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Penang Free School magazine 2012

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Published by The Old Frees' Association, 2023-09-29 03:07:25

Magazine 2012

Penang Free School magazine 2012

Keywords: PFS,OFA

49 Academics For the year 2011, Penang Free School is proud to have 3 students scoring an outstanding 4A’s (Benedict Weerasena, Edi Afiq, & Seow Wei Wen). Some members of the Editorial Board were there to get a glimpse of the euphoria and disappointment as the 2011 Upper 6 students received their much anticipated results. We were fortunate to interview 4 of the school’s STPM 2011 top scorers as they shared their experiences in the build up to their STPM examination. 1. First of all, how did you feel when you received your results? Benedict (4A’s) : I felt ecstatic! I was like “Thank you so much God for blessing me with this results!” Ka Loong (3A’s) : I was very happy because it was within my expectations. Wei Wen (4A’s) : I was both happy and shocked for obtaining such good results but I do feel a bit disappointed for obtaining an A- for my Physics. Edi Afiq (4A’s) : Terkejut dan gembira kerana semua subjek dapat A. Tapi agak kecewa kerana tidak mencapai pointer 4.0, namun masih bersyukur kerana mendapat keputusan yang baik. 2. What did you have to sacrifice in the process of making your achievement reality? Benedict : I sacrificed a lot on social outings with friends and hobbies too. Not forgetting the eye bags which looked more like eye baggages as a result of being sleep-deprived. Ka Loong : What I sacrificed most is the time for entertainment. Wei Wen : I sacrificed part of my gaming time so that I was able to spare more time on studying in order to achieve my target. Edi Afiq : Pengorbanan paling besar ialah masa untuk buku dan latihan. Selain itu, saya korbankan cinta saya kerana fokus hanya pada pelajaran. 3. Do you consider extra-curricular activities a burden or a blessing? Benedict : 100% blessing! Being active in extra-curricular activities has built my character, instilled leadership qualities and taught me many values in life which no textbook can offer. Ka Loong : Extra-curricular activities is a good thing to practise but it would be a burden if you spend too much time on it. Wei Wen : I consider extra-curricular activites a blessing because I was able to relax from the tension of studying too much through them. Edi Afiq : Pada mulanya, saya menganggap kokurikulum sebagai penghalang. Tetapi akhirnya, saya sedar ia dapat memberikan saya pengalaman yang bernilai selain dapat hilangkan stress. 4. What gave you the willpower to continue striving in your studies? Benedict : Knowing that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! The Free School Spirit also drove me on to settle for nothing less than the best. Ka Loong : The only thing that keeps me going all this while is my interest in the respective subjects. Wei Wen : Being interested in my subjects and the attitude of never give up. Edi Afiq : Kejayaan pelajar lain dan tradisi Penang Free sendiri telah membentuk semangat dan kekuatan saya untuk terus berjuang kerana perasaan bangga sebagai seorang warga Free. 5. Who would you like to thank for helping you in this journey? Benedict : My Lord Jesus Christ for His many blessings ! My family, friends and all the teachers especially Dr. Malini, Mr. David Ch’ng, Pn.Teoh Mooi Yann, Mr. Goh Seng Kar, Pn. Saw Eng Wah and Mr. Lim Weng Seong. Ka Loong : I would like to thank all the teachers that have taught me and made a difference in my life not only in Form 6 but in lower forms as well. Thank you, Sir! Thank you, Teacher! Wei Wen : My family, my friends and my teachers especially Pn. Soon Suat Duan and Miss Choong Lai Yong. Edi Afiq : Terima kasih kepada Tuhan, ibu bapa, cikgu-cikgu saya terutamanya Cikgu Hanif, Cikgu Umi, Cikgu Azmila, Cikgu Teoh dan Cikgu Tan Eng Kheng, semua rakan-rakan dan semua orang yang menyokong saya. 6. Do you have any mottos or principles that you would like to share with your fellow Frees? Benedict : Do your best and God will do the rest! Fortis Atque Fidelis. Ka Loong : Enjoy whatever you’re doing, find the meaning in it and be happy with it. Wei Wen : Study hard and never give up. Edi Afiq : Tiada jalan mudah bagi seseorang untuk mencapai sesebuah kejayaan kecuali azam dan usaha yang berterusan. STPM 2011: An Interview With The Top Achievers

50 Academics Hadiah Tabung Amanah Penang Free School 2011 KATEGORI A Bil HADIAH Bil AMAUN NAMA KELAS 1. Puan Sri Haseenah Abdoolcader 1 RM 300 Lim Hui Yee 6AD / 10 2. Dr. Apparajoo 1 RM 150 Kharthik Chakravarthy 5B 3. Cheah Chim Yean 2 RM 100 Alvin Cheah Ee Zhiun 5B / 10 Oh Yue Jin 5B / 10 4. Choong Cheng Kean 2 RM 100 Khor Yang 5B Chai Wey Shuen 5B 5. Diamond Jubilee 1 RM 50 Samuel Yee Siew Mun 5B / 10 6. Biasiswa Hutchings 1 RM 500 Chew Chung Wah 6AB / 10 7. Kim Lan Seah 1 RM 150 Justin Lim Jia Tian 5B / 10 8. Lee Boon Choe 2 RM 50 Jonathan Liew Rong Kai 5C / 10 Muzamil bin Mohd Moussa 5B / 10 9. Lim Liew Saik Neoh 1 RM 100 Yee Boon How 5B 10. Poe Choo Seah 1 RM 100 Ho Kah Fai 5H / 10 11. Sara 1 RM 100 Nik Mohamed Rashid bin Nik Zurin 5B KATEGORI B Bil HADIAH Bil AMAUN NAMA KELAS 1. Chee Swee Siang 4 RM 140 Lim Ka Loong (Sains 6R) 6AB Benedict Weerasena (Sas 6R) 6A4 Seow Wei Wen (Sains 6A) 6AB Benedict Weerasena (Sas 6A) 6A4 2. Choong Eng Hye 11 RM 20 Mangaibagan s/o Rajandran (PA) 6AB Joshua John Samuel (MUET) 6AB Lim Ka Loong (Mat T) 6AB Shaun Oh Thean Wei (Bio) 6AD Lim Ka Loong (Fiz) 6AB Seow Wei Wen (Kim) 6AB Benedict Weerasena (Eko) 6A4 Nicholas Low Chee Seong (P Akn) 6A1 Patricia d/o Michael Jebaraj (PP) 6A2 Sharifah Ili Shaheera (BM) 6A3 Benedict Weerasena (Eng Lit) 6A4 3. Goh Teik Chee 2 RM 100 Chong Yik Surn 5B Teh Yeang Soo 5B 4. Gottlieb 1 RM 100 Sanjeiv Kumar s/o Samugaveloo 5C / 10 5. Khoo Cheow Teong 1 RM 150 Sajid Nabiel bin Waheed Rahman 5B / 10 6. Koay Thean Chin 1 RM 50 Kharthik Chakravarthy 5C 7. Peace 1 RM 100 Sanjeev s/o Nahulantharan 5B 8. Sesquicentenary 3 RM 100 Emmanuel Leong Cheng Seng 3A Kharthik Chakravarthy 5B Benedict Weerasena 6A4 9. Tan Eng Choon 1 RM 100 Saifullah bin Abdul Annuar 5B 10. Tunku Syed Husin 1 RM 150 Aliff Syazaryl Aiman bin Azhar 5B / 10

51 Academics Bil HADIAH Bil AMAUN NAMA KELAS 1. Compassionate Fund 3 RM 100 Esmond Yeap Theng Siang 6RB Rupaneshwary d/o Velaitham 6AC Lim Woei Ming 4E 2. General Purpose Fund 4 RM 150 Leong Li San 6RB Rogini d/o Gopalkrishnan 6R1 Duraines s/o Sankar 6AC Chan Siew Yin 6AC 3. Goodman 1 RM 150 Chong Kam Zhern 6AB 4. Ghi Hin Tust Fund 6 RM 100 Dexter Tan Kee Yen 1G Chee Khai Yin 6RB Chan Wilson 6RB Tan Du Sin 6R1 Joel Thum Wen Jian 6RB Theresa Yeoh Tze Yuen 6R1 5. Khoo Sian Ewe 4 RM 100 Melissa Yeoh Tze Yen 6R1 Simon Koay Wei Shen 6RA Yee Boon How 5B Tan Soon Jin 6RB 6. Shaik Imam Trust Fund 10 RM 200 Muhd Armen Sidqi bin Nasarudin 4D Mohammad Fahmi bin Abdul Rahim 6R3 Nizamuddin bin Sahubar Ali 4D Ahmad Ajwad bin Badruddin 4D Muhd Fazmin bin Prem Nazeer 6R3 Nur Wafa binti Mazlan 6R3 Shakeer Ahmad bin Jagubar 6R3 Nurul Assyikin binti Ahmad Ee 6R3 Muhamad Azlan Shah bin Adnan 4D Nurul Hidayah binti Hussein 6R3 7. Tye Kee Yoon Trust Fund 6 RM 100 Juriffa Nathrah binti Abu Bakar 6R3 Harrayini d/o Karunanethi 6AC Ooi Ming Shern 4B Muhd Syamim bin Omar Farook 3G Muhd Firdaus bin Mohd Ibrahim 4D Hazwan bin Anuar 4D 8. Khoo Heng Pan 3 RM 120 Kenny Khoo Kenn Lee 5B Khoo Ling In 6RC Vivien Khoo Ee Wen 6AD KATEGORI C Bil HADIAH Bil AMAUN NAMA KELAS 1. Pingat Emas Puan Sri Haseenah Abdoolcader 1 RM 350 Lim Hui Yee 6AD / 10 2. Hadiah Pidato Cheeseman 1 RM 100 Benedict Weerasena s/o Samarasena 6A4 3. Pingat Emas Koh Sin Hock untuk Pelajar Hutchings 1 RM 150 Chew Chung Wah 6AB / 10 4. Hadiah Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu (Pingat Emas) 1 RM 150 Koh Cheang Huat 6AB 5. Hadiah Lim Keat Leong (Matematik Ting 6A) 1 RM 100 Lim Ka Loong 6AB 6. Hadiah Ong Huck Keat (Geografi Ting 3) 1 RM 30 Ch’ng Chu Kai 3D 7. Hadiah Yeap Gaik Ee Neoh (Lisan Bahasa Inggeris) 5 RM 50 Kishan Nadesh 1H Shawn Stanley 2C Emmanuel Leong 3A Bhavesh Lakhwani 4D Richard Charles Saverinaden 5B 8. Eric Lim Boon Eng (Hoki) 2 RM 100 Muhammad Naqib bin Osman 5C Muhd Zakwan bin Mohd Zairozi 2H KATEGORI D

52 Academics Bil HADIAH Bil AMAUN NAMA KELAS 9. Michael Lim Boon Kooi (Olahraga) 3 RM 100 Mohd Shahrul Azwan bin Mat Rozi 6A3 S. Vashistan s/o Sandra Mogan 5C Ahmad Ajwad bin Badruddin 5D 10. Ian Ritchie (Pengakap) 3 RM 80 Harith Solihin bin Hasnan 1D Aaron Chew 4G Chen Yu Xiang 1B Ian Ritchie (Ragbi) 4 RM 60 Muhammad Haziq bin Hariri 5A Muhammad Saiful Afiq bin Shukor 5E Muhammad Asyraf bin Rosdi 5H Muhd Qasim bin Badrul Hassan 4H 11. Tabung Teh Choon Beng 8 RM 100 Chew Chin Quan 6R1 Ahmad Tajudin bin Ismail 5A Tharma Raj s/o Chandra Mohan 5F Muhammad Uzair bin Ahmad Sabri 5A Mohd Hafify bin Mohd Rodzi 5H Muhd Hariez Affandy bin Fauzi 5A Muhammad Farhan bin Samsudin 5A Mohamad Syafimi bin Azhar 5A 12. Kong Tai Seng 1 RM 100 Por Kai Yann 6R1 13. Koay Teik Swee 3 RM 50 Amirul Asyraf bin Mohd Suhaidi 5A Muhammad Farhan bin Ramzi 5E Muhd Azwar bin Abdul Rahman 4H 14. Kelas 1961 (Pelajar SPM) 1 RM 50 Evan Timothy Capel 5B 15. Persatuan Pelajaran Dewasa (Pelajar SPM) 2 RM 100 Kyle Chan Wei Ren 5B Chai Wei Shuen 5B 16. P. Sachithanantham (pelajar India Pasukan Beruniform) 2 RM 100 Jagathretchahan s/o Sivalingam 6AD Lokeshwary s/o Kaesavan 6R3 17. Kapten Dato Hj. Md. Noor (pelajar Melayu yang terbaik Ting 3, 5, 6) 1 RM 70 Mohammad Daniel bin Yusoff 3A 1 RM 80 Mohd Saifullah bin Abdul Annuar 5B 1 RM 90 Edi Afiq bin Isa 6A3 18. Tan Teong Siew (Pelajar Ting 6 [2]) 2 RM 70 Seow Wei Wen 6AB New Herr Bert 6AA (Hoki U-15) 1 RM 70 Mohamad Izzuan bin Halim 3H 19. Tan Lo Eong/ Chew Gaik Lean (Pelajar Tingkatan 5 yang Terbaik) 1 RM 200 Kharthik Chakravarthy 5B (2 pelajar Ting 4) 2 RM 120 Thum Wei Liang 4B Koay Zi Yi 4B (4 pelajar Ting 1) 4 RM 20 Abdul Haqiem Danial bin Mutalib 1A Midunesh s/o Chandra Segar 1A Lee Pharng 1A Setthasorn Ooi Zhi Yang 1A 20. Hadiah Kesusasteraan Dr. Lee Tiang Keng (Ting 6) 1 RM 30 Benedict Weerasena s/o Samarasena 6A4 21. Hadiah Kesusateraan Junior Dr. Lee Tiang Keng (Ting 4/5) 1 RM 25 Kyle Chan Wei Ren 5B 22. Hadiah Tanda Peringatan Sarada Aravind (Pembahas Terbaik dalam B. Inggeris) 1 RM 100 Nik Rashid bin Nik Zurin 5B


54 Academics List Of Prize Winners 2011 Tingkatan 1 Setthasorn Ooi Zhi Yang 1 Amanah 1.a) Pelajar Terbaik Tingkatan 1 Hadiah Old Frees Association b) Matematik c) Sains OFA TD TD 2. a) Bahasa Inggeris b) Bahasa Perancis TD TD Lee Pharng 1 Amanah 3. a) Sejarah b) Bahasa Arab TD TD Nur Fathi Hilmi bin Mohd. Sazali 1 Dinamik 4. Bahasa Melayu TD Abdul Haqiem Daniel bin Abdul Mutalib 1 Amanah 5. Pendidikan Islam TD Abdul Hafiy bin Ahmad Zaki 1 Dinamik 6. a) Pendidikan Islam b) Hadiah Galakan Kemajuan Cemerlang Pelajar Rancangan Khas TD PIBG Abdul Hadi bin Abdul Halem 1 Harmoni 7. Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan TD Harikarran s/o Ramesh Kumar 1 Fitrah 8. Sejarah TD Harish Robert Hemming 1 Amanah 9. Geografi TD Aiman Arif bin Jafri 1 Elit 10. Kemahiran Hidup TD Muhamad Syahiran bin Alimy 1 Budiman 11. Pendidikan Moral TD Midunesh s/o Chandra Segar 1 Amanah 12. Pendiikan Seni Visual TD Muayyad bin Mohd Zaki 1 Amanah 13. Pendidikan Muzik TD Aaron Lugun Raj 1 Gigih 14. Hadiah Yeap Gaik Ee Neoh untuk Lisan Bahasa Inggeris TA Kishan Nadesh 1 Harmoni 15. Hadiah Kebolehan Am 1 TD William Lee Kah Howe 1 Amanah 16. Hadiah Kebolehan Am 2 TD Kevin Yeap Khai Wen 1 Fitrah 17. Hadiah Galakan Kemajuan Cemerlang Pelajar Rancangan Khas PIBG 1. Mohammad Danial bin Mohammad 2. Muhammad Zaim Hanif bin Nazaruddin 3. Mohamad Helmi bin Fazle 4. Muhammad Hafiiffy bin Kamaruddin 1 Gigih 1 Cekal 1 Fitrah 1 Gigih

55 Academics Tingkatan 2 Fuad Ahmed bin Ab Shofi Ahammed 2 Cekal 1.a) Pelajar Terbaik Tingkatan 2 Hadiah Old Frees Association b) Matematik c) Sains OFA TD TD 2. a) Bahasa Inggeris b) Sejarah TD TD Johnathan Yeoh Chin Seng 2 Amanah 3. a) Pendidikan Islam b) Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan TD TD Afeeq Danial bin Noor Azimin 2 Amanah 4. Bahasa Melayu TD Julian Keh Teng Ju 2 Amanah 5. Sejarah TD Muhammad Ariff Zakaria bin Ahmad Nizar 2 Amanah 6. Geografi TD Chee Yik Han 2 Dinamik 7. Kemahiran Hidup TD Quay Chiah Hoong 2 Amanah 8. Pendidikan Moral TD Yew Wei Ji 2 Fitrah 9. Pendidikan Seni TD Daniel Phan Rong Sheng 2 Budiman 10. Bahasa Arab TD Muhammad Taufiq bin Ibramshah 2 Budiman 11 Bahasa Perancis TD Nicholas Kuan Zhen Xian 2 Budiman 12. Pendidikan Muzik TD Mohammad Izzani bin Mohd Fauzi 2 Elit 13. Hadiah Yeap Gaik Ee Neoh untuk Lisan Bahasa Inggeris TA Shawn Stanly 2 Cekal 14. Hadiah Kebolehan Am 1 TD Victor Teng Yi Min 2 Budiman 15. Hadiah Kebolehan Am 2 TD Abdul Hazieq Daniel bin Abdul Mutalib 2 Amanah

56 Academics Tingkatan 3 Emmanuel Leong Cheng Seng 3 Amanah 1.a) Pelajar Terbaik Tingkatan 3 Hadiah Sesquicentenary b) Bahasa Melayu c) Kemahiran Hidup d) Hadiah Yeap Gaik Ee Neoh untuk Lisan Bahasa Inggeris TA TD TD TA 2. a) Matematik b) Pendidikan Seni TD TD Ooi Boon Hao 3 Amanah 3. a) Hadiah Ong Huck Keat untuk Geografi b) Sains c) Sejarah TA/TD TD TD Ch’ng Chu Kai 3 Dinamik 4. a) Hadiah Kenangan Kapten Dato Hj Mohd Noor untuk Pelajar Melayu Terbaik Tingkatan 3 b) Bahasa Arab TA TD Mohammad Daniel bin Yusof 3 Amanah 5. Pendidikan Moral TD Jonathan Ho Wei En 3 Amanah 6. Pendidikan Islam TD Abdul Hakeem bin Abdul Razak 3 Fitrah 7. Bahasa Inggeris TD Paarvin Kumar s/o Rangan 3 Budiman 8. a) Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan b) Hadiah Galakan Kemajuan Cemerlang Pelajar Rancangan Khas TD PIBG Muhammad Idzwan Afiz bin Mohd Asmadi 3 Amanah 9. Bahasa Perancis TD Emmanuel John s/o Baptist 3 Cekal 10. Pendidikan Muzik TD Viknaraj s/o Thamotharan 3 Elit 11 Hadiah Kebolehan Am 1 TD Tan Zia Wei 3 Budiman 12. Hadiah Kebolehan Am 2 TD Devavighnen s/o Vasudevan 3 Amanah 13. Hadiah Galakan Kemajuan Cemerlang Pelajar Rancangan Khas PIBG 1. Amirul Kamal bin Suhaili Kamal 2. Danial Haris bin Limi Hawari 3. Muhammad Farisz bin Abd Malek 4. Muhammad Hariz bin Mohd Saimi 3 Amanah 3 Elit 3 Elit 3 Elit

57 Academics Tingkatan 4 Lim Chien Loong 4 Dinamik 1.a) Pelajar Terbaik Tingkatan 4 Hadiah Old Frees Association b) Fizik c) Biologi d) INTI International College Penang “Award of Excellence” Book Prize OFA TD TD 2. a) Bahasa Melayu b) Bahasa Inggeris TD TD Adrian Lim Wei Shen 4 Budiman 3. a) Inti International College Penang “Award of Excellence” Book Prize 2011 b) Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan TD Cheah Wen Chong 4 Dinamik 4. Matematik Tambahan TD Lim Woei Ming 4 Elit 5. Matematik Teras TD Kang Jiunn Hoong 4 Dinamik 6. Matematik Teras TD Kevin Koay Yung Khang 4 Dinamik 7. Sejarah TD Emmanuel Raj s/o Xavier 4 Budiman 8. Kimia TD Koay Zi Ti 4 Budiman 9. Pendidikan Islam TD Muhamad Armen Sidqi bin Mohd Nasarudin 4 Dinamik 10. Pendidikan Islam TD Ahmad Faiz bin Zawawi 4 Dinamik 11 Pendidikan Moral TD Alvin Lim Zhang Jing 4 Dinamik 12. Prinsip Perakaunan TD Stephen Xavier s/o Xavier Pereira 4 Budiman 13. Lukisan Kejuruteraan TD Abd. Munir bin Najmuddin 4 Amanah 14. Perdagangan Muhammad Faiz Izzudin bin Noorli 4 Harmoni 15. a) Hadiah Yeap Gaik Ee Neoh untuk Lisan Bahasa Inggeris b) Hadiah Kebolehan Am 1 TA TD Bhavesh Lakhwani 4 Dinamik 16. Hadiah Kebolehan Am 2 TD Thum Wei Liang 4 Budiman

58 Academics Tingkatan 5 Kharthik Chakravarthy 5 Budiman 1.a) Pelajar Terbaik Tingkatan 5 Hadiah Old Frees Association b) Fizik c) Matematik Tambahan d) INTI International College Penang “Award of Excellence” Book Prize TA TD TD 2. a) Kimia b) Matematik Teras c) INTI International College Penang “Award of Excellence” Book Prize 2011 TD TD Khor Yang 5 Budiman 3. a) Bahasa Melayu b) Biologi TD TD Yee Boon How 5 Budiman 4. a) Sejarah b) Pendidikan Moral TD TD Kenny Khoo Kenn Lee 5 Budiman 5. a) Hadiah Kenangan Kapten Hj Mohd Noor untuk Pelajar Melayu Terbaik Tingkatan 5 b) Pendidikan Islam TA TD Mohammad Saifullah bin Abdul Annuar 5 Budiman 6. a) Sains b) Perdagangan TD Radin Fazlan Amir bin Radin Baidrul Ikram 5 Harmoni 7. Bahasa Inggeris TD Nik Mohamed Rashid bin Nik Zurin 5 Budiman 8. Prinsip Perakaunan TD Chong Yik Surn 5 Budiman 9. a) Lukis Kejuruteraan b) Hadiah Galakan Kemajuan Cemerlang Pelajar Rancangan Khas TD PIBG Mohammad Zarriq Adzrin bin Poaad 5 Amanah 10. Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan TD Enzio Tan Wah Loon 5 Elit 11. Pendidikan Seni TD Zahrin bin Zahari 5 Harmoni 12. a) Sains Sukan b) Hadiah Galakan Kemajuan Cemerlang Pelajar Rancangan Khas TD PIBG Mohammad Ammar Adly bin Abdul Rahman 5 Harmoni 13. Hadiah Kesusasteraan Dr. Lee Tiang Keng untuk Tingkatan 4 dan 5 TA Kyle Chan Wei Ren 5 Budiman 14. Hadiah Yeap Gaik Ee Neoh untuk Lisan Bahasa Inggeris TA Richard Charles Saverinaden 5 Budiman 15. Hadiah Kebolehan Am 1 TD Chai Wey Shuen 5 Budiman 16. Hadiah Kebolehan Am 2 TD Sanjeev s/o Nahulanthran 5 Budiman 17. Hadiah Galakan Kemajuan Cemerlang Pelajar Rancangan Khas PIBG 1. Afeeq bin Amiruddin 2. Wan Abdul Rahman bin Wan Harun 3. Muhammad Hasrul Afiq bin Mazlan 5 Elit 5 Harmoni 5 Amanah

59 Academics Tingkatan 6 Atas Benedict Weerasena s/o Samarasena 6 Atas 4 1.a) Pelajar Terbaik Tingkatan 6 Atas Hadiah Sesquicentenary b) Pengajian Am Hadiah Old Frees Association c) Malaysian University English Test (MUET) d) Ekonomi e) Hadiah Kesusasteraan Dr. Lee Tiang Keng untuk Tingkatan 6 f) Hadiah Pidato Cheeseman TA OFA TD TD TA TA 2. a) Pelajar Terbaik di Aliran Sains b) Hadiah Lim Keat Leong c) Fizik TD TA TD Lim Ka Loong 6 Atas B 3. Hadiah Kenangan Kapten Dato Hj Mohd Noor untuk Pelajar Melayu Terbaik Tingkatan 6 Atas TA Edi Afiq bin Isa 6 Atas 3 4. a) Matematik Tulen b) Kimia TD TD Seow Wei Wen 6 Atas B 5. Bahasa Melayu TD Sharifah Ili Shaheera binti Syed Ahmad Tajuddin 6 Atas 3 6. Biologi TD Shaun Oh Thean Wei 6 Atas D 7. Pengajian Perniagaan TD Gogeswariy d/o Ragu 6 Atas 2 8. Perakaunan TD Loo Kayin 6 Atas 2 9. Kesusasteraan Inggeris TD Chuan Teik Min 6 Atas 4

Time and tide waits for no man but is it too much to ask to stop and reflect? How long has it been since you last set eyes on your old classmates? Don’t you wish you could just catch-up, relive the golden carefree days or talk about that timeswhen you almost set the class on fire? How about just wanting to check up on how the OFA’s doing? Well, this is the section for you. Go ahead, turn the pages and check the OFA. Look at the names of the office bearers and see if they are familiar. ‘Old Frees’ is devoted to honouring all you Frees who have once served under the Grand Old Lady. Memories will surface and it is only right we let it. After all, you are part and parcel of the school. Featured this year is OFA Penang, OFA Selangor, OFMA (Old Frees Muslim Association) and the PFS foundation. Sincere thanks to Mr Goh for all the guidance in this section throughout the year. It has been a pleasure and an honour serving as a student under you. Keep that flame and love for the Grand Old Lady burning for an eternity. It is only right to do so. ‘Once A Free, Always A Free’ Kyle Chan Time and tide waits for no man but is it too much to ask to stop and reflect? How long has it been since you last set eyes on your old classmates? Don’t you wish you could just catch-up, relive the golden carefree days or talk about that timeswhen you almost set the class on fire? How about just wanting to check up on how the OFA’s doing? Well, this is the section for you. Go ahead, turn the pages and check the OFA. Look at the names of the office bearers and see if they are familiar. ‘Old Frees’ is devoted to honouring all you Frees who have once served under the Grand Old Lady. Memories will surface and it is only right we let it. After all, you are part and parcel of the school. Featured this year is OFA Penang, OFA Selangor, OFMA (Old Frees Muslim Association) and the PFS foundation. Sincere thanks to Mr Goh for all the guidance in this section throughout the year. It has been a pleasure and an honour serving as a student under you. Keep that flame and love for the Grand Old Lady burning for an eternity. It is only right to do so. ‘Once A Free, Always A Free’ Kyle Chan Dear readers, From the annual Cross Country Run to the enchanting Sixth Form Orientation Ball, Penang Free School is always buzzing with happenings. In this section, we explore the memorable events which took place within the walls of the Grand Old Lady and beyond. Memories, be it sweet or bitter, will surely come rolling back as you gaze upon the pages of this section. You might have forgotten them, but this section freezes time, for it captures those memorable moments and preserves them for all time. This section represents a collage of memories which will surely evoke nostalgic memories in those minds which had experienced these events. Immerse yourself in this section and remember all those happy and evocative memories. We hope you have a great time reading this year’s edition of the school magazine. Rishenkumar

Happenings orientation ball 2012 It was the night eagerly anticipated by many Form Six students, a chance to dress up and see their schoolmates in something other than school uniforms. Decked out in their best outfits, the students were definitely ready to be “Young, Fun and Free” at the Sixth Form Orientation Ball, held at Hotel Royal in Jalan Larut. The night started off with a bang -- complete with confetti cannons -- with a performance of “We Are Young” by a group of seniors. Ho Kah Fai and Muha, the charismatic emcees of the night, proceeded to welcome the guests. This was followed by speeches from Adrian Rene Oyog, President of the Sixth Form Society and Miss Choong Lai Yong, the society’s teacher advisor. Next was a game of “Dress up One Lucky Member of Your Table with Toilet Paper”. Yes, Form Six students, the ever creative lot, dressed up one person from their respective tables using toilet paper and that person would later model their friends’ masterpieces on stage. After the game, the buffet dinner ensued and performances were going on throughout the night. The nominees for Prom King and Queen, and Freshie King and Queen were announced between the performances. The performances were followed by a lucky draw. After the lucky draw, it was the awards ceremony and the naming of Freshie King and Queen as well as Prom King and Queen. The night ended on a high note and students were still mingling and taking photographs even though the ball was over, taking every opportunity to savour the moment and enjoy the night. Happenings 62

Happenings roadshow and recruitment drive 2012 WE WANT YOU! Undoubtedly the slogan behind all the student bodies in the Grand Old Lady, as the time was ripe again for the newest members of the school to pick their favourite choice of student bodies. This is the time where all the student bodies come out in their best finery and put up their best shows to woo all the Form One students to join their society. The proceedings started off with the gathering of all the Form One students in the school hall. However, many of the senior students were up and about in the wee hours of the morning to set up their exhibits in various locations around the school. At around 8 a.m., after all the students and parents had assembled in the hall, the speeches by the Principal and Senior Assistant of Co-curricular Affairs began. First off was the school band, that began with an entertaining medley of songs perfectly conducted by their drum major. He then promoted the band to the audience who were clearly taken in by their performance. Later, the stage was taken over by other cultural societies of the school to showcase their talents. Finally, after hours of waiting, it was at last time to begin the promotions. The prefects took the Form One students around to view the exhibits that had been set up in the respective classes. And what a splendid sight for their eyes to feast upon, as there were the cadets who were resplendent in their uniforms as they stood at attention. There too, were the Red Crescent members with their mock casualties, the Scouts with their fantastic bamboo gadgets and the martial arts bodies, waiting to show off their well-rehearsed routines, all in the name of recruiting the new Form One members. All the student bodies did their utmost to recruit new members, and all of them made a fantastic impression on the new students of the school. The event ended at noon whereupon everyone began dismantling their stalls and headed home, satisfied that they had completed a good day’s work. Happenings 63

64 Happenings haji ramli bin din’s farewell 6th January 2012. A fateful day for Penang Free School. Young or old, teachers or students, Frees or Old Frees alike were to witness the change, the transition from one leader to another. Long had Tuan Haji Ramli bin Din been at the helm of the Grand Old Lady, yet it was time to say goodbye and to leave such a glorious and historical school for another. Yes it was on this very day that Penang Free School experienced the bittersweet change of Principals. Tuan Haji Ramli, who had from 2006 been the Principal of the school, was leaving for another school. Tuan Haji Ramli had served the school with honour and dignity, and will be greatly missed. Tuan Haji Ramli’s farewell was no ordinary affair. It was a solemn ceremony presided upon by representatives of the OFA and the school’s Board of Governors. As early as 7.30 a.m., students were already assembled at the pavilion, waiting for the special assembly in honour of the outgoing Principal. The ceremony promptly began with a march past by the co-curricular units and concluded with the Free School anthem. The ceremony then proceeded to the hall, where Tuan Haji Ramli delivered his farewell speech. His speech was splendid and served well to remind everyone in the hall of how much the school had meant to him. Next, it was time to pay tribute to Tuan Haji Ramli, who truly deserved all the praise and honour for all that he had done for the school. All the Uniformed Bodies, Clubs and Boards in the school sent representatives to present souvenirs to the Principal. Next, a multimedia presentation showcasing a collage of achievements of the outgoing Principal was presented to the audience. Finally, Tuan Haji Ramli’s farewell ended with a spectacular performance by the string ensemble and the school band, which performed a medley of songs by “Queen”. One performer, Quzairie , stood out as he sang a solo rendition of ‘My Heart Will Go On’ which brought tears to many in the audience. The grand ceremony ended with all the students lining up to shake the Principal’s hand as he left the hall. Happenings 64

65 Happenings cross country 2012 When we say cross county, we don’t mean travelling from Perlis to Johor. No, Penang Free School’s annual cross country run was a mere 6 kilometre run situated in Youth Park and the Penang Botanical Gardens as well as the surrounding areas. As early as 6.00 a.m. in the morning, you could see a myriad of activities in the amphitheatre of Youth Park. No, it was not a gathering of artists, merely the students in their house colours, eager to compete to bring glory and honour to their respective sports houses. Before the run began, everyone began performing aerobics. The aerobics sure got students pumped up for the annual run. The run was 6 kilometres long and participants had to collect two markers along the way. The run began with the more senior students, followed by the juniors and lastly, the girls. After much sweating and suffering, the run came to an end. Medals were awarded to the top 20 runners in each category and the surprise winner was Yuma Yabuki, a Japanese exchange student who emerged 3rd for the men’s Class 2 category. The overall winner was the Wu Lien Teh House, champion for the second year running. The run ended at around 12 p.m., and everyone went home with a sense of accomplishment and pride. Happenings 65

66 Happenings teachers’ day celebration 2012 23rd May 2012 marked the day to celebrate the steadfast and dedicated pedagogues of Penang Free School. At 7.30 a.m all the prefects and class monitors of the school lined the way from the main building to the pavilion. The teachers approached the school pavilion accompanied by the beating of the dhol and the Malay Cultural Society students who dressed up in their traditional clothing for the event. The ceremony then commenced with the teachers receiving gifts from the class monitors and prefects. After the ceremony at the pavilion, students and teachers then proceeded to the canteen while some teachers went to classrooms to have their class party and banquet with their students. The festivities were merry as the students showed their appreciation to their mentors who had worked so hard to educate them. The festivities of the day peaked during the performances which were held in the school hall. There were performances from both students and teachers. The highlight of the day was of course the jaw-dropping performance of the Principal, Mr. Jalil bin Saad who performed a rendition of “Everything I Do, I Do It For You” by Bryan Adams. Not to be outdone, other teachers also performed a musical number. Mr. Leonard also dazzled the audiences with his solo on the piano. Next came the students’ performances. The 7th South Scout Troup and the Indian Cultural Society both performed spectacular dances, while the Malay Cultural Society performed a fusion dance of their own. There were also a variety of solo performances which drew large cheers from the crowd. Last but not least, the Frees Dhol Federation drove the crowd completely wild with their heart-stopping dhol performance. It was simply so good that people flocked to the stage and started dancing. The Teachers’ Day celebration ended pleasantly. Happenings 66

67 Happenings inter-house carnival 2012 It was that time of the year again. The time when the Frees would get rid of their uniforms and don their house colours. Red, Blue, Green, Brown, you name it, we have it. Inter-house Sports Carnival 2012 was a bright and colourful event on the sports calendar of the Grand Old Lady. This year, the Wu Lien Teh sports house set out to defend their title against other houses. The day’s events began at 7.30 a.m. with a special assembly conducted by the Senior Assistant of Co-curricular Affairs. The participants then proceeded to their respective games. The games contested included rugby, football, hockey, volleyball, tennis, chess and badminton. The sun was shining brightly upon the brave Frees as they set out to win for their houses. The games commenced at 8.30 a.m. and ended at 10.30 a.m. After that, all the participants’ hard work was rewarded with an hour-long break. The day’s festivities ended on a high note with several different sports houses winning the games. The Sirajuddin sports house claimed the title of overall champion after an exciting yet tiring bout of games. Happenings 67

68 Happenings sports day 2012 The panoramic view of the school on this bright and sunny afternoon would provide the casual observer with a picture of preparation. The field came to life with members of the various sports houses adding final touches to their well-decorated tents; band members in their navy blue uniforms, clutching their gleaming instruments; as well as frantic teachers giving instructions to students. Such was the atmosphere just before Penang Free School’s annual Sports Day 2012. The day’s events began when the guest of honour, Dato’ Syed Aidid Murtaza arrived. Upon his arrival, all the sports houses led by the band, performed a march past in his honour. Dato’ then proceeded to officiate the PFS Sports Day. The major highlights of this year Sports Day were events such as the 100 metres, 200 metres, 4 x 100 metres, and 4 x 400 metres. The tug of war was also another spectacular event, yielding a colossal battle between the finalists which drew gasps and cheers from the enthralled audience. The athletes put up a gritty display of ambition and perseverance as well as passion during the events. Even though several participants did not win, they captivated the audience with their never say die attitude. Needless to say, the Frees’ spirit flowed hot and thick through their veins. Wu Lien Teh House led the standings at the beginning of Sports’ Day, yet it was a lead they could not maintain as Sirajuddin House bagged the overall trophy, thus ending years of dominance by the former. It was indeed a day of mixed feelings for all who were involved, happiness on the part of the victors, sadness and dejection etched on the faces of those who did not make the cut. All in all, Sports Day for the year 2012 was a great success and will definitely linger in the memories of all those present on that auspicious day. Happenings 68

69 Happenings Happenings 69 the colourful mascots and personalities of 2012... watch ‘em run!

cheeseman elocution 2012 The Cheeseman Elocution began at 8.30 in the morning. As the judges were getting ready, participants could be seen rehearsing their lines, frantically scribbling some points down, or just relaxing and preparing themselves mentally. The competition consisted of two parts: the prepared speech and the impromptu speech. Twenty-two participants from Form 5 and Form 6 competed with one another for glory, and in their way, stood the assiduous adjudicators: Mr. Tan Swee Guan, Mr. Goh Seng Kar, and Mdm Retnamala (the prepared speech), and Mr. Tan Eng Kheng, Mdm Suriya Kumari and Mdm. Ratnavalli (the impromptu speech). The Cheeseman Elocution was a very competitive affair as it featured some of the best speakers the school had to offer. The eloquent speakers enthralled and mesmerized the audience with their speeches. However, the big question was, did they impress the judges? The competition began with the prepared speeches and the speakers took a break at 10.50 a.m. The impromptu speeches commenced after the break. Everyone did quite well for the prepared speech, but it was the impromptu speeches that brought out the best in the speakers. In the end, Ho Kah Fai emerged as the champion. Despite not making the podium, all the speakers managed to let the school know that it had a vast reserve of talent in public speaking. Happenings 70

Happenings other memorable events Happenings 71 inter-house sports speech day 2011 hari koperasi the launching of the pfs bicentenary celebrations hari anugerah koku 2011

Time and tide waits for no man but is it too much to ask to stop and reflect? How long has it been since you last set eyes on your old classmates? Don’t you wish you could just catch-up, relive the golden carefree days or talk about that timeswhen you almost set the class on fire? How about just wanting to check up on how the OFA’s doing? Well, this is the section for you. Go ahead, turn the pages and check the OFA. Look at the names of the office bearers and see if they are familiar. ‘Old Frees’ is devoted to honouring all you Frees who have once served under the Grand Old Lady. Memories will surface and it is only right we let it. After all, you are part and parcel of the school. Featured this year is OFA Penang, OFA Selangor, OFMA (Old Frees Muslim Association) and the PFS foundation. Sincere thanks to Mr Goh for all the guidance in this section throughout the year. It has been a pleasure and an honour serving as a student under you. Keep that flame and love for the Grand Old Lady burning for an eternity. It is only right to do so. ‘Once A Free, Always A Free’ Kyle Chan Time and tide waits for no man but is it too much to ask to stop and reflect? How long has it been since you last set eyes on your old classmates? Don’t you wish you could just catch-up, relive the golden carefree days or talk about that timeswhen you almost set the class on fire? How about just wanting to check up on how the OFA’s doing? Well, this is the section for you. Go ahead, turn the pages and check the OFA. Look at the names of the office bearers and see if they are familiar. ‘Old Frees’ is devoted to honouring all you Frees who have once served under the Grand Old Lady. Memories will surface and it is only right we let it. After all, you are part and parcel of the school. Featured this year is OFA Penang, OFA Selangor, OFMA (Old Frees Muslim Association) and the PFS foundation. Sincere thanks to Mr Goh for all the guidance in this section throughout the year. It has been a pleasure and an honour serving as a student under you. Keep that flame and love for the Grand Old Lady burning for an eternity. It is only right to do so. ‘Once A Free, Always A Free’ Kyle Chan “Whether or not you write well, write bravely.” – Bill Stout Creativity is an essence. It harbours somewhere between fantasy and reality. It is the embodiment of our emotions, and the exemplification of our very thoughts. So what better way to unleash your inner creativity than to write? We can unlock new realms. Express ourselves through words, sentences, paragraphs. Twist the very fabric of reality and step into a land full of wonders. A magnificent journey through your own conscience. That is the magic of Expressions. With so much talent flowing through each and every submission, the process of filtering through every single piece was gargantuan. A special encore of gratitude goes out to all who submitted their pieces. However, a choice had to be made. For those whose work did not get published, don’t stop here. Spread your wings and soar further. You’ll be surprised at where you might end up. Keep trying and you will be rewarded. As for my juniors, keep working hard and fulfill the bags of potential I see in you. Keep working hard and you will go very far in whatever you do. A special thank you also goes out to Saderi who worked tirelessly to complete this magazine by having pieces written in Bahasa Melayu for the Nukilanku section. Kudos to you. As they say, every good thing must come to an end. And so I feel it is only fitting that I wrap things up with another quote, just like how we started. “Forget all the rules. Forget about being published. Write for yourself and celebrate writing.” - Melinda Haynes Enjoy the expressions of 2012. Jaggehn & Saderi

Wide Sargasso Sea Jane Rhys’ breakthrough novel ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’, the novel that spiralled the formerly unknown author to great heights of dizzying fame and threw her in the literary spotlight was basically her decision to write Bertha Mason, the mad wife in the attic, a life. Masterfully renditioned in an almost magical prose, the novel brings the flat onedimensional character in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre to life and gives her a history and a look at one of the most classic novels from a whole new perspective. Bertha Mason is introduced to the readers this time around as Antoinette Cosway, a character with her very own story and a rich background. Told from a patchwork of various first-person narratives that often relate the same events from different perspectives, Jane Rhys’ signature style gives every event more depth and makes it significantly more memorable or important. The novel starts off with the protagonist of the story, Antoinette Cosway as a young girl living in the dilapidated isolated plantation known as Coulibri Estate with only her depressed mother, Annette Cosway, her disabled younger brother, Pierre and the help. Set shortly after the 1833 emancipation of the slaves in Jamaica, Antoinette and her family are ostracized and face social stigma by the islanders because of their white Creole heritage. Antoinette was at a very young age, exposed to the resentment and hostility the freed slaves of the island harboured against her and used her love of nature as a form of escapism from the ugly, harsh reality her family faced. She also experiences betrayal and hatred at a young age from her only friend, Tia who later steals from her and mocks her family for being poor and trashy. When Annette later marries Mr. Mason, an Englishman, discontent slowly rises amongst the islanders and they gather to protest, leaving Coulibri Estate engulfed in flames from the torches. This leads to Pierre’s death and Annette’s descent into insanity. After several years in the convent, Antoinette now aged 17 speaks of marriage to an unnamed Englishman. It is strongly speculated that this particular gentleman is no other than the brooding Byronic hero of Jane Eyre fame; Edward Rochester himself in all of his youthful glory. Unlike his alter ego in Jane Eyre, he is more naive and is more prone to obeying than to ordering. They get married and set off to Granbois for their honeymoon. In the town of Massacre, he begins to have misgivings about the marriage he was paid 30,000 pounds for and reflects on how he does not know Antoinette at all. The following parts of the novel are told from his point of view and his thoughts and observations are evident in the narration. The name of the town itself, Massacre, foreshadows the dark days ahead of this union between the two newlyweds. In Granbois, set in beautiful, magical Jamaican scenery lends the beginning of their union a benevolent air that later turns ominous and sinister as their marriage begins to sour. Christophine, the obeah (voodoo woman) and servant also add a menacing aura to it all as the readers are reminded of Thanya Sidhu 6A3 -- Dr. Lee Tiang Keng Literature Prize (Senior) 74 Expressions

her practice in dark magic and voodoo as hostility sprout between Rochester and herself. Rochester later receives several letters from a Daniel Cosway pertaining to Antoinette’s supposed madness and how she is from a family of derelicts. There, Antoinette also faces further hardship as Rochester starts believing the letters and stops loving her, even going so far as to commit adultery with a member of the help with Antoinette just in the next room. Antoinette, half mad with sorrow, depression and suffering from a broken heart resorts to drinking and confronts Rochester, where an argument between the two ensues. She tells him to stop calling her ‘Bertha’ and call her by her real name instead, which clearly symbolises his need to completely, dominate and crush Antoinette by stripping her of her real name and giving her a new name of his choice instead. Here, he tries to make Antoinette ‘Bertha’ and aims to strip her of her identity and her apparent madness. Part Two ends with Rochester leaving Jamaica with Antoinette after an argument with Christophine who adamantly insists that Antoinette remain here with her. Part Two, itself is a masterpiece and clearly showcases Jane Rhys’ genius as she weaves a story infused with foreshadowing and mysteries. Here, the readers are introduced to Antoinette’s husband, a man originally thought to bring happiness and peace to Antoinette but instead leaves her broken and drunk with emotions. We see how easily he is swayed by Daniel Cosway’s poisonous words and how easily he dismisses Antoinette from his heart, mind and soul and casts her aside. The Jamaican scenery, hostile attitudes of the servants and the ominous omens like Antoinette’s morbid talk of death and the full moons serve as foreshadowing to the dismal events that would soon befall Antoinette. Thus far, Antoinette has been oppressed; by both the islanders and by Rochester himself. She was hated in Coulibri Estate because she was believed to have come from a family of slave owners and faced terrible social stigma there where the blacks protested and tried to oppress her by demeaning her, and later, is further oppressed by Rochester who believes her to be depraved and tries to strip her of her identity. Greed is also a prevalent theme in the novel as money triumphs over most things and appeals most to the darker side of man, bringing out unfavourable characteristics and prompting atrocious actions. It was money that motivated Rochester to go through the sham of the marriage, and money that prompted Daniel Cosway to write the letters that would later be the death of Antoinette and Rochester’s union. It was also money that ensured Christophine’s care and concern for Antoinette, as she did not mind looking after Antoinette if Rochester left as long as she was compensated for doing so. Part Three is narrated once more by Antoinette, where we learn that she is in England with Rochester and has been imprisoned in the attic since their departure from Jamaica. Her only companion is the servant, Grace Poole, and Antoinette wanders around in a dreamlike stage, plagued by dreams and memories from her former life. She later sets fire to the house and perishes in a fiery death. Expressions 75

The novel is a brilliant read and gives the ‘madwoman in the attic’ in Jane Eyre a whole new aspect and more depth. She has a story and a history; a life and a name and is no longer merely a shadowy figure walking the halls of Thornfield Manor. We are introduced to Antoinette Cosway here, a vibrant beautiful young woman with independent thought; someone who has been educated in a convent and not merely a moniker- the mad wife in the attic. It is also ironic that Rochester who was so afraid of Antoinette succumbing to madness was the one that eventually drove her into the depths of insanity by endlessly suspecting her, oppressing her and finally, imprisoning her in a room thousands of miles away from her native land. The irony in the novel is further emphasised as in a return to the beginning, Antoinette sets fire to Thornfield Manor, a scene reminiscent of the blaze that claimed her childhood home, Coulibri Estate. Jane Rhys has done a remarkable job by lending Bertha Mason a voice and allowing her to finally step out as an individual; a human being. The 112 pages of the novel may seem skimpy but rest assured that every page is packed with layers and layers of meaning and every word holds its weight. Expressions 76

A Tribute to My English Teacher A teacher can stand for many things. A teacher can be a font of information; a teacher can be a pillar of strength upon which his or her students may lean upon. A teacher can be the light that shines brightly, casting away the shadows of uncertainty. Yet, at the heart of the matter, a teacher is an educator, a person who has dedicated his life to sharing what knowledge he has with others. It takes a generous soul to be able to do that, and we know of none more generous than Miss Mabel, our English teacher. The name Mabel is an English given name. It is derived from the Latin word amabilis, which means lovable. How apt this is for a teacher who loved and was loved by her students. A teacher who rose above and beyond the call of her duty as a teacher to bring out the best in her students. A teacher whose dedication to her cause was undeniable and indescribable. A teacher who gave respect to students and who was in return respected deeply. A great teacher. Miss Mabel has always been one to think out of the box while retaining a good foundation in the language during her English lessons. We still remember her lessons as a good mix of role-playing, class discussions, and the odd vocabulary game, all interspersed between the building blocks of good grammar, comprehension, and the occasional essays. Miss Mabel has always set high standards for herself as well as her students. Being one to lead by example, she has always taken great care to make sure that her spoken English was perfect, from choice of word to inflection and pronunciation. Apart from classroom activities, Miss Mabel was also actively involved in extracurricular activities, notably the school play. She was one of the great minds behind the revival of the school plays, and played an active part in the development of the plays. Besides that, she was also actively involved with many other English programmes, from student forums to the co-ordination of the University of New South Wales English tests held annually. Sadly, the fact remains that she is no longer with The Grand Old Lady, having being transferred to another school. This essay is a tribute, an expression of thanks to a truly remarkable woman who has brightened our lives. It is a show of gratitude towards a teacher who embodied the concept of a teacher and let it shine through herself. Though it is but a short essay, some things are better left short and sweet. All in all, though the words may sound cliché, we would just like to thank you and wish you joy in your future endeavours. Thanks for everything, Miss Mabel. Adrian Lim & Lim Win Sern - 5B Expressions 77

Buried Sir Al The winds of death start blowing, To Be Continued And a fire has been starting, But he still believed in his soul, His supposedly pure soul, Which has fallen to the devil’s temptation, He did not run away, Believing his innocence is his guardian, But the burning wolves from his past, Will come and haunt him, So that he’ll be buried in his past transgressions, We wake up to find the buried Sir Al, Buried in the ground, He finally learned how not to breathe, But only live on his sins, Will he still give that sinister smile again? As he only lives as a ghostly soul now, Sir Al really hurts people, Really hurts me, Really hurts him, Really hurts her, Really hurts us, No words, no pleads, Could wake him up from his tyrannous actions, When he laughed, the little children died in the streets, As evil only lived in the hollows of his eyes, He lived in a cage with vultures, Forever in a state of euphoria, But his wall of happiness will soon crack, As the fire of vengeance will tear it open, We wake up to find the buried Sir Al, Buried in the ground, He finally learned how not to breathe, But only live on his sins, Will he still give that sinister smile again? As he only lives as a ghostly soul now, His death will never be undone, So this treacherous state could be undone, His lost will never be undone, So this faithless state we all live in could Kang Jiunn Hoong - 5D be undone. Barnabas Yeoh Heng Ewe - 6A2 Expressions 78 To what extent would the bonds between us hold? And how long will this string between us stretch, Before the tensions can’t hold no longer and finally snap? We all wondered, wished and prayed that it would never end But as expected, we would never know. Written in the fabric of Clotho’s threads, we met at this very ground Woven together our story was by Athropos, unavoidable as it sounds. Have I not met any of you, I can’t say what I’ll turn out to be Sitting by the corner as a loner, or perhaps a dreamer Dreaming about the sun and the sea? If time allowed me to relive my moments and make amendments, Nothing would change my mind to reacquaint. Let not this point of our lives be dark and heavy as we depart our separate ways, Let us forget not joy of our days, neither the sorrows throughout those days, Because the memories define us, and are the treasures in our future days. Let this Goodbye be a rest and not a halt. Let this Goodbye be the unraveling of a new chapter. Let this Goodbye signify a sequel to our story. Let this Goodbye propel us into success, and ‘dreams come true’ Let this Goodbye bring us to a stage of our novel of life… ‘…TO BE CONTINUED…’

The Darkest Hour It was yet another day I thought, as the sun rose majestically from the east...... I couldn’t help but hum a merry tune as my legs brought me to the fireplace. For the past 20 years or so, this was my home; a lonely cabin where the rain mainly falls on the plains. Northwest Russia was a quagmire, gloomy in the day and plain scary at night..... As my back rested upon the squeaky chair by the fireplace, I threw a quick glance around the living room. The half-chewed ancient tapestry stood out boldly, old and stricken, but never unfazed. Even so, something felt out of place today. And then it hit me. The calendar by the window sill reflected a horrific sequence of numbers, 22-11-1991. Exactly 50 years ago, my worst nightmare became a reality. I was a robust young man back then, fit as a fiddle. Being a private in the Soviet 50th Army, I had my job cut out for me. Alongside me was my fellow private cum best friend, Nikolai Ivanov. Nikolai was a distant family friend. We met during a family reunion a long time ago and clicked instantly. We’d never looked back ever since, tormenting the local townspeople and causing havoc everywhere. When we turned 18, the Red Army came calling. Nikolai jumped at the chance and so did I. Five years later, Adolf Hitler kick-started Operation Barbarossa, commencing war between the Soviet and the Nazi’s. This was when both Nikolai and I got our big breaks. We were drafted into the Soviet 50th Army and swore to protect our land till the last drop of blood. Soon enough, our moment of truth turned ugly.... very ugly. Donning the Red of the Soviet Union was an honor like no other. Clad in our military uniform we prepared for what could be the turning point of the whole battle. “I have a good feeling about this, Dmitri,” mouthed Nikolai on that truly inspiring day. The cold weather had caused the ground to harden and the news that the German troops were nearing exhaustion was like music to our ears. Even so, the whole attack by the Germans came as a surprise at first. We were simply unprepared for their invasion. By the time Phase Four of the invasion commenced, the Soviet no longer outnumbered the Germans. Stalin was running low on manpower and so resorted to the element of surprise. We had collected intelligence that the Germans, lacking sufficient fuel and ammunition, were slowly creeping towards Moscow. The fall of Moscow was indeed a major blow for the Soviet, but the desire to reclaim lost property was overwhelming. At about 7.15 in the morning, we made our move. Patriotic chants decorated the atmosphere as we neared our desired location. We were joined shortly by our comrades from the Soviet 49th Army, bearing news that the 2nd Panzer Army had been successfully blocked from entering the city of Moscow. We seized our chance. Almost 150 000 militiamen, armed with PPSH-41’s rushed towards the blocked enemy. An order was soon issued. The Soviet Siberian units were ordered to augment with the Soviet 49th and 50th Army in our siege. 50 000 soon turned Jaggehn - 5E Expressions 79

into 300 000 militiamen. A flurry of KV1’s added ammunition to our assault. The conditions were ripe. Approximately 45 minutes later, the first signs of enemy troops were spotted. My heart skipped a beat as I saw a trickle of sweat dripping down Nikolai’s face. The mission was well under way. As the carrier vehicles came to an abrupt halt, soldiers went marching into the battlefield. The domineering presence of the KV-1’s cast shadows upon the many militiamen who took their positions in various strategic locations. Not long after, a 5 footer with the swastika imprinted on his uniform came into the secured perimeter. The first volley of gunfire was deafening. The poor German soldier collapsed onto the ground, coated in what seemed like his own brain fluids. Soon enough, a flurry of gunshots filled the air, complimented by the thunderous shots of the KV-1’s. Slowly but surely, exhaustion was taking its toll on the Germans. One by one, members of the 2nd Panzer Army fell. The first major upset of World War II was on the cards. Soviet military units were outnumbering the Germans 5 to 1. I remember pulling the trigger in the face of one unfortunate German soldier. Blood splattered on my face as I saw him go down. Nikolai on the other hand was firing away at dumbfounded soldiers who were never expecting a Soviet backlash. And then it happened. A moment which would stay fragmented in my mind forever..... As the German forces were fading fast, one German soldier took matters into his own hands. Armed with a K-98, he managed to pull away from the massacre and took refuge behind a severed bush. From there, he began assassinating small numbers of Soviet militiamen. He fired with neither regret nor remorse. As my eye came to rest upon him, something strange happened. My vision blurred as a fellow militiaman came crashing onto me. It took me awhile to figure out the cause of this sudden infringement. It was a fragmentation grenade, thrown dangerously towards a group of Soviet units. As I struggled to regain balance, the most repugnant sight of my life flashed before me. The same German soldier who was assassinating the Soviet militiamen came into visual contact. His actions looked silly at first, trying to take on well over 200 000 soldiers all by himself but the threat turned very real soon after. He had his rifle in position and took aim at a particular Soviet soldier. It was Nikolai. My poor friend wasn’t aware of what could possibly mean his premature demise. My shouts of agony were in vain as the German madman pulled the trigger. My stomach churned as my mind went spiraling into an abyss. The bullet traveled in virtual slow-motion towards my best friend’s chest. At the final second, an awkward turn of the body caused the bullet to strike his left shoulder. The atmosphere intensified as Nikolai collapsed and cried out in pain. Overcome with rage, I rushed towards the wielder of the K-98 that had planted the bullet in my best friend’s body. Expressions 80

Eat my knuckle sandwich you filthy animal”, were my words as I smashed his nose. Blood came spurting out as his sniffing tool broke. Without a single thought, I grabbed the rifle from his numb fingers and fired shot after shot, until I clicked dry. All that was left of him was a massive lump of dead matter. My insatiable anger was aimed towards the man who attempted to kill my friend and the consequences were severe. It took me a few minutes before the thought of what I had done finally sunk in. I felt terrible. Besides being physically exhausted, my internal emotions were rupturing. What I did put me in the same league as the notoriously bloodthirsty Germans. I couldn’t forgive myself. As I witnessed the last German on the battleground fall, pride was the last thing on my mind. I rushed towards the static body of Nikolai and searched for any sign of life. The blinking of his eye was all that I needed to confirm his survival. Through the dead bodies of German militiamen, I carried Nikolai to the carrier vehicles, where medical units came swarming in. I knew he would survive. Right there and then, the Soviets had pulled off the biggest upset of World War II at that time. My heart was still pounding as I retraced my steps. I had just murdered a German soldier in a gory fashion. This was surely going to haunt me for the rest of my life. And so it did.... Later that same year, the failure of the Siege of Leningrad and the Battle of Stalingrad buried Adolf Hitler’s plans of taking over the USSR. It was a benchmark of success in the history of the Soviet Union. As the whole nation celebrated, I was undergoing psychological therapy. Ever since that unforgettable event, I contracted a severe case of insomnia and my physical health degraded rapidly. It took no longer than 10 years for my rehabilitation to complete. Nikolai was never absent from my side throughout the course of my therapy. 50 years on, and here I am. Old and stricken... just like my beloved tapestry. Ever since that remorseful day, my anger has been kept in check. As I reach the end of my life, I can’t help but wonder, will I ever acquire forgiveness? Expressions 81

Expressions 82 Belanda Rimba Terbakar Cikgu Hanif Rimba yang marak membahang Kembali sejuk…perlahan-lahan Dedaun muda kembali bertunas Pada pucuk-pucuk kayu rapuh Tingkah-bertingkah berlelumba menjenguk mentari. Taptibau, kelicap, terik, merik, juga segala mergastua Kembali menyanyikan lagu kasih jernih Rimba kembali berwarna Jernih mengalir di bawah pohonan tafakur. Seperti rimba itu Sukmaku dihujani embun Enam musim menempuh gurun Telah sudah…Harap sudah… Kembali memungut tingau Yang menyirat tubuh dan rawan yang tiada bertepi Seperti rimba itu Jiwa laraku kembali mekar Menguntum bunga kasih Agar sang dewata membimbing Agar kembali kukuh, teguh, utuh Mengajar anak bangsa. Taptibau, kelicap, terik, merik juga segala mergastua Mula melupakan rimba yang pernah terbakar Mula melupakan rimba yang pernah marak membahang Kerana rimba raya ini pernah dinodai Tangan-tangan kudus palsu Di balik gemunung itu.

Expressions Pantun Peminangan Cikgu Hanif Expressions 83 Bukan lebah sebarang lebah, Lebah bersarang di rumpun buluh; Bukan sembah sebarang sembah, Sembah tersusun jari sepuluh. Perahu koleh di hilir tanjung, Sarat bermuat tali-temali; Salam tersusun sirih junjung, Apa hajat sampai ke mari. Bukan batang sebarang batang, Batang berduri sukar dipanjat; Bukan datang sebarang datang, Datang kami membawa hajat. Malam-malam pasang pelita, Pelita dipasang atas peti; Kalau sudah bagai di kata, Sila terangkan hajat di hati. Bauh pauh di celah batang, Jatuh sebiji di tengah laman; Dari jauh kami datang, Ingin menyunting bunga di taman. Kacang hijau dibuat inti, Pisang salai dalam perahu; Bunga di taman masih sunti, Mengaji tak pandai ke dapur tak tahu. Rama-rama si kumbang jati, Sireh disusun di atas peti; Asalkan elok budi pekerti, Menjadi isteri sehidup semati. Serampang patah tidak bermata, Serampang dibeli di Singapura; Kalau sudah bagai di kata, Tepuk dada Tanya selera. Rumah kecik pagarnya lima, Tempat menyalai ikan kerichi; Ayuhai encik saya bertanya, Berapakah harga intan di sini. Ikan kerichi di celah batu, Mencari makanan hingga ke tepian; Sepuluh ribu serta satu, Mas kahwin dahulu hantaran kemudian. Kalau tidak rengas di tanjung, Pandan di hulu direbahkan; Kalau tidak emas dikendong, Badan dahalu diserahkan. Anak cicak makan kapur, Mari makan atas almari; Apa khabar orang di dapur, Sudah masak bawa ke mari. Usah kalian berasa kecewa, Biarlah selalu gembira di hati; Juadah sudah pun siap tersedia, Nasi pulut kuning sedia dihidangi.

84 Expressions Yuma’s Story An interview with the school’s Japanese exchange student 1) Hi! Please introduce yourself. Kon’nichiwa everyone. My name is Yuma and I am an exchange student from Japan. My full name is Yuma Yabuki, but my friends call me Yuma. I’m from Chiba prefecture, just outside Tokyo. It is famous for the Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disney Sea. I am a student of Toho High School. Japanese students usually graduate at the age of 18; I’m 17 now, so I have a year left when I return to Japan. My hobbies are playing football, listening to music and reading, of which football is my favourite. I am a member of the football club in my school. I have come to Malaysia through a scholarship from the Kamenori Foundation. I really wanted to come to Malaysia so I made a lot of effort to get this scholarship, which entailed sitting for exams and interviews. 2) Why did you come to Malaysia? The main reason I wanted to go overseas was to learn about different cultures and languages. There were many countries I could have visited, such as America, France, Australia and so forth. However, I chose Malaysia because, not only is it a multi- racial country, but its citizens are able to speak English. Learning English was a priority for me. 3) How have you been in Penang Free School? How are the people? I’ve been really happy to be here, thanks to my classmates and friends. At beginning of the year, even though my English was terrible, they tried to mix with me. I sincerely appreciate it now. Frankly speaking, it’s quite tough for me to catch up with classes because I’ve never learned anything in any language except Japanese, but my good friends and teachers always help me get by. I’d like to mention some of them here, namely Raziq Syafi, Khor Yeu, Madam Suriya Kumari, Mr.David Ch’ng and Ms.Teh. I enjoy Physical Education very much as I get to play football with all my friends. Penang Free School has a vast and beautiful field. I love playing there “berkaki ayam”.

85 Expressions Expressions 85 4) Do you like Malaysian food? Which is better, Malaysian food or Japanese food? The first day I walked into Penang Free School, my good friends took me to a nice Nasi Kandar stall which is at a corner of the canteen and made me try Nasi Kandar as well as a Longan drink. I love to go there and eat as I really like to eat Nasi Kandar. It’s not spicy for me, only tasty. Many people have asked me, do you prefer Malaysian food or Japanese food? It’s a very tough question for me. I have to say that I honestly love both. Anyway, I’m happy to be in Penang which is called the “Food Capital” of Malaysia. 5) Do you like the idea of a multiracial society here? When it comes to a multiracial society, it was one of the biggest reasons that drove me to come here. I like this society. This is why Malaysia is totally different from Japan. In a Japanese School, I can only mix with Japanese students. Here, I can mix with students from a variety of races. Another reason is that if I went to any other school, I would not be able to brush up my English.

Time and tide waits for no man but is it too much to ask to stop and reflect? How long has it been since you last set eyes on your old classmates? Don’t you wish you could just catch-up, relive the golden carefree days or talk about that timeswhen you almost set the class on fire? How about just wanting to check up on how the OFA’s doing? Well, this is the section for you. Go ahead, turn the pages and check the OFA. Look at the names of the office bearers and see if they are familiar. ‘Old Frees’ is devoted to honouring all you Frees who have once served under the Grand Old Lady. Memories will surface and it is only right we let it. After all, you are part and parcel of the school. Featured this year is OFA Penang, OFA Selangor, OFMA (Old Frees Muslim Association) and the PFS foundation. Sincere thanks to Mr Goh for all the guidance in this section throughout the year. It has been a pleasure and an honour serving as a student under you. Keep that flame and love for the Grand Old Lady burning for an eternity. It is only right to do so. ‘Once A Free, Always A Free’ Kyle Chan Time and tide waits for no man but is it too much to ask to stop and reflect? How long has it been since you last set eyes on your old classmates? Don’t you wish you could just catch-up, relive the golden carefree days or talk about that timeswhen you almost set the class on fire? How about just wanting to check up on how the OFA’s doing? Well, this is the section for you. Go ahead, turn the pages and check the OFA. Look at the names of the office bearers and see if they are familiar. ‘Old Frees’ is devoted to honouring all you Frees who have once served under the Grand Old Lady. Memories will surface and it is only right we let it. After all, you are part and parcel of the school. Featured this year is OFA Penang, OFA Selangor, OFMA (Old Frees Muslim Association) and the PFS foundation. Sincere thanks to Mr Goh for all the guidance in this section throughout the year. It has been a pleasure and an honour serving as a student under you. Keep that flame and love for the Grand Old Lady burning for an eternity. It is only right to do so. ‘Once A Free, Always A Free’ Kyle Chan Welcome to one of the largest sections of the magazine. The existence of Student Bodies, fifty-one in all, is a living testimony to the skill, ingenuity, dedication and spirit that characterizes us Frees. Thus, we have such units as the glorious Penang Free School Band, the outstanding Red Crescent Society (Unit 25) and our 3 steadfast troops of scouts, which are among the oldest in the island. These boards, uniform bodies, clubs and societies exemplify the stubbornness, determination and our inability to accept or endure defeat of any kind. Even though we sometimes have to face defeat, we take in our stride and use it as further encouragement to continue striving. Many trophies, medals and titles have become our property solely through these endeavours and our ability to learn and improve from our mistakes, few though they are. We also could not have attained these victories without the fervent, fiery Spirit that is the Free School Spirit. The photos that cover the next few pages are a representation of what these student bodies truly are and what they are capable of achieving. It has been said by the sage that a picture paints a thousand words. However, I believe it will suffice to say that these photos will be valuable memories in the years to come, when you look back on the good old days when you were in school. In conclusion, I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation towards all the people who have contributed towards the making of this section, be it the cameramen, the loyal Editorial Board members who helped in the taking of the photos and all the patient students and teachers who sat to have their photos taken. Let us all uphold together the ideals expressed in the stanza of the Penang Free School rally below. Thank you all very much. Enjoy. “When duty calls be it school or state, We to it with God by our side, For the sons of Free School don’t hesitate, Nor let cool their zeal and pride.” Alvin Lim

Student Bodies 88 Seated (L-R): Nadhirah, Alagusakthiya, Rachel Jasmine, Sagthiyaraj (President), Pn. Saadiah (Teacher Advisor), S. Yamunaa (Secretary), A. Archana (Treasurer), Suman, Deisiigan Seated (L-R): David Ebenezer Teh, Cha Yong Hong, Sara Lim, Wynnie Ooi, Angelyn Choong, Joel Thum (Head Librarian), En. Tan Swee Guan (Teacher Advisor), Adrian Rene Oyog (Deputy Head Librarian), Sonia Frances Gopal (Deputy Head Librarian), Cheryll Cheah (Treasurer), Marilyn Khek, Eugene Eu, Chan Wilson Board of Archives Board of Student Librarians Board of Archives

Student Bodies 89 Seated (L-R): Muhd. Khairul Amirin, Mohd. Redzuan (Secretary), Henry Gan (President), En. Zul Fakhry (Teacher Advisor), En. Abdul Aziz (Teacher Advisor), En. Naezam (Teacher Advisor), Muhd. Fazmin (Vice President), Nurul Hidayah (Treasurer) Seated (L-R): Sai Vinosh, R.K. Bharrat Kumar, Rabeenash Singh, Cik Teh Bee Kim, Pn. Noorbaini, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Jalil, En. Omar, Cik Vijaya (Teacher Advisor), En. Abdul Rani (Teacher Advisor), Roshvinder Singh, Parmavisshvan, Jeroyd Haygaen Koperasi Sekolah Board of Peer Counselors

Student Bodies 90 Seated (L-R): Nurul Hidayah, Muhd. Redzuan (President), En. Abdul Aziz (Teacher Advisor), En. Zul Fakhry (Teacher Advisor), En. Naezam (Teacher Advisor), Pn. Norazmila (Teacher Advisor), Fazmin (Vice President), Nadhirah (Setiausaha) Seated (L-R): Muhd. Khairul Amirin, Nurul Hidayah (Treasurer), Mohd. Redzuan (President), En. Zul Fakhry (Teacher Advisor), En. Abdul Aziz (Teacher Advisor), En. Naezam (Teacher Advisor), Muhd. Fazmin (Vice President), Nadhirah (Secretary), Nurul Assyikin Kelab Bimbingan Dan Kaunseling Skim Lencana Anti Dadah

Student Bodies 91 Seated (L-R): Hazwan, Muhd. Afiq, Nizamuddin (Secretary), Anas (President), En. Mohd. Hazrul (Teacher Advisor), Muhd. Arash (Vice President), Muhd. Muneer (Treasurer), Muhd. Firdaus, Muhd. Azlan Shah Seated (L-R): Muhd. Abdullah Fahhim, Afizah Mahmood, T.R. Jhanani (Secretary), Aaron Patrick Nathaniel (President), Pn. Melati (Teacher Advisor), En. Muhd. Hanif (Teacher Advisor), Cik Noor Ashikin (Teacher Advisor), Pn. Anna Tan (Teacher Advisor), Muhd. Saderi (Vice President), Nur Safwan, Mohd. Firdaus, Muhd. Fazulilah Skim Pinjaman Buku Teks Kadet Remaja Sekolah

Student Bodies 92 Seated (L-R): Aidiel Syazrie, Amirul, Muhd. Amir (Secretary), Sabri Sabran (President), En . Ridzuan (Teacher Advisor), Muhd. Safwan (Vice President), Mohd. Adli, Lokasvara Mohan, Muhd. Faiz Seated (L-R): Zulhamizan, Hamizan, Faisuan, Rafiuddin (President), En. Shahrul Nizam (Teacher Advisor), Luqman (Vice President), Fariddudin, Fahmi, Sazli Pasukan Kadet Bersatu Malaysia Kadet Polis

Student Bodies 93 Seated (L-R): David Ebenezer Teh, Ong Zi Hao (Secretary), Moke Man Th’ng, Ooi Ming Shern (President), En. Lim Weng Seong (Teacher Advisor), Cik Teh Bee Kim (Teacher Advisor), Kevin Cheah (Vice President), Johnston Lee (Treasurer), Koe Man Hong, Barnabas Yeoh Seated (L-R): Yuvannesh Nair, Acyuta Krishna Rao, Mathivanan (Secretary), Yuvaraj (President), En. Ammar Hazim (Teacher Advisor), Maniganden (Vice President), Kiren Raj (Vice President), Gajendran (Treasurer), Senthuran Pasukan Kadet Pertahanan Awam Boys’ Brigade

Student Bodies 94 Seated (L-R): Teoh Ewe Mun, VUS Nicholas Yeap, VUL Kevin Lee, ATL Nelson Yeap, ATL Adrian Wong, TL Aaron Chew, En. Tan Eng Kheng (Teacher Advisor), ASSL Ian Khor, ASM Aaron Saw, PL Antthirat Eh Wan, PL Kirenraj, PL Quah Chiah Hoong, Kang Khye Yang Seated (L-R): Muhd. Fikri, Muhd. Farhan, Viknaraj, Rabeenash Singh (Troop Leader), En. Ong Beng Soon (Teacher Advisor), Darren (Asst. Troop Leader), Muhd. Asraf, Tharveen 1st Georgetown South Scout Troop 7th Georgetown South Scout Troop

Student Bodies 95 Seated (L-R): T. Shuruthiish, Andrew Low, R. Yogendren (Secretary), S. Sanjiv (President), En. Ooi Eng Lye (Teacher Advisor), Lishan Raj Kumar (Vice President), M. Nemmalkumar (Treasurer), Albert Ngan, S.K. Boovenn Seated (L-R): Lim Boon Leong, Joshua Chan, VUS Ryan Koay, VUL Lee Zhi Hoong, ASM Chew Chin Quan, ATL Heymen Naidu, TL Jason Teoh, En. Ooi Hooi Seng (GSM), ASSL Por Kai Yann, ATL Nachiappan Thanneemalai, ASM Yeoh Beng Hai, VUL Arthur Yeow, VUS Ch’ng Wei Sheng, Chan Kok Seng, Ho Hee Xian 8th Georgetown South Scout Troop Rover Scouts Crew

Student Bodies 96 Seated (L-R): Cha Yong Hong, Yang Zhen How, C.S. Suhanesh, Ahmad Faiz, Adrian Lim (Secretary), Lim Win Sern (Head Section Leader), Pn. Soon Suat Duan (Teacher Advisor), Cik Yeoh Poh Lin (Teacher Advisor), En. Mohd Khalid (Teacher Advisor), Bhavesh Lakhwani (Deputy Head Section Leader), Max Lee (Treasurer), Yuven Yeoh, Joseph John, Esmond Yeap, Eugene Eu Seated (L-R): M. Indhira (Patrol Leader), G. Rogini (Patrol Leader), Nor Syafika (Log Book Keeper), Wynnie Ooi (Treasurer), Sonia Frances Gopal (Unit Leader), Pn. Ruby Mangalam Janet (Teacher Advisor), Pn. Kavitha Devi (Teacher Advisor), Kathryn Cheah (Secretary), Sara Lim (Marching Commander), Joyce Fan (Patrol Leader), Nurul Syahida (Patrol Leader), Neoh Pei Ee (Patrol Leader) 4th Ranger Unit Red Crescent Society Unit 25

Student Bodies 97 Seated (L-R): Allen Chee, Emmanuel Raj, Julian Keh, Koay Zi Yi (Secretary), Benjamin Lim (President), En. Ong Beng Soon (Teacher Advisor), Thum Wei Liang (Vice President), Lim Chien Loong (Vice President), Kang Jiunn Hoong (Treasurer), Yip Wayne, Ng Choong Haw Seated (L-R): Muhd. Hafeez (Asst. Quartermaster), Muhd. Fitrah Aidit (Cleanliness Unit), Syahir (Quartermaster/Treasurer), E. Vinod (Conductor), Syaiful Ezwan (Drum Major), En. Nasrullah (Teacher Advisor), Cik Teoh Bee Yan (Teacher Advisor), En. Jalil, Pn. Noorbaini, Cik Thoh Hui Chin, (Teacher Advisor) En. Ooi Hooi Seng (Teacher Advisor), Loh Heng Yeong (Asst. Drum Major), Mohd. Quzairie (Librarian), Muhd. Raziq Syafi (Asst. Secretary), A. Khalai Chelvaan (Senior Section Leader) School Band Shaolin Wushu

Student Bodies 98 Seated (L-R): Law Su Hui, Ho Kah Fai, Victor H’ng (Treasurer), Lim Woei Ming (Secretary), Ooi Wee Liam (President), Cik Siti Nabillah (Teacher Advisor), Pn. Ratnavalli (Teacher Advisor), Chan Wilson (Vice President), Kevin Koay, Ivan Lim, Alvin Lim, Ooi Wee Lee Seated (L-R): Armen Sidqi, Sreeganes Sankar, Izzat Ahmad (Secretary), Cheah Wen Chong (President), Cik Izzat (Teacher Advisor), Aizuddin Ismail (Vice President), Yeoh Way Lipp, Yeoh Way Hup, Mohd Jamal Sheikh Hassan Taekwon-Do WTF Taekwon-Do GTF

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