ARCANE TRADITION Blood Sense. The sound of blood pumping in the
veins of the living registers upon your senses like a
Wizards in the Forgotten Realms, in a fevered hunger to soothing rhythm upon your being. Expend 1 blood
unlock arcane secrets of ancient empires, often follow point as an action to focus your awareness upon the
untapped paths of the Weave. immediate area to reveal the presence of living
creatures. Until the end of your next turn, you know
BLOOD MAGIC (Version 1) the location of any beast, giant, or humanoid, within 60
feet that is not behind total cover. You know the type
"My blood courses with arcane power while your blood, of any being whose presence you sense, but not the
when I begin, will simply spill from your body." identity of the creature.
Blood mages learn to heighten their spellcraft through Fortitude of Blood. Expend 1 blood point as a bonus
manipulating the Weave and uniting the power of blood action to gain a bonus to Constitution saving throws,
and arcane might. Blood is life, though wizards that travel which lasts for 1 minute, equal to your Intelligence
this path of magic view the sanguine fluid flowing through modifier (minimum of +1).
their veins as a wellspring of arcane power. You can invoke this ritual twice. Afterward, you
cannot perform it again until you finish a short or long
BLOOD SAVANT You combine the source of your rest.
arcane power with the blood flowing through your veins.
When you select this arcane tradition at 2nd level, you gain After a long rest, unexpended blood points vanish.
proficiency in Medicine and double your proficiency bonus
to any check made with the skill, instead of your normal BURN THE BLOOD At 6th level, you gain resistance to
proficiency bonus. psychic and fire damage. Furthermore, whenever you
begin casting a spell of 1st level or higher that deals
Furthermore, when you perform the Arcane Recovery psychic or fire damage, a wave of pain and anguish erupts
feature, you also regain 1 expended hit die. from you. This wave causes creatures of your choice
within 10 feet to suffer psychic or fire damage (you choose
BLOOD MAGIC Starting at 2nd level, you invoke blood each time you activate this feature) equal to half your
magic to gain supernatural powers. You can use a bonus wizard level.
action to call upon the power of blood by either inflicting a
minor or severe wound upon yourself. CULL THE BLOOD At 6th level, you learn to
manipulate the flow blood, even if it is not your own, to
Minor Wound. Inflicting a minor wound requires the either stem death or empower your blood magic.
expenditure of 1 hit die. Instead of regaining hit points,
you gain 1 blood point. Blood Siphon. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit
points with a melee or spell attack, and the creature
Severe Wound. Inflicting a severe wound requires dies, you gain 1 blood point.
the expenditure of 2 hit dice. Instead of regaining hit
points, you gain 2 blood points.
While you possess one or more blood points, you gain the Mark of Blood. When an attack scores a critical hit
following features: against a living creature within 10 feet, you can spend
1 blood point as a reaction. Until the end of your next
Armor of Vitality. When you do not wear armor, turn, you gain advantage on attack rolls against the
your AC equals 13 + your Constitution modifier. creature.
Lifeblood. You gain advantage on your first death Wellspring of Life. When you make a death saving
saving throw of the day. throw and roll a 19-20 on the d20, you regain 1d6 hit
points instead of normal.
Furthermore, you can expend blood points to perform the At 14th level, you regain 1d6 hits points when you
following blood rituals: instead roll a 18-20 on a death saving throw.
Blood Agony. When you hit a creature with a melee INHERITOR OF BLOOD At 10th level, you can invoke
or spell attack, you can expend 1 or more blood points the power of blood in others to bind your wounds. Should
to deal psychic damage to the target, in addition to the you drop to 0 hit points and do not die outright, you can
damage of the attack. The extra damage is 1d6 for 1 make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you succeed,
blood point, plus 1d6 for each additional blood point, one willing creature within 30 feet can expend one hit die
and you regain a number of hit points equal to the result.
to a maximum of 5d6.
At 14th level, increase the damage die of Each time you use this feature after the first, increase
the DC by 5. When you finish a short or long rest, reset
Blood Agony to a d8. the DC to 10.
(order #9150466)
SOUL BURN At 10th level, you can transform the blood
within your veins into raw arcane power. As a bonus action
on your turn, expend one or more blood points to create
one spell slot. For each blood point you expend, roll 1d6
and consult the following Creating Spell Slots table for the
result. You cannot create a spell slot higher than 5th level.
Spell Slot Gained 7-9
1st 10-16
2nd 17-20
3rd 21-23
4th 24+
BLOOD SOUL MAGUS When you achieve 14th level,
you learned the final secret of weaving blood and raw
arcane power into one source of magic. When you inflict a
minor or severe wound through your Blood Magic feature,
you gain a greater number blood points. When you inflict a
minor wound, instead gain 2 blood points, while a severe
wound yields 4 blood points.
(order #9150466)
You may wonder why there are two wizard traditions with
"My blood courses with arcane power while your blood, the same name? When I first designed the class, I wanted the
when I begin, will simply spill from your body." character tempted to risk life for power. Hit dice seemed
the obvious choice although I felt uneasy about the trade off
Blood mages learn to heighten their spellcraft through (I never liked the idea of characters giving up something
manipulating the Weave and uniting the power of blood inherent to access class features).
and arcane might. Blood is life, though wizards that travel
this path of magic view the sanguine fluid flowing through In the end, the original felt overpowered in the right
their veins as a wellspring of arcane power. circumstances. In an adventuring group with a cleric or bard
with powerful healing abilities, the character does not need
BLOOD SAVANT You combine the source of your to exert hit dice during a rest.
arcane power with the blood flowing through your veins. After I made the changes and updated the product with
When you select this arcane tradition at 2nd level, you gain the second version (which overhauled the tradition entirely),
proficiency in Medicine and double your proficiency bonus I discovered Mike Mearls and Chris Lindsey highlighted the
to any check made with the skill, instead of your normal virtues of the original in an Unearthed Arcana article.
proficiency bonus.
Much to my horror, I nixed it during the latest update and
Furthermore, when you perform the Arcane Recovery it no longer existed in the product. Therefore, in this
feature, you also regain 1 expended hit die. update, I included both versions.
BLOOD MAGIC Starting at 2nd level, you can form a Feel free to include one or both versions in your game.
Since blood magic is an ancient tradition and learned through
bond between your lifeblood and the magical energies of discovery rather than proper training, blood mages can differ
the Weave. As an action, you call upon the power of blood from one another.
by inflicting a ritualistic wound upon yourself.
know and replace it with another blood rite that you can
While the wound does not deal damage or break learn.
concentration, it is a hemophilic wound and therefore
remains open. Once you staunch the flow of blood, you EMPOWERED BLOOD At 6th level, when you roll
weaken the connection to the Weave. damage for a spell, you can reroll a number of damage dice
up to your Constitution modifier (minimum of one). You
When you inflict a hemophilic wound, you gain access must use the new result.
to a pool of blood points (described below). Once you
inflict a hemophilic wound, you cannot inflict another such Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
wound again until you finish a long rest. long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 14th level,
you can use it twice before a rest, but only once in the
Blood Pool. You have a number of blood points same turn.
determined by your wizard level. You can have more
blood points than shown on the table for your level. BLOOD AWAKENING Starting at 10th level, you can
bestow consciousness upon the blood of a dead creature
BLOOD POOL Blood Points causing the lifeblood to reinvigorate the corpse.
You can cast revivify once using a wizard spell slot.
2-4 2 Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
5-8 3 finish a long rest.
9-12 4 CULL THE BLOOD At 14th level, you can manipulate
the blood of another creature and cull it free from its
13-16 5 confinement, drawing it from the body all at once. The
pressure ruptures tissues and organs causing intense pain.
17-20 6
As an action, one creature within 30 feet must make a
Healing. Any form of healing you receive staunches the Constitution saving throw, taking 10d10 necrotic damage
flow of blood and can close the hemophilic wound. When on a failed save or half as much on successful one. This
you regain one or more hit points, you also lose 1 blood feature has no effect on constructs, oozes, plants, and
point. When you no longer have any blood points, the undead.
hemophilic wound heals.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until
Blood Rites. You learn two blood rituals of your you finish a long rest.
choice, detailed below under Blood Rites.
When you gain a level in the wizard class, BLOOD RITES
you can choose one of the blood rites you
The blood rites are in alphabetical order.
(order #9150466)
VARIANT RULE: BLOOD COMPONENT Fortitude of Blood. You can expend 1 blood point and
You can use blood as a spellcasting focus for your wizard concentrate (as if concentrating on a spell) to gain profi-
spells. When you cast a spell, inflict a wound upon yourself ciency in Constitution saving throws.
and take 1 point of necrotic damage for each level of the
spell. This damage does not break concentration and ignores Phantom Vigor. When you cast a wizard cantrip, you can
resistance and immunity. spend 1 blood point as a bonus action to gain 1d4 + 4
temporary hit points.
You cannot use the blood component feature if a spell
indicates a cost for a component. You must have that Potent Blood. When you cast a wizard cantrip, you can
specific component before you can cast the spell. expend 1 blood point to add your proficiency bonus to the
Beginning at 1st level, you can replace the arcane recovery Silence the Pain. You can expend 1 blood point and
class feature with blood channeler. concentrate (as if concentrating on a spell) to gain
resistance to psychic damage. While you invoke this blood
BLOOD CHANNELER Once per turn, you can choose to rite, psychic damage does not cause you to break concen-
inflict a wound upon yourself to cast a spell you prepared tration.
without expending a spell slot. To cast a spell, you expend a
number of hit dice equal to the level of the spell. The spell
you cast cannot be 6th level or higher.
Once you expended a number of hit dice equal to half
your wizard level (rounded up), you cannot use this feature
again until you finish a long rest.
For example, if you are a 4th-level wizard, you can ex-
pend a combined total of 2 hit dice to cast either a 2nd-level
spell or two 1st-level spells before requiring a long rest.
When you select the Blood Magic Arcane Tradition and
choose to replace arcane recovery with the blood channeler
feature, you instead regain the extra hit die from blood sa-
vant after a long rest. This extra hit die cannot exceed your
hit dice maximum.
For example, a 4th-level wizard spent 3 hit dice. After a
long rest, instead of regaining 2 hit dice as normal, the char-
acter recovers 3.
Blood Focus. When you cast a spell that does not indicate
a cost for a component, you can spend 1 blood point to cast
the spell without material components.
Blood Ritual. You can expend 2 blood points to cast a 1st
level spell with the ritual tag from a spell list from any
class. You must cast the spell as a ritual.
Blood Spell. You can spend blood points to cast a spell
that you prepared without expending a spell slot on your
turn. The Casting a Spell table shows the cost of casting a
spell of a given level. You can cast a spell no higher level
than 4th and must meet the minimum level required to
cast the spell.
Spell Level Blood Point Cost Level
1st 2 2nd
2nd 3 5th
3rd 5 13th
4th 6 17th
(order #9150466)
HALF-SPAWN Subrace Relentless Fortitude. If damage reduces you to 0 hit
points, unless the damage is radiant, you are instead re-
You walk the worlds between the living and the dead. duced to 1 hit point.
When you were an unborn child, exposure to the blood of a After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until
vampire transformed you into a being unfamiliar to most of you complete a rest.
your kin. While you bear the hereditariness of your race, in
both quality and appearance, a dark shadow looms wher- Speak with Children of the Night. Through speech,
ever you tread in the form of whispers and suspicion. you can communicate simple ideas with bats, rats, and
wolves. Half-spawns find comfort confiding in these ani-
Traumatic Beginnings. At one point near the end of mals and often attempt to gain their trust.
her pregnancy, your mother experienced the awful fate of
becoming a vampire spawn. During transformation, the VARIANT: HALF-SPAWN HUMANS
shock to her body induced labor and through a miracle of Your Dungeon Master might allow these variant traits, all of
the fates, you survived. which replaces the human's Ability Score Increase trait in the
Player's Handbook.
Unnerving Appearance. Sharing the dominate fea-
tures of your mother and her race; you possess an ashen Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Constitution,
pallor and an able-bodied physique. While you can walk and Dexterity scores increase by 1.
amongst your kinfolk without notice in brief passing, your
eyes appear dilated most of the time and you have canine Skills. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills
teeth. Although not long and thin like fangs, the incisors of your choice: Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, or Persua-
are sharp and protrude out enough to draw blood. sion.
HALF-SPAWN SUBRACE TRAITS The half-spawn Bite. As described under Half-Spawn Subrace Traits.
has the dwarf, elf, gnome, or halfling racial traits in the Darkvision. The vampire blood bestowed upon you
Player's Handbook, plus the subrace traits listed below. grants you superior vision over others of your kind. You can
see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern
by 1. color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Half-Spawn Weaknesses. As described under Half-
Bite. You can use your Attack action to make an un- Spawn Subrace Traits.
armed strike to bite one willing creature, or a creature grap- Relentless Fortitude. As described under Half-Spawn
pled by you, incapacitated, or restrained. If you are able to Subrace Traits.
make multiple attacks with the Attack action, this attack Speak with Children of the Night. As described un-
replaces one of them. der Half-Spawn Subrace Traits.
Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike TIEFLINGS AND DRAGONBORN While it is possible
granted by your bite, you gain temporary hit points equal for planetouched tieflings and dragonborn to have a vam-
to the amount of damage dealt. pire spawn mother, their already potent lineage dominates
and often prevents the transformation process. Therefore,
Darkvision. The vampire blood bestowed upon you half-spawn tieflings and dragonborn are rare to exhibit the
grants you superior vision over others of your kind. You supernatural gifts of their vampiric heritage.
can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
If your racial traits grant you darkvision, you then in-
stead have superior darkvision.
Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision has a radius of
120 feet.
Half-Spawn Weaknesses. While the vampire blood
that runs in your veins grants you supernatural gifts, you
also suffer from one of the following flaws of your choice:
Forbiddance Susceptibility. If you enter a residence
without an invitation from one of the occupants, you have
disadvantage on attack rolls and on Charisma checks until
you leave the residence.
Running Water Sensitivity. When you end your turn in
running water, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and
Strength checks until the end of your next turn.
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage
on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight when you, the target
of your attack, or whatever you are trying to
perceive is in direct sunlight.
(order #9150466)
SPELLS You can attempt to learn a wizard spell from a spellcaster
within 24 hours of his or her death. You pierce the corpse
The spells introduced in this chapter allows other spell- with the specially prepared quill and as it siphons the
casters to experience and explore blood magic. blood from the cadaver, select one wizard spell prepared or
known to the deceased spellcaster.
The spell must be of a level for which you have a spell
3rd Level slot and you must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check to
Blood Rage determine whether the quill absorbs it successfully. The
DC equals 10 + the spell's level. On a failed check, the
DRUID spell ends and consumes the quill.
2nd Level Once the quill absorbs the spell, you may take the
Crimson Blade time to transcribe it into your spellbook using the normal
rules for copying a spell. The quill crumbles into dust at
RANGER the end of the duration or once you copy the absorbed spell
into a spellbook, whichever happens first.
2nd Level
Reaping Strike BLOOD RAGE
3rd-level enchantment (blood magic)
Casting Time: 1 action
1st Level Range: 90 feet
Caustic Wound Components: V, S, M (a pint of the caster's blood)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
3rd Level
Blood Rage You choose a willing creature you can see within range and
incite the blood within its veins with an unquenchable fury.
WARLOCK Until the spell ends, the target deals an extra 1d4 damage to
the target whenever it hits with a melee weapon attack.
4th Level
Boiling Blood Until the spell ends, each time the target takes damage,
increase the extra damage one die step to a maximum of
WIZARD 1d12. You can also increase the extra damage one die step
as an action.
1st Level
Caustic Wound If the target drops to 0 hit points before the spell ends,
you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to
2nd Level incite a new willing creature.
Blood Quill
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
3rd Level spell slot of 4th level or higher, increase the extra damage by
Blood Rage one die step to a maximum of 1d12 for every slot above 3rd.
4th Level Blood Magic. When you cast this spell, you must ex-
Boiling Blood pend 3 hit dice plus an additional 1 hit dice for every slot
above 3rd. At the end of the duration, gain one level of ex-
SPELL DESCRIPTIONS haustion (as described in appendix A of the Player's Hand-
book). This level of exhaustion lasts until you finish a short
The spells are in alphabetical order. rest.
2nd-level divination (ritual) 4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a quill made from the feather of an Components: V, S, M (one ounce of flammable oil)
exotic monstrosity worth at least 100 gp) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
Duration: 1 day
You attempt to boil the blood of one creature that you can
see within range. If the body of the target has blood, the
creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, it is poisoned and takes 2d6 fire
damage as its blood begins to heat to a boil.
A creature poisoned by this spell must
make another Constitution saving throw at
(order #9150466)
While the blood channeler and blood component variants 2nd-level necromancy (blood magic)
are sufficient to introduce a unique magical atmosphere to
your campaign, certain spells in this guide present another Casting Time: 1 bonus action
direction we can explore blood magic. Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a pint of the caster's blood)
Blood spells (marked with the blood magic tag) represent Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
the ancient magic of early practitioners. The spell crimson
blade, for example, is perhaps the predecessor of flame blade. You inflict a wound upon yourself and sculpt the flowing,
crimson blood into a blade in your free hand. The blade is
Second, blood magic spells are more powerful than those similar in size and shape to a scimitar, and lasts for the dura-
of an equivalent level. It is forbidden and primordial magic, as tion. If you let go of the blade, it splatters blood in a 5-foot
well as being a bit reckless. A personal sacrifice on the part radius and the spell ends. Each other creature in the radius
of the spellcaster offsets this increase in power. must make a Dexterity saving or suffer 1d6 necrotic damage.
The design behind a blood spell is to entice players with a You can use you action to make a melee spell attack with
potent alternative during a desperate situation. It should the crimson blade. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 necrotic
provoke an internal debate within the character before he or damage and must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be-
she unleashes its power. come frightened until the end of its next turn.
Lastly, let us know your opinion and whether we should While frightened by this spell, a creature must take the
further explore this playtest variant in future updates. We Dash action and move away from you by the safest route
also want to hear other suggestions or improvements. Are available on its turn, unless there is nowhere to move.
the limitations too restrictive, not enough, or fail to fit the
theme of blood magic? At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 4th level or 6th level, the damage increases by
the end of each of its turns. On a failed save, it takes 2d6 2d6 for every two slots above 2nd.
fire damage. If it successfully saves against this spell three
times, the spell ends. If it fails its save three times, it takes Blood Magic. When you cast this spell, you must ex-
2d6 damage at the end of each of its turns for the duration. pend 2 hit dice plus an additional 2 hit dice for every two
The successes and failure do not need to be consecutive; slots above 2nd. At the end of the duration, gain one level of
keep track of both until the target collects three of a kind. exhaustion (as described in appendix A of the Player's Hand-
book). This level of exhaustion lasts until you finish a short
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a rest.
spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can target one addi-
tional creature and the damage increases by 1d6 for each REAPING STRIKE
spell slot level above 4th. 2nd-level necromancy
CAUSTIC WOUND Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you hit a
1st-level transmutation living creature with a melee weapon attack and it is a critical
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in response to Range: Self
being damaged by a creature with either piercing or slashing Components: V
damage Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self
Components: V, S The blood culled from a grievous wound of another binds
Duration: 1 round your injuries. You deal an extra 1d6 damage and regain hit
points equal to the damage.
You infuse your blood with caustic acid. Until the start of
your next turn, when you take piercing or slashing damage, At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
a spray of acidic blood bursts from the wound, including spell slot of 3rd level, the extra damage is 1d8. When you
from the triggering response. One creature in a 10-foot use a spell slot of 4th level, the extra damage is 1d10.
cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or
takes 2d10 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much higher, the extra damage is 1d12.
damage on a successful one.
The acid destroys any susceptible objects in the area
that are not worn or carried.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by
1d10 for each slot level above 1st.
(order #9150466)
Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)
Adventurers discover strange and interesting relics over the You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
course of their journeys within the Realms. Forged in this magic weapon against living creatures. Otherwise, it
blood, the following magic items exist in a campaign that functions as a normal sword.
allows the Blood Magic Arcane Tradition.
Curse. This is a cursed sword and once drawn, it will
BLOOD-DREADER not allow the wielder to sheath the blade unless it spills
Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement) blood. Furthermore, when you deal damage to a living
creature with the blade, you must succeed on a DC 15
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Wisdom saving throw or continue to attack until you or the
this magic weapon against nonliving creatures. Otherwise, creature drops to 0 hit points, or you are unable to reach
it functions as a normal sword. the creature to make a melee attack against it.
Curse. When you deal damage to a living creature with While unsheathed, the wielder cannot benefit from a
this blade, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving long or short rest.
throw. On a failed save, you feint and fall unconscious.
You can repeat the saving throw at the end of each turn, You can release the sword of its curse as normal.
ending the effect with a success. Afterward, the sword becomes a +1 weapon with no other
You can break the cursed enchantment as normal.
Afterward, the sword becomes a +1 weapon with no other
Weapon (any sword), uncommon (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon.
If you make an attack using this weapon, at the end of
your turn, if you did not hit at least one target, blood leech
deals 5 (1d10) necrotic damage to you (this damage cannot
be avoided and overcomes all immunities and resistances).
Until the end of your next turn, the next attack you make
deals an extra 2d6 points of necrotic damage to the first
target it hits.
Potion, varies
When you consume this potion, you regain expended hit
dice determined on the rarity of the potion, shown on the
following table. The liquid appears as coagulated blood,
thick and syrupy. Once consumed, further potions of cruor
have no effect until you first finish a long rest.
Potency Rarity HD Regained
Normal Uncommon 1
Greater Rare 2
Superior Very Rare 3
(order #9150466)
Lands, Lords, and Ladies
Worldbuilding Guide
A guide to the feudal structure including gainint titles and
managing lands.
CREDITS On the Cover: Everybery paints the scene of a lady looking
out over her lands and village from the secure and comfortable
Written By: C. Stapleford
vantage point of her own castle.
Editing By: S. Flynn & S. Curtis
Legal DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of
Cover Illustrator: Everybery the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand,
( Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s
Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of
Interior Illustrators: Wouter Florusse, Sebastian Wagner the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses
are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is
To the Peripheral Nightmare, Lords and Ladies of protected under the copyright laws of the United States
Zant’Quay, your patience with me during the research- of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the
ing, writing, and rewriting of these rules has been a great material or artwork contained herein is prohibited with-
help. out the express written permission of Wizards of the
Publish Date: April 28, 2018
Last Updated: April 29, 2018 c 2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Ren-
ton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro
Sources: In addition to the following sourced, I’d SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Repre-
like to thank my friends and family for sharing their sented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park,
knowledge and experiences of life on the farm. Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
- The blog Life in the Middle Ages by C. Dale Brittain:
- Middle Ages Reference Site
- The blog The Tao of D&D by Alexis Smolensk:
- A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe by Joseph
Browning and Suzi Yee
- Grain into Gold by John G. Josten
- Medieval Demographics Made Easy by S. John Ross
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for any curses, demon
deals, betrayals, or monstrous invasions that might occur as a result
of gaining lands, titles, and/or strongholds.
INTRODUCTION social expectation between men and women. The pres-
ence of magic in a D&D world should prevent any such
After several months of traveling through the unex- gender bias from forming in the first place, and this text
plored wilderness, and delving into lost tombs, a group will assume that it is equally common for a noble to be
of adventurers returns to civilization looking to spend lord or lady.
their newfound wealth. Finding an expanse of land on
the outskirts of several Kingdoms, these adventurers be- PREVALENCE OF MAGIC
gin construction of a Keep, where they can secure their
future treasures, and defend themselves against threats. This guide assumes a fairly low-magic environment as
The nearby barons all take note of this new presence, the norm for most people living in the campaign world.
and the construction of such a strong fortification on their There are guidelines for how magic could be used by
borders. A council is called between them to discuss the those wealthy lords that can afford to hire such skilled
appearance of the adventurers, and after some delibera- magic users, as well as for adventuring parties that have
tion, it is decided that they must destroy these newcom- access to powerful spellcasters amongst them.
ers before their sovereignty is threatened.
For communities that do have spellcasters, these are
After successfully stopping the cultists from calling typically low level, and will focus more on mundane
forth a demon horde to destroy the great city of Niben, and practical magic instead of the flashy and powerful
the heroes are called before the Duke. In a ceremony displays used by adventurers. A village might have an
honoring them for their bravery, they are each offered untrained sorcerer, able to harness just a fraction of the
the title of Baron, and co-ownership of a small fief in the power they never fully explored. A town might occasion-
countryside. Excited at the opportunity, the adventurers ally attract an outlander who is willing to offer what lit-
accept the offer and swiftly swear their oaths of fealty to tle natural magic they have learned in exchange for a hot
the Duke, becoming his vassals, and being granted their meal and temporary lodging. Towns and villages near a
titles and lands. holy temple might benefit from the low level clerics that
focused on being priests instead of adventuring to de-
Scenarios such as these are not uncommon for many velop their powerful divine magics.
adventuring groups that reach higher levels. Figuring
out the complex political, social, and economic structure Magic that finds its way into a lord’s lands will be
that is a feudal Kingdom can be a complicated affair. This quickly noticed, and controlled. Magic users, even low
can become an even more complicated situation when level mundane casters can be powerful allies and use-
DMs must also determine their players position within ful tools for lords. These magic users can be harnessed
such a hierarchy. to greatly benefit the lord, assist in the defense of their
lands, and protect against the threat of revolts and upris-
This guide is not meant to be a campaign setting. In- ings.
stead this is a general purpose supplement that can be
used to aid in the creation of a feudal government, com- THE MANORIAL SYSTEM
mon in most D&D worlds, and to find where an adven-
turing group might fit for any fifth edition campaign. The The manorial system is the backbone of any feudal soci-
following sections will explore the basic structure of a ety. Ultimately a nobles power, from the mightiest King
feudal government, the methods by which one can gain to the lowest Knight, is derived from the amount of land
a title, and all the rights and responsibilities that go along they control, or more specifically the number of manors
with that. Furthermore, the details of managing a fief for they control.
the purposes of determining how much gold the lands
could generate or cost the new lord are discussed. A manor is a region of land, around 2-3 square miles in
area that is a self-sufficient economic unit in an agricul-
RACE & GENDER tural society. This should not be confused with the manor
house, where the lord or lady of the manor will live. This
This guide focuses mostly on humans and their King- means that a manor is a region with enough farmland,
doms, simply because it is only human kingdoms that we forest, and meadow to support a village and ruler. All
have historical perspective from which to draw. These fiefs must contain at least one manor in order to support
guidelines were designed to be compatible with any race the noble who oversees the fief. The more manors a noble
that uses a feudal or clan based system of government, controls, the more power and influence they wield.
and can be adapted by a DM in accordance with their
own interpretation of the various races of Dungeons & On average there is one manor every 5 to 15 square
Dragons. miles throughout a Kingdom. Regions with lower densi-
ties of manors are often left deserted, or populated by the
Similarly, while the medieval period is not well re- fringes of society cast out of everywhere else.
membered for promoting gender equality, it is the princi-
pal of this text that there is no difference in capability or
LORDS & LADIES member states constantly, but remaining united when
dealing with outside threats. Religiously affiliated em-
The wielders of political and economic power in the me- pires tend to be the most stable, as their cultures are
dieval world were the various members of the nobility. united by a singular belief if nothing else, but can still
They ruled through a combination of the accumulation of fracture under a weak leader.
power, and belief in their innate rights to rule. In a D&D
campaign where the gods are real and active, the forces For most empires, the leader is also the reigning
of nature exert themselves, and anyone can read the right monarch of their home kingdom, and gain the benefits
book and become a powerful wizard, the management of from that position as described in the next section.
rights and power will be a delicate balance for any ruler.
The royal tier is often the highest tier that exists in a coun-
The governments and economics of most D&D societies tries hierarchy. This tier is defined by the formation of
are based in Feudalism. This structure is common for so- an independent country, or Kingdom, and is composed
cieties at this stage of development due to its ability to uniquely by the Royal Family of that Kingdom. As with
simultaneously gather strength behind a ruler, as well as the imperial tier, while members of the royal family may
allow for the management and defense of huge plots of have titles belonging to the Peerage or Gentry, they are
land by singular owners. A land owning lord would give still considered to be members of the Royal Tier, and thus
out some of their land in the form of a fief to a Vassal. their titles while bestowed upon them are considered to
In exchange for these lands and their incomes, Vassals be Royal Titles.
swear loyalty to their new liege, and promise services in
the form of council and military support. The King or Queen is the head of the Royal Tier as the
leader of a Kingdom. This is often the person that owns
This section will explore the form of that feudal struc- the majority of the land within their Kingdom, though
ture, the various tiers, and ranks that compose the com- not all. Typically weak royals would only own 55-60% of
plex hierarchy. This can be used to populate the nobility the land in their kingdom, and will rely heavily on strong
of a Kingdom by the DM, as well as for players to un- alliances with the other land owning nobles of their king-
derstand their place in any feudal structures they join. dom to remain in power, or depend heavily on rights be-
It should also be noted that the names of the various stowed upon them by powerful entities. Stronger rulers
tiers and ranks used here is just one example of a very will own closer to 80-85% of their own territory, and are
common structure used by virtually every feudal soci- much more secure in their rule.
ety. Royalty is royalty regardless of if it’s a King, Rex, or
Shogun. Kingdoms range in size wildly from 8,000 square miles
at the smallest up to a limit of around 165,000 square
IMPERIAL TIER miles, with most falling in the region from 30,000 square
miles to 80,000 square miles. Typically the more re-
The imperial tier is the highest tier that can exist in a feu- sources a region has the smaller the Kingdoms tend to
dal hierarchy, but is not always present. Empires form be, as more states compete for the plentiful lands. Popu-
when a number of individual and independent states are lation densities in these kingdoms will be around 80 - 100
bound together under a single ruler either through polit- people per square mile on average, and will have around
ical maneuvering, religious affiliation, or conquest. Re- 45% - 55% of their total land area be habitable in the form
gardless of its manner of formation, imperial states tend of manors. More desolate regions have large sprawling
to be very weakly bound, and require constant work on Kingdoms with large swaths of empty, uncontested land,
the part of the Emperor or Empress and the Imperial an average population density that can fall as low as 20 -
Family, the only members of this tier, to maintain their 40 people per square mile, and will only have Manors on
authority over the various states. around 10% - 25% of their land.
Empires have no definite size, simply being as large THE PEERAGE
as their member composing states. As a rule of thumb
the more powerful the Emperor or Empress, the larger The peerage is the most populated tier within the feu-
the Empire can become under them, but the larger the dal hierarchy and is made up of at least three different
empire is the more difficult it becomes to maintain it. ranks; however, it is possible to create multiple titles for
For empires formed through conquest, it is quite com- the same rank differentiating them in a variety of ways.
mon for such entities to break apart upon the death of For instance some might call the lord of a County along
the conquerer, unless their heir can demonstrate they the border of a country a Marquis, which would have
have the strength and resolve to maintain the empire. a greater military obligation, and therefore a higher so-
Empires of political alignment tend to exist in a place cial rank than a traditional lord. Or differentiation could
between formed and broken, with infighting between be made between nobles who own their land, and those
who have been granted lands as vassals. Furthermore for
different organizational structures, one could even intro-
duce another whole set of titles. For this section, the basic Knights were trained warriors who provided military
three ranks shall be focused on, and the information pro- service in exchange for their fiefs. They formed the basis
vided can be extrapolated to fit in extra titles as needed. for medieval armies. When a noble would march to war,
he or she would call upon all of their vassal knights, who
Unlike with the imperial and royal tier, the family of a in turn would collect the able bodied men from their own
noble are not considered to be members of this tier un- villages, and march to the aid of their liege.
til they gain a title of their own. Depending on the rank
within the peerage however, it is not uncommon for chil- Gentlemen and Ladies were members of the Gentry
dren of nobles to have stations of their own, and even at not trained for military action. Such individuals are typ-
lower ranks it is considered common courtesy to apply ically only found far away from border territories and in
the rank of the parents to the children as well. older Kingdoms. They are typically important advisors
to their liege and are compensated in the form of their
Duchy A duchy is the largest form of fief that exists own lands.
within a Kingdom, and they are ruled by a Duke or
Duchess. A typical duchy is around 8,000 square miles FREEMEN
in land area and contains 1,000 manors, though duchies
have been as small as 1,600 square miles (200 manors) Freemen are considered to be low born, but they are not
and as large as 15,000 square miles (1,875 manors). bound to a land or the feudal system. As with the Gentry,
this covers a range of individuals of different positions.
While considered a fief, really many Dukes and Merchants and Tradesmen were freemen that were able
Duchesses will own their duchy, and will exist in an al- to train and learn their craft. Merchants typically travel
liance with the ruler of the Kingdom. Some will be vas- around and between Kingdoms moving various goods.
sals of the ruler directly, though highly respected and Tradesmen typically settle into villages along side peas-
valued, as they are granted the huge swaths of land to ants and apply their trade, with the lords permission, or
oversee. 90% of the land in a Kingdom that isn’t owned else go to cities.
by the Sovereign themselves is owned by the Dukes and
Duchesses of the Kingdom. Yeoman are also freemen, who own their own tracts
of land, usually 15 - 60 acres. It is not uncommon for
County Counties are smaller than duchies, but still a member of the Gentry to sell or give out some of their
considered to be sizable plots of land. They are often lands to special Yeoman who can then help to manage the
granted as fiefs to powerful and loyal vassals, known as rest of their manor for them, or in the case of Knights to
a Count or Countess. A typical county is around 500 become capable men-at-arms within their fighting force.
square miles, composed of around 63 manors, but they Most Kingdoms had requirements for yeomen, allowing
can be as small as 160 square miles (20 manors) or as large a lord to reseize their lands if they failed to meet these
as 800 square miles (100 manors). arbitrary requirements.
It is rare for a Count or Countess to own the county PEASANTS
they rule, as most are vassals of another, but around 10%
of the land not owned by the Sovereign themselves is The lowest class in society, peasants, or serfs are bound to
owned by a few counts or countesses. the manor they work unable to leave. The serfs are given
lands within the village to build a home and land on
Barony The smallest fief among the noble ranks is the the manor to farm for themselves, and in exchange they
Barony ruled by a Baron or Baroness. Virtually all barons work the lords farmlands, fight in their conflicts, and owe
and baronesses are vassals to another, be it the Sovereign, taxes to their lord. Richer peasants could be granted 20-
a Duke/Duchess, or even a Count/Countess. The typical 40 acres of land for their families, while poorer cotters
barony is only around 90 square miles and composed of might only have around 2-5 acres, and would often have
11 manors. As with the other fiefs a large range of sizes to work as farm hands in order to survive.
do exist from 15 - 120 square miles ranging from 2 - 15
THE GENTRY The Kingdom of Udhar is an middling Kingdom for com-
parison. It is 42,500 square miles in area with a pop-
The Gentry spans a rather large group of people in the ulation of around 2,500,000 people. Udhar is divided
feudal structure who are land holding vassals, but not up into 6 duchies. Within these duchies are a total of
members of the peerage. This commonly gets broken around 85 counties, and several hundred baronies. In
down into either Knights or Gentlemen and Ladies. All total there are approximately 5,300 manors across the
members of the Gentry typically held fiefs of only 1 or 2 kingdom, meaning around 31% of the Kingdom is set-
manors, and were always vassals to another who granted tled.
them their lands.
BECOMING A NOBLE within a Kingdom, they are often viewed as political ri-
vals as they accomplish feats of heroism and gain popu-
For most D&D groups that play long enough, they will larity with the masses. That threat to a nobles authority
eventually become involved with the nobility. Weather can be turned into a political tool against other rivals if
the result of players attempting to gain lands to build a the adventurers can be made into vassals. As a result, it
Stronghold of their own, or a King attempting to bind is common for player characters of high enough level to
the players and their power to their own rule, the path to be offered lands by any nobles that know them and are
lordship is one most adventuring parties find themselves aware of their exploits.
on in one form or another.
The question for players and DM’s alike then becomes,
how can a party gain lands and titles. This section will ex- Settling of unclaimed lands is uncommon for most,
plore the different methods to become a noble in a typical though this is the method by which the first Kings took
feudal system that are potentially available for a player their power. This particular option for lordship comes
character. with its own complications, the first of which is where to
find such territory. Nearby to a settled Kingdom, it is rare
INHERITANCE to find sizable plots of unclaimed fertile land. When one
does find such an area, it’s typically unclaimed due to
The most straightforward, and most commonly used the presence of savage creatures, or fierce monsters. Af-
method to gain lands and titles is through inheritance. ter such things are removed, neighboring lords will then
Most campaign worlds operate on a hereditary system, often make opposing claims on the land in an attempt to
where the lands and titles of an individual pass to their suppress a new rival.
next of kin upon their death. A player that takes on the
Noble background can work with their DM to establish If lands are claimed in the relative proximity to an es-
what noble rank their family holds, and where they sit in tablished Kingdom, they will often feel pressure from
the line of succession for that title. that Kingdom to join and pledge allegiance to the crown.
Such arrangements typically grant the claiming lord a
Similarly, players that become romantically involved suitable title and ownership of their claimed land within
with a nobles son or daughter could wind up as an heir the Kingdom in exchange for an oath of fealty.
to those lands through their noble spouse. While such a
union is generally frowned upon by a noble family if an Alternatively, making claims on land distant from an
adventurer is of common birth, exceptions can and are established Kingdom can make finding these lands to be
made for powerful adventurers regardless of their sta- easier, though its certain to have to use force to secure the
tion. claim. These distant regions also have problems attract-
ing a peasant population.
The rank of ones parent, and the order of one’s birth
together will decide what kind of titles and lands a child PURCHASING LANDS
could eventually earn. Higher ranks typically have a
number of lesser titles that they can bestow upon chil- This is the rarest option by far for gaining lands and titles.
dren, making them into vassals of their mother or father, Land is the basic unit of wealth and prestige in a feudal
with the eldest child eventually inheriting that title for society. Only the most desperate and destitute of lords
themselves. would consider selling lands they own. Even in those
rare situations where lands can be purchased, doing so
It is not uncommon when inheriting lands for the liege typically doesn’t result in the bestowing of a title. Such
to charge a fee, known as a relief, upon the inheritor. Pay- an arrangement can allow players to gain lands to build
ing the fee, typically a full years income from the fief, their strongholds, without the need to engage with the
guarantees the heir a position as the new vassal and pos- social necessities of being a lord.
session of the fief held by their parent.
Regardless of the method used or the rank of nobility
Next to inheriting a title from a parent, becoming a vassal granted, once an individual gains a title over lands of
to another noble is the most common way to gain a title. their own, they are empowered with certain rights on
This is most common to occur in relatively young King- that land, responsibilities for the upkeep and manage-
doms with relatively few nobles. In these states there are ment of that territory, and obligations owed to their liege.
still many opportunities and availabilities for new vas- The only exception are those nobles that own their land
sals to be made. In older, more established Kingdoms, and therefore have no liege.
creating a new vassal requires the creation of a new fief,
which means reducing ones own lands, or taking of lands NOBLES RIGHTS
from another vassal, a process that’s very difficult to do.
The first right of a lord, is to manage their fief in any way
Rising adventurers are a group for whom lands can of- they see fit, so long as it doesn’t harm the land, nor the
ten be scrounged up. When adventurers are operating
integrity of their liege. This allows a lord to give out parts expenses of the lands will be explored.
of their land as fiefs to their own vassals, enlist the use As mentioned in the introduction, the manor is an eco-
of Yeoman by giving or selling them small plots of land,
or any other method they will use to manage it. It also nomically stable, self sufficient region. The 2-3 square
means that a vassal owes loyalty only to their liege, and miles of the manor will be composed of a mix of 60-85%
not directly to their liege’s liege. arable land used for farmland, 10-30% of land is useful as
meadow and pasture land for supporting livestock, and
A noble also has exclusive rights to certain events and the rest of land is usually used by the lord for the con-
functions within their fief. They may hold tournaments, struction of their estate, the village, and a church. Such
balls, banquets, and they have the lone right to hold court manors are typically surrounded by forests that are part
and administer justice. They also own the rights to all of the lords fief, and are used to collect firewood, hunt,
markets, fairs, and trade within their fief, which they use and to let animals forage.
to collect taxes and fees from merchants that wish to or-
ganize such action within their manor. Under this right, Manors could also be based upon the presence of a
nobles also have the right to visit a vassal’s lands and mine or quarry, with these industries forming the basis
be hosted by them, so long as they do not permanently of their income. These manors could also have a few
damage their vassals ability to support themselves. acres for agricultural pursuits, though the rocky terrain
usually means most of the land is used for meadow and
Nobles also retain certain rights over the lands they be- pasture land.
stow as fiefs to their vassals. These are specifically the
rights to forfeiture, relief, wardship, and escheatment, THE SHIRE OF YALLIS
which all have to do with the transfer of possession of a
fief. Under the right of forfeiture, a noble can revoke vas- The Shire of Yallis within the Kingdom of Udhar shall
salage if they feel that their vassal is dishonoring them or be our example for the following sections. The manor
violating their oaths. The right to a relief entitles a noble sits on 13 square miles of land, most of which is dense
to a fee upon the transfer of a fief and vassalage to the forest, though one corner does enter into a mountainous
heir of a deceased vassal. Under the rights of wardship, region. It contains two manors.
a noble can re-exert their control of a fief in the event of
an underage hair, until the heir comes of age. Finally, es- The primary manor of Yallis is 1472 acres in total, with
cheatment is the right of a noble to reclaim their fief to around 78% of arable land, 1148 acres, another 12% of
their own possession if a vassal should die without an meadows and pasture, 178 acres. Of the remaining 146
heir. acres, around 30 acres are used to support the village,
70 acres are reserved by the lord for his private estate,
NOBLE’S OBLIGATIONS and the last 46 acres are set aside for the construction
of a church.
In the vassalage ceremony, when a liege and vassal are
made, a number of oaths are sword by both parties. The A secondary manor in the mountainous corner of Yal-
first oaths sworn guarantee that the vassal shall not harm lis is 386 acres total, with 188 acres of arable land, 164
the reputation, lands, or person of their liege, and the acres of pasture, and 34 acres for the village. The re-
liege vows not to abuse their power and order their vas- mainder of the manor is mountainous terrain with an
sal to take any actions that would dishonor them. existing Iron mine that can be worked.
When taking on a vassal, a noble is honor bound to FARMLAND
provide their vassals with a reasonable means to provide
for themselves and their families, as well as swearing to Agriculture is the backbone of any medieval economy.
provide military defense should they come under attack As self sufficient agricultural entities, Manors for the ba-
unjustly. The vassals of a noble then vow their service to sis of that economy, and therefore of power in a feudal
their liege. For vassals this service comes in the form of society. In early medieval periods, it was rare for a manor
military service and providing council to their liege. to produce more than it consumed. In later times, the av-
erage manor was able to produce extra food, and sell that
MANAGING A MANOR food in city markets to support the beginnings of urban-
Regardless of the methods used to gain them, once play-
ers have acquired lands, they will almost certainly want Within a manor, the lord dispenses lands to serfs in a
to use them for personal gain. While most players will similar feudal arrangement to those between a lord and
find the tedious duties of managing their lands undesir- vassal. A certain amount of farmland, usually around 15-
able, the information in this section is useful for DM’s 25%, the lord will keep for their own uses, while the rest
and those few players that wish to be more active in their will be split up and awarded to serfs. The average serf is
lordly duties. Here the various resources, industries, and given around 12 acres of land, but it is seldom distributed
equally, as shown in table 1 below. Those serfs that hold
less than 10 acres are typically forced to work as farm planting, yields, and prices of various crops on a feudal
hands and perform various tasks in order to survive. manor. These numbers would be common for the alloted
lands, and for most manors the nobles lands would be
Acres % of Serfs planted in kind; however, it is always the right of the no-
25 - 35 11% ble to decide how their lands were planted.
17 - 24 16%
10 - 16 27% Crop Planting Yield Price
22% Grains 70% 420 lb/ac 1 cp/lb
4-9 18% Vetch 21% 120 lb/ac 0.3 cp/lb
1-3 5% Potatoes 8% 1,500 lb/ac 0.1 cp/lb
Other 1%
0 – –
Table 1: Distribution of Serf Lands
Table 2: Crop Information
In exchange for being allowed to work these lands, YALLIS - FARMLAND
serfs owe a rent to their liege, typically around 4 silver
pieces per acre, as well as a labor obligation, requiring On the primary manor of Yallis, the lord will reserve 240
them to work the lords lands or perform other service for acres for their own uses, 54 acres are given to Yeoman,
the lord of the manor. and the other 854 acres are used as dependent lands to
72 peasant families, around 320 serfs in total.
As long as the lord continues to receive these rents,
they tend to take little concern over these allotted lands. On the secondary manor, the lord will keep only 48
This allowed peasants to inherit their parents lands, as acres to grow feed for the livestock kept there. The rest
well as trade and exchange lands amongst themselves. It will be divided up among the 60 serf families on that
also meant that the village could decide what to plant. manor, likely also for animal feed. The citizens here only
Note that most medieval farming systems utilized a pay 3 silver pieces of rent per acre due to the quality of
three-field rotation system, meaning only two-thirds of the soil.
a villages farmland would be planted in any given year.
It is to warm in Yallis to reliably grow potatoes, so in-
Grains were the most important crop to be planted, stead fields are typically planted with around 74% grain,
coming in both spring and winter varieties. Wheat was 24% Vetch, and the rest with miscellaneous crops such
generally more taxing on the land and was thus typi- as flax or and other utility crops. The lord of the manor
cally reserved for nobles. Rye and Corn (Maize) were the can expect to collect around 49,725 lbs of grain, 4,600
most common grains consumed by commoners. Barley lbs of vetch, 1,400 lbs of flax, as well as small amounts of
was also grown in large quantities and usually made into various other crops in an average year. The lord will sell
beer, and lastly oats could be grown, typically to serve as excess grains, around 15% of the harvest, for 77 gold
extra animal feed. pieces. He will also collect 3,836 silver pieces in rent
from both manors.
Field space would also be set aside to grow peas,
beans, and other vetches that were rotated with grains
to keep the land fertile. In particularly cold areas that
experienced a winter freeze, fields might also be planted
with potatoes as they were a robust source of food.
The table below shows information on the typical
LIVESTOCK prevented many lords from having large herds. A typical
head of cattle will have around 12 to 15 years of produc-
Raising livestock is another essential component of an tivity before being sent to slaughter. Male Oxen provide
agricultural economy. On some manors with particularly labor, but little else, while the cows will produce calves
poor soil, livestock and the products they produce might for slaughter and to replenish the herd, as well as milk.
become the center of their economy. Trading away their In an average year a herd of cattle will provide around 16
surplus for the foods they are unable to grow themselves. gold pieces of income per head.
The balance between using land to farm or raise live- Sheep were also valuable animals being able to pro-
stock is a delicate, and as a result of this, only animals vide milk, meat, hides, and importantly wool. Sheep
that are able to provide multiple products and benefits also were cheap enough that they could be raised in large
throughout their lives are given space on the farm. The numbers, where it doesn’t get too warm. An average
ability to provide manual labor, wool, milk, meat, and sheep will remain productive for around 9-10 years be-
hides are all valuable commodities on the farm, and the fore being sent to slaughter, though they don’t start pro-
more of these things an animal can produce the better. ducing until they turn 2. In an average year a flock of
sheep would produce an average of around 4 gold pieces
Unlike with arable land which is divided up into the per head.
nobles and dependent lands, and further divided among
the serfs, pasture and meadow are more communal struc- Goats were valuable mostly in rocky terrain where it
tures. All members of the community have the right, and was difficult to raise cattle and other large animals. They
sometimes the obligation, to the use of the manor pas- provided meat, milk, and hides but in smaller quanti-
ture lands for their large animals. The villagers benefit by ties. Goats are also much easier to care for since they
gaining access to grazing land for their animals, and the are able to eat a lot of waste rather than the more valu-
noble benefits by having exclusive access to the manure able grains and grasses used to feed other animals. The
for use as fertilizer on his or her farm lands. Similarly, all reduced overhead in caring for them make up for their
villagers are entitled to cut a certain amount of hey from lower productivity. An average heard of goats will pro-
the meadows for use as winter feed. duce around 2 gold pieces per goat.
This section will address the different types of animals Swine were also very important for peasant families as
that can be expected to be found on a typical farm, how the primary source of meat in their diets. Swine foraged,
common such an animal was, and what they would be and ate farm waste. A whole litter of 8 - 9 piglets could
used for or what could be collected from them. The tables be born in spring and slaughtered before winter. Most
will detail the average price, and upkeep requirements peasant families would keep 1 - 2 pregnant sows through
for various animals, as well as listing their annual yields the winter with the litter being slaughtered at the end of
averaged over their lifetime. the following Autumn. Swine were rarely a source of in-
come for a family, instead providing meat directly; how-
Animal Feed (lbs) Pasture Price ever, those that were selling the litter could expect a net
Warhorse 2,500 6 ac 400 gp income of around 3 gold pieces for a full grown litter.
Riding Horse 2,000 4 ac 75 gp
Draft Horse 3,000 5 ac 50 gp Chickens are a universal presence on every farm. They
Cattle 1,000 3 ac 12 gp are cheap, easy to maintain, and provide a constant
Goat 70 1 ac 15 sp source of protein in the form of eggs. It takes less than
Sheep 375 6 months for a hen to begin laying eggs, and most con-
Pig 50 0.75 ac 2 gp tinue to be productive for around 5 years. As with swine,
Chicken 12 – 1 gp chickens are rarely a source of income with the harvested
– 1 sp eggs and meat being consumed by the family. For those
families with extra chickens, an average chicken only
Table 3: Livestock Costs provides around 22 copper pieces per year.
Horses were rarely owned by peasants; however, even Animal Annual Income
poor lords would own a few as a symbol of status, to Cow 16 gp
serve them in war, as well as transport them and their Sheep 4 gp
goods between their own manors and the manors of their Goat 2 gp
vassals and liege. A typical horse will be productive for Swine 3 gp
between 20 to 25 years before they will be sold off and Chicken 22 cp
put down. Aged horses typically only sell for around 35
gold pieces. Table 4: Livestock income per head
Cattle were valuable im the medieval agrarian econ-
omy as a source of labor, milk, meat, and leather. De-
spite their value, they were also very expensive, creating
a high barrier to ownership for many peasants, and even
1-60 No Mine or Quarry
Bees For some lords that are lucky enough to have a 61- 90 Roll once on Table 6
hive of bees within the forests surrounding their manor, 91 - 95 Roll twice on Table 6
bee keeping can be a profitable endeavor. Hives are col- 96 - 98 Roll once each on Table 6 and Table 7
lected in the spring and relocated to the lords estate and Roll once on Table 6 (2x Yield)
looked after through the summer. In the autumn, the 99 Roll on Table 6 (3x Yield)
honey would be collected. Wealthier lords might hire 100
specialized bee keepers able to collect the honey without
destroying the hive, while poorer more inexperienced Table 5: Mine Existence & Quality
lords would often destroy the hive in the harvesting pro-
cess and have to hope for a new hive next spring. ble 8 later in this section will detail the average yield of
such a mine and its overall worth.
Dogs Like today, dogs were not uncommon on me-
dieval farms and were considered pets and companions, d100 Result
though they were also often put to work as herders and 1 - 24 Sandstone
guard dogs. Nobles would keep whole teams of dogs 25 - 43 Limestone
that would be trained to help with hunting, as well as 44 - 55
herding. 56 - 65 Slate
66 - 73 Clay
Cats Cats were not uncommon, though it was rare to 74 - 80 Iron
find a family that considered a cat their family pet. In- 81 - 85 Lead
stead they wandered the village and farmlands freely 86 - 89 Coal
hunting mice, and other pests keeping them away from 90 - 93 Tin
the villagers, and their stored grains. 94 - 97 Copper
98 - 99 Salt
100 Roll on Table 7
On the primary manor, the lord of Yallis keeps his
warhorse, two draft horses, and 4 riding horses, 11 head Table 6: Common Materials
of cattle and 28 sheep. On his estate the Lord also keeps
10 sows and 85 chickens year round. The livestock will In more realistic, low magic settings, mines are most
consume around 39,720 lbs of feed per year and will use likely to be found in manors that lie in the foothills or
93 acres of pasture. After his own consumption the lord at the base of nearby mountains where such deposits
can expect to make around 312 gold pieces. have been pushed up near the surface. In more magi-
cal campaign worlds with rich histories of great magical
The secondary manor holds another 164 acres of pas- feats and magic-induced calamities, mines could occur
ture. In this rocky manor the lord keeps another 36 anywhere either through direct formation by magic, or
sheep, consuming all of the feed grown by the lord the formation and subsequent obliteration of a mountain
on that manor and earning him an additional 144 gold range.
d100 Result
MINES 1 - 33 Granite
34 - 47 Common Gemstones
Mining can be a highly profitable enterprise when 48 - 70 Marble
present on a manor; however they are rare. The pres- 71 - 72 Uncommon Gemstones
ence of a mine can also create additional difficulties for 83 - 97 Silver
a lord as they will face increased pressures by others to Rare Gemstones
gain some control over their riches, and competition from 98
neighboring lords for possession of the veins. 99 Gold
100 Special*
The tables in this section allow a DM to determine
the presence, type, and worth of any mine located on Table 7: Rare Materials
a manor. Rolling on table 5 should only be done if the Special: Adamantine, Mithril, or Platinum
manor exists in a region where a mine is possible to exist,
and details the presence, and quality of a present mine. Mines typically operate under what is known as the
Rolling, as required, on tables 6 and 7 will then deter- Rule-of-Thirds when determining the distribution of
mine what materials are present in the mine. Finally ta- wealth for the mine. The first third of the mined material
is paid to the noble who owns the land the mine is on,
this is typically the King/Queen or one of the more pow-
erful members of the Peerage such as a Duke or Duchess. for hefty rents. Table 14 below lists a number of common
The next third of the mined material is paid to the lord industries, the village population needed to support it,
who manages the fief, this could be any member of the and the annual rent owed to the noble. This list is not ex-
nobility from the Sovereign to a member of the Gentry, haustive, larger villages and towns will attract rarer and
whichever vassal is directly managing those lands. The more exotic industries and artisans to provide their ser-
final third of the mine’s wealth is awarded to the miners vices.
themselves, distributed by the foreman who gained the
lords permission to operate a mine. Industry Population Annual Rent
Grain Mill 200 200 gp
Material Annual Yield Price 100 75 gp
Rare Gems (1d4)x20 gems 2,500 gp/gem Baker 125 50 gp
Uncommon Gem (1d4)x50 gems 300 gp/gem Brewer 250 75 gp
Common Gems (1d4)x150 gems Butcher 300 125 gp
Adamantine 30 gp/gem Blacksmith 350 25 gp
100 lbs 1,000 gp/lb Cheese Maker 400 75 gp
Mithril 100 lbs 750 gp/lb Carpenter 500 25 gp
Platinum 150 lbs 500 gp/lb Tanner 350 25 gp
1,000 lbs Fuller
Gold 3,000 lbs 50 gp/lb
Silver 1,500 lbs 5 gp/lb Table 9: Industries & Rents
Mercury 12,000 lbs 4 gp/lb
Copper 10,000 lbs 5 sp/lb The circumstances of a manor will also affected the ex-
10,000 lbs 8 sp/lb pected population minimum. Villages that use very lit-
Tin 50,000 lbs 6 sp/lb tle land for raising animals, preferring instead to farm as
Coal 60,000 lbs 1 sp/lb much as possible will see fewer Butchers, Tanners, and
Lead 80,000 lbs 1 sp/lb Fullers, and possibly an extra mill. On the other hand
Iron 150 lbs 2 cp/lb villages that are almost exclusively based on raising live-
Clay 800 tons 100 gp/lb stock might not have any mills and would have more
Salt 800 tons 15 gp/ton butchers, tanners, and fullers than would be expected.
Marble 1,000 tons 12 gp/ton
Granite 1,000 tons 9 gp/ton The common industries listed on the table are detailed
Slate 1,000 tons 6 gp/ton further in the sections below. As mentioned, this list is
Limestone 5 gp/ton not comprehensive; however it does display the types of
Sandstone industries that can be found in most every village across
a Kingdom. When determining the rent owed for an in-
Table 8: Prices & Yields for Mines & Quarries dustry not included on here use, the rents are typically
20-40% of the estimated annual income from such an in-
YALLIS - MINE dustry in the manor.
The secondary manor within Yallis is known to host an MILLS
iron mine. The roughly 290 residents of the manor split
time between the management of the farmland and live- For obvious reasons, grain mills were vital to a large agri-
stock, and working the mines themselves. The mine cultural economy. Watermills were fairly common us-
yields around 60,000 lbs of Iron a year, and using the ing running water to power the mill, although windmills
rule of thirds, 20,000 lbs go directly to the King of Ud- would be used in regions with no powerful waterways
har, 20,000 lbs go directly to the Lord of Yallis, and the around and decently strong winds. Millers grind raw
last 20,000 lbs of Iron are divided up amongst the min- grain into flour to be used in baking bread and other
ers. The foreman who has rights to operate the mine goods.
keeps 2,500 lbs for himself, and the other 17,500 lbs are
divided up amongst the serf families, around 290 silver Millers also commonly serve other functions on the
pieces per family. manor. It is common for mills to be connected to bridges
over the waterways that power them, and millers were
VILLAGE & INDUSTRIES entitled to collect a toll from anyone using their bridge to
cross. The miller would also typically collect stalks and
In addition to the lands, the lord or lady of the manor reeds that grew in the millpond, to sell for use in thatch
also has exclusive rights to operate all trade and industry or swine feed. The miller could also sell permissions for
within the manor. This allows the noble to give out the villagers to fish in the millpond.
right to operate certain trades on their lands in exchange
Connected to the Miller, bakers are the next step in the
agricultural economic system. Bakers buy the flour from
the mills, and bake it into breads which they sell back to typically need at least one cheese maker to be able to turn
the villagers. the collected milk into cheeses, butters, and other dairy
Bakers were much more common than millers because
of the lower overhead for setting up a bakery compared Skilled cheese makers could produce 4 lbs of cheese
to a mill. It was common for bakers and brewers in small from every 5 gallons of milk they purchased on average.
communities to be run by a husband-and-wife pair to
consolidate costs in these lower profit areas. CARPENTERS
BREWERS As with blacksmiths, all but the smallest villages will
have a carpenter. Carpenters are vital for the construc-
Brewers, like bakers and millers, are attracted to large tion of the most important buildings in a village: the mill,
agricultural regions. They buy raw grain, typically bar- barn, silos, and even the lords manor.
ley, and use it to brew beer. Any who calls themselves a
brewer will know how to make an ale, and in smaller vil- Once a village is formed the carpenter often keeps busy
lages its likely all they can make. Larger villages, and making various repairs to the structures that are around,
those with orchards, and vineyards, will attract more but it takes a rather large village to attract additional car-
skilled brewers that are capable of making ciders, wines, penters.
and liquors.
As a general rule you get 1 gallon of beer for every 5
lbs of grain. Ciders also produce 1 gallon for every 5 lbs Tanners, like butchers, rely on the livestock of the manor
of fruit. 1 gallon of wine will consume 35 lbs of grapes, to make their living, buying the skins and hides of the
and a gallon of liquor will consume an entire around 50 animals after slaughter. Tanners are typically set into dis-
lbs of grain or fruit. tant parts of the village due to the odors released in the
production process, and a reluctance from the village to
As mentioned in Bakers, it was not uncommon for the increase the odors generally keeps the number of tanners
baker and brewer to be a husband-and-wife team. As fairly low.
villages grow larger however, it becomes more likely to
attract a more specialized brewer to start their own tav- FULLERS
ern to sell their wares. In even larger villages the most
popular of these taverns will begin to become inns. Fullers rely on the presence of sheep. Fullers take the
raw wool sheered off of the sheep in the spring and turn
BUTCHERS into into workable thread and cloth. They will then sell
that to the villagers, or in larger villages to tailors and
The more important livestock is to a manor, the more seamstresses for the production of clothing.
butchers will be attracted to the village. Butchers buy
the aging, or unproductive animals from their owners, YALLIS - INDUSTRY
slaughter and carve the animal, and then sell the meats
to the village. The primary manor of Yallis has a population of around
350 people. This means we would expect there to be
BLACKSMITHS 1.75 mills, 3.5 bakers, 2.8 brewers, 1.4 butchers, 1.17
blacksmiths, 1 cheese Makers, 0.875 carpenters, 0.7 tan-
There tends to be at least one blacksmith on all but the ners, and 1 fullers. Given the make up of the manor we
smallest of villages, often with a lord waiving their rent will round this out to 2 mills, 4 bakers, 3 brewers, 1
if necessary to attract one. This is because blacksmiths butchers, 1 cheese maker, 1 blacksmith, 1 carpenter,
are essential to the village. They make all the basic tools and 1 fuller.
ranging from plows to scythes and sickles. They also
make and repair the lords weapons and armor, and make The secondary manor of Yallis is slightly smaller with a
and replace parts for the mill. population of around 290 people, producing an expected
1.45 mills, 2.9 bakers, 2.32 brewers, 1.16 butchers, 0.97
Smiths are attracted to mining towns and in such blacksmiths, 0.83 cheese makers, 0.73 carpenters, 0.58
places they will often start to specialize with lower tanners, and 0.83 fullers. Being dominated by livestock
skilled smelters being common to separate metals from and miners, and with no real source of power for the mill
the base ores, and a few smiths that specialize in the use we will say that there are 2 butchers, 3 blacksmiths (2
of whichever metal is being mined. are smelters), 1 cheese maker, 1 tanner, and 1 fuller.
CHEESE MAKERS The lord of Yallis will collect a total of 1,650 gold
pieces in rents from the various industries on both
This is another common industry as milk tended to go manors.
bad quickly without a source of magic to preserve it.
Cheese however was much easier to store for long peri-
ods of time, and to transport to markets. Any community
with sizable populations of cows, goats, or sheep would
A noble’s estate is a private sanctuary for themselves, as The lord’s private estate spans 70 acres on the primary
well as their guests. Nobles can use the land for their own manor. On these lands the lord has built his house,
enjoyment, building opulent gardens and landscapes, or complete with both decorative and vegetable gardens.
use the lands to produce different commodities such as He also has a small 10 acre orchard on the estate.
honey, wine, or liquor. This section will discuss the vari-
ous sources of income that hail from a lords estate. In an average year the lord will collect 250 gold pieces
from the sale of ciders and spirits, 66 gold pieces in fines
ORCHARDS & VINEYARDS and penalties from dispensing justice among the 132
families living on the two manors, and another 11 gold
It is not uncommon for nobles in the right latitudes to pieces in miscellaneous incomes throughout the year.
have a small orchard or vineyard located on their private
estate. Apple orchards are common in northern climates, MANOR EXPENSES
though the fruits are rarely eaten by people with very
few palatable varieties. Instead these apples are mostly The noble will have several expenses to maintain their
used to make ciders, liquors, and some are used for ani- position and status among the nobility. Paying staff,
mal feed. Other regions might also see orchards growing maintaining and upgrading their residence, fees they
cherries, peaches, plums, or pears for use as food, as well owe to their own lieges, the social costs of hosting and
as in the production of wines or liquors. attending balls, and tournaments, and a myriad of other
In warmer climates, vineyards are more common
growing grapes for use in wine. On average a vineyard This section will delve into these various expenses and
can produce around 100 gallons of wine per acre, though provide estimates for determining their average annual
this is typically the more common, and watery variety cost.
of wines. With a proper winemaker, an acre of vineyard
could produce 80 gallons of good wine or 45 gallons of MAINTENANCE
fine wine.
Throughout the year, a noble must maintain their own
A noble will typically keep most of what they produce residence, a large communal barn, other buildings lo-
for themselves and entertaining guests, but on average a cated on their estate, as well as the mill, ovens, and other
vineyard or orchard can produce around 25 gold pieces structures needed for licensed industry.
per acre.
On average, a manor will have to completely rebuild
LORDS JUSTICE itself every 25 years, providing an average of 4% of the
manors construction value in a year. To provide some
As mentioned in the Lords Rights section, the lord or lady randomness from year to year, this can be approximated
of a manor has exclusive rights to administer justice on as 1% × (2d4 − 1). You can determine a structures value
their manor. They settle all criminal and civil disputes using rules in the Dungeon Master’s Guide or other rule
brought before them by the villagers who inhabit the source of your choice. Alternatively you can use the fol-
manors they oversee, within the bounds of the laws of lowing estimate based on the noble’s rank.
their liege. It is also a lord or ladies right and responsi-
bility to settle disputes between their own vassals. Bring- Noble Rank Est. Keep Value
ing a case before the noble costs court fees, and criminals Gentry 15,500
found guilty are often forced to pay additional fines that Baron/Baroness 30,000
all go into the nobles coffers. Count/Countess 60,000
Duke/Duchess 120,000
In an average year, the total amount of fees and penal- Royal 250,000
ties that a lord will collect from the dispensing of justice Imperial 275,000
will average out to around 5 silver pieces for each serf
family within the village. Table 10: Estimated Stronghold Values
There are a variety of other small incomes that a lord or In order to maintain status among the other nobility,
lady might be able to collect on their manor. This might a certain amount of coin must be spent on social mat-
come from specific abilities that a player or non-player ters. This includes the costs for entertaining visitors to
character have, or fees and taxes levied within the manor. the manor, hosting tournaments, donations to religious
A DM can consider each of these sources individually, or groups or patronage of the arts, and the various outfit-
approximate these various incomes as 1% of the incomes
from agriculture and livestock.
ting, decorating, and other expenses that go into such an payment, but it still remains a significant expense.
For officers of the lords court, it is not uncommon for
As a general rule, the more a lord or lady spends on a lord to pay them by making them Yeoman, and giv-
this, the greater their standing will be. It is considered ing them 12-20 acres rent free that they will own out-
a sign of wealth and opulence to spend on such matters. right. Higher ranking advisors, such as arcane and di-
Poorer nobles can get away with spending only around vine advisors, will be made into vassals, granting them
5% of their total incomes; however, as their rank grows, their own fiefs, and ensuring their loyalty, if the lord is of
they will be expected to attend more social functions and high enough rank and with enough holdings.
give more, with expenses could reach as high as 15-20%
of the income for a powerful Duke or member of the royal Table 11 shows the annual pay due to various positions
family. in a nobles employ should they pay in gold. Additional
details on each position are given below.
Position Annual Pay
It is the feudal obligation of a vassal to perform service Advisor 500 gp
for their liege. This often takes the form of military ser- Steward 300 gp
vice such as hunting outlaws, providing an escort for Officer 225 gp
their liege, serving as a sentry at one of their liege’s out- Skilled Hireling 115 gp
posts, or serving in the army of their liege during times of Guard/Soldier 75 gp
war. Higher tier nobles such as Dukes, Counts, and even Unskilled Servant 30 gp
powerful Barons typically pay a fee known as a scutage,
typically around 8-12% of a manor’s incomes, to be re- Table 11: Servant Pay Rates
leased from this service in times of peace. During times
of War these nobles will be expected to lead their own A special note on the pay rates listed in Table 11. These
knights and armies in opposition to their enemy. are lower than suggested in the Player’s Handbook be-
cause employment outside the city provides a lower cost
Additionally, vassals are expected to provide council of living, less risk, and greater consistency than whatever
for their liege. This includes providing differing opin- the adventurers that just rolled into town are paying for.
ions, advice in their areas of expertise, assistance in set-
tling disputes between other vassals, and any other ser- Advisor Advisors are highly skilled and experienced
vice of the kind. Liege’s are much more lax on this individuals hired to offer council in their specific areas of
service, typically only requiring those vassals who have expertise. The three most common advisors are in arcane
valuable expertise or experience to serve. matters, often a wizard, religious matters, often a priest
or cleric, and legal advisor or military advisor. It is un-
SERVANTS common for advisors to be paid for their service, instead
Paying the various members and attendants of a nobles
court is one of the most expensive parts of running a
manor. These costs can be reduced by shrewd nobles
through the awarding of fiefs, lands, or other forms of
being granted fiefs of their own and tying their knowl- to utilize the defenses of the manor to defend it against
edge and experience to their liege’s rule. raiders and bandits.
Steward The most important official in a noble’s court, Unskilled Servants The most numerous of positions
the steward is responsible for overseeing all of their lord in the lords employ. Unskilled labor is used for every-
or lady’s manors. They speak with the authority of the thing from farmhands to chambermaids, attendants to
lord, and it is often the Steward that will handle minor shepherds, and any other task the lord or lady requires.
affairs within the manors. As with advisors it is more There will typically be a permanent staff of a dozen un-
common for a steward to be granted lands (as a Yeoman) skilled servants on the primary manor of a lord or lady,
rather than to be paid. and each other manor will employ 1-2 servants to assist
with the officers. All other service needs are fulfilled by
Officers The officers of the court are individuals em- the serfs of the manor.
powered by the noble to run the various aspects of the
manors. They are overseen by the Steward, but are ALMS
the ones present to handle the day-to-day affairs of the
manor they serve. There will be a set of officers on each It is social custom that a certain amount of the lord or
of the lords manors, while the lord will visit at least once lady’s wealth will be given as charity to the poor. This
a year. There are a total of five different officers, though usually takes the form of giving out stale loaves of bread
smaller manors might see one person filling multiple ti- from the previous day, discarded clothing, older animals,
tles and some offices simply not occupied out of lack of and other things that have diminished worth to the no-
necessity. Officers are just as common to be made Yeo- ble, but that the poorest members of the manor couldn’t
man as not, depending on the size of the manor. live without.
The Baliff is the head of the manor when the noble or The average noble will see around 2% of their total in-
the steward are not present. They oversee the operation come be given away as alms to the poor on their various
of the manor as a whole, collect all taxes, fees, etc. manors.
The Revee is in charge of keeping the peace and enforc- YALLIS - EXPENSES
ing the laws, as well as ensuring that labor obligations are
served by the serfs. As a member of the Gentry, the lord of Yallis only pays
280 gp for various social functions and 750 gp to his liege
The Hayward is the officer responsible for overseeing as scutage. His large residence does cost him around 800
the lords agricultural holdings. They organize and work gp in annual upkeep, in addition to around 110 gp worth
the farmhands, as well as oversee the livestock and pas- of alms.
The lord compensates his religious advisor with 46
The Warden is employed to look over the lands outside acres upon which to build a church. His Steward holds
of the manor. They watch the forests and lands at the 20 acres in compensation for his services and 17 acres
boundary of a nobles lands on the look out for threats, each go to the two Revee’s for the two manors. The lord
poachers, or any other ill. additionally pays a sorcerer to advise him on magical
affairs, a Baliff, Heyward, Chamberlain, costing him a
The Chamberlain is the last of the officers, and is the total of 1,400 gp for their services.
head of the lord or lady’s household staff. Everything
that happens in the manor house is under the purview of The lord also employs a dozen guards stationed around
the Chamberlain from the decoration, to the meals, and the manor, and fourteen unskilled servants costing the
even the idle gossip spread by the servants. lord an additional 1,320 gp in wages.
Skilled Hirelings Examples of these hires include The lords total incomes average out to 4,894 gp while
barbers, doctors, huntsmen, tailors, captain-of-the- his annual expenses are around 4,660 gp. The extra 234
guard, or any other trained professional that offers a ser- gp will often be saved for leaner years, used to finance
vice or insight useful to a noble. Typically any skilled additions to the lords estate, and used on extra social
hireling is paid, and will live at the primary manor and functions to boost the lords influence and favor within
travel with the lord or lady. the Kingdom.
Guards/Soldiers These individuals have undergone
minor training and been outfitted with simple armor and
weapons by the lord in order to provide security for the
estate, village, and manor as a whole. These individuals
are not a hardened fighting force, though they are a little
better than a standard conscript, and they are prepared