Pastor I. S. JAMES
1985 1995
2000 20152010 2015
TH Celebrating
30 years
Pastor I. S. JAMES Graceodf service
CONTENTS 3 Y ou may quarrel with his
7 methods but you cannot
Celebrating 30 years of Graced Service 10 quarrel with his results.
You came, stood firm, and refused to... 14
A letter to my father in the Lord... 17 You may say he appears brash
Mephibosheth at Lo-debar 22
The Force of Integrity 26 sometimes but you could never dispute
Let’s Move on 29
Finishing Strong 32 his soldiering dedication and
Make room for Impossibles- 1 36
Make room for Impossibles- 2 38 consummate desire to please Him who
Who says you are a failure? 42
Steps to Greatness called him into ministry thirty years ago.
God’s Divine Order for the Family
He hesitated at first but when he threw
his hat into the ring he did not come
short. He was ready to take on whatever
was put in his path. CONT’D NEXT PAGE
Pastor JAMES
- Celebrating 30 Years of Graced Service
One of the earliest considerations He was quick to defy considerations passage after another. Many would
before Pastor James took up his of his wardrobe status as he offered remember how he climbed over
mantle was the welfare of his heaven his acceptance of the offer. chairs praying for his beloved
parents. He wanted heaven's The three pairs of torn trousers and congregants and chasing off some
guarantees that they would be ok. the couple of shirts could not demons.
He knew many of their dreams and intimidate him. He took them along We remember the way he proposed
what role he was to play in to that famous address at Sari marriage to his beloved wife and we
materializing these dreams and he Iganmu, Orile, Lagos, from where he all laugh, including the delectable
did not think ministry work would first began to share with the Lagos Pastor Faith, the direct recipient of
deliver good returns in those areas. crowd his unique flavour in Christ. that most unusual of proposals. We
“I will do as you say if you would He engaged his work with so much and Pastor Faith laugh about it
take care of my parents,” he energy and dedication as if there today but Pastor Faith did not laugh
wagered with God. Trust the One was no tomorrow. He was not going the first time she received Pastor's
who indulges us most in this life, to waste any time preaching pint- proposal. She cried. She was
Pastor James got his wishes. His sized sermons! It was the season of disappointed, not in him but in the
parents died satisfied and proud – everlasting sermons, not the times fact that he did nothing close to the
their son could not have chosen a of micro-wave offerings, which we many Mills and Boons proposal
more honourable path. seem to have come into. He would motifs she had stored in her head.
When sicknesses and diseases preach for three hours at a stretch, Yet she obeyed God and entered
strayed and took up temporary his voice belching out truths and his her blissful path of destiny.
abodes in their bodies and news got pores bursting forth sweat, and you Many people would not know his
to Pastor James about their knew this was a man on a mission. true worth until crisis came from the
condition, he waved it away as mere Interestingly, the people were willing ministry, the home-front and
distractions – he was holding on to and sat through the everlasting elsewhere. His capacity and claims
heaven's promissory note regarding sermons with equanimity. There to being a follower of Jesus was
their welfare. “They would be fine,” were little or no complaints that tried as he worked his way at
he would declare calmly. Sure messages were too long or that we clearing some misunderstandings
enough, in a matter of moments, the stayed too long in service. One of with one of his friends in ministry
strangers realized their statuses as the most enduring images of Pastor while encouraging his wife to hold
persona non grata, and immediately James in those days was his shirts on to God to visit them with their
moved on to other tolerating and and trousers draped in pouring own children. 'He prayed for others
welcoming abodes. sweat, as he exposed one bible to have children and they did but his
4 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
own wife had not cradled her own energy of his youth in the vineyard share from the grace carried by
baby,' were some muffled remarks of the Lord. From the ministry's Pastor James. Pastor is so happy to
that got to him. Thankfully, he knew outposts in Nigeria, South Africa and see men and women, once ignored
where to go for grace to survive the United States comes refreshing for their former stations, come into
those soul-battering times. In those news of changed lives. Nothing's reckoning and distinction through
eight years before blessed Glory more special to a man of ministry their associating with the grace of
(see how sweetly she now blooms) than the testimony of changed lives. God poured out from his life. He is
made her grand entrance here, Ministry is about people and people happy to see men of means
Pastor James connected with his and people. Those lining up to now embrace the true Source of
Saviour who was similarly attacked celebrate a special gift from God to enduring means in life.
with remarks like, 'He saved others, them and many others who will yet Of course this is not an orderly
himself he could not save.'
With Glory's arrival came the
realization that Mark 11:23-24 is
indeed true! So the desire for a male
child entered the fray. Many
glorylanders remember the day
Pastor James stood on the altar and
boasted that God must give him a
male child! What audacity, many
thought. Yet many months down the
road, Pastor Faith cradled the boy in
a hospital in the United States of
America. The young preacher from
Brass, in Bayelsa state whose
ancestral home was sacked and
completely razed down during a
communal clash had come good.
God had lifted him up and blessed
him with joy unspeakable, full of
The dozens and dozens of stories of
changed lives now following Jesus,
under his careful watch in ministry,
represent an overflowing supply of
joy to a man who used most of the
TH 5
Pastor I. S. JAMES
portrayal of the life of Pastor James but a tribute to CONGRATULATIONS
God's unfailing grace in the life of a man who we
celebrate because we have reasons to do so. day you called and instructed
We celebrate the grace that taught him to cultivate that money should be released for me
association with Pastor Tunde Bakare, Bishop Mike to buy a pair of sandals. That single
Okonkwo and dozens other ministers around the world. action of yours increased my resolve
We celebrate the grace manifest in those who worked to get more closer to God. It became a
with him, moved on, and those who worked with him turning point in my life, because I was
and still do. able to go to school and attend church
We celebrate Pastor James using the canvas provided services.
by the inimitable Annie Johnston Flint, using these The man of God, Pastor I. S. James is a great Teacher of
famous strokes: the word. My Mentor, my Inspirator and my big role model.
Your great teachings and fatherly advice kept me on my
He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater, toes in my teen years.
He sendeth more strength as our labors increase; Your undiluted teaching of the word of God so much
To added afflictions He addeth His mercy, impacted on me and made me what I am today.
To multiplied trials He multiplies peace. My lovely wife Birute and I want to use this opportunity to
honour you with our profound greetings. May the Almighty
When we have exhausted our store of endurance, God continue to use you mightily as you move to another
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done level in your Ministry. Our greetings also to your lovely wife
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources (our mummy in the Lord) who has stood by your side to
Our Father's full giving is only begun. make this journey a big success.
The journey just started and you will grow from Strength to
Fear not that thy need shall exceed His provision, Strength, Wisdom to Wisdom and Glory to Glory. Amen
Our God ever yearns His resources to share;
Lean hard on the arm everlasting, availing; -Francis & Birute Eloagu
The Father both thee and thy load will upbear.
His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.
Congratulations Pastor.
Happy 30th Year in Ministry Celebrations.
Pastor I. S. JAMES
You came,
stood firm, and
refused to
take no for an
answer despite
all odds.
As a result, with God’s help, you have helped transform hundreds of lives and led even more on the paths to
discover their purpose, myself included. You are more than just my husband; you are someone I look up to
spiritually. You are my friend, mentor, pastor, and teacher. Each day I sit under your impactful and anointed
teachings, I see changes take place in my life. Providence and Destiny brought our paths together in 1984 in
Bauchi State, where we were part of the same orientation camp, platoon, and fellowship. As the months
progressed, we became best friends, and husband and wife in 1987. Since then, you have truly helped me
believe in God with your timely words and teachings and constantly showed me that, in fact, something good
can come from my Nazareth.
Today, I am trying to put into practice all I have learnt under your guidance, best summed up in one phrase I will
never forget you uttering- “it pays to serve God, always give Him your best.” To this day, I am ever grateful that I
listened to you then, for it has paid off significantly. Thank you for obeying God’s call, because it is in your
obedience that I discovered where I fit into the plan of God. I have watched you jeopardize your own well being
to help those around you, and your love for God and sacrifices are quite evident to all around you.
As you celebrate this 30th Anniversary in Ministry, it is my prayer that you will not lose your reward, but rather
continue to wax stronger. May the One who called you increase your greatness and comfort you on all sides,
and may your voice continue to wake up consciences and inspire generations. Keep the flag flying until He
comes. I love you.
Pastor Faith James
30 Hearty Applause... TH
Thank you Pastor James, IN THE MINISTRY
for your unceasing gift of belief:
-The Abrahams
Pastor I. S. JAMES
30 years of impact!
30 years of changing lives!
30 years of serving the Master!
We rejoice with you on this joyous occasion sir
and pray for strength and grace for the next 30 years!
The Pastoral Team
A letter to
my father in the Lord
as he celebrates
30 years of ministry
Dear Father, Pastor I. S. JAMES
Congratulations as you celebrate 30 years in ministry!!!
We in South Africa rejoice with you and pray that God will continue to refresh, revive, renew and restore you.
He will always refocus you on the purpose of your call into ministry. We exist today because of your
obedience to God's call into ministry 30 years ago
We give thanks to God for the numerous things he has done through your ministry in thirty years, time and
space will not permit me to recount them all, but for 30 years in ministry permit me to appreciate God for 30
of such blessings we have enjoyed.
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Pastor I. S. JAMES
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Pastor I. S. JAMES
Oh!!! Its number 30 already and there is one more i cannot leave out , so permit me to add number 31, as
you step into your 31st year in ministry
Dear father as we celebrate you and this milestone achievement, its my prayer that you will not just count
the years you have been in ministry but will make your years in ministry count for humanity and divinity.
I love and appreciate you,
Your son,
Congratulations DAD Pastor I. S. JAMES
We praise God on an achievement that few people have accomplished in life! IN THE MINISTRY
How inspiring it is to know that you have been actively serving the Lord,
equipping the saints and preparing them for Glory for 3 decades.
Your practicality and consistency in being a servant of God is truly a
testament to your personal faith. We can testify of God's goodness and His
faithfulness in your life. It pays to serve the Lord like you do.
You have poured out yourself in the people God has placed under you, their
lives have changed forever. But better still our lives will never remain the same
because we are blessed with a dad with a heart as yours.
You have set a great legacy, a godly heritage for us. You have instilled an
impeccable standard for truth, integrity and the fear of God by your lifestyle.
You are a true servants called to serve.
Congratulations dad as you press toward the goal for the prize of the upward
call of God in Christ Jesus.
12 Love from Toye, Grace, Karissa and Kaleb Fagbohun
Pastor I. S. JAMES
To be a part of your spiritual family is an honor in itself, but to be a part of your physical one as well is a blessing
beyond words. Over the years, you have been a diligent teacher, instructor, and guide to multitudes around the
world. I have watched you sacrifice endlessly for family members as well as for complete strangers. I have
witnessed you continuously place the needs of others ahead of yours. I have seen you devote endless hours to
studying the Word- investing time, strength, and energy to empower those whom God has placed under your
leadership. In a world where people change components of their life on a daily basis, to do anything for 30 years
is indeed an accomplishment; but to do so with integrity and righteousness is exceedingly rare. Your
consistency and stability are a testament not only to your faith, but to the goodness of God. Because of your
willingness to answer the call those many years ago and your obedience ever since, numerous lives have been
changed for the better. Just as you have been a spiritual father without blemish, you have likewise been a
biological one.
I cannot thank you enough for all you've done; you are truly the embodiment of a remarkable father. A provider,
mentor, role model, and friend, you made sure to teach us all several important life lessons chief amongst them
the importance of having a personal relationship with God.
You taught us right from wrong, the benefits of prioritizing
education, and the value of hard work. But more than merely
talking the talk, you walked the walk. Each day, you lived a life
that reflected these principles, inspiring us to do the same. I
can never come close to repaying you for all you've invested
in me; it is only my prayer that the One who can will reward
you richly.
Thank you for being everything that you are; love you forever
and always.
Glory James
Without my father, I would not have been able
to do half of the things I am now able to do.
He has impacted me in a tremendous
amount of ways. Not only has he taught me how to be a true son of God, he has always
been there for me. He taught me the principles of being godly as well as the principles of being a hard-
working, caring, and initiative taking individual. Without my father, my life would be significantly
different. Daddy, may God always be there for you as you have been there for me. Love you.
Iruofagha James Junior
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Pastor I. S. JAMES
Mephibosheth was the son of Jonathan with his father's house in Gibeah but had to stay in a
whom David had a covenant. The covenant was foster house
contracted during a time of adversity for David. Lodebar means, 'pastureless, dryness, empty of
Sometimes God brings strangers into our lives anything. The 'remover of shame' now lived in a
during affliction. A single Jonathan from God dry land. The expected victor had become a
might just be all you need when you are in prisoner, held down by circumstances he was to
adversity. You do not need many have ridden. He had come into a
friends. God enabled him so that
he did not reckon as big deal his David was a type seemingly helpless situation.
Life had become grossly unfair
decision to risk his all for David. Of to him. Born to remove shame,
course David was very sad that of God while
he could not return Jonathan's he became the carrier of shame
love when he became King. and misery at Lodebar. He
Ziba was a type of called himself a dog because
When God blesses us, let's the Holy Spirit his self esteem had hit rock
remember those who are where bottom.
we were before God changed our
situations. in this exciting story Many parents give special
names to their children because
Mephibotheth means "One who of their hope that such children
removes shame from the family." of Mephibosheth... would materialize the contents
Instead of living up to his name, of their names in time. When you
he became the direct opposite. He lived in shame hear the names of some armed robbers shot at
because he had to be carried about by other the stake you would know that they were born into
people. Those who named him had their great hopes for their parents but some things
expectations but the twist of destiny brought him happened. Every one of us was created with hope.
some painful changes. Some unfortunate events What many of us are today is what Satan and sin
occurred such that he could not stay anymore in did to us. Some good news, though. However dry
14 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Lodebar was, David yet got to know about are what we are because of how we were treated.
Mephiboshefh. Those who dropped us were supposed to be our
David was a type of God while Ziba was a type of nurses but they dropped us. Let's not be quick in
the Holy Spirit in this exciting story of condemning people or writing them off. Many
Mephibosheth, recorded in the Book of 2 Samuel. people have been dropped too many times.
As hopeless as Mephibosheth's state was, God Thank God he remembered us and he sent men to
still had him in mind. As hopeless as the situation fetch us. With everything that happened to
may seem, God still has us in mind. It was David Mephiboseth, he was still alive. If God has kept you
who said, "What is man that you are mindful of alive untill now, you are coming out of Lodebar. It
him? (Ps. 8:3). This is in spite of the fact that man doesn't matter how many times you have been
has failed him repeatedly dropped, whether it's a financial fall, emotional fall,
Just as Mephiboshefh was lame on his feet, many physical fall or any other fall.
people are lame in one area or the other. If you do He was fetched out of Lodebar but he was still
not find what you are looking for in an individual lame. I am going to get better because he has
something tragic may have happened to him, like prepared a table for me, in the presence of my
Mephibosheth. Something may have happened enemies. The king is not ashamed to invite a
but God's love reached out to me and picked me cripple to his table. God is not ashamed to call me
up from lameness and insignificance. When you his own, with all of my baggage or disability. He is
look back on your life and realize He could have not ashamed to identity and associate with me
saved others instead of you, you want to thank and no power in hell can make Him feel otherwise
him. You may be lame in your emotions or finance about me. Amen.
but he remembers you. I was once in Lodebar but From the moment Mephibosheth got to the table,
the Holy Spirit fetched me out. he looked like every other person. His position hid
We couldn't have left Lodebar by ourselves. his lame condition. As a child of God, many things
Sometimes, we forget the fact that we were you can complain about me are not seen by God
fetched. We couldn't save ourselves. God came to when I stand in the position has called me to
save us. If he hadn't come, we would yet have occupy - Righteousness. You may not be as
been in our riotous and rebellious ways. Many of handsome/beautiful as the other children but you
those you started the race of life with are no more. I are part of the family now. Because of Jesus, when
didn't get to where I am today but by the order and you sit in Christ, you are made complete in God.
operations of the King. When Mephibosheth took his position at the table,
It was not Mephibosheth's fault that he was Ziba got instruction to work and slave for his
dropped (2 Sam. 4:4). You probably may have upkeep. Mephibosheth didn't have to work
been more educated and more emotionally anymore. God has promised to supply all our
balanced than you are presently but somebody needs. It doesn't depend on toiling or sweating.
dropped you. You may have been a better The servants at Saul's house will work and bring
husband if somebody had given you such the blessings to you. The destiny of God's sons is
example but somebody dropped you. Most of us that when they get into position they begin to
enjoy the service of the angels (Hebrew 1:14)
TH 15
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Many years ago... TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
... you taught that we should let friends carry us.
Thank you Pastor James for fulfilling that important role in our lives as we have grown older.
The Elders’ Board
The Force of Integrity
Psalms 15: Integrity is one of the cornerstones of this ministry.
You do not ask the kind of questions David asked If you dare to be a person of integrity much of your
in the scripture under reference except you are long praying would become unnecessary. A word
somebody whose heartbeat is JESUS. You could of integrity in line with the will of God moves him
paraphrase the question into, "Lord, what it takes very powerfully.
to be surrounded and wrapped around by your If you go through all the qualifications God
glory?" mentioned, you would notice that they are almost
Immediately David asked the question, God gave all connected to the use of the mouth which
him some nine or eleven qualifications, shows that one of the areas God seems to have
depending on how you are counting. I'd like to problem with us is the wrong use of our mouths.
focus on just one of I believe that when God
these qualifications in created us, he created
this message. a good us in his own image
'He that sweareth to his example of and likeness. Being a
own hurt and changeth God who means what
not' is a qualification he says and says what
very close to another, one who earned he means, part of his
which says, 'He that the exalted image and likeness
speaketh the truth in his which we are
heart.' If you are a good supposed to bear is the
student of the bible, you appellation; ability to be trustworthy
would have noticed Friend of God. - Num. 23:19; Rom. :4,
that the question in Titus 1:2; Heb. f5:18.
Psalm 15:1 is also God cannot lie. It's like
asked in Psalm 24:3-4 asking you to walk on
which confirms the scripture that in the mouth of your head. You cannot. Cannot means you do not
two or three witnesses every word shall be have the ability to. It means it is not in your nature,
established. you are not made that way. Everything God has
said is true. Many of us have got so used to His
The word INTEGRITY best sums up the above promises that we tend to take them for granted but
qualification. Integrity is simply that quality which He keeps His promises. Having the ability to dare
makes us true in character. The ability to say the consequences of actions precipitated by
something and remain true to what you have said. utterances we casually made is integrity. We
To stay true to your words and actions. The ability lower the quality of God-likeness in us when we
to say, I have opened my mouth and I am not falter on integrity. We belittle the God we claim to
going to turn back. It goes beyond this though but I serve because He doesn't say a thing except He
am limiting my scope to integrity in the use of will do it. Men who are men of their words are
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Pastor I. S. JAMES
The Force of Integrity (cont’d)
respected. speak words and who stand to keep those
The force of integrity is connected with the power words.
of a vow. Whenever people made vows, they 2.) Integrity is a necessary ingredient in divine
positively provoked God in the past. Jephthah relationships (Gen. 18:19). Abraham was
(Judges 11) is one of such persons. He simply described as a friend of God. This was possible
made a vow unto God and God answered his because God could trust him.
prayer. Hannah (1 Sam. 1) is another example of 3.) Because God wants to believe in us before He
somebody who utilized the power of a vow. She can release 'special blessings' to us. There are
apparently did not need to pray for long as she did general blessings and there are special
previously. The story of Israel in Numbers 21 is blessings.
another example. None of my children can come to me asking for
You can see from these examples that one was a permission to have their meals or sleep in the
man, the other a woman and the last, a nation. For house. These are general provisions that I have
as long as they demonstrated integrity in the made for them. But there are special blessings.
spoken word, God acted. They didn't even pray or Consider the example of Abraham. He had
fast. They just made vows. A vow is a word of already been blessed; He was already very rich
integrity. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. (Gen. 13:1) but in Gen. 22, God still blessed him.
(Matt. 5:36-37). 1% of obedience is better than 99% There are blessings and there are blessings. Even
of prayer and fasting. The power of God and Jacob had a similar experience. He was already
anointing that comes on you is released to the rich and 'blessed' with much substance before he
degree of your obedience, not your prayer and met Esau (Gen. 32) but when he was left alone, he
fasting. wrestled with the angel requesting that he be
Make a vow of integrity this year. That means you blessed. You can be crooked and still be blessed
must think before you communicate this year. by God because He gives sunshine and rain to the
Don't say it was a mistake afterwards. wicked that even curse Him. But there are some
In Gen. 28; Jacob made; a vow unto God which blessings that can only be released to you when
God entertained, even though Jacob had a the Jacob part of you dies. In the last verses of
crooked character then. He was still Jacob but John 2, we see the account of those who 'believed'
God blessed him and later when his character in Jesus but He didn't commit himself to them
was changed (after the encounter with the angel (believe in them) because he knew what was in
at night). their heart. Their faith in Christ was without
God hears words of integrity as soon as they substance. God wants to believe in us, just like our
uttered. We need to develop integrity for the parents want to believe in us. In fact, believing in
following reasons: their children is one of the things parents owe their
I.) Because God wants us to be like Him. children. The others are; approval,
companionship and love.
Remember I already said that God is reliable But just how is this integrity developed? How is
and trustworthy. He wants us to be people who
18 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
TH Congratulations
Pastor I. S. JAMES I met Pastor I. S. James in Marietta, GA at Glory Christian Ministries,
Atlanta. I visited the church after being invited by my mother.
IN THE MINISTRY My first day at the service, it felt like I never really knew anything about
the work of God. Pastor James broke down the Word like it had never
been broken down before. Prior to this time, it always felt blurry and
difficult to understand. However, God used Pastor James to get me
interested in he word of God; unlike a chore that I had to participate in
every Sunday.
Since I met Dr. I. S. James, I have learnt so much and been graced by
God to be able to put into practice so many things that once seemed
impossible to me from the Word of God. I am eternally grateful to God for
leading me to Glory Christian Ministries and pray that God will
continue to use, bless increase and strengthen my spiritual father-
Pastor I. S. James & family.
The Ademola Ogundele & Family
this integrity earned? Abraham did and was instructive. Why would God say, 'Now I know'
called, a friend of God (Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23). when he knows everybody? God, in this sense,
Earning the quality of integrity comes from doesn't' know everybody. Abraham could have
TRIALS, TEMPTATIONS and TRIBULATIONS. done anything but attempt to slay Isaac. He could
When these things come our way, God is have compromised but he didn't. No wonder God
providing us with the fuel for developing integrity. immediately pronounced some special blessings
Abraham is a good example of one who earned of which many of us are today partakers. But this
the exalted appellation; Friend of God. He had came about by a test of his integrity, faith and
integrity. In Gen. 18, God was on his way to obedience. Whenever there is a test of your faith in
destroying Sodom and Gomorrah but paused and the area of anger don't be rash in your reply.
said he'd like to discuss his proposed action first Another example is Moses. The account is in
with Abraham. You are more than a human being Num. 12. God came to his defense when Miriam
when you come to the level when through and Aaron murmured against him.
intercession you make God 'change his mind,' as Among several tests he passed which brought
it were. Integrity is developed in the furnace of about him great standing with God is the account
trials. In Gen. 22, we see the account of how in Num. 14. The Lord pardoned Israel according
Abraham developed integrity. Verse 12 is very to the word of Moses. Moses 'prevailed on God' to
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Pastor I. S. JAMES
The Force of Integrity (cont’d)
have mercy instead of judgment on the children of the very place where David was, he went to sleep.
Israel. How was he able to do this? He passed the It was a set up by God. Many who direct their
temptation of being made the father of many 'spears' at you will provoke what's in your heart for
nations. If Moses had failed the test, members of God to see. Imagine the tight security apparatus
the new nation that would have come out of him around Saul being all asleep at the same time. It
would have been called 'Mosesites' not Israelites. wasn't natural. It was God-induced sleep. When
Imagine if some of us are given such a chance he cut part of Saul's robe his heart smote him
today, what would our response be? Many who because he cut off part of what belonged to Saul
scheme and plot for position do not know that God which was given him by God. He faltered in that he
sees their heart. And they never get His position for cut Saul's robe. This is why he was calm and quiet
their lives. Moses was tested with the possibility of in his latter life when Absalom and Adonijah made
standing on the same pedestal with Abraham but so much fuss about his throne.
he refused. If he had agreed to God's offer, he In 1 Sam 26, God gave him another chance
would have missed it. The same is applicable to (having faltered the first time). It was God that put
every action motivated by purely self- Saul to sleep because he wanted to test David.
considerations. If you want God to defend you like There are some mistakes by your leaders not
He defended Moses do not be swallowed up by because they deliberately set to do it but because
inordinate ambition, manipulations or underhand God seemingly arranged it to see what's in your
methods. Be a person of integrity. Learn the virtue heart; how you would react before he calls you the
in 1 Tim. 6:6. If a position is for you, you will get it. If servant of God, like he called Abraham. He is
as a pastor, you desire the fall of another church giving you a chance to develop integrity. It is
leader so that the members can come to your integrity that promotes. It gives you leverage in the
church, you are blowing your chances of elevation things of the spirit.
by God. You won't go far if you desire to prosper by Abraham, Moses and David are examples of men
crookedness. It is yet possible to win by integrity. who faced their tests but who spoke the truth in
David is another example of a man with the quality their heart. When we learn integrity like they did,
of integrity. 1 Sam. 24 records the story of how he God begins to honor our words. Our prayers
went through the test that earned him an receive immediate answers.
honorable place in God. Rather than kill Saul, he Don't be hasty with your mouth when things do not
simply cut off a part of his robe. He even called go as expected. Anytime your spouse
Saul his master, someone who had come out to misbehaves, God is testing your integrity by your
kill him. He refused to raise up his hand against his reaction. As a student, when you come across
son, Absalom, during the revolt. He caught the those involved in examination malpractice you are
attention of God by this. He described the king being offered a test of your integrity. Even as a
(who already had a demon tormenting him) as the businessman you are regularly tested.
anointed of God. Begin to see your problems as tests and
Saul came out to kill David but when he came to challenges to prove your integrity.
20 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Congratulations TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
The office of the deacon is one of the few stations
classified as a good thing in the entire Bible.
Thank you Pastor James for letting us enjoy this privilege.
The Deacons’ board
Let's move on
Acts Chapter 2 stumbled upon once while he was studying in the
library, as a monk. Before he made his great find in
We have looked at the story of the church. And we the library (where he saw for example, that the just
saw how that on the birthday of the church, at shall live by faith - Romans 1:17. instead of by
Pentecost, the Holy Spirit broke through the purchase of indulgences and repeated penances,
traditions of the Jews, ignoring their sentiments as was believed by almost every member of the
and ushering them into the age of the church. Christian community then), the Bible was not
God started the move in the upper room, not in any available to everybody. It was only available to
synagogue or even the temple, the most likely priests who had the sole prerogative of its
places for God to have begun such a move, interpretation.
according to religious minds. The disciples did not After using Luther to restore the gift of salvation by
have the usual religious paraphernalia except that grace through faith, God went on to restore other
they were in one accord. That is one fundamental graces progressively. He restored water baptism,
element that invites the presence of God to any Holy Ghost baptism, charismatic gifts, word
gathering of believers. explosion, and lots more.
We have also seen that not long after the last All of these happened at different times in the
Apostles died, the church went into a period history of the church until Pentecostalism blazed
generally regarded as the Dark Age. After several the trail (With of course a manifestation of some of
of years of mutilation of that which God brought at the graces already mentioned).
Pentecost: after the truth was hidden and religion God stirred up all kinds of preachers who declared
took center stage, God stirred up the heart of a that the Holy Spirit was as real today as He was in
Catholic monk, Martin Luther, who wrote 95 Acts of Apostles. That what He did then, HE is still
theses against the spiritual distortions in his day. doing today. The miraculous accompanied these
He later nailed these 95 theses on the door of a manifestations.
church at Wittenberg, Germany. This action What is by far the most notable location of this
unsettled the land, especially the religious leaders Pentecostal move was the Azusa street mission
who before then enjoyed unquestionable founded by a former slave called William
authority as far as interpreting the Scriptures was Seymour. Worshipers spoke in tongues and
concerned. Naturally, they resented Luther, while experienced other charismatic manifestations
trying to persuade him to recant his theses. But that reverberated in the entire world.
when he remained adamant they branded him a This is one move many believers can today
heretic, an enemy of the church. So he went identify with. But unfortunately it looks like the
underground. While he was underground, trying move has reached a plateau. There-is some kind
to hide from those who were after his life, he of discontent/restlessness in the atmosphere.
began the translation of the New Testament, from People are craving for more and Pentecostalism
a copy of the original Scriptures which he
22 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Thank you Pastor James for being there for us
We are indeed grateful to God shining His light onto our path through
the one He has called- Dr. I. S. James
We pray the next 30 years of your service shall be glorious in Jesus’ name. Amen
Elder Ebuzoeme & Family
Let's move on (cont’d)
as a dispensational move seems handicapped in the Christian life. Recall that Protestantism started
pushing them forward in their quest for intimacy with a rejection of some practices in the church.
with God: Such disposition often characterize a The challenge therefore is that certain practices of
period of transition from one move to another. our faith in the present church would have to be
Ardent students of the Scriptures for example, reformed in line with the Scriptures. Third, we may
know that the church is expected to demonstrate not be able to Reform every aspect of our life,
to principalities and powers the manifold wisdom which throws up the challenge of maximum
of God. Beyond mass gatherings, tongue discontinuity. We are to cut off/completely
speaking, and pockets of miracles here and there, abandon practices that we cannot reform;
now and then, there is some kind of demand on practices that we thought were right but we now
the church to do more, and know to be wrong.
she doesn't appear
like she is If God is periodically restoring all things we should
prep acquaint ourselves with a moving disposition. In
the beginning God moved on the face of the
deep... And caused a reformation by saying, 'Let
there be light...' Yesterday may have been good
but let's move on. Let's be careful that we do not
build tabernacles on past experiences. He may
have instructed Moses/Joshua to build symbolic
are monuments to commemorate His interventions in
d for it. their affairs but HE wanted them to move on. If you
This is do not move with God you will end up as a spiritual
why it is accident or as a relic of the past, a spiritual fossil, a
imperative to museum piece. All you are good for is that you
identify with our text. remind us of what Christianity used to be.
God is restoring all things to the church and for the Abraham remains a great example in tin's regard -
church. Before He comes back. An understanding lie lived in tents but built altars because he saw
of this scenario leaves us with three challenges: himself as a pilgrim looking for a city whose maker
First, if it is true that God is still restoring different and builder is God (Hebrews 11:8-16). Even
dimensions of His knowledge and who HE is, then though he dwelt in a laud promised him by God his
we must keep moving with Him. It will be suicidal attitude was that he lived as a stranger. So he
to say. 'God, I've had enough/ Let us take along didn't make permanent structures. This too should
with us whatever he restores, at His pace. be our orientation. Rather than use our
Second, each restoration move (from Martin wealth/resources for seemingly permanent
Luther, through Wycliffe, the Wesley Brothers, etc) structures that are still corruptible let us use them
was attempted at correcting certain distortions of to preserve for us some kind of eternal insurance.
24 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Pastor I. S. JAMES
GCM My daddy, I thank God for bringing me into Congratulations Sir,
your life & ministry. Apart from being my
S AT mentor, parent, teacher & friend, you and Always as ever, may you continue to
mummy accepted me into your family. stand strong for the LORD
This is one rare opportunity I cannot take for CHEERS!
Thank you Pastor James for fulfilling that Pastor Abia/Family
scripture in my life "He put the solitary in
families". My dear G. O. and father.
You are the strongest support I've ever had My family and I wish you more fruitful
in life. Thank you sir. The LORD that has years in life and in the ministry that God
kept you this 30 yrs will celebrate you & keep has given you. My life, my foundation in
you another 40 yrs strong, hale & hearty (if christianity is incomplete without your
He tarries) planting of the word of God in me.
Your Yemo Deacon Emeka Okwuosa.
GLORY Daddy,
As you grow from strength to strength in
ELLITE Lord. May He who called
you continue to expand you to do exploit
to destroy the
works of satan. The word you spoke to me
in one of the
meetings that we will not die but live to
declare His
goodness in the land of the living. Bro.
David D. Nwosu
& family (GCM Satellite)
Congratulations Sir!
Thank God because in you we have a
Thanks for the soul-lifting messages and
godly counsels. I won’t forget we have “A
PLACE CALLED THERE” and we shall all
get there.
More grace, more strength and more faith
to complete the journey ahead.
Prince Nicholas Ejimadu
Apart from being a king Uzziah was also an throne. Guard your heart with all diligence. There
inventor. He invented cunning machines and is this thing about the heart and how important it is
engines, which he placed on the walls of before the presence of God. Recall what Jesus
Jerusalem to enable him shoot large stones, the said about receiving the kingdom of God like a
bombs and missiles of those days. He was able to little child. You know something of the workings of
make spears, bows, slings, habergeons and many the heart of a child. If you have lost yours do all you
other instruments of war. can to reinvent it. I remember a rebuke
pronounced many years ago '... when you were
He was so marvelously helped by God that he little in your own eyes...' There is a strong
became strong but... correlation between the state of your heart and
After God had helped him, giving him the how you finish your ra ce as a believer.
opportunity he did not give to others, his heart David and Saul were both sinners. David probably
became lifted up to his own destruction. His fall
and poor finishing began from the heart. That is
where it all begins. When the sensitivity to the
leading of God's Spirit becomes blurred poor A man begins to fall from the heart.
finishing begins. When self-dishonesty can be Satan's sin was committed in his heart.
tolerated, poor finishing begins. When pride is
tolerated in the heart and actions become
motivated by the desire for recognition, often to A man of God begins to fall when the
the detriment of others (whom the mind regards
as of no consequence), poor finishing begins. But
we should finish strong. We are not of them that position of his heart changes
draw back unto perdition, the writer of Hebrews
says. We have a cloud of witnesses whose
triumphant finishing is a model for us to emulate committed more sins than Saul (he fought more
and keep before our very eyes continuously. battles and apparently killed more people) but
Many people make a big deal out of fornication, seemed to have had a better heart position than
paying little or no attention to the position of the Saul. Going through the Psalms reveal the heart of
heart. This is a wrong orientation and it should not a man that was never far away from God.
be accepted by all that want to finish strongly. A man begins to fall from the heart. Satan's sin
Those who want to hear the welcome call of the was committed in his heart. A man of God begins
Saviour when they ascend the golden stairs. to fall when the position of his heart changes. A
Those who want to meet the one who made their good man's heart is on his right side, according to
lives on earth worth living. Solomon. He can keep better watch over that way.
Take seriously the admonition from Proverbs. He Pride came to Uzziah. He thought he had
could have stayed longer than the 52 years on the overgrown the doing of the Word. He thought that
God could not talk to him anymore. He had
26 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
become too familiar with God. The Priests that used to be. Many preachers come to the point
God had placed over him couldn't instruct him where they assume that even if they do not pray,
anymore. He became the only king who was put they yet can preach well. Such people are getting
out from being king because he contracted old. They are beginning to finish badly. When you
leprosy from which he died. May that not be your believe you do not need to read the bible anymore
experience in Jesus name. Pride caused him to to preach well, you are getting old. That means
stumble. He was so successful but he had a bad you have started taking God's presence for
finishing. granted. Samson must have thought like that for it
Samson's experience is another very instructive is written that he went out "thinking he would
piece in this regard. He never needed to die with shake himself like before... ". He did not know that
the people he came to save but he did and you God had left him. God cannot be taken for granted.
might say he finished not too well. We should always see his presence and call on
Solomon is yet another example. God even our lives as something to be celebrated daily and
appeared to him twice. Many others have been something to be thankful for.
similarly called. Some made it, others missed it. God doesn't want your heart taken from him.
Learn from their mistakes. When your heart positioning is right there are
In 1 Kings 4 we see how Solomon fell. When he many things that God seemingly overlooks. God
was old (you could say when he got used to a was not angry with Solomon because he married
spiritual position or when he got used to being many wives but because his heart was turned
praised, etc) he was not as circumspect as he away from the Lord.
Pastor I. S. JAMES
The entire Pastoral Interface wish to
congratulate our father and mentor,
Dr. I. S. James on His 30 years in ministry.
Pastor Samuel Mba (Coordinator)
What a Pastor I. S. JAMES
We met our Daddy, Pastor I. S. James
during 'The Glory Hour' telecast in Enugu
and we have never stopped
following him.
He adopted my family as his and we
have had the rare privilege
of knocking at his door any hour of
the day or night for solutions to any
Papa has thought us things that
space can't permit us to pencil down.
We Love this man and his ministry.
GCM has been our yardstick to choosing
a church whenever we relocate to a new environ.
We love you sir.
Make Room
for the Impossible – 1
God cannot take back his word after he has plane. The process of locking-in on an object is
spoken it. Before it rests it must accomplish that very strategic to the operations of the F-16. When
for which God sent it. God's word is powerful to the the pilot succeeds in locking-in on the target, it is
degree that you understand it; to the degree of as good as having depressed the release button.
your revelation. Let your prayer be that of the There is little or nothing the target can do
prophet who declared. "Open my eyes (that I may afterwards, when the release button is depressed.
behold wondrous things out of thy law." This is The missile is expected to follow the target
because the entrance of anywhere for the attack
God's word gives light since it is a radar-guided
and life. Your lack of missile. This is the
revelation in any area of meaning and
God's word provides understanding carried by
Satan and his cohorts a the word Dabar. Just as
platform to propagate the pilot cannot take back
oppression against you. the missile when he has
God has nothing else lo depressed the release
offer us but the Word or button, so also God's
Logos (Classical Greek) word cannot be taken
which means the back after it's been sent
expression of one's One way you get exposed to this out on a mission. I'd like
thoughts, concepts and for you to have a new
ideas. You don't just word is by listening constantly to it. understanding of the
keep it in your mind you As you do this often you open up word of God. Romans 1:16
express it. The Hebrew says... the gospel is the
equivalent is the word yourself to receiving what is called power of God unto
'Dabar.' It carries the the Rhema of the word. salvation to everyone who
understanding that there believes. God has put his
is latent power resident immense power in his
in God's word. The word God speaks is like a word. Preach it and you will open up the capsules
capsule containing power and ability able to of Dabar, as it were. Think about it. Many who
create the miracle for which it was sent. It has were God haters some years back are now some
power within itself to bring results to pass. God's of his ardent lovers. They have become great
word is like the guided missile in an F-16 fighter lovers of his laws. We who used lo distaste
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Make Room for the Impossible – 1 (cont’d)
anything biblical now sit under the preaching of word of God. If you want God to enlarge your
God's word, sometimes for hours without feeling coasts like he did for Jabez, seek his precepts
bored and with so much attention and interest. (verse 45). The word of God is your insurance for
This is the work of Dabar. As you listen to it God the good life the God-kind of life; the life of perfect
uses it as an instrument for conforming you to the health. This is because by the word of God (His
image of his Son Jesus. Psalms 107:20. God has exceeding great and precious promises) you have
already sent out the word for our deliverance and become a partaker of his divine nature.
healing in our marriages, relationships, finances, How do you escape from the attacks of men? By
families, etc. One way you get exposed to this hiding yourself in the Word. Wake up each day
word is by listening constantly to it. As you do this with your Bible, before anything else. Before you
often you open up yourself to receiving what is step out of your house get into God's secret place.
called the Rhema of the word. This is an instant, The Word will serve as your hiding place because
personalized insight, which God impresses on its promises stir up hope in your heart. Proverbs
your heart out of the Logos. It is like a splinter that talks about the negative words of men being like
comes out of the Dabar straight at an individual. It spears and arrows. Your protection from their
is a personal word. Just one word from God from entrapment is the word of God. The word is spirit
God can change your entire life. and life; it is like a hammer; it is sharper than any
It is usual with God to direct us to one or more two - edged sword. If you want God's power to
words, and if we act then we'd see some change work for you stay in the word. That is where his
in our experience. 'Come,' was all he said lo Peter power is revealed. Isaiah 30:31 "... through the
and he walked on water. The Rhema may not be voice of the Lord Assyria will be beaten down". The
connected to what you are hearing (while voice of the Lord is slightly different from the word
listening to a message). It might just an added of the Lord but they are tied to each other. We are
thought, or a link to some direction the Spirit of the human elements that cooperate with the
God would like you to pursue. For example you Dabar of God, which is spirit so that the word, like a
might be listening to a message on Tithing and bullet is released from our mouths. When you
you could receive a Rhema from God to reconnect meditate on the word symbolically you have
with a distant relation. This could come in the way loaded the spiritual gun that you are. Thereafter
of an insight or sudden realization of the new you direct your mouth the trigger 2 Corinthians
development. 4:13) at the elements (your finances, relationships,
The primary way by which God heals/delivers is etc) you want changed. Believe what you read
by his word- Receive it and you'd experience the and hear from preachments, and speak it as the
difference. Spend some time on Psalms 119 and word of faith. That is only when the word works for
you'd discover great nuggets of truths about the you.
30 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Pastor James' ministry indeed touched the lives of myself and my family. We really have cause to celebrate him.
In his journey, he has faced different challenges (some from us as members) as a result of our disobedience and lack of
commitment in the vision he has but he has endured and still loves us. What a personality.
Enugu and its environs will not forget you. The beneficiaries of the seed you sowed in Enugu will not forget you
whether they like it or not. Some of us may have gone to other churches after leaving your ministry but we will not
deny the quality of the spiritual tutelage we got from you.
Thank you so much. We may not have mesured up to your expectation of some of us but please do not give up on us.
Steve Ezeudo and family
Make Room
for the Impossible – 2
Luke 5:11 “…And the power of God was present to even two years or more before it comes to pass.
heal them" Before Iruofagha James Jr. was born my wife was
Isaiah 55: “…it shall accomplish what I please and it pregnant twice but she lost both pregnancies.
shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" They were very painful losses considering the
that's what you are going to have. Ingest the word The word of God has certain qualities that make it
of God into your spirit and begin to declare what imperative that you make it your closest
God had spoken concerning your situation. As you companion in this world. Begin to see the bible
do, the guided missile will be released, and it will differently from now. It is not a newspaper but a
hit the target. Don't be discouraged. Sometimes it catalogue of God's intents for you. It contains a
might take two days, two weeks, two months, or love letter from the father on what he wants to do
32 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Praises and glory to Jesus
that God's call was answered
by this Vessel of Honour !
Your spiritual ruggedness has
transformed lives beyond count.
Thank you our dear Pastor I. S.
James for being a man of great
influence over our family.
Congratulations to you and our
dear fire-brand Mummy Faith
James on your staying power
for uncompromising spiritual
stand, even in toughest
challenging moments! More
Grace and Glory of the Lord.
SOS Nwachukwu & family
Make Room for the Impossible – 2 (cont’d)
for you. His intents includes the fact that his sometimes a symbolism for man in biblical
children will not share in the diseases of Egypt; his interpretation. God's word spoken by one who is
children will have life, more abundantly; his his voice has great impact over men. The voice of
children will be partakers of his divine nature; his the Lord is powerful it releases the power of God
children will be overcomes, and so on and so into your situation, it has the power to establish the
forth. Yet many ignore the word and preoccupy authority/lordship of God in your life. This comes
themselves with newspapers, magazines, TV, etc. as you speak the word. Declare it over every
no wonder they find it hard sometimes believing situation. It releases greater strength than any
the Lord and trusting him for seemingly physical entity, it can splinter any cedar-like
impossible interventions. problem and situation. It can cut through any
Psalms 29 contains some truths about the word, seemingly impenetrable resistance. Stop
which I'd like to share with you. Verse 3 talks about believing in your strength or what your money can
the voice of the Lord. Man's cooperation with the do. The word of God in your life will release
Lord (in declaring the written word) can be exuberant joy. Paul called it joy unspeakable and
described as the voice of the Lord. If God speaks full of glory, which overwhelms you even in times
with his original voice there will be chaos. of external pressure. It makes you want to sing in
Consider the following instances: the night season. He will fill you with laughter. The
In John 12 when Jesus requested the father to problem is rather than speaking the word when
glorify him, and the father responded, those who problems come against us, many of us look for
were around said an angel spoke. It was like an friends to have a pity-party.
earthquake. There was also the instance when When the power of God works in you, you carry
God spoke to the children of Israel from Mount- out his instructions without murmuring or
Sinai. They were so frightened that they asked complaining. The word of God can release vitality.
Moses to go ahead and received from God The word 'young' in our text means energy and
whatever he wanted them to do. They didn't want virility. 'Wild' means without restraint. The
God to speak to them directly anymore. God does impossible cannot happen in your life if you do not
want to speak to us but when he speaks his voice have the spirit of adventure. It talks about the
is like thunder. John described it as the voice of dimension that questions the status quo. It beats
many waters. Aren't you glad that God has put his back every line of limitation. The Roman Centurion
word in written form so that you are not scared displayed his spirit of adventure when he asked
listening to him- When you ingest his word (by Jesus to just say the word. God's word can drive
reading and meditation) and you proclaim it with you to a point where you are discontent with the
your mouth, you become his voice. He doesn't status quo such that you want to get rid of every
need to speak from heaven. You can become his limitation across your path. This thinking pattern is
voice today, to stop what the devil is trying to pitch always a precursor to the creation of great
against you. miracles. You can do anything you desire.
The voice of the Lord is over many waters. Water is
34 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Pastor I. S. JAMES
I came to Glory Christian Ministries in April 1994. In commemoration of the 30years of God's Divine call on our
When it was sermon time, a man stood at the alter who Pastor, Father,Mentor, Referred Friend, and loving kinsman.
I later knew was the Pastor and Overseer of the church PASTOR I. S. JAMES.
in the person of Pastor James. He preached on the Today, we the entire Family of Mrs. O. A. Adelakun (Home and
death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and Abroad) and Distinct Medal College students (Past and
His love for mankind. An alter call was made and I Present) celebrate you and the grace of God on your life that
gave my life on that Easter Sunday. has over the past 20 years impacted us positively. We can
My Pastor, as I love to call you - You have held me up proudly say "we thank God for being under your ministry".
when I was weak, you have told me several times that May you continually be blessed by the Lord who made heaven
those tears will not help me except I let go. When and earth. Amen
things got hard, you pushed me through your Ride on Pastor. Your progress and calling is limitless. We love
undiluted messages. You always showed me true You dearly sir. Remain blessed in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Thanks for being there for me all the time. You are one Mrs. O. A. Adelakun & Family. (U.S.A)
in a million!
Deaconess Mary N. Ukpaa & Family 2 Wilmer Street, Isheri, Lagos
Who says you are a failure?
Mark Chapter 4 but you won't be. We grow more through defeat
than through victories"
Every failure is bitter and painful. Every "Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have
disappointment is bitter especially the case of a tried is the true failure". - George E. Woodberg
young man who led a lady on telling her that the "It is hard to fail but it is worse never to have tried to
Lord instructed him to marry her only for him to succeed"-Theodore Roosevelt
back out of the relationship later. And the case of a Why Failure is Painful
tenant who promised his creditor landlord that Failure is painful when you are giving your best in
he'd pay his rent on a due date only to fail the terms of efforts, resources commitment, etc
landlord. This is in spite of the fact that he prayed without succeeding. Failure is also painful when it
and looked forward to the day with faith and hope. has been foretold like it was the case with Peter.
The experience of you came at the right time Failure is painful when you think you've let down
always seems very distant. From our texts it looks someone you loved and respected. Peter's
like Peter failed. Many of his fellow disciples like example also suffices here. In denying Jesus he
him were not in the enlightened social class. But not only let down his saviour but also his family
Jesus called him and he responded. He left all to and those who doubted him. Those who may
follow Jesus and in the process he must have have told him that he will never make it. Failure is
invited the criticism of his neighbours/relations. painful when it becomes public knowledge. Do
Some may have given him some days for the you realize that it wasn't only Peter who denied the
'euphoria' of following Jesus to 'wear off. But he Lord on the night of the arrest? All of the other 10
stuck to his guns. For all those who have Apostles did too but notice that his denial received
experienced genuine conversion the experience the most attention.
is the same. Failure is painful when you are an example and a
When Peter made his bold commitment, I believe target of modeling for others. Failure is painful
he was not being frivolous. He meant what he when it involves God. It is more devastating when
said. Consider the last verse of Mark 14. When he you fail God.
thought... gives the impression that he must have Things to realize when you fail.
considered many things, some of, which may Failure is never final. "Believe you are defeated,
have included the not-too-pleasant comments of believe long enough and it is likely to become a
those who did not see anything good in his fact" - Norman Vincent Peale
decision to leave all to follow Jesus. Consider the Everyone has failed in one way or the other before
following statements on failure you. You are not the only one who has failed.
"It is nobler to try something and fail than to try Failure is a normal process of growing up. You will
nothing and succeed. The result may be the same
36 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
not be what you are today if you didn't learn from disciples but he singled out Peter. This is in spite of
an earlier mistake. You are simply growing up. the fact that at their last meeting Peter denied him.
Overcoming Failure. God loves failures. David was another man that
When failure comes (when like Peter you are failed (2 Samuel 12). A man after God's heart who
forced to a position of retreat) do not magnify it. didn't realize that he had failed God for close to
Failures are not as big as we often make them. In one year. Why is God quick to forgive failures? It's
spite of the magnitude of the failure realize that the because he loves them. What about his friend,
Greater One still lives inside of you. God loves Abraham (who lied terribly on 2 occasions.) Some
failures. Peter (and others) denied the Lord, of us cannot bear with someone failing in the
leaving him to go through the crucifixion, death, same situation twice. Look at the passage in
burial and resurrection. After the resurrection Genesis 20 and notice how God described
(Mark 16:6-7) Jesus gave the ladies that visited the Abraham (a man who for fear exposed his wife to
tomb a message for his disciples...and Peter. He the same danger twice).
could have given a general message to all the
Three hearty cheers... a Wonderful Man, Father, Friend,
Mentor, Teacher, Supporter & Pastor.
The Glory Christian Ministries Atlanta is blessed to
have you Sir and to be a part of that which the Lord is
doing with you and through you. 30 years is a
tremendous amount of time to have spent teaching,
pioneering, and preaching Practical and Responsible
Christianity impacting lives worldwide. Over the years,
we have grown in the Lord, fallen and risen, learned
and continue to learn because of you- your
encouragement, teaching, and correcting. You have
championed integrity and have made it our way of life.
You have inspired boldness which can only come from
the Holy Spirit and empowered us to be Christians in a land that waters down our faith daily. You are indeed a General.
Daddy, we wish you all the best and pray for His Grace to be ever abundant in the years ahead. May your sons and
daughters likewise be strengthened by the Lord Himself. Thank you to your family for the sacrifices they make on daily
basis so that His will prospers in your life and ministry. Mummy JJ, as she is fondly referred to among the kids here, it is
our sincere prayer that your labour of love will not go unrewarded.
God Bless and lots of love from Atlanta. GCM GLORY
I N T E R N AT I O N A L I N C .
There's always conflict between the substitute his thinking pattern for what you have
new and the old. Saul would always been used to. I know that this doesn't come easy.
persecute David but, while Saul's For those who are great drinkers of beer the first
kingdom is getting weaker, David's time was a bitter experience but they continued
kingdom is getting stronger. until their taste buds and their brains began to
It is up to you what steps you take to experience interpret as sweet that which was bitter once. Your
greatness. It was God who gave Israel the Mosaic mind and your body prefer to work with the old, the
Law to draw them to himself. The law wasn't familiar. This was why after God had saved Israel
meant to be an end in itself. It was just a means to with a great deliverance from the hands of
an end. The end was to show the people their Pharaoh they began to wish they were back in
inability to keep the laws of God so that He'd Egypt, when they encountered some trouble along
show them the instrument of grace. When the way. Their mind was used to suffering and
therefore Jesus came on enslavement. Freedom was
a new word in their
the scene with the God made every man a consciousness.
message of grace and Man is a spirit. He has a soul
truth he stirred up moral fully functioning being. and he lives in a body. The
conflict in the land. It was a soul controls the mind. The
new wine, as it were. He Man can receive, retain soul is the seat of reflective
needed to change the consciousness consisting
thinking of his listeners and remember facts, of the faculties of reasoning,
from law-mindedness judgement, etc. God made
(which focused on the information and truths every man a fully
people rather than on functioning being. Man can
God) to grace receive, retain and
mindedness (which
focused on God rather remember facts,
than on the people). Those who wanted the inner information and truths that God and man have
conviction that they were approved of God needed taught him. Deuteronomy 30:1; Proverbs 29:11.
to experience the instrument of grace. A person Before you can recall something you must have
can be described as unwise if he continues doing retained it in your mind. And you can only retain
the same thing and expecting a different result. that which you have received. Receive, retain and
Thus those who had not experienced God by their remember. The things that your mind receives,
mere observance of laws needed something else retains and remembers may not necessarily be
to help them reach that goal. For you to be able to true or right. Right now in your mind you have
fully appropriate the blessings of God you need to things that are not necessarily right or true. As a
38 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Pastor I. S. JAMES
It's good having
a great teacher
for a pastor...
...but it's even greater when that teaching pastor is your
Father. I am eternally grateful to God that you are my
Pastor, my mentor, and father.
You have been more than an inspiration. We love you sir.
We bless God for all you have done and being for our sake.
man thinks in his heart so he is whether what he some truths. You might find this strange if your
thinks is right or wrong. Most actions we take have sub¬conscious had stored contrary information. In
their roots in consultation with our minds. Your Christ you are not less than or inferior to anybody.
mind is divided into what is called the Conscious Nobody has any right to put you down. You are
and the Sub¬conscious. equal with every other person and that is exactly
The conscious is superficial while the sub- how God sees you. If he loves you the same way he
conscious is deep. You can understand it better loved Jesus then you must be as special to him as
from the exercise of driving. Good drivers do not other people who think they are and walk thus. You
drive with the conscious. They drive with the sub- can succeed with this information if you are able to
conscious. This is why they can talk, sing laugh or move it from your conscious to your sub-
momentarily look out of the window (all conscious conscious. You can mouth such words but you
activities) while they are driving. They can do this can only enjoy the concomitant benefits if you are
successfully because the information about able to move the information to your sub-
pedal movements, for example, has moved conscious. You don't have to live your life as an
from the conscious to the sub-conscious levels. A Osu if you have been called one from birth. You are
learner cannot talk, sing and drive successfully not second class to anybody. You are like any
because a learner drives essentially with his person that the Lord has made. I need to remind
conscious. It is by repeated exercise that the basic you though that when a new truth comes into your
information moves from the conscious realm to conscious there are two reactions that result. It is
the sub-conscious realm. By this time the either the information is approved or it is
information had become a part of the driver. disapproved depending on its relationship with
A person who grew up with being called an Osu what you had in your sub¬conscious vis a viz. the
would have had the information stored in his sub- similarities or differences. If a fellow who survived
conscious. His entire worldview and outlook a ghastly motor accident is called upon to recount
would have been shaped by this description. The his experience, and he does, and wishes that none
genera! picture he presents is one of timidity and of his listeners experience similar troubles, he will
under achievement among several other find some mental assent among those who have
negative personality types. The way he been so involved in the audience. This is because
behaves is a direct manifestation of what is the wish is in line with what they had stored in their
stored in his memory (which in this case is mind. This is one way by which growth occurs. If as
untruths). Getting such a person to change what a Christian you have believed that the power of
has been described as 'stinking thinking' is a task God is infinite, and he has put this power at your
that must be done if he has any desire for disposal, you will be willing to step out in faith
greatness. I'd like to share with you some ways to when you hear a call that requires you making
go about this-but before I do that let me reiterate such a move.
40 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Pastor I. S. JAMES
On the behalf of the entire Gloryland, Brass,
We congratulate our father and Pastor. Dr. I. S. James
on this great occasion of 30 years in the ministry.
Daddy we love and appreciate you.
We wish you many years to come
God sets the solitary in families prosperity in the process. But the individual who
refuses God's divine order for families (who's
already in rebellion, anyway) will dwell in a dry
If you ever wanted a father figure in your life it is land. A place of no provision. The wilderness
God you really need, to provide you with Defense where only the fittest survive.
and Security.
Moses was an example of a father. So must be
The literal Hebrew translation of verse 6 is that, He every leader whom God calls. Pharaoh wanted
sets them in the house. God sets the solitary in only the men to go with Moses but he refused
families. But before he said this, he had already insisting that everyone (including the young and
said that He is a father of the fatherless and a judge old, sons and daughters and their flocks) went with
of the widows. You do not find a father in the school him. That is the Heart of a true father. A true father
or in the marketplace. You will never accept that his
find a father in a home, in little ones be left behind
charge of families. As a man of God, your fathering in the bondage of
Pharaoh. Many who are
God describes himself as responsibility is not limited to your here in church have
a father who provides biological children alone. Even children at home
'fathering' for those watching movies or on
without fathers by setting the streets doing drugs
them up in families. Your without having had biological
learning to come under children you still can be a father. and the like.
God's fatherhood is your As a man of God, your
license to prosperity and fathering responsibility is
deliverance. not limited to your
A man stands to represent God (as a father) when biological children alone. Even without having had
he is called Daddy, Papa, etc. That is the picture biological children you still can be a father. Being
because the moment he declared He is the father the kind of father I am describing is not limited to
of the fatherless he declared that he puts the chronological age. One of the challenges facing
solitary in families under the representative of the the church today is the absence of true
father of the fatherless, man. This provision fathers/Mothers. Many do not look beyond the
became necessary so that the rebellious, unruly needs of their biological offspring.
and stubborn can come under discipline and Many fatherless and motherless children come
influence from a father who ensures their into the house of God waiting for somebody to
42 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Congratulations Sir! TH
You've been a Father, Pastor I. S. JAMES
Pastor, Mentor and much
more to us! IN THE MINISTRY
Your impact in our lives
can never be forgotten.
We love you Sir!
Okey-Ebere's family
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Pastor I. S. James - you are such an awesome leader!
You, along with your wonderful wife, Pastor Faith
are truly great friends.
I Bless God for the anointing on your life and I pray for
continual favor upon your lives and ministry. Your passion
for the work of God is Truly Inspirational.
I love you and I am grateful to be part of this wonderful ministry.
embrace them and show them love. To those worship of God?
ladies who never had mothers to instruct them Exodus 12:2-13
aright God has provided mother Surrogates in the
church. Did you ever read in Isaiah 54:1 that, many When I see the blood.. .The blood must not be
are the sons of the desolate/barren than the ones seen as a mystical element. Whenever you see
who have given suck to children the word blood mentioned in the Bible realize that
the life of the organism is also being considered
As a Deacon, Minister or Pastor you have become (Leviticus 17:1]).
To those without biological children the question
will be, are your parents/siblings part of your
44 TH
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Hip Hip Hip...
The family of Grace and
Glory Assembly
International Church
celebrates our big Daddy. We
rejoice with you and thank
God for your life as you mark
30 years in the ministry of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
We consider ourselves
privileged and highly favored to
have a might man of God like our
spiritual father and mentor.
You are a man of impeccable character, an
encourager, a role model and a highly anointed
man of God. We are proud of you Sir!
We wish you happy 30th anniversary. May you
wax stronger and stronger. May you move from
glory to glory and may your enemies flee before
you. Amen!
Dr. & Pastor (Mrs.) Chuks Nwachi
Pastor I. S. JAMES
Happy thirtieth anniversary!!!
Thank you Pastor I. S. James.
It was like yesterday when a confused soul walked into Glory Christian Ministry with the
inscription ''JESUS IS GOD" on its fence but today, the story is different. No more confusion.
What a wonderful time this is as we recognise your many years in ministry. Only eternity
will give a true account of the many lives which have been blessed by God's power
working through you. I trust the word of God as spoken through you into my life and
the lives of every member of my family, I do believe God's word when it says "Believe in
the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper."
The prophet's anointing that is evident in your life shall continue to flow into the lives of
everyone who come into your circle of ministry. Amen
Mesh Masade & Family
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Pastor I. S. JAMES
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