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Published by naqshbandisufimedia, 2016-02-03 18:36:26

Jilaa ul Quloob Book

Jilaa ul Quloob Book

All Rights Reserved
First Edition Published in December 2012/ Safar 1434


Established Since April 1999

No copy of this book should be made without permission from
the organisation.
For further information or any other enquiries please contact:
[email protected]

All materials in this book including the logo are copyrights of

Any attempt to copy or re-distribute will result in prosecution.



INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 5
BARREN SHORES................................................ 6
PRESENT ERA..................................................... 7
FOREWORD ....................................................... 7

REFLECTION FOR THE SEEKER ................................. 9
WAZEEFA (DAILY RECITATION).............................. 11
KHATAM–UL–KHAWAJAGAAN ................................. 12

UL–KHAWAJAGAAN........................................... 14
SALAH (MORNING PRAYER) ............................... 15
PRAYER).......................................................... 19
DU‘AA (SUPPLICATION)......................................... 28
SHAJRAH SHAREEF (GOLDEN CHAIN) ..................... 31
SHAREEF AND LOUD DHIKR............................... 32
SHAJRAH SHAREEF (FAJR VERSION) ................... 34


DUROOD SHAREEF ............................................... 43
PRESERVE HIM) ................................................... 48
WHAT TO READ AFTER SALAH................................ 50
KHATAM SHAREEF (CHAAR QUL) ............................ 58
THE CODE OF SHARI‘AT ........................................ 68
GUIDE) ............................................................... 69
SEEKER) ............................................................. 70
ADAB .................................................................. 72

ADAB OF THE SHAYKH ...................................... 72
HEADING TOWARDS ONE’S SHAYKH ................... 73
MANNERS TOWARDS ONESELF........................... 74



All praise be to Allah, salutations and peace be upon
the Best of Creation and upon his ancestors, parents,
family, companions, successors, followers and those
martyred upon his way.

Allah Most High states, “O you who Believe! Fear
Allah and seek a means (waseela) towards Him,
and struggle in His way, in the hope of attaining
success.” [Sura Maa’idah 5:35]

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon
him) said, “A person will be resurrected with those
whom he loves.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

He also stated, “Man is upon the religion of his
friend. Be mindful of the friendship you keep.”
[Abu Dawud]

Hazrat Khawaja Baha’uddeen Shah Naqshband (mercy
be upon him) stated, “Whoever is initiated by us
(i.e. swears oath of allegiance (bay‘at) to us) and
follows us and loves us, whether he is near or far,
wherever he is, even if he is in the East and we
are in the West, we nourish him from the stream
of love and give him light in his daily life.”


Hazrat Imam–e–Rabbaani Mujaddid Alf–e–Saani (mercy
be upon him) stated, “The most clear difference
distinguishing real friends of Allah from liars is
that their words and actions are according to the
Shari‘at and those who are with them are filled
with the fear and love of Allah and don’t care
about other things. These signs are seen on those
who are in contact with the friends of Allah.
Those who have no relations with them are
deprived of everything!” [Maktoobaat Imam–e–
Rabbaani, Volume 2 Letter 92]


Our Grand–Shaykh His Eminence Khawaja Sufi
Muhammad Aslam (mercy be upon him) was a selfless
man of endless favours and loving generosity who
brought the beautiful message of Islam to the U.K. in
1963. He worked tirelessly day and night to implant the
dhikr of Almighty Allah and His Blessed Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) in the hearts of countless
people, thus reviving dead hearts and causing them to
attain inner tranquility.

The way of the grand Master was one of simplicity,
humility, steadfastness upon the Sunnat and avoidance
of the Haraam. He rarely spoke, but in his silent
wisdom and enchanting vision he filled those around
him with the deep love of Allah and His Messenger. He
left for the eternal abode of bliss in 1999 and is buried
in the shrine of Shaadpur shareef, Jhelum, Pakistan.
The great Khawaja left behind an unparalleled legacy in
the form of his Tareeqa – arguably the most successful


in the U.K. and Europe. May Allah raise his rank and
forever keep this beautiful way alive till the end of time.


Shaykh Khawaja Sufi Arshad Mahmood (may Almighty
Allah preserve him) is the prime khalifa of the Grand–
Shaykh (mercy be upon him) who sat in the presence
and service of his master for 27 years and took
practical and spiritual guidance from him.

The Shaykh has been doing the work of tareeqa since
1999 after the passing of Grand-Shaykh and by the
grace of Allah Most High has transformed the lives of
thousands of people worldwide, travelling globally to
serve humanity and to spread the message of Islam.


This book is a guide for seekers on the Naqshbandi
Mujaddidi Aslami Arshadi way – in outlining its basic
recitations and daily dhikrs.

It is paramount for every seeker to learn and memorise
the dhikrs and implement the practices contained
within this booklet.

The purpose of this is to conform to the practices of the
Sunnat of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) and to uphold the principles of the esteemed


Naqshbandi Way given to us by Shaykh Khawaja Sufi
Arshad Mahmood (may Almighty Allah preserve him).
His Eminence Khawaja Sufi Muhammad Aslam (mercy
be upon him) stated to his disciples, “I have
presented to you pure milk in the form of
remembrance of Almighty Allah and honey in the
form of love for the Beloved Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him), so would you not prefer
this for your fellow brothers?” Thus the ultimate
aim for every seeker must be to struggle in both self-
purification and to invite all others towards this path of
Please also note that this volume is only a brief outline
of the practice of the Tareeqa. Real knowledge is never
acquired solely through books. In keeping with the real
spirit of the Qur’an al–Kareem and Hadeeth shareef, it
is necessary to seek and join the blessed company of
the pious people of Allah.



1. To always remain in the state of Wudhu.

2. To pray Salah five times a day with Jama‘at.

3. To make up any previously missed Salah (Qadha–e–
‘Umri) on a daily basis.

4. To recite one’s Wazeefa before or after Fajr Salah
and if not possible then at any time before ‘Isha

5. To recite the morning Khatam–ul–Khawajagaan,
Shajrah Shareef and Du‘a for the Murshid, one’s
parents and the Ummat before or after Fajr Salah,
alone or in a group.

6. Whilst walking around, to read ‘Allah’ upon one’s
right step and ‘Hoo’ upon one’s left step. Likewise
before sleeping to perform the dhikr by inhaling
‘Allah’ and exhaling ‘Hoo’.

7. To recite the evening Khatam–ul–Khawajagaan,
Shajrah Shareef and Du‘a for the Murshid, one’s
parents and the Ummat after Maghrib Salah, alone
or in a group.

8. To recite the daily hizb of Dalaa’il–ul–Khayraat.


9. To read and reflect upon the mighty character of the
Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

10. To make it one’s routine to adhere to the daily
recitations and practices of the Khawajagaan to
one’s utmost ability. If one misses it then to make
up at the earliest opportunity.

11. To attend the weekly national gathering and local



Reciting the following Wazeefa daily is necessary upon
every follower of the Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Aslami
Arshadi Way before or after Fajr Salah (Morning

(100 times).‫َص َّلى ال هلى عَ ٰلى ََِيْبِي ىٖى ُهمَ َّم ىد َّواىٰليٖى َواَ بص َحابيٖى َو َسلَّ بىم‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)

‫(يَا َحّهيَاقَيّه بو هىم۝ ى ىى‬300 times)...........................................

Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum.
O Ever–Living One! O Upholding One!

(100 times).‫َص َّلى ال هىل عَ ٰلى ََِيْبِيٖىى ُهمَ َّم ىد َّوىاٰليٖى َواَ بص َحابي ىٖ َو َسلَّ بمى‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)

On completion, one should blow upon the hands and
wipe the face and heart and then the rest of the body.
This is a Du‘a (Prayer) as well as a Dawaa (Medicine). If
one cannot perform this around Fajr Salah, then it must
be done during the day before ‘Isha Salah.



In the Naqshbandi Order, the daily wazeefa and the
group dhikr, known as Khatam–ul–Khawajagaan, are
important principles which the mureed must not leave.

The 'Seal of the Masters of Wisdom' is the definitive
tool in the quest of the Seeker. It is a compilation of
verses and supplications from the Noble Qur'an,
Beautiful Names & Attributes of Allah Almighty and
salutations upon the Noble Messenger (peace and
blessings be upon him). The Khatam has been
specifically ordered and gifted by the Khawajagaan
Masters of Wisdom to raise the seeker from the lower
material world into the Divine Court whereat his
prayers are presented. When read with sincerity,
concentration and devotion, the Khatam is a means of
fulfilling the requirements of both this world and the
afterlife for the seeker.

The origins of the Sacred Khatam can be traced back to
the founder of the Khawajagaan Way, Khawaja ‘Abdul
Khaliq Ghujdawani (mercy be upon him) who
established it as a spiritual trust directly from the
Beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). He
was the first Master from the Golden Chain to recite the
Khatam and subsequently any seeker who receives the
lights of the Khatam, does so through the spirituality of
Khawaja ‘Abdul Khaliq Ghujdawani (mercy be upon


Since the beginning of the Khatam, over centuries of
spiritual effort the Naqshbandi Masters have fine-tuned
it to cater for the material and spiritual needs of
people. On completing the full Khatam–ul–
Khawajagaan and presenting it as a gift to the Noble
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) at the
Rawda Shareef, Madina Munawwara, ‘The Knower of
Allah’ Hafiz Abdul Kareem (mercy be upon him) in a
state of meditation was blessed with a vision of the
Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).
From amongst the glad tidings the Holy Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) gave to the Shaykh, he
(peace and blessings be upon him) said “Hafiz Jee, the
Khatam you have recited and presented to me, carries
the virtue and blessings of 360 Khatam–ul–Qur’an”.

If recited twice, it is said to be proven as highly
effective in attaining the tranquillity of the heart and
closeness of Allah Almighty. Such an easy, wonderful
and great spiritual remedy, with certainty it is sufficient
in quenching the thirst of seekers of Truth, in acquiring
the pearl of one’s purpose and opening the paths
towards love of the Messenger (peace and blessings be
upon him).

In order to coordinate and unify the method of worship
of all seekers attached to this way, it is of utmost
importance to systematically learn and teach the

The Khatam is read twice daily, preferably in group, at
Fajr and after Maghrib Salah.


Prior to the commencement of the gathering, all
attendees should be seated in an orderly and well
respected manner. Then the reciter should explain,
“The Khatam–ul–Khawajagaan of the Naqshbandi
Mujaddidi Aslami Arshadi Way shall be recited. The
method for congregational recitation is as follows:
When a blessed Kalima is recited, all those present
should try to recite together. When ‘Haqqa’ is said then
remain silent, listen to the next blessed Kalima and
then join in and recite together. If one is unable to
recite any blessed Kalima then do not recite it
incorrectly, but instead recite Kalima Tayyiba, the name
of Allah or Durood Shareef.”



(7 times)....................................................‫سورةالفاتحة ى‬

‫اَ هع بو هذبياّٰهل يل يم َناىل َّشيب ٰط ينال َّر يجيب يم۝ بي بس يماّٰهل يلال َّر بْحٰ ينال َّر يَيب يم۝‬
‫ ىى ىىمٰلي يكىىيَ حو يىمى‬۲ ‫ ىى ىىال َّر حْحٰ يىنىال َّر يَيح يمى۝‬۱ ‫اَۡ حل َ حم هىد ىٰيّهل يلىى َر يّبىىال حعٰلَ يم ح َيى۝‬
‫ ى ى ى ىاي حه يدن َا ىال ّ يص َرا َ ىطى‬۴ ‫ال يّديح ينى۝ ى ى ى ى ىاييَّا َكى ىن َ حعِه هدى ى َواييَّا َكى ىنَ حستَعي ح هيى۝‬
‫ى غَۡح يي اۡحلَغح هض حو يب‬۶‫ىىىى يص َرا َطىىال َّ يذيح َن اَنحعَ حم َت عَلَيح يه ح ۙىمى‬۵ ‫اۡحله حستَقييح َمى۝‬
‫ اى يم ب َىي۝ ى‬۷‫عَلَيح يه حم َوََلال َّضٓاليّ ح َىي ۝ى‬

A‘oodhu Billaahi Minash–Shaytaanir–Rajeem.

Bismillaahir–Rahmaanir–Raheem. Al–hamdu Lillahi

Rabbil ‘Aalameen. Ar–Rahmaanir–Raheem. Maaliki

Yawmid–Deen. Iyyaaka Na‘budu Wa Iyyaaka Nasta‘een.

Ihdinas–Siraatal–Mustaqeem. Siraat–Alladheena

An‘amta ‘Alayhim Ghayril–Maghdhoobi ‘Alayhim Waladh–

Dhaalleen. Aameen.

I seek Refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the Accursed. Allah –

beginning with the name of – the Most Gracious, the Most

Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the entire Universe.

The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Owner of the Day of

Recompense. You alone we worship and from You alone we

seek help (and may we always). Guide us on the Straight Path.

The path of those whom You have favoured – Not the path of


those who earned Your anger – nor of those who are astray.

(100 times).‫َص َّلى ال هلى عَ ٰلى ََِيْبِىي ىٖى ُهمَ َّمدى َّوىاٰليٖى َواَ بص َحابيٖى َو َسلَّ بىم‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)

‫هسِب َحا َنال يل َو يِبَ بم يده هسِب َحا َىنىال يلال بعَ يظيب يمى۝ اَ بستَغب يف هراللَ َر يِّبب يم بن‬
(500 ‫ى‬times)................................... ‫كه ّيل ذَ ىن بب فَا بغ يف بر يلىب۝ ىى‬

Subhaan–Allahi Wabihamdihee Subhaan–Allah–il–
‘Adheem Astaghfirullaha Rabbee Minn Kulli Dhambinn
Purity be to Allah and His is the praise. Purity be to Allah the
Great. I seek the Forgiveness of Allah My Lord from all
Misdeeds so Forgive me!

(100 times).‫َص َّلى ال هىل عَ ٰلى ََِيْبِيٖىى ُهمَ َّم ىد َّوىاٰليٖى َواَ بص َحابي ىٖ َو َسلَّ بىم‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)

‫ى‬.........‫ََ حسبهنَاىاّٰهل هلىى َوني حع َىمىال ح َو يكيح ه ىل۝ ىىني حع َىمىاۡحلَ حو ٰلىى َونيعح َمىىالنَّ يصۡحيىه۝ىىىى‬

(500 times) ............................................................

Hasbun–Allahu Wa Ni‘mal Wakeel Ni‘mal Mawlaa Wa
Sufficient for us is Allah and He is an excellent Trustee (of
affairs). The Excellent Protector and the Excellent Helper!


(100 times).‫َص َّ ىل ال هىل عَ ٰلى ََِيْبِيٖىى ُهمَ َّمدى َّواىٰلي ىٖ َواَ بص َحابي ىٖ َو َسلَّ بمى‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)

(500 ‫ىى‬times)............. ‫يَا َخ ي َّف اللّه بط يفاَدب ير بك يِ بن بيله بط يف َك اْ بلـَ ي يّف۝ى‬

Yaa Khafiyy–al–Lutfi Adriknee Bi–Lutfikal–Khafee
O Benefactor of Hidden Favours! Support me with Your Hidden

(100 times).‫َص َّ ىل ال هلى عَ ٰلى ََِيْبِي ىٖى ُهمَ َّمدى َّواىٰلي ىٖ َواَ بص َحابيٖى َو َسلَّ بمى‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)

(500 ‫ىى‬times)............. ‫ََل ََ بو َل َوََل هق َّوةَ ايََّلبيال يل ال بعَ ي ّيل ال بعَ يظيب يمى۝ى ى‬

Laa Hawla Wa Laa Quwwata Illaa Billaah–il ‘Aliyy–il–
There is no might or power except in Allah, the Supreme, the

(100 times).‫َص َّ ىل ال هىل عَ ٰلى ََِيْبِيٖىى ُهمَ َّمدى َّواىٰليٖى َواَ بص َحابيٖى َو َسلَّ بىم‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)


........‫يَاىىاَل هل يَا َر بْحٰ هن يَا َر يَيب هميَا اَ بر ََ َمال َّرا يْ يح ب َيى۝ىىىىىىاي برَْ بحنَا۝ىىىىى‬

‫(ى‬500 times) ............................................................

Yaa Allahu Yaa Rahmaanu Yaa Raheemu Yaa Arhamar–
Raahimeen Irhamnaa
O Allah! O All-Merciful! O All-Compassionate! O most Merciful of
the merciful! Have mercy upon us!

(100 times).‫َص َّ ىل ال هىل عَ ٰىل ََِيْبِي ىٖى ُهمَ َّم ىد َّوىاٰليٖى َواَ بص َحابي ىٖ َو َسلَّ بىم‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)

‫(يَا َحّهيَاقَيّه بو همى۝ ى ىى‬300 times)...........................................

Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom
O Ever–Living One! O Upholding One!

(100 times).‫َص َّ ىل ال هلى عَ ٰىل ََِيْبِي ىٖى ُهمَ َّمدى َّوىاٰلي ىٖ َواَ بص َحابي ىٖ َو َسلَّ بىم‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)

(Refer to page 21 for the Du‘aa)



(7 times)....................................................‫سورةالفاتحة ى‬

‫اَ هع بو هذبياّٰهل يل يم َنالى َّشيب ٰط ينال َّر يجيب يم۝ بي بس يماّٰهل يلال َّر بْحٰ ينال َّر يَيب يم۝‬
‫ ىى ىىمٰلي يكىىيَ حو يىمى‬۲ ‫ ىى ىىال َّر حْحٰ ينىىال َّر يَيح يمى۝‬۱ ‫اَۡ حل َ حم هىد ىٰيّهل يلىى َر يّبىىال حعٰلَ يم ح َيى۝‬
‫ ى ى ى ىاي حه يدن َا ىال ّ يص َرا َ ىطى‬۴ ‫ال يّديح ينى۝ ى ى ى ى ىاييَّا َكى ىن َ حعِه هدى ى َواييَّا َىك ىنَ حستَعي ح هيى۝‬
‫ى غَۡح يي اۡحلَغح هض حو يب‬۶‫ىىىى يص َرا َ ىطىال َّ يذيح َن اَنحعَ حم َت عَلَيح يه ح ۙىمى‬۵ ‫اۡحله حستَقييح َمى۝‬
‫ ىا يم ب َيى۝ ى‬۷‫عَلَيح يه حم َوََلال َّضٓاليّ ح َىي ۝ى‬

A‘oodhu Billaahi Minash–Shaytaanir–Rajeem.

Bismillaahir–Rahmaanir–Raheem. Al–hamdu Lillahi

Rabbil ‘Aalameen. Ar–Rahmaanir–Raheem. Maaliki

Yawmid–Deen. Iyyaaka Na‘budu Wa Iyyaaka Nasta‘een.

Ihdinas–Siraatal–Mustaqeem. Siraat–Alladheena

An‘amta ‘Alayhim Ghayril–Maghdhoobi ‘Alayhim Waladh–

Dhaalleen. Aameen.

I seek Refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the Accursed. Allah –

beginning with the name of – the Most Gracious, the Most

Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the entire Universe.

The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Owner of the Day of

Recompense. You alone we worship and from You alone we

seek help (and may we always). Guide us on the Straight Path.


The path of those whom You have favoured – Not the path of
those who earned Your anger – nor of those who are astray.

(100 times).‫َص َّلى ال هلى عَ ٰلى ََِيْبِيٖىى ُهمَ َّم ىد َّوىاٰلي ىٖ َواَ بص َحابي ىٖ َو َسلَّ بمى‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)

(79 times)..................................................‫هس حو َر هةىال َّشرح‬

‫بي بس يماّٰهل يلال َّر بْحٰ ينال َّر يَيب يم۝‬
‫ىىىىال َّ يذ حى‬۲‫ىىىى َو َو َضعحنَا عَنح َك يو حز َر َكى ۙ۝ى‬۱‫اَل َ حم نَ حش َر حح لـَ َك َص حد َر َكى ۙ۝ى‬
‫ىى‬۵‫ىىىىفَاي َّن َم َعال ح هع حس يريه حس ًرا۝ى‬۴‫ىىىى َو َرفَ حعنَالـَ َك يذ حك َر َىك ۙ۝ى‬۳‫اَنحقَ َض َظ حه َر َىك ۙ۝ى‬
‫ ى ى ى ى َواي ٰل َربّي َك‬۷‫ ى ى ى ىفَ ياذَا فَ َر حغ َت فَانح َص حبى ۙ۝ ى‬۶ ‫اي َّن َم َع ال ح هع حس ير يه حس ًرا۝‬

۸‫فَا حر َغ ببى۝ى‬

Bismillaahir–Rahmaanir–Raheem. Alam Nashrah Laka
Sadrak. Wawadha‘naa ‘Annka Wizrak. Alladhee
Annqadha Dhahrak. Wa Rafa‘naa Laka Dhikrak. Fa Inna
Ma‘al ‘Usri Yusraa. Inna Ma‘al ‘Usri Yusraa. Fa Idhaa
Faraghta Fannsab. Wa Ilaa Rabbika Farghab.
Allah – beginning with the name of – the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful. Did We not widen your bosom? And relieve you
of the burden – Which had broken your back? And We have


exalted your remembrance for you (O Beloved Prophet
Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him). So indeed
with hardship is ease. Indeed with hardship is ease. So when
you finish the prayer, strive in supplication. And incline towards
your Lord.

‫( ى‬1000 times)............................................‫هس حو َر هةىإالخلاص‬

‫بي بس يماّٰهل يلال َّر بْحٰ ينال َّر يَيب يم۝‬
‫ىىىى َول َ حم‬۳‫ىىىىل َ حميَلي حدى ۙ َول َ حميه حول َ حد ۙ۝ى‬۲‫ىىىاَّٰهل هلال َّص َم هدىى۝ى‬۱‫هق حل هه َواّٰهل هلاَ ََدىى۝ى‬

۴‫يَ هك حنل َّ ٖٗ هك هف ًوااَ ََدىى۝‬

Bismillaahir–Rahmaanir–Raheem. Qul Huw–Allahu Ahad.
Allah–us–Samad. Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yoolad. Wa Lam
Yakul–Lahoo Kufuwan Ahad.
Allah – beginning with the name of – the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful. Proclaim (O Beloved Prophet Muhammad – peace
and blessings be upon him), “He is Allah, He is One. Allah is
Independent. He has no offspring, nor is He born from
anything. And there is none equal to Him.”

(7 times)....................................................‫سورةالفاتحة ى‬

‫بي بس يماّٰهل يلال َّر بْحٰ ينال َّر يَيب يم۝‬
‫ ىى ىىمٰلي يىكىيَ حو يمىى‬۲ ‫ ىى ىىال َّر حْحٰ ينىىال َّر يَيح يمى۝‬۱ ‫اَۡ حل َ حم هىد ىٰيّهل يىلى َر يّىبىال حعٰلَ يم ح َيى۝‬
‫ ى ى ى ىاي حه يدن َا ىال ّ يص َرا َ ىطى‬۴ ‫ال يّديح ينى۝ ى ى ى ى ىاييَّا َىك ىن َ حعِه هدى ى َواييَّا َكى ىنَ حستَ يع ح هيى۝‬


‫ى غَۡح يي اۡحلَغح هض حو يب‬۶‫ىىىى يص َرا َ ىطىال َّ يذيح َن اَنحعَ حم َت عَلَيح يه ح ۙىمى‬۵ ‫اۡحله حستَقييح َمى۝‬
‫ ىا يم ب َيى۝ ى‬۷‫عَلَيح يه حم َوََلال َّضٓاليّ ح َىي ۝ى‬

Bismillaahir–Rahmaanir–Raheem. Al–hamdu Lillahi

Rabbil ‘Aalameen. Ar–Rahmaanir–Raheem. Maaliki

Yawmid–Deen. Iyyaaka Na‘budu Wa Iyyaaka Nasta‘een.

Ihdinas–Siraatal–Mustaqeem. Siraat–Alladheena

An‘amta ‘Alayhim Ghayril–Maghdhoobi ‘Alayhim Waladh–

Dhaalleen. Aameen.

I seek Refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the Accursed. Allah –

beginning with the name of – the Most Gracious, the Most

Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the entire Universe.

The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Owner of the Day of

Recompense. You alone we worship and from You alone we

seek help (and may we always). Guide us on the Straight Path.

The path of those whom You have favoured – Not the path of

those who earned Your anger – nor of those who are astray.


(100 times).‫َصى َّ ىل ال هىل عَ ٰلى ََِيْبِي ىٖى ُهمَ َّمدى َّوىاٰلي ىٖ َواَ بص َحابي ىٖ َو َسلَّ بىم‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)

‫ى‬......... ‫ََلى ايل ٰ َٖ ايََّىلىىاَنح َت هسِح ٰحنَ َىكىى ىۖ اي يِّّح هكنح هت يم َن ال هظلي يم ح َيىى۝ى ۖۙى‬

(500 times) ............................................................

Laa Ilaaha Illaa Annta Subhaanaka Innee Kunntu


There is no god except You, Purity be to You; Indeed I am of
the wrongdoers

(100 times).‫َص َّلى ال هىل عَ ٰىل ََِيْبِيٖىى ُهمَ َّمدى َّوىاٰلي ىٖ َواَ بص َحابي ىٖ َو َسلَّ بمى‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)

(100 ‫ىى‬times).......................................... ‫ََلىايل ٰٖىايََّ ىلال هلى۝ ىى‬

Laa Ilaaha ill–Allahu
There is no god except Allah!

‫(يَاىاَل هلى۝ ىى ى‬100 times).................................................

Yaa Allahu
O Allah!

‫(يَاعَ يزيب هز ۝ ى ىى ى‬100 times)...............................................
Yaa ‘Azeezu
O Most Honourable One!

‫(يَا َو هد بو هد ۝ى ىى‬100 times).................................................

Yaa Wadoodu
O Loving One!

‫(يَاكَ يريب هم ۝ ى ىى‬100 times)...............................................

Yaa Kareemu
O Generous One!


‫(يَا َو َّها هب ۝ى ىى‬100 times)...............................................

Yaa Wahhaabu
O Bestowing One!

‫(يَا ََ ّهي يَاقَيّه بو هم۝ ى ىى‬100 times)..........................................

Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom
O Ever–Living One! O Upholding One!

‫ى‬.........‫ََ حسبهنَاىاّٰهل هىلى َوني حع َىمىال ح َو يكيح ه ىل۝ ىىني حع َمىىاۡحلَ حو ٰىلى َو ين حع َىمىالنَّ يصۡحيىه۝ىىىى‬

(500 times) ............................................................

Hasbun–Allahu Wa Ni‘mal Wakeel Ni‘mal Mawlaa Wa
Sufficient for us is Allah and He is an excellent Trustee (of
affairs). The Excellent Protector and the Excellent Helper!

‫(اَللّ هه َّم ى ى‬once) ...........................................................
O Allah!
(100 ‫ىى‬times).................................... ‫يَاقَا يِ َض اۡ بل َا َجا يت۝ى‬
Yaa Qaadhiy–al–Haajaat
O Fulfiller of Needs!
(100 ‫ىى‬times)....................................... ‫يَادَافي َع ال بَِلييَّا يت۝ى‬
Yaa Daafi‘–al–Baliyyaat
O Repeller of Calamities!


(100 ‫ىىى‬times).................................... ‫يَا ََ َّل اۡبله بش يكلَاى يت۝ى‬

Yaa Hall–al–Mushkilaat
O Solver of Difficulties!

(100 ‫ىىى‬times)...................................... ‫يَاكَا يِفَاۡ بله يه َّما يت۝‬

Yaa Kaafiy–al–Muhimmaat
O Sufficient of Necessities!

(100 ‫ىى‬times)..................................... ‫يَا َشا يِفَاَبىلَ بم َرا يض۝ى‬

Yaa Shaafiy–al–Amraadh
O Curer of Illnesses!

(100 ‫ىىى‬times).................................... ‫يَا هم َ يّن َل ال بََ َب َكـا يت۝‬

Yaa Munazzil–al–Barakaat
O Sender of Blessings!

(100 ‫ىى‬times)................................... ‫يَا هم َسِيّ َب اَبلىَ بسَِا يب۝ى‬

Yaa Musabbib–al–Asbaab
O Causer of Causes!

(100 ‫ىى‬times).................................... ‫يَا َرافي َع ال َّد َر َجا يت۝ى‬

Yaa Raafi‘–ad–Darajaat
O Exalter of Ranks!

(100 ‫ىى‬times)................................... ‫يَاُه يميب َب ال َّد بع َوا يت۝ى‬

Yaa Mujeeb–ad–Da‘waat
O Responder of Supplications!


(100 ‫ىى‬times)..................................... ‫يَاىاَ َما َن اْ بلىـَاىﺋيفي ب َي۝ى‬

Yaa Amaan–al–Khaa’ifeen
O Protector of Fearing ones!

(100 ‫ىىى‬times)..................................... ‫يَا َخۡبيَالنَّا يص يريب َن۝‬

Yaa Khayr–an–Naasireen
O Best of Helpers!

(100 ‫ىى‬times)................................... ‫يَادَىلييب َل اۡبلهتَ َح يّۡ يييب َن۝ى‬

Yaa Daleel–al–Mutahiyyireen
O Guider of Astonished ones!

(100 ‫ىى‬times)........................... ‫يَا يغيَا َث اۡبله بستَغييبثي ب َي اَ يغثبنَا۝ى‬

Yaa Ghiyaath–al–Mustagheetheena Aghithnaa
O Helper of Helping ones! Help us!

(100 ‫ىى‬times)................................... ‫يَا همفَ ّ ير َح اۡبلَ بح هزني ب َي۝ى‬

Yaa Mufarrih–al–Mahzooneen
O Comforter of Grieving ones!

(100 ‫ىى‬times)............................ ‫َر يّب اي يِّّبى َمغبله بوب فَان بتَ يص بىر۝ى‬

Rabbi Innee Maghloobunn–Fanntasir
My Lord! Indeed I have been Overpowered so Help me!

(100 ‫ىى‬times).... ‫يَا اَل هل يَا َر بْحٰ هن يَا َر يَيب هم يَاىاَ بر ََ َم ال َّرا يْ يح ب َىي۝ى‬

Yaa Allahu Yaa Rahmaanu Yaa Raheemu Yaa Arhamar–


O Allah! O Most Gracious! O Most Merciful! O Most Merciful of
the Merciful!

‫هسِب َحا َىن ال يىلى َواۡ بل َ بم هد ٰيّهل يل َوََلىۤ ايل َٖ ايََّل ال هل َوال هل اَ بكََ هب۝ىىىىى َوََل ََ بو َىلىى‬
(100 ‫ىىى‬times)....................... ‫َوََلى هق َّوىةَىايََّ ىلبيال يلال بعَ ي ّلىال بعَ يظيب يىم۝‬

Subhaan–Allahi Wal–hamdu Lillahi wa Laa Ilaaha ill–
Allahu Wallahu Akbar Wa Laa Hawla Wa Laa Quwwata
Illaa Billaahil ‘Aliyy–il–‘Adheem
Purity be to Allah and all praise be to Allah and there is no god
except Allah and Allah is the Greatest! And there is no might or
power except in Allah, the Supreme, the Great!

(100 ‫ىى‬times)..................... ‫اَلله هه َّما بسُهتب يِّببي يىسُب يت َك اْ بل َ يميب يل۝ى‬

Allahum–Masturnee Bi Sitrik–al–Jameel
O Allah! Veil me with Your Beautiful Veil!

(100 times).‫َص َّ ىل ال هىل عَ ٰلى ََِيْبِي ىٖى ُهمَ َّمدى َّواىٰلي ىٖ َواَ بص َحابي ىٖ َو َسلَّ بىم‬

Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–wa Aalihee
wa As–haabihee wa Sallam
Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and his
Family and his Companions – and peace (be upon them)



All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the entire Universe
and Salutations and Peace be upon you O Most Noble of
prophets and messengers.

O Allah! Please accept and approve this Khatam–ul–
Khawajagaan in Your pure presence. This is presented
as a gift in the service of the Generous Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him). By his means its reward is
sent to the blessed souls of all prophets, truthful ones,
martyrs, pious saints of Naqshbandi, Suhrawardi,
Chishti, Qaadiri, Owaysi and Shaadhili spiritual orders.

All believing men and women, all Muslim men and
women, whichever Muslim man, woman or jinn of the
past, present and future – send this reward to all of
their souls.

Especially send its reward to the blessed souls of the
best of mankind after prophets – Hazrat Sayyidina Abu
Bakr Siddeeq, the Martyrs of Karbala, the Bearer of the
Golden Crown Khawaja Sufi Nawabuddeen, Khawaja
Sarkaar Muhammad Ma‘soom and His Eminence
Khawaja Sufi Muhammad Aslam the Guardian of
Shaadpur shareef. Raise the ranks of Your Beloved and
the Lamp of Spirituality Khawaja Sufi Arshad Mahmood
and spread the spiritual blessings of their excellence

O Allah! With the blessing of this make ease of all our
difficulties. Cure us from external and internal illnesses.


O Allah! Protect us from the evil of Shaytaan and evil of
wrongdoers. Protect us from the evil of ourselves and
evil of this world. O Allah! Remove us from the doors of
others and keep us upright at Your door. O Allah!
Whichever friends are present and absent, make each
and every one fulfil their purpose and reach their goals.

O Allah! Have mercy upon the community of the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Rectify the
community of the Prophet. Grant expansion to the
community of the Prophet. O Graceful Master! Make the
local people of this community pious. Make us live in
harmony and unity. Protect us from every future

O Allah! Whichever friends ask for supplications, who
love us, serve us for Your sake and who keep up
meeting us by travelling from far and wide for Your
pleasure – enrich each and every one of them
outwardly and inwardly.

‫اهنب هص برن َافَاينَّ َك َخۡب هيالنَّا يص ير ىيب َنى۝ َوافبتَ بحلنَافَاينَّ َك َخۡبيهال بفَا يت يح ب َيى۝‬
‫َوا بغ يف برلنَافَ يانَّ َك َخۡبيهال بغَافي يريب َنى۝ َوا برَْ بحنَافَاينَّ َك َخۡبيهال َّرا يْ يح ب َىي۝‬
‫َوا بر هزقبنَافَاينَّ َك َخۡب هيال َّرا يزقي ب َيى ۝ َوا بَ َف بظنَافَاينَّ َك َخۡب هياۡ بل َافي يظ ب َىي۝‬


‫َوا به يدن َا َو َ ينّنَا يم َنال بقَ بو يمال هىظلي يم ب َىي۝ىىى َو َص َّلىىال هلىىعَ ٰلىى ََِيْبِيٖىىُهمَ َّمدىى‬
‫َّواٰىليٖى َواَ بص َحابيٖىاَ بْ َج يع ب َيى۝ىى بي َر بْ َحتي َكيَاىاَ بر ََ َمال َّرا يْ يح ب َيى۝‬

Unnsurnaa Fa Innaka Khayr un–Naasireen.
Waftahlanaa Fa Innaka Khayrul–Faatiheen.
Waghfirlanaa Fa Innaka Khayrul–Ghaafireen.
Warhamnaa Fa Innaka Khayrur–Raahimeen.
Warzuqnaa Fa Innaka Khayrur–Raaziqeen.
Wahfadhnaa Fa Innaka Khayrul–Haafidheen.
Wahdinaa Wanajjinaa Minal–Qawmidh–Dhaalimeen.

Wa Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–Wa
Aalihee Wa As–haabihee Ajma‘een. Bi Rahmatika Yaa

Help us For Indeed You are the Best of Helpers!
Grant us Victory For Indeed You are the Best of Victors!
Forgive us For Indeed You are the Best of Forgivers!
Have Mercy on us For Indeed You are the Best of the Merciful!
Provide for us For Indeed You are the Best of Providers!
Protect us For Indeed You are the Best of Protectors!
Guide us and Save us from the wrongdoers!

And Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and
his Family and his Companions – (upon them) all! (Help us) By
Your Mercy! O Most Merciful of the Merciful!



“On the day We shall call every group with its
Imam.” [Sura Bani Isra’il 17:71]

The blessed tree of Sufi Spiritual Lineage (Shajrah
Shareef) and the practice of reciting the names of the
Sufi Masters of the Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Order (mercy
be upon them) is to create a connection (nisbat) for
heavenly support, spiritual lights and blessings. It links
the mureed (disciple) of the Tareeqa (Sufi Path) to all
the Masters of the Way and ultimately to the Noble
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).

With humility and respect, the names of the great
Saints are recited and called upon. Thus a means of
contact (rabita) is established with the Masters of the
Golden Chain, so that their spiritual blessings can flow
to the reader.

It is important for the mureed to recite the Shajrah on
a daily basis, preferably after the recitation of the
morning and the evening Khatam–ul–Khawajagaan, so
that his link to the chain of Spiritual Masters is kept
strong and firm.

Mawlana Jalaluddeen Rumi (mercy be upon him)
stated, "When anyone talks or remembers the
pious servants of Allah, the mercy of Allah
descends upon them like gracious rain and
refreshes the mind."



1. Sit in the Tashahhud position and place the hands
on the thighs ready for the recitation to begin.

2. Close the eyes and lower the head towards the left,
concentrating upon the heart.

3. Close the mouth and place the tongue on the roof of
the mouth.

4. Perform silent dhikr through the nose, inhale ‘Allah’
and exhale ‘Hoo’ breathing normally.

5. During recitation of Shajrah Shareef and dhikr do
not open the eyes because the eyes are the doors
to one’s heart. Seeing the door open anyone can
enter. Thus one should close the door of vision and
then call upon one’s original and eternal Lord.

6. For those who have sworn allegiance (bay‘at), to
visualise one’s Shaykh. For those who have not, to
imagine that this very blessed gathering is taking
place in front of the Holy Shrine of the Blessed
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

7. On completion of the Shajrah Shareef, wait for the
Shaykh to initiate the loud dhikr.

8. When the loud dhikr begins, stay in one voice.


9. Do not speed up or slow down, raise or change the
tempo of the dhikr of your own accord.

10. Everyone should perform dhikr with passion and

11. One person stands and recites the Shajrah Shareef
in a loud, beautified and zealous voice.

12. The Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him), Hazrat Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddeeq (may
Almighty Allah be pleased with him), Hazrat
Khawaja Baha’uddeen Shah Naqshband, Hazrat
Imam–e–Rabbaani Mujaddid Alf–e–Saani, His
Eminence Khawaja Sufi Nawab’uddeen, His
Eminence Khawaja Sufi Muhammad Aslam (mercy
be upon them all) and Hazrat Khawaja Sufi Arshad
Mahmood (may Allah preserve him) – These names
should be recited with zeal so that a buzz is ignited
in the gathering and devotees naturally proclaim



‫اَ هع بو هذبياّٰهل يل يم َنالى َّشيب ٰط ينال َّر يجيب يم۝ بي بس يماّٰهل يلال َّر بْحٰ ينال َّر يَيب يم۝‬
‫اَََلاي َّناَ حولييَٓاءَاّٰهل يلََل َخ حوفعَلَيح يه حم َوََل هه حم ََيح َزنه حو َىن ۝ ۖىۙ اىَل َّ يذيح َنى اٰ َمنه حوا‬

ۙ ‫َوكَانه حوايَتَّ هق حو َنى۝‬

A‘oodhu Billaahi Minash–Shaytaanir–Rajeem.
Alaa Inna Awliyaa Allahi Laa Khaufun ‘Alayhim wa Laa
Hum Yahzanoon. Alladheena Aamanoo wa Kaanoo

I seek Refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the Accursed. Allah –
Beginning with the Name of – the Most Gracious, the Most
Pay heed! Indeed upon the friends of Allah is neither any fear,
nor any grief. They are those who believe and have piety.

1. O Designer and Maker of the universe design and
fashion my heart; design me in such a way that
when people see me, they truly see me as a

2. O Allah favour us for the sake of Your Greatness;
and for the sake of the pure Messenger (Sall Allahu
Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) being the Best of the

3. Forgive all our faults for the sake of the prophets
(‘alayhim–us–salaam); for the sake of the Masters
of the Naqshbandi Order.


4. As we are not worthy of Your court O forgiving Lord;
we ask you by means of these saints in Your

5. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddeeq, master of truth,
companion of the cave of the Chosen Prophet (Sall
Allahu Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa Sallam); Hazrat Suleman
Faaris, who burned with love for the King of

6. Hazrat Qaasim and Hazrat Imam Jaa‘far Saadiq;
Bayazeed the chosen one, the excellent Imam Abu’l

7. Abu ‘Ali Faremadi and Yoosuf of Hamdaanwi; ‘Abdul
Khaaliq Ghujdawaani, ‘Arif Riwaagari.

8. The Sufi master Mahmood Faghnawi, the Sufi king
of perfection ‘Azeezaa(n); Hazrat Baba Samaasi and
Sayyid Ameer Kulaal.

9. The Illuminating Sun of the Naqshbandi Order,
Khawaja Shah Baha’uddin the distributor; the saint
Hazrat Khawaja ‘Alaa’uddeen ‘Attaar.

10. The Sufi king Ya‘qoob and ‘Ubayd’Ullah Ahraar the
master of their age; the excellent Zaahid and the
eminent Durwesh Muhammad.

11. Khawaja Amkangi, Hazrat Baaqi Billah of repute;
the permanent pole of Sirhind – the celebrated
Reviver of the Second Millennium.

12. Khawaja Ma‘soom, Hazrat Hujjat’Ullah of complete
purity; the excellent Hazrat Zubayr and Khawaja
Ashraf Muhammad the Pure.

13. The Sufi Kings Hazrat Jamaal’Ullah and ‘Eesa
Muhammad of all saints, Hazrat Khawaja Fayz’Ullah
and Hazrat Noor Muhammad of sincere faith.


14. Favour us for Baba Faqeer Muhammad who is a sign
of paradise; their light is manifest upon the
forehead of my master.

15. They are generous one and the son of a generous
one and their favours are widespread; the great
guide of both worlds Hazrat Haafiz ‘Abdul Kareem.

16. Have mercy for the sake of the great guide of the
beautiful religion; the one blessed with the spiritual
insight Hazrat Khawaja Sufi Nawab’uddeen.

17. May my life be devoted on such a beautiful name;
their widespread blessings are prevalent all over the

18. O Allah have mercy upon me for the sake of the
master of guidance; for the sake of Hazrat Khawaja
Sufi Muhammad Aslam the Beloved of Allah.

19. Their chest is overflowing in burning love of the
Chosen Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa
Sallam); heart illuminated and face radiant – O
what a beautiful sight.

20. This Reality is apparent all over the world; their
blessings are continuing to illuminate Asia and
Europe more and more.

21. May my life be devoted on such a beautiful name;
their widespread blessings are prevalent all over the

22. O Allah forgive me for the sake of the Beloved of
the Chosen Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa
Sallam); for the sake of the Perfect Guide Hazrat
Khawaja Sufi Arshad Mahmood.

23. Upon their head is the crown of Sainthood; their
heart is radiant and face shining like a blossoming
rose flower.


24. Their blessings and generosity are of such a state;
that whoever they glance upon becomes abundantly
rich in blessings.

25. May my life be devoted on such a beautiful name;
their widespread blessings are prevalent all over the

26. May the thoughts of anything other–than–Allah be
far from us; may our good ending (death) occur
with Your affection and pleasure.



‫اَ هع بو هذبياّٰهل يل يم َناىل َّشيب ٰط ينال َّر يجيب يم۝ بي بس يماّٰهل يلال َّر بْحٰ ينال َّر يَيب يم۝‬
‫اَََلاي َّناَ حولييَٓاءَاّٰهل يلََل َخ حوفعَلَيح يه حم َوََل هه حم ََيح َزنه حو َنى ۝ ۖۙى اىَل َّ يذيح َنى اٰمَنه حوا‬

ۙ ‫َوكَانه حوايَتَّ هق حو َىن۝‬

A‘oodhu Billaahi Minash–Shaytaanir–Rajeem.
Alaa Inna Awliyaa Allahi Laa Khaufun ‘Alayhim wa Laa
Hum Yahzanoon. Alladheena Aamanoo wa Kaanoo

I seek Refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the Accursed. Allah –
Beginning with the Name of – the Most Gracious, the Most
Pay heed! Indeed upon the friends of Allah is neither any fear,
nor any grief. They are those who believe and have piety.

1. O Designer and Maker of the universe design and
fashion my heart; design me in such a way that
when people see me, they truly see me as a

2. Bestow Your blessings upon my existing state;
shower me with Your mercy and look at this impure
transgressor with Your compassion O Lord.

3. For the sake of Your greatness O Independent One;
grant this disobedient servant with Your infinite


4. I plead for the sake of Your everlasting excellence
and generosity; for the sake of your bounty, mercy,
forgiveness and favour.

5. In the treasures of Your blessings there are no
limits; and there are no bounds to Your endless

6. How can I ask for Your Divine Mercy; I present
some means through whom I plead.

7. Favour us for the sake of Your Chosen Hazrat
Muhammad Mustafa (Sall Allahu Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa
Sallam); for the sake of the pride of the universe,
the king of both worlds.

8. For the sake of this irreplaceable unique Messenger;
for the sake of the possessor and distributor of
Divine knowledge and revelation.

9. Have mercy for the sake of Hazrat Abu Bakr
Siddeeq, master of truth; who burned with love and
was captured in the beauty of the prophet and gave
everything for him.

10. For the sake of Hazrat Suleman Faaris, the sincere
one; Hazrat Qaasim, the supreme leader of Allah’s

11. For the sake of the faithful spiritual leader Hazrat
Imam Jaa‘far Saadiq; Shower us with Your endless

12. Bayazeed, Abu’l Hassan and Abu ‘Ali Faremadi;
preserve our honour O Allah for the sake of these

13. On the day of resurrection give me the
companionship of Yoosuf Hamdaanwi; so I can cling
to their holy presence with my hand.

14. The Sufi kings ‘Abdul Khaaliq, ‘Arif Riwaagari; the
Sufi masters Mahmood and ‘Azeezaa(n) who


reflected the beautiful character of the Blessed
15. The honourable Baba Samaasi and Hazrat Ameer
Kulaal; the master of complete purity and the one
with the perfected and enlightened soul.
16. The chief of the assembly of the Naqshbandi
mystics; the benefactor of the nation and the
possessor of the Divine Secrets.
17. Their first step is every master’s last; the excellent
Baha’uddin, the distributor, the courageous, the
18. Allah for the sake of Khawaja ‘Alaa’uddeen; may
this humble servant remain steadfast on the
Religion of Ahmad (Sall Allahu Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa
19. Hazrat Yaqoob Charkhi and ‘Ubayd’Ullah Shah;
Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad Zaahid – place me
under their protection.
20. Lord Allah for the sake of these Holy men; cleanse
the soul of this disobedient servant from the stains
of wrongdoing.
21. Forgive me O Lord for the sake of Khawaja
Durwesh; for Khawaja Amkangi and Khawaja Baaqi
22. Allah I ask you for the sake of that great master;
the mediator you never refused.
23. They are the Beloved of Your Most Beloved (Sall
Allahu Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) and deeply in love;
in the burning love of Ahmad they are mortal and
24. The permanent pole of Truth, the great Upholder of
the nation, for the sake of Shaykh Ahmad; forgive
us O Lord for the Reviver of the Second Millennium.


25. Bestow Your forgiveness upon all our faults for the
sake of the Upholder of Your religion; the Firm
Handhold in the city of Sirhind and the one who is
the Sun amongst the mystics (Khawaja Muhammad

26. The successors of the Naqshbandi order Hazrat
Hujjatullah and Hazrat Zubayr; Hazrat Khawaja
Ashraf and Hazrat Jamaal’Ullah, the men of
goodness and piety.

27. Hazrat ‘Eesa Muhammad, Fayz’Ullah Shah; Hazrat
Noor Muhammad and Hazrat Faqeer Baadshah.

28. His eminence, the honourable Haafiz Abdul Kareem;
the bearer of the laws of Islam and the one with
great character.

29. Familiar with the secrets of the Truth, the Oneness
of Allah; the knower of the path of Reality and the
one who provides sanctuary for the mystics.

30. The mercy of Allah has invited him into His domain;
ascending to the highest station in heaven.

31. Have mercy for the sake of the great guide of the
beautiful religion; the one blessed with the spiritual
insight Hazrat Khawaja Sufi Nawab’uddeen.

32. Whose chest is enriched with the treasures of
Allah’s oneness; whose pure heart reflects the
beauty of Mount Sinai.

33. Whose forehead is the interpretation of the Book of
Allah; reflecting the embodiment of Hazrat Imam
Husayn (Radhy Allahu ‘anhu).

34. Allah have mercy upon me for the sake of the
master who tread the path of salvation; for the sake
of Hazrat Khawaja Sufi Muhammad Aslam the
Beloved of Allah.


35. Their chest is overflowing in burning love of the
Chosen Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa
Sallam); heart illuminated and face radiant – O
what a beautiful sight.

36. This Reality is apparent all over the world; their
blessings are continuing to illuminate Asia and
Europe more and more.

37. O Allah forgive me for the sake of the Beloved of
the Chosen Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa
Sallam); for the sake of the Perfect Guide Hazrat
Khawaja Sufi Arshad Mahmood.

38. Upon their head is the crown of Sainthood; their
heart is radiant and face shining like a blossoming
rose flower.

39. Their blessings and generosity are of such a state;
that whoever they glance upon becomes abundantly
rich in blessings.

40. Grant me the love of the Masters of the Naqshbandi
Order; raise me also on the day of resurrection with
these saints.

41. For the sake of these pious men grant this humble
servant success in both worlds; sustain everyone’s
dignity in religious and worldly affairs.

42. O Allah accept our heartfelt supplication with
happiness; when we depart from this world engage
us in Your remembrance. (Aameen)



‫ َصـ ّيل عَـلـٰى همـ َحـ َّمـ ىد‬،‫اَللهـ ههـ َّم َصـ ّيل عَـلـٰى َسـييّـ يدن َـا‬

Allahumma Sallay ‘Alaa Sayyidinaa, Sallay ‘Alaa
O Allah! Salutations be upon our Leader! Salutations be upon

‫ َصـ ّيل عَـلـٰى همـ َحـ َّمـدى ى‬،‫َصـ ّيل عَـلـٰى نـَِيـ يىّْنَـا‬

Sallay ‘Alaa Nabiyyinaa, Sallay ‘Alaa Muhammadin
Salutations be upon our Prophet! Salutations be upon

‫ َصـ ّيل عَـل ٰـى همـ َحـ َّمـ ىد ى‬،‫َصـ ّيل عَـل ٰـى ََـِيـيبـ يبنَـا‬

Sallay ‘Alaa Habeebinaa, Sallay ‘Alaa Muhammadin
Salutations be upon our Beloved! Salutations be upon

‫ َصـ ّيل عَـل ٰـى همـ َحـ َّمـ ىد ى‬،‫َص ّيل عَـل ٰـى كَـ يريبـ يمنَـا‬

Sallay ‘Alaa Kareeminaa, Sallay ‘Alaa Muhammadin
Salutations be upon our Generous One! Salutations be upon

‫ َصـ ّيل عَـلـٰى همـ َحـ َّمـدى ى‬،‫َصـ ّيل عَـلـٰى َر هسـ بولينَـا‬

Sallay ‘Alaa Rasoolinaa, Sallay ‘Alaa Muhammadin
Salutations be upon our Messenger! Salutations be upon


‫ َصـ ّيل عَـل ٰـى همـ َحـ َّمـدى ى‬،‫َصـ ّيل عَـل ٰـى َمـ بحـِهـ بو يبنَـا‬

Sallay ‘Alaa Mahboobinaa, Sallay ‘Alaa Muhammadin
Salutations be upon our Most Beloved! Salutations be upon

‫ َصـ ّيل عَـل ٰـى همـ َحـ َّمـ ىد ى‬،‫َصـ ّيل عَـل ٰـى نهـ بو يرنـَا‬

Sallay ‘Alaa Noorinaa, Sallay ‘Alaa Muhammadin
Salutations be upon our Light! Salutations be upon Muhammad!

‫ َصـ ّيل عَـل ٰـى همـ َحـ َّمـدى‬،‫َصـ ّيل عَـل ٰـى هَـ هض بو يرنـَا‬

Sallay ‘Alaa Huzoorinaa, Sallay ‘Alaa Muhammadin
Salutations be upon our Honourable One! Salutations be upon

‫ َصـ ّيل عَـل ٰـى همـ َحـ َّمـ ىد ى‬،‫َصـ ّيل عَـلـٰى َر بَـ َمـ يتنَـا‬

Sallay ‘Alaa Rahmatinaa, Sallay ‘Alaa Muhammadin
Salutations be upon our Mercy! Salutations be upon

ٖ‫اَلله هه َّم َص ّيل عَ ٰل َس ييّ يدن َا ُهمَ َّم يد ۤ ۤالنَّ ي ّيب اَبله يّ يمّ َوعَ ٰلى اٰليٖ َو َص بحِي‬
‫َو َسليّ بمى‬

Allahumma Salli ‘Alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadin–in–
Nabiyyil–Ummiyyi wa 'alaa Aalihee wa Sahbihee wa
O Allah! Send Salutations upon our Leader Muhammad, the
Unlettered Prophet, and upon the Family and the Companions –
and peace!



1. Tayree nigaah–e–naaz nay, mast hamay(n)
banaa diyaa;
Farsh say lay kar ‘Arsh tak, saaraa jahaa(n)
dikhaa diyaa.

Your loving glance – has made me intoxicated;
From the earth up to the Divine Throne – it has
shown me the entire universe.

2. Jalwa figan huway Huzoor, roshan zamaana ho
Jin kay huwe hai(n) aap Huzoor, un ka
zamaana ho gaya.

When the Honourable Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta‘ala
‘Alayhi wa Sallam) manifested their beauty – the
entire universe was illuminated;
Those to whom the Honourable Prophet (Sall Allahu
Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) belong – to them belongs
the entire universe.

3. Aaqaa tayray karam say ay Kareem, hamay(n)
kawn si shay milee nahee(n);
Jholee apnee tang hai, Aaqaa tayray haa(n)
kamee nahee(n).

O favourable Master by your favour – which thing
have I not found;
I myself am limited – but O Master there is no limit
to your favour.


4. Chher(h) kay Dhikr Laa–Ilaaha, hamay(n)
mast banaa gayay Huzoor;
Yay dunya jo mahw–e–Khawab thee, aa kay
jagaa gayay Huzoor.

By kindling the remembrance of the Oneness of
Allah – the Honourable Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta‘ala
‘Alayhi wa Sallam) have made me intoxicated;
This world which is an illusion and dream – the
Honourable Prophet (Sall Allahu Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa
Sallam) arrived and awoke me from it.

5. Dekhaa jo in ko baant–thay, mayn nay bhee
bar(h) kar shawq say;
Dast–e–‘ataa saamnay, dast–e–talab bar(h)aa

When I saw them distributing – I eagerly took my
fill also;
With their giving hand before me – they filled my
seeking hand.

6. Jis ko chaaha dar pay bulaa liya, jis ko chaaha
apnaa banaa liya;
Yay baray karam kay hai(n) fayslay, yay baray
naseeb kee baat hai;
Koi aayaa lay kar chalaa gayaa, koi ‘umar bhar
bhee na paa sakaa;
Mayray Mawlaa tujh say gilaa nahee(n), yay to
apnaa apnaa naseeb hai.

Whoever you choose you call to your doorstep –
whoever you choose you make your own;


These are decisions of a great favour – these are
matters of a great destiny;
Some came and took (spiritual blessings) and left –
others stayed for a lifetime and could not gain;
O my Master I don’t complain to you – this is just
each and every person’s individual destiny.

7. Aaqaa tayree mehfil ka, hai rang judaa
Ham nay to jisay dekhaa, dekhaa tayra
Nazro(n) say milaa nazre(n), bhar day mayra
Aabaad Khuda rakhay, Saaqee tayra

O Master (Sall Allahu Ta‘ala ‘Alayhi wa Sallam)! The
colour of your gathering is unique!
The one who I have seen – Hazrat Khawaja Sufi
Arshad Mahmood – Indeed in them I have seen
your mad lover!
O Khawaja! Meet your eyes with mine! Fill my
empty goblet with your wine of Divine Love! O
Server of perfect wine!
May Allah forever preserve your tavern (the endless
ocean of secret knowledge – Darbaar–e–‘Aaliya
Salyaal Shareef)!



O Allah! In Your presence we supplicate You. We are ill
with wrongdoing so cure us. Not only do we ask You
but emperors, saints and prophets also ask You. We are
wrongdoers, unrighteous, drowned in disgrace,
whatever we may be – O Master we are from the
community of your Most Beloved Prophet.

We return to You from all directions and ask You for the
Sake of Your Pure Essence, for the sake of Your Most
Beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), for
the sake of Your pious and pure friends, we present
ourselves in Your presence.

Forgive our past misdeeds. In future remove from us
the desire and ability for wrongdoing. We are prone to
mistakes and forgetfulness. Remove the illness of
selfishness from our hearts and cause us to remember
You and Your Beloved Prophet. Give us a peaceful heart
and peaceful mind. Do not make us subject to stresses
and worries but help us to save ourselves.

Give non-praying persons the ability to pray to You,
give non-remembering persons the ability to remember
You and grant barren persons pious and righteous

O Allah show us the beautiful city of Madina!


Upon which Your Mercy descends all the time!
May I pray at all times and at all places!
That I see the Pure Shrine of Your Beloved Prophet with
these very eyes!
O Allah! Keep us firm upon this friendship for the sake
of You, O Almighty, until our last breath when we shall
return to You.

‫َو َص َّ ىلىال هىلىعَ ٰلىى ََِيْبِي ىٖىُهمَ َّم ىدى َّوىاٰىلي ىٖ َواَ بص َحابيٖاَ بْ َجعي ب َيى۝ىىىىىبي َر بْ َحتي َك‬
‫يَا اَ بر ََ َمال َّرا يْ يح ب َىي۝‬

Wa Sall–Allahu ‘Alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw–Wa
Aalihee Wa As–haabihee Ajma‘een. Bi Rahmatika Yaa
And Salutations of Allah be upon His Beloved Muhammad – and
his Family and his Companions – (upon them) all! (Help us) By
Your Mercy! O Most Merciful of the Merciful!



After praying one’s Fardh Salah (Obligatory Daily
Prayers) read the following:

‫(اَ بستَغب يف هر اّٰهلىلَ۝ ى‬3 times)...............................................
Astaghfirullah I seek forgiveness from Allah.

Then read in a loud voice:

‫(ََىل ۙايل ٰ َٖىايََّلال هلى ى‬3 times)..................................................
Laa Ilaaha ill–Allahu There is no god except Allah!

‫(ﷺ‬once)....................................... ‫ُهمَ َّمد َّر هس بوى هلال يلى‬

Muhammadur-Rasoolullah Sall-Allahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah! May Allah Bless him and
Give him Peace.

Kiss the thumbs and place them upon the eyes. Then
raise hands for a Sunnat Du‘aa and upon finishing it rub
the hands on the face:

‫اَلله هه َىم َص ّيلى عَ ٰلى َس ييّ يدن َا ُهمَ َّمدى َّو عَ ٰل اٰ يل َسييّ يدن َا ُهمَ َّمدى َّو عَ ٰل‬
‫اَ بص َحا يب َسييّ يدن َا ُهمَ َّمدى َّوبَا ير بك َو َسليّ بم َو َص ّيلعَلىَيب يٖ۝‬

Allahumma Salli ‘alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadiw–wa ‘alaa
Aali Sayyidinaa Muhammadiw–wa ‘alaa As–haabi
Sayyidinaa Muhammadiw–wa Baarik wa Sallim wa Salli
O Allah! Send Salutations upon our Leader Muhammad and


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