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Published by morshu, 2022-11-29 19:38:27

DM guild collection

Blood Magic

Chapter 5: Weapon History

Every ancestral weapon holds a unique story. Wielder's Race Number of Generations
These weapons have been used in great Half-Orc d6
battles, fought monstrous creatures, and been Human d6
the envy of kings. You can create the history Tiefling d12
for your weapon, or you can instead roll on the Aarakocra d6
tables provided below to randomly create a Aasamir d12
background for the weapon. Bugbear d6
In order to create a background for this weapon, roll on Feral Tiefling d8
the below tables, or choose from the options presented. The Firbolg d10
rules and tables presented here are shown only as a guideline Genasi d12
for you to pick and choose from as you wish. Feel free to add, Gith d4
embellish, or alter to make the weapon as unique as your Goblin d6
character. Goliath d6
History of the Weapon Hobgoblin d4
Kenku d6
This section details the age of the weapon, measured in Kobold d6
generations. Ancestral weapons exist of many ages, from d6
being handed down a single generation, to being older than Lizardfolk d12
many races. Orc d6
First you should determine how many generations the Tabaxi
weapon has been in existence, followed by how many feats of Tortle Number of Feats of Legend
legend the weapon has been involved in. Triton 1
Yuan-ti Pureblood d4
These feats of legend reveal some of the story into how d6
the weapon became so powerful. It may have been involved Number of Feats of Legend d8
in the Blood Wars, could have delivered the final blow to a
tyrannical dragon, or have been blessed by a god. Number of Generations
Generations Since Created Number of Generations 2-4
d8 5-8
Wielder's Race d10
Dragonborn d10 9-12
Dwarf d6
Elf d6
Gnome d8



Types of Feat of Legend Ancestral weapons from beyond the Realm
While the races listed here are those encountered within
d20 Feat of Legend the Forgotten Realms, ancestral weapons can be found
1 A previous owner defeated a dragon. in the hands of many races throughout the multiverse. If
2 The weapon itself was blessed by a god. you are using a race from a different setting, it's a good
3 Was wielded in battle against a demigod. idea to compare the lifespan of that race with some of
4 The might of this weapon brought a city to ruin. those in this table to figure out how old your weapon
5 A previous owner led an army with this weapon. might be.
6 The weapon turned the tide of a battle.
7 A ruler offered their lands in exchange for this Type of Wood Used Wood
weapon. Ash
8 Was used to destroy a lich. d10 Birch
9 Has been to Sigil, and returned. 1 Duskwood
10 Was wielded in battle in Avernus. 2 Felsul
11 Was gifted by a fey being. 3 Maple
12 Was once in the possession of an angel. 4 Oak
13 Was once in the possession of a devil. 5 Phandar
14 Was used in the rescue of an enslaved race. 6 Willow
15 Has been lost, and found. 7
16 Was broken and reforged. 8
17 Was part of a ritual to banish a demon.
18 Was wielded in far distant lands. Type of Metal Used Metal
19 A ruler was slain with this weapon. Brass
20 A previous wielder gave up their love, in return d10 Bronze
for this weapon. 1 Electrum
2 Iron
Physical Properties 3 Mithril
4 Obsidian
As well as a powerful and rich history, ancestral weapons 5 Platinum
are often distinguished in craftsmanship compared to 6 Steel
other weapons of their type. The tables below allow you to 7
determine the material of the weapon, which race crafted it, 8
as well as an identifying feature that allows the weapon to
stand out amongst others of its type. Identifying Feature

Craftmanship Craftmanship d10 Feature
d10 Dwarven 1 Is slightly larger than other weapons of its
1 Elven type.
2 Astral
3 Fell 2 Is slightly smaller than other weapons of its
4 Elemental type.
5 Gnomish
6 Fey 3 Has elegant embellishment featuring one of
7 its feats of legend.
8 Other worldly
9 Unknown 4 Engraved in the body is the origin story of
10 your race.

5 The weapon appears crudely made until held.

6 The weapon appears exceptionally well

7 A vein of rare stone runs through the weapon.

8 The initials of each bearer are carved into the

9 The colour of the weapon is different than as
to be expected from the material.

10 The weapon appears to leave a small trail
behind it as it moves.


Chapter 6: Example Ancestral Weapons

In this chapter you will find four ancestral impressive pauldrons crafted from the skull of a wyvern,
items that have each been created by one of our Kalesh is a proud and honourable warrior who will defend
playtesters for use in their individual campaigns. the weak and cut short the life of those who stand before
For each weapon you will find a history of the him. Not great with subtlety though.
weapon, who currently wields the weapon, as
well as 4 seperate iterations of the weapon. Staff of the Homing Tree
These show how the weapon grew during the campaign and
will feature one uncommon version, one rare, one very rare, Created by Laura-Jade Klee, a new D&D player, who focuses
and one legendary version. on a dramatic characters, and enthusiastic roleplaying.
The four weapons you will find in this section are
summarised below, along with a short bio of the writer, and The Staff of the Homing Tree is wielded by Nala Mystan,
the character who currently wields it. being the only remaining object passed to her following the
death of her parents. After their death Nala was rescued by
Griffon’s Rest the circus where this staff became an integral part of her
acrobatic performances.
Created by Rob Tew, a sonographer by day and D&D terrain Nala is a chaotic neutral dragonborn monk, who after
enthusiast by night. leaving the circus signed up to the Adventurer’s Guild of
Holmsgarth. An impressive dragonborn, her menacing bite is
Griffon’s Rest is wielded by Nathaniel Garrow, having equalled only by her terrifying roar.
being handed to him by his father on this deathbed.
Garrow is a lawful good paladin of Helm, and has saved The Windblade
Secomber and beyond with his limitless smites. He is well
known for his ability to destroy doors, and his inability to Created by Matthew Kelly, an absolute chocaholic who loves
recognise his wife. all things geek. If not wargaming, or walking the dog, you will
find him at a D&D table, whether as DM or player.
Keshykiin Ilmaa
The Windblade is wielded by Rynn Winter, having been
Created by James “Hobbit” Braund, an enthusiastic DM and handed down through each generation of the Winter family,
roleplayer who also would prefer to live in Middle-Earth than containing the very essence of the tempest ravaging the lands
real life. when it was forged.
Rynn is a lawful good wizard whose willpower and
Keshykiin Ilmaa is wielded by Kalesh Qyzarraphor, headstrong attitude led her to face off against a necromancer
dragonborn barbarian from the desert lands in northern on her own. Her heart was always in the right place but she
Amalin, a member of a nomadic tribe of dragonborn - both tends to never say the right thing.
natives and refugees from conflicts across Faerûn.
Kalesh is a neutral good ancestral guardian barbarian,
and part of the Adventurer’s Guild of Holmsgarth, though
ashamedly he was once in the competing guild - the
(Dis)Honourable Guild of Defenders. Replete with



Griffon’s Rest

By Rob Tew. Wielded by Nathaniel Garrow in “Secomber Chronicles” campaign

Forged by the esteemed blacksmiths of Secomber, this blade was gifted to the knight Edwin Garrow after he earned
renown in the battle of Griffon's Rest. In this battle against all odds, he led a small garrison of troops to victory
against a larger invading force.
Named after the outpost where they made their last stand, this hand and a half blade features an intricately
carved Griffon's head set into the pommel. The blade itself however, is unassuming, built for practicality over
presentation. Edwin and his blade were later famed for single handily holding off an ambush on the lord’s caravan
so that the lord and his family could escape. Thought to be dead, Edwin returned to the caravan later that day with
a wounded soldier that was left behind.
Upon his deathbed Edwin passed the sword on to his son, Nathaniel Garrow, who wields the blade to this day,
defending the innocent in search of his missing family. Garrow and his father’s blade have become renowned for
their use of Thunderous Smite, bringing down their foes with an almighty bolt of energy just in the nick of time,
saving him and his companions on several occasions. The Griffon's Rest blade is a symbol of hope and protection
against even the most insurmountable odds.

Griffon’s Rest Griffon’s Rest

Weapon (longsword), uncommon, requires attunement Weapon (longsword), very rare, requires attunement
This hand and a half blade features an intricately carved A symbol of valour, honour, and truth. This blade features an
griffons head set into the pommel. onyx studded griffon's head, and brings vigour to those who
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made see it wielded in battle.
with this weapon. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon, and when you deal damage with a
Upgrades, 3 spirit points: Enhanced Weapon (level 1) - 3 smite spell, you deal an additional d6 radiant damage.
spirit points. You can use an action cast thunderous smite from the
weapon. You must complete a long rest before you can use
Griffon’s Rest this ability again. The spell attack bonus of this spell is +4,
and the spell save difficulty is 12.
Weapon (longsword), rare, requires attunement
Atop this hand and a half blade sits an ornately carved marble Upgrades, 12 spirit points: Enhanced Weapon (level 2) - 6
griffon’s head, each eye studded with an onyx. spirit points, Spell Storing (level 1 - thunderous smite) - 2
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made spirit points, and Charged Smite (level 2) - 4 spirit points.
with this magic weapon, and when you deal damage with a
smite spell, you deal an additional d6 radiant damage. Griffon’s Rest
You can use an action cast thunderous smite from the
weapon. You must complete a long rest before you can use Weapon (longsword), legendary, requires attunement
this ability again. The spell attack bonus of this spell is +4,
and the spell save difficulty is 12. This ornate blade is topped with an ornate marble griffon.
When held aloft, griffon’s rest beams a golden radiance,
Upgrades, 7 spirit points: Enhanced Weapon (level 1) - 3 bolstering those who see it.
spirit points, Spell Storing (level 1 - thunderous smite) - 2 You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
spirit points, and Charged Smite (level 1) - 2 spirit points. this magic weapon, and when you deal damage with a smite
spell, you deal an additional d6 radiant damage.
ANCESTRAL WEAPONS You can use an action cast thunderous smite from the
24 weapon. You must complete a long rest before you can use this
ability again. The spell attack bonus of this spell is +4, and the
spell save difficulty is 12.
You can use an action to raise this weapon in the air and
let out a war cry bolstering your allies. For the next minute
your weapon lets of a shining radiance, all allies within 30 foot
gain advantage on wisdom saving throws and are immune to
the frightened condition. Any ally moving directly towards you
during this time can increase their movement speed by 10 foot.
You must complete a short or long rest before you can use this
feature again.

Upgrades, 20 spirit points: Enhanced Weapon (level 3) - 10
spirit points, Spell Storing (level 1 - thunderous smite) - 2
spirit points, Charged Smite (level 2) - 4 spirit points, and
Rallying - 4 spirit points

Keshykiin Ilmaa

By James Braund. Wielded by Kalesh Qyzarraphor in “The Adventurer’s Guild” campaign

The Qyzarraphor tribe are deeply cultured and spiritual people with a great reverence for
their ancestors. It is this tradition that brought Kalesh the ancient weapon that he bears to
this day - Keshykiin Ilmaa, or in the common tongue - 'the sundering of the midnight air'.
Keshykiin Ilmaa is a perfectly balanced, expertly wrought glaive. While the haft is dark as
the desert sky at night, the blade glitters with an icy sheen that hints of its potency. It has
been handed down through the Qyzarraphor tribe for 7 generations, and its legend has grown
with each guardian to wield it. It is said to have slain children of Tiamat on more than one
occasion, and its cold bite is most keenly felt by those whom the ancestors of the tribe were
most wronged by.

Keshykiin Ilmaa Keshykiin Ilmaa

Weapon (glaive), uncommon, requires attunement. Weapon (glaive), very rare, requires attunement.
An ornate glaive, inscribed with Draconic runes.
When you are hit by a melee attack you can see, you can Finely crafted, and gleaming in the sunlight, this glaive's
use your reaction to add 1 to your AC. When you are reduced power radiates out from the Draconic runes glowing with an
to 0 hit points, you can immediately make an attack with this icy blue aura.
weapon before you fall unconscious.
You have proficiency in Dexterity saving throws. When
Upgrades, 3 spirit points: Duelist (level 1) - 2 spirit points, you are hit by a melee attack you can see, you can use your
and Indomitable (level 1) - 1 spirit point. reaction to add 2 to your AC. When you are reduced to 0 hit
points, you can immediately make an attack with this weapon
Keshykiin Ilmaa before you fall unconscious.
You can reroll your damage dice for attacks made with
Weapon (glaive), rare, requires attunement. this weapon, you must take the second result.
The runes on this ornate glaive glow with an ice-blue aura.
When you are hit by a melee attack you can see, you can
use your reaction to add 1 to your AC. When you are reduced
to 0 hit points, you can immediately make an attack with this Upgrades, 13 spirit points: Duelist (level 2) - 4 spirit points,
weapon before you fall unconscious. Guardian (level 1) - 4 spirit points, Indomitable - 1 spirit point,
You have proficiency in Dexterity saving throws. and Reckless - 4 spirit points.

Upgrades, 7 spirit points: Duelist (level 1) - 2 spirit points, Keshykiin Ilmaa
Guardian (level 1)- 4 spirit points, Indomitable - 1 spirit point.
Weapon (glaive), legendary, requires attunement.

The finely crafted blade of this ancient glaive appears to
leave a ice-blue trail behind it as it cuts through the air. When
held you can see the spirits of the ancestors within the finely
carved draconic runes.
You can reroll your damage dice for attacks made with
this weapon, you must take the second result.
You have proficiency in Dexterity saving throws. If you
can see the source of the effect, you also gain advantage on
these saving throws.

When you are hit by a melee attack you can see, you can
use your reaction to add 3 to your AC.
You can use an action to spend up to half your hit dice,
recovering that much health. You must complete a long rest
before you can use this ability again.
Increase the range of this weapon by 5 feet for 1 minute.
For the duration, the weapon inflicts an additional d4 damage.
You cannot use this special ability again until after you have

completed a short or long rest.

Upgrades, 25 spirit points: Duelist (level 3) - 6 spirit points,
Guardian (level 2) - 7 spirit points, Hardy - 3 spirit points,
Reckless - 4 spirit points, and Spectral Reach - 5 spirit points.



Staff of the Homing Tree

By Laura-Jade Klée. Wielded by Nala Mystan in “The Adventurer’s Guild” campaign

For thousands of years, The Homing Tree was the lifeblood of the Windswept forest in the Feywild. Despite
its humble appearance, it exuded an extraordinary presence, that could deeply touch the soul of any who
beheld it. When you are lost, the Homing Tree could find you, and would set you back on track. For those
with a strong heart, The Homing Tree was a portal to wherever you most needed to be.
Having existed for generations upon generation, nobody questioned when a few of its emerald
green leaves started to turn a sickly yellow, or that it’s rich floral scent started to have a sour
undertone. When powers from the Shadowfell leaked into the Windswept Forest, the rottenness of the
mirrored plane began to infect the tree from its roots. Triggered by an elemental build up a blinding
fork of lightning struck its core, and shattered the tree to shards and splinters.
The Staff of the Homing Tree, is the embodiment of this disillusioned Tree - it is bitter, broken, and
lost. The Homing Staff finds you, and it can be a welcome companion or it can have a profound effect
on its owner- for better or worse. A strike from The Homing Staff might cause little more than short
sharp hit, or it might get beneath your skin like a charged current, and make you wonder where you
are, who you are, or what the world might be like without you in it.

Staff of the Homing Tree Staff of the Homing Tree

Weapon (quarterstaff), uncommon, requires attunement Weapon (quarterstaff), very rare, requires attunement
A carved branch from the homing tree, singed at each end. This ancient quarterstaff smoulders constantly, a burning
You can use an action to cast charm person spell from the glow radiates from the heart of the staff.
weapon. You must complete a long rest before you can use Your weapon attacks from this weapon deal an additional
this ability again. The spell save DC is 12. d6 necrotic damage. You can use an action to cast confusion
If the d20 roll for an attack made with this weapon is a 19 spell from the weapon. You must complete a long rest before
or 20, you can force a creature that suffers damage from this you can use this ability again. The spell save DC is 16.
weapon must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, in addition If the d20 roll for an attack made with this weapon is a 19
to any damage caused. On a failed save, it is frightened of you or 20, you can force a creature that suffers damage from this
for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the weapon must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, in addition
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on it on a success. to any damage caused. On a failed save, it is frightened of you
for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
Upgrades, 4 spirit points: Spell Storing (Level 1 - Charm end of each of its turns, ending the effect on it on a success.
Person) - 2 spirit points, and Overpower (Dread) - 2 spirit
points. Upgrades, 15 spirit points: Infusion (level 1 - necrotic) - 5
spirit points, Spell Storing (Level 4 - Confusion) - 8 spirit
Staff of the Homing Tree points, and Overpower (Dread) - 2 spirit points.

Weapon (quarterstaff), rare, requires attunement Staff of the Homing Tree
Carved from a burnt branch of the Homing Tree, this
quarterstaff smoulders as it whips through the air. Weapon (quarterstaff), legendary, requires attunement
Your weapon attacks from this weapon deal an additional Carved from a burnt branch of the Homing Tree, this ancient
d6 necrotic damage. You can use an action to cast charm quarterstaff in inset with glowing embers, constantly burning.
person spell from the weapon. You must complete a long rest Your weapon attacks from this weapon deal an additional
before you can use this ability again. The spell save DC is 12. 2d6 necrotic damage. You can use an action to cast confusion
If the d20 roll for an attack made with this weapon is a 19 spell from the weapon. You must complete a long rest before
or 20, you can force a creature that suffers damage from this you can use this ability again. The spell save DC is 16.
weapon must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, in addition If the d20 roll for an attack made with this weapon is a 19
to any damage caused. On a failed save, it is frightened of you or 20, you can force a creature that suffers damage from this
for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the weapon must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, in addition
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on it on a success. to any damage caused. On a failed save, it is frightened of you
for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
Upgrades, 9 spirit points: Infusion (level 1 - necrotic) - 5 end of each of its turns, ending the effect on it on a success.
spirit points, Spell Storing (Level 1 - Charm Person) - 2 spirit
points, and Overpower (Dread) - 2 spirit points. Upgrades, 24 spirit points: Infusion (level 2 - necrotic) - 10
spirit points, Spell Storing (Level 3 - Confusion) - 8 spirit
ANCESTRAL WEAPONS points, Overpower (Dread) - 2 spirit points, and Shimmering
26 (4 spirit points).

The Windblade

By Matthew Kelly. Wielded by Rynn Winter in “Ankh Arabell” campaign

Forged at the height of a mighty storm, the Windblade contains the power of the tempest itself. The great
mage crafters of the Winter family created the blade from an unholy union of otherworldly magic, and it has
been in their family for several generations. Wizards of renown, the eldest Winter has always travelled with
this blade seeking to aid those less fortunate.
The raw magical essence contained inside serves as a grounding for a mage’s abilities, allowing a calm mind
in even the most stressful of situations. It can absorb and release the very lightning it was forged with. It is
even rumoured that should one concentrate hard enough, they are able to see the flow of the wind itself,
allowing them to see things that others cannot.
Currently wielded by Rynn, the eldest daughter in the latest generation of winters, it was used by her
grandfather to stop the advances of a powerful blue dragon who had been besieging the great desert city of
Ankh Arabell. Stood atop the ramparts of its main gate, Ulric raised his blade high as the dragon assaulted
with its lightning breath. The Windblade absorbed the damage and allowed Ulric time to cast his powerful
incantation, sundering the dragon’s mighty hide. Its bones now lay as a monument to the power of the weapon.
Stewart Winter, several generations before, was able to hunt and kill several trickster demons on the
borders thanks to the blade allowing him to see through their disguises. His son, Ander, was able to battle an
orc horde, calmly casting spells at threats whilst the battle around him raged. Slaying their leaders caused
the Orcs to rout and prevented countless deaths in a meatgrinder battle.

The Windblade The Windblade

Weapon (shortsword), uncommon, requires attunement. Weapon (shortsword), very rare, requires attunement.
This shortsword bears a slight curved edge and has a handle The runes along the surface of this blade crackle with the
long enough to be wielded in two hands. energy of the storm trapped inside.
This weapon counts as a spellcasting focus. Being within This weapon counts as a spellcasting focus. Being within
5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on
your ranged attack rolls. your ranged attack rolls.
You may cast lightning bolt as an action from this weapon.
Upgrades, 3 spirit points: Focus - 2 spirit points, and The spell save DC is 14. You must take a long rest before you
Unflinching - 1 spirit point. can use this ability again.
You have resistance to lightning damage.
The Windblade
Upgrades, 13 spirit points: Spell Storing (Level 3 - lightning
Weapon (shortsword), rare, requires attunement. bolt) - 6 spirit points, Elemental Resistance (lightning) - 4
With several runes etched across the surface of the blade spirit points, Focus - 2 spirit points, and Unflinching - 1 spirit
that symbolise air in Sylvan, Celestial, and Abyssal, this point.
shortsword bears a slight curved edge.
This weapon counts as a spellcasting focus. Being within The Windblade
5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on
your ranged attack rolls. Weapon (shortsword), legendary, requires attunement.
You may cast lightning bolt as an action from this weapon. The runes etched across the surface of this blade symbolise
The spell save DC is 14. You must take a long rest before you air in Sylvan, Celestial, and Abyssal. Each rune crackles with
can use this ability again. the force of the infused tempest. This blade seems to slice
through the very air itself when it is wielded.
Upgrades, 9 spirit points: Spell Storing (Level 3 - lightning This weapon counts as a spellcasting focus. Being within
bolt) - 6 spirit points, Focus - 2 spirit points, and Unflinching - 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on
1 spirit point. your ranged attack rolls.
You may cast lightning bolt as an action from this weapon.
The spell save DC is 14. You must take a long rest before you
can use this ability again.
You have resistance to lightning damage. You have
truesight while holding this weapon.

Upgrades, 23 spirit points: Spell Storing (Level 3 - lightning
bolt) - 6 spirit points, Elemental Resistance (lightning) - 4
spirit points, Focus - 2 spirit points, Truesight - 10 spirit
points, and Unflinching - 1 spirit point.



Appendix A: Crafting Table

The rules presented in Chapter 4 allow for crafting magic
weapons for use in your campaign. The table below shows,
at a glance, the cost, time requirement, and other pertinent
information required for crafting, depending on the number of
Spirit Points the crafted weapon has allocated.

Crafting Summary

Spirit Points Cost Time Rarity Upgrades Available Attunement
1 200 gp 2 days Uncommon Tier 1 If Limited Upgrade
2 400 gp 4 days Uncommon Tier 1 If Limited Upgrade
Uncommon Tier 1 If Limited Upgrade
3 600 gp 6 days Uncommon Tier 1 If Limited Upgrade
4 800 gp 8 days Rare Tier 1 & 2 If Limited Upgrade
Rare Tier 1 & 2 If Limited Upgrade
5 2,500 gp 15 days Rare Tier 1 & 2 If Limited Upgrade
6 3,000 gp 18 days Rare Tier 1 & 2 If Limited Upgrade
7 3,500 gp 21 days Rare Tier 1 & 2 If Limited Upgrade
Very Rare Tier 1, 2, & 3 Yes
8 4,000 gp 24 days Very Rare Tier 1, 2, & 3 Yes
9 4,500 gp 27 days Very Rare Tier 1, 2, & 3 Yes
Very Rare Tier 1, 2, & 3 Yes
10 50,000 gp 40 days Very Rare Tier 1, 2, & 3 Yes
11 55,000 gp 44 days Very Rare Tier 1, 2, & 3 Yes
12 60,000 gp 48 days Legendary All Yes
Legendary All Yes
13 65,000 gp 52 days Legendary All Yes
14 70,000 gp 56 days Legendary All Yes
Legendary All Yes
15 75,000 gp 60 days Legendary All Yes
Legendary All Yes
16 320,000 gp 16 weeks Legendary All Yes
Legendary All Yes
17 340,000 gp 17 weeks Legendary All Yes

18 360,000 gp 18 weeks
19 380,000 gp 19 weeks

20 400,000 gp 20 weeks
21 420,000 gp 21 weeks
22 440,000 gp 22 weeks

23 460,000 gp 23 weeks
24 480,000 gp 24 weeks
25 500,000 gp 25 weeks


Welcome to Waterdeep! You enter a story of deceit, greed, and
demons. A struggle for power leads a poor man to make an unwise
deal with a devil.

This adventure features a high society ball, a chase through the
streets of Waterdeep, and a race against time to save the city itself.

The Treasures of Series brings new magical items to the Forgotten

• Treasures of the Underdark features 40 magic items from
the Underdark inspired by Drow, Duergar and the other
denizens below.

• Treasures of the Mad Mage contains 50 magic items found
within the Undermountain. Drawing inspiration from the
crazed mind of Halaster and the warped inhabitants of the

ON SALE Deities grant Quest Spells to their most devout followers,
NOW allowing these paragons of faith to carry out their will, performing
miraculous feats of the divine.

These spells can change the very makeup of the world, and turn
the tide of impossible encounters. These powerful gifts come
with a cost, but can offer specific effects to overcome unique


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(order #9150466)


5th Edition Supplement

Joshua Raynack

Cameron Guill

Dusan Kostic
Wizards of the Coast
Maciej Zagorski


Some rights reserved. Viking e Rostampour is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2016 by Alea Publishing Group and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

(order #9150466)

Blood Thralls. Most blood thralls begin their

journey after a dramatic upheaval leads them to
freedom from servitude. Good-hearted individuals
attempt to right the wrongs they committed while
under the influence of an evil master. On the other
hand, those with a perverse mind often strive to
nurture their supernatural blood to gain power over

Bloodline Sorcerers. Known as king's blood

sorcerers, these practitioners of blood magic learn
to harness the raw energy within by spilling the
blood of others. Blood sorcerers often travel to dis-
cover ancient or unique bloodlines to harness their
untamed talent.

Blood Mages. Like most wizards, blood mages

travel in search for knowledge. Unlike those who
study the traditional schools of magic, enlighten-
ment must come from within rather than discov-
ered in a library surrounded by dusty tomes. While
blood mages do not ignore ancient texts, these wiz-
ards often learn their craft through experimentation
and performing rituals in places steeped in arcane

Artwork: Wizards of the Coast Blood MAGICPractitioners of blood magic often lead trou- CHARACTERISTICS While traumatic and piv-
bled lives. Other, more learned scholars do
not understand the need or desire to inflict otal events can define the core being of an individ-
harm on oneself when patience and careful ual, possession of unique powers also influence
study yields similar results. While those wit- how people behave.
nessed to it, see the practice as barbaric and
self-loathing. Bloodrage Savage. Anger simmers in the veins

ADVENTURERS All great stories have a beginning. In a of bloodrage savages; anxious for release just be-
dangerous world filled with mythic beasts and terrible dan- neath the skin. It is a constant thrum upon the
gers, what drives someone to leave home and take the road heart causing many to inflict wounds upon them-
toward adventure? selves to allow the anger to flow free. Bloodrage
savages struggle to contain the rage when it erupts
Bloodrage Savage. Bloodrage savages have a primal and in a moment of uncontrolled fury, they can
connection to the blood of their ancestors and often draw hurt fellow companions.
upon generations of pain and hardship. Bloodrage savages
travel beyond their primal beginnings, severing cultural Blood Thralls. With the blood of their former
ties, to redress past wrongs of an ancient blood relative.
master still pumping in their veins, they possess an
unbridled confidence. Most blood thralls have a
new appreciation for both freedom and life, often overin-
dulging in whims. While their brash behavior could be
genuine, it may also be a mask to hide the nightmares of
their past imprisonment.
Bloodline Sorcerers. Curious of the inborn magic

they possess, bloodline sorcerers learn to develop a rapport
with strangers, especially with those that appear to have a
unique lineage. While many find bloodline sorcerers cor-
dial and inviting, it is often a ruse to ensnare a vial or two
of blood. Others make use of their affable and sociable
charms to position themselves behind the throne of an in-
fluential ruler with a potent ancestral lineage.

Blood Mages. Blood mages often forgo tradition, see-

ing it as a hindrance toward obtaining knowledge rather
than a foundation. Since very few understand their mo-
tives and lack of regard for proven arcane conventions,
many believe they are free spirits.

This is often a misperception. Blood
mages may not confine themselves to the
laborious task of scribing spells, but will in-
stead focus that energy into a structured

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WHAT IS BLOOD MAGIC hunger for malice find the unbridled fury exhilarating.
Blood magic is ancient and many scholars discern that the The ferocious demand for totemic vengeance leads many
first wizards employed blood magic before understanding the bloodrage savages to chaotic and often evil tendencies. It
arcane fundamentals now studied. Historians find evidence takes a strong will to stave off the pounding drums of one's
of its primitive magic in archaic spells. None of these primor- own heart.
dial arcane formulas has the power to achieve magic higher
than 5th level. Scholars believe this limitation is what led Blood Thralls. As past servants to evil masters, blood
innovative mages to explore other magical sources to em-
power spells. thralls find it hard to revert to a life of laws and traditions.
They often find themselves estranged from family and
However, blood magic is not bound to the world of spell- friends should they return home. Blood thralls discover
craft and arcane study. For enchanted creatures and power- their supernatural gifts set them apart from others, which
ful monstrosities, magic infuses to the nature of blood itself. makes it hard to settle into a normal life.
Several academics surmise that creatures possessing innate
spellcasting attribute this endowment to blood. Ancient Bloodline Sorcerers. The temptation to channel the
practitioners also believe this to be true, as evidence suggests
that the first mages sought the blood of fey, dragons, and raw magic that seethes within is too great to resist. Blood-
even vampires, as well as other supernatural creatures, to line sorcerers hide their selfish nature behind coy smiles
empower their spells. and insincere gestures. With such a strained ethical and
moral behavior, bloodline sorcerers oftentimes betray those
WHAT IS IN THIS GUIDEBOOK closest to them should it unlock more power.
This guide explores the power of blood and its supernatural
bond to magic. With continued support, we will work to Blood Mages. Blood magic is a learned craft that re-
develop this product into a definitive guide.
quires intense control over the body; therefore, most wiz-
Character Themes. There are a total of four themes for ards who follow this arcane path are lawful in nature. Al-
the barbarian, fighter, sorcerer, and wizard classes. though most blood mages distaste tradition, their ideals
Bloodrage savages inflict harm upon themselves to release might stem from a strong sense to acquire power through
the burning rage in their hearts. Blood thralls invoke the hard work and determination. While others commit them-
blood of their former masters to empower their abilities. selves to certain people able to aid in their quest for power,
Practitioners of bloodline sorcery, known as king's blood therefore they may not uphold a particular ideal.
sorcerers, bind their magic with potent lineages. Wizards of
the blood magic tradition seek to tether their own blood to RELIGION Commitment to a religious faith can arouse a
the Weave.
feeling unparalleled when compared to other motivating
Races. This guide introduces a new subrace, the half-spawn. determinants.
Half-spawns are creatures birthed during or sometime after
their mother transformed into a vampire spawn. The super- Bloodrage Savage. While many bloodrage savages
natural vampiric blood invigorates the newborn child with
abnormal gifts. worship Malar, though good-aligned barbarians exposed to
the teachings of Ilmater discover a quiet countenance
The subrace is available to all races that offer a selection never before experienced. Bloodrage savages who do wor-
of a subrace. There is also a variant to create a human half- ship the Broken God, however, do so in cults. Worshippers
spawn. focus on the aspects of endurance and internal suffering
rather than shouldering the burden of the weak or op-
New Spells and Variants. The inclusion of new spells and pressed.
variants in your campaign can introduce players to the an-
cient practices of blood magic. Variants can offer players an Blood Thralls. As once servants to evil, good-natured
alternative to make their characters unique.
blood thralls oftentimes turn to Ilmater to shoulder their
Magic Items. This guidebook presents several new magic past burdens and anguish. To understand the nature of
items that expound the nature of blood magic. the dark blood that binds them with their undead masters,
a few blood thralls seek guidance from Kelemvor. Others,
dance and exercise. This deliberate movement of the viewing their freedom from servitude as a renewal of life or
body increases the flow of blood and intertwines its power spiritual rebirth, place their faith in Lathander. Blood
with the Weave. thralls who embraced the savagery of their former masters,
continue to offer victims to Malar, the Beastlord.
ALIGNMENT Each person has a unique view of the
world and possesses a compass that dictates what Bloodline Sorcerers. Upon blood-soaked battlefields,
is right and wrong, fair and natural.
Bloodrage Savage. Those good of heart sorcerers pray to Tempus for a good harvest of life sparks
accept the ancestral burden and attempt to to empower their magic. Knights with ancient lineages
harness the primal power, while others who abound in battle-stricken Faerûn and bloodline sorcerers
often reap the rewards when dead or captured. Bloodline
sorcerers with evil in their heart, find themselves in mur-
derous temples dedicated to Bhaal.

Blood Mages. A myriad of gods have blood magicians

as worshippers. While secret wizard covens consumed with
bloodlust might venerate Bhaal, the Lord of Murder, the
few that see injury and death as a part of life may look to-
ward Kelemvor. On the other hand, those that begin the
dark path of blood sacrifice often seek ancient remnants
ascribed to Jergal. Blood mages that revere the Pitiless

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One ignore his now contemporary role as a servant to
Kelemvor. These adventurers instead hunt the ruins of
Netheril for forgotten rituals that promise to bind their
blood to the Weave.

BACKGROUNDS Very few adventurers have idyllic,
quiet beginnings. Practitioners of blood magic are no ex-

Bloodrage Savage. Bloodrage savages who killed in an
uncontrolled, murderous rage begin adventuring with a
criminal background and often on the run. Others sought
solace in the roar of the crowd as a gladiator, while
bloodrage savages who fear the primal power within live in
seclusion as hermits. An outlander is also a good fit for
bloodrage savages, haunting strange and foreboding ruins
at the edge of the world to seek ancestral vengeance.

Blood Thralls. With a turbulent beginning, blood
thralls only realize their potential once freed from servi-
tude. While many attempt to return to a life before en-
slavement, it proves difficult since a past connection led
them to imprisonment. The chosen background of a blood
thrall often intertwines with the motivations of their former
master. A vampire infiltrating a secluded monastery might
select an acolyte to become a blood thrall; hiring safe trans-
port during the day, a member of a merchant guild; or a
savage attuned to the wilderness, a hermit or outlander.

Bloodline Sorcerers. Those that seek to exploit a po-
tent heritage align their services with that of the nobility.
Bloodline sorcerers insinuate themselves into such cultures
under the guise of heralds, minstrels, or soldiers as well as
squires to prominent knights. Oftentimes, the second son
of a noble family commits to a life of servitude to a church.
In those cases, king's blood sorcerers discover that becom-
ing an acolyte proves rewarding, especially as a monk in a
secluded monastery. In tribal societies, the presence of a
bloodline sorcerer bolsters the lineage of the chief or war-
lord and solidifies his claim to govern his people. With
such a position, sorcerers become acolytes to learn religious
rites to supplant the role of shaman.

Blood Mages. Blood mages often live life as a hermit,
spending years in seclusion while investigating foreboding
ruins. Many learn dance and acrobatics to better shape and
control circulation within the body. Others might spend
some of their early life amongst soldiers, pursuing the art of
battlefield medicine or understanding the circulatory sys-
tem from those slain in conflict.

RACES Humans, with such short life spans compared to
other races, seek to understand the nature of their own
body and thus entice wizards to become blood mages or
king's blood sorcerers. While elves lack the physical build
and likewise disdain such arcane practices, half-elf blood
mages relish the opportunity to forge their own path be-
tween human tradition and elven heritage.

While blood thralls host an array of different races, vam-
pires often prefer fey blood because of its enchanted na-
ture, and thus enlist elves or half-elves to serve their needs.
Furthermore, the life of an elf spans several generations,
which forges a long bond between master and slave.

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BLOOD TRACKER At 6th level, you have advantage Artwork: Mehrdad
on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track any creature you
previously injured, as well as on Intelligence checks to
recall information about them.
EAGER FOR BLOOD Starting at 10th level, when a
creature ends its movement at least 20 feet from you,
you can use your reaction to move up to half your
speed toward it. You can also enter a rage as part of
the reaction.
RECKLESS CLEAVE Beginning at 14th level, when
you hit with a Reckless Attack while raging, each other
creature within 5 feet of you takes damage equal to
your Rage Damage bonus. The damage type is the
same as the melee weapon damage type you used for
the attack.


Blood magic pumps in the heart of savages in the form of
ancestral ties.


As a bloodrage savage, you feed from the pain and anguish
suffered in combat to inflame your rage. The shared blood
of vengeful, ancestral spirits burdens your heart with a
murderous lust quenched for a brief moment when your
blade bites skin.
BLOOD RAGE Starting when you choose this path at 3rd
level, you can inflict a wound upon yourself as an offering
to the spirits for a more grievous strike. While raging, you
can expend 2 Hit Dice as a bonus action to choose a crea-
ture you can see within 10 feet. Until blood rage ends, you
deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it
with a melee weapon attack.

If the target drops to 0 hit points, the rage ends, or you
attack a creature other than the target, blood
rage ends.

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While Blood Mage wizards and King’s Blood sorcerers both
Blood magic flows in the veins of powerful masters and fit into the macabre atmosphere of Ravenloft, Blood Thrall
often transfer such gifts to minions. fighters are born to the setting. In a place where evil
flourishes, blood thrall warriors fight to maintain their
BLOOD THRALL identity every day. The guilt of horrible deeds they
committed haunts many good-aligned souls.
Within the deepest reaches of night, bound through blood
to serve a vampire or demonic overlord, you linger in a Blood Drinker save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
realm of madness from which few ever return. The your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).
strength of your dark master pulsates through your veins
and whether from a forbidden ritual or enthralling kiss, it You can use this feature twice between rests and only once
empowers your resolve. a turn. Once you expended all uses of this feature, you
must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Though free from loathsome servitude, the haunting
voice of your master forever beckons you to return. At 10th level, the extra damage die becomes a d10. At
18th level, it becomes a d12.
Blood thralls learn to draw strength from the dark gifts
bestowed upon them by the perverse beings who once DARK GIFT At 7th level, you learn to draw upon the
bound them to service. It requires a deep inner resolve to blood of your patron that still courses through your veins.
wield these dark boons without succumbing to savagery. You gain one of the following features of your choice.

BLOOD DRINKER When you select this archetype at 3rd Aberrant Climber. As a bonus action, you gain a
level, you can gain nourishment from the blood of your climbing speed equal to your current speed until the end
victims. When you hit a living creature with a melee of your turn.
weapon attack, your attack deals an extra 1d8 points of
damage. If the target is Large or smaller, it must also make Celerity. You can take a bonus action on each of your
a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you gain turns in combat to take the Dash action.
temporary hit points equal to the roll of your extra damage
+ your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). Charming Gaze. You can cast charm person at will as
a 1st-level spell. Once you use this feature, you cannot use
it again until you finish a rest.

Gaze of the Hunter. As a bonus action, one creature
within 5 feet cannot make an opportunity attack until the
start of your next turn. Creatures immune to the charmed
condition are unaffected by gaze of the hunter.

Dark Sight. You can cast darkvision on yourself at
will, without expending material components.

Freed Mind. You have advantage on saving throws
against being charmed.

Shadow Life. When a target fails its Strength saving
throw against your blood drinker feature, you gain 5
additional temporary hit points.

SHADOWED BLOOD At 10th level, when you use the
second wind feature while you are in darkness, you can
regain hit points equal to 2d6 + your fighter level instead of

At 18th level, the points you regain is instead equal to
2d8 + your fighter level.

DARK STRENGTH At 15th level, creatures have a

disadvantage to Strength saving throws against your blood
drinker feature.

Furthermore, whenever you gain temporary hit points,
select one dark gift for every 5 points you receive. You
benefit from the chosen dark gift until you no longer have
temporary hit points.

AGILE EVASION At 18th level, you can use
the Dodge action as a bonus action. Once
you use this feature, you must finish a short
or long rest before you can use it again.

Artwork: Dusan Kostic

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The arcane tradition of blood magic spawns less studious
pupils to unlock its potential.


Bloodlines are a powerful source of magic. Most
kingdoms forbid the practice of blood sorcery since
many believe it relies on the strength of a noble line-
age. Though the rumors and suspicions are true, only a
few able to harness its secrets reserve such power.

Nevertheless, kings and queens, along with great tribal
chieftains, believe it a sinister form of blood magic and
hunt the purveyors with zeal. On the other hand, several
serve as advisors to immoral rulers. The depraved
sovereigns often surround themselves with unwitting
courtiers of strong heritage as a source for their blood

PORTENT OF BLOOD Beginning at 1st

level, when you choose this origin, you can
select guidance when you learn a sorcerer

PROPHETIC REFLEXES At 1st level, Celestial. You can expend a celestial life spark as a Artwork: Maciej Zagorski
when you cast a divination spell, you can
choose a number of creatures you can see bonus action to gain resistance to all damage until the end
equal to 1 + the spell's level. The chosen of your next turn.
creatures gain a +1 bonus to initiative checks.
This bonus lasts until you are incapacitated or Dragon. You can expend a dragon life spark to gain an
you take a short or long rest. You cannot use the fea-
ture again until you finish a rest. advantage on your next saving throw. This advantage lasts
until the end of your next turn.
LIFE SPARK Starting at 6th level, when you reduce a
hostile creature to 0 hit points with a melee weapon or Elemental. When you hit a creature with a weapon or
spell attack, you capture a portion of its fleeting soul and
forge 1 life spark. Once per turn, you can expend a life spell attack, you can expend an elemental life spark to deal
spark to gain a benefit depending on the nature of creature an extra 1d8 points of damage. The extra damage can be
whose essence you captured. either bludgeoning or fire (your choice).

You can hold a number of life sparks equal to your Fey. When you hit a creature with a weapon or spell
Constitution modifier. At the end of a long rest, any
unspent life sparks fade into the great beyond. attack, you can expend a fey life spark as a bonus action to
beguile or frighten the target. The target must make a
Some life spark powers require your target to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is charmed or
saving throw to resist its effects. Calculate the saving frightened (your choice) until the end of your next turn.
throw DC as follows:
Fiend. You can expend a fiend life spark as a bonus
Life Spark save DC = 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Charisma modifier. action to gain resistance to fire damage until the end of
your next turn.
Aberration. You can expend an aberration life spark as
a bonus action to gain a +2 bonus to AC until the end of Giant. You can expend a giant life spark to gain
your next turn.
advantage to Strength checks until the end of your next
Beast. You can expend a beast life spark as an action to turn.
cast speak with animals without the expendi-
ture of a spell slot. Humanoid. You can expend a humanoid life spark as

an action to cast augury without expending a spell slot or
material components.

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With the permission of your Game Master, you can expand
the power gained from a humanoid life spark should the life
you extinguish bear a great lineage. As it stands, the power
assumes the life spark originates from one with a common
ancestry, such as a peasant or warrior. However, as you
advance, you can achieve further power from a humanoid life
spark of grand lineage to cast potent divination magic.

Uncommon Lineage: A humanoid with an uncommon
lineage has a rich heritage, though holds little power. A
minor noble, such as a knight or courtier, serve as examples
of a humanoid with an uncommon lineage.

Beginning at 7th level, when you expend a humanoid life
spark of an uncommon lineage, you can cast either Arcane
Eye or Divination (your choice) using a sorcerer spell slot of
the same level.

Rare Lineage: A humanoid with a rare lineage, such as
an distant heir to a throne or even a member of royalty,
bears the potential of great power.

Beginning at 9th level, when you expend a humanoid life
spark with a rare lineage, you can cast either Legend Lore or
Scrying (your choice) using a sorcerer spell slot of the same

Your Game Master reserves the right to decide the potency
of the lineage a humanoid life sparks holds. Although not
humanoids, a powerful giant king or demon prince can hold
great power in their veins.

Monstrosity. You can expend a monstrosity life spark
as a bonus action to gain temporary hit points equal to 1d6
+ half your sorcerer level.

VESSEL OF GHOSTS At 14th level, you can retain the
fleeting essence contained within a life spark. At the end
of a long rest, you can expend one or more hit dice.
Instead of gaining hit points, you can prevent 1 life spark
from disappearing with each hit die you expend.

WELLSPRING OF LIFE At 14th level, the very presence
of a life spark revitalizes your strength and well-being. If
you possess at least one life spark at the end of a short rest,
you or one other creature within 10 feet can regain hit
points as if you expended 1 hit die.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again after
a long rest.

SHAPE LIFE SPARK When you achieve 18th level, you
can manipulate the fleeting essence contained within a life
spark. When you expend a life spark, you can benefit from
any one of the listed life spark powers regardless of the
creature's nature when you captured it.

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