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Published by sas_p, 2019-12-01 13:53:41

Why American Women Are So Fat_ Sick_ Tired_ _ Angry

Normal estrogen stimulates breast and endometrial tissue.

Excess estrogen causes excess stimulation of breast and
endometrial collagen, resulting in fibroids in both locations.

This is cancer ladies!

You could throw a rock at any woman on the street and find one
that has fibroids.

This has created a boom market for oncology in the past 25 years,
as the conventional wisdom now believes in the term
“​pre-cancerous​” to describe the unnecessary surgical excision of
fibroids and lumps which pose no threat whatsoever and often
resolve on their own, especially if you get your body detoxing.

GYNs and oncologists now frighten uninformed women into
submitting to these unnecessary and possibly disfiguring

Another health detriment of high estrogen is its destruction of B

Your B vitamins are depleted resulting in symptoms including
fatigue, sluggish memory, hair loss, and aging.

Any of this sounding familiar yet?

To say that drugs and chemicals cause a downward spiral of
health is not just bullshit.

You don’t have too little estrogen, even though your estrogen has

You still have too much.

You’re being conned from nature and told that menopause
symptoms and postmenopausal dangers are caused by
insufficient estrogen and it is the biggest fraud perpetrated on us.

You might be saying, “​how can this be​?”

Because menopause is a multi-billion per year industry.

The side effects of HRT are often the same or worse than the
original menopause symptoms they set out to cure.


● increased risk of breast cancer
● increased risk of endometrial cancer
● osteoporosis
● blood clots
● high blood pressure
● vastly increased rate of heart attack
● skin reactions
● hair loss or gain
● fluid retention, bloating
● vaginal bleeding
● rash, acne
● breast tenderness
● hair loss
● weight gain
● depression

● breast cancer
● stroke
● Lupus

But wait a minute!

I thought everything was supposed to be fine once they added
synthetic progesterone to the synthetic estrogen?

That’s what everybody is supposed to think.
But the real stats don’t show it.

Dr. John Lee, a California endocrine researcher, explains why.

“HRT’s synthetic progesterone is completely altered after going
through the digestive system, when it gets to the liver.

The liver changes it into three other metabolites. Any benefits
from it is then cancelled.”

So the big change in the 70s from ERT to HRT was largely a change
in public perception, due to drug advertising, and peer-reviewed
medical journal articles.

Dr. Lee’s view, and that of other proponents of natural
progesterone products is that the problems at menopause are
not caused by lack of estrogen, but by lack of progesterone.
Estrogen production drops 40% at menopause.

Progesterone drops to 0%.

And look at all the things it’s responsible for.

The synthetic progesterone in HRT isn’t doing any good, since it’s
being changed into something else when it passes through the

It’s not real progesterone and it’s not doing you any good.

Next, I’m going to talk about why 500-700,000 women get
unnecessary hysterectomies in the United States.

Why 500-700,000 Women Get Unnecessary Hysterectomies In The
United States

Many American women in their 20s and 30s have monthly cycles in
which they don’t ovulate.

Infertility is at an all time high.

The reasons for anovulation are that we have severe biochemical
imbalance and stress caused by xenoestrogens, which I
discussed previously.

Stress promotes biochemical imbalance by overtaxing the
adrenals, which then steal progesterone to make more adrenal
hormones, which further promotes estrogen dominance.

Coffee and soft drinks are the bad guys.

A Johns Hopkins study found that women who take in more than
300 mg of caffeine per day which is about three cups of coffee, or
eight sodas, reduce their chance of conception by 26%.

After a time, the excessive monthly lining promotes fibroids to

Too easily and too readily, the buzzword “p​ re-cancerous”​ comes
up, with a prescription for a completely unnecessary

Between 600,000 and one million hysterectomies are performed on
American women each year, and 90% of them are unnecessary,
according to Dr. Stanley West, and Dr. John McDougall.

That story is beyond the scope of this book except to raise the
red flag that estrogen dominance sets the stage for most of the
“​irregularities”​ which end up with a diagnosis for a hysterectomy.

What’s Wrong With What Most

Women Are Told About Menopause?

The standard line is that menopausal women need estrogen
therapy to prevent osteoporosis and other menopause
symptoms because the body has stopped making its own
estrogen and HRT will take up the slack.

HRT is routinely recommended in practically any situation,
physical or mental that can be even remotely tied to menopause.

But adrenal and fat cells put out estrogen to keep on going in
order to maintain the other important endocrine functions of
estrogen, which are not directly related to reproduction:

● bone building
● electrolyte balance
● insulin balance
● fat and protein metabolism
● cholesterol synthesis

That 40% estrogen drop figure is only for American and Northern
European women, who have the highest estrogen levels in the

In non-industrialized countries, the drop is much less, because
their normal level of estrogen is so much lower.

Progesterone levels drop to 0% at menopause, and progesterone
is necessary to keep a balance with estrogen.

So let’s do the math: if an American woman has had estrogen
levels that are double the normal level for most of her adult life,

and at menopause, estrogen only drops 40%, that means she is
still operating at 120% of “n​ ormal,”​ compared with women of
non-industrialized countries.

But with this estimated 120% of normal estrogen, after
menopause, there is NO progesterone to offset it.

Are your eyes starting to open up yet?

Let’s Talk About The Main Obstacle In The Menopause Battle.

Unopposed estrogen.

If this were a football game, there is only an offense and no

There no progesterone.

So this is why cancer risks from using HRT are much higher than
without HRT.

The connection between HRT and cancer is logical when you
consider the normal functions of estrogen which are:

1. Controlling areas of rapidly dividing cells in preparation for

2. Unopposed estrogen upsets the normal endocrine balance.

And where does the imbalance appear?

Rapidly dividing cells of the reproductive tissues, the endometrium,
ovaries, breast.

These areas are supposed to be closing up shop, not multiplying!

Wouldn’t a tissue defect like cancer be a natural result of artificially
accelerating tissues which want to start winding down a little?

Especially when the hormones are man-made??

Does it make any sense to you that you need artificial means to
get through menopause?

It doesn’t to me!

Dr. Lee emphasizes one astonishing fact:

“The only known cause of endometrial cancer is unopposed

Dr. Jerilynn Prior, a world authority in endocrinology says that
describing menopause as an “​estrogen deficiency disease”​ is the
same as describing headache as an “​aspirin deficiency disease.​”

Illnesses cannot be categorized by which drugs they are missing.

That would assume that drugs cure illnesses, which almost never

Especially not in the case of HRT.
Menopause is not an illness.

Natural sources of progesterone are easy to find and inexpensive
to make from many plants sources.

But they cannot be patented and they’re not profitable for
doctors to recommend.

And this is the most important part of this discussion.

There are inexpensive plant-based phytoestrogens and natural
progesterones which can control most estrogen imbalances,
especially when incorporated into a detoxifying low-stress diet.

But only drugs can be patented.

There is no way to make massive profits from a natural plant
source, and that is why holistic treatments are under attack.

Natural risk-free products are a threat to the drug trade.
But I don’t even want to use those, and I don’t want you using

It’s necessary to create a market by controlling the outcome and
publishing of clinical studies, and by controlling regulating
agencies, using political and legal tactics.

Wait until you hear what they have come up with!
It’s going to blow your freaking mind.

I’m going to tell you where the hormone replacement drugs come
from and why you should be laughing and afraid at the same time.

Where Did The Hormone Replacement and Drugs Come From?
The most popular synthetic estrogen is a drug called Premarin,
made from the urine of pregnant horses.

Think I’m kidding?

It began being manufactured in 1942, and an estimated $940 million
per year worldwide is generated by the sale of this one drug.

Most estimates are that at least 75% of HRT drugs contain

Since 1993, Premarin has been among the top three drugs in the
U.S. in gross sales.

In 1992, the company spent $9 million just for advertising Premarin.

Their ad execs came up with the brilliant phrase “u​ ntreated
menopause”​ , can you freaking believe this!!!!

And Premarin was the #1 drug prescribed in the U.S.

This is Madison Avenue marketing mastery.

If you don’t know what this means, it means that Madison Avenue
in New York City, where the top advertising agencies are located,
is where this magic manipulation comes from.

Before we talk about the effectiveness of this drug, let me tell you
how it’s made.

Some 700 “h​ orse farms”​ are set up in remote areas of the United
States and Canada.

Most of them have extensive security because like all factories
that abuse animals, they don’t want you to see what goes on

The horses suffer the slow torture of life as a lab rat.

Each mare is strapped into a tiny stall in which there is no room to
lie down or even turn around.

There is a Dateline special on Youtube about this if you don’t
believe me, and you can find many more if you put “​Premarin
Horses”​ in the search.

For seven months of the eleven month pregnancy, the horse is
immobilized in the stall and hooked up to a catheter which collects
all her urine.

She is deprived of sufficient water in order to make the urine more
concentrated, thus raising its value to the drug company.

Infections frequently occur at the site of the catheter and from
the restraining apparatus.

Liver and kidney disease are common.

The foals themselves are referred to as “b​ y-products”​ by the
manufacturing company and are generally sold to the

The mare is immediately impregnated after she has given birth
and soon is imprisoned back in the tiny stall for another run.

These horses live a life of constantly being pregnant year after
year and tied to a stall with a catheter inserted into their urethra.

After about 12 years of this horrible life, the mares are themselves
slaughtered and sold for dog meat.

This has been going on for 50 years!
Over one million horses have been cruelly abused in this way.

Is this how you want drugs to be made because you’ve eaten
yourself to excess estrogen?

But the reality is that Premarin and other HRT synthetics do not
work, do what they’re supposed to do, and have major side

Are women informed? Hardly.

We have been trained to trust people in white coats and put them
on pedestals.

Ladies, they are just men who put their pants on one leg at a time.
They fart, snore, burp, and lose their tempers just like any human

They’re just people who went to school for a really long time.
There’s no guarantee they are authentic, trustworthy, and have
your best interests at stake.

I could go way more deeply into the science and studies but if you
think this is any way to get yourself through menopause, you’re
not the kind of woman I would want to be friends with.

The next topic that doctors try to put the fear of God into us
about Osteoporosis.

Ladies, it’s not how you think it is.
It’s more pharmaceutical bullshit.

Let’s Talk About Osteoporosis.

Here is a simple topic about which most women have been
completely duped.


Standard “​common sense”​ inculcated by media, advertising, and
their Ob/Gyn-drug reps, warns women that they must take
estrogen and calcium or else they will experience bone loss.

This false notion is one of the truly great masterpieces of modern
disinformation, or as I prefer to say...this is bullshit!

First of all, there are no valid, randomized clinical studies which
demonstrate increased bone mineralization following HRT.

Bone that is living inside our bodies, is not the same as you see on
your plate after you’re done with you’ve eaten a T-bone steak.

In the body, bone is living tissue, with networks of blood vessels
and nerves.

Bone is constantly being torn down and replaced by specialized
blood cells.

Have you ever broken a bone?
Didn’t it heal back up?

Every seven years, your entire skeleton is completely replaced.

Bone has a framework on which calcium is laid, like the foundation
of a building.

In America, everyone gets enough calcium.

True calcium deficiency results in a disease called kwashiorkor,
which is found only in Third World starvation countries, not in

You’ve seen the swollen bellies of starving children on TV? That’s
the disease.

Osteoporosis is not a disease of calcium deficiency.
It’s a disease because the framework got weaker.

There’s plenty of available calcium but it has nothing to attach
itself to.

Calcium is an inert mineral contained in most foods.

The body maintains its blood levels of calcium at a certain level.

When there is extra, like the calcium supplements you’re wasting
your money on, it is spilled out of the body by the kidneys
because it’s over the normal blood levels.

If there’s only so much framework, it really doesn’t matter how
much calcium is in the blood; the excess is spilled out, like when you
lay concrete.

There’s only so much room for it.

Most calcium supplements don’t even make it into the
bloodstream, especially if they’re tablets.

They never even dissolved in the digestive tract; they pass right
out of the body.

Even the calcium supplements that do make it into the
bloodstream are mostly spilled out, because you already have
enough if you live in America.

Calcium supplementation will not increase bone density in
premenopausal women, nor prevent it post-menopause.

American women don’t get osteoporosis because they lack
calcium, or estrogen.

Anybody who does a little research knows this.

The countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis on earth are
Scandinavia, England, Australia, and the U.S.

These are also the places with the highest consumption of dairy

That milk you drink daily that you think is “d​ oing a body good”
actually leaches calcium from the body, since these enzyme
lacking, artificial, modern foods cannot be easily metabolized.
Removing the extra calcium from the blood takes a lot of calcium
from your teeth and bones.

The definition of pasteurization is removal of all enzymes via heat.

One of the enzymes in milk denatured is phosphatase.

Its purpose? To help with calcium absorption.

Without phosphatase, calcium absorption doesn’t happen.

But wait!

What about milk as a source of calcium, building strong bones and
good teeth and all that, and you need it as an adult too, and all
those celebrities with the moustaches in magazine ads?

Fake! Bullshit! Marketing! Advertising! Promotion!

Who do you think pays for the dietary educational tools used in
American schools since the 1950s where we used to learn about
the four food groups?

The American Dairy Council and the dairy industry spend millions
to hold that position in our government. Processed foods are

The stomach keeps pouring out the gastric juices, in the form of
HCl (hydrochloric acid) but it’s not enough to break down these
unnatural man-made chemically preserved foods.

The food just sits there in the stomach and rots.

The extra HCl may get splashed backward into the esophagus,
causing heartburn and excessive heartburn causes Crohn’s
disease and I hear from women every single day with this!

What is the medical treatment?

Which does what?
It inhibits the production of HCl!

Does this aid digestion? No!

The undigested food still sits there and rots.
It gets worse.

What is required for calcium absorption in the stomach?

Prilosec in this way directly contributes to osteoporosis.

Another reason Americans lose calcium from bones and teeth is
acid-forming foods such as soft drinks, too much meat, and white

All these acidify the blood.
If the blood gets too acidic the result is death.

For self-preservation, the body must neutralize all this acid, and
maintain blood pH between 7.3 and 7.45.

The process is called buffering, and it requires calcium.
When there isn’t enough available, the body steals calcium from
the bones and teeth.

This is why Dr. Robert Heaney says that eating a high protein diet
is like pouring acid rain on your bones.

A high protein diet is the primary cause of osteoporosis.

Not insufficient calcium.

Do horses or cows gets osteoporosis?


What do they eat?

Do menopausal horses get Osteoporosis? No.
Do menopausal third world women get Osteoporosis? Negative.

So if HRT is not going to reverse Osteoporosis, what will?

Reducing intake or acid producing foods, like meat, white sugar,
and soft drinks.

Not only is there no proof to support the bullshit so many doctors
offer their patients, that HRT will save you from Osteoporosis, but
there is abundant research that shows that synthetic hormones
actually have no effect whatsoever on preventing bone loss.

Hip fractures are the greatest fear of aging women, as well as a
prime indicator of Osteoporosis.

We all know at least one woman who has had hip replacement.

In addition, many common drugs cause Osteoporosis.

Millions have been duped into the thyroid scam being told they
were overweight because they were “h​ ypothyroid”.

Synthroid to the rescue!
Remember that bone is built by living tissue.

That happens with the simultaneous action of two complementary
types of blood cells: osteoclasts for tearing down old bone, and
osteoblasts for building new bone.

Osteoporosis is big business!

The dairy industry, the meat industry, the soft drink industry all
keep it happening.

The HRT industry, the nursing home industry, and the hospitals
gain from the treatment of osteoporosis.

Drugs will not repair you in any way.
So now you know how to prevent Osteoporosis.

I’m going to tell you why you, as a woman over 40, are in grave
danger of having a heart attack more than before you turned 40.

Let’s Talk About Heart Attacks.

There are unsupported claims made actually claiming that HRT will
help prevent heart disease.

It’s pretty hard to wrap your brain around such a
recommendation with the fact that cardiovascular disease is
stated as a c​ lear contradiction​ for most estrogen drugs.

50% of deaths in the US are from heart disease.
Heart attacks in the premenopausal woman are virtually ​unheard

Yet just 10 years after menopause, and especially if the woman is
on HRT, the rates soon equal the men’s rates.

Dr. John Lee notes that HRT is the number one cause of increased
rates of heart attacks in postmenopausal women.

But why? Why Gianna? That isn’t fair to women.

Because of vasospasms...
Which means your blood vessels are tightening.

THIS is going to tell you why the HRT industry is so successful,
despite it being harmful so pay attention s​ o I can save your life.​

They began to do an angiogram on Rhesus Monkeys.

Monkeys don’t go through menopause, so they had to create it
for the study.

So they removed their ovaries.

To induce a heart attack, they injected Provera which is the
synthetic hormone used for human birth control.

Have you been on birth control??? If you were you should be
The results were “u​ nrelenting”​ vasospasm of the coronary artery
which means that the artery which had as little as a 30% blockage
constricted down to complete closure and would not open up
again no matter what they tried.

And the monkey’s died a painful death.

So the researchers realized that the HRT was the missing factor
that was responsible for the heart attacks in postmenopausal
women whose coronary arteries were less than 50% blocked.

Did you read that study anywhere in N​ ewsweek​ or in the ​The New
York Times​?

Information like this that challenges a billion dollar HRT industry is
systematically buried.

If natural progesterone is added to the Provera, the artery does
not go into spasm.

This data was according to a study done in England at the London
Institute of Heart and Lung Research by Peter Collins MD.

The point here is that natural progesterone is unpatentable
because it is not a drug and “t​ herefore not profitable”​.

Natural progesterone is not routinely recommended, and most
ob/gyn’s don’t even bother to learn about it because they can’t
make money from it.

So ask yourself, are you a patient to your doctor, or a payment
on his Porsche?

The medical journals in the medical library are very tightly
controlled by the pharmaceutical companies.

The doctors just don’t know.
Doctors are primarily reps for the drug companies.

I would never ever take HRT and why would I, when I can just eat
delicious foods to manipulate my hormones into balance?

Let’s talk about cancer now.

Cancer! My Greatest Fear!

You’re ​more likely​ to get cancer after you begin your ascent into

Since the beginning of estrogen drugs in the 1960s, the likeliness of
cancer has always been there.

That’s why progestins were added in the mid 1970s, changing
Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT) to Hormone Replacement
Therapy (HRT).

The majority of modern studies show conclusively that HRT
significantly increases the risk of endometrial and breast cancer.

Hormonal expert, Dr. John Lee states emphatically that HRT is the
only known cause​ of endometrial cancer!

Ten medical studies prove this point, but also just using your
common sense does as well.

The Boston Nurses Questionnaire Study involving over 121,000
participants found that taking estrogen therapy alone for at least
ten years raised breast cancer risk by 40%.

If they took progestins as well, that figure went to 100%!

In 1991 a meta-analysis of 16 separate studies was written up in
the ​Journal of the American Medical Association​.

Their findings:
“After 15 years of estrogen use, we found a 30% increase in the
risk of breast cancer.”

And there are many other studies.

These are the top medical journals in the U.S.
Doctors know that HRT causes breast cancer.

But it also creates $1 billion dollars in profits, and I’m not even
talking about the profits oncologists make from cancer.

That’s a whole other topic!
Next I’m going to talk about your diet.

When I Say “Diet” I Mean “Menu”.

By “​diet” ​I mean a lifestyle diet....I mean your daily menu choices.
It’s easier than you think, and ridiculously pleasurable.

You have no idea how amazing you’re going to feel, and how
gorgeous you’re going to look.

When you eat non-acidifying foods, you can’t help but look

When you eat acidifying foods, fast foods, processed foods, white
sugar, and hard fats, these culprits create disease, and you look
like shit.

If you saw my naked body, you’d want to know exactly what I eat
and don’t eat. Don’t worry, I’ve got that for you as well.

As explained previously, estrogen dominance is promoted by a
lifetime diet of these common foods.

Stress and nutritional deficiency are Y​ our Menopause Enemies.

Normally estrogen should just cycle through the body once and
then be broken down in the liver, and then exit your body in your
bowel movements.

High fat content in the diet prevents the breakdown and allows
estrogen to go around a second time, promoting all the
above-mentioned imbalances.

We are taught to be too blindly trusting of medicine, and as I’ve
shown you, the FDA, and some doctors know that the protocol
they prescribe causes cancer, heart attacks, and stroke.

Almost two hundred prescription drugs come and go every year
meaning they come on and off the market.

Why would that be, if they really worked?

What happened to thalidomide, fen-phen, seldane, DES, rotavirus
vaccine, and a thousand others?
What happened to the people who took them, thinking they were

Incessant advertising and mental conditioning has successfully
programmed the public’s brains into thinking menopause is a
disease absolutely requiring treatment, even in the absence of

So now I’ve told you that your diet can change your condition,
that opens up a whole other slew questions and options.

What exactly is the right diet, and what’s good or not good for you
at this age?

What Exactly Is The Right Diet, And What’s Good Or Not Good For
You At This Age?

I’m going to tell you how this simple daily drink that almost every
adult American abuses, is wrecking your hormones and creating
your menopause drama.

Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, & 7-11.
Are you stopping there every morning?

Most people give zero thought to the fact that coffee has no real
food value, but they drink it every morning, and sometimes
several cups a day.

And the idea of getting going in the morning without coffee would
be unthinkable after all these years.

You can’t take coffee away from some people.

Many would probably choose death over withdrawal.

You might even know someone like that.

So why are we talking about coffee in a chapter about HRT?
Because it’s fucking you up and you don’t want to admit it.

Your adrenals, thyroid, and ovaries are not three separate and
independent entities.

They’re more like three instruments in an orchestra, or three
ingredients in a cake, or three members of a yacht crew: change
any one of them and your music will suck, your cake will suck, and
your yacht will sink.

Coffee is an adrenal stimulator.

So are white sugar, a guy robbing your purse, and your morning

The adrenal hormones trigger the fight-or-flight response, which
is leftover from the earlier days of when we were cave women.

It’s simply stress.

Stress comes from modern empty foods, toxic exposure, and
emotional worry, which send constant messages to the adrenal

The message is: either prepare me for battle or get me out of here.

You know the story of the boy who cried wolf?

Where the boy kept saying a wolf was coming, a wolf was coming
but he was bullshitting, and then one day the wolf really came,
and nobody cared.

If you have a friend who calls you on the phone fifty times a day
because there’s an emergency, pretty soon you won’t get so
worked up about the next call.

This is what is happening with the adrenals.
Each coffee drink stresses them.

After a while, the adrenal glands get fried, depleted, out of gas,
and used up.

As the most evolved system in the universe, the body’s got
back-up plans for everything.

And the first of the Plan B’s for spent adrenal glands, is to convert
another hormone into adrenal hormone, thereby taking the
burden off the adrenals themselves.

Guess which hormone is first on the list?

So then there’s no progesterone left to balance your estrogen.

The result is further promotion of estrogen dominance which you
already know is w​ hy you’re holding fat.

Also, B-complex vitamins are depleted by coffee – the same ones
that are depleted by estrogen.

Without B vitamins, the body is drained of energy.

Coffee does not give you energy; coffee gives you the illusion of

Coffee actually drains the body of energy and makes you more
tired, because of vitamin and adrenal depletion.

Fatigue is the #1 complaint of most women over 40.

Many people don’t sleep at night as much as collapse from simple

When you wake up in the morning exhausted and not refreshed
you’re not really sleeping.

The body is tired from all that repair work it had to do while you
were asleep.

There is no feeling of waking refreshed and renewed.

So what do we do, to crank it up one more time? Coffee.

But wait, you’re health conscious, you’re drinking decaf.

Decaf causes the same overwrought cycle of fatigue in a different

Any coffee is a metabolic burden that has to be dealt with.

It contributes nothing to nutrition – no vitamins, no minerals, no

It beats up the adrenals, uses up progesterone, & promotes
estrogen dominance.
You know what that means?

Coffee contributes to osteoporosis in two ways:

It promotes estrogen dominance.

It raises the acidity in the blood.

We’ve already seen how estrogen dominance leads to
osteoporosis in an earlier passage.

With acidifying of the blood, calcium is pulled from bones and teeth
in order to keep the blood from becoming too acid.

This is called buffering which is a basic survival mechanism your
body goes into.

The increased rate of hip fractures with coffee intake was clearly
shown in a 1995 study in New England Journal of Medicine.

Another study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of over
85,000 nurses showed three times the rate of hip fractures in the
group who drank the most coffee.

Promotion of osteoporosis from coffee is not just a theory.

Wean yourself off of it.

Go thirty days without it, and see how you feel.
You’re not medically defective.

You’re misinformed about food.

I’m going to tell you about one of the most overused and abused
snap diagnosis about women in menopause probably in the
history of the world, in my opinion.

So you’ve been told you are Hypothyroid? GUESS AGAIN!

So You’ve Been Told You Are Hypothyroid?

The thyroid, the adrenals, and the ovaries are closely connected
in a thousand ways.

To push sales of Synthroid, a powerful thyroid mimicker, many
women are told they are thyroid deficient, for the flimsiest of

Fatigue is the usual complaint.
Obesity is another.

A borderline thyroid level in one blood test is enough to trigger a
lifetime of problems, starting with a prescription for Synthroid.

Perhaps the thyroid levels were just temporarily low when the
blood sample.

Perhaps the thyroid was a little sluggish.

Doctors have known for years that iodine is necessary for a
functioning thyroid.

Do doctors recommend that safe mineral supplement first before
trying the overpowering drug Synthroid?


Most doctors don’t even look at blood levels of thyroid hormones
at all; but diagnose hypothyroidism by symptoms only!

Once Synthroid is served up every day, your thyroid’s going to
bed…for good.

And your problems are just beginning, because you’re now
making yourself drug dependent.

To say nothing of the hormonal confusion that is now created
when every molecular message that the other glands send to the
thyroid system requesting an answer is ignored.

Who gets diagnosed with hypothyroid, women or men?


Let’s see, why would that be?

Thyroid and estrogen are natural antagonists: opposite effects.

Thyroid builds bone, estrogen stimulates bone loss.

Thyroid stimulates metabolism and burns fat; estrogen stores fat.

With estrogen dominance, thyroid function is inhibited, causing
lower thyroid activity.

This doesn’t necessarily mean the thyroid can’t do its job.

It just means with all the excess estrogen in the picture, the
thyroid hormone is kept in the background.

Doctors arrogantly, and with profits in mind, prescribe Synthroid
thinking it is going to “f​ ix the problem.”

Check out the psychology here.
Consider the motivation for being diagnosed hypothyroid.

● The doctor is motivated because the patient is signing up for
a life on Synthroid.

● The patient is ready to believe, because her overeating and
obesity are not her fault: it’s a hormone imbalance.

● The doctor created a codependent relationship.

Is that who you want to be?

I sell a Thyroid Kit on my website that is B12, Selenium, & the highest
quality of Nascent Iodine.

You need to be using this kit for several reasons.

#1. ​The thyroid performs many important functions and when it’s
out of balance, fatigue, unexplained weight gain, sensitivity to cold,
and irritability are sure to follow. Proper and complete nutrition
can help promote the thyroid balance you seek.

#2. It promotes normal energy levels and fights fatigue. If you are
you frequently tired or exhausted, even after sleeping, a thyroid
that’s not in harmony could be to blame for robbing you of the
energy you need to get through the day. Even worse, most
people who have an underactive thyroid do not get enough
vitamin B-12. The Thyroid Health Kit offers nutrition to help fill the
gaps so you can feel more alert, have more natural energy, and
stop relying on coffee.

#3. Because you need the metabolic support. Whether you’re
trying to achieve a healthy body weight or maintain where you’re
at, metabolism is key. The thyroid needs iodine and selenium to
produce T3 and T4 hormones, which are crucial for metabolic
processes. A sluggish metabolism can quickly become a

downward spiral where a lack of energy discourages exercise and
further unhealthiness. The Thyroid Health Kit is nutrition that
supports the thyroid and encourages a normal metabolism.

#4. For better looking hair, nails, and skin! Is your hair or nails
brittle and dry? Is your scalp itchy? Does your skin have a dull
appearance? Does your hair not look as thick and full as you’d
like? Is thyroid imbalance at the root? Filling the gaps in your
nutritional intake can help encourage the radiant looking hair,
nails, and skin you desire.

#5. Because it’s carefully produced in the USA under strict quality
controls and contains only the best ingredients.

Please try it. It has a 6 month 100% money back guarantee.

The second most bullshit condition pharmaceutical companies
have conditioned doctors to diagnose you with is…..Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Chronic fatigue is almost always a result of simple toxemia from
years of the indigestible crap American women eat.

All roads lead to prescribing Synthroid to the rescue.

Not only does it never work for chronic fatigue, Synthroid whips
the condition to a new level of exhaustion by adding a new toxin
for the already worn-out liver and blood to try and break down.

It’s like putting out a fire with starter fluid!

This is simple blood toxicity and trying to clean up a diet with real
nutrition can probably help you.

Next I’m going to tell you about the medical enslavement of women
over 40.

All the horrific side effects and cancers and infertilities and
permanently damaged endocrine systems – all that aside –
perhaps the most heinous feature of HRT, is its Systematic
enslavement of women.

Dr. John Robbins says:

“T​ he strategy is to make women feel less confident in themselves,
for the more alienated from herself a woman becomes, the more
susceptible she is to the lure of the drugs. This is the mass
marketing of self-estrangement.”

Have you felt that since turning 40, and not quite feeling yourself?

I sure did!

As women, we spend our 20’s just getting confident, and if we’re
lucky, we spend our 30’s fine tuning that confidence, and at 40,
just when we’re really finding ourselves and ability to live our lives
freely, and with utmost confidence, this fat packs on us, our brain
fogs, and we start to feel old and useless to society.

Just when we start to trust our intuition, we get coerced to take
these drugs we become dependent on that shatter our
foundations and ruin 40 years of great work we did on ourselves.

And from my favorite Dr. Christiane Northrup:

“An entire generation of women is being brainwashed to not trust
their bodies.”

I believe depression, anxiety, and doubt, can all be repaired by
healing ourselves with food.

But only the right foods.

Next, I’m going to tell you my menopause story and how I came to
research this information and came to my conclusions, AND tell
you what’s going on inside your body and how to fix it.

How I Came To Be The Genius That I Am About Fat & Meds.

I’ve been serving women in the beauty business for almost twenty
years, and I can’t take one more minute of the amount of illness,
complaints, and low self esteem I’m seeing, but mostly, I can’t take
you being so miserable and bitchy, because you don’t feel well and
you don’t like how you look.

You don’t feel pretty, you hate your bodies, and getting dressed
leaves you in tears.

And….during the time you read this book today, 45 women in
America over age 50 will die of a heart attack, one every 80
seconds and I don’t want you to be one of them.

Every day I get the same question emailed to me.

The #1 sentence that shows up in my email is, ​“I think I’m eating
right, but I just can’t lose weight.”

Most women have no idea they have hormonal imbalance and
blame it on a defective thyroid, which they just might have, but
they created that situation by their diets, and they can just as
easily repair it.

You are not medically defective.

When I realized this menopause situation was happening to me, I
joined some menopause groups on Facebook looking for help, and
I saw that there are tens of thousands of women who are angry
and depressed and that’s because they are uninformed,
misinformed, and dis-informed.

Wait until I tell you about doctors in a few minutes.

These Facebook groups have women talking and sharing their
misery, but not one had a solution.

What they have are a bunch of angry, sick women, and the lash
out at me and hate my guts when I offer suggestions because
they are in comfort zones of misery.

It’s mind blowing to me.

I guarantee you, that your doctor never told you this information
because if they did, you wouldn’t be here right now.

Doctors create customers.
You being healthy hurts their bottom line.

Doctors have been trained in practicing medicine not health.

If you have any concerns that I’m not a doctor and I’m talking
about this, let me give you a quick run-down of what doctors
prescribed in the last 80 years for menopause because it’s the
biggest fraud perpetrated on women.

In the early 1900’s, doctors advised drinking carbonated soda.
Yes. Really.

In the 1930’s, menopause was described as a deficiency disease.

Really? A disease? Like Measles, Mumps, or cancer?

In the 1940’s, a prescription was made from pulverizing cow
ovaries into a pill.

Is this appealing to you?

In a 1946 medical journal ad, amphetamines are recommended in
conjunction with such fundamental measures, as electric shock
therapy and thorazine.

In the 90’s, Premarin came to be, and that is estrogen from the
urine of pregnant horses, made into pills, and they said it would
help preserve women's memory, but may in fact causes dementia
as it shrinks women's brains and causes breast cancer.

When the truth got out in 2002 and the number of prescriptions
dropped, so did the rates of breast cancer. But this still goes on

The sales of Premarin for Pfizer are one billion dollars but I’m
happy to report they’ve been dropping about 3% per year as
women wake up to this ridiculous and immoral industry.

When I was like 39, I heard Suzanne Sommer's on a talk show
promoting bio-identical hormones, and I thought, I’ll just do what
she’s doing, she seemed to know what she was talking about.

Until I read her book.

I didn’t like anything in her book that she’s doing for
post-menopause life.

It doesn’t make any sense to me that one needs external help for
what is a natural life transition.

Ask yourself that question and use your common sense.

What does your gut tell you?

According to ​The Medical Letter,​ which is the consumer reports for
the medical studies, where NO studies and conclusions can be
bought and paid for by lobbyists, the conclusion is, that
Bioidentical hormones are not FDA approved, and that

“T​ here is no acceptable evidence that bio-identical hormones are
safe or effective. Patients should be discouraged from taking

It was concluded that bio-identical hormones, being bio-identical,
carried the same risks, and side effects as Hormone Replacement
Therapy, which is not a good thing, and even worse when the FDA
actually analyzed them, to see if the contents matched the label,
and nearly a third failed the analysis.

And even in the same bottle, doses could be all over the place.


Fake hormones increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, &
cancer by 40%.

Would you get on a plane that had a 40% risk of crashing?

No you wouldn’t, and yet this is still a billion dollar business!
Ladies, wake up.

No concrete evidence exists that there is any effective medical
treatment for menopause.


Tons of evidence exists, that it increases your chances of heart
attack, stroke, & cancer.

The FDA and the The American Medical Association clearly are not
interested in serving you as a patient.

They are trained by big Pharma to create a customer for life base.

And it might just surprise you to know that women in Kenya,
Japan, and India don’t suffer the way we do in the Western world.

So do you have a plan for your menopause because I didn’t.

And society conditioned me to think that I needed a medical one.

I had Suzanne Somers!

Why do some women have a difficult menopause and others

Because of our shit foods, our shit diets, our toxic preservative
laden foods made in labs.

Forty is the average age in which disease, chronic illness, and
health problems start to show up.

When it happened to me, I did not choose to medicate myself and
put a band-aid on my symptoms.

Getting sick was the best thing that happened to me, because it
made me wake up.

I’m going to teach you how to feed your hormones, in a really easy
way that makes you feel and look good, without ever having to
diet, suffer, or count a calorie.

It’s going to give you sexy confidence like I have.

And I’m going to show you how make the right food choices as
natural as brushing your teeth and tying your shoes, without
ever feeling like you're missing out on something because I'm
going to show you how to change your cravings from bad foods
to good foods, so the bad food will no longer even tempt you after
a while.

I want to get right to the pertinent information and get you on
your way.
So there are four things I’m going to talk to you about.

#1. I’m going to show you four successful clients & case

#2. I’m going to tell you who I am and why I’m qualified to teach
you this.

#3. I’m going to tell you exactly what’s happened to your body
since you turned 40.

#4. Then make you a fantastic offer to help you.

I’m going to tell you exactly how to lose weight by eating more and
weighing less.

Basically it’s a recipe, and if you follow the recipe, there’s a very
good chance you’ll get the same results.

My Primary Goal For You Today…

Is to share the same information that changed my entire life and
health and got me to go from fat to fabulous over 40, feeling
younger and full of energy, and feel that at 50 years old, I look
beautiful, and having hope for my future growing older without
growing into an old woman.

And to prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt, that every
single woman reading this can do two things:

#1. You can learn how to diagnose where your foods are keeping
you from losing weight, without having to eat less.

#2. And that you can implement this strategy no matter what
your lifestyle is.

I struggled with my weight for four years because I didn’t know I
was in the hormonal change leading up to menopause and I didn’t
know how out of hormonal balance I was.

For four years I chased diets, doctors, drugs, & trainers without

I begged people for help, and I never lost a pound.

And then I learned what I’m teaching you now, and changed my
body in six months.

I was back to weighing 10 pounds more than I did in high school at
age 46 while in the middle of my transition to menopause.

Would you be happy if you weighed only 10 pounds more than you
did in high school?

When people see my fat picture, most say, ​“Gianna, you weren’t
THAT fat!​”.

I was four sizes too large for the clothes in my closet.

I was completely exhausted that I could barely work.

That was plenty of fat to be carrying around.

I had a choice to be fat, tired, and feeling ill, or lean, energetic, and
feel beautiful.

Now, as for my qualifications when it comes to teaching this topic,
you may or may not have heard my story, so I’m going to keep
this short.

I am a midwest born and raised girl from the south side of Chicago,
which is a town of what I think is the best food in the country.

Twice in my life I gained 30 pounds being irresponsible in my eating,
but I could easily get that weight off in my 20’s & 30’s.

At 40, I was the most gorgeous and slim I had been in my entire life
without effort.

You know how they say women were at their peak?
Well that was me turning 39 & 40.

My business was booming and I didn’t think life could get any

I was having a blast.

I lived in NYC, and was an exclusive private stylist doing the hair of
women from Fox Business, MSNBC, broadway actresses, and
wealthy Long Island and Westchester women.

I was making tons of money and having a ball, excited to wake up
every day and live my life.

But by age 41, only a year later, I was so tired that I could barely

My clothes started to get tighter and tighter until they didn’t fit at
all and every morning I was in tears trying to find something to
wear that would give me the confidence to do my job.

Since nothing fit, I quit going out.

Since I quit going out, I never had any fun.
I had no dates, no intimacy, and no love in my life.

Since I never had any fun, I was a raging bitch and hated
everyone and everything.

I had anger eating at me because my life was going nowhere and
falling apart.
I was fat, sick, tired, and ANGRY!

My mother was 225 pounds when she got gastric bypass surgery
in 1981.

I was heading down the same road as my mother.

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