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What’s Inside
3 The Equestricon® Team 42 Event Listings
7 Welcome Letter 54 At-A-Glance Schedule
10 from the Mayor 62 Majoring in BETology
22 My Old Kentucky Home: with Keeneland
30 Kentucky Racing Heritage 70 by Melissa Bauer-Herzog
by J. Keeler Johnson Equestricon®’s
34 A Brief History of the 80 Handicapping & Wagering
Breeders’ Cup at Churchill Downs 90 Sessions Provide Focus
Ownership Q&A: by Michael Spector
Featured Ownership Groups Thoroughbred Aftercare
Visit Horse Country: Remains Front and
Best of the Bluegrass Center at Equestricon®
Showcased at Equestricon® by Melissa Bauer-Herzog
by Nicolle Neulist 2018 Sponsors #e qcon18 EQUESTRICON ® 2018 1
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The Equestricon® Team
Kathryn Sharp Justin Nicholson
Kathryn fell in love with the sport when she attended Justin is a longtime owner/breeder of Thoroughbred racehorses
the 2009 Preakness and watched champion filly after first being introduced to the game by his father. He co-
Rachel Alexandra beat the boys. She manages founded Ninety North Racing Stable in 2011 and also manages
Equestricon®’s logistics, marketing, and strategic private breeding and racing operations in the US and the UK
under the name AJ Suited Racing Stable. He serves on the board
partnerships. She’s committed to racehorse aftercare of the NTRA PAC and is involved in numerous efforts to support
and educating owners and fans on new career
and grow thoroughbred racing.
options for retired off-the-track Thoroughbreds.
Dan Tordjman Dan Montesano
Dan is a lifelong racing fan, and an entrepreneur in the industry. Dan joined the team before the 2017 Equestricon® and proved
As the founder of and a correspondent himself to be an invaluable team member. Dan was introduced to
with America’s Best Racing, Dan has spent the last several years racing at a young age when his father took him to the track and
uniting handicappers and racing fans through social media and he immediately fell in love with the sport. He has been a fan of
events. Dan is currently a member of the National Turf Writers horse racing ever since and is passionate about helping the sport
grow and introduce new fans to the Sport of Kings. He currently
and Broadcasters and frequently contributes to major racing manages all exhibitor and sponsor relations as Event Coordinator
publications and TV outlets. His network in racing is large, and for Equestricon®.
his passion for the sport is unrivaled.
Advisory board
Gabby Gaudet Terry Finley Graham Motion Price Bell
Matt Bernier Jim Toner Stacie Clark Rogers Theresia Muller
Toniann Mendelzohn Ramon Dominguez Hunter Rankin
Joe Clancy Anne Paulson Keith McCalmont
Craig Bandoroff Don Little
Sign up today for information on the
2019 Kentucky Derby
Online Ticket Sale
Kentucky Oaks – Friday, May 3, 2019
Kentucky Derby – Saturday, May 4, 2019
*Certain exclusions apply. See site for full details and opt in. EQUESTRICON ® 2018 5
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OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Welcome to Louisville and the second annual Equestricon®!
We are honored to have fans, stakeholders, and horseplayers from around the world gather in
WWW.LOUISVILLEKY.GOV Louisville to celebrate the fascinating world of horse racing.
527 West Jefferson Street You don’t have to travel far from our newly-expanded Kentucky International Convention
Louisville, Kentucky 40202 Center to see that horse racing is integral to our identity.
502.574.2003 Over 100,000 people from across the world visit Louisville each year for the Kentucky
Derby – the fastest two minutes in sports – as well as the Kentucky Derby Festival, a
two-week celebration of the customs, fashions, and folklore surrounding this one-of-a-
kind cultural experience. This year marks the 9th time our city has hosted the world-class
Breeders’ Cup at historic Churchill Downs, home to the Kentucky Derby Museum and the
famous Winner’s Circle.
While you’re here, I hope you’ll take advantage of our top notch arts venues, first-class
restaurants, and more than 120 unique attractions, many of which can only be experienced
in Louisville. From our waterfront KFC Yum! Center arena, to the Muhammad Ali Center
and Louisville Slugger Museum, to Jefferson Memorial Forest – the largest city-owned
forest in America – there is something for everyone.
Another experience unique to Louisville is our growing Urban Bourbon Trail, which allows
you to sample this native Kentucky product at exciting restaurants and nightspots. You’ve
discovered a city where anything is possible – and we’re committed to making it the very
best city in America. Thanks for visiting with us, and I hope you’ll come back soon.
Best wishes!
Greg Fischer, Mayor EQUESTRICON ® 2018 7
kenmty uolcd ky
Kentucky’s Racing Heritage
By J. Keeler Johnson
Start off with horses and horsemen. Add geography, war,
politics, auctions, and international competition. Throw in
a man called “Mr. Derby” plus a horse and a city both named
Lexington, mix thoroughly for about 250 years, and you might
come out with something resembling the history of Thoroughbred
breeding and racing in the state of Kentucky.
1 0 E Q U E S T R I C O N ® 2 0 1 8 Photo: Churchill Downs and Kurtis Coady Photography
Then again, even if you follow the recipe exactly, achieving The Civil War and a
the same result could prove to be an exercise in frustration. Horse Named Lexington
After all, there’s that indefinable something extra—the secret
ingredient some call “luck” and others call “hard work”—that Geography played another important role in establishing
can’t be accounted for. Even if you tried, it’s unlikely you Kentucky as a center of Thoroughbred breeding. Indeed,
could ever replicate the course of events that led to Kentucky if not for the geography of the Civil War, Kentucky might
becoming the center of Thoroughbred breeding in North never have reached its current status; according to the Horse
America… because the events themselves were so unlikely, so Lover’s Guide to Kentucky, “With the outbreak of the Civil
similar to a work of fiction, that even those of us well-versed War, Tennessee joined the Confederacy while Kentucky…
in the history would question its believability if not for the managed to remain neutral, and this, ultimately, was what
fact that it all actually happened. led to the transference of the Thoroughbred industry from
Nashville north to Lexington.”
So come, and let’s take a stroll down memory lane, paging
through the history books to recall how the Thoroughbred This is not to underestimate the impact of the war on
industry in the Commonwealth of Kentucky reached the Kentucky; the Commonwealth was a significant battleground
illustrious heights it occupies today. during the war, and prominent Thoroughbreds were stolen
during raids. But compared to many racing states in the region,
Perfect Soil, the Commons, Kentucky fared well.
and the Kentucky Association
“Most of the great Southern racing and breeding centers
From some perspectives, you could say that Kentucky were completely devastated…” wrote William H. P. Robertson
was destined to become North America’s center for in The History of Thoroughbred Racing in America. “Raids
Thoroughbred breeding. With its famous bluegrass fields notwithstanding, Kentucky emerged from the upheaval in
overlaid on a layer of limestone that provides abundant better shape than the states which actually had joined the
calcium for the soil and water, the region has historically Confederacy, and it quickly became the undisputed capital
been renowned for its ability to raise Thoroughbreds with of breeding, if not racing.”
strong bones ideal for racing.
At the time, one of the most prominent breeding farms in
And if racing is in the blood of Kentucky’s Thoroughbreds, Kentucky was Woodburn Farm, where the great racehorse
you can argue that it’s just as much in the blood of Kentucky’s Lexington was standing as a young stallion. On the track,
citizens. In the book Horse Lover’s Guide to Kentucky, author Lexington was as fleet as they come, winning six of his seven
Patti Nickell notes that the city of “Lexington… could only starts while breaking records and dominating his rivals. In
briefly have been considered a ‘one-horse town’—back in 1779 perhaps his greatest moment, Lexington defeated the talented
when the first Thoroughbred to be used strictly for racing Lecomte in the much-anticipated Great State Post Stake of 1854,
purposes was brought to the city.” a victory that stamped him as the best horse in the country.
Before long, there came a racetrack called the Commons, Unfortunately, Lexington suffered from poor vision and
but it would hardly be recognized as a racetrack by today’s his racing career was cut short due to blindness, and the
standards, given that it “ran right through the heart of talented runner was just making a name for himself at stud
downtown Lexington,” spanning the length of a city block. at Woodburn Farm when the Civil War broke out. As told
Racing was part of the region even before the region could by Robertson, “Regardless of its officially neutral position,
boast a name of its own, with formal racing taking place several Kentucky was the scene of considerable raiding. Since R. A.
years before Kentucky split from Virginia and officially joined Alexander [the owner of Woodburn] was a British subject, and
the United States in 1792. thus a sort of ‘double neutral,’ his Woodburn Farm was thought
to be an ideal refuge, but that was by no means the case.”
Eventually, a more traditional one-mile track was constructed
in Lexington by the Kentucky Association, a group with the Fortunately, Lexington survived the war thanks to the quick
stated goal of growing the sport of racing in the area. That thinking of his owner. The National Museum of Racing and
track—known, quite simply, as the Kentucky Association Hall of Fame website tells that when Alexander “received word
racetrack—would conduct racing for more than a century that Confederate soldiers were on their way to Woodburn
and provide a competitive outlet for the Kentucky-bred in the spring of 1863, Alexander and his stablemen rode the
Thoroughbreds that would be born in ever-increasing numbers stable’s horses, including Lexington, through the Kentucky
in and around Lexington throughout the 1800s. countryside during the night to a barge waiting on the Ohio
River to have them transported safely to Illinois, where they that has continued uninterrupted to this day. Aristides was
remained hidden until the war was over.” involved in the pace from the start, in an effort to present a
favorable setup for his late-running stable companion, but
Despite these obstacles, Lexington thrived as a stallion and was when Chesapeake failed to challenge, his owner took action.
ranked as the nation’s leading sire an incredible sixteen times, Seeing that his preferred runner was faltering, McGrath
exerting an unquestionable influence on the Thoroughbred “waved his hand for [Oliver Lewis, rider of Aristides] to go on
breed while giving Kentucky’s Thoroughbred industry a boost. with the good little red horse and win if he could all alone,”
Among his best foals were the future Hall of Fame inductees described The Courier-Journal. “Right gallantly did the game
Kentucky, Harry Bassett, Duke of Magenta, and Ochiltree. and speedy son of Leamington and Sarong answer the call on
his forces, for he held his own all down the stretch in spite of
Churchill Downs, the Kentucky most determined rushes on the part of Volcano and Verdigris,
Derby, and “Mr. Derby” and dashed under the wire the winner of one of the fastest
and hardest run races ever seen on a track.”
Two weeks before Lexington passed away in 1875, his
grandson prevailed in the feature race on opening day Watching the events unfold that day was a thirteen-year-old
at the newly-constructed racetrack of the Louisville Jockey boy named Martin Joseph Winn, attending the races with his
Club Association, a track that would later become famous as father. Winn made a point of attending the Derby every year
the one and only Churchill Downs. thereafter, a streak that would eventually include the first 75
editions of the race. During that time, Winn—later known as
The day’s feature race, of course, was the inaugural Kentucky Colonel Matt Winn or simply “Mr. Derby”—would grow from
Derby, modeled after England’s historic Epsom Derby and a racing fan and bettor to vice president and general manager
held at the time over 1 ½ miles, a quarter-mile farther than of Churchill Downs, stepping in to help save the Louisville
the current distance. Fifteen three-year-old Thoroughbreds track when it was suffering from financial difficulties. In this
proceeded to post, including two colts owned by H. P. regard, Winn’s skill at marketing (he was once a traveling
McGrath—Chesapeake, who was deemed the preferred winner salesman) came in handy as he worked to save the track and
of the pair, and his stablemate Aristides. market the Derby as a national sporting attraction.
A crowd estimated at 10,000 turned out to attend the One of Winn’s crowning achievements came when he
marvelous day of races, and so impressive was the assemblage convinced socialite Harry Payne Whitney to send his unbeaten
that the May 18th, 1875 edition of Louisville’s The Courier- filly Regret to contest the 1915 Kentucky Derby. No filly had
Journal declared that “We dare assert that the most glowing ever won the Derby, but no one told that to Regret, who romped
description given to this feature of yesterday’s gathering can to an easy two-length victory against a large field. “I do not
not be too extravagant to adequately picture the panorama, care if she never wins another race, nor if she never starts
constantly shifting with its varied and brilliant colors during in another race,” said Whitney in the May 9th, 1915 edition
five hours of the day.” of the Daily Racing Form, “she has won the greatest race in
America and I am satisfied.”
Suffice to say, the crowd was treated to an unforgettable
race, not to mention the birth of a historic sporting event Who could argue with the opinion of Harry Payne Whitney?
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Regret’s victory marked a turning point in the history of the wagered by bettors before splitting it evenly among the
Kentucky Derby, and from there, the race enjoyed a steady winners, was still legal.
ascent to success. When Regret prevailed, she took home
a purse of $11,450. A century later, Triple Crown winner In the end, pari-mutuel wagering proved more popular than
American Pharoah earned a hefty $1,418,800 for his win in bookmaking and spread rapidly throughout the nation—to this
the 2015 “Run for the Roses.” day, it remains the only legal way to wager on horse racing
in the majority of states. But despite the writing on the wall,
The Anti-Gambling Movement New York was slow to embrace the new concept, and when
anti-gambling legislation outlawed bookmaking in New York,
Even as the Kentucky Derby rose in prominence, racing racing there was shut down in 1911 and 1912.
in the Commonwealth was still viewed as second-tier
compared to racing in New York, the undisputed center of the Although racing returned to New York in 1913, scars of its
sport’s racing end in North America. Kentucky may have been sudden departure remained evident for years to come. Purse
gaining the upper hand in the breeding of Thoroughbreds, money was down sharply compared to the pre-shutdown
but racing honors were still determined in New York’s storied years, and especially when compared to the pari-mutuel-fueled
races such as the Belmont Stakes, Suburban Handicap, and purses in Kentucky. The Belmont Stakes, which awarded
the Futurity. $24,550 to the winner in 1909, was down to a mere $2,825
in 1913, while the Suburban—worth $19,750 in 1908—fell to
But in the early years of the twentieth century, a change was in $3,000 when racing returned.
the wind that would strengthen Kentucky’s role in racing while
providing a significant boost to the stature of the Kentucky In stark contrast, the Kentucky Derby—worth $4,850 to the
Derby… an ironic turn of events considering that the changes winner throughout the early 1900s—rose sharply to $11,450
originally threatened to spell the end of the Derby. in 1915 and to $38,450 by 1921. The Kentucky Jockey Club
Stakes was inaugurated in 1920 with a purse of $23,695 to
At the time, there were growing anti-gambling sentiments the winner, while the Latonia Championship at Kentucky’s
across the United States, and racing was starting to feel the Latonia racetrack awarded a massive purse of $45,090 in 1919.
effects. In 1908, the city of Louisville outlawed bookmaking,
the main form of betting at Churchill Downs and many other Thus, while New York’s racing scene struggled to recover
racetracks, a change that left Churchill Downs without means (pari-mutuel wagering did not arrive in the state until 1940),
of generating revenue from wagering. Fortunately, the quick- Kentucky’s tracks—and the Kentucky Derby—received a
thinking Matt Winn discovered a loophole in the state statutes: boost that is felt to this day. The Kentucky Derby reigned for
Betting via pari-mutuel machines, which pool the money a time as the richest race in the nation, and the prestige that
it gained during this time helped establish it as U.S. racing’s
most coveted prize.
1P6h otoE: CQhuUrEchSilTl DRoIwCnOs aNnd® K2u0rt1is8Coady Photography
The Arrival of Keeneland
While Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby Smarty Jones. Silky Sullivan. Princess of Sylmar.
were thriving, Kentucky’s oldest major track Horse racing is no stranger to improbable comebacks.
was winding down. The Kentucky Association track in
Lexington boasted a century of history, but the latter And, as everyone in our industry knows,
half of that history was riddled with struggles. The fortunes change in a fraction.
track was sold in 1890, and in the Horse Lover’s Guide
to Kentucky, Nickell writes that “the new owners, faced But whenever there’s adversity, there’s an opportunity
with the economic Panic of 1893, fared no better than to overcome —be it the odds or the mistakes of predecessors.
the previous ones. At one race in 1896, they were able to
draw only two entries… The track continued its up-and- For us, it’s the latter.
down existence—under a succession of owners—until
1933 when it finally closed.” We’re here to make a comeback of our own.
Horsemen and businessmen in the area deemed it To pick ourselves up, black eyes and all, and race —
unacceptable that the city of Lexington—Kentucky’s cleaner, harder and more exhilarating than ever before.
breeding center—could march on without a racetrack, It’s a new day for horse racing in Pennsylvania.
so they set out to build a new one called Keeneland.
That Keeneland came to exist at all was something of a EQUESTRICON ® 2018 17
miracle; in the midst of the Great Depression, Keeneland’s
founders Hal Price Headley and Major Louie Beard were
able to raise nearly $350,000 to construct the ambitious
new track, which would be operated on a non-profit basis
with income being reinvested in the track or donated
to charity.
Against the odds, Keeneland opened for business
in October 1936, with a crowd of eight thousand in
attendance. Yet its survival was far from a certainty;
the book Horse Racing’s Top 100 Moments by the staff
of Blood-Horse Publications explains that “Each day
throughout that fall meet, Headley had to calculate, pencil
and paper in hand, the take and the payout to see whether
the track could afford to open the following day… At the
end of the year, Keeneland reported a loss of only $3.47.
The next year it would have a profit of $8,286.”
“Its founders hoped to make Keeneland into a ‘Saratoga
of the South’ or an American equivalent of [England’s]
Royal Ascot meeting,” wrote Robertson in The History
of Thoroughbred Racing in America. “Everything was
down to promote this aim, and the track did acquire a
special flavor all its own. No extremely rich stakes were
offered… but large stables from all over the country
cooperated by sending high-class runners to contest
what was available.”
More than eight decades later, Keeneland thrives with its
brief annual meets in the spring and fall and is renowned
by horsemen and bettors alike as one of North America’s
greatest racetracks, a legacy befitting the original goals of
its founders. In addition to its racing program, Keeneland
also hosts several major Thoroughbred auctions each
year, with the Keeneland September Yearling sale among
the most significant. At the 2017 sale, 2,555 yearlings
were sold for a combined total of more than $300 million, Europe, where his foals are in high demand for their speed and
while at the 2017 Keeneland November Breeding Stock Sale, talent. The Kentucky Derby itself is bigger than ever, attracting
another 2,424 Thoroughbreds changed hands for more than larger and larger crowds, while Churchill Downs has hosted
$200 million. eight editions of the Breeders’ Cup World Championships and
will host a ninth in 2018.
Kentucky-Bred Horses Dominate Europe
Maybe it’s all just a coincidence. Maybe it all would have
One of the reasons why the Keeneland auctions are so happened without the limestone and the Civil War and the
successful is because Kentucky-bred Thoroughbreds anti-gambling movement and efforts of Matt Winn to save
are in such high demand, not only in North America, but the Kentucky Derby.
throughout the world. Quality soil, fortuitous turns of events,
and clever marketing can only go so far. It’s the end results— Then again, maybe all of these events worked together, feeding
the quality of the horses produced—that matters most. And off each other in ways we can’t fully comprehend to reach the
when it comes to Thoroughbreds, you can argue that no point where we stand today. In any case, it certainly wouldn’t
region in the world can supersede Kentucky in the breeding have occurred without centuries of hard work and resilience
of talented racehorses. from Kentucky’s horses and horsemen. And that’s something
that the entire state—the entire racing industry—can be
A milestone victory occurred in 1968 when Sir Ivor—bred proud of.
in Kentucky by Hal Price Headley’s daughter, Alice Headley
Chandler—scored a convincing victory in England’s historic —J. Keeler Johnson
Epsom Derby. As a yearling, Sir Ivor had been sold at Keeneland
for $42,000, and as Chandler later recalled in Horse Racing’s #eqcon18
Top 100 Moments, “The biggest difference Sir Ivor made was
in the Keeneland sales, because he was the first really good
horse that had ever been bought there and gone across the
ocean and succeeded. That’s what brought the people—the
Europeans, later the Arabs, the Japanese many other people—
to the Keeneland sales.”
Sir Ivor may have been the first, but he was hardly the last.
As the Keeneland sales rose in international prominence,
buyers from around the globe provided a steady demand
for Kentucky-bred horses, and they were rewarded with
extensive success in Europe’s most storied races. During the
1970s, Alleged—still considered to be one of the best horses
to ever race in Europe—won back-to-back renewals of the
prestigious Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe in France, while Roberto
and Empry made Kentucky proud by joining Sir Ivor as Epsom
Derby winners.
Kentucky Today
They call it the “Horse Capital of the World” for a reason.
Sure, other states can boast more horses overall, and
there are top-notch racing and breeding industries in places
like Florida, England, Ireland, France, and Japan—Kentucky
is hardly alone in that regard.
Yet the Kentucky-breds still hold their own on racing’s biggest
stages. Of the 144 Kentucky Derby winners to date, 110 of
them—including recent Triple Crown champions American
Pharoah and Justify—were bred in Kentucky. Furthermore, the
progeny of the Kentucky-bred and Kentucky-based stallion
Scat Daddy have achieved tremendous success throughout
Follow Thoroughbred racing and breeding related news, stories & more with
Dedicated to the improvement of Thoroughbred breeding and racing for more than 100 years May 12, 2018 | No. 19
Dedicated to the improvement of Thoroughbred breeding and racing for more than 100 years May 12, 2018 | No. 19
Trainer Mark Hennig Has
THAT GOOD THAT GOOD High Hopes for My Miss Lilly
Justify remains unbeaten, Justify remains unbeaten,
defies ‘Apollo Curse’ defies ‘Apollo Curse’ See page 4
in Kentucky Derby 144 in Kentucky Derby 144
7 Crupi: Vino Rosso ‘Coming Around
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8 KY Proposals Aim for Fairness Following
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11 Strong Start to Inglis Easter Yearling Sale
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Breeders’ CupA Brief History of the
at Churchill Downs
Photo: Churchill Downs and Kurtis Coady Photography
This year marks the ninth time in the history of the In celebration of the Breeders’ Cup returning to Louisville,
Breeders’ Cup that the World Championships will be we’ve created a timeline of significant horses, people and races
contested at one of the most iconic racetracks in North that have emerged in years when the World Championships
America. From longtime followers of the sport to casual fans were held at Churchill Downs. At Equestricon®, you will have
who tune in once a year to watch the Kentucky Derby, Churchill the rare opportunity to meet and hear stories from the many
Downs is the one track that everyone knows. It’s no surprise personalities whose horses have left an indelible mark on
that whenever Churchill has played host to the Breeders’ Cup, Breeders’ Cup history.
some of the most memorable moments in racing have unfolded.
1988 1991
The inaugural running of the Breeders’ Cup at Churchill Downs Three years later, the Breeders’ Cup was back in Louisville,
proved to be significant in more ways than one for trainer where many will remember Black Tie Affair (IRE) winning the
Shug McGaughey. In one of the match-ups of the decade, Classic. But despite finishing fifth in the race aboard Strike the
McGaughey’s undefeated Personal Ensign took on Kentucky Gold, it was truly a red letter day for jockey Patrick Valenzuela.
Derby winner Winning Colors in the Breeders’ Cup Distaff.
Riding in all seven races, Valenzuela won the Breeders’ Cup
“Obviously, it was very exciting,” McGaughey said. “The race Juvenile on Arazi in a race that is still talked about today. He
didn’t set up the way we thought it would. We just got up in also piloted Opening Verse to victory in the Mile and finished
the last jump beating a very nice filly in Winning Colors, who third on Brought to Mind in the Distaff.
obviously loved Churchill. It would have been kind of a shame
for Personal Ensign to go 12-and-1 instead of 13-and-0. It was Trained in France, Arazi went off as the 2.10-to-1 favorite in
my first Breeders’ Cup win, it was the Phipps’ first Breeders’ the Juvenile but it’s not likely many people knew how easily
Cup win, so everything kind of came together that afternoon.” he’d win the race. The colt gave his rivals false hope when
sitting second-to-last during the early stages of the race but
But while the filly was the highlight of McGaughey’s weekend, when given his cue he rolled late to an easy five-length victory.
Personal Ensign was far from the only positive result for the
Hall of Fame trainer. McGaughey also finished second in the 1994
Breeders’ Cup Classic with Seeking the Gold, and second in
the Breeders’ Cup Juvenile with Easy Goer. Churchill Downs’ all-time winningest jockey Pat Day had
entered 1994 with an established record of success at the
On Tuesday afternoon at Equestricon®, fans will have an Breeders’ Cup — by then he’d won six Breeders’ Cup races,
opportunity to hear from McGaughey, as he’s scheduled including the inaugural Classic in 1984 aboard Wild Again. Day
to appear alongside Bob Baffert, Mark Casse and Kiaran was about to pad his resume in a big way on his home track.
McLaughlin in a Breeders’ Cup Winning Trainers Panel. The
storytelling session is presented by Kirkwood Stables, and
will be moderated by Santa Anita’s Michelle Yu.
“I think Equestricon® has got a chance to be a very exciting
thing. Last year, I didn’t really know much about it and when I
went over there to the convention center and walked around,
it was pretty interesting to me. I thought if this is handled
right, it’s got a chance to really be something that’s big in our
industry. It’s a very good move to take it to Louisville after
starting it in Saratoga. Churchill Downs during the Breeders’
Cup, I think could be a really exciting time,” he said.
Riding in six of the seven Breeders’ Cup races, Day registered
two wins while sweeping the two-year-old races on Timber
Country and Flanders. The Louisville-based jockey was only
half a length away from four Breeders’ Cup wins on the card
with Heavenly Prize and Tabasco Cat both losing by a neck
in their respective races. Day’s two victories moved him into
the all-time Breeders’ Cup winning jockey lead, a position he
still holds 14 years after his final Breeders’ Cup ride in 2004.
1998 2000
There has been no better comeback in horse racing than that Before Tiznow’s win “for America” at Belmont in the 2001
of Da Hoss in the 1998 Breeders’ Cup Mile at Churchill Downs. Breeders’ Cup Classic, the eventual Hall of Famer was looking
to make his dominance in the 3-year-old division fully known
Making only his second start since winning the 1996 Mile, in 2000. He had already had a Grade 1 win under his belt
Da Hoss went off at odds of 11.60-to-1 with a young jockey after a spectacular rise to fame when breaking his maiden
aboard named John Velazquez. While Velazquez had finished in California in late May but the Breeders’ Cup at Churchill
in almost the completely opposite position of Da Hoss in the Downs was his first chance to get out in the world’s spotlight,
1996 Mile when 13th on Mighty Forum, this time he was and get out he did.
hoping the gelding would provide him with his first victory
in a Breeders’ Cup race. Taking on the best Europe had to offer in Aidan O’Brien’s
Giant’s Causeway — the first horse O’Brien had ever started
It’s safe to say it happened in spectacular style with Da Hoss in the Classic — Tiznow had his work cut out for him. He was
showing his tremendous heart in a race called “the greatest pushed every step of the way by his rivals, never having more
comeback since Lazarus” by Tom Durkin. Da Hoss defeated than a head in front of the field at any call and even giving
Hawksley Hill by a head. Not surprisingly, Velazquez gave all up the lead to Albert the Great at one point. But showing the
the credit to his mount after the victory. true determination that would become his trademark, Tiznow
was able to turn Giant’s Causeway away and give jockey Chris
“This is really unbelievable,” Velazquez told the Baltimore Sun McCarron his second-to-last career Breeders’ Cup victory.
at the time. “The other horse put a head and neck in front of
mine. But my horse tried so hard. He just didn’t want to get beat.” You can hear more about Tiznow from Chris McCarron,
who is scheduled to participate in Equestricon®’s Breeders’
Other highlights from the action-packed 1998 edition of the Cup Winning Jockeys Panel on Tuesday afternoon at the
Breeders’ Cup included Awesome Again winning a Breeders’ convention. The panel will be moderated by Aaron Gryder and
Cup Classic many consider to be the best of all time and is expected to include all-time Breeders’ Cup wins leader Mike
Silverbulletday propelling herself to the top of the two-year- Smith alongside current and former jockeys Rosie Napravnik,
old filly leaderboard when winning the Juvenile Fillies. Julien Leparoux and Brian Hernandez.
Bred in Argentina by Haras Clausan,
Invasor made the first five starts of
his career in Uruguay. But it would
be under the Twin Spires at Churchill
Downs that Invasor would enjoy his
greatest success, his Breeders’ Cup
Classic victory in 2006.
Invasor’s triumph also marked
the first Breeders’ Cup victory for
trainer Kiaran McLaughlin. You can
Since 1979, Lane’s End has helped shape the sport
of Thoroughbred racing. Nearly 40 years later, we
remain committed to the success of our industry
and our partners in breeding, racing and sales
across the globe.
This is what we stand for.
hear more about the race and McLaughlin’s two ensuing Equestricon®, so we decided to set up a booth the first year
Breeders’ Cup wins (Lahudood in 2007 and Tamarkuz in 2016) (at Saratoga),” said Claiborne’s Allison Bishop. “We invested
in Equestricon®’s Breeders’ Cup Winning Trainers Panel on in a new booth set up this year and really tried to bring the
Tuesday at the convention. feel and visuals of our Visitor Center on the road. It was really
well received at Breyerfest, and we’re excited to have the same
set up at Equestricon®.”
2010 2011
It looked like it would be the year of the racemares as Goldikova While Goldikova was returning for another crack at the Mile
was vying for her third Breeders’ Cup Mile victory, while in 2011, the race turned into a battle between two local trainers
Zenyatta was bringing her undefeated streak to Louisville in on the world stage.
a bid to win her second Breeders’ Cup Classic.
Court Vision, trained by Dale Romans, and Turallure, trained by
Goldikova held up her end of things as she won the Mile under Charlie LoPresti, had spent most of their careers in Kentucky
jockey Olivier Peslier. But in a moment that shocked her fans, and both horses had shown a lot of upside. But with a mare like
Zenyatta’s 19-race win streak came to an end under the lights Goldikova in the field, it was easy for them to get overlooked
at Churchill Downs at the hands of the aptly named Blame. and that was exactly what happened.
Playing the role of spoiler, Blame carried the historic colors of
Claiborne Farm into the Churchill winner’s circle. Goldikova hit the front of the field in the stretch and it looked
like she’d make history winning four straight Breeders’ Cup
“It was the most exciting horse race I’ve ever witnessed,” said races. But that dream was quickly dashed when Court Vision
Claiborne’s Walker Hancock. “I know that is a biased answer took over the lead in the final furlong with Turallure flying
but plenty of other people have told me the same thing over on the outside. With the wire looming, Robby Albarado rode
the years. I am a big sports fan and have been to a lot of loud the race of his life to keep the 64.80-to-1 shot Court Vision in
venues but I have never heard a roar from any crowd like front of Turallure by just a nose. Goldikova finished a length
the one I heard that night at Churchill Downs. When those back in third.
horses turned for home and Blame was in front with Zenyatta
trying to catch him, the noise was absolutely deafening - I For Romans, a Louisville native who had one prior Breeders’
will never forget it.” Cup win (Tapitsfly in 2009), it was his first triumph at the
World Championships at Churchill. You can hear more from
Hancock had worked closely with Claiborne’s home-bred Romans when he appears on the Breeders’ Cup Main Stage
Classic winner when he was a yearling and Hancock continues at Equestricon® at Tuesday’s Track Talks: Life as a Trainer.
to play a part in Blame’s career today as a stallion. Equestricon® Romans will deliver a short speech, as part of a lineup hosted
attendees can meet and mingle with Claiborne Farm, Hancock by TVG’s Caton Bredar and that’s scheduled to include trainers
and others during the convention. Hancock will speak at Tom Amoss and Graham Motion.
Monday’s Career Networking and Mentorship Seminar,
presented by the University of Kentucky. Hancock will also For more Breeders’ Cup stories this week, be sure to attend
participate in Tuesday’s Racing Professionals Networking Monday’s special session with retired announcer Tom Durkin:
Hour, sponsored by the Maryland Horse Breeders’ Association. Relive the Inaugural Breeders’ Cup. For schedules and locations
of individual sessions, please refer to the times listed in this
Additionally, Claiborne Farm will for the second year in a row program and follow signs posted within the convention center.
have a presence throughout Equestricon® within the Horse
Country Row on the main convention floor.
“We wanted to show our support for both Horse Country and
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Ownership Q&A:
Featured ownership Groups
There are so many entry points to the sport of horse racing. Increasingly, ownership has become a viable path for many,
especially with the growth of partnerships or racing syndicates that have lowered the barrier to entry.
Equestricon® is proud to be a platform for ownership groups at all levels of the sport to showcase their best.
We thank the owners who’ll be at Equestricon® 2018 as event sponsors. We invite you to learn more about them
and to stop in for a visit with them while you’re at Equestricon®.
featured What sets apart your
owners: ownership experience from
all other ownership groups?
Terry Finley
Hands-down, it’s our commitment to our partners and the ability
to deliver an excellent customer service experience to them. We
have a full-time Director of Partner Relations. Plus our team is
dispersed across the country to develop relationships with our
owners. When we say to new owners “welcome to the West
Point family,” we mean it.
Barry Irwin Barry Irwin’s ability to think outside of the box.
Gary Fenton
Little Red Feather provides our partners with the ultimate
Don Little, Jr. ownership experience. That includes timely and comprehensive
Kyle Yost and Brian Richardson updates on our horses, everyday access to the barn, and the
30 EQUESTRICON ® 2018 very best in race-day services. After all, what fun is it to own a
horse if you don’t participate? We make the 10% owner feel as
if they own the whole horse.
When you participate with Centennial, you become part of the
Centennial Family. We focus on making fractional ownership
exciting, educational, and all-inclusive. Yes, our price point may
be somewhat higher than others, but by doing so we keep the
number of partners in each group smaller so we can have a more
personal approach. We have had numerous individuals remain
in the business after participation with Centennial as a learning
platform. Some have gone on to be major owners and breeders
that are familiar to many.
We’re best known for introducing new owners to the
game at a low cost of entry. We offer ‘inside-the-ropes’
experiences to our nearly 200 co-owners across numerous
active syndications. Using a sports analogy, TOV co-owners
are escorted into the locker room and onto the field, get to
speak to the players and managers, and become an insider.
It’s your trusted, timely, independent
award-winning source for racing and
breeding news, opinion and analysis
What are you most
looking forward to at
Equestricon® 2018?
I’m excited about Equestricon® leading into the weekend of world
championship racing. It’s an awesome opportunity for fans to meet
and mingle with even more racing personalities, including global ones
who’ll be in town for the Breeders’ Cup.
Meet Terry Finley and the West Point Thoroughbreds team at the
Equestricon® Paddock Bar on Monday at 3:00 PM.
Sharing our unique vision with people interested in horse racing.
Meet Barry Irwin and the Team Valor International team at the
Equestricon® Paddock Bar on Monday at 1:30 PM.
We absolutely love meeting new fans, horseplayers, owners and other WE FOCUS ON:
industry people who share the same passion, enthusiasm and love for People • The Biz • Horse Care • Horseplayers
thoroughbred racing as we do.
Meet Gary Fenton, Billy Koch and the Little Red Feather Racing Road to the Triple Crown & Breeders’ Cup
team at the Equestricon® Paddock Bar on Tuesday at 12:00 PM. The Friday Show (video) • Investigative Reporting
Centennial is excited to be involved with Equestricon® once again for And much more!
2018 at this years’ Louisville location. We have been involved right from
the start last year as I felt strongly about their new, innovative ideas Get the latest headlines delivered
to promote our sport like nothing before. Out-of-the-box thinking is to your inbox every morning with our
needed in our industry as we are always playing catch up to the other
sporting venues. Equestricon® provides all that and more to draw new Morning Headlines email
fans into this sport we are so passionate about.
Connect with Centennial by visiting the Centennial Charging
Station on the main convention floor Monday and Tuesday.
For advertising oppoErQtuUniEtieSsTpRlIeCasOeNco®nt2a0c1t 8E mily3 1Alberti at
Taste of Victory is looking forward to being involved in an event that 859.913.9633 or [email protected]
brings together the best and the brightest in the racing industry. We
love talking to prospective and current owners and seeing what they
are looking for in a ownership syndicate. We know that we can learn
as much from them as they learn from us.
Meet Kyle Yost, Brian Richardson and the Taste of Victory team
at the Equestricon® Paddock Bar on Monday at 12:00 PM.
Boarding, Breeding, & Farm Tours
Weddings & Special Events
Farm-to-table Restaurant
Bourbon Tastings
Contemporary Art & Gardens
Have a drink with us while learning about horse ownership with Little Red Feather Racing.
Owners Gary Fenton and Billy Koch will be there to chat and answer questions in
a casual networking setting inside the Equestricon Paddock Bar.
>> TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2018 • 12:00 PM– 1:00 PM EQUESTRICON ® 2018 33
Best of the Bluegrass
Showcased at Equestricon®
By Nicolle Neulist
Photo: Taylor Made Farm
Photo: Mill Ridge Farm and Marisa Noe
You’ve been to the track. You’ve felt your heart race Visit Horse Country.
to the rhythm of hoofbeats coming down the stretch.
You’ve felt the surge of adrenaline as you watch your Engaging Fans Beyond the Racetrack
favorite horse’s nose cross the wire first.
Horse Country tells the stories of the horses, land, and people
But have you ever wondered about everything that goes that make the Bluegrass special. During Equestricon®, you
on behind the scenes — and away from the spotlight of will have the unique opportunity of being able to visit Horse
the track — to get a horse to that point? The process includes Country Row, a special section of the convention floor where
everything from planning the mating of mare with stallion, you can meet the farms, businesses, and organizations that
the birth (or foaling), raising of the foal, the first steps before carry on the equine history of Central Kentucky. And, all
training and then keeping the horse happy and healthy. year long, Horse Country, Inc. offers experiences that bring
Ultimately, there’s also the work of finding second careers everything behind the scenes of horse racing into focus.
for every horse once their racing days are over. There’s a place
where you can watch just about all of this unfold. According to Horse Country executive director Anne Hardy, the
idea for Horse Country emerged after another iconic Kentucky
industry began to invite the public to the places where they horse and you’re looking for more than our own sport, we have
have done business for centuries. “Inspired by the success of TAA-accredited charity members like the Secretariat Center,
the Kentucky Bourbon Trail,” she said, “and acknowledging and Kentucky Equine Humane Center, which is all-breeds,
that, like our sister signature industry, we have a critical mass and we even have a new Sport Horse location, Spy Coast.”
of exceptional brands and industry participants, the members
wanted to open our gates to fans and guests. Opening Gates, Opening Eyes
There’s not much that can make you fall in love with the sport With so much of the horse business going on behind imposing
the way the horse himself can. Also, the land is compelling, gates of iron and stone, the stories of how Thoroughbreds
the stories of the people are engaging; our founders knew grow up, make it to the track, and live out their lives after the
there was magic in that and wanted to offer it in a more races often went untold. Price Bell remembers a day when
centralized, guest-focused way, and the membership in early even people who had spent their lives in the Thoroughbred
days and today is a testament to the industry’s commitment world were tentative about asking to open the farms’ iron gates.
to fan development in this area.”
“It was just such a siloed thing,” he said. “My cousin is
These efforts are the new frontier in bringing fans to horse racing. Gatewood Bell, who grew up on Jonabell Farm, which is now
Godolphin. We were talking about this project, and Gatewood
Not only does Horse Country would say, ’It’s kind of a pain. I don’t want to burden someone,
strive to make it easier to get when someone comes to town, and say, can you get me on a
horse farm?’ I’m sitting here listening to him and thinking, if
through the gates, it brings you think it’s hard to get on farms, or a burdensome thing…
people of all ages and walks of You grew up on a farm! If he felt it was difficult, it must be
really difficult for everyone else.”
life up close to the story.
Not only does Horse Country strive to make it easier to get
“As a breeder, we forever put it on the racetrack to drive through the gates, it brings people of all ages and walks of
fans to the sport,” said Mill Ridge Farm’s Price Bell, who life up close to the story.
serves on the Horse Country board. “The track is where the
general public could buy a general admission ticket and go to “By providing access to otherwise private farms, guests are
the races. We, as breeders and farm owners, were pointing allowed to see where racehorses come from and see these
fingers at the racetracks: why aren’t you doing anything for horses as babies by their mothers’ sides,” said Melissa Cozart
fan development? In reality, we on the farms have a major part of Hermitage Farm. “Grooms and staff members available
of the story and a better opportunity to share that story than for tours are eager to provide first-hand accounts of their
a racetrack; that is the story of the animal, fundamentally.” experiences and anecdotal references to certain horses on
the farm, enticing guests to want to learn more.”
Allison Bishop, the Experience Manager at Claiborne Farm
and also a member of the Horse Country board, affirms the Telling the stories of how horses are cared for has been part
importance of deepening relationships with fans. of Horse Country’s mission from the beginning. In addition to
opening up day-to-day farm life to racing fans, Horse Country
“Fans are an important part of our industry, whether they go also opens the doors of one of the world’s top equine medical
to the track and bet or just tell their friends about their love facilities, the Hagyard Equine Medical Institute.
for Thoroughbreds,” Bishop said. “For so long, they were put
on the back burner, and we want them to know now that we “Hagyard was one of the initial supporters of Horse Country
hear them, see them, and most importantly, care about them because at Hagyard we believe that by allowing guests to
because they care about us and our horses.” see the level of health care provided to horses the story of
Horse Country becomes more complete,” explained Hagyard’s
Since Horse Country began operations in 2015, it has expanded Jamie O’Flynn. “Health care for our equestrian companions is
to 39 members across the spectrum of equine activities. paramount and in Lexington you’ve got the Mayo Clinic and
Cleveland Clinic of equine health care. Horses and humans
“From foaling barn to finish line,” explained Hardy, “you can have an inextricably linked history and the well-being of horses
see every aspect of the industry! There are big names, hidden has been critical throughout the time from which horses were
gems, prolific studs and lots of mamas and babies. Guests first domesticated.”
can see the inside of a surgical suite or a podiatry center,
can literally taste the feed of our two living Triple Crown Nancy Stephens of member Pin Oak Stud enjoys seeing the
champions at Hallway Feeds. Additionally, if you love the light go on for people who visit Horse Country. There’s always
a moment of connecting-the-dots for visitors, as they gain a
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deeper understanding of the horses they’d only otherwise see specifically to fans coming to visit. Since beginning to offer
in one particular setting. tours, Taylor Made Farm has added a gift shop, as well as
Daddy Joe’s Bar and Grill. Claiborne Farm has added a visitor’s
“Race day and the racetrack are all about excitement and center, which has a gift shop of its own.
energy, as it should be, but farm life showcases our horses at
their best, in the horse’s natural surroundings,” Stephens said. Up Close with Racing’s Best
“There’s just no substitute for getting up close and personal
with the horses and that’s more easily done on a farm. After a Horse Country not only brings people closer to the broader
farm visit, most guests really come to understand the level of world of horses, but also gets fans up close to racing superstars.
care and love that these animals receive throughout their lives.” Tours of Horse Country farms connect fans with some of the
best horses of our time. Fortunately for many fans, Horse
In addition to attracting existing horse racing fans, Horse Country solidified just in time for the first Triple Crown winner
Country also hopes to pique the interest of people who are of this century, American Pharoah.
not yet familiar with Thoroughbreds.
“When Horse Country was being established it was something
“Even if somebody’s not a horse racing fan they can still we were very keen to be a part of,” said Robyn Murray of
appreciate the beauty of this area,” says Brianne Sharp of Ashford Stud. “The retirement of Triple Crown Champion
Godolphin. “Lexington is the most beautiful place in the American Pharoah to Coolmore America in 2015 brought a
world. The landscape is beautiful. And, everybody loves huge amount of attention to the breeding industry, and we
horses! Even if you don’t know anything about them, they’re were inundated with messages and requests to see American
majestic creatures. I think everybody can relate to that, and Pharoah from his legion of fans.
be mesmerized by a horse. Everybody loves to pet a baby
horse. If you can get people here, people have a great time The development of the Horse Country tours provided the
on these tours.” perfect opportunity to enable his followers continued access
to him in his new career, whilst also giving us the chance
With the popularity of Horse Country, members are evolving to educate people and showcase our industry to the public.”
to become tourism destinations in addition to places where
people continue to breed, foal, race, and care for horses. In Now, there are two Triple Crown winners with whom Horse
addition to more formal and transparent tour offerings, some Country can connect fans. Earlier this year, Justify joined
Horse Country members have added new facilities that cater
Photo: Taylor Made Farm EQUESTRICON ® 2018 37
those timeless ranks. After he retired in July, he went to Dan Farm. “We feature one of the Pittsburgh Pirates World
WinStar Farm, who owned him in partnership throughout Series trophy, as well as Roberto Clemente memorabilia.”
his racing career.
Horse Country During
“When you have a Triple Crown winner,” explained Elliott Equestricon® and Breeders’ Cup
Walden, President/CEO and Racing Manager of WinStar
Farm, “it’s no longer just your horse but everyone else’s too. Anyone with a ticket to Equestricon®, at any level, can begin
We are so happy to be able to share him with all the fans who to explore the Bluegrass without ever leaving the convention
come to see him.” floor. On Horse Country Row on the main convention floor,
members will be present throughout to tell the stories of their
Through Horse Country, Taylor Made Farm has been able to farms and organizations.
share a pair of horse racing’s most adored athletes with the
public. Two-time Horse of the Year California Chrome was one Horse Country partnered with Equestricon® last year in Saratoga
of horse racing’s brightest stars during his four years on the Springs, to launch Horse Country Row at the convention. It was
racetrack, inspiring a level of fan devotion few horses match. a natural fit, since both Horse Country and Equestricon® are
The Chromies’ love of their favorite swift, blazed chestnut has primarily focused on engaging with racing fans.
continued into his retirement and stallion career at Taylor Made.
“When we heard about Equestricon® last year,” remembers
“When you see the fans and how they interact with a horse Anne Hardy, “we wanted to be a part of it from day one.
like California Chrome, how much they enjoy seeing him, it Anything that supports and contributes to fan development
makes you realize just how fortunate you are to be in this is a ‘yes,’ and here are these awesome folks just dreaming
business and be able to be around horses all the time, and be up, ‘what would be special for the fan?’ The industry should
able to enjoy the horses,” said Duncan Taylor, President and want to be here and support with whatever they have to give.
CEO of Taylor Made. For us, it was that we can bring the ‘teams’ and key players
directly to attendees.”
With California Chrome shuttling to Haras Sumaya in Chile
during the summer and fall, Taylor Made has gotten creative With giveaways, merchandise, and meet-and-greets with the
about engaging Chromies year-round. people behind the sport’s brightest stars, Horse Country Row
is even bigger and better in 2018.
“He’s not here from about July to the first part of December,”
explained Taylor. “So, just to make it fun, we went and got For anyone who will be staying in Kentucky beyond Equestricon®
a miniature horse. We called him Kentucky Chrome, and through Breeders’ Cup, several member farms will be offering
we taught him to do a few tricks. We’re always looking for Breeders’ Cup-themed tours. Make sure to visit the Horse
something to make sure visitors have a good time.” Country website and book your tour at www.visithorsecountry.
com. Member farms will be offering Breeders’ Cup experiences
Taylor Made also shared Songbird with the public during highlighting Breeders’ Cup champions and relatives of
Horse Country tours last year. She went to Taylor Made after Breeders’ Cup champions who live on their farms.
retiring in August of 2017, and stayed there until she sold as
part of the farm’s consignment at Fasig-Tipton in November. Whether you can make it to Horse Country during Breeders’
Cup or during another part of the year, getting to know the
“Her owners let us make her part of the tour, so people got to people and places that nurture Thoroughbreds is a must
see her on the day-to-day, in the barn, in her normal setting,” for everyone interested in the sport of horse racing. Sarah
said Laura Richard, the Experience Director at Taylor Made Fishback, Director of Sales for Denali Stud, makes clear why.
Farm. “That’s a really unique thing that we can bring to the
table because we get a lot of really nice mares through the “By coming to tours on the farms,” she said, “fans are able to
sales. A lot of times you would never have the opportunity to see exactly what goes into raising the racehorses that they
see those horses, especially right after the track.” see on the track. Our tour talks about everything from the
horse’s daily routine to foaling to the vet work that goes into
Another member that has found a creative way to engage making sure our horses are healthy and happy. Taking tours
Horse Country visitors with the best in racing and beyond is is like seeing behind the curtain.”
Darby Dan Farm. You’ll see recent superstars and stallions at
the farm, but since Darby Dan campaigned Roberto and stood #eqcon18
him at stud, fans of another sport may find special enjoyment
learning about Roberto’s namesake: Pittsburgh Pirates Hall of
Famer Roberto Clemente.
“One unique thing about Darby Dan, is we do have plenty of
professional baseball memorabilia,” said Tracie Willis of Darby
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o2c8t o2c9t Monday events
THE RACES” Monday, October 29 • 10:30 AM–11:00 AM With Tom Durkin
BRUNCH Kentucky International
Convention Center Monday, October 29 • 11:30 AM–1:00 PM
Sunday, October 28 Don’t miss the start of horse racing’s
10:00 AM–1:00 PM ultimate fan festival and convention! Legendary announcer Tom Durkin shares
Louisville Marriott Downtown personal accounts and never-before-told
Join Equestricon® and Bri Mott of stories from the inaugural Breeders’ Cup
Fashion at the Races for a fashion- which was held at Hollywood Park in 1984.
themed brunch at the Louisville
invited to sip mimosas and enjoy a
full brunch buffet while they shop CAREER Tournament
the latest trends in millinery and race NETWORKING Handicapping
day wear from nationally-renowned AND MENTORSHIP Workshop: MYTHICAL
milliners and brands. SEMINAR VS. LIVE MONEY
EVENTS, Presented by the Presented by the World Horseplayers’ Tour
ENTERTAINMENT University of Louisville
Monday, October 29 • 11:30 AM–1:00 PM
EQCON KICKOFF Monday, October 29 • 11:00 AM–12:00 PM Learn from the some of the top
AT MERLE’S horseplayers in the country as they
WHISKEY Leading alumni from the University of discuss strategies for playing in both
KITCHEN Louisville Equine Industry Program share mythical and live-money tournaments.
thoughts and insights on launching a
Sunday, October 28 career in horse racing.
7:30 PM–11:30 PM
Join other Equestricon® attendees
and get ready for two days of LEADERS AND ASK A ‘CAPPER
racing celebration! Free appetizers INNOVATORS IN MONDAY
and discounted drinks offered AFTERCARE
to Equestricon® passholders and Monday, October 29 • 12:00 PM–6:00 PM
Louisville Marriott Downtown Presented by the TAA Top handicappers will be available around
guests at Merle’s Whiskey Kitchen, the clock at Equestricon® to answer your
just two blocks from the Kentucky Monday, October 29 • 11:00 AM –12:30 PM questions - all you have to do is walk up
International Convention Center! and ask!
Sit in on short presentations and
we’re just inspirational speeches from leading
getting started! figures in the world of Thoroughbred
In the Paddock Bar Tall Tales and Straight Talk
from the Backside of the Track
Monday, October 29 • 12:00 PM–1:00 PM
Kick off Breeders’ Cup Monday with a Monday, October 29 • 12:30 PM–1:30 PM
drink and an educational networking hour
on horse ownership hosted by Taste of Listen in on a book reading from the Louisville
Victory Stables. Story Program exploring an upcoming book
detailing little-known tales of life on the
backstretch at Churchill Downs.
o2c9t Monday events
SIGNING In the Paddock Bar In the Paddock Bar
Monday, October 29 • 1:00 PM–4:00 PM Monday, October 29 • 1:30 PM–2:30 PM Monday, October 29 • 3:00 PM–4:00 PM
Shake hands, snap a selfie and grab Meet the Kentucky Derby-winning team This is your chance to spend some
signatures from your favorite horse at Team Valor International in a casual time with the team at West Point
trainers, including Breeders’ Cup and networking setting at the Equestricon® Thoroughbreds, including Terry Finley.
Kentucky Derby winners. Paddock Bar.
CONFERENCE Utilizing New Tools,
Presented by the Data and Analytics
Thoroughbred Women’s Monday, October 29 • 2:00 PM–3:30 PM
Network Hear from the jockeys, trainers and Monday, October 29 • 3:30 PM–4:30 PM
owners of leading Breeders’ Cup STATS Race Lens presents an educational
Monday, October 29 • 1:00 PM–3:00 PM contenders as they join Churchill workshop on how to use cutting edge
Equestricon®’s TRACK TALKS series Downs’ Joe Kristufek for a Q&A session analytics and data to improve your
presents an open mic to women who’ve immediately preceding the 2018 Rood & handicapping.
served as leaders in racing, as well as Riddle Breeders’ Cup Post Position Draw.
those who are emerging as forces in EVENTS,
EYES: VISUAL Presented by the
Monday, October 29 • 2:00 PM–3:00 PM Monday, October 29 • 4:00 PM–9:00 PM
Monday, October 29 • 1:30 PM–3:00 PM The University of Kentucky presents a Kentucky International
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to spot seminar that’s a can’t-miss for anyone looking Convention Center
a winner in the paddock, warming up on to learn more about careers in racing, from That’s right, this year you can join in the
the track or during morning works, you the farm to the track. Claiborne Farm’s excitement, drama, and celebration of the
can’t miss this workshop. Some of racing’s Walker Hancock is one of several workshop Rood & Riddle Breeders’ Cup Post Position
best-known paddock hosts and analysts leaders scheduled to share insights and Draw, which will be held at Equestricon®!
reveal what they look for when studying a answer questions from attendees.
horse’s appearance. #eqcon18
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o3c0t tuesday events
Tuesday, October 30 • 9:30 AM–10:30 AM MEET AND GREET
Tuesday, October 30 • 8:55 AM–9:25 AM Take your photo with the centerpiece of
We kick off day two of horse racing’s Canada’s Triple Crown, the Queen’s Plate Benefitting the PDJF
ultimate fan festival and convention Trophy.
with announcements from the Tuesday, October 30 • 11:00 AM–1:00 PM
Breeders’ Cup Stage. HANDICAPPING Kentucky International
Convention Center
SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS TICKET Meet the connections behind Team
NTRA Safety & Integrity CONSTRUCTION Justify in an autograph signing, meet
Alliance Presents: & BETTING and greet, and trophy photo opportunity,
STRATEGIES all benefitting the Permanently Disabled
guardians WORKSHOP Jockeys Fund.
at the gates
Tuesday, October 30 • 9:30 AM–11:00 AM HANDICAPPING,
Tuesday, October 30 • 9:00 AM–10:00 AM Learn how to structure your wagers SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS
Advocates and policymakers debate key and maximize your profits with some of
issues surrounding horse safety and racing’s top handicappers and bettors. ASK A ‘CAPPER
answer questions from the audience. TUESDAY
PANELS Tuesday, October 30 • 11:00 AM–5:00 PM
DEVELOPING Want one-on-one help learning how to
KENTUCKY’S YOUR BRAND play the races or strategies to bet the
GREATEST RACE THROUGH SOCIAL Breeders’ Cup? Top handicappers will be
CALLS PANEL & DIGITAL MEDIA available around the clock at Equestricon®
to answer your questions - all you have to
Presented by Career Networking Seminar do is walk up and ask!
The Paulick Report
Tuesday, October 30 • 10:30 AM–12:00 PM PANELS
Tuesday, October 30 • 9:00 AM–10:00 AM Do you dream of working in horse racing?
Hear the stories of the legendary calls Learn how to start and cultivate your own INTERNATIONAL
behind some of Kentucky’s greatest races. brand and network from professionals who PERSPECTIVES ON
broke into racing through digital and social RACING PANEL
TRACK TALKS media, handicapping, writing, and fashion.
Presented by Watch and Wager
STORIES Tuesday, October 30 • 11:00 AM–12:30 PM
BACKSTRETCH Gain unique insight and perspective
into how international racing is different
Tuesday, October 30 • 9:30 AM–11:00 AM than in the U.S. Top international racing
This is your chance to learn what daily life personalites share their thoughts on how
is like on the backstretch at the race track. racing in the U.S. is viewed internationally. #eqcon18
o3c0t tuesday events
NEED TO KNOW Presented by Fasig-Tipton
Sponsored by Maryland Horse
Tuesday, October 30 • 11:30 AM–1:00 PM Breeders’ Association Tuesday, October 30 • 1:30 PM–3:30 PM
Advanced analytics play a more prominent Tuesday, October 30 • 12:30 PM–2:00 PM Don’t miss this event as some of racing’s
role in sports than ever before. Learn how Head to the Sagamore Social Lounge for a most accomplished figures discuss the
analytics and computer-based handicapping chance to shmooze with racing professionals never ending search for the next great
and wagering is used in racing. including breeders, owners, media racehorse. Listen to stories of what goes
personalities, handicappers, and more. into finding the next big horse and tales of
TRACK TALKS triumph along the way.
Tuesday, October 30 • 11:30 AM–1:00 PM Tuesday, October 30 • 1:00 PM–2:30 PM AUTOGRAPH
Ever wonder what it would be like to train Step up to the Four Roses Author’s SIGNING
a top racehorse? Listen to stories of what Hub and snag a copy of a book by one
a day in the life as a trainer is like from of Kentucky’s most popular bourbon Benefitting the PDJF
some of racing’s best trainers. distillers, “Four Roses: The Return of a
Whiskey Legend”. Tuesday, October 30 • 2:00 PM–5:00 PM
CONVENTION EVENTS Your favorite jockeys appear for a special
PANELS Breeders’ Cup week meet & greet and
LITTLE RED autograph signing. Autograph session will
FEATHER RACING BREEDERS’ CUP benefit the Permanently Disabled jockeys
In the Paddock Bar
Tuesday, October 30 • 1:00 PM–2:00 PM SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS
Tuesday, October 30 • 12:00 PM–1:00 PM Experience the thrill of riding a Breeders’
Have a drink while learning about horse Cup winner through stories of some of the “beyond the
ownership with Little Red Feather Racing. racing’s top Breeders’ Cup winning jockeys. track” RACEHORSE
TO HORSE INSIGHTS FROM Tuesday, October 30 • 2:30 PM–4:00 PM
OWNERSHIP GAMBLING The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance
HORSEMEN hosts a session discussing how to find and
Presented by OwnerView Off-Track Thoroughbred (OTTB), what
Tuesday, October 30 • 1:30 PM–3:00 PM OTTBs know, and the opportunities you
Tuesday, October 30 • 12:30 PM–2:00 PM Hear the unique perspectives of top have with an OTTB.
The equivalent of Ownership 101, this is horse owners who handicap and wager.
a crash course in the basics of getting Horsemen share their insights and PANELS
started in world of racehorse ownership. methods on handicapping and wagering
from a different point of view. BREEDERS’
celebrate racing CUP WINNING
Presented by Kirkwood Stables
Tuesday, October 30 • 2:30 PM–4:00 PM
Listen to some of the top Breeders’ Cup
winning trainers share stories and details
about training a Breeders’ Cup winner.
For more information,
please contact Bill Gallo Jr.,
Director of Racing
(410) 392-0700
[email protected]
48 EQUESTRICON ® 2018 Jump into
jump racing
and join a sport
on the rise
Joe Davies photo (upper left)