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Penang Free School magazine 2012

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Published by The Old Frees' Association, 2023-09-29 03:07:25

Magazine 2012

Penang Free School magazine 2012

Keywords: PFS,OFA

Time and tide waits for no man but is it too much to ask to stop and reflect? How long has it been since you last set eyes on your old classmates? Don’t you wish you could just catch-up, relive the golden carefree days or talk about that timeswhen you almost set the class on fire? How about just wanting to check up on how the OFA’s doing? Well, this is the section for you. Go ahead, turn the pages and check the OFA. Look at the names of the office bearers and see if they are familiar. ‘Old Frees’ is devoted to honouring all you Frees who have once served under the Grand Old Lady. Memories will surface and it is only right we let it. After all, you are part and parcel of the school. Featured this year is OFA Penang, OFA Selangor, OFMA (Old Frees Muslim Association) and the PFS foundation. Sincere thanks to Mr Goh for all the guidance in this section throughout the year. It has been a pleasure and an honour serving as a student under you. Keep that flame and love for the Grand Old Lady burning for an eternity. It is only right to do so. ‘Once A Free, Always A Free’ Kyle Chan The school motto is "fortis atqUe fidelis” (pronounced for’tiz ud’kway fi’deliz) which means strong and faithful. The school colour is sky blue (azure) and the armorial bearings consisting of a white tower, a pALM tree, and a lion are set on azure in the school blazon. A description of the arms of the Free School; azure, in the middle, a white tower (middle chief) between the gold numerals eighteen (dexter chief) and sixteen (sinister chief); in sinister base a gold lion rampant supporting a flag; in dexter base a palm tree proper. The white tower signifies qualities of strength and truthfulness; 1816 is the year Free School was founded; the lion signifies the preservation of the tradition and high ideals of the school; and the palm tree represents the state of Penang as well as the fertility of the mind. Per pale embattled, sinister azure; in dexter argent a lion rampant with numerals 18 and 16 on either side. The lion and the numerals are in azure. Towards the end of the last decade, a variation of the School Flag appeared with only the areas in argent (silver or white) replaced with navy blue. NOTE: All the symbols used are the armorial bearings of the arms of the Penang Free School. School Blazonry The Blazonry of The Penang Free School Flag The Magazine of The Penang Free School 2012 Volume 12 No. 5 is published under the auspices of the Principal, Mr. Jalil bin Saad. Penang Free School, Jalan Masjid Negeri, 11600 Penang. Tel: 04-2815814 Fax: 04-2817737

Time and tide waits for no man but is it too much to ask to stop and reflect? How long has it been since you last set eyes on your old classmates? Don’t you wish you could just catch-up, relive the golden carefree days or talk about that timeswhen you almost set the class on fire? How about just wanting to check up on how the OFA’s doing? Well, this is the section for you. Go ahead, turn the pages and check the OFA. Look at the names of the office bearers and see if they are familiar. ‘Old Frees’ is devoted to honouring all you Frees who have once served under the Grand Old Lady. Memories will surface and it is only right we let it. After all, you are part and parcel of the school. Featured this year is OFA Penang, OFA Selangor, OFMA (Old Frees Muslim Association) and the PFS foundation. Sincere thanks to Mr Goh for all the guidance in this section throughout the year. It has been a pleasure and an honour serving as a student under you. Keep that flame and love for the Grand Old Lady burning for an eternity. It is only right to do so. ‘Once A Free, Always A Free’ Kyle Chan EDITORIAL 1-5 MESSAGES 6-13 ADMINISTRATION 14-25 OLD FREES 26-33 FEATURE ARTICLE 34-39 ACADEMICS 40-59 HAPPENINGS 60-71 EXPRESSIONS 72-85 STUDENT BODIES 86-113 SPORTS AND GAMES 114-129 LAURELS 130-145 FREES 146-175 IN THE MAKING 176-177 ADVERTISEMENTS 178-181 IN RETROSPECT 182-183 AUTOGRAPHS 184

Editorial “I am a slow walker, but I never walk back” - Abraham Lincoln Dear readers, It is with great pride and honour that we present you the fruit of our labour, which you now hold in your hands - the Penang Free School Magazine of 2012. Much has changed since the fourth magazine of the volume, and what marvellous changes they have been. Being the editor of this year’s magazine has indeed proven to be a challenge, but it has also been one worth undertaking. The magazine of Penang Free School is no ordinary magazine because it is one that endures, no matter what the given circumstances. I, personally, like to think of our magazine as a renewal of hope amongst the current generation of Frees, teachers, Old Frees, and readers alike. The current era requires things to be handled in a different manner in order to remain efficient and to produce a quality magazine. We have had tons of feedback from the community which we have taken in and channelled appropriately to bring about a change and also to bring to all you readers the best. Finally, the “butterfly” emerges… The Magazine of 2012 is truly a work of art in its own right. The Magazine of 2012 has also been completely revamped and is sure to provoke thought and imagination. On the first glance, you will immediately be able to notice the minimalistic look which we have adopted. Each section bears much coherence to the next in terms of design as well as content. Though the magazine speaks of its time and place, it yearns for timelessness. Thus, despite the magazine’s new look, it stays true to its identity. This is something we Frees have always been and should be very proud of. The creation of this magazine has truly been a humbling experience for me and my colleagues. We hope that this magazine will inspire you as much as the making of it has inspired us. To the current generation of Frees and to the Old Frees, we encourage you to continue to support the production of the school magazine and to serve in any way possible. In the end, it is the precious and priceless memories that we will cherish for an eternity. With this, we sincerely hope that the Magazine of 2012 exceeds your expectations in every way - that it allows you to lift your head up high and to be truly proud to declare, wherever you may be – I AM A FREE! Bhavesh Editor

EDITORIAL BOARD 2012 Mr. Jalil bin Saad Principal Cheah Wen Chong Sub-editor Joseph John Chief Proofreader Tan Zia Wei Sub-editor Ahmad Mifzal Sub-editor Rishenkumar Sub-editor Jonathan Kow Sub-editor Tan Soon Jin Student Advisor Paarvin Kumar Trainee Khor Yeu Trainee Khoo Chyr Jiunn Trainee Jonathan John Trainee Jonathan Yeoh Trainee Mr. Goh Seng Kar Chief Teacher Advisor Mr. Ooi Hooi Seng Teacher Advisor Mdm. Suriya Kumari Teacher Advisor Ms. Vijaya Teacher Advisor Mdm. Kalavathy Teacher Advisor Mdm. Saw Eng Wah Teacher Advisor Mr. Yap Gark Soo Teacher Advisor Bhavesh Lakhwani Editor Alvin Lim Secretary Muhd. Saderi Business Manager Jaggehn Sub-editor


Messages 6 Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Salam 1 Malaysia. Sesungguhnya, sistem pendidikan di Malaysia telah banyak menyumbang kepada kemajuan dan kemakmuran negara selama ini. Namun penambahbaikan secara berterusan adalah diperlukan bagi memastikan mutu pendidikan negara kita setanding dengan pendidikan di negara-negara maju. Melalui kajian semula sistem pendidikan secara menyeluruh, kita berupaya memahami kekuatan, kelemahan serta cabaran sistem sekolah di Malaysia, selain memberikan tumpuan kepada usaha meningkatkan standard dan merapatkan jurang pencapaian di setiap peringkat. Ini kerana matlamat untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara maju amat bergantung kepada keupayaan negara dalam menyediakan pendidikan yang berkualiti kepada rakyat. Usaha berterusan kerajaan di dalam memastikan akses pendidikan yang berkualiti untuk setiap lapisan masyarakat diharapkan berupaya memberi kesan berganda yang positif kepada pembangunan pendidikan secara menyeluruh. lanya juga mampu membantu meningkatkan daya saing negara, melonjakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sekaligus menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara maju yang berpendapatan tinggi. Kelangsungan pembangunan pendidikan negara turut diperkukuhkan melalui usaha pemantapan infrastruktur serta peningkatan kemudahan fizikal di institusi-institusi pendidikan di bawah dasar perancangan pembangunan pendidikan Rancangan Malaysia Ke-10. Sebagai nadi utama dalam usaha untuk membangunkan modal insan yang akan memacu kemajuan negara di masa hadapan, Kementerian Pelajaran akan terus berusaha untuk menggarap potensi murid secara menyeluruh dalam bidang akademik serta pelbagai bidang lain selain akademik. Saya berharap agar seluruh warga pendidik dan para pelajar dapat bersama-sama menguatkan tekad dan usaha bagi memastikan bidang pendidikan negara kita terus relevan dan cemerlang. Semoga lebih banyak jalinan kerjasama dapat diusahakan dengan semua pihak bagi tujuan penambahbaikan dan pemantapan sistem pendidikan negara. Marilah kita bersama-sama berganding bahu dalam menjayakan matlamat menyediakan pendidikan yang berkualiti kepada rakyat serta mewujudkan sistem pendidikan bertaraf dunia di negara kita. Akhir kata, tahniah dan syabas diucapkan kepada Sidang Redaksi serta semua pihak yang telah berusaha gigih bagi merealisasikan penerbitan majalah sekolah ini. “SELAMAT MAJU JAYA” TAN SRI DATO’ HAJI MUHYIDDIN BIN HAJI MOHD YASSIN Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia

Messages Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1 Malaysia. Bersyukur saya ke hadrat Allah S.W.T. atas limpah izin-Nya diberi kesempatan kepada saya untuk menyampaikan sepatah dua kata dalam ruangan ini. Sekalung ucapan tahniah dan syabas saya rakamkan buat warga sekolah, khususnya Sidang Redaksi Majalah Sekolah atas komitmen yang baik dalam menerbitkan Majalah Sekolah. Bagi pihak Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, segala usaha murni dan sumbangan semua pihak dalam menjayakan penerbitan ini amatlah dihargai. Dalam usaha kita meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan negara, budaya kerja cemerlang dan berfokus perlu diberi keutamaan dalam menghasilkan impak yang mampu melepasi standard piawaian. Di samping itu, kreativiti dan inovasi dalam kalangan warga pendidik dan anak didik di sekolah perlu disemai. Elemen ini amat penting dalam mengiktiraf kebolehmampuan berfikir dalam menjana kemenjadian murid yang cemerlang dan bersahsiah mulia. Semoga penerbitan Majalah Sekolah pada tahun ini, kita mampu mewujudkan budaya penyayang dalam kalangan warga sekolah serta apresiasi atas segala sumbangan warga sekolah dalam meletakkan kemajuan sekolah pada tahap yang cemerlang. Akhir kata, saya menaruh harapan yang tinggi agar bahan penerbitan ini mampu dimanfaatkan oleh seluruh warga sekolah dan komuniti setempat. Marilah kita bersama- sama membulatkan tekad dan membina semangat jitu dalam melonjakkan kualiti pendidikan seiring dengan aspirasi Transformasi Pendidikan Negara. “SELAMAT MAJU JAYA” Sekian terima kasih, DATO’ SRI ABD GHAFAR BIN MAHMUD Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran Malaysia 7 Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran Malaysia

Messages 8 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera. Sebelum saya mencatatkan sepatah dua kata dalam majalah ini, saya ingin merakamkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada pihak sekolah atas penerbitan Majalah Sekolah tahun 2012 ini. Saya percaya bahawa penerbitan majalah ini merupakan hasil daripada komitmen dan inisiatif seluruh warga sekolah. Pendidikan dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu proses melatih, mengajar, mengasuh, dan memelihara generasi pelajar demi melahirkan individu-individu yang berpengetahuan, berdisiplin serta memiliki wawasan diri yang tinggi. Pendidikan bukan sahaja bertujuan untuk melengkapi golongan pelajar dengan ilmu pengetahuan, malah untuk menanamkan sifat-sifat murni dan kemahiran sosial seperti kemahiran berkomunikasi dalam sanubari pelajar. Perkara ini adalah amat mustahak terutamanya dalam abad ke-21 yang kian hari kian mencabar. Oleh hal yang demikian, pihak Bahagian Pengurusan Sekolah Berasrama Penuh dan Sekolah Kecemerlangan mengambil pendekatan yang menyeluruh terhadap pendidikan dan sentiasa berusaha untuk memastikan agar bidang pendidikan di negara kita adalah pada tahap yang terbaik. Selaras dengan isu ini juga, perkembangan intelek, rohani, emosi, dan jasmani dalam diri setiap pelajar turut dijadikan keutamaan. Di samping itu, patriotisme juga patut dipupuk dalam diri pelajar di institusi-institusi pendidikan. Generasi ini haruslah mempunyai sikap cinta akan negara dan sanggup menyumbang kepada pembangunan nasional di negara kita. Akhirnya, saya menyeru agar seluruh warga sekolah akan terus beriktiar membangunkan sekolah, masyarakat, dan seterusnya negara. Sesungguhnya pendidikan berkualiti menjadi harapan semua dalam usaha melangkah ke era kemajuan. Selamat Maju Jaya, TN. HJ. ROSLAND BIN HUSSEIN Pengarah Bahagian Pengurusan SBP dan Sekolah Kecemerlangan Pengarah Bahagian Pengurusan SBP & Sekolah Cemerlang

Messages 9 Assalaimualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera. Terlebih dahulu, saya ingin mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada sidang redaksi majalah PFS kerana telah berjaya menghasilkan majalah bagi tahun 2012. Pada era globalisasi ini, sekolah bukan sahaja merupakan satu tempat untuk memperoleh ilmu, tetapi juga satu tempat untuk memupuk nilai murni dalam sanubari pelajar. Sesebuah institusi pendidikan turut membuka pintu kepada para pelajar untuk mencari identiti diri mereka. Melalui pencarian identiti inilah yang akan mencorakkan masa depan diri pelajar serta negara. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa sekolah merupakan satu institusi yang memikul tanggungjawab untuk melahirkan bangsa Malaysia yang cerdik pandai dan sempurna. Tanggungjawab ini bertujuan untuk menzahirkan peneraju negara yang akan memimpin negara ke arah kemajuan dan modenisasi yang lebih dinamik. Pemuda harapan bangsa, pemudi tiang negara. Majalah sekolah ialah satu dokumen yang mengandungi koleksi artikel, cerita yang ditulis oleh para pelajar, gambar yang diambil sebagai memori, atau ciri-ciri lain seperti pertandingan dan kejayaan yang dicapai oleh para pelajar pada setiap tahun. Seiiring dengan itu, sekolah yang berprestij seperti PFS tentu kaya dengan tradisi kejayaan dan kecemerlangan yang dapat ditonjolkan melalui majalah sekolah. Dengan ini, masyarakat juga berpeluang mengenali kejayaan-kejayaan yang dikecapi oleh para pelajar PFS melalui penerbitan majalah sekolah ini. Akhir kalam, saya merakamkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada semua pihak yang telah berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh untuk menerbitkan majalah sekolah tahun 2012 ini. Sekian, terima kasih. TN. HJ. AHMAD TARMIZI BIN KAMARUDDIN Pengarah Pelajaran Pulau Pinang Pengarah Pelajaran Pulau Pinang

Messages 10 Dear Readers, I am extremely grateful for being granted this opportunity to say a few words to the students of Penang Free School on behalf of the PIBG. I would also like to extend my congratulations towards the Editorial Board on their hard work and strenuous effort that has led towards the creation of this magazine. Being the PIBG Chairman of this prestigious school, I am pleased and delighted by the commitment and support of the teachers and parents. Without their support, the activities, events and programmes held in this school could not have been made possible. Apart from that, the continuous co-operation between the PIBG, teachers and parents has also enabled the strengthening of bonds amongst us. I am incredibly proud of the students of Penang Free School who constantly think out of the box in producing excellence in all their endeavours. I applaud their efforts in bringing glory to the school, the state and the country. I am also glad that the teachers and parents have continuously supported and encouraged our Frees to achieve each one’s full potential, and I am proud of being part of this. The school’s celebration of its 200th year anniversary is around the corner. I hope for growth and even greater achievements by the school through the combined effort of the parents, teachers and students. Fortis Atque Fidelis. TN. HJ. WAHEED RAHMAN Chairman Parents and Teachers’ Association 2012-2013 PIBG Chairman

Messages 11 welcome back to your alma mater mr. jalil bin saad

12 Messages Our new Principal, Mr. Jalil bin Saad, received his primary education in Penang at the Glugor English School before moving on to Penang Free School. After leaving school, he enrolled in Universiti Pertanian Malaysia to pursue his tertiary education. He has served in many schools before coming here. Among them are SMB St. Colomba, Miri, SMK Abdullah Munshi, SMK Tunku Puan Habsah, SMK Westlands, SMK Bukit Jambul and SMK Sg. Ara. Mr. Jalil has obtained a substantial number of achievements along his career. He is a three time recipient of the Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang. He has also received the Anugerah Kepimpinan IT in 2009. As a Principal, he has been awarded the Pengetua Cemerlang DG52 award in 2011. Not only that, under his leadership, SMK Bukit Jambul was awarded the Cluster School award. We heartily welcome Mr. Jalil bin Saad into the hallowed halls of Penang Free School and we wish him all the best in his future undertakings. Introducing Our New Principal, Mr. Jalil bin Saad, P.J.M., P.J.K.

13 Messages Principal’s Message Greetings Readers, Firstly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Editorial board for successfully producing the annual Free School magazine for the year 2012. I would also like to thank all the parties involved who have contributed to the development of the school and of this magazine. As a new member of the Penang Free School family, I would like to see all my students continue to uphold and add to the proud tradition and heritage of this school. I firmly believe that with the firm commitment and unwavering support of all the Penang Free School teachers and students, we will be able to continue in our tradition of excellence in producing Scholars, Sportsmen and Gentlemen. Being the Principal of Penang Free School, it is my passion to see all my students continue to improve in the key areas of co-curriculum, academics and character- building. I trust that all of my students can and will be able to achieve these high ideals. Finally, I would like to encourage all the Frees to give their best for the betterment of all. Let us strive together and not be discouraged by any challenges that we may face, as challenges are merely new opportunities. Let us stay strong and faithful. FORTIS ATQUE FIDELIS JALIL BIN SAAD Headmaster Penang Free School

Time and tide waits for no man but is it too much to ask to stop and reflect? How long has it been since you last set eyes on your old classmates? Don’t you wish you could just catch-up, relive the golden carefree days or talk about that timeswhen you almost set the class on fire? How about just wanting to check up on how the OFA’s doing? Well, this is the section for you. Go ahead, turn the pages and check the OFA. Look at the names of the office bearers and see if they are familiar. ‘Old Frees’ is devoted to honouring all you Frees who have once served under the Grand Old Lady. Memories will surface and it is only right we let it. After all, you are part and parcel of the school. Featured this year is OFA Penang, OFA Selangor, OFMA (Old Frees Muslim Association) and the PFS foundation. Sincere thanks to Mr Goh for all the guidance in this section throughout the year. It has been a pleasure and an honour serving as a student under you. Keep that flame and love for the Grand Old Lady burning for an eternity. It is only right to do so. ‘Once A Free, Always A Free’ Kyle Chan Welcome to the very first official section of the magazine of the Penang Free School 2012. This section rightly serves as the opening number of the magazine as it showcases all of the school’s dedicated administrators. Being an institution of a near two hundred years of age, the dedication of over a hundred-strong staff has continuously ensured her excellence. This year, we warmly welcome our new Principal, Mr. Jalil bin Saad, who is also an Old Free. To our new Principal, The Editorial Board wishes for your time of service in this school to be fruitful and meaningful. The school has also seen the admission of many new teachers this year. We welcome them all, and hope that they will be able to fulfill their duties as educators of our generation. Not to forget, we have also seen the departure of a number of much valued teachers within the year; including our former Principal, Tuan Haji Ramli, and a few others, namely Pn. Ida Safura, En. Khaw Heng Yam, En. Koh Ing Siong, Pn. K.R. Manju, Cik Mabel Lim, En. Mohd. Shauqi, En. Mohamad Adzmi Mahabob, Pn. Nurul Izza, En. Sabirin, Pn. Siti Norizah, Pn. Sumathi, Cik Suri, En. Wan Mohamed, Cik Zawani, as well as the late En. Abdul Aziz. Each of their unique contributions to the school is highly appreciated. Special thanks to the team of non-academic staff as many of their efforts have kept the school going strong. These people include our school’s handymen, cleaners and lab assistants. The Editorial Board would also like to express our gratitude to all the administrators, teachers and non-academic staff for the co-operation rendered during the administration photo shoots; the result of which will be unveiled as you turn the page. Alvin Lim

Administration 16 From Left : En. Boopalan a/l Manickam PJM, PJK (ex. PIBG Chairman) Dato’ Anwarrudin b. Ahamad Osman En. Jalil b. Saad PJK, PJM Dato’ Haji Kamil Khalid Ariff b. Dato’ Mushir Arif (ex. OFA KL/Selangor President) From Left : Dato’ Haji Abdul Rafique b. Abdul Karim En M. S. Rajendran En. Billy Yeoh See Ling En. Syed Azhar Bin Syed Azizuddin En. Ch’ng Jin Teik Board Of Governors Members List 2012: Dato’ Haji Abdul Rafique Bin Abdul Karim (Chairman) Dato’ Abu Huraira Bin Abu Yazid Dato’ Kamil Noor Ariff Bin Dato’ Mushir Arif Dato’ Anwarrudin Bin Ahamad Osman Dato’ Syed Mohd Aidid Bin Syed Murtaza En. M. S. Rajendran En. Billy Yeoh See Ling En. Syed Azhar Bin Syed Azizuddin En. Jalil Bin Saad Tn. Haji Waheed Rahman Bin Sultan Pn. Rosnah Binti Idrus board of governors

Administration 17 academic staff photo 2012

18 Administration Executive Council Council of Clubs and Societies Seated: En. Jalil Bin Saad Standing, from left: Cik Teh Bee Kim, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Omar B. Abd Rashid, Pn. Noorbaini Bt. Mat Isa Seated, from left: Cik Yeoh Poh Lin, Pn. Kalavathy A/P Sebastian, En. Syamsul Anuar Bin Md. Azmi, Cik Teh Bee Kim, Pn. Noorbaini Bt Mat Isa, En. Jalil Bin Saad, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Omar Bin Abd Rashid, En. Yap Gark Soo, Pn. Lim Poey Heang, Pn. Linda Toh Standing, first row, from left: Pn. Akhbarhana Binti Abdullah, Pn. Nafaifzai Binti Mohamed Hashim, Cik Chee Keat Bee, Pn. Fazimi Binti Ahmad Fauzi, Cik Choong Lai Yong, Pn. Hasniyah Binti Abu Bakar, Pn. Kavitha Devi A/P Muniandy, Cik Ling Jia Yi, Cik Thoh Hui Chin, Pn. Poomani A/P Kalamagham, Pn. Lim Li Yeong, Pn. Retnamala A/P Venugopal Standing, second row, from left: Cik Normimi Bt. Roslee, En. Lim Weng Seong, En. Syahrul Bin Ghazali, En. Leonard Selva A/L Gurunathan, En. Syed Sultan Bin Shaik Oothuman

19 Administration Council of Sports and Games Council of Uniformed Bodies Seated, from left: Pn. Ruby Mangalam Janet A/P David Solomon, En. Syamsul Anuar Bin Md. Azmi, Cik Teh Bee Kim, Pn. Noorbaini Bt Mat Isa, En. Jalil Bin Saad, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Omar Bin Abd Rashid, En. Ooi Eng Lye, En. Lim Weng Seong, Cik Yeoh Poh Lin Standing, from left: Cik Teoh Bee Yan, En. Tan Eng Kheng, En. Syahrul Bin Ghazali, Muhamad Harfizi Bin Md Zain, En. Ooi Hooi Seng, Pn. Nor Diyana Binti Hussain Seated, from left: En. Ahmad Zambri Bin Said, En. Abd Rahman Bin Jaafar, Cik Teh Bee Kim, Pn. Noorbaini Bt Mat Isa, En. Jalil Bin Saad, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Omar Bin Abd Rashid, Pn. Kupamal A/P R. Murugasoo, En. Mohd Shahrul Nizam Bin Mohd Rasid, En. Mohamed Khalid B Shahul Hameed Standing, first row, from left: Pn. Saw Eng Wah, Pn. Anna Tan Hooi Pheng, En. Kamar Zaman Bin Idris, En. Rahamatullah Sulaiman, En. Mohd Fairosnizam Bin Abdul Halim, Pn. Norziatul Mazura Binti Ismail , Pn Ima Nazira Binti Khoiruddin, Pn. Teoh Mooi Yann Standing, second row, from left: En. Muhamad Harfizi Bin Md Zain, En. Mohamad Azizi Bin Abd Aziz, En. Azhar Abdul Rahman, En. Mohd Naezam Bin Ali, En. Yap Gark Soo, En. Mohd Hafeze Bin Mohamad Nor, En. Muhammad Azmi Hamdan Bin Muhamad Nor, En. Kamaruzaman Bin Staffa

Administration 20 Disciplinary Board Language Department Seated, from left: Cik Izzat Binti Fuat, Cik Normimi Bt. Roslee, Cik Teh Bee Kim, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Jalil Bin Saad, En. Omar Bin Abd Rashid, Pn. Noorbaini Bt Mat Isa, En. Ridzuan Bin Abu Bakar, En. Azhar Abdul Rahman Standing, from left: En. Nasrullah Bin Rosdi, En. Abd Rahman Bin Jaafar, En. Mohamad Azizi Bin Abd Aziz, En. Syahrul Bin Ghazali, En. Mohd Shahrul Nizam Bin Mohd Rasid, En. Mohamed Khalid B Shahul Hameed Seated, from left: Pn. Wahidha Rani Bt Jamiyathulla Khan, Pn. Ruby Mangalam Janet A/P David Solomon, En. Tan Eng Kheng, Cik Teh Bee Kim, Pn. Noorbaini Bt Mat Isa, En. Jalil Bin Saad, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Syed Sultan Bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Ooi Eng Lye, Pn. Kalavathy A/P Sebastian Standing, first row, from left: Pn. Kanmani A/P Silvaraja, Pn. Sarojini A/P Kutti Krishnan, Pn. Suriya Kumari A/P S. Perabala, Pn. Kupamal A/P R. Murugasoo, Pn. Kavitha Devi A/P Muniandy, Cik Noor Ashikin Binti Abd Nasir, Pn. Harlina Binti Zakaria, Pn. Nor Diyana Binti Hussain, Pn. Retnamala A/P Venugopal Standing, second row, from left: En. Rahamatullah Sulaiman, En. Goh Seng Kar, En. Muhamad Harfizi Bin Md Zain, En. Mohamad Azizi Bin Abd Aziz, En. Mohd Shahrul Nizam Bin Mohd Rasid, En. Mohd Hazrul Bin Abu Bakar

Administration 21 Technical and Vocational Department Science and Mathematics Department Seated, from left: En. Ch’ng Yeang Soon, Pn. Lim Poey Heang, En. Hairol Amin Bin Salim, En. Jalil Bin Saad, Pn. Faridah Bt. Abdul Wahab, En. Syahrul Bin Ghazali, En. Ahmad Zambri Bin Said Standing, from left: Cik Nur Aniza Bt Abdul Horim, Pn. Fazliyati Binti Othman, Cik Vijaya A/P Arjunan, En. Syamsul Anuar Bin Md. Azmi, En. Nasaruddin B Ishak, En. Simon Teoh Boon Tat, En. Nor Yamin Bin Mat Ariffin, Pn. Norazmila Bt Kordi, Pn. Teoh Mooi Yann, Pn. Ruzaina Binti Abdull Jabbar, Pn. Saleha Binti Salleh Seated, from left: Cik Choong Lai Yong, Pn. Anna Tan Hooi Pheng, Pn. Akhbarhana Binti Abdullah, En. Abdul Samad Bin Ismail, En. Jalil Bin Saad, En. Omar Bin Abd Rashid, Cik Teoh Bee Yan, Cik Chee Keat Bee, Pn. Poomani A/P Kalamagham, Pn. Hasliza Binti Hassan Standing, first row, from left: Pn. Norrizawati Binti Ramli, Pn. Fazimi Binti Ahmad Fauzi, Pn. Soon Suat Duan, Cik Noor Shafinas Binti Shamsudeen, Cik Normimi Bt. Roslee, Pn. Harlina Binti Zakaria, Cik Kamaria Binti Kasim, Pn. Ima Nazira Binti Khoiruddin, Pn. Nafaifzai Binti Mohamed Hashim, Pn. Juma’iyah Binti Salleh Standing, second row, from left: En. Teoh Song Koon, En. Mohamed Khalid B Shahul Hameed, En. Kamar Zaman Bin Idris, En. Lim Ah Seng, En. Ooi Hooi Seng, En. Nasrullah Bin Rosdi, En. Abdul Salam Bin Abdul Rahim, En. Mohd Hafeze Bin Mohamad Nor, En. Mohd Fairosnizam Bin Abdul Halim

22 Administration Humanities Department Non-Academic Staff Seated, from left: En. Nor Yamin Bin Mat Ariffin, En. Yap Gark Soo, En. Abd Rani B Hj Abd Razak, Pn. Kupamal A/P R. Murugasoo, Pn. Faridah Bt. Abdul Wahab, En. Jalil Bin Saad, En. Hairol Amin Bin Salim, Cik Thoh Hui Chin, Pn. Hasniyah Binti Abu Bakar, Cik Yeoh Poh Lin Standing, first row, from left: En. Muhd. Afiq Bin Abdul Aziz, Pn. Juma’iyah Binti Salleh, Pn. Kanmani A/P Silvaraja, Pn. Wahieda Binti Mat, Pn. Nur Khairunnisa Saad, Pn. Nuradila Binti Mohd Hussain, Cik Siti Nabillah Shahida Binti Bakar, Pn. Azura Binti Azmi, Pn. Fazimi Binti Ahmad Fauzi, Pn. Saadiah Bt Jaafar, Cik Ng Jick Lim, En. R.Sivajothi A/L V.Ramasamy Standing, second row, from left: En. Kamaruzaman Bin Staffa, En. Mohd Hafeze Bin Mohamad Nor, En. Leonard Selva A/L Gurunathan, En. Abd Rahman Bin Jaafar, En. Azhar Abdul Rahman, En. Zairul Nizam Bin Chik, En. Mohamad Azizi Bin Abd Aziz, En. Mohd Nazrin Bin Saidon, En. Muhammad Azmi Hamdan Bin Muhamad Nor Seated, from left: Pn. Che Su bt. Saap, Pn. Syarum Bariah bt. Musa, En. Abd. Rahman b. Abd. Hamid, Cik Teh Bee Kim, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Jalil b. Saad, En. Omar b. Abd Rashid, Pn. Noorbaini Bt. Mat Isa, Pn. Asiah bt. Madon, En. Mohamad Ghani b. Mohamed Ali, En. Ibrahim b. Yahaya Standing, from left: Cik Karmjit Kaur a/p Hari Singh, Pn. Siti Nor Salawati bt. Rodzuwan, En. Mohd Khairul Nadzmi b. Md Khairuddin, En. Mohd Sani b. Mohd Salleh, En. Mohammad Fitri b. Aziz, En. George a/l Santhanam Pass, Cik Razimah bt. Che Rose, Cik Norhafizah bt. Termizi

23 Administration Board of Prefects Board of Assistant Prefects Seated, from left: Ong Sing Yeh, Tan Cheng Wee (Secretary), Por Kai Yann (School Captain), En. Jalil Bin Saad, En. Lim Ah Seng (Teacher Advisor), Chew Chin Quan (Deputy School Captain), Teoh Ewe Mun (Treasurer), Nur Syafieza Standing, from left: Lee Zhi Hoong, Jason Teoh, Ooi Jian Ming, Ryan Koay Teng Loon, Chang Hoay Yuen Seated, from left: Shawn Stanly (Secretary), Sugheson Nagarajan, Teoh Ewe Mun (Head), En. Jalil Bin Saad, En. Lim Ah Seng (Teacher Advisor), Derrick Patrick Charles (Prob TL), Ramaballan Kanthabalan, Adrian Teoh Jia Wei Standing from left: Vikneshwaran S., Raveen Balasubramaniam, Samuel Anand, Nicholas Koo Tze Kai

24 Administration Board of Hostel Prefects Board of Co-curricular Prefects Seated, from left: Syahier Asyraf, Mohd Wafiy, Abd Munir, Cik Teh Bee Kim, Pn. Noorbaini Bt Mat Isa, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Jalil Bin Saad, En. Omar Bin Abd Rashid, En. Hairol Amin Bin Salim, En. Azhar Abdul Rahman, En. Kamaruzaman Bin Staffa, Muhd Farhan, Syafiq Aizat Standing, first row, from left: Muhd Zikri, Abdul Hadi, Zaid Iqram Syakir, Izwan Muayyad Muhd, Muhd Syazwan, Mohd Hamizan, Muhd Hafiz Hasan, Muntari Standing, second row, from left: Muhd Danish Afiq, Muhd Shahir, Mohd Amin, Mohd Haziq, Mirza Fazrul Haniff Seated, from left: Thum Wei Liang, Joel Thum Wen Jian (Asst. Head), Henry Chuah Kun Liang (Head), Cik Teh Bee Kim, Pn. Noorbaini Bt Mat Isa, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Jalil Bin Saad, En. Omar Bin Abd Rashid, En. Syamsul Anuar Bin Md. Azmi, Chan Wilson (Asst. Head), Koay Zi Yi (Asst. Head), Ooi Wee Liam (Asst. Head)

25 Administration AHLI JAWATANKUASA PIBG PENANG FREE SCHOOL SESI 2012 – 2013 Penasihat: En. Jalil Bin Saad PJM, PJK Yang Dipertua: Tn. Hj. Waheed Rahman Naib Yang Dipertua: Pn. Rosnah Binti Idrus Setiausaha: Pn. Kanmani Silvaraja Bendahari: Pn. Lim Li Yeong Ahli Jawatankuasa: Wakil Ibu bapa 1. En. Johari Bin Yusoff 2. En. Nookaraju A/L Atchababoo 3. Pn. Aziza Bt. Jaffar 4. En. David Yeoh Beng Tatt 5. En. Lye Poh Huat Wakil Guru 1. En. Ooi Hooi Seng 2. En. Leonard Selva A/L Gurunathan 3. Cik Noor Shafinas Shamsudeen 4. Cik Normimi Bt. Roslee 5. En. Hazrul Bin Abu Bakar Seated, from left: En. Nookaraju A/L Atchababoo, Pn. Kanmani Silvaraja, En. Jalil Bin Saad PJM, PJK, Tn. Hj. Waheed Rahman, Pn. Rosnah Binti Idrus, Pn. Lim Li Yeong, En. David Yeoh Beng Tatt Standing, from left: Pn. Aziza Bt. Jaffar, En. Lye Poh Huat, En. Leonard Selva A/L Gurunathan, En. Johari Bin Yusoff PIBG

Dear readers, 1816 was the year it was founded, and 1816 was the year the Grand Old Lady, otherwise known as the Penang Free School began to give birth to gentlemen, scholars and sportsmen. Even after hundreds of years, it never ceases. This section shows great respect to the Old Frees (those who were once students in Penang Free School) who are now making the world a better place to live in. So take some time off to flip through the pages in this section and see the faces of the people who were once Frees and grew up to become our heroes. Some of you might even recognize the faces of the Old Frees as they might have visited the school. This is because every Old Free has a strong love for his school. As the saying goes, ‘Once a Free, always a Free, never an ex-Free, forever an Old Free’. Ahmad Mifzal

28 Old Frees Old Frees’ Association Penang - Honorary Secreary’s Message Honorary Secretary’s Message The Old Frees’ Association It is a pleasure to contribute to The Penang Free School Magazine which is more than a hundred years old as confirmed by one Old Free who had earlier discovered a published magazine dated back to 1910! The Old Frees’ Association (The OFA) in Penang will be 90 years old next year and we have come a long way since then. The Management Committee (MC) of 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 headed by President MS Rajendren set a blistering pace of activities and projects making that year one of the most active and dynamic teams to date. Greater transparency and accountability were implemented on all aspects with the various Sub-Committees (SC) working within their allocated budget to bring about projects that benefited the members at large. A new SC, Alma Mater, was formed to develop closer ties with PFS, prompting a positive response from students and teachers with better outlook toward The OFA and vice versa. Our official website had been revamped to disseminate information to members regarding club activities, projects, gathering, functions and games, ( From our Sports Section, tennis, football, snooker, billiards, table-tennis, chess, hockey and cycling were organized for our members to participate in their favourite games. In early September 2011, the Annual Games between The OFA and PFS were held, pitching the skills of Old Frees against the energetic Young Frees while interschool rivalries were maintained with the Triangular Games contested in the same month between The OFA, OXA (Saints) and ACSOBA (Anglo-Chinese School Old Boys Association) where Old Frees still prevailed in quite a number of games. Birthday Parties as well as Members’ Night were held to improve and enhance the camaraderie among the various generations of Old Frees found within our Clubhouse. Ballroom dance was convened weekly in our hall with some of our seniors gliding gracefully and youthfully that never fail to brighten up the place. From our Sesquicentenary Grant in August 2011, three PFS students received a well deserved reward in recognition of their excellent academic results. In the same month a trip to Haadyai and Krabi was organized that benefited the participants not only to those places seldom visited but also on a very comfortable budget. The Year-End Countdown was arranged for members on December 31st 2011 at our premises while the Durian Party being a favourite among our members was thoroughly enjoyed by all who partook in Balik Pulau Durian Party June 2012. On September 21st 2011, a Patrons & Trustees Night was organized at our Club Hall to give recognition to our Patrons and Trustees in lieu of their kind support to the Association. A month later, our 88th Annual Dinner was held in Hotel Gurney Ballroom which was very well attended by Old Frees from near and afar. In appreciation of the successes achieved by PFS sport teams, a Sport Dinner was arranged in mid-November 2011 for the students and teachers at The OFA Hall while a Farewell Dinner for the previous Headmaster, En. Ramli Din, was conducted at the City Bayview Hotel in early January 2012. The OFA played an active role in assisting to organize the Launching of PFS Bicentenary Celebrations (1816- 2016) in E&O Hotel on March 31st 2012 that was earnestly attended by passionate Old Frees. The interest and enthusiasm shown was tremendous with many from Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Hong Kong participating in this distinguished affair graced by our fervent Royal Old Free, DYMM Tuanku Raja Perlis, Raja Muda, Yang di-Pertua Negeri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and a host of other dignitaries. It was a resounding success for the PFS Bicentenary Committee working hand in hand with our Association. Furthermore The OFA Coffee Table Book, Fidelis, a brainchild initiated by President Rajendren was launched by DYMM Tuanku Raja Perlis at the same event after four months of arduous labour. Finally we have a published record on the history of our Association depicting some of the pioneers and influential members that developed our Club to its present status.

Hockey 29 Old Frees Another milestone was attained on April 1st 2012 when a second clubhouse for The OFA was officially opened in Bay Avenue, Penang complete with facilities such as Gymnasium, Table-Tennis, Sauna, Shower rooms, Pools, Karaoke, Home Theatre, Library, Computer Room, Kiddies Corner and a modern Conference Room for meetings. It took a few years and a few MCs to realize this aspiration but we should be proud that we are one of the few Old Boys Clubs if not the only one in Malaysia to have two clubhouses with full facilities in different districts within the same state for the benefit of our members. Amidst all these accomplishments we never forget our roots and we were always keen to bridge the gap between Old Frees and our current Frees. An increase in Junior Memberships in our Association mainly from young Frees below 21years of age is very heartening to see and hopefully we will have them converting to Life Membership soon. Education is the foundation of life that keeps the wheels of progress and development running (Krishnan Kumar of Happy School, New Delhi). Throughout the history of Malaya and Malaysia, innumerable Old Frees had achieved and accomplished many deeds and exploits, yet many never forget their formative years in Penang Free School where discipline, perseverance, integrity and strong personality were forged amongst peers that withstand the passage of time. They remained strong and faithful to their alma mater. Many realized their teachers played a huge influence on their development and countless Old Frees reunions had included their educators. PFS teachers should not underestimate their impact and contribution to the young Frees, instead should strive to inculcate the right values into them. The OFA had been inundated with inquiries from Old Frees all over the world on the current state of affairs in their alma mater. Success in the sporting fields is laudable, in academic sphere vital but character and attitude is paramount. Thus, from the Old Frees to the Young Frees, we say “What you are now, we were. What we are now, can you be?” Show us. Show the world, you can and you shall. Fortis Atque Fidelis Saw Saik Mun Hon. Secretary (2012-2013) The Old Frees’ Association. Old Frees’ Association Penang - Honorary Secreary’s Message

30 Old Frees OFA Penang Management Committee 2012/2013 The OFA Management Committee for the Year 2012/2013 Mr Lo Liang Kheng Indoor Games Chairman MR Robert Ong Bok Kooi Social Chairman Mr David Hwang Hong Shi OFA Sesquicentenary Education Fund Chairman Mr Kevin Ooi Eng Hooi Photographic & Multimedia Mr Allen Choong Ching Yet Honorary Librarian Mr Chern Meng Jiun Committee Member Seated, from left: Mr. Saw Saik Mun (Honorary Secretary), Mr. Ong Ban Seang (Vice President), Mr. M. S. Rajendren (President), Mr. Billy Yeoh See Ling (Deputy Presdent), Mr. Neoh Soon Ken (Vice President), Mr. Ch’ng Jin Teik (Honorary Tresurer) Standing, from left: Mr. Tan Heng Swee (Committee Member), Mr. Chern Meng Juin (Committee Member), Mr. Kevin Ooi Eng Hooi (photographic and Multimedia Chairman), Mr. Lee Eu Beng (Committee Member), Mr. Loh Keng Jin (Committee Member), Mr. Ooi Wah Teng, Heny (Sports Chairman), Mr. Robert Ong Bok Kooi (Social Chairman), Mr. David Hwang Hong Shi (OFA Sesquicentenary Education Fund Chairman), Mr. Lo Liang Keng (Indoor Games Chairman), Mr. Fong Khiang Aun (Committee Member) Mr M. S. Rajendren President Mr Billy Yeoh See Ling Deputy President Mr Neoh Soon Ken Vice President Mr Ong Ban Seang Vice President Mr Saw Saik Mun Honorary Secretary Mr Ch’ng Jin Teik Honorary Treasurer Mr Henry Ooi Wah Teng Sports Chairman Mr Fong Khiang Aun Committee Member Mr Lee Eu Beng Committee Member Mr Loh Keng Jin Committee Member Mr Tan Heng Swee Committee Member Mr Richard Oon Hock Chye Honorary Auditor

31 Old Frees OFA Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Committee Members The current Committee of the OFA KL & Selangor was elected during the May 3, 2012 AGM held at the Royal Lake Club, KL. The Committee will sit for a 2 year term, ie from 2012 – April 2014. Each Committee Member holds a portfolio where he chairs a Sub-Committee (SC), and each SC is comprised of other OFA members not already in the Main Committee. By doing this we are able to get more Old Frees to share their ideas & experiences in the various SCs. • Vice President I - Dato’ Mahyidin Mustakim – Mike handles the OFA KL/Selangor Scholarship portfolio. In 2011, for the first time, the OFA KL & Selangor gave out 5 scholarships to PFS students who were offered into local Universities. This scholarship is only for tuition fees. Subject to the 5 scholarship holders performing to our required standards in the 1st year, they are eligible to apply for a 2nd year scholarship. Simultaneously, we are also assessing some 2011 PFS STPM students to offer scholarships for their 1st year. We will probably choose another 5 students and the award will be made by our Royal Patron, DYMM Tuanku Raja Perlis during the 2012 Anniversary Dinner. • Vice-President II - Datuk Dr Mohamad Ghazali Md Noor - Dr Ghaz handles the Anniversary Dinner & Education portfolio. The Anniversary Dinner on October 21 each year is a big event in our yearly calendar and it has always been held in a reputable hotel or a Convention Centre. Due to its formality & activities during the Dinner, it requires a senior committee member to chair it. Our Royal Patron DYMM Tuan Raja Perlis & DYMM Tuanku Raja Perempuan Perlis attend this event annually and have been doing so since 2000. This year’s Anniversary Dinner as usual will be held on Oct 21, 2012 at Sheraton Imperia Ballroom, KL. • Datuk Dr Ghazali’s other portfolio is on Education, eg to organize education seminars & talks for the benefits of the public in general and Old Frees in particular. • Honorary Secretary Rosli Amran – Rosli handles the full secretarial duties of the Association, which includes sending out Notices of Meetings and doing up the Minutes. He also manages the Membership Record. • Honorary Treasurer, Kumeran Balachandran – Kumeran handles all Treasury work for the Association, which includes preparing monthly financial statement and yearly financials for audit purpose . • Committee Member Rashdi Ghazalli – Rashdi handles all sporting activities of the Association, however, this is currently limited to 3 activities, ie Golf, Bowling & Darts. There is an active Golf Calendar with Putra Golf & InterAlumni Golf. In addition to that there is also the internal games for trophies donated by the past Presidents. There is an annual inter-alumni bowling organized by Tunku Kurshiah College Old Girls Association. As for the Darts, it is currently only internal games for now. President of OFA KL/Selangor - Dato’ Kamil Noor Ariff

Old Frees 32 • Committee Member Mohd Ghous Ahmad – due to the magnitude of work in organizing the sporting activities, Mohd Ghous helps Rashdi in the games. • Committee Member Ariivazhagan Supramaniam - Ari handles the “Fund Raising” portfolio. Due to our numerous activities by the Association, Ari’s main focus is to raise funds that will assist in the our Annual Scholarship Awards, Anniversary Dinners, Sporting Activities, Welfare Activities and also the maintenance of our current offices. • Committee Member Zainal Alamin Zainal Alam – Zainal Alamin handles the OFA KL/Sel website and the liaison with the School. • Committee Member Dato’ Adilah Shek Omar – Dato’ Adilah handles a new portfolio – “Welfare Services”. This is a new activity and has never been carried out by any previous Committees. This service is only for Old Frees who are members of OFA KL/Sel . • Committee Member Ivan Ooi Jieun Vei – Ivan handles Membership. There are apparently thousands of Old Frees working in KL & Selangor. Ivan is to slowly identify, locate & persuade Old Frees in the Klang Valley to join OFA KL/Sel. • Committee Member Rodney Khor Say Aun – Since May 2009, during the tenure of Immediate Past President Dato’ Khalid Ariff, we have managed to get Old Frees who are Captains of Industry to host the monthly luncheons. The luncheons are held on the 21st of each month. About 60-odd Old Frees would attend this complimentary lunch and the host is given the opportunity to present about his/her company. Rodney handles the logistics and preparation for these luncheons in close liaison with the hosts’ staff. Over the 3 years, these luncheons have shown to be successful with a good turnout of Old Frees. OFA Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Committee Members

Old Frees 33 Kenali OFMA Online Old Frees Muslim Association atau lebih dikenali sebagai OFMA adalah sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan yang telah ditubuhkan khusus untuk kebajikan bekas-bekas pelajar Muslim Penang Free School. Selain daripada itu, sumbangan terhadap sekolah adalah melalui peruntukan atau dana yang telah diluluskan untuk kebajikan pelajar-pelajar Muslim khasnya dan keseluruhan pelajar secara am-nya. OFMA Online bermula pada Ogos 2009 sebagai medium perantara untuk menghebahkan maklumat kepada ahli-ahli OFMA secara lebih interaktif dan pantas. OFMA Online menghubungkan E-group PFSHOSTEL untuk menghebah dan merekodkan segala aktiviti rasmi OFMA serta memaparkan maklumat daripada bekas-bekas pelajar Penang Free School Jawatan Nama Batch Contact No E-mel Alamat Kediaman YDP Syed Azhar Bin Syed Azizuddin 79 019-2229268 [email protected] KL NYDP1 Zahari Bin Zachariah 85 012-4641874 [email protected] Bayan Baru, Penang NYDP2 Izman Bin Ismail 79 013-4927565 [email protected] Balik Pulau Setiausaha Rudy Musnandar Bin Mohd Said 89 012-4868706 [email protected] Seberang Jaya P. Setiausaha Musyrif Bin Abu Bakar 00 019-4544507 [email protected] Mak Mandin, Sbrg Prai Bendahari Abdul Halim Bin Mohamed Ikbar 89 019-4105116 [email protected] Permatang Pauh, Sbrg Prai P. Bendahari Ahmad Shah Bin Abdul Hamid 97 013-4859780 [email protected] Bayan Baru, Penang AJK Wan Zaharizan Bin Wan Zan 79 019-2514781 [email protected] KL AJK Roslin Bin Iskandar 79 016-4525232 [email protected] Tanjung Tokong, Penang AJK Yusri Bin Abd Hamid 88 012-4672552 [email protected] Teluk Kumbar, Penang AJK Yazry Bin Helmi 98 019-6681786 [email protected] Brown Garden , Penang AJK Shamas Bin Shariff 89 019-4727141 [email protected] Permatang Damar Laut, Pg AJK Dr Ghouse Bin Md Noor 80 012-2268786 [email protected] KL AJK Cikgu Omar Bin Abd Rashid 77 019-4116600 [email protected] Penang AJK Mohd Hafizi Bin Ariffin 02 019-4714377 [email protected] Penang AJK Abu Hurairah Bin Aboo Bakar 97 017-4837779 [email protected] Bukit Mertajam, Sbrg Prai SENARAI AJK OFMA 2010 -2012 From left: Mohd Hafizi Bin Ariffin, Abu Hurairah Bin Aboo Bakar, Ahmad Shah Bin Abdul Hamid , Abdul Halim Bin Mohamed Ikbar, Zahari Bin Zachariah, Syed Azhar Bin Syed Azizuddin, Izman Bin Ismail, Rudy Musnandar Bin Mohammad , Yusri Bin Abd Hamid, Shamas Bin Shariff, Yazry Bin Helmi, Roslin Bin Iskandar Old Frees Muslim Association

October, 1958. A momentous month indeed for the students of Penang Free School. After all, it’s not every day that the Prime Minister visits the school. Yes indeed. Just two years after winning our nation’s independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman returned to his alma mater to open a new wing of the school. Though the main reason for his visit was to open the new wing, he could not let a glorious opportunity to address the Frees standing before him slip by. His speech, the feature article of this year, remains a testament to the years he spent in Penang Free School and also as a motivational speech for Frees and Old Frees alike. In this speech, Tunku shares some of his experiences as a Free. He also expresses his pride and joy towards the school. Last but not least, he bestows important advice upon the reader. Let us all read, reflect and learn from this speech. Thus we present to you, the feature article of 2012.

36 Feature Article FROM OUR BELOVED BAPA KEMERDEKAAN A BRIEF MEMOIR OF TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN IN HIS SPEECH DEDICATED TO THE STUDENTS. T his is the second time I have had the pleasure and the honour of being invited to address the boys of my old school. But I nearly couldn’t make it today because this date clashes with meetings usually held before the Legislative Council meets. These are the Conference of Federation Executives and the Cabinet meeting. I heard, however, that the boys of the Penang Free School would be very disappointed if I did not come, so that is why I am here now. I wish I could be here to see the rest of the programme this afternoon and also to attend the Old Frees Dinner this evening. Unfortunately, I have to rush back to Kuala Lumpur, where at least I will be able to undertake one duty, and this is the meeting held by the Alliance before the Legislative Council These meetings are very important, because this is where the Alliance members in the Council thrash everything out among ourselves without regard to the party, and the decisions made at meetings like this are carried through in the Legislative Council. Many persons who do not know how the Alliance works are inclined to think we steamroll everything in the Legislative Council, but that is not so. It is only after we have had a thorough discussion among ourselves that we make up our minds on how to vote, for within our ranks we have men with quite different political outlooks. But there are two things we have in common -- and these are loyalty to the party and undivided loyalty to the country. Isn’t this the same in the Penang Free School? Here we have boys of different origins, of different up-bringing, coming from families with different outlooks on life, but three things you all have in common in our school are comradeship, loyalty to the school and loyalty to the country. That at least was the way it was in my days. In fact it was the tradition of this great school. I am sure it still is. These three qualities will be of great value to you in everything you do in your everyday life. I say this, because I know what I owe to the Penang Free School. In my day conditions in the school were not very different from what they are today. The school buildings have changed, the hours have changed, the system of education has changed slightly. The old building was in Farquhar Street with limited classrooms and a limited number of boys. The old buildings had age, dignity and an atmosphere of tradition. Unfortunately, however during the Second World War the British, I believe, destroyed a part of the Wing by accidental bombing. The school had to move earlier on in order to accommodate the increasing number of boys who were enrolling because of the great prestige the school had established. A portrait of Tunku Abdul Rahman in his earlier years (above)

37 Feature Article Today I am opening a brand-new wing. I have no doubt that in time to come further extensions will be made. The school should grow, but there should be a limit to its growth. I would not like to see my old school grow too vast, because then we would lose the personal touch which has always been a characteristic of the Penang Free School. I would like the boys of this school to maintain its tradition of individuality. The school hours have also changed. In my day school began at ten o’clock and closed at four o’clock. Then, instead of going home, we had to take part in games, in drill, or the Scouts etc., and this used to go on until five or six o’clock. Thus our many activities bound us to the school; we were one unit, we all shared in it. Even our homes became less important to us than the school itself. We had to give up our comforts of the home in order to be right inside the school. In fact, all our hours belonged to the school. The system of education has changed with the needs of the times, as it must. What was good for us then is not necessarily good enough for you now. To be a “Free” you have got to be prepared to accept these changes, to work in with them, and to make yourself part of them. I came to this school in my teenage, the year it celebrated its Centenary - that was in 1916. I was very impressed with the celebrations; in spite of the War then going on the celebrations were held on a grand scale. This showed how proud the boys were of the school. I entered the school a bit late, because I had to pass through a Malay and Siamese education before I joined the school, but the education which I got from this school has had a permanent place in my memory. I soon got into the life of the school; I played football, I joined the Scouts, I joined the Cadets; I did all that was expected of me and equally of others in the tradition of “Frees”. The biggest lessons I learned in the Penang Free School were how to prepare to be ...but three things you all have in common in our school are comradeship, loyalty to the school and loyalty to the country An exchange of casual waves with Lee Kuan Yew (bottom left), and a snapshot of his famous stance at the Dataran Merdeka (below).

38 Feature Article a man, how to be self-confident and how to help oneself, how to get along with others and mix with them on equal terms, how to take orders and how to give them, how to take punches and how to deliver them. I always take pride in telling everybody that these were the things I learned from the Penang Free School. Unfortunately, before I had time to complete my secondary school education (I was here for three years), I was whisked off to England on the first Kedah Government scholarship, and within a period of one-anda-half years I was in Cambridge University. I think the lessons I learned are the things you should learn if you are to be good “Frees”. These will prepare you for the role you may be called upon to play in your future life in our independent Malaya, whatever your career may be – professional men, Government servants, learned scholars or businessmen. Very many Free School boys have left here and gone out into the wider adult world to take important roles in the life of our country. Among them you have Ambassadors, you have politicians, you have doctors and engineers, you have many men taking a leading part in the creation and development of Malaya – all of them were once boys like yourselves in the Penang Free School. The new Malaya has a need for men of sound education, a mature and balanced outlook, and a high sense of duty and personal integrity. Penang Free School can give you all these qualities, provided you are prepared to learn. Let me put this point in a particular way. I would like the school to produce statesman rather than politicians. There is a difference, you know. Most politicians think only of the present moment, and the advantage which can come to their party at the immediate expense of other parties. Statesmen, however, always consider what they do, what they say, in the national interest; they think well ahead, weigh up the long-term consequences of their actions. Many of the boys who have passed out of this school have shown themselves to be worthy men, and a credit to the school as well as to the country. These are the men we want, men who will be loyal to the nation above everything else, except their duty to God. How do I know that someone among the boys here today will someday become the Prime Minister of the land of ours? All Prime Ministers have been boys themselves once and many of them wish they could be boys again. As Shakespeare said, “Uneasy Lies The Head That Wears a Crown,” If he is an all-round good boy he should have the makings of a good Prime Minister. He should have self-confidence, he must know how to help himself and be willing to help others. He must be a good mixer, he must take advice and be able to give orders, he must take punches and also know how to give them back. He must learn to smile in the “I learned how to take orders and how to give them, how to take punches and how to deliver them.” face of misfortune; he must be prepared to play hard and to work hard; and he should be a good sportsman in his whole outlook on life. It is customary for old boys called upon to make a speech such as I am doing now to give advice to all the boys in the school. First, I would say, you must always do your best, Set your sights high and don’t despair if you miss - all are not equally gifted. Whatever you do you must try to serve your country faithfully and also your fellowmen. Take a full part in the life of the school. Look beyond it too and see how it fits into the community. When you leave school be ready and willing to take on all the duties of citizenship, even if these involve personal inconvenience and sacrifice. Try to interest yourself in what is going on in your hometown, throughout Malaya, and in the world itself. If you do all these things you will become a good citizen of our democracy. The foundations of our country have been firmly laid. It is up to boys like you in the Penang Free School to see that the building of our nation is secure and able to stand up to the problems it may face in the future. I am sure that the boys of this great school here today will follow worthily in the footsteps of those “Old Frees”, who have gone before you. (Text: Courtesy of National Archives of Malaysia)

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Time and tide waits for no man but is it too much to ask to stop and reflect? How long has it been since you last set eyes on your old classmates? Don’t you wish you could just catch-up, relive the golden carefree days or talk about that timeswhen you almost set the class on fire? How about just wanting to check up on how the OFA’s doing? Well, this is the section for you. Go ahead, turn the pages and check the OFA. Look at the names of the office bearers and see if they are familiar. ‘Old Frees’ is devoted to honouring all you Frees who have once served under the Grand Old Lady. Memories will surface and it is only right we let it. After all, you are part and parcel of the school. Featured this year is OFA Penang, OFA Selangor, OFMA (Old Frees Muslim Association) and the PFS foundation. Sincere thanks to Mr Goh for all the guidance in this section throughout the year. It has been a pleasure and an honour serving as a student under you. Keep that flame and love for the Grand Old Lady burning for an eternity. It is only right to do so. ‘Once A Free, Always A Free’ Kyle Chan Dear readers, Lately, Frees have been well-known for their amazing capabilities in sports. Several gold medals were won by the school’s cricket, hockey and football teams. Nonetheless, we are still going steady in our curricular developments and producing scholars annually. Welcome to the academics section. Here, the results analyses of the general exams taken last year are revealed. It is crucial that we keep track of our performance in order to strive for a better future and at the same time, maintain our untarnished excellence. The Editorial Board has also included a list of the school’s top achievers of 2011 in this section. If you have made it to the list, congratulations to you! If not, try harder and you will be greatly rewarded. We spend our lifetime learning but we only spend a brief moment learning in school. Thus, treasure your life in school and do your best! Remember, failure is just a detour, not a dead end. As the saying goes, Fortis Atque Fidelis! Tan Zia Wei

42 Academics Penilaian Menengah Rendah : Results Analysis 2011 Subject Year A B C D E %Pass Bahasa Melayu 2011 96 64 - - - 100 2010 108 102 6 - - 100 English 2011 122 23 8 7 - 100 2010 161 36 14 5 - 100 Sejarah 2011 102 45 10 3 - 100 2010 148 52 12 4 - 100 Geografi 2011 109 21 27 3 100 2010 134 54 20 6 2 99.1 Pendidikan Islam 2011 33 30 12 - - 100 2010 29 56 36 3 - 100 Mathematics 2011 122 15 11 11 1 99.38 2010 160 28 20 8 - 100 Science 2011 124 24 9 3 - 100 2010 149 40 20 7 - 100 Kemahiran Hidup 2011 66 13 2 - - 100 Pilihan 1 2010 85 19 7 2 - 100 Kemahiran Hidup 2011 27 29 22 1 - 100 Pilihan 2 2010 26 51 24 2 - 100 Bahasa Tamil 2011 - - - - - - 2010 - 2 1 - - 100 Statistics 8 A’s 13 8.12% 7 A’s 45 28.12% 6 A’s 31 19.37% Total 89

43 Academics Penilaian Menengah Rendah : Top Achievers 2011 8 A’s 1. Adlan Naqiuddin bin Azizan 8. Muhammad Asraf bin Abdul Razak 2. Ahmad Danial bin Ahmah Zulhaimi 9. Muhammad Farhan bin Hassan 3. Ahmad Hadi bin Ahmad Zaki 10. Muhammad Syamim bin Omar Farook 4. Amirul bin Akbar Khan 11. Muhammad Yazid bin Ikbaal 5. Harith Suffi bin Hasnan 12. Muhd Idzwan Afiz bin Mohd Asmadi 6. Mohammad Daniel bin Yusoff 13. Syed Siddiq bin Syed Safi 7. Muazzam bin Mohd Zaki 7 A’s 1. Bharat Kumar s/o Ratna Kumar 19. Kam Eu Gene 2. Bohgaveeran s/o Rajaratnam 20. Kishorenathan s/o Kaliyappan 3. Bryan Kaisen Yeoh 21. Marvin Goh Wen Yi 4. Calvin Goh Kai Wen 22. Ooi Boon Hao 5. Ch’ng Chu Kai 23. Paarvin Kumar s/o Rangan 6. David Yee Siew Kit 24. Rabeenash Singh s/o Rajpal Singh 7. Derrick s/o Patrick Charles 25. Roshvinder Singh s/o Harbindar Singh 8. Deva Vighnen s/o Vasudevan 26. Sebastian Lee Chong Aik 9. Devendran s/o Jayakanthan 27. Sin Han Jinn 10. Emmanuel John s/o Baptist 28. Sreeganes s/o Sankar 11. Emmanuel Leong Cheng Seng 29. Tan Tze Jinn 12. Gabriel Chin Teng Hong 30. Thevan Raj s/o Kumar 13. Gan Sze Ming 31. Tinesh Pillay s/o Rajandran 14. Hariharan s/o Arevalagam 32. Toh Lim Kuan Khai 15. Jacky Yeoh Yew Chiang 33. Vighnaaraaj s/o Karumalai 16. Johnston Lee Teong Jeen 34. Viknaraj s/o Thamatharan 17. Jonathan Ho Wei En 35. Wong Hao Xiang 18. Kailarsh Shankar 36. Yeoh Way Lipp

44 Academics Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia : Results Analysis 2011 Subject Year A+ A A- B+ B C+ C D E G %Pass Bahasa Melayu 2011 14 28 63 37 24 9 2 1 - - 100 2010 22 17 53 66 23 9 5 2 - - 100 English 2011 37 34 21 32 20 14 10 10 - - 100 2010 52 49 34 21 15 9 8 7 2 - 100 Pendidikan Islam 2011 - 12 23 30 15 15 4 1 2 - 100 2010 4 7 22 26 20 13 - - 2 1 98.95 Pendidikan Moral 2011 9 6 20 24 9 5 1 2 - - 100 2010 13 14 26 27 11 4 3 4 - - 100 Sejarah 2011 29 38 26 26 21 18 12 6 1 1 99.44 2010 24 26 28 29 21 26 15 14 9 5 97.46 Mathematics 2011 46 56 19 17 6 10 8 12 2 2 98.88 2010 61 68 21 14 7 5 7 8 4 2 98.98 Science 2011 1 - 3 4 2 1 1 3 - - 100 2010 4 1 5 6 4 3 - 1 1 - 100 Add. Mathematics 2011 35 2 19 20 12 13 11 15 16 22 86.67 2010 35 14 19 19 17 7 15 15 17 19 89.27 Prinsip Akaun 2011 21 27 3 4 4 1 3 - - - 100 2010 1 2 4 - 2 2 2 2 8 8 74.19 Lukisan Kejuruteraan 2011 1 1 3 3 3 4 2 2 - 3 86.36 2010 - - 1 1 1 5 4 3 1 5 76.19 Perdagangan 2011 - 4 1 1 1 - 4 5 - - 100 2010 1 2 4 1 3 3 2 5 2 2 92 Physics 2011 20 6 21 22 17 18 16 27 15 1 99.39 2010 21 19 20 21 25 22 15 23 5 1 99.42 Chemistry 2011 23 10 11 11 18 12 18 34 20 6 96.32 2010 26 12 17 16 17 19 16 30 17 2 98.84 Biology 2011 10 19 9 13 13 23 21 21 9 2 98.57 2010 5 19 12 27 23 21 20 18 4 2 99.34 Pendidikan Seni 2011 0 2 4 4 5 - - - - - 100 2010 2 2 4 10 3 1 - - - - 100 Pendidikan Al-Quran 2011 - - - 1 - - - - - - 100 dan Al-Sunnah 2010 - - - - - - - - - - - Tasawwur Islam 2011 - 1 3 1 - - - - - - 100 2010 1 1 6 2 9 6 - - - - 100 Bahasa Tamil 2011 - - 1 1 - - - - - - 100 2010 - - 2 - - - - - - - 100 Kesusasteraan Tamil 2011 - - - - - - 1 - - - 100 2010 - - - - - - - - - - - Bible Knowledge 2011 - - - - - - 1 - - - 100 2010 - - - - - - - - - - - Pengetahuan Sains 2011 - 1 2 - 4 1 1 3 2 - 100 Sukan 2010 - - 1 - - - - - - - 100

45 Academics 10 A’s 1. Kharthik Chakravarthy 10A+ 2. Kyle Chan Wei Ren 10A+ 3. Chong Yik Surn 9A+, 1A 4. Khor Yang 9A+, 1A 5. Mohd Saifullah bin Abd Annuar 9A+, 1A 6. Sanjeev s/o Nahulantharan 9A+, 1A 7. Yee Boon How 9A+, 1A 8. Chai Wey Shuen 8A+, 2A 9. Loganraj s/o Kanagaraj 8A+, 2A 10. The Yeong Soo 8A+, 2A 11. Nik Mohd Rashid 8A+, 1A, 1A12. Kenny Khoo Ken Lee 7A+, 3A 13. Munir Jumain 7A+, 3A 14. Richard Charles 7A+, 2A, 1A15. Choo Lai Yee 7A+, 1A, 2A16. Dickson Neoh Di Sheng 7A+, 1A, 2A17. Alex Lee Wen Jie 7A+, 3A18. Evan Timothy Capel 6A+, 4A 19. Paul Aron Thomas 6A+, 4A 20. Munisswaran s/o Shanmugavelu 6A+, 3A, 1A21. Daniel Teoh Yong Liang 5A+, 4A, 1A22. Lim Minson 3A+, 5A, 2A23. Mohd Amiruddin bin Mohd Maidin 2A+, 8A 24. Ahmad Khidhir bin Abd Rashid Ritho 2A+, 4A, 4A25. Muhammad Firdaus bin Abd Rahman 2A+, 4A, 4A9 A’s 1. Alwin Eng Ming Wen 3A+, 3A, 3A2. Kevin Pavandev Singh 2A+, 2A, 4A3. Vashistan s/o Sandran Mogan 2A+, 2A, 4A4. Muhammad bin Juhari 7A, 2A5. Yang Zhen Siang 7A, 2APassed All Subjects - 85.96% Passed Minimum 5 Main Subjects - 98.31% Qualified to Obtain SPM Certificate - 100% Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia : Top Achievers 2011

46 Academics For the year 2011, Penang Free School is proud to have 2 students scoring an outstanding 10A+’s (Kharthik Chakravarthy & Kyle Chan Wei Ren), 23 students scoring 10A’s and 5 students scoring 9A’s. The Penang Free School Editorial Board was there to witness the joy and sadness as the 2011 Form 5 students received their much anticipated results. We got the opportunity to get up close and personal with 6 out of the 30 school 2011 SPM top scorers as they told us their experiences and sacrifices that they had to make in preparation for their SPM examination. 1. First of all, how did you feel when you received your results? Kharthik (10A+) : Shocked and speechless, seeing that my trial results were not as good. Kyle Chan (10A+) : Didn’t expect it. Was hoping for straight A’s only. Yik Surn (9A+, 1A) : Happy. Khor Yang (9A+, 1A) : I felt very happy and excited. Sanjeev (9A+, 1A) : Absolutely happy and blissful right now. Nik Rashid (8A+, 1A, 1A-) : Very nervous. 2. What did you have to sacrifice in the process of making your achievement a reality? Kharthik (10A+) : Time, enjoyment. I was unable to play cricket, no games, no TV and no Facebook. Kyle Chan (10A+) : Facebook and drama. Yik Surn (9A+, 1A) : Outings, computer time. Khor Yang (9A+, 1A) : Entertainment. Sanjeev (9A+, 1A) : Time with my friends and family. Nik Rashid (8A+, 1A, 1A-) : A lot of time for TV and computer. 3. Do you consider extra-curricular activities a burden or a blessing? Kharthik (10A+) : A blessing, as it helps to release stress after being so overworked. Kyle Chan (10A+) : It is an advantage. During class one studies while co-curricular activities teach one responsibility. Yik Surn (9A+, 1A) : Not a burden if you can handle it. Khor Yang (9A+, 1A) : Definitely a blessing. It helps me to relax my mind and think better. Sanjeev (9A+, 1A) : Not a burden if you know how to manage your time. Nik Rashid (8A+, 1A, 1A-) : Blessing, manage your time well and it helps. 4. What gave you the willpower to continue striving in your studies? Kharthik (10A+) : Support from people, and the fact that I can help lessen my parents’ burden by applying for a scholarship. Kyle Chan (10A+) : God, parents, family, friends, everyone. Yik Surn (9A+, 1A) : Myself, family, teachers. Khor Yang (9A+, 1A) : The anticipated moment of success. Sanjeev (9A+, 1A) : Myself. Nik Rashid (8A+, 1A, 1A-) : Support from my parents. 5. Who would you like to thank for helping you in this journey? Kharthik (10A+) : God, teachers for five years, the whole class of 5 Budiman and my parents. Kyle Chan (10A+) : God, parents, best friends, teachers. Yik Surn (9A+, 1A) : Teachers, family and friends. Khor Yang (9A+, 1A) : I would like to thank my parents for their support, my friends who inspired me to strive for the best that I can. Sanjeev (9A+, 1A) : Parents, friends, everyone I know who helped me. Nik Rashid (8A+, 1A, 1A-) : God because He gave me excellent friends, teachers, and family. 6. Do you have any mottos or principles that you would like to share with your fellow Frees? Kharthik (10A+) : Never give up. Kyle Chan (10A+) : Live life to the fullest and ‘For every problem there is a solution’. Khor Yang (9A+, 1A) : If you dream of success, don’t hesitate and don’t be lazy to put in your time and effort. Sanjeev (9A+, 1A) : Work hard and play hard. Nik Rashid (8A+, 1A, 1A-) : Be who you want to be. Everyone is special and successful in their own way. SPM 2011: An Interview With The Top Achievers


48 Academics Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia : Results Analysis 2011 Subject Year A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F %Pass Pengajian Am 2011 11 6 12 16 26 12 14 5 4 1 7 85.09 2010 13 10 19 28 24 23 12 7 3 2 7 87.16 Bahasa Melayu 2011 3 1 4 3 4 2 2 2 - - - 90.48 2010 1 1 3 2 3 4 4 1 2 0 0 85.71 Sejarah 2011 - - - 2 2 1 - 1 2 - 4 41.67 2010 1 0 0 2 1 5 3 2 0 2 7 52.17 Ekonomi 2011 1 2 6 6 6 5 8 4 7 4 23 47.22 2010 1 3 3 5 5 6 8 7 8 3 30 39.24 Fizik 2011 1 1 - 1 3 6 8 2 1 1 2 76.92 2010 2 0 1 4 2 4 5 4 1 0 3 69.23 Kimia 2011 2 - 1 6 2 4 10 1 4 1 11 59.52 2010 4 1 5 7 4 11 13 2 3 4 15 65.22 Biologi 2011 - - 1 1 - 2 1 2 3 4 2 31.25 2010 2 1 3 4 6 9 1 3 6 4 4 60.47 Matematik Statistik 2011 - - - - - 2 1 - - - 8 27.27 2010 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 40.0 Matematik Tulen 2011 2 - - 2 3 2 10 - 2 1 20 45.24 2010 3 4 6 5 7 4 9 1 3 3 24 55.07 Matematik Lanjutan Tulen 2011 - - - - - - - - - 1 - 0 Perakaunan 2011 - - - 1 2 5 2 - 2 2 10 41.67 2010 0 0 0 3 5 3 1 2 1 2 7 50.0 Pengajian Perniagaan 2011 5 2 5 9 6 9 7 0 2 1 15 70.49 2010 3 2 10 4 13 9 8 3 2 4 16 66.22 Literature in English 2011 1 1 3 5 2 1 1 - 1 - - 93.33 2010 3 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 69.23 Bahasa Tamil 2011 - - 1 - - - - - - - - 100 2010 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 75.0 Statistics 4 A’s 3 2.7% 3 A’s 1 0.9% Total 4 3.6% 4 Principal A’s 1. Benedict Weerasena s/o Samarasena 2. Edi Afiq bin Isa 3. Seow Wei Wen 3 Principal A’s 1. Lim Ka Loong Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia : Top Achievers 2011

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