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Published by Beads Magazine, 2020-10-22 15:31:53

Beads Magazine | Vol 14 | Business & Career Edition

Vol 14 Business and Career Issue Design

Diversely Connected

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overseeing Ithala’s

Digital Transformation

Vol 14 | Oct 2020 | Business & Career Edition



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Business & Career Edition

Vol 14 | Oct ‘20

3 Contributors
4 Dear Editor
6 Editor’s Note
7 COVER: Siyabonga Shibe
14 The modern traditional healer
20 How the world view us
28 The 2020 Zulu man

Beads Magazine is owner managed by
Thamani Digital Media House

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+27 (0) 31 003 4645
[email protected]
Founding CEO: Nqobile
Issue Coordinator: Thabani Matros
Marketing: Nondumiso

Sales: Lungani

2 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

Dear Editor - SocialMAY/JUNE2017|ISSUE4

Email & We are Inspired

We love hearing from you. Slindile Mkhize
Email us your thoughts on
our magazine and features. Originally from Port Shepstone, Slindile is the Founder and CEO of
The winning letter will receive Urber Afx a media company, she is also an author of a book tittled
a R1500 fashion design “the power of words”. She was voted in 2019's 100 Most
voucher and have an outt Inuential Young South Africans in Social & Philantropy Category.
created just for them.

[email protected]

Stay updated with provincial news. From KZN’s fashion and
entertainment scenes, to local business activities, and also find

thee places to visit in KZN.

2 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

Nqobile Xulu Nene

Although I am a woman in a yellow dress
trying to give my world colour, I cannot
hide away from the fact that the world
is bleeding. The world is in so much pain,
some of us literally can't breathe. Over
having to bare the COVID19 wave, we have
to also hide from other human beings with
the same esh and blood as we have. It is
sad that we actually have and know the
h a s h t a g s # G BV, # E n d S A R S ,
#CongoIsBleeding, #AmINext….. all of
these hashtags are results of actions of
people with minds, bodies, I want to say
souls but I think I will be wrong there. One
thing that is crystal clear is that we need each
other, for support, for upliftment for survival.

In this issue of Beads Magazine, we can nd “think of one reason you will
a bit of hope. There is a light at the end of this
tunnel. Reading about Sandile, Ithala's never let go, a reason you
marketing powerhouse, Mbali – KCDM's stay focused and hopeful.
very rst female Municipal Manager, and Find that thing, when you do,
Nokubonga Myeza, a woman literally making
a living out of trash, we are inspired to forge
forward. They teach us not everything work
having is easy to come by but you hang on
like your life depends on it because it does.

We are moving towards the Festive season, take a deep breath and say “I
usually this time of the year shops are am here to conquer and so I
already putting up Christmas decorations
but it seems not a lot of people are looking
forward to Christmas. But chin up, you are shall””.

still here, there is a reason for it. Do not be
distracted by passing circumstances, focus
on your journey towards your destination. Dressed by: ZIPPS Botique
Right now, as you read this note, think of one Makeup by: @zarbeautysalon
reason you will never let go, a reason you Photocred: @sphephelokhanyile

stay focused and hopeful. Find that thing,
when you do, take a deep breath and say “I
Nqobileam here to conquer and so I shall”

4 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

“There’s no
shortage of
remarkable ideas,
what’s missing is
the will to execute

– Seth Godin

boss lady

Eleni Kwinana

Executive Head of Vodacom
Business, KZN

7 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

There's nothing more precious

“ ”than being authentic
Eleni Kwinana has notched up an admirable Eleni disagrees that women need a different something of a mist.
list of top positions. She began climbing the approach from men to achieve success in After graduating, Eleni married, raising her
corporate ladder as an 18-year-old student business and stresses the importance of two children while struggling to survive a
who - after walking into CNA to request a job being yourself. "There's nothing more violently abusive marriage. When she
- within three months was tasked with taking precious than being authentic," she decided to leave the marriage, she was
up her rst management role. A few years maintains. empowered by the fact that she had the
later, she was requested to draft a business nancial independence to set up her own
plan - without a template nor previous Her greatest support has been her mom home. Eleni's advice to her younger self, who
exposure - that gained her boss the new store who, as a domestic worker being paid less stressed a lot and wondered 'why me?',
he wanted. than the minimum wage, was able to would be to enjoy every step of the journey;
leverage a network of people who assisted to when having fun, have GOOD fun, and know
Eleni's career includes positions at the Spar support Eleni. While she stayed with a friend that everything you go through is going to
Group, Clicks, Musica, and Dimension Data to get to and from school each day, her mom make sense one day. Rather than being bitter
among others. These diverse experiences subsidized her studies by waking up at three about challenges she's faced, Eleni is
have enabled her to provide on-point each morning to cook and sell 'amagwinya' gracious and pragmatic about how they've
business advice in a range of elds. As well (vetkoek). "So", Eleni adds, "every woman I enabled her to strengthen her connection
as running the business units of Vodacom see who works in her tuckshop or sews with others.
enterprises, she is on the board of traditional dresses, is my 'Shero', and that's
SmartXchange, Durban, which nurtures what inspires me... A lot of people have big Partnerships are important to Eleni. As a
entrepreneurs and incubates businesses to stars as their inspiration; for me, it's the business leader, Eleni loves her team; she
achieve success. Eleni describes her role in millions of women sitting in rural areas and never talks only about KPAs, but connects
Vodacom as enabling start-ups and SMMEs townships with children that come up with instead with the person inside, assisting
to thrive in the 4IR digital era, achieving great entrepreneurial ideas to sustain them to reach their personal goals. She
growth through technology. The pride Eleni themselves and their children, and one day enjoys the warmth of KZN, and the
feels in providing a supportive role is go to their children's graduation and see opportunities to partner with government
apparent when she describes her business going them going into whatever eld it may leaders and businesses to achieve pockets
venture, Pure Pharmacy, which supports be, all from nothing.” of excellence.
small pharmacies in rural areas and mining
towns to withstand the threat posed by Eleni herself feels under pressure to be an Eleni urges people to stop exporting their
corporate pharmacy groups, thus ensuring inspiration. "Because I was the rst one to skills: "Keep them here and make do with
their sustainability. have a car, a degree, all my cousins look up what you have because we are sitting on a
to me; failing or dropping out is not an option. pot of gold... That's how I got here". She
Eleni is happy with her accomplishments I cannot fail, because otherwise I will give pauses momentarily, then adds, "and
saying, "not many can tick so many boxes at them a reason to fail... I push myself to because of my Mom... my biggest
my age". Adding that she's realised that inspire them to be able to grow as well.” champion".
"Either I would die young, having done
everything, or I would live to give back to On maintaining a work-life balance, Eleni Content sourced from KZN Top
others." Eleni looks at people who have great admits that the boundaries are blurred, Business. For more
ideas, but lack skills and experience, and can't "Because I love what I do... it doesn't feel like inspirational women from KZN
wait to start imparting her learning to fast work," she smiles. Concerned she was visit
track their success. She's enthusiastic about spending too much time working, her
being their cheerleader and "seeing them daughter's afrmation was welcome, "Mom,
grow to be a billionaire one day!". I want to be like you... You do so many things,
love what you do, and give us the best of
She attributes her success to her formal everything." The trick, Eleni feels, is being
education, and the support of others. She fully present in whatever she does.
graduated with a psychology degree after
transferring from medicine. "It was the right Eleni's approach to life has been coloured by
decision as now, in the 4IR, doctors could be her life experiences. Although born into
replaced with robots capable of making apartheid SA, she shuns the label 'previously
diagnoses while my focus on emotional disadvantaged'. "That's not the way I see it,"
intelligence makes me less likely to become she says, although she describes the
redundant.” dichotomy of never being quite enough of
one thing or another to t in, always feeling

8 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

on the cover

on the cover

18 | August 2020 |

On a mission to work with Ithala Bank
towards transforming into a digital
customer engagement platform, a
fusion of traditional banking and
digital transformation

Born in PortShepstone - KwaZulu Natal - Sandile revealed his passion for teamwork
Sandile Xolo is the evidence of hard-work, and involvement since his primary school
positive thinking and external support. He the days. Throughout his schooling he was
Head of Marketing and Corporate involved in sports and student organizations.
Communications at Ithala SOC limited which At primary he joined the Boys Scout and was
he joined in December 2011. However, make an active participant when it came to music
no mistake by tying down the grandee with and athletics. he is proud to say that his family
just an ofce deck, swivel chair and AC. upbringing played a vital role into shaping the
Despite immersed in the brisk corporate person he is today although this childhood
business world, the KZN born has was not glitz and glamor.
successfully completed 7 comrades
marathon with the best time of 8h47! “The key foundation of our family life was
respect and education, that's what my mother
Like most children growing up in a rural set- drummed into our heads at every given
up during his time, a child was of both his or opportunity. If I was not at school or doing
her immediate family and the community, and school-related activities, I was out with other
Sandile was no exception. He has only one boys looking after livestock, playing soccer,
sibling, his sister, but he grew up around a or at the beach. Going to church on Sundays
large extended family on both his mother and was compulsory” explained Sandile.
father's side. He attended primary school at
Ithongasi Primary near Port Edward. He then Sandile possesses a wealth of experience in
moved on to do grade 8 and 9 at the marketing world. He has worked and
KwaMasosha High School and thereafter performed various marketing roles for several
grade 10 at Port Shepstone High School reputable international and South African
where he completed his matric. He began his brands around the country. Among other
tertiary education at the Technikon Natal companies, Sandile worked for Unilever,
which is now known as the Durban University where he was responsible for developing
of Technology, where he obtained an IMM innovations for different African countries
Graduate Diploma in Marketing and later did such as South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana and
an IMM Bachelor of Business Administration Zambia. He worked as a Brand Manager for
Degree through Damelin College.

10 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

Sun Coast Casino in Durban before joining Africans and entrepreneurs, manage their
Ithala 9 years ago. money and create wealth. Finally, the last
project was leading the conceptualization
As the Head of Marketing and Corporate and development of Ithala future branch
Communications, he is responsible for the project that has now being rolled out. The
marketing and corporate communication concept was to transform Ithala branches
function responsible for strategy and into a Digital Customer Engagement
policymaking. There are three core functions Platform a fusion of traditional banking and
that he is responsible for; Brand Equity digital transformation. The new branches
Building - which is about building brand love have facilities to train customers who are not
amongst targeted customers, Driving Brand comfortable with using technology to allow
Growth - which is about activating pillars that them to cross the technology barrier.
will result in revenue growth and Reputation
Management. As much as it may be fullling for most
people to occupy such a superior position in
To Mr Xolo, Ithala is not just a work place to the hierarchy of a corporate company, Xolo
make an income to feed him and his family; it dreams of a thriving South Africa where
is one sector that has a special place in his ordinary people would have work and able to
heart because of what it represents to the provide for their families. Where there would
ordinary people of South Africa. He dreams of be broader participation in the economy by
being part of the leadership team that will get all South Africans through ownership. He
permanent banking license for Ithala. He says believes that young people, especially those
gaining a permanent license will enable them who come from rural areas, need to focus
to play a signicant role in facilitating broader more on trying to create something of their
participation in the economy by ordinary own, particularly around their environments.
South Africans and help them take meaningful
steps towards wealth by improving nancial “I would encourage young people to be
inclusion through access to banking and curious and willing to learn. There is no easy
nancial services. way out of life. Be curious, ask questions
and try to identify problems and come up
When the big believer was asked what were with solutions. Most especially, they need to
the highlights of his career, all were directed to be looking at what problems can they solve
helping ordinary South Africans. The rst within their own environment. Having gone
highlight was spearheading and launching a through what I've gone through in life, it's like
Digital Skills Development programme under you nd success within where you are. It's
Ithala Education Fund aimed to equip youth all about nding solutions to problems. It's
from rural areas with digital skills that will no longer about 'I want to be employed by so
allow them to be active participants in the 4th and so' and all of those things, in fact that's
Industrial Revolution (4IR). The second old fashion type of thinking. In doing all of
highlight was developing rolling out Ithala those things, they will become
MoneyTalks. This is a nancial literacy entrepreneurs and whatever they want to
programme aimed at helping ordinary South become”

on the cover


on the cover
on the news

Why operational subsidies are key to
reforming South Africa's minibus taxi

Big retailers are ditching the exclusivity When South African Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula
clause in lease agreements with announced recently that the government was
immediate effect considering a R50 billion subsidy to the minibus taxi
sector, it seemed a watershed moment. The sector
After many years of signing deals that allow large transports 66.5% of commuters, and has been hit hard
retailers exclusive rights to trade in shopping malls, by the sharp economic contraction that was deepened by
South Africa's property owners have had a change of the COVID-19 lockdowns since March. Buses and train
heart. They no longer want to be tied in to restrictive services receive operating subsidies from the
arrangements with the likes of Pick n Pay, Spar and government. These are critical for containing fare
Shoprite. They have led a complaint with the increases, which are regulated by government. They are
Competition Commission, urging an investigation into a also key to establishing an operating model that can
practice they say is detrimental to the economy. These withstand temporary, short term shifts in user behaviour.
clauses mean retailers can limit competition in shopping
centres. But Pick n Pay has fought back. It says that the Despite many promises, taxi operators have only ever
property industry's trade association is suggesting its
members are guilty of anti-competitive behaviour. They received capital subsidies to repair and replace old
entered these agreements freely and have beneted
from having stable tenants, is Pick n Pay's argument. vehicles, beginning in 1999 with the “taxi recapitalisation
The war is building between shopping centres and
retailers. programme”. The main goal was to ensure vehicles were

safe; essentially providing a one-off payment to buy new

vehicles. This did little to address the core, recurring

costs that drive the sector's economics.

Read more: ticle/196/709/2091


Engen, AgriSA partnership brings much- Can foreigners own property in South
need relief to SA's agriculture sector Africa?

In response to severe drought across vast tracts of Foreigners may purchase and own immovable property
South Africa and the associated hardships experienced in South Africa without any restrictions, as foreigners are
by many farmers, Engen partnered with AgriSA earlier generally subject to the same laws as South African
this year to help support the agricultural sector by driving nationals. The only foreigners disqualied from owning
contributions to their Drought Aid Fund. AgriSA's property in South Africa are foreigners that are here
Drought Aid Fund is aimed at ensuring that farms remain illegally. It is thus possible for a foreign individual to own
in production and that jobs and food security are property individually, jointly or in undivided shares.
protected. Over a six-month period, Engen contributed Foreign companies and trusts are also permitted to own
R1 to the Fund for every litre of participating Engen property in South Africa, provided that they are registered
lubricant sold nationwide, raising R700, 000 from April in South Africa as an external company.
to September. The ofcial handover of the money
occurred in Menlyn in Pretoria on 8 October.

13 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

“The world hates
change, yet it is the
only thing that has
brought progress.”

– Charles Kettering

14 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

Things To

Starting A

Entrepreneurship can be a Money is important but not enough Take care of your people and their
tough game. Almost no
A lot of entrepreneurs manage to raise needs
college or university level capital early in the game, but money is
education can prepare you just not enough. A sound business Business is all about people. You can't
for it. Most of the learning model that generates consistent cash do it all by yourself. Focus on the
happens on the job. When ows is important. If you consistently people that make your business run,
have to pour in money into the understand their needs, compensate
you start your rst business without it making its own, them adequately, and invest in their
business you never going you might nd yourself in trouble. training. They may or may not stay
in expecting the journey to with you, but it's important to
be brutal but when you are continually train them.

in it you decide whether
you swim or sink. Here are

some lessons some
entrepreneurs wish they

knew when they rst
star ted.

15 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

it's important to talk to The owner is separate from their Force yourself to take a break and
your family - especially business unwind. Do use a little you’ve to go to
spouse - if you're going a spa and get a massage, nd a place
to start a business. You It's important to separate yourself that calms you and centres you. That
can tell them you might from your business, and look at way you will not burn out. You need to
yourself as an employee and be healthy and of sound mind to run a
be scarce. shareholder in your business. If you successful business. Remember
can avoid it, try and not brand yourself when you are suffering the business
as the business, the business must suffers.
have a reputation aside from its
association with you. This makes it Learn to manage debt better or stay
easier for your successor to take over out of it
because the business performs the
same if you're in the head or not. Some entrepreneurs use debt to start
a business, this can be very
Choose the right business for you dangerous especially if you are a rst
time entrepreneur. A star t-up is
When you are starting a business, inherently very risky, especially if the
you must understand that there business model is untested. If the
actually is not time off. You are at work business fails, the business owner
24/7. You might not be there still needs to pay back debt because
physically but you are constantly most debts are personally guaranteed
thinking about business related by the business owner. Some
things. Some ideas come when you entrepreneurs use home loans, and
are in the middle of dinner with family. personal loans to start a business
Therefore it is important to start a because interest rates on these type
business out of something that you of loans are low. However, be very
are passionate about. The worse careful, less optimistic, and make
business decision you could ever take sure your debt is within manageable
is starting a business because you limits.
know someone who started
something similar and they are Find a good mentor
successful, listen, they do not tell you
their everyday struggle. Having a good mentor is like parental
guidance. You want someone to hold
Maintain a strong work-life balance you accountable for your actions, and
provide guidance through your
When you at the start of your journey. But choose your mentor
business journey, striking a work-life wisely. It should ideally be someone
balance is a myth. It's impossible. who has a strong track record of
This is why it's important to talk to success in business, believes in your
your family - especially spouse - if idea, and is willing to give you honest
you're going to start a business. You feedback without worrying about
can tell them you might be scarce. protecting your feelings.
The thing that you can do however, is
nd a mental balance, you need that.

16 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

Get in on the


AirBnB Business

Almost everyone has heard of or used Before making a nal decision Ÿ Manage your bookings and
Airbnb — the online property rental respond to communications with
marketplace that enables hosts to rent to host on Airbnb there are a potential renters
out unused short-term private number of additional issues to Ÿ Arrange to meet guests to hand
accommodations ranging from single consider: out or collect keys
rooms to entire houses. Airbnb began
in 2007 and has rapidly grown to Ÿ Make sure that the property is
include listings for over three million
available properties in more than Do You Even Want to Start a thoroughly cleaned and prepared
65,000 cities around the world. If you
have available rental space, especially Business? for guest arrival, including fresh
in the township or even rural areas - linens, breakfast supplies (if
where tourists want rst hand Starting an Airbnb business is like applicable)
experience of Africa - and are looking starting any business - you need Ÿ Handle any property maintenance
for extra income, this sort of business desire, entrepreneurial spirit, and the issues such as pest control and
might be great for you. willingness to put in the effort plumbing, electrical, and
required, starting with doing the appliance repairs
The rst step is to become an Airbnb necessary background research and Ÿ Be available to your guests on a
host and register your property by making a business plan. 24/7 basis in case any issues
submitting photos and descriptions of
the space for rent. Once a property is
listed with Airbnb it can be viewed by
travelers looking for accommodation
in the host area. Guests can search
the Airbnb listings using a variety of
criteria including location. One of the
great things about running an Airbnb
business is that travelers prefer
Airbnb to hotels, motels, or hostels for
many reasons.

Before you decide to start an Airbnb
business, make sure you are legally
allowed to become an Airbnb host in
your jurisdiction, and you are
prepared to follow local laws and
regulations! Local laws regarding the
hosting of paying guests can vary
greatly depending on your city/state
or provincial laws—in some locations
they are prohibited altogether while in
others they are subject to an
occupancy tax.

Do You Have the Time? arise with the property
Ÿ Demand: Tourist demand is the
Being a landlord can take a great deal determining factor in the
of time, particularly for short-term
popularity and price of rental

rentals. You will need to: accommodation.

19 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

Ÿ Seasonality: In a northern climate demand for your
property will likely fall off dramatically in winter (unless
you are renting a ski chalet). Conversely, demand for
rental accommodation in warmer locations drops off
heavily in summer.

What Are Your Financial Goals?
Are you looking to make a little money on the side or
generate steady income? The nancial section of your
business plan should reect the research on the target market
and realistic estimates of the potential revenue from renting
your property. Before you entertain thoughts of quitting your
job and making a living by running an Airbnb business make
sure you carefully research the income potential of your
property by looking at the rental rates and booking frequency
for comparable Airbnb listings in your area.

Do you know the additional Costs: Aside from the booking
fees that Airbnb charges there are additional costs associated
with hosting on Airbnb, including:
Ÿ Insurance: Normal homeowner's insurance policies do

not cover the use of the premises for business purposes,
which includes renting on Airbnb. If your locale is not
covered by Airbnb insurance contact an insurance agent
to see about proper coverage.
Ÿ Business Licenses: More and more cities are requiring
Airbnb hosts to hold a business license.
Ÿ Cleaning and Repair: To keep your Airbnb host rating at a
high level you need to maintain your rental property in top
shape at all times, which means thorough cleaning
between guest visits and regular maintenance. If you
need to subcontract cleaning and maintenance tasks the

costs will add to your expenses.

So if after reading this article
you feel this is what you can be a
part of and you can succeed in
hosting people of different
backgrounds and cultures in your
property, then start your journey
by visiting


in Waste
By Thabani Matrose

Nokubonga Mnyango

is a young South African
woman who continues to
make strides in the
environmental and recycling
industry. Born and bred in
Durban's oldest township -
KwaMashu - the mother of
three moved to Empangeni, in
Ngwelezane Township after
getting married in 2005.
Although the recycling industry
is male and white-dominated,
with black females mostly
participating in the informal
sector as waste pickers and
waste collectors; Nokubonga
has broken down that barrier
and bravely started her own
recycling company.

Nokubonga is also a bonafide patron
of women on women empowerment,
and has a sharp eye when it comes to
opportunities for growth.

The struggle to nd land space for consistency, Nokubonga has penetrate the market place and will
her business in the initial stages bagged several accolades under enable the black women-owned
never deterred Nokubonga from her name. These include, among company to trade directly in the
following her passion; on the others, the City of uMhlathuze market space. Nokubonga believes
contrary, it ignited the womanly Responsible Tourism Challenge in that two hands are better than one
instinct of improvisation within her. 2015, where she won rst prize in and that the sustainability of two
As a result, Nokubonga turned the the Waste category, and the hands is greater in economic
backyard of her own home into her National Youth Development freedom.
rst workshop in 2015 after Agency (NYDA) 3rd South Africa
resigning from her job the previous award for Environmental Although she seems to have found
year. Through the strong visibility of Leadership in 2018. She also won her feet in the recycling sector,
her hard work and determination, the Greenest Municipality Nokubonga continues to expand
she was granted land by uMhlathuze Competition in 2017. She has her horizons business-wise. She
Municipality in 2017. However, due studied Higher Certicate in Waste is currently exploring crop farming
to disputes, the environment Management sponsored by as she is planning to venture into
enthusiast decided to nd uMhlathuze Municipality in the sector. She has started already
alternative land for her business, conjunction with the Department to plant and supply the vegetables
which she currently operates on. of Environmental Affairs and was at a small scale in and around
She was able to buy a Bakkie from also in the top 5 of the DUT Empangeni to understand the
her savings to link disadvantaged Nedbank Pitching Den 2016. whole value chain of farming.
recyclers in the community to the Nokubonga's tenacity and growth
market. Hence, today she is proudly It is crystal clear that Nokubonga is have been tremendous, and there
the self-made Managing Director of also a bonade patron of women is no doubt that this too shall be as
her own company Uthando on women empowerment, and successful as her recycling
Recyclers. The company collects has a sharp eye when it comes to business.
recyclable materials such as opportunities for growth. Recently,
cardboard, plastic bottles and bags, she has partnered with another
paper, cans and glass. According to female-owned recycling company
her, the name was inspired by her called (KK Recycling services) to
abundant love for the environment. form a company which they
named Ku-GREEN HANDS. This
Through her passion and merger is a strategic plan to

17 | Vol 8: August 2020 |

top 5 most in-demand

jobs in south africa

According to the latest ndings from our Adzuna index, STEM skills (those
skills “expected to be held by people with a tertiary-education level degree in
the subjects of science, technology, engineering and maths”) are still the most
in-demand jobs in South Africa in the job market. They still offer job seekers
some of the best opportunities as far as job stability and average salaries are
concerned. Even though the rareness factor of IT skills across some positions
has dipped, the demand for technical skills is still high and the supply of
experienced skills is still scarce. According to the latest ndings, surveyors
and mechanical engineers are currently earning the highest salaries in the
country, with java developers taking home 3% less in annual earnings than
they did in 2019.

23 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

Financial Manager Recruiter Java Developer

For every 283 job adverts on job There was only one job seeker with Even though job seekers with java
sites, there was one job seeker. applicable skills for every 57 development skills took a pay cut
Although this is not the highest-paid recruitment jobs posted online at the in 2020 compared to the previous
position in the country, it is by far start of 2020. Like nancial year's statistics, there is still only
one of the rarest skills within the SA management and accounting, one applicant per 45 java
job market. recruitment is one of the only top development jobs posted online.
What do they do: Responsibilities three rareness factor subclasses that Along with job security and a less
would include ensuring any nancial saw an increase in demand and competitive job market, job
decisions made by a person or decrease in the supply of skills even seekers looking to work as java
organization comply with business though it isn't one of the top 10 developers can also expect to take
and tax regulations, and that the highest paying jobs. home very rewarding paychecks.
general operations are run as cost- What do they do: A recruiter nds What do they do: A Java developer
effectively as possible qualied candidates for a job opening is a specialist programmer who
Average salary: R533,347 and works to meet the demands of uses their knowledge to test and
both the employer and the employee develop software using the Java
Accountant throughout the hiring process. The programming language. Java
recruiter owns the end-to-end developers use their knowledge to
The rareness factor for accountants process of talent acquisition. create, adapt, monitor and repair
increased year-on-year (much the Average salar: R410,926 software across a variety of
same as that of nancial platforms, and Java developers
management skills), seeing just one PHP Developer often work closely with web
applicant for every 69 jobs posted developers and designers and
online. For every 56.8 adverts for PHP software engineers to create fully
What do they do: They'll help you developers online, there is only one integrated programs and
predict the effect on cash ow and job seeker. Like most other tech skills, applications for their clients.
come up with strategies to manage PHP development isn't as rare as it Average salar: R585 616
the situation. They'll organise cash was at the start of 2019.
reserves and come up with a What do they do: A PHP developer “The only way to
spending plan that ensure there's works as part of a team in
always money in the bank. programming applications that are do great work is
Average salary: R430,563 often web-based for clients. Key
duties of this role include the writing of to love what you
PHP scripts and coding to create or
modify software and applications do. If you haven’t
according to a clients needs.
Average salary: R434,652 found it yet, keep

looking. Don’t

settle.” — Steve


24 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

businn person profile


Broadcast engineers work in television, radio and You might:
podcasts to make sure programmes are broadcast Ÿ set up studio equipment for transmission
at the right times and of the highest quality. You
might work on studio and outside broadcasts (OBs), and editing
post-production operations, and new media such as Ÿ design and set up audio and video circuits
interactive TV and webcasts. You may be directly Ÿ install multimedia hardware, software and
involved in broadcasting programmes, or you might
focus on servicing the equipment. other digital broadcast technology systems
Ÿ set up and operate links between studios

and OB units
Ÿ edit programmes live as they are being

transmitted or recorded
Ÿ test and service equipment
Ÿ nd and repair technical faults as quickly

as possible, with minimum loss of service

25 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

What do you need to do to Broadcast Engineering
become a broadcast engineer? Average Salary: R328 000p/a

You need to be creative and have good
practical and technical skills. You also
need to be comfortable working with
electrical and electronic equipment.
You usually start through the new
entrant training schemes some
broadcasting companies run. .
To get on the Engineering Apprentice
scheme you'll usually need A levels in
science, maths and engineering. You'll
work toward a BEng in Engineering
and you'll also get lots of work
experience. Alternatively, you could
work as a runner or assistant at a TV
station, and later apply for a place on
an in-house training scheme.

Related skills

Ÿ Ability to understand technical

Ÿ Communication
Ÿ Interpersonal skills
Ÿ Physical tness
Ÿ Teamwork

Related subjects

Ÿ Biology
Ÿ Chemistry
Ÿ Maths
Ÿ Physics

Essential qualications

A levels in science, maths and

26 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition

Mbali Ndlovu

King Cetshwayo District Municipality’s
Very First Female Municipal Manager

(We’ll give you a moment while you let
that sink in....)

“you should forget that you are a woman, you should

not allow yourself to be called a woman leader: you are
a leader…. Period!”

Born and raised in the township of "I'm a person who likes to involve enterprises, with special focus on
KwaMakhutha, in Durban, Mbali herself, learn new things and take up previously disadvantaged women, youth
Ndlovu is the rst female Municipal new challenges. So you get and persons with disabilities from all
Manager in the King Cetshwayo motivated and inspired when you see municipalities within the district.
District Municipality. She moved to the difference you make through your
Richards Bay in 2005 to join the local involvement and contribution running For Ms. Ndlovu, capability and hard-work
municipality's legal department, and clean governance. Sometimes you join a speak louder than gender when it comes
that is where her journey in local project that is in a grossly disorganized to positions of leadership. Although she
government began. Before joining state: Therefore, witnessing it becoming is a patron of women empowerment
King Cetshwayo District Municipality, a success and positively impacting through different opportunities, she also
she served as the Deputy Municipal people's lives really comes as an deems competence as an equally
Manager: Corporate Affairs for inspiration for me. We also often hear signicant factor in the process. She
uMhlathuze Local Municipality. critics on the unethical and unlawful believes that women must strongly invest
manner in which different boards operate in, empower and develop themselves in
Miss Ndlovu holds a Bachelor of Laws and conduct themselves, so using my preparation for ner opportunities that
degree from the University of skills as a lawyer to provide legal support may emerge in the future.
KwaZulu-Natal. She also received her to them to comply with legislative
practical legal training at the frameworks that govern them and how "One advice I would give, especially to
university's law school. The Durban- they operate inspires me" she says young women, is that you should forget
born also holds a postgraduate that you are a woman. You should not
diploma in Local Governance law. Not only is Ms. Ndlovu hands-on in allow yourself to be called a woman
She was admitted as an attorney providing leadership within the municipal leader: You are a leader…. Period!. Your
following serving her articles at the and development structures; she is also sexual orientation should not dene how
Legal Resource Centre in Durban. a full-time businesswoman. Before you work and what you achieve. You
Mbali is currently pursuing her joining King Cetshwayo District occupy the position you're in because
Master's degree in Business Law at Municipality, she established her own you qualify and are competent to be
the University of KwaZulu-Natal; her company called MBASA Corporate there. So, I would encourage the young
dissertation focuses on the supply Advisory Services in 2014, which ones to work hard and prove themselves.
chain in the public sector. specializes in Corporate Governance, We should not be held back by the fact
Corporate Law, Contracts and Company that we're women. If you see an
Ms. Ndlovu's role as Municipal Secretariat Services. opportunity, just go and grab it with both
Manager includes driving the hands because we live in a society where
developmental mandate of the district Through her apparent business- women are viewed as inferior creatures".
municipality while prioritizing the mindedness, she was awarded the 2019
needs of the communities and Zululand Chamber of Business Woman Ms. Ndlovu currently serves on the
ensuring that their rights are often in Business Award in the Government following boards: Msinsi Holdings
upheld in the process. Mbali says she Category. (Member of Audit Committee and Chair of
draws most of her inspiration from One of Ms. Ndlovu's greatest Ethics Committee, Chair of Operations
witnessing the difference she makes achievements to date is the Committee); National Radioactive Waste
in the lives of people through establishment of the innovative maritime Disposal Institute - Department of Energy
successful municipal projects. incubation programme for King (Chair of Ethics Committee); Richards
Cetshwayo District Municipality. The Bay Industrial Development Zone (Chair
structured programme will entail of Human Resources and Remuneration
business training, mentorship, guidance Committee); UMngeni Water Board
and business support which will result in (Member of Audit Committee); Member
the establishment of ten new maritime of KwaZulu Natal Bid Appeals Tribunal.

28 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition


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29 | Vol 14: Oct 2020 | | Business & Career Edition


Kzn’s Lifestyle, Business, Fashion & Tourism Magazine


Our Readers Distribution

Race: Black 83% | Indian 10% | We have 3 (Three) distribution channels:
Coloured 4% | White 2% |Other 1% Retail: Currently the biggest retailer to sell Beads
Gender: Female 75% | Male 25% magazine is Spar Supermarket through out KZN.
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Geographical Subscription: Understanding there are other KZN
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