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Suggested amendments to current Constitution and Bylaws of the Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, as submitted by Episcopal Districts for the 2019-2023 Quadrennial service-year.

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Published by INFO, 2019-04-30 11:35:32


Suggested amendments to current Constitution and Bylaws of the Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, as submitted by Episcopal Districts for the 2019-2023 Quadrennial service-year.

Women’s Missionary Society

African Methodist Episcopal Church



Proposed Amendments to the  

Constitution & Bylaws 

19th Quadrennial Convention

July 28 – August 1, 2019
Columbus, OH

Bishop John Franklin White
Chairperson, Global Witness & Ministry

Dr. Shirley Cason Reed
International WMS President
Rita Sinkfield Belin, Esquire
Chaiperson, Constitution & Bylaws Committee

The Revisions and Compilation Committee 

on Constitution and Bylaws 

Rita Sinkfield Belin, Esq. Chairperson                                         
Harriet Brown Birk, Esq. 

Supervisor Christy Jackson, Esq.                                              
Dr. Shirley Cason Reed, President 


        Committee Responsibilities: 

I. Prepare a written legislative package to be given to each voting 
member of the 19th Quadrennial Convention, immediately 
following the organization of the Quadrennial delegation. 

II. Also collect, assemble and correct any scrivener’s errors. 
duplications, or contradictions in adopted legislation of the 
Quadrennial Convention and present the same. 

        Voting Delegation Responsibilities: 

 Proposed changes provided to Episcopal Supervisors and 
Voting Delegation ninety (90) days prior to Convention (Article 
XIII, Section 1b,2b)  APRIL, 2019 ‐  FIRST READING 

 SECOND READING in District  
 Adoption of Proposed Amendments – 19th Quadrennial 


Note: Review Article XIII‐ Amendments and Bylaws – page 8 of the Constitution and Bylaws of 
the Women’s Missionary Society, 2016‐2020. 



1. Reference Page 2



Responsibilities: The Organization shall have and may exercise all powers assigned to non-profit
corporations by the District of Columbia except as limited by the constitution and bylaws of this Organization
and the Book of Discipline of the A.M.E. Church


Responsibilities: The Organization shall have and may exercise all powers assigned to non- profit
Corporations/ Organizations by the relevant statutes of the countries in which the Organization resides


WMS is a global Organization and the prescripts of the District of Columbia may not be applicable in other
countries where the Organization operates



2. Reference Page 3
1. Provide the current reading of the: Article VI Title: Quadrennial Convention Section(s) 3 of the
Constitution Page 3: (Attach additional pages if necessary for this proposed change)
Voting Members of the Quadrennial Convention. The voting members of the Quadrennial Convention shall consist
of the elected delegates, elected Connectional officers, past and present Episcopal Supervisors, past Connectional
Presidents, Episcopal and Conference Presidents, Episcopal and Conference Directors of the Young People's and
Children's Division and Life Members
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
Voting Members of the Quadrennial Convention. The voting members of the Quadrennial Convention shall be the
elected Connectional officers, past and present Episcopal Supervisors, past Connectional Presidents, Episcopal and
Conference Presidents, Episcopal and Conference Directors of the Young People's and Children's Division, elected
Regular Member delegates and elected Life Member delegates from the conferences
3. Fully explain the complete rationale for the proposed change:
Life members are an important part of the organization and should be involved in decision making but allowing all
Life members to be members of the voting delegation skews the results of votes taken because Life Members
attending the convention outnumber the delegates elected by the conference societies. Electing Life Member
delegates as well as Regular Member delegates will allow the members of the conference to designate who will
represent them in elections and policy making.
Allowing all Life members to be a part of the voting delegation and receive sustentation places a financial
obligation on the Connectional WMS that will be difficult to sustain with the current assessments placed on
Episcopal Districts and other current funding sources.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? X Yes _No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude:
Electing a set number of Life Member delegates and Regular Member delegates will decrease the voting delegation
and total sustentation expense. This will allow the Connectional WMS to adequately prepare for sustentation
expenses of the delegation.
5. Identify the other Articles /Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:
Connectional Bylaws: Article III / Section 3
Connectional Bylaws: Article IV / Section 2
Connectional Bylaws: Article IV / Section 3


3. Reference Pages 3-4

1. Provide the current reading of the Article VII Title: Officers Section(s) 1 Pages 3-4: (Attach
additional pages if necessary for this proposed change)

Elected Officers. The elected officers of the organization shall be the: President, First Vice President, Second
Vice President, Third Vice President, Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary,
Treasurer, Historiographer-Statistician, Editor of the Magazine, Associate Editor, Director of the Young People's
and Children's Division, Promotion and Missionary Education Director, Parliamentarian, Worship Director and

The connectional officers shall be elected by the Quadrennial Convention, as provided by the Bylaws

2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:

Elected Officers. The elected officers of the organization shall be the: President, First Vice President, Second
Vice President, Third Vice President, Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording, Corresponding Secretary, Financial
Secretary, Treasurer, Historiographer-Statistician, Editor of the Magazine, Associate Editor, Director of the Young
People's and Children's Division, Promotion and Missionary Education Director, Parliamentarian, Worship Director
and Member-At-Large.

The connectional officers shall be elected by the Quadrennial Convention, as provided by the Bylaws

3. Fully explain the complete rationale for the proposed change:

Having a Treasurer and a Financial Secretary provides a check and balance system.

4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? X Yes __No

Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude:

The organization would be responsible for reasonable cost of travel and housing of an additional elected officer
attending Executive Board meetings


5. Identify the other Articles /Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:

The additional officer would have to be added to the list of elected officers and members of the Commission on
Administration at the other levels.

Article VIII/ Section 1—page 3-4/Constitution
Connectional Bylaws----
Article VI / Section 2 /page 11
Article IX / Insert a new section
Article XI /Section 3b /Page 23
Episcopal Bylaws
Article IV/Section 1 / Page 29
Article V / Section 3 / page 30
Article VI / Section 2b /page 31
Conference Bylaws
Article V /Section 1 /page 35
Article VIII /Insert a new section after Section 8 –(Duties of Financial Secretary)
Article VIII/Section 1 /page 39


4. Reference Page 6

Constitution Amendment – Clarify the vote requirements for amending the Constitution.

Article: XIII – Amendments and Bylaws Sections 1(a) Amendments to Constitution (Page 6)

To amend by striking "eligible to vote at the Quadrennial Convention" and inserting "delegates" before "present"
and inserting "voting" after "and".

Current language Proposed language (change) Language if adopted would read

Section 1. Amendments to Section 1. Amendments to Section 1. Amendments to
Constitution Constitution Constitution
a. All proposed constitutional a. All proposed constitutional a. All proposed constitutional
amendments coming from the amendments coming from the amendments coming from the
Episcopal Districts, Conferences, Episcopal Districts, Conferences, Episcopal Districts, Conferences,
and or Local Societies shall be and or Local Societies shall be and or Local Societies shall be
received by the Constitution and received by the Constitution and received by the Constitution and
Bylaws Committee no later than Bylaws Committee no later than six Bylaws Committee no later than six
six (6) months before a (6) months before a Quadrennial (6) months before a Quadrennial
Quadrennial Convention. The Convention. The adoption of such Convention. The adoption of such
adoption of such an amendment an amendment shall require a two- an amendment shall require a two-
shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote thirds (2/3) vote of those delegates thirds (2/3) vote of those delegates
of those present and eligible to vote present and voting. present and voting.
at the Quadrennial Convention.

Rationale: To clarify the vote requirements for amending the Constitution.


5. Reference Page 6

Bylaws Amendment – Clarify the vote requirements for amending the Bylaws

Article: XIII – Amendments and Bylaws Sections 2(a) Amendments to Bylaws (Page 6)

To amend by striking "eligible to vote at the Quadrennial Convention" and inserting "delegates" before "present"
and inserting "voting" after "and".

Current language Proposed language (change) Language if adopted would read

Section 2. Amendments to Bylaws Section 2. Amendments to Bylaws Section 2. Amendments to Bylaws
a. All proposed amendments of a. All proposed amendments of a. All proposed amendments of
bylaws coming from the Episcopal bylaws coming from the bylaws coming from the Episcopal
Districts, Conferences, and or Local Episcopal Districts, Conferences, Districts, Conferences, and or Local
Societies shall be received by the and or Local Societies shall be Societies shall be received by the
Constitution and Bylaws Committee received by the Constitution and Constitution and Bylaws Committee
no later than six (6) months before a Bylaws Committee no later than no later than six (6) months before a
Quadrennial Convention. The six (6) months before a Quadrennial Convention. The
adoption of such an amendment Quadrennial Convention. The adoption of such an amendment
shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote adoption of such an amendment shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote
of those present and eligible to vote shall require a two-thirds (2/3) of those delegates present and
at the Quadrennial Convention. vote of those delegates present voting.
and voting.

Rationale: To clarify the vote requirements for amending the Bylaws.


6. Reference Page 8
1. Provide the current reading of the Article III Title Membership Section(s) 3 Page 8: (Attach additional
pages if necessary for this proposed change)

Section 3. Life. Life membership shall be governed by the provisions in Article VIII herein. Life members are part
of the voting delegation and shall receive sustentation.

2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:

Section 3. Life. Life membership shall be governed by the provisions in Article VIII herein.
3. Fully explain the complete rationale for the proposed change:

The 2nd sentence in the current Section 3 should be deleted because all Life members should not be a part of the
voting delegation of the Quadrennial Convention. The Quadrennial Convention fulfills the legislative function of
the WMS. Allowing all Life members to be a part of the voting delegation negates electing Quadrennial Convention
delegates in proportion to a conference's number of voting members. The Life Members have not been elected by the
Conference society to represent the Conference society in the legislative process. Also information about voting
delegation and sustentation should not be in the description of types of membership. If that information remains as
a part of the Constitution & Bylaws it should be removed from Article III.

4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? X Yes __No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude:

Electing a set number of Life Member delegates and Regular Member delegates will decrease the voting delegation
and total sustentation expense. This will allow the Connectional WMS to adequately prepare for sustentation
expenses of the delegation.
5. Identify the other Articles /Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:

Constitution: Article VI / Section 3
Connectional Bylaws: Article IV / Section 2
Connectional Bylaws: Article IV / Section 3


7. Reference Page 8

Article IV, pg. 8, Sec. 2, 1

Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read

There shall be five (5) elected Each Area, if there are any, There shall be five (5) elected
delegates from a Conference with a should have at least one (1) delegates from a Conference with
voting membership of three hundred elected delegate. a voting membership of three
fifty (350) or more; four (4) elected hundred fifty (350) or more; four
delegates from a Conference with a (4) elected delegates from a
voting membership of two hundred Conference with a voting
fifty (250) to three hundred forty-nine membership of two hundred fifty
(349); three (3) elected delegates from (250) to three hundred forty-nine
a Conference with a voting (349); three (3) elected delegates
membership of one hundred fifty (150) from a Conference with a voting
to two hundred forty-nine (249); and membership of one hundred fifty
two (2) elected delegates from a (150) to two hundred forty-nine
Conference with a voting membership (249); and two (2) elected
of seventy-five (75) to one Hundred delegates from a Conference with
forty-nine (149); and one (1) elected a voting membership of seventy-
delegate from a Conference with a five (75) to one Hundred forty-
voting membership of less than nine (149); and one (1) elected
seventy-five (75). Each Conference delegate from a Conference with a
shall have at least one (1) elected voting membership of less than
delegate. seventy-five (75). Each
Conference shall have at least one
(1) elected delegate. Within the
Conference delegation, if there are
Areas, there shall be at least one
(1) elected delegate from each


7. Continued

Article: IV pg. 8 Section: 2 Paragraph: 1
Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read
Current Language See attachment
Each Area, if there are any,
See attachment should have at least one (1)
elected delegate

Related Sections: None

Rationale: Although the Areas are a part of the Conference, if they are to be effective and efficient in
assisting and supporting the Conference, they must have representation on all levels and activities. The
operational and financial weight of the Conference should be shared by all.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: The financial impact would remain the same. The Conference would receive their same number of
delegates. The representation would be shared.


8. Reference Page 9

1. Provide the current reading of the Article IV Title: Quadrennial Convention; Delegates; Special
Convention Section(s) 2, 3 Page 9: (Attach additional pages if necessary for this proposed change)

Section 2. Convention Delegates.

There shall be five (5) elected delegates from a Conference with a voting membership of three hundred fifty (350) or
more; four (4) elected delegates from a Conference with a voting membership of two hundred fifty (250) to three
hundred forty-nine (349); three (3) elected delegates from a Conference with a voting membership of one hundred
fifty (150) to two hundred forty-nine (249); and two (2) elected delegates from a Conference with a voting
membership of seventy-five (75) to one hundred forty-nine (149); and one (1)elected delegate from a Conference
with a voting membership of less than seventy-five (75). Each Conference shall have at least one (1) elected

Alternates to the Quadrennial Convention shall be elected at the same time as the delegates. The number of
alternates that a Conference may elect can be up to or equal to the number of delegates elected. The Conference
President and Commission on Administration shall decide how many alternates will be elected. Each Conference
must have at least one alternate.

Alternates shall serve in the absence of delegates.

Section 3 –

Submission of Delegates. The Episcopal Supervisor shall submit to the Connectional President at least six (6)
months before the Quadrennial Convention a certified listing of the total voting membership in the Quadrennial
Convention, which listing will include the elected delegates and alternates from the conferences, the life members,
Episcopal Presidents, past and present Episcopal Supervisors, Episcopal District YPD Directors, and the voting
Connectional Officers from the District, Conference Presidents and Conference YPD Directors.

Delegates elected to serve at the Quadrennial Convention shall continue to serve until delegates are elected for the
next regular Quadrennial Convention, provided they have not ceased to be a member of the Conference from which
they were elected or have not been superseded by the election of new delegates

2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:

Section 2. Voting Members of the Quadrennial Convention.

a. The voting members of the Quadrennial Convention shall be the elected Connectional officers, past and
present Episcopal Supervisors, past Connectional Presidents, Episcopal and Conference Presidents, Episcopal and
Conference Directors of the Young People's and Children's Division, elected Regular Member delegates and elected
Life Member delegates from the conferences

b. Elected Delegates and Alternates

During the Annual Conference Meeting preceding the Quadrennial Convention a Conference with a voting
membership of:

350 or more shall elect 5 Regular Member delegates and 4 Life Member delegates.
250 to 349 shall elect 4 Regular Member delegates and 3 Life Member delegates;
150 to 249 shall elect 3 Regular Member delegates and 2 Life Member delegates;
Less than 150 shall elect 2 Regular Member delegates and 1 Life Member delegate.

Every conference shall elect at least one delegate who will be under 40 years old at the time of the Quadrennial

Regular Member alternates and Life Member alternates to the Quadrennial Convention shall be elected at the same
time as the delegates. The number of Regular Member alternates and Life member Alternates that a Conference
may elect can be up to or equal to the number of Regular Member delegates and Life Member delegates elected.
The Conference President and Commission on Administration shall decide how many alternates will be elected.
Each Conference must have at least one Alternate. Alternates shall serve in the absence of delegates


Section 3. Submission of Voting Membership. The Episcopal Supervisor shall submit to the Connectional
President at least six (6) months before the Quadrennial Convention a certified listing of the district's total voting
membership in the Quadrennial Convention. This listing will include the elected Connectional officers, past and
present Episcopal Supervisors, past Connectional Presidents, Episcopal and Conference Presidents, Episcopal and
Conference Directors of the Young People's and Children's Division, elected Regular Member delegates, elected
Life Member delegates, Regular Member alternates and Life Member alternates from the conferences.
Delegates elected to serve at the Quadrennial Convention shall continue to serve until delegates are elected for the
next regular Quadrennial Convention, provided they have not ceased to be a member of the Conference from which
they were elected or have not been superseded by the election of new delegates.
3. Fully explain the complete rationale for the proposed change:
Life members are an important part of the organization and should be involved in decision-making but allowing all
Life members to be members of the voting delegation skews the results of votes taken because Life Members
outnumber the delegates elected by the conference societies. Electing delegates allows the members of the
conference to designate who will represent them in elections and policy making.
Allowing all Life members to be a part of the voting delegation and receive sustentation places a financial
obligation on the Connectional WMS that will be difficult to sustain with the current Episcopal Districts assessments
and other current funding sources.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? X Yes __No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude:
Electing a set number of Life Member delegates and Regular Member delegates will decrease the voting delegation
and total sustentation expense. This will allow the Connectional WMS to adequately prepare for sustentation
expenses of the delegation.
5. Identify the other Articles /Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:


9. Reference Page 9







There shall be five (5) elected delegates from a Conference with a voting membership of three hundred and fifty
(350) or more; four (4) elected delegates from a Conference with a voting membership of two hundred and fifty
(250) to three hundred and forty nine (349; three (3) elected delegates from a Conference with a voting membership
of one hundred and fifty (150) to two hundred and forty nine (249); two (2) elected delegates from a Conference
with a voting membership of seventy- five (75) to one hundred and forty nine (149) and one (1) elected delegates
from a Conference with a voting membership of less than seventy-five (75). Each Conference shall have at least one
(1) delegate.

Alternates to the Quadrennial Convention shall be elected at the same time as the delegates. The number of
alternates that a Conference may elect can be up to or equal the number of delegates elected. The Conference
President and Commission on Administration shall decide how many alternated will be elected. Each Conference
must have at least one alternate. Alternate shall serve in the absence of delegates.


There shall be five (5) elected delegates of which one (1) will be a young woman from a Conference with a voting
membership of three hundred and fifty (350) or more; four (4) elected delegates of which one (1) will be a young
woman from a Conference with a voting membership of two hundred and fifty (250) to three hundred and forty nine
(349; three (3) elected delegates of which one (1) will be a young woman from a Conference with a voting
membership of one hundred and fifty (150) to two hundred and forty nine(249); two(2) elected delegates of which
one (1) will be a young woman from a Conference with a voting membership of seventy-five (75) to one hundred
and forty nine (149) and one (1) elected delegates from a Conference with a voting membership of less than seventy-
five (75). Each Conference shall have at least one (1) delegate.

Alternates to the Quadrennial Convention shall be elected at the same time as the delegates. The number of
alternates that a Conference may elect can be up to or equal the number of delegates elected. The Conference
President and Commission on Administration shall decide how many alternated will be elected. Each Conference
must have at least one alternate. Alternate shall serve in the absence of delegates.


Currently the organization is considered as an organization for the elderly. Most women who join the organization
are over 40 years. This is evident in the election of office bearer (At all levels) and elected delegates to the
Quadrennial Convention. The establishment of the Young Women's Initiative (YWI), the precursor to the Young
Adult Missionaries (YAM) was aimed at increasing the WMS membership among women 18 – 40 years and to
bridge the gap between young women and older members of the society. As an organization, it is time that we
support and encourage active participation of Young Adult Missionaries (under 40) in all affairs of the organization.
This participation should not only be at Local, Area, Conference and Episcopal level. It must be at Connectional

The Young Women must be actively involved in decision making of this organization. They must be involved in
Legacy building of the WMS. This inclusion should cascade through all activities of the society so as to support and
encourage active participation of the YAM in all affairs of the society. This participation should extend to the
legislative authority of the WMS i.e. the Quadrennial Convention. They should be allowed to participate at the
highest level of the organization; hence they should be part of the delegation to the Quadrennial Convention.


A representation of the YAM to the Quadrennial Convention will bring fresh perspective that can only enrich the
organization. Young people are the future and a sign of a growing organization. Accommodating them in the
delegation list will improve their recruitment and sustaining them in the organization. We need Young Women as
much as they need us. Let us walk the path with them and not for them.
There will be NO financial implication/s. There is no change in the number of delegates to be chosen. The total
number of delegates in the current text will remain the same as the proposed change.


10. Reference Page 9

Article: (Connectional Bylaws) Section: 2 Paragraph:
Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would
Current Language read

Section 2. Convention Delegates. No person shall be elected delegate Section 2. Convention Delegates.
There shall be (5) elected delegates to the Quadrennial Convention for There shall be (5) elected
from a conference with a voting more than two consecutive delegates from a conference with
membership of three hundred fifty Quadrennial Conventions. No a voting membership of three
(350) or more; four (4) elected person who has been elected as a hundred fifty (350) or more; four
delegates from a Conference with a delegate for two consecutive terms (4) elected delegates from a
voting membership of two hundred shall be eligible to be elected again Conference with a voting
and fifty to three hundred and forty- until one Quadrennial has membership of two hundred and
nine (349); three (3) delegates from a intervened. fifty to three hundred and forty-
conference with a voting membership nine (349); three (3) delegates
of one hundred fifty (150) to two (2) Where a Conference within an from a conference with a voting
elected delegates from a Conference Episcopal District has established membership of one hundred fifty
with a voting membership of seventy- Areas pursuant to the Conference (150) to two (2) elected delegates
five (75) to one hundred forty-nine Bylaws, and where there exists a from a Conference with a voting
(149); and one (1) elected delegate large disparity in the size of the membership of seventy-five (75)
from a Conference with w voting voting membership in each to one hundred forty-nine (149);
membership of less than seventy-five respective Area, the Presiding and one (1) elected delegate from
(75). Each Conference shall have at Bishop and the Episcopal a Conference with w voting
least one (1) elected delegate. Supervisor may determine whether membership of less than seventy-
the number of delegates from each five (75). Each Conference shall
Alternates to the Quadrennial respective Area shall be have at least one (1) elected
Convention shall be elected at the appropriated in some manner to delegate.
same time as the delegates. The achieve fairness in representation.
number of alternates that conference Alternates to the Quadrennial
may elect can be up to or equal to the Convention shall be elected at the
number of delegates elected. The same time as the delegates. The
Conference President and Commission number of alternates that
on Administration shall decide how conference may elect can be up to
many alternates will be elected. Each or equal to the number of
Conference must have at least one delegates elected. The
alternate. Alternates shall serve in the Conference President and
absence of delegates. Commission on Administration
shall decide how many alternates
will be elected. Each Conference
must have at least one alternate.
Alternates shall serve in the
absence of delegates.

No person shall be elected
delegate to the Quadrennial
Convention for more than two
consecutive Quadrennial
Conventions. No person who has
been elected for as a delegate for
two consecutive terms shall be
eligible to be elected again until
one Quadrennial has intervened.

Where a Conference within an
Episcopal District has established


Areas pursuant to the Conference
Bylaws, and where there exists a
large disparity in the size of the
voting membership in each
respective Area, the Presiding
Bishop and the Episcopal
Supervisor may determine
whether the number of delegates
from each respective Area shall
be appropriated in some manner
to achieve fairness in
Related Sections: None
A WMS member who has served as a delegate to the Quadrennial two consecutive Quadrennial should be
ineligible to run for the third consecutive year. This will allow an opportunity for other WMS members to
run as a delegate. This amendment shall be effective as of September 1, 2019. For example, if a person is
serving as a 2019 delegate to the 2019 Quadrennial is serving for a second consecutive Quadrennial, then that
person is ineligible to be nominated and run as a delegate for 2023 Quadrennial, but would be eligible in
In some Annual Conferences, there are established Areas that are disproportionate in size. The resulting
effect is that members of the smaller Area are not being elected as Quadrennial delegates. This amendment
would allow Supervisors and Bishops to equalize the opportunity to serve as a Quadrennial delegate by
designating the number of delegates from each Area.
Financial Impact: /explain why there is no financial hardship
This amendment does not have any financial impact on the Connectional, Episcopal District, Conference or Local


11. Reference Page 9

BYLAWS Amendment – Plurality voting for Quadrennial Convention Delegates

Article: VI Quadrennial Convention Voting: Delegates; Special Committees Section: 2
Convention Delegates (Page 9)

Current language Proposed language (change) Language if adopted would read

Section 2. Convention Delegates. Section 2. Convention Delegates. Section 2. Convention Delegates.
There shall be five (5) elected By plurality vote, there shall be By plurality vote, there shall be five
delegates from a Conference with a five (5) elected delegates from a (5) elected delegates from a
voting membership of three hundred Conference with a voting Conference with a voting
fifty (350) or more; four (4) elected membership of three hundred membership of three hundred fifty
delegates from a Conference with two fifty (350) or more; four (4) (350) or more; four (4) elected
hundred fifty (250) to three hundred elected delegates from a delegates from a Conference with
forty-nine (349); three elected Conference with two hundred two hundred fifty (250) to three
delegates from a Conference with a fifty (250) to three hundred hundred forty-nine (349); three
voting membership of one hundred forty-nine (349); three elected elected delegates from a Conference
fifty (150) to two hundred forty-nine delegates from a Conference with a voting membership of one
(249); and two (2) elected delegates with a voting membership of one hundred fifty (150) to two hundred
from a Conference with a voting hundred fifty (150) to two forty-nine (249); and two (2) elected
membership of seventy-five (75) to hundred forty-nine (249); and delegates from a Conference with a
one hundred forty-nine (149); and two (2) elected delegates from a voting membership of seventy-five
one (1) elected delegate from a Conference with a voting (75) to one hundred forty-nine
Conference with a voting membership of seventy-five (75) (149); and one (1) elected delegate
membership of less than seventy-five to one hundred forty-nine (149); from a Conference with a voting
(75) Each Conference shall have at and one (1) elected delegate from membership of less than seventy-
least one (1) elected delegate. a Conference with a voting five (75) Each Conference shall
membership of less than seventy- have at least one (1) elected
five (75) Each Conference shall delegate.
have at least one (1) elected

Rationale: To amend the bylaws to reflect the custom and practice of electing quadrennial convention delegates by
a plurality vote.

Amend by inserting "By a plurality vote," before "There shall be five (5) elected delegates from a Conference with
voting membership of three hundred fifty (350) or more; …"


12. Reference Page 11
1. Provide the current reading of the Article VI Title Elected Officers Section(s) 2
Page 11: (Attach additional pages if necessary for this proposed change)

Elected Officers. The elected officers shall be the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice
President, Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer,
Historiographer-Statistician, Editor of the Magazine, Associate Editor, Director of the Young People's and
Children's Division, Promotion and Missionary Education Director, Parliamentarian, Worship Director and
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
Elected Officers. The elected officers shall be the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice
President, Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Financial
Secretary, Historiographer-Statistician, Editor of the Magazine, Associate Editor, Director of the Young People's
and Children's Division, Promotion and Missionary Education Director, Parliamentarian, Worship Director and
3. Fully explain the complete rationale for the proposed change:
Having a Financial Secretary will provide an elected officer who will be a part of the system of check and balance.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? __ Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude:
The organization would be responsible for reasonable cost of travel and housing of an additional elected officer
attending Executive Board meetings.
5. Identify the other Articles /Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:


13. Reference Page 13

Article: VIII (Connectional Bylaws) Section: 1 Paragraph:


Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read
Section 1. Life Member. Life
Section 1. Life Member. Life Hardship Exception. In case of a Member. After twenty-five (25)
years of continuous meritorious
Member. After twenty-five (25) hardship causing an absence or service in the Women's Missionary
Society, a member is eligible to
years of continuous meritorious interruption in meritorious service, apply for Life Membership. An
applicant for Life Membership
service in the Women's Missionary the twenty-five (25) years may be shall:
a. Be actively serving in the
Society, a member is eligible to computed based on the total years Local, Area (if applicable),
Conference and Episcopal
apply for Life Membership. An of meritorious service provided the organizations at the time of
submission of Application;
applicant for Life Membership shall: applicant is actively servicing at the b. Exemplify continuous
meritorious service;
a. Be actively serving in the time of the application. A hardship c. Be recommended by the Local
Women's Missionary Society; and
Local, Area (if applicable), is defined as evidence of a severe d. Remain active at these levels
of service as long as life and health
Conference and Episcopal illness of an applicant or spouse, permits.

organizations at the time of parent, child or ward that caused a Hardship Exception: In case of a
hardship causing an absence or
submission of Application; break in service. An applicant for interruption in meritorious service,
the twenty-five (25) years may be
b. Exemplify continuous Life Member requesting a Hardship computed based on the total years
of meritorious service provided the
meritorious service; Exception shall do so by submitting applicant is actively servicing at the
time of the application.
c. Be recommended by the Local a written request to the Episcopal
A hardship is defined as
Women's Missionary Society; and Supervisor. evidence of a severe illness of an
applicant or spouse, parent, child or
d. Remain active at these levels of Any supporting documentation ward that caused a break in service.
An applicant for Life Member
service as long as life and health may be submitted in confidence to requesting a Hardship Exception
shall do so by submitting a written
permits. the Episcopal Supervisor. The request to the Episcopal
Supervisor. Any supporting
Episcopal Supervisor will have the documentation may be submitted in
confidence to the Episcopal
sole authority to determine whether Supervisor. The Episcopal
Supervisor will have the sole
the Hardship Exception will be authority to determine whether the
Hardship Exception will be
granted. granted.


13. Continued
Related Sections: None
Rationale: A WMS member may have spent many years providing meritorious service to the WMS, but the
illness of the member, spouse, parent, child or ward such as a battle with cancer, may have taken the
applicant out of service for a period. This type of absence should not be counted against a WMS member, and
the person shall not have to start over in calculating the 25 years of meritorious.
Financial Impact: /explain why there is no financial hardship
This amendment does not have any financial impact on the Connectional, Episcopal District, conference or local


14. Reference Page 13

Article VIII pg. 13 Sec. 3

Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read
d. The following steps should
Section 3. General Information be adhered to: Section 4. General Information
a. There shall be one Life Member a. At the start of a new a. There shall be one Life Member
per Conference in an Episcopal Quadrennial, the Conference per Conference in an Episcopal
District per Quadrennial. Only President notifies the next Life District per Quadrennial. Only
deceased Life Members are to be Member applicant, as deceased Life Members are to be
replaced during a Quadrennial. A copy determined by the process replaced during a Quadrennial. A
of the Obituary or Home Going outlined in Section 3b above, copy of the Obituary or Home
Service shall accompany the that she is eligible for the Going Service shall accompany the
candidate's application for Life Quadrennial Life Membership. candidate's application for Life
Membership. The Life Member application Membership.
b. Annually, all applications for Life shall be secured from the b. Annually, all applications for
Membership shall be kept on the Headquarters Office of the Life Membership shall be kept on
Conference roll and reported in the Women's Missionary Society the Conference roll and reported in
order submitted via postmarked date upon the request of the the order submitted via postmarked
of the local church recommendation. Conference President and the date of the local church
This list remains current as the new Episcopal Supervisor. recommendation. This list remains
names are added to it. b. Once completed by the Life current as the new names are added
c. A Life Member who transfers Member applicant, a fee of Two to it.
from one Conference to another or Hundred Fifty dollars ($250.00) c. A Life Member who transfers
from one District to another District for District 1-13 and One from one Conference to another or
shall be entitled to all rights and Hundred dollars ($100.00) for from one District to another District
privileges afforded her during her Districts 14-20 shall be attached shall be entitled to all rights and
previous affiliation, upon receipt of a to the application. privileges afforded her during her
"Letter of Transfer" from the sending c. The application shall be previous affiliation, upon receipt of
Conference or District bearing the signed by the Local President, a "Letter of Transfer" from the
signatures of the Local President & the Pastor, the Conference sending Conference or District
Local Pastor, the Conference President, the Episcopal bearing the signatures of the Local
President, the Episcopal President, and President, the Episcopal President & Local Pastor, the
the Episcopal Supervisor. The Supervisor, and the Bishop and Conference President, the Episcopal
receiving Conference President or the application is sent to the President, and the Episcopal
District President shall sign the "Letter Connectional President with the Supervisor. The receiving
of Transfer" and send it to the fee attached. Conference President or District
Episcopal Supervisor who will submit President shall sign the "Letter of
it to the Connectional President. A 19 Transfer" and send it to the
form letter should be provided by the Episcopal Supervisor who will
Connectional WMS Office for this submit it to the Connectional
purpose. President. A form letter should be
provided by the Connectional WMS
Office for this purpose.
d. The following steps for
awarding Life Membership should
be adhered to:
1. At the start of a new
Quadrennial, the Conference
President notifies the next Life
Member applicant, as determined by
the process outlined in Section 3b
above, that she is eligible for the
Quadrennial Life Membership. The
Life Member application shall be
secured from the Headquarters

Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read

Office of the Women's Missionary
Society upon the request of the
Episcopal President and the
Episcopal Supervisor.
2. Once completed by the Life
Member applicant, a fee of Two
Hundred Fifty dollars ($250.00) for
District 1-13 and One Hundred
dollars ($100.00) for Districts 14-20
shall be attached to the application.
3. The application shall be signed
by the Local President, the Pastor,
the Conference President, the
Episcopal President, the Episcopal
Supervisor, and the Bishop and the
application is sent to the
Connectional President with the fee


14. Continued

Article: VIII pg.13 Section: 3 Paragraph:
Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read
Current Language The Process
The Process
General Information see attachment
see attachment

Related Sections: None
Rationale: To maintain a consistent flow of procedure
Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:
Impact: There will be no financial impact, only a procedure change.


15. Reference Page 13

Article VIII pg. 13 Sec. 3

Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read

Section 3. General Information Section 3. The Process Section 3. The Process
a. There shall be one Life Member The applicant must be The applicant must be recommended
per Conference in an Episcopal recommended by certified letter by certified letter from the Local
District per Quadrennial. Only from the Local Society, after Society, after twenty-five (25) years
deceased Life Members are to be twenty-five (25) years of of meritorious service in the
replaced during a Quadrennial. A copy meritorious service in the Women's Missionary Society. The
of the Obituary or Home Going Women's Missionary Society. recommendation should be sent to
Service shall accompany the The recommendation should be the Episcopal Supervisor and copied
candidate's application for Life sent to the Episcopal Supervisor to the Episcopal President,
Membership. and copied to the Episcopal Episcopal 3rd Vice President, and
b. Annually, all applications for Life President, Episcopal 3rd Vice Conference President.
Membership shall be kept on the President, and Conference
Conference roll and reported in the President.
order submitted via postmarked date
of the local church recommendation.
This list remains current as the new
names are added to it.
c. A Life Member who transfers
from one Conference to another or
from one District to another District
shall be entitled to all rights and
privileges afforded her during her
previous affiliation, upon receipt of a
"Letter of Transfer" from the sending
Conference or District bearing the
signatures of the Local President &
Local Pastor, the Conference
President, the Episcopal President, and
the Episcopal Supervisor. The
receiving Conference President or
District President shall sign the "Letter
of Transfer" and send it to the
Episcopal Supervisor who will submit
it to the Connectional President. A
form letter should be provided by the
Connectional WMS Office for this


15. Continued

Article VIII pg. 13 Sec. 4

Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read
Section 4. General Information
Section 4. The Process Section 4. General Information
The applicant must be recommended by a. There shall be one Life
certified letter from the Local Society, Member per Conference in an
after twenty-five (25) years of Episcopal District per
meritorious service in the Women's Quadrennial. Only deceased Life
Missionary Society. The Members are to be replaced during
recommendation should be sent to the a Quadrennial. A copy of the
Episcopal Supervisor and copied to the Obituary or Home Going Service
Episcopal President, Episcopal 3rd Vice shall accompany the candidate's
President, and Conference President. application for Life Membership.
b. Annually, all applications for
Life Membership shall be kept on
the Conference roll and reported in
the order submitted via
postmarked date of the local
church recommendation. This list
remains current as the new names
are added to it.
c. A Life Member who transfers
from one Conference to another or
from one District to another
District shall be entitled to all
rights and privileges afforded her
during her previous affiliation,
upon receipt of a "Letter of
Transfer" from the sending
Conference or District bearing the
signatures of the Local President
& Local Pastor, the Conference
President, the Episcopal President,
and the Episcopal Supervisor. The
receiving Conference President or
District President shall sign the
"Letter of Transfer" and send it to
the Episcopal Supervisor who will
submit it to the Connectional
President. A form letter should be
provided by the Connectional
WMS Office for this purpose.


15. Continued

Article: VIII pg. 13 Section: 4 Paragraph: second
Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read
Current Language See attachment
Move the second paragraph as
See attachment sub heading "d." under General

Related Sanctions: None
Rationale: To maintain a consistent flow of procedure
Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:
Impact: There will be no financial impact, only a procedure change.


Reference Pages 13-15

1. Provide the current reading of the ArticleVIII Title Life Membership Section(s) 1, 2, 3, 4 Pages 13-
15: (Attach additional pages if necessary for this proposed change)

Section 1. Life Member. After twenty-five (25) years of continuous meritorious service in the Women's Missionary
Society, a member is eligible to apply for Life Membership. An applicant for Life Membership shall

a. be actively serving in the Local, Area (if applicable) Conference and Episcopal organizations at the time of
submitting the application;

b. exemplify continuous meritorious service

c. be recommended by the Local Women's Missionary Society; and

d. remains active at these levels of service as long as life and health permits.

Section 2. Continuous Meritorious Service

a. Meritorious service may be defined as continuous significant contributions through demonstrated
leadership at the Local, Conference, Episcopal, and/or Connectional levels.

b. Continuous meritorious service may include, yet not be limited to:

1. Demonstrated continuous service at the Local level;

2. Distinguished services as an officer (elected or appointed) at one or more levels (Conference,
Episcopal, Connectional);

3. Recruited and encouraged new members;

4. Developed or initiated programs to promote missionary education;

5. Directed or chaired significant missionary programs at one or more levels of the Women's
Missionary Society, etc.

Section 3. General Information.

a. There shall be one Life Member per Conference in an Episcopal District per Quadrennium. Only deceased
Life Members are to be replaced during a Quadrennium. A copy of the Obituary or Homegoing Service
shall accompany the candidate's application for Life Membership.

b. Annually, all applications for Life Membership shall be kept on the Conference roll and reported in the
order submitted via postmarked date of the local church recommendation. This list remains current as the
new names are added to it.

c. A Life Member who transfers from one Conference to another Conference or from one District to another
District shall be entitled to all rights and privileges afforded her during her previous affiliation, upon receipt
of a "Letter of Transfer" from the sending Conference or District bearing the signatures of the Local
President & Local Pastor, the Conference President, the Episcopal President, and the Episcopal Supervisor.
The receiving Conference President or District president shall sign the "Letter of Transfer" and send it to
the Episcopal Supervisor who will submit it to the Connectional President. A form letter should be
provided by the Connectional WMS Office for this purpose.

Section 4. The Process.
The applicant must be recommended by certified letter from the Local society, after twenty-five (25) years of
meritorious service in the Women's Missionary Society. The recommendation should be sent to the Episcopal
Supervisor and copied to the Episcopal President, Episcopal 3rd Vice President and Conference President.


The following steps should be adhered to:

a. At the start of a new Quadrennium, the Conference President notifies the next Life Member applicant, as
determined by the process outlined in Section 3b, that she is eligible for the Quadrennial Life Membership.
The Life Member application shall be secured from the Headquarters Office of the Women's Missionary
Society upon the request of the Conference President and the Episcopal Supervisor.

b. Once completed by the Life Member applicant, a fee of Two Hundred Fifty dollars ($250.00) for Districts
1-13 and One Hundred dollars ($100.00) for Districts 14-20 shall be attached to the application.

c. The application shall be signed by the Local President, the Pastor, the Conference President, the Episcopal
President, the Episcopal Supervisor, and the Bishop and the application is sent to the Connectional
President with the fee attached.

2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:

Section 1. Life Member. After twenty-five (25) years of continuous meritorious service in the Women's Missionary
Society, a member is eligible to apply for Life Membership. Any person seeking Life Membership must have
been a member of the Local WMS in good and regular standing for a minimum of 25 continuous years. Good and
regular standing in this organization means that the member regularly attends the meetings of the organization, is
supportive of mission projects of the organization, participates in activities and events, is current in payment of dues
and other financial obligations.

Section 2. Continuous Meritorious Service

Meritorious service may be defined as continuous significant contributions through demonstrated leadership at a
minimum of three of the four levels of the organization; Local, Conference, Episcopal, and/or Connectional.

The Life Membership applicant's service and leadership history should include:

a. Being a member of the Local WMS in good and regular standing for a minimum of 25 continuous years.
Good and regular standing in this organization means that the member regularly attends the meetings of the
organization, is supportive of mission projects of the organization, participates in activities and events, is
current in payment of dues and other financial obligations.

b. Having registered for and attended four (4) of the eight (8) Annual Conference Meetings immediately prior
to the time of submitting the application.

c. Having attended two Episcopal Executive Board Meetings or Institutes in the eight-year period
immediately prior to the time of submitting the application.

d. Serving as an officer (elected or appointed) at two of the following levels for at least one quadrennial four
(4) year period) per level.

 Conference Level
 Episcopal Level
 Connectional Level

e. Registering for and attending at least one Connectional Executive Board Meeting.

f. Serving as a delegate/alternate to a Quadrennial Convention or as a registered observer in the 25
consecutive years immediately prior to submission of the application.

g. Having served as a Connectional Commissioner or Episcopal District Liaison or Committee Chair for at
least one quadrennial.

h. Developing or initiating programs to promote missionary education at the Conference, Episcopal or
Connectional Level.


i. Directing or chairing significant missionary programs at the Conference, Episcopal or Connectional Level.

Section 3. General Information.

a. At the conclusion of the Quadrennial Convention Conferences shall purge their list of Life Membership

b. Life Membership applications will be accepted by the Conferences within the first calendar year of the
quadrennial. A specific time period will be announced to the membership.

c. The Episcopal WMS shall establish a Life Membership Application Review Committee within the district
to review all applications from the conferences. The members of the committee shall be the Episcopal
Supervisor, Episcopal President, Episcopal Third Vice President and the Third Vice President from each

d. The committee shall create a rubric based on meritorious service and leadership actions to rank order the
applications from each conference.

e. Life Membership shall be awarded based on the rank order established within each conference. There shall
be one Life Member per Conference in an Episcopal District per quadrennial unless a Life Member dies.
When a Life member dies the Conference President will notify the next Life Member applicant as
determined by the rank order that her application for Life Membership is being submitted to the
Connectional President. A copy of the deceased Life Member's Obituary or Homegoing Service shall
accompany the candidate's application for Life Membership.

f. A Life Member who transfers from one Conference to another Conference or from one District to another
District shall be entitled to all rights and privileges afforded her during her previous affiliation, upon receipt
of a "Letter of Transfer" from the sending Conference or District bearing the signatures of the Local
President & Local Pastor, the Conference President, the Episcopal President, and the Episcopal Supervisor.
The receiving Conference President or District president shall sign the "Letter of Transfer" and send it to
the Episcopal Supervisor who will submit it to the Connectional President. A form letter should be
provided by the Connectional WMS Office for this purpose.

Section 4. The Process.

The applicant for Life Membership must be recommended by certified letter from the Local society, after twenty-
five (25) years of meritorious service in the Women's Missionary Society. The letter should be signed by the Local
President and the Pastor. A listing of the applicant's meritorious service as outlined in Section 2 inclusive of offices
and positions held and dates along with a chronology of membership (church, pastor, society, dates) should be
attached to the letter of recommendation. The recommendation should be sent to the Episcopal Supervisor and
copied to the Episcopal President, Episcopal 3rd Vice President and Conference President.

The following steps should be adhered to:

a. The Life Membership Application Review Committee shall rank order the applications from each
conference and create a conference list, which shall be maintained by the Conference President, the
Episcopal President and the Episcopal Supervisor. The Conference President notifies the next Life Member
applicant, as determined by the committee that she is eligible for the Quadrennial Life Membership. The
Life Member application shall be secured from the Headquarters Office of the Women's Missionary
Society upon the request of the Conference President and the Episcopal Supervisor.

b. Once completed by the Life Member applicant, a fee of Two Hundred Fifty dollars ($250.00) for Districts
1-13 and One Hundred dollars ($100.00) for Districts 14-20 shall be attached to the application.

c. The application shall be signed by the Local President, the Pastor, the Conference President, the Episcopal
President, the Episcopal Supervisor, and the Bishop. The application along with the listing of meritorious
service is sent to the Connectional President with the fee attached.


3. Fully explain the complete rationale for the proposed change:
Life membership status is a high honor in the Women's Missionary Society. It should be awarded to members who
have demonstrated a 25-year history of commitment to mission work and leadership at the various levels of the
organization not just to the member who submits the application with the earliest postmark.
These changes are an attempt to make certain that the requirements and process are very clear to the applicant. The
use of an objective systematic checklist of service and leadership history will assist the District Level in creating a
rubric for ranking the applications.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? X Yes ___No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude:
There may be fewer Life Membership applicants creating a decrease in fees received.
5. Identify the other Articles /Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:


16. Reference Page 14

Article: VIII pg. 14 Section: 4 Paragraph: 1st paragraph


Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read

The applicant must be recommended Insert 'new' applicant; The new applicant must be

by Certified letter from the Local Recommendation sent to recommended by Certified Letter

Society, after twenty-five (25) years of Conference President. from the Local Society sent to the

meritorious service in the Women's Add copy to go to the Local Conference President for validation.

Missionary Society. The Society The Conference President shall send

recommendation should be sent to the by Certified Mail her findings to the

Episcopal Supervisor and copied to the Episcopal Supervisor, Episcopal

Episcopal President, Episcopal 3rd President, the Episcopal 3rd Vice

Vice President, and Conference President and the Local Society


Related Sections: None

Rationale: To allow the Conference to certify if the applicant is eligible for the recommendation before it
goes to the Episcopal Level. The Conference would be in a better position to verify the activity of the

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: The financial impact would be very minimal. The Conference would be responsible for 4 Certified Letters.


17. Reference Page 14

Article: VIII Section: 3a (page 14) Paragraph: 1

Amendment: One LM per Quadrennial, no replacements.

Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read

There shall be one life member per Eliminate the second and third 3a —there shall be one Life Member per
Conference in an Episcopal District per
Conference in an Episcopal District sentences in section 3a Quadrennium.

per Quadrennium. Only deceased

LM are to be replaced during a


Related Sections:

Rationale: The number of Life Members is greater than the number of elected delegates. Also, the increasing
number of Life Members puts a burden on the District treasure to financial support them.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: None


18. Reference Page 18


Qualifications: Any candidate for the position of Treasurer must have;
Add Qualification 3: Credit checks done on her.
This will ensure that whoever holds the position is creditworthy; to curb possible misappropriation of funds


19. Reference Page 18
1. Provide the current reading of the Article IX Title Duties and Qualifications of Officers Section(s 17
Page 18: Connectional Bylaws (Attach additional pages if necessary for this proposed change)
No current language
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
Insert a new Section after Section 8 - Treasurer. Renumber current Sections 9 through 16
Section 9. - Financial Secretary
a. Qualifications. Any candidate for the position of Financial Secretary must have:
1. At least a Bachelor's degree, or its equivalent, in business, accounting or finance; and
2. At least five (5) years of experience in accounting, finance, or budgeting.
b. Duties and Responsibilities. The Financial Secretary shall:
1. Maintain an independent set of records of all financial transactions and assist with the work in concert with the
3. Fully explain the complete rationale for the proposed change:
Having a Financial Secretary and a Treasurer will provide a system of check and balance.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? __ Yes __No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude:

The organization would be responsible for reasonable cost of travel and housing of an additional elected officer
attending Executive Board meeting .
5. Identify the other Articles /Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:

ARTICLE XI / SECTION 3 b /PAGE 23… (Add Financial Secretary to Commission on Administration
ARTICLE IV / SECTION 1 / PAGE 29…(Add Financial Secretary to list of Elected Officers)
ARTICLE V / SECTION 3 / PAGE 30…(Add Financial Secretary to list


20. Reference Page 29

Episcopal Bylaws Amendment

Article: IV -- Elected and Appointed Officers; Duties Section: 1 Elected Episcopal Officers (Page 29)

Amend inserting "President" and after "The Episcopal organization shall elect the" and inserting "Director of the
Young People's and Children's Division" after "Treasurer".

Current language Proposed language (change) Language if adopted would read

Section 1. Elected Episcopal Section 1. Elected Episcopal Section 1. Elected Episcopal
Officers. The Episcopal Officers. The Episcopal Officers. The Episcopal
organization shall elect the First organization shall elect the organization shall elect the
Vice President, Second Vice President, First Vice President, President, First Vice President,
President, Third Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice Second Vice President, Third Vice
Recording Secretary, Assistant President, Recording Secretary, President, Recording Secretary,
Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary,
Corresponding Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer,
Treasurer, Historiographer- Treasurer, Director of the Young Director of the Young People's and
Statistician, Director of Promotion People's and Children's Division, Children's Division,
and Missionary Education, Historiographer-Statistician, Historiographer-Statistician,
Parliamentarian, Worship Director Director of Promotion and Director of Promotion and
and Member-At-Large. Elected Missionary Education, Missionary Education,
officers shall be elected by ballot at Parliamentarian, Worship Director Parliamentarian, Worship Director
the annual Episcopal Meeting. and Member-At-Large. Elected and Member-At-Large. Elected
officers shall be elected by ballot officers shall be elected by ballot at
at the annual Episcopal Meeting. the annual Episcopal Meeting.

Rationale: To be consistent at all levels on how officers are selected – elected by the members of the organization


21. References Pages 34-35

Article: IV Section: 2 Paragraph: 2
Page 34-35
Amendment: Voting Membership Proposed Language (change)
Numbers 1 and 2 to remain the
Current Language same. Language, if adopted, would read

A member may become enrolled and Change/Add: Paying Local, A member may become enrolled and
Area and Conference dues eligible to vote by:
eligible to vote by: where it applies 1. Registering with the
Conference: and
1. Registering with the Conference: 2. The individuals name appears
on the roll for one (1) year and the
and presentation to the Conference
credentials certified by the Local
2. The individuals name appears on Pastor and Local President
3. Paying Local, Area and
the roll for one (1) year and the Conference dues where it applies

presentation to the Conference

credentials certified by the Local

Pastor and Local President

Related Sections:

Rationale: This change will ensure that Local members are in good and regular standing on all levels by
supporting financially the total program of the Women's Missionary Society.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: There is no financial impact to insert specific words related the fulfillment of responsibilities and mission
of the Women's Missionary Society.


22. Reference Page 35

Article: IV (page 35) Section: 8 Paragraph: 1

Amendment: add — Quadrennial delegates should be active on all levels of the WMS

Current Language Proposed language (change) Language, if adopted, would read

They shall be active participants on the Quadrennial Delegates should be They shall be active participants

local level and attend at least two (2) active on all levels of the WMS on all levels and attend at least two

Annual Conference Meetings. (2) Annual Conference Meetings.

Related Sections:

Rationale: In order to represent the District and make informed decisions — delegates should have
knowledge of Local, Area (where applicable), Conference, District and Connectional activities.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: None


23. Reference Page 35

1. Provide the current reading of the Article IV Title Membership Section(s) 8 Page 35:
(Attach additional pages if necessary for this proposed change)

Section 8. Quadrennial Delegates
The Recording Secretary of the Conference shall keep an accurate roll of members. Only those who have been
members for four (4) or more consecutive years shall be eligible to be elected delegates to the Quadrennial
Convention. Persons who transition to the WMS with uninterrupted time as a YPDer shall be eligible to be elected
delegate to the Quadrennial Convention after two consecutive years as active WMS members. They shall be active
participants on the local level and attend at least two (2) Annual Conference Meetings

2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:

Section 8. Quadrennial Delegates
The Recording Secretary of the Conference shall keep an accurate roll of members. Only those who have been
active members of the Conference Level for four (4) or more consecutive years and have attended at least (2)
Annual Conference Meetings shall be eligible to be elected delegates to the Quadrennial Convention.

Persons who transition to the WMS with uninterrupted time as a YPDer shall be eligible to be elected delegate to the
Quadrennial Convention after two consecutive years as active WMS members. They shall be active participants on
the Local and Conference Levels and have attended two (2) Annual Conference Meetings

3. Fully explain the complete rationale for the proposed change:

This change in the wording will make it clear that the requirement to attend at least two (2) Annual Conference
Meetings applies to both groups, those who have been on the conference roll for 4 or more years and the young
adults who transition to the WMS from the YPD.

4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? _____ Yes _X_ No

Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude:


6. Identify the other Articles /Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:



24. Reference Page 37

Article: V Section: 2 Paragraph: 3
Proposed Language (change)
Amendment: Addition

Current Language Language, if adopted, would read

C. Be proficient with Microsoft
Office Applications: Word, Excel
and PowerPoint, as well as other
software that could be used to
enhance the work of the Young
People's and Children's Division.

Related Sections: Young People's and Children's Division Women's Missionary Society African Methodist
Episcopal Church Conference Bylaws, Article VII Section 9 (page 37), Article VII – Local Director, Section

Rationale: Basic computer skills would allow the directors to be more proficient in carrying out the
responsibilities as director, trainer, communicator and facilitator.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: It doesn't involve finances.

Impact: Over time both congregations would save money by pooling their resources, the youth would benefit from
shared experiences, extra support, increased productivity, enhanced leadership, a decrease in financial expenditures
and a re-energized YPD.


25. Reference Page 40

Article: IX pg. 40 Section: 2 Paragraph: 2


Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read

Area Chairperson and Area Director Area Presidents Area Presidents and Area Director
shall act as an interface between the
shall act as an interface between the Conference leadership and Local
Conference leadership and Local


Related Sections: pg. 41 #3; pg. 36, VI. #2; pg. 38, VIII, #1 last line

Rationale: To maintain a consistency throughout the organization. We call the Directors "Area Directors".
Also, in continuity with the last sentence in that paragraph, which states, "Area Presidents and Area
Directors shall have the specific responsibility of promoting the program goals and objectives of the Women's
Missionary Society, within their area of responsibility."

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: There would be no financial impact.


26. Reference Page 42

Article: II Section: 1 Paragraph: 1 Letter: d

Amendment: Responsibilities of the Local Society Page 42

Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read

Educate. Provide opportunities for Replace: for with to: Insert: Educate. Provide opportunities for

worship and study; and Share yearly Study-book worship and study; and

curriculum beyond its share yearly Study-book curriculum

membership and beyond its membership and

congregation. congregation.

Related Sections: ___

Rationale: To emphasize the responsibility and importance of using, studying and sharing valuable life
application information in the yearly Study-book curriculum beyond Local membership.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: There is no financial impact to change because word insertion is related to current responsibilities of the
Local Society.


27. Reference Page 43

Article: V-Meetings Section: 3 Paragraph: 3 Language, if adopted, would read
Amendment: Meetings
Proposed Language (change) The expenses of the Conference and
Current Language Expenses may include but not Local Presidents are to be paid by the
be limited to travel, registration Local Level of which that officer is
The expenses of the Conference and fees and hotel accommodations an active member. Expenses may
Local Presidents are to be paid by the for conference, district and include but not be limited to travel,
Local Level of which that officer is an connectional meetings when registration fees and hotel
active member possible and as determined by accommodations for conference,
the Local Level. district and connectional meetings
when possible and as determined by
the Local Level.

Related Sections:

Rationale: Clarify the meaning of expenses

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: Addition of language to current section contained under local by-laws


28. Reference Page 43



Sustentation: The expenses of the Conference and the Local Presidents are to be paid by the Local level of
which the Officer is an active member


Sustentation: The expenses of the Conference President is to be paid by the Conference, the Area Chairperson
(where applicable) by the Area and the Local President by the Local level of which the Officer is an active member


Paying for costs of Presidents at levels other than the local level will present financial challenges to the local levels.




29. Reference Page 43

Article: III Section: 3 Paragraph: 1

Amendment: Organizational and Structural Framework Page 43

Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read

The Local Society shall participate in Insert: the Episcopal The Local Society shall participate in
the meetings, work and activities of
the meetings, work and activities of District. the Episcopal District, the
Conference and the Area, if
the Conference and the Area, if applicable, to which it is assigned

applicable, to which it is assigned

Related Sections: Article 2: Responsibilities of the Local Society

Rationale: To promote the dissemination of information and encourage Local involvement, engagement, and
participation in the meetings, work, and activities of the Women's Missionary Society on all applicable levels.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: There is no financial impact to insert specific words related the fulfillment of responsibilities and mission
of the Women's Missionary Society.


30. Reference Page 45



The Director of the Young People and Children's Division shall plan and supervise the work of the young
people under the Local Society. She shall provide a report of the young people's work at the regularly
scheduled meetings of the Local Society


It is proposed that the responsibilities be divided into two. 10.1 to focus on Young People's Division and 10.2 to
focus on Children's Division

To read:
The Director of the Young People and Children's Division
1. Shall plan and supervise the work of the young people under the Local Society.
2. Shall plan and supervise the activities of the Allen Stars and Sunbeams under the Local Society


Often little attention is given to Allen Stars and no specific activities and reports are provided. This will encourage
the Director to give fair amount of time to this section.




31. Reference Page 73

Appendix B
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Order of the Women's Missionary Society
WMS Colors and Attire
I. The colors and attire of the WMS for Districts 1-13 shall be:
A. Senior Society Members
1. All white attire (pant suit, appropriate length suits and dresses, white jewelry, WMS Pin)
2. White attire with touch of blue/royal blue accessories, WMS Pin)
B. Life Members (All white attire wearing Life Member stole with WMS Pin)
C. Associate Members (white or black suits with white/blue tie, WMS Pin)
II The colors and attire of the WMS for Districts 14-20 shall be the leopard attire uniform (Black robe, white
collar, and leopard skin cap)
III. This attire shall be worn at
A. Opening worship services at the Quadrennial, Executive Board, and District Meetings, and Local
Annual Day services.
B. A Funeral of a member of the Society
C. Other occasions when directed by the leadership of the society
D. Capping and Pinning Ceremony on WMS Night in White Service during Annual Conferences
Note: Color Symbolism
White - is symbolic of purity of life and conversation; light that shines more and more, and faith.
Blue/Royal Blue - is symbolic of peace and healing Power of God; it has positive effects on the mind and
body; it represents trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, and faith.
Leopard skin or leopard skin design material - is symbolic of grace, quickness, determination and
endurance to fight sin and to defend righteousness
Rational: Our YPDers have a section, Appendix B, which explains and describes the colors and the uniform
to be worn during the different services. The Senior Members of the WMS need to have their colors and
attire delineated also. Therefore, I propose that after the information on the Local Society that Appendix A is
added on page 48.


Article: ____ Section: __ Paragraph: __
Proposed Language (change)
Amendment: WMS Colors & attire

Current Language Language, if adopted, would read
See attached

Related Sections:

Date Submitted: November 27, 2018

Rationale: Our YPDers have a section, Appendix B, which explains and describes the colors and the uniform
to be worn during the different services. The Senior members of the WMS need to have their colors and attire
delineated also. Therefore I proposed that after the information on the local society that Appendix B is added.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: None


Y-1. Reference Page 49
1. Provide the current reading of the Article IV Title Membership Section(s) 1 Page 49: (Attach
additional pages if necessary for this proposed change)
Section 1. Regular. Any young person of the church between two (2) to twenty-six (26) years of age, who is active
and in good and regular standing in their Local organization.
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
Section 1. Regular. Any young person of the church ages two (2) to twenty-six (26), who is active and in good and
regular standing in their Local organization.
3. Fully explain the complete rationale for the proposed change:
This change will provide additional clarity. The phrase "Ages two to twenty-six" includes persons who are two and
persons who are twenty-six, but the current phrase "Between two and twenty –six " excludes those who are two and
those who are twenty-six.

4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? __ Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude:
The change just provides consistency in the language used for membership definitions and component descriptions.
5. Identify the other Articles /Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:


Y-2. Reference Page 49
3. Provide the current reading of the Article IV Title Membership Section (s) 1 Page N/A:
(Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change) N/A
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
Regular: Any young person of the church between two (2) to twenty-six (26) years of age, who is active and in
good and regular standing in their Local organization. In the event that such member is a member from Districts
14 ton 20, in order to enjoy full membership rights, such member must be robed in terms of Appendix A,
read with Appendix B, of the Constitution and By-Laws.
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
One of the biggest points of contention currently is what a member in the context of Districts 14 to 20 is given that
we have an additional uniform and robing process as opposed to members from districts 1 to 13. We pride ourselves
greatly in our uniform and what it represents and we believe that in order to truly embody the true essence of a YPD
member in Districts 14 to 20, you have to put on the full armor. We therefore consider it necessary to attach being
robed to the requirement of being allowed to exercise certain rights such as voting and holding office. If we were to
continue without regulating this we will find ourselves in a situation where the uniform does not have meaning and
members would not be obliged or incentivized to opt to get robed with the black and white uniform.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? __ Yes X_ No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
There is no financial impact or monetary impact, as this is to clarify membership, which is already done in District
14 to 20
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:
Appendix A, read with Appendix B, of the Constitution and By-Laws.


Y-3. Reference Page 49
3. Provide the current reading of the Article V Title Components of the Young People's Division
Section (s) 6 Page N/A: (Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change) N/A
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
Computing of age: For purposes of the organization, during a calendar year, a member’s age shall be deemed to be
that which such member will reach or has reached in that respective year. For avoidance of doubt, days are not to be
considered when determining whether a member is younger or older than a particular age.
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
We have seen members who have served the organization for years being denied the opportunity to graduate as
officers or continue to provide value due to a misinterpretation of clauses that prescribe ages in the Constitution i.e.
a member will be denied to run for office in their last year because their birthday fell before a particular elective
Convention and are therefore over the age of 25 in days by the sitting of such Convention. We wish to record the
original intention into the Constitution being that computation of age be limited to years only and not days and
members who are 25 years of age be allowed to finish off their membership in the organization as officers should
they wish. If you are turning 26 in a particular year, whether your Birthday is before or after the Convention, you
should be graduating that year. This additional section wishes to clarify such positions.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? _ Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
There is no Financial or Monetary impact on the WMS as this is to avoid confusion about the organization
graduating age.
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change: N/A


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