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Published by elena-top77, 2023-05-22 11:52:22



• IQ Fruit, vegetable or drink? Look and say. 4 lj 1 An appte is а f ruit. 2 Water is а drink. � IJ Jь Sing aiong! " I like food, I love it! 1 tike apptes I сап crunch! 1 tike Ыscuits I сап munch ! 1 tike orange juice that I сап swish, swish, swish! 1 tike food, 1 tove it! 1 eat it every day; Hot or cotd, Wet or dry, 1 eat it any way! •

�(Ь) m сшШ IIRlf" �-т\-=-1 D What's their favourite food? Read, look and find out! • Edward tikes А5. • Lisa tikes D6. • Penny tikes ЕЗ. • Darett tikes С4. • Martin tikes Н1. • Jitty tikes F2. tQ1 Now write in your notebooks about yourself and your f amily. Use the code ! 1 t i ke ... . Му father tikes ... . Му mother tikes ... .

Sam: Foltow me, foltow me, March if you сап! Swing your arms, And count to ten ! One, two, One, two, three! АН: Come оп, everyone, Foltow me! Foltow me! Hooray! Hooray! lt's the end of the day! lt's time for us То соте out and play!

----� '--....___ Narrator: And now the day 1s here again ! The toys сап' t march, Or count to ten.

т е Тоу Soldier (11 What's the command? Say. 1 ten/Count/to! 2 your /Swing/ arms! З can/you/ March/if! 4 me/FoHow! (0 Game: _ FoHow the leader!

А 8ite to- eat! Q Read and write. А I tove teatime! 1 have tea and 1) с ... every day at 4 o'ctock. В Му f avourite breakf ast is sausages, 2) е ... and toast. Yummy! С Оп Saturdays we have fish and 3) с ... for tunch. There's а great fish and chip shop in our street. 11 What do you iike eating? Draw 2 things and say. 1 tike eating ... . .- g sз

IQ Look, read and match. (20 points) с e.g. Ыscuits j 1 eggs 2 orange juice З cake 4 temonade 5 chocotate 6 mHk 7 sandwiches 8 water 9 ice cream 1 О rice r==:1 а 1 1g Read and choose. (20 points) 1 А We doesn't tike mHk. В We don't tike mHk. 2 А Does Sue tikes potatoes? В Does Sue tike potatoes? З А I tike chips. В I tikes chips. 4 А Peter, does you tike rice? В Peter, do you tike rice? 1201 ttJI Read and choose. (20 points) 1 We haven't got some/any eggs. 2 Have you got some/any cheese? З Сап I have some / any meat? 4 1 haven't got some/any cake. 5 We've got some/ any burgers.

Communication 11 Read and complete: 1 do. Yum!, 1 don't. Yuk! (20 points) А: В: Do 1) Yes, you ... like Ьiscuits? �- � А: Do you like sausages? В: 3) No, ... Reading and Wrjting А: Do you like mHk? В: 2) No, ... · А: Do you like rice? В: 4) Yes, ... Ш] IJ Look, read and write the names in your notebooks. (20 points) T(na � Wendy Theo � Frank (t. · 1 \ � Slmon.Ь·e Sam e.g. 1 like chicken and carrots. Frank 1 1 like chicken and potatoes. 2 1 like pasta and vegetaЫes.· 3 1 like rice and sausages. 4 1 like meat and potatoes. 5 1 l ike pizza and salad. 1 Total 1 -� ll CC:..v 1 talk about f ood 2 order food [IooJ 3 talk about likes and dislikes 4 write а note .1 55

@Episode 2 Catch the batl, Rascat!

� � co�t\� ln this module you will ... е. [earn, read and ta[k about ... • Larry, Lutu and Betsy's toys • things in а room e.pгactise ... • tatking about toys and possessions • identifying things in а room Tes�o Superstore! ��Q \)\_.�i\ 57

.Q@List�n and repeat. doll 1 lL:W..(ц_ elephant musical Ьох rocking horse tea set 7 LLL4tn� train aeroplane IJChit-Chat ЬаН Whose is this musicat Ьох? lt's mum's.

g@listen and read. �==-1 Look! This is my etephant and that 's my rocki ng horse . .л (Q, Read agai n and answer. • Wow! Thank you, Nanny. � , , ::, , Whose are Lutu and Larry's toys now? " 1 lsg

l,Q Put the words оп the right train. tea set, egg, animal, репсН, ruler, umbreHa, rocking horse, orange. ап appte @ а This is а doH. uw That is ап etephant. uw D Look and say. Then complete. 1 This is а tea set. .,.,.�� 5 ... ruler. 2 ... appte. 6 ... egg. З ... train. 7 ... pencH case. 4 ... ЬаН. 8 ... banana. а ЬаН

g@Listen and repeat. Оо Rose, ctose your book and go home. ВоЬ, put the dog and the frog into the toy Ьох. (111 Сору the tаЫе and comp[ete it. nose, ctose, frog, dog, open, hot, Ьох, home, dott, по /оо/ 8 �Let's playl �----� Whose is this? ,. J /о/ ; lt's Anna's. � • � 161 iilMll

{!) (8 Jk Listen and point. Then sing along! Computer, ТV, radio, Armchair, lamp and bed. Му desk is blue and yeltow And my chair is green and red! В Chit-Chat А: What's this? В: lt's а computer. А: Whose is it? В: lt's Roy's. This is my реп. -+ These are my pens. That is my ruter. -+ Those are my ruters. \11, Say the sentences in the plural. 1 This is а table. These are taЫes. 2 That is а desk. З That is а chair. 4 This is an aeroptane. 5 This is my brother. 6 That is my book.

81 Which picture? Read and choose. This is Donna and Danny. This is their playroom! These are their toys. That's Danny's rocking horse. lt's brown and white. This is Donna's tea set. lt's red! Donna's chair is pink and Danny's chair is Ыuе. And look at the funny radio! lt looks like а yellow mouse! R'WPortfolio: Now draw·your room and write about it. D �Let's play! А: What's in my room? В: А bed! • ; klMI• lбз у

• 3 D, Look, ask and answer. 1 А: What's this? В: lt's а radio. 11, 1 Sing along! Соте to my ptayroom, 4 Ptay with my toys, Come in and play Оп my rocking horse. ,,,. 2 А: What are those? В: They' re computers. This is а tea set. Ready for tea. Come in and play With ВаЬу and me! 5 �,, �а

Tel1 me а stnry! 81 What's the fairy tale? Look and choose. а. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Ь. Littte Red Riding Hood 2/ ..,,-----� с. Gotditocks and the Three Bears d. Steeping Beauty lQ1 What's the story? Read, choose and say. "Grandma, what Ыg ears you've got!" "That's because I want to hear а tot!" (Q Draw а scene from your f avourite f airy tale and present it to the class. � t1м11 iбs !!!/

Narrator: Now Witt iam and Rose Аге ptaying, you see - But here comes Mummy, lt's time for tea! Mummy: Time for tea! Ti me f or tea ! Come оп! Come оп! Put your toys оп the shetf And run, run, run!

Narrator: Oh dear, poor Sam ! He's not оп the shetf. He's there Ьу the window Att Ьу himsetf ! lt's windy today, Look out! Look out! Oh dear, poor Sam, Сап you hear him shout? ( \

Тhе Тоу Soldier (Q Read and choose. 1 Wiltiam and Rose are dancing/playing. 2 Put your radio/toys on the shetf. З Sam is Ьу the window/shelf. 4 lt's sunny/windy today. 1,Q Read and complete. Then, draw the missing toy. On my shetf there is а с __ , а Ь ___ and а teddy bear.

Tesco S1J1Jerst,ore 81 What сап you buy at а Tesco supermarket? Read and answer. --------------- Tesco supermarkets are popular in the UK. Tesco superstores sell everything for your house and family: clothes, food, furniture, electrical items, sportswear, toys and games. 81 Read and put the foHowing into the correct category. jacket, bed, [amp, cheese, skirt, ЬаН, armchair, T-shirt, ice cream, ТV, sports shoes, kite C_L10'JHE·S F.0�0D SP,O'RJ:SW·EAR J�OY·S EL:ECT�IC1д1L 1TE1M·S fU�Nl;TU.RiE 1Q Сап you add any other items to the Hst? 1 ФIФI 169

Vocabulary (8 Look and match. (30 points) 1 dott 2 armchair З tea set 4 musicat Ьох Grammar 5 etephant 6 aeroptane 7 computer 8 rocking horse 9 ТУ 10 desk 1301 ll) Look, read and comp[ete: This, That, These ог Those. (20 points) 1 ... is my tamp. � 4. ' 2 ... are my dotts. � �··- н���� · З ... are my chairs. [@' Module 4 ' 1 ' 4 ... is my radio. 5 ... are my batts.

·вl Read and compiete: а or an. (10 points) 1 ... etephant 2 ... bed З ... armchair 4 ... orange 5 ... tamp Communication [Jo] Q1 Read and choose. (20 points) 1 А: What's this? З А: What are these? В: а) lt's а pencH. В: а) А реп. Ь) These are pencHs. Ь) Pens. 2 А: Whose is this doH? 4 А: Whose is this? В: а) lt's Marina. В: а) Atbert's. Ь) lt's Marina's. Ь) Atbert. Ш] Reading and Writing IJ Look, read and comp[ete. (20 points) This is my room! Look at my 1) ... rocking horse. lt's very nice. Сап you see my tea set? lt's 2) ... . Му chairs are З) ... . And took at my funny radio! lt tooks tike а 4) ... mouse! 1 tatk about my toys 2 name the things in my room З write about my room Ш] 1 Totat 1 Поо] 1 IIMI 111

@Episode 3 Неге you are, Rascal. 1 don't know but it 's а lot of f un ! Where's that silly dog?

u ny! �@Listen and repeat. This is Poggo! Look and say. •1 smaH nose blg ears smaH head blg eyes thin [egs fat body Poggo has got а Ыg head ! ,, G,Dгaw and play! short taH [ong tai[ Look and say. l lt's got а Ьig mouth! J

�Listen and read. And there's а black sheep! На! Look - it's got а f at body and thin � legs! . - - [ Соте here, little cow! L--�11!!:::....:::!!!811,,J' Look what l 've got! ,]· Read again and correct. • Larry, Lulu, look at the cows! ....... . ..---� ., ( Oh! lt's got а Ыg mouth! » J-Ш Cows аге funny! The sheep's got а thin body and fat legs.

• __ �Let's р\ау! Which anima\ have I got? Guess! lt's got four tegs and а tong tait. lt's Ыg and it's brown ! man men tooth teeth Have you got а horse? woman women foot feet sheep sheep fish Comp[ete the sentences. 1 Chucktes has got two Ыg ... (foot). 2 ВаЬу Atex has got one smatt ... (tooth). l've got а dog. 1 haven't got а cat. Have you got а cat? Yes, 1 have. / No, 1 haven't. •� il., !:!. �- �\о 1( .. � � chHd children mouse mice � о .: �� :. �f .. fish З Att the ... (chHd) in the ctass have got new books. 4 Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse аге funny ... (mouse). 5 These ... (man) аге from the UK. 6 Look! This ... (fish) is pink and green! 7 1s that ... (woman) your mother? 8 Have you got any ... (sheep) оп your farm? r.ii 76 •• ,. \'

,., �Listen and repeat. · Уу Му happy f amHy сап fty! p)J 1, Сору the table and complete it. Ну, Ьуе, sunny, my, windy, funny, еуе, spy, happy, ЬаЬу /aJ/ Л/ ,, �Help Lulu with her poem! Write in your notebooks. Bill and Ben Аге funny 1) .... ! They' ve · got Ьig teeth And long thin 2) ... ! They' ve got three З) . . . - They' re very nice And two small 4) ... ln а Ьig Ыuе ·dish ! !м)@rn) 1o�[m о {}WO�@ 1rooir 77

78 с ver animals! �Listen and point. Then sing and do! What сап crawl? А spider сап! What сап fly? А гаЬЫt сап! What сап swim? А seahorse сап! What сап walk? А tortoise сап! What сап talk? А parrot сап! 1 2 4 Сап parrots tatk? Yes, they сап. Сап spiders tatk? No, they can't. Look and say. crawt ./ jump ./ swimX fty ./ sing ./ tatk Х swim ./ jump ./ watk Х watk ./ run ./ fty х Spiders сап crawt and jump, but they сап' t swi m.

Read and answer. " � l 've got а pet chimp. His name is Chucktes. He's eteven ! Chucktes has got Ыg ears and а f at body. He's very cute! Chucktes is very ctever, too! Не сап run, jump and ctimb. Не сап dance, too! Oh, 1 tove Chucktes ! � " • 1 How otd is Chucktes? 2 Has he got Ыg ears? 3 Has he got а thin body? 4 Сап he ctimЫ 5 Сап he swim? 6 Сап he dance? . . � WPortfolio: Now write about your or your friend's . -pet . �Brainstorml Work with your friend. You've got five minutes! Write in your notebooks three animats that ... 1 сап swim. 2 сап jump. 3 have got two tegs. 5 have got tong taits. 4 have got Ыg ears. 6 can ctimb.

• -� \'_c::::YListen and repeat. twenty twenty-one twenty-eight thirty 4 I r-; .lj-;_) thirty-two Ask and answer. А: How otd is Chucktes? В: He's eteven ! 1 Sing and do. forty f orty-three fifty Peter ,,, Tom ПJ с r.\ 1 . 1Ье \\j,('Jt,\ (Jt,\ . (3)11\§, Сап, сап you dance Like I сап? Сап you sing tike I сап? Сап you run And сап you jump Like me? Сап, сап you watk Like I сап? Сап you tatk tike I сап? Сап you swim And сап you ctimb Like me?

\JJtmfi IhЪnl � �� Look, read and say. lizard mouse horse snake crocodile tortoise Е Reptile ог mammal? Look again and write the names of - -- animals below in your notebooks. 1 ... � 3 ... Reptiles 2 ... / 4 ... 1 ... з ... Mammats 2 ... / 4 ... � Draw ог find а picture of а reptile and а mammal. --- Present them to your class. whale elephant 81

Sam: · Help me! Help me! Help me, please ! 1 'm here outside With the flowers and trees ! Where am 1? Where am 1? Where are my f riends? Where's Bella? Where's Ted? Oh no ! This is the end !

Ted: Come оп, time to play, l'm happy, 1 am! But where's the toy soldi�r? Where's our f riend Sam? 'V � .., ,, )' ' '"\ �' � � /

Тhе Тоу Soldier '-· Read and complete. Use: the, our, am, friends. 1 Where ... 1? З Where's ... toy soldier? 2 Where аге my ... ? 4 Where's ... friend Sam? ·: · Who сап help Sam? Play the game! �-- 84!1f.11

'An_tnuds IJo,wn .,/JnrJer! Read and match . .,,,,._,-�....jf� 4 Now, read again and answer. - -�- а �о�� ь�k с hea�: d leg This is an emu. Emus аге from Austratia. ln Austratia there аге а tot of emu f arms. Emus аге very tatt with а Ыg body, а smatt head and tong tegs. An emu's body and tegs аге brown and its head and neck are blue. Emus сап run very fast, but they can't fty! They eat fruit and insects. Their eggs аге green! Emus аге very interesting Ыrds! 1 Where аге emus f rom? 2 What cotour is an emu's body and tegs? З Сап emus fty? 4 What cotour аге their eggs? 85

86 Vocabulary Read and correct. (15 points) � lt's got а blg nose. e.g. �- lt's got а small nose. 1 � lt's got а thin body. Read and comp[ete. (15 points) 1 _ i _ d 2 p __ r_ t -�°- ��. 3 __ -� ah __ s _ 4 t __ t ___ e 2 ro lt's got а short tail. 3 � lt's got а Ьig head. 1 151 Write the numbers. (16 points) �- 1 twenty-five 3 forty-two 2 thirty-six 4 fifty Grammar · Look and choose. (8 points) -.-- � man/men chitd/ chitdren 4� tooth / teeth mouse/mice 1 8 1

Look, read and complete: сап, can't, has got or hasn't got. (14 points) :-� ! А spider e.g. has got eight tegs. lt 1) ... а taH. lt 2) ... -7-""" � � ctimb, but it 3) ... swim. (.,.'' ,�'f (i\ ,' ' А parrot 4) ... а tong taH. lt 5) ... any teeth. lt 6) ... fty, but it 7) ... crawt. Communication •] Read and_ answer. (12 points) e.g. Have you got а brother? Yes, 1 have. · 1 How otd are you? 3 Сап you swim? 4 Do you tike f ruit? 5 Have you got а pet? 14 · 2 Сап you dance? 6 What's your f avourite animat? Reading and Writing � Read and complete. (20 points) l've got а pet rabЫt! His name is Ronnie! He's got а fat body, tong pink ears and Ыg eyes. Ronnie сап run and he сап jump, too! He's very funny! Pet: e.g. rabblt Name: 1) .. . Body: 2) ... , Ears: 3) ... , Eyes: 4) .. . Сап: run and 5) ... r Gcl ll (,(;(. 1�1 tatk about animats 2 describe animats 3 tatk about aЫtity 4 write about а pet Totat ШJ Ш] 100

@Episode 4 Quick, Rascat! Tricksy's in the house! g а ----- lt's got two noses! One nose is black and the other is red. • Arthur, she's not in the cupboard. That's you, silty! Arthur, there's а funny animat in here!

i & ��\\\J=-' ln this module you will ... 8t [earn, read and ta[k about ... • Larry and Lutu's grandparents from Austratia • rooms i n а house • things in а house 8tpractise ... • identifying rooms • tatking about tocation ,� � � 1 ·1 \'� �(/ BritisR Homes! - - .. - • о � 11 "-�'4 89

u= @Listen and point. Then sing along! This is my house, lt's number two. There's а bedroom, а bathroom And а kitchen too ! ln my house There's а living room and in the garden АН the ftowers bloom ! � �/ �11 1fl Chit-Chat 1 8 1) 1s Lutu in the kitchen? • bathroom? 3 No, she isn't. She's in the bedroom. • bedroom? • о 2 о � в ./� • garden? 4 • kitchen?

� ' • IJ�Listen and read. __ Grandma! Grandpa!�--- __ ,,_ Thank you, Grandma! Where's Chucktes? L----- Look, Larry! А koata! Look! He's there, under the chair! ;Q_ Read again and say yes ог по. The presents аге for Chucktes. ,,,т, 191

ф in under (Q, Look, read and choose. 1 Chucktes is in / оп the саг. )\ се 2 Lutu is in front of /under the саг. З Larry is next to/behind а tree. next to in front of behind 4 Grandma is behind/next to Grandpa. 5 The food is in/ оп the table. 6 The ЬаН is under/next to the table. 11 �Look at the picture for one minute. Close your books. Answer your teacher's questions. Teacher: Where's Chucktes? Student: He's in the саг. 1 Module 6

D� @Listen and repeat. 1 Uu Chuckles сап jump and run. Hurray, he's number 1. 11 Сору the tаЫе and complete it. under, Lulu, ruler, puppet, mummy, number, Ыuе, sun, music, computer /u:/ /л/ ilJ �Let's playl Му �i�tr&t!'� h@ct1�®I о <!:>О u� bedroom k:::8 1 t '::J kitchen ., living room

, 1 -=--' @Listen, point and repeat. :IJ\ Put these things in the picture. Now talk with your friend. (, ,IJ Read and choose. 1 This is Mary's ЬаЬу /bables. А: Where's your а р? В: lt's under the sofa. Where's your tamp? А: lt's in the bat' ! gtass gtasses Ьох boxes dish dishes ЬаЬу ЬаЫеs 2 Where are the glass/ glasses? З Whose is this box/boxes? 4 Bring me two dish/ dishes. shetf shetves 5 l've got two shelf /shelves in my room.

• There is а gtass оп the table. There are two gtasses in the cupboard. Q Complete the sentences. 1 There is а glass (glass) оп the table. 2 There ... two ... (sandwich) in the tunch Ьох. З There ... two ... (shelf) in the bedroom. 4 There ... three ... (Ьох) over there. 5 There ... four ... (dish) in the cupboard. 6 There ... а ... (mirror) next to the sof а. fJ, Look, read and complete. - ---, This is our 1) ,� house. lt is а Ыg house! There's а tiving room, а 2) 1 � ••• , two bathrooms and four З) /8,,,/ ___ . Г&\ · Look! There's � � ink 4) � ... in the bathroom! Our tiving room is 5) . ;if ... and there are two Ьig mirrors in it. Look at аН the Howers in our 6) 1 0 h ... . ur ouse 1s . . very nке .1 . ,Q%Portfolio: Write about your house/flat. 11 � 1 have two of them in my house. Let's playl --,\,. They are blue. They are in the tiving room. 1 195

ф 01 Ask and answer. �...:---- How many sof as are there? 1s there а desk in your room? Yes, there is. /No, there isn't. Аге there any boxes? Yes, there are. /No, there aren't. There are two. 11 �Let's play! Teacher: 1s there а red tamp? 1 �а: Sing a[ong! r Student: Yes, there is. ---- о - Му new house is funny! There are boxes everywhere: Boxes in the cupboards, Boxes оп the chairsBoxes оп the table, And some under my bed ! And there are two men in the kitchen With boxes оп their heads!

� ·�i \" {r l f'. � ., - ,..1- ..,. t .F. _ 1;_� -',. ,. ,;, r r.J t--( [ �1C'f1CLf�Jt, · J.c r.....Ё.::...u _}._, � Family Crest! D\ '-- Read and choose. А f amity crest а) gives information about your f aniity. Ь) is your f amity's f avourite picture. т oday, we have аН got surnames - our f amity name - and everyone knows which famity we betong to. Long ago, Ьу looking at а famity crest, people knew your name! IJ, Look at the family crest. What's the name of the f amily? Where does this f amily соте from? 1(ig_lit ,9, Find and draw your crest or design your own. 1 1 97

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