spells are presented in alphabetical order. :q [Yklaf_ _]e%afdYa\ kla[ck$ jgddaf_ \jY_gf Zgf]k$ dYqaf_
gml gjfYl] [Yj\k$ gj ]ehdgqaf_ kge] gl`]j \anafaf_ lggd$
Acid Splash you receive an omen from an otherworldly entity about
l`] j]kmdlk g^ Y kh][aÕ[ [gmjk] g^ Y[lagf l`Yl qgm hdYf lg
Conjuration cantrip take within the next 30 minutes. The DM chooses from
the following possible omens:
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Weal$ ^gj _gg\ j]kmdlk
Components: N$ K Woe$ ^gj ZY\ j]kmdlk
Duration: Instantaneous Weal and woe$ ^gj Zgl` _gg\ Yf\ ZY\ j]kmdlk
Nothing$ ^gj j]kmdlk l`Yl Yj]fÌl ]kh][aYddq _gg\ gj ZY\
Qgm `mjd Y ZmZZd] g^ Y[a\& ;`ggk] gf] gj log [j]Ylmj]k
qgm [Yf k]] oal`af jYf_]& A^ qgm [`ggk] log$ l`]q emkl L`] kh]dd \g]kfÌl lYc] aflg Y[[gmfl Yfq hgkkaZd] [aj[me-
klYf[]k l`Yl ea_`l [`Yf_] l`] gml[ge]$ km[` Yk l`] [Ykl-
ing of additional spells or the loss or gain of a companion.


Chapter 4: Spells

Augury Blur SHAWN WOOD

If you cast the spell two or more times before complet- 2nd-level illusion
af_ qgmj f]pl dgf_ j]kl$ l`]j] ak Y [memdYlan] *- h]j[]fl
[`Yf[] ^gj ]Y[` [Yklaf_ Y^l]j l`] Õjkl l`Yl qgm _]l Y jYf- Casting Time: 1 action
dom reading. The DM makes this roll in secret. Range: Self
Components: V
Beacon of Hope Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml]

3rd-level abjuration Qgmj Zg\q Z][ge]k Zdmjj]\$ k`a^laf_ Yf\ oYn]jaf_ lg
Casting Time: 1 action Ydd o`g [Yf k]] qgm& >gj l`] \mjYlagf$ Yfq [j]Ylmj] `Yk
Range: 30 feet disadvantage on attack rolls against you. An attacker is
Components: N$ K aeemf] lg l`ak ]‫[]ץ‬l a^ al \g]kfÌl j]dq gf ka_`l$ Yk oal`
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml] Zdaf\ka_`l$ gj [Yf k]] l`jgm_` addmkagfk$ Yk oal` ljm]ka_`l&
This spell bestows hope and vitality. Choose any number
g^ [j]Ylmj]k oal`af jYf_]& >gj l`] \mjYlagf$ ]Y[` lYj_]l Burning Hands
has advantage on Wisdom saving throws and death
kYnaf_ l`jgok$ Yf\ j]_Yafk l`] eYpaeme fmeZ]j g^ `al 1st-level evocation
points possible from any healing.
Casting Time: 1 action
Bless Range: Self (15-foot cone)
Components: N$ K
1st-level enchantment Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet 9k qgm `gd\ qgmj `Yf\k oal` l`meZk lgm[`af_ Yf\ Õf_]jk
Components: N$ K$ E Y khjafcdaf_ g^ `gdq oYl]j! khj]Y\$ Y l`af k`]]l g^ ÖYe]k k`gglk ^gjl` ^jge qgmj gml-
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml] klj]l[`]\ Õf_]jlahk& =Y[` [j]Ylmj] af Y )-%^ggl [gf] emkl
Qgm Zd]kk mh lg l`j]] [j]Ylmj]k g^ qgmj [`ga[] oal`af eYc] Y <]pl]jalq kYnaf_ l`jgo& 9 [j]Ylmj] lYc]k +\. Õj]
range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving \YeY_] gf Y ^Yad]\ kYn]$ gj `Yd^ Yk em[` \YeY_] gf Y
l`jgo Z]^gj] l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ l`] lYj_]l [Yf jgdd Y \, Yf\ successful one.
add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw. L`] Õj] a_fal]k Yfq ÖYeeYZd] gZb][lk af l`] Yj]Y l`Yl
Yj]fÌl Z]af_ ogjf gj [Yjja]\&
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ qgm [Yf lYj_]l gf] Y\\a- 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
tional creature for each slot level above 1st. kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq
1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
Chapter 4: Spells Charm Person

1st-level enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: N$ K
Duration: 1 hour

Qgm Yll]ehl lg [`Yje Y `meYfga\ qgm [Yf k]] oal`af
jYf_]& Al emkl eYc] Y Oak\ge kYnaf_ l`jgo$ Yf\ \g]k kg
oal` Y\nYflY_] a^ qgm gj qgmj [gehYfagfk Yj] Õ_`laf_ al&
A^ al ^Yadk l`] kYnaf_ l`jgo$ al ak [`Yje]\ Zq qgm mflad l`]
spell ends or until you or your companions do anything
harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a
^ja]f\dq Y[imYaflYf[]& O`]f l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ l`] [j]Ylmj]
knows it was charmed by you.

9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using
Y kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ qgm [Yf lYj_]l gf]
additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The
creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you
target them.


1st-level enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V
Duration: 1 round

Qgm kh]Yc Y gf]%ogj\ [geeYf\ lg Y [j]Ylmj] qgm [Yf
see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw or follow the command on its next turn.
L`] kh]dd `Yk fg ]‫[]ץ‬l a^ l`] lYj_]l ak mf\]Y\$ a^ al \g]kfÌl

mf\]jklYf\ qgmj dYf_mY_]$ gj a^ qgmj [geeYf\ ak \aj][ldq 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
harmful to it. kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] `]Ydaf_ af[j]Yk]k Zq
Kge] lqha[Yd [geeYf\k Yf\ l`]aj ]‫[]ץ‬lk ^gddgo& Qgm 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
might issue a command other than one described here. If
qgm \g kg$ l`] <E \]l]jeaf]k `go l`] lYj_]l Z]`Yn]k& A^ Dancing Lights
l`] lYj_]l [YfÌl ^gddgo qgmj [geeYf\$ l`] kh]dd ]f\k&
Evocation cantrip
9hhjgY[`& The target moves toward you by the short-
]kl Yf\ egkl \aj][l jgml]$ ]f\af_ alk lmjf a^ al egn]k Casting Time: 1 action
within 5 feet of you. Range: 120 feet
Components: N$ K$ E Y Zal g^ h`gkh`gjmk gj oq[`ogg\$
<jgh& The target drops whatever it is holding and then
ends its turn. or a glowworm)
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml]
>d]]& The target spends its turn moving away from you
by the fastest available means. Qgm [j]Yl] mh lg ^gmj lgj[`%kar]\ da_`lk oal`af jYf_]$
eYcaf_ l`]e Yhh]Yj Yk lgj[`]k$ dYfl]jfk$ gj _dgoaf_
?jgn]d& The target falls prone and then ends its turn. gjZk l`Yl `gn]j af l`] Yaj ^gj l`] \mjYlagf& Qgm [Yf Ydkg
@Ydl& L`] lYj_]l \g]kfÌl egn] Yf\ lYc]k fg Y[lagfk& 9 combine the four lights into one glowing vaguely human-
Öqaf_ [j]Ylmj] klYqk Ydg^l$ hjgna\]\ l`Yl al ak YZd] lg \g kg& ga\ ^gje g^ E]\ame kar]& O`a[`]n]j ^gje qgm [`ggk]$
A^ al emkl egn] lg klYq Ydg^l$ al Öa]k l`] eafaeme \aklYf[] each light sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius.
needed to remain in the air. 9k Y Zgfmk Y[lagf gf qgmj lmjf$ qgm [Yf egn] l`] da_`lk
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using up to 60 feet to a new spot within range. A light must be
Y kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ qgm [Yf Y‫[]ץ‬l gf] oal`af *( ^]]l g^ Yfgl`]j da_`l [j]Yl]\ Zq l`ak kh]dd$ Yf\ Y
additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The da_`l oafck gml a^ al ]p[]]\k l`] kh]ddÌk jYf_]&
creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you
target them. Darkness

Comprehend Languages 2nd-level evocation

1st-level divination (ritual) Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: N$ E ZYl ^mj Yf\ Y \jgh g^ hal[` gj
Range: Self
Components: N$ K$ E Y haf[` g^ kggl Yf\ kYdl! piece of coal)
Duration: 1 hour Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg )( eafml]k

>gj l`] \mjYlagf$ qgm mf\]jklYf\ l`] dal]jYd e]Yfaf_ g^ Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose
Yfq khgc]f dYf_mY_] l`Yl qgm `]Yj& Qgm Ydkg mf\]jklYf\ oal`af jYf_] lg Õdd Y )-%^ggl%jY\amk kh`]j] ^gj l`] \mjY-
Yfq ojall]f dYf_mY_] l`Yl qgm k]]$ Zml qgm emkl Z] lgm[`- tion. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature
ing the surface on which the words are written. It takes oal` \Yjcnakagf [YfÌl k]] l`jgm_` l`ak \Yjcf]kk$ Yf\ fgf-
about 1 minute to read one page of text. eY_a[Yd da_`l [YfÌl addmeafYl] al&
L`ak kh]dd \g]kfÌl \][g\] k][j]l e]kkY_]k af Y l]pl gj
Y _dqh`$ km[` Yk Yf Yj[Yf] ka_ad$ l`Yl akfÌl hYjl g^ Y ojal- If the point you choose is on an object you are holding
ten language. gj gf] l`Yl akfÌl Z]af_ ogjf gj [Yjja]\$ l`] \Yjcf]kk ]e-
anates from the object and moves with it. Completely cov-
Crusader’s Mantle ]jaf_ l`] kgmj[] g^ l`] \Yjcf]kk oal` Yf ghYim] gZb][l$
km[` Yk Y Zgod gj Y `]de$ Zdg[ck l`] \Yjcf]kk&
3rd-level evocation A^ Yfq g^ l`ak kh]ddÌk Yj]Y gn]jdYhk oal` Yf Yj]Y g^ da_`l
[j]Yl]\ Zq Y kh]dd g^ *f\ d]n]d gj dgo]j$ l`] kh]dd l`Yl [j]-
Casting Time: 1 action ated the light is dispelled.
Range: Self
Components: V Detect Magic
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml]
1st-level divination (ritual)
Holy power radiates from you in an aura with a 30-foot
jY\amk$ YoYc]faf_ Zgd\f]kk af ^ja]f\dq [j]Ylmj]k& Mflad Casting Time: 1 action
l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ l`] YmjY egn]k oal` qgm$ []fl]j]\ gf qgm& Range: Self
O`ad] af l`] YmjY$ ]Y[` fgf`gklad] [j]Ylmj] af l`] YmjY Components: N$ K
(including you) deals an extra 1d4 radiant damage when Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg )( eafml]k
it hits with a weapon attack.
>gj l`] \mjYlagf$ qgm k]fk] l`] hj]k]f[] g^ eY_a[ oal`af
Cure Wounds +( ^]]l g^ qgm& A^ qgm k]fk] eY_a[ af l`ak oYq$ qgm [Yf mk]
your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature
1st-level evocation gj gZb][l af l`] Yj]Y l`Yl Z]Yjk eY_a[$ Yf\ qgm d]Yjf alk
k[`ggd g^ eY_a[$ a^ Yfq&
Casting Time: 1 action L`] kh]dd [Yf h]f]ljYl] egkl ZYjja]jk$ Zml al ak Zdg[c]\
Range: Touch Zq ) ^ggl g^ klgf]$ ) af[` g^ [geegf e]lYd$ Y l`af k`]]l g^
Components: N$ K d]Y\$ gj + ^]]l g^ ogg\ gj \ajl&
Duration: Instantaneous

A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal
lg )\0 # qgmj kh]dd[Yklaf_ YZadalq eg\aÕ]j& L`ak kh]dd `Yk
fg ]‫[]ץ‬l gf mf\]Y\ gj [gfkljm[lk&


Chapter 4: Spells

Disguise Self Each object in a 20-foot cube within range is outlined in
Zdm]$ _j]]f$ gj nagd]l da_`l qgmj [`ga[]!& 9fq [j]Ylmj] af
1st-level illusion the area when the spell is cast is also outlined in light if
al ^Yadk Y <]pl]jalq kYnaf_ l`jgo& >gj l`] \mjYlagf$ gZb][lk
Casting Time: 1 action Yf\ Y‫[]ץ‬l]\ [j]Ylmj]k k`]\ \ae da_`l af Y )(%^ggl jY\amk&
Range: Self 9fq YllY[c jgdd Y_Yafkl Yf Y‫[]ץ‬l]\ [j]Ylmj] gj gZb][l
Components: N$ K `Yk Y\nYflY_] a^ l`] YllY[c]j [Yf k]] al$ Yf\ l`] Y‫[]ץ‬l]\
Duration: 1 hour [j]Ylmj] gj gZb][l [YfÌl Z]f]Õl ^jge Z]af_ afnakaZd]&

Qgm eYc] qgmjk]d^Èaf[dm\af_ qgmj [dgl`af_$ Yjegj$ o]Yh- Fear
gfk$ Yf\ gl`]j Z]dgf_af_k gf qgmj h]jkgfÈdggc \a‫]ץ‬j]fl
until the spell ends or until you use your action to dismiss 3rd-level illusion
al& Qgm [Yf k]]e ) ^ggl k`gjl]j gj lYdd]j Yf\ [Yf Yhh]Yj
l`af$ ^Yl$ gj af Z]lo]]f& Qgm [YfÌl [`Yf_] qgmj Zg\q lqh]$ Casting Time: 1 action
so you must adopt a form that has the same basic ar- Range: Self (30-foot cone)
jYf_]e]fl g^ daeZk& Gl`]joak]$ l`] ]pl]fl g^ l`] addmkagf Components: N$ K$ E Y o`al] ^]Yl`]j gj l`]
is up to you.
heart of a hen)
The changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml]
h`qka[Yd afkh][lagf& >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm mk] l`ak kh]dd lg
Y\\ Y `Yl lg qgmj gmlÕl$ gZb][lk hYkk l`jgm_` l`] `Yl$ Yf\ Qgm hjgb][l Y h`YflYkeYd aeY_] g^ Y [j]Ylmj]Ìk ogjkl
anyone who touches it would feel nothing or would feel fears. Each creature in a 30-foot cone must succeed on a
your head and hair. If you use this spell to appear thinner Wisdom saving throw or drop whatever it is holding and
l`Yf qgm Yj]$ l`] `Yf\ g^ kge]gf] o`g j]Y[`]k gml lg become frightened for the duration.
touch you would bump into you while it was seemingly O`ad] ^ja_`l]f]\ Zq l`ak kh]dd$ Y [j]Ylmj] emkl lYc] l`]
still in midair. Dash action and move away from you by the safest avail-
Lg \ak[]jf l`Yl qgm Yj] \ak_mak]\$ Y [j]Ylmj] [Yf mk] YZd] jgml] gf ]Y[` g^ alk lmjfk$ mfd]kk l`]j] ak fgo`]j]
its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed to move. If the creature ends its turn in a location where
on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your al \g]kfÌl `Yn] daf] g^ ka_`l lg qgm$ l`] [j]Ylmj] [Yf eYc]
spell save DC. Y Oak\ge kYnaf_ l`jgo& Gf Y km[[]kk^md kYn]$ l`] kh]dd
ends for that creature.
Dispel Magic
Feather Fall
3rd-level abjuration
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet Casting Time: ) j]Y[lagf$ o`a[` qgm lYc] o`]f qgm gj Y
Components: N$ K creature within 60 feet of you falls
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 60 feet
;`ggk] gf] [j]Ylmj]$ gZb][l$ gj eY_a[Yd ]‫[]ץ‬l oal`af Components: N$ E Y keYdd ^]Yl`]j gj ha][] g^ \gof!
range. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends. Duration: 1 minute
>gj ]Y[` kh]dd g^ ,l` d]n]d gj `a_`]j gf l`] lYj_]l$ eYc]
an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC ;`ggk] mh lg Õn] ^Yddaf_ [j]Ylmj]k oal`af jYf_]& 9 ^Yddaf_
]imYdk )( # l`] kh]ddÌk d]n]d& Gf Y km[[]kk^md [`][c$ l`] [j]Ylmj]Ìk jYl] g^ \]k[]fl kdgok lg .( ^]]l h]j jgmf\ mflad
spell ends. l`] kh]dd ]f\k& A^ l`] [j]Ylmj] dYf\k Z]^gj] l`] kh]dd ]f\k$
al lYc]k fg ^Yddaf_ \YeY_] Yf\ [Yf dYf\ gf alk ^]]l$ Yf\
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a the spell ends for that creature.
kh]dd kdgl g^ ,l` d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ qgm YmlgeYla[Yddq ]f\ l`]
]‫[]ץ‬lk g^ Y kh]dd gf l`] lYj_]l a^ l`] kh]ddÌk d]n]d ak ]imYd lg Fireball
or less than the level of the spell slot you used.
3rd-level evocation
Divine Favor
Casting Time: 1 action
1st-level evocation Range: 150 feet
Components: N$ K$ E Y lafq ZYdd g^ ZYl _mYfg Yf\ kmd^mj!
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self
Components: N$ K 9 Zja_`l klj]Yc ÖYk`]k ^jge qgmj hgaflaf_ Õf_]j lg Y
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml] point you choose within range and then blossoms with
Y dgo jgYj aflg Yf ]phdgkagf g^ ÖYe]& =Y[` [j]Ylmj]
Qgmj hjYq]j ]ehgo]jk qgm oal` \anaf] jY\aYf[]& Mflad l`] in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must
kh]dd ]f\k$ qgmj o]Yhgf YllY[ck \]Yd Yf ]pljY )\, jY\aYfl eYc] Y <]pl]jalq kYnaf_ l`jgo& 9 lYj_]l lYc]k 0\. Õj]
damage on a hit. \YeY_] gf Y ^Yad]\ kYn]$ gj `Yd^ Yk em[` \YeY_] gf Y
successful one.
Faerie Fire L`] Õj] khj]Y\k Yjgmf\ [gjf]jk& Al a_fal]k ÖYeeYZd]
gZb][lk af l`] Yj]Y l`Yl Yj]fÌl Z]af_ ogjf gj [Yjja]\&
1st-level evocation 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
kh]dd kdgl g^ ,l` d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq
Casting Time: 1 action 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.
Range: 60 feet
Components: V
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml]

Chapter 4: Spells

Fire Bolt Fly

Evocation cantrip 3rd-level transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Range: 120 feet Components: N$ K$ E Y oaf_ ^]Yl`]j ^jge Yfq Zaj\!
Components: N$ K Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg )( eafml]k
Duration: Instantaneous
Qgm lgm[` Y oaddaf_ [j]Ylmj]& L`] lYj_]l _Yafk Y Öqaf_
Qgm `mjd Y egl] g^ Õj] Yl Y [j]Ylmj] gj gZb][l oal`af kh]]\ g^ .( ^]]l ^gj l`] \mjYlagf& O`]f l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ l`]
range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a lYj_]l ^Yddk a^ al ak kladd Ydg^l$ mfd]kk al [Yf klgh l`] ^Ydd&
`al$ l`] lYj_]l lYc]k )\)( Õj] \YeY_]& 9 ÖYeeYZd] gZb][l
`al Zq l`ak kh]dd a_fal]k a^ al akfÌl Z]af_ ogjf gj [Yjja]\& 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
L`ak kh]ddÌk \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq )\)( o`]f qgm j]Y[` kh]dd kdgl g^ ,l` d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ qgm [Yf lYj_]l gf] Y\\a-
-l` d]n]d *\)(!$ ))l` d]n]d +\)(!$ Yf\ )/l` d]n]d ,\)(!& tional creature for each slot level above 3rd.

Flaming Sphere Guidance

2nd-level conjuration Divination cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Range: 60 feet Components: N$ K
Components: N$ K$ E Y Zal g^ lYddgo$ Y haf[` g^ Zjae- Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml]

klgf]$ Yf\ Y \mklaf_ g^ hgo\]j]\ ajgf! Qgm lgm[` gf] oaddaf_ [j]Ylmj]& Gf[] Z]^gj] l`] kh]dd
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml] ]f\k$ l`] lYj_]l [Yf jgdd Y \, Yf\ Y\\ l`] fmeZ]j jgdd]\
to one ability check of its choice. It can roll the die before
9 -%^ggl%\aYe]l]j kh`]j] g^ Õj] Yhh]Yjk af Yf mfg[[mha]\ or after making the ability check. The spell then ends.
space of your choice within range and lasts for the dura-
Guiding Bolt
tion. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the
1st-level evocation
sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw. The creature
lYc]k *\. Õj] \YeY_] gf Y ^Yad]\ kYn]$ gj `Yd^ Yk em[` Casting Time: 1 action
damage on a successful one. Range: 120 feet
9k Y Zgfmk Y[lagf$ qgm [Yf egn] l`] kh`]j] mh lg +( Components: N$ K
^]]l& A^ qgm jYe l`] kh`]j] aflg Y [j]Ylmj]$ l`Yl [j]Ylmj] Duration: 1 round
emkl eYc] l`] kYnaf_ l`jgo Y_Yafkl l`] kh`]j]Ìk \Ye-
Y_]$ Yf\ l`] kh`]j] klghk egnaf_ l`ak lmjf& 9 ÖYk` g^ da_`l klj]Yck lgoYj\ Y [j]Ylmj] g^ qgmj [`ga[]
O`]f qgm egn] l`] kh`]j]$ qgm [Yf \aj][l al gn]j ZYj- within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the tar-
riers up to 5 feet tall and jump it across pits up to 10 feet _]l& Gf Y `al$ l`] lYj_]l lYc]k ,\. jY\aYfl \YeY_]$ Yf\
oa\]& L`] kh`]j] a_fal]k ÖYeeYZd] gZb][lk fgl Z]af_ the next attack roll made against this target before the
ogjf gj [Yjja]\$ Yf\ al k`]\k Zja_`l da_`l af Y *(%^ggl jY- ]f\ g^ qgmj f]pl lmjf `Yk Y\nYflY_]$ l`Yfck lg l`] eqkla-
dius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. cal dim light glittering on the target until then.
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
kh]dd kdgl g^ +j\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq
1d6 for each slot level above 2nd. 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

Flaming Sphere



Chapter 4: Spells

Haste Yj] Y‫[]ץ‬laf_ l`] al]e Yf\ o`Yl l`]q Yj]& A^ l`] al]e oYk
[j]Yl]\ Zq Y kh]dd$ qgm d]Yjf o`a[` kh]dd [j]Yl]\ al&
3rd-level transmutation A^ qgm afkl]Y\ lgm[` Y [j]Ylmj] l`jgm_`gml l`] [Yklaf_$
qgm d]Yjf o`Yl kh]ddk$ a^ Yfq$ Yj] [mjj]fldq Y‫[]ץ‬laf_ al&
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Inflict Wounds
Components: N$ K$ E Y k`Ynaf_ g^ da[gja[] jggl!
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml] 1st-level necromancy

Choose a willing creature that you can see within range. Casting Time: 1 action
Mflad l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ l`] lYj_]lÌk kh]]\ ak \gmZd]\$ al _Yafk Range: Touch
Y #* Zgfmk lg 9;$ al `Yk Y\nYflY_] gf <]pl]jalq kYnaf_ Components: N$ K
l`jgok$ Yf\ al _Yafk Yf Y\\alagfYd Y[lagf gf ]Y[` g^ alk Duration: Instantaneous
turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack
gf] o]Yhgf YllY[c gfdq!$ <Yk`$ <ak]f_Y_]$ @a\]$ gj Mk] Make a melee spell attack against a creature you can
an Object action. j]Y[`& Gf Y `al$ l`] lYj_]l lYc]k +\)( f][jgla[ \YeY_]&
O`]f l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ l`] lYj_]l [YfÌl egn] gj lYc] 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
Y[lagfk mflad Y^l]j alk f]pl lmjf$ Yk Y oYn] g^ d]l`Yj_q kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq
sweeps over it. 1d10 for each slot level above 1st.

Healing Word Invisibility

1st-level evocation 2nd-level illusion

Casting Time: 1 bonus action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: Touch
Components: V Components: N$ K$ E Yf ]q]dYk` ]f[Yk]\ af _me YjYZa[!
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) `gmj

A creature of your choice that you can see within range A creature you touch becomes invisible until the spell
j]_Yafk `al hgaflk ]imYd lg )\, # qgmj kh]dd[Yklaf_ ends. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invis-
YZadalq eg\aÕ]j& L`ak kh]dd `Yk fg ]‫[]ץ‬l gf mf\]Y\ gj aZd] Yk dgf_ Yk al ak gf l`] lYj_]lÌk h]jkgf& L`] kh]dd ]f\k
constructs. for a target that attacks or casts a spell.

9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] `]Ydaf_ af[j]Yk]k Zq kh]dd kdgl g^ +j\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ qgm [Yf lYj_]l gf] Y\\a-
1d4 for each slot level above 1st. tional creature for each slot level above 2nd.

Hold Person Knock

2nd-level enchantment 2nd-level transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: N$ K$ E Y keYdd$ kljYa_`l ha][] g^ ajgf! Components: V
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml] Duration: Instantaneous

Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The Choose an object that you can see within range. The
target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be gZb][l [Yf Z] Y \ggj$ Y Zgp$ Y [`]kl$ Y k]l g^ eYfY[d]k$ Y
hYjYdqr]\ ^gj l`] \mjYlagf& 9l l`] ]f\ g^ ]Y[` g^ alk lmjfk$ hY\dg[c$ gj Yfgl`]j gZb][l l`Yl [gflYafk Y emf\Yf] gj
the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a magical means that prevents access.
km[[]kk$ l`] kh]dd ]f\k gf l`] lYj_]l&
A target that is held shut by a mundane lock or that
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a ak klm[c gj ZYjj]\ Z][ge]k mfdg[c]\$ mfklm[c$ gj mf-
kh]dd kdgl g^ +j\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ qgm [Yf lYj_]l gf] Y\\a- ZYjj]\& A^ l`] gZb][l `Yk emdlahd] dg[ck$ gfdq gf] g^ l`]e
tional humanoid for each slot level above 2nd. The hu- is unlocked.
manoids must be within 30 feet of each other when you
target them. If you choose a target that is held shut with arcane lock$
l`Yl kh]dd ak kmhhj]kk]\ ^gj )( eafml]k$ \mjaf_ o`a[`
Identify time the target can be opened and shut normally.
O`]f qgm [Ykl l`] kh]dd$ Y dgm\ cfg[c$ Ym\aZd] ^jge Yk
1st-level divination (ritual) ^Yj YoYq Yk +(( ^]]l$ ]eYfYl]k ^jge l`] lYj_]l gZb][l&

Casting Time: 1 minute Lesser Restoration
Range: Touch
Components: N$ K$ E Y h]Yjd ogjl` Yl d]Ykl )(( _h Yf\ 2nd-level abjuration

an owl feather) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Touch
Components: N$ K
Qgm [`ggk] gf] gZb][l l`Yl qgm emkl lgm[` l`jgm_`gml Duration: Instantaneous
the casting of the spell. If it is a magic item or some other
eY_a[%aeZm]\ gZb][l$ qgm d]Yjf alk hjgh]jla]k Yf\ `go lg Qgm lgm[` Y [j]Ylmj] Yf\ [Yf ]f\ ]al`]j gf] \ak]Yk] gj
mk] l`]e$ o`]l`]j al j]imaj]k Yllmf]e]fl lg mk]$ Yf\ `go gf] [gf\alagf Y‫؁‬a[laf_ al& L`] [gf\alagf [Yf Z] Zdaf\]\$
eYfq [`Yj_]k al `Yk$ a^ Yfq& Qgm d]Yjf o`]l`]j Yfq kh]ddk \]Y^]f]\$ hYjYdqr]\$ gj hgakgf]\&

Chapter 4: Spells

Levitate Levitate

2nd-level transmutation Longstrider

Casting Time: 1 action 1st-level transmutation
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: N$ K$ E ]al`]j Y keYdd d]Yl`]j dggh gj Y Range: Touch
Components: N$ K$ E Y haf[` g^ \ajl!
piece of golden wire bent into a cup shape with a long Duration: 1 hour
shank on one end) Qgm lgm[` Y [j]Ylmj]& L`] lYj_]lÌk kh]]\ af[j]Yk]k Zq )(
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg )( eafml]k feet until the spell ends.

One creature or loose object of your choice that you 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
[Yf k]] oal`af jYf_] jak]k n]jla[Yddq$ mh lg *( ^]]l$ Yf\ kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ qgm [Yf lYj_]l gf] Y\\a-
remains suspended there for the duration. The spell tional creature for each slot level above 1st.
can levitate a target that weighs up to 500 pounds. An
unwilling creature that succeeds on a Constitution saving Mage Armor
l`jgo ak mfY‫[]ץ‬l]\&
1st-level abjuration
The target can move only by pushing or pulling against Casting Time: 1 action
Y Õp]\ gZb][l gj kmj^Y[] oal`af j]Y[` km[` Yk Y oYdd gj Range: Touch
Y []adaf_!$ o`a[` Yddgok al lg egn] Yk a^ al o]j] [daeZaf_& Components: N$ K$ E Y ha][] g^ [mj]\ d]Yl`]j!
Qgm [Yf [`Yf_] l`] lYj_]lÌk Ydlalm\] Zq mh lg *( ^]]l af Duration: 8 hours
]al`]j \aj][lagf gf qgmj lmjf& A^ qgm Yj] l`] lYj_]l$ qgm Qgm lgm[` Y oaddaf_ [j]Ylmj] o`g akfÌl o]Yjaf_ Yjegj$
[Yf egn] mh gj \gof Yk hYjl g^ qgmj egn]& Gl`]joak]$ and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell
qgm [Yf mk] qgmj Y[lagf lg egn] l`] lYj_]l$ o`a[` emkl ]f\k& L`] lYj_]lÌk ZYk] 9; Z][ge]k )+ # alk <]pl]jalq
j]eYaf oal`af l`] kh]ddÌk jYf_]& eg\aÕ]j& L`] kh]dd ]f\k a^ l`] lYj_]l \gfk Yjegj gj a^ qgm
O`]f l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ l`] lYj_]l ÖgYlk _]fldq lg l`] dismiss the spell as an action.
ground if it is still aloft.

Evocation cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: N$ E Y Õj]Öq gj h`gkh`gj]k[]fl egkk!
Duration: 1 hour

Qgm lgm[` gf] gZb][l l`Yl ak fg dYj_]j l`Yf )( ^]]l af Yfq
\ae]fkagf& Mflad l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ l`] gZb][l k`]\k Zja_`l
light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional
20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely
covering the object with something opaque blocks the
light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as
an action.

If you target an object held or worn by a hostile crea-
lmj]$ l`Yl [j]Ylmj] emkl km[[]]\ gf Y <]pl]jalq kYnaf_
throw to avoid the spell.

Lightning Bolt

3rd-level evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (100-foot line)
Components: N$ K$ E Y Zal g^ ^mj Yf\ Y jg\ g^ YeZ]j$

[jqklYd$ gj _dYkk!
Duration: Instantaneous

A stroke of lightning forming a line 100 feet long and 5
feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose.
Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving
throw. A creature takes 8d6 lightning damage on a failed
kYn]$ gj `Yd^ Yk em[` \YeY_] gf Y km[[]kk^md gf]&
L`] da_`lfaf_ a_fal]k ÖYeeYZd] gZb][lk af l`] Yj]Y l`Yl
Yj]fÌl Z]af_ ogjf gj [Yjja]\&
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
kh]dd kdgl g^ ,l` d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq
1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.


Chapter 4: Spells

Mage Hand lg \]Yd l`mf\]j \YeY_] gj \]Y^]f Y [j]Ylmj]$ gj Y ke]dd
l`Yl ea_`l ka[c]f Y [j]Ylmj] dac] Y ljg_dg\ql]Ìk kl]f[`!&
Conjuration cantrip 9k dgf_ Yk qgm Yj] oal`af jYf_] g^ l`] addmkagf$ qgm [Yf
use your action to cause the image to move to any other
Casting Time: 1 action khgl oal`af jYf_]& 9k l`] aeY_] [`Yf_]k dg[Ylagf$ qgm
Range: 30 feet can alter its appearance so that its movements appear
Components: N$ K fYlmjYd ^gj l`] aeY_]& >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm [j]Yl] Yf ae-
Duration: 1 minute Y_] g^ Y [j]Ylmj] Yf\ egn] al$ qgm [Yf Ydl]j l`] aeY_] kg
l`Yl al Yhh]Yjk lg Z] oYdcaf_& KaeadYjdq$ qgm [Yf [Ymk] l`]
9 kh][ljYd$ ÖgYlaf_ `Yf\ Yhh]Yjk Yl Y hgafl qgm [`ggk] addmkagf lg eYc] \a‫]ץ‬j]fl kgmf\k Yl \a‫]ץ‬j]fl lae]k$ ]n]f
within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until eYcaf_ al [Yjjq gf Y [gfn]jkYlagf$ ^gj ]pYehd]&
you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is
ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you cast this Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an
spell again. addmkagf$ Z][Ymk] l`af_k [Yf hYkk l`jgm_` al& 9 [j]Ylmj]
Qgm [Yf mk] qgmj Y[lagf lg [gfljgd l`] `Yf\& Qgm [Yf that uses its action to examine the image can determine
mk] l`] `Yf\ lg eYfahmdYl] Yf gZb][l$ gh]f Yf mfdg[c]\ that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Inves-
\ggj gj [gflYaf]j$ klgo gj j]lja]n] Yf al]e ^jge Yf gh]f tigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature
[gflYaf]j$ gj hgmj l`] [gfl]flk gml g^ Y naYd& Qgm [Yf \ak[]jfk l`] addmkagf ^gj o`Yl al ak$ l`] [j]Ylmj] [Yf k]]
move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it. l`jgm_` l`] aeY_]$ Yf\ alk gl`]j k]fkgjq imYdala]k Z]-
L`] `Yf\ [YfÌl YllY[c$ Y[lanYl] eY_a[ al]ek$ gj [Yjjq come faint to the creature.
more than 10 pounds.
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
Magic Missile kh]dd kdgl g^ .l` d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] kh]dd dYklk mflad \ak-
h]dd]\$ oal`gml j]imajaf_ qgmj [gf[]fljYlagf&
1st-level evocation
Mass Healing Word
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet 3rd-level evocation
Components: N$ K
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Qgm [j]Yl] l`j]] _dgoaf_ \Yjlk g^ eY_a[Yd ^gj[]& =Y[` Components: V
dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within Duration: Instantaneous
jYf_]& 9 \Yjl \]Ydk )\, # ) ^gj[] \YeY_] lg alk lYj_]l&
L`] \Yjlk Ydd kljac] kaemdlYf]gmkdq$ Yf\ qgm [Yf \aj][l 9k qgm [Ydd gml ogj\k g^ j]klgjYlagf$ mh lg kap [j]Ylmj]k
them to hit one creature or several. of your choice that you can see within range regain hit
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a hgaflk ]imYd lg )\, # qgmj kh]dd[Yklaf_ YZadalq eg\aÕ]j&
kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] kh]dd [j]Yl]k gf] L`ak kh]dd `Yk fg ]‫[]ץ‬l gf mf\]Y\ gj [gfkljm[lk&
more dart for each slot level above 1st. 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
kh]dd kdgl g^ ,l` d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] `]Ydaf_ af[j]Yk]k Zq
Magic Weapon 1d4 for each slot level above 3rd.

2nd-level transmutation Mending

Casting Time: 1 bonus action Transmutation cantrip
Range: Touch
Components: N$ K Casting Time: 1 minute
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) `gmj Range: Touch
Components: N$ K$ E log dg\]klgf]k!
Qgm lgm[` Y fgfeY_a[Yd o]Yhgf& Mflad l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ Duration: Instantaneous
l`Yl o]Yhgf Z][ge]k Y eY_a[ o]Yhgf oal` Y #) Zgfmk lg
attack rolls and damage rolls. This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a qgm lgm[`$ km[` Yk Y Zjgc]f [`Yaf dafc$ log `Ydn]k g^
kh]dd kdgl g^ ,l` d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] Zgfmk af[j]Yk]k lg #*& Y Zjgc]f c]q$ Y lgjf [dgYc$ gj Y d]Ycaf_ oaf]kcaf& 9k
O`]f qgm mk] Y kh]dd kdgl g^ .l` d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] Zgfmk long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in
af[j]Yk]k lg #+& Yfq \ae]fkagf$ qgm e]f\ al$ d]Ynaf_ fg ljY[] g^ l`]
former damage.
Major Image
This spell can physically repair a magic item
3rd-level illusion gj [gfkljm[l$ Zml l`] kh]dd [YfÌl j]klgj] eY_a[ lg
such an object.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet Minor Illusion
Components: N$ K$ E Y Zal g^ Ö]][]!
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg )( eafml]k Illusion cantrip

Qgm [j]Yl] l`] aeY_] g^ Yf gZb][l$ Y [j]Ylmj]$ gj kge] Casting Time: 1 action
other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 20- Range: 30 feet
foot cube. The image appears at a spot that you can see Components: K$ E Y Zal g^ Ö]][]!
within range and lasts for the duration. It seems com- Duration: 1 minute
hd]l]dq j]Yd$ af[dm\af_ kgmf\k$ ke]ddk$ Yf\ l]eh]jYlmj]
YhhjghjaYl] lg l`] l`af_ \]ha[l]\& Qgm [YfÌl [j]Yl] km‫׹‬- Qgm [j]Yl] Y kgmf\ gj Yf aeY_] g^ Yf gZb][l oal`af jYf_]
[a]fl `]Yl gj [gd\ lg [Ymk] \YeY_]$ Y kgmf\ dgm\ ]fgm_` that lasts for the duration. The illusion also ends if you
dismiss it as an action or cast this spell again.

Chapter 4: Spells

A^ qgm [j]Yl] Y kgmf\$ alk ngdme] [Yf jYf_] ^jge Y • Qgm [j]Yl] Y fgfeY_a[Yd ljafc]l gj Yf addmkgjq aeY_]
o`akh]j lg Y k[j]Ye& Al [Yf Z] qgmj nga[]$ kge]gf] ]dk]Ìk l`Yl [Yf Õl af qgmj `Yf\ Yf\ l`Yl dYklk mflad l`] ]f\ g^
nga[]$ Y dagfÌk jgYj$ Y Z]Ylaf_ g^ \jmek$ gj Yfq gl`]j kgmf\ your next turn.
you choose. The sound continues unabated throughout
l`] \mjYlagf$ gj qgm [Yf eYc] \ak[j]l] kgmf\k Yl \a‫]ץ‬j]fl A^ qgm [Ykl l`ak kh]dd emdlahd] lae]k$ qgm [Yf `Yn] mh lg
times before the spell ends. l`j]] g^ alk fgf%afklYflYf]gmk ]‫[]ץ‬lk Y[lan] Yl Y lae]$ Yf\
A^ qgm [j]Yl] Yf aeY_] g^ Yf gZb][lÈkm[` Yk Y [`Yaj$ qgm [Yf \akeakk km[` Yf ]‫[]ץ‬l Yk Yf Y[lagf&
em\\q ^gglhjaflk$ gj Y keYdd [`]klÈal emkl Z] fg dYj_]j
l`Yf Y -%^ggl [mZ]& L`] aeY_] [YfÌl [j]Yl] kgmf\$ da_`l$ Ray of Frost
ke]dd$ gj Yfq gl`]j k]fkgjq ]‫[]ץ‬l& H`qka[Yd afl]jY[lagf
oal` l`] aeY_] j]n]Ydk al lg Z] Yf addmkagf$ Z][Ymk] l`af_k Evocation cantrip
can pass through it.
Casting Time: 1 action
If a creature uses its action to examine the sound or im- Range: 60 feet
Y_]$ l`] [j]Ylmj] [Yf \]l]jeaf] l`Yl al ak Yf addmkagf oal` Components: N$ K
a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against Duration: Instantaneous
your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for
o`Yl al ak$ l`] addmkagf Z][ge]k ^Yafl lg l`] [j]Ylmj]& A frigid beam of blue-white light streaks toward a crea-
ture within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the
Misty Step lYj_]l& Gf Y `al$ al lYc]k )\0 [gd\ \YeY_]$ Yf\ alk kh]]\ ak
reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.
2nd-level conjuration L`] kh]ddÌk \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq )\0 o`]f qgm j]Y[`
-l` d]n]d *\0!$ ))l` d]n]d +\0!$ Yf\ )/l` d]n]d ,\0!&
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self Remove Curse
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous 3rd-level abjuration

:ja]Öq kmjjgmf\]\ Zq kadn]jq eakl$ qgm l]d]hgjl mh lg +( Casting Time: 1 action
feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. Range: Touch
Components: N$ K
Poison Spray Duration: Instantaneous

Conjuration cantrip 9l qgmj lgm[`$ Ydd [mjk]k Y‫[]ץ‬laf_ gf] [j]Ylmj] gj gZb][l
]f\& A^ l`] gZb][l ak Y [mjk]\ eY_a[ al]e$ alk [mjk] j]-
Casting Time: 1 action eYafk$ Zml l`] kh]dd Zj]Yck alk gof]jÌk Yllmf]e]fl lg l`]
Range: 10 feet object so it can be removed or discarded.
Components: N$ K
Duration: Instantaneous Resistance

Qgm ]pl]f\ qgmj `Yf\ lgoYj\ Y [j]Ylmj] qgm [Yf k]] Abjuration cantrip
oal`af jYf_] Yf\ hjgb][l Y hm‫ ץ‬g^ fgpagmk _Yk ^jge qgmj
palm. The creature must succeed on a Constitution sav- Casting Time: 1 action
ing throw or take 1d12 poison damage. Range: Touch
L`ak kh]ddÌk \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq )\)* o`]f qgm j]Y[` Components: N$ K$ E Y eafaYlmj] [dgYc!
-l` d]n]d *\)*!$ ))l` d]n]d +\)*!$ Yf\ )/l` d]n]d ,\)*!& Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) eafml]
Qgm lgm[` gf] oaddaf_ [j]Ylmj]& Gf[] Z]^gj] l`] kh]dd
Prestidigitation ]f\k$ l`] lYj_]l [Yf jgdd Y \, Yf\ Y\\ l`] fmeZ]j jgdd]\
to one saving throw of its choice. It can roll the die before
Transmutation cantrip or after making the saving throw. The spell then ends.

Casting Time: 1 action Revivify
Range: 10 feet
Components: N$ K 3rd-level necromancy
Duration: Up to 1 hour
Casting Time: 1 action
This spell is a minor magical trick that novice Range: Touch
kh]dd[Ykl]jk mk] ^gj hjY[la[]& Qgm [j]Yl] gf] g^ l`] Components: N$ K$ E \aYegf\k ogjl` +(( _h$ o`a[` l`]
^gddgoaf_ eY_a[Yd ]‫[]ץ‬lk oal`af jYf_]2
spell consumes)
• Qgm [j]Yl] Yf afklYflYf]gmk$ `Yjed]kk k]fkgjq ]‫[]ץ‬l$ Duration: Instantaneous
km[` Yk Y k`go]j g^ khYjck$ Y hm‫ ץ‬g^ oaf\$ ^Yafl emka[Yd
fgl]k$ gj Yf g\\ g\gj& Qgm lgm[` Y [j]Ylmj] l`Yl `Yk \a]\ oal`af l`] dYkl eafml]&
That creature returns to life with 1 hit point. This spell
• Qgm afklYflYf]gmkdq da_`l gj kfm‫ ץ‬gml Y [Yf\d]$ Y lgj[`$ [YfÌl j]lmjf lg da^] Y [j]Ylmj] l`Yl `Yk \a]\ g^ gd\ Y_]$ fgj
gj Y keYdd [YehÕj]& can it restore any missing body parts.

• Qgm afklYflYf]gmkdq [d]Yf gj kgad Yf gZb][l fg dYj_]j Sacred Flame
than 1 cubic foot.
Evocation cantrip
• Qgm [`add$ oYje$ gj ÖYngj mh lg ) [mZa[ ^ggl g^ fgfdanaf_
material for 1 hour. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
• Qgm eYc] Y [gdgj$ Y keYdd eYjc$ gj Y kqeZgd Yhh]Yj gf Components: N$ K
an object or a surface for 1 hour. Duration: Instantaneous

Chapter 4: Spells 59

Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can Shield
see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity
saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage. The target 1st-level abjuration
_Yafk fg Z]f]Õl ^jge [gn]j ^gj l`ak kYnaf_ l`jgo& Casting Time: ) j]Y[lagf$ o`a[` qgm lYc] o`]f qgm Yj]
L`] kh]ddÌk \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq )\0 o`]f qgm j]Y[`
-l` d]n]d *\0!$ ))l` d]n]d +\0!$ Yf\ )/l` d]n]d ,\0!& hit by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell
Range: Self
Sanctuary Components: N$ K
Duration: 1 round
1st-level abjuration
An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects
Casting Time: 1 bonus action qgm& Mflad l`] klYjl g^ qgmj f]pl lmjf$ qgm `Yn] Y #- Zgfmk
Range: 30 feet lg 9;$ af[dm\af_ Y_Yafkl l`] lja__]jaf_ YllY[c$ Yf\ qgm
Components: N$ K$ E Y keYdd kadn]j eajjgj! take no damage from magic missile.
Duration: 1 minute
Shield of Faith
Qgm oYj\ Y [j]Ylmj] oal`af jYf_] Y_Yafkl YllY[c& Mflad
l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ Yfq [j]Ylmj] o`g lYj_]lk l`] oYj\]\ [j]Y- 1st-level abjuration
lmj] oal` Yf YllY[c gj Y `Yje^md kh]dd emkl Õjkl eYc] Y
Oak\ge kYnaf_ l`jgo& Gf Y ^Yad]\ kYn]$ l`] [j]Ylmj] emkl Casting Time: 1 bonus action
choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. This spell Range: 60 feet
\g]kfÌl hjgl][l l`] oYj\]\ [j]Ylmj] ^jge Yj]Y ]‫[]ץ‬lk$ Components: N$ K$ E Y keYdd hYj[`e]fl oal` Y Zal g^
km[` Yk l`] ]phdgkagf g^ Y Õj]ZYdd&
A^ l`] oYj\]\ [j]Ylmj] eYc]k Yf YllY[c$ [Yklk Y kh]dd holy text written on it)
l`Yl Y‫[]ץ‬lk Yf ]f]eq$ gj \]Ydk \YeY_] lg Yfgl`]j [j]Y- Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg )( eafml]k
lmj]$ l`ak kh]dd ]f\k&
9 k`aee]jaf_ Õ]d\ Yhh]Yjk Yf\ kmjjgmf\k Y [j]Ylmj] g^
Sending qgmj [`ga[] oal`af jYf_]$ _jYflaf_ al Y #* Zgfmk lg 9; ^gj
the duration.
3rd-level evocation
Shocking Grasp
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Unlimited Evocation cantrip
Components: N$ K$ E Y k`gjl ha][] g^ Õf] [ghh]j oaj]!
Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Qgm k]f\ Y k`gjl e]kkY_] g^ lo]flq%Õn] ogj\k gj d]kk Components: N$ K
to a creature with which you are familiar. The creature Duration: Instantaneous
`]Yjk l`] e]kkY_] af alk eaf\$ j][g_far]k qgm Yk l`]
k]f\]j a^ al cfgok qgm$ Yf\ [Yf Yfko]j af Y dac] eYff]j Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a shock to
immediately. The spell enables creatures with Intelli- a creature you try to touch. Make a melee spell attack
gence scores of at least 1 to understand the meaning of Y_Yafkl l`] lYj_]l& Qgm `Yn] Y\nYflY_] gf l`] YllY[c jgdd
your message. a^ l`] lYj_]l ak o]Yjaf_ Yjegj eY\] g^ e]lYd& Gf Y `al$ l`]
Qgm [Yf k]f\ l`] e]kkY_] Y[jgkk Yfq \aklYf[] Yf\ lYj_]l lYc]k )\0 da_`lfaf_ \YeY_]$ Yf\ al [YfÌl lYc] j]Y[-
]n]f lg gl`]j hdYf]k g^ ]pakl]f[]$ Zml a^ l`] lYj_]l ak gf Y tions until the start of its next turn.
\a‫]ץ‬j]fl hdYf] l`Yf qgm$ l`]j] ak Y - h]j[]fl [`Yf[] l`Yl L`] kh]ddÌk \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq )\0 o`]f qgm j]Y[`
l`] e]kkY_] \g]kfÌl Yjjan]& -l` d]n]d *\0!$ ))l` d]n]d +\0!$ Yf\ )/l` d]n]d ,\0!&

Shatter Silence

2nd-level evocation 2nd-level illusion (ritual)

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 120 feet
Components: N$ K$ E Y [`ah g^ ea[Y! Components: N$ K
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg )( eafml]k

9 km\\]f dgm\ jaf_af_ fgak]$ hYaf^mddq afl]fk]$ ]jmhlk >gj l`] \mjYlagf$ fg kgmf\ [Yf Z] [j]Yl]\ oal`af gj hYkk
from a point of your choice within range. Each creature through a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you
in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must choose within range. Any creature or object entirely in-
make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 3d8 ka\] l`] kh`]j] ak aeemf] lg l`mf\]j \YeY_]$ Yf\ [j]Y-
l`mf\]j \YeY_] gf Y ^Yad]\ kYn]$ gj `Yd^ Yk em[` \YeY_] tures are deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell
on a successful one. A creature made of inorganic mate- that includes a verbal component is impossible there.
jaYd km[` Yk klgf]$ [jqklYd$ gj e]lYd `Yk \akY\nYflY_] gf
this saving throw. Silent Image
9 fgfeY_a[Yd gZb][l l`Yl akfÌl Z]af_ ogjf gj [Yjja]\
Ydkg lYc]k l`] \YeY_] a^ alÌk af l`] kh]ddÌk Yj]Y& 1st-level illusion
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
kh]dd kdgl g^ +j\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq Casting Time: 1 action
1d8 for each slot level above 2nd. Range: 60 feet
Components: N$ K$ E Y Zal g^ Ö]][]!
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg )( eafml]k

Qgm [j]Yl] l`] aeY_] g^ Yf gZb][l$ Y [j]Ylmj]$ gj kge]
other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 15-foot

Chapter 4: Spells

cube. The image appears at a spot within range and lasts Qgm [Ydd ^gjl` khajalk lg hjgl][l qgm& L`]q Öal Yjgmf\ qgm
^gj l`] \mjYlagf& L`] aeY_] ak hmj]dq nakmYd3 al akfÌl Y[[ge- to a distance of 15 feet for the duration. If you are good or
hYfa]\ Zq kgmf\$ ke]dd$ gj gl`]j k]fkgjq ]‫[]ץ‬lk& f]mljYd$ l`]aj kh][ljYd ^gje Yhh]Yjk Yf_]da[ gj ^]q qgmj
Qgm [Yf mk] qgmj Y[lagf lg [Ymk] l`] aeY_] lg egn] lg [`ga[]!& A^ qgm Yj] ]nad$ l`]q Yhh]Yj Õ]f\ak`&
Yfq khgl oal`af jYf_]& 9k l`] aeY_] [`Yf_]k dg[Ylagf$ O`]f qgm [Ykl l`ak kh]dd$ qgm [Yf \]ka_fYl] Yfq fme-
you can alter its appearance so that its movements ap- Z]j g^ [j]Ylmj]k qgm [Yf k]] lg Z] mfY‫[]ץ‬l]\ Zq al& 9f
h]Yj fYlmjYd ^gj l`] aeY_]& >gj ]pYehd]$ a^ qgm [j]Yl] Yf Y‫[]ץ‬l]\ [j]Ylmj]Ìk kh]]\ ak `Ydn]\ af l`] Yj]Y$ Yf\ o`]f
aeY_] g^ Y [j]Ylmj] Yf\ egn] al$ qgm [Yf Ydl]j l`] aeY_] l`] [j]Ylmj] ]fl]jk l`] Yj]Y ^gj l`] Õjkl lae] gf Y lmjf
so that it appears to be walking. gj klYjlk alk lmjf l`]j]$ al emkl eYc] Y Oak\ge kYnaf_
l`jgo& Gf Y ^Yad]\ kYn]$ l`] [j]Ylmj] lYc]k +\0 jY\aYfl
Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an damage (if you are good or neutral) or 3d8 necrotic dam-
addmkagf$ Z][Ymk] l`af_k [Yf hYkk l`jgm_` al& 9 [j]Ylmj] Y_] a^ qgm Yj] ]nad!& Gf Y km[[]kk^md kYn]$ l`] [j]Ylmj]
that uses its action to examine the image can determine takes half as much damage.
that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Inves- 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
tigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature kh]dd kdgl g^ ,l` d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq
\ak[]jfk l`] addmkagf ^gj o`Yl al ak$ l`] [j]Ylmj] [Yf k]] 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.
through the image.
Spiritual Weapon
2nd-level evocation
1st-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet
Range: 90 feet Components: N$ K
Components: N$ K$ E Y haf[` g^ Õf] kYf\$ jgk] h]lYdk$ gj Duration: 1 minute

a cricket) Qgm [j]Yl] Y ÖgYlaf_$ kh][ljYd o]Yhgf oal`af jYf_] l`Yl
Duration: 1 minute lasts for the duration or until you cast this spell again.
O`]f qgm [Ykl l`] kh]dd$ qgm [Yf eYc] Y e]d]] kh]dd
This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber. Roll attack against a creature within 5 feet of the weapon. On
5d8; the total is how many hit points of creatures this Y `al$ l`] lYj_]l lYc]k ^gj[] \YeY_] ]imYd lg )\0 # qgmj
kh]dd [Yf Y‫[]ץ‬l& ;j]Ylmj]k oal`af *( ^]]l g^ Y hgafl qgm kh]dd[Yklaf_ YZadalq eg\aÕ]j&
[`ggk] oal`af jYf_] Yj] Y‫[]ץ‬l]\ af Yk[]f\af_ gj\]j g^ 9k Y Zgfmk Y[lagf gf qgmj lmjf$ qgm [Yf egn] l`]
their current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures). weapon up to 20 feet and repeat the attack against a crea-
ture within 5 feet of it.
Starting with the creature that has the lowest current
`al hgaflk$ ]Y[` [j]Ylmj] Y‫[]ץ‬l]\ Zq l`ak kh]dd ^Yddk mf- The weapon can take whatever form you choose.
[gfk[agmk mflad l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ l`] kd]]h]j lYc]k \YeY_]$ Clerics of deities who are associated with a particular
or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper weapon (as St. Cuthbert is known for his mace and
YoYc]& KmZljY[l ]Y[` [j]Ylmj]Ìk `al hgaflk ^jge l`] lglYd L`gj ^gj `ak `Yee]j! eYc] l`ak kh]ddÌk ]‫[]ץ‬l j]k]eZd]
before moving on to the creature with the next lowest hit that weapon.
hgaflk& 9 [j]Ylmj]Ìk `al hgaflk emkl Z] ]imYd lg gj d]kk 9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a
l`Yf l`] j]eYafaf_ lglYd ^gj l`Yl [j]Ylmj] lg Z] Y‫[]ץ‬l]\& kh]dd kdgl g^ +j\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq
Mf\]Y\ Yf\ [j]Ylmj]k aeemf] lg Z]af_ [`Yje]\ Yj]fÌl 1d8 for every two slot levels above the 2nd.
Y‫[]ץ‬l]\ Zq l`ak kh]dd&
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a Suggestion
kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ jgdd Yf Y\\alagfYd *\0 ^gj
each slot level above 1st. 2nd-level enchantment

Spider Climb Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
2nd-level transmutation Components: N$ E Y kfYc]Ìk lgf_m] Yf\ ]al`]j Y Zal g^

Casting Time: 1 action honeycomb or a drop of sweet oil)
Range: Touch Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg 0 `gmjk
Components: N$ K$ E Y \jgh g^ Zalme]f Yf\ Y kha\]j!
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) `gmj Qgm km__]kl Y [gmjk] g^ Y[lanalq daeal]\ lg Y k]fl]f[]
gj log! Yf\ eY_a[Yddq afÖm]f[] Y [j]Ylmj] qgm [Yf k]]
Mflad l`] kh]dd ]f\k$ gf] oaddaf_ [j]Ylmj] qgm lgm[` _Yafk within range that can hear and understand you. Crea-
l`] YZadalq lg egn] mh$ \gof$ Yf\ Y[jgkk n]jla[Yd kmj^Y[]k lmj]k l`Yl [YfÌl Z] [`Yje]\ Yj] aeemf] lg l`ak ]‫[]ץ‬l&
Yf\ mhka\] \gof Ydgf_ []adaf_k$ o`ad] d]Ynaf_ alk `Yf\k The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to
free. The target also gains a climbing speed equal to its make the course of action sound reasonable. Asking the
walking speed. [j]Ylmj] lg klYZ alk]d^$ l`jgo alk]d^ gflg Y kh]Yj$ aeeg-
dYl] alk]d^$ gj \g kge] gl`]j gZnagmkdq `Yje^md Y[l ]f\k
Spirit Guardians the spell.

3rd-level conjuration The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
^Yad]\ kYn]$ al hmjkm]k l`] [gmjk] g^ Y[lagf qgm \]k[jaZ]\
Casting Time: 1 action to the best of its ability. The suggested course of action
Range: Self (15-foot radius) can continue for the entire duration. If the suggested
Components: N$ K$ E Y `gdq kqeZgd!
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg )( eafml]k


Chapter 4: Spells

Y[lanalq [Yf Z] [gehd]l]\ af Y k`gjl]j lae]$ l`] kh]dd ]f\k Vicious Mockery
o`]f l`] kmZb][l Õfak`]k o`Yl al oYk Ykc]\ lg \g&
Qgm [Yf Ydkg kh][a^q [gf\alagfk l`Yl oadd lja__]j Y kh]- Enchantment cantrip
[aYd Y[lanalq \mjaf_ l`] \mjYlagf& >gj ]pYehd]$ qgm ea_`l
km__]kl l`Yl Y cfa_`l _an] `]j oYj`gjk] lg l`] Õjkl Z]__Yj Casting Time: 1 action
k`] e]]lk& A^ l`] [gf\alagf akfÌl e]l Z]^gj] l`] kh]dd ]p- Range: 60 feet
haj]k$ l`] Y[lanalq akfÌl h]j^gje]\& Components: V
A^ qgm gj Yfq g^ qgmj [gehYfagfk \YeY_] l`] lYj_]l$ l`] Duration: Instantaneous
spell ends.
Qgm mfd]Yk` Y kljaf_ g^ afkmdlk dY[]\ oal` kmZld] ]f[`Yfl-
Thaumaturgy ments at a creature you can see within range. If the target
[Yf `]Yj qgm l`gm_` al f]]\ fgl mf\]jklYf\ qgm!$ al emkl
Transmutation cantrip succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic
damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it
Casting Time: 1 action makes before the end of its next turn.
L`ak kh]ddÌk \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq )\, o`]f qgm j]Y[`
Range: 30 feet -l` d]n]d *\,!$ ))l` d]n]d +\,!$ Yf\ )/l` d]n]d ,\,!&

Components: V Warding Bond

Duration: Up to 1 minute 2nd-level abjuration

Qgm eYfa^]kl Y eafgj ogf\]j$ Y ka_f g^ kmh]jfYlmjYd Casting Time: 1 action
hgo]j$ oal`af jYf_]& Qgm [j]Yl] gf] g^ l`] ^gddgoaf_ Range: Touch
eY_a[Yd ]‫[]ץ‬lk oal`af jYf_]2 Components: N$ K$ E Y hYaj g^ hdYlafme jaf_k ogjl` Yl

• Qgmj nga[] Zggek mh lg l`j]] lae]k Yk dgm\ Yk fgjeYd d]Ykl -( _h ]Y[`$ o`a[` qgm Yf\ l`] lYj_]l emkl o]Yj
for 1 minute. for the duration)
Duration: 1 hour
• Qgm [Ymk] ÖYe]k lg Öa[c]j$ Zja_`l]f$ \ae$ gj [`Yf_]
color for 1 minute. This spell wards a willing creature you touch and creates
a mystic connection between you and the target until the
• Qgm [Ymk] `Yjed]kk lj]egjk af l`] _jgmf\ kh]dd ]f\k& O`ad] l`] lYj_]l ak oal`af .( ^]]l g^ qgm$ al
for 1 minute. _Yafk Y #) Zgfmk lg 9; Yf\ kYnaf_ l`jgok$ Yf\ al `Yk j]-
kaklYf[] lg Ydd \YeY_]& 9dkg$ ]Y[` lae] al lYc]k \YeY_]$
• Qgm [j]Yl] Yf afklYflYf]gmk kgmf\ l`Yl gja_afYl]k ^jge you take the same amount of damage.
Y hgafl g^ qgmj [`ga[] oal`af jYf_]$ km[` Yk Y jmeZd] g^
l`mf\]j$ l`] [jq g^ Y jYn]f$ gj geafgmk o`akh]jk& The spell ends if you drop to 0 hit points or if you and
the target become separated by more than 60 feet. It also
• Qgm afklYflYf]gmkdq [Ymk] Yf mfdg[c]\ \ggj gj oaf\go ends if the spell is cast again on either of the connected
lg Öq gh]f gj kdYe k`ml& [j]Ylmj]k& Qgm [Yf Ydkg \akeakk l`] kh]dd Yk Yf Y[lagf&

• Qgm Ydl]j l`] Yhh]YjYf[] g^ qgmj ]q]k ^gj ) eafml]& Web

A^ qgm [Ykl l`ak kh]dd emdlahd] lae]k$ qgm [Yf `Yn] mh lg 2nd-level conjuration
l`j]] g^ alk )%eafml] ]‫[]ץ‬lk Y[lan] Yl Y lae]$ Yf\ qgm [Yf
\akeakk km[` Yf ]‫[]ץ‬l Yk Yf Y[lagf& Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Thunderwave Components: N$ K$ E Y Zal g^ kha\]jo]Z!
Duration: ;gf[]fljYlagf$ mh lg ) `gmj
1st-level evocation
Qgm [gfbmj] Y eYkk g^ l`a[c$ kla[cq o]ZZaf_ Yl Y hgafl g^
Casting Time: 1 action qgmj [`ga[] oal`af jYf_]& L`] o]Zk Õdd Y *(%^ggl [mZ]
^jge l`Yl hgafl ^gj l`] \mjYlagf& L`] o]Zk Yj] \a‫[׹‬mdl
Range: Self (15-foot cube) terrain and lightly obscure their area.
Components: N$ K A^ l`] o]Zk Yj]fÌl Yf[`gj]\ Z]lo]]f log kgda\ eYkk]k
Duration: Instantaneous km[` Yk oYddk gj lj]]k! gj dYq]j]\ Y[jgkk Y Öggj$ oYdd$ gj
[]adaf_$ l`] [gfbmj]\ o]Z [gddYhk]k gf alk]d^$ Yf\ l`] kh]dd
A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you. Each ends at the start of your next turn. Webs layered over a
ÖYl kmj^Y[] `Yn] Y \]hl` g^ - ^]]l&
creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you must
eYc] Y ;gfklalmlagf kYnaf_ l`jgo& Gf Y ^Yad]\ kYn]$ Y Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that
creature takes 2d8 thunder damage and is pushed 10 feet enters them during its turn must make a Dexterity saving
YoYq ^jge qgm& Gf Y km[[]kk^md kYn]$ l`] [j]Ylmj] lYc]k l`jgo& Gf Y ^Yad]\ kYn]$ l`] [j]Ylmj] ak j]kljYaf]\ Yk dgf_
`Yd^ Yk em[` \YeY_] Yf\ akfÌl hmk`]\& as it remains in the webs or until it breaks free.
Af Y\\alagf$ mfk][mj]\ gZb][lk l`Yl Yj] [gehd]l]dq
oal`af l`] Yj]Y g^ ]‫[]ץ‬l Yj] YmlgeYla[Yddq hmk`]\ )( ^]]l A creature restrained by the webs can use its action to
YoYq ^jge qgm Zq l`] kh]ddÌk ]‫[]ץ‬l$ Yf\ l`] kh]dd ]ealk Y make a Strength check against your spell save DC. If it
thunderous boom audible out to 300 feet. km[[]]\k$ al ak fg dgf_]j j]kljYaf]\&
L`] o]Zk Yj] ÖYeeYZd]& 9fq -%^ggl [mZ] g^ o]Zk
9l @a_`]j D]n]dk& When you cast this spell using a ]phgk]\ lg Õj] Zmjfk YoYq af ) jgmf\$ \]Ydaf_ *\, Õj]
kh]dd kdgl g^ *f\ d]n]d gj `a_`]j$ l`] \YeY_] af[j]Yk]k Zq \YeY_] lg Yfq [j]Ylmj] l`Yl klYjlk alk lmjf af l`] Õj]&
1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Chapter 4: Spells

Appendix A: Sidekicks

Gf qgmj Y\n]flmj]k$ l`] <E ea_`l j]n]Yd l`Yl qgmÌn] Z]- Expert
^ja]f\]\ Y kh][aYd [`YjY[l]j [Ydd]\ Y ka\]ca[c$ o`g bgafk
your party. This appendix presents the game statistics for 1st-level Medium humanoid
ka\]ca[ck$ g^ o`a[` l`]j] Yj] l`j]] lqh]k2
Expert$ Yf Y_ad] Yf\ ]p[]]\af_dq `]dh^md bY[c g^ Ydd ljY\]k Hit Points G
Spellcaster$ Y eY_a[%mk]j o`g [Yf [Ykl kh]ddk lg `Yje Speed 30 ft.

your foes or heal you and your friends STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Warrior$ Y eYjlaYd [gehYfagf o`g kh][aYdar]k af kljacaf_

your foes or defending you and your allies Saving Throws 'H[
The DM will either tell you which type of sidekick to use
gj d]l qgm [`ggk] gf]& AlÌk mh lg qgm Yf\ l`] <E lg \][a\] +DQG 6WHDOWK
who controls the sidekick in play. Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, plus one of your choice
Sidekick Stat Blocks
Helpful. The expert can take the Help action as a bonus action.
9 ka\]ca[cÌk _Ye] klYlakla[k Yj] hj]k]fl]\ af Y Zgp [Ydd]\
Y klYl Zdg[c$ o`a[` ak ]kk]flaYddq Y eafa [`YjY[l]j k`]]l& Tools. The expert has thieves’ tools and a musical instrument.
A stat block contains things like ability scores and hit
hgaflk$ Yk o]dd Yk l`] Y[lagfk Y ka\]ca[c ak egkl dac]dq lg Actions
lYc] af [geZYl& Dac] Yfq [`YjY[l]j$ Y ka\]ca[c [Yf mk] l`]
action options in the combat section of chapter 2. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: WR KLW UHDFK IW RQH
These stat blocks work with any character race. If you
Yf\ l`] <E Y_j]]$ qgm eYq ]f`Yf[] qgmj ka\]ca[c oal` Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: WR KLW UHDFK IW RU
the appropriate racial traits from chapter 1. range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: G SLHUFLQJ GDPDJH
>gj egj] af^gjeYlagf gf klYl Zdg[ck$ k]] l`] É;j]Y-
lmj]kÊ k][lagf g^ l`] Y\n]flmj] Zggcd]l& Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: WR KLW UDQJH IW
one target. Hit: G SLHUFLQJ GDPDJH
1st-level Medium humanoid
1st-level Medium humanoid
Armor Class OHDWKHU
Hit Points G Armor Class FKDLQ VKLUW VKLHOG
Speed 30 ft. Hit Points G
Speed 30 ft.

Saving Throws :LV
Senses passive Perception 12 Skills $WKOHWLFV 3HUFHSWLRQ 6XUYLYDO
Languages Common, plus one of your choice Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, plus one of your choice
Magical Role. Choose a role for the spellcaster: healer or mage.
Your choice determines which Spellcasting trait to use below. Martial Role. The warrior has one of the following traits of
your choice:
Spellcasting (Healer). The spellcaster’s spellcasting ability is
:LVGRP VSHOO VDYH '& WR KLW ZLWK VSHOO DWWDFNV 7KH Attacker. The warrior gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
spellcaster has following cleric spells prepared: Defender. The warrior gains the Protection reaction below.

VW OHYHO VORWV cure wounds
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: WR KLW UHDFK IW RQH WDU-
Spellcasting (Mage). The spellcaster’s spellcasting ability is get. Hit: G VODVKLQJ GDPDJH RU G VODVKLQJ
,QWHOOLJHQFH VSHOO VDYH '& WR KLW ZLWK VSHOO DWWDFNV 7KH damage if used with two hands.
spellcaster has following wizard spells prepared:
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: WR KLW UDQJH IW
Protection (Defender Only). The warrior imposes disadvantage
target. Hit: G EOXGJHRQLQJ GDPDJH RU G EOXGJHRQ- isn’t the warrior. The warrior must be able to see the attacker.
ing damage if used with two hands.
Appendix A: sidekicks

Proficiencies Level Hit Points New Features
WK G Ability Score Improvement. The spell-
9 ka\]ca[c ak hjgÕ[a]fl oal` Yfq Yjegj$ o]Yhgfk$ Yf\
lggdk af[dm\]\ af alk klYl Zdg[c& Af Y\\alagf$ experts are WK G FDVWHUôV ,QW PDJH RU :LV KHDOHU
hjgÕ[a]fl oal` kaehd] o]Yhgfk$ jYha]jk$ k`gjlkogj\k$ score increases by 2, raising the mod-
and light armor; spellcasters Yj] hjgÕ[a]fl oal` kaehd] 6th G
weapons and light armor; and warriors Yj] hjgÕ[a]fl LśHU E\ VR LQFUHDVH WKH IROORZLQJ
oal` kaehd] Yf\ eYjlaYd o]Yhgfk$ k`a]d\k$ Yf\ Ydd Yjegj& numbers by 1: the spellcaster’s spell
save DC and the bonus to hit of spell
Sidekick Level attacks, the bonuses in the Skills entry
of the mage, the Wisdom saving throw
Qgmj ka\]ca[c klYjlk Yk Y )kl%d]n]d [`YjY[l]j& 9k qgm Yf\ bonus of the healer, and the passive
qgmj ka\]ca[c Y\n]flmj] lg_]l`]j$ qgmj ka\]ca[c _Yafk Perception of the healer.

experience points and reaches new levels the same way a Spellcasting. The spellcaster learns
hdYq]j [`YjY[l]j \g]k$ mkaf_ l`] jmd]k af [`Yhl]j )& another cantrip: resistance KHDOHU RU
O`]f Y ka\]ca[c _Yafk Y d]n]d$ dggc Yl l`] ka\]ca[cÌk mage hand PDJH
lYZd] Z]dgo$ Yf\ [gfkmdl l`] f]o d]n]dÌk jgo$ o`a[` k`gok
l`] ka\]ca[cÌk f]o `al hgafl eYpaeme Yf\ ^]Ylmj]k& 3URśFLHQF\ %RQXV The spellcaster’s
L`] <E eYq klYjl Y ka\]ca[c Yl Y d]n]d `a_`]j l`Yf )kl$
using the hit point maximum for its level on the appropri- make the following changes in the stat
Yl] lYZd] Z]dgo& 9dkg$ _an] l`] ka\]ca[c l`] ^]Ylmj]k ^gj alk block: increase the bonuses in the Sav-
ing Throws and Skills entries by 1, and
current level and any earlier levels on that table. increase the bonuses to hit of its spell
and weapon attacks by 1.
Experts Beyond 1st Level
Spellcasting. The spellcaster gains one
Level Hit Points New Features 1st-level spell slot and two 2nd-level
2nd G spell slots. The spellcaster also learns
Cunning Action. On the expert’s turn one 2nd-level spell: aid KHDOHU RU
3rd G in combat, it can take the Dash, Disen- invisibility PDJH
gage, or Hide action as a bonus action. Potent Cantrips. The spellcaster can
Expertise. Choose two of the expert’s
nus is doubled for any ability check the the damage it deals with any cantrip.
expert makes that uses either of the

FKRVHQ SURśFLHQFLHV Warriors Beyond 1st Level
WK G Ability Score Improvement. The ex-
Level Hit Points New Features
pert’s Dex. score increases by 2, raising 2nd G
WKH PRGLśHU E\ VR LQFUHDVH WKH IRO- Second Wind. The warrior can use a
lowing numbers by 1: the Dex. saving bonus action on its turn to regain hit
points equal to 1d10 + its level. If it
WKURZ ERQXV WKH $FUREDWLFV 6OHLJKW RI does so, it can’t use this feature again
nuses to hit and damage of the expert’s XQWLO LW śQLVKHV D VKRUW RU ORQJ UHVW
weapon attacks. 3rd G Improved Critical. The warrior’s attack
ciency bonus increases by 1, so make rolls now score a critical hit on a roll of
the following changes in the stat block: 19 or 20 on the d20.
increase the bonuses in the Saving WK G Ability Score Improvement. The war-
Throws and Skills entries by 1, and in- rior’s Str. score increases by 2, raising
crease the bonuses to hit of the weapon WKH PRGLśHU E\ VR LQFUHDVH WKH ZDU-
attacks by 1. rior’s Athletics bonus by 1, and increase
6th G Extra Attack. The expert can attack the bonuses to hit and damage of the
twice, instead of once, whenever it warrior’s melee weapon attack by 1.
takes the Attack action on its turn. WK G 3URśFLHQF\ %RQXV 7KH ZDUULRUôV SURś-
ciency bonus increases by 1, so make
Spellcasters Beyond 1st Level the following changes in the stat block:
increase the bonuses in the Saving
Level Hit Points New Features Throws and Skills entries by 1, increase
2nd G the passive Perception by 1, and in-
Spellcasting. The spellcaster learns crease the bonuses to hit of the weapon
3rd G another 1st-level spell: bless KHDOHU RU attacks by 1.
burning hands PDJH 6th G Extra Attack. The warrior can attack
Spellcasting. The spellcaster gains one twice, instead of once, whenever it
1st-level spell slot. The spellcaster also takes the Attack action on its turn.
learns another 1st-level spell: shield of
faith KHDOHU RU shield PDJH

Appendix A: sidekicks

Appendix B: Conditions

Conditions alter a creature’s capabilities in a variety of Paralyzed
ways and can arise as a result of a spell, a class feature, a
egfkl]jÌk YllY[c$ gj gl`]j ]‫[]ץ‬l& Egkl [gf\alagfk$ km[` Yk • A paralyzed creature is incapacitated (see the condition)
blinded, are impairments, but a few, such as invisible, can Yf\ [YfÌl egn] gj kh]Yc&
Z] Y\nYflY_]gmk&
• The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity
A condition lasts either until it is countered (the prone kYnaf_ l`jgok&
condition is countered by standing up, for example) or for a
\mjYlagf kh][aÕ]\ Zq l`] ]‫[]ץ‬l l`Yl aehgk]\ l`] [gf\alagf& • 9llY[c jgddk Y_Yafkl l`] [j]Ylmj] `Yn] Y\nYflY_]&
A^ emdlahd] ]‫[]ץ‬lk aehgk] l`] kYe] [gf\alagf gf Y [j]Y- • Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the
ture, each instance of the condition has its own duration,
Zml l`] [gf\alagfÌk ]‫[]ץ‬lk \gfÌl _]l ogjk]& 9 [j]Ylmj] ]a- YllY[c]j ak oal`af - ^]]l g^ l`] [j]Ylmj]&
l`]j `Yk Y [gf\alagf gj \g]kfÌl&
L`] ^gddgoaf_ \]Õfalagfk kh][a^q o`Yl `Yhh]fk lg Y Petrified
[j]Ylmj] o`ad] al ak kmZb][l]\ lg Y [gf\alagf&
• 9 h]ljaÕ]\ [j]Ylmj] ak ljYfk^gje]\$ Ydgf_ oal` Yfq
Blinded nonmagical object it is wearing or carrying, into a solid
afYfaeYl] kmZklYf[] mkmYddq klgf]!& Alk o]a_`l af[j]Yk]k
• A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any Zq Y ^Y[lgj g^ l]f$ Yf\ al []Yk]k Y_af_&
YZadalq [`][c l`Yl j]imaj]k ka_`l&
• The creature is incapacitated (see the condition), can’t
• Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the egn] gj kh]Yc$ Yf\ ak mfYoYj] g^ alk kmjjgmf\af_k&
[j]Ylmj]Ìk YllY[c jgddk `Yn] \akY\nYflY_]&
• 9llY[c jgddk Y_Yafkl l`] [j]Ylmj] `Yn] Y\nYflY_]&
Charmed • The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity

• A charmed creature can’t attack the charmer or target kYnaf_ l`jgok&
l`] [`Yje]j oal` `Yje^md YZadala]k gj eY_a[Yd ]‫[]ץ‬lk& • L`] [j]Ylmj] `Yk j]kaklYf[] lg Ydd \YeY_]&
• The creature is immune to poison and disease, although
• The charmer has advantage on any ability check to inter-
Y[l kg[aYddq oal` l`] [j]Ylmj]& a poison or disease already in its system is suspended,
fgl f]mljYdar]\&
• A deafened creature can’t hear and automatically fails
Yfq YZadalq [`][c l`Yl j]imaj]k `]Yjaf_& • A poisoned creature has disadvantage on attack rolls
Yf\ YZadalq [`][ck&
• A frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks
and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line • A prone creature’s only movement option is to crawl,
g^ ka_`l& mfd]kk al klYf\k mh Yf\ l`]j]Zq ]f\k l`] [gf\alagf&

• The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source of • L`] [j]Ylmj] `Yk \akY\nYflY_] gf YllY[c jgddk&
alk ^]Yj& • An attack roll against the creature has advantage if the

Grappled YllY[c]j ak oal`af - ^]]l g^ l`] [j]Ylmj]& Gl`]joak]$ l`]
YllY[c jgdd `Yk \akY\nYflY_]&
• A grappled creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t ben-
]Õl ^jge Yfq Zgfmk lg alk kh]]\& Restrained

• The condition ends if the grappler is incapacitated (see • A restrained creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t
l`] [gf\alagf!& Z]f]Õl ^jge Yfq Zgfmk lg alk kh]]\&

• L`] [gf\alagf Ydkg ]f\k a^ Yf ]‫[]ץ‬l j]egn]k l`] _jYh- • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the
pled creature from the reach of the grappler or grappling [j]Ylmj]Ìk YllY[c jgddk `Yn] \akY\nYflY_]&
]‫[]ץ‬l$ km[` Yk o`]f Y [j]Ylmj] ak `mjd]\ YoYq Zq l`]
thunderwave kh]dd& • The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving
• 9f af[YhY[alYl]\ [j]Ylmj] [YfÌl lYc] Y[lagfk gj j]Y[lagfk&
• A stunned creature is incapacitated (see the condition),
Invisible [YfÌl egn]$ Yf\ [Yf kh]Yc gfdq ^Ydl]jaf_dq&

• An invisible creature is impossible to see without the • The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity
Ya\ g^ eY_a[ gj Y kh][aYd k]fk]& >gj l`] hmjhgk] g^ kYnaf_ l`jgok&
`a\af_$ l`] [j]Ylmj] ak `]Ynadq gZk[mj]\& L`] [j]Ylmj]Ìk
location can be detected by any noise it makes or any • 9llY[c jgddk Y_Yafkl l`] [j]Ylmj] `Yn] Y\nYflY_]&
ljY[ck al d]Yn]k&
• Attack rolls against the creature have disadvantage, and
l`] [j]Ylmj]Ìk YllY[c jgddk `Yn] Y\nYflY_]& • An unconscious creature is incapacitated (see the
condition), can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its

• L`] [j]Ylmj] \jghk o`Yl]n]j alÌk `gd\af_ Yf\ ^Yddk hjgf]&
• The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity

kYnaf_ l`jgok&
• 9llY[c jgddk Y_Yafkl l`] [j]Ylmj] `Yn] Y\nYflY_]&
• Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the

YllY[c]j ak oal`af - ^]]l g^ l`] [j]Ylmj]&

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