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Published by elena-top77, 2023-05-22 11:52:22



ВеНа: 1s he under the chair? 1s he there? 1s he there? 1s he оп the shetf With the Ыg teddy Ьеаг? Oh, where is poor Sam? Oh dear! Oh dear! He's not over there, He's not over here!

Narrator: lt's sunny now, The sky is blue, But роог otd 5am, What сап he do? А blg black dog Comes running out, And puts the toy sotdier ln his mouth.

Тhе Т у Soldier !Q, Match the rhyming words. 1 bear 2 dear З blue 4 black а) Jack Ь) there с) here d) do IJ Game: Where's Sam? о 1s he under the chair? D

BritisR Homesl ,Q, Read and match. There is one extra picture. 1 This is а cottage in the UK. Cottages are smalt but very pretty. Look at the garden - it's futt of ftowers! 2 There are а tot of casttes in the UK. This is Windsor Castte. lt's one of Queen Etizabeth's homes. Look, it's very Ыg! 1 t11ш1 1101

Vocabutary ;0 -=-- Look and complete. (12 points) 1 3 ' с_р __ а __ _ t_ s_ f __ d __ Grammar rg -=-- Look, read and choose. (24 points) 1 There is/are а sofa in front of /behind the window. 2 There is/are two cats on/under the sofa. 3 There is/are some books on/next to the sofa. 4 There is/are some gtasses on/in the cupboard. 5 There is/are а batt under/next to the cupboard. 6 There is/ are а tamp behind/in the books. 102\- 4 _о __ е_

� D Write the p[ura[s. (24 points) 1 ЬаЬу З shet f 2 gtass 4 Ьох Communication Q, Read and match. (15 points) 1 What's in the fridge? 5 dish 6 sandwich а An appte. 7 body 8 famity 2 How many cookers аге there? З Where's lan? Ь ln the bedroom. с Onty one. Reading and Writing fJ Read and write yes or по. (25 points) Our house is very Ыg! There's а tiving room, а kitchen, three bathrooms and four bedrooms! Look! There's а blue bath in my bathroom ! Our tiving room is yettow and there аге two mirrors and а Ыg sof а in it. Look at att the trees in our garden! Our house is vегу nice! 1 There аге two kitchens. 2 There are four bedrooms. З The bath is blue. 4 The tiving room is yettow. Ш] ШJ 5 There is one ·mirror in the tiving room. 1 1 tatk about things in my house Ш] 2 tatk about tocation 1 Totat \ @] З write about my house/ftat � !llфtJi l1оз

• •

\l��� G���\.@ '7u ln this module you will ... • learn, read and talk about ... • Кing's Park Day • activities • hobЫes •pгactise ... • tatking about actions happening now • tatking about free-time activities f>-. t>f>-.i off \ et set ГJо! 105

106 @Listen and point. Then sing and do. l'm playing а game, With me? With me? l'm driving а саг. l'm painting а picture, You are! You are! lt's upside down! l'm making а sandcastte, What is it? l'm watching ТV. lt's the face of а ctown! 11 Chit-Chat А: What are you doing? В: l'm making а sandcastte. 1 paint/picture 2 drive/car �Let's play! l'm ,, .____ ___ 3 watch/TV 4 play/game ptaying game _ __ ___, J,

@Listen and read. Аге you having а good time, children? r-�--------.. Read again and answer. What's Lutu doing? What аге you doing, Мауа? She's painting her face over there . . -�--- - Соте here, everybody! 107

• D Read and choose. 1 Sue ... the cats in the garden. А are watching В is watching 2 Listen ! Tom ... the piano. А is playing В are playing З What ... ? 1s it an orange? А you are eating В are you eating 4 Look, Mum! 1 ... my face! А 'm painting В painting What is Расо doing? Не is playing а game. Не is not (isn 't) drawing. 5 Where's Sandra? ... trees again? А She is climЫng В 1s she climЫng 6 The children ... ! They're playing! А aren't swimming В isn't swimming s he running? No, he isn't. Аге they singing? Yes, they аге. 8 Free time! Look at the picture. Then ask and answer. 108 1 Chuckles/ run? 2 Nanny /paint а picture? З Maya/swim? 1 А: 1s Chuckles running? В: No, he isn't. He's climЫng. 4 Larry and Lulu/play the piano? 5 Paco/read?

@Listen and repeat. The king and the queen are eating chicken in the kitchen. \о\ Сору the tаЫе and complete it. green, tong, ten, spring, king, run, queen, pin, sing, swing /rj/ /п/ What do they like doing in their free time? Look, ask and answer. з ( Cathy) 1 (Ben) ( Mary) с Judy) T(m ) 4 1 А: What does Cathy tike doing? В: She tikes dancing. " lz/. Mime and ask your friends to guessl В: Do you tike dancing? А: Yes, 1 do./No, 1 don't. 109

ln the park.' @what are they doing? Listen and match. д playing soccer в eating а hot dog С playing basketbaH Read and complete. 1 Neil and Мах 2 DеЬЫе 3 Lee 4 Pat and EHie 5 Bitt 6 Ken Н sleeping G drinking Coke F wearing а mac Mum: НеНо, dear! 1s everything ОК? What 1) are the children doing (the children/do)? Dad: Wett, Judy 2) ... (play) with some toys and Ben 3) ... (jump) up and down оп the bed. Mum: And the ЬаЬу? Dad: The ЬаЬу 4) ... (eat). Mum: 5) ... (you/have) а good time? Dad: Oh, yes. 1 6) ... (have) а great time!

•��. ' . С[ Read and answer. cn. с;' с ,,. lt's Кing's Park Day today. There are а tot of peopte in the park. Look! Jim is ptaying а game with the ctown ! SaHy is eating an appte and her brother 5am is making а sandcastte. Jenпy and Jude are painting their f aces. Their mother, Sue is watching them. Сап you see Paut апd Топу? They are riding а horse! Everybody is having а great time! .� : ..... 1 Who is ptaying а game? 2 Who is eating an appte? З Who is making а sandcastte? 4 Who is riding а horse? 'WPortfo[io: Now draw а picture and write about а day in the park. �Let's play! ----------···-- 111

• 112 Look, read and say yes or по. 1 There are nine chHdren in the picture. 2 There is а girt оп the sof а. 3 The girt оп the sof а has got f air hair. 4 Two boys are dancing. 5 А girt is ptaying the piano. 6 А Ьоу is singing. 7 Two girts are drinking Coke. 8 There is а Ьоу оп the table. {i) � Sing along! We're having а good time, А f abutous, fun time! We're painting our faces, We' re running in races, We're having а good, good time! We're having а good time, А fabutous, fun time! The park beHs are ringing, We're taughing and singing, We're having а good, good time! )1 \) \

1- . •. _"- r. ·r � - rJ 'J t (' ' � _._J - )' �1. -.. �[ , - Lr l 1 [_ tl I ."- · ,J . · f � .J' ,,__.; ., . " . .1:- IJ Look, read and comp[ete. Macy's got а 1) � ... , And it's got а tong tait. Hotty's got а 2) ... ' And its name is Gait. RobЫe's got а 3) �� ... , lt сап jump up on his bed.� Bonnie's got а 4) � ... , lt сап fty on her head ! Freddy's got а 5) � ... , lt сап swim and swim. And Dan has got а 6) lt сап run tike him! � ' -= ••• ' ., � Now answer the questions. 1 Who's got а mouse? 2 What is Gait? 4 What сап Bonnie's Ыгd do? 5 What сап swim? 3 What сап RobЫe's гаЬЫt do? 6 What сап Dan and his dog do? ,___ ---=· 113

WHliam: Oh, Blackie, what's this? 1s it for me? lt's Sam, my toy soldier! How сап that Ье? �')///-?'./ {\.:'°\,, // ,,\) �'\)) /, / ,....._ ...... ,,1 ,,.,,,....,.���, Thank you, dear Blackie, Good Ьоу! Good Ьоу! Now I сап play With my f avourite toy! ) )

Ted: Sam's here! Sam's here! Everyone, cheer. Now att our f riends Are together again. Let's dance and ptay - Let's att shout HOORAY!

116 Тhе То Soldier а Read and correct. 1 The dog's name is Arthur. 2 5am is а puppet. З Witliam can't play with 5am. 4 ВеНа is Witliam's favourite toy. 11 Game: Ted says!

et set � Read and match the words in bold to the pictures. • • • • с •••••• • • ••С - n • j ее ln the USA, chitdren tove running in races. Оп -.•rJ; tc� -· . Sports Day chitdren take part in tots of fun races. о•.:• •• The sack race is very poputar - the runners get into а sack to run the race. lt's great fun! There's atso the ЬаН and spoon race � the winner is the first one to finish with the batt stitt (! Correct the sentences. 1 Оп King's Park Day chitdren take part in tots of fun races. 2 They get into а sack and crawl. З There's atso the dish and spoon race. 4 Another favourite is the four-tegged race. What fun races are there in your country? Mime one for the class to guess! о/ . 117

Vocabulary Q Look and complete. (25 points) 118 e.g. drive а саг а 1 steep Grammar 2 ride а horse 3 fty а kite Look, read and write the answer. (25 points) • What are the chitdren doing? e.g. Cathy's dancing. е 4 watch ТУ 5 make а sandcastte 2 5 ,, l 251

Communication Look, read and choose. (15 points) 1 А: Аге you having а good time? 3 А: What are you doing? В: а) Oh, yes. lt's great here! В: а) l'm fine, thanks. Ь) lt's morning! Ь) l'm painting а picture. 2 А: Who_'s riding the horse? О}] В: а) lt's brown. Ь) Fiona is! Reading and Writing (![ 1 Look, read and complete. (35 points) - - " - . -- -- ..- ( There are а tot of chitdren in the park today. Look! Liam and Jim e.g. аге playing (play) soccer. Mandy 1) ... (drink) Coke and her sister Ruth 2) ... (fly) а kite. Karen and Wendy 3) ... (play) basketbatt. Their mother, Janet 4) ... (sleep) under the tree! Everybody 5) ... (have) а great time! Ш] 1 Totat 1 Ооо] с 1 tatk about activities & hobЫes 2 tatk and write about things happening now 119

120 � Episode 6 Woof! Woof! Соте on, Tricksy! No food for you today! Mm! Му favourite! Sausages! о о о What's Tricksy doing? Oh, oh!

ln this module you wHI ... 8Hearn, read and talk about ... • Lutu оп а TV show • everyday activities • parts of the day •pгactise ... • days of the week • tatking about daHy activities • teШng the time o�i Cartoon fayourites! �i o�i\ 121

- @Listen and read. - --- What day is it today, chitdren? What's got two hands, ll· а f асе and numbers? i -= \ �, Now read again and complete. А clock has got ... hands, а ... and ... . • 123

�Listen and repeat. 1 Chuckles and the chHdren like chips, chocolate cakes • and Coke. ц_.=...nti,W' , � -u&� The City Mice are dancing in а circle. t!l-=--. Сору the table and comp[ete it. children, city, juice, chair, carrot, cooker, rice, Ыасk, cheese, music, pencil, duck, chips, jacket, computer, sock с ck ch /k/ /s/ /k/ /tj_/ \. � �Let's play! Do you ptay tennis? What do I do on Mondays? 125

r-&\ : � \c?'Listen and repeat. have а shower have breakf ast have tunch tisten to music visit my f riend have supper watch а video go to bed 181 Now, ta[k with your friend. А: What do you do in the morning? В: 1 have а shower, then I have breakfast. 12в1М 'ft�., <�!> in the morning ,&;rv.�� 'A а t . n1g ht ... {;] �� m о at seven о'сtоск {')':, ,,. С- -@Listen and match. 1 2 з get up come home go to schoot watch TV go to bed 4 � Now, ask and answer. А: What time do you get up? В: At seven о' ctock. 5

:� Read and say yes ог по. lN081a.A� ! ,Ж''1?6 •UltllD.A'W1 ! Lutu's favourite day is Sunday. She gets up at ten o'ctock. ln the morning, she has breakf ast, then she visits her grandma and grandpa. Then, at one o'ctock, she comes home and has tunch with her f amity. ln the afternoon, Lutu watches а video or tistens to music. Then, at six o'ctock, it's time for supper. ln the evening, she ptays games with Chucktes. They have а tot of fun! Then, at nine o'ctock, Lutu goes to bed. Sundays аге happy days for Lutu! 1 Lutu toves Sundays. 2 Lutu gets up earty on Sundays. 3 ln the morning, she goes to schoot. 4 She goes to bed at ten о' ctock. _i, %Portfolio: Now write about what you do on Saturdays or Sundays. 11 � r � What's the time, Мг Wotf? Let's play! 1 ·: // в�

• - @Listen and write the days. There is one extra day. MondaY Wednesday Friday Sunday 1 4 Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday 5 � 1 Sing a[ong! 128 и� id у � f One о' ctock, two о' ctock, JJ Three о' ctock's fine, Any time; it's holiday time! Morning, evening, noon or night! lt's holiday - the time is right! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday's fine, Any time; it's holiday time!

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