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Published by webgnc, 2018-12-16 10:16:17

Synergy 16-17



jIvn आतंक करा सरा्रा

• कवी कोपल की तरह होते है जो सबसे दुखद सवचरारो को प्कट करते है | मुंबई मे एक नराव आई,
आतंक को भी सराथि लरा्ी,
मुंबई मे २६ नवमबर,
• सबसे मीठे गीत वो होते है जो सबसे दुखद सवचरारो को प्कट करते है |
ले आ्रा दुखो करा समंदर |
• भसवष् के सलए उदहो मत और , जो बीत ग्रा उसके सलए सवकलप मत करो |
होटल मैं लोग खरानरा खरा रहे थिे,
आतंकी भी वही आरहे थिे,
• दुःख मे समलने वराली ख़ुशी सबसे बड़ी है , ्ह तो ख़ुशी से भी बड़ी ख़ुशी है |
लोगो ने अपनी जरान गवराई |
• पहले हमरारी खुसश्राँ मरती है ,दिर उममीद | उसके बराद ददमा करा भी अंत हो जरातरा है| अब ्े तीनो चीज़े ख़तम हो जराती है |
शहीद होग्े कुछ अिसर,

• कवी दुसन्रा के छुपे हुए व्यवसरा्क होते है , उनके बतराए गए सवधरान पर दुसन्रा अनजराने मे चलती रहती है | सजनको हम ्राद करेगे हर पल |
ऐ.टी.सी. चीि हेमंत करकरे भी,
इस घटनरा मैं हुए शहीद |
• रराजनेतराओं के सलए ्ुद्ध एक खेल है | धममाचराटर्ों के सलए ्े एक आनंद है ,वकीलों के सलए मजराक है और आतंकवरादी के
हथि्रारो के व्यरापर है |
तराज होग्रा आग से बेहराल,

• इसतहरास इंसरान की ्रादो पर आधराटरत सम् की सलखी एक लमबी कसवतरा के तरह है | खून से हो ग्रा लरालम - लराल |
एन एस जी मे शुरू हुई करारवराही,
और आतंक को ख़तम करने की कसम खराई |
• इंसरान को बहुत अचछरा होनरा चरासहए| उसकी कलपनरा शसति इतनी तेज़ और व्यरापक होनरा चरासहए की वह , खुद को अन्
लोगो के ्थिरान पर रख कर सोच सके| हर इंसरान करा दुःख और सुख उसकरा अपनरा होनरा चरासहए
जैसे ही एन एस जी की पड़ी छरा्रा,

• सरकरार शैतरान होती है ,कपटी सवचरार और अनैसतक लोग ही इस शैतरान को बनराते है | समट ग्ी आतंक की मरा्रा,
हम चलेंगे संग संग,
और समटरा देगे आतंक |
• पटरश्रम से बड़ी इंसरान के परास कोई संपसति नहीं होती है |

• सजतनरा हम पढ़ते जराते है,उतनरा हमरारे अपने अज्रान करा पतरा चल जरातरा है |
- सूरज पटवरा
सद्ती् वषमा बी.कॉम.बी.
• कसवतरा वो आइनरा है जो सवकृत और टेढ़ी चीजों को भी सुनदर बनती है |

• प्कृसत और सम् ही सबसे बेहतर तरीके से जरानते है क्रा गलत और क्रा उसी सजरा है |

- शरांसत चौधरी
प्थिम वषमा बी.ऐ.


कुछ रोचक पटरभराषराएं औरत

तुझ मे क्रा सहममत होगी औरत करा ददमा समझने की,
सवद्रावरान- अकल करा थिोक एजेंट | ्हराँ तो हर मोड़ पर वह मरती है |
पश्रातराप- पराप धोने करा सराबुन |
कही जनम देने वरालरा, कही हमसफ़र कहने वरालरा,
सू्मा - कभी न फ्ूज होने वरालरा बलब | और ्ह नही तोह समराज है ही मेरी जरान लेने वरालरा|
जेल – सबनरा दकररा्े करा मकरान |
तरालरा - मुफत करा चौकीदरार | लड़करा करे तो सब चलतरा है,
आसमरान – पृरवी करा छरातरा | लड़की कुछ भी करे क्ों खलतरा है?
दुःख – भगवरान को ्राद करने करा मौसम |
शमशरान- मुनष् करा अंसतम ्टेशन | क्ों एक जरान को जनम देने वराली की ही जरान लेते हो ?
पचंतरा – वजन कम करने की स्ती दवरा | क्ों वराटरस के चक्कर मैं बेईमरान बनते हो?

दुगरामा, कराली के सरामने दद्रा जलराते हो,
अरे मैं भी तो इसी करा रूप हँ !
क्ों दहेज़ के सलए मुझे पजंदरा जलराते हो ?

आज दक्से मैं कृषिरा की उममीद करू,
पबंदु के वो मुझे बचराएगरा ?
दृती् वषमा बी. एम. एस. ्हराँ तो बराप मे भी दु्मन छुपरा है!

डर लगतरा है मुझे वो कही दूर बेच आएगरा |

जीनरा है मुझे पढनरा है मुझे... मराँ बराप करा सहराररा बननरा है |
मराँ बराप के हराथि पे लराठी नहीं देनी,
पजंदगी बहुत छोटी है उसे जीनरा ससखो बसलक उनकी लराठी बननरा है मुझे |

आज बस इतनरा ही कहनरा है मुझे ...
पजंदगी बहुत छोटी है उसे जीनरा ससखो,
कुछ टर्ते छुट जराने से अचछरा उसे संभलनरा ससखो | तू भराई न होतरा,
मन मे ससिमा भरावनरा्े होती है और ददल मे कराटे, अगर एक लड़की तेरी बहन न होती,
आंख मे आंसू रहते है तो जुबरा पर बराते | तू इतनरा क्ों घमंड करतरा हैअपनरा आप पर?
लफज भी मुकमल हो ग्े आज जब,
चुभती है वो ्रादे सजसे हम हमरारी उममीद समझते है, तू इंसरान न होतरा,
क्ो खुद करा ही ददल तोड के ्ों खुद से अजनबी हो जराते | अगर तुझे इस दुसन्रा मे लराने वराली,
एक औरत तेरी आई न होती !

सोनराली खेडेकर

सद्ती् वषमा बी.एम.एम.

कोमल दरामुद्े
प्थिम वषमा बी.कॉम.


कुछ रोचक पटरभराषराएं औरत

तुझ मे क्रा सहममत होगी औरत करा ददमा समझने की,
सवद्रावरान- अकल करा थिोक एजेंट | ्हराँ तो हर मोड़ पर वह मरती है |
पश्रातराप- पराप धोने करा सराबुन |
कही जनम देने वरालरा, कही हमसफ़र कहने वरालरा,
सू्मा - कभी न फ्ूज होने वरालरा बलब | और ्ह नही तोह समराज है ही मेरी जरान लेने वरालरा|
जेल – सबनरा दकररा्े करा मकरान |
तरालरा - मुफत करा चौकीदरार | लड़करा करे तो सब चलतरा है,
आसमरान – पृरवी करा छरातरा | लड़की कुछ भी करे क्ों खलतरा है?
दुःख – भगवरान को ्राद करने करा मौसम |
शमशरान- मुनष् करा अंसतम ्टेशन | क्ों एक जरान को जनम देने वराली की ही जरान लेते हो ?
पचंतरा – वजन कम करने की स्ती दवरा | क्ों वराटरस के चक्कर मैं बेईमरान बनते हो?

दुगरामा, कराली के सरामने दद्रा जलराते हो,
अरे मैं भी तो इसी करा रूप हँ !
क्ों दहेज़ के सलए मुझे पजंदरा जलराते हो ?

आज दक्से मैं कृषिरा की उममीद करू,
पबंदु के वो मुझे बचराएगरा ?
दृती् वषमा बी. एम. एस. ्हराँ तो बराप मे भी दु्मन छुपरा है!

डर लगतरा है मुझे वो कही दूर बेच आएगरा |

जीनरा है मुझे पढनरा है मुझे... मराँ बराप करा सहराररा बननरा है |
मराँ बराप के हराथि पे लराठी नहीं देनी,
पजंदगी बहुत छोटी है उसे जीनरा ससखो बसलक उनकी लराठी बननरा है मुझे |

आज बस इतनरा ही कहनरा है मुझे ...
पजंदगी बहुत छोटी है उसे जीनरा ससखो,
कुछ टर्ते छुट जराने से अचछरा उसे संभलनरा ससखो | तू भराई न होतरा,
मन मे ससिमा भरावनरा्े होती है और ददल मे कराटे, अगर एक लड़की तेरी बहन न होती,
आंख मे आंसू रहते है तो जुबरा पर बराते | तू इतनरा क्ों घमंड करतरा हैअपनरा आप पर?
लफज भी मुकमल हो ग्े आज जब,
चुभती है वो ्रादे सजसे हम हमरारी उममीद समझते है, तू इंसरान न होतरा,
क्ो खुद करा ही ददल तोड के ्ों खुद से अजनबी हो जराते | अगर तुझे इस दुसन्रा मे लराने वराली,
एक औरत तेरी आई न होती !

सोनराली खेडेकर

सद्ती् वषमा बी.एम.एम.

कोमल दरामुद्े
प्थिम वषमा बी.कॉम.


ददल जलतरा है मराँ

तुमहें दकसी और के सराथि देख कर ददल ्े जलतरा है।
तुमहें कैसे बतराऊँ मुझे कैसरा महसूस होतरा है। मैंने एक बरार एक कसव से कहरा तुम तो शबदों के
चराहती हं तुझसे दूर जरानरा, तेरी बेरूखी को भुलरानरा , सराथि खेलने वराले सशलपकरार हो,
दिर नरा जराने क्ों ्े ददल खींचरा चलरा आतरा है। सपनों को सजराने वराले रराजकुमरार हो,
जब सरामने तू आतरा है। तुमही कोई जरादू ददखलराओ,
कैसे भूलराऊ में अपनी इस चराहत को, हो सके तो मेरी मराँ की ममतरा पर कोई कसवतरा बनरा कर ददखराओ |
जो चराहकर भी सीने में छुपरा्रा नरा जरातरा है। तो वो कुछ सोचकर बोलरा मराँ, मराँ, मराँ
लगरालो गले से मुझे अगर तुमहराररा ददल भी मेररा होनरा चराहतरा है। मैंने कहरा ्े तो कसवतरा करा शीषमाक है!
तोड दो हर उस बेबसी को, जो तुमहे मुझसे दूर दकए जरातरा है। कसवतरा कहराँ?
वो बोलरा-
मराँ तो उपमरा की सीमओं से ऊपर है |
उसकरा ्थिरान तो भगवरान् के बरराबर है |
हर व्यसति के हृद् में उसकरा सवशेष ्थिरान है,
और जो मराँ की मसहमरा करा विमान कर दे,
ऐसरा न कसव है, न कराव्य है
शबद तो सजराने व पसंगरारने के सलए बहुत है,
पर “ मराँ ” शबद ही एक समपूिमा महराकव्य है |
नेहरा शुकलरा
सद्ती् वषमा बी.एम.एम.

बेटट्राँ सद्ती् वषमा बी.एम्.एस.
मसनगंदरा देवेनद्

लडके की तरह लडकी भी मुट्ी बरांधकर पैदरा होती है |
लडके की तरह लडकी भी मराँ की गोद मे हँसती-रोती है |
दोनो कदम समलराकर चलते है दोनो दीपक समलकर जलते है |
लडके की तरह लडकी भी नराम रोशन करती है |
कुछ भी अंतर नहीं दिर क्ों जनम से पहले लडकी ही मरती है ?


ददल जलतरा है मराँ

तुमहें दकसी और के सराथि देख कर ददल ्े जलतरा है।
तुमहें कैसे बतराऊँ मुझे कैसरा महसूस होतरा है। मैंने एक बरार एक कसव से कहरा तुम तो शबदों के
चराहती हं तुझसे दूर जरानरा, तेरी बेरूखी को भुलरानरा , सराथि खेलने वराले सशलपकरार हो,
दिर नरा जराने क्ों ्े ददल खींचरा चलरा आतरा है। सपनों को सजराने वराले रराजकुमरार हो,
जब सरामने तू आतरा है। तुमही कोई जरादू ददखलराओ,
कैसे भूलराऊ में अपनी इस चराहत को, हो सके तो मेरी मराँ की ममतरा पर कोई कसवतरा बनरा कर ददखराओ |
जो चराहकर भी सीने में छुपरा्रा नरा जरातरा है। तो वो कुछ सोचकर बोलरा मराँ, मराँ, मराँ
लगरालो गले से मुझे अगर तुमहराररा ददल भी मेररा होनरा चराहतरा है। मैंने कहरा ्े तो कसवतरा करा शीषमाक है!
तोड दो हर उस बेबसी को, जो तुमहे मुझसे दूर दकए जरातरा है। कसवतरा कहराँ?
वो बोलरा-
मराँ तो उपमरा की सीमओं से ऊपर है |
उसकरा ्थिरान तो भगवरान् के बरराबर है |
हर व्यसति के हृद् में उसकरा सवशेष ्थिरान है,
और जो मराँ की मसहमरा करा विमान कर दे,
ऐसरा न कसव है, न कराव्य है
शबद तो सजराने व पसंगरारने के सलए बहुत है,
पर “ मराँ ” शबद ही एक समपूिमा महराकव्य है |
नेहरा शुकलरा
सद्ती् वषमा बी.एम.एम.

बेटट्राँ सद्ती् वषमा बी.एम्.एस.
मसनगंदरा देवेनद्

लडके की तरह लडकी भी मुट्ी बरांधकर पैदरा होती है |
लडके की तरह लडकी भी मराँ की गोद मे हँसती-रोती है |
दोनो कदम समलराकर चलते है दोनो दीपक समलकर जलते है |
लडके की तरह लडकी भी नराम रोशन करती है |
कुछ भी अंतर नहीं दिर क्ों जनम से पहले लडकी ही मरती है ?


e<swinXत SYNERGY 2016-17


मस्जद तो हुई हराससल हमको,
खराली ईमरान गवरा बैठे |

मंददर को बचरा्रा लड़ भीड़ कर ,
खराली भगवरान् गवरा बैठे |

मजहराब के ठेकेदरारों ने आज दिर हमें भड़करा्रा
हम सहनदू मुस्लम अपनी जरान गवरा बैठे | I reached home last night and my mom asked me
where were you ?

मोहोमेद शिीक शैख़ Me - i was at a friends place.
तृती् वषमा बी.कॉम.(बी)
Infront of me my mom called 10 of my friends.

4 of them said yes ma he was here.

2 of them said he just left

3 of them said he is here studying

1 of them went extra mile to say (in my voice) yes
mom what’s happening..

सम् My life done finish

सम् करा सबसे कहनरा है,
जीवन चलते रहनरा है |
इसको मत बबरामाद करो,
सदरा कराम की बरात करो |
म्त हवराएं गराती हैं,
हमको ्े समझराती हैं|
हर पल आगे बढ़नरा है,
हर मुस्कल से लड़नरा है |
िू ल सदरा मु्करराते हैं,
हमको ्े समझराते हैं |
जीवन चलते रहनरा है,
दुःख संग सुख़ भी सहनरा है |
करम की सजसकी रीती है,
सत् से सजसको प्ीत है |
अंत में उसकी जीत है,
सम् भी उसकरा मीत है |

शेख ्रा्मीन
सद्ती् वषमा बी.एम.एस.


e<swinXत SYNERGY 2016-17


मस्जद तो हुई हराससल हमको,
खराली ईमरान गवरा बैठे |

मंददर को बचरा्रा लड़ भीड़ कर ,
खराली भगवरान् गवरा बैठे |

मजहराब के ठेकेदरारों ने आज दिर हमें भड़करा्रा
हम सहनदू मुस्लम अपनी जरान गवरा बैठे | I reached home last night and my mom asked me
where were you ?

मोहोमेद शिीक शैख़ Me - i was at a friends place.
तृती् वषमा बी.कॉम.(बी)
Infront of me my mom called 10 of my friends.

4 of them said yes ma he was here.

2 of them said he just left

3 of them said he is here studying

1 of them went extra mile to say (in my voice) yes
mom what’s happening..

सम् My life done finish

सम् करा सबसे कहनरा है,
जीवन चलते रहनरा है |
इसको मत बबरामाद करो,
सदरा कराम की बरात करो |
म्त हवराएं गराती हैं,
हमको ्े समझराती हैं|
हर पल आगे बढ़नरा है,
हर मुस्कल से लड़नरा है |
िू ल सदरा मु्करराते हैं,
हमको ्े समझराते हैं |
जीवन चलते रहनरा है,
दुःख संग सुख़ भी सहनरा है |
करम की सजसकी रीती है,
सत् से सजसको प्ीत है |
अंत में उसकी जीत है,
सम् भी उसकरा मीत है |

शेख ्रा्मीन
सद्ती् वषमा बी.एम.एस.


प्रतिभा संगम


महाविद्ालय म्हटले की कट्ा,कँ टीन आवि मैत्ी हे आलच त्ामध्े आिखी काही िेगळे ठरिार
नाही.काँलेजच्ा विश्ामध्ेच तरुिाईचा खरा जॊश आवि ध्ेय गाठण्ाचे स्वप्न विसतात.या विश्ात

कोिाला वजिनसाथी वमळतो तर कोिाला वनखळ अशी मैत्ी पि ज्ाला या विश्ात वमत् नाही त्ा
सारखा िुिदैवविी कोिीच नाही असे मी म्हिेन.

जी गोष्ट आपि घरी आई-िविलांना सांगत नाही ती गोष्ट आपि वमत्-मैत्ीिी पुढे अगिी

मोकळ्ा मनाने मांितॊ.सुख-िु:खात साथ िेिारा ज्ाच्ा सोबत मनाचे नाते जुळलेले असते त्ाला
वमत् म्हिून संबोधले जाते.बालपिापासून आपल्ामध्े मैत्ीचे झाि रुजले जाते.आवि आयुष्ात पुढे

जाता-जाता त्ाला बहर येतो.पि त्ाला खरा बहर तरुिाईतच फ़ ु टतो.

या बहरलेल्ा मैत्ीतील फ़ ु लांचा सुगंध हा आयुष्ाच्ा शेिटा पययंत िरळित राहतो.
तरुिाईतील सि्व आठििी हृियात ििल्ा गेलेल्ा असतात. त्ा आठििी जेव्ा बाहेर येतात तेव्ा

िोळ्ातुन पािी वझरपू पाहते.वनष्ाप आवि वनरागस प्ेम मैत्ीने व्ापलेले असते.
मैत्ीला रुसिा आवि भांििांची एक फ़ोििी विलेली असते.त्ावशिाय मैत्ी मध्े खरी

मजा येत नाही.मैत्ी जिू हे संपूि्व विश्च आपल्ाला व्ापून िेते. आपि जे छं ि जोपासतो तीसुद्ा
एक त्ाबरोबर के लेली मैत्ी असते.
मैत्ी म्हिजे प्ेम

मोठ्ा लोकांपासुन ते लहानांपययंत मैत्ी सगळ्ांना हिी-हिीशी िाटते.तरुिांमध्े मैत्ी म्हिजे जािीि

प्ेमापेक्ाही जास्त भािेल असे नाते मैत्ीचे असते.मैत्ी विषयी जेिढं वलहािे तेव्ढ कमीच आहे. मैत्ी वशिाय जीिनात
कारि मैत्ी हे भािनांच्ा चौकटीपलीकिचे एक नातं असते.मैत्ी असते एक बांधलेला वकल्ा आधाराची उिीि

जो की सिैि मनामध्े त्ाची जागा बनिून ठे ितो ि इवतहासाआि वकतीही लपला तरी एके मैत्ी म्हिजे विश्
वििशी सि्व आठििीसह समोर येतो. मैत्ी म्हिजे आकाश
मैत्ी म्हिजे जीिनात

आपल्ा मनातील अनेक विचार मनातील ताि आवि अनेक प्शांचे उत्तर म्हिजे िाट िाखििारा प्काश

वमत्च असतो.अनेक िेळा तोच अचूक माग्विश्वन करुन आपल्ाला आपल्ा ध्ेया पययंत
पोहचण्ास मित करतो.वमत्ामुळे आपल्ा अनेक िाईट सियी आपल्ापासून िू र होतात. अल्ेश अरविंि करकरे

वमत्ाचा खवजना भेटल्ािर कोिीही िुसरा खजीना सापिण्ाच्ा मागे लागत नाही. बी.एम.एम िुसरे िष्व.
कारि याच खवजन्ाच्ा सहाय्ाने अनेक वशखरे गाठता येतात.मैत्ीमध्े अनेक गोष्टी शबांनी

व्क्त करता येत नाही पि त्ामध्े फ़क्त नेहमी सोबत राहण्ाची खात्ी विले जाते.यामध्े
िुस-याच्ा आनंिाचा विचार के ला जातो.यामध्े कोितेही भय नसते जो हा ठे िा जपून ठे ितो

तो आयुष्ात कधीही मागे रहात नाही.

108 | SYNERGY 16-17 | Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce
Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce SYNERGY 16-17 | 109

Alumni Talk Alumni Talk

VIKAS CHAWDA TALKS ABOUT as a student in my college days helped me bag my initial Q. What do you miss most about the college? Q. What do you do when not working?

HIS COLLEGE LIFE & CAREER projects solely on self-confidence I acquired from college. Waking up early morning with a smile thinking I have to I generally spend time with my family when at home
head to college. Time spent at GNC will never be back in because I may be travelling sometimes for a month or

reelance Cinematographer Vikas Chawda has Q. Why did you choose to do B. M. M.? our lives. two filming. During those time I am Youtubing & doing
donned a lot of hats in his career given his young I always had a ‘Keeda’ of doing something different… research on the net searching for destinations, filmmaking
Fage. He was the Making DOP of the Film “Kapoor Nothing other than BMM provided me with an escape Q. What particular skill set is required for your current techniques, tutorials, always being in my zone

& Sons”, for Dharma Productions. He graduated from our route towards doing something different. And so it was job and how did u acquire it?
college with a Bachelor of Mass Media Degree in 2015 and BMM & so Travel Film making too.. Camera & Equipment optimum handling, Hacks & DIY, Q. Now that you are a professional, what changes do
has since been travelling extensively for his work. Creating visions & fore sighting in you think must be introduced in your
Q. Describe your most rewarding college experience. your mind, Above all building a story ‘My most course so that the students meet the
It was being elected that would please the eye. requirements of the job market?
as the Co. Event Head I acquired this knowledge with memorable Exposure to more practical studies.

for GNC’s Inter- a lot of self-research & learning, More of internships provided to students
Collegiate festival spending hours watching tutorials on moment at GNC through our college in the outside world,
Zeal’ 15 Comicpalooza. photography & now cinematography. was standing on so that we are exposed to the outside
This festival made us For me, I use the Camera as a tool world while being in college itself.

feel more towards our similarly like a soldier who uses his the same stage with
college & maintaining weapon. A person has to have all the Q. If you had it to do all over again,
its prestige on student knowledge of his tool/weapon. Dr. A. P. J Abdul what would you do differently?
basis. Kalam’ I guess the time spent at GNC were the

Q. Whom would you credit your best I have ever witnessed till now… If I
Q. Which year of success to? was given another chance maybe I’d like
college life was your All of those people who stuck with me through thick & thin that it would stay the same way only with a certain change
favorite and why? were my batch mates, we pushed each other to our limits of undertaking Photography as a Career a bit more earlier

The last year of yet supporting each other. Professors like Mr. Mahesh rather than after being a Graduate !
degree was indeed Savale & Mrs. Harpreet Kaur who handled us in the best
the most memorable possible way in spite of being notorious yet being protective Q. What advice would you like to give our current

Q. How did your experience at Guru Nanak College & significant to me. After all ‘All good things do come to towards us & inspiring us to follow the right path. students?
help you find your first position after graduation? an end’ & so it was. We were ready to embrace the outside The only advice I would like to give current students is
At GNC, We were never held back as students, the world but were not ready to leave what we had in college. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? to expose themselves to scenes in college. Let it be inter

management as well as the faculty constantly pushed us In the next 5 years, I ought to travel around the world collegiate festivals or competitions, sports, curricular or
to face challenges ourselves & providing a helping hand Q. Share your most memorable moment at Guru Nanak as a Travel Filmmaker showcasing destinations to my extra-curricular, just expose yourselves to things that you
wherever necessary. We were always asked to work from College audiences through my camera. Apparently, I have started can excel at. During this time you’ll learn on your mistakes.

ground zero making our basics stronger, this made us brave My most memorable moment at GNC was standing on the travelling in India, recently just covered the state of Goa & Out of it all you’ll be a confident personality when you step
enough to face our initial challenges after stepping out same stage with Dr. A. P. J Abdul Kalam. Those moments my next is travelling & filming Leh & Ladakh. out of College. Don’t remain ordinary just escape out of
from college. Considering Photography & Cinematography he spent at GNC will never be forgotten by me & anyone that shell that is stopping you.
being raw genres of production, the exposure I received of those who witnessed him that afternoon.

146 | SYNERGY 16-17 | Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce SYNERGY 16-17 | 147

Alumni Talk Alumni Talk

VIKAS CHAWDA TALKS ABOUT as a student in my college days helped me bag my initial Q. What do you miss most about the college? Q. What do you do when not working?

HIS COLLEGE LIFE & CAREER projects solely on self-confidence I acquired from college. Waking up early morning with a smile thinking I have to I generally spend time with my family when at home
head to college. Time spent at GNC will never be back in because I may be travelling sometimes for a month or

reelance Cinematographer Vikas Chawda has Q. Why did you choose to do B. M. M.? our lives. two filming. During those time I am Youtubing & doing
donned a lot of hats in his career given his young I always had a ‘Keeda’ of doing something different… research on the net searching for destinations, filmmaking
Fage. He was the Making DOP of the Film “Kapoor Nothing other than BMM provided me with an escape Q. What particular skill set is required for your current techniques, tutorials, always being in my zone

& Sons”, for Dharma Productions. He graduated from our route towards doing something different. And so it was job and how did u acquire it?
college with a Bachelor of Mass Media Degree in 2015 and BMM & so Travel Film making too.. Camera & Equipment optimum handling, Hacks & DIY, Q. Now that you are a professional, what changes do
has since been travelling extensively for his work. Creating visions & fore sighting in you think must be introduced in your
Q. Describe your most rewarding college experience. your mind, Above all building a story ‘My most course so that the students meet the
It was being elected that would please the eye. requirements of the job market?
as the Co. Event Head I acquired this knowledge with memorable Exposure to more practical studies.

for GNC’s Inter- a lot of self-research & learning, More of internships provided to students
Collegiate festival spending hours watching tutorials on moment at GNC through our college in the outside world,
Zeal’ 15 Comicpalooza. photography & now cinematography. was standing on so that we are exposed to the outside
This festival made us For me, I use the Camera as a tool world while being in college itself.

feel more towards our similarly like a soldier who uses his the same stage with
college & maintaining weapon. A person has to have all the Q. If you had it to do all over again,
its prestige on student knowledge of his tool/weapon. Dr. A. P. J Abdul what would you do differently?
basis. Kalam’ I guess the time spent at GNC were the

Q. Whom would you credit your best I have ever witnessed till now… If I
Q. Which year of success to? was given another chance maybe I’d like
college life was your All of those people who stuck with me through thick & thin that it would stay the same way only with a certain change
favorite and why? were my batch mates, we pushed each other to our limits of undertaking Photography as a Career a bit more earlier

The last year of yet supporting each other. Professors like Mr. Mahesh rather than after being a Graduate !
degree was indeed Savale & Mrs. Harpreet Kaur who handled us in the best
the most memorable possible way in spite of being notorious yet being protective Q. What advice would you like to give our current

Q. How did your experience at Guru Nanak College & significant to me. After all ‘All good things do come to towards us & inspiring us to follow the right path. students?
help you find your first position after graduation? an end’ & so it was. We were ready to embrace the outside The only advice I would like to give current students is
At GNC, We were never held back as students, the world but were not ready to leave what we had in college. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? to expose themselves to scenes in college. Let it be inter

management as well as the faculty constantly pushed us In the next 5 years, I ought to travel around the world collegiate festivals or competitions, sports, curricular or
to face challenges ourselves & providing a helping hand Q. Share your most memorable moment at Guru Nanak as a Travel Filmmaker showcasing destinations to my extra-curricular, just expose yourselves to things that you
wherever necessary. We were always asked to work from College audiences through my camera. Apparently, I have started can excel at. During this time you’ll learn on your mistakes.

ground zero making our basics stronger, this made us brave My most memorable moment at GNC was standing on the travelling in India, recently just covered the state of Goa & Out of it all you’ll be a confident personality when you step
enough to face our initial challenges after stepping out same stage with Dr. A. P. J Abdul Kalam. Those moments my next is travelling & filming Leh & Ladakh. out of College. Don’t remain ordinary just escape out of
from college. Considering Photography & Cinematography he spent at GNC will never be forgotten by me & anyone that shell that is stopping you.
being raw genres of production, the exposure I received of those who witnessed him that afternoon.

146 | SYNERGY 16-17 | Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce SYNERGY 16-17 | 147

Alumni Talk



amal Chaudhari, a young Scientist, completed
his B.Sc. in Chemistry from our college in 1997
Kand joined Bhabha Atomic Research Centre as a
Scientific Assistant. He is currently working at B.A.R.C. as
a Scientific Officer.

Q. How did your experience at Guru Nanak College
help you after graduation?
Being in research organization subjective and practical
knowledge taught at college level helped a lot besides
career guidance from college professors especially from Sir
Santosh Pathare helped a lot. Teacher: Name 5 animals that live in water

Q. Share your most memorable moment at Guru Nanak Student: Frog…
College working at B.A.R.C.
Was the sports representative of S. Y. B. Sc. class and our Teacher: Very good. Name other 4 animals.
class stood first after tallying the score of all sporting Q. Whom would you credit your success to?
event. I had my own contribution to score in sprint and My parents, family member’s, all my teachers and gurus.
badminton event. Student: His mother, His father, His sister
Q. Now that you are a professional, what changes do you and His brother..!
Q. Which were your favorite hangout spots in and think must be introduced in your course so that the
around college? students meet the requirements of the job market?
There used to be open space at ground floor instead of the Every course should inculde an Internship with companies
Emperor Hall. It was for at least 3 Six great confusions still unresolved
the hangout spot for month. Writing/
most of the students ‘Believe in yourself, don’t belittle yourself and Drafting letters and

and also 30 -40 metre Communication 1. At a movie theatre, which arm rest is yours?
away from college do your work sincerely, you will definitely be skill as a subject
there used to be a rewarded sooner or later’ should be taught to 2. In the word scent, is “S” silent or “C”?
sardarji wadapavwala. all classes.
I remember me and 3. If people evolve from monkeys, why are
my friends used to go there almost everyday. Q. If you had it to do all over again, what would you do monkeys still around?
Q. Why did you choose to do B. Sc.? I would believe more into myself and be more focused and 4. Why is there a ‘D’ in fridge,
Love for science and I always wanted to be a Scientist. serious.
but not in refrigerator?
Q. Which year of college life was your favorite and why? Q. What advice would you like to give our current
S.Y.B.Sc that’s when I was very actively involved in students? 5. Who knew what time it was when the first clock
extracurricular activity especially sports. Believe in yourself, don’t belittle yourself and do your work was made?
sincerely you will definitely be rewarded sooner or later.
Q. What particular skill set is required for your current Complete your education don’t stop at B.M.M/B.B.I/B.
job and how did u acquire it? Com or B.Sc level, the new graduates are masters and Ph. And now sixer ....
Having good subjective knowledge, good observation, D’s. Ask yourself why will somebody hire you, what skillset,
interpretation and analysis of data are some of them. Some value are you going to bring to recruiter company. Acquire 6. If pro and con are opposites, wouldn’t the
of these skills were gained during college days and later these when you are in college. Colleges are the launch pad opposite of progress be...congress?
on the job training and guidance from senior scientist for your career to takeoff.

148 | SYNERGY 16-17 | Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce SYNERGY 16-17 | 149

Alumni Talk



amal Chaudhari, a young Scientist, completed
his B.Sc. in Chemistry from our college in 1997
Kand joined Bhabha Atomic Research Centre as a
Scientific Assistant. He is currently working at B.A.R.C. as
a Scientific Officer.

Q. How did your experience at Guru Nanak College
help you after graduation?
Being in research organization subjective and practical
knowledge taught at college level helped a lot besides
career guidance from college professors especially from Sir
Santosh Pathare helped a lot. Teacher: Name 5 animals that live in water

Q. Share your most memorable moment at Guru Nanak Student: Frog…
College working at B.A.R.C.
Was the sports representative of S. Y. B. Sc. class and our Teacher: Very good. Name other 4 animals.
class stood first after tallying the score of all sporting Q. Whom would you credit your success to?
event. I had my own contribution to score in sprint and My parents, family member’s, all my teachers and gurus.
badminton event. Student: His mother, His father, His sister
Q. Now that you are a professional, what changes do you and His brother..!
Q. Which were your favorite hangout spots in and think must be introduced in your course so that the
around college? students meet the requirements of the job market?
There used to be open space at ground floor instead of the Every course should inculde an Internship with companies
Emperor Hall. It was for at least 3 Six great confusions still unresolved
the hangout spot for month. Writing/
most of the students ‘Believe in yourself, don’t belittle yourself and Drafting letters and

and also 30 -40 metre Communication 1. At a movie theatre, which arm rest is yours?
away from college do your work sincerely, you will definitely be skill as a subject
there used to be a rewarded sooner or later’ should be taught to 2. In the word scent, is “S” silent or “C”?
sardarji wadapavwala. all classes.
I remember me and 3. If people evolve from monkeys, why are
my friends used to go there almost everyday. Q. If you had it to do all over again, what would you do monkeys still around?
Q. Why did you choose to do B. Sc.? I would believe more into myself and be more focused and 4. Why is there a ‘D’ in fridge,
Love for science and I always wanted to be a Scientist. serious.
but not in refrigerator?
Q. Which year of college life was your favorite and why? Q. What advice would you like to give our current
S.Y.B.Sc that’s when I was very actively involved in students? 5. Who knew what time it was when the first clock
extracurricular activity especially sports. Believe in yourself, don’t belittle yourself and do your work was made?
sincerely you will definitely be rewarded sooner or later.
Q. What particular skill set is required for your current Complete your education don’t stop at B.M.M/B.B.I/B.
job and how did u acquire it? Com or B.Sc level, the new graduates are masters and Ph. And now sixer ....
Having good subjective knowledge, good observation, D’s. Ask yourself why will somebody hire you, what skillset,
interpretation and analysis of data are some of them. Some value are you going to bring to recruiter company. Acquire 6. If pro and con are opposites, wouldn’t the
of these skills were gained during college days and later these when you are in college. Colleges are the launch pad opposite of progress be...congress?
on the job training and guidance from senior scientist for your career to takeoff.

148 | SYNERGY 16-17 | Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce SYNERGY 16-17 | 149


The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college was established in 2006 and has been
working towards realizing the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance.
In 2016-17, the IQAC has made significant contribution towards improving the performance
of the college in all areas. In pursuance of the themes for the year, namely Skill Development
and Value Education, events were arranged for staff and students.
The year commenced with the observance of Yoga Day. All students and staff experienced
the wellness that yoga is associated with. Students and faculty members enjoyed the class
even as they struggled through several poses. The benefits of focusing on breath, practicing
mindfulness and pranayama were highlighted in this program conducted by Shiv Ganesh Yoga
Talk by ‘Brahma Kumaris’ on positive thinking and affirmations was arranged in August 2017.
The college also hosted the International Youth Fellowship, under which it invited speakers
from South Korea. Our students interacted with the South Korean students and participated
in a cultural program.
The IQAC organized a two days’ International Seminar on “Design, Development and
Deliverance of Skill Objectives in Higher Education Institutions” on 14th and 15th Sep. 2016.
The IQAC also organized a one day workshop on “Skilling for Effectiveness and Optimization
in Office Administration” for non-teaching staff on 28th Feb 2017.
The college also introduced two new programs, B.F.M. and M.Sc. (I.T.) in this academic year.
The Chaka Chak G.T.B. Nagar program continued with the same zeal and enthusiasm as it
began in 2015.

“English speaking skills” in students is imperative from the job and career perspectives. The language lab
equipped with suitable software is frequented by the students.
Conducting regular academic and administrative audit is a function of IQAC. The college offered itself for
an academic audit and the University of Mumbai deputed a team of 3 experts who visited the college on 5th
October 2016. The experts gave valuable suggestions to enhance the functioning of departments and to instill
quality in teaching-learning and Research.
The quality of teaching and the student support that the college offers was reviewed and monitored through
a feedback from the parents and students.
“Mission Excellence” was launched in Aug. 2016 with the objective of enhancing college results and motivating
the advance learners to excel. Ms. Manju Nichani motivated the students to strive hard to achieve academic
The UGC recognized Community College saw its first batch successfully complete the Diploma Program in
Retail Management. Many students have also been placed in retail firms in Mumbai.
Industrial Visits were conducted for various courses to promote experiential learning.
The mission of creating a competent human resource continues to drive and direct the activities of IQAC.
Creating an environment where quality becomes a habit is the vision of the IQAC of Guru Nanak College.

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