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Suggested amendments to current Constitution and Bylaws of the Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, as submitted by Episcopal Districts for the 2019-2023 Quadrennial service-year.

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Published by INFO, 2019-04-30 11:35:32


Suggested amendments to current Constitution and Bylaws of the Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, as submitted by Episcopal Districts for the 2019-2023 Quadrennial service-year.

Y-4. Reference Page 50

1. Provide the current reading of the Article VII Title Quadrennial Convention Section(s) 2 Page
50: YPD Connectional Bylaws (Attach additional pages if necessary for this proposed change)
Section 2. Voting Membership. The voting members of the Quadrennial Convention, all of which shall be in good
and regular standing in their Local organizations, shall consist of:
a. Elected and appointed officers;
b. Chairpersons of the Standing Committees;
c. Episcopal and Conference Presidents; and
d. Two (2) voting delegates (ages 13-26) from each Conference.
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
Section 2. Voting Membership. The voting members of the Quadrennial Convention, all of which shall be in good
and regular standing in their Local organizations, shall consist of:
a. Elected and appointed officers;
b. Chairpersons of the Standing Committees;
c. Episcopal and Conference Presidents; and
d. Two (2) voting delegates ages thirteen (13) to twenty-six (26) from each Conference. The delegates 27th birthday
must not occur before the date of the Quadrennial Convention.
3. Fully explain the complete rationale for the proposed change:
The maximum age for members and delegates is twenty-six. Members and delegates are not to be older than 26.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? __Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude:

The proposal adds clarity to the age of voting members at the time of the Quadrennial Convention.
5. Identify the other Articles /Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:


Y-5. Reference Page 51
1. Provide the current reading of the Article VII Title –Officers; Election Procedures Section(s)__
Page 51: YPD Connectional Bylaws (Attach additional pages if necessary for this proposed change)
Section 5. Qualifications to Run for Office. Any person seeking an elected office shall:
a. Be active, and in good and regular standing, in his or her Local organization;
b. Have registered and participated in a Connectional training institute or retreat, or served as a delegate to a
Quadrennial Convention prior to the time in which he or she runs;
c. Be active on and support the Episcopal, Conference, and Area, if applicable;
d. Be at least 13 years of age, but not older than 22 years of age; and
e. Present credentials, as required by the Nominating Committee, bearing the signature of
the Episcopal Director and Episcopal Supervisor.
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
Section 5. Qualifications to Run for Office. Any person seeking an elected office shall:
a. Be active, and in good and regular standing, in his or her Local organization;
b. Have registered and participated in a Connectional training institute or retreat, or served as

a delegate to a Quadrennial Convention prior to the time in which he or she runs;
c. Be active on and support the Episcopal, Conference, and Area, if applicable;
d. Be at least 13 years of age, but not older than 22 years of age at the time of election.
e. Present credentials, as required by the Nominating Committee, bearing the signature of

the Episcopal Director and Episcopal Supervisor.
3. Fully explain the complete rationale for the proposed change:
A person who is not older than age 22 at the time of election will be able to complete a 4-year term before age 27.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? _____ Yes __X_ No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude:
5. Identify the other Articles /Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:


Y-6. Reference Page 51

Article: VIII Section: 5 Paragraph: d

Amendment: Qualifications to Run for Office Page 51

Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read

Any person seeking an elected office Be at least 13 years of age, but Any person seeking an elected office
shall: not older than 22 years of age, a. Be active, and in good and
regular standing, in his or her Local
a. Be active, and in good and by the established application organization;
b. Have registered and participated
regular standing, in his or her Local deadline; and in a Connectional training institute or
retreat, or served as a delegate to a
organization; Quadrennial Convention prior to the
time in which he or she runs;
b. Have registered and participated c. Be active on and support the
Episcopal, Conference, and Area, if
in a Connectional training institute or applicable;
d. Be at least 13 years of age, but
retreat, or served as a delegate to a not older than 22 years of age, by the
established application deadline; and
Quadrennial Convention prior to the e. Present credentials, as required
by the Nominating Committee,
time in which he or she runs; bearing the signature of the
Episcopal Director and Episcopal
c. Be active on and support the Supervisor.

Episcopal, Conference, and Area, if


d. Be at least 13 years of age, but

not older than 22 years of age; and

e. Present credentials, as required by

the Nominating Committee, bearing

the signature of the Episcopal Director

and Episcopal Supervisor.

Related Sections: Article VI – Officer Duties; Elections Section 1 – Requirement to Hold Office (page 61)

Rationale: The rationale for this change is to avoid any interpretation of this clause. This will provide a
defined and established cut-off time for a potential candidate.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: There is no financial impact as it the insertion of wording to provide a defined standard for persons eligible
to run for an office on the Connectional level.


Y-7. Reference Page 52

3. Provide the current reading of the Article IX Title: Duties of Elected Officers Section (s) 4 Page 52:
(Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change)
The Third Vice President shall:

a) Serve in the absence of the President, First vice President and Second Vice President;
b) Serve as the Chairperson of the International Awareness Committee;
c) Represent Districts 14 – 20 when a representative is unable to attend Connectional YPD functions;
d) Work with the Episcopal District YPD Presidents and Directors from Districts 14 to 20 to

coordinate Connectional YPD projects and activities; and
e) Be a member in good and regular standing of the organization in Districts 14 – 20.
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
The Third Vice President shall:
a) Serve in the absence of the President, First vice President and Second Vice President;
b) Serve as the Chairperson of the International Relations Committee;
c) Represent Districts 14 – 20 when a representative is unable to attend Connectional YPD functions;
d) Work with the Episcopal District YPD Presidents and Directors from Districts 14 to 20 to

coordinate Connectional YPD projects and activities; and
e) Be a member in good and regular standing of the organization in Districts 14 – 20.
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
The International Awareness Committee is not a committee identified in the Constitution and Bylaws but is rather
found in the YPD Handbook. According to the Handbook of the YPD, the International Awareness Committee
"shall provide opportunities for Young People in districts (1-13), and those in districts (14-20) to exchange ideas,
programs and objectives. They shall enrich one another through intercultural exchange and understanding via Pen
Pals. It shall keep up the work in the overseas areas by providing study materials, funds for specific projects and
scholarship aid." The purpose of the International Awareness Committee is almost exactly the same as the purpose
of the International Relations Committee and for that reason it would help clear a lot of confusion regarding the
purposes of the 3rd vice Presidency if the committee is one established in terms of the Constitution and Bylaws.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? ___ Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
There is no financial or monetary impact as this will only clear out the confusion of committees
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change: N/A


Y-8. Reference Page 55

Article: Section: Paragraph:

X1- Standing Committees

P. 55


(to fall under standing committee)

Current Language Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read
This Chairperson shall: Consist
of Allen Stars - ages 6-12 yrs.
Be under the supervision of the
YPD Director who shall plan
and supervise the work of the
Allen Stars.

Related Sections: Article IV: Section 2, page 69

Date Submitted: _______

Rationale: Allen Stars are competitive, hungry and receptive to rules and regulations. They are ripe for further
nurturing and grooming to their fullest potential into responsible and respectful young ladies and gentlemen.

Opportunities through effective stimulation ensures profound future servant leaders for Christ for the next age
group/level of the YPD. The implementation of such is evident throughout the 15th District and provided excellent
current top leadership positions on Episcopal level at the age of only 15 yrs. This un-constitutionalised position is

one of the greatest investments made in the lives of Allen Stars in our District and the best is yet to come.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:


Impact: No

The Local church will be impacted financially to assist the Allen Star Chairperson to all YPD events and


Y-9. Reference Page 56
3. Provide the current reading of the Article XI Title: Standing Committees
Section (s) 6 Page: 56: (Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change)
The International Relations Committee shall:

a. Provide opportunities for children, youth and young adults in the United States and those overseas
districts to exchange ideas, programs, and objectives;

b. Facilitate and encourage through intercultural exchange and understanding via pen pals
c. Encourage participation in the Sojourners Program and other mission programs of the Women's

Missionary Society and the African Methodist Episcopal Church
d. Keep up and facilitate the organization's work in the overseas area, by providing study materials,

funds for specific projects and other scholarship assistance for overseas members.
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
The International Relations Committee shall:

a. Provide opportunities for children, youth and young adults in Districts 1 to 13 and those in
Districts 14 to 20 to exchange ideas, programs, and objectives;

b. Facilitate and encourage intercultural exchange and understanding via pen pals
c. Encourage participation in the Sojourners Program and other mission programs of the Women's

Missionary Society and the African Methodist Episcopal Church
d. Keep up and facilitate the organization's work in Districts 14 to 20, by providing study materials,

funds for specific projects and other scholarship assistance for members in Districts 14 to 20.
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
It is undisputed that the church is headquartered in the United States of America, however we encourage the
organization to move away from calling members and districts outside of the USA, "overseas districts". The use of
this word is problematic in that i) to members in Districts 14 to 20, the USA is overseas and therefore defeats the
intended purpose and ii) it is derogatory and exclusionary to refer to some YPDers as members and others as
"oversea members".
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? ___ Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
There is no financial or monetary impact.
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change: N/A


Y-10. Reference Page 58
3. Provide the current reading of the Article __ XII _ Title _____
Section (s) 2 Page _N/A_: (Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change) N/A
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
A similar Leadership Training Institute shall be organized biennially for Districts 14 to 20 by the
Connectional Executive Board under the chairmanship of the Connectional 3rd vice President, using the funds
allocated to it by the Connectional Director.
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
Our grandparents have dreamt about it, our parents have dreamt about it, we are dreaming about it and now we take
this opportunity to make our dreams come true. The members in Districts 14 to 20 yearn for a YPD experience
beyond Episcopal level and unfortunately due to distance and costs, we are not able to attend the Connectional LTI
organized annual. We believe that we are sophisticated enough as a people to hold a meeting of that caliber and
make it work, all we require is the support of the Connectional LTI to make this generational dream, a reality.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? _X_ Yes _No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
The will be a financial or monetary impact on the WMS as funds for this Leadership
Training Institute will be from the funds allocated by the Connectional Director.
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change: N/A


Y-11. Reference Page 61

3. Provide the current reading of the Article VI Title Officers; Duties; Elections
Section (s) 4 Page 61: (Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change)
Election of Officers; Terms.
Officers shall be elected annually at the Episcopal Meeting, except for the year preceding the Quadrennial
Convention in which there shall be no election. No person, elected or appointed, shall be permitted to hold the same
office more than two (2) consecutive quadrennials.
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
Officers shall be elected biennially at the Episcopal Annual Meeting. No person,
elected or appointed, shall be permitted to hold the same office for more than two (2)
consecutive quadrennials.
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
Officers shall be elected biennially at the Episcopal Annual Meeting. No person,
elected or appointed, shall be permitted to hold the same office for more than two (2)
consecutive quadrennials.
The tenure of Office at levels such as Episcopal and Conference must be sufficient to
allow the executive board to exhaustively fulfill the mandate prescribed to them by the members, a period of a single
year terms during a quadrennial is often marred with excessive in-and-out movements in the Office of the board,
threatening the smooth transition of administrations and continuity in critical administrative aspects, another
noteworthy disadvantage of single-year terms is that they do not grant members a sufficing development experience
which the Organization is created to afford every serving member, this results in members not having grasped
sufficing know-how and skills to some extent.
The adoption of this proposition is likely to establish smooth transition between administrations, allowing Offices to
be able to forge new pathways of functionality whilst maintaining ways and norms established by preceding Office
bearers, this will allow the Organization to not experience unnecessary 'administrative shocks' – a phenomenon
occurring when the succeeding administration engages in an overhaul of past established governance systems and
plans in an effort to establish a solid footprint/presence.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? ___ Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
There will be no financial or monetary impact on the WMS as this is likely to establish smooth transition between
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change: N/A


Y-12. Reference Page 62
3. Provide the current reading of the Article VII Title Executive Board Section (s) 1 Page 62:
Composition: The Episcopal Board shall be composed of:

a) Elected Episcopal Officers
b) Chairpersons of Standing Committees
c) Conference Presidents
d) Connectional Officers, elected or appointed, who reside in the Conference
e) The Episcopal President and Conference Director, in an advisory capacity; and
The immediate past Episcopal President, as an ex officio member
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
Composition: The Episcopal Board shall be composed of:
a) Elected Episcopal Officers
b) Chairpersons of Standing Committees
c) Conference Presidents
d) Connectional Officers, elected or appointed, who reside in the Episcopal District
e) The Episcopal Director and Conference Directors, in an advisory capacity; and
The immediate past Episcopal President, as an ex officio member
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
This amendment is purely for purposes of correcting clear errors in the Section i.e. the reference to Conference
instead of Episcopal and the erroneous mention of "Episcopal President and Conference Director" instead of
"Episcopal Director and Conference Directors. The current reading of the Section excludes the Episcopal Director
from the Executive Board and to avoid any scenario where a member adopts a literal interpretation of the clause, we
ought to correct the mistake.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? __Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
Addition of the Episcopal Director is for advisory purposes, as this does not have any financial or monetary impact.
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change: N/A


Y-13. Reference Page 63
3. Provide the current reading of the Article IV Title Conference Director Section (s) 5 Page 66:
(Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change)
Article IV - Conference Director, Section 5 - Duties of Director.
e. Appoint, after consultation with the Conference President, an Area Chairperson.
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented: Removal of Section/Clause.
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
The membership of the Office of the Director (ex-officio membership) renders the Director an officer that cannot
actively make any decisions or propositions that stand to veto the stance established by the voting members of the
organization, viz. the office cannot vote and propose matters of discussion in the organization, given this, we realize
that the mentioned provision grants the Director the responsibility of appointing an Office, in consultation with the
Office of the President, this condition doesn't grant the President any prerogative in appointing an Area Chairperson
because the authority to appoint lies in the hands of the Director.
This provision opposes the nature of the Director's membership because it grants the office the responsibility, which
should be afforded an Office, which has regular membership. An office which can actively partake in the
deliberations of the Organization, furthermore it grants the Office of the Director excessive authority, because the
following provision (WMS Conference Bylaws, Article IX, Section 2) grants the Conference Director, authority to
appoint Area Directors, which then entails that the office of the Director can determine the Leadership of a critical
interface level of the Organization as the Area level, which then renders the office of the President in an unfortunate
position to lead and synchronize the work of a Leadership it doesn't have authority over its incumbency, therefore
it's necessary that the office of the Area Chairperson be granted elective status also in order for uniformity and
consistency to be maintained with the provision YPD Conference Bylaws, Article XII, Section 4.)
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? __ Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
There is no financial impact.
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:
WMS Conference Bylaws, Article IX, Section 2
YPD Conference Bylaws, Article XII, Section 4.


Y-14. Reference Page 63

Article: IV Section: 3 Paragraph: e
Page 63
Amendment: Conference Director
Proposed Language (change)
Current Language Language, if adopted, would read
Appoint after consultation with
The duties and responsibilities of the Conference President, an Area The duties and responsibilities of the
Director Conference Director shall be to:
Conference Director shall be to: a. Oversee and direct the work of the
a. Oversee and direct the work of the b. Ensure accurate accounts and
statistics are maintained on behalf of the
Conference; Conference and timely provided to the
b. Ensure accurate accounts and c. Receive and deposit funds in the
name of the Conference;
statistics are maintained on behalf of d. Make regular reports to the
Conference organization concerning the
the Conference and timely provided to work of the Conference, with
observations and recommendations
the Episcopal; affecting the organization; and
e. Appoint after consultation with
c. Receive and deposit funds in the Conference President, an Area Director.

name of the Conference;

d. Make regular reports to the

Conference organization concerning the

work of the Conference, with

observations and recommendations

affecting the organization; and

e. Appoint, after consultation with the

Conference President, an Area


Related Sections: Article X – Executive Board, section 1E

Date Submitted: January 11, 2019

Rationale: The title should be consistent on every level. The WMS has Area Chairpersons and the YPD has
Area Directors.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: There is no financial impact as the recommended change is verbiage.

Submitted by (Society): New Jersey Conference


Y-15. Reference Page 64
3. Provide the current reading of the Article V Title Officers in General; Election Section(s) 4 Page 64:
(Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change)
An elected officer not performing his or her duties shall be notified in writing by the Conference Director, with a
copy to the Conference President. If such failure to perform continues for a period of (90) days after notification, the
matter shall be referred to the Executive Board for action. The Executive Board may remove the elected officer from
the office for failure to execute her duties and responsibilities as provided in these bylaws.
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
An elected officer not performing his or her duties shall be notified in writing by the Conference Director, with a
copy to the Conference President. If such failure to perform continues for a period of (30) days after notification, the
matter shall be referred to the Executive Board for action. The Executive Board may remove the elected officer from
the office for failure to execute her duties and responsibilities as provided in these bylaws.
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
The frequency in which Conference meet and executive their duties do not work well with the current period, which
we believe is too long. Conferences traditionally meet more often than the Episcopal and Connectional level and
therefore it would be grossly detrimental for a Conference to be forced to sit 90 days with an unruly officer whereas
so much work would have been missed out on.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? __ Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
There will be no financial impact. This will help to deal with an unruly officer within 30 days not 90 days
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change: N/A


Y-16. Reference Page 65
3. Provide the current reading of the Article VIII Title Members; Voting Privileges
Section (s) 3 Page 65: (Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change)
Voting members of the Conference shall be: Elected Officers of the Conference, Connectional and Episcopal
Officers residing within the Conference, Area, Local of the Conference and members who have registered and
attended at least one (1) annual convention of the Conference and are active in the local organization.
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
Voting members of the Conference shall be: Elected Officers of the Conference, Connectional and Episcopal
Officers residing within the Conference, Area, Local of the Conference and delegates who have registered and
attended at least one (1) annual convention of the Conference and are active in the local organization.
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
We propose this amendment to give effect to the intention of Article VI of the Local Bylaws, which requires 1
delegate for every 15 members to the Annual Conference Meeting. The use of the word member in the current
reading negates the intended purpose of the abovementioned guideline and therefore will be administratively
burdensome on the Conferences if not corrected. We therefore would like to link the two Articles by amending the
Article in the Conference bylaws to speak about delegates instead of members.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? __ Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
There is no financial impact
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:
Article VI of the Local Bylaws


Y-17. Reference Page 66
3. Provide the current reading of the Article VII Title N/A
Section (s) 2 Page N/A: (Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change)
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
The Episcopal President, in consultation with the Episcopal Director, shall determine the agenda of the Executive
Board Meetings. Such agenda shall be distributed to the Episcopal Executive Board at least 3 days prior to the
Executive Board Meeting.
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
Presidential administrations vary, and unfortunately at Episcopal level we have seen Presidents delay distributing
meeting agendas for reasons sometimes only known to them. Early distribution of meeting agendas is important for
purposes of assisting Executive Board members to prepare adequately for discussions and contemplate their
contributions to such discussions. Requiring the President to distribute the agenda at least 3 days prior will ensure
that all Episcopal Executive Boards around the globe at the very least have an opportunity to participate
productively in Executive Board Meetings having been afforded the opportunity to prepare.
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? _ Yes _X_ No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
There is no financial or monetary impact on the WMS.
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change: N/A


Y-18. Reference Page 66
3. Provide the current reading of the Article XI Title Meetings
Section (s) 2 Page N/A: (Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change)
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:
The annual meeting of the Conference shall be held at a time and place determined by the Conference
President and Director, in consultation with the Conference Executive Board. The annual meeting of the
Conference shall be held at the time and place separate and distinct from the annual meeting of the Conference
Women's Missionary Society, so the Conference Directors may participate in sessions of the Conference Women's
Missionary Society.
3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
We have recently seen how individuals who have no power over the organization, dictating where, when and how
the annual meetings of Conference will be held. We wish to make it clear that it is intended that the organization be
allowed to plan and organized itself without interference from external parties such as Supervisors and WMS
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? __ Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
The is no Financial or Monetary impact on the WMS.
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change: N/A


Y-19. Reference Page 68

Article: III Section: 2 Paragraph: 2
Amendment: Addition
Proposed Language (change) Language, if adopted, would read
Current Language
Page 68 An inter-congregational Young
This would be a part of Article III People's and Children's Division may be
Section 2 (b) established when needed.
Credentials, etc. should bear the
None signature of the inter-congregational
Pastor, YPD Director and WMS

Related Sections:

Rationale: No YPD Director in their home Church. Denominations large and small report falling
membership numbers and decreased attendance. The decline began accelerating in the 1990s. Churches have
not found a solution to declining membership.

Financial: Explain why there is or is not a financial impact. If YES, describe the magnitude:

Impact: The congregations would share expenses and alleviate added expenses

Submitted by (Society): Second Episcopal WMS


Y-20. Reference Page 69

3. Provide the current reading of the Article V Title Members; Voting

Privileges; Dues

Section(s) 1&2&3 Page 463&464: (Attach additional pages if necessary for this proposed change)

Section 1. Member. Members and classification of members shall be as provided in Article IV of the Bylaws of the
Connectional Young People's and Children's Division,.

Section 2. Eligibility to Vote and Hold Office. Any member who is at least thirteen (13) to twenty-five (25) years of
age is eligible to vote and hold office.

Section 3. Membership Dues. The payment of dues and the time for such payment shall be determined by the

2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented: Amend Section 3 to read as
follows and change Section 3 to Section 4

Amend to Change Section 3 to read:

Dual- District Membership - Any member who is at least 13 to 25 years of age is eligible to vote and hold office
even if they are from another district and have moved into that district for school

1. Must have been active on all levels within home district within home district within the past 12 months
prior to seeking office with a letter of Good Standing from Local Pastor and YPD Director

2. Must be to prove residency via registered voter information or proof of enrollment

3. Must provide written recommendation from home district's Episcopal YPD Director and Supervisor

4. A written letter of approval from the new district of the YPDer by the Episcopal YPD Director and

5. YPDer shall be able to hold office within new district up to the conference level in which they reside.

3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:

The purpose of the bill is to let active YPDers who are under watch care hold office within their "new
district". Currently as it is written with the discipline as "Affiliated-Membership" it does not allow YPDers to hold
office. Furthermore, "Affiliated-Membership" has been used for the local church roll as a whole rather than within
the YPD. The purpose is to encourage YPDers to continue their participation and membership even when in college.
Also, to establish that our Connectional Church is a Connected body.

4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? Yes X No

Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude.

There is no pending financial implication for the bill deals with membership and not dues.

5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change:

This bill subsequently impacts the membership section in the bylaws of YPD levels for Local (Active V
Section 2 page 464), Area (Article XII Section 2 page 461) and

Conference (Article VIII Section 2 page 459)


Y-21. Reference page 73

3. Provide the current reading of the Article N/A Title YPD Colors and Uniforms Section (s) Item II
Page 73: (Attach additional pages if necessary, for this proposed change)
The Uniforms of the Young People's and Children's Division shall be:
A Forest Green and White

1. Ladies
a) Forest Green Skirt
b) Forest Green/White Blazer
c) White shirt
d) YPD Badge/Pin

2. Young Men
a) Forest Green Trousers
b) Forest Green/White Coat
c) White Shirt
d) Forest Green Tie
e) YPD Badge/Pin

B. Black and White
1. Young Ladies
a) Black Skirt
b) White Blouse/Blazer
c) Black "V" Shaped Collar
d) Black Cap with 3 Leopard and/or leopard skin design material Triangular
Shaped Patches Attached
e) YPD Badge/Pin
2. Young Men
a) Black Pants
b) Black/White coat
c) White shirt with "V" shaped Leopard and/or leopard skin design material
Triangular Patches Attached
d) Black tie
e) YPD Badge/Pin
2. State the proposed amendment or change, as it would appear when presented:

The Uniforms of the Young People's and Children's Division shall be:
A Forest Green and White

1. Ladies
a) Forest Green Skirt
b) Forest Green/White Blazer or Jersey
c) White shirt
d) YPD Badge/Pin

2. Young Men
a) Forest Green/Khaki Trousers
b) Forest Green/White Blazer or Jersey
c) White Shirt
d) Forest Green Tie
e) YPD Badge/Pin

B. Black and White
1. Young Ladies
a) Black Skirt
b) White Blouse
c) Black "V" Shaped Collar
d) Black Cap with 3 Leopard and/or leopard skin design material Triangular
Shaped Patches Attached
e) YPD Badge/Pin
2. Young Men
a) Black Pants
b) Black Blazer
c) White shirt with "V" shaped Leopard and/or leopard skin design material
Triangular Patches Attached
d) Black tie
e) YPD Badge/Pin

3. Fully explain the complete rational for the proposed change:
The inclusion of jerseys is to assist members from Districts 14 to 20 to be compliant with the Constitution should
blazers prove too expensive to purchase. We believe that having observed the lack of availability of green trousers in
some of our regions, the ease of access to khaki trousers and the regular use thereof throughout the connection (not


to mention them being aesthetically pleasing), it is necessary due to the reasons mentioned above, for the
organization to include khaki pants to the green and white
4. Will the proposed change have a financial or monetary impact on the WMS? __ Yes X No
Explain why there is or is not a financial impact and describe the magnitude
The is no financial or monetary impact as will relieve Financial burden because
blazers or green formal pants can be more expensive or not available hence the
inclusion of Jerseys & Khaki pants
5. Identify the other Articles/Sections that will be impacted by the proposed change: N/A


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