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Index lv

likelihood ratio 1822, 1833, 1838, 1840-1841, Louat, F. 2589
1857, 1871 Loury, G. 2176-2178, 2193
Lovejoy, P.E. 2753-2754
Lillard, L. 1923-1925, 1932-I933, 1938, 1940- Loveman, B. 2690
1941, 1990 low inflation countries 2863-2868
Low, P. 2437
Lim, C.-Y. 2514 LOWESS (locally weighted smoothed
Limacoco, J.A.A. 2563
Limongi, F. 2336 scatterplots) 1868-1869, 1902
Lin, J.Y. 2111, 2116-2119, 2303-2363, 2734 LSS see Living Standards Surveys
Lindahl, E.R. 2076-2077, 2383, 2418, 2419 Lucas, R.E. Jr. 1777
Lindauer, D. 2002 Lucas, R.E.B. xvi, 2001, 2086-2087, 2090,
Lindert, P. 2430
Lindo-Fuentes, H. 2721, 2746-2747, 2748 2170-2171, 2219, 2309, 2488-2489, 2494,
linear regression 1816-1819 2777, 2892, 2954, 2957, 2984-2985, 2991,
Linn, J.F. 2828 2995
Linton, O. 1861, 1902, 1904 Luddites 2557
Lipscomb, J.F. 2753 Lueck, D. 2723
Lipsey, R.G. 2569, 2736 Lundberg, S. 1995
Lipton, D. 2089, 2961 Lury, D.A. 1791
Lipton, M. 1902, 2195, 2467, 2476-2477, 2533- Lütge, F. 2742-2743
Lutz, E. 2351, 2404
2638, 2534, 2756, 2781, 2796-2797, 2810, Lyne, M.C. 2756
2824, 2826 Lysy, F.J. 2051
liquidity constraints 1855, 2123, 2128, 2139-
2143, 2146-2148 Maasland, A. 2054, 2507, 2613, 2879
literacy 2778, 2780, 2782, 2784-2785, 2818, Mabbut, J. 2380
2826 McAlpin, M. 2600
Little, I.M.D. 2396, 2405, 2443, 2445, 2514, MacArthur, R.H. 2375-2376
2518, 2541, 2601, 2804, 2847, 2880-2881, Macaulay, T. 2560
2930, 2932, 2950 McCallum, B.T. 1852
Litvack, J. 2822 McCarthy, F.D. 2942
Liu, P. 1792 McCleary, W.A. 2827, 2831
Liviatan, N. 2873, 2875 McClintock, C. 2689, 2693
living standards 1787-1788, 1801-1802, 1804, McClintock, M. 2692
1811-1813, 1861, 1866, 2572-2575 McCloskey, D.N. 2321, 2728
Living Standards Surveys 1892, 1893, 1919, McCurdy, C.W. 2320
1964, 2822; Côte d'Ivoire 1919, 1934, 1939, McCurdy, T. 1974
1964; data collection 1801; Ghana 1919, Mace, B. 2153, 2155
1957; human resources 1892; panel data McElroy, M. 1995, 1998
1802-1806; Peru 1962, I964 MacEwan, A. 2688
Lloyd, C.B. 2589 McGillivray,.M. 2567
Lloyd, P.J. 2514 McGregor, A. 2689
Lluch, C. 2593 McGuire, C.B. 2408
loans: adjustment lending 2877; friends, machinery see farm; mechanization
relatives, community members 2176; group Machlup, F. 2221
lending programs 2185-2187; loan-agreement Mclntire, J. 2309, 2342, 2735
conditions 2856; see also sectoral McKenzie, L. 2089
adjustment; strnctural adjustment MacKinnon, J.G. 1816, 1837
local commons 2424-2428 McKinnon, R. 2138, 2878, 2880
Locay, L. 1928, 1937 MacLeod, M.J. 2747
Locke, J. 2335, 2555 McMahon, G. 2068
Lockheed, M. 1951, 1956, 1958, 2794 McMillan, J. 2342, 2358, 2689, 2882
Longhurst, R. 2563, 2609, 2627-2628 McNamara, R.S. 2563, 2566, 2851
Longitudinat Survey of Youth (United States) macroeconomics 1839, 1841, 1851, 1854;
Lopez, R. 1962-1963, 2959 adjustment 2610-2615; indicators 2898,
Lorenz curve 1865, 2581, 2583, 2585, 2603- 2906-2907; policies 2522-2525, 2527, 2531,

lvi Index

2635-2536; shocks 1847, 1855; stabilization Mann, H.H. 2560
2927, 2929-2930 Manne, A.S. 2027, 2061, 2091
Maddala, G.S. 1837, 2260 Manning, W. 1919, 1937
Maddison, A. 2691 Manor, J. 2570
Madow, W.G. 1802 manorial estates 2661-2662, 2669, 2673, 2677-
Magill, M. 2097, 2099
Magnac, T. 1962-1964 2683, 2709, 2732, 2738
Magrath, W. 2408 Manser, M. 1995
Mahalanobis, P.C. 1799, 1867, 2112, 2218, Mansfield, E. 2219, 2225-2226, 226%2271,
2469, 2490, 2561, 2984-2985
Mahar, D. 2383, 2427 2277-2278
Mahmood, M. 2726 Manski, C.F. 1792, 1833, 2615
Mairesse, J. 2277 Mantel, R. 2059
Makeham, J. 2690 Mao Zedong 2358
Malathy, R. 1944, 1998 Marcos, F. 2337-2338
Malawi: agricultural land relations 2676; Margen, S. 1901
education 2818; health and education Marglin, S. 2396, 2404, 2442, 2445, 2450
services 2820; intervention and large farms Margo, R. 1971
2675, 2754; poverty 2595; pricing Markandya, A. 2393
inffastructure services 2819 markets 1800-1801, 1819-1820, 1833, 1857,
Malaysia 2514; agricultural land relations
2672, 2706, 2733; education 2825; Family 2659, 2661-2662, 2664-2665, 2669, 2672,
Life Survey 1801, 1803, 1857, 1891-1892, 2674-2682, 2694, 2696-2701, 2704, 2706,
1935, 1940, 1946, 1953, 1974, 1981; farm 2712-2718, 2720-2725, 2728-2737, 2754,
size productivity differences 2703-2704; 2757, 2760; access restriction 2676;
health and education services 2820; human agriculture 2507-2508, 2527, 2529, 2539,
capital investments 1923-1925, 1928, 1932, 2544; assets 2025, 2067, 2094-2099, 2101;
1938-1939; human resources 1953, 1982- capital 2284; competitive 1789, 1826; factor
1983, 1988; infrastructure 2786; New market constraints 2714-2716; failure 2138,
Economic Policy 1940-1941; policy lessons 2410-2414, 2988, 2994-2995; fixed assets
post Second World War 2524, 2537; poverty 2149; imperfections 2758-2761, 2812;
2592, 2599, 2632; pricing infrastructure incomplete 2812; land sales 2707-2711;
services 2819, 2824; public investment 2801; market-based economies 2685-2688;
savings, credit and insurance 2164, 2181; missing/imperfect 2136-2138; outcomes
schooling/wages/farm output 2784; social 2410; poverty and policy 2569-2570; power
sector subsidies 2800; structural adjustment 2199-2200; and related institutions 2345-
2852, 2858, 2890; technology 2242-2244, 2348; returns 1967; rise 2301, 2345; wages
2300; trade and industrial policy reform 1888-1889, 1891, 1909, 1912-1913, 1915,
2968-2969; wages and labor supply 1967, 1961-1963, 1969, 1984, 1989, 1993; see also
1969 black markets; credit
Maler, I. 2571 markup pricing 1895, 2044, 2052, 2062-2065,
Mäler, K.-G. 1782, 2111, 2116, 2119-2121, 2068, 2081
2373-2453 Marschak, J. 1824
Malhotra, K.C. 2425 Marshall, A. 2030, 2284, 2357, 2479, 2712,
Mali 2516, 2818, 2820, 2827 2715, 2730, 2898, 2963-2964
Malik, A. 2722 Marshall, P.J. 2939
Malta 2392 Martens, A. 2027
Malthus, T.R. 1973, 2505, 2554, 2556-2557, Martorell, R. 1908, 1944
2633, 2679, 2737 Marx, K./Marxism 1777, 2117, 2304, 2334-
Mamalakis, M. 2563 2335, 2557, 2559-2560, 2697, 2715, 2735,
Mamdani, M. 1919 2737, 2967, 2984
management skills 2698 Mas-Colell, A. 2088
Mandala, E.C. 2754 Maskin, E. 2411, 2415, 2426, 2436, 2441
Mandelbaum, K. 2498 Mason, E.S. 2514
Mandeville, B. de 2556, 2558 Mason, T.D. 2692
Mankiw, N.G. 1808, 1847, 2220, 2872 Masters and Servants Laws 2756
Masters, W.A. 2692
mathematical programs 2044-2045, 2068, 2070
Matoussi, M.S. 2354, 2356-2357, 2714-2715

Index lvii

Matsuyama, K. 2492, 2956-2957, 2961, 2994 Middle East 2498, 2521, 2585, 2785
Matthews, R.C.O. 2314, 2337, 2362 Migdal, J.S. 2691
Matthias, P. 2190 Migot-Adholla, S. 2132, 2197, 2314, 2423,
Mauritania 1893, 2423
Mauritius 2160, 2672, 2782, 2957 2723
Maxwell, S. 2571 migration 1941-1946, 2577, 2601, 2603-2605,
May, P. 2426
May, R.M. 2375 2609, 2622, 2626, 2637; selective 1883,
Mayo, S.K. 2615, 2797 1941, 1945-1946, 1948
Mazumdar, D. 1908, 1961, 2593, 2601 Mikkelson, K.W. 2257, 2261, 2278
Meade, J.E. 2382 Milgrom, E 2440-2441
means, measurement of 1793-1794 Mill, J.S. 2304, 2333, 2559-2560, 2562
Mearns, R. 2571 Miller, J.E. 1953
measurement error 1828 Milliman, J.W. 2413
mechanization 2662, 2674-2675, 2686-2687, Mills, D.E. 2727
Mill's ratio 1833-1834
2689-2690, 2697, 2705, 2707, 2734, 2746 Mills, T. 1845
Meckling, W.H. 2316 Milner, C. 2965
Medeiros, J. 1969 Milor, V. 2947
Mediterranean 2441, 2931 MIMIC models 1828-1829
Meeraus, A. 2027 Mines and Workers Act (1911) 2756
Meerman, J. 2632, 2797, 2801 Mingat, A. 2824-2825
Meesook, O. 1894, 1902, 1983, 2586, 2632 Minhas, B.S. 2560, 2599, 2602
Meier, G.M. 2543, 2930, 2932 Ministry of Industrial Development and
Meillassoux, C. 2672, 2735, 2737 Commerce 2271
Mellor, J.W. 2608-2609 Mirakhor, A. 2878-2879
Melmed-Sanjak, J. 2690 Miranowski, J.A. 2710
Menon, G. 2432 Mirrlees, J.A. 1908, 2159, 2162, 2395-2397,
Mensch, B. 1922, 1932, 1939 2402, 2405, 2443, 2445, 2489, 2514, 2804,
Mercenier, J. 2063-2064, 2090-2091 2813, 2831, 2984
merchant slavery 2672 Mitchell, J. 2688
Merrick, T. 1939 Mitchell, R.C. 2409
Mexico 2488; agricultural land relations 2673, Mitchell, W. 2305
Mitra, A. 2587, 2600
2678, 2683, 2687-2688, 2697, 2726, 2745; Mitra, P.K. 2058, 2714, 2942, 2960
ANAGSA 2161; BANRURAL 2161; modelling, historical developments of 1887-
Computable General Equilibrium model 1890
policy analysis 2061; human resources 1969; Mody, A. 2780
infinite horizon 2091; infrastructure 2780- Moene, K.O. 2731
2781, 2801; institutions 2351; intervention Moerner, M. 2678, 2749
and large farms 2675, 2748-2749; policy Mohnen, P. 2266, 2277
lessons post Second World War 2515, 2521, Mokyr, J. 2222
2523; poverty 2599, 2622; pricing Moll, EG. 1967, 2708
infrastructure services 2832; Revolution Molyneaux, J. 1942-1944
(1910) 2686; Solidaridad 2564; structural Mondino, G. 2873
adjustment 2847, 2852, 2875, 2880-2881, money/monetary 2066-2068; lenders 2179-
2891, 2893, technology 2242-2243, 2300; 2180; neutrality, dropping of 2065-2068;
trade and industrial policy reform 2934, restraint 2539-2540; see also finance
2936, 2945, 2964-2965, 2968-2972 monsoon onset standard deviation 2706
Meyer, A. 2429 Montgomery, M.R. 1942, 1944-1945
Meyer, C.A. 2689 Montiel, P. 2884, 2886-2887
Meyer, R.L. 2181 Montrucehio, L. 2089
MFLS see Malaysia Family Life Survey Moock, P. 1965, 1969, 2784, 2786
Michael, R. 2575 Mookherjee, D. 2990
Michaely, M. 2518, 2536, 2880-2881, 2939, Mooney, H.A. 2377
2958 Moore, B. 2691
Michel, G. 2066 Moore, J.H. 2131-2132
Michel, P. 2063 moral hazard 2131, 2158-2159, 2699, 2817

lviii lndex

Moran, C. 2943 Myint, H. 2544
Morandé, F. 2902 Myrdal, G. 2304, 2560
Morawetz, D. 2507
morbidity 1908, 1919-1920, 1954, 1992 Nabi, I. 2714
Morduch, J. 1851, 1855, 1975, 1977-1978, Nabli, M. 2345
Nadaraya-Watson, E.A. 1867
1987, 2147-2148, 2597, 2621 Nadiri, M.I. 2278
Morgenstern, O. 2401 NAFTA 2351
Mofley, S.A. 2613-2614
Morocco: human resources 1893; policy Nagar, A.L. 1837-1838
Nagarajan, G. 2181, 2717, 2725
lessons post Second World War 2537; Nakajima, C. 1887
poverty 2573, 2603, 2611, 2614; trade and Nalebuff, B. 2934
industrial policy reform 2939, 2971 Nalo, D.S.O. 2830
Morooka, Y. 2699, 2715, 2717 Nam, C.H. 2849
Morris, C.T. 2216, 2564, 2603 Naorolji, D. 2560
Morris, M.D. 2567, 2600, 2620 Narain, D. 2609
Morrisson, C. 2067-2068, 2100, 2885, 2917 Narain, S. 2423, 2425
mortality 1883, 1981, 2556, 2586-2588, 2590, Narayana, N.S.S. 2053, 2069, 2073, 2159
2595-2596, 2600; infant 1804, 1813; samples Nash bargaining/equilibrium2439, 2683, 2958,
1946-1948; see also children
mortgage, usufructuary 2181, 2717, 2725 2962-2963
Mosley, P. 2691, 2753, 2758, 2876, 2885, Nash-Cournot model 2950
2889-2890, 2929, 2967 National Council of Applied Economic
Moulton, B.R. 1819
Mozambique 2676, 2683, 2688-2689, 2691, Research 1801, 1891-1892, 2002, 2257
2754-2755 national income data 1785-1786, 1788, 1807-
MPL see marginal productivity of labor
Mroz, T. 1963 1815; index number problems and
MSIF see Mauritius Sugar Insurance Fund international comparisons 1808-12; quality
Muellbauer, J. 1974, 2574 issues in development data 1812-1814
Mueller, E. 2429-2430 National Planning Committee (India) 2468,
Muhavi, D.K. 2589 2472, 2475
Mujumdar, M. 2402, 2452 national policies 2283-2288; domestic 2286-
Mukendi, A. 2380 2288; trade 2284-2286
Mukherjee, A. 2592 national product see gross; riet
Mukhopadhyay, S. 2587 National Research Council 1973
Mulat, T. 2626 National Sample Survey 1905; see also India
Mulder, P. 2381 National Science Board 2241
Munasinghe, M. 2414, 2791, 2828 Native Lands Act (1912) 2756
Mundlak, Y. 1824, 1826 Natrajan, K. 2587
Mufioz, J. 1803, 1893 natural experiments 1834-1838
Murillo, D. 1927, 1931-1932 natural resources, renewable 2375
Murphy, K.M. 2219, 2607, 2943, 2949, 2952- Naughton, B. 2342, 2882
2953, 2993 NBER project 2881
Murphy, R. 2426 NCAER see National Council of Applied
Murphy, S. 2936 Economic Research
Murphy, Y. 2426 Neary, J.P. 2072, 2943
Murthy, M.N. 1791 Negishi, T. 2037-2042, 2044-2045, 2050, 2054-
Murti, M.N. 2423, 2425 2057, 2065, 2068, 2071, 2073, 2075, 2078,
Murty, G.V.S.N. 2565 2086-2089, 2094
Musgrave, R. 2404 Nehru, J. 2468-2470, 2498, 2500-2502, 2560-
Musgrove, P. 2586 2561
Mussa, M. 2960 Nehru, V. 2778
Musu, I. 2398 Nellis, J.R. 2958
Mwabu, G.M. 1937, 1939, 2819-2821 Nelson, C. 1837
Mwase, N.R.L. 2830 Nelson, J.A. 2573, 2575
Myers, C. 2164 Nelson, J.M. 2330, 2543, 2863, 2882
Nelson, R. 2216, 2381
Nelson, R.R. 2222, 2228, 2283, 2326

Index lix

NEP see New Economic Policy services 2819, 2822, 2833; public investment
Nepal: education 2825; infrastructure 2786; 2794, 2809; savings, credit and insurance
2132, 2134, 2169, 2176; structural
poverty 2599, 2603; poverty, institutions adjustment 2903; water prices, public and
and environment 2380; pricing infrastructure private 2801
services 2824; savings, credit and insurance Nishimizu, M. 2520, 2893, 2935-2936
2164; technology 2242-2243, 2300 NNP see net national product
Nerlove, M. 1859, 1952, 2429 NOAA Panel 2409
net national product 2120; in deterministic Nogues, J. 2209
environment 2446-2451; in dynamic Nolan, E 2689, 2734
economy 2445-2453; measurement 2403- Nolan, S. 2952
2407; poverty, institutions and environment nominal anchors 2873-2876
2387, 2404-2406, 2408, 2452-2453 non-convexities 1895, 2027, 2044, 2062, 2068,
Netting, R. 2423 2081-2083, 2100-2101, 2414-2421, 2992, 2995
Neuman, M. 2727 non-parametric methods 1861-1874;average
Neumark, D. 1961 derivatives and index models 1871-1874;
New Economic Policy (Malaysia) 1940-1941 densities estimation 1862-1866; regression
New Institutional Economics 2117, 2305, 2313 1866-1869
New Zealand 2482; crisis, causes of 2911- Nordhaus, W.D. 2221-2223, 2230, 2375, 2404
2913; economic performance 2911; policy Norman, V.D. 2063, 2129
lessons post Second World War 2536; Noronha, R. 2422-2423, 2428, 2669, 2730
reforms, phasing of 2914; Reserve Bank Norse, D. 2391
Act (1989) 2915; structural adjustment North Africa: education 2785; human
2852-2853, 2857, 2876, 2893, 2910-2916 resources 1983; institutions 2347, 2349;
Newbery, D.M.G. 1873, 2161-2163, 2221, policy lessons post Second World War 2521;
2318, 2717, 2817, 2830, 2831-2832, 2834 poverty 2585
Newbold, P. 1848 North America 2342, 2956; see also Canada;
Newcombe, K. 2408 United States
Newey, W.K. 1834, 1839, 1859, 1860 North, D.C. 2312, 2319-2321, 2326, 2330,
Newhouse, J.P. 1919 2333, 2337, 2341, 2347, 2359, 2441, 2669,
newly industrialized countries 2216, 2242-2243; 2679, 2681-2682
East Asia 2533, 2540-2541;policy lessons Norway 2595
post Second World War 2508, 2514-2515, Nozick, R. 2333
2517, 2521, 2531; technology 2244-2246, Nsengiyumva, F. 2051
2264, 2290, 2292 NSS see National Sample Survey
Newman, A.F. 2194-2195, 2607 Nugent, J.B. 2111, 2116-2119, 2303-2363
Newman, J. 1835, 1962-1964, 1993 Nurkse, R. 2503, 2559, 2561, 2949
Newson, L.A. 2721 nutrients: consumption 1897-1899; demands
Ng, S. 1874 1883, 1893-1917;intakes 1883, 1893, 1911,
Nguyen, T. 2073 2593-2595
Nicaragua: agricultural land relations 2678, nutrition 1788, 1813, 1829, 1893-1917, 2551,
2683, 2688-2689, 2693, 2721, 2724, 2730; 2564, 2566-2567, 2587-2588, 2593-2595,
human resources 1892, 1923-1924, 1931, 2638; and adaptation 2595-2597; Institute
1969-1970, 2024; infrastructure 2786; for Nutrition in Central America and
institutions 2338; poverty 2594; schooling/ Panama 1891; and poverty 2593-2597; status
wages/farm output 2784 1886, 1920, 1970, 1986, 1991; see also
Nickell, S. 1952 calories; food; Longitudinal Health and
NICs see newly industrialized countries Nutrition Survey u n d e r Philippines;
NIE see New Institutional Economics nutrients
Nieuwoudt, W.L. 2756 Nyamete, A. 1939
Niger 2176, 2675, 2753-2754, 2818
Nigeria 2675; data 1809-1811;human Oates, W. 2383
resources 1922, 1932; interventions and Oaxaca, R.L. 2593
large farms 2753-2754; policy lessons post O'Brien, D. 2557
Second World War 2516; poverty 2590, Odagiri, H. 2987
2598; poverty, institutions and environment Ogaki, M. 1851
2380, 2423, 2444; pricing infrastructure

lx Index

O'Hara, D. 1921 Paish, F. 2140, 2150
Ohlin see Heckscher-Ohlin Pakes, A. 2269
Olewiler, N. 2375 Pakistan: agricultural land relations 2678,
OLG see overlapping generations models
OLS see ordinary least squares regression 2709, 2726; data 1801; econometric tools
Olsen, R. 1979, 1981-1982 1854, 1873; farm size productivity
Olsen, W.K. 2381 differences 2703; human resources 1893,
Olson Jr, M. 2328-2331 1938, 1968, 1988; infrastructure 2782; policy
Onchan, T. 2176, 2720-2721 lessons post Second World War 2516, 2536-
Oniang'o, R. 2380 2537; poverty 2586-2588; pricing
Onis, Z. 2944 infrastructure services 2819, 2833; public
optimality 1852, 1854, 2395-2400, 2445-2446 investment 2796; savings, credit and
option value 2410 insurance 2172, 2180; transport costs 2808;
Orazem, P. 1971 water prices, public and private 2801
ordinary least squares regression 1795-1797, Palloni, A. 1973
Palmer, R. 2678, 2730, 2757
1816-1818, 1820, 1822-1824, 1826-1827, Panagariya, A. 2944, 2959-2960, 2962
1830, 1834-1835, 1837, 1844, 1848, 1850, Panama 1891; agricultural land relations 2689;
1859-1860, 1869-1870; econometric tools econometric tools 1833; human resources
1816-1818, 1820, 1822-1824, 1826-1827, 1961, 1969; institutions 2348; policy lessons
1830, 1834-1835, 1837, 1844, 1848-1850, post Second World War 2523; poverty 2599;
1859-1860, 1869-1870; estimator 1796; poverty, institutions and environment 2424
human resources 1895, 1900, 1904, 1906- Panayotou, T. 2385
1907, 1925, 1986, 1991, 2024 Pandya-Lorch, R. 1978
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and panel data 1785, 1801-1807, 1819, 1824-1828,
Development 2482; Computable General 1839, 1842, 1855, 1858-1860, 2565, 2590;
Equilibrium model policy analysis 2060; agricultural production functions 1824-1827;
data 1814; poverty 2610; poverty, cross-sections, series of 1806-1807; data
institutions and environment 2384; collection 1801-1802; Living Standards
structural adjustment 2847, 2852, 2910, Surveys 1802-1806; in practice 1827-1828
2912; technology 2216, 2220, 2241-2246, Pant, C. 2561, 2714
2258-2260 Papageorgiou, D. 2536, 2881, 2958
Ortega, E. 2689 Papua New Guinea 2824-2825
orthodoxy in high inflation countries 2871- Paqueo, V. 2806
2872 Paraguay 2599, 2801
Osmani, S.R. 2576, 2592 parastatal enterprises 2506-2508, 2512, 2527,
Oström, E. 2329, 2331, 2413 2529-2531
Ostry, J.D. 2969 Pareto efficiency/optimality 1995-1996, 1998-
Otsuka, K. 2257, 2279, 2281, 2313, 2325, 1999, 2038, 2041, 2047, 2054-2056, 2058-
2354, 2592, 2685, 2712-2715, 2717, 2725, 2059, 2062, 2064, 2075-2077, 2079-2080,
2730 2082-2083, 2093, 2098, 2130, 2136, 2152-
Ottoman Empire 2673 2153, 2303, 2415, 2501, 2713, 2724, 2863
Oum, T. 2831 Parfit, D. 2395, 2398
output 1787-1789, 1800, 1808, 1811-1812, Parikh, K.S. 2060
1824-1826, 1832, 1948, see also agriculture Paris Convention 2229, 2282
overlapping generations models 2091-2094 Parish, W.L. 1923, 1990-1991
Owen, R. 2557, 2752 Park, Y.C. 2135, 2542
ownership 2661, 2666, 2669, 2723 Pastor, R. 2887
Patinkin, D. 2874
Pacey, A. 1901 Patten, R.H. 2133, 2187
Pack, H. 2258, 2278-2279, 2609, 2932, 2935, Paukert, F. 2606
Paul, S. 2576
2945, 2947, 2953, 2985, 2991 pawning 2181-2182
pacts in high inflation countries 2872 Paxson, C.H. 1806, 1975-1977, 1981, 2147,
Pagan, A.R. 1797, 1817 2155, 2573, 2590
Pagano, M. 2134 Payne, P.R. 1896, 1901, 2576, 2596
Pagano, U. 2318 PCE 1902-1908
Page Jr, J.M. 2601, 2893, 2930, 2935, 2936

Index lxi

Pearce, D. 2393 1891-1892, 1900-1901, 1904-1905, 1912,
Pearse, A.C. 2678, 2746, 2748, 2750 1915, 1922-1924, 1926, 1928, 1931-1932,
Pearson, R. 2935 1936-1937, 1940, 1943, 1947-1952, 1954-
Pebley, A.H.D. 2587 1955, 1961, 1991, 2024; infrastructure 2786;
Pebley, A.R. 1953 institutions 2322, 2325, 2337, 2338;
Peek, E 2689 insurance 2135, 2160, 2175, 2181, 2188;
Pejovich, S. 2323 intervention and large farms 2674, 2741-
Pelletier, D. 2596 2742; links among individuals/households/
Penn World Tables 1808-1809, 1811-1812, families 1983-1985, 1998; Longitudinal
Health and Nutrition Survey 1892, 1919,
1814 1947, 1952, 1955, 2004; Multipurpose
Penny Foundation (Guatemala) 2731 Surveys 1892; policy lessons post Second
Perez, L.A.E 2934 World War 2511, 2516-2517, 2523, 2536-
Perkins, D.H. 2338 2537; poverty 2594-2595, 2599, 2614, 2622;
permanent income 1897, 1926, 1930-1931, poverty, institutions and environment 2412;
pricing infrastructure services 2819, 2824;
1975-1977, 2004, 2146-2147; life-cycle public investment 2796, 2806, 2809; savings
savings 2139; model 2141, 2146-2147 2135, 2160, 2175, 2181, 2188; social sector
Perotti, P. 1803 subsidies 2800; structural adjustment 2890;
Perrings, C. 2377 technology 2253, 2261, 2278, 2280; wages
Perron, E 1841-1842, 1845, 1848, 1850 2784
Persley, G.J. 2229 Phillips curve 2870-2871, 2873
Persson, A. 2443 Phillips, J. 1943
Persson, H. 2266 Phillips, EC.B. 1837, 1848
Persson, T. 1803, 2607 Phimister, I. 2677
Peru 2675; agricultural land relations 2678, physical infrastructure 2773-2775, 2777, 2779-
2687-2690, 2726, 2733, 2745; data 1803; 2783, 2785, 2787-2791, 2793, 2795-2797,
econometric tools 1831; health and 2799, 2801, 2803-2805, 2807, 2809, 2811-
education services 2820; human resources 2813, 2815, 2817, 2819, 2821, 2823, 2825,
1893, 1918, 1923, 1933, 1938, 1967, 1969, 2827-2836; efficiency issues 2828-2833;
!988, 2001; infrastructure services 2801; equity issues 2833-2834; negative
interventions and large farms 2749-2750; externalities correction 2831-2833; publicly
Living Standards Survey 1962, 1964; policy and privately provided 2795; sub-Saharan
lessons post Second World War 2532, 2536; Africa 2830; supply costs 2828-2831;
poverty 2589, 2599, 2614, 2632; pricing transport in Tunisia 2832
infrastructure services 2819; public physical quality of life index 2567, 2600
investment 2798; schooling/wages/farm Pickett, L.E. 2733
output 2784; Shining Path Guerillas 2693; Pigou, A.C. 2383, 2420, 2603
social services 2821; trade and industrial Piketty, T. 2194, 2195
policy reform 2964; watet prices, public and Pilat, D. 2279
private 2801 Pingali, P. 2666, 2689, 2734
Peru, Vieeroyality of see Bolivia; Ecuador; Pinochet government 2896, 2900
Peru Pinstrup-Andersen, P. 1902, 2024, 2567
Peters, H. 2787 Pinto Aguirre, G. 1973
Peters, E 1997, 2595 Pischke, J.-S. 1854
Peterson, W. 2697 Pitt, M.M. 1828-1829, 1831, 1894, 1896, 1902,
Petrei, A.H. 2799-2800 1905, 1908, 1912, 1916-1917, 1923, 1928,
Pfefferman, D. 1797 1940, 1942, 1963-1967, 1987, 1991-1992,
Pfeiffer, K. 2689 1997, 2594, 2631, 2704
Phelps, E.S. 2402, 2777 plantations 2663, 2670, 2672, 2674, 2686,
Philippines: agricultural land relations 2678, 2703-2704, 2719, 2733, 2741-2742, 2747-
2716-2717, 2721, 2724-2725, 2729-2731, 2748, 2750-2751, 2753-2754, 2757; see also
2733; Computable General Equilibrium wages
model policy analysis 2053; credit 2135, Platteau, J.-P. 2152, 2171, 2349, 2433, 2555,
2160, 2175, 2181, 2188; data 1801; 2597, 2722
eeonometric tools 1854; education 2784, pledging see pawning
2795, 2825; farm output 2784; health and
education services 2820; human resources

lxii lndex

Pogodzinski, J.M. 2727 2786, 2796, 2798, 2825-2827; -based samples
Poisson, S.D. 2402 1956; ecology 2375; means 1794
Poland 2387, 2743, 2872, 2876, 2881, 2943, Portes, R. 2403, 2961
Portugal 2242-2243, 2300, 2536, 2537
2965 Posner, R.A. 2321, 2343
Polanyi, K. 2322 Postan 2679
Poleman, T. 1901-1902, 2594 Poullier, J.P. 2631
Polemarcbakis, H.M. 2093, 2607 poverty 1893, 1908, 1973, 1986; analysis 2553,
Polenske, K. 2782 2582; and family size 2586; gap index 2579-
policy 2846-2850, 2852, 2854, 2856-2863, 2865- 2583, 2585-2586, 2599, 2603, 2607;
incidence ratios 2599; and inequality 2602-
2866, 2868, 2871-2873, 2875, 2878, 2881- 2615; lines 2551, 2572, 2575-2586, 2599,
2886, 2888-2889, 2892-2894, 2897, 2901, 2602-2604, 2606-2607, 2612, 2618, 2636-
2903-2905, 2908-2909, 2917; agricultural 2637; locational characteristics 2599-2602;
2525-2527, 2684; distortions 2707-2711; measures 2551, 2568, 2572, 2580-2582, 2585,
domestic 2286-2288; evaluation 1832, 1834- 2603-2604, 2606, 2613, 2616, 2636;
1835; exchange rate 2530-2531; financial minimizing allocation 2581; and old age
2527-2529; indicators 2855; interconnected 2590-2591; profiles 2586, 2617-2618;
2521-2533; intervention 2126-2127; reduction 2783, 2792, 2796; rural 2562,
macroeconomic 2522-2525; orientation 2351- 2592-2593, 2598-2600, 2602, 2608-2609,
2352; public 2443-2445; savings, credit and 2615, 2626-2630, 2633; severity 2578-2579,
insurance 2195-2201; sustainability 2531- 2586, 2618, 2637; transient 2552, 2620-2622,
2533; technological 2281-2290; unsustainable 2635; trap 2992; and urbanization 2599-
2858; see also policy lessons and policy 2602, 2610, 2615, 2637; see also poverty,
reform below; poverty institutions and evironment and poverty and
policy lessons post Second World War 2498- policy below
2546; development strategies 2499-2507; poverty, institutions and environment 2373-
East Asia 2514-2520; feedbacks 2507-2514; 2453; accounting prices, environmental
fiscal deficits, inflation rates and debt- 2408-2410; basics 2373-2388; children as
service obligation 2523; interconnected producer goods 2428-2432; Coase's theorem
policies and sustainability: stalled growth 2414-2421; Computable General
2521-2533; political economy 2543-2546 Equilibrium model 2433-2434; contract
policy reform 2533-2543; agricultural pricing agreements authority 2438-2442;
2537-2539; fiscal and monetary restraint degradation, environmental 2383-2384;
2539-2540; government role in development discount rates 2395-2400; ecosystems 2374-
2540-2543; trade and exchange rates 2534- 2378, 2428-2432; environmental economics
2537 as capital theory 2388-2410; environmental
political economy 2616, 2631, 2635, 2637; resources classification 2379-2382;
changes 2351-2352; credit markets 2197; externalities, unidirectional and reciprocal
infrastructure investment 2802, 2810; of 2410-2414; global warming 2400-2402;
policy formulation and evolution 2543-2546; international institutional failure and global
public investment 2810-2811; targeting 2616; commons 2434-2437; Kuznets curves 2384-
trade and industrial policy reform 2963- 2388; land rights 2391-2393, 2421-2424; local
2964; see also political economy and the commons 2424-2428; net national product
state 2403-2407, 2445-2453; non-convexities 2414-
political economy and the state 2332-2342; 2421; optimal development 2395-2400;
economic approaches 2333-2336; project evaluation 2403-2407; property
institutional reforms 2336-2342 rights 2414-2421; public failure 2424-2428;
Pollak, R.A. 1887, 1890, 1985, 1995, 2574 public policy as reform 2443-2445; resources
Polluter Pays Principle 2058 2443-2445; risk 2400-2402; rural production
pollution, environmental 2376, 2391, 2420, 2373-2374; second-best optima 2400-2402;
2438 sulfur dioxide 2385; sustainability 2393-2400;
Pong, S.-L. 1923, 1940-1941 technological adaptation 2407-2408; trade
Ponzi games 2085 and environment 2437-2438; water 2391-
Popkin, B. 1923, 1937, 1948, 1952-1953 2393; work allocation among women and
Popkin, S. 2166 children 2432-2433
population 1792, 1794-1795, 1797, 2778-2779,

Index txiii

poverty and policy 2533-2638; awakenings 2164; water vendors 2833; see also cost;
2559-2560; basic needs 2566-2569; chronic markup; price/pricing infrastructure
poverty 2622-2633; consensus, new 2570- price/pricing infrastructure services 2773,
2572; decompositions 2580-2582; 2811-2834; human 2815-2828; physical 2828-
demographic characteristics 2586-2591; 2834; principles 2812-2815
dimensions and characteristics 2583-2602; Priestly, M.B. 1847
family size 2586-2588; first transition 2554- Prisoners' Dilemma 2441
2558; forced-draft industrialization 2560- Pritchett, L. 2633, 2938
2561; gender 2589-2590; global 'snapshot' private property systems 2422
2583-2586; growth and inequality 2602-2615; private sector investment 2261-2271; capability
income variability 2597-2598; interventions acquisition 2262-2265; direct foreign
2615-2638; labor 2591-2593; lines 2575-2577; investment 2265-2266
living standards 2572-2575;macroeconomie probits 1821-1823; see also Heckman; Tobit
adjustment 2610-2615; measurement 2572- process of development changes 2342-2353;
2583; measures 2578-2583; nutrition 2593- contractual forms 2348-2349; families and
2597; old age 2590-2591; planned households 2343-2345; markets and related
industrialization 2561-2566; profiles 2580- institutions 2345-2348; political economy
2582; robustness assessment 2582-2583; and policy orientation 2351-2352; public
second transition 2558-2572; sectoral and goods and services 2349-2351
locational characteristics 2599-2602; states producer goods, children as 2428-2432
and markets 2569-2570; targeting methods production/productivity 1893-1917, 1948-1959,
2617-2620; transient poverty 2620-2622 2211, 2219, 2226, 2238-2240, 2249-2250,
2255-2257, 2260-2261, 2263-2264, 2278,
Powell, A.A. 2100 2281, 2290, 2319, 2932, 2954, 2956-2957,
Powell, J.L. 1823, 1834, 1861, 1871-1873 2964, 2970-2971; agriculture 1824-1827,
Powell, R.A. 2697 2526, 2537; capabilities 2238, 2284, 2286;
PPP see Purchasing Power Parity child health 1952-1956; cost or profit
PQLI see physical quality of life index functions 1962; cross-industry studies 2935-
Prabhu, K. 2160 2938; dynamic 1951-1952; educational
Prahladachar, M. 2608 achievement 1956-1959; functions 1884,
Prais, S. 1830 1890-t891, 1912, 1917, 1921, 1929, 1946-
Prasnikar, J. 2938 1949, 1951-1957, 1963-1964, 1982, 1987,
Pray, C.E, 1812, 2233 2272, 2280; increasing returns to scale in
prazo 2676, 2754-2755 2130-2131; relations 2667, 2677-2679, 2684,
Prebisch, R. 1842, 1846, 2505 2758-2761; rural 2373-2374; static 1948-1951;
prenatal care 1923, 1948-1949, 1951-1953, technology 2322; total factor 2220, 2227,
2935-2937; see also farm/farming size; total
1955 factor
Preobrazhensky, E. 2561 products 2261, 2986, 2991-2992
Preston, S.H. 1922, 1929, 1932, 1939, 1981, programs 1893, 1928, 1935, 1938, 1973, 1979,
1984, 1994, 2004, 2845, 2847-2848, 2850-
2567, 2587, 2589 2853, 2855, 2857-2858, 2862-2863, 2866,
price/pricing 1800-1801, 1804, 1819, 1826, 2868, 2871, 2874, 2880, 2882-2884, 2896,
2901-2905, 2908-2913, 2915-2916; dynamic
1829, 1832, 1834, 1836-1837, 1843, 1847, 1833, 1851, 1855, 2087, 2089; evaluation
1855, 1858, 1860, 1873, 2849, 2853, 2862, 1936, 1942; impacts 1943, 1945; placement,
2864-2865, 2870, 2874-2875, 2878, 2881- endogenous 1941-1946 •
2883, 2889, 2892, 2894-2895, 2898, 2900- project evaluation 2403-2407
2901, 2904-2905, 2909-2911; absolute 2065- property 2422; see also common; property
2066; aecounting 2408-2410; changes 1788- rights
1789, 1811, 1830, 1861, 2819; comparison property rights 2061, 2302, 2306, 2310, 2312,
project 1808-1809; controls 2504, 2510, 2316, 2319-2321, 2323, 2333-2337, 2343,
2523, 2530; distortions 2941; education and 2353, 2411, 2414-2421, 2666-2669;
health 2815, 2818; elasticities 2805, 281% agricultural land relations 2684; benefits
2820; flexibility 2614; index 1787, 1792, 2360-2361; and environmental taxes 2058-
1846, 1864; insurance 2158-2159, 2161-2162; 2059; see also intellectual
policies see agriculture; relative 1811, 2320;
rigidities 2026, 2068-2073, 2082; shadow
1789, 2529, 2804; stabilization 2157, 2161-

lxiv lndex

Prussia 2674, 2678, 2686, 2742-2743 R&D see research and development
Prydor, F.L. 2734 Radhakrishnan, S. 2176
Pryer, J. 2596 Radner, R. 2400, 2440
Pryor, F.L. 2967 Raha, A. 2357
Przeworski, A. 2336, 2882 Rahman, O. 1813, 1920, 1923, 1932, 1983
Psacharopoulos, G. 1959, 1967, 2513, 2541, Raiffeisen, F. 2182
Ramachandram, S. 2160
2564, 2777-2778, 2783, 2785, 2803 Ramasamy, C. 2600
PSID see Surveys of Personal Income Ramirez, S.E. 2750
Ramos, J. 1967, 2896
Distribution Ramsey, F. 2089, 2395, 2397, 2399, 2959
public investment 2789-2811; analysis tools RAND 1803, 1813, 1891, 2822-2823
Randall, A. 2664
2802-2805; benefits 2791-2792; equity 2792, Ranger, T. 2691
2796-2802; expenditure trends 2793; Ranis, G. 2218, 2281, 2508
externalites 2790-2791; incentives through Rao, C.H.H. 2622, 2698
less centralized institutions 2806-2810; Rao, V.R.V.K. 1997, 2471, 2501
infrastructure services 2801; non- Raparia, T. 2720, 2721
excludability and monitoring use 2791; Rashid, M. 2190
objectives, non-economic 2792; policies Rashid, S. 2717
improvement 2802-2811; political economy rate of return 2780-2781, 2783, 2785, 2790,
2810-2811; principles 2790-2792; public
spending 2793-2794; scale economies 2791; 2792, 2803-2805, 2810, 2829-2830; public
schools, private and public 2795; service, projects 2804; research and development
investing in right type of 2792-2793; social 2267
sector subsidies 2800; technical efficiency Rath, N. 2565, 2576
2792-2796; transport 2808; unit costs, high rations, fixed 2072-2073
2794-2796; water prices, public and private Raut, L. 1851, 1852
2801 Ravallion, M. 1867, 1894, 1902, 1973, 1978-
public sector 2210, 2231, 2233, 2244-2246, 1979, 2002, 2159, 2166-2168, 2195, 2403,
2252, 2261, 2275, 2283, 2289-2291; 2467, 2476-2477, 2533-2638, 2781, 2796-
extension services 2290; investment 2244, 2797, 2810, 2824, 2826
2289, 2513, 2539-2540; reform 2896, 2905, Raven's test 1967-1968
2908 Ravi Kanbur, S.M. 1793, 1803
public services 2630-2633 Rawlings, L. 1835
public spending 2793-2794 Rawls, J. 2397
Puetz, D. 1895, 2589 Rawski, T. 2970
Purchasing Power Parity 2583 Ray, D. 1908, 2079-2080, 2188, 2592, 2596,
Pursell, G. 2932 2607, 2731, 2990
Putterman, L. 2313, 2689 Razzaque, A. 1977-1979
Pyatt, G. 2565 Reardon, T. 2600, 2626
reconstruetion see International Bank for
Quah, D. 2494 Reconstruction and Development
quality 1786, 1788, 1799, 1804, 1807-1808, Redclift, M. 2691
redistribution 2555, 2564-2565, 2571, 2581-
1812, 1814-1815, 1824-1825, 1829-1832; 2582, 2584, 2623, 2626-2628, 2634-2635;
control 2783; differences 1800; elasticity with growth 2564
1830; ladder 2989, 2991-2992; of life index, reforms 2661, 2667, 2669, 2671, 2673-2675,
physical 2567, 2600; and local health 2677, 2679, 2681, 2695, 2699, 2703, 2705,
infrastructure 1939; shading 1830-1831 2707, 2709, 2711, 2713, 2715-2717, 2721,
quantile regressions 1816-1817, 1819-1821, 2723, 2727, 2729-2733, 2735, 2739, 2741,
1823 2745, 2747, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2755, 2757,
quartic kernel 1863-1864 2759, 2761; economic 2905-2909; financial
Querioz, C. 2780 sector 2901; institutional 2336-2342; labor
Quibria, M.G. 2560, 2600, 2717 market 2900-2901; New Zealand 2914;
Quigley, J.M. 2819 piecemeal 2925, 2928, 2958-2959; public
Quinzii, M. 2097, 2099 policy as 2443-2445; public sector 2896-
Quisumbing, M.A.R. 1961, 1985, 1998, 2280,
Quizon, J. 2280

Index lxv

2897, 2905, 2908; sectoral 2845, 2847, 2852, 2289; private sector 2244; returns to 2273-
2856, 2877-2882; structural 2866-2867, 2889, 2275; technological 2215-2216, 2218-2221,
2891; tariff 2056-2061; tax 2054-2056, 2059- 2223-2224, 2226-2227, 2231, 2235, 2239-
2061; trade 2060; see also land; policy; 2240, 2242-2246, 2248-2250, 2252, 2256,
trade and industrial policy 2258, 2260, 2262-2263, 2266-2271, 2276,
regime switches 2069-2074 2283, 2286, 2289, 2300; trade and industrial
regions 1788, 1798, 1817, 1861, 1865-1866, policy reform 2938, 2954-2955
1870, 1873; disparities 2602, 2617-2618; reservation utility 2662, 2673, 2679-2683,
targeting 2617-2618 2712-2317, 2715
regression 1795-1797, 1822-1826, 1831-1834; reservation wage 2662
analysis 1828, 1841-1842, 1848-1849; bias Reserve Bank Act (1989) 2915
1823; equations 1831, 1859; first-stage 1826, Reserve Bank of India 2179, 2180, 2630
1837-1838, 1850; function 1787, 1820, 1822- Resnick, S.A. 1887, 2216
1823, 1825, 1832, 1834, 1863, 1866-1873; resources 1897, 1931, 1975, 2805, 2932-2933;
hedonic 2272; linear 1799, 1806, 1816-1820, see also environment/environmental
1822, 1837, 1848, 1861; non-parametric resting metabolic rate 2594, 2596-2597
1861, 1866-1869, 1902; quantile 1816-1817, restraint, fiscal and monetary 2539-2540
1819-1821, 1823; spurious 1848, 1850; see returns 2216, 2218-2220, 2222-2223, 2227,
also ordinary least squares; vector 2234, 2249, 2257, 2261, 2269-2271, 2273-
autoregression 2279, 2284, 2289-2290; decreasing 2045-
Reichmann, T. 2884 2046, 2052, 2062, 2064, 2070, 2074, 2097;
Reid, J.D. 2717 increasing 2129, 2948-2949, 2952, 2983,
Reij, C. 2381 2985, 2992-2996; to industrial research and
Renelt, D. 1808, 2493, 2893, 2940, 2985 development 2210, 2278; to investments
rent 2601-2665, 2683, 2686, 2688, 2694, 2696, 2218, 2271, 2287; to scale 2130-2131, 2948-
2700, 2724, 2733, 2756-2758, 2760; control 2950, 2952; to schooling 1886, 1964, 1967,
legislation 2729; extraction 2669-2682; fixed 1969, 1972; to technological activities 2210,
1730, 2671, 2680, 2712-2715, 2717-1718; 2271; see also rate of return
markets 2659, 2664, 2697-2698, 2701, 2704, Reutlinger, S. 2576, 2615
2706-2707, 2712, 2722; seeking 2662, 2664, Revised Minimum Standard Model see World
2670, 2677, 2681-2682, 2690, 2703, 2727, Bank
2736-2738, 2943-2944; surplus 2670; see also revolts 1717, 2659-2661, 2663, 2665, 2667,
land; tenancy 2669, 2671, 2673, 2675, 2677, 2679, 2681,
repartimiento 2741, 2748-2749 2683, 2685-2687, 2689-2693, 2695, 2697,
Repetto, R. 2380, 2383, 2414, 2427, 2791, 2699, 2701, 2703-2705, 2707, 2709, 2711,
2811 2713, 2715, 2719, 2721, 2723, 2725, 2727,
researeh: Consultative Group for International 2729, 2731-2733, 2735, 2737, 2739, 2741,
Agricultural Research 2231; directions 2291- 2743, 2745, 2747, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2755,
2292; Indian Council for Scientific and 2757, 2759, 2761
Industrial Research 2233; international Reynolds, L.J. 2333
agricultural research centers 2231, 2252, Rezende, G.C. de 2711
2274-2275; International Center for Rhee, Y. 2266
Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh Ribe, H. 2614
1943, 1979; International Food Policy Ricardo, D. 2557, 2679, 2737, 2984
Researeh Institute 1801, 1892; International rice 2233, 2253-2255, 2261, 2275-2276, 2280-
Rice Researeh Institute 2253-2254, 2261, 2281, 2391; see also International Rice
2275, 2281; National Council of Applied Research Institute
Economie Researeh 1801, 1891-1892, 2002, Rich, R. 2606-2609
2257; National Research Council 1973; see Richards, R 2566, 2608, 2752
also agriculture; International Crops Richels, R.G. 2061
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid rights, usufructuary 2663
Tropics; research and development rigidity, ideological 2338-2339
researeh and development 2490; in agriculture Riley, J. 1962
2232; domestic 2260, 2266-2267; endogenous risk 2662, 2670-2671, 2673, 2683, 2694, 2710,
growth theory 2986-2991; industrial 2210, 2712-2715, 2718-2720, 2724, 2730, 2735,
2244-2246, 2247, 2273-2274, 2277-2279, 2748, 2753; aversion 2148, 2154, 2157-2158;

lxvi Index

covariate 2707-2709; diffusion 2665, 2694, 1908, 1911-1917, 1922-1923, 1928, 1935,
2698-2700, ~705, 2708-2709, 2728, 2733; 1938-1945, 1947-1950, 1953-1954, 1960,
environmental economics as capital theory 1963-1967, 1975-1978, 1980, 1983-1984,
2400-2402; pooling 1975, 1977-1978, 2001; 1987-1989, 1991-1992, 1997, 2001-2002,
sharing 2124, 2152, 2155-2156, 2167, 2169- 2116, 2127, 2146, 2148-2149, 2169-2171,
2172, 2699, 2713; taking 2152-2156; and 2309, 2312, 2342, 2344, 2381, 2592-2593,
uncertainty 2309 2597, 2608, 2621, 2695-2698, 2700, 2704-
Rivera-Batiz, L.A. 2955-2956, 2986 2705, 2709, 2714, 2720, 2735, 2826
RMR see resting metabolic rate Ross, D.R. 1957, 1967, 2950
RMSM see Revised Minimum Standard Ross, S. 2158
Model Ross-Larson, B. 2937
Roberts, J. 2440 Rossi, N. 1851-1852
Roberts, K. 2072 Rostow, W.W. 2112
Roberts, M.J. 2968, 2971 rotating savings and credit associations 2119,
Roberts, R.A.J. 2160 2176-2179, 3134
Robertson, A.F. 2717 Roth, D.M. 2741, 2742
Robinson, P.M. 1870 Roth, E. 2587
Robinson, S. 1782, 2027, 2047, 2051, 2053, Roth, G. 2807
2063, 2280, 2285, 2520, 2603-2604, 2893, Roth, M. 2720, 2726
2935, 2956 Rothschild, M. 2141, 2590
Robison, L.J. 2710 Roughgarden, J. 2379, 2392
robustness assessment 2582-2583 Roumasset, J.A. 2053, 2320, 2352, 2960
Rockler, N. 2782 Round, J. 2565
Rodgers, G. 2587 Rousseau, J.-J. 2335
Rodriguez, A. 2953, 2993 Rousseeuw, P.J. 1820
Rodrik, D. 2064, 2073, 2340, 2468, 2475, Rowntree, B.S. 2560, 2576
2484-2488, 2533-2534, 2862-2863, 2878, Rowthorn, R. 2398
2880, 2890, 2892, 2927-2972, 2986, 2988 Roy, N. 1943-1945
Rodrik, R. 2989 Roy, P. 2626, 2702-2704
Roemer, J.E. 2735 Roy, S. 2609
Roemer, M. 2849, 2933, 2954, 2957 Rozansky, J. 1812, 1814
Rogers, P. 2411 Rudra, A. 2345, 2555, 2593, 2597-2598, 2627
Rogerson, W.P. 2352 Rueschemeyer, D. 2691
Rojas, P. 2884, 2886, 2893, 2967 ruler, preference of and discretionary
Roland, G. 2342 authority 2337-2338
Roland-Holst, D.W. 2064 RUNS model 2060
Romer, D. 1808, 2158 RUPIRs see rural-to-urban poverty incidence
Romer, P.M. xvi, 1779, 2082, 2219, 2252, ratios
2488-2489, 2776-2778, 2892, 2955-2956, rural: credit 2179; development 2629;
2984-2986, 2992 extraction 2562; income 1891-1892;
Ronchetti, E.M. 1820 production 2373-2374; recirculation 2562;
ROSCOs see rotating savings and credit -to-urban poverty incidence ratios 2599,
organizations 2600, 2602; see also agriculture; villages
Rose, E. 1977, 1978 Ruskin, J. 2557
Rosegrant, M. 2275, 2278 Russia: agricultural land relations 2679, 2683;
Rosen, H. 1859-1860, 2574 Assembly Code (1649) 2744; econometric
Rosen, S. 1921 tools 1824; intervention and large farms
Rosenberg, N. 2214, 2216, 2223, 2234 2674, 2744-2745; savings, credit and
Rosengard, J.K. 2133, 2187 insurance 2189-2190; structural adjustment
Rosenhouse, S. 2589 2872; see also Soviet Union
Rosenstein-Rodan, P.N. xvii, 2220, 2498, Rust, J. 1857
2559, 2561, 2949, 2992 Rutenberg, N. 1973
Rosenthal, J. 2340 Ruthenberg, H. 2666
Rosenzweig, J.A. 2067 Ruttan, V.W. 2222, 2224-2225, 2319-2320,
Rosenzweig, M.R. 1780-1781, 1812-1813, 2324, 2330, 2359, 2537, 2608
1827-1829, 1836, 1857, 1860, 1886, 1890, Ruzicka, L. 2587, 2600

Index lxvii

Rwanda 2132, 2197, 2597, 2722, 2728 2148, 2160; public 2892; rate, marginal
Ryan, J.G. 1892, 2565, 2597, 2689, 2702 2506; see also rotating savings and credit
Ryan, S.M. 2088 organizations; savings, credit and insurance
savings, credit and insurance 2125-2201;
S&E see scientists and engineers autarky under uncertainty 2139-2150; credit
Sabot, R.H. 1836, 1957, 1965, 1967-1969, and insurance 2150-2188; economies,
efficiencies in missing/imperfect markets
2593 2136-2138; financial markets characteristics
Sabourian, H. 2440 in Less Developed Countries 2134-2135;
Sachs, J.D. 2342, 2521, 2524, 2849, 2880, govemment policy 2138-2139; intertemporal
trade 2129-2131; liquidity constraints 2140;
2890, 2942-2943, 2961, 2964-2965, 2969 trade 2131-2134
Sadoulet, E. 2340, 2358, 2680• 2687, 2693, Savings and Loans Associations (United
Stares) 2176
2732 Sayad, J. 2174
SAF see structural adjustment facility scale economies 2791, 2952-2954
Sagasti, F. 2287 Scandizzo, P.L. 2351-2352, 2703-2705, 2962
Sah, R.K. 2336, 2824 Scaritt, J.R. 2691
Saha, Z. 2597 Scharfer, M.E. 2969
Sahara 2347 Schankerman, M. 2269
Sahel 2347, 2379, 2423 Scharfstein, D. 2934
Sahn$ D.E. 1902, 1911-1912, 1969, 2024, Scheinkman, J.A. 2990
Scherer, F.M. 2219, 2222, 2269, 2950
2323, 2597, 2612, 2614 Schieber, G. 2631
Saith, A. 260G 2608 Schiff, M. 2526-2528, 2537-2538, 2594, 2737,
Sakong, I. 2945 2931, 2962
Sala-i-Martin, X. 1808, 2215, 2219, 2492-2493 Schleiminger, G. 2848
Salant, 5.W. 2163 Schlicht, E. 2307, 2314
Salauddin Ahmad 2054, 2073 Schmidt, P. 1822, 1859, 1861
Salehi-Isfahani, D. 2320 Schmidt-Hebbel, K. 1851, 1854, 2868, 2892,
SALs see structural adjustment loans 2898
Salter, W.E.G. 2483, 2863 Schmitt, N. 2063
SAM see social accounting matrix Schmitz, A. 2711
Samaritans' Dilemmas 2168 Schmookler, J. 2222
Sampaio de Souza, M. 2090, 2091 Schneider, R. 2320
Sampath, R.K. 2829 Schoeni, R. 1965-1967, 1969-1970
Samuelson, P. 2091, 2211 Schofield, S. 1983, 2586, 2997
Sanchez, N. 2309, 2323, 2342 schools/schooling see education
Sanderatne, N. 2180 Schultz, T.P. 1780, 1804, 1828-1829, 1886,
Sanders, J. 1897, 2024 1891, 1911-1912, 1916, 1919, 1921-1922,
Sanderson, W. 1928, 1937 1928, 1935, 1942-1945, 1948-1949, 1953-
Sandinista 2338 1954, 1959, 1981, 1983, 1988-1989, 1997,
Santon, B. 2822 2116, 2593, 2631, 2774, 2778, 2783
Sard's Theorem 2088 Schultz, T.W. 1891, 1925, 1929, 2115, 2270,
Sargent, T. 2873 2304, 2341, 2513, 2525, 2558, 2564, 2587-
Sarris, A. 2323 2588
SAS see structural adjustment and Schultze, E.D. 2377
Schumpeter, J.A. 2125, 2214, 2490-2491, 2985
stabilization programs Schwab, R.M. 2722, 2776
Sass, T.R. 2727 Schwabe, C. 2820
Sassenou, M. 2277 Schwarz, G. 1840-1841
Sato, E. 2740 science 2241, 2373
Saudi Arabia 2337 scientists and engineers 2044, 2243, 2300
Saunders, R. 2828 Scitovsky, T. 2284, 2514, 2633, 2847-2849,
Savage, L. 2401 2880-2881, 2930, 2932
savings 1812, 1842, 1851, 2506, 2510, 2513, Scott, A.D. 2413

2532, 2540; autarky 2139; canonical savings
model 2140; cash 2149; Computable
General Equilibrium model 2050; of
constraints 2140; models 2149, 2156;
precautionary 1975, 2128, 2139, 2143, 2146,

lxviii lndex

Scott, A.J. 1818 Shephard's lemma 2030
Scott, J.C. 2166, 2691, 2716 Sherman, P.B. 2380, 2392
Scott, M. 2514, 2847, 2880-2881, 2930, 2932 Sherwood, R.M. 2271
Seabright, P. 2169, 2413 Shetty, P. 2596
search models 2222-2224 Shih, H. 2709, 2739-2740
SECALs see sectoral adjustment loans Shiller, R.J. 1854
Second Welfare Theorem 2039 Shleifer, A. 2169, 2711, 2943, 2952-2953, 2993
second-best optima 2400-2402 shocks 1788, 1842-1844, 1973-1978, 1982,
sector of use 2235, 2246-2247
sectoral: adjustment loans 2481-2482, 2851- 1991, 2001, 2004; external 2899, 2941-2943;
transitory 1978
2852, 2854-2855, 2966; characteristics 2599- Shome, P. 2945
2602; reforms 2845, 2847, 2852, 2856, 2877- Shorrocks, A.F. 2578, 2582-2583, 2602
2882; trajectories 2246-2250 Shoven, J.B. 2027
Sedlacek, G. 1961 Shubik, M. 2416
Seers, D. 2562 Siamwalla, A. 2180-2181, 2722
Sefton, J. 2405 siblings, differences between 1988-1991
Segerstrom, P.S. 2985 Siebeck, W. 2228
Seiden, T.M. 2632, 2796, 2798-2799 Sierra Leone 1894, 1896, 1912
selection models 1831-1834 Sierra, R. 2720
self-employment 1799, 1912-1915, 1960-1964, Silberton, Z.A. 2269
1966, 1969, 1974, 1978 Silva, P. 2687
self-selection 1964-1967, 2354, 2358, 2826 Silverman, B.W. 1861, 1863, 1865
Selowsky, M. 2576, 2614-2615, 2632, 2777, Simon, H.A. 2311
2797-2799, 2801, 2846 Simon, J.L. 2431, 2633
semi-arid tropics see International Crops Simons, S. 2728-2729
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Simonsen, M.H. 2871
Tropics Sims, C.A. 1808, 1850
Sen, A.K. 1824, 1887, 1983, 2051, 2159, 2396, simulation studies 2818-2822
2404, 2442, 2445, 2450, 2566-2568, 2578- Sinclair, S. 2592
2580, 2589, 2603, 2608, 2702-2703, 2717 Sindelar, J. 1919
Sen, B. 2577, 2618, 2626 Singapore: institutions 2348; policy lessons
Senauer, B. 1983 post Second World War 2514-2517, 2519,
Senegal 2176, 2818, 2827, 2947 2523-2524, 2536; pricing infrastructure
Sengupta, S. 1983 services 2832; technology 2244, 2265, 2288,
Senior, N. 2557 2292; trade and industrial policy reform
sequencing 2879-2882, 2960-2961 2931, 2944-2945, 2949, 2958
Sertao 2705 Singer, H. 1842, 1846, 2564, 2572
Serven, L. 2781, 2868, 2892 Singh, A. 2942
services 2213, 2215, 2217, 2227, 2231, 2233, Singh, I.J. 1803, 1824, 1887-1888, 1962, 2598,
2238-2240, 2259, 2268, 2276, 2282, 2290- 2626-2627, 2969
2292; restriction 2676-2677; see also pricing single period model with cash-in-advance
infrastructure services; social 2095-2096
Setboonsarng, S. 2960 Singleton, K.J. 1852
Sewell, W.H. 1805, 1921 SITCs 1814
Seychelles 1814 skiUs see management
Shaban, R.A. 2354, 2357, 2714-2715, 2717 Skinner, J. 2724
Shafer, W. 2097 Skocpol, T. 2691
Shah, A. 2780 Skoufias, E. 1940, 1974, 1978, 1980-1981,
Shalit, H. 2711 2714
Shapley, L.S. 2416, 2426 Slater's constraint qualification 2038
share contract 2662 slavery 2668, 2672-2677, 2694, 2696, 2717,
sharecropping 2353-2358, 2665, 2694, 2712- 2736-2737, 2739, 2745, 2749-2751, 2753-
2713, 2715-1716, 2724, 2730, 2735 2754, 2756
Shariff, K. 2876, 2966 Slesnick, D.T. 2574
Sharma, P.K. 2626, 2738-2739 Slutsky-like conditions 1996
Shell, K. 2984 Small, K. 2791:, 2831

index lxix

Smith, A. 2220, 2304, 2343, 2476, 2554, 2556- World War 2498, 2500; poverty 2561; trade
2559, 2562, 2635, 2984 and industrial policy reform 2969; see also
Smith, B.D. 2191 Soviet Union, former xvii, 2339, 2387, 2852,
Smith, E.A. 2423 2881, 2961; see also Russia
Smith, J.P. 1801, 1806, 1959-i960, 1969, 1998 Spain 2242-2243, 2300, 2339, 2536, 2784, 2848
Smith, T.M.F. 1797 Spearman's rank correlation coefficient 2602
Smith, V. 2711 Spence, A.M. 2409-2410
Snape, R.H. 2100 Spencer, B. 2950-2951
social accounting matrix 2027, 2033-2035, Spurr, G.B. 1908-1909
Squire, L. 1803, 1824, 1887-1888, 1962, 2111,
2052, 2565 2405, 2606, 2615, 2787, 2804
social cost-benefit analysis 2396, 2398, 2400, Sri Lanka: agricultural land relations 2672;
Computable General Equilibrium model
2420, 2435, 2445 policy analysis 2054; education 2825; human
social indicators 2775-2776, 2781-2782, 2788, resources 1898, 1902, 1904, 1912, 1932,
1969, 2024; infrastructure 2785; intervention
2793 and large farms 2674, 2742; policy lessons
social objectives 2393-2395 post Second World War 2509, 2515-2516,
social science knowledge 2341-2342 2531, 2536-2537; poverty 2563, 2568, 2599,
social services 2568, 2570, 2631-2632, 2634, 2616; pricing infrastructure services 2824;
savings, credit and insurance 2180; social
2782, 2793, 2803, 2814, 2816-2817, 2821, sector subsidies 2800; structural adjustment
2823-2824, 2826-2827 2880, 2890; technology 2242-2243, 2300;
socialist economies 2688-2690 Ten Year Plan 2560; trade and industrial
software packages 1819, 1823 poiicy reform 2968
Sokoloff, K. 2936 Srinivasan, T.N. 1812, 1824, 1831, 2061, 2196,
Sokotho-Caliphate see Burkina Faso; 2220, 2257, 2334, 2339, 2357, 2402, 2437,
Cameroon; Niger; Nigeria 2471, 2482-2483, 2487-2490, 2493, 2498,
Solimano, A. 2781, 2873, 2892, 2902 2500-2502, 2507-2508, 2513-2514, 2560,
Solon, G.R. 1802, 1805, 1965 2600, 2700, 2714, 2883, 2933, 2944, 2950,
Solorzano, R. 2406, 2408 2985
Solow, R.M. 2226, 2393, 2395, 2398, 2402, stabilization 2863-2877, 2925, 2927, 2929,
2406, 2409, 2446, 2452, 2777, 2954, 2984- 2958, 2963-2966; delayed 2862-2863;
2985 exchange-rate based stabilizations 2875;
Sonka, S.T. 2697 high inflation countries 2869-2877; low
Sonnenschein 2059 inflation countries 2863-2868; policies 2930,
Sopher, D. 2431 2943, 2964, 2966; programs 2481-2482,
SOU see sector of use 2511-2512, 2533; and structural adjustment
South Africa: agricultural land retations 2672- 2860, 2863; and trade and industrial policy
2673, 2678, 2687, 2708, 2730, 2752; data reform 2964-2965
1814; human resources 1967; intervention Stackelberg follower/leader 2947, 2951
and large farms 2676, 2755-2756; poverty, Stahel, W.A. 1820
institutions and environment 2378; Staiger, D. 1907
structural adjustment 2890 Staiger, R. 2934
South America 2599, 2674-2675, 2679, 2687, stalled growth 2521-2533; agricultural policies
2696; see also Latin America; Southern 2525-2527; financial policies 2527-2529;
Cone; and under individual countries macroeconomic policies and debt 2522-2525;
South Asia: human resources 1948, 1983, parastatal enterprises 2529-2530; policies
1987; poverty 2585, 2590, 2618-2619, 2622, sustainability 2531-2533; trade and exchange
3237; poverty, institutions and environment rate policies 2530-2531
2384, 2407, 2422, 2432 standard of living 2573, 2576, 2579, 2588,
Southeast Asia 1983, 2254, 2521, 2524, 3237 2636
Southern Cone countries 2534-2535, 2873, Standing, G. 2589
2961, 2964; see also Argentina; Brazil; Standing, H. 2589
Chile Stanfield, D. 2723
Southgate, E. 2720
Souza, G. 1870
Soviet Union: agricultural land relations 2688;
institutions 2311, 2338, 2342; planning
model 2846; policy lessons post Second

|XX lndex

Stark, O. 1946, 1975, 1977-1978, 2001-2002, external shocks 2854, 2899; facility 2482,
2168-2171, 2309, 2597, 2605 2852; Ghana 2903-2910; growth, long-term
2891-2893; lending 2851-2852, 2854, 2877;
Starrett, D.A. 2416, 2417, 2419-2420 loans 2481, 2851, 2854-2856, 2927-2928,
Startz, R. 1837 2965-2967; New Zealand 2910-2916;
state 2301-2302, 2321, 2325, 2328, 2332-2337, performance across countries 2885-2886;
policies 2855, 2930, 2932, 2943; post 1980
2339-2341, 2349-2351, 2353, 2669, 2677, 2850-2853; pre 1980 2848-2850; programs
2679, 2681, 2688-2693, 2725, 2736, 2738, 1973; sectoral reforms and sequencing 2877-
2741, 2744-2745, 2749-2750, 2752, 2756; and 2882; stabilization 2481-2482, 2863-2877;
class 2334; contingent transfers and/or trade and industrial policy reform 2928-2930
trades 2152; farms 2662, 2688-2690, 2693, Sturzenegger, F, 2873
2719, 2733-2734; managed development sub-Saharan Africa: human resources 1948;
policies 2138; and market 2569; public institutions 2314; physical inffastructure
goods production 2350; variables 1856-1858; 2830; policy lessons post Second World War
see also collective action and the stare; 2521; poverty 2569, 2584-2586, 2618;
collectives poverty, institutions and environment 2373,
State Economic Enterprises (Turkey) 2529 2379, 2381, 2421, 2423, 2430-2432, 2437,
static effects 2932-2933 2439; pricing inffastructure services 2818;
static efficiency 2969-2971 structural adjustment 2888; technology
static versus dynamic simulation 2035-2036 2276; trade and industrial policy reform
Steel, W.F. 2788, 2930, 2932, 2968 2931-2932
Stein, D.L. 2377 Subbarao, K. 2614
Stelcner, M. 1831, 1965, 1969 Subramanian, S. 1814, 1868, 1896, 1899,
Stern, E. 2481, 2850, 2929 1901-1902, 1904-1905, 1907-1908, 1987, 2024
Stern, N.H. 1873, 1908, 1917, 2181, 2199, subsidies 2665, 2674-2676, 2686-2687, 2711,
2405, 2442, 2574, 2615, 2619-2620, 2622, 2719, 2731, 2734, 2752-2753, 2756-2757,
2714, 2804, 2805, 2817 2800; food prices 2539; for research and
Stevenson, G.G. 2413 development 2286
Stewart, F. 1973, 1982, 2252, 2284-2285, 2287, subsistence economies, biomass-based 2373
2616, 2949 Sud, I.K. 2251
Stewart, J. 1923, 1926, 1965 Sudan 2516, 2587-2588, 2808, 2818, 2820
Stigler, G.J. 1788 Suh, S.M. 2849
Stiglitz, J.E. 1908, 1974, 2079-2080, 2111, Sukhatme, P.V. 1896, 1901, 2596
2131-2132, 2137-2138, 2141, 2159, 2161- sulfur dioxide 2385
2163, 2182, 2186, 2188, 2196, 2221, 2284- Summers, L.H. 2112, 2169, 2777, 2873, 2939
2285, 2287, 2316, 2333, 2342, 2350, 2381, Summers, R. xvi, 1779, 1808-1809, 2492-2493,
2442, 2452, 2699, 2714, 2717, 2735, 2790, 2516, 2583-2584, 2883, 2939
2797, 2805, 2812-2813, 2878-2879, 2934, Sumner, D. 1960
2987-2988 Sumodiningrat, G. 1831
Stillson, R. 2884 Sundaram, K. 2592
Stock, J.H. 1848, 1850, 1871-1873, 1907 Sundstrum, W.A. 2431
Stoeckel, J. 2588 supply: costs 2828-2831; curve 2322; response
Stoker, T.M. 1861, 1871-1873 2610, 2613, 2635, 2926, 2928, 2967-2969
Stokey, N.L. 2086-2087, 2090, 2991 surplus 2662, 2670, 2679-2681, 2735, 2741,
Stoler, A.L. 2714 2749, 2754; consumer 2036-2037, 2055, 2088
Strasma, J. 2724 survey data 1785-1794, 1799, 1801-1807, 1812-
stratification 1791-1797, 1816 41, 1864, 1870, 1873; agricultural
Strauss, J. 1778, 1780-1782, 1803, 1813, 1824, production functions 1824-1827; capability
1827, 1868, 1885-2004, 2079, 2116, 2118, 1804; clustering and linear regression 1817-
2564-2565, 2594, 2783 1819; clusters 1791, 1817, 1828; coUection
Streeten, P. 2566, 2570, 2611, 2929-2930 1833, 1885, 1890, 1892-1893, 1919, 2003-
Strout, A.M. 2513 2004; design 1786, 1790, 1797;
structural adjustment 2846-2917, 2925, 2927- heteroskedasticity and linear regression
2930, 2932, 2938, 2943, 2961, 2963; analytic 1816-1817; instrumental variables and
underpinnings 2857-2882; Chile 2894-2903; natural experiments 1834-1838; latent
crisis 2857-2863; data and nature 2853-2857;
definition 2847-2848; evaluations 2882-2890;

Index lxxi

variables and measurement error 1828-1831; services 2833; schools, public and private
non-parametric methods 1861-1874; panel 2795; struetural adjustment 2903
data in practice 1827-1828; quantile Tanzi, V. 2869-2870, 2872, 2945
regressions 1819-1821; regression bias 1823- targeting methods 2552, 2617-262t, 2638, 2816
1824; selection models 1831-1834; tariffs 2048-2049, 2136; reform 2052, 2054,
statisticians 1792; Surveys of Personal 2056-2061; uniformity 2959-2960; see also
Income Distribution 1805-1806; test General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
statistics 1838-1841; zeroes: probits and Tarr, D. 2064, 2943
Tobits 1821-1823; see also household Taubman, P. 1805, 1921, 1985
SUSENAS 1905 taxation 2662, 2669-2671, 2673-2677, 2682,
Sussangkarn, C. 1923, 1970 2718-1719, 2736-2748, 2750-2757, 2847-2849,
sustainability 2373, 2393-2400, 2402, 2521-2533 2859, 2869, 2875, 2881, 2892, 2896-2897,
Svedberg, P. 1983, 2589, 2932 2904, 2908, 2915-1916; and benefit reform
8vejnar, J. 2938 1796; Computable General Equilibrium
Swan, T. 2863, 2984 model 2048-2049; environmental 2058-2059,
Swaziland 2822 2061; farming 2349; high inflation countries
Sweden 2385-2386 2872; incentive plans 2872; income 2711;
Sweezey, P.M. 2682 land 2665, 2723-2725, 2752; preferences
Switzerland 2229, 2282, 2939 2286; rates 1873; rationing 2072; reform
synchronization 2130 1873, 2054-2056, 2059-2061; shadow 1873;
Syria 2599 and tariff reform 2052, 2054, 2059;
Syrquin, M. 2111 uniformity 2959-2960; see also differential
Taylor, C.T. 2269, 2280, 2568
T&V see Training and Visit System Taylor expansion 2449
Tabellini, G. 1803, 2607, 2872 Taylor, F.M. 2500
Taiwan 2473, 2478, 2487-2488; agricultural Taylor, L. 2043, 2051, 2067, 2569, 2595, 2853,
2890, 2939, 2956
land relations 2683, 2685, 2726, 2729, 2731; Taylor, W.B. 2748, 2749
data 1790, 1792, 1806-1807; econometric Taylor, W.E. 1900
tools 1864-1866; endogenons growth theory Teal, F. 2442
2986; human resources 1923, 1944, 1990, technology 2314, 2318, 2322, 2324, 2330,
1998; institutions 2336, 2348; policy lessons 2345, 2348-2349, 2351, 2932-2935, 2937,
post Second World War 2514-2516, 2519, 2941, 2948-2949; adaptation 2257, 2260,
2524; poverty 2562, 2590, 2627; structural 2407-2408; assets 2209, 2218, 2236-2237,
adjustment 2848-2851; technology 2228, 2265, 2287; capabilities 2215, 2262, 2933,
2242-2244, 2253, 2278-2279, 2281, 2287, 2946; cross-industry studies 2935;
2290, 2300; trade and industrial policy development 2214, 2221, 2223-2224, 2230,
reform 2931, 2935, 2937, 2941, 2944-2948, 2236-2237, 2239, 2245-2246, 2248, 2255,
2957, 2967, 2972 2262, 2271, 2282-2290; diffusion 2986-2992;
Takacs, W. 2958 distance 2210, 2217-2218, 2250-2251, 2253-
Takekoshi, Y. 2709, 2740 2254, 2256, 2258-2260, 2273; efficiency
Tan, C.C.H. 1807 2773, 2792-2796, 2935-2938, 2969-2971;
Tan, J.-P. 2719, 2820, 2824-2825 effort 2937; foreign 2251, 2257, 2264, 2266-
Tanaka, O. 1887 2269, 2282, 2285; formal purchase 2263;
Tandon, P. 2958 import regulation 2267; infrastructure 2209,
Tang, A.M. 2358, 2514 2217, 2227-2228, 2244, 2289;
Tang, D. 2937 interdependencies 2235; matrix 2235;
Tang, S.L.W. 1984 opportunities 2129-2130; pirate 2282; policy
Tanganyika see Tanzania 2256, 2283; progress 2554, 2556-2558, 2985-
Tanner, J.M. 1920 2986; self-sufficiency 2268; spillovers 2948-
Tansel, A. 1911-1912, 1919 2949; trade 2228, 2240-2241; transfer 2210-
Tanzania: data 1801; econometric tools 1825, 2211, 2215, 2222, 2226, 2228, 2254, 2256,
1836; education 2818; human resources 2258, 2265-2266, 2279, 2288, 2291; see also
1956, 1969; intervention and large farms technology change and strategy
2676, 2756-2757; poverty, institutions and technology change and strategy 2209-2213,
environment 2423; pricing infrastructure 2925, 2933-2941; agfieulture 2252-2254;

lxxii Index

assets 2209, 2218, 2236-2239, 2265, 2287; insurance 2132, 2135, 2147, 2156, 2175-
benefit-cost studies for agriculture 2272- 2176, 2181, 2192, 2197; structural
2277; capability 2242-2243, 2262-2265, 2300; adjustment 2852, 2890; technology 2242-
catchup concept 2215-2216; eomplementary 2244, 2300; transport costs 2808; wages
investments 2290; concepts 2211-2215; 2784
development indicators 2241-2246; diffusion Thatcher, M. 2858
models 2225-2226; direet foreign investment Theil, H. 2631
2265-2266; distance 2250-2252, 2254-2256; thermodynamies 2388, 2390
distribution impaets 2279-2281; domestie Thiesenhusen, W.C. 2627-2628, 2689, 2702
2266-2269; endogenous growth models 2219- Third World 2336, 2338, 2559
2221; foreign and domestic 2266-2269; Thiriez, S. 2795
growth aecounting 2226-2227; induced Thirsk, J. 2323
innovation models 2224-2225; industrial Thirty Years War (1618-1648) 2743
research and development, returns to 2277- Thisse, J.F. 2664
2279; infrastructure 2227-2236; intellectual Thobani, M. 2814
property rights 2228-2230, 2269-2271, 2288- Thomas, D. 1778, 1780-1782, 1801, 1806,
2289; international flows 2250-2261; 1827, 1868, 1885-2004, 2079, 2116, 2118,
international policies 2282-2283; 2564-2565, 2594-2595, 2783
intersectoral interdependencies 2235-2236; Thomas, J.W. 2168, 2334
invention, models of 2221-2224; investments Thomas, R.P. 2320-2321, 2669, 2679, 2681-
2213-2215, 2261-2271; knowledge generating 2682
activities 2230-2234; national policies 2283- Thomas, V. 2485, 2878, 2928-2929, 2942, 2958,
2288; policy issues 2281-2290; public sector 2966
investment 2289-2290; research and Thomas, W.J. 2882
development, returns to 2273-2275; research Thompson, E.P. 2165
directions 2291-2292; returns to activities Thon, D. 2578
2271-2281; returns to extension 2276-2277; Thorbecke, E. 2067, 2576, 2579-2580, 2595,
sectoral inter-country patenting indices 2612, 2614
2259; sectoral trajectories 2246-2250; Thorner, D. 2560
tacitness and circumstantial sensitivity 2212- three period model 2141-2143
2213; theoretical contributions 2218-2227; Tiebout effects 2727, 2806
trade and development 2239-2241; transfer Tietenberg, T. 2375, 2436
in industry 2256-2261 time-series issues 1785-1786, 1796, 1806, 1809,
Teitel, S. 2257 1815, 1838-1839, 1841-1861, 1873; dynamic
Telles, E.E. 2589, 2601 programs 1851-1858; multivariate 1841,
Telser, L.G. 2311 1848-1851, 1861, 1865, 1870, 1872; in panel
tenancy 2665, 2670, 2676-2677, 2680, 2686- data 1858-1861; univariate time-series
2687, 2694, 2707, 2712-2719, 2735, 2740, models 1842-1847
2743, 2750, 2753-2754, 2756; share 2671, Timmer, C.P. 1902, 2024, 2230, 2513, 2537,
2685, 2716, 2718, 2730, 2757; see also rent 2608, 2610
Tendulkar, S.D. 2592 Tinbergen, J. 2500
tenure security 2685, 2722, 2729, 2732 titles/titling 2659, 2665, 2674-2675, 2689,
territorial systems (private property) 2422 2692, 2719-2723, 2729, 2746-2747, 2749-2751
test statistics 1838-1841 Tobin, J. 1822
Teubal, M. 2289 Tobin's probit see Tobit
TFP see total factor productivity Tobit probit 1821-1823, 1831-1834, 1868, 1871
Thailand: agricultural land relations 2695, Todaro, M.P. 2287, 2601, 2604-2605
2717, 2722-2723; data 4792; econometric Togo 2801, 2818
tools 1854; education 2784, 2795, 2825; Tokyo Round Proposals 2060
farm output 2784; human resources 1923, Toledo, Viceroy 2749
1932, 1970, 1975, 1983, 1997, 2024; Tollison, R. 2737
infrastructure 2788; institutions 2320, 2340; Tolstoy, L. 2391
policy lessons post Second World War 2516, Tomes, N. 1932, 1967, 1983
2524, 2526, 2537; poverty 2590, 2592, 2599; Tommasi, M. 2873
pricing infrastructure services 2824, 2832; Topel, R. 1963
public investment 2796; savings, credit and Torrens, R. 2556

Index lxxiii

total factor productivity 2220, 2227, 2935- institutional changes 2301, 2319-2325;
2937; technology 2260, 2272-2273, 2275, origins 2316-2317
2278, 2285; trade and industrial policy transport 2074, 2808, 2832
reform 2970-2971 Trautman, W. 2689
trends 1793, 1841-1849
Townsend, R.M. 1975-1978, 1980, 2135, 2153- tribute and rent extraction 2662-2663, 2669-
2156, 2167, 2190, 2192, 2309, 2323, 2597 2682; agrarian relations 2670-2673;
bargaining and distribution of income 2679-
Toye, J. 2889, 2929 2681; conflict 2681-2682; eeonomic
trade 2239-2241, 2556, 2561-2562, 2568-2570, distortions 2673-2677; production relations
on manorial estates 2677-2679; rent seeking,
2572, 2592, 2605-2606, 2608-2610, 2629, coalitions and conflict 2681-2682
2635; and endogenous growth theory 2986- Trubek, D.M. 2341
2992; and the environment 2437-2438; Trnssell, J. 1953
external 2047; goods 2601, 2610-2611, 2614, Tsakloglou, P. 2606
2634; impediments 2126, 2129; international Tsiang, S.C. 2515, 2849-2850
1814, 2221; intertemporal 2123, 2126, 2128- Tugwell, M. 2382
2132, 2138, 2193; Latin American Free Tuma, E.H. 2555
Trade Area 2505; legislation 2228, 2282; Tuncer, B. 2529, 2935, 2936
liberalization 2536-2537; policy 2284-2286, Tunisia 2345, 2349, 2354, 2602-2603, 2714-
2285, 2534-2537, 2950-2952;profits 2162; 2715, 2832-2833
protection 2927, 2930, 2932, 2935, 2940, Turkey: Five Year Plan 2506; institutions
2946, 2952-2953;reform 2060, 2880-2881, 2337; policy lessons post Second World War
2896-2900; relations 2134; restrictions 2931, 2509-2511, 2514, 2516, 2520, 2533, 2536-
2940-2942, 2944, 2954, 2956, 2972; stalled 2537, 2543; poverty 2599; Second Plan
growth 2530-2531; strategy, outer-oriented 2506; State Economic Enterprises 2529;
2517-2518, 2531, 2540, 2986; sustaining of technology 2242-2243, 2300; trade and
and mechanisms for 2131-2134; technology industrial policy reform 2935-2936, 2944,
2228, 2239-2241; theoretic 2126; tradeables 2946, 2954, 2967-2968, 2970-2971; transport
1811; trader-lenders 2134, 2180, 2187-2188; costs 2808; water prices, public and private
traders 1799; trading relations, multilateral 2801
2134; see also General Agreement on Turvey, R. 2828
Tariffs and Trade; trade and industrial two-period model 2097-2099, 2140-2141
policy Tybout, J.R. 2488, 2950, 2968, 2970, 2971
trade and industrial policy reform 2927-2972; Tyers, R. 2954
composition fallacy 2962-2963; consequences Tymowski, M.J. 2930
2966-2971; credibility 2961-2962; East Asia
2944-2948; external shocks 2941-2943; Udall, A. 2592
impeffect eompetition 2948-2958; Udry, C. 1831, 1977-1978, 2134, 2169-2170,
institutional effects: rent seeking reduction
2943-2944; issues 2958-2965; piecemeal 2176, 2196, 2309, 2342, 2699
reform 2958-2959; political economy 2963- Uganda 1811, 2720, 2801
2964; rationales 2931-2944; restructuring UIS see urban informal sector
2967-2969; sectoral adjustment loans 2966; Ulph, D. 1995
stabilization policy interaction 2964-2965; Umbeck, J. 2320
static and dynamic efficiency 2969-2971; underemployment 2633
static effects: resource mis-allocation 2932- Underwood, B.A. 2380
2933; structural adjustment 2928-2930, 2966; Unemo, L. 2434
supply response and restructuring 2967- unemployment 2560, 2563, 2588, 2592-2593,
2969; tax or tariff uniformity 2959-2960;
technical change, learning and growth 2933- 2598, 2610-2611, 2620-2621, 2636; benefit
2941; timing and sequencing 2960-2961 2069
Training and Visit System 2276-2277 unit costs, high 2794-2796
Trairatvorakul, R 2024 United Kingdom see Britain
transaction costs 2315-2325, 2344-2345, 2348, United Nations 2381; Conference on Trade
2355, 2698-2699, 2720-2721, 2725, 2728; and Development 2161, 2990; data 1808,
approach 2305, 2316, 2358; contractual 1814; Development Programme and Human
choice 2301, 2317-2319;exogenous changes Development Reports 1779, 1813, 2567,
2322-2323; and information 2362;

lxxiv Index

2570, 2792; Economic Commission for Vail, L. 2755
Africa 2852; Educational, Scientific and Vakil, C.N. 2561
Cultural Organization 2393; EP 2380; Valdés, A. 2526-2528, 2537-2538, 2594, 2737,
infrastructure 2778-2779; International
Comparisons Project 2583; National 2931
Household Capability Programme 2565; Valdés, S. 2901
technology 2253 valuation methods 2409
United States 2492; agricultural land relations van de Walle, D. 1983, 2593, 2602-2603, 2608-
2672, 2696-2697, 2706, 2708, 2710-2711,
2717, 2723, 2725; AID 2779; American 2609, 2612, 2632-2633
Chamber of Commerce 2271; Bureau of van der Gaag, J. 1789, 1831, 1928, 1935,
Indian Affairs (institutions) 2335;
Computable General Equilibrium model 1937, 1961, 1965, 1967, 2507, 2575, 2613,
2093; Constitution of the 2312; consumer 2631, 2798, 281%2821, 2825, 2879
price index 1846; data 1791-1792, 1805, ran der Heyden, L. 2069
1811, 1814; econometric tools 1819, 1835, van der Laan G. 2072
1850, 1854-1855;foreign aid 2515; human van der Mensbrugghe, D. 2060, 2064
capital investments 1919-1920, 1929, 1933, Van der Taak, H. 2405
1939; human resources 1953; infrastructure van Ginneken, J. 1921
2780, 2786; institutions 2320, 2323-2325, ran Praag, B.M.S. 2575
2337; links among individuals/households/ van Wijnbergen, S. 2051, 2091, 2610, 2881,
families 1983, 1987, 1997, 2001; 2930, 2961, 2964
Longitudinal Survey of Youth 2127; Varian, H. 2038, 2041, 2153, 2182, 2186-2187
macroeconomic data 1847; Patent and V A R s see vector autoregressions
Trade Mark office 2229; policy lessons post Vartia, Y.O. 2574
Second World War 2524; poverty 2559, Vashishtha, P. 2116
2584, 2596, 2615; poverty, institutions and Vaughan, B. 1953
environment 2386, 2391, 2431, 2435-2436; Veblen, T. 2305
public investment 2792, 2796-2797, 2808, vector autoregressions 1849
2811; savings, credit and insurance 2134, Vegh, C. 2875
2135, 2153, 2155, 2160, 2173, 2190-2191, Velez, E. 1967
2193; Savings and Loans Associations 2176; Venezuela 1814, 2599, 2614, 2687, 2731, 2746,
schooling/wages/farm output 2784; 2938
structural adjustment 2859, 2875, 2894; Vercelli, A. 2435
technology 2228-2229, 2231, 2234, 2252- Vernon, R. 2226, 2261
2253, 2267, 2269-2270, 2277, 2282; trade Vietnam 1835, 2166, 2683, 2688-2690, 2726,
and industrial policy reform 2939-2940, 2731, 2734
2949, 2951, 2957; University of Vijverberg, W. 1961-1962, 1964, 1966-1967,
Pennsylvania 1779, 1808; university systems 2704
2233; wages and labor supply 1965-1966, villages 1790-1791, 1797, 1800, 1817-1818,
1971; Washington consensus 2928 1828, 1830-1831, 1892, 2155; see also
Uphoff, N.T. 2433 agriculture; rural
urbanization 1788, 1790, 1794, 1797, 2591, Villanueva, D. 2878-2879
2604-2605; 2628, 2637; bias 2563, 2600, Viner, J. 2846
2634; consumers 2280; formal sector 2601, Virmani, A. 1851-1852
2605; informal sector 2600-2601, 2605, 2615, Visaria, P. 2586, 2589, 2591, 2598, 2626
2617, 2637; and poverty 2599-2602, 2610, Vishny, R. 2943, 2952-2953, 2993
2615, 2637 Viteri, F. 1915
Uruguay 2348, 2523, 2536, 2799, 2800; Round Vitousek, P. 2399
2060, 2282, 2989 Vogel, R.C. 2172, 2174
Usher, D. 2562 Vogel, R.J. 2827
usuffuctuary mortgage 2181 Vogelsang, I. 2958
usufructuary rights 2663 Volterra, V. 2375
Uzawa, H. 2489, 2777, 2984 von Amsberg, J. 2394
von Braun, J. 1978, 1994, 1997, 2024, 2380,
vagrancy laws 2673-2677, 2691, 2747-2749, 2589, 2609
2751, 2755 von Neumann, J. 2401, 2984
von Thuenen 2664
Vosti, S.A. 2571

Index Ixxv

Vuong, Q. 1995 Webb, D. 2196
Webb, P. 1895, 1994, 2589, 2602
Waaler, H.Th. 1920, 2595 Webb, S.B. 2863, 2876, 2880, 2882, 2928-
Wachter, M. 1887
Waddington, C.J. 2822, 2826 2930, 2966
Wade, R. 2330, 2413, 2424, 2439, 2542, 2562, Weber, G. 1854
Weber, M. 2332
2570, 2810, 2849, 2853, 2945-2948 Webster, L.M. 2788, 2968
Waelbroeck, J. 2040, 2064 Weibe, K.D. 2174
wages 2554, 2556-2557, 2561, 2588, 2591-2593, weight 1889, 1901, i909, 1912, 1916, 1920,

2598, 2601, 2605, 2607, 2611-2613, 2616, 1922, 1924, 1926, 1928-1929, 1931, 1936,
2619-2620, 2633-2634, 2784; adult 1935; 1939-1940, 1944-1945, 1947-1948, 1950-1952,
age-wage profile 1802; and child schooling 1954-1955, 1979-1980, 1982, 1985-1986,
1940; control 2872; determination i962, 1991-1992, 1996, 1998; see also birthweight;
1964; differentials 2281; discrimination 2593; body mass index
and education 2783; efficiency 2079-2080; Weil, D. 1808
equations 1827, 1831, 1833; functions 1911- Weiner, D. 2689
1914, 1959-1965, 1967, 1970; minimum Weingast, B.R. 2337, 2441
2528; plantations 2663, 2694-2696, 2732, Weintraub, S. 2533
2736; and poverty 2592-2593; rates 1811, Weiss, A. 2131-2132, 2196, 2699
1835; reservation 2662; shadow 1960, 1963; Weiss, C. 2241
see also markets; wages and labor supply Weitzman, M.L. 2377, 2403, 2428
wages and labor supply 1884, 195%1972; Welch, F. 1925, 2115, 2558
ability 1967-1968;data issues: measurement Welch, I. 2327
and sample selection 1960-1964; family welfare 1788-1789, 1800; analysis/measures
background 1968-1970;functional form: 2026-2028, 2036-2037, 2043-2044, 2046,
certification and self-selection 1964-1967; 2050-2051, 2054-2059, 2062, 2079-2980;
school quality 1971-1972 comparisons 1811; cost 1873; economics
Wai, L. 1977-1978 2303; function 1873; reform 2026-2027;
Wald likelihood based tests 1838 theorems 2026, 2039, 2058, 2075, 2084
Waldstein, A. 2724 Wellisz, S. 2514
Wales, T.J. 1921, 2035, 2574 Wells, R.J.G. 2181
Walker, B.H. 2375 Wen, J.G. 2358
Walker, J.R. 1834 Wenfang, Z. 2690
Walker, T.S. 1892, 2565, 2597, 2621, 2689, West Africa: agricultural land relations 2717;
2702 data 1802, 1804, 4792; gross domestic
Walras, L. 2029, 2047, 2069, 2085, 2614, 2947 product 1800; human resources 1999;
Walters, A. 2828 institutions 2349; poverty 2600, 2626;
Wan, H. 2984, 2990 poverty, institutions and environment 2373,
Wang, Y. 2805 2425; savings, credit and insurance 2128,
Ward, J. 1897, 2024 2181
Ward, P.M. 2353 West, K.D. 1850
Ware, J. 1919-1920 Westbrook, M.D. 2950, 2971
Warford, J. 2791, 2828 Western Europe 2476; agricultural land
Wasylenko, M.J. 2632, 2796 relations 2669, 2672-2673, 2678-2679, 2716,
Watanabe, S. 2269 2740; institutions 2337; poverty, institutions
watet 1800, 1813, 1939, 2391-2393; priees and environment 2399; savings, credit and
2801; supply 2392, 2429, 2432, 2443 insurance 2191; structural adjustment 2848
Waterlow, J.C. 1920 Westphal, L.E. 2111, 2114-2115, 2118-2119,
Watson, G.S. 1967 2211-2292, 2514, 2517, 2519, 2849, 2937-
Watson, M.W. 1848, 1850 2938, 2943, 2945, 2947, 2949, 2953, 2994
Watson, EL. 1850, 2832 Wets, R.J.B. 2091
Wattanalee, S. 1970 Wetzel, D.L. 2893
Wattanawaha, N. 1951, 1956, 1958 Whalley, J. 2027, 2053, 2060-2061, 2073,
Watts, H.W. 2579-2580 2358, 2933, 2967
Waverman, L. 2936 Wheeler, D. 2779-2780
Weale, M. 2405, 2778 White, H. 1816-1818, 2567

lxxvi Index

White, L. 2755 institutions and environment 2373, 2381,
Whitelaw, W.E. 2170 2383-2385, 2387, 2427, 2430, 2434, 2437;
Whittington, D. 2802, 2834 pricing infrastructure services 2812, 2815-
Wickham-Crowley, T.P. 2524, 2691 2818, 2824-2825, 2827-2830, 2833-2835;
Wiebe, K.D. 2711 public investment 2789, 2792, 2794-2795,
Wiens, M.C. 2740 2798, 2803-2806, 2808-2811; Revised
Wigle, R. 2061 Minimum Standard Model 2861, 2868;
Wijverberg, W. 1831 savings, credit and insurance 2164, 2186;
Wilcox, D.W. 2859 social sector subsidies 2800; technology
Wilcoxen, P.J. 2061, 2090 2276, 2279; trade and industrial policy
Williams, A.D. 1981 reform 2927-2931, 2939, 2964, 2966-2967,
Williams, S. 2158 2970; see also structural adjustment
Williamson, J.G. 2094, 2216, 2533, 2557, World Commission 2374, 2393
World Development Indicators 1808
2600, 2882, 2928, 2961, 2967 World Fertility Surveys 1922
Williamson, O.E. 2304, 2316 World Health Organization 1901
Willis, R.J. 1891, 1921, 1923-1925, 1930, Worley, J.S. 2514
Worrall, T. 2168
1933, 1938, 1940-1941, 1990-1991, 2431 Wouters, A. 2827
Willmore, L. 2266 Wright, B. 1846, 2168
Wilson, C. 2633 Wu-Hausman test 1906, 1915, 1924, 1931
Wilson, E.O. 2377 Wunderlich, F. 2743
Wilson, F. 2756 Wuyts, M. 2689
Wilson, R. 2440 Wyhowski, D. 1859
Winch, D. 2556 Wyman, D.L. 2947
Winiecki, J. 2339
Winkler, D. 2806 Xuan, V.T. 2689, 2734
Winter, S.G. 2222, 2283, 2326
Winters, A. 2068 y Peniche, J.J.P. 2934
Wojtyniak, B. 1943 Yamey, B.S. 2327
Wolf, E. 2691 Yang, M.C. 1846, 2962
Wolfe, B.L. 1827, 1892, 1896, 1902, 1908, Yaron, J. 2187
Yeats, A. 1812, 1814
1922-1924, 1931, 1969-70, 2024, 2594, 2786 Yemen 2242-2243, 2300
Wolpin, K.I. 1890, 1923, 1928, 1935-1936, yields, physical 2702
Yoder, R.A. 2822, 2827
1938-1939, 1941-1945, 1948, 1950, 1953- Yoo, J.-H. 2519, 2542
1954, 1976, 1979, 1981-1982, 1989, 1992, Yoon, C.-H. 2949
2002, 2146, 2149, 2381, 2621, 2709, 2826 Yotopoulos, P.A. 2188, 2344, 2703
Wolpin, K.J. 1827-1828, 1836, 1857, 1962, Young, A. 2279, 2945, 2949, 2956, 2958, 2991
1977, 1978 Yugoslavia 2536, 2935, 2938
women, work allocation among 2432-2433 Yugoslavia, former 2890
Wong, E. 1923, 1948, 1952-1953 Yule, G.U. 1848
Wonham, M. 2087
Wood, A.W. 2558 Zaire 2244, 2423, 2822
work allocation among women and children Zambia 1811, 2423, 2509, 2516, 2523, 2537
2432-2433 Zame, W.R. 2088
World Bank 1779, 2112, 2469, 2476, 2480- Zamosc, L. 2693
2483; agricultural land relations 2688, 2698; Zangwill, W.I. 2036
Comparative Study 2536, 2537; data 1801, ZANU see Zimbabwean African National
1803-1805, 1808, 1814-1815;human
resources 1892; infrastructure 2775, 2779, Union under Zimbabwe
2781-2782, 2784, 2788, 2793; infrastructure Zeira, J. 2194
services 2801; institutions 2333, 2336-2337; Zeitlin, M.F. 2566
Living Standards Measurement Study 2822; Zeldes, S.P. 1855, 1975, 2147
policy lessons post Second World War 2508, zeroes: probits and Tobits 1821-1823
2524, 2532, 2534, 2538; poverty 2562-2563, Zervos, S. 2985
2565, 2569-2571, 2583-2586, 2588, 2591-
2592, 2597, 2599-2600, 2603, 2606, 2608,
2612-2615, 2620, 2631-2632; poverty,

Index lxxvii

Zheng, Y. 2970 services 2827, 2833; structural adjustment
Zhu, L. 2358 2903; Tribal Trost Areas 2692; Zimbabwean
Zilberman, D. 2192 Affican National Union 2691
Zimbabwe: agricultnral land relations 2677- Zimmerman, D.J. 1805, 1966
Zimmerman, F. 2680
2678, 2683, 2687, 2689, 2691, 2726-2727, zoning regulations 2727
2730, 2732, 2752; econometric tools 1854; Zouteweij, H. 2318
intervention and large farms 2676, 2757- Zylics, T. 2387
2758; poverty 2628; poverty, institutions
and environment 2443; pricing infrastructure

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