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Published by zoltan.kemeny.41, 2023-05-02 09:38:26

The Journey of Capricornus


51 As they walked in, Tamara was already at the table, with a neat pile of electronic files. Olga wondered what exactly she is learning about them. She was sitting there with straight back reading, showing no emotions what so ever. Kyle found that intimidating. He was usually good at reading people, too... but Tamara gave him no signs of being alive. She was like a perfect porcelain doll, beautiful, cold. Nearly lifeless, no emotions just logic as he observes you like and old AI in those gorgeous service robots. “Well, thank you for Lt Hegal for some professional appearance, I am glad at least one of you takes things seriously!” beamed General Korminek as he stepped through the doridoor glancing at Kyle with disbelief. Olga blushed and peeked at Tamara, who was still looking at the files and seemingly had no reaction. “May I ask, when you team will grace us with their present?” He groaned angrily. Smidtbauer followed Korminek, his presence was like foul stench lingering around; like rotten meat left out in the sun for weeks. Both Tamara and Olga crept out by him, but Tamara was better at hiding her emotions. Smidtbauer ogled Olga up and down like she would be some kind of object on an exhibition. “My!” he screeched, “now I can that Chinese ancestry in you, wow, I wish your kind would still practice foot binding you would be even cuter with tiny feet, like a little Chinese Barbie doll.” Tamara felt a sudden urge to vomit in her mouth, looked up and saw Olga going pale then blush with

52 anger stepping back, as Smidtbauer was as good with respecting personal space as with chatting up women (which was possible a random dick pic for strangers online). She thought with utter disgust. Kyle stepped forward and moved between Olga and Smidtbauer. “I would appreciate if you would talk to my crew members with respect, Lt Hagel is a soldier of the New Earth Republic Army, so treat her like such and not some eye exotic eye candy you fancy.” Tamara watched him fighting his outrage trying to control himself. He was about to explode when he heard the general’s voice. “Quite right, Captain!” he said. “Do you often talk to women like that?” asked Tamara in a calm voice. “Why, do you have an issue with that, babe?!” grinned Smidtbauer. “Lt Smidtbauer. I am an agent of the secret service in uniform.” Explained Tamara coldly. “ Therefore, you may refer me as Lieutenant, or by my Surname, or the combination of the two. Furthermore I wish to notify you now, as you must have misread my nametag yesterday, when you lingered on that area for a significant amount of time. So just for clarity! It is Kowalsky! Not Babe. Lt Hagel IS a soldier, who also should be referred in the same manner. By her rank, or by her name, or by the combination of the two. Moreover her name is HAGEL; in case you missed that, too. Unless, you two are familiar with each other from out work, which I highly doubt based

53 on what you said and how she just reacted to it. In that case you could call her Olga, with her permission! Also, might add that article 34 on work safety, clarifies that in our Republic bringing up someone racial background is illegal and a reportable offence according to article 45, which states that racist comments should not be tolerated in a professional environment. Additionally, article 89 states, that women at work should not be sexualised or commented on their appearance, preventing such occasions they should wear unipony if soldiers or unibun if secret service. Therefore, I hereby going to ask General Korminek to remove you from the meeting as you are disturbing the peace. Otherwise I will be forced to issue a harassment report to the management.” As she talked her face was calm, her voice was cold and she articulated each word perfectly. Before the general could react, Smidtbauer stormed out. Tamara looked at Olga with a concern on her face and asked if she was all right. She seemed so different, as her voice had empathy and warmth, as well as her blue eyes shined alive, nothing like the robot like AI, a minute ago. Olga nodded, as Kyle gave her a hug, kissed her forehead and asked if she needed a break. He was pleasantly surprised by Tamara. He never seen anyone putting that little shit weasel back in place that quick! Also, she actually seemed sincere for a minute. As Olga gained back her senses and sat down, Tamara went back to ice queen mode.

54 “Your team is late, you making an awful impression!” Complained the frustrated Korminek.” “Well your team have that in common with us!” Olga replied. Korminek got angry but let that one go, as Lt Hegal had just been racially and sexually assaulted by his assistant in his present... so he diverted his anger towards Kyle: “and could you stop hugging and kissing you co-worker? I am sure lieutenant know an article about that, too.” Growled with annoyance. Tamara looked up from the files with surprised expression: “I am sorry general, was busy reading these files, must have missed that; but yes, if that happen that would be inappropriate.” she said as she carried on reading. Finally, Adrian arrived with Erik and Ansel. They all set down and the briefing began. Lt Kowalsky explained with her calm, calculated emotionless voice her role On Capicornus 6; which was to make sure they all follow command, at all time. Also reminded the crew, if she judges, she can take command any time and can give orders; and in that case she will outrank the captain no matter of her rank being lower. When she finished she turned to Kyle, with those cold blue eyes and asked: “is that clear, captain?” Kyle felt extremely intimidated by her, She was so unpredictable and those beautiful blue eyes stared at him, like she could see his thoughts and secrets... he worked with secret service before, but never seen anyone this good and this scary. “Yes, Lieutenant,

55 and welcome on board.” he said courteously. “I have to say, in a strange way looking forward working with you, as not many people surprise me like you did.” he added. Tamara stared at him, with suspicion, but found no irony in his voice and his posture showed sincerity. “Think about me, as someone, who helps you to become better at what you doing.” said Tamara with light in her eyes and a half smile, as she let her wall go just a second. They looked at each other with a curious wonder, trying to figure out each other motives and genuinely. Adrian sarcastic laugh broke their moment. “You wish to add something Lieutenant?” asked Tamara in a cold voice, as she went back to bot mode. “Oh you bet! ‘Help?’, what kind of crap is that? You will get in the way all the time and we really don’t need a babysitter!” Exclaimed Adrian, with a frustrated voice. Kameron wanted to interfere but Tamara bot was quicker, she flicked Adrian’s file and looked into his warm brown eyes. “Thank you, Lt Torrino, for expressing your concern, you are right, I have little experience serving on a space ship! However, I do have expertise you might find useful. Also, I read through the records and clearly, you are more reckless then Captain Kameron, so no. I have to disagree. You will need my help, to carry out missions by the book!” she paused, then changed her tone and added: “Besides, we both following orders and

56 it will be easier for everyone, if we do so without unnecessary conflict.”. Adrian backed off but was fuming inside. This little bot put him to place twice within 24 hours. He was not used to women talking to him like that. He was used to flirting and drinking with women as well as working with Olga, who he adored. As they all fall silent, Jan Korminek read out the mission. They need to go to Sector 100 and check the satellites, collect readings and return. Kameron expressed that’s more suitable mission for a cadet... “Well, son!” Replied Korminek with an inpatient voice. “Take it as a holiday, you look shit anyway, so you could do with one!” Tamara looked at Kyle and saw the dark circles under his eyes, noticing how unwell he actually appeared. “General may I suggest, a 3 hours rest before take off, for health and safety reasons?” She requested. Korminek grudgingly agreed. As they walked out to their designated resting launch, she heard Adrian voice full of irony: “you need a beauty sleep?” “Some of us do!” replied Tamara without stopping. Kyle was tired and frustrated and was suffering from head ache. He did feel exhausted. “All right, lets all take a requested rest... I can do with one to be honest”. He said trying to resolve tension. They all retired to the pods, where Kyle had a shower and was worried he won’t sleep, even he really needed some rest. He heard the pod intercom rang.

57 It was Tamara. He opened the door with curiosity: “Can I help you Lt Kowalsky?” She handed him some pods with powder in them. “Hydrauntrinilium,” she explained. “Cures hangover in minutes, mix it with metatrilliumoxide and you will sleep, take in neat when wake and you will be fresh.” She turned and left, as the surprised Kyle muttered thanks to her back. He felt puzzled. Tamara was something he could not figure... He took the mixture of the two and felt incredibly drowsy, he just managed to set timer before he fall into deep sleep. When woke and took those powders again and he felt rejuvenated. Well, maybe she meant when she said she was there to help... Chapter 5 Tamara’s first mission Day 1 Pre-flight nerves Staring herself in the mirror in the small chillpod, Tamara took some emotion represssent. She just woke from her nap, took some drugs to feel better, now there she was in front of the mirror with

58 her fingers shaking with anxiety. She was great at hiding her emotions, but she was terrified of space travel and that fear was here to stay. She always went on mission which involved very little of such. Now here she was, about to Space Patrol with captain Reckless, who was clearly hung over, and his rowdy crew who gave zero fuck towards health and safety regulations! This was her deepest darkest personal nightmare. She took a deep breath, swallowed two more pills and watched her face do back to emotionless, as her hand stopped shaking she picked the hairbrush and started brush her hair. It was her routine, ever since she decided to be an agent (at age 8). From left to right not missing one bit, way up to the unibun. She got a shower cap on and let her nerves relax as hot water ran down on her body. She focused on her meditation and conditioned herself to be able to co-op with space travel. The technique she used based on Old Earth meditation combined with New Earth Republic medicines, conditioning and other techniques. It was very powerful helping agents to create a brand new mindset and enable them to do whatever was needed, even if that was repulsive, frightening or unattainable for them. It was a technique with risks though, as it was known to cause serious PTSD, as it did not make any of these actions more desirable to agents; however they were able to go though feeling very little in action but facing the consequences later. Used carefully it made agents

59 able to co-op better in fieldwork. Tamara always used it with caution and so far, was lucky enough not to do anything she otherwise would not have done. (Even managed to dodge her seduction exam with Fork). However her fear of flight or space travel was real... and she had 60 minutes to come over it. She got out of the shower, video called her cat for emotional support, Ser Kyle seemed happy with the sitter, made her feel a bit better. Fixed her hair to perfection, done the compulsory service make up and put her crispy ironed uniform on. She did sigh, as it was a dress with high heals. Female astronauts and Service women were made to wear skirts and heals for take off, and were only allowed to dress down to trousers and flats after their first duty ended, (usually in 4 to 6 hours). It was not easy to take all those Gs in high heals, but pleasing men’s eye were always more priority than comfort, in the New Earth Empire. Some government officials (all males) still argued, how scruffy and unpleasing navigators looked when they dressed down and had no make up on. However, the dress code was eased 10 years ago there was no way back to the “good old days”; when they had to wear heals and make up all the way. Tamara thought even just for take off and landing this attire was ridicules, unpractical and uncomfortable. She left her pod and found most of the crew there, getting ready. Olga looked at her and smiled. “Hey!” she greeted her cheery, “good to have you on board,

60 I had enough of Smurfette!” She said as she handed her coffee. “Thanks,” said Tamara with a smothered chuckle. She felt a bit relieved and lighter. This kindness just took the edge off. Adrian came out looking like someone after a very bad party. His uniform was creased and his hair seemed to be a mess. “I need coffee!” He grunted with some annoyance at his voice, he noticed Tamara and groaned: “Wowie, miss perfect, how the heck can you look like something out of a catalogue all the time?” “She has way better discipline then you, Adrian! That’s how.” Tamara heard Kyle’s voice behind her back. She turned around and saw him looking fresh and ready for mission. Which she felt a bit more confident, now the pilot was not half drunk. “You look crap, mate!” Kyle said to Adrian. “You off duty straight away until you recover. Go and fix yourself!” Adrian tried to argue but Ansel told him to go, as they “were in enough doodie as it is.” Which statement made everyone laugh and won the argument. “Lt. Kowalsky,” called Kyle as he walked up to her. “How many hours did you serve on a space ship?” Tamara felt uncomfortable as this question got her completely off guard. “You haven’t been briefed about me?” She asked back. “Well, you were at the briefing... they told me you outrank me!” Replied Kyle.

61 “Not with flying the ship though!” exclaimed Tamara with fear in her voice. Kyle stared at Tamara, was she scared? “I take it that means little experience in that area?” He asked carefully. Tamara unwillingly blushed, but regained herself and answered: “I have standard flying exercise, some commercial travel... and went on duty to the outer colonies...” “Great, a newbie!” exclaimed Adrian. “Lt Torrente, can we please behave before Secret Service, will think we have no manners?” Said Kyle impatiently. “Lt Kowalsky, so I take it, you not very confident with flying? “ he asked with some sympathy in his voice. Tamara looked so terrified for a second, Kyle actually felt sorry for her. “Well don’t worry, we know what we doing.” Added to re-insure her in a soft voice. “Yes,” teased Adrian. “He only crushed five Pegasus type cruisers!” He went silent when Olga gave her a death glare. Take Off As Tamara walked through the hangar she heard her and Olga’s high heals clonking on the steal floor. “Those damn stupid shoes”, she heard Olga whispering. She smiled in the inside, thinking possible every woman’s thought was this, when they board a space ship. “You can take them off once we are in

62 the lift, I m sure, secret service won’t mind that!” Whispered back Adrian and they both chuckled. Tamara again felt a bit lighter, they relaxed approach made her feel a bit less on edge. When the lift door closed Olga quickly kicked her shoes off. She looked at Tamara, “I know its protocol, but...” .”It is stupid!” finished Ansel the sentence. “We complained many times!” He carried on explaining, “saying it was dangerous, trying to change the rules, but no-one listened”. He looked at Tamara with worry. Tamara nodded, and took her shoes off. “I m not going to argue on this one, this rule is completely unnecessary and if Lt Hagel feels safer without them, I am not going to stop her, to do so.” Actually, she was glad as her legs usually go like jelly from the nerves at take off. They all reported to the control room and started to prepare for take off. Major Kameron walked up to Tamara: “you can be dismissed; you possibly will be more comfortable in your cabin, or the staff launch. Of course, you are welcome to stay and observe of you want to; there is a passenger seat in the corner. Although we won’t need you, now. Trust me you cannot take off without following protocol. If you need anything, there is a telecom in all cabins. Please, follow the safety announcement I am responsible for each crew member of my ship, and I never lost one single soul! All right, Lieutenant?” He was getting worried as she seemed very pale and nervous.

63 Tamara nodded, she looked unsure and desperate, Kyle actually wondered if she was scared, and if yes, how bad this fear was... but did not want to ask. “Adrian, you dismissed, until you feel and look better, could be all mission as I don’t see how can we use a gunman to check satellites.” “You never know!” Answered Adrian cheerfully. “We could do a target practise on them!” He peeked at Tamara looking for reaction. But his joke was ignored. Kyle waited until Tamara left and added: “Stop winding her up! ... and one more thing; please do not drink... at all, I need you sober”. Tamara went to the staff launch and opened the observatory screen. She hated space travel, but watching the ship leaving the hangar and lifting through the clouds to space was something she liked to watch. It was quite a sight, scary but beautiful. The hangars were placed near the surface, so there was very little water above; occasionally none if tide was low. Before opening the hatch, locks were raised and water was pumped from the section. Tamara watched the hatch open, heard the announcement for seat belts, heard the counting back to zero, felt the shaking: both the ship and herself... as the engines turned on... she felt all the Gs as they lifted off vertically. Capricornus hovered above the hatch, waited until they were closed and then accelerated until they reached 2nd cosmic speed. They left Earth atmosphere within seconds, soon reached high Orbit continuing accelerating until Captain

64 Kameron announced to brace for light speed. Tamara prepared herself mentally as her body felt like going out of phase and back. Now, they were on a steady cruise speed, they had artificial gravity switched on and the Captain announced they can leave their seats. She stood up and overcame her dizziness. She was covered in cold sweat, and her legs felt heavy and floppy. She walked to her pod and collapsed. Tried to keep her coffee down but couldn’t. She threw up. Her last thought was to go to the bathroom and refresh herself, but the room went all black and she collapsed. Continuous beeping woke her up, she realised she was in her cabin, laying in her own puke. She recognised the sound of the intercom, she tried to move to answer but realised she cannot get up as her legs felt like jelly and her head was dizzy. Laying on the floor she realised she must have passed out after vomiting. The intercom stopped but banging started on the door. She was still too weak to respond. She heard Kyle’s voice and tried to say she was all right but couldn’t. One hour after cruise speed was reached, Kyle checked on Adrian; he was fine resting in his cabin, so he called Tamara but there was no answer. So he decided to check on her. Asked PAIA for location and she confirmed Tamara was in her Cabin and seemed unconscious. After calling the intercom and banging on the door he decided to enter. He overwrote the code and stepped in. He was horrified by

65 the sight, as he found her on the floor in a pool of vomit half conscious. “Geevizz, Tam...” He felt awful seeing her like that... “you should have told me.” He got on his knees next to her... “am I OK to touch?” He asked and Tamara nodded weakly. He helped her to sit up and got her a towel. “Well Adrian will be happy to know, that you do not look perfect all the time”. Tamara tried to smile but couldn’t. Kyle shook his head, as he tried to wipe her hands clean... “I know what I have done to piss them off, but what the hell did you do?” Tamara felt a tear in her eye. “Oh shit... sorry!” Kyle realised it was the wrong question. “You don’t have to tell me... Was a rhetorical question really.... Look, you safe, OK? We are at cruise speed... and you.... you will be fine. I do this every day... and I m not gonna... it’s off record, right?” Tamara nodded. Kyle handed her some water, she sipped it. “I am terrified of flying” she explained. “No shit, Tam... sorry I mean Lt Kowalsky!” “Its fine, I suppose I look less official in a puddle of my on puke.” She said wiping her face trying to smile. “I think you have some on as well...” “Yes, noticed, thanks...what exactly are we bathing in?” He joked, then quickly added: “please, don’t answer!”

66 “I wasn’t gonna!” Tamara actually managed to smile at this point. “For the record, next time... if there is a problem... you tell me!” Stated Kyle with a more official voice. “I need to know if you have a problem, as long as you are on board.” Tamara nodded, and he continued: “You see, I might be way out of the box... and you here to box me. ... Fine. But we are on the same ship and we need to make this work. I can’t keep you safe if you don’t tell me what is wrong. We both stepped on some toes and now they punishing us with each other....” Tamara thought for a minute and decided to trust him: “I am suppose to be marrying Forks nephew...” “The spy hero who went undercover?” asked Kyle. Tamara felt her eyes filling with tears... “that was me... he took credit for my work... and now he is marrying for money. That was my mission... I wanted to be a diplomat... I thought... I will...” she could not say anymore, tears ran down her cheeks. “Gee girl they fucked you over big time...” Kyle shook his head with disbelief. “... and here we are, quite a pair! OK, maybe we can help each other... what you afraid of? I mean... death? pain?” Tamara understood what he wanted, and started to analyse “... this was possible mixture of PTSD... getting triggered by flight ...” she started. “...but what causes your fear?” Asked Kyle. Tamara took a deep breath and searched her mind. No-

67 one ever asked that question before...”I think I prefer to be in control” she said finally. “Ok, that’s easy!” Said Kyle.” I teach you to fly, when you better. Now get yourself together and see you in the control room in 40, OK lieutenant?... “ Tamara nodded. He turned back from the door and asked: “Why did you trust me?” “I don’t know, Kyle,” answered Tamara as she realized how informal she was. “I just... had a feeling... I can.” Flying Lesson When Kyle returned to the control room he released Erik and Ansel from duty. Olga looked at him curiously, “Do you need something from me?” she asked, but she knew already. “Yes.” Said Kyle slowly, “Can you hack Secret Service files?” He asked. Olga was surprised by his request. “You want to know about Tamara?” she asked. “I want to know about her last mission, and keep it between us, please!” Olga shrugged her shoulders, “You are the bossman”. She joked. He sent Olga to rest, too and now was alone in the control room. Tamara turned up in exactly 40 minutes. She seemed well again and emotionless as usual. “Lieutenant Kowalsky reporting to duty.” She stated in a very official manner. Kyle laughed how

68 formal she was, shook his head and said: “relax Tam, it’s only you and me.” “Oh, sorry, KYLE, didn’t realise it was a date!?” Kyle smiled when he heard her quick witty comeback. “I m glad you have a sense of humour, it means there might be some hope for you...” he pointed at the chair next to him; “come sit, I show you how it works. Its all automated.” he added as he seen a flash wave of fear on her face for a split second. She set down. In a position it was hard to read any emotion. Kyle started to explain which button was which and how to program. He was very good at tutoring. Tamara actually got really interested, in uni they never went to this detail how to fly a space ship; and she had a sudden interest in trying it. By the end of the “lesson” he told her to monitor cruising speed for ten minutes while he took it off the AI. She done the checks correctly beforehand, and she took control. She was concentrating hard when she heard Kyle asking. “Tam, you know what you doing?” “I am flying the damn ship, KYLE!” she replied. Day 2 Tamara woke up at 10 am (GMT Earth time) and reported for duty 11. Was shown how to navigate by Olga and took over her duty for 5 hrs, with Erik flying the ship. After some small talk, Erik told her

69 about and hiss passion to collect old maps. Tamara told him about her mission to Mars where she seen some early 20th century maps, and early navigation systems called Satnavs in a museum. Erik decided, he did not dislike Tamara, as she was pleasant to talk to, and generally helpful when came to task. She seemed to learn quick and was capable with technology. Especially, for someone with very little experience in that area. Tamara felt much better, since she was kept busy. She felt less afraid, and her hopes for married life seemed like something for the past. She was actually starting to feel all right. Felt less like she was undercover and was able to be herself within limits with the crew. She actually found herself having fun with most of them. They were very informal, but they pretty much followed protocol. Found them carrying, friendly and funny most of the time. In seven hours to their duty Ansel came to relieve Erik. He was keeping distance so they both were silent. Olga came back after her nap and set next to Tamara. “Ansel,” she said, “did you know Tamara had a cat? The very last on Earth.” “Really?” asked Ansel with interest. “... I thought they were extinct on Earth.” “I got him from the AtOrri, I m actually looking to get him a mate from the colonies, so we could reintroduce domestic cats, they quite effective as pest control”. “I have 3 poodles!” exclaimed Ansel with surprise and excitement in his voice..

70 “Oh that’s lovely, how they co-op with life underwater?” asked Tamara with interest. “They ok, I have a garden with small trees and grass... I suppose, you could bring your cat over once.... so he can play there... if you want.” Olga was very surprised hearing Ansel so excited, he usually kept for himself, and rarely invited anybody over. “What’s his name?” Asked Ansel. “Kyle!” Exclaimed Olga, as she started to giggle. Ansel laughed as he thought it was a joke, then looked shocked when realised it wasn’t. Then laughed out loudly, as it was kind of unreal. Tamara laughed with embarrassment: “I never thought I would regret naming my cat.” “Look at that.” He said jokingly, “She has been here for only two days and good old Kameron already had a kid with her!” he joked without thinking, he looked at Tamara and as their eyes met they both burst out laughing. In that moment, Adrian walked in. “Gosh, you guys are cheery today!” He sat down next to Ansel, who asked how he was. He told him, he felt much better and was ready for duty, right after his coffee. He went to make the drinks and brought one for everybody including Tamara. At that point Tamara realised, she actually liked being part of this crew. They were all kind of nice to her, and the boys treated both Olga and her with respect. Which she found very refreshing. After coffee, Adrian took over and she was sent to rest, and

71 Olga went for lunch break. By then she was tired and confused, as her body lost her sense of time in space. In the control room Ansel told Adrian and Erik that he actually liked Tamara and was about to tell about the cat, when Adrian cut in: “She is rather hot on that robotic way!” “You always had a thing for robot chicks” joked Erik, who knew that Adrian often used the services of Cyberjoy (Sex working AI avatars looking like old Earth celebrities). “She does have that Doris Day vibe!” Admitted Erik. “She reminds me more of Grace Kelly!” argued Adrian. Ansel felt uncomfortable. “Come on guys she is Secret Service!” “Oh yes exactly, Ansel!” He said excitedly, “don’t they like learn freaky shit in uni called, manipulation and seduction craft?!” “Why don’t you ask her?” Laughed Erik. “Oh yes I will!” Joked Adrian. Olga walked in chewing a biscuit, she was looking at them with question in her eyes, as she could tell they were up for no good. Adrian pressed the communicator to the launch, “Adrian Torrino calling Lt Kowalsky, please respond.” “It’s Lieutenant Kowalsky, copy!” Ansel and Erik were muzzling their laughter, Olga still were just looking trying to figure out what was going on.

72 “Tamara, I was wondering if you would like to come and pop to my pod for a light dinner with champagne?” Olga wrote WTF on her personal communicator holding it to Adrian as the boys laughed and watched with anticipation. “She is gonna tell him to get lost”, typed Ansel to Olga who nodded agreeably. “You have Champagne?” they heard Tamara’s voice after a short pause. “Oh yes, my love,” bragged Adrian with confidence. “A full box!” “Well, thank you for letting me know, lieutenant, I am going to report it to the necessary authorities.” She went offline. Laughter exploded. Adrian hung his head in embarrassment as the others were laughing without control. This was the minute when Kyle returned. He looked at them with suspicion, “What did you guys do?” he asked. But instead of an answer they all burst up laughing, again. Adrian walked up to him and said: “Dude, I fucked up, again”. Tamara was expecting one of them come to talk her out of the report but it did not happen, she felt a bit reluctant to send it but it was her job to keep them safe, and drinking while on duty was potentially dangerous. She filed the report then went to the control room to see Kyle.

73 Day 3 Tamara headed to control room, the whole crew was there. Kameron looked at her and asked: “Do you want to get the ship out of FTL?” Tamara felt sudden fear overcoming her, let it go and nodded. Kameron got her to sit down and put belt on and then shown her which button to push. Olga counted her down and she pressed as she got to zero. The strange in and out of phase sensation came the second her finger lifted off from the button. Olga reported the co-ordinates, and confirmed they arrived close enough to destination zone. Kameron activated sublight engines. She lifted her hand and seen them shaking slightly. “That was great, Lt. Kowalsky, nice work!” Praised Kameron. “Captain Kameron, I filed a report over some irregularities, I found in your ship would you like to view before I send?” asked Tamara. But before Kyle could react, Olga connected an urgent call. It reported Wind from a Burst Neutron Star, on the way towards their position; so Kyle ordered change of route. However neither stated it to the AI box nor reported it to Alpha Base (which were both regulation). “Captain,” said Tamara should not you report it to...” she could not finish, as the space ship started to shake.... and equipment sparkle (normal in this case).

74 She nearly fall, glanced at Kyle with wide eyes: “we gonna blow up and die, wont we?” She cried. “Maybe, slight chance, but we could!” answered Adrian in a cheery voice full of irony. Kyle gave him an unimpressed look, then told Tamara to sit down and fasten her belt as it will be bumpy. He took control from AI and got them out of the storm. Olga redirected energy to the shields and Ansel calculated to best and safest route though the storm. It was good and effective team work. Once everything was back in control, Kyle turned to the shaking Tamara and said: “You were saying something about reporting it to, ‘we gonna die’, but I am not familiar with that agency, Lieutenant, are they new?” Tamara was relieved and annoyed and still was shaking. “Look,” said Kyle, “in that situation, you react first then report. Besides, the first thing go in a storm like that, is communication.” He added. “Olga, can we send message?” Olga shook her head. “In that case. Can you take Tamara to launch to take five, as she does not look well?... Adrian, be nice, she never served on a ship before. If I remember correctly you reacted way worst on your first flight in a storm like this.” As the girls walked out Olga whispered to Tamara, who had jelly legs again and had was shaking: “Lt Torrino crept his pants on his first flight as a cadet”.

75 As Tamara sipped her tea, she felt a bit better. Her hands became less and less sweaty and they stopped shaking. “Is it always this hard?!” she asked Olga. Olga shook her head as she looked at Tamara with empathy. “This was nothing, ok, but you will get used to it. Kameron is a capable leader, and he is the best pilot I ever flew with.” “I am so embarrassed.” Tamara admitted. “Well, at least you did not crap your pants!” Olga joked. “Did he really?” “Yep!” “How old was he?” “15.” “That’s quite young.” Olga nodded,: “well as I seen, you had to do some gross stuff at Service school, too at that age, like the ice cube challenge!” Tamara felt nausea just the mention of that. “Yes!” She said. “You can’t imagine.” Olga felt like telling her, she knew exactly, as she just hacked the system, but did not trust her enough to do so. “Feeling better?” she asked instead. When they returned to duty, Tamara finalised her report, which stated she had to remind Kameron about reporting the course change, however she did add her overall observation which praised great team work, good work ethics, and overall following procedures accordingly, besides minor delays. She

76 sent a copy to Kameron to check, and once he did, she forwarded it to Headquarter Commandant. Kyle was very surprised when he read Tamara’s report. It was matter a fact and she made fair observation. She actually was complimentary of the group’s team work, and only mentioned minor delays like his report to changing course. ...And of course Adrian having alcohol on board. He told her to take the rest of the day off as she seemed exhausted after her panic attack. Day 4 Next day, Olga was finishing her night observer duty. Flying Capricornus was fully automated, so basically they only needed one crew to watch, and one in standby in case something went wrong. Erik and Ansel came in bringing her coffee. She was out of uniform wearing a long hoodie and leggings as Kyle let them wear comfortable clothing on night duty. Erik told her to go and rest and he took over. Adrian walked in with a big grin on his face and headed to the security system. “I just seen Lt Icequeen heading down to the gym!” he exclaimed as he put the camera on and started to watch as Tamara ran on the treadmill. “Not bad looking at all!” He said as he dunked biscuit in his tea”. Ansel felt uncomfortable, so he mumbled about being hungry and left the room. The boys were so

77 busy watching Tamara exercise, they did not notice Kyle coming in. “I never noticed, how big her boobs were!” Adrian said, “She should wear low cuts more often!” “What the hell you guys doing?” They heard Kyle’s quite angry voice. He went to the monitor and saw, they were using security footage to spy on Tamara. “We don’t do this to each other on this ship! Turn it off, Adrian. What is wrong with you?” “Come on, Kyle don’t you want to see her in a sport bra?” Kyle turned it off without looking. “Not cool!” he said in a sharp voice. “It’s the kind of shit Smidtbauer would do!” Adrian felt ashamed. “You right mate, I won’t do that again. I just hate the fact they placed her here to babysit.” “Don’t take it out on her though, not her fault;” argued Kyle. “Ok, sorry, you are right! Would punch someone doing that to Olga!” Adrian agreed. Tamara walked into the control room at 9 am and found the whole crew there. Olga just returned recently and now had uniform on. “Good Morning Lieutenant how was your morning run?” asked Adrian cheery. Ansel gave him a death glare. “It was refreshing, thank you” she said. She got the mission report and realised they were nearly at the required zone.

78 “Kyle,” called out Olga with uncertainty in her voice. “We are about to pass Helion 13, I tried to call, like you asked... there is no answer except these strange signals, I m putting them on your screen... Ansel, maybe you have seen something like this before?” She added in a confused manner. Ansel looked at the signal with disbelief, he knew Olga for years, she was way better at reading signals or analysing patterns then him. In fact he kind of had her job... If she did not understand... he stood no possible chance making sense of it.... Olga was probably the most capable of reading any signal used by Earth Republic... So this request was highly unusual. As he viewed the signal, he realised this was something they never seen before, not him... not Olga... nothing like any known civilisation used. He’s never seen signals like that before. They seemed very strange like a pattern of hexaflexagons. Ansel was confused, these signals were just impossible. “Erik, come here have a look.” he called. Erik was shocked by the request he was ok with computing but not near as good as Olga or Ansel. He went and looked... “What the...’ he mumbled as he stared at it.”Kyle look at this! I have a bad feeling about this!” At this point they all stared at the strange patterns with no clue what they were looking at. “Olga, can you confirm there is no audio connection besides this strange alien signals?” Said Kyle recording it to AI for record keeping.

79 “That’s correct!” “I suggest we stop and investigate.” Kyle recommended. Tamara looked at him with question in her eyes: “Captain you acting against the orders...” “Yes, Lieutenant,” interrupted Kyle. “As you possible realise, Helion 13 a small output station, in the middle of nowhere; and it is unresponsive, besides some unidentifiable signals which none of us seen before. There is a crew of 15, down there. without us, the only help available is 25 hours away using FLT, and they only have small ARK type ships with sublight engines. If something went wrong, human life might be in danger and our mission is not a priority, therefore we can stop and assist others according to space law... you help me out here... “ “Article 165,” added Tamara as she saw the point and agreed. “Yes, thank you Captain, make sure you report it properly.” “After situation is sorted, I will do. I m glad we are on the same page!” He added with relief, as he was expecting a huge argument. Erik and Ansel volunteered, to take Ark 1 and investigate. (Lifeboat for the space ship, there were usually for each 3 crew members in cruise ships. They had sublight engines and were capable of long distance travel for years, as they converted to Cosmic radiation to Energy). Kyle insisted they wear space suit, which they grudgingly agreed. Erik moaned it was unnecessary as the station had atmosphere, but

80 was reminded, if the radio could broke, so as the Atmos System (capable of creating ideal Earth like circumstances in short time with the right filters.). Hearing that Ansel popped an extra Atmos panel in his side bag for just in case. As Ark 1 slowly approached the station, those signals kept coming in, louder and louder. They beamed though every communication system, even when Ansel muted them was still were audible. When they had visual on the station the signal even interfered with the navigation as every monitor had the same hexaflexagons patterns moving up and down. Erik had an awful feeling that they going towards their death. Something was very wrong. He made a quick video message to his wife and sent it to Capricornus with the request to be forward it to Ynez immediately, even the video file had those pattern on! Chapter 6 First Contact Erik feeling of doom, was stronger and stronger as they approached the station. The pull in magnets were out of order so they had to land manually outside the station (good job Kyle insisted of space

81 suits). They entered, using a service hatch, and as the cabin got pressurised their sensors indicated there was pressure way more then usual, like underwater, and there was no oxygen. There was plenty of Carbon monoxide though and Radon. It was lucky, that their suit had magnetic shields against radiation. It came on by itself, automatically. The shield was capable of completely stopping high dose of radiation before it can hit the space suit, like an invisible bubble. “Capricornus 6, this is Ark 1 reporting, there is no oxygen on the station, there is atmosphere but it is toxic and radio active! We experiencing the signal interfering with our communication systems, It is getting stronger inside, it is everywhere, I can hear it through my suit and my radio.” Reported Erik. There was a consistent 6 patterned beeping in the back and it was hard to understand. Olga tried to separate it from the signal. “Copy that!” She said and she looked at Kyle. Kyle took the communication: “Ark 1, this is Capricornus 6, seek for survivals in hibernation pods, if there is none abort mission and return immediately. Communication is disturbed by unknown signals so hurry.... and be careful, Capricornus out.” He recorded all conversation with AI for record keeping. “Kyle,” interrupted Olga, her voice was shaking. “Those signals, they getting stronger and they

82 now... coming from two sources...” She tried to find the source, but one was out of the space, her observatory monitor could see. Kyle walked up to Olga? “Can you separate them?” Olga nodded, as she separated the two source and sent it to Navigation computer to see more. On there she zoomed in, to see the second source.... It was very far away but was getting stronger like it was closing in... like it was moving toward them... but the speed was unbelievable...”Kyle, you have to see this!” She said with worry in her voice.” “How far is that other source?” he asked. “120 light years, no 115!” she added. Kyle was surprised: “You not usually make mistake like that.” he said. “I did not!... They closing in... 110... Kyle... It will be here in 20 minutes with this speed!” She exclaimed with fear. “That’s way above out technology! “Kyle stated in a shock. “That’s like...” “...ten times quicker, then our fastest interstellar ship!” Olga finished his sentence. Kyle knew this was trouble. These aliens are fast, technologically advanced and took one of their base out, so did not come in peace. He knew he had to get Ansel and Erik back as soon as possible on board. “Capricornus 6 to Ark 1, guys... get out of there, immediately, guys... do you copy, ...retreat! Do you copy?” he called them in vain.

83 “Tamara, please make sure the AI records all, I am busy, and call Adrian, we might need him!” Tamara nodded as she took the observations panel. “They can’t hear you, Kyle!” Called out Olga. “These signals got so strong, nothing gets through, our system is jammed!” “Captain, that base... does it have information about our defence system in the colonies and Earth?” Asked Tamara. “Yes, Lieutenant, like every base does.” Replied Kyle absent minded. Adrian arrived to control room and sat down started to get shields and weapons online. Tamara carried on with questions: “So if it gets to these alien’s hands it can compromise billions people safety?” “Yes!” replied Kyle with some annoyance in his voice. “You need to destroy the base!” Said Tamara firmly. “What?” Kyle now was really annoyed. “My men are down there, I will do no such thing!” “This is not an argument captain, I order you to do so, I take command if necessary, but we cannot risk billions for two, by the article 100 and... “ “Oh fuck your articles, Lieutenant!” Cut her off Kyle with anger. “I am not murdering my men!” “We cannot kill Erik and Ansel, how can you say that so coldly?” Shouted Olga. “It’s a matter of numbers lieutenant, billions vs. 2 friends... we need to save billions... and we don’t

84 have long to do so! As you said they will be here soon”. “...So you kill our team?!” Shouted Olga. “Adrian was right, you are like a fucking robot! Calculate and observe, but no can you stand there calmly and say that! Kyle...tell her!” “Olga... she is right!” Said Kyle, he looked pale with no light in his eyes. “What? Have you lost it? How can you kill Erik or Ansel?” Butted in Adrian loudly. “I also cannot let that database fall on hostile hands. Adrian I order you to take out Helios 13.” Said Kyle in a defeated shaking voice. Adrian stared at them with disbelief ... “But...” “Lt Torrini that was a direct order, what you have to do imminently!” Kyle commanded with a calm but persuasive voice. “Understood!” said Adrian and set up the target. When he finished, he stared at him with defiance and added. “It’s all set, Captain, but you have to push that fucking button, because I won’t!” Kyle nodded and walked there... put his shaking hand to the button. He knew Tamara was right, it was easy too view it, like Maths: 2 dies for the safety of billions... But they were his friends since Cadet School and he was Erik’s best man... he knew wanted to retire but he told him one more mission.... he knew Ynez wanted to have a baby with him soon... he felt the tears coming in his eyes... How will he look in Ynez eyes and tell her, that he killed him....

85 “Kyle!” He heard Olga call out, didn’t look at her, he couldn’t. If he does, he will have no will to push...”How can you do that without even saying goodbye?” he heard her saying. Tears ran down his face, from the thought Ynes watching the last message from him... He could not hold any longer and snapped: “Do you want me to mail them have a nice day... now here is a fucking bomb! Or what, Olga?” He took a big breath... and wanted to press, but stopped. He looked at Tamara: “I can’t do this!” He said with more tears in his eyes. “I really can’t!” Tamara nodded. “Step away!” she said with a firm voice. She walked there and slammed her hand on the button. She felt terrible, but seemed emotionless. Kyle had to sit down as he cried out in pain. Olga screamed as she watched Tamara did and collapsed on the floor crying. As Erik and Ansel walked through the station; they realised most equipment was dis-functioning or broken. Besides those bloody signals with the rhythm of 6, pulsing through every radio equipment they had; everything was silent and deserted. They did not have to search for the crew long, they found them. They were at the communal launch, all dead. Frozen like wax figure in the Old Earth Museum; not even looking scared or shocked. .. Just froze. Like there was no time to react to the killer, whatever it was.

86 The horror of the unknown run through Ansel’s spine as he looked at the corpses with disbelief. “Let’s get the fuck out here!” Screamed Erik. “How the hell they can be like this? Frozen... Ansel... what the...hell?” “Let’s just not find out...” Said Ansel, as they turned and headed back to their ship. Suddenly, the lighting all over the station started to dim... and a dark shadow appeared. It was slowly moving across the room. A menacing ghostly figure made by black smoke. He hovered in the corridor not even acknowledging them... Like he didn’t care. Ansel watched with disbelief, he checked his suit function in case he had a leak and he was experiencing a hallucination. But no, his suit was fine. He grabbed Erik on the arm: “Do you see this?” “Yes!” He heard the answer in horror. Ansel reached for his gun and fired a shot towards the figure, the laser went through it, like it would be just smoke, or would not even be there. The entity stopped and moved towards them. Ansel thought this was it. They will die too. “There is no point to fight! Will be over soon, for you and all your kind!” They heard inside their mind as the creature slowly disappeared. Ansel looked at Erik. He was pale. “You heard that too?.... that shit was real?” He muttered. He did not need an answer, from his expression it was obvious he did. They made their way to the ark and they

87 realised those creatures melted their control panel and nothing was working. “Can we warn Kyle?” Asked Erik. Ansel shook his head. “Then, Lets blow up this shithole with these fuckers in it!” said Erik. Tamara stood there with her hand on the button. Kyle and Olga was both just taking a minute. Adrian was watching with disbelief. “Lt Hagel confirm if target was destroyed.” she asked. Olga looked at her and put her middle finger up. “Lieutenant, please!” Instructed Kyle, as he got himself off the floor. Olga rolled her eye, got up and sat back to navigation and checked data. “Negative.” She stated in a more cheery voice. “Target remains. No damage.” “What?” Asked Adrian and checked the system. “Kyle, weapon systems offline.” He reported. Tamara turned to Adrian, and said in a very serious voice: “Lieutenant, your friends possibly dead already... we need to...” Adrian grabbed her and pushed he in his chair. “I am not lying, you check!” he told Tamara. She run the analysis and saw he was in fact, telling the truth. “Sorry Lieutenant”. She said. Olga looked at Kyle, who was now checking engines. “Are we toast, mate?” She asked in a soft voice.

88 He nodded, everything but life support and observation was offline. The beeping of those object closing in, became terribly loud. It was unbearable. Tamara thought about holding her cat and felt really upset she won’t see him again. Olga went closer to Kyle who hugged her kissed her forehead and told her: “Well kid, at least we had fun”. Adrian looked at Tamara and stated with a cheeky smile: “See, you should have drank that bloody champagne with me!” Ansel and Erik got the nuclear core of their ship and ripped it out. Ansel removed (and was holding the end off) the safety rod which was to slow down the nuclear reaction, basically to stop it from blowing up. He looked at his mate and ask: “you ready?” As Erik nodded, he closed his eye and pulled the rod... Olga and Kyle watched as those alien ships get closer and closer ... they held hand, and Adrian joined them... Tamara watched but could not move... “How ironic is that she will die in space... “ she thought, “the only place she never thought she would be longer then necessary, now she will be there forever”... “They here...” said Olga and buried her face in Kyle’s chest, who softly hugged her. Tamara walked near them and stared at the navigation. “They moving slower” she stated. “They passing us...I think...” Olga wiggled out of the hug. “What? Let me see,” she shuffled next to Tamara to take a look.

89 “Kyle, she is right!” she exclaimed. “I don’t understand” said Tamara. “Everything is disabled, we stand no chance without hyper drive engines out here... they know we done...” answered Kyle. “...and I can’t even shoot the fuckers” complained Adrian. Ansel was standing there, safety rod in his hand. “Should we not be dead by now?” He asked. “Yes it should have been within second, they possibly depleted it” answered Erik as he ripped and threw the nuclear core to the station wall. “How?” asked Ansel. “I dunno, go in ask them!” “Now what?” Erik was thinking out loud:” you know they changed the atmosphere so they possible breathe carbon monoxide and radon.” “So?” “There was no oxygen” stated Erik. “Go in, and ask to his manager about the inconvenience!” said Ansel annoyed as he did not follow Erik’s logic. “But we breath Oxygen” carried on Erik. “Are you trying to annoy me to death with 1st grade Biology?” snapped Ansel. “No, I mean if CO is toxic to us, Oxygen might be toxic to them?” Erik looked at Ansel who finally got it. “You want to try poisoning them with oxygen?”

90 “Yes.... right after those fuckers landed, he at pointed the arriving company.” “Holly shit, this place will be full of them is a minute!” exclaimed Ansel, he jumped in the Ark to get the oxygen tank. The Ark main life support oxygen tank was empty. “These fucking ghosts are thorough.” “Not as thorough as health and safety!” said Erik as he got the first aid box which had 3 bottles of oxygen for 8 days. Enough to flood a small base for a couple of days. They went back to the hatch and headed towards the ventilation system which pumped the poisonous gasses. The ventilation room was upstairs and was also an observatory, so you could see each and very room from there. Erik unplugged the alien filter and replaced it with an Atmos one from his bag. It started to slowly changing the atmosphere, it estimated 50 Minutes until breathable level. They watched and waited as all aliens entered and closed the doors and removed their protective gear (his theory looked so far so good). Waited until the ghosts walked away their gears and towards the main hall. Ansel opened the oxygen and switched all ventilators on. 100 % of pure oxygen was pumped in. They watches as the alien collapse and die. The Atmos filter eventually created earth like atmosphere within an hour. By then all aliens were dead. Ansel reprogrammed the communication system and send urgent distress call to the nearest space station.

91 It did not take Kyle long to regain control. “Guys we need communication back on line, we need to warn The Republic of this finding. Come on guys I need you on this, get some ideas together. Adrian, can get any weapons online...?” He required Adrian and Olga got right back on trying to fix communication to send warnings out. Tamara felt rotten, he walked up to Kyle and cleared her throat: “Captain, if you want, I could deliver the news to Erik’s wife...” she said. “No thank you.” Answered Kyle coldly. “That is my job”. Olga ran an analysis and found how they broke their system. The somehow projected a malware like program in their software. Now she found it she reset it, and got communication back online. “Kyle, communication back on, I go try to fix weapons!” “Good job Olga! Adrian, send warning while she fixes your system!” Commanded Kyle. “Tamara, use Olga’s template and try to fix navigation.” He was looking at the hyperdrive, trying to do the same. Olga managed to fix weapons. Adrian got back in his chair. “Do you still want me to take Helios 13 out?” He asked Kyle. Kameron thought for a minute, analysing what was the best decision, and then ordered: “Yes, Lt. Torrini, lock and destroy target!” Before he could do anything he heard Olga calling out: “Kyle we receiving a distress call. It’s using our frequency, I connect it!” The tannoy had no beeping as they hear the au-

92 dio message: “This is Lt Ansel Axel from Helios 13, The Space station was overrun by alien hostiles - the previously unknown species we named Ghosts, our weapons are ineffective against them, but we managed to neutralise them with oxygen. We have their technologically advanced space ships and a lots of corpses, so we need urgent assistant immediately.” “They alive!” exclaimed Olga with joy before she started to cry. “Come on Olga, I need you to stay focus!” she heard Kyle commanding her. She got herself together and amplified the signal and send Ansel’s message out. The Marwel arrived in two hours with 10 Pegasus Cruisers to secure the area. Two carrier ships followed. The alien ships and the bodies were collected and taken to the Alpha base for analyses. Engineers came to help to get the Capricornus 6 engines on. Olga spent hours updating the shield with a program to stop a Malware getting projected in, when she finished she handed the prototype to the scientist to “play with that and the rest of the toys” on Alpha Base. Ansel and Erik was debriefed on the Marwel and taken back to the Capricornus 6. Where they were reunited with the crew, who were very happy to see them. Tamara felt horrible, she nearly killed two men, two good men... two men who she actually liked. She was sitting in the launch with the lights off.

93 Adrian put the light on as he walked in. “I think it is time to drink that champagne...” he stated gleefully, as he poured into five large glasses, I would offer you some.... but you don’t drink alcohol...” “What make you think that?” asked Tamara. “Oh I thought... are you gonna report this as well?... I mean it the regulation...” Tamara walked up grabbed a glass and downed it. “Fuck regulation!” she said, as she placed the empty glass on the tray. “Welcome to the team, Tam.” Grinned Adrian. “Is it always like this with you guys?” She required with a sigh. “Pretty much,” smirked Adrian, “This is why we drink a lot!” Chapter 7 Aftermaths On Earth they were informed, the technology they managed to collect and Olga’s shield update might give them a fighting chance against the Ghost. They were given 2 weeks off. De Vyr went to see Kyle after the briefing. “Well done, you saved us again. I read Lt. Kowalsky’s report...”

94 “I can explain...” Started Kyle as he wanted to get his team out of trouble. “Kyle, have you seen it? She concluded that you are a great and competent Captain, your crew done an amazing job making the best of an unprecedented and terrible situation and she suggested you placed back to my team, as supervision by Secret Service is completely unnecessary! Did she not show you?” “No, I refused to see her after our argument.... Wait you said she.... praised us?” Kyle was shocked to hear. “Pretty much!” Of course they did not listen to either her or me... so I m afraid it is more Space Patrol for you... with her.” added de Vyr with some frustration in her voice. “How about the alcohol? or refusing order....” “She mentions some childish prank by Adrian pretending that apple juice was champagne.... who refused order?” Inquired de Vyr. “I guess nobody?!” Answered Kyle with a half smile.... Tamara was glad to have some time off, as she was exhausted. She received an envelope from Fork, it was her honey moon voucher, the one she booked for herself and Pete. Fork even included a message: “I though you might want to use this, as you paid for it and we cannot take the ambassadors daughter to this crappy colony. Have fun.”

95 Tamara was about to cry when felt her communicator buzzing. It was Olga. “Hey girl, we heading to the Officers Launch, wanna come?” She heard the message. She was surprised, as she did not think they would her to join them. She was about to say no when heard Olga insisting: “that was actually an order! Lieutenant!” she said copying her emotionless tone, trying not to smile. “According to article 50, you must come!” “Article 50?” Asked Tamara with confusion: “The colonial sanitation?” “No,” said Olga with a grin. “ Article 50 of the Olga code, which says: we going to get your hair out of the stupid unibun, so get your ass here and celebrate?!” “Celebrating what?” “That we still breathing.” Olga said as she shook her shoulders. “Now come on, you fixed my hair for work; I m gonna fix yours for a night out! I am giving you a super spy order, to get here effective immediately.” She chuckled and thought why the hell not, and headed down the address Olga sent her. Tamara looked herself with her hair down and wearing Olga’s violet dress. She seemed very different. “Check that out,” said Olga, “you nearly look like a human!” They entered the club and the boys were there already waiting for them. Erik was there with his wife, Tamara got worried but she greeted her kindly and gave her a hug. Adrian brought everyone a

96 glass of champagne: “for beating the odds and being alive!” He toasted as they drank. Tamara was really tired and could not wait to be reunited with Ser Kyle. So she had another glass, wished pleasant evening and left. On her way out he found a couple making out in the corridor. “Sorry,” she said when she disturbed them and tried to walk the other way to catch a different escavulator. She realised it was Kyle with one of the admin girls from the generals office. “Sorry” She said again and tried to walk away. “Hey Tam,” yelled Kyle cheery after her, he seemed pretty drunk. “Am I really a competent captain?” “I did suggest you read the report before... but...” “Yes, whatever... do you really think?” “Yes,” she said” and I miss my cat, so I m going to go.” She laughed at how silly it actually sounded. “Of course, and enjoy your holiday! ... I defiantly will!” said Kyle, as he got busy with the girl again. “Thanks” said Tamara and was about to walk but Kyle continued: “Tam, wait... I m glad you think that because I think are actually all right!” he said. “I think.... I don’t mind you on my ship.... at all”. He added. Before Tamara could answer they started making out again... so she walked away, but knowing she was “OK” really made her feel better. Much, much better.

Adrienn Kun, aka Rienneil Rosewater born in Budapest on 18.05.1981 – deceased in Bradford on 24.05.2022 In her age of three, she enumerated a number of professions and told: after having tried all these, I will select the one I really like and will do that. And she really did it. She attempted simultaneously many pursuits as early as her studies in general school: piano, sports, solfeggio, drawing, acting, English language course, as she wanted. Kun Adrienn, Rienneil Rosewater Budapest, 1981. május 18. – Bradford, 2022. május 24. Három éves volt, amikor felsorolt egy csomó szakmát és azt mondta: ha mindet kipróbáltam, kiválasztom mi az, amit a legjobban szeretek csinálni, és az leszek. És tényleg ez t tette. Sokszor, egyszerre több mindent csinált már az általános iskolában is. Zongorázni és sportolni járt, szolfézsra, rajzszakkörre, színjátszókörre és angolórára. Ő akarta.

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