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Published by jason.watson, 2019-01-18 16:09:29

Winter 2019

Winter 2019

Winter 2019


Rich Richer - Leaving a Legacy of Touched Lives

On December 4, Rich Richer formally retired after 14.5 years of service at SBA.
During that time Mr. Richer officially worked in the maintenance department, but
his involvement at SBA went far beyond his official job description. Mr. Richer often
said that his favorite part of working at SBA was his interaction with the students.
That interaction, and the impact that it had on those students, was clearly seen in the
many comments on the SBA Facebook page when we announced his retirement. For
example, one parent wrote, “I think I can speak for many parents as I say the impact
you have had on our kids over the years...words can NOT express.” Another parent
echoed that, writing, “How does one say with words what you have taught our chil-
dren with actions? God Bless You!!”

Mr. Richer has also been the driving force behind SBA’s summer mission trips over
the past decade. The destination of the trips has changed over the years, from
Mexico to Honduras and now to Puerto Rico, but Mr. Richer’s passion for missions and
for getting students, alums and parents involved in the trips has never altered. Every
year those who go on the trips return talking about the incredible influence the trip
had on them.

Thankfully, Mr. and Mrs. Richer will still be around SBA. They will continue to live
on campus, help out when they can and Mr. Richer will still be leading the missions
trip to Puerto Rico this summer. THANK YOU, Mr. Richer, for your service to SBA!
2 | The Crusader

Staff Spotlight 2

From Our Superintendent 4

Dorm is Open! 5
School Board Fight Song

Tom Young, Chairman All-State Chorus 8

Onida, SD Robotics Reflections 9

Paul Beckwith, Vice Chairman Candid Camera 10

Pierre, SD Oral Interp 11

David VanHeuvelen, Secretary Annual Auction 12

Emmetsburg, IA Christmas Concert 14

Daniel Paul, Treasurer Art Class 16

Carson, ND Crusader Athletics 28

Gaven Banik Development Corner 22

Hartford, SD

Andy Michaelis

Wessington, SD

Ken Shay

Pierre, SD

Brad Ufen

Miller, SD

SBA Foundation 23

God’s Truth for Today’s Youth. Giving 24

According to its Articles of Incorporation, Sunshine SBA Family News 26
Bible Academy exists to provide “for the general
education of youth in the essentials of culture and in Calendar 27
the arts and sciences, giving emphasis to the Chris-
tian doctrines and the ethics revealed in the Holy Front cover: Freshmen in Sioux Falls during
Scriptures; combating all atheistic, agnostic, pagan, their Servant Days trip in November.
and so-called scientific adulterations of the Gospel;
unqualifiedly affirming and teaching the Inspiration Back cover: Attendees at the ‘70s Reunion
of the Bible (both the Old and New Testaments); the
birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; His identi-
fication as the Son of God; His vicarious atonement
for the sins of mankind by the shedding of His blood
on the cross; the resurrection of His body from the
tomb; His power to save man from sin; the new birth
through the regeneration by the Holy Spirit; and
the gift of eternal life by the grace of God through
faith in Jesus Christ.”

The Crusader | 3

From Our

Last September I heard a song
I had never heard before at Wait-
a conference I was attending. ing on
the Lord

Entitled “I Will Wait for You,” the also re-

song is based on Psalm 130 and quires prayer and Bible reading.

the music and words are written by It involves going to the Lord for His

Jordan Kauflin, Matt Merker, Keith guidance and direction before--

Getty and Stuart Townend. and sometimes instead of--going to

It is a beautfiul song that I have anyone else. “Lead me in your truth

found myself singing a number of and teach me,” Psalm 25:5 says.

times since then. More importantly, Our human inclination is often

however, I have found myself con- to ask God to make our way work

templating exactly what it means or to seek guidance and direction

to wait on the Lord. Psalms contains from those we are confident will

at least ten references to waiting agree with what we have in mind.

on the Lord outside of Psalm 130, That is not waiting on the Lord.

including such promises as “none “So put your hope in God

who wait for You shall be put to alone,” is a line from the song I

shame” (Psalm 25:3) and such mentioned at the start, and that is

exhortations as “Be still before the what we must do. “And it should go

Lord and wait patiently for Him” without saying,” Piper said, “that

(Psalm 37:7). when we wait for God’s counsel we

As I have pondered what are submissive and open to it.”

waiting for the Lord means I have My prayer for 2019 is that I

been reminded several times that it will be willing to wait for the Lord,

requires patience. What God wants to seek Him first and foremost and

from us sometimes is to do nothing to be willing to obey His leading in

at all. John Piper said that waiting all things. May that be your prayer,

means “trusting the Lord enough to as well.

be still when He says so.” That is far

easier said than done. Even when In Him,

God’s leading is to do nothing at

all, though, it may not conform to

my timetable. That requires pa-

tience, too.

4 | The Crusader

Dorm is Open!

When they returned
from Christmas
break, the boys
boarding at SBA this year
moved into the new dormitory!

The dorm can accommo-
date up to 64 boys. It has
more than three times the
number of toilets, sinks and
showers as the old dorm. It also
includes a laundry room and a
lounge/devotional room that
can easily accommodate all of
the guys.

While the opening of
the dorm has been a long
time coming, it could not have
happened without the faithful
prayer and financial support
of so many in the SBA family.
To each person who prayed
for the project or contributed
financially, THANK YOU!

Be sure to get a tour of
the dorm next time you are on

The Crusader | 5

Fight Song: 1970s Reunion
Originally published on Terrie Todd’s blog, Out of My Mind (https://terrietodd. Terrie (Oswald,’77)Todd

WReprinted by permission. one after that! I experience the musi-
e pull onto campus and cal expertise of Tom as he directs the
I’m struck by the urge alumni choir and will later lead us in
to take off my shoes. Is
this holy ground? It’s my fourth time a wonderful time of worship.

back at Sunshine Bible Academy Keep the good old name before

since my 1977 graduation, the most you, never let it die!

recent visit twelve years ago. Much I see nurses like Peggy and

has changed and much has stayed counselors like Pearl, facilitating

the same. We enter the dining hall healing for bodies and hearts. I hug

and are immediately embraced by my friend Lorie, recently retired from

former classmates and teachers. It more than three decades of loving-

feels like home. ly caring for precious premature

At the football game, we sing babies. Her brother Larry, running

along to the school song while some for Lieutenant Governor of South

of the alumni join the band. The Dakota. I hear my dear friend Kris-

words come back like it was yester- ten’s story—leading mission teams

day. On Crusaders, on Crusaders… to India and opening her home to

Merriam-Webster’s definition of a young people every Sunday night. I

modern-day Crusader is “a person see alumni like Benita, Jamie, Cheryl,

who makes an impassioned and and Greg who have returned to

sustained effort to bring about social Sunshine to build into the current

or political change.” Thus, the song is Crusaders…who will in turn go on

rich with double meaning. This is our to be the warriors of tomorrow. And

war cry! perhaps most influential of all, my

Throughout the remainder of the friend Kim, who has sacrificed her

weekend, I find myself embracing own agenda to serve as nanny to

Christian warriors and feeling enor- her grandchildren. Could any role be

mously proud of every one of them. more significant?

People like Rod, Coretta, Ron, Kelly, Fight on for your King!

Ray, Jim, Kevin, Roger, and Char- We’ve learned that life is,

lie…farmers and ranchers who are among other things, a fight. We’ve

feeding the nation and the world. I had to fight for our marriages, our

see pastors Phil and Vicki, who need children, our faith. Not one of us

to leave the festivities early to return has escaped heartache, loss, failure,

home and feed their flock on Sunday grief, disappointment, or deteriorat-

morning. I see teachers like Nancy ing bodies. We share our stories. We

and Bryan, building into the lives of laugh until our jaws ache, remember-

the next generation…and the next ing the crazy shenanigans of a bunch

6 | The Crusader

of 1970’s teenagers who can finally ner to share life with. “He gives and
appreciate how well-loved we were. takes away…my heart will choose
We eat amazing food. We tour the to say…” We don’t have all the
campus, recalling how things were answers to life’s riddles, but we know
and marveling over how they are. Jesus is the same yesterday, today,
(Was my dorm room really that small and tomorrow. He can be trusted.
or has it shrunk from a dozen coats
of paint?) We are awestruck by So we rattle the rafters with our
God’s provision for a beautiful new praises. The pauses between songs,
event center, new dorms, and more. scriptures, and stories are filled with
Touched by the faithfulness of those sniffling and nose-blowing—and
who have continued to give, to build, we know that these sounds too, are
to believe in the future of SBA. Not precious to the ears of God. Years
so that we can have an impressive ago, we memorized Psalm 56 which
facility in the middle of the wind- tells us He is gathering our tears in
swept prairie, but so that there will a bottle, and we appreciate that
be a place to equip today’s youth truth now more than ever. We sing
to be Crusaders in the kingdom It is well with my soul, knowing it has
of God. Perhaps most compelling never felt more appropriate than
is hearing from former Dean of it does in this moment. We give of
Students Harley Minnich, who after our resources, out of hearts filled
forty-plus years, still weeps as he with gratitude for the gift we were
shares the heart-wrenching story of given and for the bond our enemy
having to put a boy on the bus to can never break. We experience
send him home. family in a way many of us have not
felt for a long time. Lastly, we form
This game of life is not an easy a circle around the room. We hold
battle to fight. But we know the hands and with full hearts, we sing
ultimate war has already been won Praise God, from Whom all blessings
by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. flow…
And so we meet in the old chapel on
Sunday morning to praise and wor- Not some, but ALL. Blessings
ship Him. We give thanks. We thank And we say “See you soon” be-
Him for former staff members like cause we’ve discovered how swiftly
the Minnichs, Letelliers, Eggebraat- life speeds along. We know that
ens, Pedersons, Myerses, DeVrieses, when we are finally reunited forever,
and others who sacrificed so much to it will not be to watch each other
provide a firm foundation from which grow old, but to see one another the
to launch us. We share about His way our Creator intended us from
faithfulness. We hear from Janice, the beginning—flawless and whole.
who lost her beloved husband yet Until then, we each have our
can still say “blessed be the name of work…our callings…our battles…
the Lord.” We celebrate with Connie, our crusade. So fight, fellows.
to whom God has given a new part- Fight. Fight. Fight!

And win this game.

The Crusader | 7

All-State Chorus
SKevin Wallerhariah Brockel (‘20), Victoria
Paul (‘19), Taylor VanHeuvelen practicing with the large choir,
(‘19) and Ben Deal (‘19) rep- and they also sang four pieces of
music with the orchestra. They per-
formed music by modern composers

resented SBA at the All-State Chorus and classic composers, including
and Orchestra Festival held in Rapid “Lacrimosa,” which is the last piece
City on October 26-27. Brockel was of music Mozart wrote and the
new to the quartet, while the other “Star- Spangled Banner.”
This year featured many pieces
three were part of SBA’s quartet last
in foreign
year, and
this was
as well,
with three
third year
pieces in
in the
Latin, one
in Persian,
and one
This ex-
in Irish
928 Learning
lyrics in
from 145
adds to
and 156
the challenge of being part of the
instrumentalists from 22 different
All-State chorus.
As the only first-timer in the
The guest choral director was
SBA quartet Shariah Brockel was
Dr. Phillip Swan, who is the Co-Di-
rector of Choral Studies and Musical not quite sure what to expect. “It
was a lot more work that I thought it
Director for Lawrence University in
Appleton Wisconsin. Dr. Swan spent would be,” she said, referring to the
rehearsals on Friday and Saturday
ten years teaching at Watertown
(SD) High School before getting his before the Saturday evening perfor-
mance. “We would practice for two
post graduate degrees, so he was
familiar with the state and how All- and a half or three hours and then
get a fifteen minute break! But sing-
Sate choir works in South Dakota
(which is different from pretty much ing with a choir that size was really
every state in terms of organization fun, and I had never sung with an
orchestra before, so that was really
and participation).
The students spent over ten hours neat, too.”

8 | The Crusader

Robotics Reflections
WNaomi Roghair (‘19)
hat first comes to mind problem of ocean trash and possible
when you think of robot- solutions. Our task was to make a
ics? Smart kids, machines, robot that could retrieve the “ocean
trash” within specific guidelines for

math, robots. My outlook on robotics the game. Our robot was limited to
was all of this and more. I learned, moving up and down a 2x4 board,
however, by being a part of Robot- so an important part of our robot
was an arm (built by our engineer-
ics, that it was everything I thought
ing group) that extended to capture
it was and so much more. Every
expectation I held for what I thought trash and take it to ocean scientists.
it would be like was far surpassed. There were rubber ducks and turtles
to represent ocean wildlife. The trash

The Robotics Team consisted of and animals had different point
a diverse group of students. It is ben- values. A big part of creating this
year’s game was deciding which
eficial for a team to be formed in
such a way. Our team included; Sifan items were most valuable.
Habte, Kalkidan Gezaghne, Grady THE COMPETITION
Game day was one of the most
Davis, Shelby Belmore, Randy Van
Bockel, Luna Habte, Naomi Roghair, exciting parts of Robotics. The ener-
Garrett Davis, Tony Campbell, Aaron gy and adrenaline made everything
Hoffman, Katie Nguyen, Cole Beals, we did an adventure. Upon arriving
Gage Davis, Caitlyn McNatt, Hay- in Brookings, SD, the display team
manot Bekele, Nina Bekele, Bradley set up our booth while the drivers
Hunter, Zac Mertz, Ricky Bartlett and did checks on our robot. Though the
competition was a sunrise to sunset
Winnie Red Bird. Our supervisors
were Ashley Ritenour, Zach Sybesma ordeal, the team pushed through
every obstacle tirelessly. Every round
(‘15) and Todd Seaman.
we competed in was supported by
We had students who were
good at math, students who special- the cheering squad of loyal parents
ize in the engineering and mechanics, and friends. Competition would not
and students on the opposite side of have been the same without them.
things who were good at marketing RECAP
In conclusion, the Robotics season
and decorating. Working as a team
was one worth remembering. Though
and using individual God-given
talents to accomplish big things are we did not advance to final rounds,
very important aspects of Sunshine’s the group grew close as a team in
amazing ways. The year was superb-
Crusader Concepts.
ly rewarding in many ways and

This year’s challenge was very the practical life skills gained are
creative. Our scenario focused on the irreplaceable.

The Crusader | 9


Clockwise from top left: Grady Davis (‘19) working on a shed during Building Trades; Maria
Roghair (‘20) placed fifth in Ag Broadcasting at the state FFA LDE competition; juniors Iver
Paul, Jade Burma and Ross Engle get creative to trim a branch; Travis Hass (‘19) and Aaron
Hoffman (‘20) smile during a teambuilding activity; juniors Savannah Bird and Sydney Trieb-
wasser work the concession stand at a football game; Luna Habte (‘19) playing in pep band.

10 | The Crusader

Oral Interpe had a small, but ded- Lauren Haun

icated Oral Interp team We had two entries in the serious
category. Caitlyn McNatt performed
Wthis year. Our reader’s “Tiny Tim” by Sharon Dunsmore. In

theatre team included Taylor Van- it, a former NICU nurse shares the

Heuvelen, Tony Campbell, Caitlyn impact that a failed abortion had on

McNatt, Taylor Michaelis, and her life. Taylor VanHeuvelen present-

Cassidy Watson. They presented Ken ed a cutting of Mitch Albom’s “The

Bradbury’s “A Very Mellow Drama”, Five People You Meet in Heaven.”

a piece depicting the struggle to The team competed in three reg-

perform a melodrama. ular-season meets. They represented

We had two the school

duets. Taylor very well

VanHeuvelen and and it was

Tony Campbell fun to see

performed “Cus- them grow

tomer Service” by from meet to

Joseph Sorrentino. meet.

Taylor portrayed On

a man trying to Novem-

cancel his credit ber 5, we

card, while Tony traveled to

played a custom- Wolsey for

er service representative desperate our district competition. The read-

to persuade him otherwise. Taylor ers theatre, Taylor and Tony’s duet,

Michaelis and Cassidy Watson Tony’s humorous piece, and Taylor’s

portrayed two students’ hilarious serious piece advanced to Regions in

attempts to improvise their school’s De Smet on November 13. It was a

daily announcements in a piece very difficult competition, but Taylor

entitled “Now Hear This!” by Ken and Tony’s duet and Taylor’s serious

Bradbury. piece advanced to state in Pierre on

The team also had three individ- December 8.

ual pieces. Tony Campbell partici- At the state contest, the duet

pated in the humorous category. He received a Superior Performance

portrayed a speech student trying Award with Distinction, meaning that

to spark a revolution in “Everyone they received a perfect score.

Thinks Long Titles Are Great But How It was a privilege to watch each

Am I Going to Remember it for the student develop their pieces over the

Forensics Tounrnament? I Mean Real- season and to see them grow togeth-

ly, Isn’t Enough Enough Already? Or, er as a team.

In Short-Red” by Kelly Meadows. Tony Campbell and Taylor VanHeuvelen

The Crusader | 11

Annual Auctionn the wintry morning of Heidi Seaman

Saturday, December 1, The unimaginable generosity of
the donors and bidders continually
Odoors opened at 9:30am amaze Heidi Seaman, auction coor-

at Sunshine Bible Academy for our dinator for the last 11 years. Many

annual benefit auction. This event students create unique items with

is the single largest fundraiser for love, and other businesses and indi-

general operation expenses at the viduals often provide just the right

school. The generous support of busi- tool or item that brings more money

nesses and individuals who contribute than anyone could imagine.

makes this a FUN and exciting event N – Nameless, neighborly, and

each year! notable. So many donors do not wish

F – Family and fellowship ex- to receive recognition for their dona-

press the family reunion of auction tion – which is yet another indication

day. Multiple alums and families of their generous hearts. It takes a

travel from different places to meet lot of individuals with neighborly

each other in the middle at SBA. It attitudes to help the day run smooth-

is a wonderful time of reminiscing ly. People stepped in to help with

with each other while supporting the serving food, cleaning up tables, de-

school. An alum from the late 90’s livering items to the winning bidder,

said, “One year it took me 3 hours setting up each of the silent auction

from the time I got my bidder num- tables, taking out the trash when full,

ber to actually sit down and partic- and helping people carry items to

ipate in the auction – I was visiting their cars.

with so many friends that I haven’t Finally, a very notable dona-

seen for a long time.” And there are tion of time and talent goes to our

always new ‘family’ members to auctioneers who braved the weath-

meet as well! er, gave of their time and talents,

U - Unexpected, unique, and and energized the crowd with their

unimaginable. It is always fun to see skilled auctioneering! We are very

new ideas over the years. This year grateful to: Jacob Knippling, Clayton

is no exception. Dave VanHeuvelen, Keck, Brad, Brad Jr, Matthew and

board member and parent, brought Gordon Magness, Mike Corcoran,

‘The Hat That Keeps On Giving.’ The Brian Nenaber, Val Luckett, Todd

idea was to win the bid for the hat Waring and Dallas Henry.

and then choose another individual Each year we feel very blessed

to wear the sparkly elf hat for the that God provides for the operation-

duration of the auctioneers’ shift on al expenses for the school through

stage. This fun idea raised $1,000 this fun event.

by the end of the night and the re- December 7 will be the date of

cipients of the hat wore it with pride! this year’s auction!

12 | The Crusader

Top (L to R): Freshmen Aja Paul,
Zac Mertz and Liza Konechne
having fun helping set up for the

Center (L to R): Clayton Keck
auctions off a quilt, assisted by
school board member David
VanHeuvelen. A 1969 SBA
football schedule, from the es-
tate of John Olinger, was part
of this year’s auction.

Bottom: The Magness auction-
eers selling a Yeti cooler.

The Crusader | 13

Christmas Concert
TJason Watson
he 2018 Christmas concert included Victoria Paul on percussion
opened with the elementa- and Ohnew Seol on flute, with Taylor
ry students presenting “The VanHeuvelen providing narration.
Tony Campbell did the narration on
Christmas Puzzle,” a combination of Antonin Dvorak’s “Silen Night, Silent
drama and song about a group of World,” with Ohnew Seol providing
children snowed in at Grandma’s
the piano accompaniment.
house. When Grandma, portrayed
“Sing Gloria,” “The First Noel”
by Mrs. Ginny Brockel, suggests they and “Who’s That Baby,” with solos by
do a puzzle
Shariah Brockel,
they are less
Taylor Brockel
than thrilled,
and Taylor Mi-
but they comply
chaelis, rounded
and, eventually,
out the choir’s
put together the
story of Jesus’s
intermission the
A staff
Men’s Ensem-
choir then sang
ble performed
the beautiful
“God Rest You
“Long Time
Merry, Gentle-
Ago” about the birth of Jesus,
men” and “Mary, Did You Know?”
followed by the handbell choir
The Ladies’ Ensemble sang “What
performing “Away in the Manger
You Gonna Call Your Pretty Little
(Cradle Song)” and
Baby” (with Victoria
“Joy to the World.”
Paul soloing) and
The All-State
“Canticle of Praise.”
Ensemble (SBA’s four
“O Little Town of
all-state choir mem-
Bethlehem” and
bers and four alter-
“Mary, Mary” were
nates) then performed
performed by the
“Flight Song.” This
Small Vocal Ensemble.
piece was performed
The Crusader
at the All-State Choir
Band concluded the
and Orchestra con-
concert with three se-
cert in Rapid City in
lections: “What Child
is This?” was first, then
The first half of the concert was “Heaven’s Light” and, finally, “African
concluded with five selections by the Bell Carol.”
Crusader Choir. “Gifts of the Magi”

14 | The Crusader

Top (L to R): Ginny Brock-
el, Jimmy Burma, Owan
Watson, Madelyn Koth
and Ella Anderson.
Bottom: Cole Anderson.
Left: All-State Octet

Men’s Ensemble

Ladies’ Ensemble

Far left: Nina
Bekele, Rebecca
VanBockel and
Caitlyn McNatt
on clarinet.
Left: Talix Babb
playing percus-

The Crusader | 15

Top (L to R): Upper elementary
students in art class. Joseph McClure,
Jimmy Burma, Cole Anderson, Madelyn
Koth, Owan Watson and Tate Michaelis.
Clockwise from above: artwork by
Joseph McClure, Owan Watson and
Madelyn Koth.

16 | The Crusader

Left: a landscape by Sydney
Triebwasser (‘20).
Middle: Hannah Appel (‘19)
holding a landscape she paint-
ed; Rebecca VanBockel (‘21)
working on a project in 3D Art.
Bottom: wire art by Talix Babb
(‘20, left) and Dryeann Schuelke
(‘21, right).

The Crusader | 17

Crusader Athletics

Greg Pedersen

Our boys’ cross country team
competed in seven meets this
season prior to competing in the
regional and state cross country
meets. We had a season of much
improvement with eight boys.
Newcomers to the SBA program,
Garrett Van Zee and Jimmy Burma
participated mostly at the JH level.
Taylor VanHeuvelen and Gage
Davis, second-year participants,
ran mostly at the JV level,
and the remaining four
competed almost exclusive-
ly at the varsity level. Our
boys varsity team consisting
of Travis Hass, Jace Burma,
Jade Burma, Everett Paul,
and Gage Davis won 1st at
the CSD Conference meet,
placed 2nd at the Region
4B meet, and finished 9th
at the State B meet in
Sioux Falls. Travis Hass and
Jace Burma competed 31st and 34th re-
spectively at the State B meet. Jade Burma
and Everett Paul were 63rd and 68th re-
spectively, and Gage Davis finished 116th.
All five runners at the State B meet finished
the season with their personal season-best
times, and four of them finished with their
career-best times.

Top (L to R): Garrett Van Zee, Travis Hass,
Everett Paul, Gage Davis, Jimmy Burma, Taylor
VanHeuvelen, Coach Greg Pedersen.
Middle (L to R): Everett Paul, Jace Burma, Jade
Burma, Travis Hass and Gage Davis with their
Region 4B Runner-Up plaque
Bottom: Travis Hass and Jace Burma running side

by side.

18 | The Crusader

Jamie McClain

The 2018 SBA football team
had its first season above .500
since 2009, finishing at 5-4. The
team achieved one of the primary
competitive goals for the year by
making it to the Class 9B playoffs,
where the season ended with
a loss to Burke. Seniors Willie
Anderson, Jace Burma, and Ben
Deal (pictured bottom) provided
solid leadership and accountabil-
ity for their fellow teammates.
They will be missed in the fu-
ture, but have helped create an
atmosphere that will benefit the
program into the future.

Jaxon Babb (’20; top) was named
All-State kicker and Joel Underwood
(’22; middle) received Honorable Men-
tion for Special Teams.

The Crusader | 19

The 2018 volleyball season was chal-

lenging for the Lady Crusaders as they won
only two matches. Among the matches that
they lost they went to four sets five times
and five sets once. The five-set match came
on October 23 at Lower Brule, with scores
of 25-22, 20-25, 25-23, 20-25 and11-
15. Although the team may have run out of
steam, so to speak, during their games, the
Lady Crusaders strived to play with joy and
determination. During this season the team
had much growth mentally and spiritually
through the game of volleyball. The Lady
Crusaders hope to continue their growth in
to the 2019 season.

The team’s theme this season was
unity and the seniors were a great asset
in demonstrating both the leadership and
humility needed for a unified team. There
were five seniors that were part of the team
this year. Tierney Connell was new to the
squad and Naomi Roghair was prevented
from playing due to transferring to SBA
from out of state, but helped with manager
and stat responsibilities. Hannah Appel, Ri-
anna Banik and Victoria Paul were returning
seniors whose experience and leadership
were invaluable to the team.

Lindsey Wilken (’20; top) was named
Third Team All-Conference and Dori Brockel
(’20, center)
received Honor-
able Mention.

At right: Seniors
Naomi Roghair,
Rianna Banik and
Tierney Connell
(standing); Hannah
Appel and Victoria

20 | The Crusader

Winter Athletics

Boys Basketball

(L to R) Back: Coach
Jamie McClain, Jaxon
Babb, Ross Engle, Jade
Burma, Travis Hass, Cole
Beals, Coach Lucas Hall
Front: Bradley Hunter, EJ
Big Eagle, Joel Under-
wood, Titus Deal, Dylan
Not Pictured: Zac Mertz

(L to R) Back: Ricky Bart-
lett, Teigan Clark, Jaxon
Babb, Jace Burma, Iver
Paul, Coach Jason Burma
Front: Everett Paul, Gar-
rett Davis, Gage Davis

Girls Basketball
(L to R) Back: Coach Lind-
sey Hettich, Aja Paul, Jak-
ki Burma, Lindsey Wilken,
Bethany Konechne,
Shariah Brockel, Evelyn
Jones, Dryeann Schuelke,
Sifan Habte
Middle: Kalkidan Gezah-
gne, Abby Haun, Kate
Roghair, Shelby Thomp-
son, Maria Roghair, Liza
Front: Winnie Red Bird,
Fasika Bekele, Savan-
nah Bird, Katie Nguyen,
Haymanot Bekele, Nina
Not pictured: Talix Babb

The Crusader | 21

Development Corner
In December Ashley Ritenour
resigned from her position as relationship building. You can help us
Development Director at SBA. Miss by being ambassadors for the
Ritenour served at SBA for two and school.
a half years and, during that time,
built many relationships and repre- The ministry team will continue to
sented the school well while oversee- be active during the second semester,
ing many of our public relations and sharing at churches in St. Lawrence,
fundraising efforts. Mobridge, Volga, and Pleasant
Valley. the Clean-a-Thon fundraiser
While we hope to find some- will still happen, and so on. Please
one to fill the Development Director help us maintain our strong existing
position in the near future, this is one base of support while also helping us
area where each of you can help us. make new contacts and develop new
A tremendous part of development is relationships.

Congratulations to Ohnew Seol (‘19) and Taylor Michaelis (‘21) on
their selection as members of the Wind Ensemble at the Wayne
State College Festival of Honor Bands on January 26, 2019, in
Wayne, Nebraska.

Cassidy Watson (‘21) was selected to be part of the Symphonic
Band. Caleb Page, a homeschooled student who participates in
band at SBA, was also selected to be part of the Symphonic Band.

To be selected, students have to send in a recorded audition per-
forming an etude and two scales. Then, the top players are selected
to be a part of the bands.

22 | The Crusader

SBA Foundationn Saturday December 1, David Paul

the day of SBA’s benefit

OAuction, our weather came
all in snow and the weather report

across the state of South Dakota

was for rain changing to snow. My

thoughts were, “This is not a good

day for the SBA Auction! I have no

knowledge of the SBA Auction hav-

ing ever been cancelled due to bad weather and road conditions but we

did stay home.

The next obstacle we found that barred us from attending the auc-

tion is that cell phones just don’t work in the old gym. When we did make

contact with a person there at the auction, that individual had to leave

the gym to communicate with us which kept us from the fun of being active

bidders. But a will found a way and we are enjoying a Paula Pedersen


The supporters of Sunshine Bible Academy have continually amazed

me. Though this year’s auction crowd was diminished by the weather, the

spirit of support brought the proceeds of the day up to a good-weather-

day level. Praise the Lord!

It is perplexing yet

encouraging to consider

that while the Lord is

the source of storms,

we are instructed in the

Bible to seek shelter

in the Lord from the

storms. I believe that

SBA’s strength and

endurance in teaching

“God’s Truth for Today’s

Youth” for more than

60 years, has come from the diligence of the Sunshine Family in holding

the school, faculty, students and staff all up to the Lord in prayer during

times of storm. The board of directors of the SBA Foundation feel strongly

that the work of the Foundation must be in God’s will to be a benefit to

Sunshine in all kinds of storms.

The Crusader | 23



Gift Given By In Honor of

Given to General Fund

Dale & Akae Bussell Camrynn Wagner

John & Jodi Smith Greg & Paula Pedersen


Gift Given By In Memory of

Given to General Fund

Jack & Ramona Ufen Mrs. Jack (Phyllis) Jones

Phoebe Huber Melvin Huber

Ervine & Lisa Nold Lynsey Nold

Mae Niewenhuis Edwin Niewenuis

Mae Niewenhuis Kevin Rogers

Patrick Cullinan Millard Seaman

Roger Marshall Myla Marshall

David & Linda Lafee Roger Forest

Milton & Jeanette Campbell Lloyd Campbell Family

George & Barbara Malwitz Roger Paul

Frank & Mary Roraff Tom Kosakowski

Robert & Linda Benson Nathan Benson

Mavis Clark James Clark

Dan & Carol Eggebraaten Harlin Hettich

Dan & Carol Eggebraaten Pat Stephan

Beverly Chapin Joyce Forest Bauer

Karen Wollman DeWayne Snell

Darcy & Diane Van Gorp Marlow Pedersen

Kelly & Gwen Hettich Pat Stephan

Larry & Carole Woiwode Suzanne Naaden

Tom & Judith Brady John Epp

Tom & Judith Brady Adeline Walter

James & Joni Morgan E. Stanley Morgan

Leo Pedersen Marlow Pedersen

Rusty & Arnina Jardee Shawna Jardee Hoover

Everett Paul Ruth Rosenau

Iver Paul Ruth Rosenau

Daniel & Deanna Bartkowski Dorothy Campbell

White Owl Community Church Marlow Pedersen

Lawrence & Beverly Traver Orris & Ruby Shippy

Jane Beswick Kenneth B. Beswick

J.R. Brenner Evera Brenner

24 | The Crusader


Gift Given By In Memory of

Given to Building Fund

Rich & Millie Richer Harlin Hettich

Anonymous Donation Ron Schauer

Anonymous Donation David Schauer

Anonymous Donation Emma Schaible

Rich & Millie Richer Marlow Pedersen

Given to SBA Foundation

Marlin & Martha Dutt Harlin Hettich

Ardella Hettich Family Harlin Hettich 

Lindsey Hettich Harlin Hettich 

Ed Eller Brenda Eller Memorial

Marilyn Evans Roger Paul Memorial

David & Janet Paul Roger Paul Memorial

The following families gave memorials in memory of Marlow Pedersen:
Larry Van Zee, Mary Jean Iszler, Marvin Jensen, Phil Hahn, Craig Brockel, Marsha
Easterling, Eric Wolfe, Valerie Augspurger, Merril Hass, Don Chord, John Paul, Carson
Kellogg, Jack Ufen, John Givens, Jim Letellier, Janice Pitcher, Brad Haun, Jim Brad-
shaw, James McClain, Dan Eggebraaten, Mary Rae Anson, Kelly Hettich, Kent LaDue,
Brad Eggebraaten, Brian Bast, Danny Myers, Kevin Buscho and Tom Durkin

The Value of Planned Giving

Sometimes making a gift to SBA requires careful planning. It may
involve identifying the right asset to give, the best timing for the gift
and how to maximize the gift while minimizing taxes. It may even be
possible to establish a future gift, while providing income to you or a
loved one!

A trusted advisor will prove helpful as you sort through the options.
SBA partners with MB Foundation as well as several South Dakota
attorneys to provide you with the expertise to coordinate and facilitate
your charitable objectives.

Please contact Sunshine Bible Academy at 605.853.3071 or by email
at [email protected] for information regarding these services.

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and
running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be
measured to you. ~ Luke 6:38

The Crusader | 25

SBA Family News

Tayte Clark (‘13) married Emma Slovek Brittany Arkema, who served as girls’

on October 6. They reside near Mead- dorm supervisor from 2014-2018, is

ow, SD. engaged to Josh Kejr. Both reside in Sa-

lina, KS, where Kejr works on the family

Timothy An (‘12) married Boram Kim farm and Arkema works at The City, a

on October 13. The couple resides in non-profit providing services to the teens

Grand Rapids, MI. of Salina and the surrounding counties.

BIRTHS Erica Beckwith (‘09) is engaged to Justin
Hunt (‘10). Beckwith is currently one of
Rebecca (Spangler, ‘17) and Tucker the girls’ dorm supervisors at SBA. Hunt
Harris welcomed Finley Noelle on No- served as boys’ dorm supervisor from
vember 13. Finley checked in at 6 lbs, 2014-2016 and is currently studying
15 oz and 18 inches long. Aviation at SDSU.


Larry Rhoden (‘77) was elected Lieu- Addie Walter, the wife of Eli Walter,
tenant Governor of South Dakota on passed away on November 11 at the
November 6 and sworn in to office on age of 98. Addie was a former teacher
at SBA.
January 5.

Pastor Phil Hahn (‘76) led the annual Bruce “Marlow” Pedersen went home to
SBA Day of Prayer service on No- be with the Lord on November 21. Serv-
vember 14. ing at SBA from 1963 to 1989, “Coach”
taught industrial arts, social science and
math at SBA. He coached football, boys
and girls basketball, boys and girls
track, boys and girls cross country, wres-
tling, and volleyball. He is still known as
“Coach” Pedersen to the Sunshine alum-
ni. He was a Principal, Dean of Students,

and Athletic Director during his tenure.

We love to include news about our
alums, but we can only include
what we know. Please send all
information and updates to sun-
[email protected].

26 | The Crusader


Upcoming events...

JAN One-Act Play at SBA - “Stopping at Ellis Island”
21 East Gym, 7:15 p.m.

JAN One-Act Play Competition

28 Winter Break

FEB Small Group Music Contest
6 Aberdeen

FEB PTF Pie Auction
8 BBB v Kimball/White Lake at 6:00 p.m.


FEB State Wrestling - Rapid City

MAR Parent/Teacher Conferences
1 End of Third Quarter

MAR Spring Break

MAR Missions Conference

MAR MegaTeen Retreat

APR Junior/Senior Banquet

The Crusader | 27

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Madison,SD For more information:
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