COVID-19: THE ESSENTIAL ROLE ces of the disease as some people smission 2. The clinical significance
OF RAPID DIAGNOSIS AND AP- never develop symptoms whereas of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from
PROPRIATE USE OF PERSONAL others, sometimes apparently he- inanimate surfaces is more difficult
PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. althy, have severe or fatal pneumo- to interpret without knowing the
nia. Manifestations of COVID-19, minimum dose of virus particles
By Mario Plebani in fact, include asymptomatic car- that may initiate infection. Howe-
riers, patients with mild symptoms ver, available evidence highlights
Introduction and fulminant disease characteri- that the virus detected on surfa-
zed by sepsis and acute respira- ces decays rapidly within 48 to 72
The coronavirus disease 2019 tory failure. Approximately 5% of hours, but reinforces the need for
patients, and 20% of those hospi- adequate environmental hygiene3.
(COVID-19) pandemic caused talized, experience severe symp-
by the novel severe acute respi- toms necessitating intensive care 1. Diagnosis: accurate and timely
ratory syndrome coronavirus 2 Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 occurs The accurate and timely diagno-
(SARS-CoV-2) represents a major primarily via respiratory droplets sis of the disease is crucial to the
healthcare challenge threatening from face-to-face contact and, to effective management of patien-
global public health, social stabi- a lesser degree, via contaminated ts, control of the pandemic and
lity, and economic development. surfaces. Exposure during talking, the establishment of appropriate
One of the most striking aspects of coughing, or sneezing is the most infection control measures parti-
COVID-19 is the stark and poorly common mode of transmission, cularly as presymptomatic tran-
explained differences in experien- being an exposure longer than 15 smission is thought to be a major
minutes to an infected oerson as- contribution to the spread of the
sociated with higher risk for tran- infection. Modelling studies from
Singapore and China estima- the need for a better standardi- 9. Overall, the test resulted to be
ted the percentage of infection zation of molecular test sas only fast, easy-to-use, does not need
transmitted from a presympto- 86.3% of participating laborato- extra-equipment such as centrifu-
matic individuals as 48 to 62% 4. ries reported correctly the results ges or an extraction system, and
Reverse transcription polymerase for all core samples and incorrect can be handled by laboratory per-
chain reaction-based SARS-CoV-2 false-positive results were repor- sonal with very little extra training
RNA detection from respiratory ted for a true negative samples by for the procedures and interpre-
samples, in particular nasopharyn- 2.7% of participant laboratories7. tation of results. Furthermore, the
geal and oropharyngeal swabs, is In a recently published paper, our simplicity of design and the all-
the gold standard for diagnosis but group have evaluated some pre-a- in-one coupled with easy-to-use
the sensitivity of testing varies with nalytical issues, namely the effects design, makes it suitable for the
timing of testing relative to exposu- of sampling procedures, time and field settings, and for near-to-pa-
re and other pre- and analytical va- temperature of the primary na- tient diagnosis. In the previously
riables. According to a modelling sopharyngeal swabs storage on re- cited paper, all the 99 SARS-CoV-2
study, estimated sensitivity varies al-time reverse-transcription poly- samples tested positive with the
from 62% on the day of symptom merase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) reference test showing median
onset to 33% four days after expo- results. In addition, we have de- cycle threshold (Ct) of 24.2 (range
sure. Molecular testing, therefore, monstarted that swabs sampling is 16.6–36.9), also resulted positive
with Simplexa™
should be initially ne-
COVID-19 Di-
gative in patients
rect assay, with
with SARS-CoV-2 TRANSMISSION OF SARS-COV-2 OCCURS a clinical sensi-
infection, especial- PRIMARILY VIA RESPIRATORY DROPLETS FROM tivity of 100 %.
ly in those who will
Notably, Sim-
later develop over FACE-TO-FACE CONTACT AND, TO A LESSER plexa™ CO-
as after symptom
assay was able
relief, highlighting
to detect 8 ad-
the two grey zones
at the early beginning and in the fi- a critical step, and especially in case ditional positive samples resulted
nal phase of the infection (Figure 1). of low viral load, might be a po- negative with Corman’s method.
rRT-PCR assays developed in-hou- tential source of diagnostic errors8. Moreover a 100% of clinical speci-
ficity was observed against swabs
se and/or commercially available
resulted positive to other viruses,
may differ for the specific tar- Rapid tests
get(s) adopted that should be the Timely and accurate diagnosis are particularly human coronaviruses,
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase the main goals, particularly in the indicating no cross-reactivity with
(RdRP), the viral Envelope gene (E), early phase of epidemics and are other similar viruses. Key advanta-
the orf1a and orf1b, and, finally the the first step towards limiting the ges of this assay are simple opera-
nucleocapsid (N)5. Limitations and propagation of the infection. Howe- tion procedures and high-speed of
vulnerabilities of nucleic acid sim- ver, one of the major drawbacks of detection in just over an hour, whi-
plification tests (NAAT) for SARS- the available molecular assays for ch is significantly faster than the up
CoV-2 detection in biological fluids the diagnosis of severe acute re- to seven hours currently required
ahve been described, emphasizing spiratory syndrome Coronavirus-2 by traditional extraction followed
the need for a more careful stan- (SARS-CoV-2) is the need for viral by amplification technologies. The
dardization and control of both nucleic acid extraction from clini- only limitation of the assay is the
pre- and intra-analytical procedu- cal specimens. For overcoming small number of samples which
res. The main potential vulnera- these procedures and reducing the can be tested in a run, since each
bilities are presented in Table 16. analytical turnaround-time (TAT), a instrument can support a ring of
A very recently published paper newly designed real-time RT-PCR maximum eight position; this limi-
on an international external qua- (Simplexa™ COVID-19 Direct as- tation is offset by the rapidity of the
lity assessment survey highlights say) was developed and validated assay, due to the lack of extraction.
Figure caption:
Figure 1: Diagnostic window for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection by using rRT-PCR (from reference 6,
Table 1. Potential pre- and intra-analytical vulnerabilities in rRT-PCR assays (from reference 6, modified)
a) General
Lack of patient identification/misidentification
Wrong timeframe and diagnostic window (too early, too late)
Inadequate procedure for sample collection, handling, transport and storage
Interfering substances
Manual errors (e.g. pipetting)
b) Specific
Sample contamination
Testing patients under antiretroviral therapy
Use of non-or poorly validates assays
Complex manual procedures
Lack of harmonization of primers and probes
Instrument malfunction
Lack of quality control procedures
Non-specific PCR annealing
Misinterpretation of expression profiles
Other point-of-care testing (POCT) 100x lower than Abbott ID Now11. July 2020), the non-governmental
systems for SARS-CoV-2 mole- Due to current infrastructure limi- organization Foundation for Inno-
cular assays, have been develo- tations and supply shortages whi- vative New Diagnostics (https://
ped such as the BioFire Fil Array ch limit testing capacity access to has listed four
(BioMerieux), Cobas Liat (Roche molecular diagnostic tests, some CE-marked rapid SARS-CoV-2
Diagnostics and GeneSpert (Ce- rapid qualitative or semiquantita- antigen detection tests, which are
pheid). In particular, the Xpert tive in vitro diagnostics have been primarily lateral flow immunochro-
Xpress SARS-CoV-2 test (Cepheid) designed to give results 10-20 mi- matographic assays based on the
has received FDA EUA (Emergen- nutes rather than hours as is the presence of a colloid gold conju-
cy Use Authorization) and is per- case with molecular assays. They gate pad and a membrane strip
formed on a widely used platform are usually direct antigen-de- pre-coated with antibodies specific
(GeneXpert) for tuberculosis and tection or indirect antibody tests to SARS-CoV-2 antigens on a test
HIV testing, especially in low-and which should be performed either line. If SARS-CoV-2 antigens are
middle-income countries10. Howe- in the laboratory or POCT. Anti- present in the specimen withdrawn
ver, other POC tests do not provide gen test may detect virus early in from a nasopharyngeal swab, a
satisfactory results. In particular, infection in both nasopharynge- visible band appears on the test
the Abbott ID Now using isother- al swabs and saliva samples but line as antibody–antigen–antibo-
mal amplification, appeared to major limitations are due to the dy gold conjugate complex forms.
have an unsatisfactory relative sensitivity relative to nucleic acid Available data emphasize that the
limit of detection (LOD) as both amplification tests and potential sensitivity of these tests is lower
Roche Cobas and DiaSorin Sim- cross-reactions with other corona- than that of RT-PCR, with previous
plexa have LODs at least 10x and virus12. At he time of writing (20 antigen-detecting enzyme-lin-
ked immunosorbent assays (ELI- allowing the identification of the the World Health Organization,
SA) developed for SARS-CoV ha- best cut-off to be used for the ru- personal protective equipment to-
ving limits of detection of 50 pg/ le-out and/or rule-in of the di- gether with social distancing and
ml. Furthermore, clarification of sease: this, in turn, may lead to preventive hygiene measures were
their specificity for SARS-CoV-2 is improve the harmonization and applied by all our staff since the
awaited, given the potential for standardization of results15,16. spread of the pandemic in our
cross-reaction with other human The relationship between spe- country. All the enrolled healthcare
CoV. Despite these limitations, the cific antibody levels and neu- professionals underwent, simulta-
chief advantages of antigen tests, tralizing activity is under neously to the blood sampling, a
including their rapidity (10–30 min evaluation and we recently de- nasopharyngeal swab for molecu-
compared with hours for NAAT monstrated a strong correlation lar testing with quantitative reverse
testing), ease of interpretation between IgM and neutralizing transcriptase-based polymerase
and limited technical skill and in- activity measured using plaque re- chain reaction (RT-PCR). Among
frastructure required compared duction neutralization test (PRNT)17. 133 examined asymptomatic he-
with NAAT-based testing, continue althcare professionals working in
to make them worth pursuing13. Personal protective equipment our unit (117 females, mean age
Accurate serologic tests to detect Healthcare workers use perso- 47±10 years), only one (0.75%)
host antibodies to severe acute re- nal protective equipment (PPE) to was positive for SARS-CoV-2 at
spiratory syndrome–related coro- shield themselves from droplets the RT-PCR. Moreover, all had
navirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) will be cri- from coughs, sneezes or other negative levels of IgM and IgG
tical for the public health response body fluids from infected patients (negative cut-off <1.000 kAU/L
to the coronavirus disease 2019 and contaminated surfaces that and <1.100 kAU/L, respectively)
pandemic. Whereas the utility of might infect them. PPE may in- except six healthcare providers
antibody detection tests for the clude aprons, gowns or coveralls (4.5%) who showed an increased
diagnosis of active COVID-19 is li- (a one-piece suit), gloves, masks level of IgG (>1.100 kAU/L). The
mited8, serologic assays are crucial and breathing equipment (respi- majority of healthcare professio-
for documenting prior infection rators), and goggles. In epide- nals with positive IgG titers work at
and the presence of antibodies, mics of highly infectious diseases, the phlebotomy center, as nurses
which may indicate immunity. Yet, such as coronavirus 2019 (CO- or nursing assistants. These data
despite an explosion in the number VID-19), PPE can reduce the risk confirm the low prevalence of se-
and availability of serologic as- by covering exposed body parts. roconversion in our geographic
says to test for antibodies against However, it is unclear which type area, as obtained in a survey on
SARS-CoV-2, most have undergo- of PPE protects best, what is the healthcare workers of the Univer-
ne minimal external validation to best way to put PPE on (i.e. don- sity-Hospital of Padova and Vero-
date. This hinders assay selection ning) or to remove PPE (i.e. dof- na (unpublished data). In fact, in
and implementation, as well as fing), and how to train healthcare this survey the prevalence of se-
interpretation of study results14 Se- workers to use PPE as instructed18. roconversion was lower than 4%
rological assays should be grou- We investigated the severe acute highlighting the evidence that the
ped in two categories that are: a) respiratory syndrome coronavirus rational use of PPE may strongly
laboratory-based assays (usually 2 (SARS-CoV-2) specific antibody decrease the risk of infection (18).
chemiluminescent (CLIA) or enzy- titers in 133 healthcare providers In two surgical units of the Universi-
me-linked immunosorbent (ELISA) working in a tertiary academic ty-Hospital of Padova, two surgical
assays; and b) point-of-care tests, center in Veneto Region, North units were equipped with simple
usually lateral flow assays (LFA). Italy, at the Department of Labo- surgical masks to be worn at work,
POCTs provide rapid results but ratory Medicine which is characte- while FFP2 or FFP3 masks were
are qualitative and reading-de- rized by a workload of around rationed and used only when dea-
pendent. High-throughput and 34,000 tests per day of both in- ling with high-risk patients. Gloves
less expensive laboratory-based patients and outpatients.It has to were worn only during patient con-
assays may provide semiquanti- be underlined that in accordan- tacts and screen or goggles were
tative or quantitative results, thus ce with the recommendations of not provided. Staff has swab tests
every 20 days and serological test smission of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: A Narrative Review [published online
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distancing, face masks, and eye pro- Cheng MP, Yansouni CP, Basta NE, University Hospital-Padua
Serodiagnostics for Severe Acute Respi-
tection to prevent person-to-person tran- ratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus-2:
JULY 13 -17, 2020.
30 Carabinieri officers attended a one-week theoretical course – NATO 2nd phase - aimed at their future
deployment to Afghanistan in the framework of the “Police Advisor Teams” (PATs) within the NATO Resolute
Support Mission.
13th edition of the International Military Police Course (IMP13), whose 18 attendees came from the Europe-
an Gendarmerie Force Permanent Headquarters (Eurogendfor), the United States Army, and the Carabinieri
Corps. The 2-week training activity enhanced the participants’ knowledge of the broad role of the International
Military Police and provided a venue for collaboration on lessons learned and best practices.
SEPTEMBER 28-29, 2020
Ms. Elisabeth Braw, Swedish journalist, director of the RUSI (Royal United Services Institute) Modern Deterren-
ce project, within the framework of a comprehensive visit to the Vicenza Stability Policing Hub, met Brig. Gen.
Giovanni Pietro Barbano, CoESPU Director, and the highest representatives of the European Gendarmerie
Force Permanent Headquarters (Eurogendfor) and of the NATO Stability Policing Centre of Excellence (NATO
SP CoE).
Stability Policing Centre of Excellence
NATO’s recognized focal point and hub of expertise for a
Community of Interest in the field of Stability Policing
Assessment of Spoiler Threats Report Published 15 June 2020
SP COE PROJECT FACTSHEET Project Overview Spoilers are individuals that have the
power to negatively impact the peace
Global developments and the ever-changing security process both willingly or unwillingly.
environment require NATO and the entire International Spoiling behaviours may include violent
Community to continuously transform and adapt. and non-violent methods – working
Under the auspices of NATO Supreme Allied definition.
Transformation HQs and with the involvement of the
main international organisations (United Nations,
European Union and African Union), US SIGAR,
Academia, the NATO Stability Policing Centre of
Excellence hosted an one-day conference and a three-
day workshop intended to identify the requirements for
developing a sharable methodology for the
assessment of Spoiler Threats.
Main Recommendations
✓ International Organisations should improve their capacity to strategically assess the
implementation environment, particularly the motives, intentions, and capabilities of parties to a
peace agreement and spoilers, by conducting a proper assessment prior to any decision to
intervene and by including the results of the assessment in the mission mandate
✓ There is a need for the International Community to develop a methodology to assess spoiler
threats bearing in mind that the lack of this capability may undermine the peace process
✓ The methodology for assessing spoiler threats, as a living instrument, should start during the
planning process and continue during and after the so-called “golden hour”1 throughout the full
spectrum of activities, which range from reaching a peace agreement to its implementation
✓ Stability Policing can play an important role in the early assessment and identification of spoilers,
by virtue of its intelligence-led poling capabilities.
1 The term “golden hour” is derived from medical science and is defined as “the hour immediately following traumatic injury in which
medical treatment to prevent irreversible internal damage and optimize the chance of survival is most effective (Merriam Webster).
Vicenza (Italy), 8 October 2019
Stability Policing Centre of Excellence
NATO’s recognized focal point and hub of expertise for a
Community of Interest in the field of Stability Policing
SP COE PROJECT FACTSHEET Way a-head Desired Strategic Outcomes
The NATO SP CoE will host ✓ Increase the likelihood of success of the Alliance’s
a Subject Matter Experts’ Efforts
Forum from 1 to 5
February 2020 (COVID-19 ✓ Pave the way for sustainable peace and long-term
permitting) aiming to: security
✓ Develop an ad-hoc tool to
✓ Encouragement of decision makers to implement a
assess Spoiler Threats Spoiler Assessment Methodology to set an effective and
✓ Provide the foundation to sustainable End State, ensuring long-term peace and
develop a procedure for
its use by analysts and
planners, prior to any
deployment in crisis
response operations and
unstable scenarios
✓ Develop a doctrinal
framework, relevant
terminology and
consequent training
Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units -Sub Iure ad Pacem tuendam Milites paro CoESPUThe 3 - 2019
The online quarterly Journal of Stability Policing
ThLeeUaPNrrnoPitOnegc&ttihoIenntleoarfnnHgaRutaiiongneUaNolfLPahOwumEvaonluritgiohntsthrough Continuity
The Future of Peacekeeping from the EU Prospective
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