Te Whakarere
i Wharekauri
Te Kooti Rikirangi me Te Whakarau
The Escape from Wharekauri - Te Kooti Rikirangi and the Captives
Second Edition (2022)
Nā Peter Moeau i tuhi
Nā Kaaterina Kerekere
ngā whakaahua
Written by Peter Moeau
Illustrations by
Kaaterina Kerekere
Te Tira Whakaari Trust
The content of the book is the intellectual property of Peter Moeau and cannot be
reproduced without permission.
The illustrations on pages 4, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46 © Kaaterina Kerekere.
Alexander Turnbull Library: pg. 9 Te Ua Haumene. Cowan, James, 1870-1973: Collection
of photographs. Ref 1/2-005495-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington New Zealand;
pg.13 Williams, William Leonard,1829-1916. Major Westrupp’s camp, Poverty Bay. Rhodes,
Beatrice, fl 1978: Photographs. Ref: PA1-q-193-085-1. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington,
New Zealand. /records/22521269; pg. 17 Māori Hauhau prisoners on Napier foreshore.
Ref:1/2-118691-G. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22764605;
pg.29 Martin, Alfred, active 1866 1899. Martin, Alfred, fl1866-1899: Whangamarino,
Chatham Islands. Ref:10x8-1054-G. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /
records/22786480; pg. 33 Reginald Newton Biggs. Cowan, James,1870-1943: Collection of
photographs. Ref: PAColl-3033-1-11. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington,
New Zealand. /records/22895294; pg. 45 Messenger, Arthur Herbert,1877-1962:
The schooner Rifleman, 1868.1921. Ref: A-173-006. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington,
New Zealand /records/23077474.
Hocken Library: pg. 21S18-162a Chatham Islands, no date. Chatham Island series postcard,
Box-309-008 Uare Taoka Hākena – Hocken Collections.
Canterbury Museum pg. 25, Margaret Olrog Stoddard, watercolour, ref: 2015.115.3.
Tairāwhiti Museum (900-Read004) pg. 41.
Whareongaonga 5 Blocks Trust © provided the photo of Whareongaonga on pg. 49.
Kia pūmau te mana. Ngā tono katoa ki te kaiwhakaputa i te pukapuka.
ISBN 978-0-473-63121-5
Te Whakarere
i Wharekauri
Te Kooti Rikirangi me Te Whakarau
The Escape from Wharekauri - Te Kooti Rikirangi and the Captives
Second Edition (2022)
Nā Peter Moeau i tuhi 1
Nā Kaaterina Kerekere ngā whakaahua
Written by Peter Moeau
Illustrations by Kaaterina Kerekere
Tēnei te kōrero mō te whakapakohanga
o Te Kooti Rikirangi ki Wharekauri
The story of Te Kooti Rikirangi and his exile
to Wharekauri
Tēnei te mihi ki te Kaihanga, nāna te ao i hanga hei ao mārama
mō tātou katoa, nāna tātou i arahi.
Ka mihia hoki te wāhi ngaro, rātou kua mene atu ki te pō,
rātou kua whetūrangitia, rātou e kore anō e kitea a kanohi. Ko
te pūtaketanga o te kupu kōrero, ko Te Kooti Rikirangi me Te
Whakarau. Ko rātou kua ngaro ki tua o te ārai, haere atu, hoki atu,
okioki rā!
I puta mai te nuinga o ēnei kōrero i ō mātou kuia, i ō mātou
koroua hoki. Kei te kīkī rawa te ngākau ki te aroha, ki te
whakamaumahara ki a rātou. Tēnā te tino pūtake o āku kōrero
ko taku kuia a Hei Ariki, nāna ngā pakiwaitara, ngā kōrero me ngā
waiaro hoki i whāngai mai ki a au mai i tōku tamaititanga. Nā reira,
koutou te korowai o tōku whānau, kua mau tonu mō ake tonu atu!
Ka noho hei ariki mō mātou katoa.
Kei a Te Tira Whakaari te whaiurutanga me te whakatīmatanga
o te pukapuka nei, kia whakaeaea te hiahia o Ngā Uri o Te Kooti
Rikirangi. Ko te whakatika i te mātau me te mōhio o te marea o
Aotearoa nei mō te koroua. Ko te hāpai i te mōhio mō āna mahi
pai, mahi wairua, mahi toi hoki. Otirā ka mihia.
Ka mihia tōku kōkā a Aroha Yates-Smith mō āna mahi tautoko
mō ngā whakaaro whakarite me te hōmiromiro hoki. Tēnei hoki
te mihi whakawhetai ki tōku auwahine a Pania Papa, nāna i āta
pānui i āku tuhinga, kia whakatika ai ngā hē, kia whakapakari
ake ngā kōrero, kia hōmiromiro ai te pukapuka katoa. He tino
wānanga mōku.
Nāku nā Peter Moeau.
CHAPTER 1 Te Kooti Rikirangi 5
CHAPTER 2 Land Disputes 7
CHAPTER 3 Reasons for Imprisonment 11
CHAPTER 4 Go on to the boat! 15
CHAPTER 5 Waitangi at Wharekauri (Chatham Islands) 19
CHAPTER 6 The Prison and the Redoubt 23
CHAPTER 7 Difficult Living Conditions 27
CHAPTER 8 More Land Confiscation on the East Coast 31
CHAPTER 9 The Word of God Arrives 35
CHAPTER 10 Te Kooti meets Mair 39
CHAPTER 11 The Return 43
CHAPTER 12 “Stop bowing down!” 47
A d ce d t o P i a ri , Po ur gi d am er gi, Ro g ha at a d ūrā ir , ah gu an R go iw in , an R a ni.
An t a r in y l a r, a p p et d er n of d -
A h h- ri t o t Māo wo l . t e f u d of h in tū a t .
The Word of God Arrives
In December, 1866, Te Kooti fell ill rendering him unable to
work. Due to the severity of his ill-health, he was sent by
Dr Watson to a special house on the hill, to die. His burial
clothing and coffin were prepared.
On the 21st of February, 1867, while he was waiting to die, he
received his first vision, the Spirit of God. The Spirit said he
was chosen to teach the Captives who lived there. Te Kooti
would bring salvation to his people and guide them to their
This is Jeremiah’s prophecy:
Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears:
for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord; and they
shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is
hope in thine end, saith the Lord, that thy children shall
come again to their own border.
Te Kooti was well versed in the scriptures after having been
taught at various church schools. On the 21st of April, the
voice of God came again to Te Kooti informing him that God
himself would bring him messages, like those that were sent
to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and to David’s ancestors, for him to
teach to the people.