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Published by sas_p, 2019-12-01 13:53:41

Why American Women Are So Fat_ Sick_ Tired_ _ Angry

And if you’re considering getting gastric bypass, I implore you to
stay tuned.

That will not solve your problem.

I’ve watched my mother throw up her food and still struggle with
her weight for 40 years.

And that was it for me.
I was so scared to see that number go up one more digit.

I have grown up with two obese parents so I have a lot of
knowledge about this subject.

I didn’t want to become my mother, battling this weight every day
of my life, being as angry as she was, being emotionally
unavailable as she was, and having a life lacking in any fun like she

And I didn’t want to be like my father who died at age 57.

For four years I searched the Internet endlessly looking for
answers and trying out every which way you can to lose this

And finally, I met this gorgeous, 50 year old woman, who is a 20
year cellular researcher biologist with a degree from Cornell and
PHD from Stanford, and she had the information I was looking for,
just like you’re looking for today.

She was vivacious and confident and I wanted to be just like her.

I took her advice and applied it to my menu right away.

I have kept the weight off, and the menopause symptoms down
for five years now and as I promised, I never diet, count calories, or

I have energy like I did in my 30’s and I’m more physically active
than ever before in my entire life.

As you can see, I'm not skinny and I’m not fat.
I’m just right for me.

I Know This Happened To You Too.

You turned 40, and your body is failing you now, and you have no
idea why.

It began with you feeling tired.

Then your clothes started getting tighter and tighter, and you
walk around all day bitchy because you’re constantly in
discomfort from your binding clothes and you’re either feeling like
everyone is staring at you laughing, or nobody is looking at you
because you look horrible.

You thought you were eating “​right”,​ but now you’re just not sure
because nothing is working and you’re not losing any weight.

You used to feel like you had a life, but now you’re just too
tired….all the time.

You think you need to be doing more cardio but you just can’t

You’ve seen doctors who just keep pushing medications on you
that don’t do anything.

You've lost all interest in sex, and you worry about your partner

You’ve spent hundreds of dollars on supplements and nothing
has helped.

Your face is buried in the Internet day after day looking for

At this point, you just want someone to tell you what to do, and for
it to just work.

You’re in the right place!

Here’s The Truth Ladies….

You have only two choices at this point in your life.

You can keep going the way you are, gaining more weight,
creating more illness, and getting more tired, and lose the quality
of life you used to have, or you can follow the recipe I’m presenting
here today that is guaranteed to restore your health and energy.

You turned 40 and nobody told you this was going to happen.

Nobody understands that your hormones have changed, and
they’re battling to keep you fat, and they are winning.

While the weight gain is the first indicator, a slew of other issues

Women are 40% more likely to have a heart attack than men over
the age of 40 due to the hormonal change menopause brings.

The weight gain means you have excess estrogen and that
increases your chances of breast cancer.

Additionally, you’re a high risk for thyroid issues, cancer, and

You can keep going the way you are, losing your health, and
gaining more weight and more misery.

Or you can make the changes I’ve uncovered.
If I can do it, so can you!

Now with that being said, I have something to disclose.

This is not a quick weight loss scheme.

This is not a gimmick miracle pill.

I’m going to teach you factual information.

This is not calorie restricting.

It took me years of study and work to figure this stuff out, and to
master this process.

I AM going to claim that the longer you do this, the healthier and
leaner you are going to be.

I will teach you how to slow down the aging and disease process.

Let Me Show You Some Real Clients & Case Studies!
Let’s look at a case study of my client Harley.
She is a 32 year old mother of a toddler, and lives in New Jersey.
Yes I know she’s not in menopause or close to it but she’s an
amazing nutritional example.
Her starting weight is 232. She is 5 ft tall, with a BMI of 45.

Based on that, her daily caloric intake, can't be more than 1681.
She has a young daughter and she is tired and miserable and
stated to me that she is eating right but just can’t lose weight.
I hear this sentence from every woman who contacts me.
And I was just like you, picking up these magazines, Shape, Health,
Women’s Health, etc, and you trust that they are telling you the

truth when the truth is, they write headlines and text to sell you
magazines, not to help you lose weight.
She logged her foods for the day and I come in and look at her
caloric intake.
She has a bagel for breakfast with cheese.
An apple.

And spaghetti for dinner. Very typical.
We only count calories to make sure you’re getting ENOUGH, not
for calorie restriction.
So Harley ate only 897 calories for the day but her allotted amount
is 1681 for her body size.
She is eating for her hunger but she’s lowered her hunger to only
900 calories.
No wonder she is tired and can’t lose weight.
Her calories are way too low!

He body is clinging to every bit of calorie she is feeding it.
Here’s another day, in which she only ate 900 calories again, and
look at her fat.

Her fat percentage for the day was 32%.
Way too much!
It’s no wonder she’s fat!
This woman is not feeding her body nor her brain.
No wonder she is miserable and non functioning!
On her 7th day under my guidance, eating as I advised which is to
eat for your true hunger and to eat foods with real nutrition, on
this day she had almost 1200 worth of delicious food!
And she wrote a note that she actually took a 45 minute walk!
So she kept choosing better quality foods.
She kept eating for her true hunger.

She was able to eat more calories because her metabolism was
It can happen as fast as that!
As soon as you replace garbage with nutrition, your body will
react to it.
Let’s look at her calories for the next week under my guidance:
982, 1201, 1354, 1176, 1267, & 1017.
Do you want to see what happened after her first month?
This is the first entry of her food diary on her 34th day of tracking
her food.

Day 34 down 14 pounds!
Eating More And Weighing Less!
Is that something you’d like to be doing?
This happens for everyone that I work with!

Would you like to see a few women who have lost weight because
they heard the same magic words I’m sharing with you today?
Here is my friend Dina from Las Vegas.

When I met her she walked with a cane because she has Multiple
Sclerosis and she's 39.
When she was first diagnosed, she was nearly blind from the
She had to go on disability, and she was on 10 medications that
cost $5000 per month.

She was literally on her couch suicidal from her ill health.
Using the exact same protocol as Harley and myself, Dina lost 75
pounds in nine months and is now medication free.

She is managing her MS through only her diet.
How about those old jeans of hers!
Eventually Dina started coming with me to my gym.

She went from walking with a cane to boxing using only food to
heal and get strong.

Here is my client Dana from Atlanta GA after five months.

She said even her boots were looser!

She completely changed the way she eats so now weight comes
off slowly.

No suffering on low calorie diets!

She was a pretty girl, but a Goddess emerged as she shed her

"She taught me how to look at my macronutrients and I make my
food choices around keeping those in a fat burning zone.

I am never hungry, suffering, or counting calories and losing
weight every week! Love you Gianna. I am happy I found you."​ -
Dana, Atlanta GA

“I was a size 18 my entire adult life and I was on thyroid meds,
meds for my pituitary gland, too many meds!

My period stopped at 36 and my weight gain began.
In ten years I was up to a size 22 and getting very worried about
my health.

After talking with Gianna, I'm now a 46 years old, and down 75lbs
and ten sizes in nine months!

"I'm no longer pre-diabetic, no more borderline blood pressure, no
more ankle and knee pain, and have better skin. It works.

I'm living proof! ​" - Gina, Floral Park NY

Gina is amazing!

We had one conversation and I gave her my playbook.

Then I didn’t hear from her again.

She had no questions for me and I thought she just wasn’t ready
or wasn’t really interested until one day I saw an amazing
Facebook post from her.

She announced to her entire friends & network that she was down
75 pounds!

I was so happy I cried.
I knew Gina for nine years.

Are you excited to become a transformation for my book?

I want you to be one!

I want this so badly for you!

I want you to feel as amazing as we do!

I’m going to take you through a quick spin through the things that
failed and why, because you may try them too, and get sucked
into the BS and be wasting time and money.

I want you to KNOW that this is the answer to your problem.

The first thing I did was see a holistic doctor, because of my client
who taught me about being alkaline, and he prescribed me $400
worth of vitamins per month, that never did a damn thing.

Then I joined a gym, like you probably have and hired this trainer
Joe who worked me super hard 3X a week.

I lifted weights so heavy I nearly threw up every time.

And muscles started showing up.

But under the fat!
So that only made my clothes tighter.

Everyone told me to do cardio so I joined a boxing gym.

It was very hard to walk into a gym where every guy was ripped,
women were a minority, and I was fat, but I had to try.

But it didn't get much fat off either.

And then the trainers think you're eating badly because nobody
understands this hormonal shift has taken place.

I didn't even know it yet.
So I went to get my hormones checked.

This was the first time I said to myself, “​Gianna babe…’re over
40 now and your hormones might be out of whack.”

For me to say this to myself, was to say to myself, that I was
growing older, and I didn’t want to face that.

The ranges are so wide they could be interpreted any way
someone wants.

My desperation and hatred for my body and life, had me dropping
another $3,000 on my credit card for boxed Medifast chemical &
preservative laden non foods.

Twelve weeks of 800 calories a day and no results.

Now remember I told you I was doing the hair of the ladies of Fox
Business, whose jobs are locked into contracts in which they have
to maintain their weight, and they get fined if even one inch of
their dark roots are showing.

They are not allowed to be fat.

They told me about Dr. Kumar, their secret weapon to keep their
weight down and their contracts in place for TV.

His plan is to give you Phentermine and Metformin, which my
mother took in her 30’s, and lost 30 pounds, but then gained it
right back.

Phentermine shuts down your hunger completely and metformin
regulates your blood sugar.

You’ve probably seen these ads in the back of the Sunday
Magazine Newspaper.

As expected, I lost 25 pounds.

Every single day the scale went down a half pound to a pound
and it was so exciting to watch the numbers go down.

I hit my goal of 140 pounds!
I looked so amazing.

I was so happy this battle was over.

But within three weeks all the weight came right back on.

So then I got sucked into the HCG diet ads.

I suffered another 12 weeks and lost 20 pounds.

And within three weeks all the weight came right back on again.

I spent over $18,000 over four years with only losing seven pounds
from the day I started.

Are you feeling mentally drained from trying to find the right way
to lose the weight?

I had to keep looking for a solution.

I knew in my gut that there was a solution.

My life depended on it.

And then I met my mentor, the lady who is a 20 year cellular
researcher biologist.

And then I finally found what led me to the only real and lasting

I learned how to eat for my hormones and liver to work optimally.
Once I learned this, everything changed.

My bowel movements changed and were evacuating toxins out of
me like never before.

My skin cleared.
My energy was amplified like a teenager.

I started looking and feeling lighter.
My clothes started to feel looser.

I started to lose real fat, not just water weight.

I started seeing and feeling hope when I looked in the mirror.

I saw a flat stomach again.

I saw an hourglass figure again.
I felt like a beautiful woman again.

My cravings of toxin, chemical, & preservative foods became less
and less every day.

Pizza no longer tempted me.
Bread no longer tempted me.
Ice cream no longer tempted me.

By now you probably just want to know what to eat and not eat,
but I want you to know how your body is working, so that you
know I know what the hell I’m talking about and this is a real long
lasting solution.

How Women’s Bodies Work After Age Of 35.

From the age of 35 onwards, women’s bodies start to lose lean
muscle tissue.

Your lean muscle mass is what determines your metabolism.

Your muscle mass is what sets your metabolic thermostat.

Which means how many calories a day your body can eat without
getting fat, of course depending on the types of foods you

Does that make sense to you?

The distribution of body fat shifts from under the skin to around
the organs.

Body fat increases steadily after age 30, and may increase by as
much as 30% by the time menopause is attained.

That means if you weigh 140 pounds at age 30, by age 50 you may
weigh 180 pounds and you have no say in the matter, unless you
roll with the changes I’ve uncovered.

Having this fat around your organs, in addition to the hormonal
changes which affect the walls of your veins, increases your
chances for heart attacks, strokes, and cancer by 40%.

So it’s not just about having an aesthetically pleasing figure
anymore, it’s about saving your life from the #1 killers of women in
the United States so this makes it all the more important you keep
control over this weight gain.

When you have this belly fat, you start producing Interleukin 6,
and that is a protein that affects your metabolism, and it will tell
your body that you need more food. It’s a vicious cycle.

You see, your body is always at the perfect weight FOR YOU.

Let me say that again.

Your body is the perfect weight for you, because of how you have
fed it.
If you are fat you have fed your body so that it protects your

It has either built healthy cells and lean muscle for you, or it has
created fat cells to store the toxins you’ve eaten to protect your

Your body is exactly the way it is, to protect your organs, and to
neutralize your blood ph.

It’s always working to protect you and keep you alive.

By the time a condition or disease has been created, your body is
screaming to you, that you are poisoning it.

When you eat foods that are made in labs, they contain chemicals
that the liver cannot process.

When your liver cannot process a food, your body makes a fat cell
to store that chemical in order to protect your VITAL organs.

That’s all that fat is.

Did your doctor ever tell you that?

Do you know that doctors only get 25 hours of nutrition
instruction in medical school, and that curriculum hasn't changed,
since 1910.

And do you know why?

Because the same rich family that created medical schools also
owns the pharmaceutical companies and they don’t want to lose
you as a customer!

Google the history of the pharma Cartel and your eyes will be wide

And one last point is that what used to be called “​ conditions”​ are
now labeled as diseases because then drugs can be created to
get you hooked on them instead of educating you that you can
often change a condition just by your food.

Here’s the crux of the matter:

Let’s call this part 1.

The liver requires very specific phytonutrients that work as
cofactors in order to process the food you ate to pass it to your
urine & bowel movements.

In order for Phase one to happen, your food needs B vitamins, folic
acid glutathione, and flavonoids.

In order for phase two to happen, your food needs methionine
cysteine, magnesium, vitamin C glycine, etc.

Where are you going to get those things?

Those are phytonutrients and you find them in real foods and the
nutraceuticals I take.

Look at this slide of the process of detoxification and elimination.

Everything you take in passes through the liver and will either get
stored or come out in one of four ways.

Excess toxins get stored in fat cells, bone marrow, your liver, your
joints, blood, tissues, and muscles, and doesn’t it logically tell you
that when toxins are in your cells, obviously disease gets created?

Look at the list of diseases that occur from this toxic storage:

autoimmune disorders
cardiovascular disease
chronic fatigue
hormone imbalance
& obesity, etc.

When you don’t do this to your body, you simply won’t have any
of these conditions.

And that’s as simple as the fat process is!!!

Let’s call this part 2:

Insulin and Cortisol are a bad hormonal combination for fat loss
and they come from eating insulin spiking foods and stress, and
needing to eat insulin spiking foods is a direct result of stress.
It’s why we reach for comfort foods.

Now that you’re aware of that, take notice of what you crave
when you’re stressed.

Do you crave hot foods and chocolate?
I do!

These two hormones, when combined together in high amounts
over long periods, push the female physiology towards storing fat
when calories are high (as opposed to building muscle), and
reduce the amount of fat burned when calories are low (burning
muscle instead).

This is a bad combination for any woman, but a menopausal
woman is affected to a much greater extent.

Stress is the #1 enemy of women in perimenopause and well,
probably most of us have kids, husbands, and jobs or businesses.

High stress levels!

Here’s the recipe you have right now:

#1. You’ve got the hormonal changes happening.
#2. You’re eating the way you’ve usually been eating which
include sugar, carbs, and probably very little fiber.
#3. You’re over 40 and all of this is finally catching up with you
because you have high stress level at this stage in your life.

You have to change the recipe.

When you eat a balance of natural sugar and fiber, you will have
the energy and glucose your brain needs for your body to

Eating a low calorie diet only stresses you more!
Working out like a maniac only stresses you more!

So that should be some relief for you right now!

It is not a requirement to workout like a maniac to lose this weight.

You may have seen my exercise video and thought that you had
to do that to lose this weight but that’s not the case at all.

Weight is lost in the kitchen.
Muscles are built in the gym.

When you BURN FAT, by dieting, performing rigorous exercise, and
lowering your calories like they do on The Biggest Loser, you not
only recycle the toxins through your body, but you lower your
metabolism in the process.

Your metabolism is like a thermostat.

When you lower your thermostat in your house, say you want 70
degrees, it keeps the house at 70 degrees.

When you lower your metabolism to say 1000 calories a day, it
keeps you at 1000 calories a day.

A​ s​ ix year scientific study of Biggest Loser contestants​ shows
that on average, after they finish the show, their metabolisms are
running 400-500 calories lower than when they were fat, so that
means they have to eat even less in order to NOT regain the
weight and about 80% of them gain the weight back.

400-500 calories is losing a meal and a snack every day!

Who can function on so little calories!
Ladies, you are no different than I am.

We’re women with lady parts and this happens to every single one
of us in every country and culture on the entire planet, but not
every culture of women is as fat as Americans are, nor do they
experience the degree of menopause symptoms that American
women do.

Your body is in a constant state of taking what it needs and
releasing what it doesn’t.

When you’re feeding your body constant good nutrition it’s like, ok
this is cool, and we don’t need this extra protection for the

When you feed it crap, it’s going to store your crap!

And that’s as simple as this process is!

So now that you know that this is not a ​“get skinny quick
“scheme, but has real and raw science behind it, do you feel more
comfortable that this is possible for you?

When I learned this, I became so much more focused and
interested in keeping the right foods away from me, and getting
as many good foods inside me as possible.

The benefits of this have been:

No longer feeling tired.
How many of you are just so tired all the time?
My skin is so much more clear, and balanced.
I no longer have acne, or dryness, I used to have one age spot and
now it’s gone.
I no longer use so many products on my face.
I use a simple wash, and coconut oil at night.
I’m saving money and no longer have toxins in my blood.
I’ve lost fat. Yes I’ve lost fat!
I’ve lost cellulite.
I no longer have all day bloat.
I have a flat stomach again!
All of the clothes in my closet fit me!

Is that something you’d like to have?

Here’s something that you don’t hear women say but I’m going to
say it, because I know you want it too.

I feel beautiful.

I feel like I look beautiful with or without makeup.

And don’t I deserve to feel this after a years of not feeling it.

Don’t you deserve to feel freaking beautiful?

I feel strong.
I feel muscles in my body.

I see muscles in the mirror and not like a fitness model, but how I
feel that women want to look. I look toned.

When I walk into a room, I have a presence because it shows that I
take care of myself.

I walk proudly.

And dare I say, I am treated far better than I was when I was fat.
I don’t put that on other people.

I take full responsibility for projecting a poor attitude and sour
grapes when I did not like myself.

I often hear from women who tell me that people tell them they
have no value.

I can’t imagine someone saying that to me and in fact it doesn’t
happen ever.

But wouldn’t it be amazing that even if someone did, you are so
supremely confident that ARE valuable, and you can just brush off
that person as an asshole?

So if you’re ready to end the stress that comes with yo-yo dieting,
and if you want to lose weight and keep it off for good so that you
can wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and feel amazing
about the way your face and body looks…

Then my being your mentor is exactly what you want.

You might be thinking that this is going to involve complicated
foods, and cooking, and too much shopping, and recipes.


In fact it’s just the opposite.
It’s simple real foods that are so easy to make with very little clean

When you’re eating to keep your blood sugar level, you won’t get
yourself to that starving point that allows your brain to give you a
pass on eating bad foods.

When you see that you’re actually spending less on groceries, and
eating more food, you’ll be kicking yourself in the butt for not
finding this sooner.

When you’re doing less dishes, you’ll be so happy you made these

When your clothes get looser and more comfortable, you’re going
to get so excited.

When your skin gets glowing and younger looking in a month,
there will be no turning back ever to the way you used to eat.

Yes it happens this fast.
It starts happening as soon as your next meal.

And there is one last nugget I want to share with you that is a
common thing that I hear from women who want to work with me.

I’ll never forget my first inquiry when I put this out online.

This woman wanted my help because her husband had an affair.

She no longer felt sexy so she quit having sex.

She found out about the affair and it devastated her, obviously.

Her family was at risk.

She had minor children and didn’t want to break up their home.

So she wanted me to help her feel sexy again, and I guarantee
that when you’re hormones are working as they should, and
when you feel beautiful and pretty, and regain your body
confidence, you will definitely be wanting to share intimacy again.

I want to bulletproof your relationship by keeping you sexy &
fabulous & interesting & full of attractive vitality.


First, you have to call to book a consult. This is a personal experience tailored
to your specific needs.

Here’s what happens when we work together!

#1 Fill out my health consult form. I have to know your starting point. I’ll give
you that website at the end.

This is an six-week weight loss program that includes an anti-inflammatory
detox program. As you learned, in this book, if you’re struggling, you most
likely have an inflammatory condition holding you back.

You will NOT be dieting and starving! No worries!

We have an optional “Health 365” comprehensive blood panel to find the
underlying cause of your weight gain & struggle to lose which I STRONGLY
urge you to get, and is covered by most insurance plans.

You start logging your food and drinks on an app that is online and on your
phone. It’s super convenient and this is the #1 best way to truly assess your
food. Additionally, this is how I measure if I’m getting your metabolism to

You wouldn’t ask a doctor to cure you without diagnosing the symptoms. We
have to see the data creating your condition to be able to assess it so this is

This is the crux of where and how we work together inside your food diary.

This takes 10 minutes of your day or less.

Do you have 10 minutes daily to change your body, mind, & health?

I introduce you to the products that helped me,​ and that I think are the best
in the entire world, that are the best phytonutrients that get your liver to

start repairing the metabolic damage you have and they are included in the

This is not MLM and there are no MLM products offered. (Multi- Level Marketing
or Network Marketing)

I show you how to keep your blood sugar sustained longer than anything
you’ve ever
used. This will keep you from grabbing bad snacks.

This is using real food especially for women over 40.
And you’ll see my most amazing and favorite 4pm snack that is a decadent
chocolate treat that you get to eat every single day that is totally guilt free!

We’ll talk about beverages! B​ everages are hugely underestimated in how
they affect your sugar and calories for the day. Many women have no idea
they are drinking chemicals & calories. These are hormonal disrupting time

I press upon what alkalizing your body is​, and how to keep chronic disease at
bay, and what stopped me from losing more weight when I first started with
it. Cancer can’t live in an alkaline body. Are you waking up yet?

You get an eating guide,​ and what you need to eliminate for 30 days and add
for 30 days to kickstart your liver into metabolizing your fat. I want you
detoxed from hormone disruptors and stimulants. I want you feeling amazing
from amazing nutrition.
I give you lots of fantastic food ideas.

We’ll talk about ​ w​ here you are going to find foods to eat for the long run.
First, we detox and transition, and then you’re in the lifestyle menu.

We’ll talk about the most cancer-causing food and drinks in our culture right
now. ​Remember I am bulletproofing you as best as possible from aging and

I’ll show you my go-to resource for finding out what is the truth about food
manufacturing in our country,​ and if you have something in your pantry

you’re not sure about, this is the place for you to look to dissect the
ingredients and wake you up to Frankenfoods that are killing your health.

You’ll see my recommended exercise plan for women over 40​ and don’t be
thinking this is doing some Jane Fonda shit in your living room. I think you’ll
find it quite surprising.

So today I’ve shown you beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it’s a​ bsolutely
possible ​to lose weight over 40, while you’re in the transition to menopause or
you have a slow or no thyroid, or an autoimmune condition, without dieting,
counting calories, or suffering.

Also, you’ve seen, that I’ve created the exact blueprint you’re looking for to
create the change you’re looking for.

It took me four and a half years to compile this information.
You might find it online......eventually.

By the time you find it all, four years can pass by.

You could spend $18,000 or more just like I did.

But it’s here right now in front of you, and you can know the information in
about an hour.

By now you’re wondering what is the investment in this information and my
being your mentor.

Remember the “cost” of this, is not the same as the “price”.

The “price” is what you are paying now being overweight and miserable.

The price is that your life is not the best it can be.
What it’s costing you, is your valuable time, sanity, health, and fun!

For every 100 women who watch this, ten will get a hysterectomy for taking
Will you be one of them?

Remember that my women are on their way in only 14-30 days. Do you know
Because this isn’t something I send you to do on your own like other

We are going to review your health consult and personalize a plan just for
you, and then I’m going to h​ old your hand through it every single day​ for 42
days or more if you need me.

Because I’m with you daily, you’re going to succeed!

When you’re accountable to someone, and someone like me, who’s been
through it already and succeeded, you will succeed too!

So, two to four weeks from now you can be in hormonal harmony.
Yes, it works as fast as that!

It’s about three days to clean you out, then start healing your gut, getting
your hormones balanced naturally through food, then your body will release
the fat.

Believe it or not, my goal here isn’t to sell you a program and send you on
your way, and I’m going to prove that to you right now…

My ultimate goal is to turn you into a successful testimonial just like myself,
Dina, Carol, Gina, Harley, and Dana are.

It’s to help you create an incredible new source of purpose in your life, and to
ultimately set you free from food worry.

And while I’m going to take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do
here in ​The Sexy And Fabulous Academy,​ in order to reach your goal, you
must take action which means making a decision and a commitment to

Does Weight Watchers hold your hand daily?
Does Nutri-System hold your hand daily?
Does a trainer hold your hand daily?

I’ve never seen anyone else willing to do this, so why am I?

Because I want you to have no fear to make this decision, and I know that if
you finish the course and put in 42 days, I’ll have made such a massive impact
on your life, that you’ll be a raving fan and tell all your friends about me, so
that means there’s literally no way you can lose here.

I want to go over the benefits with you one more time, and ask you what
would it be worth to you to have all this?

You Will Lose Fat
You Will Lose Cellulite
You Will Lose Belly Bloat
You Will Have a Flat Stomach
All Your Clothes Will Fit!
You will be sexy and fun!

So, you've seen the recipe right here for the last 100 pages.
It’s easy.

We’re not Crossfit athletes, just regular gals just like you are.
You saw three of my clients who were fat and got un-fat.

You've seen the benefits of what this change will do for you.

I want to insure your success by personally coaching you!

How many weight loss & health books do you have sitting on the shelf right
You bought them and yet here you are reading mine.

Remember Val from the first page?
The woman who inspired the title?

“I​ 've done everything from Weight Watchers to Arbonne to Advocare to
Isagenix to It Works to Medifast as well as juice fasting and I don't want to live
off of products.” -Val

How many weight loss gimmicks have you tried?

Did you keep the weight off? This is really the big issue.

Did you keep the weight off???
Did you change your cravings and increase your metabolism?

No, you did not.

I lost the weight and have kept it off for seven years, without dieting,
counting calories, or suffering. In fact, I eat the most food of anyone I’m ever
dining with and I don’t gain it back.

Because I follow the recipe for mastering my metabolism.
What do you think this information is worth?

I’ve shown you that doctors will not cure you.
I’ve given you a plan for menopause so you don’t have to suffer like most
American women.

Don’t take the cancer causing drugs that have zero studies that prove they
do anything, just change your menu. Boom!

I will save your life from heart disease, stroke, & cancer.
I will slow down the aging process and get you looking ten years younger.

What do you think this information, my program, and most importantly, my
daily coaching and hand holding is worth to you?

What is the value of your desired transformation?
What is that desire?

Fitting into all the cute clothes you want to wear?
Feeling confident to go after a better job, or start your own business, or find
a fantastic partner?

What’s that worth to you?

When you go to ​​, you can watch my videos, read my
articles, and get the phone number to call me for a personal consult.

By now you know that I am the coach you have been looking for!
If you think you can’t afford it, you can’t afford N​ OT ​to do it.

Whatever age you are right now, ask the rate your health is
declining right now, do you honestly think you’re going to make more money
five to ten years from now?

If you’re fat, sick, tired, and angry, how much longer do you think you’ll make

I want to meet everyone in my program and welcome you.
This is not a free for all, where I’m not actually involved.
I will personally coach you to success!

This is a boutique, personal experience together.
I want to insure your success.

It’s actually so easy.
No going cold turkey.

No dieting.
No counting calories.

No suffering!!

So go to w​​ to join.

I’m looking forward to helping you build an incredibly healthy & gorgeous
body & successful and happy future!

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