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Published by Publications, 2021-12-27 20:46:46

English Year 4

English Year 4

Practice 8 Skill: Reading

Theme: World of Knowledge
LS: 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/ non-fiction print and digital texts of interest.

Read the story.

A dog was very hungry. He searched everywhere and found a bone at last. He
picked the bone with his mouth. On the way home, he crossed a bridge.

In the middle of the bridge, he saw his reflection in the water. The dog thought
there was another dog with a bone in the water. He wanted to get the other
bone too.

So he started barking at his own reflection. His bone fell into the water as soon
as he opened his mouth. The greedy dog lost his bone.

Read the summary below. Circle and correct the mistakes.

A dog was very hungry. He found a meat at last. He 1.
picked the bone with his mouth. On the way home, 2.
he crossed a wood. 3.
On the bridge, he saw his mirror in the water. The 5.
dog thought there was another puppy with a bone
in the water. He wanted to get the other bone too.

So he started barking at his own reflection. His
bone fell into the water when he opened his mouth.
The foolish dog lost his bone.

Answer the question.
6. What’s the moral of the story?

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Let’s Revise 10

Theme: World of Knowledge Skill: Writing
LS: 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided writing.
A Read and write.

1. Bake the muffins in the .

2. You cut things with it. k

3. You put this on a cut. p

4. You can burn your fingers when you play with them. m

5. You eat them when you are sick. m

6. You must not jump on it. b

B Complete the sentences. .
1. Jimmy has got toothache because .
2. Nadia has got a stomach ache because

3. Zamir has got a fever so

4. The children are tired because

PL Very limited Limited Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding
English Year 4

Assessment 2

Which sign (A – H) says this (1 – 5)?



1. Fasten your seat belt. English Year 4
2. Walk on the pavement.
3. Use the zebra crossing.
4. Cycle in single file.
5. Watch out for cars.


Read the sentences about Nani and her family. Choose the best answer.

1. Every weekend, Nani and her family time together.
A spends
B spend
C spent

2. They usually at the garden to do gardening.
A talk
B play
C gather

3. Nani always to water the plants.
A help
B helps
C helped

4. Her brother often puts some for the flowering plants.
A soil
B water
C fertilisers

5. Her parents are usually busy leaves at the garden.
A cleaning
B painting
C raking

English Year 4 100

Complete the conversations below.


Anis : Why didn’t you come to A I didn’t know you.
my house yesterday? B It was a great time.
C I was doing something else.
Jona : …

2. A I’m not sure.
Zahid : How often do you B Twice a week.
have music? C I dislike music.

Navid : …


Anne : How are we going to get A On foot.
there? B It’s still early.
C It’s difficult to tell.
Kriss : …


Badrul : Is he the best high jumper A Great!
in our school? B It’s a pity.
C Yes, that’s right.
Yashim : …


Mira : I’ve got terrible toothache. A It’s all right.
Zana : … B You eat too much.
C You should see a dentist.

101 English Year 4


Read the text.

Dolphins saved surfer from shark

One fine morning on 28 August 2007, Todd Endris and his friends went surfing
at Marina State Park off Monterey, California.

While out at sea, a great white shark about 12 to 15 feet, came out of the blue
and hit Endris as he was sitting on his surfboard. When it came at Endris the
second time, it clamped its huge jaws around his torso. The shark attacked
Endris several times and injured him badly.

When all seemed hopeless, a miracle happened. A pod of bottlenose dolphins,
that had been playing in the surf, swam up to Endris. They swam around him
to form a protective ring. This allowed Endris to get to the shore and get the
help he needed.

English Year 4 102

For each question, choose the correct answer.

1. Todd Endris and his friends went skateboarding on 28 August 2007.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say

2. Todd Endris and his friends were out in the sea of Marina State Park.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say

3. A shark attacked Todd Endris suddenly.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say

4. Todd Endris always surfs at the Marina State Park.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say

5. Todd Endris was injured badly on his jaws.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say

6. It was truly unexpected that Todd Endris was saved by a pod of bottlenose dolphins.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say

7. The pod of dolphins gave Todd Endris a ring to protect him.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say

103 English Year 4

Complete the telephone conversation between two friends. What does Alia
say to Mia? Write the correct letter (A – H).

Mia : What’s the matter with you? I didn’t see you in school today.

Alia : (1)
Mia : How did that happen?

Alia : (2)
Mia : Oh, dear! How are you now?

Alia : (3)
Mia : Good to hear that.

Alia : (4)
Mia : Take care and rest well.

Alia : (5)

A I’m away for a holiday.
B I had a terrible headache yesterday, but I’m better now.
C Thanks a lot for your concern.
D I knocked my forehead against a pole.
E I’m not too sure about it.
F I’m on medical leave for two days only.
G I was busy talking on my mobile phone and wasn’t looking where I was going.
H Why are you calling me?

English Year 4 104

Read the text about Halloween. Choose the best word for each space.

Halloween falls (1) 31 October every year. The history of this

festival (2) back to the Celtic Festival called Samhain which

was celebrated in the northern Europe. Dressing up in costumes and wearing

masks (3) once a way to hide from ghosts.

Another fun fact states that the jack-o’-lanterns were not only made out of

pumpkin, (4) also turnips, beets and potatoes in the early


Halloween is a festival filled (5) superstitions. Owls which

are popular symbols of Halloween are believed to be the other form taken

(6) witches. If you hear the hoot of an owl, it means someone

is about to pass away. The festival is celebrated in (7)

ways. Some visit haunted places. Some watch a horror film while some share

their scariest experiences. This fun-filled celebration will forever be a favourite

(8) children and adults.

1. A in B on C at
2. A go B goes C went
3. A was B are C were
4. A but B and C or
5. A of B by C with
6. A by B of C from
7. A much B many C more
8. A among B beside C between

105 English Year 4


Read the descriptions. What is the word for each one?

I’m made of flour and you
use me to make sandwiches.


I’m white and you can drink

me to be healthy.


You use me in making a salad.

I am red and round.


You can squeeze me to get

juice. I have lots of vitamin C.


I’m brown and sweet. I can

be bad for your teeth.


English Year 4 106


Complete the message left by your friend about Recycling Day. Write ONE word
for each space.

Example: 0 is

The school (0) having a Recycling Day this Sunday morning. We
will (1) at the school hall (2) 8.00 in the morning.
There’ll be a talk and (3) exhibition at the ICT room. I am an usher
for the talk (4) you’ll be (5) duty at the exhibition area.
There’ll be a poster contest (6) a public speaking competition too.
If you are interested to join, please register with (7) class teacher

as soon as possible.

We can bring (8) recyclable items such as newspaper, cardboards,

aluminium cans and plastic bottles to be (9) . We can leave the

recyclable items at the Recycling Booth outside the hall which is near the

entrance of the hall. You won’t miss it when you are entering the hall.


107 English Year 4

Read the poster and the email. Fill in the information in Aizat’s notes.

Dino World Exhibition

Ticket price: Adult (RM25) Children below 12 (RM10)

Opening hours: 11.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Main attractions:
• Life-sized dinosaur fossil display
• Fossil dig site

Promotion: Family package
(Buy 2 tickets and get 2 FREE tickets for children)

[email protected]
Dino World Exhibition

Hi Zulkifi,

Shall we go to the exhibition together this weekend, Saturday? My sis will take us
in her new car as she is going too. We’ll fetch you at 2.30 p.m. The journey will
take 30 minutes. Please wear sneakers as we have to walk a lot on that day. See
you soon.

English Year 4 108

Aizat’s Notes

Trip to : (1)
Day : (2)
We leave at : (3)
We arrive at : (4)
Going by : (5)

Read the email from your cousin, Amira.

From: [email protected]

Subject: Holiday

Hi, it’s great to know that you and your family were away for a holiday. Can you
tell me more about your holiday? Where did you go? How was the weather?
What interesting things you did there? Did you take a lot of photos? Was it fun?

109 English Year 4

Write an email to Amira and answer the questions.

[email protected]
Hi Amira,

English Year 4 110


Module 1 Where are you from? (pp. 1-9) 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B
2. (a) ✓
Practice 1 Practice 5
1. (b) ✓ (Suggested answer)
Thank you for your email. My name is Aini and I’m ten
B years old. I’m from Malaysia and I live in Kota Bharu.
I’ve got a brother. His name is Akif. My hobby is
1. Where are you from? I’m from Korea. reading. I have a collection of good books.
2. Where are you from? I’m from Mexico.
Hope to hear from your soon.

Bye for now,

Practice 2 Practice 6
1. A
Name Age Nationality Hobbies Job
2. C
Zakariah 12 Malaysian drawing and student
cooking 3. A

Jackson 13 French cycling and student 4. C
5. B
Haruto 29 Japanese hiking and doctor
horse riding 6. A
7. My favourite sports star is Lee Chong Wei
because he is the best badminton player in
(Accept any suitable answer)

B 2. Zakariah 3. Haruto Practice 7
5. Haruto 6. Haruto
1. Jackson A
4. Jackson
1. He’s from Malaysia. He’s Malaysian.
Practice 3 2. She’s from the UK. She’s British.
3. They’re from the US. They’re American.
1. False 4. We’re from Singapore. We’re Singaporean.
2. False
3. True B 2. It 3. He
4. True 5. They
5. False 1. She
6. False 4. We
7. Yes, I do. My dream is to travel all over the world
to learn about different cultures. Practice 8
(Accept any suitable answer)
Practice 4 1. never 2. always 3. sometimes
4. usually 5. never
Transcript: 3. knows
B 2. wake 6. like
1. M inji is my penfriend. She is from Korea. It’s 1. goes 5. play
winter. She’s ice-skating. 4. does

2. Karim is my neighbour. He’s doing karate. He Let’s Revise 1
goes for his lessons on Wednesdays.
1. students/ children 6. Brazil
3. I have a new friend. Her name is Veronica.
She’s from Mexico. She’s swimming in the pool. 2. Mexico 7. playing chess

4. My good friend is Bernardo. He is from Brazil. 3. swimming 8. China
He is playing computer games.
4. Korea 9. doing karate
5. Li Mei is my classmate. She is playing table
tennis with her sister. 5. cycling / riding a bike

A1 English Year 4

Module 2 My week (pp. 10-18) 1. 15/ Fifteen students have to set the table.
2. The most popular housework is to clear the table.
Practice 1 3. (Accept any suitable answers)
4. Children have to do housework at home to learn
A the life skills.
(Accept any suitable answer)
1. English 2. Science 3. Art

4. Music 5. PE 6. Maths Practice 6

7. Writing 1. They are in the garden.
2. He rakes the dried leaves.
8. My favourite subject is Science because I like to 3. (a) ✓

learn about the universe.
(Accept any suitable answer)

Practice 2 Practice 7

1. A 1. has to 5. has to
2. B 6. has to
3. English is a language subject. 2. doesn’t have to 7. have to
4. (Accept any suitable answer) 8. don’t have to
3. have to
3. clear
Practice 3 4. doesn’t have to 6. and

1. a 4. c Practice 8 2. have
2. e 5. d 5. my
3. b 6. (Accept any suitable answer) 1. with
4. On

Practice 4 Let’s Revise 2

A 1. What does Nadwa have to do on Monday?
She has to take out the rubbish.
Transcript: 2. What does Nadwa have to do on Tuesday?
On Fridays, Aizat has to feed the fish. He doesn’t She has to water the plants.
have to clear the table. 3. What does Nadwa have to do on Wednesday?
On Saturdays, Aizat has to take out the rubbish. He She has to make the bed.
doesn’t have to wash the car. 4. What does Nadwa have to do on Thursday?
On Sundays, Aizat has to fold the clothes. He doesn’t She has to set the table.
have to iron the clothes. 5. What does Nadwa have to do on Friday?
She has to feed the hamster.

Fridays Saturdays Sundays Module 3

Make the Rake the Shovel In the past (pp. 19-27)
bed leaves snow
Practice 1
Feed the
fish ✓ Take out ✓ Iron the ✗ Transcript:
the rubbish clothes ✓
Set the 1. Remove the brain through the nose.
table Do the Prepare 2. Make a cut on the left side of the body.
washing-up lunch 3. Remove the internal organs and dry them.
Clear the 4. Place the lungs, intestines, stomach and liver in
table ✗ Wash the ✗ Fold the canopic jars.
car clothes 5. Place the heart inside the body.
6. Rinse the body with wine and spices.
B 7. Cover the body with natron for 70 days.
8. Cover the body with sand after 40 days.
1. On Fridays, he has to feed the fish. He doesn’t have 9. Cover from head to toe with a bandage.
to clear the table. 10. Finally, place the mummy in a stone coffin.
2. On Saturdays, he has to take out the rubbish. He
doesn’t have to wash the car. 7, 3, 10, 4, 1, 8, 6, 9, 2, 5
3. On Sundays, he has to fold the clothes. He doesn’t
have to iron the clothes. 1. It is an interesting process.
2. They did that to show their love and respect for the
Practice 5 dead.

Transcript: Practice 2

• 10 students make their beds. 1. Yes, he did. 2. No, he didn’t.
3. Yes, he did. 4. No, he didn’t.
• 15 students set the table. 5. Yes, I did. I woke up late and missed the bus.
• 10 students sweep the floor. (Accept any suitable answer)

• 20 students clear the table.

English Year 4 A2

Practice 3 5. I like Saturday because I’m free to do what I like on
that day.
1. Tutankhamun was an ancient Egyptian king. (Accept any suitable answer)
2. He was 18 years old when he died.
3. He was mummified after his death. Practice 2
4. His head and shoulders were covered with a 24-
carat gold mask. Transcript:
5. They would be cursed.
1. The Hindus celebrate this special day.
Practice 4 2. All Muslims celebrate this day after a month of
1. Who made a chocolate cake for your birthday? 3. We celebrate this special day to show our love
2. Who taught you how to write a good essay? for our mothers.
3. When did your family go to Italy? 4. The Christians celebrate this special day in
4. How did they go to the beach? December.
5. How old was Jamilah when she won her first gold 5. All Chinese celebrate this day to mark the new
medal? beginning of a lunar new year.
6. What did they find in the tomb? 6. There will be a parade and fireworks on that day.
7. How did the man die?
8. When did the children go to the museum?

Practice 5 No Day No Day
5 Chinese New Year 3 Mother’s Day
1. went on a trip
2. hot and sunny No Day No Day
3. on a trishaw 4 Christmas 6 National Day
4. A’Famosa Fortress, the Stadthuys and St Paul’s
Church No Day No Day
5. to the Maritime Museum 1 Deepavali 2 Hari Raya Aidilfitri
6. saw a huge ship
7. photos
8. enjoyable but tiring

Practice 6 Practice 3

1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. No 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B
6. No, I don’t. It is because magic is not realistic in real
life. Practice 4
(Accept any suitable answer)
2. is going to dress up
Practice 7 3. are going to choose
4. are going to meet
1. The weather was cold and windy. 5. is going to celebrate
2. The mummies looked scary but interesting. 6. are going to decorate
3. The trip was exciting but tiring. 7. am going to wake up
4. My brother was hungry and tired. 8. are going to stay up
5. My favourite subject is English but I dislike Maths.
6. She saw a mummy and an ancient sword at the Practice 5
7. Taqif visited the Science Centre and the National 1. twenty-fifth of December
Museum. 2. excited
3. wrap all the presents
Practice 8 2. walked 3. saw 4. under the Christmas tree
5. was 5. ornaments and twinkling lights
1. visited 8. had 6. stopped 6. bake a fruit cake
4. were 7. a big turkey
7. bought
Practice 6

Let’s Revise 3 1. Yes, they are. 2. No, she isn’t. 3. No, they aren’t.
4. No, he isn’t. 5. Yes, she is. 6. Yes, he is.
Practice 7
1. No, I didn’t. I woke up at 10.
2. How did the ancient Egyptians wrap mummies? Dear diary,
3. A mosquito bit him. I’m very excited. In a week’s time, it’s going to be Hari
(Suggested answers) Raya Aidilfitri. I’m going to celebrate Hari Raya after a
month of fasting. I’m going to decorate the house with
Module 4 Celebrations (pp. 28-36) new curtains and fairy lights.
On the day of Hari Raya, I’m going to go to the mosque.
Practice 1 I’m going to get ‘duit raya’ from my parents. I’m going to
visit my relatives. I’m going to write again tomorrow.
1. It’s on 1 January. Bye for now,
2. It’s on 16 May. Hashim
3. It’s on 31 August.
4. (Accept any suitable answer) A3 English Year 4

Practice 8 Practice 5

1. c 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. e A
1. How many hours do you sleep every day?
6. b 7. honesty is the best policy 2. How many meals do you eat every day?
3. How much milk do you drink every day?
Let’s Revise 4 4. How many minutes do you exercise every day?
– I’m going to ride a bike. 5. How many bars of chocolate do you eat every day?
– I’m going to play badminton. 6. How much water do you drink every day?
– I’m going to bake a cake.
(Accept any suitable answers) B
I avoid eating junk food. (Accept any suitable answer)
Module 5 Eating right (pp. 37-45)
Practice 6
Practice 1
A (Accept any suitable answer)
We can count them: orange, kiwi, egg, pear, peach
We can’t count them: milk, flour, coffee, water, pepper

Practice 2 B
Yes, it was. I ate a well-balanced meal and did sport.
Transcript: (Accept any suitable answer)
I go to the fridge.
I open the door. Practice 7 4. 5.30 p.m.
There on the shelves 5. Car
Ten fish fillets 1. Street Food Festival 6. 019 - 9919223
Nine mango yoghurts 2. Saturday
Eight cheeseburgers 3. Perdana Hotel
Seven slices of ham
Six large eggs Practice 8
Five cold sausages
Four chunks of cheese 1. Are you ready to order?
Three cartons of milk 2. I’d like a plate of spaghetti, please.
Two cans of Coke 3. Would you like anything to drink?
And a big bowl of fruit salad! 4. I’d like some lemonade.
5. Do you serve any dessert?
6. We serve ice cream and cheesecakes.

Let’s Revise 5

1. fish 6. sausages 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C
7. cheese 6. C 7. B 8. B
2. mango 8. milk
9. Coke
3. cheeseburgers 10. fruit salad Assessment 1 (pp. 46-53)

4. ham SECTION A

5. eggs

B Milk 1. A 2. C 3. C
4. C 5. A 6. B

Practice 3 SECTION B
1. some 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C
4. some 5. C 6. B 7. A

2. some 3. an SECTION C
5. a, an 6. some
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B
3. some
B 6. some SECTION D

1. any 2. some 1. C 2. C 3. B
4. any 5. any 6. C
4. B 5. B

Practice 4 SECTION E 2. from 3. do
5. an 6. your
1. a can of lemonade 1. me
2. a carton of orange juice 4. is
3. a piece of cake
4. a bag of crisps
5. a bottle of water
6. a box of cereal

English Year 4 A4

SECTION F Practice 5

Hello Tina, 1. Travelling by aeroplane is fast.
Let’s meet to buy a present for Elyana’s birthday. We 2. Travelling by hot-air balloon is slow.
can meet at the main entrance of the shopping centre 3. Playing the computer games is fun.
at 4.00 p.m. I hope it’s OK with you. We can buy a scarf 4. Playing the piano is difficult.
for Elyana, do you agree? I hope to hear from you soon. 5. Going to the playground is fun.
6. Going to the zoo is exciting.
Bye for now, (Accept any suitable answers)

SECTION G Practice 6

Last holiday, Fatin and her family went to Cameron 1. It’s nine ringgit and ninety sen.
Highlands by car. The weather was cool and refreshing. 2. They’re five ringgit and fifty sen.
Fatin and her brother were very excited. They enjoyed 3. They’re one hundred fifty-eight ringgit and
picking and eating fresh strawberries. The next day, ninety-nine sen.
they visited the tea plantation. They took lots of photos 4. It’s forty-six ringgit and ninety-five sen.
there. They enjoyed themselves very much. 5. They’re two hundred five ringgit and twenty sen.
6. I wish to buy a toy robot because it is fun to play.
Module 6 Getting around (pp. 54-62) (Accept any suitable answer)

Practice 1 Practice 7

1. Cross at the zebra crossing. Yes
2. Race with your friend on the road. No Transcript:
3. Stick your head out of the window. No Anis : Hello.
4. Look both ways before crossing the street. Yes Rina : Hello. Can I help you?
5. Keep both hands on the handlebars. Yes Anis : I’d like a ticket for National Museum, please.
6. Walk on the pavement. Yes What time does the bus leave?
Rina : The bus for National Museum leaves in fifteen
B minutes.
Anis : Is the ticket expensive?
We might get hurt. Rina : No, it isn’t. It’s five ringgit and ninety sen.
Anis : Wow, that’s cheap. OK. Two tickets, please.
Practice 2 Rina : Here you go. Bye. Enjoy your trip.
Anis : Thank you. Bye.
1. 31 August 3, 10, 7, 1, 5, 8, 2, 9, 6, 4
2. Cameron Highlands
3. Bus B (Accept any suitable answers)
4. 7.30 a.m. 1. Yes, I have. It is interesting.
5. 9.30 a.m. 2. I saw some ancient exhibits.
6. Water bottle, cap and umbrella

B Practice 8

I can bring a camera to take pictures. (Accept any 1. Yes, I am.
suitable answer) 2. Here’s the helmet. Make sure to put both hands on
the handlebars.
Practice 3 3. How long does it take to get to the park?
4. Let’s go home now.
1. An aircraft that is lifted by heating the air inside its
balloon. Let’s Revise 6 5. zebra crossing
Vehicle: hot-air balloon
2. A vehicle with fixed wings and one or A 6. helmet
more engines to help it fly.
Vehicle: aeroplane 1. seat belt 7. bus
3. A vehicle with two wheels. Moved by pedals and 2. pavement 8. road
steered with handlebars. 3. window
Vehicle: bike 4. handlebars
4. A two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by a motor
and has no pedals. B
Vehicle: motorbike It is easier for other road users to see us.

Practice 4

1. cable car 2. tram 3. tram

4. cable car 5. cable car

6. I wish to try the cable car as it will be exciting to
travel in the air. (Accept any suitable answer)
English Year 4

Module 7 Helping out (pp. 63-71) B
Practice 1 1. C
2. A 3. B

Transcript: C
(a) The boys are pitching their tents.
(b) Aminah is picking up the rubbish at the 1. Do the washing-up 2. Water the plants
playground. 3. Clear the table
(c) Greg is helping his teacher to carry the books to (Accept any suitable answers)
the staffroom.
(d) The children are painting the benches. Module 8 Amazing animals (pp. 72-80)
(e) Darud and Faiz are picking up plastic bottles. Practice 1
(f) The pupils are sweeping the floor in the
classroom. Transcript:

1. d 2. a 3. b 1. A whale is bigger than a shark.
4. e 5. f 6. c 2. A cheetah runs faster than an ostrich.
3. A black rhino has got more horns than a Javan
B rhino.
I would clean the park in my neighbourhood. (Accept 4. A crocodile is more powerful than a monkey.
any suitable answer) 5. A donkey is shorter than a horse.
6. A snake is longer than a lizard.

Practice 2 3. them 4. you 1. bigger 4. more powerful
7. it
1. me 2. us 2. faster 5. shorter
5. him 6. her
3. more horns 6. longer

Practice 3 2. Its 3. his Practice 2
1. hers 5. ours 6. yours 2. Troodon was more intelligent than Stegosaurus.
4. theirs 3. Stegosaurus had a smaller brain than Troodon.
4. Stegosaurus was less intelligent than Troodon.
Practice 4 3. Dad 4. Mum 5. Stegosaurus had a larger body than Troodon.
A 6. Troodon had a longer tail than Stegosaurus.
1. Fiza 2. Noor
Practice 3
B 2. False 3. True
Keys, shoes, jacket (Accept any suitable answer) 1. True 5. False 6. True
4. False

Practice 5 Practice 4
S, Q, T, R, P
1. Why do you like pandas?
Practice 6 2. Everyone 3. everything Because they are cute and funny.
5. something 2. Why do you like dolphins?
1. something Because they are friendly and intelligent.
4. Someone 3. Why do you like peacocks?
Because they are colourful and pretty.
Practice 7 4. Why do you like giraffes?
Because they are tall and beautiful.
1. There’s someone picking up the rubbish. 5. Why do you like camels?
2. There’s something under the bench. Because they are interesting and strong.
3. Everyone should clean up the park.
4. They should throw everything in the rubbish bins. Practice 5

Practice 8 My favourite animal is iguana. Iguanas live in the desert,
forest and coastline. They are found in combinations of
1. Kamal and Jamal see a little girl crying under a tree. colours such as brown, orange, red, black and blue. They
2. The little girl says she is lost. eat fresh fruits and dark leafy greens. They like to bask
3. They take her to the police station. in the sun or rest on a tree branch. When threatened,
4. Her parents thank them for their helpfulness. their tails fall off but will grow back only once. I like them
5. They feel happy to help the little girl. because they are interesting.

Let’s Revise 7 Practice 6
1. more intelligent
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 2. deep
3. cunning, gullible
English Year 4

4. sharp Practice 5
5. scared
6. We must not trust others easily. (Accept any suitable Transcript:
answer) 1. Ahmad is my friend. He thinks hockey is hard.
2. Junaidah is my neighbour. She thinks swimming
Practice 7 is the most exciting sport.
3. Kumar is my brother. He thinks skateboarding is
2,4,1,3 dangerous.
– Yes, they are interesting./ No, they are boring. (Accept 4. Sarah dislikes table tennis. She think it’s boring.
any suitable answer) 5. Cindy likes skiing in winter. She thinks it is an
interesting sport.
Practice 8 6. Haslina likes tennis. It’s the most popular sport to
1. There was a king who like hunting using the
blowpipe. 1. B, I
2. One day, the king shot a bird and it fell on the 2. D, G
ground. 3. C, K
3. The bird pleaded with the king not to kill it. 4. F, L
4. The bird promised the king to get a diamond ring for 5. E, J
him. 6. A, H
5. The bird flew away and the king realised that he was

Let’s Revise 8 Practice 6


1. Elephant Pandelela Rinong was born on 2 March 1993. She was
2. Snake born in Bau, Sarawak. She is a famous diver. She is a
3. Frog Malaysian. She has won a silver medal at the Olympics.
4. Hippopotamus/ Hippo I think she is the best diver in Malaysia.

B 2. ✗ 3. ✓ 4. ✓ 5. ✗ B (Accept any suitable answer)
1. ✓
Practice 7
Module 9 Get active! (pp. 81-89)
1. A friendly dolphin saved the monkey in a storm.
Practice 1 2. ‘Of course, I’m the strongest animal on this island.
I’m also the champion here.’
A 3. The dolphin left the monkey on the island.
4. The monkey was left alone on the island.
1. badminton 5. Friendly, strongest, boastful
2. tennis 6. It is not good to be boastful because we may suffer
3. skiing the consequences of it. (Accept any suitable answer)
4. skateboarding
5. football Practice 8
6. bowling
2. the heaviest
Practice 2 3. the oldest
(Accept any suitable answer) 4. the shortest
5. the happiest
6. the youngest

Practice 3 Let’s Revise 9

1. Anita is the best high jumper in the school. A
2. Johan is the strongest boy in the school.
3. Rina is the worst runner in the school. 1. helmet
4. Nawi thinks swimming is the easiest race. 2. bat
5. Zulkifi is the skateboarding champion. 3. captain
4. whistle
Practice 4 5. goggles

1. F and H
2. H
3. F
4. H
5. She thinks hockey is an exciting game.
6. I think hockey is dangerous.
(Accept any suitable answer)

A7 English Year 4

B (Accept any suitable answer) Practice 8 4. puppy – dog
1. meat – bone 5. foolish – greedy
Module 10 What’s the matter? (pp. 90-98) 2. wood – bridge 6. We must not be greedy.
Practice 1 3. mirror – reflection

Let’s Revise 10

Transcript: A

1. Samuel ate 5 bars of chocolates. He has got 1. oven 2. knife 3. plaster
toothache. 4. matches 5. medicine 6. bed

2. Susila swam too long in a cold lake. She has got B
1. he eats too much chocolates
3. Kassim ate lots of food. He has got a stomach 2. she eats too much food
ache. 3. he takes some medicine
4. they play computer games for several hours
4. Jamilah ate lots of chips. She has got a sore (Accept any suitable answers)

5. Khatijah played lots of online games. She has got
a headache.

1. toothache 4. a sore throat Assessment 2 (pp. 99-110)
2. earache 5. a headache
3. a stomach ache SECTION A

1. C 2. E 3. D 4. F 5. A
B I will get toothache.

Practice 2 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C
3. A 4. C 5. C
1. I broke my leg. SECTION C
2. I’ve got a fever and a cough.
3. I hurt my knee. It’s bleeding. 1. C 2. B
4. I’ve got toothache.

Practice 3 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C
5. C 6. A 7. B
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c

Practice 4 1. D 2. G 3. B 4. F 5. C


1. shouldn’t 2. shouldn’t 3. should 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A
4. should 5. shouldn’t 6. shouldn’t 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A
7. shouldn’t 8. should
1. bread 2. milk 3. tomato
It is because we can stay safe if we obey the safety rules 4. orange 5. chocolate
at home.

Practice 5 SECTION H

2. She shouldn’t play with matches. 1. meet 2. at 3. an 4. while 5. on
3. He shouldn’t touch cleaning products. 9. recycled
4. She shouldn’t jump on her bed. 6. and 7. your 8. any
5. He shouldn’t touch the oven when it’s hot. 4. 3.00 p.m.
6. They shouldn’t run up and down the stairs. SECTION I 5. car

1. Dino World Exhibition

2. Saturday

3. 2.30 p.m.

Practice 6 2. A 3. A SECTION J
5. A 6. B
1. B Hi Amira,
4. B 6. can’t I went to Penang for a holiday. We went to Penang Hill,
7. can Botanical Garden and Fort Cornwallis. The weather was
Practice 7 8. can hot and sunny. I had to wear my hat and sunglasses
9. shouldn’t most of the time. I enjoyed the cable car ride. Yup! I
1. everywhere 10. should took lots of beautiful photos. You can look at them in my
Facebook. It was really fun!
2. microscope
3. warm, wet

4. gunohoydg/iebnaidc

English Year 4 A8

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