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Published by Publications, 2021-12-27 20:46:46

English Year 4

English Year 4


Use a machine to cut the A Mow the lawn
grass in your garden and B Cut the grass with a sickle
keep your lawn neat. C Remove the grass and weeds.


The festival is celebrated A Hari Raya Aidilfitri
by the Dayaks in Sarawak B Gawai Festival
on 1 June every year. It is C National Day
a celebration for having a
good harvest.


Read the text.

Malaysia will be celebrating its National Day tomorrow. My May
family and I plan to go to Putrajaya to watch the parade. We
are looking forward to it. We really like watching the police
and army past. We also enjoy the cultural performances.

I will be celebrating Deepavali with my family next week.
We have made a beautiful kolam on the floor using coloured

rice and powder. We also get ready some clay lamps to be

filled with oil to be lighted on that day to signify the triumph

of good over evil. We will serve traditional food such as
Aria murukku, samosa and gujiya.

It’s going to be Hari Raya Aildilfitri soon. We will celebrate Alif
this festival after a month of fasting. We have already
decorated the house with fairy lights, ketupat hanging English Year 4
decorations and other ornaments. I will also get money from
my parents which is called duit raya. We will serve some
traditional food such as ketupat, rendang and lemang.


For each question, choose the correct answer. May Aria Alif

1. Who celebrates Deepavali with her family? A B C
2. Who wears baju Melayu to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri? A B C
3. Who watches a parade? A

CONTOH 4. Whose parents give duit raya? A

5. Who has to fast to celebrate the festival? A B C
6. Who made colourful kolam? A B C

7. Who is going to Putrajaya with her family? A B C


Read and choose the correct answer for each question.


My trip to Melaka

Dear Haslina,

How was your holiday to Kelantan and Terengganu? Last weekend, my family and
I went to Melaka for three days and two nights. We visited A’ Famosa, Baba and
Nyonya Heritage Museum, St Paul’s Church and Jonker Street. We stayed in a
3-star hotel. I enjoyed hiking up to St Paul’s Church which is located on a hill. The
view from the top was awesome.
Later, we had the famous chicken rice balls and satay celup. They were really
yummy. We went to Jonker Street at night to get some souvenirs and try the local
street food. My holiday trip was indeed fun and enjoyable! I hope to hear from you
soon to share about your holiday.

Bye for now,

Jia Jia

English Year 4 48

1. Where did Jia Jia and her family go last weekend? .
A Melaka
B Kelantan
C Terengganu

2. Jia Jia visited the following places during her trip except
A A’ Famosa
B the Stadthuys
C St Paul’s Church
3. Why did Jia Jia enjoy hiking up to St Paul’s Church?
A Because she could buy some souvenirs there.
B Because the view from the top was awesome.
C Because she could try the local street food.

4. One of the famous food in Melaka is .
A murukku
B chicken chop
C chicken rice balls

5. Which sentence shows that Jia Jia enjoyed her holiday in Melaka?
A The view from the top was amazing.
B My holiday trip was indeed fun and enjoyable.
C I hope to hear from you soon to share about your holiday.

49 English Year 4

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Ancient Egyptians
The ancient Egyptians were (1) people. The ancient Egyptians were
not in love with death. They (2) in love with life! They (3)
very hard, but spent quality time with (4) families. Family life was
very (5) to the ancient Egyptians. This ancient (6) was
not based on fear. It was based on love.
1. A fascinate B fascinated C fascinating
2. A had B was C were
3. A works B worked C working
4. A our B their C them
5. A amazing B important C interesting
6. A story B history C culture

English Year 4 50

For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap.

Example: 0 for

From: Amelia
Subject: Hello, friend

Hello Agnes,

Thank you (0) your email. My name is Amelia. You can call

(1) Amy for short. I’m (2) Singapore. I’m 12 years old

like you. I have two younger siblings. How many siblings (3) you

have? We share similar hobbies. One of my favourite hobbies (4)

skateboarding. It is (5) adventurous sport. What about you? I hope

you will tell me more about you and (6) country.

Bye for now,


1 English Year 4



You are going shopping with your friend to buy a present for a friend’s birthday.
Write an email to your friend. Write 25 words or more.

✓ where you want to meet
✓ what time you want to meet
✓ what you want to buy
To: Let’s go shopping

Hello ,
Let’s meet to buy a

Bye for now, 52

English Year 4


Look at three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures. Write 35 words or

CONTOH– Cameron Highlands – picking – eating – – tea plantation – took –
– car – weather – cool – strawberries photos – enjoyed


Last holiday, Fatin and her family

The next day,

53 English Year 4

Module 6 Date:

Getting around

Textbook: pp. 5 9 - 7 0

Practice 1

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading & Speaking
LS: 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.
LS: 2.1.4 Give reasons for simple predictions.
A Read and match. Then write ‘Yes’ for right or ‘No’ for wrong.

Keep both hands on the handlebars. Look both ways before crossing the street.
Race with your friend on the road. Cross at the zebra crossing.
Walk on the pavement. Stick your head out of the window.

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

B What would happen if we do not follow the safety rules?

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 2

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading & Speaking

LS: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.

LS: 4.2.1 Explain and give reasons for simple opinions.

A Read the notice about a school trip to Cameron Highlands. Then complete
the notes.

CONTOH School Trip to Cameron Highlands

• 31 August
• Please be at the school hall at 7.00 a.m. sharp.
• We will depart at 7.30 a.m. The journey is about 2 hours.
• Make sure you bring along your water bottle, cap and umbrella.

Nora’s notes

Date : 1.

Trip to : 2.

Going by : 3.

Leave at : 4.

Arrive at : 5.

Things to bring : 6.

B Suggest an item that you can bring along. State its function.

Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

PL Very limited


Practice 3

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading

LS: 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title and topic.

Read, look and match. Then name the vehicles.

• A two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by a motor and has no pedals.
• A vehicle with two wheels. Moved by pedals and steered with handlebars.
• An aircraft that is lifted by heating the air inside its balloon.
• A vehicle with fixed wings and one or more engines to help it fly.
1. 2.

Vehicle: Vehicle:
3. 4.

Vehicle: Vehicle:

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 4

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading & Writing

LS: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.

LS: 4.2.1 Explain and give reasons for simple opinions.

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

A cable car is a vehicle that is suspended in the air
from a cable. People use the cable cars to travel above
mountains. Large cabins can hold up to 15 passengers.
Passengers can board and disembark at the terminals.
A tram is a rail vehicle that runs on tracks. It is known
to the local people of Hong Kong as a ding-ding tram.
It has a double deck with a driver sitting at the front of
the lower deck. The double-deck tram has a toilet and
is equipped with air conditioning.

Tick (✓) the correct answer.

cable car tram

1. It is used to travel at high places.
2. It has a double deck.
3. It has a toilet.
4. About fifteen passengers can travel in it at one time.
5. It travels in the air.

Write your answer in the space provided.
6. Which of the vehicles above do you wish to try? Explain your answer.

Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding

PL Very limited

57 English Year 4

Practice 5

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Speaking
LS: 2.1.1 Explain and give reasons for basic opinions.

Take turn with your friend to make true sentences.

hot-air balloon

the playground

to the computer games

buy aeroplane

the zoo

the piano
CONTOHTravel fun
Play slow
Go exciting







PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 6 Skill: Listening

Theme: World of Knowledge 3.
LS: 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions.

Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.

1. 2.

CONTOH 4. 5.

1. How much is it?


2. How much are they?


3. How much are they?


4. How much is it?


5. How much are they?


6. Which item do you wish to buy? Why?


PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding

59 English Year 4

Practice 7

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Listening & Speaking Audio

LS: 1.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.

LS: 2.1.5 Describe people and objects using suitable statements.

A Listen and arrange the sentences into a dialogue.

I’d like a ticket for National Museum, please.
Thank you. Bye.
No, it isn’t. It’s five ringgit and ninety sen.
The bus for National Museum leaves in fifteen minutes.
Wow, that’s cheap. OK. Two tickets, please.
Hello. Can I help you?
Here you go. Bye. Enjoy your trip.
Is the ticket expensive?
What time does the bus leave?

B Answer the questions.

1. Have you visited the National Museum? How do you find it?(fun/ interesting/

2. What did you see at the National Museum?

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding

English Year 4 60

Practice 8

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Speaking

LS: 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges using suitable words by: (ii) to ask for clarification

Fill in the correct response.

1. Are you ready, Arif? 2.

OK, Mum.

3. 4.
It’s getting late.

It takes about
15 minutes.

1. . Make sure to put both hands
2. Here’s .
to get to the park?
3. .
4. Let’s
Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
PL Very limited

61 English Year 4

Let’s Revise 6 Skill: Language Awareness

Theme: World of Knowledge

A Read and fill in the blanks correctly.

zebra crossing seat belt handlebars window
road helmet pavement bus
1. The boy fastened the when he entered the car.

2. The pupils walked on the on the way to school.

3. Nani’s mother reminded her not to stick her head out of the .

4. We must always put both hands on the when cycling.

5. The blind man is crossing the busy road using the .

6. Amin wears his when he rides a bike.

7. Please queue up before you board the .

8. I look both ways before crossing the .

B Answer the question.

Why do we have to wear light-coloured clothing when we are walking on the road at

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Module 7 Date:

Helping out

Textbook: pp. 7 1 - 8 0

Practice 1

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Listening Audio
LS 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of longer simple texts.

A Listen and match. Write the letters (a – d) in the space provided.

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

B Answer the question.
What would you do to help the community?

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 2

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Language Awareness

Tick (✓) the correct answer.

1. Please help me to carry this bag. It is too heavy for .

I me us

2. We’re picking up empty bottles, please help .

I me us

3. They are cleaning the park. Let’s help .

us you them

4. Can help us to carry the rubbish bags?
you me her

5. My brother’s sleeping bag is missing. Let’s help to look for it.

her him you

6. My sister likes reading. These storybooks are for .

her him you

7. The puppy is weak and hungry. We’d better feed with some milk.

us them it

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 3

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Language Awareness

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined words with the correct
possessive pronouns.

its yours his hers ours theirs
1. ‘Is this torch Anna’s?’ asks Kelly.

2. The squirrel’s tail is bushy.

3. This is Jamil’s cap. He has been looking for it.

4. I think these umbrellas are Fatin and Nora’s.

5. Those bags over there aren’t my bags or Wendy’s.

6. I think this is your jacket.

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 4

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading

LS: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.

A What are they looking for? Fill in the blanks with ‘Fiza’, ‘Noor’, ‘Mum’ or

CONTOHWhere’s my cap, Mum? Mum, do you see my books?
Is it yours? Noor There’re few books
on the floor. Are
they yours?

Mum, I’m hungry. Where Where are my slippers, Noor?
are my biscuits?

They’re in the

Over there, Dad. Do you want
me to get them for you?

1. is looking for some biscuits.
2. is looking for her books.
3. is looking for his slippers.
4. is helping Fiza and Noor to look for their things.

B Answer the question.

What are the things you always look for in your house? List them.

Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding

PL Very limited

English Year 4 66

Practice 5

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Speaking
LS: 2.2.2 Check steps needed to complete short classroom tasks

Work in pairs. Complete the flow map below. i-THINK

You can put it on your table. P
Use parts of the rest of the bottle to cut out ears. Q
Fill the bottle with seeds and soil. Wait for the seedlings to grow. R
Paint the bottle white or the colour of your choice. S
Draw a face and other features on the bottle. T

How to make a cat planter

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 6

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Language Awareness

Look at the pictures and write ‘someone’, ‘something’, ‘everyone’ or ‘everything’.


CONTOH There is in the jug.


brings their water bottles to



Mum puts she buys in the

is collecting the metal cans.


Send you can recycle to the
recycling centre.

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 7

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Speaking
LS: 2.1.1 Explain and give reasons for basic opinions.

Talk about the picture using ‘someone’, ‘something’, ‘everyone’ and ‘everything’.

1. Is there anyone picking up the rubbish? .
2. Is there anything under the bench? .
3. What should everyone do? (clean up) .
Everyone should
4. Where should they throw everything? (rubbish bins) .
PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent English Year 4


Practice 8 Skill: Writing

Theme: World of Knowledge
LS: 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided writing.

Study the pictures. Write sentences.

CONTOH I’m lost.

1. Kamal – Jamal – see – little girl – crying – tree

2. – little girl – says – lost

3. – they – take – her – police station

4. – parents – thank – them – their helpfulness

5. – happy – help – little girl

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding

English Year 4 70

Let’s Revise 7

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Language Awareness

A Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. Rashid is carrying those boxes to 2. My sister always helps
to do my homework.
the car. Let’s help .
A it
A me B me
C them

C him

3. This bike is for you. It’s 4. We have a new laptop. It’s
. .
A hers
A ours B ours
B mine C theirs
C yours

B Choose the best answer for each blank.

It is Sunday. Amin and (1) family are at the kitchen. His mum is busy

frying the omelette. His sister is preparing drinks for (2) . His brother is

setting the table for breakfast. Amin is making (3) sandwiches.

1. A her B its C his
2. A everyone B someone C something
3. A much B some C any

C List three tasks you can help your mum at home.


PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Module 8 Date:

Amazing animals

Textbook: pp. 8 1 - 9 2

Practice 1

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Listening
LS 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of longer simple texts.

Listen and write.


1. A whale is than a shark.
2. A cheetah runs than an ostrich.
3. A black rhino has got than a Javan rhino.
4. A crocodile is
5. A donkey is than a monkey.
6. A snake is than a horse.
than a lizard.

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 2

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Language Awareness

Compare Stegosaurus and Troodon. Write sentences about them using the
comparative adjectives given.

1. – bigger brainCONTOH
Troodon had a bigger brain than Stegosaurus.
2. – more intelligent – Stegosaurus
Troodon was
3. – smaller brain

4. – less intelligent

5. – larger body

6. – longer tail

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 3

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading

LS: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.

Read the text.

CONTOH One of the smallest of all known dinosaurs was
Compsognathus. It was just 70cm (28 inch) long,
including its tail. It was only as tall as a hen. It hunted
insects and lizards using its long and slender jaws.

Psittacosaurus, a dinosaur found in Asia. It had a
curved beak like a parrot. It was much lighter than
other horned dinosaurs. It had a tiny horn on each
cheek. Its horns were about 1 metre long.

Write ‘True’ or ‘False’. ( )
1. Compsognathus was one of the smallest dinosaurs. ( )
2. Psittacosaurus could not be found in Asia. ( )
3. Compsognathus was only as tall as a hen. ( )
4. Compsognathus was a herbivore. ( )
5. Psittacosaurus looked like a parrot. ( )
6. Psittacosaurus had two horns.

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 4

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Speaking & Writing
LS: 2.1.1 Explain and give reasons for basic opinions.
LS: 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements.

Take turns with your friend to talk and write about the animals.

Pupil A: Why do you like rabbits?
Pupil B: Because they are cute and fluffy.
Animal Select 2 suitable adjectives
1. cute, tall, funny, noisy
friendly, scary, intelligent, heavy
2. colourful, ugly, pretty, dangerous
3. short, tall, beautiful, boring
4. interesting, strong, boring, small

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 5

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Writing

LS: 4.2.5 Connect sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference pronouns.

Use the notes below to help you to write about your favourite animal.

• live in the desert, forest and coastline
• found in combinations of colours – brown,

orange, red, black and blue
• eat fresh fruits and dark leafy greens
• bask in the sun or rest on a tree branch
• when threatened, their tails fall off but will grow

back only once
My favourite animal is


I like them because

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 6

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading

LS: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.

Read the story.

An intelligent fox fell into a deep well. While waiting for help, he saw a goat. The
goat asked, ‘Why are you in the well?’. The cunning fox answered, ‘There’s
going to be a drought. I’m here to make sure I have water.’ The gullible goat
quickly jumped into the well. The cunning fox quickly jumped on the goat and
used its sharp horns to reach the top. The poor goat was left alone in the well.
It was scared and hungry.
Complete the sentences with the adjectives given.

scared more intelligent gullible
cunning deep sharp

1. The fox was than the goat.

2. The well was and the fox could not jump out of it.

3. The fox managed to trick the goat.

4. The goat’s horns helped the fox to jump out of the well.

5. The goat was alone in the well feeling and hungry.

Write your answer in the space provided.

6. What have you learnt from this story?

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 7 Skill: Reading

Theme: World of Knowledge
LS: 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/ non-fiction print and digital texts of interest.

Read the story.

Once there was a king who liked hunting using the blowpipe. Soon most of the
birds and animals in the forest had been killed.

One day, he went to another forest and he sat under a big tree. Suddenly, the king
saw a sparrow perching on the lowest branch of the tall tree. The king quickly shot
the bird and it fell to the ground.

‘Kill it,’ the king ordered his men. Before they could do so, the bird suddenly
spoke, ‘Your Majesty, don’t kill me. There is a huge diamond on top of the tree. I
have been waiting here to tell you about it. Now please set me free and permit me
to fetch the diamond ring for you.’

The king set the bird free and the bird immediately flew away. The king got angry
and shouted angrily at the bird, ‘Sparrow! You’ve tricked me!’ The king finally
went home empty-handed.
Put the pictures in the correct order ( 1 – 4).

Write your answer in the space provided.
Do you like folk tales? Why? Why not?

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 8

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Writing
LS: 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided writing.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences to retell the story.

1. liked hunting / There was / a king / who/ using the blowpipe


2. shot / One day,/ a bird / the king / and it fell / on the ground

3. pleaded / The bird / with the king / kill it / not to

4. promised / the king / The bird /a diamond ring / to get / for him

5. realised / and the king / flew away / The bird / he was tricked / that

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Let’s Revise 8

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading

LS: 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title and topic.

A Read and solve the riddles with names of animals.

1. 2.
I have four legs. I’m very long.
I live in Africa. I can’t walk.
I am big and grey. I don’t have legs or arms.
I stomp my feet.
3. 4.
I eat insects. I have four short legs.
I can jump. I like to wallow in mud.
I’m green. I have dark skin.
I live near water in Africa.

B Read. Put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗). ( )
( )
1. Gorillas are bigger than monkeys. ( )
2. A snail is faster than a tortoise. ( )
3. Diplodocus was as long as two buses and a car. ( )
4. Troodon was more intelligent than Stegosaurus.
5. Dolphins are heavier than whales.

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Module 9 Date:

Get active!

Textbook: pp. 9 3 - 1 0 2

Practice 1

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading
LS: 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title and topic.

Read the riddles and write the names of the sports.

football tennis bowling
s kateboarding badminton skiing

1. I am played with a racquet. 4. I am done on ramps and in special
My ball has feathers on it. parks.
I can be played on the court.
You need a helmet and pads to do
me safely.

You need a board with wheels.

2. Boys and girls play me. 5. I am the most popular sport.
I am a team sport.
You need a racquet and a yellow
ball. Every 4 years there is the World

3. I am done outdoors. 6. You need a really heavy ball.
You need goggles and poles. If you get a strike, it is great news.
Snow is necessary for my sport.
If my ball goes into the alley, that is
not good.

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 2

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Speaking
LS: 2.1.1 Explain and give reasons for basic opinions.
LS: 2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories.

A Work in pairs. Then complete the table below.

I like/ love/ enjoy playing
football because it’s fun/

popular/ easy/ exciting.
I don’t like / hate playing
football because it’s hard/


Games You Your partner
football like – fun don’t like – boring

B Based on your partner’s answer, talk about him/her to the class.

Amin likes playing football
because it’s fun.

Arif hates playing football
because it’s boring.

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 3

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Writing
LS: 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements.

Construct suitable sentences based on the pictures.


Anita – best – high jumper – school
Johan – strongest – school

Rina – worst – runner – school

Nawi – thinks – swimming – easiest race

Zulkifi – skateboarding champion

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 4

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading

LS: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.

Read and answer the questions that follow.

Hi! My name’s Orlando and I’m from Brazil. One of the
most popular sports in my country is football. You play
this sport in a football field. There are eleven players in
each team and one must be the goalkeeper. Each team
will try to kick the ball into the other team’s goal without
using their hands or arms. The team that scores more
goals wins.
Hello! I’m Fatimah. I’m from Malaysia. I like playing
hockey. This sport is played on a field. There are eleven
players in each team. The players will wear shin guards,
mouth guards and gloves. They use hockey sticks to
play the game. I think hockey is an exciting game, but
my younger sister thinks it’s boring.

Write ‘F’ for football and ‘H’ for hockey.

1. Eleven players on each team. and
2. Players wear safety gear.
3. Players kick the ball.
4. Players use sticks in this sport.

Write your answer in the space provided.
5. What does Fatimah think of hockey?

6. What do you think of hockey? (difficult/ dangerous / interesting)

Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding

PL Very limited

English Year 4 84

Practice 5

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Listening Audio
LS: 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer simple texts.

Listen and match. Write the letters in the space provided.

Sport Thinks

CONTOH 1. Ahmad

2. Junaidah

3. Kumar

4. Sarah

5. Cindy

6. Haslina

A tennis B hockey C skateboarding D swimming E skiing F table

G exciting H popular I hard J interesting K dangerous L boring

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 6

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Writing

LS: 4.2.5 Connect sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference pronouns.

A Write about Pandelela Rinong using the information given.

Name : Pandelela Rinong Born on : 2 March 1993

CONTOH Born in : Bau, Sarawak Sport : famous diver

Nationality : Malaysian

Achievement : won a silver medal at the Olympics

What do you think of her?

Pandelela Rinong was born on .
She was born in .
She is a .
She is a .
She has won .
I think .
B Write about your favourite athlete.

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 7

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading

LS: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.

Read the story and answer the questions below.

A friendly dolphin saved a monkey in a storm. They swam to an island.

The dolphin asked the monkey, ‘Do you know anyone on this island?’

The monkey replied, ‘Of course, I’m the strongest animal on this island. I’m
also the champion here.’

The dolphin left the monkey on the island and swam away. The boastful
monkey was left alone on the island.
1. Who saved the monkey in a storm?

2. What did the monkey tell the dolphin? Write the sentences.

3. Where did the dolphin leave the monkey?

4. What happened to the monkey in the end?

5. List 3 adjectives used in this story.

6. It is not good to be boastful. Why do you think so?

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding

87 English Year 4

Practice 8

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Language Awareness

Look and complete the sentences below with superlative adjectives.

CONTOH Kumari Farah Amira
(10 years old) (12 years old) (7 years old)

1. Kumari is the tallest (tall) of the three.

2. Kumari is (heavy) of the three.

3. Farah is (old) of the three.

4. Amira is (short) of the three.

5. Farah is (happy) of the three.

6. Amira is (young) of the three.

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Let’s Revise 9

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Writing & Speaking

LS: 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided writing.

LS: 2.1.1 Explain and give reasons for basic opinions.

A Read the descriptions and complete the spellings.

1. A type of hard hat that protects the head of the player. h t

CONTOH 2. The piece of wood used for hitting the ball in baseball. b t n
3. The leader of a sports team. c s

4. A small object that you blow to make a sound. w

5. The pair of glasses to protect your eyes from water. g

B Talk about yourself. .
1. My favourite sport is

2. I think the most dangerous sport is .
because it’s

3. I think the most exciting sport is .

4. I think the most boring sport is .

5. I think the easiest sport is .
PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Outstanding
English Year 4

Module 10 Date:

What’s the matter?

Textbook: pp. 1 0 3 - 1 1 4

Practice 1 Skill: Listening Audio

Theme: World of Knowledge
LS: 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer simple texts.

A Listen and write.
stomach ache toothache sore throat
headache earache cough

1. Samuel has got .

2. Susila has got .

3. Kassim has got .

4. Jamilah has got .

5. Khatijah has got .

B Answer the question.
What will probably happen to you if you eat lots of sweets?

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 2

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Speaking

LS: 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by using suitable words: (i) to show understanding

Complete the dialogue and role-play.

What’s the matter, Zikry? 2. What’s the matter, Aini? You
1. How come your leg in a cast? don’t look well.

CONTOH – broke – leg – fever – cough

I . I’ve got .

3. Jack, what’s the matter? 4. Lina, what’s the matter?

– toothache

– hurt – knee – bleeding

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 3 Skill: Writing

Theme: World of Knowledge
LS: 4.2.1 Explain and give reasons for simple opinions.

Read and match correctly.

1 Amin has got toothache. She should eat a light a
2 Adila has got a headache. He should see a dentist. b

3 Helen has got a stomach She should take some c
ache. medicine.

4 David has got a sore She should go to bed d
throat. early.

5 Mary has got a fever. He should drink lots of e

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 4

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Language Awareness

A Fill in the blanks with ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’.

CONTOH 1. We play with knives.
2. We play with sockets.
3. We be careful with knives.
4. We walk up and down the stairs.
5. We touch the oven when it’s hot.
6. We jump on our beds.
7. We play with matches.
8. We wash our hands before and after meals.

B Answer the question.
We should obey the safety rules at home. Why do you think so?

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 5 Skill: Writing

Theme: World of Knowledge 3.
LS: 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided writing.

Look and write.

1. 2.

CONTOH– touch – sockets – play – matches – touch – cleaning
4. 5. products


– jump – bed – touch – oven – hot – run – up – down – stairs

1. He shouldn’t touch the sockets.

2. She .





PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding

English Year 4 94

Practice 6 Skill: Reading

Theme: World of Knowledge
LS: 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.

Read and circle the correct answers.

1. There are sharks in the sea. A Yes, we should.
Should we swim? B No, we shouldn’t.

2. I got a cut on my finger. A Yes, you should.
Should I put a plaster? B No, you shouldn’t.

3. Tom is going for a swim. A Yes, he should.
Should he put on sunscreen? B No, he shouldn’t.

4. Should Jeswin eat more A Yes, she should.
sweets? B No, she shouldn’t.

5. They walk up and down the A Yes, they should.
stairs carefully. B No, they shouldn’t.

6. Taufiq has got a cough. A Yes, he should.
Should he drink cold drinks? B No, he shouldn’t.

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Practice 7

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Reading

LS: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs.

Read the text.

Bacteria are organisms that take several shapes – spheres, rods and spirals.
They are found everywhere – in food, dirt and our bodies. You can only see
them through microscope.

Bacteria can live outside the human body. They like to grow in warm and wet
places. Most bacteria are good – such as those that help with digestion, but
some can cause infections.

There is something we can do to stop bacteria in our bodies. Don’t eat
unhygienic food or drinks.

Complete the sentences.

1. Bacteria can be found .

2. We can only use a to see the bacteria.

3. Bacteria like to grow in and places.
food or drinks.
4. Not all bacteria are .

5. We can stay away from bacteria by not eating

Read and underline the correct answers.
6. You ( can / can’t ) see bacteria easily.
7. Bacteria ( can / can’t ) be found on your body.
8. Bacteria ( can / can’t ) live outside your body.
9. You ( should / shouldn’t ) eat food at dirty stalls.
10. You ( should / shouldn’t ) take care of your personal hygiene.

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding

English Year 4 96

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