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171 Jeddah . Translation of an article in Arabic in Journal of Research in Islamic Economics, vol. 2, no. 1. 46. Anas Zarqa (1994) “Financing and Investment in Awqaf Projects: A Non-Technical Introduction,” Islamic Economic Studies, vol. 1, no. 2, 55–62. 87, 115.
172 Glossary of Arabic Terms Arabic English ahl al-hall wa ‘l- ’aqd Community leaders authorized to select/reject a Khalifa Awqaf Plural of waqf fiqh Islamic Jurisprudence fard al-kifayah Collective Responsibility Gharar large uncertainty about price or product hisbah Market regulation ijtihad Independent or original interpretation of Islamic source materials jihad Struggle (possibly armed) for establishment of faith kharāj Tax on agricultural land on non muslim Khilafat-i Rashidah Rightly Guided Caliphs Mu’awiyah Name of sixth khalifa mubah Permissible
173 mudarabah Partnership where one partner providers the capital (rabb-ul-maal) to the other (mudarib) for investment Madrasahs Schools of religious learning murabahah Deferred payment sale at agreed upon markup over cost musharakah Partnership (in business) Sahabah Companions of the Prophet (PBH) Shari’ah Islamic law shura Consultation Sukuk Islamic financial certificate, equivalent of bond Sunnah Saying, action or approval of Prophet SAW Tabarru Donation/gifts Takaful Islamic form of insurance Talib al ilm (student), seeker of knowledge ummah Community (of believers) Ushr Tax on agricultural product Waqf Trust/Endowment for charitable purpose zakah Charity