Revealing Truth about
Premises Liability as told
by Haugen Moeckel &
This video could be of interest to those who want to
protect their legal rights
and those who want to know
more about Premises Liability
Haugen Moeckel & Bossart included several thought-
provoking pieces of information in the article.
One interesting fact covered is
the difference between Invitee,
Licensee, and Trespasser
related to Premises Liability.
What kind of situations can
Premise Liability cover?
The article mentions animal and dog
bites, slip/trip and fall accidents, and
many others.
"Premises Liability is an area of the law which holds that a property owner
may be liable for injuries or damages which result from an accident to a
person or an entity’s property ."
However, if trespassers enter the
land or premises of another
without permission, they have no
We want to help people become
more aware of legal causes about
Premises Liability.
And we invite you to watch our video
Haugen Moeckel & Bossart now
welcome comments and questions
from readers concerning the article
As they want to help people become more
aware of legal causes pertaining to
Premises Liability.
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