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Published by dflgeetha, 2022-03-22 09:18:04



Independence Day Celebration

Daffodils English School Association has always believed in instilling a deep sense of patriot-
ism in students by observing national festivals with ardent fervour. The Independence Day was
celebrated at the school with the same enthusiasm and excitement as displayed before. The pan-
demic did not change this much.

The event began with the Chief Guest Sri Shankar Subramanian, unfurling the tricolour flag
and singing of the National Anthem in unison. He expressed his feelings about education, na-
tion building and character building. The guest of honour Retd Lt. Colo-
nel Govind Prasad voiced his feelings about welfare of the country and role of a leader in build-
ing the nation.

DESA came together to present a colourful show with speeches, songs, dances and a role play
by the enthusiastic students. The programme culminated with the vote of thanks.

On this occasion Daffodils Foundation for Learning relaunched its Website. The entire event
was telecasted via school’s you tube channel on 15th of August. Indeed, it was a day of joy, a
day to reaffirm our love and respect for our motherland.

Jai Hind.

Mrs Sumalatha


Investiture Ceremony – A Report

“Integrity, insight and inclusiveness are the three essential qualities of leadership.” - Sadguru

The investiture ceremony is a proud moment for any school where the reigning school council
members make way for the new members with open arms. Investiture means formally investing
authority, power, right, office and dignity in a person. The ceremony signifies the trust and con-
fidence the school reposes in the newly invested office bearers, year after year. In these chal-
lenging times, this ceremony was held on a virtual platform which is yet another milestone
reached by Daffodils Foundation for Learning.
The virtual investiture for the year 2021-22 was anchored by
the Senior Academic Coordinator of the school, Mrs. Triveni Raghvendra. The opening of the
investiture ceremony was marked by invoking the blessing of the almighty which was followed
by the welcome address by the Vice Principal, Mrs. Pratibha V Rao. It was informed that the
house mistresses of the previous year shall continue in their respective posts for the year 2021-
22 as well. On behalf of the outgoing student council, the Head Boy Jhenkar Rajesh handed
over the duties and responsibilities to the newly appointed student council members.

The CCA coordinator Mrs. Ramya Rao introduced the newly appointed office bearers followed
by the introduction of the discipline squad members done by the sports coordina-
tor Mr. Srihari Utagi. The newly appointed Head Boy Aniruda Suswaram on behalf of the new
student council members took over the mantel from the out going student council.
The Principal Dr. Sujatha Girish expressed her appreciation for the outgoing student coun-
cil. She congratulated the newly appointed office bearers and their willingness to take up the
responsibilities entrusted to them. The oath was administered to the newly selected council
members by the principal.


Though the event was different from the conventional one, it was celebrated with the same zeal
by the dignitaries, teachers and students. The vote of thanks was rendered by Mrs. Veena.
Holy verses from different religions were read by the teachers to empower the young leaders to
draw inspiration from. Sharing the words of wisdom, the CEO Mr. Chinnappa asked the young
leaders to gain the respect of the student community and be impartial in discharging their duties.

Adding to his thoughts, the secretary Mrs Kanthi Ashok
Mrs. Maduri Chengappa asked the little Faculty
ambassadors to uphold the indomitable spirit of the
school and discharge their duties with utmost dignity
and pride while taking everyone along in
their journey.

Republic Day Celebration

“The nation’s culture resides in the hearts and souls of the people.” -Mahatma Gandhi

Daffodils English School Association celebrated the 73rd Republic Day with immense patriotic
fervour and zeal. To mark this special day, the school had planned a plethora of cultural pro-
grammes to infuse the spirit of unity, brotherhood and patriotism among the students.
Our school has been following a unique tradition of choosing the Chief Guest and the Guest of
Honour on this occasion. The academic toppers of the school are invited to grace the occasion,
hoist flag and address the gathering. The event began with the unfurling of the tricolour by the
Chief Guest, Master Saptam and Guest of Honour Ms. Aadhya Uday.
This was followed by rendition of invocation. The Head Girl of the school welcomed the assem-
blage with warm greetings.
The students presented a beautiful song, an excellent dance performance and a perfect dance dra-
The introduction of the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour to the audience was done by their be-
loved and proud teachers. The guests addressed the gathering expressing their views on the cele-
bration of this day. They also motivated their friends to make a promise to themselves that they
would abide by the constitution and serve the motherland at all times.
The day’s celebration came to an end by proposing of vote of thanks.
The day truly marked a sense of responsibility and gently nudged our patriotic senses spreading
the aura of patriotism. The entire country is resplendent in the shades of the tricolour on this day
and shall be in every year to come.


Mrs Saroja Srinivas


Joy of Sharing

“Happiness is not so much in having as in sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we
make a life by what we give.” - Norman Macewan

Joy of Sharing is one of the unique events of DFL that sets it apart as an institution that envi-
sions holistic development of students. It gives an opportunity for the children to do some-
thing that makes a difference in the lives of others, and experience the satisfaction and joy
that comes with it.

Joy of Sharing is traditionally organized to coincide with the birth anniversary of our Founder
and Mentor, (Late) Sri P K Bheemaiah. This year was no different, but it was conceptualized
and celebrated virtually and in a novel and creative way. It included sharing the excitement of
watching a beautiful cultural programme and the joy of learning how to look after our dear
‘Planet Earth’ a little better.
DFL’s flagship CCA event, Kalasangam, had brought to the fore, many fresh and talent-
ed artists. A collection of various performances by some of these budding youngsters was
made into a video. The link was shared with the children of Jana Seva Samiti, an orphanage in
the city, to bring smiles on their faces. ‘Sharing smiles brings a divine joy’, is a lesson our
children learnt through this initiative.
Restoration of the eco-system and maintenance of the ecological balance is everyone’s re-
sponsibility. To enable the children to understand and appreciate their role in this was
born the Swasth Bhoomi’ Project, another face of the ‘Joy of Sharing. With the active in-
volvement and support of Mr.Santosh Sutar, a renowned environmentalist, a list of
things, that could be done in the safety of their homes and would make an impact on the envi-
ronment in the long run, was sent to the students. A video about the ‘Cool the Globe’ App
that would help to measure the impact of such activities on the environment was also shared.
The children willingly involved themselves in interesting eco-friendly activities and mailed
the videos to the school. Again, a conglomeration of this individual resourcefulness was
shared via a link with the children of Jana Seva Samiti. This definitely had the power to make
them feel good and help them remember the content for a long time to come.
This initiative has also helped the DFL students to become more responsible because they
know that they are now the role-models for other children who may be admiring them for
their work and emulating their deeds.

“Give me a child and I’ll shape him into anything.” -B.F.Skinner

DFL takes pride in the fact that children are
not only taught life skills and values, but are
also given opportunities to put them into
practice. With such a comprehensive
approach to education, our students could
definitely be expected to bloom into respon-
sible, empathetic adults. Kudos to Team

Mrs Veena V


No Bag Day

Sports are an essential part of any student's life. With the covid-19 pandemic, students were
locked in their homes since march of 2020. Some much-needed play time with our friends was
gifted to us by our principal, Dr Sujatha Girish when a ‘No Bag Day’ was proposed.
On the day of 8th February 2022, students of the discipline squad and student council
assembled at the school ground at 7:20 am and the preparations began. The ground was
marked with the help of our P.E instructors, Mr Srihari and Mrs Vidhu. the ground was then
watered twice by the students and marking was finished by 7:50 am. Chairs and desks for the
score keepers were brought in as students started to arrive for the action-packed day where
they would take part in Kho-Kho, dodge ball and tug of war. An air of positivity filled the
ground and students were in a very happy mood.

After the ground was ready and the markings done, the students of each section decided their
team for the Kho-Kho match. Multiple matches were played to decide the winners. All stu-
dents participated enthusiastically and displayed true team spirit on the field. The winners of
the Kho-Kho match were grade 10 ‘C’ followed by grade 10 ‘B’ and 10 ‘A’ who won the 2nd
and 3rd place respectively. After the match, we were given a small break to relax and rejuve-
nate ourselves before the next game started. The next game was a section-wise thrilling Dodge
Ball. This game tested our presence of mind and the ability to dodge the ball quickly. We were
also joined by teachers in this game. Multiple matches were played between the sections and
the result was a tie between all three sections. We still had an hour left before we could call it
a day. So, the students requested the PE teachers for a tug-of-war match. When they agreed,
we started the arrangements for it. We brought the rope from the sports room and set the field
for the match. First, it was a match between the girls of the three sections followed by the
boys. We had a great time together strategizing on how to handle the rope and pull with com-
plete strength.

The girls of grade 10 ‘A’ and the boys of 10 ‘A’ and 10 ‘B’ together emerged victorious.
After the tug-of-war match, it was 1 pm in the afternoon and it was time to disperse. All
students assembled together and thanked the teachers for organizing a wonderful event.
The popular proverb, “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy” by Stanley Kubrick,
emphasizes the importance of having a balanced life and taking breaks before reaching the
saturation point. Therefore, we, Mythri Shankar and Aniruda Suswaram, the Head Girl and
Head Boy of Daffodils Foundation for Learning, on behalf of all our friends, thank our be-
loved Principal Dr Sujatha Girish, Vice Principal Mrs Prathibha V, Senior Academic Coordi-
nator Mrs Triveni V, CCA Coordinator Mrs Ramya, teachers and the Physical education
department Mr Srihari and Mrs Vidhu. It was an unforgettable experience and we enjoyed the

Head Girl Mythri Shankar
Head Boy Aniruda Suswaram


CBSE Expression Series 2021 –22

“I have a vision of India: an India free of hunger and fear, an India free of illiteracy and want.”
- Atal Bihari Vajpayee

As a part of the ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations, the Central Board of Secondary Edu-
cation announced the third Expression Series for the session 2021-22. The theme of the Expres-
sion Series is ‘My Vision for India @100 Years’. This Expression Series focused on the views
of students about their vision for India in the year 2047.

Students of Daffodils Foundation for Learning participated in all the activities conducted during
this expression series with great excitement and enthusiasm. Painting, essay writing, paragraph
writing and poetry writing were the different mediums through which they expressed their views
in a beautiful manner.

‘My Vision for India @100 Years’ is an excellent platform that provided the students with a
wonderful opportunity to express their thoughts, ideas and their vision for our country in the
year 2047. The main idea behind conducting this activity was not only to make children under-
stand the challenges that our country is facing but also to make them think about the solutions to

Mrs Vijayagowri Constitution Day

November 26 is celebrated as Samvidan Diwas (Constitution Day) to commemorate the adoption
of the Constitution of India. This is aimed at highlighting and reiterating the values and princi-
ples enshrined in the Constitution. This year Constitution Day was celebrated as a part of ‘Azadi
Ki Amrit Mahotsav’ on 26 November 2021.

An important part of the celebrations is the reading of the Preamble to the Constitution and
reaffirming our commitment to uphold its ideology. As per the directives of the CBSE Board and
in conjunction with the objectives mentioned, DFL conducted this activity for all the students
from grade one to ten. The students and the teachers read the Preamble to the Constitution. They
also spoke about the importance of the Constitution and the significance of this day.

Ms Neeta Janardan


International Literacy Day

“By education, I mean all-round drawing of the best in child and man in body, mind and spirit.”
- M.K.Gandhi

International Literacy Day is celebrated every year on the 8 September 2021. The students of
Grade 4 presented a programme on this significant day. Students participated with great enthusi-
asm and showcased their talents. The Students collaborated in teams and came up with various
talent programmes. The programmes were not only educative but also entertaining. The journey
of making the videos was a great learning experience.
The programme started off with an introduction followed by a Prayer, speech, mono act-
ing, puppet show, dance, mime and shloka. The students were encouraged to make posters
and collage conveying strong message about literacy day.
The event was a memorable and an inspiring one.

Mrs Shilpa B, Mrs Parinita Nadgauda, Mrs Reshma.R
DFL Faculty


My Country, My Pride

“I have always believed that cowards never make history; history is created by people with
courage and wisdom.” – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Keeping in mind the glorious 75 years of independence of progressive India and the glorious
history of its people, culture and achievements, the Government of India has planned a series
of events throughout the year calling it ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’. Celebrating this Ma-
hotsav, and as per the CBSE directive, Daffodils Foundation for Learning organized a CCA
competition, ‘My Country, My Pride’ which was conducted on the virtual platform between
19 January and 21 January 2022. Students had to research the life of any one of our freedom
fighters, dress up like them, prepare a speech and connect themselves with the personality.
Students of Grades 1 to 5 followed the theme ‘I am the proud son/daughter of my
Students of Grades 6 to 8 followed the theme ‘I salute the freedom fighter, ____________’.
Students of Grades 9 and 10 followed the theme ‘I walk in your footsteps’.
These activities provided an opportunity for all the students to showcase their talents of
acting as well as public speaking. Through this activity, the students learnt about the lives of
various freedom fighters of India, the most famous freedom fighters like Mahatama Gandhi,
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Mangal Pandey and so on and the lesser-known
freedom fighters like Bhikaji Cama, Velu Nachiyar, Khudiram Bose and Matangini Hazra.
The intention behind conducting the activity was to enhance the feeling of patriotism and
their love and respect for the nation. This was a great way for the children to remember their
country’s freedom fighters and respect and salute them for their unmatchable sacrifices.

Mrs Vijayagowri


World Rivers Day

“Be like a river. Be open, flow.”  - By Julie Connor
DFL celebrated World Rivers Day on the 26th September 2021.  The students of Grade
8, presented a programme on this significant day. Students celebrated with great enthusiasm and
displayed their talents. They collaborated in teams and came up with a variety of programmes.
The students spoke about the significance of celebrating the day. This was followed by recita-
tion of poems, exchange of ideas on importance of rivers, a mesmerising dance performance
and a group song. It was followed with a brilliant instrumental   performance which
was very rhythmic and melodious. Students also shared mythological story on river Kaveri and
interesting facts about famous rivers around the world. Finally, a strong message was conveyed
to all the viewers of this programme about how humans are polluting and exploiting the rivers.
The programme concluded with the measures taken by the government to preserve and restore
the rivers. The last part of the programme was the display of the amazing art work by the bud-
ding artists of DFL. 
The event was a memorable one and inspired in bringing about awareness on the significance of
rivers in our daily life and importance of preserving them. The programmes were not only
entertaining but also enriching. This journey of making the videos was   a great learning experi-
ence for the students and the teachers involved.

Mrs Ratna S & Mrs Vandana Singh
DFL Faculty


Teachers’ Day Celebration

Teachers’ day is celebrated on 5th of September
every year to pay tribute to all the teachers for
the role played by them in the life of students –
the future of the Nation. This day is celebrated
to remember the contribution
of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, for-
mer president of the country and a visionary ed-
ucator who gave the real meaning to the profes-
sion of a teacher.
Our school celebrated Teachers’ Day virtually with great enthusiasm. The MCs for the day
were Master. Aaryan. S, Miss Shreya. C. S, Miss Ela Chakravarthy, Miss Preksha Mahesh
and Miss Vedhika R Kotian.
The programme started with the invocation dance performed by Miss Anwithaa R,
Miss Yerramilli Gayathri and Miss K M Samanyutha to invoke the blessings of
the Almighty. The performance was mesmerizing. The invocation dance was followed by the
welcome address read by Miss Preksha Mahesh.
Miss Vijetha .V, Master G. Sharath Rao and Miss Preksha Mahesh recited heart touching
poems which were composed by them dedicated to the teachers. Miss Aradhya Pradhan’s action
song for teachers expressed their love for them. The programme continued with a graceful dance
by Miss Tanisha .R and Miss Vibha Gangamma which took us to the folk world.
Miss Indira M. Hooli and Master Brijesh K Keremane played musical instruments which was
very melodious.
Master D. Prateek, Miss Likitha P.S, Miss Bhargavi R and Miss Swasthika Shetty displayed
their love and respect towards their teachers through their art work.

Mrs Jayalakshmi


World Environment Day
Celebrations at DFL

DFL celebrated World Environment Day on the 5th June 2021. We, the

grade 10 students, put up a programme on this significant day. Alt-

hough, the celebrations were virtual, the show was an eye catching one. This programme was a

collaborative learning approach i.e. it was a cognitive effort put forward by the teachers and the

students hand in hand. The programme was choreographed and executed by the very tal-

ented students and the teachers; all the costumes, the script for the role play, all were planned

in a very meticulous way.

The programme started off with an introduction about the Environment

Day. Following this was a musical performance which was very rhythmic and melodious.

Next, a very strong message was conveyed to all the viewers of this programme through a

wonderful role play. It conveyed how important it is to conserve and preserve

our environment and Mother Nature. The last part of the programme was the display of all the

amazing art work by the budding artists of DFL.

The event was a memorable one and it is such a pride to see it being successful. I am sure this

has inspired and instilled an important message about the environment and the role we

have been assigned to protect it.

Shreya C S
10 C


Youth Parliament Programme

The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Govt. of India has been implementing Youth Parliament
Programme since 1966 in various educational institutions of the country. The programme aims
to inculcate healthy habits of discipline, help the students to know and understand the parliamen-
tary system of government, and learn through experience.
As per the directives of CBSE, DFL conducted this activity for the students of grade nine. About
21 students were selected for this programme and were given both online and offline training.
The final recording took place on 9.11.2021 in the school premises.
The students gave an energetic and realistic performance. This unique activity helped the
children to understand the proceedings in the Parliament.

Preksha Mahesh,


International Yoga Day

International Father’s Day

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” —The Bhagavad Gita

Celebrating Yoga Day is one of the most important activities taken up by Daffodils
Foundation for Learning every year. This year too as a part of a noble endeavour to encourage
the students and parents to lead a healthy life and to manage stress and anxiety levels during
this pandemic, DFL celebrated International Yoga Day on the 21st of June virtually.
Taking into consideration the theme for this year, ‘Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family’,
a virtual yoga session was organised for the students, parents and teachers of the school. Since
this day coincided with International Father’s Day, parents were encouraged to take part in the
celebrations along with their children. Students were delighted to participate in the event
along with their parents and took pride in showcasing their talent.

The Yoga instructor, Mrs.Shobha Indrakumar, shared the benefits of yoga, pranayama and
meditation in this session. A few simple yogasanas were also taught during the session.
A compilation of photos and videos of the students, parents and teachers performing yoga and
pranayama was released in the school YouTube channel.
Principal Dr. Sujatha Girish and the Management conveyed best wishes to the students, parents
and teachers. They emphasised the importance of yoga and motivated them to lead a healthy,
relaxed, calm and stress-free life during this pandemic.

Mrs Vijayagowri


Saraswati Puja

Divine intervention when making major transitions in life fortifies positivity and confidence.
To invoke the blessings of the Goddess of Learning, Saraswati, a puja was hosted by
Daffodils English School Association on 04 March 2022 at the Multipurpose Hall. The puja
was conducted in the presence of management DESA, principals of DES and DFL, Head of
Administration, teachers of DES and DFL and was attended by all the students of grade 10
appearing for their board exams. Mantras and the ringing bells sanctified the campus and
filled the air with divinity.

Mrs Hema Jayaram


A Report on Farewell Ceremony

The farewell ceremony was celebrated at Daffodils Foundation for Learning on 4th March
2022. Students of Grade 10 assembled in the multipurpose hall, the young girls glowed in
colourful saris and the boys carried themselves smartly in suits. The event began with an
invocation dance followed by the welcome speech. The students of Grade 9 performed a
mesmerizing dance drama, a wonderful skit which was a riot of laughter and an impressive
and captivating band performance which overwhelmed the audience. The Principal motivat-
ed the students with her words and emphasized that they stay connected by being a part of
the alumni community.
The students of Grade 10 shared the memories of their journey and experiences in DFL,
which were thoughtful and inspiring. The dignitaries guided the students with their stimulat-
ing speech. This was followed by the handing over of the memento by grade 10 students to
the management. Then the students lined up for the candle-lighting ceremony to symbolize
hope and knowledge. The dignitaries handed over a memento to each of the students with a
good luck message.
The programme concluded with the vote of thanks and distribution of refreshments.
The students, teachers and the management would always cherish the amazing time spent
together and this would always remain a memorable event.

Mrs Ratna S





Varshini C Keshav



Innovators @ DFL ‘Imagine’d…

Path breaking ideas emerge when curious minds are curated and collaborated. Educational institutes
in India and world - wide have turned out some of the most notable revolutionary inventions. To
encourage increased innovation at schools Microsoft Inc provided a global competitive platform
called ‘Imagine Cup Junior’ (ICJ) for students aged 13-18 to propose novel ideas on using cutting
edge AI technology towards bringing positive changes in the world.

Daffodils Foundation for Learning, Bangalore had
registered a team of five tech-innovative learners in Decem-
ber 2020 to participate in ICJ 21. The team, mentored by
teachers, stumbled upon many unique ideas to use AI in var-
ied domains and finally focused on a profound problem state-
ment related to the healthcare vertical.
They proposed an AI-powered, bio-resistive graphene sensor for real-time amniotic fluid monitoring
in pregnant women, supporting those who do not have regular or easy access to healthcare. They
called themselves, rightfully, ‘Sense and Save’ to suit their main idea and were triumphant in making
a global mark. They were declared one of the top ten winners on 10 June 2021, in an international
event hosted by Microsoft Inc.
The task of visualizing and proposing a unique idea to mitigate an impacting problem statement
while sustainably leveraging it with AI tools is by no means easy; not for high schoolers! They have a
success story to tell here…




A ‘Go-for- the-Gold’

When students compete at levels higher than their regular academic coursework, they can be
empowered to aim higher and take outcomes in their stride. Indian Talent Olympiad is one such
platform promoting competitive national level assessments and encouraging many students to take those
strides of acquiring knowledge beyond their textbooks or curricula. In its exceptional participation and
performance in the previous academic year, Daffodils Foundation for Learning, Bangalore, has been
ranked as one of the top 100 schools at the national level and has been awarded with the ‘Golden School
Award’ by the Indian Talent Olympiad Group.
The students who have brought accolades to the school through their excellent performance are:
Isha Purvi Belavad- State Topper and National Topper
Dhyan Koppula- State Topper
Aarav Bhandari- State Topper
Shreyanshi Mohapatra- State Topper
R Gomathi- State Topper
Apart from the above, the school also has a pool of ‘Excellence’ awardees.
The school is proud of the achievers for their tremendous efforts and the
stellar results. The Indian Talent Olympiad Group has lauded the efforts of
the students, the school principal and the mentor teachers.


1. DFL has been awarded with the ‘Golden School Award’ by the Indian Talent Olympiad Group for
the exceptional participation and performance of our students in the previous academic year.
The students who have brought the accolades to the school through their excellent performance are:

Isha Purvi Belavad- State Topper and
National Topper
Dhyan Koppula- State Topper
Aarav Bhandari- State Topper
Shreyanshi Mohapatra- State Topper
R Gomathi- State Topper

2. Euro School North Campus had organized Lit-Fest ‘ Belles Lettres’ 2021 and our students have
bagged many prizes in the fest.
• Varsha Shetty, grade 8 – First, Hall of Fame.
• Raksha R, grade 6 – Second, Straight from the Heart
• Aaryan.S, grade 10 – Consolation, Eloquent Ecstasy
• Aarav.V.G , grade 2 – Consolation, Teller of Tales.

3. DPS school had organized Elysian Inter school competition and our students have made us proud by
winning the below mentioned prizes
• Varun Shetty, grade 5 – First, Oh My Vinci!
• Satvik Praveen, grade 7 – First, Adwizard
• Shaarav.V.G, grade 7 – First, Word Fabric
• Navya Aravind , grade 5 – First, Imagine, Invent Inspire
• Shankara.K.C , grade 8 – First, Imagine, Invent, Inspire
• Pavithra.K, grade 8 – First, Blockout poetry

4. DFL participated in the inaugural ceremony of Shikshak Parv 2021 and DFL principal and a team of
teachers were interviewed by Doordarshan news channel.


5. Our students participated in the world’s first International Olympiad Of Value System, Health &
Wellness by Zenik Learning.
The following students are our school toppers in their respective categories.
Mythri Shankar of grade 9 is the School Topper-Group III.
Veda C Nair of grade 6 is the School Topper-Group II.
Jososwini Rana of grade 7 is the School Topper-Group II.
Aarnavi B R of grade 3 is the School Topper - Group I
Our Principal has also received the ' Visionary Principal' award for her leadership in grooming and
strengthening the required skills of the students. Under her visionary leadership, the school has also
received the ' Inspiring School' award.

6. A proud moment for DFL
We are pleased to inform you that our school is ranked No. 1 in India under the top CBSE Schools-
Parameter wise for ‘Holistic Development’ in the survey conducted by Education Today, A National
Education Magazine.

7. To motivate students in the age group of 10-15 years (students of grade 6 to 10), The Department
of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India had invited original scientific ideas/
innovations to fulfil societal needs under a scheme called ‘INNOVATION in Science Pursuit for In-
spired Research’ (INSPIRE) Awards – MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations
and Knowledge)
Five students participated in the competition. Three projects of the following students have been
funded with Rs.10,000/- cash each and shortlisted for the next round:
S Siddharth, Shreyas R G and Aditya S


8. Harvest International School had organised SASYA 2021 in the month of February 2021.
Our students have made us proud by winning many prizes in the competition.

Category – 1 Name of the event Winner Place
Advik Arvind Third
1 Tempt2attempt Jaykrit Singh Third
Krupal L Bidarikatti First
2 Poppy Sonnet Skanda Bhat Third
3 Em Puzzle

4 YouCanScan

Category – 2 Name of the event Winner Place
Shyam Bindiganavile First
1 Fit4Life

Category- 3 Name of the event Winner Place
Sarvajnha Shetty Second
1 Dance4Cause
Varsha Shetty First
2 Chromatics

Category – 4 Name of the event Winner Place
Krishna Bhat U Second
1 The power of coding
Karthik S P
Chirag L


DFL in Media









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