Taking care of their breed
Rosemary explains how breed clubs will often
set up rescue services for their pedigrees.
Rosemary Fisher Around 20 years ago, our club, which is “This summer
entered the cat a GCCF breed club, decided we would has proved
fancy in 1974 when venture into rescue and rehoming our own particularly
she purchased her breed (Persians) on a very small scale, as challenging...”
first pedigree cat — well as our other Cat Fancy activities.
a Chinchilla called weeks of veterinary visits and some difficult and
Brylou Moonstone. We were fortunate to be given a very generous distressing decisions for cats too unwell to be helped.
She breeds Persians donation by our Club President and purchased a Most of the cats have now been found good homes.
and Exotics, and purpose-built house and run which was erected in
judges in several the garden of one of our committee members, who Then a request came from a rescue in Spain for
sections. She is does show her cats but doesn’t breed, and she took us to take a Persian cat that was originally in a
currently a GCCF on the role of Welfare Officer. killing shelter.The Spanish rescue had spent months
Board member and treating him for a skin and eye problem, eventually
also serves on the The new cabin was quickly needed when an rehabilitating him and wanted him to come to the
genetics committee. elderly Chinchilla Persian arrived.Very quickly, a new UK and a specialist Persian rescue.Tao duly arrived
home was found for her in Torquay with a lovely older by courier and has settled in well, being a delightful
lady who already had a Cream Persian and the and friendly boy, now looking for his forever home.
adoption was a great success.
Just as things looked to be settling down, a close
Shortly afterwards, one of our committee members personal friend of our Welfare Officer suddenly died.
died very suddenly and unexpectedly. Her cats were She had five cats, all non-pedigree, three of which
rehomed with friends or went back to their original had been feral farm cats. So, another mercy mission
breeders. She had a beautiful, newly erected cattery needed to be undertaken, trapping the cats who
and her husband offered it to our society to be were bewildered by the sudden change in their
used for our rescue and rehoming work. Our Welfare routine and loss of their mistress. Fortunately, these
Officer’s husband and my partner duly went and cats were taken in by a small local rescue — Cats
dismantled the cattery and transported it to Wiltshire, in Distress, a wonderful rescue, rehabilitation, and
where it was re-erected and quickly put to use. rehoming centre in Frome, Somerset, that also helps
to find working homes for feral cats.
As a committee, we envisaged rehoming just
a few Persians but, of course, some came in with Our rescue is now well known and respected in
companion cats of another breed or a non-pedigree, the Cat Fancy as a specialist Persian rescue. Many
but all were welcomed.The reasons for cats arriving of GCCF’s breed clubs take on this role, having the
are many and various, but are mainly due to people expert knowledge to assess the particular needs of
having to give up their cat because of a job move, their breed with regard to temperament, health, and
relationship breakdown, new baby arriving, or just an maintenance.
inability to cope with a behavioural problem, which
then has to be resolved by our Welfare Officer.The There are many wonderful large rescue and
services of a helpful veterinary practice are essential rehoming charities doing amazing work to protect
and we are very fortunate that our local practice is and rescue cats, but if you would like to adopt a
first class in this respect. particular breed of cat, please consider contacting
one of the GCCF breed clubs.
This summer has proved particularly challenging
for our Welfare Officer, with a request to take nine
cats belonging to an elderly retired breeder who
was terminally ill.This wasn’t straightforward as the
cats needed veterinary attention and nine cats at
once meant a huge amount of work and expense.
Fortunately, our rescue network has grown and a
foster carer took four of the cats.There followed
1,000 cats rescued!
One rescue has hit a huge milestone!
Sonja K Steiner
wrote for Cat World
magazine for
over eight years.
She’s worked in
veterinary practice
and previously
volunteered at
her local rescue.
Her cats Willow
and Fifi are the
Brand Ambassadors
for Natures Menu
and Natures Variety
cat food.
“We at the rescue are
not here to judge...”
Above: Lexi Cheshire Cats Rescue, a not-for-profit Despite all the cats they have helped since they
went through a registered charity, was set up in January set up, Liz said:“It is so easy to look at the what ifs.You
long process of 2020 by experienced cat rescuers Liz remember the cats who you have not been able to
Wingert and Linda Ortyl.The original help and that takes its emotional toll, but Linda and
rehabilitation. plan was to gently ease into the world of rescue, I try to focus on the lives we have been able to help.
but the cats had other ideas! Time and a lot of patience is paramount in rescue.”
As Covid-19 progressed, they received a lot of calls SAVING LEXI
from workers on industrial estates who would usually
look after the resident feral cats but with factories Lexi was a five-month-old feral kitten who was
shutting, they turned to the rescue for help. eventually trapped and came to the rescue to be
neutered. Despite only being a baby herself, she was
The rescue has 20 foster carers who work incredibly found to be in the early stages of pregnancy and
hard to integrate the cats into family life and help with the decision was made to neuter her. During the
their social skills so they can go on to find their perfect anaesthetic, Lexi’s heart stopped but the veterinary
home. In October, the rescue reached a milestone staff at Hanson’s vets brought her back to life.
— they have successfully rehomed 1,000 cats and
kittens, a huge achievement for a small rescue who It soon became clear there was a problem with her
were only set up less than three years ago! sight which can happen when a cat crashes during
Your Cat January 2023
“Kindness and
compassion can go a
long way. ”
247* surgery. While she was not blind, she was found to be Thank you from Sonja
.3+4 visionally impaired. As a feral, Lexi could not be put
back as she would not survive.The choice was to All the rescues who have appeared in these
For more either put her to sleep or to spend time with her in the pages are all not-for-profit rescues or registered
information, please hope she could be socialised. charities run entirely by volunteers. For many,
this year has been their most challenging yet.
visit their website Poor Lexi was frightened of humans. She didn't want They have seen unprecedented numbers of cats
www.cheshirecats to be touched and the fact she was visually impaired and kittens coming into rescue, putting their
rescue.co.uk or their only added to her anxiety. Liz started the rehabilitation already stretched services to breaking point.
social media page process and the breakthrough came thanks to a Sadly, the number of felines who have suffered
feather duster. She enjoyed being touched with it and abuse and neglect is also on the increase.The
‘Cheshire as time progressed, she eventually started to be able cost of veterinary fees is also rising.Typically,
Cats Rescue.’ to stroke her.To introduce her more into family life, emergencies tend to happen during out of hours
Linda took over the second stage of the rehabilitation. when the fees are much higher, putting more
It took nearly four months and Lexi went to her new strain on precious finances but, somehow, they
home in the summer. do it.
MORE CALLS I am in awe of their compassion and
dedication to helping cats in need, irrespective
With many families facing difficult financial decisions, of the cost involved, and nursing them back to
the rescue is experiencing a higher number of health and finding them their forever homes.
requests to take in cats. Liz said:“I see a lot of posts
on social media where people ask for advice and I would like to take this opportunity to thank
yet they are judged. We at the rescue are not here to the readers for supporting these rescues.
judge — we realise that people are struggling and are Readers like Margaret Cameron who sent Your
often very proud, and do not want to ask for help, but Cat Good Causes some beautiful hand knitted
we will help if we can, with no judgement. Kindness blankets. For someone to take the time to do this
and compassion can go a long way.” is just amazing and very humbling. People may
think ‘I can only afford to donate a £1’ but if a
A few weeks ago, a lady posted about her cat, few hundred people did this, it really can make a
Miley, and her skin condition. As with many aspects of difference to these small rescues while they try to
social media, people were very quick to judge without navigate through some very difficult times.
knowing the lady’s circumstances, so Liz reached
out asking if the owner would like to contact her by It is supporters like yourselves who can
private message to see what the rescue could do to make all the difference so thank you for your
help. Liz said:“It emerged that Miley had feline allergic
dermatitis (FAD) and while she had been receiving Sonjacontinued support.
veterinary treatment previously, there was a period of
time when the owner could not afford vet fees and
before she knew it, Miley’s skin had deteriorated. Her
owner became overwhelmed with the situation —
there was no malice or neglect involved. We took Miley
to our vet’s and treatment began and before long
the FAD was under control and she was feeling much
better. She now receives regular treatment through
our vet but Miley’s owner pays for the treatment. I am
so pleased the owner reached out to us and we were
able to help.”
Above: Lexi is GET IN TOUCH
now happy as
the rescue didn’t If you’re involved with rescuing cats then we want to hear from you! Share your stories with us and
give up on her. we will publish them on these pages. Email [email protected] with the subject ‘Cat Rescue.’
Every cat has its day in this short story by Tony Domaille.
A“ nd the winner is…” The judge paused, like that irritating smile.
a reality TV show host, and Amy dreaded “Bad luck, Amy,” he said.“Maximus victorious
his next words.“…Maximus,” the judge
beamed, and the crowd cheered and again. I imagine you must wonder if it’s worth
applauded. entering your…er, what’s your moggy called?”
Amy saw the smug smile on Charles Coleridge’s “Mr Tibbs,” said Amy.
face as he picked up his prize-winning cat and Coleridge shrugged.“We can’t all have a
trophy. It was the third year in a row Maximus, the Maximus, can we?” and then he was off to bask in
Persian, had won the title at the town cat show. Amy the glory of his win.
knew she shouldn’t take it so seriously. Little Sudbury Amy suspected the judging panel of bias toward
was hardly on the prestigious national circuit. the more exotic breeds.Yes, Maximus was a good-
And the cat competition only offered a tiny trophy looking cat, but was he better trained, groomed,
with a mention in the local Gazette, but Amy was or turned out than Mr Tibbs? And what about the
desperate to win. She picked up her tabby, Mr Tibbs. others? There had been a black cat that stood so
still it looked like a shining statue, and a ginger cat
“Why can’t they see how beautiful you are?” she that would do tricks on command. What was it that
asked, even though the cat didn’t look particularly the judges saw in Maximus three years running?
concerned about not winning. And then the It was almost too much and Amy hated that
dreadful Charles Coleridge was in front of her with Charles Coleridge was unbearably smug. It would
Your Cat January 2023
be bad enough if she only had to see him once a ʼn2U 9LEEV MRLQHG
year, but sadly, he lived opposite her on Merrymead KHU DW KHU KHHOV
Drive.There was no escaping him or his gloating. DV VKH HQWHUHG WKH
Amy picked her way through a crowd that had
almost immediately lost interest in the cat show work. Charles was out for the count, but she moved
and shifted their attention to the prize marrow him into the recovery position and waited for the
competition. ambulance to arrive.
“Never mind, Mr Tibbs,” she said.“Once the In a blur, the paramedics were there and racing
Gazette has been out, we can forget all about this Charles off to hospital. When it was over, Amy found
stupid competition…well, at least for another year.” herself and Mr Tibbs standing in Charles’ garden
The next day, Amy was sure Charles was
deliberately waiting at his window to wave his trophy “Mrs Coleridge?” A voice broke Amy’s trance and
as she left for work.Then he flung open the window there was a man with a notebook and camera in
and yelled:“If you’ve got it, flaunt it, don’t you think?” hand at the gate.
She drove off with his words ringing in her ears and
the feeling that his gloating might have stepped up “Goodness, no,” she said.“I’m Mr Coleridge’s
a notch from the last two years. And she was right. neighbour. He’s just been taken into hospital.”The
man’s notebook was open in a flash.“Really? I’m
When she parked on her drive that evening, there Jamie Cooper from the Gazette. I came to do a
was Charles again at his window, waving to her. But piece on the cat show win, but what’s happened?”
this time it wasn’t a wave of look at me, but one that
was calling her over. Amy sighed. She couldn’t just OOOOO
ignore him so she trudged across the road. Mr Tibbs When Charles Coleridge came out of hospital,
joined her at her heels as she entered the enemy’s Amy was glad he was well, but sure he wouldn’t be
territory, and she was glad of the moral support. happy with what he saw in the Gazette. Instead of a
column and photo about Maximus the prize-winning
“I thought you’d like to see,” yelled Charles show cat, the paper had run a different story:‘Hero
through his closed lounge window.“I’ve put up a cat saves the day’ the headline read, and there was
trophy shelf for all the prizes Maximus has won.” a picture of Amy and Mr Tibbs.
Charles beckoned her to the glass.Then he stepped There was no doubt about it, the trophy Amy was
away from the window, crossed his lounge, and holding in the photo in the newspaper was easily
climbed a stepladder to place this year’s trophy twice the size of the Little Sudbury Cat Show prize.
next to the others on a new high shelf. “Gazette Pet of the Year,” she said proudly, picking
up Mr Tibbs and giving him a hug.“I always knew
“To the victor the spoils, Amy,” he called, but then you were a winner.”
he fell. He didn’t have time to cry out or break his fall.
One moment he was at the top of his step ladder
and the next he was a crumpled heap on the
floor. Amy let out a shriek of alarm. Charles wasn’t
moving. She banged on his window.
“Charles! Charles, are you OK?”There was no
answer. She grabbed her mobile from her pocket
and dialled 999, but the call handler wanted to
know if Charles was breathing and Amy couldn’t get
to him.
“Hurry, please,” she said and then,“Not now, Mr
Tibbs,” as her cat suddenly jumped up on to the
windowsill and then her shoulder.Then, before she
knew it, Mr Tibbs jumped from her shoulder and
through the little transom that was open above the
main closed window.
“Mr Tibbs, what are you doing?” she called. She
watched in amazement as her cat deftly stood up
on his hind legs on the other side of the glass and
used his paws to open the main window catch. Amy
pulled the window open and then climbed quickly
She thanked heaven she’d had first aid training at
Your kitties are the stars in our gallery!
1: Tipsy, from
2: Sooty, from
Reading, Berkshire.
3: Patch, from
Peebles, Scottish
4: Tracer, from Calne,
5: Pumpkin, from
Your Cat January 2023
Tipsy wins an Ancol Premo XL Activity Centre, while the others receive an assortment of cat toys, including a
Jittery Mouse, courtesy of Ancol Pet Products. For more information, call 01922 402428. (UK only)
Email a clear (non-blurry) image of usable size (around 300dpi
and 1MB) to [email protected] Please include your full
name, address, and phone number, as well as your cat’s name.
6: Stan, from Lincoln, www.facebook.com/yourcatmagazine
Lincolnshire. @yourcatmagazine
[email protected]
7: Charlie, from
Reading, Berkshire.
8: Tabby, from
Chester, Cheshire.
9: Albert, from
Loughton, Essex.
Your Cat s
Association words
In this puzzle, each clue can be solved by finding the word that
can come either before or after both of the words in the clue.
1 Broom; with care (7) 1 Golden; goodbye (5)
5 Flowering; layer (5) 2 Physics; family (7)
8 Driving; to kill (7) 3 Green; grab (4)
9 Silent; star (5) 4 Attention; pleasure (6)
10 Solitary; number (3) 5 Dim; total (3)
11 Long; dirty (8) 6 Haired; Claw (5)
14 Bare; screw (6) 7 Virgin; Brian (7)
15 Time; zone (6) 12 Gordian; slip (4)
18 Organization; bird (8) 13 Cod; doctor (4)
20 Holy; pat (3) 14 Bird; bolt (7)
23 Eider; North and South (5) 16 Written; itemized (7)
25 We've all come to look for; 17 Pension; grand (3,3)
The Beautiful (7) 19 Lawn; goldfish (5)
26 Tree; synthetic (5) 21 Tortilla; keep under (5)
27 Country; general (7) 22 Man; foot forward (4)
24 Mortal; city (3)
Spot the difference
Can you spot the five differences between these two pics? ?
Kitty needs to make it through the maze, can you find the way?
Your Cat January 2023
Crossword Clue search
7 Saffron-flavoured dish 1 Move quietly: leisure (4) OGA S EME EOB E
made of rice with shellfish 2 Be patient; eventually TOG I L A L K Y L L
and chicken (6) (3,2,4,4) NO I T AV L ASOU
8 Convolution; 3 Viscous animal oil OV R T N A UR S UQ
maelstrom (6) extracted from wool (7) ME NN AMON A I P
9 Beautiful but malevolent 4 Sir Arthur -----, pioneering OUTNCAS I SSA
Persian sprite (4) archaeologist (5) RRE AR Z UN T ER
10 Person who eats all kinds 5 Aldous Huxley’s vision of P A RMO I L N A XO
of food (8) a future dystopian society OT F EREBUKUT
11 Annoyance or (1932) (5,3,5)
embarrassment (7) 6 Let off; stay of The solutions to the 12 clues below are already in the grid,
13 Attack: beginning (5) execution (8) either written upwards or backwards. All you have to do is
15 Old World heath 12 Spout; perorate (8) identify them by ringing them as in a normal Wordsearch.
vegetation: sweeper (5) 14 Covers; sheets and
16 Amid; among (7) blankets (7) CLUES CLUES
18 In a row with the extremity 17 Shabby; squalid (5) (BACK, NOT IN ANY ORDER) (UP, NOT IN ANY ORDER)
of one object touching that 20 Vision; appearance (4) Deliverance Unfeeling
of another (3-2-3) Having had something taken Capital of Latvia
19 Not to be trusted; away Waterway
smarmy (4) Make a mistake Brazen
21 Sang with closed lips (6) Cereal Headland
22 Lancashire town named Billy Joel hit (two words) Be anxious
after a pub – itself named Carry in the womb
after a war hero (6)
We’ve refreshed our puzzle pages! There are new games
for you to enjoy and we’ve decided to not make them all
cat themed. So, the puzzles are now general knowledge
but will be just as much fun! Let us know what you think to
our new section!
_% ,," " Pu zzleYourCat s
Please support No Animal accepted is Answers
ever destroyed.
the Lord Whisky Please give generously Breeding large boned kittens in
many colours. Silver tabby, with or
Sanctuary Fund for the care of our cats at without white, other tabbies, plus
the sanctuary self’s in most colours also white
self’s from ImpUKGrCh. Blue Smoke
Park House Stelling Minnis Nr Canterbury.CT4 6AN Champion boy at stud. Brought Association words Maze
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LAST CHANCE co.uk www.amoramist.com Q E UAE UAL
Norwegian Forest
Kent, Surrey & Sussex Area L LDK ES
Permanently looking for loving
1O0 N E 1W1 E E 1K2 E N D S
homes for cats.
We operate a non destruct policy. A 1C3 R N E
Open to the public every day 10am-3pm except Tuesdays
14T H R E A D 15T O R 1R6 I D
Tel: 01732 865530 / 01797 366620
"' $"-- ' H P 1O7 S T E
1U8 M 1B9 R E L L A 2C0 O 2W1
NO D A 2B2 E R
Bengal 2D3 O W N 2S4 2A5 M E R I C A
British Shorthair
Hon Sec and Sudoku Clue search
07966 138519 Y ETATSEG
Kitten List and RS
British Shorthairs Breeders List: www.nfcc.co.uk OGA S E
07464 854004
GCCF Registered
kittens from show [email protected] TGL LY
winning lines (Bucks)
01753 675066 www.pennypurr.co.uk Q NO I T AV L AS
Ragamuffin ORNUS
Burmese M N AMON A I P
All kittens sometimes available and of the GCCF. For information
are brought-up indoors in loving regarding Authentic RagaMuffins RRE
family surroundings. Kittens are H.K. from the only RagaMuffin Breed
negative.Tel June 0161 980 2383 club in the UK. Phone 01737 485755 PR
(Cheshire/ Manchester) www.ukrmcs.co.uk Q
Email:[email protected] Q T F EREB
Maine Coon Crossword
THE MAINE COON CAT CLUB OLD-STYLE SIAMESE CLUB Across: 7 Paella, 8 Vortex, 9 Peri, 10 Omnivore, 11 Chagrin,
Catering for anyone who loves the 13 Onset, 15 Broom, 16 Between, 18 End-to-end, 19 Oily, 21
GCCF AFFILIATED, ESTABLISHED 1985 old style Siamese. Hummed, 22 Nelson.
Contact Secretary: Jenny Thomas:
For general information about the breed 01692 405088 Down: 1 Ease, 2 All in good time, 3 Lanolin, 4 Evans, 5 Brave
or the club, contact Linda Swinburn Membership Secretary: New World, 6 Reprieve, 12 Harangue, 14 Bedding, 17 Seedy,
on 0161 7662674 or email Frances Benedito: 0208 5407132 20 Look.
[email protected] Kitten and Stud List: Jenny Thomas
01904 761894 Spot the difference
For details of our current breeder members www.oldstylesiamese.co.uk Q
please visit the club’s website at
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When a badly injured cat was rushed to the vet’s,
the team had to fight to save her life.
Lucy Briggs Early one Tuesday morning when the Belvoir few days were critical, but each day she went from
is a registered Vets staff got to the practice, we were strength to strength. Dotty attended regular post op
veterinary nurse greeted by some local builders who were checks at the practice but was not best pleased
(RVN) at Belvoir cradling a very poorly female cat in need of with her ‘cone of shame.’As an alternative, she was
Vets in Grantham, attention. fitted with a medical pet shirt instead.With some
Lincolnshire, a gold creativity from her owners, modifying it to cover the
standard cat-friendly When the builders arrived at work that morning, wound from the missing leg, she was much more
clinic. they found a little black and white cat stuck under comfortable in the outfit and looked very cute! It
a large slab of concrete.The poor cat’s leg was is very important after surgery to prevent cats from
Above: Dotty didn’t trapped under the slab, which was so heavy it licking any surgical wounds.This minimises the risk
like the cone!. required mechanical equipment to lift the slab off.As of post surgical infection and wound breakdown.
soon as the slab was lifted, the cat was released and
Right: Back with they rushed straight to Belvoir Vets. Ten days after surgery, she came back to the
the family. practice to have her sutures removed.The wound
It was immediately apparent that the cat had healed well and Dotty was adjusting to life as a
an open fracture on her left hind leg and the smell three-legged cat! In the future, her owners plan to let
was putrid.The broken bone had perforated through her outside again. Hopefully, this time she will avoid
the skin and the surrounding tissue on the leg was getting into too much trouble!
necrotic.The best chance of survival was for her leg
to be amputated. Having been trapped for some We were thrilled that she recovered so well, and it
time beneath the concrete, she was extremely was a day we won’t forget!
dehydrated with a very high temperature.This put
her at high risk of sepsis and shock. She was given ʼn<H ZHUH WKULOOHG
emergency treatment with antibiotics, pain relief, VKH UHFRYHUHG VR
and intravenous fluid therapy.The cat was wearing ZHOO Ŋ
a collar but was not microchipped so there was no
way to contact her owner.While the vets and nurses
administered emergency first aid, our receptionist
posted on social media with the hope of finding her
A few hours later, we received a phone call.The
cat’s owners had seen the post online and called
us immediately. She had been missing for two days
and the family was worried sick! Her name was Dotty.
With an owner found, once she was stable enough
to undergo the anaesthetic, she was prepared for
Though the leg was removed, Dotty was not out of
the woods yet. For the rest of the day, she remained
at the practice on fluid therapy and was monitored
closely for any deterioration.
Recovering well over the day, she went home
that evening to recuperate with her family.The next
Most of us will have seen the panto, but there is a statue in
tribute to one of the most famous felines in folklore.
“The Whittington
Stone sits on
Highgate Hill...”
).) One of the most on the spot Dick is said to have based on the real life Richard, but
>4: popular productions reached when he heard the bells there is no evidence that he was a
034<$ every panto season that told him to turn round.The cat lover or that the folklore version
is undoubtedly ‘Dick stone itself is much older with the is true.
There are many Whittington.’ Captured in ballads cat being added in 1964, and the
productions of and prose reaching back to whole monument is protected by While many people will continue
the 15th century, the enduring fencing. to be delighted by stories and
‘Dick Whittington tale has become part of English performances of ‘Dick Whittington
and his cat’ that folklore and even has slightly Aficionados of the story will know and his cat,’ the statue is another
you can see this different versions. that Richard Whittington was a small piece of feline history which
real merchant and politician of sits in the capital.The narrative
panto season. The rags to riches story tells of the 15th century who generously may not reflect modern day cat
Dick Whittington, a poor orphan donated to many causes and ownership per se, but the theme of
Top: The Whittington who heads to London to seek his projects that now bear his name. felines being companions who can
Stone.* fortune, which he has heard is a It is believed that the story of ‘Dick change our lives very much rings
city paved with gold. He is met Whittington and his cat’ is loosely true with cat lovers everywhere.
with disappointment to find a
lack of opportunities and just dirty
streets. Dick ends up working in
the kitchen of a wealthy merchant
and uses what little money he has
to buy a cat.
When the wealthy merchant
forces Dick to give up his cat, he
gets fed up with life in London and
goes to flee. However, when he
hears the bells they seem to tell
him to turn round and prophesise
he will go on to become the
Mayor of London. He returns and
his cat (to not spoil the whole story
for those who are lucky enough to
be able to hear it for the first time)
has changed his life — the poor
boy becomes wealthy and does
become the Mayor, just as the
bells predicted.
Fitting for a feline character
who is at the heart of one of
the legends of English folklore,
Dick Whittington and his cat are
commemorated in a statue.The
Whittington Stone sits on Highgate
Hill and atop of the stone is a
statue of the cat.The landmark is
Your Cat January 2023
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