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Published by zoltan.kemeny.41, 2023-05-02 09:38:26

The Journey of Capricornus


RIENNEIL ROSEWATER The Journey of the Capricornus The Journey of the Capricornus RIENNEIL ROSEWATER

RIENNEIL ROSEWATER The Journey of the Capricornus

RIENNEIL ROSEWATER The Journey of the Capricornus

4 Dear Reader, Our daughter, Adrienn Kun, had begun to write this story in 2020, under the alias of Rienneil Rosewater, during the inevitable period of isolation dictated by the pandemia. She had presented a short part to a publishing house and was encour-aged to publish it online or, later, as a book. Our daughter beamed with joy when she related her intention to devote herself to writing. We were happy to see ending of her seclusion, giving place to positive thinking and we were looking forward to witness her book published. She composed the first and second part, designed and painted also the sleeves but a spanner thrown in the works prevented her to complete her plan: her computer had failed and hindered her in getting access to the files. We agreed that, upon her return back to Hungary (she lived in England and decided to repatriate), my hus-band would help to conjure all the key data and her writings out of her computer. We promised to support her in pursuing all of her art related efforts.

5 Kedves Olvasó! Ezt a történetet 2020-ban a Covid-világjárvány bezártsági időszakában kezdte el lányunk, Kun Adrienn írni, Rienneil Rosewater írói néven. A történet egy kis részét megmutatta egy könyvkiadónak, ahol úgy gondolták, érdemes online megjelentetni, illetve később könyv formájában is kiadni. Lányunk örömmel újságolta nekünk a hírt. Azt is mondta, rájött, ezzel szeretne foglalkozni. Boldogok voltunk, hogy a bezártsági időt ilyen pozitív dologgal töltötte, mint az írás, és együtt örültünk vele a könyv kiadásának. A történet első és második részét elkészítette, megfestette, megtervezte a borítókat is, de már nem tudta teljesen befejezni, mert a technika ördöge nem engedte. A számítógépe elromlott, így nem tudott hozzáférni az írásához. Megbeszéltük, amikor hazajön, a férjem segít „kivarázsolni” a gépéből a fontos adatokat és minden írását. Megígértük, minden művészettel kapcsolatos tevékenységét segítjük. Nem említettem, Angliában élt, és úgy döntött hazaköltözik.

6 Dear Reader, accept fondly the writing of our daughter, in the form as it showed up in the computer. We did nor alter, amend or adjust a word because we under-stand she would not like any modification. We hereby publish, adhering to our promise and paying utmost respect to her original intentions, both books presented as we found them in the files. Please, accept this book with open heart and love because she can’t, any more, correct or edit it as to further spin the yarn of her book and life... Budapest, 24.03.2023 Her parents: Cecília Zsigár & László Kun

7 Kedves Olvasók, fogadjátok szeretettel lányunk írását, amit olyan formában láthattok, ahogy megtaláltuk a számítógépében. Semmit nem javítottunk, változtattunk, nem nyúltunk hozzá, mert tudjuk, hogy nem szeretné, ha belejavítana bárki is. Ígéretünket betartva, az Ő eredeti szándékát figyelembe véve, kiadjuk mindkét könyvet úgy, ahogy találtuk. Fogadjátok nyitott szívvel, olvassátok szeretettel, mert ő már nem tudja javítani, szerkeszteni, tovább fűzni könyve és az élete történetét… Budapest, 2023. 03. 24. A szülők: Zsigár Cecília, Kun László

8 Adrienn Kun, aka Rienneil Rosewater born in Budapest on 18.05.1981 – deceased in Bradford on 24.05.2022 In her age of three, she enumerated a number of professions and told: after having tried all these, I will select the one I really like and will do that. And she really did it. She attempted simultaneously many pursuits as early as her studies in general school: piano, sports, solfeggio, drawing, acting, English language course, as she wanted. During her high school years, she began to teach primary school pupils. At her age of 18, she told us she wanted to relieve us from her tuition expenses since she would be ashamed of being a burden to her parents. Finally, she unwillingly agreed to accept 500 forints (a humble amount in 1999) a month as pocket money and then, consented, with a laugh, to get such benefit each month. During her high school years, she coached younger ones and prepared them for graduation. Meanwhile, she wrote articles, worked as trainee in the local TV, worked in theater and got singing lessons. After graduation, she worked in many jobs but desired to return to England where she had spent three months during her academic period. She wanted to improve her knowledge before sitting to a language exam. Of course, she kept working as newsgirl and taught Hungarian to English people. She became infatuated with England. As of 2006, she lived in England and taught in private and public schools. She disliked her job as vice-princi-

9 Adrienn Kun, Rienneil Rosewater Budapest on 18.05.1981 – Bradford on 24.05.2022 Három éves volt, amikor felsorolt egy csomó szakmát és azt mondta: ha mindet kipróbáltam, kiválasztom mi az, amit a legjobban szeretek csinálni, és az leszek. És tényleg ezt tette. Sokszor, egyszerre több mindent csinált már az általános iskolában is. Zongorázni és sportolni járt, szolfézsra, rajzszakkörre, színjátszókörre és angolórára. Ő akarta. Már gimnazistaként elkezdett tanítani általános iskolásokat. 18 évesen elénk állt és közölte, nem kell, hogy mi fizessünk mindent, innét már ő tartja el magát. Szégyenlené, ha 18 évesen is a szülei állnák minden kiadását. Nagy nehezen egyezett bele abba, hogy havi 500 Ft zsebpénzt adjunk neki. Ezt minden hónap elején nagy nevetés közepette kérte. 1999-et irtunk, ekkor sem volt sok ez az összeg. Amíg főiskolára járt, gyerekeket korrepetált, érettségire készített fel, miközben a kerületi újságba írt cikkeket, tévénél gyakornokoskodott, színházban dolgozott, énekelni tanult. Diploma átvétele után sok helyen dolgozott, de vágyott vissza Angliába, ahol 3 hónapot töltött, még főiskolás korában. Azért ment, hogy tanuljon és a nyelvvizsgát könynyen meg tudja szerezni. Természetesen ott is dolgozott, újságot árult és angolokat tanított magyar nyelvre. Beleszeretett az országba.

10 pal and soon returned to active teaching. She attended training college in England and graduated as Montessori (AMI) teacher. She attended the University of Cambridge to learn pediatric psychology. Meanwhile, she acquired 17 qualifications in various disciplines related to teaching. One of them qualified her to teach springboard jumping. During her last five years, she enthusiastically attended to autistic children in a special school She adoringly edified autistic children in a special school. She was loved and respected by the youngsters, the parents and her colleagues. During her leisure time, she painted, drew, wrote, pursued sports and excursions, took photos, composed and sang songs and wrote blogs. Her creations published via the Internet won her invitations from galleries in London and Leeds. She worked as professional interpreter, as well. She had always been merry, smiling and optimist. She was solicitous of helping others and raised donations also by running. In the last case, her school sent two truckload donations to help children in Ukraine. While in hospital, she told how odd it was that she had to be attended after her incessant efforts made to help others. Budapest, 03.04.2023 Cecília Zsigár and László Kun, parents

11 2006-tól Angliában élt, magán és állami óvódában és iskolában tanított. Igazgató helyettes is volt, de azt nem szerette, hiányzott neki a tanítás, így ez rövid ideig tartott. Angliában végezte el az óvó- és tanítóképzőt, Montessori–pedagógus végzettséget szerzett. A cambridge-i egyetemen gyermekpszichológiát tanult, miközben tanításhoz kapcsolódó több végzettséget is szerzett, például trambulin-oktatásról szól az egyik a 17 oklevélből. Az utolsó öt évben autista gyerekeket foglalkozott egy speciális iskolában, amit imádott. A gyerekek is őt, a szülőkkel és a kollegákkal együtt nagyon szerették, becsülték. Szabadidejében festett, rajzolt, írt, sportolt, kirándult, fotózott, dalokat szerzett és énekelte azokat, és blogolt. Több internetes felületen közzétette alkotásait, így hívták meg kiállítani londoni és leeds-i galériákba. Hivatásos tolmács is volt. Mindig vidám volt, nevetős és optimista. Fontos volt számára hogy segítsen, ezért sokszor gyűjtött pénzt, adományt akár futással is. (Utoljára az iskolájával 2 kamionnyi adományt küldtek ukrán gyerekeknek.) A kórházban volt, amikor azt mondta, annyira furcsa, hogy most nekem segítenek, pedig mindig én segítettem mindenkin. Budapest 2023. 04. 03. Zsigár Cecília és Kun László, szülők

13 hen you imagine the future of mankind what do you see? Do you see a perfect world reaching for the stars? Or the dying Earth with desperate humans fighting for scraps... ... What you imagine now, your wildest dreams and dares might be the reality of tomorrow. This story sets in the far future, in an underwater city where the citizens the Earth Republic live. After the climate catastrophe in 2090, came the great famine. Government collapsed, then came the riots, from there anarchy started and the second dark age of Earth begin. Around 2100 a new group formed, a militant force which slowly but surely took control over the chaos, bringing patriarchy and traditionalism back. Under their rule order was restored, although their approach towards women was questionable. With their iron fist they created a New World where men and women were not equal anymore. The decades of anarchy and mindless mass killings, reduced earth population from 200 billion to 20 billion. So when building a new world started, mankind realised they were living in a world of plenty. A newly formed superpower, called The New Earth Empire slowly overtook the entire globe, as they took control proclaiming to be the saviours of mankind. Feminism was outlawed and women were forced back to a role of home makers. Learning from the mistakes of the old world they know New Earth’s resources were limited, if the W

14 population grows. So they reached for the stars. The first colonies were Mars and the floating cities on Venus. In a desperate attempt to have more lands to, they tried and failed terraforming the Moon. Eventually the new booming economy faced the same problem, the on going population was again the brink of starvation. New energy sources brought interstellar space travel and the New Earth Republic was soon colonising planets everywhere in the Galaxy. But Earth was still overpopulated with not enough land to farm... Then they found something remarkable. Ununennium, a new element found on planet Kepler 186, it was a sand like powder, however mixing with silicone it created a very long chain, which was see through but extra strong. It was durable, see though and could hold enormous pressure. consequently, revolutionised space travel and enabled people to move their cities underwater. Therefore, Atlantis the underwater city was created. Soon all cities were abounded and mankind moved underwater. By 2100 all land used as farms and all the cities are in the bottom of the ocean. Meanwhile, they reached for the stars and started colonising the Galaxy. Spaceships whizzed across the distance with speed 10 times faster than light. Yet, freedom was still very relative. While the rich lived in luxurious underwater city of Earth or other technologically supreme Capitol cities, as the colo-

15 nies struggled to farm and herd animals to produce enough food for the ever so overgrowing population and infinite greed. Women’s choices remained limited for thousands of years. However, women eventually re-entered the work force, their choice of roles remained narrow and their achievements were overshadowed. The glass ceiling was there to stay and with new unbreakable elements it was harder than ever to break though. The world became bigger without becoming better... In all this magic world of space science, patriarchy still stood strong. Our story is about Tamara, a working woman, a secret agent. After years of working undercover in an alien world called AtOrri, gaining enough intel to stop a bloody War, and to start negotiations towards trade. She is about to return back to Earth. She should get a recognition for her work at the Secret Service and she is about to get married. How exciting. A true success story... lets follow her on her journey of success... Earth Republic 2089 ANER (2089 years after New Earth Republic was established.)

16 Chapter 1 Tamara Lt. Tamara Karlowsky was a strong headed person. She knew what she wanted and usually she got what she wanted! And she wanted this promotion really bad for a very long time... So she worked hard. During university she learnt computer science and developed a device capable of minor mind control (creating sensations in your body or memories in your mind, also capable of altering others perception of yourself, so you can change you appearance within seconds). She successfully used it for assignments gaining herself unprecedented success rate in spying. Her ability of disappearing with seconds was unparalleled and when they asked her secret she just quoted some instruction of text books. There were attempts of taking credit her work so she became more and more ruthless and cunning as she was before. Her first mission was to infiltrate the water Mafia on Mars. With her technology the Mafia leader actually thought he had an affair with the beautiful blond 19 year old Tamara, who actually just reflected those thoughts into his mind. Needless to say she gained access to all operation within days and ended the

17 ongoing Water Mafia, which caused trouble for over 150 years. She was congratulated and sent off to the next one while her mentor Fork was excelled to Colonel for single handily ending the Water Mafia. Mission after mission she waited for a recognition, which never came... Until now, but this was it. She felt the butterflies in her tummy. Her 10 year service and this last mission clearly enough to get her excelled to Captain. She was looking forward to that, her wedding day was coming up and she wanted to retire with honours. The room was bright from the sunshine coming through the Ununennium roof. Tamara opened her eyes just before the alarm. As she sat up on bed and rubbed her eyes, her soft long blonde hair was all around her face like a silky blanket. She brushed it out of the way and asked Paia (Personal Artificial Intelligent Assistant) what the time was, and commanded her to switch alarm off, warm her shower temperature for 43 degree and cook her 2 soft-boiled eggs. She muttered “thank you Paia” in the end of the command as she always thought that people ought to be kind to intelligent beings. She smiled as she thought about her promotion, she worked years for this, and finally promotion and wedding are both happening. Eventually it worth it, all that hard work. She couldn’t be happier! Quickly got out of bed, stroke her cat (one of the very lasts one on Earth) and went for a shower. As she put on her pale blue uniform she imagined form now

18 on she should wear the new badge on it, one for a captain, and she smiled as she analysed her reflection, as he brushed her hair into the perfect unibun, thinking Captain Tamara Kowalsky, you looking radiant today. Chapter 2 Partners in crime Captain Kristopher Kyle Kameron was an out of box thinker, if we put it politely. Less politely, he was a health and safety nightmare! He got in trouble all the time. Had a reputation of crashing most of the ships he ever captained. He was a pilot of one of the fastest ships in the Elite Float, the Capricornus six. (As you guessed from the name he already wrecked 5). Capricornus was capable of interstellar travel and had the latest software available with the best AI support. How did he get away with wrecking them? Well number 5 was filled with nukes and directed to an asteroid which nearly stricken an outer colony with twenty million farmers and life stock. Number One got damaged in the battle of Jupiter, where the Xerians raged an attack from on the

19 Solar System of the Earth Empire. The Attack came out of nowhere and found there Captain Lotte de Vyr and a bunch of cadets, who were practicing battle techniques with old out of date ships with very simple laser guns, in their way. The hostiles appeared out of nowhere Captain de Vyr intercepted them with the help of Cadet Kameron and his handpicked crew. The two ships single handed faced and took out at least 50 battle ships before reinforcement arrived. Most paper tried to give all the credit to the young Cadet, but he insisted it was de Vyr’s command which lead them to Victory, as well as his team’s effort, a jamming device which Cadet Olga Hagel Observator, Cadet Erik Bjorn Navigator and Cadet Ansel Axel Engineer throw together during the battle, and of course Cadet Adrian Torrino’s skills, as a brilliant gunman. Continuously praised by the media, prompted the government to recognise de Vyrs. She became the first woman who was awarded with the rank of Major, and was excepted to the Elite Float. Kamreron became the first Lieutenant who was allowed to captain a ship in the Elite Float. He was also the youngest in command and had the youngest crew. He was only 21 when the battle happened and Olga was just turning 18 the following week. The young Lieutenant carried on saving lives and destroying ships. He excelled to Captain, soon. Un-

20 doubtedly, he was as brilliant as hard to manage... His carelessness came in the way of promotion soon. Most of his classmates from Cadet School made major before he made captain! Just by following orders and being mediocre. As a talented pilot and excellent problem solver Kameron just did not fit in to the army. His haters thought he was reckless and his admirers thought he was brilliant. He might have been “just” a captain but he had a team he handpicked, and he had their full support and devotion. Lt Olga Hagel, the only woman on his team, she served as space observer. Her real talent was Maths and algorithms grabbed Kameron’s attention very early in Cadet school. She could get into any system and any information any time. They met outside Professor Haapfen’s office. The professor hit on Olga and tried to blackmail the 16 year old to sleep with him, for better test results. So when Olga walked out with tears in her eyes and seen Kyle sitting there with a watch communicator, she asked if she could borrow it, she used it there and then to hack the professor’s AI assistant, PAIA, and sent all the inappropriate pictures of underage students to the government and the professor’s wife. By the time her tears dried security was there to remove the professor as Olga smirked at him. She handed the watch back and said thanks to Kyle, who then asked her for a coffee as he was intrigued by the small geeky girl, and whatever she just did with that watch.

21 During the coffee she shown him, how to use the watch to access any information they should want or need, and the two become true friends, They really complimented each other, the flamboyant Kameron, and the shy Olga. She might have been timid, but there were no computer firewalls or passwords to keep her out of any systems. She could heck anything. She and Kameron were partners in crime from the moment they met. Kameron wanted her on his ship as the Computer Engineer, however that was a traditionally male role, so he forced to take someone else instead and Olga took the space observer role. She and Kyle had a complicated unbalanced friendship. She was really falling for Kyle. After the celebration of the Battle of Jupiter the had a very brief relationship, which Kyle ended very soon as he did not want to lose a friend and a team member. Olga lingered hope for years that they restart that relationship... As Olga couldn’t be the Computer Engineer, Ansel Axel was recruited to the role. He was a very talented Mathematician and his computer skills were nearly as good as Hagel’s. Ansel possibly was considered the most boring member of the crew. He was an introvert with social anxiety and he loved dogs. He actually had one (one of the only 100 remaining on Earth). During university, he had a crush on Olga, who never shown any interest towards him. The needed navigator role went to Erik Bjorn. Ansel’s friend from University. They shared the love for cartography and Bjorn was a collector of old

22 Earth Map. Erik and Kyle were drinking buddies during their education and Erik introduced Ansel to the team. Funny enough, Erik found the shy Olga extremely attractive as well, but as she shown no sings of interest he started to date Ynes Martinez, who studied to became a teacher and they soon got married. Which made Erik the only member of the team who had a family. The last crew member recruited was Lt. Adrian Torrino, another drinking buddy of Kyle. Adrian could have been Kyle’s twin they were so similar in the inside but very different in the outside. The only difference was his sarcastic sense of humour. He was recruited as officer of arms. Adrian was a massive fan old Earth Sci fy movies, and he wanted to be like Han Solo as a child (and he never really grew up). The crew was on their mission in outer space. Their ship the Capricornus 6 was the sixth space ship the crew served on. Captain Kameron was a famous ship crasher... however - as said before - every time he saved many lives on the line or prevented intergalactic wars by his actions. The Capricornus 6 was off course (as usual) and Lt Hagel was directed by the captain to ignore the constant calls from the Headquter Commandant. They were flying towards their destination as they kept getting the messages with ordering then to immediately return to Earth. Olga several times looked at Kyle with question in her eyes, but he shook his head every time.

23 It felt nerve wrecking and exciting the same time. She followed his order and ignored all messages, knowing they might face court martial for this. Finally, Kyle asked her to connect a call from the Jupiter Colony (closest settlement to them). “This is Captain Kyle Kameron, and this message is to Headquarter Commandant. To prove my thesis that there is vegetation on planet Osiris. Therefore, we are going to land and collect samples. End of message.” Turned to her and said “Olga, cut all communication, please.” She did. As the Capricornus slowly landed over the purple planet, Olga imagined how this can help millions of starving if Kyle was right. As they touched down Olga glanced at Kyle and as their eyes met they both smiled. They had more then 10 years hacking systems, crossing lines and stopping wars together ... and here they are still here...still partners in crime.

24 Chapter 3 Consequences Part 1 – Osiris The Capricornus landed on the Osiris without a glitch. Navigation was as always, perfect. Olga, Kyle and Erik suited up went and collected samples of the strange purple vegetation. Kyle WAS right. It was a significant find. Human population grown so much that new cities were moved to the sea, first floating ones then underwater ones, even in the colonies. Nowadays, all territory were used for farming. Most humans except for farmers, lived underwater. There are some forest remaining for oxygen production, however needs of the growing population required more and more territories to grow plants, and they were running out of new planets to colonies. There was not enough land on the terraformed Mars, the only parts they could use were under the of the electromagnetic field bubbles. Osiris location was fairly close to Earth so potentially another source would be beneficial for both Earth and its colonies. Olga was analysing the air. It was promising,

25 Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour, some oxygen, little nitrogen. Very similar Earth was when vegetation started. “It might be possible to introduce potatoes” she mumbled. Kameron held a sample with his gloves “Why purple? I thought plants are green. They green on every planet” “Not a botanist” answered Erik impatiently as he collected some more of the strange looking plants. “Because most plants have chlorophyll for photosynthesis” stated Olga. “These ones possible use retinaldehyde for the same reason, just like some bacteria on Earth, and that’s purple.” Kyle looked up with interest. “How do you know?” “Oh, after you put the thesis together from the atmospheric readings, I researched purple vegetation. Some scientist thinks Earth had a purple tint millions years ago. And some bacteria still do. You know I like researching.” She added. “Yes, you are a super geek” laughed Kyle. “One reason I choose you to my team.” “Anyway, Kyle, you were right. Ansel’s atmospheric readings and these plants show that your theory is correct. This might solve world hunger and you... you did it again” She looked at him with all utmost admiration. Kyle smiled back at her looking into those beautiful brown eyes behind the helmet and said “I bet we will get into huge trouble for it”. “For sure” giggled Olga.

26 Part 2: Back on Earth At Headquarter Commandant Captain Joon Smitbouer was having a ball. He never liked Kameron in cadet school. And he was forced to watch him succeed at the front line. When he became a captain of the new super fast space ship and was placed to the Elite Float, he started to hate him with all his might. Kameron was marked as a hero while as he was forced to do paper work to generals to stay relevant. He blamed all his short coming on Kameron and his bitterness over his carrier fails grew into vitriolic hatred towards Kyle. (He never though it had to do anything with the fact that he was could have been part of the battle of Jupiter if he not heads to an escape pod and flies to Europa the moment the hostiles were spotted abounding his ship and crew). It was easy to blame Kameron for all his own failures. He had it so easy, he’s success seemed so undeserved. All girls loved him. And him? No females ever looked at him, they all just wanted bad boy Kyle, instead of him, the NICE GUY. Anyway, finally today Kameron’s luck ran out. He went too far, and there is a disciplinary hearing behind his back at Headquarter’s and he is there to watch him fail. His overjoyce was disturbed by steps, he rolled his eyes, high heal shoes, must be some Bimbo. He looked up and realised he was right, there stood an exceptionally beautiful blonde slut (he referred

27 every special agents as sluts, as they were allowed to sleep with people undercover to gain information). And this slut had massive jugs. He stopped hating Kameron for a good 30 seconds to stare at her breast. He even counted to 30 so he won’t come across too creepy. When he looked up he saw that the female slut was rather annoyed. “These bitches fuck for information but offended by a stare? Women should not be allowed in high offices like this. This is very distracting. He will right it to his memoirs.” He thought. He stared at her and raised his eyebrows. Tamara walked into Headquarters with all her hopes for her well-deserved promotion, she was a bit surprised when she was told to report at General Jan Kominek, as he was the head of the Space Patrol (space police) and had very little to do with Special Service. Her smile froze on her face as she walked in the office and faced a creep staring at her breast. Her training prevented her rolling her eyes physically, but mentally she rolled them so hard they were on orbit. “I have an appointment with General Jan Korminek” she said so coldly that Smidtbauer felt a mental slap across his face. He got a little bit of his attitude back as he stared at Tamara, was tempted to get his eyes wonder again, but controlled himself. “My name is Lt Tamara Kowalsky” she added with the same cold zero fuck given voice. He nervously reached for the intercom and said “just take a seat, Darling...”

28 “Its Lt. Kowalsky!” she said in a very cold tone. “Take a seat Lieutenant” he repeated in rather frightened voice. Tamara walked to the chair and felt his eyes on her butt, made her feel really uncomfortable, yet shown none of it. She was used to sexism and men treating her like that. Her joy was gone, she was back being emotionless just like when she was undercover. General Lotte de Vyr, the leader of the Elite Float (Millitary unit first line defence of New Earth Republic) was rushing down to General Kominek’s office. She hated going there, because of that creep that Smidtbauer was. She outranked him easily, yet she found him several times talking to her boobs. What else a woman needs to do to get taken seriously? She was the only female general of the Elite Float and only got that, as she saved Earth from an alien invasion, pretty much single handed, several times. There was the Battle of Jupiter, of course. Also the AtOrri attacked, when her fast reaction and strategy and Kyle Kameron’s team unusual bravery saved Earth again. So she raised in rank and eventually became the first woman (a woman of colour) to be a general of the Elite Float. Yet, she had to put up with this prick (in a secretarial position, as he was not cut out for the space battles) talking to her boobs. She much rather faced the AtOrri, or the Xerians then this one. She walked into the office though the doridoor (a corridor with two automatic doors in each end

29 opening automatically for motion as the lights come on when one enters they can hermetically shut down sections in case of a flood - which never happens) and saw Lt Kowalsky waiting. Surprised to see her, as she knew she just arrived back from mission. Lt Kowalsky went undercover to AtOrri colony where she lived with the human community, eventually getting enough intel to approach senior leaders of the species and managed to start a successful negotiation to peace. Now the AtOrri are trading partners and helping New Earth Republic solving the hunger. She looked at Tamara with pride. Not many women ever come here for meeting, unless they carry a tray of coffee and here they are. Tamara noticed her and recognised her, too. She stood up and saluted (Secret Service does not required to do that) and she saluted back. It was signifying their recognition of each other achievement for being exceptional in a world of men, accomplished beyond expectation. They shared a little proud smile. Tamara felt great about her day again. Seeing General de Vyr, she always wanted to salute her, and she saluted back... it means she knew her work about AtOrri! Smidtbauer eyes wondered at General de Vyr breast as she rolled her eyes. “Can I go in?” she asked impatiently. “One minute” said Smidtbauer grabbing the phone announcing the General as his eyes wondered.

30 “Can I go in now or do you want a picture or something?” she asked impatiently. Smidtbauer went beetroot red. It was not enough that a BLACK FEMALE just told him off for staring but he couldn’t to anything at she was way above him, she could actually end his carrier, even his uncle at Headquarter Commandant couldn’t help... “This is why her kind should not be here at all he raged the inside but held back. But he will vlog it all to his memoire! He decided gleefully. Tamara was laughing in the inside, she always had a massive respect for de Vyr as a general... and now she had her respect as a woman as well. She read Lt. Creep as well and could see his rage as he got knocked back. They shared an “I know” look as de Vyr passed, they even smiled at one another. General Kominak and Coloner Fork were sitting at the table. De Vyr walked in and sat down. “You possible know why you here” said Kominak. “Kameron?” she asked without a pause. Usually it was something he did. Unfortunately, not everyone shared her opinion about the Captain. “He went to far this time” explained Korminak. Lotte thought for a minute and then began the argument. “General I am aware that Captain Kamaron’s action were against your direct command, however his out of box thinking evidently might have given us another way to solve world hunger, one of our biggest problem. Which could mean we might need less outside help, don’t get me wrong I

31 am glad the AtOrri became and ally, but things can change,” “Huh” she heard an unpleasant screech behind her. It was Smidtbauer, he walked in with Tamara while she talked. “you forget Kameron ignored an first class order form the Headquarter Commandant” he said with a purple face as he towered over the sitting general. “And you forget, who you talking to Lieutenant” she said as she stood up staring at him. “I am also unaware you would be invited to this meeting?!” He looked at general Kromanek who shook his head. He felt incredibly uncomfortable, the Lieutenant had no business in this meeting, he only suppose to show Lt Kowalsky in and ask if anyone wanted refreshments. Sometimes he wished that he was not working with him, but his family ties made it impossible to get rid off. “Have you asked the General if she wanted coffee?” the general said as he turned towards the lieutenant. He backed off with a further red face. He felt humiliated as he had to SERVE a black woman. He thought this was against nature and it should be the other way... “Yes, please” De Vyr said to ease tension “coffee, one sugar no milk thank you.” “Lt Kowalsky” asked General Kominak. “Oh... “Said Tamara in a surprise “Can I have an tea with milk and no sugar, please?” Smidtbauer felt very humiliated like someone

32 just slapped him with a wet fish. He had the urge to piss in the cups but he knew there were cameras everywhere. “a BLACK coffee and a WHITE tea” he said emphasising the colours. Tamara was observing like in undercover and already profiled him as a petty racist woman hater, possibly very vindictive. When he left the room de Vyr turned to Kominak and carried on with the argument “I know Lieutenant Smidtbouer would sent him to mine sand on a desert planet, but let’s see his achievements objectively. His out of way thinking saved our asses several times, he prevented wars, other conflicts and now found a new planet where we can farm. Yes, he is has a problem with authority, but” she paused as she glared towards the returning Smidtbouer serving beverages” so as others in this establishment.” Kormanek got the message “Lets just stay on topic, shall we?” he paused and he continued “There is not sympathy to antipathy in my decision” he cleared his throat before he continued “He will be removed from the Elite Float command, and be places to the Space Patrol immediately.” “So you placing him under your command, without me having a say?!” she exclaimed. “I have no choice, Lotte, he went to far, this time” She felt walked over. Kameron was under her guidance since they saved Earth 10 years ago... and they didn’t even ask her... he was her best pilot. She never had to protect Earth without him in a battle...

33 “and who do you suppose to give me as a replacement?” She asked calmly. Kormanek felt extremely uncomfortable, she was a war hero, same rank as he and he just completely went behind her back to removed her star pilot and placed him into his fleet... he was about to ask for a better solution when Colonel Fork deadly calm voice broke the uncomfortable silence. “General de Vyr, this is not a personal issue, this is a strategical one. Kameron needs to be made an example otherwise other young hotheads with messiah syndrome will think this kind of behaviour was ok. This is why this decision was made and of course a suitable replacement of YOUR choosing will be designated, I am sorry we could not discuss this with you earlier. This was a rushed but necessary decision”. Tamara observed Fork as he talked, he knew he used a technique to control the conversation and saw how it worked on General de Vyr. She was a bit puzzled why was exactly was she part of this conversation. She took a sip on her tea as she continued listening collecting as many details as she could. She heard of Kameron before, seen him on magazines, she remembered noticing how nice his eyes were... yes blue eyes he had, dark blue... She sipped again to remain focusing on the now... She knew General Fork was hiding something for her. She started to feel uncomfortable. She did not like watching General de Vyr getting walked over and she hated Fork

34 smirking in the back. She felt ashamed by wearing the same uniform thinking of disgust that this is what people expecting from her, walking over decent people with dead calm manner and a meaningless smile. General Fork paused and continued. “I think I ought to introduce you Tamara, Lt Kowalsky done exceptional work on the colonies, she is an expert in controlling situations. This is why decided she will be supporting Lt Kameron, effective immediately to make sure everything is by the book and the good Captain follows your orders on the board of Capricornus.” Tamara nearly chocked on her tea, and started to cough. De Vyrs handed her a tissue and asked if she was ok. She gained her calm back and apologised and blamed it on asthma and quickly took her inhaler. Her conditioning was not enough to not react for such a huge slap on the face. “This must be surprising for you” carried on Colonel Fork calmly. “I know you were expecting a different assignment however your skillset required somewhere else” Tamara looked at the colonel, she was supposed to retire with honours and get married to Fork’s nephew, Pete. Why is he doing this? Skill set? What skillet Fork knows well she hates space travel she gets jelly legs on commercial flights with cold sweats and occasional vomiting. Yet, She shown no emotion just nodded and let the storm inside her calm. “When do

35 I start?” she asked with a calm voice and took a sip of tea as she was waiting for the answer. “Now.” The colonel answered. She nodded calmly, “ I have signed leave of absence in two weeks” she stated calmly as she sipped the tea and pictured herself punching Fork emotionless head like he would be that sand box in the gym. “Yes, I am aware. You should be back in a week, if protocol is followed properly and then you can have two weeks of and after that may remain your duty”. Tamara sipped her tea wondering why he is saying that as him and his nephew expressed plenty of times she should stop working once they married. But took a deep breath let the thought go and focused on the now. Uncomfortable silence fall again. De Vyr kept looking at Tamara wondering how is she taking this but seen nothing on her. Nothing. She was blank. Whatever she felt, she hid it well. Impressive, she thought, “If I were her I would be punching that little weasel”. She couldn’t keep silent anymore, “What I Don’t get Jan, why did you not involve me in this decision?” she blunted out. “I was not involved either, Lotte. I notified you as soon as I found out.” “I think it is one of the biggest mistake the cabinet took.” She added. “You see, Lotte he had many incidents...” “They here” announced Smidtbauer on the tannoy.

36 “You expecting me to deliver this news to him?” jumped up Lotte in frustration. “No, of course not!” said Jan “This is why the colonel is here.” De Vyr turned to Colonel Fork “don’t you think your soon to be niece should prepare her wedding this week instead of running after Kameron, don’t you anyone else to replace her for a short time, she’s only been back for a day or so, she should get some leave...” “General de Vyr, I do not let my private life interfere with my work.” Said the Colonel coldly. The door opened and Kameron’s crew walked in. Tamara looked up and surprised how good looking Kameron was. She saw him on magazines before and always thought he was photoshopped... well he seemed photoshopped in real life. Those blue eyes she remembered well, black hair, tall very muscular but more athletic then big... and goodness me Tamara... concentrate... she blushed as he looked at him and had to really control herself to became cold and emotionless again. Well, she can occasionally loose it as today was like a really bad day undercover... and she was not even undercover. She felt the tiredness of a three-year mission towering over her. This supposed to be a day of joy a start of a holiday... not this... whatever this was... She watched Kameron’s reaction as he was told his removal from the elite Floats to Space Patrol and could see the anger on his face, He was easy to read.

37 Yet, he did not blow up, but he remained calm, which Tamara appreciated. From the conversation about him she profiled a hot headed trigger-happy boy in man pants, but no... He was level-headed and calm. “Now hang on,” raised his voice Adrian Torrino sharply, “you cannot do that” Tamara hid a little smile about Torino’s passion, it was very stupid thing to say, but appreciated how he dared to express his frustration. She wanted to do the same so much but couldn’t... It was also ironic how Torrino fitted the profile she built for Kameron, there he was the trigger-happy boy in man pants... how appropriate he was serving as a gunman Tamara thought. Started to quite enjoy reading Kameron’s crew, they were fascinating. Also, they were all exceptionally good looking like someone picked them for a photo shoot for Gigastar Observer (a tabloid). De Vyr stood up, “I am sorry Kameron, I could not do anything.” “Oh you protected him plenty!” butted Smidtbauer in. “How about the Saturn incident or that affair on Juno?” He stepped right in front of Kameron looking for a reaction. Tamara watched with curiosity how this guy, who was there to serve coffee kept walking to people’s faces shouting. “I hope he never excels, she thought. This guy would be dangerous and undeserving to have power over anyone.” She thought. “One prevented a war, the another solved a diplomatical fiasco, Lieutenant,” said de Vyr with

38 growing impatient, “and I still don’t remember you being part of this meeting, we don’t need any more drinks, thank you.” Tamara hid another smile as she felt Smidtbauer’s burn. He was again beetroot red. “I want to file a complaint” he shouted. “Joon, go and chill out now, you forgetting yourself, luckily Lotte is a forgiving GENERAL, now go’” Said Kominek with a stern voice. Smidtbauer stormed out like a toddler, and they could hear him screaming outside. Colonel Fork asked to be excused and followed him. “There is one more matter...” Fork turned from the dooridor. “An officer of the secret service will supervise Captain Kameron on every mission.” He added as he left. Kameron turned to Korminek and asked, “do you want me to resign?” Lotte stood up and walked up to him, “Captain Kameron, Earth needs you, just keep you head low a bit, follow protocol and I will see what I can do, I promise.” They caught each other eyes and Kyle’s attitude completely changed. Tamara knew he had uttermost respect to the General. “All right, General, I am sorry I caused you headaches again.” he said to her in a soft voice. “Some headache this one” whispered Lotte as she smiled and patted Kameron on the arm. Which made Tamara wonder if they had at affair some point.

39 Kameron got red, as looked at Tamara. She could see the frustration but this was pure anger. “For how long will I be babysat?” he burst out, in an impolite manner. “Three years” she heard the answer. At that point Tamara knew her wedding was off... She was just waiting for the call from Pete to cancel it... but she focused again... “It’s the now I have to focus on, the now” she repeated in her mind... As Kameron walked in he saw an exceptionally beautiful woman at the table and glanced at her curiously wondering who she was. She had special service uniform on and the pale blue complimented her turquoise eyes... He was more occupied with looking at her than wondering about the emergency meeting. She was looking at him too ... and for a minute her emotionless face seemed like she blushed... no they never show emotions... he must be imagining it... He was listening to the decision trying to stay calm, ok Space Patrol not that bad... but getting a baby sitter?! Before he realised he said it out loud: “How long will I be babysat.” He regretted the minute he said it, as after hearing 3 years, Adrian started a rant exclaiming don’t need an emotionless frigid twat on their mission, and if they might as well just give them a robot instead or could just use an AI. “Shut up, Adrian” he said. Everyone was shocked, General Korminek sat down and muttered “you see Lotte, exactly this is

40 why it is out of my hand”. Kyle watched the blonde woman slowly stand up and step towards of them as the General continued: “Captain, This is Lt Tamara Kowalsky... your...” paused as he nearly said babysitter, got embarrassed and didn’t know what to say... “the emotionless twat, who will babysit you!” Tamara finished the sentence. Adrian stared at her with embarrassment, Kyle was shocked but Olga actually giggled. “Hi, she said I m Olga, the team’s Smurfette”. She reached her armed out and they shook hands. Tamara actually smiled at her before her face went back to neutral. She understood the reference. Tamara was fan of old Earth literature and knew Smufette meant, the only girl within a group of boys, which was a common trope of literature... sadly times don’t change for women... 2000 years on... and same crap they have to put up with. “I am sorry to be rude but this was unasked” explained Adrian realising, how Tamara took away the edge of situation by turning his comment into a distasteful joke. “It’s Ok Lieutenant, I think you talk a lot before you actually think, but I admire your passion, it’s a rare quality.” She answered. “You already been briefed?” asked de Vyr with a surprise in her voice. Tamara suddenly lost her emotionless secret service mask, “oh no, but my job is to read into people’s behaviour”.

41 “Yes, but within seconds...” added Lotte, with disbelief. “I read the Lieutenant file she was first of her class, and her reading ability was praised, Professor Carter said she possible knows what people think before they do.” Said Korminek. Tamara had a small smile. “That is impossible, but yes, It in one of my strength. That is why I asked for a diplomatic mission... but seem to be my skillset is required here...” she seemed devastated as she talked before she slipped back to bot mode. Kyle have seen secret service doing that before but never to that level, in another situation possible would have loved having Tamara to work with, but right now he felt, extremely annoyed. “I am an officer of the secret service she said with a firm emotion free voice” and I will do my duty.. If I could be excused I will go on my briefing and see you on our first mission together, and to read the actual paperwork.” She walked toward the dooridor when she hears Olga’s voice: “It was lovely to meet you, Tamara”. She turned gave Olga a smile, “Was a pleasure to meet you all” and walked out. “You need to understand Captain Kameron, that Lt. Kowalsky will have authority over you. She can refuse your order and give you one.” Said Korminek. Kyle seeked Lotte ‘s help, but she shook her head “Understood” he said in a quite but angry voice as he turned back to Korminek.

42 As Tamara walked out, she tried very hard not to cry. She was on her way to find out her wedding was cancelled, her promotion or diplomatic assignment won’t happen... and she will have to be the twat who babysits Kyle Kristopher Kameron and his gang so they obey the health and safety regulation... As she was stepping, she watched and counted the fish outside the windowwalls to calm down. “In this blue ocean light everything is calm” she repeated to herself. Her communicator buzzed. It was Peter her fiancé, who wanted to see her in Fork’s office to discuss “upcoming events” (so he not even going to dump her in a café, it will be in an office in front of her boss). So she wiped one tear away and walked into the meeting with calm emotionless face. Fork was sitting behind a huge desk, Pete was in an enormous armchair and they placed a small seat for her in the middle the room, so she won’t forget her place. “Tam, come sit down,” said Fork’s overly sweet voice. “Tea or coffee?” he asked. “Thanks just had one,” said Tamara with forced calmness, as she kept trying to suppress her emotions and force her heart beat slower. All that training ... and she still could feel it pumping in her neck... like someone untrained... but hang on she supposed to be home she supposed to be on leave, these two supposed to be her future family.... Calm... as she calmed herself, she started to observe and noticed Pete sweating and fidgeting; as he was trying to hide his nerves in vain.

43 “Can you just tell me straight, please?” she said in a calm voice, placing her body in a position showing control. Pete appeared to be really nervous, like someone with no training what so ever, (Even Kameron hid his emotions better). “OK, I suppose you deserve that for all the services to the republic... and to us as well... you... could be family...” mutted Pete. “We have seen the ambassador of the Alpha Kentaury Nations, “cut in Fork with a cold voice” they suggested a trade deal we cannot turn down, they have a daughter who is off age and we decided...” “There will be no wedding,” whispered Tamara, as she felt tears in the back of her eyes, she made her mind blend and let the feeling float away, she blinked and was ok again. “Oh darling there will be,” said Fork with a smile as Tam’s heart jumped, “but not with you”. Tamara saw his satisfaction of her sudden joy and sorrow of the sentence and felt sick how he uses this technique against her. “You have to see Tamara, Eovanni is a way more prosperous choice then you. You might be a hero, but she has money. Money and land full of food luxurious food... and Pete needs to retire after all his services on AtOrri.” “What you talking about? Pete was never on AtOrri, he was on holiday on Lunar Plantation for the duration... oh...” Tam just realised what was happening and it felt like an ice-cold shower “... so my work will be credited to him?....”

44 “We have no choice my love” muttered Pete, they want a decorated hero, and I never done anything. He felt ashamed, he actually liked Tamara and felt terrible about hurting her like that. But Eovanni had a moon in her dowry. He was terrified to say that to Tamara, as she even hated the word, arguing that women were no goods to exchange. She was more beautiful that Eovanni as well, but a Moon full of diamond mines... “I see,” said Tamera as she stood up. She felt dizzy like the room was dancing, she collected herself. “Thank you for letting me know, goodbye Pete, and hope you will be happy with...” “Eovanni Omblusy!” added Fork with a smirk looking at Tamara. “Eovanni Omblusy” repeated Tamara. “If that is all I would like the files for my new assignment.” She added with a very thin voice. Fork enjoyed torturing her, as he always hated women in service and found this very satisfying. Tamara risen to high to quick and dated his nephew. A slut who had a lesbian relationship with a target for information will not put her paws in such a catch as Pete! They should not be called lesbians anyway, they should be called gender traitors, that is so disgusting! Shame they actually have to teach it in the Academy so agents can use the art of seduction when necessary. And Tamara was excellent at art of seduction, he tested her himself. But out with this slut. The family will be rich with this, and this bitch can babysit that pain in the ass

45 Kameron who might even get her killed of one of the reckless missions or she might go crazy as she is afraid of space travel. Will be even better for Pete as the slut might opens her whore-mouth and tells everyone about her mission on AtOrri discrediting Pete... so he chose Kameron he will get himself and his whole crew killed hopefully soon, that’s why he left him the Capricornus 6 and not given him a patrol cruiser, in this way he can run to his death with a hyperdrive. Everything is great. “Oh yes,” he said “my secretary can feel you in”. And that’s what you should be, too! He added inside his head. Tamara went out collected the files went home and threw up. As she sat next to the toilet with tears in her eyes, she wished it was all just a bad dream and she would wake up... Chapter 4 Mission Briefing Part 1 Kyle Kyle woke up in the morning. He was hung over and had head ache, as he sat up he realised he was not home. Olga came in the room he stared at her puzzled.

46 “Oh... it was amazing!” Olga declared joyfully “and you finally proposed”. She exclaimed with a warm smile. Kyle panicked... but then he heard Olga bursting out of laughter. “Sorry that was unmissable... your face!... Too funny!... And for the record I would have said no to the offer, as you are dickhead!...” she paused and continued now with a more serious face: “In case you wondering, you came over drunk holding a bottle whiskey. You told me how pissed off you are and announced how strangely attractive you found Lt Kowalsky. Then you watched old cartoons and passed out.” “Crap... I m sorry!” Kyle said as he felt embarrassed. “I bet now you wish you have proposed!” Joked Olga. “Kyle, not the first time you came here, to pass out and talk shite; ok?” She added as she noticed how unwell and sad he appeared. “Have a shower, go home get change as we have briefing at 1 pm.” “What’s the time?” asked Kyle massaging his own head. “11 am” said PAIA. Swearing as he jumped up, he missed the door and walked into the wall next to the shower banging his already hurting head. Olga giggled but was concerned as he did seem really unwell. She put the Info Wall on to take her mind off worrying about him. It was about Peter Fork marrying some ambassador’s daughter AtOrri... She couldn’t care less and switched it off.

47 Part 2 Tamara Tamara woke up with a bad taste in her mouth. Her head was sour she knew she should have not drank the bottle of champagne she bought for Pete for their honeymoon, especially not other puking everything out. So she basically did it to empty stomach. Which seemed like a terrible idea by now. Absentminded, she had a shower and breakfast. Marla arrived, a girl from Cadet School who stayed with the Ser Kyle, the cat while she was away on duty. Now, she wished she could rename the cat but he actually listened to his name when was called. Marla saw her and waved her head “Tam, you should call sick.... I m sure they will understand... “ she added as she felt uneasy. “I mean seen the news.... why the hell did he dump you?” Tamara looked at her with a tear rolling down her eye; “I really don’t want to talk...” she sighed. Marla did not push it. However she walked up to her and gave her a hug. Tamara had to use all conditioning not to cry. “Please, just take care of my Ser Kyle, ok?” she whispered. Despite all what was happening, she arrived to briefing appearing as always, calm, organized and showing no emotion. She let the storm pass on, inside her mind; as she walked towards the room, with her heals tapping, in a slow calculated rhythm.

48 Part 3 Olga Olga was a mess, she had to sort so much out before this meeting. She brushed her hair into the unipony (female soldiers have to wear on missions) and got her uniform on. One hair kept coming out of the unipony she quickly secured it with a pin and set off. As she walked out she grabbed her coffee cup and took a sip. As she walked to the escavulator (transport pod, which carries people from one point from the city to another). Tripped in her heal (was compulsory for briefings and she hated them) and poured coffee on her dark purple uniform. She checked her watch, there was no time to go back... and the pod was already heading away with her inside it... “Shit... this won’t look good”, but she let that thought go.... The Pod stopped. As the escavulator poddoor opened she seen Tamara... and annoyingly she appeared like a bloody statue of perfection!... And there was her... Olga.... with messy hair and coffee stain.... “All I bloody needed” she sighed inside her head. Tamara noticed her, and glimpsed at the coffee stain. “Oh great here we go, I m going on time out by Madam Babysitter!” Olga thought. She pressed her watch. “Lt Hegel, you can’t go like this, you will get disciplinary” she said. Helga was about to tell her to piss off, when Tamara grabbed her by the hand and pull her out of the pod. “Come to mine, it’s only a

49 20 seconds walk, we have time to sort it.” This was so unexpected that Olga did not say anything just followed Tamera to her door, they went in, Tamara’s cat came to say hi, she quickly stroked him and said: “this is Ser Kyle, and yes, I am regretting the name!” Olga laughed at the confession and was truly amazed by the cat. “I thought they were extinct on Earth.” She stated as Ser Kyle was purring at her feet. “He is from the AtOrri” explained Tamara, as she reminded Olga, they were in a rush. Tamara handed her Marla’s overcoat to put on, which covered the stain but was a bit to hot, although made her look much better. Leaving enough credit to Marla to purchase a new one. As they got back in the escavulator, Tamara got a comb out of her bag; “May I?” she said before she started fixing Olga’s hair into a perfect unipony. “Thanks,” murmured Olga, she was quite astonished by this... “It’s ok; “we both girls, “she explained, “we have to look out for each others as no-one else does!” She re-insured Olga with a smile. As she talked, she seemed like a normal girl, was no trace of that artificial emotionless china doll like yesterday. “Oh, ...and don’t worry, this is off record, I jammed the signal!” she explained, as she pointed at the recorders. “So this never happened”. Her face went back to the emotionless statue as she pressed her watch again. They parted after the escavulator, as she headed to be briefed about her knew charges and Olga headed to meet Kyle and the team.

50 Part 4 The Meeting Kyle looked extremely hung over. His eyes had dark circles, his uniform was a mess on him... Yet, Olga found her thinking, she even found him cute like that. “Wow, aren’t you look fresh?!” he exclaimed when he saw her looking perfect with the unipony, like a poster girl for recruits. Olga checked herself in the mirror, shocked how well her hair was fixed. “Tell me about it.” She giggled. “Did you go to the hairdressers?” joked Kyle, knowing Olga’s hate to unipony. “Kind of...” answered Olga, who was astonished by Tamara’s sudden courtesy towards her. “Can you get me a coffee, please.” She quickly asked to change the subject. “And you should have one too, get a double espresso, you really look shit!” “Oh thanks, Olg, I wonder why you single when you really know what to say to a guy!” teased Kyle. “Oh shut up and get us a coffee, you landed us in enough crap already.” Added Olga impatiently. “Fair comment, Miss Perfect!” He said, as he walked to get the drinks. The staff launch was full with people waiting for briefing. Mainly young cadets, who shyly peeked at the two legends preparing to the meeting. Space Patrol Launch was not the place, where heroes like Kyle Kristopher Kameron or Olga Hagel often appear...

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