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Published by ppd-x042-cm26, 2022-12-30 11:36:55

Your Cat 01.2023

Your Cat 01.2023




THE 2023 2022 CAT WELL-BEING JANUARY 2023 £4.99


This festive season, take a moment to DONATE IN MEMORY
celebrate those pets who are no longer with
us, but brought endless joy to our lives. Find out how you can support Battersea
while remembering your beloved pet:
At Battersea we know how unique every animal is and
understand just how hard the loss of a beloved pet can be. Telephone (Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm):
0300 323 1216
Remember those pets who have given us special memories,
this Christmas and every day, by donating to help the dogs and Visit:
cats at Battersea still waiting to make someone’s Christmas
extra special.

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home is a charity
registered in England and Wales (206394).


Here a priest is blessing a cat in The pet blessing tradition dates
a long-standing tradition. Each back to medieval times and
year, hundreds of people bring its objective was to collectively
their pets to San Anton church take care of the animals that
in Madrid to have their animals lived in the streets of Madrid.This
blessed during the feast of picture was taken from last year’s
San Antón, the patron saint of celebration when people were
animals, which is celebrated in wearing face masks to protect
January. Saint Anthony was said each other. If you look out in the
to have lived in solitude with news, you may see images of pet
animals as companions and blessings from the 2023 festival.
instinctively had animals around
him. Image courtesy of Alamy Stock


WelcomeJANUARY 2023

As I write this, 2023 is not too far away. One member benefit we’ve developed for this
Heading into a new year is always a time issue is our giveaways. Entering online is exclusively
for reflecting, to make it easier to look and for members.You will need your subscriber
move forward. number to log in and then you can choose which
With the surge in pet ownership due to covid and competitions to enter.Those people who have
now a cost-of-living crisis, it is a challenging time bought the magazine off the shelf — we very
for cats and owners. At Your Cat, we are trying to do much appreciate it and would love it if you would
everything we can to help. We’re providing hundreds consider becoming a member — you can still enter
of pages of expert advice on our website, we’ve the competitions in the issue you have bought
launched Your Cat Good Causes which is pledging by using the postal form.This just means that our
a percentage of subscription fees to feline projects in competitions are exclusively for those people who
the UK, and we’re hopefully delivering content which support us and people can’t just grab a code and
you really enjoy and find value for money. enter online. It is really important to look after our
As editor, my biggest hope is that you value being
part of the Your Cat community.There are millions Here’s to better times in 2023 for all of us and our
of cat owners in the country, but our readers are cats.
those who truly love and are totally committed to
their feline companions. We would love to grow the Happy new year
community in 2023 as this will mean that there are
more people dedicated to cats and we can put Mike
more money towards Your Cat Good Causes.


6What’s new pussycat? 20Confessions of a cat-sitter
Feline news and your views. Ned, one of the cats on
Chris’ rounds, seems to be living
14Your Cat Good Causes the dream.
How you’re helping TNR schemes.
46Peter Neville column
35Your Cat Giveaways We delve into Peter’s
Your chance to win prizes! casebook of a cat who suffers
from separation anxiety.
52Rescue community
We tell the stories of 50GCCF Diary
independent rescue centres. How breed clubs help
with rescue.
54The Prize Winner
Every cat has its day in this 61Diary of a cat-mad
short story from Tony Domaille. vet nurse
Lucy tells of the incredible rescue
56Pawtraits of a cat at her vet practice.
A beautiful gallery of your pet pictures.

58Your Cat Puzzles
A mental workout with a range of puzzles.

Your Cat January 2023


Write to us: Your Cat Magazine,
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CAT CARE Editorial queries:
01778 395070
10The meaning of meow
What are our cats trying to say? Advertising queries:
01778 395064
18Your Cat Product Awards 2023
You’ve voted for your favourite feline products. [email protected]

22GCCF Breeder Scheme THE TEAM
It’s a new era for the scheme.
Editor: Michael Hallam
25Cats and their Stats Design & production
A look into the state of cat ownership in the UK. Designer: Chris Smith
Production manager: Nigel Fish
30Cat well-being study Production assistant: Natalie Reynolds
The importance of territory to our cats. Colour repro: Graham Warren

38Cat Care Digital/websites
Expert advice to help you care for your feline. Web editor: Laura Wright

42The feline virus Marketing
Vet Penny Clarke explains about FIP in cats. Marketing executive: Ellis O’Connell

4810 years of the Cat Friendly Clinic programme Advertising
How the programme has made vet visits easier. Commercial manager: Andrea Walters

CATS IN CULTURE Account manager: Kay Cotterill
28Real life
The couple who had their Warners Group Publications Plc
cat as part of their wedding day. Publisher: James Buzzel

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What’s new


>RXU (DW News!

News from the feline world, plus your stories and views!

WELFARE Battersea urges Government to prioritise animal
welfare as legislation stalls one year on

Battersea, along with other UK animal welfare at Battersea, says:“It is deeply concerning that the
organisations, and a cross-party group of MPs has Government has continued to fail to commit to a
teamed up to renew their pleas to Government clear timetable to ensure the progress of this bill.Time
as more than a year has passed since the Kept
Animals Bill was debated in parliament.The bill is running out and the harm to animals that this
proposes significant action to address some of the legislation could help counter is still going on.
most pressing animal welfare issues of our time,
including puppy smuggling and ear cropping of “While we appreciate their in-tray is piled high
dogs overseas. with a number of pressing issues to address,
we would urge the new ministerial team to
Battersea MP Marsha de Cordova has sent an remember that animal welfare still needs their
open letter, signed by 19 cross-party MPs, calling on attention.
the Government to push the bill over the line.The
action is being supported by nine leading animal “The Government rightly started to drive the
welfare organisations. bill forward last year in its action plan and we
are delighted so many MPs agree with us that it
The group joined together on 9 November — one needs to be passed as a matter of priority.”
year since the bill was last discussed — to bring the
attention of the Prime Minister and his new Secretary Battersea helps thousands of dogs and cats
of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, each year, some of which, it says, may not have
Thérèse Coffey, back to the stalling legislation. needed the charity’s care had this legislation
already passed in to law.
Michael Webb, head of policy and public affairs


To find out more about the Kept Animals Bill, visit the Battersea website

Your Cat January 2023

HEALTH Cat saved after being shot in the head

Left: The pellet. A cat’s life has been saved by a veterinary team remove the pellet from Marco’s skull.
Right: Two-year-old
Marco suffered a gun after suffering a gunshot injury to the back of his Marco recovered very well from surgery and was
pellet wound to the
back of his head. head. discharged five days later. His oesophageal feeding

Two-year-old domestic shorthair Marco was tube was removed at the end of the following week

found collapsed and unresponsive on his owner’s once he had finished his medication.

driveway with a gun pellet wound to his head. Victoria says:“Marco was a perfect patient and

His owner rushed him to her local vet’s where he recovered remarkably well, much to our delight. It’s

was hospitalised for pain relief, antibiotics, and not every day you have the challenge of removing a

supportive care. pellet from such a precarious place.”

Once stabilised, he was referred to the neurology

and neurosurgery service at Davies Veterinary

Specialists (Davies) in Hertfordshire for further

assessment and treatment.

Davies neurologist/neurosurgeon Victoria Argent

says:“We performed a CT scan to help identify the

location of the pellet more precisely before we


Victoria, together with Davies neurosurgeon Alex

Forward and the full support of the highly skilled

anaesthesia team, carried out a craniectomy to

HEALTH Vets and NHS collaborate to educate pet owners on AMR

Throughout November, pet owners of these important medicines. need to be used and disposed of

were encouraged to return any Antibiotics are essential to treat carefully.”

out-of-date antibiotics they had many conditions in both people He continues:“It is important

at home, which were prescribed and animals. But they must be that owners don’t use leftover

to their pets, to their vet practice used carefully, to ensure they antibiotics for their pets as this

as part of an antibiotic amnesty, remain effective for when patients, could risk side effects, delay

coordinated by vets and the NHS. human or animal, really need an accurate diagnosis, and

The campaign — led by a them. contribute to antimicrobial

collaboration of UK veterinary Fergus Allerton, from resistance.

organisations, practices, and Linnaeus-owned Willows “It is also vital that antibiotics

charities — was the first of its Veterinary Centre and Referral are disposed of safely.

kind and aimed to educate Service in Solihull, who helped Inappropriate disposal of unused

pet owners about antimicrobial coordinate the amnesty and said antibiotics could contribute to

resistance (AMR), as well as raise it was delighted to launch the antimicrobial resistance and

awareness of the importance of campaign, says:“The veterinary pollute the environment and

the safe and responsible disposal profession is committed to not have a negative impact on water

only the responsible use of quality and wildlife.”

antibiotics to help treat pets The veterinary antibiotic

when appropriate, but also to the amnesty was delivered in

safe disposal of these important collaboration with NHS Midlands.

medicines. Last year, the NHS in the

“AMR is a worldwide health Midlands launched a regional

threat. Antimicrobial resistance antibiotic amnesty, with

occurs when bacteria develop participating pharmacies

resistance to the effects of encouraged to discuss

antibiotic treatments, making appropriate antibiotic disposal

treatment for people and animals with patients and collect leftover

less effective. antibiotics.This resulted in

“Antibiotics can offer life-saving almost 8,000 amnesty-related

treatment for serious conditions in conversations with patients and

humans, animals, and pets, which nearly 500 packs of antibiotics

is why, in all situations, antibiotics returned for safe disposal.


What’s new


WELFARE Celebrities back Cats Protection’s winter campaign

Celebrities have backed Cats Protection’s know cats need a cosy hiding spot, so I love how

‘Feels Like Home’ campaign by donating T-shirts to easy it is to make one for them out of items we all

create DIY cat beds to help cats keep warm this have at home.”

winter. The celebrity cat beds will be featured on the

Pop duo Max and Harvey,TV presenter Holly charity’s social media channels with followers

Willoughby, Dragon’s Den star Deborah Meaden, getting the chance to win a celebrity T-shirt for their

comedian Jo Brand, pop band McFly, and more own cat bed DIY endeavours.

have all got behind the campaign and donated The remaining T-shirts will be used to create cat

T-shirts. beds in some of Cats Protection adoption centres

Holly, who donated a boho-style top, says:“We all across the UK.


For more information on Cats Protection’s Feels like Home campaign, visit

To watch a video on how to create your own feline DIY projects, visit

HEALTH Cats Protection issues cat flu warning

CAT FLU Cats Protection is urging cat vaccinated.The charity says it won’t to be worse affected are the very
owners to get their cats vaccinated prevent them from catching it, but it young, very old, or those with a
According to
Cats Protection, after a pair of young kittens in its will help prevent them from getting damaged immune system.”
the signs of
cat flu are very care almost lost their eyes after severe symptoms. She continues:“Although
similar to a cold
or flu in humans contracting cat flu. To raise awareness, the charity the symptoms might be similar,
and it advises
contacting Four-month-old kittens Cherrim has posted a video on TikTok and humans can’t catch cat flu, but
a vet if a cat
displays any of and Hattrem came into Cats Instagram outlining the dangers, it’s highly contagious between
the following
symptoms: Protection’s Cornwall Adoption and what can be done about it. cats. So, if you have more than one
O Sneezing
O Runny nose Centre.As a result of cat flu, their Sarah Elliott, the charity’s central cat, it’s really important to keep
and eyes
O Dribbling eyes were so badly inflamed that veterinary officer, says:“Although them all vaccinated and if one of
O Loss of appetite
O Fever it was feared they’d have to have blind or one-eyed cats can live a your cats gets flu, make sure you
O Mouth ulcers
O Sleeping more them removed and Cherrim had normal life, they won’t have depth wash the bedding and bowls they
than usual
O Coughing to be operated on for entropion perception so won’t be able to use thoroughly to help reduce
O Sore eyes and
eye ulcers — where the eyelids turn inwards judge distances or heights well. the chances of spreading the flu

Left: Cherrim before. forcing the eyelashes to push “Like humans, cats most likely between the cats.”

Right: Cherrim after. permanently against the eyeball.

Manager of the centre

Samantha Lawton says:“We’re

not sure many people realise that

cats can catch flu and that it can

be life-threatening. Hattrem and

Cherrim were lucky we got to them

in time and their sight was saved.”

Cats Protection is keen to

communicate that the easiest

way to stop a cat from getting

severe cat flu is by getting them


More information about cat flu can be found on Cats Protection’s website,

To see the informative videos, search @cats_protection on TikTok or @catsprotection on Instagram.

Your Cat January 2023


,*9 .3 Ne>wRXsU & views!
Big up black cats!
While we don’t
have our Cat I have just received the December issue of Your Cat
through the post and I wanted to say something
Chat pages, we about rescues and Battersea Championing
are still sharing National Black cat Day.
your stories in our
I know a lady who lives in Dagenham, Sharron
news pages! Taylor, who also runs her own rescue cat charity
from home, that adopted a beautiful black cat
Right: Olly. that had been abandoned by her neighbour while
moving house and left the cat behind to fend for
itself several years ago.The black cat, Olly, is now
one of the household and quickly settled in with
the others in the same home.

I wanted to say how important it is to judge
cats by their temperament not by colour. Black
cats don’t choose their colour. Olly is a friendly
confident boy. It is folly to make judgements with
so much false social media.This is Olly just to offer
some understanding into his loving, trusting nature,
relaxing on the storage shed in the back garden.

Teresa Lloyd

RIP @bagheerabaggypants

We are so sad to hear about four years ago, his was a loving, mischievous,
beautiful black cat, and will
the passing of Bagheera, Instagram account be missed by many, especially
his owner Chloe. Rest in
who was featured as the @bagheerabaggypants had peace over the Rainbow
Instagram Cat back in our just over 14,000 followers,

December 2018 issue. When compared to his now 26,000

he appeared in our magazine plus dedicated fans! Baggy

RECORD British cat crowned world’s oldest feline

Flossie has become the oldest cat in the world at but I didn’t imagine I’d share my home with a world

almost 27 years of age. Born in 1995, the feline has record holder,” said owner Vicki.“She’s so affectionate

been officially awarded the title by Guinness World and playful, especially sweet when you remember

Records. how old she is. I’m immensely proud that Cats

Flossie came to international attention when she Protection matched me with such an amazing cat.”

was handed in to a Cats Protection centre in Kent. Flossie has had several owners during her life and

The staff were taken back by her age which would was originally born in Merseyside.

make her around the equivalent of 120 years old in While Flossie is the oldest living cat, she still has

human years.They matched Flossie with Vicki Green some way to go to beat the record for the oldest cat

who lives in London — and is younger than Flossie! ever.That title belongs to Creme Puff who lived until

“I knew from the start that Flossie was a special cat, she was 38 years old!


You can find out about many more incredible feline records by visiting
the Guinness World Records website:




From purring to meowing… what are they trying to say?

Yvonne Martin
is a freelance
journalist who
specialises in health
and well-being
features. She is a
lifelong cat-lover
and lives with a
shorthair tabby
called Rita who has
her own instagram

Above: Some cats have a lot “Meowing is generally reserved “The contexts where we do
Cat vocalisations to say for themselves, for babies and mums,” says see a lot of meowing with cats
whether it’s a cheery Linda Ryan, who is a certificated between each other as grown-
are often aimed chirrup after they burst clinical animal behaviourist ups is mating or fighting, or
at their humans. through the cat flap or a more and registered veterinary nurse fear and distress, when they
insistent meow when they want (“So, we are trying to repel a perceived
to be fed. will see babies be very vocal threat. But outside of that, they’re
and babies and mums use not very vocally chatty among
It’s tempting to imagine that vocalisations between each other. themselves,” says Linda.
the various sounds our cats But adult cats generally don’t use
make are something akin to a lot of vocalisations between That’s not to say cats don’t
language and who among us each other. communicate with each other,
has not tried to meow back but what communication there is
at our pet in an attempt at “One of the exceptions to that does not tend to be audible and
conversation? But in fact, cats is a polite greeting. So, you might much of it will be undetectable to
don’t audibly converse with see them come towards each us humans, such as pheromone
each other and wouldn’t meow other, tail up, and they might do chemical communication.
much at all if they weren’t a little, what we call a trill or a
living with us humans. Among chirrup, and then they go off and “They communicate a lot by
undomesticated cats, it would do their own thing, but we don’t scent, but vocalisations really
largely be confined to the kitten see a lot of meowing in those come into their own when we’re
stage. contexts. talking about those relationships
that they have with people,”

Your Cat January 2023

Below: Meowing says Dr Sarah Ellis, head of cat among people who love and we see with mums and kittens
is used between advocacy at International Cat know their cats very well, it’s nigh is what has been somewhat
mums and kittens. Care ( And the on impossible to know what translated to the human/cat
sounds they make communicate their sounds mean if there is no relationship — it’s care seeking
something specific each time. context. So even if in everyday and care giving,” says Linda.
interactions you can translate
“They may communicate your cat’s meow, if you heard a “With humans, we think it may
their emotional state, that recording of it without knowing be a similar thing and that cats
they’re fearful, or they’re desiring the circumstances, it would have learned to rely on us to a
something.They may also be hard to understand what it point. And we can give them
communicate an intention, like meant.Though there is research things that they need and there’s
a behavioural intention, such to show that people are quite a bond there. And so, it may be
as I’m going to approach you. good at gauging broadly whether about that care seeking.”
They may also communicate the sounds are coming from a
their internal state so for example, positive or a negative emotion. But as with many aspects of
they’re hungry or they need to go cat behaviour, there’s a certain
outside.” “The reason why we do find that amount of training going on
so difficult is not that we’re not (and we won’t look too closely at
Cats that are reproductively attached to our cats, or we don’t who is training who!) as the cat
active and seeking a mate also know our cats, it’s because they’re meows and we give them what
meow and are transmitting a not the same for each cat, and they want, whether that is food, a
lot of information when they do they’re not the same even within treat, or attention and then they
that.“Other cats will be able a cat at different time periods continue to use that meow as a
to tell their identity from that because, we’re shaping them, signal for what they want.
meow, but it will also be linked to they’re changing all the time,” said
how reproductively active and Sarah. “So, a cat might ask us for
potentially successful they will be,” something that they need
says Sarah. So why do they meow when because they’ve developed a
they are living with us, when they relationship with us and that’s
(439*=9 .8 0*> wouldn’t do it in the wild? The clue the care seeking bit, but then we
may be in that mum and kitten reinforce it, and so we’re training
Although each sound has a meowing that happens in all cats, it and so we end up with these
specific meaning in the moment as we cat owners have taken really specific vocabularies in
for that individual cat, there are on that care-giving role that was human/animal relationships.
not common types of meows once done by the mother cat.
that all cats make in the same “These little care-seeking, care-
situation. “We think that some of the giving, reinforced vocalisations,
mum/baby kind of behaviour that can become a cycle that
Sarah explained that even perpetuate each other, and they




ʼn.WŇV HPRWLRQDO UDWKHU Why do cats make a
WKDQ GHOLEHUDWH Ŋ chitter sound when
they see a bird they
Above left: Purring are relationship specific, which is say that means you want some can’t get at?
is a sound that really cool in my opinion.” loving, or that means you want
often indicates food or that means you want the Often you will hear a cat make a
contentment. So, if you think you know what door open,” says Linda. stuttering series of throaty noises
a particular meow from your own if they see a bird, perhaps on the
Above right: puss means in the right context, “I don’t think they’re thinking other side of a window.
Chirping at birds is you’re probably right. And they ‘I will make this noise and this
have quite possibly developed means she will feed me’, but it’s a “Nobody really knows what
not uncommon. that sound just for you. learned interaction, and often it’s that is, but we think it’s related
emotional rather than deliberate.” to frustration or intention,” says
Interestingly, research has Linda.“If you see your little cat
found not all cats in the same They’re not always trying to sitting on the window, watching
household will use the same get you to do something or give the bird feeder, could it be that
vocalisations in the same them something though. they’re frustrated that they can
circumstances — they are all see it, but they can’t get it? It’s
individuals after all. They do like to give us a possible, so we often see that
greeting sometimes. Our cat Rita when they’re frustrated. But some
“While they don’t have often does a chirrup followed by people say it’s intention.They’re
what humans have in terms of a longer meow when she comes not telling the bird and they’re
language — for example, we indoors. It’s as if she is saying ‘I’m not telling any compadres
have a vocabulary and we can here! Where is everyone?’ because they don’t have hunting
arrange that vocabulary in all friends, but they’re saying ‘I’m
different orders to make different “It’s a positive greeting,” says coming to get you’ and it’s
meanings — we can very often Linda.“It’s like ‘hi everyone!’ almost like an unconscious
look at their body language and It’s a sort of little social instinctive or emotional noise.”
the context, in conjunction with announcement. Not all the
the noise that they’re making and vocalisations are about ‘I want, or What does
I need something.’” purring mean?

In most cases, purring does
seem to indicate contentment,
especially that steady, low-
frequency purr.“That’s ‘I’m happy,
I’m sitting on your knee, do more,
I love this.’That’s genuinely a
contented sound,” says Linda.

But sadly, a purr can also
happen when the situation is
quite the reverse, when the cat
is in extreme distress.“I’ve very
often seen a cat who is very ill,
or a cat in the intensive care
unit that is dying or in extreme
pain, and they will often be
purring, and we think that is an
attempt to comfort themselves.
There’s also a theory that purring
creates ultrasonic waves at a
wavelength that heals.”

Your Cat January 2023







Trap Neuter Return:
Helping to reduce the
overpopulation of cats

Your Cat Good Causes has provided vital equipment to independent
rescues to help bring feral populations under control.

Your Cat Good Causes has donated work, and effort their volunteers are putting into their
MDC EeziCatch Cat Traps and carriers to Trap Neuter Return (TNR) programmes to bring feral
independent cat rescues throughout the populations under control.
UK to help assist them with their essential
Trap Neuter Return (TNR) programmes. We spoke We spoke to Katie Gates at Cat-Ching, an
to two of those rescues to find out more about their independent cat rescue based in Sheffield,
amazing work and how our donation is valuable about the stray cat problem they are facing:
to them. “The overpopulation of cats in Sheffield and the
surrounding areas is out of control.They pop up in the
INCREDIBLE COMMITMENT strangest of places; industrial sites, behind fish and
chip shops, or even on people’s rooves.
Female cats over the age of four months can get
pregnant.This is one of the reasons why feral cat “Currently, we cover Sheffield; we used to cover all
populations can explode in numbers in such a short of South Yorkshire but had to restrict this as we wanted
time. With an estimated 250,000 stray cats living in to focus on the cats closer to home and make the
cities across the UK, independent cat rescues are most of our limited resources, including volunteer time,
reaching breaking point with all of the time, hard to ensure we are having maximum impact.”

Below: Trapped in When asked about a memorable trapping
Rotherham but his experience, Katie looked back on a particular story
condition was too from 2021.“Last year, we were trapping in Doncaster
severe to be saved. on a site where they created renewable energy
The vet made the from animal waste, such as bones, and, as you can
humane decision to imagine, the smell still haunts us.They contacted
us asking for help when their feral cat problem got
put him to sleep. out of hand.Trapping and euthanasia was being
considered as due to them being in the food industry
they needed to remove the cats for health and safety

“We travelled an hour and a half round trip for a
period of six months, six days a week at first. All while
working our own full-time jobs. Needless to say, this
was exhausting. Ultimately, this was the final straw in
our decision to regretfully no longer cover Doncaster.

“From this site, we relocated over 30 cats and
found them wonderful rural homes.Trapping requires
specialised equipment, financial support, and a huge
effort. Cat-Ching and its incredible donors funded this
operation with the implicated company contributing
nothing. But we persevered to protect these cats from
being euthanised.”

Katie continued:“The donation Your Cat Good
Causes has given us is incredibly generous.

Your Cat January 2023

“Thank you so much to
Your Cat Good Causes.”

Equipment is quite regularly damaged or not returned Rachael explained that the couple had spoken
when borrowed and it’s very expensive to replace. We to their neighbours to see if anyone knew who he
had to do a mass order last year due to this which belonged to, but no owner came forward.They then
sent us into negative funds.Thankfully, our supporters decided that they would like to adopt him after
stepped up to get us back into the clear. Having more neutering.
traps means we are equipped to save more cats!”
“We organised a trap to go to them and insisted
LINCS ARK that it was checked regularly. As Elvis was nervous,
we suggested for it to not be set for a start to let
We also dropped off MDC EeziCatch Cat Traps and him realise the food was inside.Then when he was
carriers to Lincs Ark, a small charity operating in the comfortable eating in the trap, slowly moving his
South Lincolnshire area, who are entirely self-funded. bowl towards the pressure plate at the back each
Rachael Clare was kind enough to show us round night.Then to set the trap the night before the vet
the functional catteries in her garden which are in appointment, which was made by us, for neutering
constant use, homing just some of the cats and kittens and chipping.”
they have rescued.
The next morning, Elvis had set off the pressure plate
One of the traps Your Cat Good Causes donated and was successfully caught. He was taken into the
was put to use right away, as it went out to a lady who house in a quiet room, covered over, and left to settle.
had previously adopted three feral cats from Lincs Ark
and had a stray turn up eating their food. She wanted Rachael continued:“Unfortunately, the vets rang
to trap the cat to check for a microchip. with upsetting news that Elvis was poorly and had
advanced liver failure.This was devastating news
Rachael said:“We received a telephone call from a and not what we had expected to hear.To save him
couple who previously adopted a couple of feral cats further suffering the decision was made to let him go
from us, with a report that they were being bullied by a and not be in any pain anymore. We tried our best
stray, unneutered tom cat who they named Elvis.Tom but in this case it’s out of our hands, but at least he
cats have a very hard life trying to get regular food got help and didn’t suffer on his own at the end.”
and shelter, often seen as bullies, as in this case, but
really, they are fighting for survival. All too often strays and ferals don’t get the care that
they need. Rachael said:“Had he survived, he would
“Lincs Ark gave information on how a cat’s have had a lovely home.Traps and crush cages
character changes once he’s been neutered and are an essential tool for capturing strays, ferals, and
asked the couple to actively feed him, so he wasn’t kittens, and then transporting them to the vet’s.These
stealing their own cat’s food and set up a routine.Their can be costly but are so important in this line of work.
own cats seemed to accept this and allowed Elvis to Thank you so much to Your Cat Good Causes for this
bed in with them, all being a bit wary still.” donation to help us with our trapping.”

Above left: The traps MORE INFORMATION…
are vital to TNR work.
To find out more about these two hard working independent cat rescues, make a generous donation, or
Above right: Elvis find out how to become a fosterer, simply visit their websites and social media pages.
checking out the Cat-Ching:;
Lincs Ark:;

Is this cat a stray? Q

Katie Gates at Cat-Ching, Sheffield, gives her advice up dates
on what to do if you think you’ve seen a stray cat.
1Take a photo of the cat and post it on local
lost and found groups.You need to ask the In our November issue,
community if they own the cat or know of the owners. we announced the
The post needs to be live for at least a week. launch of our Good
Causes project with
2Take the cat to a vet to have a free microchip a £1,500 donation to
check. If chipped, the vet will be able to contact help create a statue
the owners from the information registered on there. of Garfy — aka Mr
This is why it’s so important to keep that up to date. Sainsbury — a cat
who captured the
3Apply a paper collar with a mobile number and a hearts of the people
message asking for the owner to contact you as in Ely, Cambridgeshire.
you believe the cat to be homeless. Their fundraising has now reached the initial target
of £6,500, after we donated another £300 to the Go
4Door knock the area the cat was found in and Fund Me page.
post flyers as a last attempt to find an owner
before contacting rescues. David Willers, Garfy’s owner, said:“I can’t thank
FERAL Your Cat enough.They have done so much for
Garfield’s Go Fund Me page, for his statue. Not only
1Take a photo of the cat and post it on local did they make a donation of £1,500, they ran the
lost and found groups.You need to ask the story in their magazine and donated another £300
community if they own the cat or know of the owners. for us to reach our target of £6,500! We want to thank
The post needs to be live for at least a week. everyone who has donated for making this happen
— we’re so overwhelmed and our plan is to have the
2Contact rescues to see if they can trap the cat to statue done by next summer or sooner.”
be relocated or rehomed. O To read more about Garfy, visit

statue is on the way! DONATION
The MDC EeziCatch Cat Trap is a high-quality,
Right below: self-activating trap, which closes automatically We’d like to say a big
Margaret sent an when a cat enters and stands on the treadle thank you to reader
incredible donation. plate.The treadle plate is linked to a release Margaret Cameron who
pin allowing the trap-door and locking bar to kindly sent Your Cat
drop into place to secure the cat for temporary Good Causes a bundle
confinement.To set the trap, simply raise the of knitted blankets.These
outward opening front door above the trip bar. have now been sent out
to Cat Haven Wisbech,
As the cat steps on the mesh treadle plate, who were delighted to
the door is locked using a simple sliding ring receive the donation.
mechanism to make catching the cat a gentle
stress-free operation.The back door slips up Tracy Reeve at Cat Haven Wisbech said:“We have
perfectly to transfer the cat into a carrier. over 60 permanent residents that are old, blind,
disabled, FIV positive, and semi-feral.They will love
TRAPPING TIPS the blankets — thank you deeply. Please pass on our
deep thanks to Margaret, we are very grateful.”
Practice using the trap (and transfer technique)
until you are familiar with it.Traps should be O If you’re crafty and would like to help keep
located where the cats are normally fed. Work cats snug during the bracing weather, we would
with local cat feeders and recruit them as gratefully receive knitted blankets and distribute
helpers. Bait the unset trap and allow the cat(s) them to rescues who really need them! Send
to eat from the trap for several days. them to: Your Cat Good Causes, Warners Group
Publications, West Street, Bourne, Lincs, PE10 9PH.
Set traps should be monitored and checked
every two hours. Such checks avoid having
the cat being held captive too long and also
provides an opportunity to ensure that the trap
has not been accidentally sprung or interfered

Your Cat January 2023

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The winners are…

Here are the best feline products on the market as voted by you!

BEST SPECIALIST DIET — BEAPHAR KIDNEY DIET turns one of their snacks into love! Hand-fed treats can
help strengthen the bond with your cat.
Beaphar Kidney diet is a delicious, complete pet O
food designed to support cats with renal conditions. HIGHLY COMMENDED:
Available in salmon, duck, and chicken flavour, it is a Webbox Cat Tasty Sticks (www.webbox.
pate-style pet food that has been scientifically balanced; and Pet Munchies Freeze-Dried
to combine specific levels of high-quality protein with Gourmet Cat Treats (
low-level phosphorus to prevent the increase of waste
products in the blood, helping to support renal function. BEST HEALTH PRODUCT
Beaphar Kidney Diet contains Vitamins D and E, taurine, biotin, and zinc to provide — FELIWAY OPTIMUM
your cat with all of the essential vitamins and minerals to support optimum health.
Suitable for cats with temporary renal insufficiency and chronic renal conditions. Backed by over 25 years of science and
O recommended by vets, FELIWAY Optimum is the
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Arden Grange Sensitive Grain Free number one clinically proven cat behavioural
Ocean White Fish and Potato (; and product.
Carnilove Duck and Turkey Large Breed (
Cats naturally produce pheromones, some of
BEST DRY FOOD — WEBBOX these are invisible calming messages.The FELIWAY
COMPLETE ADULT DRY CAT FOOD Optimum diffuser contains the most advanced Feline
Pheromone Complex to help your cats feel comfortable and secure at home. It helps
The innovative recipes of high quality protein, natural solve all common signs of stress, including scratching, urine spraying, conflict, and
antioxidants, and nutritional cereals contains everything your hiding.
cat needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle.Added beneficial
ingredients help to alleviate known problems in feline health. Many cats are benefitting from FELIWAY Optimum, 93% of cat parents have
O observed enhanced serenity within one month of use and say their cat is happier
HIGHLY COMMENDED: than ever before!
Arden Grange Grain Free Fresh Chicken & O
Potato (; and Burgess Cat Chicken with HIGHLY COMMENDED:
Duck ( Webbox Cat Grass (;
and Beaphar Hairball Paste (


If cats could choose, they would choose ‘It’s only Freak MEOWt launched in 2015. It is based in a
natural’. Grain free recipes with no artificial colours, tiny hamlet in the heart of West Wales and their cat
flavours, or preservatives, available in a complete range boasting a wide variety of toys are designed, made, packaged, and dispatched
dishes that are perfectly balanced to support your cats’ daily requirements. Keeping from their cottage. They specialise in catnip and
your feline friend healthy and happy from kitten to mature cat, HiLife is dedicated to valerian root cat toys and believe cats deserve
offering them a meal as natural and nutritious as we would expect for ourselves.As the very best so they only use the finest materials
if that wasn’t enough, HiLife also offers a complimentary range for when you want to and premium Canadian catnip (catnip is the main
treat them to that extra special something;Tuna Loin with Shrimp anyone? ingredient in all their toys).They said:“Freak MEOWt
O toys are designed primarily with cats in mind — we
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Webbox Naturals Cat Mousse understand how cats interact with their toys so you
(; and Catit Dinners ( should find the purrfect catnip toy to suit your cat’s
needs in our collection.We also want our products
BEST TREAT — CATIT CREAMY to look good in your home.”
These hydrating cat treats come in four delicious flavours: Chicken, Chicken & Lamb, HIGHLY COMMENDED: Catit Groovy Fish (;
Salmon and Prawns, and Tuna. Containing fresh all-natural ingredients, it’s high in and Webbox Cat Interchangeable Laser Toy (
protein and rich in amino acids. Perfect as a topper or as a treat itself, Catit Creamy


Your Cat January 2023

99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 Q

Petplan is the UK’s number one pet insurance
FURminator is a unique total grooming system that ensures provider and have been helping keep the nation’s pets healthy for over 40 years.
cat owners have a quick and easy to follow grooming regime to use Their knowledge of pet health allows them to design their policies to cover as many
in the comfort of their own homes.The award winning FURminator conditions as possible which is why they are able to pay 97% of all the claims they
Undercoat deShedding Tool can reduce shedding receive. Both their 12 month and Covered For Life policies are packed with benefits to
by up to 90% (when used for 10 — 20 minutes per week) give your cat access to the best care after an illness or injury.
and has been developed by professional groomers. O
FURminator said:“We are pleased to have won the Your Cat HIGHLY COMMENDED: MiPet Cover Pet Insurance (www.
Product Award again!”; and The Insurance Emporium
O (
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Catit Long/Short Hair Grooming Sets
(; and Anicura Cat Shampoo ( BEST TECHNOLOGY PRODUCT
PET — FRONTLINE PLUS This drinking fountain helps your cat get the hydration they need.
The UV-C sterilisation neutralises 99% of bacteria and viruses,
FRONTLINE said:“At FRONTLINE, we’re dedicated while the triple action filter softens water and removes debris. It
to providing protective healthcare treatments that is ideal for picky drinkers and the water pump is silent. It even has a nightlight.The
enhance the lives and well-being of pets.We believe free mobile app allows you to control the fountain on the go.
that happy, healthy pets enrich all our lives.And O
we’re here to help pets stay that way with our range of flea and tick products.We’re HIGHLY COMMENDED: SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect
constantly building on our heritage and scientific legacy as a health company so (; and Catit Pixi Smart Feeder
that nothing comes between the great times you and your four-legged friends share (
together.We’re incredibly proud that FRONTLINE PLUS® has been recognised as ‘Best
Flea Product’ by the people that are the most important to us, the UK’s pet owners. BEST CAT LITTER — SANICAT
Thank you!”
O Sanicat Clumping is a natural mineral litter that is easy to use and locks
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Bob Martin Clear Plus Spot-on (www. in smells using Oxygen Odour Control. Naturally clumping, it absorbs; and Itch Flea ( liquids and forms solid clumps that are easily removed from the litter
tray. De-dusted to minimise dust and packed in FSC recyclable bags,
BEST FLEA PRODUCT (FOR THE HOME) this litter is great for your cat and kind to the planet.
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Felight Antibacterial Non-
Indorex® Defence is the UK’s number one household flea spray and Clumping Cat Litter (; and
has been awarded the ‘Best Flea Product (for the home)’ by Your Cat Catit Go Natural Pea Husk Litter (
Magazine 11 years in a row. Indorex® Defence is used to help prevent
and treat household flea infestations.The unique formulation kills adult BEST ONLINE PET RETAILER
fleas on contact for up to two months and continues to protect your home — ZOOPLUS
from fleas and house dust mites for a full year!
O Zooplus said:“Everyone at Zooplus is delighted that customers continue to put their
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Frontline Homegard (www. trust in us.As times get tougher, we understand that; and Bob Martin Clear Plus Home finding the best deals on the products you need for
Flea Fogger ( your beloved cats is more important than ever and are
proud to be recognised for our commitment to providing outstanding service.”
Petplanet (
Drontal are thrilled that Dronspot Spot-On Wormer has won
Best Worming Product again in 2023.They continue to strive PRODUCT YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT
to deliver the best worming product to defeat worms every — WEBBOX LICK-E-LIX
month of the year. Dronspot is the only spot-on wormer that
kills every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK Webbox Lick-e-Lix is beloved by cats across the UK and who can blame
cats. A spokesperson said:“We are delighted that Dronspot is more popular than ever them when they come in such a delicious array of flavours? Thanks to
with even more owners discovering our worming products.Thank you all for voting!” the handy packaging, your fur baby can lap Lick-e-Lix up straight from the
O packet and they go nuts for the smooth yoghurt-like texture!
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Bob Martin Clear Wormer Spot-On O
(; and Beaphar WORMclear Spot-On for HIGHLY COMMENDED: Pet Munchies Freeze-Dried
Cats (,uk). Gourmet Cat Treats ( and PetSafe
Drinkwell Butterfly Pet Fountain (





of a cat-sitter

Ned, one of the cats on Chris’ rounds, seems to be living the dream…

Chris Pascoe While I’m slaving long hours, sitting on closely resembles one, anyway.
is a cat-sitter and sofas, stroking cats, and watching TV, Ned fully immerses himself in this wonderful
author. He has I often dream of one day winning the
written five books, lottery and being able to leave all this lifestyle (he often fully immerses himself in his water
including ‘A cat hardship behind me. Actually, not exactly behind bowl too, but that’s just weird), eating, snoozing,
called Birmingham’ me. I’ll still do exactly the same things but with sleeping, and watching the world go by, or, in his
and ‘You can take two major differences: 1) nobody will need to pay case, mainly just watching legs go by. But even
the cat out of me to do it and 2) I’ll live somewhere with enough I was surprised the other day to arrive at Ned’s
Slough’, which are room for a great big shed in which to do more house and spot the pointy-eared lounger taking
available to buy lounging and TV watching — the man dream. the man dream to a whole new level.
from Amazon.
New Year, new wealth, new shed. I’ll also have Ned was sitting on the toilet reading the
a multitude of shed wall microchip cat-flaps so newspaper. Well, I say reading it, but let’s remember
all favoured local cats can join me, but not that this is a cat we’re talking about here, and not
maniac ginger tom from down the road who sprays the brightest feline-in-the-firmament at that. Ned
my clothes while I’m sleeping. He’s definitely not was sitting on the toilet eating the newspaper. A
welcome in my fantasy. slight usage error on his part, I know, but he’d still
achieved the benchmark, sitting on his litter tray,
But while for now I can only hope for sheds and eating the surrounding newspaper floor covering.
urine free clothing, a cat on my rounds, named Valhalla.
Ned, is already living the man dream. By the simple
virtue of spending almost all day every day in a The toilet in question, by the way, is an elaborate
huge cardboard box, Ned is living his life pottering corner unit litter tray that his owner thought would
around in a shed, or a cardboard structure that enhance his quality of life, he having always
been an al fresco toilet goer, and it may well
“Ned was have done so during its first three months in situ,
sitting on the if only Ned had in any way understood what it
toilet reading was. He’d sit munching his Dreamies, staring in
the newspaper” total bewilderment as his cohabitant cat, the
pristine Cilla, would stroll into the tray, carry out
her ablutions, flush, and spring away (OK, I admit
there’s no flush).You could almost see Ned’s mind
whirring as he continued to stare at the tray long
after Cilla had vacated it.Then, just when you
thought he might possibly have cracked it, he’d
nip outside and soil next door’s vegetable patch.

But not today.Today, Ned was using that toilet,
only a few feet from the Ned-Shed and all was right
with his world.

Actually, not wanting to burst bubbles here, but
lately the image of Ned living the man dream has
slightly fallen apart because his ‘wife’ Cilla has
taken to insisting she spend time in his shed with
him.That’s Hades, not Valhalla.

Your Cat January 2023

Catkins, Cryers Hill, Buckinghamshire - £1.45M Freehold FOR SALE

Stunning country views | Business premises | Four double bedrooms |
Kitchen/diner | Three bathrooms | Sitting room | Study |
Detached garage | Office | Front and rear gardens

Would you like a lovely house and your own business?
Catkins is a beautifully presented, four bedroom, detached house in
an elevated position with stunning views overlooking Hughenden
Valley. The property sits in extensive grounds and the sale includes
a thriving cattery business (licenced for 47 cats).

This is an ideal opportunity for an entrepreneur to live in a beautiful
house, run their own business and have no need to travel to work.

120 High Street, Prestwood, Buckinghamshire, HP16 9HD
01494 868 000 | [email protected]

Who are the


GCCF Breeder Scheme

A new era for the breeder scheme is set to begin, which will provide kitten
buyers with even more confidence when purchasing a pedigree cat.

Rosemary Fisher Do you remember BUILDING A was considered in 2017 when
entered the cat Panorama’s ‘Pedigree BREEDER SCHEME quite a lot of time was spent on
fancy in 1974 when Dogs Exposed?’ It ascertaining what was involved
she purchased her was about 15 years That’s the background it grew with Ian Wronksley from UKAS. He
first pedigree cat — ago but had an impact that from and it was led initially from was inspiring in Council, but sadly
a Chinchilla called has continued ever since.The the bottom up, not something with about £15 – £20,000 needed
Brylou Moonstone. concern at the time for GCCF that was imposed top down. for start-up, and £10,000 annually
She breeds Persians was that pedigree cats didn’t However, the key words were: well to maintain the scheme, it wasn’t
and Exotics, and travel the same route which intentioned, aspirational, amateur, something that could be afforded.
judges in several was that pedigree breeding and lacking financial support, At that time, the Scheme was
sections. She is could lead to health issues, whereas the KC’s scheme was bringing in about £2,500 a year
currently a GCCF and this resulted in the GCCF driven by professional expertise and membership was roughly as
Board member and Breeding Policy,Variant Policy, with dedicated paid staff centrally it was four years earlier when it
also serves on the and Outcrossing Policy being based, aiming for and then began; some joined, others left.
genetics committee. written to avoid heading towards acquiring full accreditation with Since then, numbers have steadily
genetic bottle necks in the future. UKAS. It had a very slow take off increased (the income last year
Above: Premises will and it was realised from early on was just over £4,500) but with
be inspected under Three reports into dog breeding that the feedback from buyers growth has come problems and
followed the programme, two wasn’t taking off as expected. demands. Many now believe that
the new scheme. done very quickly after the event However, this wasn’t so important those joining are seeing it not
because of the public outcry, initially with the members mostly as a commitment to a Code of
the third that was thoroughly in the genuinely aspirational Ethics, but as a way to make their
researched to draw conclusions group and not aiming to use it as name stand out from the crowd
and recommendations was by Sir a stepping stone to profit by. when selling kittens.
Patrick Bateson (whose daughter
was breeding Egyptian Maus at The possibility of accreditation
the time) and included his belief
that “the challenge of identifying
high welfare status breeders
reliably could be addressed
through the application of
a rigorous, robustly policed
and well-respected quality
assurance scheme.”This led
to improvements in the Kennel
Club’s (KC) Assured Breeder
Scheme which had already
made a start.The GCCF wanted
to do something similar and a
first draft was put together, which
is close to how the scheme is
currently and it was approved
through the GCCF Board and
then Council.

Your Cat January 2023




EXISTING PROBLEMS IDENTIFIED clear that the GCCF Breeder into their scheme. The review
AT A MEETING IN 2019 WERE: Scheme needed to be revised group, which included the GCCF’s
O Entry is too easy, no real and strengthened in order to give Veterinary Officer, Dr Susan
effort or demonstration of more assurance to new kitten Moreland, has since re-written the
knowledge and/or experience purchasers. guidance for the new scheme,
is required. for both members and assessors,
O The Code of Ethics is .2574;.3, as the scheme will include
abstract — there are no 9-* 8(-*2* inspection of breeders’ premises.
practical measurable
standards set. At the beginning of 2021, there Some aspects of the original
O It requires objective were just over 250 members on scheme are kept, of course,
premises inspection and the Scheme. It should be said including provision of correct
monitoring. here that not all GCCF breeders paperwork to new kitten owners,
O If feedback from new signed up to using the original immunisation, details of diet,
kitten owners is to continue scheme; this does not mean worming regime, copies of any
to play a part, it needs to be that they are not excellent or health testing undertaken for
more assiduously obtained, reputable breeders. the parents of the kitten, and
collated, assessed, and used correct breeding records. It is
for breeder support. In April 2021, a small review accepted that facilities available
group was set up to look at will vary widely depending on
).) That’s the journey from then to the Scheme in depth and the number of cats kept, but the
>4: now. When the Covid pandemic how it could be improved and scheme lays down minimum
034<$ and lockdown hit us all in 2020, strengthened, and the views requirements which must be met,
something unusual happened. of the wider Cat Fancy were such as size of cattery and runs,
Find out more The demand for pets grew at surveyed to gain insight into how lighting and heating, and suitable
about the an alarming rate and breeders breeders felt about the original requirements for queens and
found themselves inundated with scheme. kittens. A pilot scheme has been
Breeder Scheme requests for kittens, and prices running during the second half of
by visiting www. charged for some kittens also Following the feedback, the 2022 with some current members
grew alarmingly, as demand review group decided to seek being assessed to ensure that all outstripped supply. It also had guidance from the Kennel Club aspects of the scheme will work.
breeding-cats/ the very unfortunate effect of (KC) on how it set up their
the-experienced- encouraging the exploitation of scheme. The new Breeder Scheme will
breeder/breeder- pet breeding by those hoping to be launched on January 1, 2023
cash in, often inexperienced and We realised that we couldn’t go and it will, of course, take a while
scheme/ without the necessary time and from zero to 60 all at once and for all of the current members
suitable environment in which to neither did the KC, their scheme to be assessed. An assessment
Above: Kitten buyers ensure queens could give birth has evolved over time. A meeting will be undertaken every three
will have even more safely and kittens raised and was set up with Bill Lambert, years and so the lead in time will
socialised correctly. It became Head of Health and Welfare at be over three years, with every
confidence when the KC, following which they member fully assessed by the
buying from an kindly provided us with copies beginning of 2026.
of their Assured Breeder Scheme
assured breeder. paperwork to give us an insight



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Cats and their Stats

Each year Cats Protection conducts a huge survey of UK
owners to gauge the state of the nation’s felines. Here we look

at the headline findings of this year’s report.

).) >4: The Cats and their Stats report is an excellent
034<$ look at how we’re doing with cat ownership
in this country. It allows the identification
Cats Protection of trends, themes, or issues that can help
runs the Cats and inform how we care for our cats. Over 10,000
owners took part in the survey with the data
their Stats report referring to the period of between March 2021 and
annually. March 2022. Here are headline findings:


O There are around 11 O Just over one in four UK
million owned cats in the households (26%) own a
UK, an increase of around cat.
200,000 since 2021. O Each cat-owning
O Half (50%, 5.5 million) household has an average
of owned cats are female of 1.5 cats.
and half (50%, O 65% have one cat.
5.5 million) are male. O 35% own two cats or more.
O According to owners, 63%
GIVING UP CATS of cats are moggies, 26%
are pedigrees, and 6% are
O 8% of current cat crossbreeds. Owners did
owners had a cat in the not know the breed for the
last 12 months that they remaining 5%.This is a shift
from 65% moggies and 23%
no longer own. pedigrees in 2021.
O 12% of current
non-owners had a cat
in the last 12 months
that they no longer own.



O A higher proportion of
younger people seem to be O 30% of all cat owners expressed
owning cats.The proportion of significant concerns over being able to
18 — 24-year-olds that own a afford bills and other living costs over the
cat has increased significantly next 12 months due to price increases.
(32%, up from 25% in 2021). O 5% of owners say that they have had to
O UK cat owners are less likely reduce spend on cat necessities such as
to be over the age of 65 (11%), cat food and litter to save money in the
compared to all UK households last 12 months.
(20%). O 4% of owners have used a food bank or
O 44% of cat owners are male charity to help them feed their cat in the
and 56% of cat owners are last 12 months. Up from 3% in 2021.
female. O For almost a quarter (24%) of cat
owners, cost was the biggest barrier to
THE CAT MARKET making vet visits as often as they
would like.
O Owned cats tend to be bought (29%), O 13% of cat owners worry that
adopted from a UK rehoming charity (24%), or they wouldn’t be able to afford
have been taken on from a neighbour, family a large vet bill right now
member, or friend (17%) (10% in 2021).
O For cats acquired in the last 12 months, O 3% of all cat owners have
38% were bought and 19% were adopted from considered giving up their
UK rehoming charities. cat — that’s equivalent to
O An estimated 82,000 cats have been brought over 300,000 households.
into the UK from overseas in the last 12 months
(either through adoption from an overseas NEUTERING,
charity or from a specialist breeder overseas). BREEDING, AND
This represents 5% of all cats acquired in the MICROCHIPPING
last 12 months.
O Overall, 61% of cats that were purchased O 85% of cats (9.3 million) are neutered,
were found online, up from 58% in 2021. 12% of cats (1.3 million) are not neutered.
O Almost a quarter (24%) of all cats that The remaining 3% of owners don’t know if
were purchased, at any time, were found on their cat is neutered.
Facebook, up from 16% in 2021. O 39% of female cats remain unneutered
O 38% of cats bought in the last by the time they reach a year old. Cats
12 months that were purchased Protection recommends that cats should
were found on Facebook. be neutered from four months of age,
which is when they reach puberty and are
capable of reproducing.
O 37% of litters born in the last 12 months
were as a result of an accidental mating.
O An estimated 7.8 million cats are
microchipped (71%), 2.8 million (26%) are
not microchipped, and 4% of owners do not
know if their cat is microchipped.
O 92% of cat owners that have
microchipped their cat say that their
contact details are up to date.

Your Cat January 2023


HEALTH In summary…

O Over three quarters of owners (76%) say Cats Protection say:“This year, we’ve seen
that their cat has no diagnosed health a continuation of many of the trends
conditions at all. 21% say their cat has at that were seen during the height of the
least one diagnosed health condition. pandemic, with more people estimated
O Approximately 1.2 million cats remain now than ever to be enjoying the benefits
unregistered with a vet. of cat ownership, with the majority of cat
O 60% of cats go to the vet for a routine visit owners appearing to be motivated to
every year, but around 3.9 million cats only provide the best life they can for their
go as and when their owner feels they need much-loved pet.
to (36%), or never go to the vet (4%).
O 37% of cat owners have experienced “While it is fantastic that more people
trouble accessing their vet in the last 12 than ever are enjoying the many benefits
months.This rises to 58% of those who have of cat ownership, an increase in the
acquired a cat in the last 12 months. overall number of cats does present
O 46% of all owners have insured their cat, some challenges. An increased demand
up from 43% in 2021. for veterinary services puts pressure on
O Up to around 3.2 million cats are not veterinary practices, at a time when
fully protected against diseases that are many may not yet have recovered from
preventable with vaccination. pandemic staffing losses.
O Less than two thirds of owners are
regularly protecting their cats against “Many of the owners surveyed have
parasites such as fleas (60%) and worms started to feel the pinch of the rising cost
(59%).This is lower than last year (63% for of living, with substantial numbers reporting
fleas and 61% for worms). concerns around the affordability of
veterinary care. As the cost-of-living crisis
THE ROLE THAT CATS looks set to continue, the sector must do all
PLAY IN OUR LIVES it can to support the pet-owner relationship
through this difficult and demanding time.
O For the third consecutive year, Understanding the specific pinch points
companionship, reducing loneliness, for cat owners helps better direct support
and reducing stress were collectively interventions.
the top reasons for owning a cat (51%)
O 21% of cat owners say that the main “Cats Protection will continue to review
reason that they have a cat in their ways in which the charity can help support
life is to help them feel less stressed. cat ownership wherever this can be
O 92% of owners consider their achieved, and to ensure as many owned
cat part of the family. cats as possible experience good welfare.”
O 87% of owners spend time stroking
their cat or sitting together every day. FIND OUT MORE…
O 88% of cat owners regularly talk to
their cat. For the full Cats and their Stats report, visit
O 67% of cat owners say their cat gives
them something to get up for in the
morning. Up from 62% in 2021.
O 63% of cat owners put their cat’s
needs above their own. Up from 58% in




When a Hertfordshire couple chose to get married, they decided a close
member of family would be their ring bearer — their cat Royston!

).) >4: Shivam Patel and Ashmi
034< Hindocha first met when
they were both studying
You can follow at Bristol University 12 years
Royston’s antics ago.They got together two years
via his Instagram later and celebrated their tenth
account at www. anniversary in August.When they decided to start living together,
there was no question that they
ragdollroy/ would bring home a pet as they
were both big animal lovers.

Shivam said:“Neither of us were
allowed to have pets when we
were younger and when we moved
in together, we both wanted to fill
that void that a pet left because
we love all animals.”

The couple started looking
around at options and at first
considered a rabbit, but, as Shivam
explained:“Nothing we saw had an
affinity with us, then we considered
a dog but we thought that would
be a lot more maintenance.”

Top: Stealing +.99.3, 7.,-9 .3 in 2019. January 2020, but very shortly
the limelight! They named him after the area afterwards, the COVID-19
As the couple are both dentists, pandemic hit and they agreed
Above left: The they realised they needed a pet of Hertfordshire where they live and that they wouldn’t do any proper
happy trio! that would fit in better with their now, he is called Roy for short. wedding planning until things
lifestyles.And then one of Shivam’s calmed down a bit.They started
Above right: The dental nurses said that she had “He fitted in straight away and wedding planning in earnest in
happy couple on a kitten who was part of a litter he was a very good boy right from 2021 and had a traditional Hindu
their wedding day. and wondered if they would be the beginning. He knew how to ceremony in Tenerife in July, which
interested. use his litter tray and we even let of course meant that they couldn’t
him outside for a bit. He’s not very have Roy with them.
Shivam said:“I sent a picture of good at jumping but he is good
him to Ashmi and we both fell in at climbing, but we know that he Shivam said:“We had our legal
love with him straight away.”And won’t try and escape, and we do ceremony here in the UK so we
that is how Royston the Ragdoll trust him.” chose The Old Marylebone Town
kitten came to live with the couple
The couple got engaged in

Your Cat January 2023


“We gave him a little
ring bearer costume”

MORE Hall as it’s one of the best venues parents get married — and he was Town Hall is a dog friendly venue,
INFO: that you can get and it was lovely.” soon surrounded by staff members which in itself is rather unusual for
wanting to take his photo. registry office type venues as many
You can find the A WEDDING official buildings don’t allow dogs
post featuring LIKE NO OTHER Naturally on your wedding day, apart from assistance dogs, but a
Ashmi, Shivam the focus is supposed to be on the cat was a novel request.
The couple wrote an impassioned bride and groom but the couple
and Roy at www. email to the Town Hall committee didn’t mind that cheeky Roy was She said:“When we were asking for permission for Roy to stealing focus from the happy approached with a request for a
join them on their wedding day, couple as the Town Hall staff and cat to be part of a ceremony, we
Cg_wIaQMpQO/ which at first was denied. But then crew were all desperate to see the couldn’t resist. Obviously with a cat,
after assurances that Roy would furriest member of the wedding they are rather more wilful than
be well behaved and that he has party. dogs so we had to ensure that
his own little backpack to sit in and Royston was looked after and held
would not cause any trouble, they Shivam said:“We were so in a cat carrier for most of the time.
relented. pleased to be able to have him as
part of a special day and he was “However, he was allowed to
Roy was transported to the such a good boy.We gave him a roam a bit during the ceremony
ceremony with much pomp and little ring bearer costume with the and at one point had to be
ceremony, in a little clear backpack rings attached and he played his refrained from climbing up the
on wheels so he could be kept safe part very well.Although he was chimney in the room!”
and secure at the key moments a bit cheeky as he kept trying to
but also free to watch his human hide in the fireplaces and we were Alison said that Roy was “hugely
worried that he’d go in and get popular” with the staff, partly
stuck!” due to his nifty cat carrier and of
course because he is so gorgeous.
This was a first for Marylebone “Shivam and Ashmi’s wedding, and
Town Hall, as they have had dogs their fluffy ring-bearer, proved to
accompanying their owners’ be such a hit with everyone there.
weddings, but never a cat before. When we posted about them on
Westminster Registration Services our Instagram account, the post
Sessional Registrar Alison Cathcart soon became one of the most
explained that The Old Marylebone popular posts on the account.”

Top: Pictured on
their wedding

day: Ashmi’s dad
Ashwin Hindocha,
Shivam Patel, Ashmi

Hindocha and
Shivam’s mum, Palvi


Right: The guard of
honour for the trio.




The cat
well-being study

Is your cat comfortable in his territory? Here’s what to look for...

In this series, we are helping you assess the well-being of your cats. Each issue will focus on a different
aspect of cat care and feature a practical way for you to analyse your own cat’s situation.
The third part of the series looks at how cats value their territory.

Clare Hemington For cats, territory is CORE AREA immediately be turned upside
DipCAPBT is an everything. As far as they down. If the newcomer happens to
accredited feline are concerned, it’s the The ‘core area’ is the place be of the highly territorial kind, he’ll
behaviourist. She most fundamental reason where a cat feels safest and find himself having to compete
has a cat behaviour for their existence. Unlike dogs most relaxed. For an owned cat, for everything that’s important to
referrals practice for whom their caregivers are this is usually your home. If he is him. He might find his access to
and runs her the be all and end all, most an only cat, he will, from a feline the litter tray deliberately blocked
Honeysuckle Cat cats (and I hate to disappoint perspective, be in control over this by his nemesis who has taken up
Toys business with you) are more attached to their area and the resources within it. residence on the stairs, the cat
the help of her territory than they are to their Everyday he’ll spend time rubbing and human furniture now have an
Siamese, Billy. owners. against household items and unwanted smell, and he has been
scratching surfaces to secrete fatty usurped from his cosy spot on the
You can find From around the age of 18 deposits from glands around his master bed.
out more from months cats start becoming body, thereby making himself feel
her website: territorial, and if you have ever good about the fact that the only What’s more, he’s forced to
www.honeysuckle had kittens that have suddenly feline smell in his core area is his eat right next to his rival and fallen out after sharing a own. drink from the same water bowl.
blissfully harmonious kittenhood, He may have his hiding places
Right: The self this is usually the reason why. So, imagine how he might feel invaded and always be on high
groomer will This sense of territory governs if one day he encounters a new alert, anticipating the worst. And
how they behave from here feline housemate. Unless you’re all the behaviours he would have
encourage your cat on in.Their lives will be spent very lucky and both cats decide performed to make himself feel
to spread their scent. defending what they have to form a bond, his world will
established as theirs, while trying
Below: A pet camera to avoid contact with others of
can be perfect for their species that they view as
competition.Very occasionally,
getting a look at how it will be necessary to fight for
your cat is in their what is theirs.
indoor territory.
All this covert warfare is going
on right underneath your nose.
Research has determined that
a cat’s world is divided into
three areas: their core area, their
territory, and their home range.

Your Cat January 2023

“This sense of territory governs important role in the life of our
how they behave...” family felines, not every cat is Attila
the Hun wanting to expand his
nice and secure in his home, he’ll This is how your cat feels every territory by invading that of others
now perform feverishly in an effort time he steps foot outside the and wreaking havoc on any other
to make his physical and olfactory door, and this is why you’ll usually cat that dares enter his. Every cat
presence felt. If these don’t work, see your cat traversing your is an individual with different levels
he may start spreading his scent garden using the boundaries as of territoriality and much of this
in a less acceptable way. Urine camouflage, rather than strutting complex behaviour goes unseen
spraying is a coping strategy down the middle of it for all to see. by us.
used by cats that no longer feel in He’ll usually follow the same route
control over their core area. each time, stopping occasionally While there is no doubt some
to spray on the same bushes and cats will get on with fellow felines
If there are multiple cats in a trees. and may even benefit from their
home, they will try to establish company, it is often the case that
rules around how they carve Urine spraying is one of the most cats would prefer to have sole
up the shared space, either complex of cat behaviours, but control of their territory. So, if you
geographically or timewise. research leads us to believe that it would like to acquire another
Where certain cats don’t get on, is a remote way for one cat to tell cat, this is actually a very big
they might spend the majority of another that he has been in that decision and it’s important that
their time trying to avoid crossing area.The sprayed urine contains you ask yourself if your home and
each other’s path, especially in chemical messages which give neighbourhood are appropriate
spaces such as on landings, stairs, information as to the identity of spaces for more than one cat and
corridors, and hallways. I have the sprayer.This strategy is used ultimately whether it is in the best
always found these areas to be by cats to help prevent them from interests of the cat you already
hotspots for cat confrontations. accidently bumping into each love and cherish.
It’s therefore vitally important to other.
maximise all of the space in the
house.The more space the cats If another cat does sneak on
have, including vertical space, to your cat’s hallowed turf, the
the more opportunity they have to strategies are usually initially
expand their territory and create passive. Why risk getting injured in
distance between them a fight, when you can simply sit for
hours near the interloper, avoiding
Right: Give your THEIR TERRITORY eye-contact, while hoping that
cat his own your mere presence will be
While being very important to your enough to reinforce the fact that
furniture and cat, the borders of your garden do he shouldn’t be there and send
he’ll feel more not represent the boundary of his him slinking off? As a last resort,
comfortable in territory.There are many different confrontations might escalate to
factors that determine how big actual fighting.
his home. a cat’s territory is.These include
the sex of your cat, his level of HOME RANGE
confidence, how many other cats
there are in the area, and the time The third area, the home range,
of year. Of course, each cat in the which includes your cat’s territory,
neighbourhood will have his own is the total area over which he
territory and the more territories roams. Again, the size of this
there are, the more likely it is that area depends on the cat, the
they are going to overlap with environment, and the number
each other, like a venn diagram. of other cats around.These days
you can buy GPS trackers for
When your cat has established cats which tell you how far and
a territory, he will do his best to where they’ve been.You might be
defend it while actively avoiding surprised at the results!
other cats doing the same thing.
While territory plays an incredibly




Test your knowledge 4

Here we have 10 graphics showing cats performing
various territorial behaviours. Can you determine
what they mean?




Your Cat January 2023


“For cats, territory is everything. ”

7 10

8 Answers — what does this
behaviour mean?
O Image 1: Your cat is depositing
+.3) scent to make himself feel more
4:9 secure in his environment
247* O Image 2: The onset of territorial behaviour
O Image 3: Territorial cats will actively prevent
Find the full range others from accessing certain areas of your
of Catit products home.
at O Image 4: A cat that is unable to cope with
the pressures of other cats in the home
O Image 5: The sprayer does this to inform other
cats that they have been at that location.
O Image 6: The cat is on high alert for the
presence of another cat.
O Image 7: This is a passive territorial
confrontation strategy used by cats in an
attempt to force one or other to flee.
O Image 8: Cats that want to avoid the
presence of another cat in the home will create
separate indoor territories.
O Image 9: Cats will walk along the borders
of the garden as they usually provide a
camouflaged position from which they can
defend their territory from other cats.
O Image 10: Cats that are very territorial will
often drive out less confident cats from the


We are back with another well-being study.



exclusive members’

Purrfect prizes for you and your cat!

945 The competitions are now 1 - WRENDALE ‘GLAMOUR PUSS’ CAT SCARF
9.5 all magazine only, so we Be warm and stylish on your walks with this charming
need to explain this clearly scarf from Wrendale Designs, complete with a
Are you signed up in this issue: beautifully illustrated cat by award-winning artist
to our newsletter? Hannah Dale.
Get weekly NEW START The scarf is set against a pink background, with a
competition contrasting grey on the interior, and both ends feature
reminders, plus We want to reward your loyalty to us, therefore frayed edges in the same grey.The overall colour
plenty of cat ALL of the competitions you see across these pallet is calm and gentle, making it an ideal addition
features and giveaways pages are now entirely exclusive to to any outfit.
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for FREE here:
www.yourcat. To be able to enter these giveaways online, 1 simply visit our website (
competitions), log into your account, and answer
945 the simple question.
All of these competitions will now also remain
If you are open for the whole month online (as well as via
struggling to the printed form), giving you plenty of time to
log into your make your entries!
account on our
website, please Please note, if you have purchased this copy
call our friendly of Your Cat Magazine from a retail store, you will
subscriptions need to enter the giveaways via the printed form.
team on 01778 Or you can easily become a Your Cat member
395176 — they today to enter online, and enjoy great benefits all
will be able to year round.
assist you further.

– 11TH JANUARY 2023.



BOTTLE A cute, funny money box, offering a novel way to
The Kim Haskins Black Cat Stainless Steel Hot & Cold save!
Thermal Insulated Drinks Bottle is fun for all the family
at home, work, or on holiday. Just put your coin on the plate and press, and the
cute cat will come out of the cardboard box to steal
The reusable bottle is great for the environment your coins. A funny and creative way to help you
and life on the go. Printed with a fun design, it is both collect your spare coins.
colourful and practical.The bottle is food safe but O We have one stealing coin cat money box to
give away.
cannot be put in the dishwasher or microwave.
O We have two Kim Haskins Black Cat
Reusable Water Bottles to give away.

Domestic cats have remained very similar to
the North African Wildcat. ORIJEN diets are as
close as possible to what the cats’ ancestors
found and consumed in nature.That is

2 why fresh or raw meat, poultry, fish, and

nutrient-rich organs are always the first FIVE
ingredients in ORIJEN.
O We have one 1.8kg bag of ORIJEN

Original Cat and one 1.8kg bag of new
ORIJEN Guardian 8 to give away to one
lucky feline.
O To discover the full range, visit


Your Cat January 2023



This cat treat tin is a stylish essential for any cat
owner and will look beautiful in any kitchen or
utility room. Made from sturdy carbon steel, it is
durable as well as beautiful with a variety of cat
illustrations printed around the surface.

The tin measures 17.5cm x 14cm.
O We have one Wrendale cat treat tin
to give away.


By being a Your Cat Tick all our competitions off in one easy form! Send your entries* to: Your Cat Giveaways,
member, you can Warners Group Publications, West Street, Bourne, Lincs, PE10 9PH. *For every postal
enter ALL of this entry we receive, we’ll donate a pouch of cat food to a cat rescue centre on your behalf.
month’s giveaways
in one easy step. NAME:........................................................................................................................................
Simply fill out the
form and pop in the ADDRESS:...................................................................................................................................
post, to: Your Cat
Giveaways, Warners ...................................................................................................................................................
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I give consent to join the Your Cat enewsletter Q
You can also enter
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can enter both the
printed form and Q 1 - Wrendale ‘Glamour Puss’ cat scarf
online to double Q 2 - Kim Haskins Black Cat Reusable Water Bottle
your chances!) Q 3 - ORIJEN Original Cat and new ORIJEN Guardian 8
Q 4 - Cute stealing coin cat money box
Q 5 - Stylish Wrendale cat treat tin


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Got a question?
The Your Cat experts are here to help with all your feline dilemmas!
Send your question to our experts by email ([email protected]).

945 VEGAN DIETS teeth are there to cope with flesh and bones. Given
9.5 the chance, a cat will hunt and eat small mammals,
QCan I feed my cat a vegan diet? amphibians, birds, and reptiles, even insects.
If you’re looking
for a diet AWhether for ethical, health, or environmental In fact, all of our pet cat’s biology shows their
reasons, people are choosing to eat less evolutionary history as a predator.Their retractable
that has less meat. Demand for vegetarian and vegan food has claws used to grasp prey, highly tuned sense of smell
environmental increased by 350 per cent in the UK over the last 10 and hearing to seek out small animals, and excellent
impact, consider years, according to the Vegan Society, and popularity night vision adapted for detecting movement.
insect protein is growing. But, while there are genuine benefits for
humans to consume more vegetables and less Meat is essential for cats because it contains the
diets. animal-based products, the same cannot be said for nutrients they need to stay healthy.The main ones
cats. We cannot force a vegan diet on our felines. are taurine, fatty acids, and vitamins A and B12.The
Above: Cats need consequences of not getting these nutrients from
meat in their diet. Cats are obligate carnivores.This means they meat can be serious, with cats getting very ill. In
evolved to eat meat by necessity.You only have to look 2013, a kitten in Australia was rushed for emergency
inside a cat’s mouth to see the evidence that our furry veterinary care. It was extremely weak and collapsed
friends are designed to hunt and catch their own prey. when it came in.The vet discovered the vegan owners
Their teeth are perfect for ripping and biting; they don’t fed their kitten only potatoes, rice, and pasta.After
have flat molars for chewing, like humans.Their sharp being told to feed their kitten meat, it recovered quickly.

Cat insurance call 03300 243 997

Your Cat January 2023

Intruder alert!

QWe have a cat that invades
our house! What can we do
about it?

AMany owners have significant O Move food away from the cat discourage once they have started
problems with other people’s flap so cats are not tempted in invading. Of course, a further
cats. Nearly a decade ago,Your by the sight of a food bowl. benefit to a good cat flap is that
Cat ran a survey and found that O Be wary of allowing your cat it can be set to limit access at
a third of owners whose cats access to your home via an certain times of day, enabling any
have freedom to come and go open window as other cats will keen hunters to be kept in when
have issues with their neighbours’ follow suit. birds are most active in the garden
pets, in particular with cat fights, O Upgrade your cat flap at dawn and dusk.
intimidation, and entering their — quick and crafty cats have
homes. even been known to ‘tailgate’ If a cat has already started
following a cat into his home to invade, it’s definitely worth
Cats are curious by nature via an ordinary cat flap.A speaking to the owner of the
and some extroverts simply enjoy microchip flap will only let your other cat if you can.You may be
visiting neighbours.A lucky few are cat in. able to organise a time share of
welcomed and cause no problem. when your cats are allowed out.
Others cause a nuisance, stealing Owners who use a secure You can help build your cat’s
food, spray marking, and fighting. cat flap have significantly fewer confidence by heading outside
Worse, they can intimidate the problems with cats entering the with them, playing games with
resident cat making them scared home to steal food. Cats are very them indoors, and ensuring they
to leave the house and raising their persistent and can be hard to are comfortable accessing all their
anxiety levels. indoor resources.

Prevention is better than cure, so
it is a good idea to not interact with
cats that come into your garden.
Even if they’re friendly, it’s best not
to encourage them and certainly
do not offer food as otherwise
they’ll return and potentially cause
problems for your own cat.

Fighting fleas provide ideal conditions for the development of flea
allergic skin disease in susceptible animals and is an
QDo I need to treat my indoor ineffective approach to establishing control over the
cat for fleas? flea population.

Top: A feline AYes! In the UK, fleas can be a year-round problem
intruder can make for both indoor and outdoor cats. We as humans
your cat miserable. can carry fleas (adults, larvae, and eggs) from the
outdoor environment and deposit them within the
Bottom: Indoor cats home environment.
can get fleas.
For effective control, adult fleas on the cat must
be killed and re-infestation from the environment
prevented with regular application of veterinary
prescription-strength treatments and environmental
control (frequent vacuuming and flea sprays).

An ‘on-off’ approach to flea control (treating
intermittently) is not recommended as this may


QMy cat is an old boy who that the owner of an affected cat Obesity is a major aggravating
).) has been diagnosed with will often notice subtle changes in factor for arthritis. Keeping a cat
>4: arthritis. How can I best care for their pet’s behaviour patterns. but slim may not stop the problem
034<$ him? often not appreciate the cause. from developing, but it will lessen
its effects. If an obese cat develops
Some cats are AArthritis is an inflammation The only way to reliably clinical signs of arthritis, weight
genetically of the joints caused by diagnose arthritis in cats is to reduction becomes a priority.
the breakdown of the joint’s radiograph the joints (the elbow
more likely to cartilage, which means that the and the hip are most commonly As arthritis is a very long-term
develop arthritis. bones rub against one another affected).This does require an problem, many owners are keen to
resulting in stiffness, pain, and loss anaesthetic, or at least deep try complementary treatments for
Above: If your cat of movement.This can spark off sedation, in order to position the their pets.This is fine providing that
is struggling to changes in the bones themselves, cat correctly to get diagnostic a vet has given the all-clear to use
causing bony spurs and radiographs. them.Acupuncture may well be
jump or climb, they thickening. of value and there are some vets
may be suffering It has been suspected for a long around the country who specialise
from arthritis. We have traditionally believed time that certain substances in the in offering that type of care to cats,
that arthritis was uncommon diet can help to control arthritis in although it does need to be one
in cats because they do not a range of species. For a long time, that is amenable to that sort of
often show the long-term signs cod liver oil has been used with handling!
of lameness that other species varying effects but cats have to be
demonstrate when they are dosed very carefully, or it can have There are anti-inflammatory
affected. But we now know that toxic effects. drugs available to control pain
arthritis is common in cats — from arthritis, but be sure to discuss
about 20 per cent of the whole More recently, supplements any drugs with your vets before
population, and a much higher containing glucosamine and giving anything to your cat.Your
proportion of elderly cats, show chondroitin sulphate, that help vet will devise a treatment plan.
signs of arthritis when their joints the cartilage that lines the bone
are radiographed. within a joint to heal, have become Around the house, ensure your
available for cats.They are safe, cat’s environment is more suitable.
Affected cats can show a and effective in mild cases, but Make his high perches more
variety of signs, such as hiding require long-term daily dosing in reachable with ramps or smaller
away more than normal, crying either capsule or powder form, jumps. Help him on to the sofa if
if picked up, aggression, and which many cat owners find he wants to come up. Consider
running away if handled. But by challenging.There are other putting all his resources downstairs
far the most common signs are an dietary products that have been so he doesn’t have to make a
unwillingness to jump, and if they used to try to control arthritis in painful climb every time he needs
do, a reduction in the height they cats, such as those containing the litter tray. He’ll also appreciate
are prepared to leap.This means green-lipped mussel extracts, with extra warmth so provide extra
varying success. blankets or even a heat pad.

Cat insurance call 03300 243 997

Your Cat January 2023


Winter cat care
Ethylene glycol, better known as antifreeze, is If your cat has an outdoor water source they drink
deadly to cats. While it is often used in cars to stop from, check this hasn’t frozen over.
things freezing, if even a small amount is ingested
by cats, it can be fatal. Worse still, it has a sweet O TAP ON THE BONNET
smell that attracts cats to it. So take care to keep it Cats will find warm spots to curl up into during the
away from your pets, clear up any leakages from bracing weather, such as in car engines and wheel
your car, and never use it in ponds. If your cat does arches. Avoid any tragedy by tapping your bonnet
ingest antifreeze, take them to the vet’s immediately. before you set off to alert any snoozing felines that
Symptoms include seizures, breathing difficulties, you’re about to drive away.
appearing ‘drunk’, vomiting, and lethargy.
O PAWS FOR THOUGHT It is safer to keep your cat in during the night. With
During the colder months, cats can accumulate the longer hours of darkness, there is an increase in
grit and snow in their paws.You want to avoid cats the amount of cats unsuspectingly hit by cars.
ingesting the rock salt used to grit roads when they
groom or ice compacting in between the toes. O SHUTTING SHEDS
Check their paws regularly and to clean them wipe Sheds and garages are also favourite places for
them gently with a damp cloth. Longhaired cats are cats to retreat to during the winter weather. Be
particularly at risk. careful to check before closing any outbuildings
that your cat (or anyone else’s!) hasn’t snuck in.
Give your cat a cosy hideaway outside so they O ACHING JOINTS
can enjoy the outdoors but are protected from the Winter weather can aggravate arthritis in cats. If
elements.This is particularly important if your cat is your cat suffers, provide extra warmth to keep them
allowed out and doesn’t have access back inside comfortable. Watch them more closely for any signs
when you’re not there, such as a cat flap. they are struggling, such as not being able to climb
to reach their favourite places. Heated pet blankets
are usually appreciated!

Ensure your cat has somewhere indoor to toilet.Your
pet might not want to venture outside to do their
business and would appreciate the indoor option.

With spending less time outdoors, ensure your
cat has lots of stimulation to keep the indoor
environment exciting.You can give food in puzzle
feeders, hide treats in toilet roll tubes for them to
forage for, and schedule play sessions. Regularly
rotate toys to ensure the novelty factor.


Remember, there is a huge range of advice on health, behaviour, general
care, and more on the Your Cat website.Visit



The feline virus

FIP has long been known as a killer of cats
— but now it can be treated.Vet Penny Clarke breaks down the disease.

Penny Clarke, “There are now Feline Infectious Peritonitis
BVetMed MRCVS, treatments available (FIP) is a complex viral
graduated in 2003 that make it possible disease that up until
from the Royal very recently was nearly
Veterinary College. for cats to survive...” always fatal in cats.The mere
She is a cat-loving mention of it had vets quaking
clinician at a busy, into their stethoscopes with
small animal hospital fear! While it is still challenging
in Warwickshire. Penny to diagnose, there are now
writes about all things treatments available that make
veterinary and also it possible for cats to survive
human neurodiversity, and fully recover from an FIP
particularly autism. infection.

Right: Weight loss is a
symptom of FIP..

Your Cat January 2023

“The virus mutates
into a harmful form
once inside the cat...”

during kittenhood.The virus
FIP is a disease that develops FCoV spreads via the oro-faecal remains dormant for months or
only after cats are infected with route, which is basically poor years before mutating to cause
feline coronavirus (FCoV). We’re, toilet hygiene! Cats with FCoV disease. Stressful events or
sadly, all too familiar with the pass virus-laden faeces into the illnesses affecting the immune
coronavirus group of viruses environment for a few weeks to system can trigger the virus to
but FCoV is very different to months. Other cats sharing the ‘wake up’ and cause FIP.
COVID-19. Most strains of animal same toileting area or litter tray
coronavirus only affect one then lick the virus from their paws WHAT ARE THE SIGNS OF
species (steering well clear of becoming infected themselves. FIP?
humans). FCoV is no exception
to this and only infects cats. Cats living in close contact with Most cats develop FIP as a
others (in breeding colonies or youngster with many cases
FCoV is actually a very multi-cat households) are more affecting kittens less than a year
common infection affecting up likely to spread FCoV as they old.The symptoms each cat has
to 50 per cent of household cats. share toilet facilities. Strangely, depends on where in the body
For cats living in big groups, such the virus doesn’t transmit directly the virus is attacking and what
as multi-cat households, the from cat-to-cat but survives long kind of defence the immune
infection rate is over 80 per cent. enough in faeces to be highly system launches.
It can be scary finding out that contagious.
your cat has FCoV but having Vets have always referred to FIP
the virus doesn’t mean they have Cats living alone can still
FIP. In fact, most cats with FCoV
never go on to develop full-
blown FIP. FCoV usually causes
no symptoms at all or just mild
diarrhoea that gets better
without treatment.

passed on through WHY SOME CATS WITH FCOV
toilet hygiene. 1 The virus mutates into a
harmful form once inside the cat.
2 The cat’s immune system
launches a certain kind of
defence against the mutated
virus resulting in FIP disease.



Below: Stress can as either ‘wet’ or ‘dry’.These terms AS THE DISEASE PROGRESSES, changes seen with FIP include:
trigger FIP. are a simplified way of CATS MAY SHOW MORE SPECIFIC O White blood cell abnormalities.
describing how the cat’s immune SYMPTOMS INCLUDING: O Changes in globulin (protein)
system is fighting the virus.The O A bloated abdomen (seen with levels.
‘wet’ version is when fluid fills the ‘wet’ form). O High liver enzymes (enzymes
the cat’s chest or abdomen. O Breathing difficulties, especially released into the blood if the liver
This happens because the virus if fluid presses on the lungs. is diseased or damaged).
damages blood vessel walls and O Neurological problems (cats O High bilirubin (a waste product
they become leaky. Inflammatory become wobbly or have seizures from the liver that can cause
fluid within the abdomen is called if the ‘dry’ form affects their brain. jaundice).
peritonitis, hence the name of This is called neurological FIP). Remember healthy cats can have
the disease, feline infectious O Eye problems or even blindness antibodies (disease fighting cells)
peritonitis. (ocular FIP). to FCoV in their blood. Finding
O Jaundice (a yellowy tinge to them doesn’t mean your cat has
The ‘dry’ form is when gums, skin, and the white parts of (or will get) FIP.
inflammation affects the organs the eye).
without fluid. Granulomas (masses FLUID
of cells) form within organs DIAGNOSING FIP Vets can take samples of fluid
causing serious problems.They from a cat’s chest or abdomen
often affect the eyes and brain There isn’t one specific test for FIP for analysis (the fluid commonly
but can develop elsewhere too. so your vet will need to run a few seen with the ‘wet’ form of FIP).
checks before they can diagnose They collect the fluid by inserting
In reality, cats usually get both it. An essential part of any vet’s a small needle into the cat’s body
wet and dry FIP, either at different investigations is to take a history. and sucking out the liquid with
times or together.The wide range This involves asking questions a syringe.Vets use an ultrasound
of often vague symptoms makes about your cat’s lifestyle and scanner as it allows them to
diagnosing FIP a challenge. general health. For FIP, this is very accurately collect the samples
important as cats who are ‘high while checking your cat’s major
EARLY SYMPTOMS INCLUDE: risk’ (such as young cats living in organs at the same time. A
O Fever that comes and goes. large groups) are more likely to laboratory will analyse the fluid
O Lethargy. develop the disease. and check whether the virus is
O Reduced appetite. present by running a PCR test
O Weight loss. BLOOD TESTS (many of us had PCR tests to
O Loss of condition. These are usually the first diagnose COVID).
O Gastrointestinal upsets (usually diagnostic step and typical

“There isn’t one
specific test for FIP”

Your Cat January 2023


Above: A cat with OTHER TESTS with your vet. Cheaper, illegal Can you
a bloated stomach Depending on your cat’s versions of anti-viral drugs have prevent FIP?
symptoms, they may need tests been available to order online for
due to FIP. that target specific body parts: a while but this is a dangerous PREVENTING THE SPREAD
O An MRI scan looks for changes route to take.These unregulated OF FCOV IS DIFFICULT AND
within the brain. medications may contain OUTBREAKS SOMETIMES
O An ophthalmic (eye) substances that do your cat more OCCUR DESPITE YOUR BEST
examination shows abnormalities harm than good. EFFORTS. SOME MEASURES THAT
within the eye (samples of eye CAN HELP INCLUDE:
fluid can be analysed too). Most cats begin their treatment O Scrupulous litter tray hygiene
O Biopsies (samples of tissue) of anti-viral medication with — disinfect them at least once
from affected organs and lymph daily injections before moving a day.
nodes (small lumps around the on to daily tablets.They’ll need O Having ample trays
body packed with disease fighting treatment for around 84 days (it’s available — one tray per cat
cells). a big commitment for you too!) plus an extra (if this is too
O Cerebrospinal fluid analysis If your cat is very unwell, they many then at least one tray for
(fluid from around the brain and can begin their treatment as an every two cats).
spinal cord). inpatient at the vet’s.They may O Keeping cats in small, stable
need intravenous fluids and help groups — less than four is ideal.
TREATMENT feeding too. O Avoiding stress where
possible — some stress (such
Up until very recently, the only During their treatment, your cat as vet visits) is unavoidable
treatments available for FIP will need regular vet checks and a but try to reduce unnecessary
were palliative (made cats weekly weigh-in.Your vet will adjust activities.
comfortable but didn’t cure the their dose if they gain weight to
disease).Thankfully, new anti-viral make sure the medication is still VACCINATION
medications have changed that effective. Regular scans and blood A vaccine is available (not
and we have a cure! tests will show how well your cat in the UK) but it’s unsuitable
is responding to treatment and for young kittens. By the time
The exact treatment your cat whether they need any additional kittens are old enough to have
will have very much depends on help. the vaccine, most have been
their individual symptoms and also exposed to FCoV anyway.
your budget. It’s always difficult Most cats (over 85%) go into Hopefully, in the future, a more
considering finances where poorly long-term remission after their suitable vaccine will be more
animals are concerned but it’s treatment ends.These results are widely available.
a necessary discussion to have truly incredible for what was once
a fatal disease! ADOPTING A CAT
If you’re rehoming a cat or
kitten, ask the breeder or
rescue centre about the health
of their other cats and previous
litters. If in doubt, ask your vet
for advice before you commit
to the adoption.


Peter Neville column

Don’t leave
me alone

We delve into Peter’s casebook to learn about
a cat who suffered from separation anxiety.

Peter Neville Anxiety is, in essence, worrying about the usual F response in cats is F — Flight and they run
has spent over prospect of danger in response to any away or climb to escape most of life’s challenges if
30 years as a signs that a negative situation is coming. they can.
professional pet Some cats are simply born worriers rather
behaviourist, writer, than warriors, and others that might have become SEPARATION-RELATED
and educator. In warriors fail to develop as such through a lack of PROBLEMS IN CATS
1993, he co-founded early exposure to the normal goings-on of life when
COAPE International they were young and incapable of being fearful of But surely cats are far less susceptible to being
(, now novelty.Then they can learn, for example, that loud anxious about being left at home alone than dogs?
a leading online noises, visitors, or being left alone aren’t dangerous However, many cats live permanently indoors these
provider of and develop a range of calm strategies. days and if they are single cats in the house, may
education courses never have the chance to meet another cat.Their
in pet behaviour. Failure to learn appropriate strategies results in an restricted lifestyle means they depend almost totally
Peter is the author of older cat that becomes consistently fearful when on their owners for every sort of social action. As a
16 books, including confronted by challenges. Fear is a key emotion result, some can establish huge social dependencies
the international in all mammals and prompts survival response on their owners and so almost inevitably suffer an
best-seller,‘Do Cats behaviour, usually known as the ‘fight or flight’ emotional crisis when separated from them and are
Need Shrinks?’ He reaction, although there are actually three other Fs: left at home alone.
now lives in Helsinki, ‘fiddling about’ by negotiating or appeasing in social
Finland, with his conflicts,‘freezing’ in the hope of going undetected, Cats may spray urine around the house when
partner Stella, and ‘fainting’ or ‘playing possum’ — a rare one left alone, or defecate on their owners’ bed or a
and two cats, not usually deliberately exhibited by cats. When favourite armchair, presumably to associate their
Asla and Trista. one of these F-strategies saves a cat’s bacon, he scent with the reassuring influence of their owners’
experiences a huge emotional shift from fear to relief, odour. Others, such as Sassy, pace around the house
and this is the neurophysiological reinforcement that as many distressed isolated dogs also do, crying
helps him learn which strategy to employ in response out until their owners come home and relieve their
to challenges in the future. For example, he might run loneliness.
and hide from thunder but fight other cats that he
feels threatened by and is afraid of. He also learns to On hearing from their neighbours that their cat
employ his survival strategies ever faster in response Sassy was wailing the whole time whenever they
to any signals associated with those threats.The went out and left at home alone, her owners set up
cameras in different parts of the house to capture
“Sassy was wailing the her behaviour and the sounds she made when
whole time whenever they went out. Sassy became agitated as the family
they went out...” prepared to leave in response to the commonly
associated signs of putting on their outdoor shoes
and jackets, but was restrained enough to keep
watching from the doorway between the hall and
kitchen. She was waiting to see if everyone was
going to leave or whether one person might just be
staying at home.

Her agitation increased dramatically as the last

Your Cat January 2023


“Now, she was highly and there were many busy roads nearby, and the
distressed and very afraid” old trick of leaving the radio or TV playing made no
difference to her. Apart from paying for a cat-sitter to
).) person kitted up and left the house and she knew come almost every day at some point to be with her,
>4: she was completely alone. She then paced up and there was really only one option to try to provide her
034<$ down near the exit door and then increased her with reassurance — another cat.
step and went to other rooms beyond the view of the
To find out more hallway camera. She appeared upstairs briefly in the It was a long shot because while most pet cats
about separation master bedroom where she leapt on and off the bed handled as kittens are very happy in the company of
at some speed, and began crying out as she hurried people, especially their owners, they are not always
anxiety in cats, on to the next bedroom. Clearly, she was no longer happy about the company of their own kind. Cats
visit www. anxious, that was only when her family was preparing range from being highly sociable with other cats
to leave. Now, she was highly distressed and very to hating the sight of any other cat in their territory. afraid of being on her own, and she had no idea The problem is that unless you already know from
cat-advice/ what to do about it. experience that your cat is of the socially gregarious
do-cats-get- kind, you never really know what will happen when
separation- For the next 15 minutes, she kept up her trotting you introduce another cat.
anxiety around the house, crying out, and only pausing
briefly at certain locations to call more loudly, and Sassy’s owners picked the least challenging
then stop for a moment, appearing to listen for prospect to be her company, an eight-week-old
any sounds that might mean that someone had female kitten raised in a very busy household with
returned. No such luck. She kept up her activity other adult cats, lots of kids, and a dog, and then
and wailing and got ever more desperate until her introduced her very carefully in an indoor pen to
owners did finally return.Then she trotted briskly Sassy and watched what happened. Fortunately,
down to meet them with her tail raised. She let out a Sassy was more curious than alarmed and simply
welcoming chirrup, rubbed briefly around the owner’s watched the new arrival from a distance before
legs, and then curled up to recover on her bed in carefully approaching the pen and sniffing
the living room. She was clearly very tired from her cautiously at the occupant. A few repetitions of
experience but seemingly content that her owners the introduction around the house and the two
were back. cats soon became quite relaxed in each other’s
company and, within a week, Niki, as she was called,
Above: Cats HELPING SASSY was released from her pen in Sassy’s presence
can suffer from and the two cats started greeting each other and
separation anxiety. Treatment of Sassy’s separation fear was not going to even rubbing and licking each other.Then, young
be easy. After all, there were many occasions when Niki started chasing and jumping on Sassy and
she had to be left at home alone and it would be the two fast became great playmates, although
very difficult trying to make her less dependent on Sassy sometimes needed some protection from her
their presence by, for example, adjusting how long incessant demands! But, importantly, the two were
they spent cuddling or playing with her when they now friends.
were together. Sassy didn’t want much more of that
than any other cat; she simply wanted to know that The day came sooner than expected to test the
they were there somewhere in the house. water by leaving them alone together in the house
and setting the cameras to record the event. As the
Her owners thought she would never cope with owners prepared to leave, Sassy remained where she
being allowed outdoors as she had no road sense was resting on the sofa and Niki was fast asleep in
her bed. As they left, no-one moved. In fact, no-one
moved until they came back when Niki came to
meet them while Sassy remained in rest mode. It
seemed that just having another warm body in the
house was sufficient comfort for Sassy and her fear of
being isolated had gone completely thanks to Niki.

I felt that this had very much been a lucky case
and that introducing another cat to a human-
dependent one wouldn’t always work. In cases
involving a territorial as well as human-dependent
cat, one might just introduce a whole raft of different
problems. But with this cat it worked and both cats
enjoy a much better and more enriched life because
of each other, and Sassy is now far less dependent
on their owners to maintain her mood state.



Celebrating 10 years

of the Cat Friendly
Clinic programme

International Cat Care’s scheme has been making vet visits
easier for cats for over a decade. Here, Ellen Marcinkiewicz

tells us what inspired the programme.

DID Ollie arrives at the WHY CHOOSE A CAT owner felt it was important that he
YOU vet clinic with his FRIENDLY CLINIC? attended regular appointments
KNOW? caregiver and the to ensure that he continued to
receptionist shows The majority of owners feel that be in good health. At a previous
You can visit them to a separate cat-only their cat experiences stress when visit, Ollie’s vaccinations had been to waiting area. It’s quiet and calm, visiting the vet, which in turn is given, but the vets were unable
away from any barking dogs.Ten extremely stressful for them too. In to examine him thoroughly as he
find out more years ago, simple ideas like this fact, a recent survey revealed that became too stressed.
about the charity to reduce stress for cats were 40 per cent of cat caregivers in the
International Cat unheard of, but today they’re UK don’t visit the vet for a yearly At his first appointment after his
adopted by vets all over the health check, with stress given clinic became an accredited Cat
Care and the world. as the most common reason for Friendly Clinic, the vet was able
ISFM. avoiding an appointment.This can to weigh and visually assess Ollie.
The movement towards a cat have serious consequences for Taking a cat friendly approach,
Above: The ISFM. friendly veterinary experience a cat’s health, including missing they did not push for any further
has been driven by the out on preventative care such parts of the examination. Over the
charity International Cat Care as vaccinations and parasite following 2 — 3 years at each visit,
(iCatCare) and its veterinary prevention, as well detecting they have been able to do a little
division the International Society disease earlier when it may be more of the required examination.
of Feline Medicine (ISFM)’s more easily treated. Now Ollie’s blood pressure can be
revolutionary Cat Friendly Clinic checked at every appointment,
programme, which celebrates its Ollie is a cat who doesn’t enjoy his teeth examined, and regular
10th anniversary this year. being handled and has never blood tests taken to screen for the
liked to visit the vet’s. However, as health of his organs.This has been
What began with simple ideas he has become older, his vet and
to help reduce stress for cats
when visiting the vet’s has now
become mainstream,
with other species, such as
dog and rabbit friendly clinics
following suit. In 2022, there
are now countless veterinary
professionals treating their
patients in a cat friendly way,
something both cats, like
Ollie, and their caregivers can

Your Cat January 2023


Above top: Ollie has made possible through having a O Practising compassionate, veterinary professionals working
a blood sample cat friendly environment to work gentle, and careful handling, with cats. iCatCare developed a
in, taking a cat friendly approach avoiding heavy manual restraint small booklet of ideas with a group
taken using minimal to all interactions with Ollie, and or scruffing. of feline experts from around the
restraint and a food using food rewards to distract him O Providing high-standard world and invited vets and nurses
when the examination requires facilities, including a separate to send in their best cat friendly
reward at his Cat physical contact. cat-only waiting area and tips. Over two years, the winning
Friendly Clinic. specialist veterinary equipment clinics received certificates and
ACCREDITATION for treating cats. logos that they could proudly
Image: courtesy of the SCHEME display to show caregivers that
Clinics may receive Bronze, they were cat friendly.This led to
Feline Healthy Aging Clinic, The Cat Friendly Clinic programme Silver, or Gold level accreditation, demand from other vet clinics and
was designed with a cat’s unique depending on size, staffing, and the creation of the Cat Friendly
University of Liverpool. nature and needs at its core, to available facilities or equipment. Clinic accreditation programme
reduce stress at every stage of the However, all Cat Friendly Clinic as we know it today.
Above bottom: vet experience. An accredited Cat staff are committed to providing
Accredited surgeries Friendly Clinic must support cats the same high standard of The future of
and their owners, and ensure a care. For a full list of criteria, visit: Cat Friendly
can include high standard of care is provided.
a cat-only Over the last 10 years, over
THIS INCLUDES: WHERE DID THE 3,000 Cat Friendly Clinics
consultation room. O Involvement of the entire team IDEA BEGIN? have been accredited across
to make visits to the vet clinic 47 countries, including the first
more cat friendly at every step During a meeting back in the Cat Friendly Clinics in Russia,
(including travel to and from the early 2000s, International Cat Care Vietnam, South Africa, and
clinic). (then the Feline Advisory Bureau) The Philippines this year.The
O Staff that have good posed the following question to a vision for iCatCare is that the
knowledge and understanding group of vets that specialised in programme continues to grow
of the unique needs of cats, and feline medicine: What could we exponentially over the next
can communicate effectively do to most improve vet care for 10 years so that as many cats
and sensitively with their cats? Expecting them to focus on as possible have access to
caregivers. a medical condition commonly low-stress veterinary care.This
seen in cats, the team at iCatCare will likely include an increase
received a unanimous answer in specialist feline medicine
that would change everything. clinics that only treat cats!
Instead, these vets felt that a better
understanding of the needs of To achieve this vision,
cats was key to improving their iCatCare has created new Cat
health and welfare. In particular, Friendly Principles, Guidelines,
reducing stress in the veterinary and resources to support the
environment and the gentle entire veterinary team and
handling of cats.The knock-on cat caregivers in their journey
effects would mean improved to becoming cat friendly
treatment of the cats under their which are free to download
care, and that caregivers would at cat
be more likely to bring their cats to friendly veterinary care has
the clinic for regular health checks. come a long way, we still have
And so, 10 bullet points were jotted a long way to go.The ultimate
down which would later become aim is to see all veterinary
the foundations for the Cat professionals working in a cat
Friendly Clinic programme. friendly manner for the benefit
of cats and their caregivers
In the programme’s early stages, worldwide.
a competition was held in the UK
to share practical ideas among


To learn more about the programme and to find a Cat Friendly Clinic near you, visit:



Think your cat could benefit from a Cat Friendly Clinic?
Check out these accredited practices across the UK.


Port Road Business Park
t: 01228 549177
e: vetsoffi[email protected]



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Steamer Quay Road, eSTP:h:O0eeR1fdtT7’esL3AnC2Nb8rorD6idf8t,Vg6MEe8T@0iSll Hpioll,rt)Ela(d
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vň b e r it
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e: [email protected] OXFORDSHIRE
DORSET An independent ophthalmology
referral centre in Banbury.
VETSMITHS Specialist animal eye care for your cat.
14 West Borough t: 01295 238160
Wimborne e: [email protected]
BH21 1NF

t: 01202 119988 WILTSHIRE
GLOUCESTERSHIRE 1 - 3 Bristol Road
VETS4PETS YATE Wiltshire, SN15 1NQ
Inside Pets at Home t: 01249 716432
Riverside Retail Park e: [email protected]
Yate BS37 4AY

T: 01454 272510 50
e: [email protected] Your Cat January 2023
whatsapp: 07897030698

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